#Hideaway Pizza
Bed with myself? Nothing but Undressed #groundzero KKK 3rd state of mind && also "Try With Me"
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The KW job in a master lock galla or however it's spelled.! No question about it...the rumor continues. No, to remember. That's tricky and I'm only a U GAY HOLE because of a "dick" "🤥" is that what it looks like in the light? 👖 Jail house rock THE BLOODS 🔗 lame while Twitter goes crypt or just HOLLA
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"🙈" a present in the making as we "try to figure out what to do with me" flyleaf sound clairvoyant wave from JB"L" bat for me? Drillers screw 🪛🧨💌 divine feminist ways at last 3rd = soccer° Anwar Hadid an et. They said Evan's mom has my Paris Hilton clutch apply pattern and for that her clone gave me $1 and George Washington is Victoria. I get 5$ and 100$ Pocahontas and iggyJLOsnaking last night's dream 🤡 magnet 🧲💞 cops Anna Medium night #ghettoness Playboy Speech in the Yu-Gi-Oh m $10$m itro Tyler Henderson and BKsliced bread 🥪, what's in the middle? A casting, right. Hocus Pocahontas center is sacred in Adriana's Pandora's Box imagination Dragons Apocalypse hula hopping, Levesque Google. 1 2 🍋step🍋method{fml conceited}CANNED123÷πEWQ uest ch'onion be like a debate that steals then knows 8484💞 the right group. Be ready to talk to scarecrow at the hospital then after Zac Efron's _found it OMISSION. just needed dick in my life #she #will do it for the realest fefeii War e"l"#peDigree piece@autoBond👹bugs bunny 🖍️ for uncle David's easy 🧱 4 given 🔴 co win sin d ent s = straight CHear §ex... Chloe's interference
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Sara Sara Sara Sara CNN episode. 👿 Ch' il d LEST. mow, they did. Office affair 💪😛🏢 🥂 33$ ⭕ e 👁️ e 👁️ oooooo 🌈 go for a w.a.c. back to school? Did that HOOP LOVERS METHOD 😇 maintain walking in beauty video as my angelic voice. All girl power to make everyone feel worth it. Briefly SARY just got her mushroom 🍄 tree 🌴🪞 richardsNDN and ease more el duh. So what's the trip? Mom and Adam, going to the next WWE show 2022
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As for dancing with the stars? #gotmilk semi closer 333 at RARE MOST RECENT 333 right men 🗝️ will sir or Sir fit in "blank space"? That's my name faded, extending the bad wish with power to Miss USA was so lost but now we had nuu nuu because I saw the light from Kenya. Now who wants to buy me a drink for the best love song? Ch' hung lee (TA) slave 🥈🪙 underwear 🩲 my gay hole ⛳ he reached. A coral attire for the match #leftovers thug plex test BET congrats day from the enforcement team extremely played tho by W.W.E. through this so why am I okay in a debate? The movie trauma and ALL GOOD PEOPLE 🍋toxic🍋metal. #crystalLight dates counted BEYONCE CONCERT 🥅 #INDOORS vs 🪛🧨 outdoors sock her "" my fate is in their hands. Remixed for the stars and studs by bARbie boY BoTtoM mE common ground as Kelly Kelly 'material' to be 'come correct' is the la fortune golf course so I'll be thankful again. Stayed on track being mindful. Soul is trauma and events are Body. But what's that? I've heard traumatic events before thank you ,, the boys 💗 btw Bad Things done 5 gun tweet. I'm also being hacked lead in top secret. Is my family Kardashian strong? Tbc
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cgclarkphoto · 2 years
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Revealing the Hideaway Pizza shop -  cg photography
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thatdamnokie · 1 year
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glitterp0prhaps0dy · 18 days
Bad Hair Day
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It was Friday night, which meant Carol and Riff were in the house. Floyd, now equipped with crutches since his sprained ankle had healed but his leg remained broken, sat on the floor, taking it easy. Barb lounged on the couch behind him, busy styling his hair into whatever wild creation she pleased. Meanwhile, Carol had gathered an assortment of ingredients, concocting something slimy-looking.
Riff occupied the house phone, ordering a pizza for the evening's indulgence.
Thrash had planned to spend the evening at home, but plans took an unexpected turn when Sid Frett decided to drop by for a visit. Sid wasn't alone; accompanying him was his unusual but charming pet bat, which nestled comfortably in his lap. As Carol busied herself concocting one of her infamous slime recipes, Sid assisted by passing her various ingredients, all the while gently stroking his bat.
Meanwhile, Rebel was on a mission throughout the house. She was diligently collecting blankets, pillows, sheets, and a variety of plushies. Her goal was to transform the living room into a cozy fort where everyone could gather, relax, and enjoy the playful ambiance of their makeshift hideaway. The evening was shaping up to be one of those spontaneous gatherings that promised laughter and a touch of whimsy.
Carol triumphantly lifted the bowl above her head, her face alight with mischievous glee. "BEHOLD! My latest masterpiece! Bow before the might of my slime creation!" she proclaimed, her voice echoing through the room.
Sid chuckled, shaking his head in amusement. "You've outdone yourself, Carol. That looks... interesting."
Riff, from his spot on the couch, smirked and called back, "That thing's more terrifying than half the horror movies we've watched!"
Floyd, still fiddling with his crutches, couldn't help but laugh. "Just don't get any of that goo near me, please."
Roxanne, the bat, seemed particularly captivated by the glittering slime. With a swift flutter of her wings, she swooped down, snatched the bowl from Carol's hands, and ascended rapidly, perching herself high on a bookshelf where no one could reach.
"Hey! Roxanne, bring that back!" Carol shouted, jumping up in an attempt to retrieve her creation.
Sid stood, trying to coax the bat gently. "C'mon, Roxanne, let's not start a slime war here."
Riff joined in, "Maybe she wants to add bat artistry to it, eh?"
As they all tried different tactics to persuade Roxanne, the bat seemed to consider their pleas. With a sudden decision, she tipped the bowl and dropped it right as Rebel walked into the room. The slime cascaded down, landing with a splat on the left side of Rebel's head, covering her hair and shoulder in sticky, glittery goo.
Rebel froze, wide-eyed and slimed. "Seriously? Right when I thought this day couldn't get any stickier," she groaned, wiping the goo from her face.
Carol burst into laughter, even as she rushed over with apologies. "I swear it's good for your skin... or hair... maybe?"
Riff couldn't contain his mirth. "Looks like you've been officially initiated by Roxanne's slime baptism!"
Floyd, still safely away from the slime fiasco, grinned. " It's not a proper hangout until something weird happens."
Rebel playfully hurled a bundle of blankets at Floyd, sending him toppling over with a surprised yelp. The soft landing cushioned his fall, eliciting a small puff of air as he landed. Next, a barrage of plushies flew towards Carol, who welcomed them with a triumphant shout of "MY ARMY!" She gathered them around her protectively, as if preparing for battle.
With everyone suitably equipped for the fort-building mission, Rebel distributed the remaining items she had gathered. She then made her way to the kitchen, intent on washing off the sticky remnants of slime from her encounter with Roxanne's playful antics.
Barb followed Rebel into the kitchen, grabbing a towel as she entered. "Need a hand?" she asked, pitching in without waiting for a reply.
"Thanks," Rebel replied, turning on the faucet and adjusting the temperature. "How's your day been?"
"Usual chaos," Barb chuckled, helping to work shampoo into Rebel's hair. "Carol's experiments never cease to amaze me—or terrify me, depending on the day."
Rebel laughed, her head under the stream of water. "Yeah, her creativity is something else. I'm just glad her enthusiasm is mostly contained to non-explosive materials these days."
As they worked the suds through the tangled locks, they soon realized the slime was stubbornly clinging on. They exchanged a glance, a mix of frustration and amusement in their eyes. "Well, this is going to be tougher than I thought," Rebel sighed.
Rebel and Barb were at their wit's end trying to remove the stubborn slime from Rebel's hair. They had already tried multiple remedies, from dish soap to mayonnaise, but nothing seemed to work. The slime clung to her hair like it was meant to be there permanently.
"Okay, let's not panic. We'll figure this out," Barb reassured Rebel, though her own confidence was waning.
Carol, feeling responsible for the mess, joined in. "Let me try something else," she suggested, fetching a bottle of vinegar from the kitchen. "This could help break it down," she said with hopeful eyes. Despite their doubts, Rebel let her pour the vinegar over her head, wincing at the smell.
"Anything?" Carol asked, her voice filled with hope.
"Just a stinky head," Rebel replied, frustrated as she rinsed her hair yet again, only to find the slime mocking their efforts.
Seeing the ongoing struggle, Floyd limped in with a new suggestion. "What about ice? Freeze it and maybe it'll peel right off?"
"That sounds... a bit extreme," Rebel hesitated but agreed out of desperation. They wrapped her hair in ice packs, waiting for a miracle that never came. The slime remained, unaffected by the cold.
Riff entered the scene with a confident stride. "I've got it—club soda. Works on stains all the time," he announced, pouring the fizzy liquid over Rebel's head. Everyone watched anxiously, only to sigh in disappointment as it too failed to dislodge the sticky mess.
The frustration was palpable when Carol, out of ideas and feeling guilty, blurted out, "Well damn... Well, it looks like we're gonna have to cut it out."
"YOU'RE NOT CUTTING MY HAIR!" Rebel shouted, the very idea pushing her to her limits.
After a tense silence, Rebel finally relented. With a resigned nod, she allowed Carol to grab a pair of scissors and begin snipping away at the slime-encrusted hair. Piece by piece, the slime-coated locks fell away, revealing a surprisingly stylish side shave haircut underneath.
As the last of the slime-coated hair fell away, Rebel examined her new 'do in the mirror, a mix of surprise and amusement crossing her face. "Well, I guess this is one way to shake things up," she remarked, a hint of a smile playing at her lips.
Everyone regrouped in the living room, each member of the group ready to dive into the fort-building project. Floyd, still navigating with crutches, showed no signs of slowing down as he directed the placement of cushions and blankets. Together, they draped sheets over chairs and tables, transforming the space into a cozy enclave. Pillows were strategically placed for comfort, while plushies scattered across the ground added an extra layer of softness.
As they were setting the last blanket in place, a knock echoed through the room. Riff, ever eager, dashed to the door. His face lit up as he greeted the pizza delivery person, the aroma of freshly baked pizza filling the air as he brought the box inside. The group gathered around, each taking a slice, their fort-building efforts momentarily paused in favor of the delicious treat.
With their energy replenished, the movie picking session began. Carol kicked things off with her choice, a bizarre sci-fi called "Galactic Goo Monsters from Mars." Floyd selected a classic action-packed thriller, "Skyline Heist," known for its spectacular stunts and explosive plot. Barb, ever the romantic at heart despite her tough exterior, surprised everyone with a little-known indie film, "Whispers of the Heart." Riff rounded out the selection with a horror flick, "Nightmare on Crow Street," which he claimed would keep everyone on their toes.
With a stack of movies lined up, the group settled into their plush fortress. The lights dimmed, the first movie began, and laughter mingled with the occasional shriek filled the room. As the night wore on and the final credits rolled on their movie marathon, the group decided to break out Monopoly to keep the fun going.
The game started friendly enough, with each player strategically acquiring properties and building their empire. However, as the game progressed, the competitive spirit took over. Sid found himself relegated to jail after a risky decision didn't pay off, spending turn after turn unable to escape. Riff, on the other hand, thrived, amassing almost all the game's money and properties, becoming a Monopoly mogul. Barb wasn’t as fortunate; her finances in the game mirrored a rollercoaster ride, ultimately leaving her bankrupt.
As the night deepened, the energy of the room gradually wound down. The once lively banter and laughter subsided into a comfortable silence punctuated only by the soft soundtrack of their final movie flickering in the background. One by one, the group succumbed to the warmth and coziness of their makeshift fortress. The plushies that once lay scattered on the ground now served as soft, makeshift pillows or cuddly companions as each member found their spot under the expansive blanket ceiling.
Sid, exhausted from his extended Monopoly jail time, was the first to drift off. He nestled into a snug space between Floyd and Riff, his head resting on a particularly fluffy stuffed dragon. Floyd, managing to adjust his crutches beside him, leaned back against a pile of cushions, his breathing slow and even as he too fell asleep. Riff, ever the night owl, stayed awake a bit longer, his eyes barely keeping open as he watched over his friends like a protective older brother. Eventually, even his eyelids grew heavy, and he joined the others in slumber, his hand still clutching a handful of Monopoly money as if guarding his empire even in sleep.
Barb, known among her friends for her ability to sleep through almost anything, was out like a light. She had inadvertently turned Carol into her personal pillow, her head resting comfortably on Carol's shoulder. Carol, slightly less comfortable but too amused by the situation to move, watched Barb for a few moments, smiling softly at her friend's gentle snoring before her own eyes closed, and she too drifted off.
Rebel found a quiet corner of the fort, away from the gentle chaos of her friends. Roxanne, curled up in the crook of her neck, both finding comfort in the presence of the other. Rebel's breathing was soft and rhythmic, a peaceful counterpoint to the occasional snuffle or shift from the others.
As the movie ended, the TV cast a soft glow over the room, illuminating the peaceful scene. The fort, filled with friends and laughter just hours before, now hosted a serene tableau of connected lives, the outside world forgotten for a few precious hours. In this safe haven of blankets and dreams, they shared more than just a space; they shared a bond that nights like these only deepened.
Hours later, as the night deepened into the wee hours, Thrash returned home. The house was quiet, the only sound the gentle hum of the refrigerator and the soft murmur of the TV left on low. As he entered the living room, he spotted the group of sleeping teenagers, nestled within their cozy fort. Their peaceful slumber brought a warm smile to Thrash's face, a rare moment of tranquility in their often chaotic lives.
However, his serene reverie was abruptly shattered when his gaze landed on Rebel and her unexpected companion. Roxanne, the bat, was curled up beside Rebel, nuzzled against her neck in a display of unusual affection. Thrash's eyes widened in shock, his mind racing with a million questions and concerns.
He stood frozen for a moment but then started retreating to the safety of his own room. In the end, his instinct for self-preservation won out. With a mixture of fear and bewilderment, Thrash turned on his heels and hurriedly ascended the stairs, seeking refuge in the solitude of his bedroom.
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stvharrngton · 1 year
ahoy kyrie sounds like you’re in need of some soft Steve tonight yes? well good I have just the thing ☺️🫶 (I got carried away sorry in advance!!!)
Moving into a home with Steve. A real home. It’s small and the shutters need replacing and the roof probably could use a few extra shingles and there’s a creak every other step because it’s the most you both could afford on low incomes but my GOD is it a HOME. Steve just being so overjoyed to fill the space with everything precious to him- framed photos of you and him, that Polaroid of you laughing that he adores, knick knacks from your travels together, a painting gifted to him from Will.
You’d spend a weekend painting the spare bedroom, squealing when Steve flicks paint at your overalls, lugging thrifted furniture into the space to set up a comfortable little hideaway. Steve and you have an open-door policy with the kids- Max needs a night away from her mom? Key’s under the mat. Dustin having bad dreams again? You got a nightlight just for him. Pizza parties with Robin, smoke seshes with Eddie- Steve basking in the glow of a real home, one that he never got to have, a space so unlike the cold and quiet interior of the Harrington estate.
And best of all, you. Your perfume bottles and shampoo nestled against his in the bathroom, your Chucks toed off by the front door, your chipped flowered plates stacked in the cupboard. Steve, coming home after a long shift, leaning wearily on the doorframe, and there you are- reading a book on the couch you bought together, in the soft light of a lamp Robin and Vickie gave you both as a housewarming present. He sinks to the floor beside your spot on the couch, lays his head in your lap, and you smooth your fingers through his hair. He’s home.
i’m always in need of soft steve ☹️😔
i genuinely can’t add anything on to this it’s literally already so perfect. like. it’s so soft i’m crying at the train station rn 😭 hed just love having your own space together. something to call your own. no matter how small it was or how much work it needed. he’d be moving out of his parents house as soon as he could cause that’s exactly what it was. his parents house. it was never a home so when you both got the chance to get your own place you were outta there as soon as possible :(
i need him so bad fr
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sis-tafics · 2 years
Our Little Family - The Doggo
Summary: You didn’t expect a new friend
Our Little Family Masterlist
Our Little Secret Masterlist
Characters: Dean, Sam, Reader, Eileen
Pairings: Dean x Reader,
Word Count: 1700
Warnings: language, fluff, little angst
A/N:  Thank you so much for reading. It’s been a hot minute and just trying to get my feet wet. I used my old taglist, hopefully that is ok. @bamby0304​ requested this about 3 years ago
@deans-baby-momma thank you for the beta!
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“Pup-py?” Kasey’s voice rings clear as a bell from her carseat.
You turn around, looking to where she is pointing out the window of the Impala. Sure enough there is that mutt you’ve seen strolling up and down the gravel road since you moved in, covered in mud and digging through a bag of takeout someone had tossed in the ditch.
Kyle is fast asleep in his carseat, but Evie’s head pops up, looking to where her little sister is pointing.
“Yeah, that’s a puppy” Dean affirms, smiling slightly, slowing down for the turn to the house. The dog’s head snaps up, watching the Impala idle by. It definitely knew your car, but you and the kids hadn’t been able to get near it, though you’ve tried a few times.
“Dean, hold on,” you dig through the McDonalds bag, finding the chicken nuggets that Evie didn’t finish.
“You feed that mutt, it will just keep sticking around,” Dean mutters as you roll down the window, clucking at the dirty dog, who is so filthy you can’t even tell what it is.
“Here buddy,” you toss what’s left out near the driveway.
“It’s not like he belongs to anyone anyway,” you shrug.
Dean hits the gas, shaking his head, “You’re getting soft in your old age.”
“Whatever,” you roll your eyes, “it’s not hurting anything.”
He gives you a side eye and you smile, sitting back against the seat as he takes the long driveway slowly. The twins had had a checkup today, Evie had had first grade meet and greet and you were exhausted. You never thought kids would be more tiring than hunting, but maybe you were just getting soft.
“Mommy, can we play outside?” Evie asks as soon as Dean has the car in park and you are getting the twins out of the carseats. Kasey struggles against you, wanting to get on the ground and walk. It’s her new favorite thing to do, along with running away from you and tripping flat on her face. She definitely inherited your coordination. 
“Yeah you can sweetie, you just have to stay in the fence in the back please,” you know Dean has plans with Sam to head into town and work on setting up the shop, their new hideaway for looking like upstanding citizens. 
Evie takes off right away, crashing through the front door, heading straight through the back.
“Jesus child, one second,” you set Kasey on the ground who tries to take off after her sister, but stumbles after about ten feet, wiping out. She doesn’t cry, just pushes herself back up and keeps on trucking.
Dean chuckles beside you, Kyle in one arm, passed out against his Dad’s shoulder with his thumb in his mouth, “Who knew the girls would be the wild ones?”
You roll your eyes, “I tried to warn you.”
He wraps his free arm around your waist, pulling you in and kissing the top of your head, “That you did…Do you want me to pick up dinner on my way home?”
“Only if you don’t want frozen pizza,” you sling the diaper bag over your shoulder and head up the steps.
“Frozen pizza?” he laughs, smacking your ass playfully, “Expanding your cooking horizons?”
“Shut-up,” you dump the bag on the table, reaching around and taking Kyle, his arms wrapping around your neck in his sleep, holding close.
Dean smiles, “Pizza actually doesn’t sound too bad and I don’t know how long Sammy wants to work tonight. I’ll just give you a call when I’m on my way home?”
You nod, “Love you.”
Dean cups your chin, pressing his chapped lips against yours, kissing you deeply before whispering, “I love you too baby.”
“How much shit do we actually have?” you mutter to yourself, pulling another box in from the garage. You guys have been here almost six months and you are still unpacking. The little stuff just hadn’t been a priority, but you don’t like stacks and stacks of boxes sitting there either. It was a good pastime when the kids were playing in the sandbox and playground Dean had built shortly after you had moved in. 
You sit cross legged on the ground, sipping some wine as you open it. Old photo books. Shaking your head, you open the top one, a picture of Dean and Sam, with you in the middle in front of the Impala staring back, 2009 scrawled in the corner in Dean’s writing. 
You shake your head and chuckle to yourself, fuck you’ve all gotten old. Sam’s lost the babyface. Dean, either ten years ago or today, is still finer than hell, but he has more crinkles around his eyes now, hair getting mixed with more gray. And you, well you’ve lost the look of a weathered hunter living on gas station food and gained some wrinkles in the process. 
Picking up another book, a picture of Dean holding you close, his arm slung around your shoulder, pulling you against him as he kisses your forehead. Your belly starting to show, Evie in there probably kicking away as you laugh in your husband’s arms.
You touch the picture gingerly. You wouldn’t trade the life that Dean had made for you and your family for anything.
“MOMMY!” A piercing scream pulls you from your daydream, the book tossed to the side and your wine spilled to the floor in your haste. 
“MOMMY!” Barks and snarls follow. You run through the house, grabbing your 9mm from above the fridge, crashing through the backdoor with it drawn. 
“Mommy!” Evie sobs, holding her brother and sister in the far corner of the yard against the fence. That mangy dog in the fence with them, hackles up, barking and growling and your heart sinks in your chest.
“Hey,” you shout, flipping off the safety, one hundred percent ready to shoot if it moves towards your kids.
It turns to you, growling again, before looking back towards the sandbox, snapping and barking.Evie goes to run towards you and the dog immediately turns to her, too close for you to get a shot off, nipping at her feet and driving her back  to the corner. 
“It’s ok baby,” you try to stay calm as the dog dives into the sand, snarling and digging. Taking advantage, you sprint to your kids, shoving the gun down the back of your pants and grabbing the two younger ones, Evie wrapping her arms around your legs. 
Before you can start pulling them back to the house, the dog snarls again, shaking his head vigorously, between his teeth the biggest rattlesnake you have ever seen. 
“Jesus fuck,” you hiss, setting the little ones back down, giving everyone a once over  and turning to Evie, “take your brother and sister inside as fast as you can. Go now!”
She cries and nods, running as fast as she can, dragging the toddlers with her. Snarling and hissing fill the air as the dog shakes his head viciously, refusing to let go of the snake until the head falls out of his mouth while the tail still hangs from it.
He shakes it one more time, dropping it before looking at the door the kids had disappeared through and then back to you, wagging his tail and sitting. 
You walk past him, opening the gate so he can leave, walking up the porch stairs when you hear the nails hitting the wood behind you. As you turn, his butt hits the porch with a thud. 
You put your hands on your hips as his tongue lolls out, panting, watching you intently.
“Well you’ve never been friendly before,” you chide, and his butt wiggles faster. You shake your head, Dean is going to be so pissed.
 “Well, c’mon,” you open the door and motion for him to get in the house. He tilts his head, intelligent eyes assessing,”you just saved my kids, I can’t exactly leave you outside now, can I?”
He barks once, trotting past you into the house like he has been there all his life, “You are getting a damn bath though.”
“Baby?” Dean’s voice shouts from downstairs as the door shuts behind him.
“Upstairs in the bathroom,” you call back, shutting the water off.
“Okay Evie, you need to scrub him again, he still stinks.”
Kyle pinches his nose from where he is sitting in the shower, giggling as the dog shakes water all over all three of them. 
“Pu-ppy, nooo,” Kasey whines as it gets all over her with the soap suds that she is already wearing.
Once you had gotten the first few layers of mud off, there was a beautiful blue coat of some type of cattle dog underneath. 
Evie dumps more shampoo on him and they all start scrubbing as you hear Dean open the door behind you, “What the hell is all this?”
The dog barks and takes off, wet and soapy past Dean, skidding down the hallway, barking excitedly.
“Bond, no!” Evie yells, taking off after him.
“You better get him back here,” you laugh, looking up at your husband’s shocked face.
“Since when do we have a dog?”
You smile, standing and wrapping your arms around his waist, kissing his neck, “Since about the time he killed a rattlesnake in the backyard, saving your three children.”
You nod, “Jumped the fence, had them in the corner while he ripped it in half in the sandbox. Won’t let them out of his sight now.”
He raises an eyebrow, “Bond?”
You chuckle, “Evie wanted a name that Daddy would like so we can keep him.”
He wraps his arm around you, shaking his head, laughing, “Doesn't sound like I get much of a choice in it now anyway.”
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monty-glasses-roxy · 2 months
Imagine here with me.
If roxy green room in the pizzaplex got a update Like a set of living conter that off limits to staff and guest to the pizzaplex that got added just for the animatronics.
Inside the living conter would be like bedroom kitchen and livingroom. And possibly a guest bedroom.
Idk what the guest bedroom is for storage personal office idk.
I've had a good few AUs that have something like this in them. The only ones where Fazbear does this is when the animatronics are biological creatures and not animatronics lmao
I had one where they were all gradually moved to a new location and that new location included a designated living space for the animatronics that they could do whatever they wanted with. It was essentially like a multi-story house within the building with rooms for each animatronic - including DJ of course and the four Minis had a shared room by their own choice - and a big communal space with a living room, kitchen (cause they were upgraded with biofuel stomachs) and a little bathroom for if they ever had human guests over. I had ideas for every room, and I gave them a kind of similar home in Rebuild AU, it's a fun little thought exercise to imagine how each of them would decorate their own space. Especially applicable to Meteors.
If Fazbear were to do this for the animatronics it would probably end up a money making thing like 'come have a sleepover with the Glamrocks!!' or something. It's kinda sad, and I bet if they did that, it'd be incredibly rare that the animatronics ever got maybe five minutes to themselves ever, they'd be constantly on the clock. But, that's not to say the animatronics couldn't give themselves their own space if Fazbear doesn't!
Like how I've been saying lately that Roxy has a bunch of lil dens all over the Raceway, Salon and various nooks and crannies of discontinued areas she finds when she's bored and wandering around. There's no reason why the other animatronics couldn't also find their own little hideaways in the other discontinued attractions.
Like the Cupcake Factory is in pieces even before Ruin, so maybe Chica treats it like a home? There's a cut map in the Fazcade called The Hive that's positioned in such a way that it's pretty closed in, with one of DJ's tunnels lining up to it almost perfectly, so I like to think that's his cosy little room now. Oh and did you know there's an 'Out of Order' door in Mazercise with nothing behind it? Well, anything could be back there man. Could be Chica's secret pizza stash for all we know lmao
If we were to put various living spaces like this in Rockstar Row, we could use the cut shortcuts for it. The large images of each member of the band right outside their doors were all initially going to be shortcuts to their corresponding attractions but were ultimately cut for whatever reason. If we were to turn these halls into rooms, or fill in the space they lead to with rooms, then each animatronic could have a secret room behind their poster. That'd be pretty fucking cool honestly I already have some ideas on how to use that but ya know, my point here is that they could have secret rooms literally anywhere and they deserve it there's so much potential there and Fazbear wouldn't be able to do a thing about it
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handoverthekawaii · 8 months
We Go Together | Homelander x You | Chapter 21
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Taglist: @hom3landr @theaudacitytowrite @lover1307
Note: This chapter contains brief mention of Biblical themes.
You and John part ways with Queen Maeve and Black Noir somewhere in rural Pennsylvania. Once it becomes clear that your group isn’t being followed, the captain of The Seven touches down in a strip mall parking lot and lowers his teammates to the ground.
While Maeve texts A-Train to come and pick them up, Black Noir wordlessly pulls a silver key out of his suit pocket and passes it to John. Then you and John bid the two Supes farewell, you embracing one after the other in teary hugs and thanking them again for helping to rescue you.
“Hey, no need to thank us,” Maeve says modestly. “We’re superheroes — this is what we do!” Turning to John, she adds,
“And whatever Vought was up to at that facility… is NOT what we do.” Maeve promises that she and Noir will grill Madelyn Stillwell upon their return, and they won’t stop digging until they figure out what else the company might be hiding.
“Keep me posted,” John requests, clapping both his teammates on the shoulder gratefully before lifting you back up into his arms.
As he takes flight, you catch a last glimpse of Maeve and Noir in the parking lot below. Noir is power walking across the parking lot toward a Buster Beaver’s Pizza Restaurant, and Maeve is following behind with a pretend-exasperated shake of her head. You have no idea what is going on, but you can’t help but smile at Noir’s singleminded focus. You’ll have to ask John about it later —
But not right now, because John is shooting up into the sky like a bullet fired from a gun. His arms wrapped around you tightly, his jaw set with determination as he rockets into the atmosphere. It would be impossible to speak over the howling wind, so you tuck your head beneath John’s chin and try to calm your nerves. I’m okay, you tell yourself. I’m safe.
We’re going to be alright.
John’s destination is the same place where Black Noir’s key unlocks the front door — a remote hideaway, high in New York State’s Catskill Mountains, where the Supe spends a couple weeks every summer. Noir has hosted private dinners for The Seven at this residence now and again, but at this time of year there’ll be no one around for miles.
It’s the perfect location to take refuge when you’re on the run from the most profitable corporation in America and need time to figure out your next move.
Your adrenaline levels had finally started to come down during the flight, but it is only when your feet hit the cedar front deck that you realize how utterly drained you now feel. When John turns away from you to open the door, you grab onto the porch rail tightly with both hands to steady yourself. You force yourself to take deep breaths, in then out, but the trauma and stress and existential dread of the day is catching up with you, and you are feeling a little worse for wear.
When John pivots away from the door to lead you inside, a bolt of terror courses through him at the sight of your drawn face and haggard, disheveled appearance. He has no idea whether you looked this unwell all day and he only just now noticed, or whether something more serious is wrong — could Vought have given you drugs that are just now fucking you up?!
John responds the only way he knows how, by leaning into his Homelander public persona and taking complete control of the situation. You hardly react as he swoops you into his arms, dashes into the kitchen, and sets you down on the marble countertop while he begins rifling through the cabinets.
A moment later, he deposits a paper plate of peanut butter crackers into your limp hands and tells you, “Eat a few of these for me.” [continued on AO3]
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neopronouns-in-action · 3 months
079: The Theft of the Synphirim
Neopronouns: rhi/rhim/rhir/rhimself which follow the same rules as he/him/his/himself
Replace he with rhi
Replace him with rhim
Replace his with rhir
Replace himself with rhimself
"He is going to adopt a new puppy soon, as soon as he gets a fence set up around his yard so the puppy can go outside without him having to walk it. His uncle is going to help set up the fence, since he has a set of power tools he’s letting him use, since he lost his. He's going to buy toys and train the puppy himself.”
"Rhi is going to adopt a new puppy soon, as soon as rhi gets a fence set up around rhir yard so the puppy can go outside without rhim having to walk it. Rhir uncle is going to help set up the fence, since he has a set of power tools he’s letting rhim use, since rhi lost rhir. Rhi's going to buy toys and train the puppy rhimself.”
“So, do you all want to meet up here again in three hours for pasta? I’ve got the receipt right here.” The rick waved the small piece of paper they’d just printed out of their sky blue wristcomp through the air, letting the large and clear print at the top be clearly read as “Receipt of Payment for Scheduled Delivery of 4x Bowl of Bergir’s Best Pasta”, with a string of coordinates that rhi knew matched their present location at the south-western curve of Lorefish Lake.
It was very, very tempting for rhim to say yes to the free food without hesitation, but rhi forced rhimself to visibly hesitate, and mentally take a few seconds to actually think about the offer.
This rick had come out of nowhere, quite literally dropped out of the sky into the little hideaway where they’d been fishing, thrown brand new clothes at them, and money, and a large pizza, and now they were offering more food if they came back in three hours? Or rather, since rhi and rhir friends had been planning to spend the whole day here anyways, if they stayed here and waited for the rick to come back.
Rhi looked over at Kamiica and Niiyaz to see what they were thinking.
Kamiica sent privately to their group, [Do you think it could be a trap?]
Niiyaz sent, [If they wanted to call the guards, why wouldn’t they just do it now? Why give us all this free stuff just to hand us over later? It’s not like we’re especially hidden right now anyways. Tons of people saw us walk over here. I mean, I guess it could be an elaborate set up...]
[I vote yes.] Rhi sent, [I want that pasta.]
There was a moment or two of pause, then Niiyaz and Kamiica both sent, [Me too.] Apparently all three of them were trying to be cautious against their own wills.
Rhi would have liked to say that when they all three turned to the rick to say, at exactly the same time, “Sounds good to me”, that it was on purpose, but it was really just a side-effect of being mirrim-bonded for so long.
The rick grinned, and stood, holding out the receipt to rhim, since rhi was sitting closest. Rhi took it, and shoved it into rhir pocket where the pouch of pennies they’d given rhim earlier had also gone. Rhi would look at it once they were gone. Somehow it felt embarassing to double-check the receipt while the rick was still standing there watching.
“Great!” The rick said cheerfully, like they were all best friends, “You hold onto that one, I’ll make my own copy for the delivery drone. I’ll see you all in three hours – right now, I gotta go figure out how to give a Synphirim a bath!”
That had to be some kind of weird turn of phrase for rich people for when they were busy doing rich people stuff.
Rhi watched as the rick turned to the short wall of dirt that hid this fishing spot from the road, and high-jumped to the top without even getting a running start, then turned to wave cheerfully back down at rhim and rhir friends. Absolutely showing off their high athletics skill, which had been locked behind a paywall for over a decade now once the ricks took over all the training centers and starting charging an absurd toll for even just wanting to look around.
Then, as the three watched in suddenly dumbfounded shock, the rick turned around, pulled a golden summoning crystal out of their pocket, held it up, said something that the universe itself kept them all from hearing, and out of the air shimmered a massive white and gold beast the likeness of which they’d only ever seen on the royal crest.
But this wasn’t a simple, stylized heraldic symbol – this was the real thing, in the flesh, standing less than ten squares’ distance. This was a synphirim, no – The Synphirim, it was the only one of its kind -- the largest beast ever discovered on land, the only beast that was truly classed as a dragon. The rarest and most endangered beast in all the world.
It stood two heads taller than the rick even on all fours, and was so big the only parts of it rhi could see were its front legs and shoulders – the rest of its body was blocked by the trees and bushes, and probably blocked half the road up there. Its shimmering hide was white traced with rainbow veins like a microchip, with gold bands on its legs and long, rabbit-like ears.
Its face was long and pointed like a wolf’s, with two pitch black eyes that regarded the three beggars staring up at it with a calm regard, seeming almost amused by their amazement.
It seemed like the rick was giving them all time to properly stare and be amazed, before they waved again, and with an ease that was just purely showing off, they leapt up, and did a front flip in midair to land perfectly seated in the saddle strapped to the dragon’s back.
“Meet me here again in three hours for dinner!” They called, and then gave a silent signal to the shimmering synthetic beast so that it all of a sudden leapt forward and into the air, and the downdraft from its ragged-edged wings actually knocked the three beggars back onto their butts.
A few moments later, the pair were nothing more than a quickly diminishing dot in the sky, headed out over the town.
There were a few moments of stunned silence, and then Rhi sent, [Oh. My. Gods.]
[Oh my farbly gods] Niiyaz sent with emphasis.
[Do you realize what this means?] Kamiica sent.
Oh yes. Rhi knew what it meant.
There was only one Synphirim in existance, because the first person to hatch one, the now infamous Kreig Scandon, had bought and trashed all the other eggs before anyone knew what he was doing, and then refused to allow his, the only survivor, to be cloned or bred. He was the richest person in the kingdom, and kept The Synphirim’s summoning crystal locked up inside his mansion under lock and key, with all his other beasts and half a dozen soulmates guarding it.
And just two days ago, someone had broken into his mansion and stolen The Synphirim’s crystal, along with almost all of Scandon’s fortune in gold, and who knew how many other collectible items so rare they were practically priceless.
Which meant that rick hadn’t actually been a random slummer.
And that meant…
Not even bothering to get up off the ground, rhi felt rhir pocket for the pouch of coins the – not the rick, they had to have been the Master Thief themselves – had thrown rhim. It had felt so light rhi had assumed it was just pennies, barely worth the weight they took up. With the economy the way it had been for the past few years, they couldn’t be used for anything. But ricks liked to throw them around as a ‘favor’ to pitiful little beggars like rhim.
But if that had been the Master Thief…
Hardly daring to breathe, rhi pulled the pouch of coins out of rhir pocket, and loosened the drawstring to look inside.
And it wasn’t pennies that filled the bag.
It wasn’t even gold coins.
It was diamond.
Hundreds of them, at least. Enough to buy all the houses on the market, enough to buy more clothes than any of them could ever wear to rags. Enough to buy them probably all the scavenging, pillaging, and farming beasts they could ever want, combined, three times over, on top of all of those houses and clothes. They could probably even buy a whole castle with just this bag and still have some left over.
Rhi could probably even buy a knockout cure if rhi felt like throwing all the money away at once, just for the value of knowing that someone, somewhere, would be having a complete catastrophic nuclear meltdown over the fact that someone had actually bought their knockout cure on the open market. It would probably be the only thing in the news for at least two weeks, if the news wasn’t currently flooded with the theft of The Synphirim.
Rhi put rhir head in rhir hands, completely speechless. Like someone had cast a silencing spell on rhim.
Niiyaz had no such trouble, and once she saw what was in the coin purses, he started shouting and swearing up a storm loud enough for all of them, which was definitely going to scare all the fish away.
But who needed to eat minnows when you had all the money in the world? And in just three hours the Master Thief would come back, probably with more money and gifts and food…
...It was a good day to be a dirty beggar.
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lily-orchard · 1 year
So there's one mouse stuck in the apartment while I'm waiting for new traps to arrive and I heard him rifling through a pizza box so I took the broom handle and propped it up a bit and he comes bolting out and runs facefirst into the garbage bin before sprinting for his hideaway.
Fucking dumbass
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pjunicornart · 8 months
Pajama Twilight
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Okay... THIS is the last Scout, I swear!
Bio: Pajama is the eldest of her brothers. She's very kindhearted and fair, and she helps out her mother whenever she can. In her spare time she likes to read books in her little cubby hole filled with quilts and pillows.
Basic Info Nicknames: PJ, Pudding, Jama-mama (by family only) Age: 22 Height: 5'6" Gender Identity: Cisgender (female, she/her) Sexual Orientation: Bisexual (preference for women) Medical Issues: Autism, Anxiety Can't Leave the House Without: Phone, book, hairbrush, hand sanitizer, wet wipes
Relationships Rosey - Mother, very good Candy - Sibling, older siblings gotta stick together Studio - Sibling, tries to get him out of his comfort zone Cupcake - Sibling, loves his treats Bubblegum - Sibling, reminds him to be considerate of others Rainbow - Sibling, trying to stop babying him
Powers Button Eyes - Causes her enemies to have buttons for eyes - just like her. Only difference is that her enemies can't see with their button eyes. Silence - For as long as she needs, she can remain invisible and silent for stealth missions. She could be anywhere. Pins and Needles - She likes to sew. She can summon needles that can used as projectiles. She'll always hit her targets with pinpoint accuracy. Threaded Web - She can use her special sewing thread to trap enemies. This can be done by making web-like structures, trip wires, net traps, etc. This thread cannot be cut by anyone other than Pajama. Dust Bunnies - As long as where she is has dust within her vicinity, she can create little dust bunnies that can be used as pawns or sentries. Magic Beam - She can make a simple blast of magic from her horn. This can used as a quick attack option. Levitation - She can also levitate things by using magic channeled through her horn, and this has no limit.
Miscellaneous Little Facts - She'll read all kinds of books, even the spicy ones. - Her entire personality was actually inspired by this one niche aesthetic I found on the aesthetics wiki called "Cozy Childhood Hideaway", and I love it so much. - She's also inspired by the song "STARSHINE (GOODNIGHT)" by Six Impala. - The buttons for eyes was inspired by - you guessed it - Coraline, which is one of my favorite movies of all time along with Meet the Robinsons. - Pajama prefers to dress in comfy clothes perfect for lounging. - Her favorite music genre is jazz. - She's not the best cook, but if need be she'll make some tasty bagel pizzas for her siblings. - Just like her brother Bubblegum, yes... her hair is really those colors naturally. - Pajama admits that her guilty pleasure is reality TV. What can she say, she loves the drama. - She won't eat popcorn. It gets stuck in her teeth. - She prefers veggie burgers over actual burgers... much to her family's dismay. - When she goes to MLP universes, she transforms to a pony form. - She takes a lot of vitamins and supplements.
Finally... all the Scouts have been introduced. I swear Pajama is the last one, I do! Check out her family when you get the chance. Candy... Studio... Cupcake... Bubblegum... Rainbow... Rosey...
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away-ward · 10 months
This is the message from the Damon Torrance Hate anon. Below the cut is a message I received from someone who has less than favorable feelings (complete disdain, actually) for Damon Torrance.
If you are a fan and might find yourself upset over someone not loving your fav, read at your own risk. It literally opens with the disclaimer: "This is not a safe space for Damon Torrance or Kill Switch fan" so, uh. heed the warning.
Editing Note: Not as bad as I thought at first. It is long though. Edited with some added thoughts.
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I actually don't interact with fandom outside my blog or responding to select posts. I mean, I saw people hating on Em on goodreads and was immediately like "this is not the place for me" and promptly created a blog so that I could curate my experiences.
So...I guess this is the rest of the fandom, huh?
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(psst, the pizza boxes contain all my love for willemmy)
I don't know. I've always been partial to the "find people who like what you like and you'll have a great time" idea. And I think I've done a pretty good job so far.
These are the only PD books I've read, other than Punk 57 for obvious reasons. I have no interest in the others, so I can't relate on devouring PD's books. And honestly, I was bored with Kill Switch too. I was bored with Hideaway, and Corrupt my second time reading it. I almost didn't get to Nightfall (oh, what could have been. I could have saved myself all this DN brainrot...but alas, here we are).
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I don't know where you got the idea that having money and privilege equals competency... but that's very much not the case. In fact, I would argue the opposite? Doing without the things you need and not have access to tools creates creative problem solvers; people who aren't used to having excess tend to know how to get around that or learn how to deal without it.
Added Edit: Also, Winter went to a school for the blind for years. She didn't live with her abusive, non-accommodating family. They accommodated her by sending her to a school where she could dance and that would cater her disability. They also go her a guide dog when she came back, and tried to speak to the school about what she wore as part of the uniform because she didn't like it. She was just as privileged in that regard as the other wealthy people in the story. Her family may have been criminals who valued money above loyalty, who basically sold their daughter for financial security, thereby setting Winter apart as "different," but they didn't ignore her blindness. Arion grew up with a younger sister who got a lot of attention for her disability and being a victim of the Torrance Boy. She acted selfishly and stupidly, but it's easy to see how not being given a fair amount of attention after Winter fell might have given her a complex.
Either way, I didn't walk into DN thinking I was going to get a perfectly planned heist story with intelligent criminals, where you have to study their every word and move because you never know what's coming next. I would have loved it if that were the case, but it's not what I was expecting.
The horsemen in general have double standards. They see things from their point of view and only caring about what they want. I'm not sure if we're supposed to see this as character flaws, a result of their privilege, or if this is something we're suppose to ignore so that we can root for them. *shrugs* it's not really that deep, is it?
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What do you mean Michael and Rika got it together by Conclave? These two are a mess every day of their lives. As long as they're happy, I guess? I mean... Rika changed all their wedding plans at the last second to accommodate the multi-wedding party and Michael was just like 'yeah babe whatever you want' ? They don't ever talk about anything.
I have no thoughts on Rika being mayor at 22 other than it's dumb. I guess it's a good thing they live in a town that watched her grow up so she's the town's darling? Who's gonna vote against her, and risk the Torrance sibling's ire?
I'm not sure what character growth you're referring to. I haven't looked at Rika that hard. But I agree that the other characters needed a chance to shine. It should have been more balanced. Come on, PD, share the love. It can't be the Rika and Damon Show all the time.
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I always forget he's only have Russian. I really didn't like the surprise mom storyline. Half Russian, half Dutch South African.
I'm not sure if it's "fetish" with Russians or just a love of mafia stories? Because I see just as much for the Italians and Irish as I do for Russians...
The thing about Damon is that he has a valid excuse actually, let's go with "reason." He had a valid reason for the way he is. Between all four boys, I'd say that Damon and Kai are the only ones who can actually explain why they do the things they do.
Damon didn't just experience "abuse." He was neglected and experienced CSA and punished for things that weren't his fault, over an extended period of time. With no one to come to his aid until he forced Banks to stay with him. And the most truly unfortunate part of this is that there are far too many readers who can relate. Too many readers have gone through the exact same or similar enough experience and find comfort in Damon's inner thoughts. Not that they support all of his actions (I truly hope not), but maybe they understand where he's coming from and the journey he has to undergo to being a better person? Also, sometimes people just like fictional men who like to draw blood.
Now, all that is to say... I didn't find Damon any more interesting that the other guys. He wasn't more twisted or darker. Just a different shade of gray. For me at least. I wasn't here for the hype, having read the series long after it finished. I don't completely understand all of the Damon love either. I wasn't impressed, but I was sympathetic to his story. I liked him a lot more in the past scenes with Winter than most other parts of the series. But because he was such a wild card, I usually was paying attention to what he was doing. Was I overall entertained? No. but I was paying attention.
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I think a big part of this series was supposed to be "These men underestimate and don't appreciate women...except for the few that can keep up." Banks and Rika (and Emmy and Winter) are supposed to appear more competent than the boys sometimes. Otherwise it's just dumb, hot girls getting strung along by even dumber, hotter boys. And that's no fun. So yeah, of course Rika and Banks are going to pull the rug from under Damon sometimes.
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I'm not gonna pretend that if Damon had tracked down a brother in addition to Banks (come on, we know he probably has like at least ten siblings somewhere out there), that Gabriel would have chosen the male heir over Banks. Banks was a last resort and a way to piss Damon off. I can't remember if it worked or if Damon was happy to be rid of the responsibly. And honestly, Banks was happy to take it. She'd been underestimated her entire life and finally had the chance to do what she knew she could. I hope that Banks and Damon had a good long talk and he was happy for her.
But oh, Damon standing back and letting Banks kick ass? Love siblings who support each other. Can we at least agree on that?
Damon biding his time was weird. But I think that had a lot to do with the fact that the story was tied to only happening in October, so Damon had to simmer for a year between books. I think it might have been interesting if we had seen through the narrative that Damon had been making moves and October is just when it always came to a head because of the pressure of Devil's Night. But Damon has a tendency to go to extremes, so being overly dramatic (throwing an entire wedding to Arion to get access to Winter and her family's fortune) or being completely invisible does fit his MO. He's a drama queen, after all.
I would have loved if we'd gotten to see more of the relationship between the guys. If we knew how Damon's bond with Michael and with Kai worked, instead of only with Will. I think their friendship should have had more emphasis overall, since it was such a catalyst for events in Corrupt.
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I've never watched VD (and I'm not going to) so I have no idea how they compare. I know who you're talking about - just not the details of the character.
No worries. We'll crown you ruler of Damon Hater Nation. Here's your crown.
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Yeah, i didn't feel much towards Winter one way or another. On my part, I was mostly confused. It seemed like she liked to tempt and tease Damon and then convince herself she was innocent? But again, I haven't re-read Kill Switch so I don't remember very well.
But I will disagree with you on the Emmy front. Winter was immediately accepted by Rika because of their past relationship in school. Kai and Michael didn't have a problem with Rika bringing her into the group, and Will was all for using Winter to get to Damon, but did seem to genuinely like her as well.
Winter had the benefit of being the enemy of their enemy, until the Damon was no longer the enemy. And then they were all just friends, except for Winter and Damon, who were also lovers. At no point was Winter on the outside of the group or made of feel less than because of what she did to Damon (other than by Damon at his worse moments). Those boys, whether intended or not, tried to make Emory feel like she was the worst person for sticking up for family.
You bring up an interesting point about Alex. Unlike Banks, Winter, and Emory, she was in the books from the start. She got the chance to interact with every single character. So even though she not a main character, not even deserving of her own novella, we have plenty of interactions of her to pull from, and barely any from the other three girls with each other or other members of the group. That's really not fair.
I have no thoughts on the group sex scenes. I basically read DN for the character dynamics and wanting to know about the little nerd Will loved enough to commit several crimes for. I could do without them and it wouldn't change the story much for me.
Added Edit: I thought Winter was trying to comfort Will and herself from the trauma they just experienced together. I think Will went along with it because he finds comfort in sex. It could have been anyone and he would have been in the same spot. Damon was the one who put limits on their interaction because he has control issues and doesn't want anyone else to be "in" Winter, ever.
Beyond that, I have no thoughts on what it says about their characters.
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I haven't read ZA (zodiac academy, i think? I also won't be reading it).
So wait? You hate Alex but hate the way people treated Alex??? I have no idea what you mean, honestly, because one of my biggest gripes with NF was the scene where Alex was laying in a hospital bed while the boys made all sorts demands of Aydin because "Alex deserved it". like. Those boys very much did love Alex and consider her one of their own. Will didn't go after Martin until after he shot Alex. Because who did Will fight when it came down to it? Not Martin.
He picked Aydin.
He left Emory try and fight Martin.
So don't start with "the group doesn't love Alex." Because that is absolute nonsense.
And why did Emory have to stand there and watch them act that way in the hospital??? When they'd never said or did anything for her? They never even apologized!!!
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I mean...Alex said it was her job? At least he respects her right to claim it. Rika was always trying to get Alex to do something else, like she was still stuck on her friend wanting be a sex worker. I think Alex could have gotten any job she wanted (Rika could have hired her for literally anything; Alex worked at the dojo; she was helping Winter plan tours). The job she chose to introduce herself with was clearly a point of pride for Alex (healthy or not) and Damon acknowledge it was her right. Was he gross about it? yeah, probably. It's Damon, after all. but he didn't shy away from it. She owned it and he respected that.
The group/share scenes mostly went over my head.
Added Edit: I think I do understand what Anon was saying now. They hated Alex for being in everything and the way she treated Emory, but hated the way the Horsemen and occasionally the other women treated Alex as if she was disposable.
My only response to this is Alex made it her job to get close to powerful, wealthy men. She was also the only one unattached romantically in Conclave, so she wouldn't be "cheating" on anyone by preforming her "job."
For PD, I feel that Alex was whatever they needed her to be, and that's Alex's biggest failing as a character.
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Did Rika do that more than once? Must have missed it...
And I'm not sure if that scene was more about Damon than it was about Winter comforting Will. At that point, Damon and Will's friendship had been reestablished and Winter held some affection for Will as well. So similar to the Rika comforting Kai scene, Winter wanted to comfort Will and Damon just had to let that happen because he couldn't "control her" or tell her what do to. But he could control Will, so Will got the limits.
It was the exact same situation with Michael, Rika, and Kai. Michael couldn't impose his will on Rika anymore than Damon could with Winter. I have a lot of sarcastic thoughts about this scenario, mostly because it does conflict with Michael and Damon's characters up until that point, but PD needed it to happen so...
But that's what I meant when I said PD uses the same scenarios over and over again. What happened with Michael/Rika/Kai was the same as Damon/Winter/Will. And what happened with Will/Emmy/Alex/Aydin was the same thing that happened with Michael/Rika/Banks/Kai. It's the exact same situation, and even similar motivations, just with different faces.
I'm so tired.
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What do you mean they don't matter to Will? Everything Will did was for the family. Will was gone for over a year, and I'm sure he thought about home in that time. We come into the story with Emory, which is what consumes Will's thoughts from that point forward. The circumstance changed for Will but we didn't get to see the before, only the after.
Alex was shot by Martin while Will was fighting Aydin so Aydin couldn't get to Alex. And then Will threw Martin and himself off a cliff, nearly dying. Like...Will clearly cares too much sometimes.
Wait wait wait are you switching tracks of the Damon hate train? You know that any Damon sympathy is strictly forbidden in Damon Hate Nation! Do I have to revoke your crown????
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Why would Emmy need to make it look like she wanted nothing to do with him? In high school, she didn't want anything to do with him. After, they had that bond over you know...killing a person...And he was the only one who defended her (kinda). She didn't need to pretend to avoid him, and she didn't even really try to.
I mean, I think of all the boys, Will would have probably been the most likely to help Damon. But Damon wouldn't have let him. Mainly, he'd have to explain his abuse, which would tarnish Will's sunshine view of the world, and embarrass him. It might have changed the dynamics of their relationship, and Damon couldn't allow for that. But I think if Will wasn't out getting drunk, or was getting drunk in the cemetery instead of the bus, and had stumbled upon Damon, he probably would have helped. He's a ride or die kind dude.
I mean...overall, the guys do suck. They're also just not meant to be analyzed to this degree lol. I mean, I do with willemmy only because I want to write silly little stories about them. I really don't think this deeply about the rest of the series usually, unless I'm asked...
...and I certainly didn't intend to become any type of voice in this fandom.
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I...have no thoughts.
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Did you mention Em???? I mean yeah...Damon and Emory did have a deeper connection that Winter and Will!
Where were their moments? I want me some Damon and Emory non-spicy moments. The scene at the end wasn't enough.
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I guess they're over hyped but maybe I only feel that way because I think Willemmy isn't hyped enough?? and technically they're also just a bland white couple with a boring trope for a backdrop (I mean, rich popular jock and the scholarship nerd? GrumpyxSunshine? Golden retriever bf and black cat gf? who's never heard of that???)
I hope you rested after all that. Do you feel better having gotten it off your chest?? I sure hope so, that was a lot. It's okay. this is a safe space. deep breath in....and exhale.
It's okay. Damon Torrance can't hurt you.
You're fine. My day wasn't ruined. I don't consider myself a Damon hater and I was a little confused at the start (for some reason, I only get these messages right before I go to sleep so I'm half awake when I read them for the first time), but we got there in the end.
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If you have anything to say to me or the anon, all I ask is that we're respectful in the comments and replies. Thanks!! This is all meant in good fun (at least from my end).
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merrock · 2 years
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location: Hideaway Market, countryside of Merrock.
time: September 17th - September 24th.
There's no better way to ring in the fall season than witha festival! From September 17th through September 24th, a festival will be taking place in the Hideaway Market (with a few events along the creek!), opening at 10AM and closing at 12AM. No admission or parking fee, and a shuttle can bring you to the grounds from the library, the marina or the Times parking lot all week.
To eat and drink, we have a wine tent set up by Handpick'd, where you can drink on site (or buy to take some home!), as well as a beer tent from The Garden with craft brews and ciders. Cobblestone will be providing fruit juices, hot chocolate, hot apple cider and frozen apple cider, and coffee and lattes for the adults (pumpkin spice, here we come!). Local bakeeries have some of your favorite baked goods, from pumpkin bread, apple muffins, cider donuts, funnel cakes, and much more. Various food stands from different groups around town include soups, sandwiches, brick oven pizzas (thanks, Pizza Thyme!) and much more.
To keep busy, have some fun on our hay ride that will take you all around the festival, seeing some of the best sights. Give one of our corn mazes a go -- we have an easy and a hard version -- or head to the creek itself, to take photos by the waterfalls with your friends and family, or just a solo beauty shot (who doesn't love that?). There's also various game stands set up, as well as crafts for the kids, and tons of charity offers, as well. The Farmer's Market will be selling great produce all week, and the state park rangers have set up some really beautiful hiking trails! Don't head home without getting your hands on Sunrise Orchard apples, either. There are also a ton of local craft vendors that have all sorts of fall décor for you to snatch up -- and pumpkins!
Local businesses & Merrockites we would like to spotlight are: Creekside, Lavender Lane, Bardales Inc., the Community Center, the Observatory, Sweet Talk, Flour Co.!
MOD NOTE: this event runs from Saturday, September 17th through Saturday, September 24th and starters (open or closed!) can be created anytime during that period. They can be continued as long as you would like, but please don't create any new ones after the 24th. If you would like to offer something for Creek Fest, please just post it and tag it as #merrockevent, we will reblog it and add a link to this post.
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rebrandedstoryline · 1 year
Rebranded - 12.3 - Revelations
Ayala learns something unpleasant about Sun and Moon. She corrects this problem. And Sun gets a bit emotional.
Word Count: 1,543
“Trash? You’re telling me that he’s been eating actual trash?” Ayala questioned, her voice suddenly taking on a rather stern tone. She very clearly did not like having heard what she had just been told. The solar animatronic offered a slow nod, unsure as to why she seemed to be so bothered by this revelation.
“Well, yes. The primary reasons behind our upgrades were to reduce our need to connect to a power grid and to reduce the amount of trash exported by Fazbear. The Pizza Plex would have produced a lot of waste if it had ever regained former popularity. That would mean a lot of food scraps and paper waste. Additionally, in my case, I would also be able to encourage kids to eat their fruits and vegetables.” Sun explained, speaking in a very matter-of-fact tone as he answered Ayala’s question. “... In Chica’s case, the upgrade would have played a vital part in keeping her out of parts and services. She had a corrupted string of code that gave her an obsessive compulsive disorder. Prior to the upgrade, she would try to eat trash and it would jam up her internal workings.” He added, not even sounding slightly bothered by the fact that he had been specifically designed to eat trash.
The woman only seemed to grow more distressed upon hearing this.
“You... You guys can’t actually taste it though, right?” Ayala inquired, at this point blindly grasping for any snippet of information that would somehow make this situation less horrific from a human standpoint. The idea of being forced to live off of trash was not a good one. It was something literally considered inhumane and probably illegal; if it was something a human was being forced to endure. That question was what made the animatronic offer an unhappy expression.
“Unfortunately, we can taste everything just fine. Apparently being able to taste what we’re consuming is meant to allow us to be able to differentiate between what is consumable and what isn’t. Metal and stone taste very different from paper and wood.” Sun explained, a sort of scowl on his face as he did so. “It’s... It’s not all that pleasant, but it serves a purpose! Trash is messy and attracts pests. Pests carry diseases, which could make people sick. So the easiest solution is to get rid of the trash in a clean and efficient way. By consuming it.” He added, attempting to validate the importance of his unfortunate circumstances.
At this point, Ayala responded by abruptly getting up. Apparently whatever work she had to get started could actually wait. There were more pressing matters to attend to.
“Yeah, no. Go get Moon.” Ayala ordered rather sternly, walking past the very confused Sun as she made her way back into the kitchen.
Still, the animatronic complied. His assumption was that she was about to establish some additional house rules for them to follow. Ergo, Sun made his way over to the closet that his brother had claimed as their hideaway hole.
Being polite, he knocked before opening the door.
“What?” Moon grumbled, clearly not in the mood to be disturbed. He reacted to the light much like a nocturnal animal, curling away from it as if he needed to protect his eyes. Not that he actually needed to do so, he was simply in a bad mood and wanted to be left alone.
“Ayala would like to talk with us.” Sun responded, his voice sounding rather apologetic. He did not wish to bother his brother. Still, if the woman wished to speak to Moon, then Moon would have to reluctantly comply.
Such was noted as he began to get up so that he could crawl out of the closet. The space was not tall enough for him to properly stand, so he had to kneel and creep out.
“What does she want?” Moon grumbled, getting himself out of the closet and standing up. Various joints throughout his body clicked as everything settled back into place.
“Well... I’m not sure. I brought up the issues about fuel and she seemed to be upset. So... She might want to establish some more ground rules.” Sun stated, answering Moon’s question with an obvious amount of uncertainty. He honestly wasn’t sure as to why Ayala wanted to talk with them.
The nighttime attendant offered a groan at this, following after his twin as they led him to the kitchen, where they found a rather peculiar sight.
Ayala had started cooking again. Now, Moon was not so much confused as he was annoyed. Sun was the one who had gotten confused. Because Ayala already made herself something to eat. She had a bowl of food sitting on her desk.
Had she just decided that she wanted something else?
“What do you want?” Moon groaned out, annoyed at having been disturbed. He also had no interest in watching the woman cook. He was not like Sun in that regard. He more or less had the mindset that he would stick to what he was good at and leave it at that.
In other words, he had no interest in branching out and learning new skills.
The woman did not immediately respond. She simply finished with whatever she had started to make; which seemed to be some sort of crispy little cake made from the mashed potatoes. She made multiple of them and put them on a plate.
Once she had finished cooking, she brought that plate over to the animatronics and held it out for them.
“Eat.” Ayala commanded, sort of glaring up at the two. Which, naturally, confused the animatronics.
Was she mad at them?
Was she mad that she had to feed them?
Sun had already explained that they could subsist on the unwanted scraps without issue. Still, she prevented them from asking any further questions. If either Sun or Moon attempted to speak; and they did; she immediately shut them down with a repeat of her command.
She was not asking them to eat. She was telling them to eat.
Sun was the first to do so, though he did so awkwardly. He was unfamiliar with food prepared in this manner.
Still, he ate it.
To his surprise, it was rather pleasant. Actually, it was probably the most delicious thing that he had had the luxury of eating.
Then again, he was accustomed to soggy pizza crusts and actual trash. Any normal food would be ambrosia by comparison.
“Golly~ This is really nice. What is it~?” Sun inquired, smiling down at the woman with a curious expression. While he was still a bit confused about having been ordered to eat, he could still acknowledge that the food was delicious.
Moon, meanwhile, became hesitant to try the food. And not for the reasons that one might expect. But Ayala’s intense staring inevitably made him obey. If only for now.
The food was good. He just found himself not wanting to eat it.
“Potato cakes.” Ayala replied, before turning around to make her way back to the stove to clean up the mess she had just made. “I figured it’d be easier for you to eat than straight up mashed potatoes.” She added, bringing the dirty dishes to the sink so that she could wash them.
“Well... If you say so. But...” Sun began to speak, only to cut himself off. He wanted to ask why she had gone out of her way to make them something to eat. Then he recalled a phrase that she had told them when they first became acquainted with each other.
“Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth”.
Don’t question a gift someone gives you, simply accept it.
The woman, meanwhile, was more or less able to guess what the question would have been.
“Look. This isn’t Fazbear. This is a Home. My home. While you’re here, I’m going to take care of you. I don’t produce enough trash to keep you two charged, and even if I did, I wouldn’t want you eating it. Its trash. I have other means of getting rid of it.” Ayala stated, casually responding to the question that Sun failed to actually ask. All while she went about the business of cleaning her dishes. “On the other hand, I can more than afford to buy enough food to keep you two running. You know how cook... Or at least one of you does. If you need to eat something, then eat. You don’t need to ask.” She added, pretty much establishing that she did not want the animatronics eating trash. She would rather them just eat normal food.
Which was admittedly something that neither Sun nor Moon seemed ready to comprehend. Both wound up just standing there silently with some degree of surprise present in their features.
In addition to this, Sun found himself sort of awkwardly glancing between the plate of potato cakes that he was holding, and Ayala. Until eventually his expression contorted a bit.
He suddenly looked as though he might start to cry. His hands even began to shake a bit, causing the plate to rattle somewhat against his palms. This caught the woman off guard, as she couldn’t understand why he suddenly seemed so upset.
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bucketofbugz · 11 months
🧑‍🤝‍🧑🫵🧑‍🍳🍍🦸🏙️🏠🧫🦹😡☠️😍🐢🐱 (Overgrown specific)
hehe thank you for enabling me!!!
🧑‍🤝‍🧑 "Is April considered a sibling" This one I haven't decided yet. I prefer the idea of sibling April but also this April in particular kinda feels like that one person in a friend group that doesn't know how they got there and doesn't know how to leave.
🫵 "Who do you project onto the most" It's between Casey and Donnie, honestly.
🧑‍🍳 "Who is the best cook" Did a little spin and made Donnie the cook of the family!
🍍 "Who likes pineapple on pizza" Everyone but Raph. April introduces them to pizza, Casey introduces them to pineapple on pizza. Raph hates it she wants it to burn.
🦸 "Is Casey a vigilante" Not necessarily. Mostly he joins April and Jennika in "reporting" (livestreaming them talking about crimes and trying to figure it out). Casey wants to be a cop some day, but she also hates the corrupt system.
🏙️ "What is the main setting of your au" As the name suggests, the main setting of the au is the Overgrown! The ruins of what used to be New York before it had to be evacuated due to a nuclear radiation issue (almost the entire world was affected, but New York got it the worst). The Overgrown spreads into a couple different areas as well, but New York is the only state that literally is nothing but except for the area scientists have managed to clear out. The first gen of mutants was caused by this and were left when everything was evacuated. It eventually became a community. Torn between making it in the future or just having the Incident happen in the past.
🏠 "What is the lair like" The main sewer system (now unused and not running water) connects to a hideaway section considered the "lair" of the au. It runs into an old office building and also out into a more open area. The office building is mostly where the turtles hang out and sleep but they like being outside in the open area. It's kind of a communal area for the local mutants. They can't do it when investigations are happening though because, obviously, mutants wouldn't want to be seen by scientists.
🧫 "Were your turtles mutated intentionally or on accident" The Overgrown turtles were born mutants! Splinter and Shen were both born mutants with accidentally mutated parents from the nuclear stuff.
🦹 "Who is the main villain" Stockman and Bishop! Karai acts as a secondary antagonist but more in a "really annoyed with the main 3 humans and wants them to stop" way.
😡 "What is your villain's motivation" Seriously pure science. They want to understand the Overgrown and how it can still be so unlivable after 50-60 years. After discovering mutants they believe that they can get answers that way. They don't mean to be villains, but they really aren't ethical or moral in the way they go about things.
☠️ "Does anyone die in your au" Not technically. Few VERY near death experiences but nobody dies-dies.
😍 "Are there any romances in your au" Yes, but they aren't the main focus. Sheena and Jennika get together a bit into the au, I'm on the fence about making Rasey canon, and Donnie may or may not have a boyfriend-- who knows!! A few other relationships might happen but that's undecided.
🐢 "Are your turtles different species" Uh oh. YeAHHHH!!!! Unlike usually I didn't assign them any specific turtle species. Technically they aren't actually turtles??? They have the traits of turtles but that's just a weird mix of their rat/alligator genes from Splinter and Shen. Each of them has a different animal they're inspired by for small details! They still mostly look like turtles, though. Mikey's based on a flying squirrel, Leo's based on a chinchilla, Donnie's based on a horned lizard, and Raph's based on a bush viper! two rodents, two reptiles!
🐱 "Do any of your characters have pets" So far, I have given Mikey a pet! Bat/cat mutant (animal stayed animal) inspired by Klunk!
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bumble-bee-anon · 1 year
Oh- I hav been… busy. I missed a pizza party?
Yup! We went to hideaway pizza and had a pizza party! I have the leftovers if you want some?
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