#I will accept the answers
realmofstupid · 1 year
Remember to reblog for larger sample size!
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evidently-endless · 7 months
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ladymariayuri · 2 years
my name got rejected by the toontown admins. what should I rename my character
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frogs-in3-hills · 4 months
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hi does anyone else think about april throwing herself over leo to shield him in the shredder strikes back despite having no weapons no way to defend herself and probably assuming she was going to die. does anyone think about that all the time. every day. uncontrollably
[ID: Digital fanart of Ninja Turtles 2003 depicting a scene from The Shredder Strikes Back part 2. April kneels over an injured Leo, cradling his head and looking back over her shoulder to snarl viciously at the camera, though there is obvious fear in her eyes. Her hair has partially fallen out of her bun, the loose strands sticking to her face with sweat. She has a cut on her cheek. Only a portion of Leo’s face can be seen from behind her shoulder. He looks up at her with a sad, pained expression. He has a swollen, bloody shiner on his cheek in addition to other cuts and bruises on the rest of his body. They are on the wooden floor of a dark attic. End ID.]
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haunthouse · 1 year
because i've seen 3 other polls like this and they were all missing the best options
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strawlessandbraless · 10 days
Honestly if I want to clown over destiel, it’s my god given right. Like I appreciate your concern, but no thank you. Choosing hope and love just like my boy castiel, this is where I live now
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rhiannonsaintofcharm · 2 months
do you guys think that part of the reason Gideon’s death was so devastating to Harrow was that before then, there had at least been one person who survived the mass murder that created her? two hundred souls had been destroyed for her sake, but the annihilation wasn’t complete — there was one who escaped. one who lived. do you think Gideon dying, for the sake of Harrow living, snuffed out her one last glimmer of hope for absolution?
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t4tails · 11 months
no more "which are you" polls
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sexygaywizard · 2 years
My gender is nothing exciting; I’d just describe it as “woman, but slightly to the left”.
All women should be to the left, comrade! Proletarii vsekh stran, soyedinyaytes!
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vagueconfusion · 1 month
Video taken by Katie McAllister on Facebook and posted to the Vessel Is God....Everything Sleep Token🙌🏻🎶✨ facebook group
Anyways here's II throwing lemons. For. A Reason.
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ddarker-dreams · 9 months
Forgive me if this sort of thing has been explored before but picture this scenario: Chrollo coming home to darling having a panic attack. Why? What's going on?? She won't tell him, because it's a panic attack triggered by a phobia of something very mundane. She doesn't want him to know she has a phobia and she definitely doesn't want him to know what kind of phobia. To give an example let's say she has an irrational fear of mice. RIDICULOUS. He mustn't know. Lie lie lie distract disengage.
THIS ........ this setup does something for me........... i've recently fixated on this concept where you wake up from an awful nightmare, something like chrollo coldly ordering your death and for it to be as painful as possible.
you wake up, tears on your cheeks and sweat causing your nightwear to adhere to your skin. you're met with an unusual sight — chrollo's side of the bed is empty. cold, too. he must have been gone for a while now. any other night, this detail wouldn't arouse suspicion. if anything, it'd cause relief, that you've finally caught a break from his ever-watchful eye.
then your mind reminds you that chrollo isn't your only foe. it replays those images, those sounds, snapping and squelching as your grisly end nears.
you do what you can to calm yourself. splashing cold water on your face, drinking water, wiping the sweat from your brow; the way you go about everything is mechanical. he could do it, your thoughts taunt. this isn't the monster of your bed — waking up doesn't make the threat disappear. it only brings you closer.
with shaking hands, you open the door separating the bedroom from a moderately sized living space. you shove your pride aside and call out his name. softly, at first, and then at your normal speaking volume. nothing. would he really leave you on your own for this long without setting up precautions?
or maybe... is he preparing to finally do away with you?
the world goes on without your senses bothering to process anything. your body reacts like it would if an apex predator was gaining on you; all-consuming adrenaline, unsteady breathing, trembling limbs. this unrelenting whirlpool pushes you down to abyssal depths.
you're running out of air and it's too deep to surface.
then you hear a voice you recognize.
chrollo's kneeling down beside you, eyebrows furrowing, a prominent frown on his face. he rarely reveals this much emotion, small as it is. you can practically hear the gears in his head turning, attempting to piece together the situation and its severity. his hand is steady on your shoulder and the timbre of his voice soothes you. it's so consistent, so reliable, he always seems to know what to do and what to say.
you don't care to dwell on these bizarre thoughts. not now, not when you feel like you're drowning. an anchor is an anchor, even if it's a man you've sworn to loathe. it's okay to seek comfort, isn't it? no one could judge you. you can't judge yourself, either. you've been through so much — now and in the past — what's wrong with accepting the sweet fruit he's tempted you with?
you latch yourself to him. it isn't graceful or romantic, it's clinging to the lifeline that pushed you overboard to begin with. he lets out a soft sound at the ferocity of your grip. anyone else would've been knocked over by the sheer exertion of force, but chrollo didn't even budge. he must decide to discern the specifics later as he doesn't prod at you with questions. no, he reciprocates the embrace with an ardor that would've sickened you any other time.
you're babbling incoherently and yet he picks up enough to hazard a guess at what brought this about. he reassures you that he'd never harm you, that the thought alone makes him feel emotions he thought himself incapable of. he hugs you close, rubs his hands over your back, presses lingering kisses to your temple, and shushes you.
exhaustion catches up near the final tears you've shed. chrollo keeps himself still so as not to disturb you when you fall unconscious. he picks you up gently, brings you back to your side of the bed and puts you down. fondness envelops his heart at your now peaceful visage. he smooths out a stray hair cascading down your face.
all he intended to do was make a quick phone call, but coming back to you, with your glassy eyes and trembling lips, essentially attaching yourself to him like he's your sole source of comfort ... he might need to pinch himself to ensure he isn't dreaming.
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sonknuxadow · 8 months
the sonic twitter takeovers are canon when they say something i like and not canon when they say something i dont like hope this helps
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irkendogma · 1 month
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tak programmed her bootleg sir unit to be able to taunt enemies, stare vacantly when idle, and express unhappiness when physically harmed. her self-constructed ship has a fully functional, slightly-modified copy of her own personality and a physical design that gives it not only limbs but actual body language when acting as land transport. what's her problem? is she lonely?
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husbandhoshi · 3 months
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carlyraejepsans · 3 months
Do you think Character and Frisk are nonbinary or is it supposed to be up to the players ?
no i don't think they're nonbinary
seeing as every single human we've met has been referred to as neutral the most logical conclusion is that UTDR humans straight up don't have genders at all.
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jeeaark · 6 months
I love Greygold! What do you think his personal quest would be if he were a companion/follower instead of a player character?
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I have yet to play the dark urge run, but I HEARD THINGS. And-and Rangers have a bounty hunter passive choice so-so why wouldn't Greygold try their shot? Gonna catch themself a new BFF or wind up dead first morning
Bonus personal quest for Tavs:
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Like. I've NOTICED that bg3 personal quests have a certain pattern involving EXTREMELY AWFUL CIRCUMSTANCES, but uh I couldn't put Greygold through that, so next best thing: animal friendship discord!
You thought Greygold's only got one personal quest? Try five.
Technically, probably a personal problem as normal Tav too, but A LOT LESS PRIORITIZED now that they're learning how to be Team Leader to a whole Different Disaster Team of all time.
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