#I just want to rest
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sushisusii · 13 days
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When does it get better?
I'm suffering with my chronic depression right now and havnt been able to do much of anything. No art, no streaming, no cleaning, no caring for myself.. In and out of doctor offices, was in the ER last week. I'm so exhausted.
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blackhillverse · 1 year
the last thing maria remembered was looking into nick’s eyes, his hands covered in her blood never letting go of maria’s numb limbs.
she let go.
the darkness gradually released its grip, giving way to a sense of serenity and comfort she had longed for since the day she was resurrected from the blip and realized a profound void had been left in her heart, torn apart by the events that had unfolded.
as her senses gradually returned, she could hear the melodic chirping of birds in the distance, their songs harmonizing with the gentle rustling of leaves. the warm rays of the sun caressed her face, casting a gentle glow upon her skin, while a salty breeze swept through the air, carrying with it a touch of the ocean's essence. as maria’s eyelids fluttered open, the world around her came into focus. colors seemed more vibrant, and the scenery unfolded before her like a painting brought to life. she found herself lying in a tranquil meadow, the grass beneath her fingertips cool and soft.
with each breath she took, the air felt invigorating, filling her lungs with a renewed sense of vitality. as she sat up, her muscles responded with a pleasant ache, reminding her of the physicality of existence. taking in the panoramic view, maria noticed a majestic mountain range in the distance, its peaks kissed by wisps of clouds. the sound of a nearby stream reached her ears, its gentle babbling adding a soothing rhythm to the symphony of nature that surrounded her.
"hey sleepyhead," came a voice from behind maria, causing her heart to skip a beat. she turned slowly, her eyes widening with astonishment as she laid eyes upon the figure standing before her. natasha's red hair gently streamed in the wind, just as radiant and vibrant as she remembered.
their gazes locked, and in that silent exchange, a myriad of unspoken words passed between them. it was as if time stood still, allowing them to savor the moment and relish in the presence of one another. no grand declarations were necessary; their connection spoke volumes in its simplicity.
"you've done so well, masha," a tender smile played upon natasha's lips as she spoke. her voice was just like she remembered—warm, velvety, and filled with a depth of emotion that resonated deep within maria's soul.
without needing to say another word, maria and natasha stepped towards one another, their embrace a testament to their enduring connection. it was a reunion that mended the fragments of their souls, rekindling a flame that had flickered but never extinguished.
as the meadow whispered its gentle secrets, the world around them faded into insignificance.
in the quiet intimacy of their reunion, maria knew that they were exactly where they were meant to be. and as their hearts beat in synchrony, they both found solace in the knowledge that their journey, though filled with pain and sacrifice, had led them to this moment of profound serenity and unspoken love.
maria hill was finally home.
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jacenotjason · 30 days
so youre telling me
the NORTHERN LIGHTS were visible here. and i couldnt see them. because i had been so overworked from going to school and being sent to my job back to back, that i passed out as soon as i got home
i had been so overworked
i missed
the goddamn northern lights
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fencer-x · 6 months
I finished erised and what do I immediately turn around and do less than three weeks before Christmas?
start writing a Christmas drarry fic because I got an amazing idea and HAVE to get it out in time for the holiday.
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sophiamamamia · 2 years
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luisthefool · 27 days
Sometimes i want to grab my brain outta my skull and just like, rattle it around like a maraca until it factory resets
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shalalalalaw · 4 months
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brownnipple-s · 2 months
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lynns-art-blog · 11 months
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updated my fursona yet again. My dysphoria is acting up again, so the mask is going back on :'D
I've been off of estrogen for a few months, and it's been a major impact on me mentally/physically. I hate that i feel like I'm regressing, like I'm, yet again, taking so many steps backwards. I just want it to be over with. I want to be done. I know I have so much more work to do, but I hate that I'm not there yet
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Writing is just not working out for me right now unfortunately :( so I guess I won’t be able to work on anything this weekend.
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thebusylilbee · 1 year
the good news : huge improvement on the foot infection !!! the swelling is almost gone, I can now walk without crutches again altho im still limping a bit, the pain is much much lower as well !
the bad news : .............I woke up with the gum around my decayed wisdom tooth hurting.............................. I think my body is giving up on me
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speakeasier · 5 months
crippling thumbs up. hey, so i'll be gone again for the three day weekend due to a surprise birthday celebration.
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volensnolenss · 6 months
my honest reaction when i got 70/70 on the test:
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pumpkinspiceshiplover · 6 months
I hate when people say "just make it through today".
I can't I'm too tired.
I don't want to.
I've been "just getting through" today for years.
I'm tired.
I want to rest.
This isn't for you.
It's for me.
I want to rest.
Why won't you let me rest?
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maxandhisdelusions · 7 months
i fell into the realization that, for an absurdly long time now, i am constantly suicidal.
my switch does not alternate between on and off, but rather active and passive.
i forced myself into a state of numbness because this way i can actually let my switch rest in passive mode.
i want to die every single day that i wake up alive, but at least now (and for a while) i am not actively seeking to be six feet under.
is it comforting to come to this realization? not at all.
do i have a choice at the moment? not really.
...and i wanna feel.
i miss feeling.
now i am either nothing or unbearably angry with no inbetween.
i am tired of this.
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