#I’m taking a break from it after… the love town incident.
soup-for-ghosts · 7 months
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director and librarian of her role’s namesake and the weird dog she hired to maul people at the front entrance
the references I used under cut cause I mimicked some sprites
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nmakii · 2 months
hello! it is me again
What do you think if Alastor had a breeding fetish? (Idk if that's how it's written, English is not my native language 😿) oops! It would be nice if you brought some of that to the second part of "no one's better than I am" __if you wanted to ;)
| thanks for your time|
— having you return to alastor, he was more than ecstatic. but, he has to make sure you don’t run off again.
— includes semi-nsfw n pregnancy… i dont condone alastors actions!!
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alastor does not want kids. he isn’t against them, but he is rather busy. if he were to be asked, he wouldn’t be the best father either. he doesn’t have much of an idea of how to discipline children, nor does he enjoy playing.
oh, but with his pretty wife home, alastor has to make sure she stays, shouldn’t he? we wouldn’t want another man sweeping you off your feet. neither would he want you running off to the newspapers knowing his little secret— alastor would rather raze the town than hurt his little doe more than necessary.
oh, and, not to mention how gorgeous you’d look; a motherly glow radiating from your skin as you grow a child inside you— a child that was the mixed blood of you and alastor. how you would look so pretty rocking your child to sleep, alastor standing behind you, holding your waist and keeping steady.
alastor gazed at you in awe as you wiped the kitchen counter clean. he took your face in the palm of his hands, kissing you deeply and lovingly, as if your little rebellious incident had never happened.
“alastor? what’s wrong..?” you looked to him confused. “nothing’s amiss at all, dear. just admiring the sights.” he hummed, holding you by the waist as he pushes you onto the now-clean kitchen counters.
as his hands trail further, undoing the knot of your apron— he placed kisses down your neck. “i love you so very much, darling.” he sighed. “say you’re mine, won’t you? say that you belong to me as i do to you.” he pleaded.
your breath hitched as you hesitated. “i… i’m yours, alastor.” you let out, heart stopping a beat as shivers were sent down your spine. did you truly fall in love with him? alastor groaned, smiling widely at your saccharinely sweet words. “ahaha! oh, my dear…” he laughed ecstatically, almost predatorily.
“may i?” he asked, holding the zipper of your dress between his fingers. as you nodded timidly, he noticed your chaste behavior. “what’s wrong, dear? nervous?” he mused. “no… it’s just… i didn’t expect you of all people to… have sexual relations.” you said, slowly as you pick the right words.
“hmph, i’m not particularly fond of them.” was all that alastor said. and though, for the most part, it was true; engaging such physical acts is… repulsive to say the very least. whatever was necessary to keep you in this house. even if he had to make you bear his child in order to do so.
because… this is love, isn’t it? alastor loves you so very much, he’s willing to give you his everything. even the things he wouldn’t want to give.
he pulled you off of the counter, bringing you to the bedroom and he lays you down. taking out a condom. after all, you still have to stay safe.
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fuck, how did this happen? you sat, shaken in your doctor’s office as she removed the gloves from her hands. so, it was true? you were… pregnant?
the very thought made you sick to your stomach. that last encounter 3 weeks ago… there was protection. alastor is always very attentive to important matters such as this, there’s no way that your contraceptive wouldn’t have worked unless… it was tampered with.
the thought of him doing such a thing behind your back brought you anger. simmering inside you as you waited for him to return home. “oh darling, i’m home! don’t you look absolutely magnificent?” he grinned.
“break it up, alastor!” you frowned. “oh? what ever have i done?” he asked, big eyes as looked so innocent— he wasn’t even hiding his guilt! “you… messed with the contraceptive, didn’t you?” you said, standing from your seat at the table.
“hmm… so you are with child after all?” he grinned ear to ear. “so, what if i did?” he shrugged. "it’s not as if you have another means to live, i’m the only one who will take care of you.”
“so you did..!” your face scrunched in anger, ready to rip this man to shreds. “ahaha… calm down, dear. all this stress isn’t well for our child.” he rested his hands on your shoulder and stomach, gentle, almost soothing— almost able to make you forget the ordeal he put you in.
“don’t you want this child to grow up with a father? i’ll take care of everything you could ever want for, my cute little doe. just stay here in this house, and we’ll be a happy family.” he said, sweet nothings falling out of his mouth. how foolish honestly.
did you truly think you could nurture that monster into a man?
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daycourtofficial · 3 months
Falling in Love on the Fourth Floor - Part 8
Summary: Out of an act of desperation, you move in with a guy you kind of know who happens to have a really hot brother who lives next door.
Author’s note: this is ridiculous and incredibly self-indulgent but I don’t care I had so much fun writing this. This is the iconic karaoke chapter and I’m so excited 😌
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Azriel drove the two of you through town, his motorcycle moving through traffic with ease. Your hold on him continues until he eventually pulls into a parking lot, stopping right in front of a small restaurant nestled beside an Insomnia Cookies store. You were quite impressed with how well you handled the ride - you had kept your gasps and nerves to a minimum.
Until you realized you had to get off the bike.
“Uhhh,” you say, looking at the ground as if the two or three feet away from the asphalt was a ravine.
He chuckles, sensing your hesitation.
“Hold onto my shoulders and just slide off.”
You breathe deeply, preparing yourself for the worst case scenario - either falling off the bike or death. You’re not entirely sure which is preferable.
You follow Azriel’s advice, your hands bracing your weight on his shoulders, sliding off with relative ease. You put your hands up in the air, jumping around at how proud you are of not dying. Azriel just chuckles, shaking his head as he mounts the bike, helping you pull off your helmet.
You two go in, and you look around to see only a one other couple at a table, eating what can only be described as the most delectable smelling sandwiches you’ve ever encountered. You spend a moment looking at the massive menu trying to figure out what sandwich you want. Azriel waits on you, and when you nod to him that you’re ready, he steps forward to the counter.
“Can I get a 12 inch triple meat and a 12 inch meatball sub, and whatever she’s having,” he says, motioning for you to tell him what you want.
You’re a bit surprised, and you desperately want to crack a joke about a 12 inch triple meat, but you bite your tongue, asking for a philly cheese steak instead.
Azriel pays, and you thank him as you two find a table.
“So… 12 inch triple meat, huh?”
Azriel snorts, “it’s Cassian’s go to.”
“What’s on it?”
“I’m pretty certain they just shove a bunch of different kinds of meat on bread, layer a bunch of cheese on top, and warm it up.”
“Hmmm,” you hum, “very on brand for him.”
The guy who took your order brings you your sandwiches in little baskets, one sandwich packed away in a bag.
Cassian’s triple meat, no doubt.
“How’d you like being my backpack?” Azriel asks, biting his sandwich, half of it coming out of the end.
“Excuse me?” You ask, taking a bite of your own, trying to keep the contents inside of the sandwich as you eat.
“My backpack. You were riding on my back, like a backpack.”
“Oh,” you push some hair behind your ear, “It uh wasn’t too bad, it was actually fun when I got used to it.”
“Yeah? Would you ride with me again?”
His eyes sparkle a bit at you, whether that was from the sunlight peaking through the window or if that was just Azriel, you’re not sure.
“Yeah, I think I would. When I was a kid I always wanted to ride a motorcycle,” you say, smiling. “How did you end up driving one?” You ask, not taking your eyes off of him
He hums, thinking about how to respond. “I always wanted to ride one, too. Then after the incident with my hands,” he holds up his gloved hands as if making a point, “after I relearned how to use my hands, all I could think about for years was riding. During my physical therapies, whenever it was getting hard or frustrating, I imagined myself older, being able to grip the handles, feel the wind on me.”
You just smile at him, unsure what to say, hoping your smile comes across as friendly as you tell him, “I just thought it looked cool.”
A smile breaks across his face, a beautiful laugh coming from him.
“It does look cool,” he replies, bunching up the paper from his sandwich once he finishes, throwing it into the basket.
“Rhys actually bought me the bike.”
Your eyes move from the paper to his face, and a somber look overtakes him.
“When we were kids he told me after those therapies that he’d buy me a bike once we were old enough.”
He shakes his head, the memories of all the times Rhys said those words to him coming in and out of his thoughts.
“I never expected him to follow through on it. But he did. He bought me the bike as a graduation gift.”
You were about to ask how an 18 year old could afford that, but Azriel beats you to it.
“Rhys’s dad is somewhat in the picture. If Rhys does things for him, mostly making appearances at family functions, he gets extra money.”
“His dad does pay our rent, and Rhys has a credit and debit card from his dad, but he also needed his dad to sign on for the bike.”
“Your brothers must really love you,” you say, reaching your hand out to cover his.
He looks up at you, hazel eyes peering into your own and he smiles, “yeah, yeah they do.”
You walk into the gym that Cassian and Azriel work at. It was quite large and it looked incredibly pristine. It’s full of people working out, seemingly everyone in town was spending their Saturday afternoon sweating the week off.
Azriel pulls out his phone, shooting a text to Cassian about his sandwich. The two of you chat idly about the gym, and Azriel tells you a bit about the guy who does the scheduling when you catch a glimpse of long hair in a half messy bun on the top of his head.
You see Cassian’s head come from a corner and he makes his way to you two, his grin getting bigger as he sees you next to his brother.
“How’d your date go last night?” He asks, not mentioning Az’s spare helmet in your hand or how if he blew out a breath you’d be touching his brother.
Azriel glares at Cassian over you, but you tell him, “uh, terribly, actually. He was a douche.”
Cassian grabs his lunch from Azriel, thanking him.
“That’s too bad.”
And yet, Cassian wouldn’t stop smiling at you. You go to ask him more, but he tells you, “I gotta go - I only have a few minutes to eat. Thanks,” he tells you, and before you realize what’s happening, he’s grabbing your head giving you a kiss on the forehead, doing the same to Azriel.
The two of you stand there confused as Cassian walks away, over his shoulder yelling, “do NOT forget about karaoke tonight!”
You stepped into your living room, to find Rhys, Mor, and Az lounging on your couches, not adhering to the bar’s theme. Rita’s did themed karaoke nights once a month and this month’s theme was cowboys.
Naturally you pulled out your Barbie costume from last Halloween, and are now looking at your non-costumed friends gobsmacked.
“Why is no one else dressed up?” You ask incredulously, as all three of them look towards you. Rhys and Mor start laughing, but Azriel lets his eyes graze up and down your body, his gaze making you wonder if you’re even wearing clothes right now.
Mor smiles at you, “we don’t follow the theme - Cassian does though.”
You huff, crossing your arms, “he made it seem like all of you dressed up!”
Rhys’s eyes dance with amusement as he tells you, “because he wanted you to dress up too.”
As if you summoned him, Cassian comes out wearing black leather pants, no shirt, a matching vest, and a cowboy hat. He looks at you, smiling wide. “You look great!” He tells you, clapping you on the shoulder as he walks past you. “Uber’s here.”
You don’t have time to turn around and change as your group is herded out the door and down the elevator. It hadn’t occurred to you to question how the five of you would fit into an uber until you got down to the curb, Mor bolting for the passenger seat as the guys get into the car.
“You can just sit on someone’s lap,” Mor tells you flippantly, before placing a finger on her nose telling you, “nose goes.”
Az, Rhys, and Cass get into the backseat, and Cass pats his lap for you, raising his eyebrows at you.
“Ew,” you tell him, clambering to get in on Az’s side. “I don’t trust you, Cass.”
You drape your legs over Rhys’s lap, your feet landing in Cassian’s hands as you get situated on Az’s lap. You shoot him a look, wanting to know if this is okay, but he’s talking to the uber driver.
You pull up your phone, typing a note into your notes app, showing it to him once he’s finished with whatever he was telling the driver.
Is this okay?
You show it to him as Cassian and Rhys are watching the end of a rugby game on Cassian’s phone on the other end of the backseat. Az reaches for your phone, his fingers gently brushing against yours as he grabs your phone. You watch him type, his fingers dancing across your keyboard, their scarred skin providing a texture you want to touch.
It’s more than fine.
He had replied, and you’re about to respond when he grabs your phone again, typing out:
Just like the way you look in that costume.
He hands you your phone back, smiling as a blush floods your cheeks. He puts his arms around your torso, holding you in place, and one of his hands gently holds onto your hips, securing you to him.
Sitting mostly in Azriel’s lap, you spend the car ride holding onto him, leaning your head into his neck for support while you talk to Cassian, who keeps threatening to tickle your feet. You tell him you get spazzy when tickled, which would give Rhys a free knee to the face.
“Please don’t, Cass. I’d like to keep my face intact for tonight.”
“Yeah because Feyre’s meeting us at Rita’s and he wants to look good,” Mor replies from the front seat, drawing out the last word.
Rhys rolls his eyes, but you do notice him unlock his phone to the messages between him and your friend, the last one asking her to let him know when she got there.
The five of you arrive to Rita’s, a bar located on the edge of campus, just close enough to be packed full of other students.
Mor leads the group in, with Rhys saying, “Feyre’s on her way.” The blonde leads your group to a large round booth in the corner, all of you piling in. Mor sits on your right as you maneuver your way in, Azriel right beside you.
Cassian sits on the edge, likely so he can get up and go sing without being too much of a hindrance. Rhys doesn’t sit down, heading to the bar to grab drinks for everyone instead.
And perhaps keep an eye on the door for a certain brunette.
The four of you sit in the booth, Cassian being uncharacteristically quiet as he waits for Rhysand to bring him his traditional shot before performing.
You nudge Az, getting him to turn his attention to his brother.
“You okay, Cass?”
Cassian shrugs him off, “I just want my shots. You know I prefer being a bit buzzed before going up there.”
You reach in front of Azriel, squeezing Cassian’s forearm, “you’re going to be great!”
Cassian softly smiles at you, his hand covering yours in a gentle squeeze, “thanks, sweetheart.”
Cassian did seem in better spirits, opting to pick up a conversation with Mor about the best shots to drink before karaoke.
You turn to Az, the two of you closer than necessary in the booth, but you can’t bring yourself to scoot away.
“So, Barbie huh?” He asks, his fingers touching the pink pleather fabric on your shoulder.
You’re confused for a moment, before realizing what he’s talking about. “Oh, yeah. Mor wanted us to go as different Barbies from the movie for Halloween - she was rollerskating Barbie, I was cowgirl Barbie, and Feyre was the pink gingham dress Barbie.”
He rests his arm on the booth behind you, and you stay as still as possible so you won’t scare him off as he asks, “no Kens?”
You laugh, “no Kens, unfortunately.”
His smile is on the verge of cracking his face in half as he says, “maybe this Halloween you’ll have some Kens.”
Before you can reply, Rhysand comes back with a tray of shots and Feyre behind him, wearing a very cute black mini dress.
“Traitor!” You shout at her, as she scooches in next to Mor.
“Rhys told me we didn’t actually dress up,” she defends, holding her hands up. Your eyes shoot to violet ones, their gaze full of mischief. Rhys smiles at you, and your jaw drops, “and you didn’t think to extend the same courtesy to me?”
Rhys’s grin grows feral, “I thought surely with all the texting you and Azriel have been doing, he would have told you.”
You turn, smacking him on the shoulder as he chuckles. “Okay, okay, I should have told you, but you were so excited about it, how could I rip that from you?”
You scoff, “I look like an idiot.”
“A cute idiot.”
Your blush doesn’t go unnoticed by everyone at the table, as Mor pokes her nose in. “I think it’s only fair if next time we come out Azzy and Rhys adhere to the theme.”
Your eyes light up, pointing to Mor, “oh oh oh, I like that idea!”
Rhys turns to cousin, “and why am I involved in this?”
“It only seems fair. You told Feyre that we don’t dress up, so you should have told her as well.”
Azriel butts in, “well Feyre could have told her too.”
Feyre motions her hand over her throat, trying to stop Azriel from speaking further.
“It’s decided then,” Mor says, “the three of you adhere to the theme for next month’s karaoke.”
You pick up your glass and clink it to Mor’s, solidifying the deal. Everyone else is groaning, slumping back in their seats, but this agreement causes Cassian to become invigorated. He’s buzzing with excitement, and at least three shots of vodka, as one of the bartenders walks up to the mic and says, “next up for karaoke - everyone’s favorite - Cassian!”
Cassian gets up, all of you wishing him luck as Mor places a sloppy kiss on his cheek. He prances up to the stage as the scattered applause dies out. The opening notes to Shania Twain’s “Man I Feel Like a Woman” come through the speakers. Cassian lifts his head to the mic to sing, “let’s go, girls”, then turns back around away from the mic. He begins swaying his hips in time with the beat, the leather pants he’s wearing making his ass and his legs look phenomenal. His vest rises a bit as he raises his arms, and you can see the bottom of the tattoo he had gotten during your drunk escapades.
“Are we sure Cassian’s not a stripper?” You ask the table, but Mor shushes you so she can watch the show.
You turn to Azriel, leaning in close to him to whisper, “Do you know how to whistle?”
Your whole body is warm as he leans close to your ear, whispering, “Yes, why?”
You miss the look Rhys gives the two of you, huddled together impossibly close in the large expansive booth.
“I want to whistle, but I don’t know how. Can you do it?”
He obliges your request, rolling his eyes as he wolf whistles at Cassian, who beams at the attention.
You giggle, whispering to Azriel, “his stage name should be 12 inch triple meat.”
You two giggle at the joke before turning your attention back to the stage. Cassian makes it through the first chorus, and he is not receiving his dues. No one is paying any attention to him, and you’re about to ask if there’s anything you guys can do, when Mor grabs your and Feyre’s arms, pulling you out to the little dance floor in front of the stage.
You guys start singing and dancing with him, hips swaying with the music. You guys are singing to each other, smiles plastered on your faces.
You’re lost in the moment when you feel Cassian’s warm hand wrap around your wrist dragging you up on the stage. He has his other hand on Mor, so you quickly grab Feyre’s wrist, all three of you assisting him with the vocals on the “oh, oh, oh”.
It was ridiculous - the four of you on this tiny stage, everyone at Rita’s not caring as you all danced and sang, the three of you providing backing vocals for Cassian.
Three of the most important people in your life singing to Shania Twain.
It was ridiculous. It was everything.
The song ends, and you can hear Rhys and Azriel clapping enthusiastically as the four of you head back to your table.
You slide back into Azriel’s side, his smile making everything inside of you burn for more of it. You spend the rest of the night drinking as Rhys and Cassian regale you all with stories of karaoke nights of the past, the unspoken words hanging between them, but not making their way into the discussion.
The past nights of singing were nowhere near as fun as tonight was.
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theregencywriter · 3 months
Omg omg omg wait wait wait idk if anyone ever done this before but imagine meeting Colin on his travels and he thinks he'll never see you again so like yall might have shared a kiss 🤭 and then when Colin goes back him for the season and sees you his brain just short circuits and he's just shocked and his family have no idea why lol
Idk I would just love to see that lmao I love seeing Colin in distress when it comes to the women he loves
Over the sandy dunes - Colin Bridgerton X Reader
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A/n : I love this request!!!! I saw it pop up in my inbox and I just HAD to write it ASAP, thank you so much for the request <3
When Colin Bridgerton left London to escape all of the recent turbulent events, he felt he could breathe again. With no Lady Whistledown looking over his shoulder or a hundred debutantes wishing for a dance, he could simply relax. It was in his sixth week abroad when he took rest along the shores of a beach in Greece. He had woken up early to catch the morning sun rise and be alone with his thoughts. He liked the guides he had, but to find true solitude with no one around was a rarity even in the smallest of towns. Laying on his back he stared up at the sky as the stars retreated upwards into the deep blue, and as the first rays of light pricked his noses and ran into his eyes he sat up to gaze upon the marvel.
His view, however, was obstructed. Up ahead was a woman on the beach, standing close to the thrashing sea and wearing a light dress with a lilac shawl that was tussling with the burgeoning winds. Normally he would have hated this interruption as he had woken up early specifically to be alone, but when looking at her form and how she seemed to sway ever so delicately he couldn't help but advance.
“Lovely day, isnt it?” As he uttered these words she quickly spun around in shock, making him realise he was probably far too close for comfort ad taking a step back. As she assessed the moment and relaxed  she spoke. “Yes, it is beautiful. I’m sorry, I thought I was alone here.” Colin chuckled. “Did you not see me laying down mere metres behind you?” She joined him in a laugh. “I have been walking along the shore for quite a while now. I fear my gaze was fixed on the horizon, nothing could break me from it.” 
A moment of silence fell between them. “Colin Bridgerton” he reached out his hand. “I am unsure if I can give you my familial name, but please, call me Y/n.” She gave him her hand and he planted a soft kiss onto it. “You speak with a similar accent, are you from London?” He enquired. “Not quite. I do have relatives in the city, but I live further North, close to Lincoln.”
Colin broke a smile. “Ah, well then, that explains it.” She looked at him, puzzled yet entertained. “Explains what?”
“Well I was unsure of how I could have never seen a face as beautiful as yours during a ball.” She looked down, and bit her lips. “If I may be honest, I was meant to debut this year, but I find the whole event to be pure drabble.” They shared a laugh. “In truth, I much prefer this to a ball. Endless exploration available at my very fingertips. It’s a wonder, is it not?” She looked at him, then towards the sunset, and she was returning his gaze once more he took her in, kissing her as she cupped his face.
This lasted for only a second before he pulled away. “I apologise, that was improper.” “Mr Bridgerton it was-” Another voice called down towards them from Colins residence. “Mr Bridgerton, there is a matter you must attend to!” Despite looking at his forlorn beau, he ran up the sandy dunes and over the hill, leaving Y/n alone.
Hours later, after sitting with the incident and realising he hadn’t allowed her to speak he ordered a carriage. According to his guided there was only one possible place anyone of her status could stay close by, but when he arrived he was informed that the family had left earlier on in the day, whilst refusing to give them their whereabouts. Upon his return to England he attempted to find her. Asking around if her name was known but without her last name, his efforts turned up nothing.
Colin fidgeted with his cuff, it had been slightly wrinkled earlier on yet he had no time to change it. He was never really a fan of these events, but knowing that Y/n detested them as well made it worse. The one event they conversed about, yet the subject was how she did not intend to be in attendance. His stomach churned thinking about it. How could he have left? No no, not just left, run up the dunes to get away from her. He had to take a breath and stop himself. It had been a year, he thought, he must move on. As he calmed and took a moment the doors swung open to announce another guest.
“Lady L/n and her daughter, Miss Y/n L/n”
His gaze was transfixed on her. As she came down the stairs her hand grasped by Colin, already a couple of steps up from his eagerness. “Miss Y/n, I believe I owe you a dance” He proclaimed, stroking her finger as he did and wondering about her ring size.
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obsessedelusional · 1 year
religious trauma but make it gay
paring ✦ Bella Ramsey x fem!Reader
summary ✦ Bella was your childhood best friend. The one person you felt like you could tell anything. So you do exactly that, coming out to them when you two were still young. Only for Bella to push you away. What happens when they show up at your work several years later?
word count ✦ 3,500ish
authors note ✦ I’m so in love with Bella Ramsey and there’s barely nothing out there. So I took it upon myself lmao hope y’all enjoy!!! Also I’ve never written for a real person so I hope this ok request for Bella open bc I’m a simp rn
⊹ ꙳ ✦ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹
several years ago
“I think I’m gay.” You admit to your childhood best friend, Bella. The two of you sat in the school yard, parked under a tree.
“What?” She asks, forcing you to repeat the statement you’ve been trying to find the courage to say for months now.
“I think I like girls.” You further explain.
“That’s a sin. You can’t like girls.” Bella spits, bringing tears to you eyes.
“Bella-“ You say their name, letting the tears fall as they interrupt you.
“It’s a sickness, you can get help. My pastor will know exactly what to do.” She says, entirely seriously. Taking your hands in theirs, you quickly push them way. You can’t believe what your hearing.
“I don’t need help. I needed my friend to be there for me.” You stand up from the floor, overwhelmed by the entire situation.
“I don’t think-“ Bella hesitates.
“I don’t think we can be friends anymore.” Her words tremble like their unsure as they come out.
“I knew you were religious but this takes it to a whole another level.” You croak before leaving Bella sat alone under that tree. Part of you thought they’d come back, apologize to you after some time passed. That never happened, ten years of friendship over because of you opened your mouth about your sexuality. At the time you regretted saying anything at all, wishing you had just kept it bottled up inside.
The worst part was when their mother called a couple weeks after the incident basically outing you, offering your mother her pastors number. To your surprise your mom politely declined, she accepted you fully for who you were. It was a bit awkward at first at home but eventually everything went back to normal. That summer you attended your first Pride Parade and felt so seen that the coming school year you came out publicly. Considering the two of you were in the same grade you still saw them around, although never speaking to them again.
After a few years Bella landed her first huge roll in Game of Thrones, leaving your guys hometown behind. You didn’t have to see her face around anymore. Part of you happy for them but sad you couldn’t be in their life to support them. Only to remember they never supported you when you need them most.
present day
It had been several years since you came out, now living your most authentic life. Since then you had a few relationships, nothing too serious. Normally only lasting a few months before breaking up. You had graduated high school, started college shortly after. You got into the college you’d been dreaming of and the major you always imagined yourself as. Your college was a few hours from your home town so you occasionally saw people from there at your part time job. A couple days a week you were a barista at this cute little coffee shop right on the corner of the busiest street.
“What can I get you?” You ask blindly, going through the motions of a transaction.
“Y/N?” The voice on the other side of the counter asks, causing you to look up from the cash register. Looking up you’re greeted by the girl who you hadn’t seen since that depressing day. The day you lost your best friend.
“I can’t believe you work here.” They say, their voice warm.
“Yup.” You say flatly.
“What can I get you?” You ask, trying to quicken this interaction.
“The film I’m working on is filming just down the street for the next few weeks. I’ve been trying to find you for years, you have like no social media.” They admit, completely disregarding your attempt to not make small talk.
“Can I get you something?” You asks again, uninterested in what they have to say.
“Damn I deserve that.” They sigh before muttering off their order and paying. He walks over to the pick up area and you start making their drink. Every time you look up from your work they’re already staring. You can’t help but look too, they’ve changed so much. You’ve seen things about them online and people from your home town loved to talk about the girl who made it big. Always asking, “Didn’t you used to be friends with Bella?”
Once you’re done with their drink, you walk over to where they stand and set their drink down on the counter.
“Y/N wait.” They plead before you can turn your back to them. Against your better judgment you stop, briefly making eye contact. Saying nothing but signaling with your eyes to speak.
“I’m so sorry. I know what I did was shitty. I haven’t stopped thinking about that day since. While I’m still in town I’d like to apologize better like take you out or something so we can talk.” They explain, almost rambling their words.
“I understand if you don’t want to but here’s my phone number. Consider giving me a call or a text or anything, please.” They smile reassuringly pleading with you one last time, passing you a small folded up paper. They leave the coffee shop, drink in hand. You catch your self watching them leave, mind wandering on what you’re gonna do with their number.
Part of you wants to throw it away. An even bigger part of you wants to find out what would happened if you contacted Bella. Maybe their viewpoints have changed, it’s the least you can hope for. Against your better judgement you slip the small piece of paper in your phone case, deciding you’ll worry about it later. The rest of the work day is slow, painfully slow. Nothing to keep your mind distracted from thinking about Bella.
“I should be good, if you’re ready to take off.” Your coworker speaks, disrupting your spiraling thoughts.
“Okay,” is all you can say before rushing to clock out. Grabbing your belongings and thanking your coworker before leaving.
Once home you reach for the folded up piece of paper that’s been living in your phone case all day. You hesitate for a few moments before finally mustering up the courage to open it. All that is reads is their phone number, nothing else. You’re not sure how long your sat there staring at the piece of paper but eventually you decide to just shoot them a text.
you: hey it’s y/n
You don’t hear anything back that night. You stay up later then normal stressing about the entire situation. Imagining that it was all some elaborate set up, Bella’s sat up laughing at how stupid you could be to think that they’d want apologize.
The next morning arrives, your alarm goes off bright and early. You have a long day of classes ahead of you. You rush getting ready, picking out the most basic clothes you own. Not it the mood to try, exhausted from the lack of sleep from Bella’s sudden return to your life.
“Girl you good?” A girl you had always been friendly towards in your nine am class asks. You can never remember her name.
“It’s it that obvious?” You let out an exasperated laugh.
“No offense. Your just usually all dolled up and suddenly you look not dolled up. You just look tired.” She laughs.
“Dolled up?” You ask, curiously. For the first time truly noticing the girl who’s always sat near you.
“Yeah you always got them eye lashes and stuff. Not that you don’t look cute today, you always look cute.” They explain poorly. You can’t help but laugh at their way to describe makeup.
“Too tired this morning. Thanks I think?” You smile, she smiles back before the professor walks in and starts class. For a brief moment you forget about the lack of response from Bella. Too busy thinking about the attractive person who low-key just flirted with you. Only for that to be quickly forgotten when your phone vibrates from your pocket. You slyly pull it out laying it flat on your desk, where the professor can’t see. It is Bella, you catch yourself smiling at her name popping up. Stopping yourself immediately from having that type of reaction.
Bella: hey sorry I didn’t respond sooner super late work day only to wake up even earlier to work some more but I have tomorrow off so can we please get together
You decide you’ll respond but make them wait, not nearly as long as you waited. But you’ll stick it to them, make them wait till your out of class. The rest of the period is spent mentally drafting your response. Are you really after all these years ready to meet up with Bella? Maybe.
When class is over you shove all your belongings your bag, rushing to leave so you can send your text. Only to be stopped by that girl from before.
“What class do you have next?” She asks.
“Uhm,” You have to think about it for a moment too distracted by the phone burning a hole in your pocket.
“English in Butcher Hall at one.” You blurt out once you can remember. Normally you either go back to your dorm, grab lunch or study in the library. Today you had planned on going back to your dorm, knowing you weren’t going to be capable of studying.
“Dope. You wanna get lunch or something? I don’t have class till 1 too.” They explain, a smile on their face.
“Oof,” You say aloud, regrettably. The laugh almost as if they’re confused.
“I totally would but I got stuff I have to do before my next class.” You explain, sort of lying. Unsure why your lying just so you can hurriedly respond to Bella.
“That’s fine. Another time maybe?” She asks.
“Yeah.” You smile before walking off, back to your dorm room. They wave goodbye as you leave. When your out of their reach, you pull your phone out and type your message.
you: tomorrow works, I have one class in the morning. I’ll be done around noon. After that is ok
bella: sounds good wanna grab lunch at one?
you: yeah
Bella responds in a short time, sending you the address of a restaurant you never heard of before. You decide not respond anymore, deciding that any talking that needs to be done can be done tomorrow.
You had woken up early enough to actually get ready today. Or “dolled up” as the girl from your class would say. Thankfully you didn’t have that class with her today, knowing you couldn’t handle that along with all that is already going on.
After class, you walk quickly back to you dorm. Using the hour you have to dress cuter, fixing up your makeup. Mentally preparing yourself for the conversation that is about to be had. You pull up the address Bella gave you and it’s a cute little Italian restaurant. That’s always been your favorite, for long as you can remember. You wonder for a moment if they remember or if it’s just a coincidence. The drive is short, too nervous to listen to music. Letting your inner dialogue fill the silence. You park near the front door, looking down at the clock on your dash and you have a few minutes to spear. You phone goes off and it’s Bella.
bella: I’m here just let the hostess know your here to see me
All of a sudden it all starts to feel real. Your going to be having lunch with Bella after several years of no contact after coming out to them. It’s not too late to back out, you think for a moment. You have too though, you’ve made it this far. It’s a quick walk from your car to the door, you let yourself in. Greeted by a girl at the hostess desk.
“Hello!” The hostess beams.
“Hi I’m here to meet with Bella.” You explain.
“Right this way,” She smiles grabbing a menu and leading you towards the back of the restaurant where it’s more secluded. Pass the view of the back of the hostess head you can see Bella sat, scrolling through their phone. The sight of them biting their nails, puts some of your worries at ease. Knowing that they’re just as nervous makes this a little easier. Bella looks up from their phone, smiling brightly at you when they notice you.
“You still like Italian?” They ask.
“Yeah I do.” You smile because they remembered.
“I’m so glad you actually showed up.” Bella says examining you.
“After what I did I always thought you’d want nothing to do with me forever.” They explain, you quickly notice them fiddling with the table cloth.
“I’m so sorry.” They say now with a bit of sadness to their voice. Your not entirely ready to forget what happened but the sight of them is tempting you to forgive them on the spot.
“You know you haven’t grown much?” You tease as an attempt to lighten the situation.
“What?” They ask confused.
“You’ve always been so short and that hasn’t changed. You’ve cut all your hair off, I like it.” You let out an awkward laugh.
“We’ll when everyone is old and looks old I’ll still look young.” They laugh, you can tell they’re finally beginning to relax.
“Plus in my line of work it’s a plus. I can continue to play younger roles as I age.” They explain. Which leads to you asking them what they’re in town filming for. The conversation begins to flow smoothly, smiles never leaving either of your faces. You two order and wait for the food to come over. When the conversation eventually lulls, Bella’s face is screaming like she has something she wants to say but can’t get it out. You eyes dart to their fingers that anxiously fidget with the utensils in from of them.
“It’s okay,” You reassure them resting your hand on theirs. You feel them relax under your touch.
“I’m gay.” They spit out.
“Really?” You ask.
“Which is why I reacted the way I did when you told me. I’ve always had feelings for… women. I was raised to believe that it was wrong. I struggled internalized homophobia for years only recently coming to terms with my sexuality. I was so scared at the time.” Bella admits, your hand still rests on theirs. They look to you like they’re waiting for a response.
“I forgive you.” You respond.
“I would of done this sooner. Your just not the easiest person to find.”
“It’s fine Bella. Just promise we’ll stay in touch now, okay?”
“I promise.”
They did exactly that. For the rest of their time in town, when ever your schedules aligned you two we’re together. Or they would find any excuse to leave set and stop by for a quick visit when you were working. Getting to know each other all over again, you couldn’t help it forming a crush on them. They made you so happy, the most comfortable you felt around someone in forever. You finally got your Bella back.
Only for her to have to leave you after a few weeks. Her film was moving locations so they’d be several hours away. It was only for a month but you were so torn up about it. They had promised as soon as that month was over, they’d be back in your home town and visiting you as much as possible.
It was a bit awkward when that girl form your class kept making the moves on you. One day your finally let them down gently. It was entirely because of the slight chance with Bella you thought you might have.
You finally got your Bella back only to have separate again. This time though, you were friends. That month was spent on face time calls when ever you got the chance. Always waking up to good morning texts and not going to sleep until you two had a chance to talk on the phone. You can’t remember the last time you had smiled so much. Always checking you phone, biggest smile on your lips. All because of Bella.
one month later
“I missed you.” Bella says, wrapping you in a hug. Their head resting in your shoulder, breathing in your aroma.
“I missed you, more.” You tease. You feel them laugh in your embrace before pulling away.
“I may have got me an air bnb for a week or so.”
“Really? I thought this was just a weekend kind of thing.” You say, biting your lip trying your best not to smile too hard. Originally you couldn’t help but be upset when Bella flight was delayed, their 10 am arrival turned into 5 pm. You had thought half your time with them was wasted.
“We’ll you were wrong.”
“I’m glad.” You laugh, following them to your car. Helping them load their luggage. Bella pulls up her maps app and types in the location of the air bnb. You drive, listening to Bella talk about everything that had happened in the last month of filming.
“You’re so cute when you talk about your job.” You respond, letting the word cute slip out.
“What do you mean?” They ask.
“You’re cute. Do I really need to elaborate?”
“I guess not.” They smile. The rest of the car ride is filled with a comfortable silence.
Eventually you two arrive at their temporary home for the week or so. You help Bella unload and follow them to the door, watching as they unlock the lock box that has the house key inside. They open the door for you, you walk inside.
“Wow this place is so nice.” You awe at the beauty of the living room.
“You think this is nice? Come look at the back yard.” Bella leads you to the back yard, it’s so beautiful. Plants everywhere and jacuzzi, wishing suddenly you had brought a swim suit.
“Wow.” You say aloud, noticing the large hanging chair. Big enough for multiple people. It hangs over the deck, with the perfect view of the nature behind the house. Without hesitation you climb into the hanging chair, Bella watches you amused. You let out a screech when it move from your weight. Eventually you fall on your back, looking up at the stars. Bella continues to watch you, enjoying the view of you enjoying yourself.
“Are you not going to join me?” You speak up.
“I guess so.” You laugh at their attempt to climb up, their attempt causing it to swing and sends Bella landing closer to you than they had originally intended. When you didn’t pull away, they didn’t either. The two of you, sit in silence staring up at the starry sky. Eventually Bella is the one to break the silence.
“Can I be honest with you?”
“Of course.” You respond, sitting up on your elbows so you can see them better. They begin speaking, not daring to look at you.
“I said I knew Ialways had feelings for women. Like I always knew I liked women. The truth is I had feelings for you. When you said you were gay, I freaked out because my feelings for you could of become a reality. I think that’s the real reason I pushed you away. I knew I couldn’t be in your life as just a friend but also that I wasn’t ready to be out. I don’t if that makes sense and know I’m rambling. I’m sorry.” Bella finally gains the courage to look at you after their words.
“It’s okay.” You smile, biting you lip. Thinking this is the moment you’ve been waiting for.
“So you’re not mad at me?” Bella asks.
“Not at all. The real question though, are those feelings still there?” You ask, curiously. Your tone a little flirty.
“They’ve always been there. Bumping into you only reignited them. Then you actually said yes to meeting up with me, I couldn’t believe it. I still don’t believe it.”
“Believe it.” You laugh before closing the space between you two. Letting your lips kiss Bella’s for the first time. It takes them a moment to fully register what’s happening, shortly kissing you back. Their hands reach for your head pulling you in closer. You’re the one to pull away, needing to catch your breath. That only lasts a few moments before they’re the one initiate the second kiss. The two of you spend a few hours on the hanging chair. Kissing, laughing and talking about anything and everything. Only going inside because it began to rain. That night you guys stayed up so late, some time around 3am Bella asked you to be their girlfriend. You said yes.
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httpsuniverse · 1 year
illicit affairs | gr63, mm19
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PAIRING: george russell x fem!wolff!reader ; mason mount x fem!wolff!reader
DETAILS & WARNINGS: angst, cheating, profanities
WC: 4.2k words
A/N: here you go! 🤩 and before you finish the story and get confused—yes, there will be a part two to this. :D i haven't betaread this, i just finished it and it's already 3 am here where i live so i'll edit this soon!
TAGGED: @i83andrew
this work is purely fictional. names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. © newuniverse, 2023. do not steal, repost in other platforms, translate and/or claim this work as your own.
you knew he was coming.
despite saying no, you know damn well you’d end up in his (well, technically not his) car — the one he’d rent whenever he’s in town or nearby just to see you. a car meant for clandestine meetings.
from satin pyjamas, you change to a pair of sweatpants, a cami top and the very first hoodie you could grab from your closet to cover the skin you were about to show. you look at yourself in the mirror; this is the last time, i promise. you tell yourself, eyes leaving your own reflection as your phone lit up. a notification from him. a simple i’m here had you feeling your blood rush. quickly, you take your phone and a little something that he likes before leaving your bedroom.
“where are you going? it’s 6 in the morning.” your friend asks, they had spent the night over after a girls’ night out. 
“just for a run, i’ll be back in an hour or so.” you replied, slipping on your running shoes. “if you girls get hungry, there’s food in the fridge.”
and with that, you were out of the door and headed to the place george told you. while you walk to the parking building, you throw the hood of your hoodie over your head. once you were in the elevator, you took the lipstick out of the pockets of your hoodie and applied them on your lips. you smiled at the elevator mirror, but felt a twinge of guilt in your stomach. as you exit the elevator of the parking building, you look around the place. the only thing you could hear was the sound of the familiar engine. you’ve familiarised yourself with it by now as this was not the first time this happened, hell, if you were keeping count, this might be the hundredth time you’ve done this.
you walked towards the heavily tinted g-wagon parked on its usual spot, and as soon as you opened the door and sat next to the driver, you faced him.
“i said no to you,” you murmured, hiding the smile that was attempting to burst and pulled the hood off. 
“yet you’re here, meeting me and…” he paused, his attention that was once focused on his phone, now on your lips. “wearing that red lip, classic thing that i like.” he smirked, lifting his hand and running his thumb on your lips. carefully though, not wanting to ruin the beautiful shade of red you had on your lips. he shakes his head, attempting to focus on other things other than you.
once the car starts to move, you find yourself getting comfortable on the seat next to him. a familiar feeling that happens once, twice a month… a feeling you’ve been longing for yet want to forget about. you knew what you had needed to be stopped, yet the thrill of continuing this relationship with him excites you. you know that if you plan to stop, you’ll end up doing it all over again. it was like a vicious cycle that you cannot break.
the thing is, you aren’t exactly in a relationship with this mercedes driver. you’re together, but not together. both of you were in relationships. him with carmen, you with mason. the two of you agreed to settle on this kind of relationship that only the two of you would understand. because if people knew about your affair with the driver, a lot would be mad. they wouldn’t understand. they wouldn’t understand that you both loved your partners, yet the thing between you two gives you both a thrill people could never comprehend even if you explain it.
“weren’t you supposed to be in qatar, supporting your boyfriend for the world cup?”
“my flight’s later in the afternoon.” you say, your gaze glued on the street as he drove.
george scoffs, “you should be preparing now, but you’re here with me.”
the two of you fell into silence, you had zero idea where he was taking you, but you let him continue driving and not mutter a single word. you closed your eyes and rested your head against the car window. you might have slept for a while as you woke up due to the strain you feel on your neck. opening one eye, you realised that the car was parked, and george was nowhere to be found.
you open your eyes completely, seeing that george was in front of the suv. sitting on a camping chair that came with the rented car, silently scrolling through his phone. you were amazed by the view. you’ve been living in this town for a year, yet it never dawned on you that there is a place like this that exists. overlooking the view of the city, the sun will be up any minute now by the shade of the skies.
“kid’s finally awake.” he says, his eyes not leaving his phone but his hand tapped the seat next to him. “are you hungry? i bought food before i drove to your place.”
you shook your head, took the seat next to him and crossed your legs. “why did you want to meet me, george?” you ask quietly, “i thought we agreed last time would be our last time seeing each other.”
he smirked, shoving his phone back into his pocket and leaned against the chair before looking at you. “i know, yet you’re here with me, darling.” he answered, “because if you did agree that last time would be our last time, then you never would’ve left your house. you wouldn’t hop in my car and come here with me. you would’ve stayed and waited for your boyfriend to call or come home to you or to watch his match. yet you’re here with me, baby.”
that, you had no answer to. you shake your head lightly, looking at the view instead of him. you felt the cold breeze of the morning air on your skin, fucking hell was he right. as always. you turn to the driver once again, his eyes fixated on you, eyes that are filled with lust and desire.
you remember it so clearly. the day you had met george russell.
you knew george by his name, a little information about him that had been shared across the internet and the little story of how he walked into your father’s office at a young age with a powerpoint presentation in hand to convince the latter that he would, one day, be a successful driver under mercedes.
the day you met george started in a beautiful room, happened a few weeks before the 2022 season started.
your father, toto wolff, was not the type to arrange a whole party. but somehow, he managed to do it despite his hectic schedule—the toto wolff arranged a party for his firstborn who recently graduated from university. y/n wolff was surprised; you never knew that your father was capable of planning such a party (of course, with the supervision of your beloved stepmom, susie). the party was attended by several known people, some staff that are close to your father, family and friends.
“mase, i’m telling you. if i trip and fall—”
“don’t worry, pretty girl. i got you.” mason chuckles, holding your hand tightly as he guides you out of his car. you two stood for a few seconds until you heard the vehicle drive away and despite being blindfolded, you could see the flashes of the cameras through the thin fabric. your eyebrows furrowed, “i promise you, you’re gonna love this.”
mason, your boyfriend of two years, guided you towards the entrance. you heard a door opening, and as your boyfriend’s presence behind you as he unties the blindfold, you hear the music’s volume slowly increase. once your eyes have adjusted after having been covered since you left home, you smiled, seeing familiar faces waiting for you inside the venue.
“herzlichen glückwunsch, y/n. ich bin so stolz auf dich. congratulations, y/n. i’m so proud of you.” your father said, engulfing you into a hug as he held a glass of champagne.
“danke, vater. i never would’ve done it without you. thanks, dad.” you replied, unclasping the hug and turned towards susie and jack who were both waiting for you with open arms.
after hugging what felt like a million people who were part of your family and friends, you turn to your boyfriend who was trailing behind you as you walk along the red carpet. you gave him a smile, your hands resting on his neck as he held your waist so gently. mason’s smile alone makes your knees weak, such a beautiful smile he has.
“so this is what dress up for a very fancy restaurant looks like, hmm?” you teased your boyfriend, pulling him close to you. your lips collided with his, eyes closed as you felt his hand squeeze a part of your waist while the crowd cheered happily. “i love you so, damn, fucking much, mount.”
“i love you, too, wolff.” he replied, hand that was once on your waist, travelled on your ass to give it a squeeze.
your relationship with the footballer wasn’t a secret you two tried to hide, in fact, both of you loved showing affection towards each other in public. you didn’t care that every time mason posts you on his public account, at least one or three obsessed fans would try to spread hate or rumours about you. you and mason didn’t care—because at the end of the day, you knew each other better than other people and you had each other without doubt. toto supported that; he supported your relationship with the athlete (though at first he was shocked to learn that his firstborn posts half-naked pictures with her boyfriend on the internet). toto was glad that you have mason by your side, he knew the footballer wouldn’t try to hurt his first born in any way and he loved the fact that you were the happiest with him always in all ways. after all, father knows best, right?
you and mason mingled all night until your father excused you from him for a little while to meet some of his friends and important people in the field of motorsports. and so, it happened.
“y/n, you remember george?” your father asked after you hugged lewis and thanked him. you faced toto and george, smiling at the tall british that stood in front of you. “he’s driving with us starting this season. george, this is my daughter, y/n.”
it was born from just one single glance - the moment george saw you walk down that red carpet, his eyes never left you. even during the moment where you kissed mason in the middle of the room.
“it’s a real pleasure to meet you, y/n wolff.” he said, extending his hand towards you. you held his hand, shaking it lightly as you started into his eyes. you didn’t know it yet, but those same eyes would be the reason why your life would change in a few months' time. and it was only when you felt a hand creep on your waist that you let go of his hand.
“george, this is y/n boyfriend, mason. you may have know him, he’s—”
“a player for england and chelsea, yes, toto… i know.” george chuckles, offering his hand to mason which your boyfriend also shook.
mason made a conversation with george and your father for a little while, and you join them every now and then. you couldn’t help but notice the little glances that george would throw at you especially when mason caressed his hand on your waist.
maybe it was nothing or maybe he was glancing at someone towards your direction. maybe time even stopped when your eyes met each other, and he smiled. the type of smile you didn’t know the meaning behind.
“y/n, y/n!” you heard jack call, finally cutting the eye contact tension between you and george. “look at this! isn’t it cool?”
jack was showing you a toy that mason apparently bought him when toto invited him at home to plan your surprise party. mason loved your little brother, besides winning your, your father and stepmom’s heart, mason also won the heart of jack. after listening to your brother explain how the toy worked, you stood up and looked around. george was out of your sight, but he was somewhere in the room, staring at the clueless you.
weird, you thought and immediately brushed it off as people approached you once again to congratulate you.
not all relationships are perfect. you and mason were deeply in love with each other that in the timeline of your relationship, fights rarely occurred. as you would joke then, you were busy with university and he was busy with football. both of you are so busy that you need to schedule your fights. but it happened one night.
you couldn’t even remember what the fight was about, but it escalated quickly. one thing leading to another. all the frustrations you had, all the pent-up anger from the inside — all of that are released as you yell your lungs out of each other. that’s how you ended up in a club. the only place you thought of going to after you stormed off from your shared house. as always, clubs were filled with people. it was a real challenge to walk from the entrance to the bar and order yourself a drink. after what felt like eternity, you take the drink from the bartender and joined the ocean of people on the dancefloor.
one drink led to uncountable shots and the next thing you knew; you were out of the club and headed somewhere nearby. hand in hand with a stranger, you entered the room and your lips crashed with his. tongues fighting for dominance and hands busy undoing each other’s clothes. “do you still want to continue?” he asks.
“you’ve already undressed me, so what the hell are you waiting for?”
and so, that’s how your night ended. in a house somewhere, with clothes scattered on the floor and a stranger next to you.
i’m fucked. you thought, as your eyes flutter open, irritated by the sun hitting your face so early in the morning. you blink once, twice, thrice. you jolt up once you realise that you weren’t in the comfort of your own four walls. instead, you were in a foreign place, naked in bed. please let it be mason, please… you thought, slowly turning your head to check the person next to you. i am indeed fucked.
george fucking russell was lying in bed, next to you, naked. panicking, you got off the bed, trying to pull the blanket with you to cover yourself as you planned to gather your clothes but failed as you woke the driver due to the tugging. he opened one eye, and you froze on the spot.
“hi,” was all you could say, taking your clothes and rushed to the bathroom.
i cheated… fucking hell, i cheated. i was drunk and i cheated. your mind kept repeating and repeating that same sentence as you stood in the bathroom. as much guilt consumed you like a raging monster, you managed to dress yourself and splashed water on your face to wake you up. mason, you thought. looking for your phone, only to realise that it wasn’t in your pockets and so are your keys. 
after minutes that felt like eternity, you mustered the courage to get out of the bathroom. george was dressed up and was waiting for you on the bed, on his phone as if nothing had happened between the two of you last night.
“i—uh, i have to go.” you say when you saw your phone and car keys. you bit your lip and faced george. “please don’t say anything to dad… and uh mason. whatever happened between us was a mistake and,” you take a deep breath, “we were drunk, i was drunk. i—”
“what happens between us, stays between us.” says george.
the drive to your shared place that usually only takes 20 minutes, turned to an hour and a half. you’ve been driving around, trying to grasp what had happened. trying to figure out whether to tell mason or not. tears were blurring your vision by the time you parked on your usual spot, you knew that once you got out of the car and come home, mason would be on the couch. waiting for you as he tells you that he attempted to cook your favourite dish that your mom used to cook for you every time you were upset. it was the routine that you and mason did whenever fights occurred. 
dragging your feet to the front door, you open the door and find mason, not on the couch but standing on the way. he was waiting for you with open arms, ready to take you in. he expected that you’d run to him, but you fell to your knees and sobbed uncontrollably. 
“shh, pretty girl…” his nickname made your heart drop to your stomach, not the kind that made you smile, but the kind that made you feel guilty. mason lowered himself and pulled you to his chest, gently rubbing your back as you stained his shirt with your tears. “i’m sorry we fought last night. i’m sorry for raising my voice at you, everything that i’ve said was wrong and i never meant them. i’m sorry, baby.”
“m-mase…” you sob, “i’m sorry.”
“it’s okay, pretty girl.” he runs his fingers through your hair, “it’s okay, please don’t cry anymore. i hate seeing you cry, love.”
“it’s not okay,” you sniff, “it’s not okay, it’ll never be okay.”
mason sighs, planting a kiss on top of your head and let you cry in his arms. the two of you stayed on the foyer until you cried out. when you stopped, your boyfriend suggested that you take a bath to calm yourself. no amount of soap and shampoo and no number of showers and baths can wash away the guilt off your body. it doesn’t change the fact that you’ve cheated on mason, not with a random man, but with a man that’s close to your father.
“all good, pretty girl?” mason peeked his head on the bathroom door, waking you from reverie. you nod your head lightly and watch him walk towards you and sit on the edge of the tub. you look at him, studying his features and mason was all confused, but was smiling at you. “is there something on my face?”
“no… just, admiring you.” lies. you were figuring out a way to confess to him.
he chuckles, “well, admiring me has a price. and it just cost you a bunch of kisses.”
mason leans down, fingers under your chin as his face gets closer to yours. when your lips touch, the memories of last night run back like a flash. it was wrong to kiss your boyfriend with the lips that kissed a different man, and the feeling of guilt came back again.
“why not come with me for this year’s season?” toto asked you. you stopped chewing your food and gulped, “it’s been years since you’ve last visited the garage, you told me you wanted a year break before you start working. why not come with me? think of it as travelling.”
“it’s not travelling if she’s going to spend it with you in the garage, honey.” susie laughed, “but what do you think, y/n?”
“i—” you think for a few seconds, “i’ll think about it.”
“oh, what’s there to think about?”
“i at least should discuss it with mason, dad. i mean i do want to show up at his matches, wouldn’t want to miss those.” i just want to avoid george so bad.
your dad chuckles, “i already talked to mason, he said it’ll be fine if you miss a few!”
the 2022 season started. you’ve tried so hard to avoid george at all times.
but it was hard now that you’re travelling with your father and attending race weekends with him after years of being absent in the paddock and the garage. toto was glad to have you back with him, it wasn’t easy to convince you but he managed to do so. 
and as much as you wanted to avoid george, he was like a drug that you can never get rid of. the stolen glances in the garage while you stood next to your father, the stolen kisses every time you’ve crossed each other’s paths in secluded places, the full blown make out session that sometimes leads to sex whenever he’s travelling alone. during the summer break, he visited your place not once, but several times. it got to the point where you slept on the same bed mason was sleeping during the nights you spend together. your clandestine meetings continued whenever mason stayed over at your place.
“wouldn’t want them to find out about us, wouldn’t we, hmm?” george says, pinning you against the wall before crashing his lips to yours.
george russell was a drug, and you were an addict. a godforsaken mess.
the confrontation between you and mason happened right after their 2-1 defeat with france in the world cup. all he wanted right after was to rest, but as soon as he held his phone in his hand, a notification from an old friend popped up followed by a message that said: “this might not be the right time after your match, but i think you have to see this”. curiously (and intuitively), even though he wanted to ignore it, he clicked the link that led him to a post on instagram. an account named dramaformula with your name on the caption tied with george’s. 
it seemed like it was a picture from months ago. mason knew that you’ve crossed paths with george when you went to a girls’ trip in mallorca over the summer break. he read and reread the caption multiple times, staring at the picture and trying to see if it were really you. you see, mason knew you like the back of his hand. he knew every curve, every side, every spot of your body after years of dating. just by looking at the photos, he knew that it was indeed you.
you were pacing back and forth inside the hotel you two shared after receiving a message from mason that you’ve read in his angry voice that said “we need to talk” with no message followed. you’ve been nervously biting your nails as you wait impatiently and your heart skipped a beat or two when the door finally opened and revealed mason who dropped his bag by the door and stared at you deadpan. 
“was it true?”
you knew what he was talking about. your friend also sent the post to you, and you’ve seen it even before he did. “do you trust me—”
“was it true, yes or no?”
you gulped, unable to find the words to answer him. mason repeated his question, this time in a much louder voice and a harsher tone. you’ve never seen him this mad before, nor has he used a harsh tone on you. “answer me.” 
“n-no…” you lied, biting your lip as you tried to stop yourself from crying. “mason, i could never do that to you… i would never cheat on you.”
“are you telling me the truth?”
i’m not. “i am.” you lie again, “it is true that george and i were seen together, but—we didn’t do anything. we talked, and that’s it. i’ve never and i would never touch any other man other than you.” you walked until you were in front of mason, eyes staring at each other as you touched his face, “it’s only you, baby. so, please trust me.”
mason hugged you tighter than ever that night, refusing to let you go as you two cuddled in bed. he let the situation die down for a few days and confidently posted you again on his instagram, followed by george’s post with his girlfriend that made your names on twitter trend for at least two days. you had sleepless days, watching mason sleep as you found yourself guilty of lying to him again. 
tonight, was no different from the previous nights.
“where are you going?” asked mason, one eye open as he watched you pull the same hoodie you use every time you meet up with george.
you walk towards his side of the bed, sitting on its edge and ran your fingers through his hair gently. “i’ll just go to the store really quick, have to buy feminine stuff—it’s that time of the month.” you lied, “just rest here. i know you’ve had a long day; i’ll be quick.”
“i can come with you to the store—”
“no, mase. i promise, i’ll be quick, and i’ll be fine alone. you need to rest.”
“you sure?” he asked, and you nodded in response. “okay, take care. i love you.”
you bit your lip, a bit hesitant to speak. “i… i love you too, mase. so much.” you place a kiss on his lips, watching him get comfortable under the blankets. “bye for now, masey.”
and that night was the last night mason last saw you.
and when morning comes, mason would find the breakup letter you’ve written.
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liked by user1, user2, user3 and others
dramaformula it’s been almost a month and a half since y/n posted anything on her instagram page. and today, with almost 900k followers, y/n wolff deleted all her posts, removes her bio and unfollows all 354 following—including boyfriend and football athlete, mason mount. what’s happening? what’s the tea? does this have something to do with the previous rumour that she and george were touchy during the trip in mallorca? what happened between y/n and mason? george and y/n? george and carmen? 👀
view all 2,726 comments
user1 if they (y/n and mason) broke up, maybe people like you who keep on spreading rumours are one of the reasons why
user2 agreed 💀
user3 and if they really did break up, it’s none of our business tbh and they don’t owe us anything—not even an update about their relationship lol
user4 girl, ain’t you a f1 fanpage? whg are you posting this lol
user5 according to op, y/n is ‘technically’ part of f1 bc she’s toto’s daughter and was once linked with george during the summer trip in mallorca
user6 this is embarrassing 🫠 just delete the post
user7 no cuz it really is suspicious... mason hasn’t uploaded anything as well and they usually spend the holidays together but this year, no posts about it 🫤
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liked by f1, mercedesamgf1, georgerussell63, lilymhe and others
carmenmmundt they say all’s well that ends well to end up with you ❤️
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lilymhe omg!! i’m so happy for you two!! x
f1 congratulations, georgerussell63 and carmenmmundt! 💍
mercedesamgf1 well this is BIG NEWS! the beginning of happily ever after 🔔👰
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liked by fan1, fan2, fan3 and others
masonmount i miss you so much, pretty girl. i hope youre doing well wherever you are right now.
view all 1,862 comments
fan1 what the fuck
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holylulusworld · 7 months
Tearing at the seams
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Summary:  Is your life falling apart?
Pairing: Andy Barber x fem!Reader
Warnings: angst, language, mentions of breakup, mentions of characters' death
Catch up here: The ring
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If you’re completely honest, your love was born under a bad sign. You met Andy shortly after he moved to town to forget about his loss.
It was a night of passion. A simple mistake after a drunken night with your friends.
Andy is not the guy for one-night stands and you, well you aren’t the kind of woman sleeping around. Not that this is a bad thing, though. Sometimes you wish you could divide love from passion.
Instead of moving on from a one-night stand, you tried to turn sex into a relationship. At first, it worked out. Andy was charming, and a natural caregiver. He tried to make you feel comfortable and happy all the time.
Most of the time you enjoyed his attention. But sometimes, he suffocated you with his love and attention. Andy tried to control all aspects of your life; afraid something could happen to you.
You accepted his possessive side, as much as you loved the soft and caring man.
Until you felt silence spread like cancer through your relationship. Andy pulled away, and you didn’t question his behavior. You desperately tried not to ruin another relationship. He deserved happiness, and you wished you could give it to him.
Even though, you were tearing at the seams long before the incident at the house.
It was all too much.
Being responsible for someone else’s happiness while you try to not show the person you are trying to make happy that you are falling apart.
It’s not his fault. Or at least not completely.
Andy wasn’t ready to move on. Not when you met that night. Not when he tried to have a relationship with you. Nor when you wanted to buy a house together.
You should’ve known better than falling in love with a man who’s still hanging onto the past. His heart is broken, and you are not the right woman to help him move on. A dead wife and a lost child. How could you ever help him feel more than responsibility for someone else…
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Another two months after your last encounter with Andy you tried to forget about the cute house you found. If you can’t have this one, you’ll try to find a nicer apartment.
Maybe it’s just not the right time to buy a house. Your finances aren’t the best, even though you try to save as much money as possible.
“Crap,” you flinch as you stand in front of the man breaking your heart. “Andy.” You clear your throat. It’s not the best day to meet him again. It was a long day, one of your co-workers got on your nerves, and on top of all that you spilled coffee all over your coat. “What brings you here?”
“I could ask you the same,” he tries to dismantle your anger with a warm smile. Andy takes your hand to squeeze it as if nothing happened between the two of you. “It’s nice seeing you here.”
“Uh-sure,” you glance around the area. How did he find you here out of all the places in town? “I was about to go home…”
“Hmm…” He nods and starts rubbing your cold hand with his gloved one. “You’re cold, and you forgot your hand gloves again.”
“Andy,” you sigh. “Please stop lecturing me. We are not together any longer. I’m not a child, and you are not responsible for me.”
“I was just worried—” he licks his lips. “Sorry. I shouldn’t have said a thing. You’re right but…” Andy covers your hand with his, “I still feel more than responsible for you, Y/N.”
“Sure,” you snap at him. “If you would let go of my hand now, I’ll try to find my car.” You look around the area again. Shit, you forgot where you parked your car.
“Do you want me to help you find your car,” Andy softly says, still holding your hand. “I know you are a little…forgetful sometimes.”
“Hey, it was only once that I misplaced my keys…” You grumble. “Or forget where I parked my car. I can find it. I’m not a child!”
“Please…I,” this time Andy sighs deeply. “I’m sorry…again. It’s just…I don’t know how to stop myself from worrying about you. I stop by your workplace more than once only to realize that I cannot pick you up.”
“Andy, you broke things up with me. I called, and came to your place,” you sniffle, and wipe your eyes with your free hand. “And you went on a date with that pretty blonde. This screams I’m over my ex. Don’t you think?”
“A date?” He shakes his head. “No baby. God, she’s my broker. I was…I… fuck.” Andy swallows thickly when you look up at him with teary eyes. “She helped me buy a house.”
Your heart drops, and you choke out a sob. He bought a house without you. A home he will build with someone else. Not you. Never you.
“Great,” you bitterly reply. “I hope you find the perfect little housewife you always dreamed of living with in your new house.”
You shake your head. For months you tried to move on from Andy only to feel the heartbreak all over again.
“No—no,” he hastily says. “I bought it for you. You know, the little house you loved so much. I was looking for a way to tell you how much I miss you, and that I was a fool. I never wanted to hurt you.”
“What? I—” You sniffle. “Stop hurting me, Andy. You left and…” you choke on tears. “You can’t come here and talk about a house.”
“Y/N,” he murmurs your name. “I bought it for you. If you don’t want me there, it’s what I deserve. You can do with it whatever you want. I came here today to check if they already repaired the broken window.”
“I came here to have a look at the house again.” You drop your gaze, ashamed to admit that you sneaked around the neighborhood to look at the house you didn’t get.
“I know,” Andy sniffles too. “You’re a bad liar, Y/N.” He gently cups your face. “I’m the dumbest and worst man in this world because I hurt you. I was scared to let go of the past. But I’m not afraid to admit that I love you.”
“Andy, this doesn’t make things up to me,” you choke on tears. “You broke me…and made me feel like I’m the worst only because I wanted you to take off your ring.”
“Y/N,” he softly whispers your name. “I know I don’t deserve a second chance. Just…please…take the house. If you don’t want my heart and love, the house is all I can give you…”
>> Trustfall
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lovequartz · 8 months
the art of pie-making.
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❥ pairing: woozi x baker!reader
❥ genre: fluff! sea-side town au
❥ warnings: none
❥ word count: 971
❥ let your adoration spill
❥ notes: this is also set in the g&b + bruise universe! i just love the setting of those pieces so i find myself writing for them a lot. this is also my first time writing for jihoon so please enjoy the fruits of my labor!!
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jihoon is very romantic.
although he seems quite standoffish and has a bit of a tsundere attitude, he is probably the most romantic man you’ve ever known. grandiose gestures, extravagant outings, and luxurious gifts are not what make jihoon romantic. his soft way of loving you, and genuine care is what does.
those small acts and gestures that you know are reserved just for you make you swoon more than a diamond necklace ever could. you wouldn’t trade the press of his lips against your wrist, that small smile he gives you across the room to say he misses you, or the brush of his knuckles across your cheek when he thinks you're asleep for all the money in the world.
so you can’t say you find it surprising when you catch a glimpse of a photo of yourself tucked into jihoon’s wallet.
you were in the kitchen, busy prepping ingredients for the several pies you were baking. one was for you and jihoon to enjoy after dinner tonight, while the others were for friends. despite how taxing making multiple pies at once was, it was also helpful to get feedback from friends so that when you went to the market this upcoming week you knew what pies would sell well and what pies wouldn’t. also, it was a bit therapeutic to have something to do and it didn’t hurt that the kitchen always smelled amazing.
you heard jihoon even before he said your name, something he does to not startle you when he comes up behind you like this. feeling the warmth of his hand on your hip, he leans over to press a kiss to your cheek.
“morning,” he murmurs against your skin, hooking his chin over your shoulder.
“morning,” you reply softly, “you aren’t going into the workshop today?”
he makes a grumble, and you feel it from where his chest presses into your back. It's a bit soothing to be honest, like a cat purring.
“i am, i have to finish those rings for mr. seo and his wife. i would much rather stay here with you, and these pies. what flavors are you making this time?”
mr. & mrs. seo were an elderly couple that lived not too far from joshua’s farm. mrs. seo’s wedding ring had an unfortunate incident that ended with it being broken and jihoon despite the majority of his expertise being in woodworking, has proficiency with metalworking as well. so it's known around town that he can fix things like broken rings and what have you.
you nod over to the pile of fruits sitting atop the counter, “apple, blackberry, and pear. do you have a preference for the one we keep?”
“hmm,” he pretends to mull it over but you know what he’ll end up choosing, “let’s do blackberry.”
you nod with a small smile, “okay, blackberry it is. i packed lunch for you, it's by the door so you can grab it on your way out.”
“getting rid of me already?” he teases with a squeeze of your hip, but before you can reply he steps away from you, “fine, i know where i’m not wanted."
this pulls a giggle out of you, before you shoo him out of the kitchen. “don’t forget your lunch! you call out, before returning to your pies. however, when you go over to grab the apples to begin cutting them you find something underneath your foot. bending down to pick it up you realize it's jihoon wallet. funny enough, you find your own face staring back at you.
a picture of you from years ago, when you and jihoon were newly together. you had taken a day trip to the next town over, a spontaneous idea of yours wanting to see jihoon take a break from how hard he was working at the time. In the photo your smile is wide, and you’re holding up a kitten. one you two had found by happenstance, and would not stop following you and jihoon. you ended up taking the kitten home and he’s been with you ever since, most likely rolling around in the back garden at this very moment.
you snap out of your reminiscing to realize jihoon would most likely need his wallet, and so you tear out the front door not even thinking about slipping on a pair of shoes. catching glimpse of jihoon almost at the bottom of the small hill your home resides on you call his name.
he turns back to see you rushing down towards him, his brow furrowed in concern. he reaches his arms out to steady you once you are near enough to him, and you catch your breath as best you can.
“you forgot this!” you say, once your lungs feel normal again, holding out his wallet.
his expression softens but you can still see the tinge of concern that pinches his features.
“you didn’t have to rush over this,” he replies, “look at you, you don’t even have shoes on. what if you hurt yourself?” he brushes his knuckles against your cheek, his other hand taking the wallet from your fingers.
“you keep a picture of me,” you say, brushing past his comments.
he gives you a bewildered look, “in my wallet?”
you nod, smiling.
“of course I keep a picture of you,” he says plainly, “i love you, and i wanna see you all the time.”
your heart nearly bursts, and you throw your arms around jihoon squeezing tightly. you feel him sigh and start rubbing a hand down your back.
“i love you,” you say, lips against his neck, and he chuckles.
“i love you,” he replies, before bending slightly to hook his arm under your knees and hauling you into his arms, “so please don’t chase me down without your shoes ever again.”
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notes: thanks for reading! i really enjoyed writing this <3
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malarkgirlypop · 7 months
MEDIC! Part 21 (Donald Malarkey x Fem!OC)
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I know I wrote this but I'm so mad at Don, but I did it so! Some fighting, some fluff, some ass hitting as per request of @next-autopsy, ahahah jk! Let me know what you think!
I also just want to say a massive thank you to everyone who reads my fic! I have now posted 21 chapters which is so much! Thank you for sticking with me, I know it's been long! I am so excited to keep going with this story. Probably the only thing I have stuck too and not given up half way, which my brain likes to do! I love you all, thank you for all your support and amazing comments, truly makes me so happy and I just want to keep sharing my work with you all! I really can't thank you all enough, how do I buy you all presents? ahahahah.
Based on the HBO show and the actors who portray the characters, no hate to anyone involved.Keep reading
Tag list: @next-autopsy, @panzershrike-pretz, @xxluckystrike, @bucky32557038ww2 (let me know if you want to be tagged.)
The men wandered back into the room, I stopped Don as he walked in, grabbing him by his arm. 
“Can we talk?” I asked, he nodded, moving out of the room again. I walked down stairs finding somewhere more private to speak to him. I walked into one of the empty rooms, Don followed behind closing the door. 
“So are you going to explain what happened?” He asked, sitting on the edge of one of the bunks I sat opposite him on the other bed. 
“Why were you in a towel?” He asked before I could tell him anything. 
“Cobb stole my clothes while I was showering. So I marched through town in my towel to confront him.” I told him, his eyes widened as I told the story. 
“Emily! You can’t do that!” He scolded me. I rolled my eyes. I felt angry, he wasn’t there. That was selfish of me, but I was still mad. I handled the situation myself, and he wants to tell me what I can and can’t do. He hasn’t spoken to me in days, he walks away when I approach him, he dismisses me at every turn. Now he wants to pretend like he cares.   
“It’s already happened, so…” I say my tone clipped. There was a pause, I couldn’t help myself. “Have I done something to make you angry with me?” I asked. He furrowed his brows. 
“No.” He stated. I huffed. Not satisfied with the answer he had given. So he was avoiding me just because. 
“Well is something wrong, are you upset?” I tried to make sense of the distance he had placed between us. 
“No.” I bit my lip, I was an angry crier, hell I was an everything crier, but still I didn’t want him to see me upset like that. I didn’t want to break down and cry. I needed to hash this out, without him trying to comfort me, or leaving cause I was sad. 
“No, is that all you have to say? Don you haven’t spoken to me in days.” My voice wobbles, I take a breath trying to calm myself.    
“I’ve been busy.” I scoffed. “I have! I’m a leader now, these men depend on me.” His voice was harsh. 
“Yeah and you seem to make time for them. I’m in your team too.” I felt so selfish, but I was hurting, he was my person and he was just leaving me like I wasn’t his. Maybe I’m not his. 
“Why are you stepping back from me? I thought we were friends! I thought you said we were in this together! You promised me you would always be by my side! Has that changed?” I felt the tears brimming in my eyes. I thought back to after the incident in Noville, after I had washed up. Don said, no he promised me that we would look after each other. 
“I have a lot on my plate at the moment, I can’t be your babysitter! I can’t…” He trailed off looking at my face. Tears fell down my cheeks. That hurt, fuck that hurt. 
“That’s all it was? You felt obliged to look after me?” I couldn’t hide the pain, like a stab in the heart. So he didn’t care, really. He felt obligated to make sure I was ok, there were no feelings involved. It was an order, a duty he felt he needed to take. He opened his mouth, but the door to the room opened, a soldier asking for him. I wiped the tears from my face, turning away from the door. He stood and left. He left, he didn’t say anything, just left. I took a breath, sniffing, wiping away my tears. I felt sick. I scrubbed a hand over my face. 
I made my way back upstairs, the men lounging about. 
“Here she is the streaker.” Grant clapped me on the back. I gave a weak smile, but they didn’t seem to notice, too busy laughing at their joke. I grabbed my bag. 
“I have to go check on Lip!” I said, rushing out of the room. It was true, I should check on the very sick man, but it was a way to escape. I didn’t need them asking questions. I just needed to think by myself for a bit. I made my way to CP, it was quiet. I walked into the back room, sighing, pleased to see Lipton finally sleeping in his bed. I shut the door after ensuring he was breathing. I moved back into the main room, plopping down on the couch. I tried to get my emotions in check, but it was a lot, all I wanted was my mum. I just wanted a hug from someone. I sniffed, wiping the tears from my chin. Just a babysitter, I laughed in pain. I hastily dried my tears when footsteps approached the room. I glanced over to see Ron walk in. 
“Emily? What are you doing here?” He asked, walking further into the room. 
“I just came to check on Lip, he’s sleeping.” My voice betrayed me, wobbling slightly as I spoke.
“Hey, hey, what’s wrong?” Ron moved quickly over to me, kneeling in front of where I sat. 
“Nothing.” I shook my head. More tears falling down my face. His brows pinched as he looked at me.     
“Do you want to talk about it?” He asked, moving to sit next to me. I shook my head. “Do you want anything?” 
“Can I have a hug?” I whispered. Without hesitation he wrapped his arms around me. Pulling me into his chest, I clung onto his arm that held my front, he gently stroked my hair. My mum used to hug me the same way. The thought made me cry harder. 
“Shh.” He cooed, rocking us slightly, his chin resting on the top of my head. I felt like a child again, after falling over, being comforted by your parent. I felt so small in his arms, I felt so vulnerable, I didn’t have to say anything but he could see it all. He didn’t comment but he knew. 
We stayed like that for a moment, but I knew he was busy. I pulled away, his arms falling from around me. I wiped my tears, giving him a small smile. 
“Thanks.” I said weakly. He nodded, smoothing down my hair with his hand. 
“I have to go. Emily, remember you can come to me.” He said standing, I nodded, watching him leave the room again.  
I made my way back to the house, dragging my feet. I didn’t want to see Don. Before I left I looked in one of the broken mirrors, my face was pink and blotchy, my eyes all red and bloodshot. If anyone looked at me longer than a second they would be able to tell I had been crying. I mean when am I not crying, it’s been my permanent state since I arrived here. 
Lieb passed me on the street, “Hey we were going to see George, see if we could steal some goods, you wanna come?” He asked, but before I could answer he was already dragging me down the road. 
Lieb and I walked into the ration room where George was working hard. Before we had entered we’d heard Martin and Cobb pestering poor Luz for candy. 
Lieb waltzed right in, “Woah, Hershey bars!” Reaching over the counter to grab at the candy. George looked pissed, swatting his hand away. 
“Jesus Chirst.” He muttered, Cobb swung around telling Lieb to wait his turn. 
“Who are they for?” Lieb asked, pointing at all of the boxes filled with goodies. I stood behind the men just watching. I smiled at George, he gave me a wink back. 
“Not you Lieb!” George growled at the men. 
“Oh, come on George, one bar!” Lieb whined like a child, holding out his hand. 
“George!” I said sweetly, making my way towards him. I stood beside him wrapping my arm around his shoulders, his arm snaked around my waist. “You look so handsome today.” I smiled, putting on my charm. “So strong.” I said, patting his chest. He grinned at me rolling his eyes. “I love what you have done with your hair.” I fluttered my lashes, running my fingers through his hair.  
“Here, have a chocolate bar, you flirt.” He said leaning forward to grab me one from the box. 
“Ah, for me?” I gasped, placing my hand on my chest acting coy. He handed it to me. I smiled, giving him a kiss on the cheek. 
“HEY! Hey, why does she get one!” Lieb protested. 
“Yeah what the hell George!” Cobb agreed. 
“Cause she’s pretty, unlike you ugly son’s of bitches.” He insulted them. I laughed, poking my tongue out at the men, I held up the bar rubbing it in their faces. George shooed me away, slapping me on the ass as I retreated, I let out a squeal in surprise, turning to laugh with the man. 
“George one bar!” Lieb pleaded. 
“No, there’s not enough to go around!” George yelled at them. 
I left quickly, seeing that Lieb seemed to be eyeing up my prize. 
 “Let’s go!” Chuck shook me awake, I had almost completely dozed off on my bunk, but was rudely awoken by the man. 
“Where?” I asked, sitting up stretching.
“Briefing at CP, come on.” He hauled me out of bed by my arms. I followed along, still spaced from being asleep moments ago. 
“Why am I coming?” I asked trailing along behind the group, yawning into my hand. 
“You're on call, if anything goes wrong.” Lieb tells me, I nod. I don’t actually think I need to be there, but I’m dragged to it anyway. 
Babe slings me under his arm as we walk. I let him lead me, only having my eyes open a crack. 
The boys slump down into their seats in CP waiting for the others to arrive for the briefing. I lean against the back wall by the window behind Web. I don’t need to be right up at the front with the rest of the men, as I’m not going on the patrol. Lt. Jones leans against the wall by the entrance looking nervous, quiet chatter filling the room. 
“Come on, he can’t be leading.” I hear Grant whisper to Babe. There had been a rumour spread quickly, no surprises there, these boys gossiped like no one’s business, that Jones was leading the patrol. Which made them all very apprehensive of going, more so than before. We all saw what happens when we don't have a good leader running the show. Cough, cough Dike. 
“I’m not sure what they decided.” Babe said to him. They lounge with their legs propped up on the table same as the other men gathered around the table. 
“No way. Not on his first day.” Grant continued in his disbelief. 
“Well, do you see any other officers here?” Lieb asked.
More men gathered in the room, standing around the table. I could make out a few of them Cobb, Skinny, two other guys I couldn’t remember their names. 
They chatted briefly, with the new men wondering who was going to be in charge of the patrol. Sending worried glances to the young officer in the corner, hoping and praying it wasn’t him.
“10-hut!” Jones announced. I had no idea what that meant, but I straightened standing tall. Since when did we do this? 
“Jesus.” I heard Lieb mutter to himself as he stood. 
“At ease.” Winters told the men who relaxed back into their seats, Martin followed in behind him. 
I kind of listened, kind of didn’t. I got the basics, the patrol was happening at 0100, how fun! That 15 men were going over on the patrol, which was a prisoner snatch. They had four rubber boats to go across the river, so that they didn’t have to swim in the icy cold water. Most importantly Winters informed the men that Lt. Jones would in fact be the ranking officer, but he was going to be shadowed by Martin. Sergeant Martin was going to lead the patrol in place of Malarkey. My brain clicked on, he isn’t going. I sighed with relief, I was glad he didn’t have to go.
I also didn’t miss the look shared between Jones and Web, neither did Martin glaring at the pair of them. What had they been up to together for that kind of interaction? Had they been planning this. I know Jones wanted in on the patrol. What had Webster done to hook him up with the position he was in now? Webster didn’t have any pull around here, he literally just arrived back! 
“10-hut!” Jones’ voice pulled me from my thoughts, no one stood at attention which is what I assumed the call was. 
“As you were, carry on.” Winters said disappearing with Martin.     
“A little German, he speaks as much German as me.” Lieb said loudly enough for Webster who was standing right beside him to hear. Webster left the room quickly. 
“Come on you, let’s go.” I was again dragged from the building by Grant and Lieb. We gathered outside, the pair bitching loudly about Webster. 
“Hey.” I said smacking the pair of them. “You two are shit stirrers.”
“What are you siding with him?” Grant asked. 
“No, I’m not. But I feel bad.” I wasn’t here to bully the poor guy.
“Why do you feel bad Em? That guy has been on holiday for four months, during our hardest time and then just rocks back up when everything is almost over to take all the glory.” Lieb told me, clearly pissed off.  
“Em is just too sweet.” Grant said, pinning me under his arm and trying to tickle my neck. I hunched my shoulders up trying to hide the ticklish skin from his fingers. 
“Let’s get moving. I want to try and get some shut eye before we do this.” Lieb said, Grant let me go from his hold. I hid behind Lieb using his body as a shield as Grant continued to taunt me with his wiggling fingers. 
We walked back to base passing Webster who was talking to the officers. 
“Hey, Liebgott, you want to sit this one out?” Ron asked Lieb as we passed. Grant grinning beside him. 
“Yes, sir.” Lieb agreed, smiling brightly. “Thanks buddy!” Lieb sent Webster a wink. 
I caught Ron’s glance, his eyes scanning my features. I could tell he was trying to see if I was alright. I sent him a smile, mouthing ‘I’m ok.’ He nodded, turning back to the men he was talking to.  
We gathered in the basement having supper before we tried to get some sleep. I sat at the table sipping my water. My bad mood was back. Don was pretending like everything was fine. He smiled and laughed with the men, sitting and chatting with them. The more I watched him the more pissed off it made me. I was over here stewing, and he seemed like he didn’t have a care in the world. 
“You’re going to crush the cup if you squeeze it any harder, Em.” Lieb said, sitting next to me. I loosened the hold on my cup not realising how much power I had behind the grip.
”I thought you would be in a better mood, now that your husband isn’t going on the patrol?” Lieb with a full mouth of food. 
“Emily, you want some?” I looked up, Don stood in front of me holding out a pot of food, a lazy smile on his face. I took a breath, trying not to hurl my cup at his head. 
“I’m fine, thanks. Not hungry.” My tone clipped. He nodded, moving onto the next person. 
“Oh no, trouble in paradise?” Lieb nudged me. 
“Fuck off, Joe!” I sent him daggers, he held up his arms in surrender.  
“It must be bad, you never swear at me!” I chuckled, he smirked, “Aw there she is. Gosh that other one was scary! She looked like she was going to bite my head off.” I raised my eyebrows, cautioning him. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” He asked more seriously now, coming closer to keep his voice down. 
“Nope. Not particularly.” He gave me an empathetic smile, rubbing my back. 
“Come on, you know you’re hungry.” Lieb offered me his food out on the spoon. I rolled my eyes, but opened my mouth. He placed the spoon in my mouth. We shared his meal, he secretly snuck up to get more for the two of us. 
We sat at the table talking when Webster approached us. “Hi.” He smiled, giving an awkward wave. Lieb nudged me under the table, I knew he was asking if I had seen the same thing that he did. I glanced over to Lieb, a small smile pulling to my lips as he hid his smirk behind his hand.  
“Hey Web!” I said politely, focussing back on the man standing before us. “You gonna go get ready for tonight?” I asked, the other men had slowly left the room preparing themselves for the patrol, Martin had told them nothing rattles, nothing shines so they don’t give themselves away. 
“Oh yeah, I was just going to head up and join them.” Webster smiled at me. Another kick under the table from Lieb but I ignored him. I waited for Webster to say something else, surely he had something else to say right, he didn’t just approach us to stand there awkwardly. I silently begged him to speak again. Come on Web don’t make this weird. 
“You look nice.” He blurted, I heard Lieb snort in laughter. He made it weird. “I mean, you look clean.” I made a strange looking face at him, “No, not clean! Um, you look, dressed.” I chuckled, baffled by his comments as he fumbled over his words. “I’m gonna- I’m gonna, go.” He nodded leaving up the stairs. Joe waited for him to leave the room before howling with laughter, he clutched his belly as he did so. I sat there so confused at what just happened.  
“That was a train wreck, that man cannot flirt.” Joe said after he had finished laughing.  
“Flirt?” I asked, that’s not what I got from the conversation. 
“Emily! Come on, he was clearly trying to flirt with you.” Lieb looked at me surprised. 
“I don’t think so.” I shook my head, surely he wasn’t. 
“God you’re hopeless.” He patted my back, getting up chuckling to himself. “Come on, we will do dishes.” Lieb instructed me. 
“We will do dishes? Or you will stand there and tell me what to do while you watch?” I raised my eyebrows at him. He grinned, knowing I had caught onto his little tactic he pulled last time. 
I washed the dishes while he dried. I dried my hands on the tea towel as Joe waited patiently for me to give it back. A devious grin formed on my lips. I twirled the tea towel round in my hand wrapping it around itself so it looked like a long snake. Joe wasn’t paying attention as I walked closer to him. I snapped the tea towel out, whipping him in the butt. 
“Hey!” He cried moving away, it wasn’t the best flick, it didn’t snap like I wanted it too. I tried again, wringing the tea towel around. I flicked it out but Joe snatched it off me before the hit landed. He grinned as he did the same thing, wrapping the towel up. 
“Joe! Joe! Think about it, you don’t want to hurt me.” I said backing up, he stalked me like prey with a grin plastered on his face. 
“Don’t start something you can’t finish then!” He moved faster, I screamed moving away from him as he chased me around the table. 
“Joe!” I cried as he backed me into a corner, I held out my arms trying to keep him at bay. He whipped out the towel it snapped just inches away from me. I yelped in surprise, making my move to run past him while he reloaded. I pushed past him but he was quick, the towel snapping onto my leg. I let out a cry, it had caught the back of my thigh. The snap echoed around the room. 
“Oh Em, that was so much harder than I intended!” He laughed as I grasped at my leg hopping around the room. 
“Ow!” I said, but still laughing, “Joe you asshole, that hurt!” I rubbed the spot where he had got me, it stung so much. “You little shit!”
“I’m sorry, aww Em!” He laughed watching me in pain. “That would’ve left a mark for sure.” He grinned. 
“Owww, I think it did. Wait, I want to see!” I said undoing my pants, it was fine I had my shorts underneath which I normally slept in. I pulled them down exposing the back of my thigh. On my white skin was a harsh red welt with flicks of purple in the middle. 
“Joe!” I said covering my mouth, it looked so bad. 
“Oh god.” He hissed looking at it. “Whoops.” He said, still grinning. I smacked him on the arm, pulling up my pants. We finished the dishes together. Heading upstairs to get some sleep before the patrol. 
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nightfurylover31 · 1 year
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I really love Adam Bryce Thomas's cover for the 5th Year Anniversary issue! It's so cute! I was hoping the mini issue we were getting was centered around it, but we got something else. So I decided to write something about it! Capturing everything that happens in every picture, keeping it within canon range. I hope you all like it.
*takes place before #57*
The air was refreshing. Much warmer than it had been, yet the breeze had a bit of a chill. The cherry blossoms had bloomed and some of their petals had begun to fall. Other flowers had started opening. A clear sign of early spring. As such, the Riverside Romp was the place to be. 
“Wow, it just started but the place is already packed,” Sonic said as he and Amy walked through the entrance. 
“It is one of the biggest celebrations around the villages in this area,” Amy responded. 
The river in this zone branched out into several villages. As such, everyone gathered in the field outside of Riverside, celebrating the new season. Sonic recognized folks from Vista View, Windmill Village, Barricade Town, Spiral Hill, and more. There were tents and food stands set up all over. The festival lasted all weekend, but even the first day was filled with guests. 
“I’m glad you decided to join us, Sonic.” Amy was going with Cream and Vanilla, but decided to ask Sonic as well. Things had been tough on him lately, so she thought he needed to relax a bit. And she figured having the Rabbit family would put him more at ease about coming.
“Sure thing, I’ve always wanted to come to one of these.” 
“With all that’s been happening, this is just the kind of break we needed. Especially you.” 
“Oh come,” Sonic rolled his eyes. “don’t start that again. The last few adventures were rough, but nothing I couldn’t handle.” 
Amy put her hands on her hips. “You were violently electrocuted, and then nearly brain swapped with a robot. And both times your leg was injured.” 
Sonic let out a sheepish chuckle. “What can I say? Trouble always seems to find me.” 
The pink hedgehog sighed, resting her hand on her forehead. While she admired Sonic’s spirit, she wished he didn’t take these kinds of experiences so lightly. 
“My point is there’s nothing wrong taking it easy.” 
“I know, and you’re right. Let’s just enjoy today. I hear they got special chili dogs at these things.” 
Amy couldn’t help but laugh as Sonic licked his lips at the thought of trying the food. 
“Mr. Sonic! Ms. Amy! Hurry!” The two turned to see Cream calling them as she and her mother had already entered the gate. 
“What are we waiting for?” Sonic smiled. “Let’s go!” 
The group spent some time together until Cream saw a face painting booth. She got the artist to paint Cheese’s face while Sonic and Amy continued. There were souvenir stands with handmade clothing, bags and accessories. Naturally, the former stopped when he saw a hotdog stand. With so many toppings he had to try one with everything. Next to it was a backed goods stand, which Amy was drawn to. The large heart-shaped cookies hanging overhead looked especially delicious. As the two headed over to the picnic tables to eat and rejoin their friends, Amy noticed a familiar woolly figure making their way to the river. 
“Sonic, go ahead,” she said as she gave her treats to him. “I’ll catch up.” The blue hedgehog shrugged but did as he was told. 
Outside of the festivities, Amy met up with a lone girl sitting on a log. 
“Hello Lanolin.” 
The sheep turned her head. “Oh, Ms. Rose. I didn’t expect to see you here.” 
Lanolin was part of the Restoration. She joined just after the Neo Metal incident. She had been helping regularly. If memory served correctly, she was now an assistant to Jewel.
“I came with my friends, and please, call me Amy. No need for formalities.” Amy sat down beside her. “What are you doing here instead of the party? It looks like something’s bothering you.” 
Lanolin hung her head low, looking at her hands folded in her lap. “I just wonder… if I’m really making a difference.” 
“What do you mean?” 
“When you and Sonic saved my town, I realized how helpless I was. I couldn’t do anything. I wanted to do more. So I joined the Restoration to help. But even so, I feel like I haven’t done anything.” 
“That’s not true,” Amy quickly defended. “You’ve helped with the evacuations when we were dealing with the Metal Virus. You even protected the survivors when we were in Spiral Hill and Angel Island. That’s something.” 
“Barely. Most of the Zombots were focusing more on the areas I wasn’t in. And when the Zeti attacked HQ, I didn’t fight back either. I just grabbed as many people as I could find and hid. I feel like a coward.” 
“Protecting people is just as important as fighting. Nothing to be ashamed of.” 
“But it’s…” The sheep went quiet. 
Sensing her discouragement, Amy took a deep breath and sighed. “It’s not enough. You want to contribute more.” 
Lanolin nodded. “You and the others do such amazing things. I know I can’t do anything like that, but-" 
“You just haven’t found it yet.” 
“W-what?” Lanolin was caught off guard by Amy's interruption.
“You haven’t found your special skill yet. Something only you can do. I had my own problems figuring it out, but I kept trying.” With that Amy started fidgeting with her fingers. “Honestly, you remind me of how I used to be. I wanted to go on adventures with Sonic, but I was just getting in the way. Even after getting my hammer, I still felt like I was a bother most of the time. But even if I can’t run fast, fly, or anything super special, I still try to help in any way I can. No matter how small.” 
Hearing this caused Lanolin to smile. She rubbed her cheek, as if wiping a tear. “Thanks for that, Amy. I’m still not sure what I could do to help more.” 
“Well, is there any way you can think of to make the Restoration more effective?” 
The sheep blinked for a moment, then put her hand to her chin to think. After a while, she spoke “Considering all the havoc Dr. Eggman has caused… if there was some way to get the jump on him…” 
“Like a response team? That’s a great idea!” A way to stop Eggman before things get too out of control. That way there would be less collateral damage, and less Sonic would have to deal with. Amy knew he loved the thrill of the fight, and she didn’t want to take that from him, but so much weight had been put on him lately. Some have even blamed him for certain events due to his actions. If people did more, they wouldn’t have to keep relying on him or turn any distress towards him.  
“It’s just a thought. I don’t know how to pull it off—” 
“But it’s a start, and that’s what matters,” the hedgehog assured. “As a very special friend of mine says, ‘nothing starts until you take action.’” 
“Smart advice,” Lanolin agreed. 
Amy got up and motioned her hand. “Come on. Let’s get back. There’s still plenty of fun to be had.” 
The two headed back to the festival. Lanolin saw her friends before Amy did, so they split up. She saw the gang still at the tables eating. Though she couldn’t help but notice a few bites missing from her cookie. 
“I’m sorry Ms. Amy,” Cream apologized. “Cheese was hungry, and I couldn’t stop him.” The Chao still had crumbs on his face. His face painting had also been smudged trying to wipe them off.
Amy simply patted bunny on the head. “Don’t worry about it, Cream. There’s still plenty left, and we’re here to have fun." 
After going around to more of the stands, the last event of the day was about to start. Sparklers were passed out some people. Amy watched the lights dance around, careful that the sparks didn’t hit her hand. Everyone gathered as the mayor of Windmill Village stood at the front. The old ram cleared his throat and began to speak. 
“Thanks to all of you for coming out and joining us! I know the last year has been hard on us all, but that’s exactly why we need to celebrate the good days we have. We must cherish everything and everyone around us and let them know how they mean to us. Spring is a time of new beginnings. I’m sure new stories and opportunities are awaiting each and every one of you. So let us welcome it all with open arms.” He raised his fist in the air. “To a wonderful year!” 
The crowd cheered with absolute bliss. Amy was so in the moment she didn’t even realize she was holding Sonic’s hand. Soon the music picked up, and everyone was singing and dancing. This went on for a few more hours.
As the sun began to set, everyone began to head home. Cream and Vanilla waved goodbye as they parted ways from Amy and Sonic. 
“That was so much fun,” Sonic exclaimed as he stretched his arms in the air. “Thanks for inviting me along, Ames.” 
“I’m glad you joined us too,” Amy beamed. She felt much more at ease than she had been in a while, and she could tell Sonic did as well. The way his quills bent down, the way he smiled. She knew how to read him by now when he was tense. She did not see that now. All cares and troubles were out of mind. It felt great to finally be able to relax without Eggman or anyone else ruining it. “We should come again next year. We could invite Tails, Knuckles, Tangle, Whisper, and the others to come too.” 
“Or it could just the two of us and make it a date,” the blue hedgehog said casually.
Amy froze in place. Her face turned bright red. She looked at Sonic, who was sporting his smug grin. 
She gave him a playful shove. “Don’t tease me like that!” 
“What? I thought that’s what you wanted, right?”
"Sonic, you-" 
The two friends continued laughing as they made their way home. 
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ladybug023 · 2 years
More Daeron HCs!
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(I’m all about the brotherly dynamic of Aemond and Daeron!! .)
He’s the complete opposite of his brothers.
Unlike Aemond, Daeron loves tourneys and jousting.
He has deadly golden retriever energy. Joyful and friendly but don’t fuck with him.
He’s like the Rhaenys to Aemond’s Visenya. He’s the most people person brother. This is his greatest strength.
Tall asf for his age. Taller than both of his brothers. He hit a growth spurt at 13 and is now 6ft and he’s still growing.
At 14 Daeron was already unhorsing men twice his size In jousting matches.
One of the most handsome men in Westeros too. Women practically throw themselves at him. He chooses to be completely oblivious to it.
Both Aegon and Aemond envy him. He’s everything Alicent and Otto wanted them to be.
Aemond sees Daeron as someone he could’ve been if he didn’t lose his eye. But Aemond doesn’t hold it against his little brother. He could never. Especially since Daeron looks up to him.
When Daeron did visit his family for holidays, he always makes time to help his sister with her charity work.
His biggest flaw is that he’s a bit too optimistic and honorable. He always tries to see the good in others. A big example of this is when he always gives his brothers the benefit of the doubt.
After the Luke incident, even Alicent lost faith in Aemond. Daeron was the only one there for Aemond emotionally.
Aemond breaks down to Daeron telling him that he didn’t mean to kill his nephew.
Daeron is always there to pull Aemond back from the darkness and encourage him to not be the one eyed monster that Westeros believes him to be.
Daeron: Show them what I see. Show them the kind and compassionate man I know you are Aemond.
Aemond: I wish I could be that man little brother…but I am afraid he died with Lucerys Velaryon…
Daeron basically became the Green’s PR manager. He knew it was important to win over the love of the small folk.
Especially since now Aemond was seen as a kinslayer and Aegon’s reputation was less than savory.
The reason that the small folk loved the Greens was mostly because of Daeron’s actions.
He wrote and encouraged songs to be sung about Queen Helaena’s beauty and Aegon’s strength.
Daeron did a lot of in charity work and frequented orphanages. He’d take orphans on dragon rides on the back of Tesseron.
He always donated leftovers from the castle to be given to the people in flee bottom.
He basically ran the city while Aegon drank and Aemond went to war.
Daeron commissioned to improve Kingslanding’s buildings and put in a hydro powered sewage system.He wanted to redesign the entire city to look like a mix of Old Town and Old Valyria.
He also knew that it was important that the small folk had jobs to keep them busy and paid.
Otto noticed Daeron’s achievements and named him commander of the city watch.
(I like this idea for him it parallels to Jon’s time leading the crows. Everyone underestimates him because he’s young but he proves himself to be a great leader.)
Daeron went to work stomping out the corruption within the city watch. He had Ser Gwayne as his right hand and together they put a end to child pit fighting (much to Aegon’s annoyance). He also targeted the use of children under the age of 13 in brothels making it illegal.
This really pissed Ser Luther Largent the former corrupt City Watch Commander. He was enraged that he was replaced by a teenage boy. So much so, that one day Luther challenged the Daeron to a duel in front of the entire city.
To everyone’s surprise, Daeron won by slashing his Achilles’ tendon. Watching the 7 foot man fall in agonizing pain.
Daeron demonstrated his mercy by allowing Luther to live but stripped of his rank.
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jcbbby · 1 year
Can you please make a Kit Marlowe one-shot of him and the reader being friends and they go to a party and the reader get a little bit too drunk so he takes them back to his place and things get a  spicy and they become some more? (If you’re up to it after everything that happened and if you’re not comfortable that’s fine too) I love your work and I need more of it ❤️
first of all omg you’re so sweet 💖 thank you so much for being thoughtful after my lil incident, but I’m doing okay now! I’m happy to fulfill this request for you!! I am such a sucker for Kit, he holds a special place in my heart hehe. and AH! stahpppp, thank you so much, that final comment made my day 😭😭 I hope you enjoy this! (lowkey I think I put my whole Kitussy into this) I luv u 🫶
Warnings: SMUT but like…poetic romantic smut? idk, still smut, so 18+, get off my lawn minors!!! friends to lovers, p in v sex, unprotected sex (I mean it’s the 1500s, so…), use of candle wax during sex 🫣, alcohol. probably some historical inaccuracies.
It had been a long night of drinking, dancing, and entertainment. One of the wealthier Londoners was having a party and your friend Kit Marlowe had brought you along. The party was one of the more rowdy ones you’d been to, and the wine and ale were flowing freely for hours. Admittedly, you should have eaten more before arriving, but the day had been busy with errands you needed to run around town before getting ready for the night. After quite a few cups of wine, you were feeling light and bubbly, engaging in conversations with everyone and stumbling over your feet as you tried to dance to the flautist hired to entertain.
Taking a break for a moment you and Kit stood over in the corner for a peaceful moment in this sea of chaos. You leaned slightly too far left against the wall, losing your balance, hitting the floor with a thud and a quick shriek when you made impact. Kit watched the clumsy moment in real time, but his reaction was hindered by the wine, as he reached for you a little too late. You lay spilled over on the floor, your hair fallen over your face, as you giggled uncontrollably at your fumble.
“Oh, my word…” Kit heartily laughed along with you. “Here, let me help you up.”
He bent down, holding his hand out to you. Flopping yourself upward, you grabbed his hand and tried to pull yourself up. Your flimsy body was a little more uncontrollable than he had accounted for, and he soon found himself stumbling forward, falling over on top of you. The two of you giggled into one another at the state of yourselves.
“Oh Kit, we’re a mess!” You squeaked through your laughter.
“We? Darling, I was doing well until you insisted on having another round. You’ve corrupted me, you deviant!” He joked, clamoring his way on to his knees and using the wall to stand back up.
Securing his stance against the wall, he took both of your arms and pulled you to your feet. You collided with his chest, lingering against him as he held your arms still. He smelled like lavender. You closed your eyes, feeling a wave of emotion slip over you, likely enhanced by the alcohol.
“You’re a good friend, Kit.” You said, your face smushed against his chest.
“Oh, come now, let’s not get sentimental.” He chuckled, patting the back of your head gently. “Why don’t we make our way back to my house, hm? I’m closer than yours.”
You nodded as you pulled away from him. Linking arms on your way out, you walked through the streets together, zig-zagging your path; the wine still hindering your balances. Arriving at Kit’s doorstep, he swung the door open, holding it for you as you staggered inside. He followed behind you, closing the door behind himself.
“Let me start a fire, it’s a bit cold.” He placed a hand on your shoulder as he walked past. “Please, get comfortable. You can stay if need be.” He smiled.
You followed him to the fireplace, plopping down on the thick bearskin rug in front of it. You watched him intently as he him as he placed a couple logs down and struck a match. He first lit a few candles on the table behind you, before tossing the match onto the logs in the fireplace. He struck another, quickly tossing that one in as well. He poured a small amount of old wine from a cup that sat on the mantle on to the meager flame; it quickly rose, sending a blast of heat out into the room before settling down into a crackling, low burn. Kit rubbed his hands together, walking over to where you sat and lowering himself down next to you, stretching his legs out in front of him and leaning back on his hands. You still shivered, as the alcohol had thinned your blood, rendering you susceptible to the chilly fall air.
“I’m sorry it’s so drafty in here.” Kit frowned. “Here-“ He reached for a blanket that lay in a heap on the floor. He put one end around your shoulders, scooting closer to you as he draped the other end around his own shoulders. “Better?”
You nodded, smiling. “That’s better.”
He smiled, turning to look at the fire. You still held your gaze on him. Kit had been one of your closest friends for some time now, but something about being here with him, wrapped in a blanket in front of a fire…it felt different. He was always so gentle and caring with you, while often cold and short with others, even others he had called his friends. It always made you feel special, like you had charmed a cobra snake. He made you feel special. Maybe it was the wine, maybe it was this moment of innocent intimacy, but you felt awfully overwhelmed with passion.
“You know…you really are a good friend. I meant that before.” His head turned at the sound of your voice, meeting your eyes.
He smiled, snorting slightly, leaning his shoulder against yours. “Oh, you sweet little thing. Your head is clouded with drink…but alas, so is mine, and you’re a good friend too.” He smiled a toothy smile.
Without a second thought, you turned yourself into him, wrapping your arms around his shoulders in a hug, burying your face against his neck. For a moment, he was stunned. It was rare that he was embraced like this. Slowly, he brought his arms around your back, applying comforting pressure around you, coming to rest his cheek against your head with a slight smile.
“I love you, Kit.” You whispered to him.
His smile fell as his eyes widened. “Oh…no, you don’t mean that…you’re just drunk, love.” He patted your back.
You pulled yourself away from him, bringing your knee over his outstretched legs to the other side of him. Now straddling him, you met him at eye level. Your arms rested over his shoulders. He stared back into your eyes, and you felt his breathing pick up. You shook your head.
“No, no. I mean, I am drunk. But I do…” Your heart raced, your glance shifting between his eyes and his mouth. “I-I…I love you.”
Before Kit could respond, your lips were hungrily pressed against his, as if you were trying to press your words into his mouth physically. To your pleasure, Kit quickly brought his hands back around you, pulling you in tightly, kissing you back with the same intensity. Your hands raked up through his hair, as his hands slid up and down your body. You both breathed heavily into each other, overcome with desire for one another. Quiet, sweet moans vibrating from both of your throats, taking turns biting at the other’s lips.
Kit slowly lowered himself back onto the rug, rolling the two of you over so that he was now on top of you. He lifted his head, pulling from your lips, causing you to quietly whimper. He brought his hand up to your cheek, running his thumb along your bottom lip before lowering his mouth just centimeters from yours.
“I love you too...” He met your lips again, full of want. He then moved down into the crook of your neck, kissing and suckling just above where your neck met your shoulder. “I love you.” He whispered against you.
“Kit...” You breathed. “Oh Kit, I need you, please.”
“I’m yours, darling…I’m all yours.” He kissed down to your chest, nuzzling into your bosom.
You reached down, taking fistfuls of the bottom of his shirt, pulling it greedily up towards his head. He assisted you, ducking down so that you could pull it over his head and arms. You tossed it to the side, and he rolled the two of you back over again, so you were on top, bringing you back to connect with his lips. As he slipped his tongue into your mouth, he reached around to undo the buttons of your dress that kept your flesh hidden from him. You felt him harden beneath you as your ache for him between your thighs grew with each unclasp of the dress you were caged in. You began grinding your hips against him, hoping to feel some sort of relief.
“God…” He moaned into your mouth, his fingertips pressing into your back.
Losing the patience to undo the remaining buttons, he resorted to aggressively ripping the material open; the sounds of tearing and buttons hitting the floor mixed with your breathing and soft moans.
The top half of the dress fell around you, allowing you to slide your arms from the sleeves. You adjusted yourselves to sit upright, the top of the dress falling away, exposing your bare chest. Kit breathed for a moment, taking in the sight of your perfect breasts, before ducking down to kiss and nip at the sensitive flesh. You moaned sweetly, your head resting to one side as he ran his tongue over your nipples.
You reached between the both of you, working with one hand to undo his trousers, just enough to free his hardened length. You stroked him slowly as he worked his tongue on your nipples, coaxing shallow, breathy moans from him; his hot breath against your skin making your already desperate pussy throb, your body begging to be one with his.
Kit began pushing you back down onto the rug, hands moving to collect your disheveled dress at your waist. He guided your hips up as he slid the garment down over them and your legs, now revealing all of you to him.
“A goddess…” He leaned down, placing sloppy kisses across your lower abdomen. “An angel who has been heaven sent to me.”
“But I have only been made an angel by your sacred touch.” You whispered.
He placed a kiss over your pubic bone, teasing a finger against your eager cunt, tracing a delicate line up your slit that was already slick with your intense desire. Your breath hitch as he pressed his finger to your clit, working fast, tight circles. Moans of his name fell from your lips as you threw your head back and your eyes fell shut.
For a few moments, the only thing in the entire world to you was his touch. But suddenly, a white-hot sensation upon your stomach stung you back down to earth; though it quickly faded to a comforting, warm, and pleasurable feeling that only elevated your ecstasy. Opening your eyes and looking back up to Kit, you watched as in his other hand, he held one of the candles that was on the table, now angled over your body. You gasped as the hot wax dripped off, landing this time against your thigh. He grinned with delight as you shuddered in pleasure while he continued to circle your clit and the wax cooled against you.
“Sealing in my devotion to you. A love letter, darling.” He said quietly, dripping another pool of wax over your chest, before setting the candle back down.
Your back arched as you ground your hips against his hand, biting your lip.
“Kit…Kit please…make love to me….I need you.” You whined, taking his hand away from you, dangerously close to coming undone, but desperate to feel him inside you when you did.
He leaned down to tenderly kiss you as he pushed his trousers the rest of the way down his legs, tossing them to the side, before coming to rest over your body with his weight on top of you. He pulled back from your lips, taking a moment to look into your eyes. Your hands came up to rest on the back of his head, staring back at him with glassy, blown out eyes, full of passion and full of desire. Kit briefly glanced down, positioning himself to line up with your entrance before slowly easing inside. A shuddered moan escaped his lips as he bottomed out, eyes fluttering shut as he began to move, slow and heavy.
“You feel so perfect…you are so perfect.” He breathed, dipping down into the crook of your neck again, leaving soft bites as he thrusted.
Your fingertips pressed into his back, leaving shallow crescent-shaped indents from your nails over his skin. His nibbling and kisses along your skin grew more haphazard as he continued slowly and deeply grinding into you, grunting softly. Your legs found their way around his hips, crossing over the small of his back, pulling him even closer to you as if your body were just trying to absorb every inch of him.
“Darling, faster...please…” You whined out, your head falling back.
His rhythm picked up, as his mouth sloppily came to meet yours, his tongue furiously plunging in. You moaned into each other’s mouths, along with quick, hot breaths. The pressure in your core was starting to build, inching closer to your release with each buck of his hips into you. Your hands clamored their way over his back, digging your nails now firmly into him.
“Oh, my love…” He ducked his head back down to your shoulder, sweet moans falling from his mouth against you.
“Kit I-I’m…oh god-” Your back arched as you gasped.
You felt yourself spilling over into euphoria, crying out in your pleasure as you clenched around him inside you, holding him impossibly close with your arms and legs. Following in just mere seconds, he came undone as well, spilling out inside of you. The warmth of him filling you only adding to the ecstasy you were in. You felt his teeth against your skin, open mouth pressed against your shoulder as his breathing shallowed and sounds of his own pleasure caught in his throat. You held each other tightly, quivering together, letting the waves crash over before settling into stillness. You lay there, eyes closed, breathing slowly, but still heavily. You felt him crane his neck up to kiss you gently on your jaw, generating a quiet, content smile across your face.
He slipped out of you, gently rolling himself next to you on the rug. He reached for the blanket that had fallen to a heap once again on the floor, throwing it out in front of him and letting it fall over the both of you. His arms pulled you in, allowing you to rest your head against his chest. No words were spoken for a few moments, just the low crackling of the fire, as he stroked your hair. You took a deep breath, and let it out with a smile against his warm flesh, nuzzling into him.
“I love you." You said quietly, eyes fluttering closed as you grew tired.
"I love you, I always have darling." He kissed the top of your head, holding you against him as you both floated away into slumber.
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magicmindless · 6 months
headcanon lists... Let's hear one for Chase, he could use some love
A HC list but it’s just Chase
Featuring snek
- Basically the eccentric fun uncle everyone likes. He gets along with pretty much anyone he meets, though his energy can be a bit much for some
- Chase got into reptiles because of his grandfather who also liked them a lot, especially snakes. Because of him Chase often caught snakes which were in his backyard. He did this so much that his parents got him a book to teach him which snakes were ok to catch and which ones weren’t
- He has been bitten by a venomous snake before. It happened when he was a kid, and it hurt like actual hell, though he recovered fine after being taken to the hospital by his grandpa. People are surprised that it didn’t steer him away from his interest in snakes at all, but Chase claims it was his fault since he probably scared the snake (this was the incident which lead his parents to get that snake book for him)
- Despite his risky stunts, he takes great care of his animals. The stunts he pulls are very controlled and there’s always a medical crew on standby just in case things go wrong
- I think Isadora is his daughter. Adopted or not, he loves her to bits even if she does try to get into enclosures she isn’t supposed to. He also promises that when she’s a bit older, she can have her own pet snake
- He’s great with kids and taking care of them. He’s been known to spoil Isadora and any younger nieces and nephews he has whether it’s giving them piggyback rides, snacks, or letting them tackle him when they see him
- He’s pretty level-headed and doesn’t like raising his voice at people when he’s mad, especially at kids, but if he does yell at you, then you seriously messed up (though if it’s at a kid he always feels bad after)
- Has a Southern accent, and can also be a bit loud. Nice for grabbing attention. People joke he might’ve been a town crier in a past life
- Smokie is the only animal Chase owns which lives in his home (the other animals live at the zoo). He’s got a large enclosure all to himself. Smokie is very calm and friendly, which is why Chase lets him cling to him when he goes to places. Though Smokie can also be a curious fellow so he might start licking anyone within shoulder distance
- Chase has quite a few cowboy hats, and has even gotten Smokie his own tiny collection of hats, and not just cowboy hats (like the Santa hat in the advent calendar)
- He’s hosted tons of holiday events, the fan-favorite being his Valentine’s Day event, where he will let people anonymously tell him about their ex’s (or really anyone they hate) and then he’ll name a dead rat after an ex and feed it to one of the reptiles
- Not a hc but I’m still waiting for when we get the other co-owner of the reptile zoo. Like, who are they to Chase? Are they just a friend…? Family member…? A wife…? Husband…? Who knows really (I’m betting on husband, I think he’s gay as hell)
- Though he handles potentially dangerous animals on a daily basis, he does have one fear which is anything bad happening to his loved ones. Cliche fear, but he really doesn’t have any besides that
- He’s savvy when it comes to repairing cars and trucks, though he also likes working with his hands in general
- He likes rock and country music
- Any sport or game which involves a ball he’ll probably like, except if it’s golf, he hates golf because it’s a rich-people sport. Sports/games he does like are soccer, tether ball, and stuff like that
- Likes hiking and rock-climbing. It’s always a good way to him to relax when he needs a break from work, and likes to take Isadora or any buddy of his with him
- Is friends with Budwin. They have an interesting dynamic together, since Budwin sleeps in as we know due to being chronically tired and Chase wakes up at the crack dawn. Honestly, if Budwin does wake up at an earlier time than usual, it’s probably because of Chase
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ivy-loves-chocolate · 2 years
Can you do a story or one shot about the reader and wesker ? where the reader is weskers wife and has been for a few year before he was in STARS and she had thouggt he hade died after the mansion insadint how would wesker react to her surviving racoon city? (Sorry im bad at spelling)
Note: it's ok anon I understood what you want. Hope you'll like it! Also, I know I barely posted lately and I’m sorry. I started a new job and I had to get used to the new schedule haha. I’ll upload more often no worries tho 😚🤗
Type: fluff
Pairing: Albert Wesker x GN!Reader.
Ko-fi: if you want to support or commision me, visit this link. Thank you 💖
You’ve been in a relationship with him before he was in STARS. You’ve met him while he was a scientist for Umbrella. It was because of his brilliant mind and confidence that made you fall in love with him. 
Being away in the military represented a tough step for your relationship, but not one that was hard to overcome. Every letter from him was hugged and held tight before being put in a special box filled with other letters and souvenirs. 
When it was time for him to return, you prayed that he wouldn’t come back to Umbrella. You worked there, saw what they were doing, and told him every little detail, yet he decided to come back. Of course, it was about money. He was about to run a special tactical unit inside the RPD. Nothing he couldn’t handle. 
That’s what you thought, of course, but then the mansion incident happened and it made you reconsider your choices. 
You were right in the heat of the moment. You and William were watching the surveillance cameras and observing every detail, taking notes rigorously. You were planning on backstabbing Umbrella too. As you watched the tyrant break out of the capsule, you could feel your heartbeat increasing. You were scared for Albert as he was dangerously close to the beast, and your worst fear came true when the monster impaled your lover. You couldn’t watch any longer and rushed to the nearest toilet. The whole scene made you sick. 
Everyone continued their lives as normal, except you. The company looked different; the people, the environment, everything seemed out of place. Or maybe it was you. The point is, you became paranoid and you constantly felt that someone was spying on you. Maybe it was true, maybe not. The truth is, you've had trouble sleeping since Albert was gone. Something inside you was hoping to get a sign, to assure you that he was fine, but that wasn’t going to happen. You focused all of your attention on your task, which was the Nemesis project. After the mansion incident, Jill and Brad, one of the few survivors, remained in the city, and that meant trouble for the company. Not only was the project a good distraction, but it was also a nice way of avenging Albert. 
You barely slept in the past 2 months, and as if it wasn’t enough, you got another outbreak, but this time on a larger scale. The whole town was infected. BOWs were everywhere, killing thousands of innocents. Luckily, you got out of the city on one of those subways. You didn’t know how you ended up there. Your first instinct was to hide and run. Nikolai took care of you. It felt like you had some sort of guarding angel. In fact, you had one, and it was a scheming blond who wore sunglasses at night. 
When Wesker awakened, he first thought of you. In the first minutes after waking up, his foggy mind was only worried about getting you out of the mansion, then he was relieved when he realized that you were far away from the contaminated zone. 
He struggled so much during these months because he wanted to contact you badly, yet he knew that his former teammates were looking for him, especially Chris, so he chose to lay low. Wesker did what he did best: working from the shadows. He hired Nikolai to protect you along the way. Because he was assigned to take out survivors from the city, it was easy to put you on a subway. You didn’t waste any time staying in line, and you left with the first ride. There was no coming back. Racoon City was about to become a ghost town. 
Some Umbrella vehicles waited for you once you were out. From there, they took you all to one of their hospitals to be tested and to receive proper care.
Some of the doctors and nurses had a cold attitude towards you, unlike the other survivors. They knew you were one of their own, and somehow they wanted you to remain there and help contain the outbreak. 
“If you weren’t so quick to run, maybe you could’ve done something.” One of the nurses said, under her breath, that every effort to reason with them failed. You were viewed as an outcast, and you knew you hadn’t much longer. You knew that you couldn’t refuse infections and IVs forever, so when the room was empty, you snuck out to your freedom. 
Having known about Umbrella’s shady business, you packed yourself some fake IDs and money. You were about to turn the corner and leave the hospital building when a car blocked your path. The driver told you to get in. There was something urgent, he said.
"I just want to enjoy some fresh air, sir," you told the man, hoping he'd give you some room so you could flee.However, you didn’t have a choice. The driver pointed a gun at you.
Maybe it was Spencer or Sergei. Who knows? But if they wanted to take you out, why not doing it in the hospital?
The strange man drove you to an abandoned warehouse. All this effort just to kill you? It made sense. 
"So", you turned to face him, “this is the part when I say my last words?”
“No, this is the part when you and I have a new start.” You heard a familiar voice behind you that gave you goosebumps. It was a firm, raspy voice that had a very familiar accent. It tingled your ears. 
You turned around and saw Wesker in his usual attire, standing there with a big smile on his face. He was so happy to see you. He wanted to hug you right away, but he wanted to see how you would react first. Albert wanted to give you some space. 
“You can go now.” He said something to the driver, and waited for a reaction. 
“You son of a bitch." You yelled as you ran towards him. You didn't know whether to be angry or happy. He hid himself from the world for very good reasons, yet you felt betrayed as he didn’t mention anything. Still, you knew that his intentions were pure and that he meant only good for the two of you.
Wesker hugged your back and burried his face in the crotch of your neck. He kept on squeezing your body until you told him to loosen up a bit. You knew he was strong, but you didn’t remember he was this strong. Something was weird, but you didn’t care at that moment because he was finally in your arms after such a long time. 
The warehouse turned out to be just some cover for a fancy facility underneath. It had a laboratory, an observation room (a.k.a. spy room), and a small area that was designed for day-to-day basics such as sleeping or cooking. 
Everything was new. It smelled like new furniture everywhere, and some things were still wrapped. He must’ve arrived here right after the mansion incident. 
After a few glasses of wine and while hugging each other, Wesker found the right moment to tell you about his powers. You found it odd that he kept wearing sunglasses, and what was weirder was the fact that he refused to take them off. You missed the fight with him. 
He eventually told you that the only reason he survived was because he injected himself with a prototype virus given by William. It brought him back to life with some perks, such as inhuman strength and speed. That could explain the force when he hugs you. 
“Pardon me, love, I’m still accommodating with my powers.” 
You both stayed there in each other’s arms, with your heads resting on Wesker’s chest. With every sound of his heartbeat, you were grateful that he was alive. You are worried a little about the viruses that he injected into himself, but you will be next to him no matter what. Wesker was grateful too for these moments, as he missed them a lot. The happy memories of the two of you helped him get through this mess. After finding that you were still alive, he spent every second trying to find you and bring you back to him safely. Having you now feels like one of his greatest achievements so far. 
Neither of you thought about the next move. For now, you just succumbed to each other’s embrace, being grateful for finding each other after this tragedy. Bigger plans were about to come, but now you need some rest. 
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myhauntedsalem · 1 year
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La Pascualita
La Pascualita or Little Pascuala is a bridal mannequin that has “lived” in a store window in Chihuahua, Mexico for the past 75 years. That is quite a long time for a bridal gown shop to retain a mannequin, but then the dummy has a rather strange history behind it. According to an urban legend, La Pascualita isn’t a dummy at all, but the perfectly preserved corpse of the previous owner’s daughter.
For years, the story of La Pascualita has been drawing loads of visitors, including media personalities, from all over Mexico to Chihuahua. Now, people from South America, the US and Europe have also started paying visits to the corpse bride. People smudge their noses up against the shop window, staring at the dummy, trying to figure out if she is real or not. They are taken in by her mesmerizing gaze and realistic-looking features. Most people walk away convinced that she has to be real.
La Pascualita was first installed in the store window on March 25th, 1930, dressed in a spring-seasonal bridal gown. The effect was instantaneous. People simply could not tear their sight away from this new mannequin, with the wide-set glass eyes, real hair and blushing skin tone. Soon, they realized that the mannequin closely resembled the shop’s owner at the time, Pascuala Esparza. It didn’t take long for them to come to the conclusion that the dummy was in fact the embalmed body of her daughter, who had died recently on her wedding day after being bitten by a Black Widow spider. This revelation did not go very well with the locals, and they started to express their disapproval. But by the time Pascuala could issue an official statement denying the rumors, it was too late. Nobody was willing to believer her. The daughter’s name has been lost over time, and ‘La Pascualita’ stuck through the years.
Of course, the speculated presence of a corpse must naturally be accompanied by supernatural happenings as well. Several odd incidents have been reported around the dummy, none of which have been confirmed, of course. It is said that a love-sick French magician would arrive at night and magically bring it to life, taking her out to town. A few others believe that her gaze shifts and follows them around the store. At night, she is also believed to shift positions in the window. These tales are pretty scary, perhaps most of all to the shop workers who have to see Pascualita every single day. The ones to leave the shop last are definitely not a happy lot. The dummy’s outfits are changed twice a week behind closed curtains. Sonia Burciaga, a shop worker says, “Every time I go near Pascualita my hands break out in a sweat. Her hands are very realistic and she even has varicose veins on her legs. I believe she’s a real person.” Now, an account like that coming from a person who has actually changed the mannequin’s clothes seems very believable. Could Pascualita really be a 75-year-old corpse? I’m terribly curious to see it for myself.
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soul-controller · 1 year
Patreon Update (March ‘23)
Hey there everyone, hope anyone reading this is doing well! It seems as though people really enjoyed the Influencing The Influencer story, which I’m really happy to see. That story was a fun one to write, so I look forward to releasing more entries over the coming months. As for April releases, there will be a part two to the Influencer series dropping along with an additional story so stay tuned for that!
Moving past the impending Tumblr content, here’s a quick little summary of the stuff I’ve released over on my Patreon over the past month. If any of the following stories intrigue you, please feel free to click on the title so you can sign up for the appropriate tier to read it! I’d love to have you join my Patreon and my Discord community, where you can view exclusive photo captions.
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Finding A Way To Be Loved
This vault story was originally released in February 2022 for the Clarke tier. After a year of exclusivity, it's now become a $5 story.
After a young homeless man discovers a watch while rummaging around in a dumpster, an incident with a cop reveals a strange new ability: the gift of possession. With this power, he realizes that he can now find a way to get himself off of the streets permanently. Upon meeting with a friendly yet gorgeous couple who treat him with kindness, he opts to take advantage of this by using the device to infiltrate their relationship...
Tags: Gender Change, Male To Female, Possession
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Revenge Of The Nerd I
When the day finally arrives for Mitchell to move out of his small town to a major city for college, the nerd is ecstatic for a second chance to reintroduce himself as he was constantly bullied and tormented by jocks and cheerleaders. To his horror though, Mitchell soon finds himself in class with his main tormentor, a cheerleader named Britney. Upon being paired up for a class project, the nerd finds himself tormented once more and eager to get revenge on his bully. Luckily, help seems to come as a mysterious individual offers his services...
Tags: Revenge
Sauna Swap I
When down-on-his-luck and aspiring personal trainer Alek is offered a sizable check to train one of the wealthiest men in town, he hadn't expected the client to be the retired and heavily obese Mr. Andrews. In need of the extra cash, he agrees to do the session, unaware of the nefarious plan that Mr. Andrews has to get a second chance at vitality...
Tags: Age Progression, Muscle Theft, Weight Gain, Body Swap
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S-C Fitness: The Trial Run II
After returning from holiday break to find that his small hometown gym has been suddenly purchased and revamped to become a brand new S-C Fitness location, pudgy gym novice Tom gets an invitation from the new owner for a brand new program he's trying to implement. Upon finding out that not only will he receive a free gym membership for participating, but he'll also get the opportunity to do a workout with his gym crush Dylan, the man instantly agrees. Unfortunately for the duo though, they'll end up finishing their session in different bodies...
Tags: S-C Fitness, Shapeshift, Mental Changes, Revenge, Dominance and Submission
The Body Shop II
Upon being convinced to test out the application of female genitalia to his body, Peter finds himself eager to agree with anything that Theo, the gorgeous bodybuilder-sized owner of The Body Shop, suggests. As such, he agrees to further dabble with a gender transformation and thus allows Theo to add more pieces of the ginger woman bodysuit that he has started to put on...
Author's Note: This story is really starting to lean into the intense sexual attraction between Peter and Theo as the foreplay becomes more explicit and heated between them. So if smut like this (especially when it comes to a man in the midst of being feminized) isn't your thing, I suggest avoiding this series.
Tags: The Body Shop, Gender Change, Male to Female, Mental Changes, Dominance and Submission
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