#I’ll be posting moodboards links and music stuff here too
lastchildofkrypton · 2 years
Started a blog for the Days of Plenty universe, give it a follow if you’d like!
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therealvikingstrash · 2 years
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In celebration of my newly acquired 333 beautiful heathen souls voluntarily looking at those posts I make, we will have a little fun!
This challenge will be a mix of writing, moodboard or art. Whichever you want to go with. 😊
The prompt's are a collection of sentences I came up with myself or were once said by a book/movie/show character. 
Rules and Prompts are below the cut!
If you tag correctly and warn about it, anything goes, rating, genre or kink wise!
It's apparent that I like smut and angst, but fluff, romance, comedy and bromance are also very welcome. 
Heavier stuff like violence, gore, dub/non-con are allowed, but need to be tagged! (Please no rape, I cannot always stomach it)
Pairings can be: F/M, F/F, M/M, Multi, Gen
Canon or AU timeline, whichever you like more, I'm game
Reader inserts(just try not to overdo the (Y/N) parts please, my brain can't read them without shutting down like an overused Windows '95 computer on a hot summer day), OC’s, character studies, crack pairings are allowed
Look outside, diversity is a thing and appreciated to be written about too! 
If you write a story, please do it in english, or put translations for the words you use next to them or at the beginning. 
No one likes a wall of text on here, so I'm begging you, use "read more"
You don't need to follow me to take part in this, but it would be cool ;D
Send me an ask, comment, or DM me the prompt(s)/character(s) you’re picking!
Tag the work using #vikingtrash333 and please DM me the link as well, because Dumblr.
You can participate as many times as you want, but each prompt can only be used twice before I cross it over!
"Officially" it will be open until the 3rd March '22, but there's no hard deadline
This post will double as a Masterlist so I’ll update it with your submissions
Vikings Characters to choose from:
"I don't like your music and your face is weird." - art | fic -
"You bought a gun? What the hell do you need that for?" - art | fic -
"Love is just a myth." - art | fic - @flowers-in-your-hayr / @ritual-unions-gotme
"Would you believe me when I said it isn't what it looks like?" - art | fic - @comicsandcardigans​
"Can you tell me why our kitchen looks like the Winter Wonderland?" - art | fic - @shieldmaidenofingstad
"I don't feel so good." - art | fic - @ritual-unions-gotme
"The moment I laid eyes on you, I knew I would hate you forever." - art | fic - @punkrocknpearls​
"You know those tiny night light stars you put on the ceiling over your bed as a child? I think I swallowed one." - art | fic - @serasvictoria
"And then there were two." - art | fic - @losermultifandomidiot
"If only I knew what language you speak." - art | fic - @serasvictoria
"Mother would not approve." - art | fic - @youbloodymadgenius
"Blood is a good color on you" - art | fic - @artemiseamoon​
"I don't drink water. What am I, a tiny fish? Bring me mead!" - art | fic -
"I would love to learn how to do this!" - art | fic -
"I've never smelled this great before." - art | fic -
"Stop following me!" - art | fic - @adrille88​
"Are you threatening me?" - art | fic - @underragingwaves
"I wish I wasn't married." - art | fic part one | fic part two - @underragingwaves
"The sounds you make..." - art | fic - @quantumlocked310​
"I want you." - art | fic - @istorkyou
I've never hosted a Follower Challenge, so it'll be a journey 😊 Really interested in what you guys come up with! 💕
Images used are mostly from pinterest, screenshots I took and the Hvitty and Ubbe image is @underragingwaves screencap.
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She-Ra tumblr au
I made this with @maycombhoney​ at some point and was thinking about it earlier today.
Adora: Has a popular sideblog named She-Ra about her boxing and fighting abilities but very few people follow her main account. Her sideblog is simple, with a lot of self defense tips and stuff, and sometimes people see reblogs of stuff that are supposed to go to her main account show up. They’re pretty boring, so they usually don’t check out the main account
Glimmer: Lots of sparkly moodboards and stuff with a really pretty aesthetic, and that’s all you see when you follow, but once you’re following, your dash starts having a bunch of vent posts about her mom and there’s a lot of discourse. Glimmer gets mad at posts easily. There’s also a lot of anon hate to her. It’s kinda depressing. If she ever posts art, she often has to take it down because no matter how often she says not to, people repost it, and she can’t let her mom connect the dots. 
Bow: He talks a lot about bows. Shows off a lot of his arrow creations and how-to's on making them at home. They’re too complicated to actually work though. Most of his followers find him through Adora’s side blog She-Ra, where he’s often tagged. It’s usually because she posts selfies of their adventures and he’s in them. Glimmer is too, but she’s well known on her own. 
Double Trouble: Their username is from some small fandom no one has ever heard of, their profile pic is from some abandoned cartoon from a year ago, their header is a gif scene from at least three different shows that were shot in the same place, and their line underneath is a quote from an old musical from the 90′s. The blog is about none of those and has a bunch of posts from a show no one can find. They often get asks about what show it is, to which they give a name, and when they’re asked for a link, it never seems to work. People have given up. At some point, someone noticed that you can actually figure out what’s going on in the show if you look at the gif sets and put them together in order of episode (which is labeled at the bottom). See the thing is, Double Trouble is using the mystery and confusion of this blog to advertise the show they wrote, directed and acted out. No one knows how it’s possible, but the people who know what happened are both under oath to not tell anyone and also extremely confused as to how Double Trouble managed it. Including me. I don’t know how it was managed, but I do have a theory that I’m about to send to @sheblah​. This does mean that she’s required to post my thing the moment she sees it.  Edit: She didn’t so I have to take matters into my own hands. Here’s the post I made with it
Catra: Catra’s posts have been a lot of discourse posts, with her being wrong. You can see in the tags that she knows exactly what she’s doing and that she’s making the wrong posts to be a jerk. She and Adora used to be mutuals (no one knows how, there’s no way their blogs should have ever crossed) but Adora saw one of her discourse posts and blocked her for around a month. After that, Catra stopped trying to reconnect. Now! Catra is less of a jerk on her tumblr and posts a bunch of cute photos of her therapy animal, Melog (no one knows what species Melog is but whatever-) and reblogs a lot of stuff about therapy and anger management. One day she put up a post about how she was getting therapy, and people spammed her with congratulations. She told them that she was crying and thanked them all deeply. Sometimes people still bring up how horrible she was and she has to put out a post saying how she recognizes this and she apologizes for everything she did. She nearly never answers the hate asks. She’s getting better. 
Perfuma: She has a cottagecore aesthetic account, it’s really pretty. She once made a cactus hating post and it blew up. She gets anons making fun of her for it to this day. Very annoying. Most people follow her for the discourse she participates in. It can be quiet for weeks, months even, and then she’ll find some idiot saying something dumb and will fight for, days sometimes, to set them right. It used to be Catra that she would fight with a lot. They ended up becoming enemy mutuals, following each other in order to mess up the other’s discourse post. This also meant that Perfuma was the first to see and cause change in Catra’s way of thinking and actions. Perfuma always reminds herself of the fact that she helped someone change for the better once. She’s proud.
Frosta: Is not legally allowed to be on tumblr. It’s a problem. But at the same time she just? Doesn’t seem to follow anyone at all? Sometimes people will send asks about a post that went viral, and she never seems to know anything about it. She hasn’t been affected by tumblr at all, and seems to post something, answer questions, and then log off to make her next thing. It’s... kind of strange, actually. Everyone knows she’s underage, but has no proof, so they can’t tell her to get off tumblr or anything. And if anyone asks how old she is, she gives a random number (A few favorites are “69,” “420,” “I stopped counting after the first hundred years,” “It’s a bit of a pardox actually, because in total I’m around 80, but I’ll be born in three years so... I’m -3 apparently,” “Old enough to beat you in a drinking contest,” “I’m a god, and have no beginning nor end,” and the best of them all, a video of someone being thrown into the air by a pillar of ice with the caption, “Begone thot.”) Frosta picks and chooses her battles when it comes to answering asks. No hate is ever seen on her blog and no one is sure whether it’s because she never gets it, or because she never answers it. She doesn’t get it. 
Entrapta: A lot of cool videos and vlogs and experiments. After about three months of being on tumblr, someone said they had an experiment she might like, and asked if they could send an ask about it and have her try it out. After that, she made it her pinned post to say, “Taking experiment requests! Have something you want me to try out?” She’s always tinkering now, and she loves it! Someone once asked her to explain one of her videos more simply, and she did! But it was too simple, and the person who asked thought she was making fun of them. A helpful follower of Entrapta’s made a better explanation in a reblog and was seen as better, so Entrapta now lets her followers explain how they see is best! She’ll reblog it onto the main account so everyone can see. If they need help, she can always take back the reigns! 
Mermista: No one is quite sure what her blog is about. There’s a lot of posts about this really obscure murder mystery book series. The ones made by the blog itself are videos of arson and mild theft. The videos are horrible quality, and no one knows what’s going on until at the very end of this three minute long vid, the camera stills, zooms in, and shows a boat on fire. It’s not on the news. Sometimes you’ll see a reblogged post that seems eerily relevant to the posts before and after. The mood the entire way through is basically just this meme
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She once made a uquiz that told you what crime you committed. It is... scarily accurate. The questions had nothing to do with the answer at all. You are horrified. There was once an audio that was basically just running for three minutes with sirens in the background (the post has gone viral and people are beginning to wonder if the sirens are actually mermaid type sirens. It’s becoming more and more likely every time it’s addressed). The audio was a voice reveal. It was one word, and it just made everyone who heard it pause for a moment and sit in complete confusion and mild fear before scrolling further, because they live in the lie that perhaps if they go further, they’ll understand what’s going on. It was just, “Fire,” in the most astonished voice, and then the crackling of a flame. The blog never seems to end. After hours of scrolling, you finally reach the end, and there is and never has been context for a single thing the blog has done. You are slowly filled with dread and anticipation for the next post as you hit the follow button.  
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mattstrahm · 3 years
I was tagged by @j-button (and maybe some others over the past month or so) thank u bb!
RULES: it’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
I’m going to do a mix of what I said last time and also what I didn’t say last time because so if you saw me say some of this several months ago just pretend you didn’t xx
1. Senna (2010)
So far the only gifset I’ve made from a full movie? I never really make gifs from full movies even when I make movie gifsets (over at media blog @messerdanny​) I tend to find clips online and it was an unique thing? I’m also very happy with how it looks.
2. Jack Aitken + Palette
I featured this last time but I’ll feature it again because I Like It. The days of work it took to prep for (across... several years...) was kind of insane but I love how it looks and I’m so glad other people like it too. I also recommend the song to people. It’s linked on the post. Watch the music video and the post makes more sense all of sudden.
3. November 13th, 1999 - Lando Norris
Listen I’m very proud of the coloring on this one. And I don’t think it got the clout it deserved. Only the first gif even had purple on it. The coloring is so cute. That’s really all I got to say about it.
4. Jenson Button for @jedivszombie 
I missed doing creative edits so much all year but just simply didn’t have time. I’m very proud of what I managed to create and I’m excited to make more creative stuff this year, I’m trying to get my time management together. 
5. Stained By Red // Lost Cause moodboards
Now freshly unlocked for the reading pleasures of people without an ao3 account. It’s my baby. The whole story is my baby and I’m so excited to do more for it, as soon as I have time. I’ve started but it’s probably gonna be a bit of a long one the next part. I’m so thankful for everyone who’s said kind words about it and supported the process.
I kind of dodged doing this for a while but I figured I’d do it now to get my head in the (creative) game and maybe do some fun stuff sometime soon. That does also mean that I think everyone has been tagged in this already but if you haven’t and you’d like to do it, here you go✨
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elysiumwaits · 4 years
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[Image Description: It’s a square image of music notes across a blue background in retro pink, purple, and yellow. The text says “Let’s Get Distracted! Part One,” and it’s obvious that Ely made it themselves in like five minutes.]
Let’s Get Distracted! 
Part One
When it comes to dealing with things that we can’t actually change or improve, distraction is key. Going over things again and again is distressing, because there’s no actual problem to solve, no solution that’s going to appear the more that we think about it.
Distraction doesn’t mean that we’re ignoring things, or that we’re choosing to be uninformed. Distraction is a good way to stay sane in the middle of devastating anxiety, because panic isn’t going to help anyone at all. It is perfectly fine to find something to get obsessed with, to use this time to learn a new skill, or even just work on getting through the day without losing your mind in the barrage of awful news that keeps happening.
So here are some fun things to do that are free (at least for a little bit) to hopefully help you kill some time and try not to get bogged down with anxiety. For this first list, I tried to grab a variety of things that people may not have known about. Later, I’ll be putting together lists that might require supplies (for crafts), or may lead you to links to cheap entertainment. This one, though, I’ve tried to keep free for you - or at least stuff with a good free trial!
Most of these are for use in the browser or on your laptop. A couple of things also have phone apps (but I’ll be doing a list of games/apps later specifically for phones). I personally have a Chromebook, so I’m not the person to talk to about software for games and such, but if anyone wants a list of fun free/cheap games on the Switch or PS4 or Steam, let me know and I’m happy to make recommendations!
Some Things to Get Distracted By
Neopets - Yes, they still exist! They’re still pretty fun, too. Plenty of flash games, plenty of light-hearted stuff. Clearly aimed for children, but just as enjoyable for adults too, especially if you’re looking to kill some time and bask in some nostalgia.
Flight Rising - Pet site where you breed dragons! Older audience than Neopets, with a heavy creative side.
HexRPG - Incredibly in-depth Harry Potter fan-roleplay site. Attend classes, roleplay on the frankly insane amount of forums, enjoy the events and contests. Great for writers and artists, honestly just plain fun.
4theWords - A browser-based game for writers! It’s the one that I use, and I really enjoy it. Defeat monsters with your word count, participate in events, post on forums, and play through the game. First month is a free trial, and after that it’s around $4 a month! (My referral code is: MVLRL19774)
Duolingo - Okay, everyone knows about the app, yes. Free language-learning. But the browser site is also amazing, and this is an excellent time to dig into learning that language you’ve always wanted to know. I’m using it to brush up on my Japanese so I can talk to my extended family without as much of a language barrier.
CrunchyRoll - A lot of the anime is actually free-to-watch with ads, and they have a mobile app! You can sign up for free, make your watchlist, get really into a great anime (the new Fruits Basket is pretty good), or even take a trip down memory lane and watch something like Rurouni Kenshin or Cardcaptor Sakura!
Good Mythical Morning - A YouTube series by a couple of best friends that is, frankly, utterly hilarious. If you’re looking for hilarity that isn’t completely wrapped up in video game streams or a specific niche, GMM is a great place to find some laughs. I highly recommend the Post Malone nursery rhyme video!
Libby - This one is US-centered, I believe - sorry! Libby is a free ebook/audiobook library operated by Overdrive that works with your library. You can loan out ebooks and audiobooks based on what your library has available, and a library card is required. You can hook the app to your Kindle and send books to read from your phone, or read them directly in your Libby app. A lot of the most recent, popular books have holds that can last a while, but there are plenty of things to read all the same. Right now, I have Gideon the Ninth and The Babysitters Coven checked out! *this is an app, I’m not sure about a browser edition
Pixlr - Free image editing! I lost Photoshop CS5 when my last laptop bit the dust, but I love using Pixlr to make graphics like phone wallpapers, icons, tumblr headers, and more. Pick a classic book and a color palette, or some stills from your favorite Disney movie, and get creative. Also great for moodboards.
NotAlwaysRight - This website is all about dumb customers. I think it’s pretty safe to assume that if you’ve worked with people at all, there’s something here to laugh about. On top of that, they’ve been operating for years, so there’s a bunch of material, as well as sister sites like NotAlwaysWorking, NotAlwaysRomantic, and NotAlwaysLearning, among others.
Alrighty! That’s all for this one, but I have a few more planned over the next few days.
If there’s a specific recommendation for distraction that you’re looking for, or you just need someone to talk to about all of the anxiety and everything happening so much everywhere, my inbox is open and I’m here for you!
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mcrmadness · 4 years
@hanhan156 tagged me to do this interesting tag game, thanks!
Rules: Go to Pinterest, type “(your name) core aesthetic” & make a moodboard ♡
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This was pretty interesting because I do not use Pinterest. I only have an account (or actually two by accident - because I don’t know how tf to even use Pinterest!) because google sometimes directs the image searches to there and can’t view the images without an account, which sucks tbh. Anyway, I also had to do a mix from three different keywords because my name isn’t found outside of Finland and Pinterest automatically used different one + with my name only I had there lots of photos of a pop music artist that I don’t even listen to, and Pinterest doesn’t know my name so I don’t know what it based the search results around even.
(If anyone sees their images here and wants me to credit them, I can make the board public and give the link to it. I was anyway thinking of deleting the whole board because it was just for this tag game and nothing else, but I’ll be more than happy to credit the owners of these images if needed.)
ANYWAY, meanwhile browsing the stuff, I realized why I don’t like using Pinterest :D I wanted to puke so many times so bad because everything is just aphorisms and wannabe-beautiful shit that’s just depression disguised in aphorisms and it’s just... UGH NOT MY THING :D Also my mood board got bit depressing lol. But it has cat things in there. And I know people find the Joker problematic and stuff and so many didn’t like the movie either, I just had to include this image here because I’ve been a Batman fan since I was 8 years old, The Joker was my favorite movie of last year and I think it was a great movie, Joker has always been my favorite DC/Batman Universe villain but I’ve never idolized him, you know? I wouldn’t do what he does in the comics and movies because I KNOW it’s fictional but I’m allowed to like a fictional character even when he’d be problematic. It’s still a different thing to be a “fan” of a fictional killer than an actual real-life serial murderer.
I don’t know if some of the images are even visible enough because I just included screenshots as I don’t use Pinterest anyway, and Tumblr might make them too small to read. With computer I also was not able to delete the captions which sucks. And I don’t know how to make the background black lol. Probably with phone, but at least not with the browser even in the phone (and I don’t have and won’t be getting the app). But the image with green stuff in it says “everyone wants me to move forward - but I am stuck here and cannot leave”.
Btw the ice cream one says paracetamol and I don’t even know why that image exist but I just had to include it because it made me laugh - I’m an anti-drug and stuff but I just have had to eat paracetamol a lot lately because of migraines so that whole image was just so on point today XD
But yeah. I really don’t like Pinterest. And I don’t like the whole aesthetics thing and I’m too old do actually even understand mood boards, I don’t even understand the ones on Tumblr. So many of even these I included here are for me more like silent screams for help and, well, sometimes I can get bit passive-aggressive when I feel like I need help but I don’t know how to ask for help because I feel like a burden 24/7, but still I somehow do not feel like hiding my feels behind random imagery and weird, superficial short phrases. I don’t like the athmosphere of those, they are so depressive. I rather write a novel about my actual feels and post that somewhere, usually on Tumblr, and I don’t always except people to even see it, I just need to get it out. But don’t get me wrong, I don’t have anything against people who do otherwise, it’s just personally not my thing and for me it seems too depressive and sad because I’m just someone who always wants to help people and feels bad and confused when people do that.
Wow I can’t believe I just wrote this much text over one damn Pinterest tag game :D:D:D:D:D:D:D I guess I just didn’t talk enough yesterday, then. I wanna tag two people to this, and to the both of you: I don’t mind if you don’t do this, since I have no idea what you think about Pinterest anyway :D - @stufenlosregelbar, I have NO IDEA if you use Pinterest or if you would find this even interesting to do, but do whatever you want. I don’t use Pinterest and it was pretty... weird (and sometimes bit frustrating) experience tbh :D - @n1o4​, hi I feel like something like this might fit your blog aesthetics? :D I also don’t know if you use Pinterest or if you’re interested in these Tumblr tag games but do this if you want!
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melissatreglia · 5 years
Other places you can find me.
My website has links to ALL my social media, including my Discord server. Includes an archival of my fan-based works and ways to purchase original stuff and merch I’ve made (I have a shop!). It’s slated for a massive overhaul, thanks to the sudden influx of my old Tumblr posts, so you’ll want to bookmark it so you won’t miss a thing!
Youtube - I’ll be resuming with my Let’s Play videos very soon. This will include Subnautica among the titles I plan to explore.
Twitter - The place for some quick updates.
AO3 - All of my available fan fiction, archived for your reading pleasure.
Bandcamp - All of the music (ie. mostly remixes) I’ve produced are located here. The individual tracks are pay-what-you-want (even if that amount is exactly $0.00) and the two albums are pretty cheap for the amount of goodies they’ve got. You can also get a 35% discount if you decide to splurge on my entire discography in one fell swoop! :)
Instagram - Where I post my latest image edits/moodboards. This will eventually include a re-release (if you will) of my older digital art/media, too.
Dreamwidth - Where I used to hang out with fellow fans, and which I intend to go back to, starting tomorrow because (as much as I love you guys) I miss my old crew too. :)
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merigreenleaf · 6 years
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Unexpected Inspiration Location Aesthetic: Silveridge
Day 6: Picture Day for @originalficfest - Intro / Day 1 (Characters) / Day 2 (Romantic)/ Day 3 (Friendship Part 1 & Part 2) / Day 4 (Quote) / Day 5 (Music)  (You can find more moodboards/aesthetics about my series and characters here.)
Welcome to Silveridge, capital city of Concordia! When a visitor steps into the city for the first time, they're struck by the contrast between white and color. The architecture of the city varies and no two buildings look the same, but it's all unified by being almost entirely built from white stone. What isn't stone is wood or brick painted white. In a city of artists where individuality is encouraged, this is the canvas and backdrop for the residents' creativity. What isn't white is painted brilliant colors and almost every building has windows of stained or colorful glass. Concordia is a tied island and Silveridge takes full advantage of the amount of sunlight it gets. The streets and buildings are lined with trees and flowers, adding to the color. Silveridge is the home of the Protectorates, the people who guard art and artists, and their connection to plants and the earth has meant this was part of the city's design from the beginning.
More info about the city under the read more link!
Situated at the center of the city, atop a high hill, is the building that gave the city its name. The sun glints off the silver walls of the massive, rotating building that once housed the country's first inhabitants. Now it's home to the Artisans' guild and contains sprawling art studios, galleries, and libraries, as well as rooms for visiting artists and the resident scholars. I'll get more into the Artisans and their part of the city in a different post- I haven’t found any pictures that match how I imagine this building or the Artisans’ homes, so I’m going to get more creative with this later.
The inside of most buildings in Silveridge are just as colorful and bright as the outside. The bottom three pictures are how I envision decorating styles: lots of colorful lamps, libraries (both personal and public) where the bookshelves blend into the theme of the room, and even the bathrooms fit an aesthetic. Not everyone has the same taste and style will vary in individual homes, but the public places all tend to be a little over the top. (Okay, a lot over the top.)
Magic is tied to art and invention in Concordia, so much of Silveridge in particular is arcanely built or powered. They see magic as just another tool and those who have it tend to want to share it. Part of what goes into being a Weaver of magic is giving part of your time and energy back into the community, so it isn't just the artists who have magic-enhanced homes and possessions. Concordian artist magic isn't particularly powerful; it can't move mountains and you'd be hard-pressed to fight with it, but the little magics woven into domestic things like fabrics, architecture, transportation, and communication make life easier for Concordians as a whole. @perringwrites suggested calling this Contemporary High Fantasy and I think that’s a good way of describing it; I see my characters’ world as having advanced to almost an equivalent of our world’s technology, but culturally there isn’t much similarity. 
I know this sounds rather utopian, but for my main culture I wanted to make a place where I'd want to live and a population I wouldn't mind being a part of. It's not perfect because what place doesn't have issues? There are people who are less than great because people are people no matter where you are. And the other countries definitely aren’t Concordia and don’t always see eye to eye with Concordians. These things add conflict to the series, but in general Concordia works. Cooperation and acceptance have been part of the culture since the founding when two struggling groups of people came together. Over the course of decades into centuries, Concordia went from a plague colony to a city in the midst of a magic battle to the most technologically advanced place on the continent. After what they went through, their decedents probably deserve a little peace and color. ;)
I'll do moodboards/info posts later about the different parts of Silveridge and for Concordia as a whole, but today I wanted to share the city's general aesthetic. I'm also going to do World Building June, so I'm sure I'll get more into stuff soon. :) As always let me know if you’d like to be added to the list of people I tag or removed from it. And please please do tag me in your writing-related stuff, too! <3 @ageekyreader @lynnafred @the-gay-hufflepuff @megan-cutler @alittle-writer @perringwrites @madmooninc @thatwriternamedvolk @elliot-orion @wchwriter @lady-redshield-writes @shadow-maker @reeseweston @bluemartlet @pen-for-sword @writer-on-time @ravenpuffwriter @forlornraven @siarven @ghostsmooches
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sprayingdrips · 3 years
My Personal Summer Improvement Plan
I haven’t been on Tumblr in a while, let alone posted. My most recent visits were mostly me going through recipe blogs and making dinner when I really shouldn’t have because I did not have time. (The food was soo good though omg.)
I am posting the start of my improvement plan here because I originally was going to post about the plan weeks ago on a We Heart It. However, I learned that my IP Address was recent banned from that site and I don’t know why. I can still like shit on that site but can’t make any posts.
After a week of school being over I realized I really should post this somewhere because I need something to keep me in check and make sure I do have some sort of improvement. 
The original layout of the plan with some links taken out because a certain site has me blocked for who knows why:
Recently I was inspired by this video. 
I want to see nothing but improvement from myself this summer. This is a thought process I’ve had almost every year since middle school. I’ve had success in seeing the improvement and at times I have not.
I also want some stuff I have gone so they don’t take up much space. However, I want some of the items to be used up so it is less wasteful (i.e. old acrylic paint). 
I think creating some form of a weekly online journal is a way that can hold myself accountable to do so. 
So I guess I’ll guide this into a form of a list. This is a fresh list that could grow or shorten with time. 
Premiere Pro
After Effects
Davinci Resolve
Leg extension
Chair backbend
Illusion (no hands)
Resin crafting
Baking and Cooking
Subscriptions/Online learning sources
Finish SkillShare classes
Finish Masterclasses
Adobe Max 2020
Khan Academy
Miscellaneous Wants
New scripts written
Better shop updates on Depop
Old notes scanned into the cloud
Watch 50 movies
Have fun with friends
Learn how to do box braids
I’m not too sure what exactly the summer looks like for me in terms of scheduling. I need to find a new job and I’ve signed up for some ASL classes for fun. But I think I can achieve what I want by the end of summer. 
I’ll do an update once a week.
What did I do to get my IP blocked?
I don’t know. I’m assuming it might’ve been a copyright strike on a photo. But, uh, I feel like that would effect my entire account, but it does not. I mostly posted screenshots of things when I did post but I mostly liked photos. I’m going to read through their terms of service to see but if it is a copyright thing that’s embarrassing but 90% of the content on the site itself is able to be striked. Majority of my post were screenshots of achievements Little Mix and some kpop groups received but I stop doing does for years now. I’m a bit annoyed by it because I was going to continue my favorite music video series and favorite kpop dancers on there. Also, I was going to write articles explaining my moodboard, “album ae” (aesthetic) collections. I guess when I get back to school I can do those since its just my home wifi’s ip. 
You can only post articles on We Heart It with a computer. I can follow people, people follow my account and my collections still, I can post photos from my phone, and I can create new collections on my phone. (without my wifi)
I wanted to post this on We Heart It because I liked the ease of posting articles and the layout they had them in. So I had an idea of what the article updates would look like. I don’t have that here, because how long I’ve been gone. Here might be a bit better for links but I don’t have a full plan yet. 
I will say the list has grown to like 53 things that I could do. I might do them in a block scheduling way or just on a random lets do a thing for an hour and have a random generator pick what I do for each hour or so.
Here’s my depop: https://www.depop.com/thejellyhills/
I sell handmade hair clips. I will also be selling more products soon.
0 notes
megsiplier · 6 years
hello everyone! our 2nd-annual community Secret Santa begins DECEMBER 1ST! once again i’ve compiled a guide with any and all info you’ll need. please review this before asking me any questions. most likely, you’ll find it in here, or in the FAQ which can be found here. 
if you want to prevent spam or need to find info about this year’s event, you’ll find it within the #secret santa 2017. you are more than welcome to blacklist this tag if you don’t want it flooding your dash, and please tag related posts with that if you choose to discuss it yourself. 
You MUST fill out a form in order to participate. It opens today, 11/25 and will close on 11/30. 
Proceed to the form by clicking here. 
a. you MUST enable ask. to do this if you have it disabled, click the person icon in the top right corner of your ask > go down to Settings > once there, click your blog in the sidebar under “Blogs” > scroll down your settings until you find the Ask section > make sure the switch is “on”
b. you MUST enable anonymous asks. to do this if you have it disabled, repeat the steps above. the anon switch is found right below the enable ask button. make sure the switch is “on”
c. you MUST enable submissions. to do this if you have it disabled, repeat the steps above. the “Submissions” section is right after “Ask.” make sure the switch is on, and make sure the switches for all varieties of posts are on too.
d. you MUST send something on 12/25. all participants are required to send 1 “gift” of some sort on December 25th, in which you will also reveal yourself. what’s a gift, you ask? proceed to section 3 (III) of the guide. 
a. On 12/1/17, you will receive your person in your IMs. The URL you receive will be the person you Secret Santa for. Congrats, you are now responsible for that rad individual!
b. From the 1st-25th, you can send ANONYMOUS asks to your person and get to know them! Like I said earlier, not required, but get to know your person! Obviously the point of a SS is to do it anonymously, so come up with a cool signature for your asks, and say hello! People made internet friends last year from doing this!! Also it'll help you pick a gift when the time comes. 
c. On 12/25, reveal yourself to your partner, and send them a gift! A gift can be anything -- a positive message, art, fan fic, music, videos, e-cards, a letter, edits, icons... the possibilities are endless! Get creative, and if you aren't the creator type, just send them warm wishes! Movie/TV/Music recommendations, or youtube videos of cute animals are ALWAYS a good idea. 
don’t worry, you don’t need to spend a dime or share your address/personal info in order to participate. a “Gift” can be anything exchanged on tumblr, including but not limited to:
fan art
fan fiction
positive messages
links to cute stuff!!
you are only responsible for sending them one of the following types of things on the 25th. you are welcome to send more! but anything prior to the 25th must be anonymous. 
to submit things anonymously on tumblr, simply: 
a. log out of your account b. go to www.[partner].tumblr.com/submit c. fill in “[email protected]” where it asks for an email and proceed as usual
if you send hate, keep in mind i’ll know exactly who you are. that is not tolerated. don’t even try it. 
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obwcmp · 5 years
Year 2 Semester 1
It’s only the end of week 3 and already so much has happened. Scrap that it’s now the end of week 6! It’s been a super busy first half of semester and there’s still heaps of stuff left to do. 
And now it’s the end of week 9, after the mid semester break. So, let’s get to it! 
At long last, welcome to the end of week 12. The end of the semester. From today I have one more week of work left before the super long mid year break. This has turned into a semester look back post after 9 weeks of keeping it in my drafts. So, let’s get to it!
My four courses for this semester consist of three compulsory, core CMP classes, and a single elective. I picked a first year course, Visualisation for Media Production (VIS) as my elective, and then Cross Media Production (CMD), Working with Scripted Material (SCR), and Portfolio and Dissemination (PRT). 
VIS is interesting for a first year course. To make a good end product requires as much work as a second year course if not more. Of course, given that it is a first year course, it allows for students to make something which isn’t necessarily incredible. Take last years animations as an example (something i never got to show on this blog, sadly).
We have two main parts of our final hand in at the end of the semester. The first is to create a character concept through mixing two different story worlds and having the resulting character make sense within one of the worlds. So in my case, i took Piglet from 100 Acre Wood, and created a character which had the essence of Piglet, but made sense in the world of Mad Max. We had a selection of different worlds to choose from, and i thought that combination would be funny.
The end goal with the character part of the assignment is to show our developments and a final rendered character drawing, alongside a prop and a vehicle. It was supposed to be done by the end of Week 7, and here we are 4 weeks later with it still not done. Fun!
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So many moodboards...
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A small slice of the development stage, these are a bunch of silhouettes for various characters I made up. Of this selection (we were aiming for 50 initial silhouettes) we had to pick three which were based on the same character and then develop 30 more from those three, but this time we were fleshing out the inner details. I’m up to this stage now.
Currently my character is based on Piglet, who used to be a circus performer before dropping out and joining forces with bandits. A master of playing the fool without being overly conscious of it, while always hiding their true identity behind a mask. They still have their circus shoes, but they’ve been modified over the years to be more combat ready. A long coat to protect from dust, the usual cargo pants seen in Fury Road, and a pig mask, the details of which i’m still fleshing out. As for the prop and vehicle, i’m thinking of a gliding flying machine (given piglet seems to always be carried away by the wind) and their prop is a spear with a spinning ring of chainsaws in the shape of a flower at the end.
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My work so far, the two lower right side ones are the ones i’m going with despite their lower bar of detail.
The second part of the assignment it to take a scene from a selection of different movies, and break it down shot by shot into a storyboard, including rough and final storyboards, and then turning the finals into an animatic. It’s definitely the easier part of the assignment, at least from my point of view. I’ve picked the scene from Mad Max 2 when Max meets the gyrocopter pilot for the first time. 
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The rough storyboard of the scene. I’m yet to go through and create a clean looking, multi layer final version which can then be translated into an animatic.
Next on the list of courses is Cross Media! It’s an interesting course in that it’s almost a taste of what’s to come in third year. We were given a brief, “Don’t mind the generation gap” where we were tasked to make a cross media narrative that plays upon, goes against, or has something to say on generational differences and stereotypes. Being that the project is cross media, we have been tasked with using two different mediums to tell the same story, and as an extra challenge we also have to take into consideration a narrative requirement between being location based, time based, or data driven.
I had an idea which I really liked but was hastily written and had role descriptions which I think scared people off. The mediums consisted of a game, a sculpture, and was location based. The game was a web based point and click adventure game which utilised real photos taken around Wellington, which were then manipulated to add certain elements, particularly puzzles (this part of the idea was blatantly ripped off an idea Marie had where we would use a 360º camera to take pictures and create a point and click game with that (think geoguessr, or Myst III as opposed to Riven)). In the game you would be able to go to the location where my location based sculpture would be set up. The sculpture in this case is an interactive computer terminal which tells the same story in a different way. Completing the story the terminal tells, and also taking into account clues placed around the terminal allows for the ‘true’ ending to be unlocked in the point and click game. Along with this, the location in the game and the actual physical location have many differences, and it takes you to see both to see the differences (for instance, the hints around the terminal can only be found in the physical game, and are only hinted at in the web based game)). 
My roles included wanting to use Unreal Engine 4, amongst other things, so that idea flopped. I ended up joining groups with Paris who had an AR game crossed with a location based ‘book’ in the form of a poster campaign on public transport. Along with Paris and I joined Clara, Kennedy, Grace, and Jacob. We called ourselves Paris’ Little Bitches, and got going! The whole project has developed fairly far since the initial concept was laid down. Originally, we were going to locate the posters on public transport but the lecturer Birgit was quick to point out that from an access standpoint that was far from ideal. Currently we are thinking of hosting the posters in malls, and public places where there is a wide range of audiences passing through. 
In week 11 we had our demo for the project in class 1D04 which was fun! We printed hand outs and had our game functioning at a very basic stage on a couple of different computers. Our moderators, Bridget and Kerry Ann from the school of music and school of design respectively, seemed to like what we had done which was a relief. 
A laggy screen capture of the basic button functionality which works with AR, i’ll have a final version available on my portfolio after 7JUN
Next on the list is Working with Scripted Material. This course has been fun as we’ve had a lot of creative wiggle room to do what we want, but at the same time we get a slice of how harsh things like money and time can be on creativity. A good reality check in other words. Back in week 1 we were given a triptych to use as a “story starter” so we used these three images, which had some basic dialogue and set pieces, and created a story from them. My idea didn’t get picked, it was ridiculously ambitious as are most of my projects, and instead I joined Hunter’s idea which involved Lovecraftian horror/thriller type stuff but set in New Zealand. 
Thus In The Harbour Troubled Waters was born. Jonathan, our tutor, couldn’t stand the old name. In our group we had Morgan as director, Hunter as producer, Paris as writer, Ebeney as production designer, Tim as script consultant and editor, and me on marketing. 
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A very low resolution screenshot of a poster Morgan made for the final hand in.
Our project, at least in our eyes, got the most criticism from Jonathan which was honestly super helpful. We’ve come out with a pretty solid concept to hand in, and along with that he likes our script. What a relief! 
Lastly from my selection of courses is Portfolio and Dissemination! This course has been such a good kick in the arse to get myself to make my portfolio which for most of last year was just a handful of .html files sitting around in my project folders. Something else amusing about PRT is that this blog became part of my assessment! Not intentional at all but an added bonus. As a result the navigation on this blog has been cleaned up, and there’s now a link to my portfolio at the top of the page! I’m thinking of adding social media links here too.
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A sneak peek at my homepage. My portfolio is at obw.neocities.org!
The first half of the course just had us working on our portfolios and looking into what makes a portfolio good. I had a very good conversation with our lecturer and tutor, Sim, about our thoughts on what makes a portfolio stand out and how that is changing over time. Sim really wanted us to tell our story as a creator, and show progression and growth, whereas I was more of the understanding that only showing your absolute best in a compact and punchy portfolio was the way to go. 
I mostly stuck to my guns with what I showed in my portfolio, for example my ridiculous VFX reel which is less than a minute long:
I’m not kidding!
Sim and my friends liked it though so i’m happy. 
Our second part of the course was interesting, as we had to plan an event which could be used to promote our portfolios through. Josh came up with an idea for a game jam type arrangement where participants would bring in their own assets which were then added to a pool which all the rest of the participants could pull from to create pretty much anything, not just a game. 
Thus, Multi Asset Slam House or MASH was born. 
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Bright pink, glitchy marketing was the path we took with this
We presented our idea earlier this week (week 12) and people seemed to really like it, including Matthew who is the course coordinator for some of the film courses in CMP which is yet another relief as he is very critical with his feedback. 
That about sums it up for my courses! Along with this stuff I got close to starting a club with some friends, went to Global Game Jam in Wellington back in January, Massey Digital’s attendance grew exponentially. Expect another post soon with those events and what’s to come in the near future.
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def-initely-soul · 7 years
What A Small World Part 1
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Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
A/N: heeeey everyone! I know some of you are going to kill me for not posting the next part of Blood Relations buuuut… this is a birthday gift to my homegirl @chessireneko . It was originally gonna be a one shot, buuuut…. I got caught up to the story a little to much so… I guess this is my next series!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOVE AND I WISH YOU ALL HAPPINESS AND LOVE (insert Mark Tuan here) 💓💓💓
Pictures in the moodboard aren’t mine, taken out of Pinterest.
Words: 5639
Pairing: Mark/Reader
Warnings: mature themes, mentions of alcohol/drugs, implication of attempted rape (okay, I know this seems bad but it’s your standard University AU)
In your high school days,  if someone told you, you would meet your childhood friend again in college, you would have been ecstatic.
But now… Now it is slightly different.
Mark Tuan turned out to be your worst nightmare.
When you first arrived at your college dorms, you felt overwhelmed. 
Being the first time you were away from your home for so long terrified you, but also brought a tingling sense of excitement. The thought of the unknown and experiences yet to be lived managed to overlap the longing you began to feel for your home the moment it was out of reach. You had spent all your life there, in the outskirts of your little town. It was there where you had your first friend, where you had gone to school, where you had shared your first kiss, where you learned that kissing wasn’t the only thing you could do with another person. You had experienced joys and heartbreaks, success and fails and now that you are more than half the country away, you missed it all. Even the bad stuff.
But these nostalgic thoughts came to an end when you attended your first day of classes.
Having a dorm room entirely to yourself would be considered by most a blessing,  but the first days of your stay here, it only managed to make you feel more lonely. You were used to living in a boisterous environment, as your parents were two of the loudest people you knew, so when you were met with the solitude of your empty room, it rested uncomfortably in the pit of your stomach, resulting in a small case of homesickness. So when in your first day of classes you reunited with an old high school friend, you were beyond excited.
You remember Nora clearly through your high school years; besides she was one of the most popular girls in school. Always knew how to dress and act, with politeness and kindness towards everyone and not just her close friends, as people of her ‘status’ often seemed to do. 
In school you never were really close, only sharing the typical ‘hi-s’ and ‘goodbye-s’, at the start and end of school, respectively. You were from different statuses, so a friendship between the two of you was as normal as the sun coming out from the west. It was nothing personal, just the way things worked in high school. 
But in college, where such tactics and customs were nothing but childhood memories to most, a friendship bloomed between the two of you. At first, it was the need for something familiar inside a yet unknown life, for both of you and seeing a known face was like a lifeline. But as you both began to feel more comfortable in each other’s presence, you both realized you had more in common than what you had believed in high school. 
Both of you had a taste for bad horror movies and nights in. The sci-fi genre was your ‘go-to’ as long as it concerned books and you came to realize that 90’s pop was the guilty pleasure of you both. It occurred to you this was the first time you had clicked with another person, this well.  You had never felt this close to anyone before, not even your high school friends who lost contact the moment your roads parted. Maybe your parents, or a childhood friend you can barely remember.
And it wasn’t only because of your shared interests. You both understood one another in things no one did before. It was like you found your platonic soulmate.
But even platonic soulmates have their differences. One specific difference that came in the form of a party on a late Friday night.
“Come oooon, Y/N! It’s just a party!” Nora whines in front of your closet, as she goes through your clothes, brushing aside anything she deems unsuitable for a party. And that makes up more than half your wardrobe.
“It’s never just a party. I can assure you it will result in drugs, weed, regrettable drunk sex and eventually the police shutting it down. Besides Gamma Omicron Tau is the organizer…” you murmur bitterly from your bed, where you sit with your laptop in your lap, ready for binge-watching the latest episodes of your favorite show. 
The Gamma Omicron Tau is the college equivalent of your typical high school jocks. Only with more time, energy, money and sex drive, with not one brain in sight to compensate for their lack of morals.
Needless to say, you don’t like them.
Nora turns to look at you, incredulously. “That’s what a party is!” she announces, before returning once again to your clothes. “Come on, I promise you’ll have fun. That’s what college is supposed to be for!” she exclaims dramatically.
“I thought it was for achieving higher education and academic success…” you reply, uninterested as you click the first episode.
“Well, yeah, that too” Nora turns to look at you and as soon as she sees the opening of the episode, she rushes to you and lowers the laptop’s screen so it closes with a click. “You are coming to the party. I won’t take no for an answer!” she announces, her eyes serious on you, as she places the laptop on the bed away from you, and she drags you to your closet.
“I’ll only ruin your fun. Besides I have nothing to wear!” you screech in a last attempt to make her leave you be, but you realize your mistake as soon as Nora pulls that dress out of your mess of clothes.
She turns to look at you with arched eyebrows.
You scoff, nervously. “This… I would never wear this…” you stutter.
Nora tilts her head to the side unamused. “Then why did we buy it?” she inquires, her leg tapping on the floor, a motion you had come to recognize as a sign of impatience. You gulp.
“Because you insisted on me buying it after you practically forced me to wear it! Where I clearly told you it wasn’t my kind of thing” you insist, trying to get away from her grip to return to your Netflix session. Unsuccessfully that is.
“Yeah, cause as I recall you looked like a man’s wet dream” Nora shoves the dress towards you and you catch it just in time before it falls to the floor.
“Put it on. Then I’ll apply makeup to you and we’re leaving” she declares strictly as she walks to your pack of cosmetics on your desk.
“No buts! You’re coming, you’re gonna have fun and that’s final! Aaaand you’ll probably get laid too!”
At the last words, you laugh. “Yeah, sure, whatever…” you mumble as you reluctantly start to change.
Nora raises her head to respond, but as soon as she sees you changing she’s satisfied, so she says nothing.
God, you already feel like you’re gonna regret this.
Half an hour later, finds you and Nora walking towards the Gamma Omicron Tau house. The building is booming from the loud music, with an ocean of people that keeps entering it. You see guys with perfectly styled clothes and girls with minis and high heels. You’re glad you at least wore your army boots, instead of stilettos as Nora had originally suggested. It was the only thing you didn’t back down to for today’s occasion.
Although it may be a high contrast to the little red dress you’re wearing.
You still don’t know why you agreed on buying this. It is a short, satin, burgundy dress with a deep sweetheart neckline. Its off-shoulder straps are hanging loosely on your arms, as the dress hugs you tightly in all the places you wish it wouldn’t.
When you saw yourself in the mirror, with your hair tied in a loose knot at the base of your neck, you liked it. Admittedly very much. But from the moment you stepped out of the dorms, your insecurities began to bug you. What if you show too much skin? What if the dress doesn’t look good on you, after all? What if? What if? What if?
Nora, sensing your discomfort, links your arms together. “You’re gorgeous, ok? I would be surprised if no one tries to talk to you tonight” she says, more calmly than earlier with a soft smile on her features.
“Well, then… Prepare for the surprise of your life…” you half-joke as you begin to fix your dress in order to hide more skin.
Nora huffs in annoyance. “I swear to god, one day I’m gonna slap you…” she says as you move towards the entrance.
You smile. “As if you haven’t done that already….” you joke and Nora nudges you playfully on the ribs, as you enter the house.
The party is huge.
In every corner there are people dancing, drinking, smoking, making out or all four. From the moment you enter the building the distinct smell of alcohol and smoke fills your nostrils, making you scrunch up your nose in disgust. 
The only way you’re getting through this is with alcohol. 
So the both of you make your way towards the kitchen where the bar is, to grab two cans of beer and then you move to a more open space where the real party is taking place. The lights are dim and the music coming from the speakers engulfs the room, as everyone dances to the beat of the current song. The smells of sweat and smoke mix together, and as time passes by, with you downing one beer after the other, it bothers you less and less.
You and Nora remain through most of the party in that room, talking and scanning the place for anyone recognizable. 
It’s then when you feel as if someone’s eyes are on you. It’s that shivering feeling that travels up your spine and causes you to turn around to spot the source of that feeling.
At first, you don’t see him, due to the haziness that has taken over your senses. But as your vision starts to clear, you notice him. Notice him and wonder why haven’t you before.
You first observe the way he’s standing. He’s leaning against the wall, one leg pressed against it and his hands are crossed upon his chest in a leisured fashion but not quite. It resembles the calm before the storm. The eerie serenity before the hunter attacks his prey. Which, in this case, is you.
He’s wearing black faded jeans with rips and holes in them. Above them hangs loosely a black band T-shirt, but as it reaches his chest, it becomes tighter, and you gulp at the thought of what could be underneath the fabric. 
Then your eyes move to his hair. It is a perfect shade of ashy blonde, thoroughly disheveled that calls you to feel it underneath your fingertips. His ears are adorned with multiple loop earrings, a sight that honestly turns you on more than you’d like to admit. 
And when your eyes travel to his face you realize the boy is gorgeous. His lean figure expands to his face as well, with slim features and defined cheekbones. His pink lips are tight in an almost smirk as he stares at you.
And his eyes.
God, his eyes.
They are a very dark shade of brown, almost black. The intensity of his gaze keeps you still, like a deer caught in headlights, as you feel your body getting hot. His eyes travel your body, from your head to your toes and then back to your eyes, approvingly. And when your eyes meet again, he smirks darkly at you, as he bites his lower lip.
You feel your cheeks flush and a familiar feeling expanding in the pit of your stomach, as you quickly look away, embarrassed.
Nora doesn’t seem to notice, as she continues scanning the place for a potential partner for the night. And then she finds one.
“Hey, Y/N, look over there!” she almost yells in your ear, to be heard over the music as she discreetly points to a slightly buff man with white blonde hair, who just know walked into the room with two cans of beer. You look back at Nora questioningly.
She smiles a wicked grin. “We’ve been looking at each other for over half an hour…” she says, conspiringly. Your eyes widen with shock.
“Already? Well, what am I supposed to do now?” you reply. Nora nudges you.
“I’m not gonna leave you alone, stupid…” she whispers, as said man makes his way towards you. Nora, of course, isn’t gonna leave you alone. But as you look at the man approaching, you realize you’ll ruin the mood, so you make the decision to let them be, as you roll your eyes.
“You can thank me tomorrow with breakfast…” you say, as you begin to walk away, leaving her the chance to actually be alone with him. Nora stares at you wide-eyed before she opens her mouth to protest. But just as she’s about to talk she feels a hand resting on her waist, as said man stops beside her.
“Have fun!” you yell, trying to be heard over the music. You’re not sure if Nora heard, but she just throws you a grateful smile before she turns her attention to the man next to her.
As you walk away, you quickly pick up your phone to send a message.
[You, 1:34]: have fun take precautions and don’t hesitate to call me if something happens. I’m gonna take a stroll around the house so when you’re ready to go just hit me up :)
You hit send and wait for Nora’s reply.
After not even a minute later she replies.
[Norababe, 1:35]: you got it babe. Srsly thanks ;)
You smile at the screen and then you put your phone back in your purse. Since you have nothing to do now, you flirt with the idea of talking to that stranger from before. The one that seemed to eat you with his eyes.
You decide to risk your chances with him. Besides Nora said you might get laid tonight and that actually isn’t a bad idea. It’s been a long time since you had sex and well… you missed it. But as you turn around to find him, you see the spot empty and the boy is nowhere to be found.
Great, what are you gonna do for the rest of the party?
It turns out the house has a lot of unused rooms. And most of them host especially horny couples.
You stumbled upon a lot of them, trying to find an empty room, a number which you don’t want to remember.
After realizing the handsome stranger was nowhere to be found, you abandoned the large dancing area and decided to walk around the house to find anything interesting to kill time, while you wait for Nora’s departure message.
You thought you might find something worth your time inside one of those rooms, but as far as you went you only stumbled upon images you wish to forget.
As you walk down the hallway of the first floor, which is still filled with people dancing or making out, you spot a room at the corner of the corridor, where no one seems to be near it. You move towards it quickly, pushing through sweating bodies to see for yourself if this was the place you would rest quietly for the rest of the night. 
You knock once, twice waiting for anyone to halt you from opening the door. When that doesn’t happen you reluctantly open the door and you sigh in relief when you see the room is devoid of people.
You step inside quickly and close the door behind you as you enter yet another bedroom. Now that you’re here, the sounds of the party become muffled and blurry and you bask at the comfortable silence that falls around you. A nice change from the deafening music downstairs.
You walk around the room slowly as you start to take in its details. It’s a little bigger than the other rooms with dark shades of red, gray and black dominating the space. On your right, there is a balcony which stares directly at the front lawn of the house, with a wooden desk right next to the glass doors and on your left, you see a big canopy bed with graphite covers. But what catches your attention is the wall in front of you, with shelves of books covering it completely. There must be over a hundred books in here you realize and you step closer to read the titles in admiration.
And as you pull an unfamiliar book to inspect it, the door from behind you opens. You don’t immediately turn to see who it is, as you are far too lost in the book on your hands.
Only when the stranger speaks, you realize you’re not alone.
“I’ve been looking everywhere for you,” a deep voice says.
Your eyes stop upon the page as you repeat the words in your mind. Is it the man from before? You imagined his voice to be different, as you turn around to face him and-
It’s not him.
The man isn’t as handsome as the previous man was. He is handsome but not as much. He is more on the buff side and as you see his jacket with the gold letters ΓΟΤ you realize he’s on the baseball team.
You think this might be his room and you’re intruding but no such words left his lips. He said he was looking for you.
“Um, I’m sorry but I don’t think we’ve met before…” you say cautiously, gripping the book in your hands a little tighter.
The man has his hands in his jacket’s pockets as he shrugs and takes a step closer.
“You’re right, we haven’t. But that’s what I’m here for…” he says and only then do you notice the faint gleam in his eyes that informs you, you should get out of here as fast as you can.
“I’m sorry, I… I have to go…” you say quickly as you try to walk around him to reach the door. But his hand grabs your wrist and stops you from moving.
“You know, I’ve been watching you all night babydoll… That dress is a complete sin… You wouldn’t be walking around like that if you hadn’t the same thing in your mind as I do…” he whispers to you with a hideous grin, one that makes the bile in your throat rise. You feel sick as you try to push him away.
“Let go of me…” you struggle to break free from his grip, but his hands won’t move, you realize with fear.
“Oh, come on, don’t you want to get to know me? I swear you’re gonna be screaming my name by the end of the night…” his disgusting words reach your ears and his breath reeking of alcohol fills your nostrils as he moves his face to the crook of your neck. 
You shiver at the implication of his words and you prepare yourself to scream as loud as you can when the door opens again.
But you don’t hear it as a blood-curdling scream breaks free from your throat, right next to the man’s ear.
The man immediately hisses in pain, as he takes a step back, covering his ears. “You little bitch-” he begins as you turn around to run for your life; only to bump into the handsome stranger from before.
This stops you immediately as you look into his eyes. The stranger looks straight at you with his intense black eyes that look more serious and dangerous by the second. Is he with the other man? Is this a plan to trap you here?
But as soon as these horrific thoughts infiltrate your mind, you see the handsome stranger step aside and look menacingly towards the Gamma Omicron Tau member.
“Oh, Mark… Hi…” says the other man, nervously as he looks anywhere besides the stranger, his name you just learned. You look over to Mark as he approaches the other man with slow threatening steps and crosses his hands over his chest. He stares down the other man who fidgets uncomfortably in his spot.
“I think Michael is looking for you, Doug…” Mark says scaringly calm, as his eyes continue to pin down the other man. 
The other man looks as scared and uncomfortable as you were a few seconds ago. But that doesn’t make sense to you, since Mark is obviously less strong than the other man, and you’re sure he’s going to stand his ground-
“Ah, okay, sure…” he replies meekly, still looking at his feet. 
Your eyes widen with shock as you watch the previously oh-so-confident man, dissolve into a weak mess. The man steps around Mark quickly and goes straight for the door when-
“I know you aren’t the top in your classes, but I didn’t know you had no manners as well” Mark states mockingly as he stares at the now-motionless man by the door.
“Apologize” Mark’s voice booms through the room, even though calm. 
You look at him with a curious expression before returning your attention to the other man.
He looks at you and you see the humiliation in his eyes, as he struggles not to react. But aside the humiliation, you see the anger that resides in his eyes, at Mark’s order.
“I’m sorry…” he says through gritted teeth and he looks back at Mark, as you realize Mark must be some sort of authoritative figure around here.
Mark nods at him. “Okay. Now, get out” he says with a commanding tone and the man is gone within a matter of seconds.
You stare at the now closed door for a moment before you remember the other man in the room. Your eyes return to Mark. You find him staring at you with curiosity lacing his gaze, all anger from before, long gone.
And suddenly you remember how he looked at you before, all lust and yearning and it’s your turn to shift uncomfortably in your spot.
“Um… thanks for that…” you say to him as you look at your feet.
“I believe that’s mine” Mark brushes aside your comment. 
You bring up your gaze to see him with a half-teasing smile, pointing at your hands. You look down confused only to see the book you had picked up before, still in your grip.
“Oh…” you say, calmly. You completely forgot you were still holding it. “Sorry…” you reply as you put it on top of the desk, but then you frown in bafflement.
“Wait… this is your room?” you ask, almost accusingly.
Mark laughs. “I’m afraid so, yes” he replies, entertained by your lack of knowledge and your accusing tone behind it.
“Oh…” you repeat, timidly, as you struggle to look anywhere else than his intruding eyes. “Well, then… I… I should go…” you manage to say as you begin to make your way towards the door.
“But you haven’t told me your name…” he accuses with a slightly teasing tone.
You turn to look at him and your feet pin you to the floor, as you’re left unable to do anything but stare back in those eyes of his, that seem to want to swallow you up.
“Wh-…. why would you need that for?” you say quietly, as you feel the weight of those few beers in your judgment. Like they haze up everything.
Mark grins. 
“Nothing in particular…” he replies, but the look his eyes give you, says something different as his feet slowly bring him closer to you. 
Again you do nothing but stare.
Now that he’s closer you can detect a certain familiarity on his face, but you can’t put a finger to it. 
Not since there is a sinful spark in his eyes as if he’s anticipating your next move.
When you do nothing but gaze back, he blinks at you as a note of uncertainty crosses his features. And then it’s gone, as he falls to his familiar state of confidence, once more.
“Besides, it’s not fair for you to know my name, when I don’t know yours…” Mark smiles seductively before he eyes you up and down as if he’s staring at his favorite dessert.
His eyes make you cower, as you shift in your spot, wishing to at least be wearing something more… well, more covering.
You cross your hands on your chest defensively, but as soon as you see the smirk that takes over Mark’s lips, you realize you only managed to emphasize the way the dress clings to you and you drop them immediately, awkwardly glancing anywhere but him.
Mark steps even closer now as his piercing gaze travels up your body, sending pleasurable shivers up your spine. Now he stands right in front of you, your bodies almost touching, a feeling of anticipation slowly begins to wash over you.
You feel as if you’re trapped, like a moth to a flame. You don’t know if this is right or wrong, if you should be here or not.
But you know you definitely want this.
Your eyes land on his muscular torso, as you can clearly see it is as you suspected. The fabric of his shirt hugs his well-built frame tightly and you feel your mouth water. 
Your gaze travels to his neck, his beautiful and long neck and your eyes slowly widen, wishing to sink your teeth into the skin of his collarbone. Then you move to his face. The smirk is now long gone, with an unreadable expression taking over his features. 
And when your eyes meet his, your breath hitches in your throat. 
They stare at you with a hidden desire, a fire you both long to dwell on with each other, and a passion that seems to take over you both. His eyes are intense upon your features silently waiting. Anticipating that moment which will serve as a threshold between now and what is to come. 
The moment when not only your eyes meet, but your bodies as well, and upon the look in his eyes, you feel a familiar heat building between your legs.
“It’s Y/N…” you whisper, too lost in staring at his lips and wondering how they would feel capturing yours. 
Mark breathes heavily, before you, his hands falling limply to his sides, as he too finds himself captivated by your soft-looking lips. The moment is intense, both of you knowing what is to come next, no one wishing to stop it.
You see the movement of his Adam’s apple as he gulps, the only sign of his nervousness and that makes you want him even more.
“Y/N…” he repeats breathlessly as if the air in the room has vanished. You see him take another step closer, no more room between the two of you, and lust floods you for the impending, feeling your underwear getting damper by the second.
Then Mark’s hand raises in the air towards you. You long for the moment his skin will touch yours, yearning to feel his fingertips on you and then-
Your phone rings.
You jump slightly in your spot at the sound, simultaneously taking a step back, as Mark’s hand swiftly falls to his side, and he crosses them on his chest again.
“S-s-sorry, I have to take this…” you mumble, in the wake of the ruined moment, as you see Nora’s number on your screen. 
Mark nods uninterested which makes you look at him confused for a second before answering the phone.
“Hey! It’s me! I’m at the front door, ready to go back to the dorms, where are you?!” her voice comes loud through the speaker and you flinch at the sound, earning a soft chuckle from Mark.
“I’m… I’m on the first floor but I-”
“Great! I’m coming over!” Nora yells into the phone before she hangs up. You blink in total confusion as you look at your phone.
Fucking amazing.
“Is everything okay?” Mark asks with a teasing grin. You turn to look at him, the confidence from before reappearing in his stance.
“Yeah, yeah, it’s just… My friend wants to go home and I can’t let her go alone…” you say with a tone of disappointment in your voice. 
Why did Nora have to go and ruin every intimate moment? You wish you could stay more, but you aren’t gonna let your friend go home alone, especially after a party like this.
“Oh, it’s okay…” Mark’s uninterested tone makes you turn your gaze at him, baffled. But he stares at you like nothing has happened.
Well, nothing did but there was something there. Something that was going to happen if your phone didn’t ring and you can’t be the only one who noticed.
But Mark doesn’t seem at all bothered or disappointed by your imminent departure. He doesn’t even make an attempt to get your number or something. Instead, he picks the book you left and places it back to its original position, as he walks around his room and plops himself on his bed.
His room. In the Gamma Omicron Tau house. Of course.
He’s a Gamma Omicron Tau member. Douchebaggery runs in their blood. And suddenly all his confidence, or more properly cockiness, doesn’t seem at all attractive.
You frown at him, a mild anger slowly infiltrates your mind. “Right…” you murmur. “Well, this has been nice….” you say, sarcastically, wishing to coax a reaction out of him.
But Mark does nothing but smile, and it’s nothing sort of stunning as it was previously, only managing to infuriate you more, before he shrugs and looks at his door, meaningfully and then back at you.
As if he’s telling you to get out.
You scoff and you open your mouth for one last sarcastic remark, when you hear Nora’s loud voice, calling you by your full name from the corridor outside.
So you let it drop with a huff of annoyance as you make your way to the door.
But before you can reach it, you feel a grip closing around your hand and you turn to see Mark looking at you wide eyed.
“Your name is Y/N L/N???” he asks in urgency, surprise written all over his face, while Nora’s calls of your name repeat in a loop.
You stare at him, weirded out, not understanding where this is coming from. Does he know you?
“Yes…” you say, cautiously, shifting nervously under his gaze, as he lets out a breath. “Why?”
“We… I know you! We used to be friends!” he says with a spark residing in his eyes.
Now you frown at him, even more perplexed. Is this a trick? “What?”
“I know you” he repeats. “We were friends once! You even had a weird nickname for me! What was it…?” he says quickly, before struggling to remember something, while you continue to feel creeped out by the whole situation. 
But then Mark’s face lights up in recognition, and he turns to look at you with a wide smile on his lips, the only one that has been sincere till now, you notice.
“Markiepoo!” he exclaims loudly, his face resembling the one of a child during Christmas morning.
“Markie…” you say in confusion before it hits you. “Markiepoo?! You’re Markiepoo?!” you almost yell, unable to believe it at first.
‘Markiepoo’ was the nickname you had for your first friend. It was a boy, two years older than you, around 9 years old at that time and you had met him when his family moved in the house next to yours. You became friends when you discovered a wounded kitten in their backyard and rushed to help, only for it to scratch you and for the boy to come help you, after hearing your cries. After that, you became inseparable for the next two years, before his family disappeared. No one knew why they left or where they went and they left no means of communication for you to reach them. That’s how he disappeared from your life.
And now that is how he appears again.
The boy smiles, almost childlike as he nods. But in a second the innocence is replaced by the arrogance you became accustomed to, in this short amount of time.
“What a small world…”
As you and Nora walk side by side, reaching your dorms, you still can’t believe what happened today. Besides the fact that you nearly got assaulted, you almost had sex after a long time and the man turned out to be your long-lost childhood friend. Who happened to be one of the most notorious Gamma Omicron Tau members.
Mark fucking Tuan.
Nora explained to you on the way back, you had just walked out of the room of the most infamous playboy on campus. 
No one knew how many girls he had slept with. Not even Mark himself. And he was also known for not coming back for seconds. Once done and that was it. Mark was into the one-time thing, never getting into something more serious with any commitment that threatened to take away his freedom.
And you almost slept with him.
The thought keeps on plaguing your mind, as you lay your body on your bed and Nora sleeps on the other bed of the room, the image of his lustful eyes still burned on your brain.
Fuck why did you have to listen to Nora? Netflix and popcorn would have sufficed.
But suddenly the thought doesn’t seem as appealing as it did a few hours ago.
Not with a certain pair of eyes haunting your mind.
sooooooooooo, how was it? I expect feedback on this so don’t hesitate to ask me anything! Again happy birthday to the beautiful @chessireneko , I wish you all the happiness in the world, love!! 💓💓💓
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merigreenleaf · 6 years
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Unexpected Inspiration Aesthetic: The Dorks’ Magic
Day 7: Free Day for @originalficfest - Intro / Day 1 (Characters) / Day 2 (Romantic)/ Day 3 (Friendship Part 1 & Part 2) / Day 4 (Quote) / Day 5 (Music) / Day 6 (Pictures/Setting) You can find more moodboards/aesthetics about my series and characters here. I wasn't sure what to do for Free Day to wrap up this challenge, so @ageekyreader suggested talking about my characters' magics. She's such a great muse! In the series magic is referred to as "weaving,” but to avoid confusion I’m just using the word “magic” here. Their names will take you to their moodboard/bios. You can click the read more link for the magic of the other three main characters.
Adair: Colorweaving (illusion/illustration magic) It’s difficult to find an image that portrays Adair’s magic because what it generally looks like are just drawings and paintings. He’s a cartographer and creates interactive maps as his career, but he also uses his magic to animate the pictures he draws/paints. With enough experimenting, he figures out that he can do actual illusions that don’t involve paper. If he paints a picture on his clothes, this changes his appearance. If he draws on the air in front of him, he can make a 3d illusion appear. I picked this picture because Weavers (people with magic) have an aura of a specific color around their body based on the type of magic they have. Since Adair has Colorweaving, his is purple.
Dray: Wordweaving (spoken/written magic) and fire magic Dray is a rare case because genetics gave them magic from both sides of their family. Wordweaving is an artist kind of magic that generally involves storytelling and written words. Dray's isn't all that strong, though, and they generally just use it to give someone a suggestion to follow. Normally this is to keep away people who bother or harass them, but occasionally Dray will use this for mischief. It has to be something that sounds reasonable to the person Dray wants to influence or else it won't work. Dray's other magic is much stronger and allows Dray to summon/control fire without being hurt by it. They're a fire performer, so they use this in their carnival act.
Etri: Shadow magic Etri is foreign, so his magic doesn't match up with the artist type. With it he can interact with shadow elementals and ghosts, and he can extinguish fire and light. He also has the ability to travel to the plane/world of shadow. (I need to name this- Etri just calls it “the place of shadow.” It's a mirror world to the main one, but doesn’t contain any living creatures. It’s debatable if shadow elementals are technically alive.) There's a side to his magic that he doesn't talk about much, though, and that's his shapeshifting ability. He can go intangible and turn himself into a shadow, which was a huge help when he worked as a thief.
Blythe: Healing magic Blythe has the type of Concordian magic that isn't considered magic- it's seen as medicine. It's technically earth magic, but in the sense that the land itself is magic and almost sentient. It chooses the people it wants to have use it instead of it being something tied to your genetics and family like the other magics in this world. A healer needs to be on Concordia's soil or have some of this soil with them in order to reach this magic. Healing magic is worked by painting patterns on the patient's body using a herbal paste. Because the healer is a channel for the magic and this is constantly flowing through them, they're immune to illness, and any injury they receive heals almost immediately. The healers are also touch-telepaths and have the ability to read surface thoughts if the person is awake, or their dreams if the person is asleep. Blythe eventually learns how to take this further and see specific memories.
Sol: Light magic The country Etri and Sol come from have two types of magic: light and shadow. Sol has the first and can summon light and fire, as well as heat up his body temperature. He often has orbs of light bobbing around near his head for extra light while he's inventing things and and he uses the heat side of his magic to soften and shape metal with his bare hands. He may someday be able to use his magic similarly to Etri and be able to cross over to the world of the light elementals, but so far he hasn't been able to do this. His ability to focus isn't great and it has prevented him from being able to do as many things with his magic as his brother can.
I tried to keep this short, so I’m not sure how much sense it makes, but I'll be doing World Building June and I'll get much more into detail about how magic works and the different types soon. There are a ton of different magics in this world and I’m looking forward to talking about it. :) If anyone has any questions, though, please feel free to ask!
I asked this earlier, but I figure here’s a good place to ask it, too. Would anyone want to be tagged in my world building posts in June? Since it’s one post daily and runs for a whole month, I don’t want to just tag without knowing who wants to be tagged. So if you want to be tagged in my worldbuilding stuff in June, let me know. :)
For now I’m tagging my usual moodboard/writing peoples. As always, please please tag me when you share writing stuff so I don’t miss it. <3 @lynnafred @the-gay-hufflepuff @alittle-writer @megan-cutler @perringwrites @madmooninc @thatwriternamedvolk @elliot-orion @wchwriter @lady-redshield-writes @shadow-maker @reeseweston @bluemartlet @pen-for-sword @writer-on-time @ravenpuffwriter @forlornraven @siarven @ghostsmooches @worldbuildingwren @toboldlywrite
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