#I wish I didn’t delete my old blogs and I wish the old server was still up
mugsy · 3 months
POP spoilers (?)
I think it’s just a lil bit funny looking back on Epithet Alternate (the goofy little EE roleplay group I did with some friends back in early 2020) cuz we accidentally predicted a couple of things that happened in EE/some future arcs for EE
Our first event was literally a jail break with Indus, Mera, and Ramsey (who didn’t even wanna come with). I don’t think any of us even knew there was gonna be an Actual prison break arc back then— we were still in the Really Early era of EE’s fandom. I think the only difference was that Giovanni was also there bc he accidentally revealed who he was online BANDNSNDNNF
ALSO ACCIDENTALLY PREDICTED GIO TAKING MOLLY AWAY FROM HER UNSTABLE HOME LIFE. THAT’S A BIGGER ONE. Only difference is that instead of hiding out at Crusher’s place, Ramsey helped him get his hands on an apartment. STILL THO. CRAZY AND INSANE.
Maybe it’s just the ability to recognize what would logically make sense as a next step for these characters? Idk! I think it’s a little funny in retrospect
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whats with the willy wonka ai stuff also hi metaru hows your day?
Still ruminating about being a dick to some people the past few days bc my triggers got really bad and I was paranoid and didn’t realise it until I blew up at them basically. They were very kind to me, but also very understandably they blocked me, and I feel very bad because I shouldn’t have taken my fear and anger out on other people at all let alone friends. I’ve left discord servers we've shared so they could be more comfortable and I’m moving on, but I do wish I could somehow take that hurt away because it was genuinely really awful of me. I haven’t been like that in years, and it’s a side of me I’m trying very hard to improve from, but I guess I just got overwhelmed and angry at myself and I lashed out at others. That’s not their fault- it’s mine, and I have tried to delete any of the paranoia spirals I have on my blog (if I haven’t, it’s because I don’t remember stressful events- literally my memories of the past few days are completely gone, I don’t have a fucking clue what happened outside of physical chat logs and stuff).
Other that that, I’m actually doing really well, though that is a struggle as always. I’m watching ATLA with my mum and loving that, I’m playing on Animal Crossing again, slowly but surely working on both my picrew and a longer c!Prime fic than I normally write, and just… honestly, even though I’m feeling a lot of things, I’m happy, y’know? I’m less angry, at others and myself. I’m still afraid but that’s bc I have panic attacks when I lose like one follower (which is inevitable bc I’ve been on this blog long enough to have a fair few) because I’m petrified of my friends being harassed. That’s something I do very frequently, it’s a nightmare trauma thing lol.
As for the Willy Wonka thing, it’s a scam AI event made by a scam company. Parents showed up with their kids to be met with a barely furnitured warehouse and actors who were trying their best but stuck on an AI script that had marvellous things like expecting the actors to do literal magic and introducing The Unknown, who's a masked evil man who lives in the walls, which I know I as a six year old would have adored, but obviously frightened a lot of kids. They had a single jellybean and a quarter of a cup of lemonade each to give the kids, by the way, and they ran out.
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dangan-ronpa-imagines · 3 months
Not gonna bother asking for you to crop me out unlike last time, but heyo its me, former Mod Masky of the blog that was ran by you-know-who. Saw this place was active again and wanted to give a quick wave! I'm glad to see you've been doing good, Erin! I've missed the good times we had as fellow mods and friends, especially on the old Discord server. But, just like you, I think about her quite a bit, especially because I was developing a crush on her, er, who I thought she was, at the time... I even saw she still had some of my old work on the blog she ran, and it's impressive how much I've both improved but also regressed when it came to my skills. (I've not written in a long time due to life, and have only recently gotten back into it. Yes, it was SMUT writing btw. That still hasn't changed.) I too can only hope she learned her lesson and finally took some steps to improve herself, both mentally and as a person. I don't think I'll ever forgive her for what she did... I'll end off by saying somethings to address and update people who may happen to remember me. I left that blog because of what you-know-who did, but she deleted my departure note, as it also called her out. I was considering joining this blog, but declined due to the slight trauma I gained from you-know-who, and to also put my full focus into college. Also, I'm really not active here anymore, but still like to view and browse. You can find me primarily on Twitter/X now. Lastly, I'm married now to a wonderful man! ;D Have a wonderful day/night! And sorry for the long ass ask!
Actually forgot to respond to this but everyone say congratulations!!! Life seems to be good to you according to instagram lol and I’m so happy for you!! Honestly it kind of went downhill after that whole incident and I think after a while I didn’t care so much for the series!!! Don’t get me wrong I’m still a big fan but I’ve moved onto other things as people do!!!! Like my second playthrough of Baldur’s Gate 3 I don’t have much time for writing cause working saps all of my energy away and I’m planning on going back to school so who knows!!! Regardless I wish you and your husband all of the happiness in the world ❤️ thank you for the time you spent with us!!! ~ Mod Eri
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antirqlacey · 4 months
Hi. I want to talk to someone because I’m feeling really scared and alone. I have bad age dysphoria. Like, bad. I’m a radqueer. I mean, I used to be. I don’t know anymore. I’ve been looking for support for my identity (I call myself transage) and I found it in the radqueer community. While I was there, I heard from people who claimed that they were suicidal because they looked in the mirror and didn’t see a Japanese person. I would support them and encourage them to transition. That’s part of the reason I stayed radqueer, because I don’t understand the inherent harm in transitioning race as long as it cures dysphoria. Dysphoria is a horrible condition I wouldn’t wish on anyone. I tried to join a radqueer server today. I want to meet people like me. My alternative is crying into a pillow. There was so much pro-contact advocacy. It was a server made up of child predators. I was forced to confront the sheer amount of child predators in my community. One of them had the transage flag as their pfp. Seeing someone using my flag to justify that… it hurt. A lot. And now I’m debating leaving the radqueer community. But I don’t know where else to go.
hello anon, you’re very very brave for being able to come to talk to ANYBODY about this. and i think you’re doing good even just by acknowledging the faults in your community. i’ll leave you some resources below but, i want to let you know that you are not alone with your dysphoria. i also have age dysphoria and I understand how it feels. addressing the last part, i believe a safer community would be the mogai / liom community and the general atypical dysphoria community here. i know this experience has to be terrifying but just know that you’re not alone and that you again, are so so brave for being able to get the courage to try to leave. i hope that you’re able to leave smoothly and safely.
dealing with atypical dysphoria :
coping with age dysphoria
general positivity
while not being a resource some tips i could find that might make things easier is:
blocking radqueer tags
making a new blog and deleting the old one if possible.
again anon, i hope you’re able to leave safely and smoothly.
if anyone else can leave anymore resources that i left out please leave them in the notes!
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michiganrag · 2 years
In response to Anonymous following up on their Looney Tunes comics character dynamics ask from two years ago:
It’s good to hear from you! I actually deleted that initial ask because I didn’t think that you/anyone would still be interested if I didn’t answer within a couple of days...I'm keeping this follow up ask in my drafts until I’m able to give it a proper response--you deserve one lol. The comics are their own strange canon I’d love to get back into exploring so no worries! I do wish some things like Petunia and Bugs like you mentioned would get re-explored in LTC, a lot of potential there.
9/11/22 EDIT: I feel stupid being this way about an ask I could probably throw some stuff down on, but I wanted to reread the comics so I remembered stuff I’ve forgotten the past couple years when things were fresh in my mind, but that’s just…. Not happening. Late July things got unexpectedly rough and even tho it’s doing better now in terms of my schedule I’m at a point where I’m so far behind in classwork now from late July that I can’t keep up. I don’t know if you were keeping tabs on this, it’s so embarrassing but I’m probably not ever getting to it or doing a serious write up for this blog in the foreseeable months.
UHHH BASICALLY THINGS ARE DIFFERENT BUGS AND ELMER AND DAFFY ARE MORE EXPLICITLY FRIENDS, YOSIMITE SAM EVEN IS EASIER TO GET ALONG WITH, we have daffy that isn’t cynical interacting with Bugs which I thought was fresh and still really like. There’s also Bugs and Porky able to be chums but also get into little rivalries (if memory serves) which is great for them, and it’s interesting to see since they never interact in the show. That’s the crux of it never interacting in the show. HERES WHERE I WOULD ADD PICTURES AND ENDEARING EXAMPLES BUT I GOTTA BE GETTING READY FOR WORK IN A HANDFUL OF HOURS SORRY.
Here’s what I wrote in July, tl;dr my main tumblr, life update from the past couple years, and that you can DM me for my discord:
Also, since you asked how I’ve been (two years ago I was taking a break from Tumblr), I think I’ll update here publicly for anybody curious on this blog slowing down/me personally:
Basically, I’m doing fine. I honestly lost a bit of interest in LT compared to where I’ve been in the past. If you want to see what I’m into at any given time I’m active daily on @surfinthehighway​ though I don’t really pressure myself to post original content at all and just ramble, sometimes A LOT, in the tags of reblogs. It’s fun.
My LT interest will crop back up with time no doubt--old ones always come back around.
Outside of hobbies, where we last left off with me taking a break was a period of wild unhappiness which has since led to me getting my first job and dropping out of my four-year college to take classes more geared towards working in the animation industry from online institutions and art colleges via continuing education classes. So I’ve been busy busy busy! If anyone does want to connect, I think Discord might be the best way. I don’t want to have my Discord tag here publicly but shoot me a DM if you want to connect there or if you want to join my LT server (it’s been quiet recently but it’s small and comfy... infodumping encouraged!)
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Let’s talk about cults- a letter to witchblr
You probably know me from this blog or perhaps from @desertandstorm or maybe you just never heard of me. The point is, I used to consider myself magically inclined. Unfortunately, it’s been ruined for me. People always say that you never expect to join one and honestly that is incredibly true! These people were my friends and my mentors, I never knew it would blow up in my face like that.  When we think of spiritual safety, people on this site most often bring up spirits or herb safety, never fully touching on the topic of the overlap of covens vs. cults. I don’t blame them, it is truly a messy subject to properly handle without convincing someone all covens are cults (which is absolutely not true) So here’s my go at it based off of my experiences RED FLAGS
They’re pushy about their beliefs 
They try and separate you from the “others”
Slander other groups
proclaim they’re the only right
“nobody else knows what they’re doing”
Something about them just always has to be one step ahead 
The head of the coven can’t accept criticism 
Denial of problems
Conflicting info and logical fallacies 
This is iffy but casual godphoning of several gods and goddesses especially ones that they just started working with
Invasive actions such as unwanted readings and spells
(goes with the last one) refusal to take responsibility 
Gaslighting and other forms of emotional manipulation
treat you special when you first join
leave you in the dust after you lose your novelty
(please feel free to add more in reblogs)
you feel like you’re failing them somehow
your mental health worsens because of them
This list is based off of my own struggles I’m still trying to come to grips with
Cults are only physical!
I got snagged by a Discord server. They can be anywhere where you are vulnerable.
Cult leaders are creepy old dudes
The ring leader was a dude in college. They can also start off as your friends. Cults exist to take advantage, there is no set way for them to appear
Aren’t cults like devil worshippers?
No, we were a diverse group who all didn’t share practices. (I’m a pop pagan and no one else was)
It’s so obvious
While I knew something was wrong, it wasn’t until after I left and someone pointed it out I realized what I was in. 
Isn’t the damage physical? like brandings and shit
No, the damage was very much psychological and spiritual. While I believe someone did carve their arm under the influence of a leader, nothing physical happened to me. However, I can’t touch Aphrodite, Lilith, or Loki related things given their current associations. I can’t even worship Set now because I feel... dirty, like I was such a fool. 
once more based off of my experiences if someone would like to add advice for physical situations please do 
Assess your situation
if they hit a good amount of red flags, they’re probably a cult
if they hit a few red flags, they’re a toxic group
Cult or toxic group it doesn’t matter. They showed red flags, it isn’t worth it.
You’re going to feel alone, it’s ok. It’s ok to feel alone after all that time. You aren’t alone in that.  
Cut ties
Delete all related social media you used pertaining to the group
Make sure to work backwards so they can’t trace you 
Delete everything that could’ve touched your tumblr or discord or however else you were in contact. 
If you can’t delete certain accounts, change the username/ profile pic/ description and lock it down to private 
Pick a new internet handle to go under for awhile and don’t tell people your old name. fae rules. 
Lay low around the spiritual community and don’t try and interact unless it’s with people you trust 
It’s ok.
I’m serious we’ll get over this
To those struggling right now, you are strong you are brave
I know it’s so hard to feel like you’re so small that everything you did was lies, but please don’t let your work go to waste. Your first reaction will probably be to destroy your previous alters or delete all your journal posts, but just hold on to them. Save them for later you might be surprised. 
Your pain is valid 
Closing thoughts
Quite frankly, I miss spirituality. I miss the community it brought. I miss the Dolorosa and working with Sutekh. I am beyond pissed that was forcibly taken from me, and even now, slowly but surely, I am trying to make my way back to where I was. Before making this post, I was ashamed. So horribly ashamed of myself and just filled with disgust and hatred. I also used to worship Aphrodite and to see her have been made a mockery of just breaks my heart
and its ok. 
I accept my normal now wasn’t the normal before. To expect my mind to just ignore everything that happened is stupid. That isn’t what healing is. Healing is... acceptance. Not of what happened, but of yourself. I will honor those that I used to by honoring myself and striving to create my own future free from those that wish me harm. 
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since you say not to believe people without proof, do you have any proof that gothamrhythm sends themselves anon hate or were blaming you for it? i don’t see you mentioned on their blog (tho i realize they couldve deleted the posts) but right now it just seems like a he-said-she-said situation
i'll try to break down the interpersonal history of gothamrhythm and their friends for you. this is entirely through personal experience, especially because while they have a history of this, i can't get screenshots from the blogs they keep making and then deleting.
gothamrhythm is their umpteenth blog. they make a new blog, a new persona, a whole new f/o list, and then eventually (whether because they don't like someone or they aren't getting enough attention), they get very specific and personal anon hate. i wish i could explain to you what i mean, but they have nothing to do with self shipping, match their typing style exactly, and are just things they always post being upset or insecure about. then they get nervous or called out about it, and completely delete that blog. when they make a new one, the SAME exact thing happens. this time, unfortunately i was the target.
most of the anon they sent me was just insults, but i'm not an idiot and i picked up on the few references. again, personal shit. not really anything i can provide a screenshot on because it wasn't a big deal or something that happened on tumblr. "person you kept attacking for weeks cause you were bitter you lost a friend you used to care about until they started doing things you don’t agree with but not even on reasonable shit" is a reference to a friend i had here named shay, who began shipping with h**s*nberg despite knowing his nazi influence. when i explained why it's so harmful for jewish people to witness and offensive to any marginalized group, shay left my server, blocked me, deleted their entire self ship blog, and only kept a roleplay blog where they went on to rp with h**s*nberg roleplayers. i had no idea at the time that shay was good friends with gothamrhythm, so when shay eventually remade and started making the rounds again, i shot a quick message to gothamrhythm to be wary because of the h**s*nberg situation. that's it. that's one of the few times i spoke to them. i didn't attack anyone for weeks, shay had made their exit and why disappointing because i thought they were better than that, it was out of my control. one of the other things i spoke to gothamrhythm about at least twice before this event was the existence of h**s*nberg and they explained how upset and uncomfortable he made them, agreeing with all my points of why it's bad to ship with him. so "not reasonable shit" is a dead giveaway on how they're suddenly defending themselves.
about the anon they claim i sent them. i just saw it on their blog and all i can say is, one: i don't send anon hate. i'm a 25 year old man. i have better things to do with my time. two: i don't... talk like that. and i'm not about to go after a kid?? this person is 17. three: it's the exact same type of shit they've been sending themselves across blogs. random and personal. it also comes just two-three days after i updated my crush list since i've been watching a few new anime. one of those is demon slayer, which my brother loves and has been begging me to watch with him for a long time. at the same time i added tengen to my crush list, gothamrhythm had reblogged two images of him. i KNOW this is what set them off. i don't know what kind of problems they have in their personal life but they fly off the handle at anything, especially f/os. this was their way of not only getting rid of me, but baiting their mutuals into unfollowing/blocking me. i can also say there is a history of similar behavior, because they fsr (for attention ig) would follow my friend corrin, copy his f/o list, block him, come back days later and do the same thing over and over. it was extremely uncomfortable as you can imagine and with all of this piled on top of one another, it's very clear what's happening here.
lastly, since that anon had mostly insults and horrible things to say, it is considered just plain harassment (especially if they are also spreading this lie about me). the comment about toxic masculinity is blatant transphobia because i am a trans man and this whole thing is made up. i've barely been on tumblr for weeks because my boyfriend is living with me now and we have other things to do besides sitting on tumblr looking for likes or, you know, bullying children?? so i have no idea what they're on about, but i never do. it's all horse shit. and in the end i have every right to say "don't interact with me if you interact with them", because this is the harassment of a trans brown man and i refuse to put up with it. if you're still not understanding of all this, you're free to unfollow. i really do not care
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the-space-lady · 3 years
I think it is time to say Goodbye.
Hello! Mod here, Tataia. I’ve come to make an announcement about the-space-lady and edgy-frenchman.
From this day on, I will not be updating these blogs anymore. I will be closing the inbox and delete all unanswered asks.
Don’t worry! They will still be up, you can come back to look through everything as many times as you’d like, but don’t expect any new posts in either blogs.
Now, we all know already that these blogs have been on an never ending hiatus, and it showed no signs of updating regularly like back in the day. So, let’s have a little (okay, kind of long) chat, about how this blog came to life, and how I am happy and thankful with everything that came from it.
Feel free to not read this at all, because it is kind of a long read.
If you have any questions, please send an ask to my main blog, @tataiafurquim​, and follow my twitter where I’m the most active, also going by the same username.
Three years ago, 2017, for the first time in the Brawlhalla history, there was a new legend leak! It was a picture taken with a phone of a monitor screen which showed the character selection screen in Brawlhalla, of the next legend in the default pose (the one that every legend has before getting their signature poses once they’re released); that was the first time everyone saw Artemis. BMG didn’t even announce her on dev streams by that point. The picture was shared in the r/Brawlhalla discord server, and, Calamari-Pop herself had tagged me to see it in one of the text channels, saying, ‘look! female Orion!’. Since I started playing the game, I’ve always been an Orion main, and once I saw Artemis for the first time, I felt like it was love at first sight.
I was instantly hyped for the character, while most people were complaining that ‘BMG had run out of ideas for new legends’, I couldn’t wait for her release, she was so beautiful, I never felt so hyped for something like I did for Artemis. I was probably the first person to make fanart for her and post it on r/Brawlhalla. People’s opinions on Artemis were very 50/50. People didn’t like her because ‘it’s just female Orion’, others genuinely liked her, and were excited to play with the next scythe legend.
I didn’t have many friends at the time who were into Brawlhalla, so for me the hype was kept mainly to myself, and of course, through my art. The picture we had of Artemis was very poor quality, so a lot of early art was missing a lot of details, but I didn’t care; I just kept drawing the only thing that was bringing me happiness.
I was a 14 year old when all of this happened, school was being very rough on me, back in the day I used to struggle so much to study, it was a pain to focus and learn, I’d always give up and go back to video games and art. My grades were horrible, I felt like my personal friendships were kind of faling apart, and so with my family. The only light at the end of the tunnel I had at the time, was the idea of making an ask blog for Artemis.
At first, I was skeptical. What if it flops? The Brawlhalla community wasn’t very active in other social medias, it was small, but everyone was close and if something big was announced, the word would spread fast. I mean, it was worth a short. Worse comes to worse, I delete the blog and move on. Ask blogs weren’t as popular as they were either.
I had claimed the URL even before Artemis was announced in a dev stream, so the blog was ready to go. I remember waiting a little more than a month when the patch of her release was finally online, and I did my move of announcing the blog in every social media I could, and so I waited for the community to show up.
And they didn’t stop coming! It was ask after ask, I was so happy, this little blog was my escape from the real world. Answering people as Artemis was honestly the most fun I was having during that year. And I could also draw her as much as I’d like! The blog was growing, and so was my audience of people who was genuinely following me for my regular art. Even when I was grounded because I did bad on a test, I still answered people with drawings made on paper.
Needless to say, this blog was definitely, a start for me in the Brawlhalla community. “Are you the person who draws a lot of Artemis?” “Yep! That’s me!” It was great, I felt like I was finally becoming someone somewhat important in a community like I always wished to, drawing what I loved, and people loved it. I even met my soon-to-be boyfriend through it!
But of course, that didn’t stop what was happening outside of the computer screen. Things were going even more downhill the more I focused on the internet and forgot about real life. It was helpless; there was no way I was passing that school year, I’d have to repeat it. My parents had decided that maybe one of the issues was that, my old school, was one of those schools that go really hard on the students, and that was not my place. So, the next year, 2018, I changed schools for the first time.
I’ve always had really bad anxiety. On the first day in the new school, you know what I did? I drew Artemis. What a surprise to nobody, but for me, this was my moment of realization, that this space lady from a fighting game, was my comfort character. This possibly canonically evil woman who wants to kill my main because of some fucked up shit he did in the past, was my comfort character. I was depressed? I drew Artemis. I was happy? I drew Artemis. I was extremely pissed off?? You guessed it! I drew Artemis! It is likely that a lot of pieces I made of her that I’ve posted online, were created from strong emotions I had while I drew it. There’s a lot that I didn’t even post either.
In 2018 I was still updating the blog, but I was also focusing a lot more on school. I was managing to get good grades, I made new friends, had new experiences, and my relationship with my family was getting better. Of course every year has its ups and downs, but overall, the important part, was finally being taken care of; I passed the school year, and then I passed again, and I passed again! I have just one more year to go, and hopefully, in 2021 I’ll be done.
Setting that aside, as the blog grew, my audience online did so too. My art improved, I’ve become, for the lack of a better word, an important member in the community. A lot of people have seen my art, and some of them probably don’t even follow me!
Today, I am a Brawlhalla Partner, I have a wonderful boyfriend, incredible friends, an amazing relationship with my family, and I am now hoping for a bright future of work ahead of me, and it was all thanks to this ask blog of a fictional character who I deeply loved. I would have never made it where I am today without Artemis, without Brawlhalla, without all of you. I could ever be thankful, and all I can give you all is more fanart of this amazing game that has completely changed my life, and with how Brawlhalla has been growing? Keep an eye on this one, it’s gonna get big.
Thank you so much everyone who has supported me over the years, and followed me more than just Artemis content. The updates on the blog have stopped because I’ve been focusing on other things. trying out new stuff and focusing on myself to become a better person and artist, creating my own stories with original characters, which I’m excited to share with all of you.
Anyway, take care, whoever read this far <3 Hopefully 2021 will be a better year for everyone.
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rrrawrf-writes · 4 years
lordy lordy loo it’s been a hot minute since i’ve made an original post, i forgot where the button was
so. some of you may have seen the stuff running around about violetvineyard and mvcreates, some of you may not have. i’m just gonna lay out my experiences here, now that other people are talking about it and now that the server has been deleted. i’m gonna try to present a fair and nuanced version; i’m not gonna include screenshots (right now) bc i’m lazy, mostly.
there are several other people who are putting up way better breakdowns than i am. i just figured i might as well toss mine onto the pile bc why not? but if you’re hoping to hear from me a story about how i’ve been wronged, per se, you won’t find much of one, because i played mainly a spectator role, and never had much trouble there. i will have a vague, lukewarm defense of some of the people involved that other people may not agree with, but again, this is all just the whole VV deal from my point of view.
@nuwuhorizons (i haven’t said how dang much i lOVE your url) and @sapiencenotes have very good receipts and breakdowns. if you want a more in-depth (and dramatic, forgive me for using the word, i’m not trying to downplay this), check them out. @time-to-write-and-suffer also has some great stuff on their blog about all of this.
all righty. so. i joined VV not right at the beginning, but soon after it was started. there was an application process, i got accepted, i was looking for a community to help me start writing more. (it didn’t help, but that’s not their fault, that’s mine.) the person who owned the server was called mina, and on tumblr, mina’s url was mvcreates. mina is a nonbinary Muslim woman of color, a professional who i believe works at harvad and deals a lot with things like infectious diseases, iirc. she was doing a whole lot of work when the pandemic came around, and so the past few months wasn’t quite as active as she had been at the start, both on the server and tumblr. 
the very first time mina came on my radar, before i joined vv, was because she had corrected someone’s typo on a post, and it stirred up a minor drama about “don’t give unsolicited criticism” and “is pointing out minor errors like that okay” and blahblahblah. i ran across that on a friend’s dash, and also ran across the promo for vv from that friend’s dash, as well, and joined bc y not.
everything was p cool for a while. it was nice to meet some new people and some of my mutuals on there. mina seemed like a fun person. she was about a year, year and a half, maybe, older than i am. the first things that kind of started rubbing me wrong at the start was how she would kind of dismiss suggestions for the server than i and a friend had, and how she kept bringing up her age - she would often say things like “well i wouldn’t do that but i’m an Old(TM) so maybe i just don’t get it” and i can’t really explain why that bothered me. i think it felt dismissive, like Younger Folks Don’t Know How Things Should Work. also, like. she kept bringing it up. as if it meant something, as if plenty of us on that server weren’t actually around her age. there was a convo on vaccinations where i wanted to make the point that a lot of anti-vaxxers should be educated instead of ridiculed and shamed, but i never really got to making that point bc she jumped in very sharply and explained that anti-vaxxers all come from a class of people who are generally educated. i didn’t bother saying anything else. 
at the start, it was tiny little things like that. i chalked it up to her personality and mine just not quite matching up. i sat down a lot and examined my own internal biases, bc i knew something was bugging me, but i couldn’t tell if it was legitimate, or if i was jealous and petty, or if i was being discriminatory towards her identity. i still wonder that a lot; i want to be careful that i’m examining her actions here, and not the person who made those actions.
because the other thing that bothered me was that she was perfect at pretty much everything. she was a decent, if not good, writer, from what i read. i thought her “art”/edits were neat, even if sometimes i looked at them going “that just looks like an edit, not your own art, but u kno, edits are art too, so i’m not gonna say anything.” she had a lot of motivation, a lot of ambition. soon, this kind of transferred over into me feeling like she acted like she had to be perfect at everything. i think this is probably one of the more “lisa is just being petty” things, rather than a judgement on her character, but she seemed to flaunt her own skills and accomplishments a lot. not that no one is allowed to brag sometimes! but it was just another layer of “this bothers me.”
then there was the hero worship.
people in the server loved mina. i liked her. i had no problems with her, even if there were a few things i was a little “ehhhh” about. vv got pretty big, pretty quickly, and i assume there was a decent amount of turnover and people who just joined to lurk or sometimes share things in the promos channel or elsewhere. but the most active folks just. they adored mina with every fiber of their being. mina could do no wrong. no one ever called her out on anything; everything she did was hailed as fantastic and wonderful. and honestly, for the most part, it wasn’t like she was doing crappy stuff. some of the praise was well-deserved, imo, but it just bordered on embarrassing for some of these people, how much they just worshipped the ground she walked on.
and she didn’t really like, discourage it. like, at the start, i think i remember her being more modest, but in general, she just let it go, and so did i, bc like. i aint that kinda jerk.
the stated purpose of violetvineyard was to have a community that valued reciprocity. reciprocity was mina’s biggest thing. there was a channel for people to post their stuff on, so the rest of us could browse and read and reblog. i, admittedly, didn’t do as much of that as i wish i did, but part of it was because i do have a life outside of the internet, a memory and attention span the size of a gnat, and because like. 90% of the stuff that people put in the promos channel were things like edits, writeblr intros, wip intros, etc etc, when all i wanted was to just read some actual writing. but that’s neither here nor there. what got hilarious to me, though, was whenever mina’s fervent admirers would talk about how mina was, quote, a pillar of the community. how vv was doing something No Other Writeblr Group Had Done Before. how Important and Special this server was.
folks. i’ve been on here for several years now. we don’t have a community. we have a bunch of little cliques who reblog from their friends and complain about people not reblogging them. noah fence, but come on. vv got pretty dang big, but it was still a small corner of a small section of tumblr. like. sorry, all y’all, but them’s the breaks.
also, this was hilarious to me bc there are several big writeblrs who have been running around long before mina and vv showed up. yet, according to these people in the server, mina had Single-handedly Brought Hope To This Desolate Wasteland.
in the end, vv became just another little clique whose members reblogged from their friends. i don’t want to devalue the good that did come out of vv. a lot of the picture being painted rn was that the majority of the server were scary dog-piling people. the majority of the server were just writeblrs looking to promo their stuff and talk about their writing. unfortunately, few bad apples, bad rep, negatives outshine positives, etc etc. but i think it did do some good re: exposure for a few folks, even tho it didn’t turn into what it could have been. 
another one of the things that was a minor irritant to me was that they eventually started archiving the vent channel, which was probably the most-used channel. that didn’t sit right to me, but as always, i was a coward had nothing to say about it, so i didn’t. the reason given was that there were often things in the vent channel that people might regret being there, so it was periodically archived and a fresh channel started.
so i’m rambling a lot about stuff that’s probably boring and inconsequential. that’s 90% of this whole vv thing, tho, you need to understand that. 
the biggest thing that bothered me about mina, i think, came about from the constant hero worship from her adoring fans. and i know there’s a whole argument to be said about expecting labor from people with marginalized identities, which is an argument i agree with - don’t expect someone of a minority group to educate you or to face trauma or to shut down bigots, etc etc. but by now, mina had a lot of followers in general, and in specific, she had quite a few people who would defend her at every single perceived slight.
she made a lot of those fun writeblr reblog games, like “send me a fruit that says this about my writing.” those were cool, i’ll admit that. but she was super into “you have to send an ask to the person you reblog from, RECIPROCITY!!!!!!!!!!!” and seemed to struggle with the fact that sometimes, people don’t follow her established rules on her posts for these games. she’d complain about it every single time that happened in the vent channel, which, again, that’s fine? that’s what vents are for, it’s annoying to not get cool fun asks when you do these games, but also, that’s life for you. she could depend on her fans to send her plenty of asks, whereas the much smaller blogs who reblogged these games would probably get f-all, half the time. if you’ve gone through nuwuhorizons or one of the other blogs i mentioned earlier, you’ll have run across the incident where mina’s friends harrassed an 11 year old for not doing her ask game right.
an eleven year old. 
and this is my biggest grief with mina. she only stopped her friends from dogpiling people... once? maybe twice? that i remember. and not only that, but there were SEVERAL occasions where she would get on the vent channel, complain about someone who had said something wrong on one of her posts (and sometimes, again, these were legitimate!), and then ask if someone in the server wanted to reply to them. reasons for such ranged from “i’m too busy rn” to “they would probably listen more to a white person than me.”
again. this, on occasion, is not necessarily a bad thing. we cannot expect labor and response from minorities. my issue was that she kept doing this. and sometimes it was fine, just someone who would drop a note on the post or send a polite anon. but this, to me, the whole asking someone else to fight your battles for you? that really bothered me. mina is a grown adult. either ignore it, like the rest of us chumps, or deal with it yourself. having friends support you is not a bad thing - if i was attacked on tumblr and my friends jumped in to defend me, i’m cool with that. but i wouldn’t ask them to, and then not do anything myself.
to me, this attitude just encourages dogpiling. this felt like she was taking advantage of the people admiring her so whole-heartedly, and using them to deal with minor grievances. (again, i don’t want to downplay some of the actual racism and xenophobia she experienced on this website, because there was some pretty sketchy stuff that did need someone else stepping in to object to. but then there was “ugh this person asked me what program i use to make my music and i don’t want to answer them bc that’s rude,” and stuff of that caliber. like, mina, you built yourself a pretty big following here on tumblr, you don’t get to complain when people are trying to ask you questions and engage with you when you set yourself up as a knowledgeable person on a subject.)
i’m going to mention @gingerly-writing because she already made a post on the subject, but there was an instance where we were in the vent channel and watched a lot of mina’s friends send anons and reblogs of a hurtful nature to one person. eventually, ginger stepped in to say “hey, i don’t think we need to keep doing this, they are a minor,” and after she did so, i also jumped in, saying something along the lines of, “yeah, i’ve seen this kind of stuff blow up in another server and end in a really regrettable situation where no one was happy, can we stop.” both ginger and i received a private message from the mods (individually) saying that we shouldn’t police the chat, etc etc. not during that message, but on the vent channel, another mod jumped in to say that the people dogpiling the blogger were also minors. as if that makes it okay, and isn’t actually extremely worrying in its own right.
after that, i pretty much took a stance of “all right then i just won’t say anything at all.” i stuck around vv because i hated myself actually really liked a few of the others in the server, including a couple of the mods who are actually really cool people, not all the vv mods are sketch, and because honestly? i lowkey knew that vv was going to crash and burn sometime, and i wanted to be there to watch what happened. due to the pandemic, and her line of work, mina became less active, and the whole server died down a bit. 
then someone reblogged one of mina’s ‘art’ posts and accused her of tracing. mina’s admirers immediately jumped into action. nuwuhorizons has it pretty well documented on their blog. there was nothing in the server about it, except one of the others said “oh man i saw that and it pissed me off,” there was some minor chat, and then i woke up and wanted to know what had happened, and was told “don’t worry about it.”
so, naturally, bc the only thing i thirst for is water and Drama(TM), i went looking for it.
found it on some of mina’s friend’s blogs, where i found who had reblogged and said mina was tracing, and followed those reblog chains, where several of mina’s followers attacked the accuser and made fun of their name and age and defended mina, pulling out progress videos and stuff of mina’s work. the accuser was trans and still a teenager, even if technically an adult, so that made things a lot worse. mina eventually posted something explaining that she was pencil tracing and had a very cheery, false-positive tone to the whole thing.
things sorta ended at that, but then maybe the same day, or the day after, user hyba made that big ol post about the Big Scary Tumblr Mirror Website Copying All Your Good, Hard Work. mina and her friends jumped on this. they threw it in the server and talked about things like intellectual property rights and “i don’t like how this makes me feel :(” and from there, went in to how tumblr was a terrible garbage site and then mina and most of the mod team decided that it was time to pack up VV and leave tumblr completely. 
pretty much everyone i know were mina’s besties have vanished off tumblr. mina made an announcement that VV was “migrating” off tumblr and discord(???) and dropped another application to join the great vv migration. i did not apply bc i just have too freaking much going on in my life and needed to get out of this for the sake of my own mental health. it was tempting as hell, tho, i will say that. 
a couple things about this - at the time, mina is also having some pretty bad things going on in her family. she was very vague on the details, but i think that really contributed to wanting to leave; on top of the pandemic and everything else, she was probably heckin stressed. but also like. she never called out her followers for attacking her accuser. she never made any sort of post talking about it. she never told her friends on the server “hey don’t do that.” she never took accountability for it, or, honestly, for anything else she or her friends have done that didn’t feel too good. the mirror sites aren’t really a big deal. 
after the server was archived, it was left up a couple days so everyone could grab contact info, etc. during this time, i was checking the ‘violetvineyard’ tag and saw someone post “what happened to mvcreates they haven’t answered my application to vv,’ and i responded with “oh, the server closed down bc of the copy cat sites.”
the same day, i got a tumblr DM from one of the former mods asking me not to give away any details about vv leaving tumblr. it was very politely worded and everything, but it was still just like
okay? vv is over? why are you asking me not to say anything. and it wasn’t like i was even spilling any hot goss, i was just repeating the excuse (and i do mean excuse) mina gave us. 
anyway, that mod is off tumblr, too, as far as i know, or else they stealthin. which is fine, u do u, buddy.
uhh conclusion time, i guess? i have a few scattered screenshots of things, but i’m not posting em bc i’m lazy and also running late for a thing. but really, for me, i didn’t have a whole lot of beef with mina or pretty much any of the other folks on vv. i thought that mina and her friends were a bit too eager for blood, and that really bothered me. i’m annoyed they shut down vv completely, because it could actually have been something great. if mina wanted off writeblr, i wish she had given the whole network over to people interested in running it; instead, what was a good thing for a lot of people is now completely gone, with no existing framework for people to build on. sure, anyone can go make their own network/family for writeblr, but now it’s just going to splinter into a bunch of different, smaller groups, and we’re all back to square one.
but whatever. i didn’t get to see the server go down in flames, instead it just ended with a hasty retreat and a few whimpers, and quite honestly i wished my staying in had paid off.
i do want to reiterate - there were quite a few people in vv who i think are great, and this does include some of the mods themselves.
i’ve also gotten a couple messages from a few other folks who had been in vv who have their own real, real sketch stories, which are making me rethink how i feel about mina and her friends, and all the good credit i gave them. i just wanted to present this bc it’s my blog and i do what i want, fight me.
and if anyone wants to chat about vv, hit me up. i keep things as private as you want them to be, and i love love love talking about this nonsense. Give Me The Deets.
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answering questions I’ve been asked on TikTok✨
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QUESTION: how did you get into reading?
So, when I was in middle school (many moons ago) we had this thing called AR Testing. Basically, you read a book and take a test on it—the questions were things that happened in the book, it was really simple. If you got a good grade, you got points. The more points you earned, the more eligible you were for the reading party at the end of each semester. Me, being the nerd I am, got top of my class because I went through 8th grade level books like it was nothing. The librarian at my school brought me books from the high school to read since everything was easy for me, and alas, my addiction began. And now that I have adult money, it’s a true addiction. Also, telling my father “I’m bored” and his response being, “go read a book or something” so thanks dad.
QUESTION: what’s one book you ALWAYS recommend to people?
This one is tough because I’ve read THOUSANDS of books, but if I had to choose one, it would probably be Confess by Colleen Hoover. I fell in love with her work in high school when I first read Ugly Love, but Confess is the type of book that pulls at your heart strings, y’all. It has everything people love: humor, sexual tension, drama, love. GO BUY THE DAMN BOOK. Or honestly any book by Colleen Hoover—she’s a fucking amazing author.
QUESTION: outside of making TikToks, what do you do for a living?
I currently work at a restaurant and hate every second of it. If anyone tells you to become a server, DONT. It’s not worth the hassle, I promise you. Sure, you can make decent money but the amount of rude customers and shitty tips you receive each shift is very disheartening. If you really need a job, do anything BUT work in the food industry.
QUESTION: what’s your wattpad story about?
First question: which one? I have about 30 drafts sitting there waiting to be posted. But, I’m going to assume you’re talking about the Harry Styles fan fiction I’ve been working on for the past 4 years and haven’t had the courage to post. I’ll tell you a little about it: Elaine Aldridge is forced into a betrothal to a man she’s never met & loathes. She goes to his court and realizes things aren’t what they truly seem. And the guard her future husband sticks on her??? None other than Mr. Harry Styles. Add in some magic & deaths and you’ve got my story— The First Prince. (Honestly, that’s an extremely shitty description so if you wanna check it out go to my wattpad account)
QUESTION: how old are you?
Ahem. . . twenty-one.
QUESTION: what is your dream career?
Being a published author and having people rave about my books. That’s all. Or, an editor for a publishing company. Imagine reading all day and being paid for it🤩
QUESTION: what was your least favorite read of 2020?
I already KNOW I’m gonna get shit for this but....... the wicked king. YALL I LITERALLY COULDNT GET THROUGH IT IM SO SORRY, I STILL HAVENT FINISHED IT
QUESTION: current favorite author?
Sarah. J. Maas. I don’t know what it is about her writing style, but it’s addicting. Throne of Glass is hands down the best series I’ve ever read. A Court of Thorns and Roses is the first book I’ve EVER reread. Her stories truly suck you in and hold onto you—you get lost so easily in her writing and it’s like once you’re done with a series, nothing will compare. Or, at least that’s how I felt after finishing Kingdom of Ash. Honorable mentions: Jennifer L. Armentrout, Penelope Douglas, L.J Shen, Elle Kennedy and Kennedy Fox.
QUESTION: any recommendations/tips to give to a new reader?
I’ve always given this advice to people who want to get into reading: find what you like and start with that. If you like romance, I’ve got a list for you to choose from. Mystery? Another list. Sci-fi? I GOT YOU. Fantasy? Yes! Sports fiction? It might take me a second but I’ll find you a book. Nonfiction? I’m zero help in that category, honestly. The point of the matter is that you’re never going to enjoy a book if you aren’t interested in the underlying topics.
QUESTION: do you ever find yourself comparing your life to fictional life?
Yes. All the time. I daydream about being apart of the Inner Circle and living in Terrasen with Aelin and Rowan. I think about what it would be like to have real powers and a mate. It drives my boyfriend crazy—but he loves me anyway.
QUESTION: what are your most anticipated books of 2021?
Here’s a list:
A Court of Silver Flames by Sarah J. Maas
The Crown of Gilded Bones by Jennifer L. Armentrout
Gods and Monsters by Shelby Mahurin
Crescent City 2 (Untitled) by Sarah J. Maas
A Vow So Bold and Deadly by Brigid Kemmerer (I just ordered this one & it arrives tomorrow)
Blessed Monsters by Emily A. Duncan
QUESTION: why did you start a Tumblr?
Honestly, I used to love tumblr when I was in grade school (way too young to be on here then but what else is new). I like having an extra space to get my questions and comments out without having to compress it into a 60 second video for TikTok to see. Tumblr is a good place to blog & post things like this.
QUESTION: what’s your favorite song right now?
I’ve listened to Carry You by Novo Amor every day for the past two months and I cry each time.
QUESTION: why write Harry Styles fan fiction?
Simple: I love Harry Styles. I’ve been a fan of him and One Direction since they were on X FACTOR. Read that again. X. Factor. I used to watch their performances on YouTube before WMYB even came out. Of course, I love all of the 1D boys but I was always a Harry gal. And I look up to him in a way—I’ve read things about people wishing they knew him personally and honestly? I would never want to meet him. I like the version of him I’ve cooked up in my brain over the past 10 years. I like the symbiotic relationship I have with his music. Fine Line is a ✨masterpiece✨. HS1 is a ✨work of art✨.
now, some topics I’ve been asked way too many times and want to finally get to:
QUESTION: political views?
the saying “anyone but trump” has been in my brain for the past four years. No, I’m not a republican. No, I’m not a democrat. I like to think of myself as a progressive (ahem, liberal) Did I vote for a democratic candidate? Yes, and I’d do it again and again until the US isn’t one of the worst countries—I’m sorry, businesses— to be apart of. I wanted Bernie but got Biden, and I’m alright with that. And my girl Kamala🥳
QUESTION: how did you feel about the BLM protests?
I went to multiple BLM protests and donated a lot of funds to BLM & other organizations. It’s 2021, people... stop being fucking RACIST. And don’t be afraid to call racist people out! Black Lives Matter, even if no one is posting about it anymore.
QUESTION: thoughts on abortion?
your body your choice, queen! not my uterus, not my problem.
QUESTION: there was a comment on an old video of yours talking about r*pe, why did you delete the comment?
I made a video when I first started my account on TikTok about reading in public and feeling “turned on” by it. Go watch it if you don’t know what I’m talking about. BUT, some ignorant male decided to comment and say “this is how girls get r*ped”. Whew. So. I deleted the comment because ....
I am a victim of sexual assault. Along with a lot of other women. 1 in 5 women have been victims of sexual assault. Talking about being r*ped isn’t funny.
No one else needed to see his comment. I reported it immediately and his account was shut down.
I never got justice for what happened to me, and the fact that some random male—who had never even met me or seen me before my video showed up on his FYP—had the nerve to comment that? Unacceptable.
this question isn’t as controversial but
QUESTION: what’s the best way to get out of a toxic relationship?
okay, let me just start off by saying that the people around you who love and support you are going to be your backbone. Leaving a toxic situation is hard, and every situation is different, but my best piece of advice to offer you is don’t be afraid to ask for help. Your loved ones are going to be there for you when you need them, even if you don’t believe they will. If you explain what’s happening, someone you know and love will drop whatever it is their doing to make sure you get out safely. good luck my babes.
now, back to our regularly scheduled program:
QUESTION: any tips on making tiktoks?
Literally none. I post what I think is funny and relatable and if anyone agrees, I’m satisfied. Even if it’s one view, it’s good enough for me. So I guess my one tip is to not base your life off of an app and followers.
QUESTION: favorite Harry Styles fanfic?
DONT MAKE ME CHOOSE. Duplicity is up there, along with Stall 1&2, and Kiwi. After? Absolutely not.
y’all already KNOW. LORE OLYMPUS BY USEDBANDAID. Rachel is a genius and I have reread the series a million times. Hades is my soulmate and Apollo can rot in the fiery pits of the Underworld. also, if we’re talking about other webcomics, reading Walk on Water on mangadex...🤫
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QUESTION: favorite movie?
Howls Moving Castle. I will be getting my “a heart is a heavy burden” tattoo very very soon.
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QUESTION: I read your Elain theory on tumblr, can you explain a little more?
I thought I was pretty straightforward but I’ll say it again: she is always the “good” one and it’s too suspicious. SJM has already given one Archeron sister a happy ending, Nesta’s is obviously inevitable, but Elain? She has too many options for a happy ending. Lucien, who is her “mate”. Azriel, who is intrigued by her slightly. Her human guy—I don’t remember his name—who is disgusted that she’s not human anymore. Or, alone, planting flowers all day. BUT! My point is that she’s not truly happy. She was forced into the Cauldron just like Nesta. She was ripped away from the life she loved so dearly and didn’t want to give up. The man she was going to marry now hates her guts because she’s a High Fae. She has the perfect set up for a villain plot line and I’m all here for it.
well, that’s all I feel like doing tonight. hope you enjoyed my little q&a! be kind, and talk to you later! byeeee!
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marcilled · 3 years
5 years
It was 5 years ago today that a humble little minecraft server first opened its gates. 5 years ago, I started @quixol​ with a team of 8 friends. Today, only 4 of those original friends are still on our Staff team, and the server is a shadow of its former self.
There’s a lot I could talk about with Quixol, but before I get into it, I just want it to be known that this is a highly personal post from me. This isn’t an official announcement, but seeing as I’m an admin, it’s definitely of pertinence if you are someone who is a part of the Quixol community.
If you’re new to following me, or just don’t know what I’m talking about: Quixol is a trans-friendly minecraft server started by me and a few pals back on November 16, 2015. It’s primarily populated by folks from here on Tumblr, and is an LGBT+ only community. Over its 5 years, it’s gotten over 1600 unique players. And... Well, there’s a lot of history that took place during and after that, I can’t hope to summarize it here. You can see more on the about page on our blog.
So, yeah. Today is the 5-year anniversary of Quixol. Pretty big deal! And... we have nothing in store for today to celebrate that huge milestone. Pretty big bummer. The prior 4 years, the anniversary was the single biggest celebration of the year. We typically tried to schedule large server updates to coincide with the anniversary, just to make it feel that much more special. So, on the day that marks a whole half-decade of being online, why do we have no plans? It’s a long, complicated story. I’ll only be able to tell you my side of it. Everything written below is from my perspective, and doesn’t necessarily reflect how others think or feel.
Regardless of the lonely feeling on the server now, I just want to say, I’m really glad I could host such a fantastic community for so many years. Thank you everyone who has made the past half decade so special.
Long retrospective below (plus, discussion about Quixol’s future):
Where to begin... All I can say at the start here is, don’t expect anything coherent, I typed this up while sleep deprived just the night before posting this, without much forethought of what I’d say in it. I just feel I need to get these feelings off my chest before I can mentally move on, you know.
Before I delve into this, I just want to put this sort of disclaimer at the top here: Despite how gloomy I make things sound throughout this post, Quixol is and was an amazing place, that I’m so glad to say I got to play such a pivotal role in. I wouldn’t trade my time here for anything. It’s been an honor to serve as an Admin over such an incredible community. I’ve seen countless new friendships forged, plenty of laughs and fun times to be had... I’ve even known several couples that met through their time on Quixol, I’ve known several people that came out or discovered more about their identity/gender/sexuality while on Quixol. It’s a great community, despite its flaws, and what we did over these past 5 years is nothing short of spectacular. I’m forever thankful for everyone who helped make this place as special as it is- you’ve all been such great friends. Thank you.
While I may speak a great deal about some of the lowest lows that happened on Quixol, you better believe it had some of the highest highs as well. Keep that in mind, so you know why I’m spending this much time and effort to commemorate this server that I’ve called home for so long.
I’ll start here with a rough timeline of Quixol... I’ll even include some screenshots for you all.
Old World (Nov. 2015 - Mar. 2017, mc 1.8 - 1.9)
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Quixol began back in 2015 like I mentioned- whitelisted at first, but moved on to being unwhitelisted at a later date (I believe it was summer of 2016). Hundreds of people joined after the whitelist was removed, in just the first month or so. We owe that initial success to how much our blog post about the server got shared around, it served as a nice advertisement for the server. It was only posted to tumblr, so everybody who joined then was from the same sort of social sphere of 2016 tumblr. It was pretty lively, and we made lots of friends very quickly. A lot never logged in again after the first initial burst, but a fair amount stuck around.
The server started on minecraft version 1.8, which was before the end update that introduced elytra & all the controversial combat changes. Most people never even saw the server on this version, though, since it was still whitelisted when we updated to 1.9. The world we used back in 2015-2016 eventually got deleted at a later date, however we did provide an archive of this old world to download, it’s... somewhere on our blog, you can go find it if you poke around a bit. (Assuming the download hasn’t been removed from the website I uploaded it to, which would make sense since it’s just 20 gb sitting on some server doing nothing).
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While there was plenty of merriment, there was also the fair share of drama. I can’t even hope to recall all the drama that happened in 2016, but one of our og mods got banned completely after the rest of the staff sort of woke up to the realization they were incredibly abusive. There’s lots of other stuff that happened then- I wish I could tell the “full tale” as it were, but it would be so long-winded that almost nobody would bother to read. Plus, my memory isn’t very good, so I would need to dig through old blog posts, discord messages, screenshots, etc etc to jog my memory... way too much work.
Protos (Mar. 2017 - Nov. 2018, mc 1.11 - 1.12)
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2017 came around, and that’s when we updated the server to 1.11 and created a new world (Protos). That update happened on March 26, 2017- I remember because march 26th is my birthday, and the other staff made a cute little celebration for me on that day and I literally cried from how happy I was. It was the nicest thing anyone’s done for me in a long time. (God, I miss those times.)
A lot more happened during this time period, and honestly I’d consider the period in which Protos was our main, active world to be the most consistently active the server has ever been. It wasn’t always exploding with activity, but the people who joined and played during this time were consistent. And we had a relatively consistent influx of new players.
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There was a lot more drama that happened during this time... More staff members left, mostly of their own accord (but never on a wholly positive note). Drama amongst some of the veteran/long-time players, arguments over how to interpret and enforce our rules.
Regardless of the troubles, I’d say this period was overall quite positive for Quixol. We even brought in our first batch of new staff members during this period.
Ghalea (Nov. 2018 - Present, mc 1.13 - 1.15)
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I believe late 2018 was when we updated the server from 1.12 to 1.13. We rushed the update to this version quite a lot, which was a shame since it ensured the server had an egregious amount of bugs to work out, and lots of missing plugins/functionality. With this update, we made another new world (and, our current main world): Ghalea.
Regardless of buggy behavior, we managed to hit what I believe is the all-time peak concurrent player count we have ever gotten, which is something like 54-56 players playing at the same time. The server chugged so hard, I’m surprised it didn’t crash. All of those parties were so stressful to put on, but at the same time, incredibly fun and fulfilling to see when lots of people showed up and had a good time.
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Funny, though: despite the success of the server, 2018 and early 2019 are the closest the server has ever gotten to absolutely tearing itself apart from internal staff drama. By early-mid 2019, several staff members ended up getting banned one after the other. So that left us with very few staff by that point (only 6 active staff, myself included, if I remember correctly).
2019 should have been a great year for Quixol, seeing as it was what many people referred to as the “minecraft renaissance”, “the great minecraft revival”, etc etc etc. However, the drama amongst the staff, coupled with drama in our personal lives, and just an all around lack of staff members to kick things into gear, resulted in a pretty lackluster year compared to the previous 4 years.
Despite all of that, we worked tirelessly to complete our greatest project yet, Chroma Park, just before our 4th anniversary on Nov 16th, 2019. It took a whole team of builders to complete, and several months in preparation/building.
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With such a grand project completed, you would expect it would result in a flurry of new activity on the server... unfortunately, it ended up being almost the opposite. Because we called upon our “build team” to help with it, (several talented veteran players who volunteered their building skills), nearly all of our active players suffered some serious burnout after the major project they just completed. Lots of people just weren’t feelin’ up to minecraft anymore... And, that spelled the beginning of the end, really.
The culmination of this was that, going into 2020, activity on the server just... plummeted. Then, we all know what a shit year 2020 turned into. That just furthered feelings of burnout. I made another personal post about this, back in April- explaining why I had been relatively absent from the server for a while. It goes into more detail about the “hiatus” at that time, what caused it, why it continued so long, and how my personal feelings were at that time. Give it a read if you want. It even goes more in-depth about some of Quixol’s former staff, and how toxic behavior from them may have negatively impacted the community (especially in 2018-2019).
So, basically nothing has happened on Quixol in 2020... I took the time to update the server from 1.14 to 1.15 back in July, just so that the server was on a more stable version of minecraft- but all the effort poured into that resulted in basically nothing happening. Barely anyone even noticed, because it was such a minor update focusing on bug fixes. I hoped it would get the ball rolling again, but it just wasn’t enough.
While I wasn’t ready to throw in the towel just yet, I decided it was for the best if I put any plans on the backburner for a while, and focus more attention on building infrastructure back up again. I spent some time researching sysadmin stuff, and looking into upgrading my PC. I set up a new discord bot that we’re currently using on Quixol, & have in a few other discord servers I’m active in.
Then, I got tossed one of the most difficult months of my life in a long time pretty recently. It’s very recent/fresh, but suffice it to say, a decent chunk of what made it such a horrible month was related to drama within the Quixol friend group, particularly... me being a shitty friend. I made another post about this a while back, but I won’t link it since it’s a bit vague and not super relevant to what I’m talking about here. Just know, September this year pretty much demolished any feelings of hope I had for continuing work on Quixol.
So, that leads us to... Today. The 5th anniversary of Quixol.
Where did it all go wrong?
Now that I’ve laid out as quick a summary of the past 5 years as I could, I want to talk about some of the mistakes we made along the way. The people that made Quixol what it is, and how that history always seems to tie me down.
To tell you the truth, saying that “it all went wrong” sounds horribly pessimistic to me. Sure, I felt pessimistic going into writing this, but... Just looking back on everything we’ve accomplished, there’s never really a point where it “went wrong”. Moreso, Quixol has had its fair share of flaws baked in from the very beginning. But, perhaps those flaws are what made it what it really is. I can’t go back and change the past, and neither can you. Perhaps the best we can do is just accept Quixol for what it is, and acknowledge its shortcomings while allowing ourselves to feel happy about the good memories we do have.
While I’m not going to cast away every pleasant memory I have of Quixol, I must admit I find so many of them tainted and forever changed, just because of how many people entered this community, made their stay known, then left or were cast away on a sour note. There are countless people that were a huge part of Quixol, of my life, my friends, that I don’t speak to anymore. People that hate me. Maybe even some that I hate.
If I go back and think fondly of those times, I remember how the people in those memories largely don’t think fondly of me anymore. I remember all of my mistakes, all of the ways I could have avoided that outcome. All the ways I could have worked with those friends, to work out our differences, to just fucking communicate. Sure... some of those friends, there was nothing I could do for them. Nothing I could do to make things work. But, all the same... it stings, thinking of everyone I used to know. Not knowing who is still a friend, or who simply has no need for me anymore...
So much of Quixol’s history is tied up in knots this way. Complicated webs of emotion, suffocating in the tethers to its past. So many things built on the server, just wasting away, never to be touched again... New players won’t even know it. They don’t know, can’t know the history behind those blocks that were placed. It sounds a bit silly talking about it this way, but that’s how it feels to me. There’s real history behind each of these blocks, all of the little farms and structures and silly signs. So much of it, nobody even knows. But it wears on my heart, knowing all of that history, and feeling so disconnected from it. Feeling cast away by the people who forged those memories.
It’s a disconnect that’s always hurt, to me. Maybe I’m just too sentimental, nostalgic. Maybe I cling to the past too much. But it feels impossible to ignore... So much of what made Quixol what it is today was left there by people who want nothing to do with me, us, anymore. What does that say about Quixol? About me...? About our group?
There’s a lot I could say about this, but it’s stuff I’ve mentioned before. I hang on too tightly to the past, and am often too critical of my own mistakes. But, sometimes the past is just the way it is, and there’s not much that can be done about it. Regardless, I find myself feeling regrets about every little thing that went wrong, and thinking about where all those people are now... Maybe one of them is even reading this right now. If you’re out there, hey. We can still talk. I’m not going to hold a grudge on you forever. It’s ok.
My influence
Since Quixol began in 2015, I’ve tried my best to be nothing more than an “Admin” of Quixol... not the “owner” or “lead admin” or “founder”, just “admin”. I hoped I could encourage the other admins to be leaders in their own rights. While each of the admins we’ve had has been great leaders in their own respect, I feel that every one of them has been, unfortunately, tied down by my influence to some extent.
In most aspects of life, I’m a very timid, indecisive person. I’m incredibly anxious, and lack confidence to a worrying degree. However, a different side of me can be seen in the safe, comfortable environment that Quixol provided for me. Surrounded by friends and people who I felt really got me, I became comfortable enough to show some level of confidence in myself... In all honesty, for a long time, I was never able to recognize this self confidence for what it was. I really was not, and mostly still am not, used to feeling confident in myself or my own abilities. Like, at all. So when I actually feel good about myself, like I actually know what I’m doing... Well, for a really long time, I didn’t even process it as such. I just felt like I knew the right answers, and that was it.
On Quixol, this often manifested in a specific way... Being proud of my own knowledge & skills with minecraft, I would insert myself into any discussion about Minecraft, the server, or just anywhere I could, and offer up my knowledge, opinions & help. This hardly sounds like a problem, but... The problem was just in my unwavering presence. I was everywhere on Quixol, you couldn’t escape me. I dominated the space with my presence. Not that I interrupted people (usually...?), I just would try to put myself anywhere a conversation was happening, assuming it was, like, appropriate for me to do so on some level.
Whenever I chimed in with my thoughts, eventually there became this sort of air of almost... superiority about it. This feeling that my word was “final”, or that I had some layer of expertise on everything, and that if I said what you said was right, that was a pretty good indicator you were on the right track. I didn’t pretend like I was infallible, and I don’t think anyone ever saw me as that. But the perception was generally that if Vivian says it, that holds weight to it. Perhaps this is somewhat unavoidable of a staff member, but... it was this way even amongst the staff.
I never really realized that I was creating this environment within the community, because it happened rather slowly. But as things moved along, other staff began to pick up on this (perhaps subconsciously). Including even the other admins. Quickly, my own insistence on doing things a Specific Way, became “the Right Way” to do things on Quixol... Whether I intended it or not.
Now, this is something I didn’t know until quite recently, but I actually have OCD (undiagnosed, but it’s glaringly obvious to me at this point). My ocd comes out in minecraft, and specifically Quixol, quite a lot. I have very ritualistic ways of doing things, whether it be while building a project in-game, to managing specific parts of the server- we have a very detailed format in which update logs are written, and I have very specific rituals related to updating plugins on the server, taking backups, etc. Even just the way I play survival minecraft has sorts of rituals in a way, like specific patterns in which I place torches. I’m not too educated on ocd, so excuse me if I’m using some terminology of this wrong, or if I’m spreading some sort of misinformation about it. This is just my experience.
Anyhow, with the extremely regimented way I manage things on the server, coupled with my constant presence in things, you can understand how this might lead to other admins, who have their own mental illness issues, to become very averse to doing a lot of admin-related duties. After months and months, years, even, of this sort of stuff... and... yeah. That leads to where we are now.
With my selfish behavior in the past, I’ve unintentionally created this staff environment where people are reluctant to make their own decisions, show their own creativity, etc. And that must feel incredibly frustrating if you actually want to do something to make a difference on Quixol...
I’m not even accounting for all the times I’ve butted heads with the other staff before, either. While much less frequent, I’ve definitely had arguments with folks in the past. And with the great amount of influence I hold over the server, it takes a lot of courage to stand up to what I say.
I’ve always resented that I hold this position of power over everyone else, and tried many times to address it. However, I don’t think I ever quite had a full picture of why things were this way. Now, I think I understand it better. Sadly, it feels too little, too late to make any significant changes without uprooting pretty much everything we have set in place already. Maybe I’m wrong, maybe I’m being too pessimistic here... But, this is how I feel at the present moment.
I’m sincerely sorry to any current or former staff members, who have wanted to do something great for Quixol, but felt they could never convince me to go through with your idea... Or who felt pushed away from doing something they otherwise would’ve liked to, just because the attitude I gave, the environment my presence created, made you feel like you weren’t good enough or qualified enough to do it. You are good enough. I’m so sorry that my actions made you convinced otherwise...
I will say, this sort of mindset of mine, that I have to be the Most Right about anything relating to minecraft, or any hyperfixation/special interest of mine, has caused problems elsewhere, too. I talked about this in another post I made. I’ve only really come to realize all this stuff within the past few months, but I’ve been a really terrible friend to a lot of people. I never even realized until recently just how often I struggle with empathy, and how that’s colored so many of my friendships. Needless to say, it’s affected things on Quixol before, sometimes without me even realizing it.
My influence over the community also means if anybody’s relations with me in particular ever become marred, it must inevitably result in them leaving the community because there’s simply no escaping me. There’s not really anything I can do about this, though, aside from doing whatever I can to become a kinder, more
I’m far from a perfect person, and my imperfections seeped into so much of what made Quixol what it is. However, it’d be silly to suggest that I’m the singular reason that Quixol is flawed, if anything, that would be another form of arrogance- assuming that I singlehandedly shaped the way Quixol took form. No, it was always a team effort, and every single staff and community member held great influence of their own.
The Future
This part is probably why many of you clicked on this post... You want to know what’s going to happen to Quixol. You likely noticed I’ve been referring to Quixol in the past tense a lot in this post. Honestly, I’m not sure why I did that, it just felt the most natural to type it that way. But, I will be honest- the future of Quixol right now isn’t looking very bright.
This is a personal post, so I don’t want to deliver any sort of formal announcement about plans for Quixol here, especially since I haven’t run this post by the other staff before posting it.
For the past 2 and a half months, I’ve been taking a very long break from Quixol. Much greater than any previous break of mine... I’ve neglected to even log in for weeks at a time. I still keep an eye on the discord server, and check the mc <-> discord bridge channel to see which players have been logging in. But I have little to no motivation to play, even just casually.
While I’d love to give you some fun cool news about how this hiatus is ending soon and I have a million and one projects planned, that simply isn’t the case. I’ve gotten to this point where I’m rethinking everything about myself, who I am, and what I’m doing with my life. Surely, I can’t dedicate all my time and energy to running a minecraft server for the rest of my life, even though I do care deeply about this community. But at the same time, it’s not really my call to shut down Quixol, and I’d hate to pull the plug just because of my own lack of motivation.
So, for the time being at least, you can probably consider Quixol to be on a sort of “indefinite hiatus”. I am generally the one to update plugins, do major server updates, etc., and I likely won’t be doing any of that any time soon. I fully entrust the other staff to handle that stuff if they really want to, and I’ve expressed that to them already. But as things stand, nobody else seems to want to pick up the torch right now. Shit is rough for pretty much everyone, and we’re all equally burnt out. We’ve all grown up quite a lot since Quixol began, too. So... Don’t expect anything anytime soon.
If there are any updates, they’ll come in our Discord server first.
As for me, personally... I just need time away from all of this. It’s clearer than ever to me that I have a lot of personal problems I need to work on, and I think that the cozy safe environment provided by Quixol didn’t challenge me enough to really address those issues. I need time to focus on myself & my own growth. At the same time, I also feel like I need more experience being a part of a team, instead of just running the show. I’m not getting the kind of enrichment I need from running Quixol, so I’m trying to turn my attention elsewhere.
I’m doing this not because I want to abandon you guys, or because I feel like I want/need to move on from this community. It’s just... Something I need to do, for myself. And I’ll still be around, I’m still gonna be posting to my tumblr & twitter and stuff, and you can still reach me on discord. I’m just focusing my time elsewhere for once.
What does that mean for the future of Quixol? I don’t really know yet. But, for now, it’s not going anywhere. It’s just... also not changing anytime soon. Not even a little bit. I’m sorry to give you this disappointing news, but I hope you all understand.
I miss the good times on Quixol, too. I really do. Maybe we can share them again sometime? Who knows...
For now, that’s all.
It breaks my heart that we don’t have anything glitzy and glamorous to do to celebrate Quixol’s 5th anniversary... But it would be asking far too much of the staff to set anything like that up right now. Maybe we can have some sort of celebration later...? I dunno.
I hope you’re all staying safe & healthy out there. Thank you so much for reading this. I love all of you.
Happy birthday, Quixol.
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jwnbwnjwn · 3 years
Entry 8 (12.20.2020)
 Well, it’s been a while since I’ve posted an entry on here. My last one was back in September, and man a lot has happened since. First off, My sleeping schedule has been messed up for the past couple of days, and in a bit I’ll get to why. I don’t know if I’ve mentioned it in any of the last posts but, if I didn’t then my goal for the last couple of months has been to get on a (keto) diet and lose some weight, and I’m here to tell you I still haven’t, I haven’t even stuck to a diet for that matter. The only diet I’ve had has consisted of take out and midnight snacks. Anyways, now let’s get down to business. I went ahead and read my latest blog post before this and I laughed at the fact that I said I was starting a diet, yeah that never happened. Im happily at 160 lbs at the moment (not really happy about it but oh well). 
I mean covid-19 is still going on, its kinda spiking then calming down, spiking again, and its just this whole repeating situation. Everyone's still wearing and masks and doing everything to be safe, although I think my towns cases are starting to go down. It is around Christmas time so they’re starting to decorate everything, all the parks and stuff; so hopefully that doesn't spike the numbers up again. When going out though I still have to be careful, I can’t catch covid and give it to my loved ones, and I would rather not make history and get sick. 
I guess I should start here. I wish my life was still the same as it was during my last entry. I really do. I wouldn’t have known what I do now and I would’ve just been at peace, happily living my life and struggling with school. I ended up getting a D in that biology course, and dropping that math and history course. Yeah, it was a pretty shitty school year tbh. I’ve never been that lazy and unmotivated when it comes to school but man, this fall year really took a toll on me because I legit did nothing all year. In result of it, my gpa went to absolute shit and down to a 2.8. I now gotta make that up during the summer and try to get it as high as i possibly can. I just finished my second fall semester so I’ve been on Christmas break for about a week now, but honestly this break feels so lazy and gross. I am reading my last entry to see what I can catch everyone up on, as things have changed drastically. I mean my friendships are still fine, I still keep in contact with seatbelt and ice and maria. I keep in contact with them almost daily honestly. About my relationship, thats where I wish things were the way they were three months ago. Without going over too much detail, a girl reached out to me and let me know her boyfriend and Mr. were trading girls nudes again. Honestly hearing this a second time broke my heart, but I really didnt have much of a reaction to it. It hurts every here and there, but I guess im forcing myself to open my heart and forgive and forget so I can go ahead and move on already. Mr. and I are in a certain situation trying to avoid law enf*rc*m*nt so things have been kind of hard recently. He’s been seeing me many times this week just because of the fear itself that one day might be his last time to see me, but I think things are starting to cool down with our/his situation, so hopefully he’s not walking on eggshells too longer, because seeing him worried makes me worried and vice versa. He’s looking into going to therapy and having a closer relationship between him and god, in order to get rid of his old ways and make himself into the better person he needs to become. I can’t really get into details about the situation on here as it legit would be the most dumbest thing I could possibly do, but in result of getting closure about it, he told me he was planning on purposing in the near future, like before 2021 is over - but then he had to go fuck it up and put that on hold. After talking about it we’re going to have to attend counseling once again, but in hopes of fixing our relationship and getting closer again. I love him a lot, I do, but man he is one dumb ass person. I really hope and pray he gets his stuff together, because I really do want to spend the rest of my life with him. I mean, I guess we’re kind of in an awkward part in our relationship, but its honestly because of the situation we’re in, so we just have to work through this and rebuild the trust he ruined. I know he’s going to be going to individual counseling for sure, but I have a feeling that’s just going to turn into couples counseling the way it happened the first time. I hope I can get myself to go into counseling for myself as well, because man, I really do want to work through these issues I have deep down inside of me, but I can’t find the courage I need at the moment - maybe after all of this is done I will. Mr.’s dad is still really sick, but im still praying to god and the heavens above he gets better. I’ve been talking to my dad a lot and my relationship has been improving, while my moms and I’s is kind of going backwards slowly. About those two discord friends, I dont know why I put “crunch” as one of them. I forgot what his first nickname was, but I know it wasn crunch. I mean his name is cesar, so i guess i got mixed up lol but yeah i’m not friends with c*sar and shr*mp anymore. I mean I got really close with him, and I did consider im an important person in my life, until one day I logged onto Discord to see he kicked me out of the server and blocked me, which eventually resulted in everyone from the server blocking me and deleting me off roblox so, I pretty much had no say in it. There wasn't even a reason TO block me, I legit just logged on randomly and was blocked. Although I found out through someone else who was also in the server before he himself blocked me that apparently I was jealous of shr*mp and I guess calling c*sar manipulative got him upset and thinking so he blocked me lmao. Anyways, because of this I dont really play Roblox that often anymore, but instead I watch anime now. Currently waiting on AOT’s new episode releasing today so, thats something exciting to look forward to. I cant wait for christmas just so i can see the look on my siblings face when they see what I got them lol. I also got Mr. a chain bracelet, so I hope he likes it and actally wears it. There’s not really much else except being on eggshells with Mr. and wasting my life away. I’ll keep you guys updated. I’ll try to post on here more often.
Ended this at 12.20.2020 at 8:27 AM
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stevinel-central · 5 years
I wanna freely ship this but people keep calling it pedophilia and it just makes me ,,, hngh.
yeah i feel that i get messages a lot that is just someone trying to put me down for it and i usually just block and delete their messages it’s the whole reason i made a separate blog for it and i just wish people would use their energy for something that benefits themselves because messaging people and sending people threats over a ship that not everyone views as pedophilia isn’t helping anything sometimes it’s people who think they’re helping things, sometimes it’s people just looking for a fight, but at the end of the day i just wish people could learn how to just, perhaps passively tolerate the existence of something and be able to move on with their day without then accusing the whole community who ships stevinel to be pedophiles or sending someone, who has never indulged in any kind of drama or made a post really talking about any of the accusations, a death threat i know that might not exactly be what you were referring to, my bad i don’t see it as pedophilia, spinel strikes me more as teen-coded if anything, because at the end of the day age doesn’t affect gems mentally, and they “grow” and change in a completely different way then humans saying it’s pedophilia because spinel is thousands of years old and steven is a minor, is the equivalent to, stay with me here, is the same as, in Avatar: The Last Airbender, Aang was frozen in an iceburg for 100 years. he is, technically, 112 (?) years old when he meets Katara and Sokka.  Katara is a minor. Katara is also Aang’s main love interest.  Of course, no one’s going to get upset at it because aang really is just a kid, he’s got the body and mind of a kid and there’s no doubt about it but he’s still technically 112, which in a lot of people who argue for spinel being an adult because she is thousands of years old, would make aang an adult.  not quite the exact same, which i will acknowledge, but i can’t stop thinking of it as a good comparison, which it might not be i’m sorry, i didn’t mean to go on like that, and it probably didn’t help anything i’d just make a separate blog and not use your real name or associate with your main/other account if you really like the ship and want to express it, and if you get any messages just block them so they can’t come back to send more hate there’s a few stevinel discord servers floating along, and i’d recommend if you’re looking for a place to be able to be open about it to look into one, I can link the “main” one if you pm me, or if you’re not comfortable with talking in a big server with a lot of people, i might be able to direct you to another, smaller, one
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Okay, I do apologise, you can indeed ask questions from the dashboard. My apologies for that misunderstanding. I was no aware you could. My point on asking if something is acceptable still stands however. This is not the sort of ask you should send to just anyone, then make the excuse ‘well I didn’t know’. If you don’t know, you should still very well ask.
You think this is me exploding? Hoo, mate, you should have seen the poisonous shit I was ready to spit all over your ass before I cooled off earlier. Simon Cowell would have looked at it and told me to tone it back it was that venomous. I’m actually quite calm.
You’ve followed my blog for some time now, if I’m not mistaken. You’ve had plenty of time to acclimatise yourself, or check out my rules pages, or at least look at my blog in general. It’s not my fault you decide to disregard the entirety of someone’s blog just because you’re too lazy to open up a new tab to ask a question, or to check to see if someone’s got a rules button. I make it a point to do so with each blog I follow. Mostly so I can make sure I don’t send anything inappropriate to their blog.
Again, throwing around the follower count, and now a notes count? Come on. also, just because one person said your asks make them chuckle doesn’t immediately make everything you say funny, or a joke. In that vein, if the torture of a person made someone chuckle, then by your logic that makes it comedy.
I was not aware I only allowed pms from people I follow. I was not aware that was even an option. Again, apologies. I still maintain my previous points of opening up a new tab to look to check if they have a rules page, or asking the person before sending a questionable ask to see if it’s inappropriate or unwanted.
My attitude, by the by, was more along the lines of ‘What’s this drongo spouting now?’ and less ‘this is never appropriate’. Some people like those kinds of asks. Fine. But a lot of people would be left uncomfortable, disgusted, angry, or a variety of other emotions by asks like this. I happen to be one of them. It left me very uncomfortable. So yes, I responded in a very Australian way, as opposed to the normal, diplomatic sort of way I would have. You have not seen me being nasty or exploding.
And there kind of is a problem. At least to me, with you asking me to delete the post. Frankly, as I mentioned, if you’re going to send an ask like that willy-nilly, and not check or ask first if it’s okay, and then you’re not able to handle my answer, then don’t sling the question mate. Asking me to wipe away what happened is a bit cowardly to be honest. And also saying I’ve taken an attitude with you after what you slung at me first mate is just.... I mean come on.
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I bring up again. ‘It was a joke’. An old excuse worn thin with age and overuse, not to mention a lack of honesty. ‘If someone has a problem with something I did, I wish they would just let me know privately instead of broadcasting it to everyone. And rather aggressively’
And I wish people stopped trying to guilt trip me by trying to make me feel like a git because I didn’t react how they wanted me to. I don’t appreciate the ‘holier-than-thou’ feel to this entire ask.
‘That was rude’
Welp, welcome to life mate. People are arseholes.
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And please, explain how this is a joke, or funny, in any way shape or form. Because I’ve asked other people if there’s something I’m missing. And no, none of them get it either. I’ve also made sure with other people that I’m not missing something. That I’m not just being a git. And no. No, they don’t think so either.
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1) You can be a git and still use ‘please’. People do it all the time. Just because you say please doesn’t make you automatically polite and unquestionable in etiquette.
2) I said I was leaving people with two quotes. And I said the second one’s my fav. Because it is. That you decided I meant it implied I wanted to hit you with a chair is on you, not on me. As I said in a previous post, the Tupac quote was the one that applied to you. Still does, though that is starting to wear thin thanks to my next point.
I will never use my mental illness as an excuse. You said you were starting to think there was something wrong in my head. I said there was. That’s it. You accused, I confirmed. If you’re going to start throwing my mental problems around as a weapon, you can go fuck yourself with the closest kanabo, because that is a topic I can and will erupt over like fucking Pompeii. I don’t use it as an excuse. It will never be an excuse. My replies were my own. As I stated, I took a step back to cool down before I replied. Had I not, we would be having a much different, and much more heated, discussion right now. 
Also I’m bipolar. Not Sociopathic. Learn the difference. 
While you’re at it, I never brought up the Server chat. Don’t use them as a weapon against me.
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nu-scene · 4 years
Hey everyone. It's been over a year since the nu-scene blog or server has been in any sort of drama, but more than anything, that means this post is long overdue.
I am sorry. Really and truly. I'm sorry for the way I have acted as a moderator and as a person. There was absolutely no reason for misunderstandings and conflicts that could've been handled privately to be put on a blog with over 3K followers. It was my responsibility to de-escalate these situations, and instead I was too focused on impressing my friends and mutuals with some "witty comebacks" or something. I made a joke out of other peoples' serious pains and concerns, with no regards to the anxiety it could cause someone, or the repercussions of having these issues posted on a public blog with so many followers.
Specifically to Nova (if they don't go by that name anymore, I apologize, I haven't spoken to them since early last year), I am sorry. I can't imagine what it must have been like to have a simple misunderstanding blow up into strangers dogpiling you to make fun of the trauma that you'd been through. I should have been able to empathize with you, and it was not my place to put up "receipts" of me being an asshole to you, and calling attention to something that would've blown over in a few days if I just kept my mouth shut. Regardless of whether you were 17 or 18, it was still my responsibility to be the moderator and step in to keep things like this from happening. But I didn't, because it was my friend I would've had to chastise, and I couldn't see what they were doing was wrong.
I don't know who else to apologize to specifically, but even from the beginning of this community I have acted horribly towards everyone, and it is completely inexcusable. I wish I would have pulled my head out of my ass a long time ago. I wanted nu-scene to be a fun and welcoming place for scene people of all ages, and I was the one actively preventing it from becoming that.
I will be finding and deleting all of the posts related to drama no matter how old they are, including on my personal blog. Unfortunately I no longer have access to the old blog, so I am unable to remove anything from there.
On the topic of change, I want to announce that the rules to our server are changing. We will no longer have an explicit ban on "inclusionists." It was wrong of us to assume everyone who isn't specifically "exclusionist" is a homophobe and/or transphobe, etc. We will be doubling down on proper moderation to make sure everyone feels comfortable and everything stays under control.
Please feel free to send us an ask if you have any questions or concerns.
- Evander
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zed-zalias · 4 years
so, for any readers of hurricane who follow me (i think there’re like? two? two that I know of? but anyway), i have... things to say i guess?
So, I wrote Gladisun smut. That finally happened.
And I’ve had it planned for... Wow, over three years now, actually. Hurricane has been planned for three years. And a lot has changed and been added (Especially because Hau’s DID is ridiculously poorly portrayed because I was young and stupid and had no idea what the fuck I was doing), but... To be honest? The story’s been... Pretty solidly in place since it first showed up in my head. And I assure you, it was immediately as much of a convoluted, bloated, won’t-shut-up mess as it is today.
And I’ve realized that Gladisun is officially dead. I am the only person on AO3 writing Gladisun, and it seems... Likely to stay that way, judging by the gaps between the last few fics for the ship. And I’m not saying this to, like, pressure anyone who reads my stuff to write some of their own. I’m saying it because it made me realize I’ve kind of been lying to myself.
When Ultra Sun and Moon came out (And fucked everything good about the story and characters, by the way, as is hopefully common knowledge), i.e. just over two years ago, and when that didn’t cause a sudden-outpouring of Gladisun fics, and when people in fact began to delete Gladisun fics (This actually happened to like four or five that I really loved and really bummed me out!!), I should have realized that the “Gladisun Renaissance” I’d always hoped to witness would never actually happen. Because, like, that was the opportunity, that was the last time it would have made sense. And even if Gladion appears in some future game ten years down the line, Sun certainly won’t, and all it will lead to is a deluge of GladionXMoon fics. Which, if you like that, it’s fine. I shouldn’t be mad about that. You just lucked out as a shipper, and I didn’t. The way I think of Moon has always gone better as Lillie’s partner (Which is also automatically better because it’s g a y) and just a good friend of Gladion and Sun, but whatever, that’s my opinion, and I understand that. So honestly? More power to them. But of course it is a little disheartening to know (Yes, I can see the future) that when Gladion shows up in some future game without either Sun or Moon, there will be no new Gladisun fics but definitely new GladionXMoon fics. So yeah, I’ve essentially been forced to confront the reality that the people reading Hurricane right now are (For the most part) the only ones who will ever read it.
And I love them! The ones that leave comments or the ones that just read it and maybe leave kudos, it doesn’t matter. I’ve even made some friends through it, people who make me want to keep writing, who inspire me to keep going, who help me think maybe what I’m writing is worth writing. And I try not to have doubts about that very often, but they do sometimes creep into my thoughts.
It’s just that it’s weird to realize you’ve essentially been lying to yourself. It’s weird to be confronted with reality suddenly and realize, like, oh, I’m essentially screaming this story into the void. Only a few people will ever read it, even though for me, it’s been hundreds (if not thousands) of hours of work and hundreds of thousands of words. It’s just weird. Because if no one’s writing anything new for the ship, it stands to reason that most people aren’t looking for new stuff to read about it. I know that isn’t always true, but in this case, I think it’s a fair assumption.
But I love the story, and I don’t mean that in a pretentious way. I don’t mean I love the way I’ve written it. There are a million things I regret. And it of course doesn’t escape my attention that the actual organization of the story is a mess that makes it impossible to jump into it if you haven’t been reading along already. But I love the story of Sun and Moon, and I love the story that occurs after Sun and Moon. And really, that’s all Hurricane is. Sun and Moon feel so much like they simply begin to broach compelling questions, like they only scratch the surface of beautiful characters and powerful themes. So I love the story I see in my head, even if I often fail to do it justice when I translate it into the external world. And again, I’m not bragging. That story didn’t come to me because I’m particularly creative or something. It was just there, and I honestly can’t tell you where it came from or how the idea started to take form. But when it did, it happened in the span of about an hour and a half of keysmashing into a page on my old Lusamine RP blog about an AU, and that AU became Hurricane. So I love the story, and I love the characters, and I love all the readers who have stuck with me through all my bullshit. And for those reasons, I couldn’t ever imagine leaving this behind.
In short, I’m going to finish Hurricane. And I’m going to finish all of the stories that flow from it. I won’t spoil what my plans are for those, but rest assured that the series will keep me busy for a while, and when it’s finished, I’ll feel like I’ve completed the story of Sun and Moon as I see it. For those who like my interpretation of the games’ themes and characters, I hope the feeling is similar. For those who see the games differently and think the “unofficial postgame” should go differently because of that, more power to you! I hope you write your story too! More Sun and Moon content is always a good thing!
So even though I’m feeling... A little odd, a little discouraged even, I’ll finish the story. I could never consider leaving it behind at this point, anyway (See: Sunk-Cost Fallacy, Cognitive Dissonance, When Prophecy Fails, etc....), so it will continue to be added to until it’s so unnecessarily long that it crashes AO3′s servers because I am physically incapable of brevity, apparently.
So if you’re invested in the story, don’t worry. It’ll be finished. It’ll probably go through so many events you’ll even come to wish it would just end already! :P But really, thank you for sticking with me. I owe the entire story to the readers who have left kudos, especially to those who have also commented, and especially especially especially to those who either already knew me personally and read them and gave feedback or who had never met me but were friendly and kind enough to strike up a conversation with me and tell me that they like the story. Without that encouragement, this story would likely have been abandoned years ago.
Thank you for making me believe my own words carry weight.
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