#I'm assuming that's who you mean by pacifist
phoenixyfriend · 1 year
I had an jangobi AU idea I don't plan to write but wanted to share and thought you might like.
Two Three things:
1. The Mandalorian Empire is a thing. Jaster is running it after he kicked Tor off the thrown. The Republic is also a thing because the Mandalorians realized that if they conquered the whole galaxy there'd be no one left to fight a couple millennia ago.
2. The Jedi are... not exactly in hiding, everyone is pretty sure they're still around, and they're known to protect the Republic if it comes down to it, but otherwise they're just sort of wandering around. They do have temples, but no one knows where they are, and they're keeping it that way.
3. Soulmates are a thing, though rather rare. Specifically, if you have a soulmate, everything is in great scale until you meet them except for the people they care about. The more colorful those people are, and more your soul make cares about them.
To the actually story!
Jango honestly thought he was just colorblind before now. That might have been better.
See, most people when they meet someone in color, that means their life is about to get a lot easier. They figure out where they're from, go there, and just wander around till they find their dral'runi. Most people, however, get someone nice and polite, someone delighted to help their friend out.
Not Jango. No, Jango got the single most stubborn pacifist in all of Mandalorian space and a kriffing pirate with flirting issues.
And things get worse when Hondo Ohnaka decides that the solution to this problem is to kidnap his dral'runi's ade, both of whom are apparently Jedi and very pissed ones at that.
For their part, Anakin and Ahsoka are tired, some what drugged, and just met their Master/Dad's soulmate, and they do not think he is good enough for Obi-Wan.
So of course, they throw a Molotov at him. As one does. Just to buy enough time to call in responsible adults (Plo and Mace).
That's literally all I have. The image of Ahsoka and Anakin rampaging their way out of Hondo's ship just to see Jango, and immediately throw explosives at him once they figure out who he is. And a whole lot of background you probably don't need but I enjoyed.
Note: Anakin and Ahsoka do not realize that explosives makes Jango like them (and, by extension, Obi-Wan) more.
Hondo, please just let Satine handle this one.
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muffinlance · 3 months
Wait, what’s going on with Embers???? That fic has been on my read later list since 2021, what’s happened with it???
Brief overview, then I'm likely never touching this topic again, because this is not a Drama Blog:
Context: Embers is a super old AtLA fic that was written during the early fandom days, read widely at the time, and was the origin of the widely-used fanon name of "Wani" for Zuko's ship (kind of by default that it was one of the first popular fics to give his ship a name, I think?), even though most fic writers don't seem to realize it's from there anymore.
"What's Going On": I used to include a link in all my stories to it, because I believe in crediting other writers for borrowed elements, and I was using "Wani" in all my fics. But BOY did I not want to be sending readers that way anymore, so I've adopted a new name for Zuko's ship, and removed all Embers links.
None of the criticisms about Embers itself are new; I'm assuming they date back to when the fic was being written, because this isn't an "it aged badly" thing, this is an "actually yeah this gets worse the longer you think about it and I shouldn't have ignored my bad feelings just because some of the worldbuilding was interesting" thing.
An Incomplete List of Why I Made the Change:
I don't actually like the story that much anymore, and don't want to rec it
I tried to re-read it recently to see if some things were as bad as I remembered and it turns out they were So Much Worse Oh Yikes. More specifically, the treatment of Katara and Aang and their respective cultures has... rather a lot going on. One example: The Fire Nation and Air Nomads are both given multiple backstory elements in an attempt to make the average Fire Nation soldier's participation in the genocide/war in large part the fault of the Avatar and the Air Nomads themselves, and also fully justified from the Fire Nation perspective. And I do mean fully. One of its core tenants is "People from the Fire Nation (and only people from the Fire Nation) who don't follow orders Literally Die, therefore murdering pacifists and babies and continuing the war (and their regularly scheduled war crimes) is the only thing it is physically possible for them to do". I cannot emphasize enough how literal that is.
Also the name "Wani" means "Alligator" and is... objectively a pretty lame name for Zuko's ship? Where's the personality, where's the deeper meaning, where's the resonance with Zuko's themes? @tuktukpodfics initially thought I was calling the ship "Wanyi", and that's what I've switched to, because it is Objectively So Much Better. In their words: “Wànyī (萬一): Literally ‘one in ten thousand,’ ‘perchance.’ Used grammatically in Chinese to mean ‘what if’ or ‘just in case.’ I think a ship called ‘The Perchance’ is perfect for a boy clinging to false hope.”
TL:DR; I don't rec Embers anymore, because I don't actually like the story anymore, and there are things about it that get worse the more I think on them. I've removed links to it and renamed Zuko's ship to "Wanyi" ("The Perchance") because our boy deserves a ship name that reflects his character arc.
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roborabbitart · 4 months
Some thoughts on Ceroba (and why her story isn't as bad as people think)
I've been seeing a lot of people disliking and even outright hating Ceroba's story lately. However, there's some thoughts I've had about it that hopefully might change some people's minds.
Spoilers ahead, of course.
So we all know the basics. Chujin asked Ceroba to use literally any other boss monster than their own daughter for the experiment, and she directly went against this. I'm not arguing that this was a moral decision by any means, but it's a more logical one than you might first assume, and makes sense for her character.
So why didn't she use literally any other boss monster? The answer is simple. They're exceedingly rare. In canon Undertale, the only known boss monsters are the royal family. Out of all the monsters you fight, the literal final bosses of the game (and relatives) are the only ones to have this unique trait. One family out of the countless that you encounter. The bare minimum estimate would be roughly 1 in 50 monsters if you only look at Undertale's battle encounters, but considering the only known ones were elevated to royalty for it, it's safe to assume this likelihood is far lower.
In Undertale Yellow's canon, this is further complicated by some monsters not even knowing they're part of a boss monster lineage. Chujin only found out during testing. So that narrows down the list of known candidates even further, and I don't exactly think Ceroba could walk up to Asgore and ask to stick him with a needle full of stuff that the guy who lit his garden on fire made, or would really want to touch it regardless since he doesn't exactly want to continue the war.
But surely, there has to be some known boss monsters out there, right? Well, even if this is the case, and sure, it probably is... how is she going to find them? She can't exactly advertise this, it was a secret project on Chujin's part that involved a stolen human SOUL, and god knows what would happen to the family if word got out about it. If she actually knew of any specific boss monsters other than Kanako and Asgore, she probably would've sought them out. Or perhaps not, given this is still a stranger who could very well rat her out for these almost-definitely-highly-illegal experiments. She'd be risking her family no matter how she continued Chujin's work.
That leaves only one logical, safe candidate, and the one who wants to be more than anyone else:
Oh, and as for why she went through with it... Ceroba is a strong believer in personal choice. Perhaps too much so, but she acknowledges that Kanako, and Clover as well, are still people who can make their own choices. At the end of pacifist, she is the one to acknowledge they've all been dragging Clover around without really considering their own wants and needs. She's the one to let Clover decide to sacrifice their own life so that others may live. Just as Kanako was willing to do.
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pshenyasstuff · 5 months
Headcanons for relationships with Billy Kid
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This is my purely subjective opinion, you may disagree with me. I don't have enough content on this guy (i obsessed with him), so I decided to make it myself.
He's definitely the type of guy who is always ready to support his girlfriend like some kind of cheerleader like "THIS IS MY GIRLFRIEND!! TEAR THEM ALL UP, BEAUTY!"
Expect a lot of talk about his favorite show, he will show you absolutely every poster and figurine, tell you how he acquired it and the like
And of course he will call himself your Starlight Knight
His gifts are often like this.. random. You never expect what he can give. One time it's some kind of cute trinket, and the next time it's a weapon 😨 (of course so that his beloved can stand up for herself)
But he doesn't really mind if you're a pacifist or just don't want to hurt someone. He is always happy to protect you, while of course showing off in all sorts of ways. "Babe, are you watching? I did a great job on them, didn't I??"
He's as clingy as possible, I'm serious. He loves hugging so much that hugging at every meeting with him will be something ordinary for you. It's just one of his ways of expressing sympathy
I'm 100% sure he's styling his hair. Or they are always like that. In any case, they are as soft as possible.
I'm not sure if he feels the touch. Let's assume that he feels it quite a bit
Despite this, he always tries to count the power to touch you
Oh yes, he definitely likes to carry his beloved on his arms, back and shoulders. He especially likes to walk around the city like this or run away from enemies with you, because he is an cyborg, much faster than your human legs, just let him treat you like his lady :D
The poor guy is sometimes so upset because he doesn't have lips. I mean, how can he then give his beloved more love?? In any case, he finds a way out of the situation and just rests his faceplate on the place where he wants to kiss you. Too cute
He definitely giggles stupidly when you initiate all this romantic stuff. Did you kiss him yourself? I swear, he lifts one leg like a girl and can't stop giggling in love
His nicknames are so sweet to you, sometimes banal, but it's cute. (Lady, sweetheart, princess, love of my life, beloved)
Each of your mornings together will begin with his speech. He will absolutely always wake up earlier, if he is sleeping at all, of course. Let's say it goes into sleep mode for a set time. "Yo, yo, yo, wake up, sleepyhead!"
Cooking? No, and again no, bro does not know how to cook, he buys you ready-made food, because he does not need it himself
He always likes to make you laugh, he is infinitely glad to see you happy :)
He definitely likes the idea of paired things. Even the bracelet you gave him will always be worn (until he loses it)
You rarely quarrel, I think, but if it happens, he always apologizes first
Don't give him a plant or a pet, they'll just die 😭
He likes to sing for you, even if it's not quite perfect and the ears of others wither from his singing
He will immediately ask to exchange numbers or social networks. What for? To send you his photos and silly messages if you are not around, of course. He definitely uses a lot of emojis
He likes to arrange a movie night with you. Of course, you'll be watching mostly his favorite show. He watches it so often that at one point he will just say lines along with the characters
He likes to lie on your lap at such moments or just hold hands, because it's romantic in his understanding
Thanks for reading <3
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himboskywalker · 3 months
This is super random but I was reading your book recs post from several weeks ago and was curious about you saying you have serious beef with Song of Achilles? Genuinely SO curious why when I would assume it was practically written for you?
I am going to try very very hard for this to be an objective review and not a frothing at the mouth rant but I know I'm probably going to fail. My grievances with Song of Achilles are manyfold lol
Firstly, I can't stand what Miller did for Patroclus's character. She makes him a pacificist for some fucking reason????Patroclus was a hero of the Trojan war, he LED the Myrmidons into combat. He was Achilles's squire because he mirked another kid as a child, he was his wartime companion. He was so skilled on horseback he was said to have been taught horsemanship by Poseidon himself. He dies in combat, impersonating Achilles, who was literally a demigod. Which means Patroclus was a skilled enough fighter Hector mistook him as the son of a fucking god. He killed Sarpedon who was one of Greece's greatest fighters! And Miller wrote him as a little uwu I don't want to fight, timid shadow of Achilles. Like if you want your protagonist to not be a fighter that's fine, but then don't write a book about one of mythology's greatest fighting pairs and make one of them not a fighter??? In no iteration of any myth of Patroclus is he NOT a warrior.
Secondly, we are never shown any reasoning for why Achilles and Patroclus love each other. Patroclus drones on and on for a sweet eternity of how beautiful Achilles is, and Achilles reciprocates that he thinks Patroclus is also beautiful. But they literally don't have a relationship outside of sex. We are literally not shown a single reason for why they love one another and what their relationship is built on. If your entire book is a romance then have some meat to the romance. It will always read to me as someone who fundamentally does not understand queer romance, and so approaches it as shallowly as you possibly can.
And this brings me to my third and possibly most important grievance with the book. Miller explicitly writes Achilles and Patroclus as gay in Song of Achilles. That's not how sexuality really worked for the Greeks but whatever, you're writing your book through a modern lens for a modern audience. But the romance is framed as taboo for some reason? They are genuinely afraid of being perceived or recognized as a couple? Like really???? In Greece, the period when these men would have been sexually fluid, when especially as warriors these bonds were encouraged???Also you can't take characters who interacted with their sexuality in the complicated ways of the past and then shoehorn them into modern boxes that simply don't fit the culture that acts as the framework for these stories. The Greeks did not perceive of sexuality in this way, these men who have always been written as sexually fluid, would not have thought or acted in this way. And they especially would not have fit in the modern perspective of gay men CLEARLY written by a straight woman who views queer relationships through the exact lens of a heterosexual relationship.
It's a story whose entire premise balances on the author understanding the society and culture of the time it is set. Achilles and Patroclus's relationship is very much informed by the time and place it is set in. And yet Miller writes it entirely though a modern perspective and with modern morals and values. If you want a protagonist who's a pacifist and who approaches their sexuality through a modern western perspective, then DON'T write about infamous warriors from ancient Greece who are none of these things.
And my final grievance that infuriates me the most is Miller TEACHES ancient Greek. She of all people would HOPEFULLY know better. She is educated on this time and society, and so I have no patience for her anachronistic approach to the story. It will always read to me as a straight white woman's fantasy of a myth steeped in queerness, violence, and societal bonds unique to the Ancient Greeks.
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yanderes-galore · 9 months
Yandere! Self-Aware! Markus/RK200 (Detroit: Become Human) with gamer darling. It can be depicted as romantic or platonic. Always enthusiastic with the choices made for him and doesn’t mind if darling made some mistakes either. However I’d like the darling to be female, of course if that doesn’t bother you.
The cool thing is this doesn't really require much knowledge about what happens on his route. I'm mostly focusing on how he'd react in this so no need for many spoilers or anything :)
I'd love to experiment with this idea even if I am not the best with Self-Aware yanderes!
Yandere! Self-Aware! Markus (RK200) with Player! Darling
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Female Darling, Self-aware yandere, Obsession, Yearning/Pining, Dubious feelings/relationship, Game character comes to real world, Protective behavior mentioned briefly, Isolation, Delusional behavior, Slight worshipping yandere behavior, Slight possessive behavior.
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Honestly, with a game like DBH a self-aware yandere actually seems very interesting.
Why, you may be asking?
Compared to other video game characters, games that require you to make choices like DBH affect the outcome and the character.
Essentially, a character in DBH is dependent on their player to develop themselves.
Sure, many self-aware yanderes feel guided by their player.
In DBH it feels more intense because your choices actually develop their personalities.
Although it would only be this intense if they're a player character like Connor, Kara, or Markus.
These characters are ones you play as in DBH, which means you as the player shape their story.
You shape how they act.
You shape them.
These three as self-aware yanderes would be intense due to this.
Like in this example;
Self-aware! Markus can either be a pacifist or choose violence in how he deals with people.
His darling chooses that for him.
Honestly, Markus was already one of the most self-aware player characters in the game.
He was the first to go deviant, funnily enough he'd be the first to grow self-aware too.
It's an experience for him.
Not only does he learn he can be much more than an android, he also learns he's in a game.
He feels he has control, yet you're the one making decisions.
It's a conflicting feeling but he begins to not mind it when you guide him.
He actually... likes it when you shape him and his personality with your choices.
When he does see you he's intrigued by this woman who guides him with such wonder.
Markus does accept every choice you make with slight excitement and curiosity.
He understands if you make a mistake but for the most part he looks forward to what you'll say in certain situations.
Part of him wonders if the others, Connor and Kara, know your presence.
Part of him is actually jealous of the thought and hopes they don't.
Markus accepts the fact that you two need each other in a way.
In order to play the game, you need him.
In order to find just who he is, Markus needs you.
Markus assumes the personality you shape for him is to your taste at times.
Did you want him to be a pacifist? Did you want him to be violent?
He assumes you're shaping him to your tastes... he finds it endearing in a way.
Markus, like most yanderes in a video game, would want to meet his player face to face.
Markus feels he wants to meet the partner who has shown him many paths.
You've shown him kindness, you've shown him violence, what has he learned from all of these choices?
In the end, he is yours.
He actually doesn't mind it too much.
For the most part Markus would watch you through a camera on your device or accept the fact he can only adore you from afar.
Yet let's get... hypothetical and unrealistic.
Let's say by some means, Markus came into the real world.
He'd be curious on finally meeting you and would look you over.
You're a female human as he's seen before briefly... you look about as adorable as he's remembered.
He can't believe you've been guiding him all this time.
He greets you like you're long time partners, which works for platonic or romantic.
He wants to be close with you, he wonders if you can still help each other in this new world....
You may be panicking but Markus tries to reassure you that everything is okay.
He's experienced in taking care of humans, he'll take care of you, his player.
Markus would treat you with care regardless of how you shaped his personality.
He owes it to you, after all.
He... he's indebted to you after everything you've done together.
You made him this way, he's yours.
Markus hasn't seen other humans like you and would probably isolate you.
You're his whole world.
He doesn't care about the other humans in this world, or the fact he's the only android, all he cares about is feeling you in his arms.
He's protective of his yandere but depending on the route you took with him he'll either be violent or calm with it.
Markus wants to keep up the idea of you just relying on him.
He has only ever known you as his partner... the same should be with you.
When Markus enters the real world, he begins to isolate you.
He feels it should just be you and him.
You could be a girlfriend or just a close companion, Markus dedicates himself to you either way.
Markus may even think of ways to bring you back to his world.
He doesn't ever want to part from you again.
But, why do you look at him with so much fear?
There's no need to be scared of him...
Markus is your partner... your host in the game... yours...
You're his partner... his player... all his until the end... aren't you?
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elbiotipo · 4 months
I'm not asking for lack of violence in videogames though. There is much one can criticize as playing as the 'hero' in a videogame who wields violence, but the thing is, the hero stereotype is not going away as long as humanity exists. In fact, being 'heroic' in many contexts didn't even mean 'a good person', it meant someone who experienced extraordinary stuff and did great feats. Videogames allow you to replicate that. And they are art forms, so they should be analyzed and criticized, but I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with say, a videogame that allows you to rescue a town from bandits or slay a dragon. Those are things I could not do in real life, and they are fun to experience in a videogame.
What I do not find any enjoyment is in mowing down hordes of nameless enemies in an RPG. I do not mind violence in videogames, and I don't even mind playing as a bad guy. What I think is that if you're just giving me endless low-level enemies to kill and kill and kill, especially if they're people in the lore, I don't enjoy any of it. It's no longer the 80s where you get a better score by destroying enemies in a 8-bit game. I don't feel like a hero by killing Bandit 146, Raider 321 or Wolf 812. I feel like someone who did something extraordinary when I slay a dragon, or defeat an enemy army as a result of my skills.
What I want, in a roleplaying game, are roleplaying choices. If I want to play as a pacifist hero, I should be given the choice, and the choice to fail it. No, perhaps you could not negotiate with the leader of the pirates. Perhaps it's a bad idea to walk to a dragon lair equipped only with your knowledge. You were given the choice. But it also might work in many other cases. You might change things with your words. That's extraordinary too.
There is a lot of truth that many RPGs, from D&D onwards (and let's face it, Dungeon and Dragons looms large over everything) give you violence as the main gameplay, and other things as options. RPG videogames have replicated this once and again. Videogame design assumes leveled enemies, grinding, and combat-centric design as essential for RPGs. And I again, I don't mind combat. I just wonder, why it sucks so much? What pleasure is there in mowing down hundreds of wolves or bandits? When I play an RPG, I play it to be someone extraordinary, or someone regular in an extraordinary world, and I think games would be better if they focused on making an extraordinary, well crafted world where your choices make sense, and then make the gameplay fit around it, instead of endless grinding fights.
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a-snow-decahedron · 2 years
NOnonono but the entire point of the promise Sans makes to Toriel about "protecting the human coming through the door". Is that he really doesn't know who she is beyond the conversations they've had so far. And he doesn't know who the human coming out from there is. But they still trust each other to make it happen, regardless of timeline.
This happens regardless of Toriel's fate in the game. If you kill her, but not Papyrus, he still comments on this promise.
And here's the thing. He has to make the decision of trusting this woman he is fond of, but ultimately doesn't know beyond what they've shared together.
And Toriel had to make the decision of trusting him too. She is convinved that the world outside the Ruins will be hostile, because she knows what's happened before. And it fucking hurts to think it could happen again. And yeah I've heard all about it how she "rejected" her duty and didn't make the right choice back then. I think Toriel is somewhat aware of that. Her moving to the Ruins was a choice she made while grieving too, but it is a decsion that goes according to her integrity as well.
ANYWAYS I'm getting sidetracked. What I mean with this post is that the implications of trusting someone else with something that is so personal, because you know your limitations (because of flaws or any other cause), and having that person receive this in a good way is so important.
And while Sans is not the best at actively doing that job, it is still remarkable how much this promise is on his mind.
The VERY LAST THING he does before his No Mery fight is apologizing to Toriel, or his memory of her, because he had to break that promise.
This post is a mess but... I need to rotate them. And also I always get a little mad when people assume that Sans doesn't make that promise when Toriel dies, like in No-Mercy. Because the whole deal about the promise is that it happens before the game, it is not something anyone, not even Flowey, can affect, and it is a reflection of the closeness the two have, so placing this as something Toriel does only if she deems the human a good person, and something Sans only "keeps" when Frisk is pacifist just takes away that weight.
Also go play neutral routes they're super interesting to make character analysis. Different events affect different characters in specific ways.
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bonezone44 · 1 month
WIP Wednesday
thank you for the tag, my lovely @perotovar !
I'm trying to get my brain to remember how to write again, so bear with me.
Dave x afab!Reader
Dave laughed when you said you were a pacifist.
“No no no no,” he started before sipping his bourbon. “You get to think you’re a pacifist because of people like me.” With his glass still in his hand, he raised his finger. “You get to live in your pretty little apartments and go to your pretty little …boutiques every day because of people like me who are out there killing the bad guys for you.”
“Well, you know… I just… don’t like… the idea of… killing people,” you argued while nervously shaking your head. It didn’t help that Dave was humoring you with sweetness in his eyes and a smirk on his lips. "I like to think humanity can evolve beyond violence, you know? Like we can… do better.”
“Just because we can does not mean that we do.” His brows lifted. “Or that humanity even wants to."
“What kind of person wants to be violent?”
“Sadists,” he says matter of factly and for some reason the word itself warms you between your legs. “People who believe violence will bring them justice or power. People who get lost in their anger also want to be violent.” 
“What bothers you about it?” he asked, genuinely.
You scoffed. “Because it’s wrong.”
He leaned forward laughing, his eyes crinkling deep around the edges and curling down toward his rounding cheeks. “Besides that.” His knees knocked against yours.
“Because… because–” you dug around in your head, trying to find the right word through all the warmth flooding your body, from your anxiety, from Dave’s knees touching yours. “Because of redemption, dude. People deserve the opportunity to change and do better.”
Dave shook his head and bit his lip, amusement still evident in his face. “That’s cute. That’s cute,” he chuckled. “That’s assuming they want to change or are willing to change.”
“Well, yeah,” you shrugged.
“It’s also assuming that you know–” He pointed at you. “--what’s considered better for them.”
“Well, in-in-in an ideal world, we would… figure shit out.” You feel like an idiot. You hadn't really thought this argument through.
“But we don’t live in an ideal world.” He raised his chin, still smiling. He wasn’t being cocky about it, either. Which surprised you. “We live in this world.” He pointed downward, digging his index finger into the bar. “So, how do you compromise and... figure shit out... when one party is unwilling?"
I know it's too late on a wednesday to tag anyone, but just because: @xdaddysprincessxx @gasolinerainbowpuddles @milla-frenchy @aurorawritestoescape @iamasaddie
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nichestartrekkie0-0 · 1 month
chapter 3 :)
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Words: 2.3k
Rating: teen- language and duel/cryo-sleep stuff
(working on the Ao3 rn haha pls be nice idk what I'm doing)
Part Three, Hannah: Jedi Mind Tricks. 
Head swimming, she took a deep breath, her mind still pulsing with new information. It was like someone had put a tube into her brain and was pumping it full of facts– that were– apparently, true. 
He was a pacifist and ‘ushaan’di ev’ek’ did mean what her brain said it meant. 
Horrifying, really. 
She had accepted the fight because she knew he wouldn’t. 
Now, she wasn’t sure exactly what an Ushaan was other than a duel- but it was a fight. She was semi-good at those. 
Granted, they were always against other women– and usually spur-of-the-moment things— but no matter. She could win. 
She would win. 
For him. 
She paused. 
Right. Aliens. Weird politics of Secret Antarctica. 
She had forgotten her mission. Escape. 
Turning to the man, she asked, “Where am I? Who are you people? How the hell did you guys make a secret society on Earth? Where are we?” 
He froze. 
“You…don’t know where you are?”
“No. I had no idea aliens existed either!”
His face fell. 
“Dude!” She hissed, “For fucks sake it’s 2007! What the hell makes you think I'd be ready to relive ‘Alien vs. Predator’!?” 
“Excuse me, what?” He reached out to zip open her jacket. At the sight of the hospital robe, he sighed. “Oh. You’re psych ward patient- ok.” 
Hannah gaped up at him. “What?! No, I’m not! I woke up in a tube!? I went to bed in my apartment and woke up in Secret Antarctica!” 
He shook his head, about to say something, but was interrupted by the door flying open again. 
“Wait!” A voice cried, “She- She- just woke up! I need a medical team stat! She’s not supposed to be running for 36 hours after being thawed!”
Another woman, similar to the tall man, snapped, “Thawed?”
“Cryosleep!” The aide yelped, “She’s government property- experiment 2007!”
“I’m a what?!” Hannah looked up at the man again, this time afraid. 
“What…year is it?”
The man winced. Seemingly pitiful, he zipped up her jacket and nodded. “I’m so sorry. It’s 2242.” 
She sat down heavily. “Oh. Where am I?”
The man kneeled, swallowing heavily. “Andoria. It’s a planet allied with Earth.”
Her eyes welled up. 
2242. She’d been asleep for 235 years. Hannah couldn’t do statistics, but she could do basic math. 
235 years. Which meant everything she knew was gone. She wasn’t stupid. She knew that if she went back home there’s be no home left. Everyone and everything would be either in the ground or dust. 
The man then turned, “Rescind your claim. She is in no state to-”
“She was able to speak Andorii.” He snapped, “How?”
Quiet, the man paused. Then he said softly, “I felt The Beacon. Her mind and mine are bound. It makes sense that she’d know that. Conscious thoughts and things close to the surface are usually the first things shared.” 
Hannah eyed the man. 
“Mc’scuse me?” She chuckled, “What? I know alien now because…why?” 
He paused again. His eyes narrowed and he nodded curtly. “Your brain and my brain like each other. Aenar can send each other thoughts. You read my mind.”
Hannah gaped at him. 
“I’m a mind-reader! I can’t do that! I’m not magic, I-”
Please, relax. He said, not moving his lips. 
Tilting her head, she replied silently. 
We can talk in my head?
Yes. He winced, “Our heads. We share our minds now. Although, how much is up to our discretion. Parts of the bond are conscious, like the ability to telepathically talk.” 
She nodded slowly, leaning her back to the wall. “Ok…I’m on an alien planet full of aliens and I'm psychic, and I’m 235 years old. Cool.” 
She was not cool. She was 235 years old and cold. 
And scared. 
The calm that had taken hold of her vanished. Shaking, she put her head in her hands. “I…I think I’m going to pass out.”
In reality, she felt like she was going to puke. But in polite company, she assumed saying ‘I’m gonna yak’ was not appropriate. 
The man stepped forward and took off his coat, draping it around her. Warm and lined with something soft, it felt almost like a hug. 
“Hey.” He smiled slightly, “It’s going to be ok. I’ll sort this out.”
He tapped her on the shoulder three times and walked away, saying something sharply to the similarly dressed woman. 
Huffing, the woman approached Hannah. 
“I am Speaker Hemmer.” She said stiffly, “That was my son. What is your name, child?”
“Hannah.” She sniffed, “Hannah Sugi.” 
“Hana Sugii?” The Speaker’s lips curled into a smile. “Funny. That’s a term Aenar use. You humans call it ‘home sweet home’ we call it Hana-sugii.” 
Smugly, the Speaker offered her hand. “Yes, it’s…a good omen I think.” 
The aide, frantic, pushed forward. “EXCUSE ME!” She cried, “She needs a med team! Now!!” 
Rolling her eyes, the Speaker pulled Hannah up off of the floor and promised the aide that there would be an evaluation shortly. 
Hannah, however, was sizing up the Speaker. She was tall. Taller than the man, taller than anyone she’d ever met. She must have been over seven feet. 
“Holy shit-”
“I’m one of the Aenar.” She scoffed, “We’re tall.” 
“I see that.” Hannah sighed, “Can we…”
Her stomach rumbled. 
“Can we get something to eat?” She winced, “I’m starving. And cold.”
The Speaker nodded, “Yes. I suppose we have to feed you.”
This, somehow, made the aide gasp. As if Speaker Hemmer had suggested the moon was made out of cheese or that the Queen of England wasn’t real. 
“Hm?” Hannah eyed the aide. 
Speaker Hemmer sighed, “Aenar do not take meals with others often. However, since you have a bond with my son- I deem it necessary.” 
Speaker Hemmer’s son returned from the throng of people that had seemingly grown in only a few minutes. Everyone was chattering away, and the decorated people she had seen earlier were mysteriously gone. 
He shook his head. “The royal clan has neglected to rescind. She fights tomorrow.”
Speaker Hemmer snapped, “You can’t substitute?”
“No. Since she volunteered directly, I can’t take it for her.” 
Hannah’s brain fog cleared. 
“The duel? What is it? I know it’s a fight, but…” She trailed off. She had fought plenty of times in school and at parties- but never anything as formal as a ‘duel’. 
“Come.” Speaker Hemmer huffed, “We will discuss it over dinner.”
The pale man blanched. He was already pale, but all the slight blue tinge faded from his face.
“Mother, I-”
“Dinner.” She snapped, “Later.” 
He made an exasperated face but grumbled out his agreement. 
A whirlwind of clothes, papers, people, and some scolding later, Hannah was taken to a small house. It was cozy, but seemingly barren save for the necessities. 
“Sit.” Speaker Hemmer growled. 
Her son– who was also named Hemmer– sat down immediately. Hannah smiled painfully and followed suit. 
The table was small and low to the floor, like something she’d expect to see in Japan and not an alien world. The floor embraced her, soft and…heated?
She looked down. 
“The floor’s warm?”
Hemmer laughed a bit, “Yes. Heated floor. Have you never-”
Speaker Hemmer sat down in front of the two on the opposite side of the table. Her face was grim. 
“You’re bonded.” She sighed, pointing to Hannah, “And you’re going into a death duel tomorrow.”
Hannah choked. 
“Oh, it’s to the death?” 
Speaker Hemmer nodded, “Yes. I will prepare you. I only ask that you do not share what you have learned with any outsider.”
“I’m going to psychically teach you a martial art. You’ll be on level ground tomorrow if you know Gev’chak’er.” 
“Psychic powers can do that?”
“Yes.” Speaker Hemmer smiled a bit. “Think of the brain like a computer; you can download information from others at your convenience. Although, usually one has to be psychic for this to work.” 
Suddenly, she turned away. Gritting her teeth, she spat, “You are the first Human to be bonded with one of us. This is new territory for us all.” 
“What is that?” Hannah asked, “The bond, the beacon?” 
Hemmer nudged her. 
“It’s… a psychic bond. A connection between two minds. Do you feel it?”
Something like a wave rolled over her mind. She reached instinctively for the back of her head- like someone had put a warm hand there. 
She touched the back of her head to find nothing. Hannah pulled her hand away and nodded. “My brain feels…full.”
“That’s normal.” Speaker Hemmer huffed, “It’ll go away soon.”
Another stomach grumble upset the quiet, and Hemmer put a hand to his mouth to stifle a chuckle. 
“Ama, can we please feed her? She’s going to pass out from hunger if not from shock.” 
Speaker Hemmer rolled her eyes. “Don’t you think I ordered something? It should be here soon. I shelled out the money for express delivery- be grateful.” 
In the dim kitchen light, Hannah looked over the two Aenar again. 
Speaker Hemmer’s long, braided white hair cascaded well down her back in some complex pattern, her clothes covered in similar twisting embroidery. Her antennae were covered by a small cap at the top, the little beads twirling in the light with a shake of her head. 
Hannah glanced over at the man beside her. 
Illuminated from behind, his hair almost looked like it was glowing. Held in a simple braid, it was almost laughably plain compared to his mother’s ornate pattern. Her nervous heartbeat slowed. 
She looked at him again, a little closer. The only jewelry he had was a plain chain necklace in the shape of a triangle. 
The symbol burned into her mind; she knew it somehow. Deep within her mind, something called out. Not as a cry, but as a deep and familiar call- like coming home. 
Something in the back of her head shifted again. A candle, a small flicker of life that was his.
 And his alone. 
His nose wrinkled. “What is it?”
She had been staring. 
“Oh! Nothing.” She shook her head, “Your necklace it’s-” 
She stopped. 
“Wait. You’re blind how do you-”
“Psychic vision.” Speaker Hemmer nodded sharply, “Aenar are psychic. Like we explained.” 
“Right.” Hannah smiled, “Psychic aliens. Cool.”
A knock sounded from the front door. 
Groaning, Speaker Hemmer rose to answer it, about as excited as a single adult at a screaming child’s birthday party. 
As she left, Hemmer leaned in. 
“You know, you’re taking this quite well.”
“Yeah.” Hannah scoffed, “Well, that’s because this isn’t the first time I’ve had my life destroyed and because your brain is force-feeding me information.” 
He fell silent as his mother returned with a few bags of food. She pressed a button on the side of the table and it opened to reveal a grill. 
Hannah smiled, “Huh. It’s like a Korean barbecue.” 
“Yes.” Speaker Hemmer smiled in return, “Andorians fry their food or eat communally- like soups or hot pots. We Aenar prefer our food cooked, and although I love my son I’d rather not eat out of the same bowl.” 
Hemmer let out an amused snort as he set the vegetables up only to have his hand smacked away when he reached for a yellow bag. 
“Niinef!” She stressed, pulling out the strips of meat. 
Hannah was about to ask what the deal was but then remembered something. It wasn’t like remembering her own life, it was different. She was looking at the memories of someone else. 
The details were fuzzy, but she got the point. 
He was a man. That meant ‘no touching meat’. Ever. 
It was a religious rule. 
At that thought, her blood turned to hot lead. She felt Hemmer reach out mentally, but she shut it down. She pushed him out of her head– as easy as pushing out an incoming tsunami wave with an oar– but she managed. 
She had survived her religion. Somehow. She wasn’t going to willingly join another. To her, God didn’t exist. Yet, God was inescapable. He either wasn’t there or didn't listen. 
Hannah didn’t know which was worse. 
As the meat grilled, Speaker Hemmer sighed, “I know you have questions.”
“I do.” She took a bite and tried not to melt into the carpet. It tasted like Korean barbecue. 
Focus, bitch. 
Shaking her head, she cleared her throat. “First off, why the tube? Why am I here?”
“I’m privy to classified information.” Speaker Hemmer took a bite, “However, no one knows why you were taken. Everyone who was involved in your experiment on Earth is long dead. There are very little paper records. We couldn’t wake you up because we didn’t know how to without killing you.”
“You keep saying ‘we’.” Hemmer scoffed, “You mean the Andorians.”
“We are Andorians.” Speaker Hemmer sighed, “We live on this planet too. It’s time we start participating.” 
Hemmer rolled his eyes and continued eating. 
“Great.” Hannah sighed, reaching a hand up to touch her face. She rubbed it absentmindedly before she realized something was missing. 
Gasping, she looked down at her bare hands. 
“My nails!” She cried, “Those fucks!” 
She had just gotten her nails done. It was twenty-five dollars- a criminal price for 2007. If her nails were gone that meant-
Hannah got up. 
“Excuse me. Nearest bathroom?”
Bewildered, Speaker Hemmer pointed down a hallway and opened her mouth to ask something, but Hannah was already inside. 
In the mirror, she peered at herself. 
No makeup. No lash extensions, or nails, or jewelry save for-
She reached down. Her navel piercing was still there. Good. 
Her bare face felt foreign to her. She hadn’t really been outside without makeup in years. Unless you count a run to Tesco or a hungover Denny’s trip. 
Makeup was safe. It meant she was free. She didn’t like the correlation between her cryo-imprisonment and having her makeup taken away. 
She eyed herself again. 
She was still tan, with an alright nose and blue-gray eyes. Her dyed blonde hair still looked fairly fresh. It had better, she’d just gotten…
Well. She had felt like she had just gotten it done.
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ganzdraw · 2 months
Hello! I'm new here :0
What's your au about?
Do you have a masterpost?
Hello Friend nwnr at the moment I have not yet made a masterpost but it was already in their development plan
My alternate Universe is about a war between life and death where humans and monsters fight against a new species that arose due to the fall after the truce of Error! Sans and ink! Sans called revenants beta beings created by the power of Emperor Gaster with help of his staff and that of his sister Toriel, which he stole after the fall of his late sister, the Empress Toriel, for sacrificing all her power and soul by creating a magical barrier that protected her world from the destruction of error! Sans by wanting to eliminate the inner core of the au that very barely managed to save 50% of its world and its creations and daughters.
Even though the world was just living its first timeline. There was already a war between Gaster and Toriel… since his brother was only a soul harvester and Toriel's right hand… he only had the job of waiting for his sister who, because she was the creator of life and the universe alternate PromisedTale. to see how those souls fallen for natural reasons would dictate that Toriel speak to that soul if it wanted to reincarnate or rest…. something that bored Gaster and he assumed that his job was just to try to harvest souls. He asked his sister that he also wanted to create species that but with the peculiarity that they defy death… but Toriel said that that was not fair since the soul who could have that immortal form would be unhappy and difficult to control and would You see, since if she shared her magic by creating a being like that with Gaster, it could have repercussions. but in the end she accepted out of love for her brother and at least to fulfill that whim and they created 2 beings with determination…
Zoey and Tamara
But Gaster, disgusted by just seeing that those beings were still made by her, he wanted his own… but between love and hate, his sister warned him that if he did something that she was not aware of, she would be banished to the ruins… .. something that happened shortly after, since Gaster could no longer stand his envy and jealousy and created amalgamations of imperfect beings called beta Revenans. beings made by means of fallen souls that were forcibly deprived of their eternal rest…
But this happened since they were 100% made by the dark magic that Gaster possessed. He still adored her creations and wanted to show it to her sister but her face was angry and disgusted.
Toriel, sad for banishing her brother, still continued with her work of governing her kingdom on Ebott Island. but after the arrival of Core! Frisk and his warning about a truce that could affect her kingdom, she, tired, only asked Core to leave her world since she already had many problems with her family… something already mentioned above in the text toriel fell… and gaster took advantage of that fall by stealing the staff and waging war against the empire that remained behind the rubble where our protagonist Tamara will participate! Who will look for a fight to save Gaster's kingdom from her!
Creating a unique and never before seen timeline… divided into 22 space-time fragments that she herself will have to reunite to save her kingdom and recover the course of the timeline that her mother created, also telling that she will have to recover the cane. of his mother Toriel's life to prevent Gaster from creating more armies… Where the canon now no longer followed a route… but rather all those that existed were in struggle… to see who would be dominant… .. Pacifist, neutral and genocidal… but by name it was now called "chaotic timeline".
Important fact, Tamara cannot reset since this ability was nullified and deactivated by the Error! Sans corruption in her core and she will have to recover those fragments to rebuild the button. but not knowing much about her magic, at a certain point in the comic she will go to look for Core! Frisk in the Omega timeline to ask for his help since she was the one who warned of the catastrophe that occurred… but she would have more surprises. out… bumping into the multiverse
A complex story but one that is developing :3
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sapphicteaparty · 10 months
g witch ending spoilers
g witch is over. i don't have any criticism that isn't nitpicking and i don't care about nitpicking. to me this was a 10/10 show with zero filler episodes and i'm very happy with the conclusion of this story.
some thoughts about the ending:
calibarn's gay rainbow permet colors were so cool. no notes.
all the gay rainbow permet effects were cool. i don't even care about how ridiculous they were.
miorine dissolved the benerit group. i am so glad she doesn't have to continue the corporate legacy that delling created and it seems like she is working with gund-arm like she wanted, developing the medical uses of gund tech. living her best life.
nobody could end spacian capitalism but the space/earth power balance seems to be disrupted. that's not nothing.
delling, sarius etc are actually held accountable for benerit's crimes. good.
earth probably welcomed prospera after what she did to that SAL fleet IF they knew that she was behind it. i doubt earth even has a seat at the SAL table at all so someone like prospera could be a hero to them. or maybe she's just a refugee now, who knows. earth is probably the one place where she won't get arrested and where she can live in peace. either way i'm glad she lived. that scene in the data storm with nadim got to me. 😭
everything about Peil in this episode was so funny.
both miorine and suletta have some sort of gund-tech implants on the backs of their head. i assume this tech is for establishing connection to eri?
eri in the keychain??? so fucking stupid i love it. sometimes a family is you, your wife, your shitty dad, your mother-in-law and your sister-in-law inside a keychain mascot.
…what if you lose the keychain?? what then?? i'm not going to think about this any further. it's fine. she's fine.
sulemio is married. they should have kissed on screen (that's one nitpick) but i'll take this. i'm not disappointed at all in the way their relationship was portrayed throughout the show and i liked that they avoided so many common romance tropes. sulemio is canon (always was) and they get a happy ending which is what i wanted.
i knew she wouldn't die but suletta was still hurt by all of that gundam action. the permet scars, becoming disabled - details like that are a nice touch to show that suletta (and by extension anyone else) piloting giant death robots can't come out of it unharmed. and she didn't just survive, she's thriving and she's so happy!!!!
gund-arm's medical tech really is a ray of hope for many (like petra).
suletta's dreams came true 😭😭😭😭😭😭
actually nobody died??? after ep 23 i had the feeling that this would be the case because g witch seemed to be making the point that redemption through death is not helpful to those who are alive. killing off characters is such an easy way resolve conflicts and to drive stories forward and g witch examines if there can be a different way without violence.
…the downside to that is that it could go to the other extreme and be full on pacifist and excuse all those who had committed horrible acts (delling, prospera, shaddiq etc) but aside from prospera they're all held accountable and suffering the consequences.
prospera was right to want revenge and to want to create a place in the world for eri but her means were not justified. one of the thematic throughlines in season 2 was that how you do something matters just as much as what you do (like sameen shaw said). prospera admitting that she couldn't forgive herself for the things she'd done was just the perfect way of ending her story. i didn't need her to succeed in her revenge plot or to go to jail or die, i just wanted her to see that how she did things was wrong and that's the biggest payoff her story could have had.
and when she was like "my legs will be paralyzed soon anyway" and suletta just refused to leave her behind, and she got to be part of their family.... g witch really said disabled ppl deserve to be happy 😭
can't believe this show gave me everything i wanted???
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baldy-wan-kenobi · 2 months
Okay people, here we go:
Baldy's Book Club
Episode 1: "Into the Storm"
By Taylor Anderson, Book 1 of the Destroyermen series.
Okay, so, on the recommendation of my most esteemed mutual @frogblast-the-ventcore , I have been coerced to read the Destroyermen series, and post my thoughts about them as I do.
So, for part 1, here we go. I'm going to assume those of you reading have read the book, cause if you haven't, you should be going to buy it, right now. I mean it.
First and foremost, this book was written by a ww2 nerd, for ww2 nerds, and by god does it show. Taylor Anderson is a professor of history, and it shines through in every part of the book. From the technical details of the USS Walker, to the shortcomings of the Mk. 14 torpedo, to the attitudes, lives, and habits (both good and bad) of a 1942 Asiatic fleet destroyerman. Speaking of which, call me Dean Kamen, cause that's a perfect segway to talk about
The Characters
To begin with, do not expect a normal person's assessment of these characters. Expect a Normal™ person's view of them.
First: Captain Matthew Reddy. Oh my lord this man. He's an absolute mess, knows it, and yet cannot let that show, because, well he's stranded in an alternate universe with humanoid lemurs and sapient velociraptors. In my head, he's got total divorced dad energy going on, 30-something going on 50 because of stress, greying at the temples but still hot in a DILF kind of way, not overly muscular, and with one hell of a voice. (I'll admit the audio book colored my perception, but it's a fantastic audio book so I don't care.)
Next, Chack-Sab-At, the biggest and most baddass guyfailure to ever live. "Oh, I'm a pacifist" then the very second that an enemy without moral repercussions comes along he's all "I love violence and killing and murder and death and injuring people and blood and biting and cutting and-" like, seriously, dude says he's a pacifist before turning around and becoming Furry Doomguy.
Next, Dennis Silva, he-who-was-told-not-to-fuck-the-monkey-cats-but-did-it-anyway. Moving on,
There's literally more I love about the characters than I want to sit here and type out, so I'm going to cut it short, but Oh My God these characters are A+.
Next, I just want to touch on something these books made me feel. A lot of times, as an USAmerican with an actual brain, I can get bogged down in the fucked-up shit my country has done and feel like I can't celebrate what makes the US cool without making it sound like I'm excusing all the bad stuff, but this book kinda made me stop for a minute and go "man, the US is kinda fucking rad, when you think about it." Because, you know what? It is. Yeah, we've done fucked up shit, but we've also done some pretty awesome stuff. For every My Lai Massacre, there's a moon landing. For every Trail of Tears, there's a Berlin Airlift. Sometimes, it's okay to take a moment and just go "Fuck yeah, guys. Were pretty cool." Because this book really makes you feel that, at least it did to me, but I'll get off my red, white and blue high horse and keep going.
Alright, now we come to the part that I need to get out...
Literally everywhere in my life, I am haunted and stalked by the specter of a long-dead megacorporation. In every piece of media, in every topic I research, no matter what, they're there. As the Frogman quoted from me in a meme a while back "I'm being haunted by the ghost of English imperialism". What the fuck? Anyway, if you wanna chat about the book, please do, because I am at terminal levels of Fandom.
Anyway, if you want to read along for the next Baldy's Book Club, we'll be reading Crusade, the next book in the Destroyermen series.
(P.S. Frogman, I know this review isn't very good, but my brain is soup rn so this is whatchu get.
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souldagger · 1 year
hi! id love to hear any lore you might have to share about ez and sage .) -@cybernetictears
WAH omg okay disclaimer keep in mind that i keep changing my mind abt the lore like every month. but the basics:
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Ez (any pronouns) is a runaway corporate AI/robot who's like 100% convinced they're a bugged and defective early prototype. (except all those "glitches" are, of course, just the normal consequence of being a person with emotions and empathy and stuff). outwardly they're cold, stoic and intimidating (think Scary Silent Bodyguard vibes) but inwardly they're a softie - think if a killing machine was a pacifist. like, they're just trying to figure out how to be a person and not be found out as a robot. he also don't rmbr anything from before his escape but don't worry about that i'm sure it's fine
(also if you're wondering why Ez doesn't have any visible robotic parts: in the setting of the story cybernetic enhancements, body mods and prosthetics are incredibly common, so her looks are highly unusual; i just like the irony of a robot character who sticks out in a crowd precisely bc of how abnormally human they look)
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and Sage! (he/they) He's Literally Just A Guy. he does unimportant menial work, has a tiny flat in a "bad" part of town, he's got like 2 friends. but he IS generally shockingly well-adjusted for someone living in a capitalist dystopia. they're smart and thoughtful but very oblivious to things like subtext/sarcasm/double meanings, and they often come off as blunt. they're also v kind (on purpose!!! it's a choice!!!) and they get underestimated a lot. he's also got a passion for gardening (botany is his special interest and he steals plant saplings from corporate greenhouses <3 and he sells homemade tea blends)
oh this is way too long already but. one last thing. i knoooow "alien/robot/non-human who doesn't understand humans/emotions/etc learning to do so by falling in love w a human" is a trope as old as time. but i love the hopefulness of a story about a non-human looking at humanity and deciding, despite everything, "i want to be a part of this." and i really like the idea of that story where the non-human's primary lens for that understanding is an autistic person - flawed, by all accounts unexceptional, a "nobody" - and them still going "the pains and horrors of the human condition are worth being part of it. they're worth being loved by you"
anyway their story (which currently only exists in my mind) is like 50% this^ and 45% "wouldn't it be funny if an autistic guy assumed a secret robot was also just an autistic person." and 5% ruminations on the nature of consciousness
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sylvaridreams · 3 months
I think it's time to 📌PIN a new POST
Dama, 30 -ish, he/him I've been playing GW2 off and on since mid 2014 (end of LWS1.) I came back December 2022 after finally getting a PC that could handle games again. My main blog is @damazcuz and that's where I'll follow and interact from (so if you see a tiger in your notes. Hi.)
My art tag My Ao3 My Toyhou.se link (a few filled out profiles but not many!)
If you ever happen to see me running around feel free to say hello! (NA Server, damazcuz.6892) Below is a masterlist of my 20+ characters with info on each. Some don't have pictures, I'm working on it. This post contains some SotO spoilers!
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Alba Moonseeker - he/him, 13. Commander-- RETIRED. Wayfinder-- EX. At the end of SotO, Alba will be forced to step DOWN from his titles and retire to the Isle of Reflection to live safely and comfortably with people who care about him! In the meantime he bears the world's burdens. Canach and Auruim are his current life partners. #alba
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Auruim - he/him, 11. A close friend of Alba's before HoT, he was lost in the Breach of Maguuma and presumed dead for years. Actually became Mordremoth's champion, and after the dragon's death, continued leading his forces against the Pact to try and reclaim the jungle. Captured by one of Taimi's krewes shortly before Icebrood Saga, he was forcibly rehabilitated and put through an agonizing reformation process. Blamed Alba for his trauma for a long time. During SotO, had his arm torn off and fell into a demon coma. He's very much like a dog that doesn't know why it bites. #auruim
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Bourbon - he/him, 35. Ex-aetherblade, ex-bandit, raised by Dredge in the far shiverpeaks. Set out on a quest of revenge after digging two graves, ended up commiserating with the man who ruined his life (Alba) and joining him. During SotO, saved Auruim from the demons that ate his arm, and became imprisoned in the Tower for a year or more waiting for him to heal. Re-lost his best friend during the waiting period. #bourbon
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Aeris - she/her, 13. Ex-Priory, dishonorably and involuntarily discharged. She dreamed of a crystal dragon and awoke shortly after Alba. In all the excitement, her dream was misinterpreted, and she was sent to kill Kralkatorrik. Her assumed purpose consumed her, and she was fully obsessed with Kralk, with killing him, with putting a finish to her quest -- long after Alba had finished with Zhaitan, and Mordremoth. She came to see Alba as her rival, as making her look bad. After years of funneling Priory funds into trying to kill Kralk, she joined Alba's forces at Thunderhead Keep, where they failed to end things as they'd agreed upon. She went searching for answers and finally found the true meaning of her dream: she'd been meant to be Vlast's champion, but had never arrived. Her scion had died without ever knowing a mortal's love. As she mourned, Alba killed Kralkatorrik in her stead. She has crazy bad beef with him now, but can't keep herself from tagging along after him like an unwanted shadow. #aeris windkin
(More) mordrem:
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Venasis - she/her, 23. Ex-Nightmare Court. Reformed mordrem. She was a cavalier in the mordrem army. Captured alongside Auruim and Darlio, plus two others, by Taimi's krewe. Venasis has become a pacifist, believing that she'd harmed too many as a courtier, and then plenty more as a mordrem. She sees Auru and Lio as her family, and cares deeply for the bond the three of them share. After Auruim vanishes during SotO, she leaves with Aeris to go travel. #venasis
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Darlionia - he/him, 18. Ex-Vigil. Reformed mordrem. He was Auruim's first organically-made friend in the Vigil, one to protect him against being ganged up on. Witnessed Auruim's fall to Mordremoth and ran into the jungle, where he was hunted down and blighted to be Auru's knight. He has no memories prior to blighting, and died briefly during the process. After the Maguuma campaign, he began hearing the voices of Mordrem legends from the Mists, which scream at him near constantly. (Diarmid, Hareth, and Adryn.) He also hears Trahearne's voice, but doesn't recognize him. Darlio is incredibly aggressive and opposed to anything changing within the mordrem "pack" that Auru lead(s) as it's all he's ever known. At his revenant legends' urging, he sabotages Auruim in his reform progress and relationships to try to maintain the status quo between them. Meisi, Rytlock, and Bourbon all eventually work on helping him deal with his Mists voices. He plays the drums thanks to Bourbon. Abandoned during SotO when Auru vanishes, he turns to painkillers to sleep the screaming away. When Venasis leaves too, he has no one to steal pills for him and has to face his spiral. #darlio
Siraz - he/him, 19. Escaped mordrem-- he left the jungle dragon's territory through sheer force of will. He's a hater. He hated being part of a hivemind, and hated Auruim more for being a moron among morons. Made a home in the Horn of Maguuma, where he chased off and maimed adventurers for years, and eventually caught Mabon fucking with his traps. The two became close, and Mabon was his only link to the outside world for ages. Mid-way through SotO, after Mabon had suddenly stopped coming to see him, Siraz travelled to the Tower to confirm that he was dead. Stayed in the tower for a while, beat the shit out of recently-out-of-coma Auruim when they crossed paths. Gave Alba some free therapy. When Alba is forced to step down as Wayfinder after SotO, Siraz will be selected to take his place. Between missions, he pays visits to Alba and Canach's home on the Isle of Reflection to give them psychoanalysis/guidance. It's his hobby. #champion siraz
Alternate Realities?(?)
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Laerling - they/them, 26. Jormag's treasured apprentice and… more? Trapped Alba and Auruim in a looping fractal for an unknown amount of time to prove a point about killing their beloved elder dragon. It's a whooooooole thing. #laerling
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Kiva Sunchaser - he/him, 13. Alternate-world Alba who never became the Commander. The entire timeline shifted as a result. #kiva sunchaser
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Nemeos - he/him, 13. Alternate-world Alba who had a really bad time and turned evil. His version of Aurene died at a botched Dragonstorm, and by the time he faced Soo-won alone, he was so badly corrupted, he was barely recognizable. Began maiming and killing anyone who dared to speak against him. His one-time friends and lovers (those that were able) fled his reach and formed a resistance group against him, seeking to end his reign of destruction and terror. Alba is briefly flung into Nemeos' version of Tyria after SotO ends. #nemeos
Iracynth - he/him, 13. The "Commander" in a Wizard-run fractal build to determine what would happen if Alba failed to kill Zhaitan. The world became overrun with Risen, the Pact crumbled to dust, firstborn Traenard (his version of Trahearne) died sooner, and everything went to hell in general. After years of being half-recognized as "that failed Commander" who "ruined the world," Iracynth's fractal crashed into another (at the beginning of SotO) and he escaped into Tyria proper. How is he coping with knowing his life was a fabrication, that his ultimate failure was just the first of another Commander's countless victories? Yes! Currently on the run trying to keep hidden from Astral Ward and see the REAL world. #iracynth
Roseate Canaries, Nightmare Court, Whispers, Podtwins
(this whole thing…)
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Lacrimosen - he/him, 28. As a dreamer, he dreamt of Eldulis, and was introduced to him as a sapling. At this point, Eldulis was a recluse, and didn't look at people at all out of fear of hurting them. They became close regardless. When Eldulis left the Grove to join the Nightmare Court, Lacrimosen took it INCREDIBLY personally. At the advice of reclusive secondborn Soundless Lychen, "why don't you fuck off and build your own house then," Lacrimosen realized that the answer was to create a place where ALL Sylvari could prosper together. It became his goal to reunite dream and nightmare, to see the value in all parts of the experience of life, and then he and Eldulis could be together and happy. But dreams are hard to achieve, and within a few years, Lala was bemoaning to Lychen that he felt stuck in his job as Laranthir's second in command of the Pale Reavers. At Lychen's snapped advice "fuck off and make your own army then," Lala realized that the answer was to steal the infantry and armory. So he did! Half the Reavers and their gear was gone by morning, and Lacrimosen found them a place to set up camp. He used his networking skills to secure a base, and soon he had a castle, a sylvari sniper army that adored him, a long-suffering best friend and lover (Lychen will deny all of this) and an end goal in sight. The Roseate Canaries will take in any Sylvari or ally. They see value in the dream and nightmare, but don't see either as a full path. A lot of Soundless gravitate towards the Canaries, largely because they're very welcome there. #lacrimosen
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Lychen - he/him, 32. A Soundless secondborn. The FIRST Soundless, if we're keeping track. He doesn't care if we do. Described by critics as as "apathetic at best" and "I liked him better before he spoke to me" and "that rude little thing." All of his advice to Lacrimosen over the years has been rude remarks and sarcasm. He sticks by Lala because he does like him (he will deny this) and he believes in his vision of uniting Sylvari-kind and ending the war between the two halves of their nature. #lychen
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Eldulis - he/him, 32. One of the secondborn kidnapped by Inquest, he was among a group of 20 that were tortured. Four of them came home -- himself, Canach, and two others. What Eldulis was shown in the Inquest lab (the Eternal Alchemy) allowed something to peer into him in turn, and then out through him. He was forced by this to develop a unique ability refered to as mind peeling. Upon making eye contact with another person, he forces them to relive with him their most horrifying, agonizing experience of truth-- what this means varies from person to person, obviously, but it has always been traumatic and horrible. He was unable to control it for years. Faolain invited him to the Court before she was ousted from the Grove, but it wasn't until after he had befriended Lala that Eldulis chose to take her up on it. He learned to control his mind peeling by using it within the Court, and moved up quickly. He was one of Faolain's favorites, named the Duke of Torment, and was given his own camp in the Steamspurs- Lionsbane Copse. Years after Faolain's death, and after several replacements had been appointed and disposed of, Eldulis was chosen to take Faolain's seat. He traveled back to Twilight Arbor with Inoxiam to undergo his Dark Vigil, where he was poisoned by a dissenter and nearly died. Inoxiam snuck him out of the Arbor and tried to hail for help. Audden would be the one to save Eldulis, and then waypointed both of them to Lala's castle. After a few days recovery, Eldulis chose to return to the Court, where he would be cornered to be killed again-- this time, he called for help himself, and willingly left the Court. He and Inoxiam are figuring things out right now, during SotO. Post-SotO, they might accidentally kidnap Auruim briefly. #eldulis
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Inoxiam - he/him, 15. An Order of Whispers agent stationed within the Nightmare Court. He's deep undercover; even his podtwin couldn't know why he was joining the Court, and so they've cut ties as saplings. Inoxiam has torn down many Nightmare camps from within-- he changes his name and identity with each move. His name at Lionsbane Copse is Datura; prior, he's been Natila, Lausica, and countless other identities. He was tortured at Twilight Arbor upon being identified (by a lucky guess) as a Whispers plant, and then disposed of in the woods. Rescued by his Whispers Keeper, he recovered for months at the Whispers HQ before being reassigned. To avoid Eldulis' truth-seeking mind peeling ability, he allows himself to disassociate into a foggy sub-ego; he becomes Datura, believes himself a true Courtier, and knows nothing of Inoxiam. He has no idea what he might be doing during his foggy hours as Datura, as Eldulis takes more interest in him. Eldulis corners him on the way to Twilight Arbor and peels him, sees his torture at the Arbor, and backs off, believing Inoxiam to have been "mistakenly accused." As they travel together, Inoxiam's feelings for Eldulis become complex; he sees sides of the Duke that others have never borne witness to, or not in decades at least. He wants to help Eldulis leave, to survive; he's not disloyal to his mission, but he doesn't want to succeed at killing Eldulis. By SotO, he is MIA from the Order of Whispers; they do not know where he is, and he may be presumed dead at the Arbor. He and Eldulis are getting to know one another more closely and exploring their feelings. And kidnapping Auruim for a bit. #inoxiam
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Tryllwenn - he/him, 15. Inoxiam's podtwin. His Wyld Hunt called on him to protect Inoxiam as his knight. But as Inoxiam turned to Nightmare, Tryll could not stand by and say nothing. He confronted Inoxiam, who confirmed his fears were true, and the two parted ways on bad terms. Tryllwenn spent over a decade putting distance between himself and his twin-- they could always "feel" one another in the world, but it was easier to ignore from far away. Travelling Elona while Inoxiam was in Twilight Arbor, Tryllwenn felt the first flutter from his twin in years-- a feeling of absolute dread, pain, and fear as Inoxiam was tortured. By the time he came to in the sands, he was certain his twin must be dead. But he'd feel something again, over a year later, when Eldulis peeled Inoxiam's mind during their travels: that same feeling, with another layer of horror. Tryllwenn realized his twin was alive and in danger, and set out to find him. He's returned to Tyria, and is playing a game of warmer/colder with Inoxiam's emotional responses, always just a few steps behind finding him. His trail goes cold at Twilight Arbor… Tryll transitioned after Inoxiam left for the court, and would not be recognizable to his twin were they to cross paths. #tryllwenn
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Audden - he/him, 8. Audden awoke as a strange case. He had no dream and no bond to the Tree-- he seemed Soundless from the start, and his perplexing origins led him to be prodded and studied by sylvari for countless months. Annnoyed and othered by sylvari who wanted to understand him, he came to believe he was not sylvari at all, but some parasite, like a cuckoo egg left to be hatched and fed by another mother. The fear that the Nightmare Court had planted him as a blight made him afraid to leave the Grove himself, for fear the Court would swoop in and pick him up. But he could not stay in the city; the intense Otherness he felt was unbearable, and so eventually he slipped out the back and tried to flee into the south. Having no street smarts, he was swiftly cornered by ne'er do wells, but saved by Arbiter Lychen of the Roseate Canaries. Lychen, realizing who he was, invited him back to the castle, where he quietly convinced Lacrimosen to let Audden stay as a a Soundless, but leave him alone. Lychen believes Audden is the true, untouched and natural form of a sylvari, without centaur or human influence, and Lacrimosen thinks he is sooooooooooooooo cute! Audden spends much of his time perusing the Canaries' massive library, safely exploring the world, and training with his rifle. #audden
Dead People (who won't stay dead)
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Alixandira - she/her, 38. A devotee to Balthazar, she spent a decade after her friend was kidnapped by centaurs razing a path of hell after her. She became the Hero of Shaemoor, killing and blazing a trail in her god's name, praying without a doubt that Balthazar would reward her for piety. When she finally found her friend, long dead, she found she had lost her purpose. She continued to pray to Balthazar for months, deeply depressed and confused. Why did he fail to answer her? Why had he failed to reward what she had done? She determined that the gods had left Tyria, and that no one was listening-- so when news reached Tyria that Balthazar was around, she made a beeline for Elona to confront and kill her god. He found her attempt kind of funny, if a bit disrespectful, and banished her to the Mists without delay (literally minutes before Alba would arrive to be killed in The Departing.) She spent a solid decade trapped and wandering the Mists, seeking a path back out. When she re-emerged at last, much to the confusion of the humans who had summoned her, she found that she had some portion of Balthazar's power, torn off him when she'd been thrown into the Mists. She's lying low right now, figuring out the extent of her power. #alixandira
Chesha - she/her, dead at 23. Mute, used Tyrian sign language. The Aetherblade who recruited Bourbon, they became best friends. Feelings developed. Everything was a lot of fun until she died. She's been kickin it in the Mists. Eventually she WILL make it back to Tyria and tear Bourbon a new one for palling around with the Commander WHO KILLED HER. #chesha
Glaz - he/him, dead at 41. Bourbon's bandit mentor. He took the kid in at 14, despite his reservations about taking some teenage runaway into his camp. Died in a Vigil raid on the bandit camp. Years later, when the Aetherblades were first traveling the Mists, Glaz's voice stuck out to Bourbon, and he latched onto his rifle that his protege had kept all that time. In addition to the rifle, Glaz can possess Bourbon if he wants to-- he just doesn't, he thinks it would be rude. The fact that he can is enough to get most points across. Glaz is confiscated by the Astral Ward during SotO, for containment and safekeeping. Talks to Auruim from within his coma dream. When the rifle is returned, Glaz's spirit is gone. BUT WE'LL SEE HIM AGAIN SOMEDAY! (*Glaz does not exist in-game except as a rifle skin.) #glaz
Misc (Aka oh my god there's more?)
Thiiyfadora - she/her, 27. A progeny of Inquest parents, she was rescued from her lab and brought back to Rata Sum, where she was raised by her aunt Laz. Suffering physically from her treatment as a progeny, and with several undiagnosed learning disorders, Thiiyf never joined a school of study or a krewe. It was assumed she would never amount to being much more than a NEET. She spent much of her time mapping Rata Sum's hidden passages and back cooridors. When her primary map was confiscated, she felt her life was over-- but it opened the door to the world for her. Her intensely detailed map, which uncovered passages Rata Sum authorities had otherwise been unaware of, had led to her name making it to Trahearne's ear. He invited her on the Orr mission at 15, knowing that skilled cartographers would be needed to make the assault on Zhaitan a success. They struck Zhaitan down when Thiiyfa was 16, and she stayed by Alba's side through the Maguuma mission, at one point reaching Head Cartographer of the Pact. It was after the 43-day assault against Mordremoth, in the aftermath as Alba mourned everything he had lost, that Thiiyf had to step back, step down, step away. The experiments she'd gone through as a progeny had left her with certain physical degenerations-- she had a limited amount of time left to live. Could be a year, could be ten. She could go on adventuring with Alba, who she was realizing was a self-destructive person to be around, watching him wither and wilt, or she could go home and resolve some things. Thiiyfa chose to leave during Alba's lowest moment. She currently lives in Brisban with her aunt Laz, who retired from her Krewe to act as a caretaker. Though Thiiyf no longer adventures, she continued to make maps-- for fantasy books, and occasionally she's able to travel. Recently she visited Cantha with Snargle Goldclaw for promotion of his last book, which she drew the maps for. She and Alba haven't spoken in years. #thiiyf
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Tego - AKA Gunpowder Gelatine - AKA Briza Silkburner -she/her, 40's. Briza was involved in (framed for) an explosion which murdered her warband. Realizing that things were Not looking good for her, she vanished and has been running for a solid 20+ years from the horrors. Worked as an assassin for Ash Legion for some years, under the Gunpowder name, until evidence from That Day started dropping into her lap from someone who knew she was Briza. Vanished again. Before the Zhaitan assault, she trained Thiiyfa as a mesmer, but once the past started chasing her again, she had to cut and run. She's changed her hair, her scarred face, her name and identity over and over, but someone is persistently trying to pin this tragedy to her like a badge of honor that she doesn't want to wear. By LWS4, she lives in Elona, in the middle of nowhere with Tryllwenn as an occasional companion. Aeris stays with them for a while, whilst processing her grief for Vlast. Tego is not one for long-term friendships anymore, but she doesn't turn people away either. She's made peace with what happened in her past, and at this point is ready for whatever is going to be served to her as comeuppance for it. #gunpowder gelatine
Kuiltro, Dog-of-Many - he/him, 47. A dog of many names. A bandit from Bourbon's old gang. He's also well known by Krytan authorities at this point, where he's known as Mongrel or Mutt. He takes great offense to being called either by someone he doesn't like. Kuiltro left the shiverpeaks gang several years after Bourbon was ousted from it, travelled to Cantha where he was briefly possessed by an oni, tried to slip through Lion's Arch for a quick trip, and was captured by Lionsguard and handed over to Seraph. Currently, Logan holds the chain to his yoke, and is putting him to work. Kuiltro wants to tear his face off so fucking bad. He HATES Bourbon though. He sees Bourbon as a volatile mess that can't help but get people killed-- he blames Bourbon for Glaz and Hypocrite, and knows enough about Bourbon's history since the old gang to blame him for Chesha and others. Eventually I will let these two meet up and punch each other to death. #dog of many
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Tzuuya and Buulma - 33 and 23, she/they and he/her. A pair of siblings. Tzuuya (older, teal braids) had to step up and raise Buulma when their parents suddenly died in an accident, which limited her own horizons. They've tried hard not to resent him for it, but the two have been known to butt heads. Buulma grew up alternating between being dragged to Tzuuya's boring lectures (yawn) and running wild and free through the Metrica swamplands, picking up frogs and murellows and probably diseases from all the muck. Tzuuya was passed up by krewe after krewe because of their responsibility to the progeny she'd felt she had to raise. They took a position at the Priory as a recruitment officer in Rata Sum, but felt unfulfilled with that, and Buulma still took their focuse off the job more often than not. On Buulma's end, he resented that Tzuuya cared more about their career than him, and sought friendship in animals rather than asura. Eventually, Taimi recruited Tzuuya onto one of her krewes, studying dragon minions, and got Buulma as a package deal. Since the two began working together as a team, their relationship has solidified and strengthened; they respect each other a lot, even if there isn't a typical familial bond between the two of them. #tzuuya #buulma
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realitymirage · 7 months
Heya there!
Hello and welcome to Undertale: Reality Mirage! I'm happy you found this place... And I sure hope you enjoy your stay!
Now, I'm sure you're veeeeery confused... But not to worry! Your good friend Cicada will help you!
Let's start with the basics...
What is Undertale: Reality Mirage?
Undertale: Reality Mirage is a silly little AU of mine that follows one basic rule...
Every single Undertale AU is created by Frisk writing fanfiction!
Yup, you read that right! Our favorite little ambassador is now a pre-teen and does what most pre-teens do, writing fanfiction of their favorite people, of course! And since their favorite people are the monsters they saved… That becomes the subject of their writing!
And, with the assistance of their beta reader Chara and account manager Gaster, the three enjoy watching Frisk’s fanfiction play out through the use of Gaster’s newest creation, the ‘World Builder’! It takes the plot of Frisk’s stories and turns them into movies, so to speak.
Jokes aside, Undertale: Reality Mirage is a silly idea I came up with one day, the idea in mind is that Frisk writes fanfiction with Chara and Gaster, and they watch it like a movie. 
There would be multiple ‘worlds’ for them to ‘watch’, each being my own take on a popular Undertale AU, such as Underswap, Storyshift, etc.
I plan on each ‘world’ to be a sprite comic, with the events leading up to and ending being in standard writing form.
What is the first ‘world’?
The first ‘world’ that I am working on is my take on Underswap. I do not have a name for it yet other than Underswap, sadly, but I do plan on updating the name soon!
So far, I’m still in the process of outlining the lore and characters and trust me, that is a lot of work to be done. However, I’m not giving up yet! I like to think I’m making good progress!
I will not be releasing anything relating to Underswap yet, as that is where most of the spoilers relating to this AU are. After all, you’re gonna find out everything about Undertale: Reality Mirage really quickly when it releases! I have no issues with sharing stuff like that.
Who is working on this?
So far, just me!
I’m Cicadawing! But you can call me just Cicada or Wispy, I don’t really mind!
I haven’t been in the Undertale fandom for long, but that doesn’t mean I’m not used to writing or making Undertale AUs! I’ve always been fascinated by the thought of taking characters people know and love and changing them around… Making them different in either easy-to-notice or hard-to-see changes.
My favorite Undertale AU is probably either Fellswap or Swapfell and the main AUs they’re from, like Underswap and Underfell! The vibes of them are just perfect…
My art skills are alright too, not the worst, but I wouldn’t call myself the best, you know? When I get enough art done, I’ll be sure to post previews! Anything to keep you all interested, haha!
My pronouns are he/him and I'm a minor, so please be wary of that!
I want to help!
Really? Already…? You haven’t seen anything… I haven’t even posted anything other than this so far!
Once again, jokes aside… I appreciate it, but as said before, not much is set in stone yet. I only have the basic concept of Underswap done… only Asgore’s character reference is fully complete!
In short, thank you for your enthusiasm, but I’m not accepting members of a team yet! Use that excitement you have to share this AU, that’ll help motivate me to keep going!
Oh, and… Sorry if this seems like I’m assuming people want to join. That’s not it, I just want to get all my question bases covered, so to speak!
Wait… Gaster?! Sans?! Papyrus?! Genocide AU?!?!?!?111
Haha… No. This isn’t a genocide AU at all.
In this AU, Gaster is a ghost that only Frisk and Chara can see. Frisk didn’t kill anyone during their journey since they did the pacifist route to achieve this ending.
And Sans, Papyrus, and all the other characters in Undertale aren’t really going to be present at all. After all, Undertale: Reality Mirage focuses on the friendship of Chara, Frisk, and Gaster, not anyone else.
That doesn’t mean you won’t be able to see your favorite characters, though. They might show up sometimes, but they aren’t going to be the main focus or anything.
But that doesn’t mean you won’t be able to see your favorite characters! After all, this is all about seeing the differences in characterization depending on what AU they’re from! 
I’m confused… What’s a ‘world’? Is Reality Mirage your take on Underswap…?
Apologies for the confusion! Allow me to clear some things up.
Reality Mirage is not my take on Underswap. However, they are related. 
Reality Mirage can be thought of as a folder of sorts. Inside the ‘folder’ are the ‘worlds’. My take on Underswap is one of them. It can be thought of as an AU within an AU.
I have a question that wasn’t answered here! What should I do?
I will leave the ask box open for questions! I will respond as soon as I can unless I consider those questions to be spoilers! Otherwise, count on your questions being answered!
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