rusquared · 1 year
man. you ever think about how anna croft, anna "i will sacrifice as many people as necessary for the greater good" croft, who was willing to betray yjh and side with the constellations if it saved the most people, REPAIRED and KEPT the ark because she knew kimcom would eventually want to use it. earth's strongest incarnations were going to abandon the world to save just one, small, inconsequential life. and she agreed. she supported them. she asked him to be the only constellation in her world that was supposed to be without any stars. like.
kim dokja, an ordinary, average, wholly unremarkable human, still changed so many lives that even anna croft wanted to save him.
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Foolish offering to open up a ticket for Leo's photos cured something in me I didn't knew was broken.
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mhaynoot · 11 months
kdj initially brought all of kimcom together, but it is also him disappearing that left them estranged from each other but! but in the end writing about him, about them, that is what brought them together again!!
because it is him. it is always kdj. and because it is them too.
because writing and reading orv that is what saved yjh, that is what saved all of them. that is what let them return to normalcy. it is not forced ‘getting over it’ and moving on nor was it trying desperately to forfeit their lives to save his nor is it forgetting the story and giving up. it is writing, it is remembering. it is seeing tragedy in its whole and still loving the person at the centre of it - of loving someone unconditionally and of loving yourself too.
because it is love, it is unfailing love, it is continuing and choosing to love until the end, forever and always and kajsd i'm crying so hard. there is love in the world. all the great and small tragedies of the world and there is love in it.
'This is the story that Kim Dokja had given to them.'
The companions had regained their daily lives, and Yoo Joonghyuk came home, too.
This was the end of <Kim Dokja's Company>'s adventures. The conclusion that the person they all loved wished to see had finally been completed.
Like this part is right before the stories starting acting up again, when all they had is the “miracle disappearing right before their eyes” but still remaining strong and courageous because they had all grown enough to face that reality and live on, to love on anyways and it's just so beautiful I cry everytime I read it.
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exx-bee · 3 months
The swingset he had sat on to stargaze was one of the few things of this new world he understood. And Gordon guessed that was because, like him, it wasn’t new at all. The entire playground stood, an endless reminder of what had been lost. A symbol. A grief. A prayer. A promise. 
It had remained. The swingset, rusted and broken and forced into complacency of horrors remained. 
freehoun oneshot, emotional hurt/comfort and gordon having a bad time! good ending, i promise :-) ft. companion art below
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illicitilliteration · 3 months
I wonder if straight people are the ones who gave names to much of the queer spectrum because it feels very straight to name and define some of the deepest interpersonal connections you may ever feel, to take that and limit it to sexual feelings.
I identify as bi more than the full bisexual. My bi-hood feels like so much more than sexual attraction. I delight in so many more people in so many more ways. I wish I had my own word separate from the sex base like lesbian or gay stand in their own right.
And *linguistically* I understand why asexual has the name it does, but this is a group that specifically identified as not defining themselves by sexual desires and instead seeks a richer definition of their lives and they have the word with sex right smack dab in your face to center around? In the sum of a piece of their identity?
Who decided to ground these words in sex when they're really all about love.
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edgarallennope · 11 months
I hate the LITTLE ways we become our parents. I never understood why my dad cried at the Edelweiss scene (BOTH scenes actually) in The Sound of Music and uh oh here I go boys
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minnow-doodle-doo · 2 years
no cause you get it. like you understand.
I'm guessing this is about Batman??
Cause thanks. I think Batman is about justice and vengeance sure. But it's more about kindness and being a loop he doesn't know how to end but he tries anyway. Batman holds his son's hand because he loves him though he's doomed him to be in the same cycle and all he can do is hope that it's better for him because that's why he's Batman in the first place.
It's also about love.
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bigtiddydevilbf · 7 months
I love Lord of the Rings I love Lord of the Rings I love Lord of the Rings I love Lord of the Rings I love Lord of the Rings I love Lord of the Rings I love Lord of the Rings I love Lord of the Rings I love Lord of the Rings I love Lord of the Rings I love Lord of the Rings I love Lord of the Rings I love Lord of the Rings I love Lord of the Rings I love Lord of the Rings I love Lord of the Rings I love Lord of the Rings I love Lord of the Rings I love Lord of the Rings I love Lord of the Rings I love Lord of the Rings I love Lord of the Rings I love Lord of the Rings I love Lord of the Rings I love Lord of the Rings I love Lord of the Rings I love Lord of the Rings I love Lord of the Rings I love Lord of the Rings I love Lord of the Rings I love Lord of the Rings I love Lord of the Rings I love Lord of the Rings I love Lord of the Rings I love Lord of the Rings I love Lord of the Rings I love Lord of the Rings I love Lord of the Rings I love Lord of the Rings I love Lord of the Rings I lo-
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hanarchy · 10 months
Thank you for staying for a long time instead of making our meeting a passing encounter.
han jisung whose songs are always about yearning for something juuust out of his reach. who speaks about everything like it will be over tomorrow. Han ‘happiness is a visiting guest’ Jisung.
it’s about yearning and about never reaching what you yearn for but it’s also about running head first into it. about finding the joy in the present moment even while knowing it’s never permanent. it’s about not believing it’s real but fully and wholly living it anyway. it’s about being stuck in your own head, afraid but doing it the most anyway
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chiisana-lion · 3 months
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churroach · 13 days
Full of Desires
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cemeterything · 8 months
i just think it's important to understand that love is not the antithesis of horror in fact it's often the catalyst
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ohnoitsjetster · 2 months
answer this ask once you watch falsettos and tell me if you liked it :)
I liked it :]
You will ignore my shaking hands and my bloodshot eyes and the tear stains on my face and clothes. I liked it
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calling my lover "mine" but not in the way that my toothbrush or notebook are mine, mine in the way my neighborhood is mine, and also everybody else's, "mine" like mine to tend to, mine to care for, mine to love. "mine" not like possession but devotion.
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clay-pidgeon · 8 months
im of the personal opinion you can be in a romantic relationship platonically. this makes sense to me and thats what matters
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triona-tribblescore · 4 months
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I just wanna draw them being all soft n stuff okay? :'( <333
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