#Idv mary x reader
oletus-writer · 1 year
Heyy can I have Wu Chang, Mary and Joseph reacting to their s/o giving their mini pet versions more love and affection then them? They think the pets are too cute to not give attention to
Sorry if I made any mistakes English isn’t my first language :)
I do believe I’ve seen people write for Joseph’s pet receiving more attention than him, but here’s my shot at this.
Wu Chang, Mary, and Joseph getting jealous of their mini versions
Warnings: slight jealousy
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Xie Bi’an
At first, he thought the fact that you had a mini Wu Chang as your pet was pretty cute, until you began giving it more affection than you gave him.
Of course, he was happy that you were happy, but the bitter pangs of jealousy began creeping up on him.
‘Qin ai de - ah, you’re playing with your pet again... Well, please don’t let me disturb you.’
He wanted to say something else, but left as you hugged the mini Wu Chang to your chest.
He’d plan dates with only you and him (and Wujiu, if you were also dating him) and amp up the sulking if you had brought your pet with you.
‘Ah, I thought I had specified that this date was only for you and me, but you brought it along… it looks like you love it more than me.’ But of course, this was in a joking tone, no matter how he felt.
Expect a lot more of romantic gestures and pampering, as if he was saying ‘I don’t understand why you give the pet more attention than you give me. Look - I can treat you better.’
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Fan Wujiu
Unlike Bi’an, he was kind of annoyed that you had a mini version of him. What to cuddle him? Just ask. Want children? Well, that would be quite a conversation. Everything the mini version of him could do, he could do better.
So, when he saw you pampering the pet more than you gave attention to him, he was quite infuriated. Marching towards you, he snatched it from your hands.
‘Give me affection, then I’ll give you back your pet.’
While his directness can be appreciated, sometimes it would be too much. You explained that it was a harmless pet, and that you were comforting it because it was sad you got chaired first.
Hearing this, Wujiu calmed down and stroked the head of the mini him thoughtfully. ‘I did not expect these tiny things to be capable of feeling emotions. How interesting.’
Still, he’d prefer you go to him immediately after matches, especially since you could potentially get injured.
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Sometimes, Mary would get pretty insecure - was she a good girlfriend? There were many other good candidates in the manor, yet you still stuck by her side. She was sure that you would eventually leave her, so seeing a little pet that looked like her to keep you company reassured her a little bit.
That was until you began giving it more affection than you gave her.
She saw an example of this in a match you had with her - you had asked her not to go easy on you, so she obliged, leading you to be chaired. You were comforting the shivering mini Mary, which made the former queen quite displeased.
‘How dare you! You are my lover first, and then the owner of that pet second. Now, as we wait for your teammates to rescue you, shall we have a lovely chat?’
Slightly puzzled, you were rescued by your teammate and Mary continued to chase you.
Be prepared for intense courting, European style, after you finish every match. She can’t stand someone else sweeping you off your feet, even if it’s a mini version of her.
‘Ma chere/mon cher, I had Emma pick the best flowers for you. Now be a dear and let me braid these in your hair/make you a flower crown.’
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The Frenchies are very similar in how they react to your pet. How lovely of you to have a little remainder of him every where you go! To By God, why are you giving it more attention than you give him?
He’ll also attempt to win your attention by going on more extravagant dates, and all in all spending more time with you.
‘Beau, would you like for me to show you some recipes that… Claude and I used to enjoy? Can you bring your pet? No, I’m afraid it may cause a mess.’
Out of your sight, he’d be rather petty with his mini version. From glaring to knocking if off the table, he’s not going to accept another competitor. Of course, he’d stop if you asked, begrudgingly, but be sure to reassure him that he’ll be the only one in your eyes.
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teabreakpancakes · 1 year
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im in love with the way you think @bobabees
A Baker's Struggles Bloody Queen, Photographer, Wu Chang, Geisha, Axe Boy, "Disciple", "Hermit", Naiad, and Feaster & GN Baker Reader
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Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Fluff
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Wasted Delicacy
"Son of a biscuit" the baker mutters, hearing their heartbeat race, indicating that the hunter was nearby. Three ciphers had already been popped beforehand but the thing is, whilst going around the map and healing the injured survivors with your treats, the hunter found you by tracing the aroma of your goodies.
"Luca," they spoke, carding their fingers through the inventor's soft brown locks. Luca hums, head twitching as he nibbled on the cookie, occupied with the cipher machine. "Dear, the hunter is nearby, I suggest scurrying off to another cipher so they don't target you" they coaxed, gently pushing the brunette off the cipher machine.
The inventor blinks owlishly, nodding with a toothy smile, "Thanks, s, see you later" he waves, running off to the nearest cipher. They smile before continuing the unfinished cipher, waiting for the hunter to appear.
The hunter draws nearer and nearer, making their heartbeat pick up more and more. They nod, picking up their basket and vaulting the window, activating their speedboost.
Looking behind them, they spot the hunter a few meters away from them, already preparing their abilities.
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They really didn't mean to make you spill your cookies, so when they accidentally smacked the basket out of your hands, they really didn't intend to do so. Your eyes remained stuck on the treats splayed across the ground.
The hunter approached the still survivor, surprised to see you walking near them with a downcast gaze. You point to their weapon, "End me already" they said, tone void of any emotion.
The hunter eyes you, unsure of what to do, sure, it is a free kill, but it's no fun if you won't even try.
Footsteps approach the two, stilling at the sight of the hunter. They watch with interest as they attempt to console the devastated survivor.
Why did they want to try consoling one of the various pain in the asses they had to deal with? they didn't know either, it just... came over them.
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"Now now, you're a baker, surely, you have more?" the queen chided in an almost questioning manner. The baker frowned at her words, "Those were all the cookies I baked" they replied solemnly, voice quiet.
Mary, unsure of what to say, instead chose to let out a quiet "ah", waiting for you to speak—she wouldn't want to make a fool out of herself trying to pry more from someone that would eventually speak up. The baker looked up at her, gaze never wavering, "I spent three hours on those, I made extra for everyone too" they spoke, frustration rolling off their tongue.
Mary didn't know how to respond, but, by instinct, she placed one of her cold hands on top of their head. "I don't think it would be too late to let everyone have a taste if we ended the match right now," she paused, a bit unsure of how she should continue.
"I'll... even try to help if you'd like" she whispered, patting their head gently as if they were her child—it could just be that she was missing her own children but it wouldn't be so bad if she indulged just a bit.
"Are you really just going to remain in that position until I strike you because of some pastries?" the older man questioned, a bit annoyed because a survivor was throwing a tantrum over pastries. The baker sighed, mumbling something the former count wasn't able to decipher.
"Speak up, no one can hear you with how quiet you are" Joseph frowned, leaning down slightly in order to hear them a bit better. "I, I made a lot more than usual so everyone could have a taste even after the match—those were the last ones" they grumbled, frustration piercing through their upset exterior.
The photographer's mouth parts slightly, eyes softening. He had read the baker's background beforehand, he remembered that they valued the art of baking much more than other bakers, to them, pastries are things you should pour your heart into making.
"I apologise for being insensitive, I," he paused, wondering about how to proceed. After thinking for a few more seconds, a lightbulb lights up in the french man's head. "Would you like me to teach you a recipe my... brother and I used to love?" he offered, albeit a bit hesitantly. He watches your eyes light up at the idea, taken aback when you embrace him. "Yes, I would" you mouth into his waist coat, smiling when he returns the hug.
Bi'an lowered the umbrella, looking down at the survivor with concerned eyes. Wujiu was displeased, Why are they so upset over pastries? he complained, sighing in irritation.
The white guard kneels before them, umbrella tucked under his arm. He takes their hand in his, rubbing it reassuringly. His smile is small but apologetic, amethyst eyes uncertain yet firm with resolve.
"Are you alright?" he asks, his soft baritone sounding comforting to your ears. You sniffle slightly, shaking your head—looking into his enchanting orbs. He slowly moves to cup the side of your face, finding the feeling of your warmth against his cold hand pleasant.
Fan sighs from within the umbrella, feeling a bit guilty. It must've taken you a while to make those treats and now all that effort has been wasted. Perhaps, he could step out of the umbrella, he could help you with baking and Bi'an isn't all that lacking in that aspect either so he could also help. It felt oddly troublesome and yet, it felt welcome.
Worry paints over her delicate features, she lowers her fan, slipping it into her obi. She rubs their shoulder, "I apologise for the cookies, do you have any more?" she asks, staring down at the survivor.
You swallow, shaking your head. "Those were all of them, I, I made extra for everyone but now it's all gone" you whispered, disappointment rolling off you in waves.
She smiles softly, you reminded her of the people she used to care for back when she was still alive. Michiko pulls out a small Wagashi, presenting it before the small survivor.
"If you'd like, I can help you in making more, I know quite a bit about making pastries" she offered, smiling at them genuinely. She watches their expression light up, a grateful smile gracing her. "Thank you, I would like that" they spoke, taking the Daifuku from her hand.
Gluttonous Hunters
The hunters don't need food, but that doesn't mean they don't wish to partake.
The baker huffed, leaning against the rocket chair. They shift uncomfortably, trying their best to not drop the basket in their lap. The hunter eyes the basket with interest, the pleasant aroma drawing them towards it.
They snatch the basket from your lap, obtaining a random treat and taking a bite out of the delicious dessert without paying any mind to you.
They always heard the survivors talk about how your treats were the best they've tasted, they've always wanted to judge whether or not that was true or not.
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The inventor eyed the basket with interest; whilst he was still alive, Herman would often get him to try out new dishes, recipes and treats of all sorts—but he had to admit, the aroma of your pastries stood out amongst all of the pastries he's had beforehand.
Alva leans on the wall behind him, admiring the craftsmanship of the basket. The chaired survivor eyes the tall hunter, eyes trained on his every move. Their eyes widen when he makes a move to retrieve one of their goods from the basket.
The baker frowns, "Hey! I only made enough for the survivors!" they hollered out, visibly annoyed. Alva glanced at them, cocking his head—"Will you make some for me after the match if I only eat one?" he asked, eyes holding a particular look in them that made it hard to say no.
The baker blinked repeatedly, shocked to hear the hunter being so polite during a match. They huff, nodding, "Alright, I will, b, but, don't eat those okay?" they request with a pleading look, knowing only two pastries are left. Alva smiles slightly, placing the basket in their lap gently.
Grace traced the patterns of the basket, smiling gently. The baker stared up at her, wide-eyed, in awe of the pretty woman. "Y, You can taste them if you want" they say, bashfully looking away.
The hunter eyes the survivor, she knows you're different from all the other humans but she just can't bring herself to warm up to anyone so easily.
She nods hesitantly, taking a pastry in between her two fingers before chipping off a small piece with her teeth. Her eyes widen, palate screaming with joy at the taste.
She peers down at the survivor, tapping their shoulder gently. Smiling at them softly, she ruffles their hair, hoping that it would deliver her gratitude.
The boy's mouth waters at the aroma of the pastries, hugging the basket to his chest. His head shifts up, hesitantly meeting the baker's gaze. "C, Can I have some?" the kid asks, as polite as he can be.
The baker opens their mouth, contemplating. Do I give in to the kid and spare the survivors none or... they consider, already reaching a decision. "You can eat them all, but leave one okay?" they beam.
Robbie embraces them for a bit before opening the basket and snacking on the treats. The boy practically vibrates with joy, enjoying the taste of each wonderful treat.
"Do you like them?" the baker prods, staring fondly at the sight of the hunter being a kid. The hunters all seemed human in one way or another, the baker thought, smiling. The boy nodded fervently, hand still stuck under the accessory covering his head.
Onyx eyes widen slightly upon hearing a soft thud from behind her. Turning around, she eyes the basket on the ground. The survivor looked visibly flustered, in an awkward position that made it look like they were attempting to retrieve the basket.
The Geisha only smiled graciously, gently picking it up. She dusted off the basket before presenting it in a manner only a seasoned hostess would know how to. She placed it on their lap, gazing at them curiously when they nudge it towards her.
"Are you offering me one?" she voiced out euphoniously, lowering herself until she was face-to-face with them. You nod, "I, If you don't mind, you can have some, I made a bit more than usual" you replied, smiling at the hunter.
She smiled gratefully, gently opening the basket before taking a cookie into one of her hands. She flicks her hand fan open before taking a bite of the cookie. Her obsidian eyes seem to sparkle with each bite. Finishing the cookie, she bows to the survivor, thanking them.
His tentacles manhandle the basket, forcing out angry yells of disapproval from the survivor. He pays you no mind, examining the beautifully crafted basket.
He lifts up one of the hatches, greeted by the soft and warm aroma of their pastries. The eldritch god takes one of the cupcakes into his hand, while the baker watches in horror as a rift rips through his "face" forming a mouth.
He seems to be pleased by the taste—judging by the fact that he literally threw the basket's contents down that very same rift. Hastur emits a sound resembling a cat's purring, and slowly, the rift slowly shuts, reassuring you that you wouldn't in fact be one of the things on the menu.
He slithers close to you, placing the basket back onto your lap. "I would like for you to make more for me after the match" he requests, oddly docile as he trails his odd tentacle up your neck, purring even more when you nodded. It felt weird to have the hunter rub your body, it felt as if he was treating you as his pet.
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adiluv · 11 months
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🕊️୧・꒰word count꒱ total—1605, frederick—816, mary—789.
🌸୧・꒰warnings꒱ possibly ooc ꒰mary꒱, not heavily edited.
🐇୧・꒰adi moment꒱ request here! i ended up adding mary to this request, since i thought it would be interesting to have a character that could cook with one that can't. ꒰i also just love mary ♡꒱ hope you enjoy! ꒰˶ᵔ ᗜ ᵔ˶꒱˖⁺‧₊˚
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જ⁀➴ frederick kreibrug, the composer. ˚⊹꒷
꒰🎹꒱・Frederick can only be described as a natural perfectionist, and this trait isn’t something that so easily disappears whenever he enters the kitchen. After all, he’s lived his entire life with expectations being piled onto him by both his fans and his family—and while he may no longer have any affiliation with them, such high external pressures do eventually tend to seep in. Regardless of what the subject matter may be, if he doesn’t do something to the very height of his abilities, then what’s the point of doing it at all?
꒰🎹꒱・As such, he’s the type of chef to use a recipe and follow it to. The. Tea. His amazing memory tends to become extra useful in remembering the steps, his muscle memory even allowing him to get near perfect measurements every single time. Similarly to memorizing your favorite music pieces, I do also think he’d be quick to memorize any dishes you mention your enjoyment of. He also does his best to avoid using any unnecessary cookware, as he’s never been a big fan of having to wash everything afterwards. At least within the manor he’s not always the one that has to clean the dishes after meals, though the survivors that do can appreciate his efficiency.
꒰🎹꒱・He’s most experienced with savory dishes, mostly due to his attempts to recreate the food he’d eat before being disowned by his family. They’d been quite insistent on the importance of eating well, believing that one couldn’t perform their best if they did so on an empty stomach—a sentiment that Frederick continues to carry despite their estrangement. He will pile extra food onto your plate if you have a match coming up, especially so if he knows that the hunter is one that you tend to struggle kiting against. There have been times where other survivors have attempted to tease the both of you for this… though the silent look that he gives them tends to ruin the mood.
꒰🎹꒱・Even if he doesn’t have the time or energy to make something for you, he’ll still be sure to ask whether or not you’ve eaten properly before you head over to the waiting room. He’s quite menacing with it, too, even though you know he means well—and he’ll absolutely nag you if you respond in the negative. Did you lose the match? Oh, how unfortunate… Perhaps you got too distracted by the sound of your stomach rumbling at some point? Next time, you should make sure to eat properly before running around. Did you win the match? Well, congratulations! But you didn’t eat too well beforehand, no? You must be starving. Go sit down, he’ll quickly prepare something.
꒰🎹꒱・Depending on your personal threshold for spices and seasoning, you may or may not find Frederick’s food to be in need of a little extra flavor. He’ll be slightly surprised if you end up bringing this critique to him, not really seeing much of an issue with it himself. He’d probably assume that he messed up on the recipe somewhere along the way, so it’ll take a bit for you to convince him that while he does follow things with extreme precision… there are also times when breaking away from the recipe can help. Although it takes him a bit to fully accept that conclusion, he’ll still allow you to add additional seasonings to his food—and deeply appreciate it once he realizes how much better it is.
꒰🎹꒱・Regardless of how much more he enjoys your additions, I don’t see Frederick as having a particularly high spice tolerance—though his poker face works wonders in hiding that. In most cases, so long as it’s not extremely spicy, he can manage to maintain his composure until the meal is over and he can chug as much water as his heart desires. However, when that method fails him he’ll become red in the face ꒰which he still tries to keep straight꒱ and awkwardly fidget within his seat. Offering to go and get him some water will result in him looking at you like you’re an angel.
꒰🎹꒱・He’s a big fan of cooking with you, despite the extra mess and time that it’ll take. Granted, it does take him some time to get him to loosen up entirely—perfectionist tendencies shining through when you first start—but the activity does come to grow on him by the time your food is ready. I don’t see him as the type to be too goofy with it, though he’ll humor you most of the time. He’ll often ask if you’d like to make something with him when his brain gets too fried from compositions, and there have been many times where you’ve had to guard your creations from the other survivors. It’s fun, to him, and you might even find him drifting away from the recipes of his childhood over time. No need to remember them, in his eyes.
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જ⁀➴ mary antoinette, the bloody queen. ˚⊹꒷
꒰🪞꒱・Mary, on the other hand, has absolutely no idea how to cook—though this isn’t exactly something that you could blame her for. Having been regarded as a member of the nobility for the entirety of her life, eventually even rising up to the title of queen—she’s never had much of a reason to bother herself with learning. Especially so considering that she had personal chefs to do the job both more efficiently and skillfully than she could ever dream of. 
꒰🪞꒱・This inability of hers to fend for herself in the kitchen isn’t something that changes when she enters the manor, either, considering that she’s one of the undead residents. Make no mistake here, she could eat if she desired to—in fact, she actively enjoys swooping in and stealing the food of living hunters—but she faces zero consequences if she decides not to. With that in mind, stepping foot into the kitchen isn’t exactly something that she does often. If I’ll be honest, most of the hunters would be totally fine with keeping her out of the room as a whole, too.
꒰🪞꒱・Not only is Mary very vocal about her displeasure of being forced into something so ‘unbefitting’ for her status, but all the more concerningly—has nearly burnt down the kitchen during each and every one of her attempts to make something. It’s gotten to the point where even Joseph—who’s not the greatest cook himself—jokes that asking Mary to cook something is the same as setting off a ticking time-bomb within the kitchen… though the downright nasty glares that she sends over in his direction are quick to shut him up. You can’t help but find it a little funny, but I wouldn’t recommend saying that to her face. 
꒰🪞꒱・While I do think she’d initially be less than welcoming to the idea of finally learning how to cook, she’d probably also give in if you ask her enough. She’ll insist that the only reason behind her agreement was due to how ‘annoying’ your repetitive begging and whining was, but she simply just hates to see the sad look on your face whenever she denies your requests—a truth that the both of you are well aware of. Do be warned, however, the task of showing her how to cook is far from easy, and you’ll have to stay by her side throughout the entire process. She’s clueless, but at the same time refuses to ask for help when she needs it. She’d probably be the type of person who believes that turning the oven to the highest temperature will cook the food faster—and you’re honestly lucky that the manor possesses no microwaves, because she’d absolutely put metal inside of one.
꒰🪞꒱・Another product of her upbringing, Mary has exceedingly high standards when it comes to food, with you being only partially spared from her high expectations. She will, however, gush over anything that she manages to make, believing it to be incredible despite any criticism she receives. Once again, her status as one of the undead hunters does protect her from issues such as food poisoning, leading her to eat all of her creations with a straight face… all while you’re physically convulsing from how terrible the taste is. She initially becomes offended by your reaction, but calms down slightly once you remind her that your stomach is far more sensitive than hers.
꒰🪞꒱・Despite how prideful she is, she’d feel utterly horrible if you became sick from eating one of her meals, and the entire thing would lead her to wanting to give up on cooking as a whole. I already see her as the type of person that becomes frustrated whenever she’s not immediately good at something, and seeing her significant other getting sick because of her certainly doesn’t do much to help. Although, assuming that you do convince her to continue cooking once you recover, I do think that the entire experience would get her to open up to suggestions. She’d hate to see you suffering within the infirmary for something avoidable, after all.
꒰🪞꒱・Considering her sweet tooth, I think that Mary would likely be more invested in baking than in cooking, even if it’s the harder of the two. ꒰Though she certainly isn’t helped by the fact that her favored pastries are more on the luxurious side.꒱ While it would require quite a bit of time—which you have an abundance of within the manor, anyway—she’d probably really only learn how to make some more basic dishes. Of course, it’s still amazing progress considering her starting point, so I don’t think she’d mind all that much. Be sure to deliver a few compliments of your own, too. She enjoys seeing you smile, especially when she’s the reason behind it.
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vanrouchu · 1 year
😳 can we get some mary/reader crumbs..... maybe a scenario at a formal soirée, both of them are spellbound under a budding romance but stifle their yearning to keep up appearances in front of all the nobles... or at least, they try hehe. thenk you basil MWAHS
behind closed doors
i almosf oassed out twice writinf this i lllooev mary
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There was an unwritten rule in high society that all nobles adhere to. 'Keep your feelings hidden lest you want it to be used against you,' as they said. The higher the status you had, the more you stick to that rule as one weakness shown can be the reason for your downfall. Much to her misfortune, Mary was the pinnacle of high society while your standing was somewhere below here; falling in love with her was nothing unusual but having those feelings reciprocated was a different story.
You were always fabricating excuses during parties after Mary shoots you a subtle glance as she heads into an empty parlor—"come and see me," it wasn't difficult to tell what she wanted to convey and it didn't take you much to follow after her as you tried to avoid prying eyes. Behind closed doors, it was simply you and Mary drowning in intimacy that would get them into a huge scandal if someone ever found out but perhaps that made it more exciting and Mary liked the thrill.
Your hands were on her waist, pulling her closer as she planted her lips on yours while her hands cupped your cheeks. You were careful enough to avoid the numerous accessories on her, you knew that it would raise questions if she went out looking even slightly disheveled. Mary was quite the opposite—she cared little for such things especially when you're both behind closed doors. It was easy to fix herself after this but for now she wanted to savor the moment while it lasted.
"Why are you holding yourself back, my darling?" She whispered against your lips, her gaze on you made your heartbeat quicken as she traced the outline of your jaw. "We're alone. There's no one who can see us."
"I'm just worried that people will notice when you come out." You admitted, sighing dreamily as you felt her finger trace your skin—each touch she left on you made your breath hitch. "I don't want to be the cause of rumors that might mark you as their target."
"Darling." Her voice was firm as she pulled back to face you properly. She furrowed her eyebrows as she wrapped her fingers around your jaw and forced you to look at her directly. There was a slight frown on her face and it didn't take you long to realize that she was agitated.
"You know I'm quite fond of you but that does not mean I'll tolerate such impertinence." Her tone slowly turned commanding, "I want you to give yourself to me without reservations about causing trouble for me. Let me worry about that. Unless… You think I'm incapable of handling such trivial matters, do you?"
"No! Of course not." You replied hurriedly as you let out a heavy sigh. "I know you can handle it but I can't help but worry either way." You leaned in closer and tucked her loose hair behind her ear, not noticing the way her cheeks turned a little rosy. "You're important to me, after all, my lady."
"You fool," she sneered. "Just shut your mouth and kiss me again. I've been waiting for far too long to meet you again—surely you won't deprive me of that, at least, correct?"
You couldn't help but chuckle when she leaned in and pressed her lips against yours once more as you buried your fingers into her hair. "My lady is so demanding… but yes, I'll do what you wish."
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acosmicblizzard · 1 year
Romantic ghost manor au Mary headcanons
For base info on this au go here!
Warnings: None
Story type: Fluff, Au
Pairings/Characters: Mary - “Bloody Queen” x Gender neutral Reader, Joseph Desaulniers - “Photographer”
(Joseph plays the wingman pt.1, possible ooc cause i have no idea how to write mary-)
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Mary straightforwardly avoids you at first and only interacts with you if needed. Her reasoning is that she's a queen and has no need to interact with a measly nobody who bought this horrid manor. Mary is pretty rude to you at first but never goes out of her way to sabotage you or make your day worse, the most you ever get out of her is a small scoff or rolling her eyes at anything you say. She relatively hates having to share this manor with you but overtime adjusts to your presence. It doesn't mean that immediately she'll start chatting and wanting to be friends with you, just less of her snarky attitude towards you.
Thanks to the help of Joseph you and Mary slowly but surely start getting closer. Joseph noticed the queens cold behavior towards you and your irritation at it at it, so the nobleman decided to take it into his own hands. You and Joseph were relatively close, friends, but nothing more. He was also friends with Mary so he took it into his responsibilities to start inviting both you and Mary too tea parties. Mary was incredibly displeased at this in the beginning but overtime realized how fun it was to just chat with you. Over teas, scones, baguettes, anything. You just became fun to be around and made a small smile sneak onto the queens face anytime you'd show up to the tea parties. She slowly started interacting with you outside the tea parties and started inserting herself into your daily life.
Mary takes extreme pride in dressing you up and doing your makeup. Male? Female? Nonbinary? She doesn't give a damn, let her dress you up. However she's willing to take into consideration the clothes you're more comfortable with and will always ask your opinion on certain clothes and would never force you into a dress if you're uncomfortable with it. But she'll find something that looks radiant and stunning on you either way. If she could she'd spend all day dolling you up with all the makeups and pretty clothing in the world, I'd imagine even though she's dead she still has a lot of her old clothes and makeups in her old room. She'll tell you to throw the makeups out due to how old they are and how they could hurt your skin but keep the clothes just in case they fit you.
She's pretty touch neutral at first but would prefer if you'd ask her before touching her. She didn't spend as long as she did on her appearance for you to randomly touch her face and slightly smudge her makeup. But she does really enjoy your touch and will sometimes pull a Joseph and ask for your hand, holding out hers with one arm behind her back.
When Mary realizes her feelings for you she's in denial for awhile. She's a queen from a era where you were put into a arranged marriage with someone you didn't love and couldn't marry anyone outside of your social status. She'll be especially more in denial if you don't identify as a man as same sex couples and different gender identities weren't accepted back then. However she'll eventually come around to accepting it but it'll take awhile due to how she was raised and the time period she came from. Once she accepts the fact she's In love with you she'll start inviting you to your own private tea parties with her and will start getting pretty touchy with you, asking for your hand, touching your face and cupping your cheeks with her hand, coming up behind you and hugging you with her arms around your waist, and more.
Mary confesses to you with the help of Joseph by basically transforming one of the spare rooms in the manor to a ballroom. One day after one of your tea parties with Mary, Joseph hands you a letter saying it was from Mary. You open the fancy sealed letter and read it's contents, Mary wants you to meet her in the large storage closet on the 2nd floor of the manor for some reason at around high noon. Though slightly suspicious and confused about this you decide to go anyway. You open the door to the storage closet and see it completely different from when you last checked it. The once completely run down storage closet looked good as new with a gramophone playing in the background and Mary standing in the middle of the room adjusting her dress. You call out to her and she turns around and flashes you a smile, thanking you for coming. Soon music starts playing from the gramophone as Mary steps toward you, the black heels she wears clicking against the wood floor as she extends a hand and asks, "May I have this dance?"
You twirled around to the music as Mary took the lead, carefully leading you in a waltz to the music. The whole time you could barely focus on anything but Mary, despite her eyes being pitch black you couldn't help but love those beautiful eyes. The way they seem to have emotions of their own as they shift whenever she smirks and smiles, anytime she's frustrated, anytime she's sad, it follows her emotions perfectly. As the song soon reached it's climax the bloody queen suddenly dipped you down with her lips coming close to yours. She patiently watched your face for any signs of discomfort and waited for a signal from you before she dared to kiss you. You smiled and leaned forward towards her putting your lips together. Mary smiled greatly into the kiss and held you as she deepend the kiss. Quietly saying "I love you." As soon as the kiss broke away.
As your relationship continues Mary will come up to you with questions about modern things. Honestly you two could spend the entirety of your tea parties with Mary asking questions and you answering them. She'll posses a object you have on you when you go out and be shocked at her surroundings and question what each thing is, her voice ringing around in your head as people looked at you weirdly for talking to nothing. You didn't mind though, it was funny when Mary got incredibly curious of things like this.
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rosemaze-reveries · 2 months
During an interview, the manor guests suddenly get a question about you. (Part 2)
hello hello! here is part 2 as promised. there are less characters than I hoped to write, but in exchange each blurb is a little longer than pt.1 !
part 1 can be found here
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Q. Could you describe your relationship with (Y/N)?
🦌 Bane rubs his chin, tracing his memory. "Hm... Indeed, I'm familiar with that name. I'd suppose that's someone I knew when I worked for the DeRosses." He crosses his arms with a low, contemplative grunt, as if struggling to remember anything else. "I'd need a photograph." I happen to have a couple on hand, and he takes them gently. A long period of silence follows. After leafing through the photos for some time, he says: "I remember. They were always talking about marriage." With you? "Mm. I was never interested, but I never said no. Eventually I made them a ring from a scrap of iron. I hoped they'd stop visiting me if I satisfied them... It's too dangerous to come to the forest everyday." Then he reaches into his pocket, pulling out a ring of his own. "In exchange, they gave one back." He's been cherishing it all this time, even when he'd forgotten its origin.
🪼 Ivy - "I'm no stranger to feeling like I'm missing my other half, you know. That sense of loss is one of the only constants I have left. (Y/N) fills my emptiness, and without them it increases twofold." I open my mouth to ask, Do you think you could be soulmates? but then my eyes dart to the Yithian and I realize my mistake. Sorry, was that insensitive? Ivy is not amused with my implication that she might be interested in claiming (Y/N)'s soul. "My dear interviewer, I am a scholar, not a monster. Whatever you're insinuating, you're gravely mistaken."
🤡 Joker's face suddenly hardens, in spite of the fragile, twiddling-thumbs demeanor he'd shown me thus far. His hands ball into shaking fists and his lips purse, as if he's psyching himself up for a fight. Are you okay? I ask, preemptively guarding myself with my clipboard. Tears brim his eyes and the strength falls from his shoulders. He mutters out, "All I wanted was to be their sword and shield, their angel of light, and they left me out of my mind. Hahaha... Wanna know the biggest joke of all? I'd let them drive me crazy all over again."
🦎 Luchino's mouth stretches into a lazy grin. "That one's a cutie, eh? Had the pleasure of meeting them yet?" I shake my head, reminding him that (Y/N) is the focus of my current investigation. I guess his laidback attitude fooled me into saying too much. He promptly straightens his back, the smile fading. "Yeah... Yeah, from one researcher to another, I get the intrigue," he says. "But I can't say I fancy another guy using my love as a test subject."
🪞 Mary - "Do you take pleasure in nosing around a lady's private affairs? I'd expect more tact, even for an interviewer." The chill in her tone startles me. I sputter out something in my defense, but Mary huffs and waves me into silence. "(Y/N) is enjoying the privilege of being my right-hand. They're my favorite one so far, too. I dismissed the others without a second thought."
🤕 Naib - "On good terms." Wringing out any insightful answers from this man is tougher than I thought. In hopes of inspiring more of a reaction, I tell a small lie: When I interviewed (Y/N), they described a rather colorful affection for you... Almost immediately, Naib breaks eye contact and crosses his arms. But I still only get a guttural "Hm." in response. Can you confirm if this is true? I press. His answer is, once again, a curt "Hm." (Slightly more affirmative, I would say).
🕯️ Philippe - "My work has always stood as a testament to my love," he caresses the wax figure grafted onto his shoulder, "but shielding someone in life is a far greater challenge than honoring my losses. My worries are endless." Suddenly reminded of his sister's tragedy, I offer a sympathetic smile. Do you believe (Y/N) is in danger? Philippe returns my smile, though I can't make out the intent. "Of course. Evil lurks around every corner. At the very least, it won't reach them while I'm around."
🎭 Sangria - A fond smile graces her face as she recounts her memory. "It was clear to me after some time that I had disastrously entranced them." Then she adds, lightly, "I hadn't meant to, of course. At the time, I thought, I'm not looking for love—no, I'd had enough of it all—but soon, their smile would appear in my mind every time I sang. When someone gives you that much inspiration? You'd be a fool to let them go." She has a playful tone of voice, but I can tell (Y/N) means a great deal to her.
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otakusparkle · 11 months
You can claim limited stickers edition for 5th Anniversary
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Claim here :
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glitterymangosoda · 3 days
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Pairing : Mary x Reader
Warning : Violence against reader 😞 hitting with mirrors, not written well
As my heart beats faster at the sound of the approaching footsteps of the hunter, I grab my clock resting on my hip and wince at the time.
This stupid match has gone on for too long, and unfortunately I know why. The hunter, Lady in Red, wants to show me her love.
It's stupid really, all I did was dance with her for the entirety of the event the manor had going on. The dance… It was intimate enough to make my heart feel light and warm, but it wasn't enough to convince me that Mary, the Lady in Red, was my soulmate.
In contrast Mary had different ideas, as she kept visiting me every day on the survivor side of the mansion despite hunters not allowed to regularly visit unless certain special events occur - I still find myself in her arms as she finds me while I idly walk and dust things off.
Mary kept at her attempts to court me, whether through quality time, gifts, physical affection, or even befriending my friends. I just had enough of it, I had to tell Mary I just wasn't interested, better yet I told her I wasn't ever planning on seeing her as my lover.
Things with the Lady in Red are just never simple, are they?
The Lady in Red was rather simple with her love, it was either I took it or I fell victim to it. It was clear that's what she was trying to convey to me as my current suffering is at her hands, the lady in red had fought a hard battle against my teammates only to save me for last…
A lady full of love for herself laughed softly as we danced together, “I will share my love with you.” Without understanding the depth of her words I took the words she said with all her heart as a joke, only sharing a warm smile with her and intertwining our fingers more.
The dress the Lady wore made sure to enhance her beauty and charm, the gems she had chosen to wear in her hair and on her neck seemed to also do the same. Very proudly, the Lady caught me staring and asked, “Do you think the gems I chose are beautiful?"
Looking into the Lady’s eyes, I find her eyes full of dark clouds to be beautiful too.
“Yes, they are just as beautiful as you.”
The prideful smile of the Lady became smaller as she slowly stopped dancing and instead gave me a kiss as she firmly held my hand. The Lady and I shared a sweet moment.
The memory comes to me differently as I feel sour over the situation I'm stuck in now. I've been coughing ever since my skin felt how cold the snow is in this place.
Feeling desperate to warm up, I slowly move the boxes out of my way and rush over to the nearest fire.
The joy I feel as I rub my hands together near the fire is so great, I forget the reason I was hiding in the first place. My back slowly bleeds as a mirror cuts through my skin, my clothes now ruined by the sudden attack.
Then a cold hand pushes me to the ground as I hiss at the pain on my muscles, “You fool." She whispers with venom.
I get on my back and stare at Mary in the face, her eyes look more scary than usual. Maybe it's because of what I said to her.
Feeling small compared to hunters is normal since they are two times our size, but now, with Mary’s intense expression on her face, I feel even smaller than I usually do.
I'm sure she notices my trembling from both the cold and my fear, but she ignores it as she glares. “Hiding away this entire match, is this the coward I've fallen for?” Her grip on her mirror shard tightens, I feel as if I can't breathe as she approaches closer.
I slowly breathe to calm down my shaking heart, but the air is soon taken out of my lungs as Mary lifts me up effortlessly. Staring into her dark eyes, she softens her glare and brings her head closer to mine. “Oh, but how I love this coward.” She says almost smiling, finally feeling air coming back to me properly I whisper a question. “You're still mad aren't you? Please..”
She scoffs and interrupts, “Of course I'm still mad, but seeing you so weak below me reminds me I shouldn't be too harsh on you.”
I try to push my body away from Mary as the closed space between us makes me feel uncomfortable, but her grip on my waist is too strong. “Can this end more quickly? Everyone's already gone back.” I plainly speak, not noticing a smile finally making its way to Mary’s face.
“That was the plan my dear.” She laughs, “I didn't want to suffer the consequences from the Duke from not doing what I'm supposed to, so I've decided to just corner you.”
My confusion becomes anger as I realize why she's done what she did.
“You did all that.. just to carry me into your arms as another request for my hand?” My expression becomes tense as I feel Mary’s grip tighten even more.
“Request? No dear, this is an order for you to give me your heart and everything of yourself.” She chuckles innocently, as if she didn't just talk about removing my freedom.
“You can't do that, it's not possible in any way.” I try to reason, but it doesn't seem to work as Mary just grows smug. “I know that, but there's a reason why I'm here now. For this moment in time, you are mine. Now dance with me, no worries, I'll let you take a breather.”
I stare up in surprise as I'm gently put down onto the snowy grass to relax, words echoing in my head. A dance, and only a dance, with the red queen who wishes for my entire heart? Is this her way of convincing me I'm truly meant to be her’s? In a way - my heart does feel a little shy at the idea.
My legs slowly recover as if nothing hit me prior, and I grab onto Mary’s cold hands with sharp nails that never seem to scratch me.
“If the queen can offer me mercy after this, I'd enjoy it with my heart and… a new dance for another day?” Mary’s eyes practically light with determination at the idea, I've enticed her well enough with just a few words. It makes me smile at how her expression lifts as we dance.
“Well, only if you can make me feel as special as you did before. I won't bleed you out then.” She smirks as she leads, I struggle a little due to the new setting and my wounds but I lean in close enough to tease the idea of our lips touching. Our noses centimeters apart before I part and dip Mary deeply in my arms, hearing her giggles I know I'm doing at least one thing right.
Safe to say, the red queen might have taken my heart well into her hands when I'm delivered back to the manor with a big, red smudged kiss on my forehead.
Mary(Queen of Hearts ver) : I knew you'd be willing to do this with me
*She cheers happily*
(Y/N)(King of Hearts ver) : It's not as bad as this other ideas you've wanted me to try, my queen
Mary : You're just so adorable, drowning in those velvet robes to match my grand dress. Don't forget your little crown, my king
*She puts on a overwhelmingly large crown over your head*
*(Y/N) closes eyes and nods with a small smile*
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soraisnotsleepy · 5 months
🌸 Gn s/o being in a relationship with modern time Mary 🌸
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🌸 NB!!! This was written WAYY before (1-2 years ago???) netass dropped new lore. So I'm just posting my old draft hhhhhhhh imho it's worthy enough to be public
🌸 CWs: N/A
🌸 I can see Mary being kinda tsundere because of her snobbish background. But don't worry, she's not a hardcore one, just few scoffs now and then
🌸 Mary is the type to scold you gently whenever you're not being careful
🌸 Would totally play a dress-up game irl with you. Her closet is full of various costumes and pretty dresses, so why not share them with you?
🌸 Do you like shopping? No? Well, suck it up, Mary will drag you to the nearest shopping mall! She just wants to hear your opinion on what she's about to buy and, of course, buy you something as well <3 If you're really not into shopping, she'll try to make it fast or bring you alongside on rare occasions
🌸 Wants the best for you. Will protect you with all her might. Did someone just insult you? Mary is ready to verbally kick their ass with fancy insults
🌸 Does makeup very well and will do it for you, if you like makeup!
🌸 Frequent tea parties with red velvet and your food of choice!
🌸 I feel like Mary is definitely into bubble teas too. So expect dates to bubble tea cafes as well
🌸 Totally would do those stereotypical girly sleepovers! Paint each other nails, eat snacks and gossip 💅💅💅
🌸 I feel like Mary is not the one to get easily jealous since she's very confident in herself and trusts you overall. But if she ever gets a tiny bit jealous, she'll just cling by your side more than usual
🌸 Really likes hugging and being kissed on the forehead. Out of two of you, Mary is the small spoon. But doesn't mind to be the big spoon too
🌸 Unintentionally snags the blanket to herself whenever you're sleeping together
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momo-hearts · 2 years
Kinda dry in here so i want to request a hunter gn/nb reader who got bullied the whole match *cough* camping pallet *cough* dance emote
Idk how many character you accept it or I'm just blind but geisha, Mary and anyone who you feel like they also share this same issue.
Fluff please....after this happens
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Also HC please i don't want to request too much
(but what if yandere? Ok I'm sorry-)
requester, i dont mind many characters! 20 or something is alright with me but it will take a very long while!
Also massive ooc for mary bcuz i never played her
Dont be afraid to request much!
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Yandere! GEISHA
- In one of your matches, she heard one of the survivors were dirt talking you. Such thing won't pass her, sure, she usually remain peaceful after matches but hearing someone trash talk about you? You? Her love? That stood to low.
- maybe a little threat won't hurt? Maybe? But you are her first priority, so she came to you.
- you might be a little... Oh, who knew. You were clearly upset. She would sat next to you, holding your hand. Softly rubbing your hands in circles.
- ` its alright my dear.. Theyre just empty words. Don't worry too much. `
- atleast tries to comfort you, but her love langguage isn't words of affirmation but physical and acts of service.
- atleast expect some touch and surprise presents for a few days to make you feel better.
- will invite you (more like drag you-) to let her play the shamisen for you. Not going to lie, her skills are very impressive and the songs seems very familiar to you.
- she will also make paper flowers and gave it to you as a bouquet, if you still upset over it.
- genuinely cares about you, and will go out of her way to cheer you even a tiny smile will sent her to the hospital.
` The butterflies is setting this year, would you like to see them with me? `
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Yandere! Bloody Mary
- ` darling, whats the matter? Why are you so upset? `
- will ask if your alright. Are you upset, pouting or are you just tired? Countless possibilities that could be your mood.
- upon hearing that you have a bad match with a few survivors, she invited you to an afternoon tea party. Filled the brim with varies desserts and cream fillings that would make the mercenary water for all eternity.
- but these are just for you💕.
- doesn't pressure you to talk about it, but if you will. She will listen to your troubles and vent to the ears, despite her annoying mirror-
- ahem, will sing, touchy or have a simple lunch together to make you cheerful.
- her love langguage is acts of service and quality time, so shes best at comforting you at your lowest or baddest day.
- though, the survivors wont... be so good.
` my darling, the tea is ready. Wont you join me for abit in the garden? `
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takuyakistall · 2 years
what a queen wants
Note: Pure unbridled rot after crying over Bloodbath for 24 hours straight I love her so much I started crying and wrote whatever the hell came to mind.
Mary x Fem!Reader
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Courting Royalty was no easy task. Given their grandiose position, it made sense for them to want to marry into a family with similar standing to maintain good relations and stability. Mary was no exception, she lived her life as royalty with luxury catered to her with the snap of her fingers — that much was expected since she is, after all, a Queen that demands respect from her loyal subjects.
"Darling," Mary called out sweetly as she stared at her reflection in the mirror, inspecting her newly sewn outfit the Royal Seamstress made specially for her. You knew well enough that her sweet words held no meaning to it, but you couldn't help but feel your heart flutter at the thought of being her darling. "Does this dress suit me? I might've preferred it white but gold looks nice, no?"
"Anything suits you well, Your Majesty." She chuckled at your stiff response.
"You're aware that you can be more casual with me while we're alone, no? I thought I made it clear for you to call me Mary," she faked a worried expression, something that you keep falling for despite knowing she didn't mean what her face expressions say about her. "I feel awfully distant from you if you keep that up. You’re my favourite lady-in-waiting, after all."
“And it’s precisely because of that I must do my best to be an ideal servant to Her Majesty, I wouldn’t dare tarnish her name.” You could hear her giggle beneath her fan, it was a sweet melody to you – and you didn’t want it to come to an end just yet. But you held your tongue and kept your thoughts in place, there was no room for such thoughts in the Royal Court. Mary folded her fan swiftly, crossing her arms over her chest and smiling ever so sweetly at you. You couldn’t help but call her out, “yes…?”
“If there was one thing the Royal Court taught me,” Mary’s voice trailed off as she took a step closer to you. Instinctively, you took a step back for every step she took towards you until you felt your back hit the wall. You found yourself trapped and unable to look away from her striking gaze – she commanded attention and you were someone who couldn’t deny her of what she wants. Her lips curled up, a somewhat devilish look gracing her features as she finished her sentence. “They taught me how to catch deceit in someone’s eyes.”
“You’re hiding something from me. You’re not doing a very good job hiding it.” She said, huffing out her chest with her smile never fading from her face. You knew well that you couldn’t hide it from her forever but she was demanding the truth from you although she hasn’t uttered a word after that sentence. But you knew her well enough to know that she meant she wanted to find out whatever you were hiding.
You sighed, thinking it was pointless to go against her. She hated insolence out of all things given, and you didn’t want to become someone who’s hated by her – that would lead you to heartbreak that can no longer be repaired by any other, for she is the only one who’s allowed to take possession of your heart, and you intend to keep it that way. “I was merely admiring Her Majesty’s beauty.”
“Tut-tut, this is the second time you have disobeyed my order. And your second time lying to me.” Her voice was sweet. “I recall telling you to call me Mary, did I not? Or will you call me a liar and continue to disregard my words?”
It was times like these that made you want to vaporate into thin air. She never hesitates to use those words against you, and you never fail to fall into the same trap over and over again no matter how many times she kept doing it. “I mean no disrespect… Mary.”
“Heh… That’s more like it.” She took a step back to give you some space, satisfied with what she got out of you this time. You felt your face grow hot, wondering if it was wise of you to continue this little game of hers – but you couldn’t bring it in yourself to deny her. You sighed, and Mary decided to push you to the edge a little more. “It would be wise if you just start calling me as I ask you to, it’ll save me the trouble of forcing it out of you like this. Hearing you say my name is terribly pleasing to my ear.”
“Your Maj–”
“Ah, ah,”
“... Mary.”
“That’s more like it.”
“Why do you keep wanting this? I’m not supposed to act like this towards you, I’ll get punished accordingly if word gets out.” You worried, finally letting loose around her. And she seems pleased by that fact – this is what she wanted, and you gave it to her willingly like an adult spoiling a child with her favourite toy.
“I’ve told you… You’re my favourite lady-in-waiting.” She said simply, but that didn’t answer any of your questions. The way she said that felt like she was implying something else entirely, and you were too afraid to explore that unknown territory. “Am I not allowed to be fond of my servants? You always work so hard just to try and please me, it’s adorable.”
“Of course you’re allowed to, you’re Our Beloved Queen. But perhaps letting me call you by your given name is too intimate for someone like me – I do not have the qualifications for you to allow me to do that. Only your parents and your husband is allowed to call you so casually like that.” — Or so your etiquette book told you one rainy day.
“I’m allowed to do what I want.” She snapped her fan and covered the lower part of her face with it, and you knew that her patience was running out with you. “If I tell you to jump, you must ask me how high. No ifs or buts, I’m your mistress.”
She shut her fan close, walking closer to you as she placed her fan under your chin and tilted it up so your gazes could meet. She oozed of pride and confidence fitting for a Queen, perhaps that was why you were so smitten with her despite everything – she was beautiful. She took your breath away, and you froze unmoving for a solid second before snapping back to reality. Your silly air-headedness caused her to let out a chuckle as she finally admitted:
“Aside from that, I wouldn’t mind being more intimate with you if that is what you wish. I’ll spare you and allow you to be a bit more selfish with me.”
“Without saying it, I know what you feel towards me, darling. Why do you think I’ve been sending away countless of suitors who came for my hand? You silly little thing… need I drop a handkerchief in front of you and wait for you to pick it up for me? I’m sure you’re smart enough to know what I mean.”
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oletus-writer · 6 months
Identity V Hunter Masterlist
Alva Lorenz
Nsfw Alva imagines
Feminine male s/o
S/o who’s into body worship
Touch-starved s/o
General headcanons
Reader who says dirty jokes but is actually bashful
Nsfw headcannons
Size difference (sfw and nsfw headcannons)
Reserved s/o
Cuddle headcanons
Carrying reader by his hair
God reader
Nsfw alphabet
Breeding kink
Flirty s/o
Nsfw alphabet
Flirty s/o
Nsfw alphabet
Reader who is as dangerous as they are
Nsfw headcannons with small s/o
Jealous of their mini pet version
Joseph Desauliner
Jealous of their mini pet version
Reader who is short and will beat you in a fight
Nsfw alphabet
Keigan Nicholas Keogh
Insecure reader
Taking care of sick reader
Flirty s/o
Nsfw alphabet
Reader who is a cinnamon roll
S/o who’s into body worship
Reader who is short and will beat you in a fight
Touch-starved s/o
Luchino Diruse (hunter)
Reader who says dirty jokes but is actually bashful
Nsfw alphabet
Jealous of their mini pet version
Melly Plinius (hunter)
With an s/o that kites well
S/o who doesn’t rest when sick
Jealous of their mini pet version
Norton Campbell (hunter)
With an s/o that kites well
S/o who doesn’t rest when sick
General headcanons
Jealous of their mini pet version
Wu Chang
Jealous of their mini pet version
Reader who says dirty jokes but is actually bashful
Platonic headcannons
Nsfw headcannons
Xie Bi’an nsfw alphabet
Fan Wujiu nsfw alphabet
God reader
Follower s/o
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aesopcatt · 15 days
Idv Characters I Write For
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Emily Dyer  Emma Woods Naib Subedar Martha Behamfil Tracy Reznik Fiona Gilman Vera Nair Kevin Ayuso Margaretha (Margie) Zelle Eli Clark Aesop Carl Norton Campbell Patricia Dorval Mike Morton Jose Baden Demi Bourbon Victor Grantz  Andrew Kreiss Luca Balsa Melly Plinius Edgar Valden  Ganji Gupta  Anne Lester Emil Ada Mesmer Orpheus Joker (Weepy) Luchino Diruse Qi Shiyi Frederick Kreiburg Alice DeRoss Lilly Barriere (Platonic) Matthias Czernin Florian Brand Violetta  Michiko (platonic) Wu Chang Joseph Desaulniers Mary Antonio Galatea Claude Grace Alva Lorenz Ithaqua Sangria Fools Gold Lady Truth Mr. Inference Siegfried Melodis (Noir) White Gatto Desire Melodis (D.M) Necromancer Narcissus Lady Bella Kroto Ronald Of Nice Paranormal Detective Lockheart Sway Tuberose Datura Rosemary Phantom Sail
I write ships and x reader
I also write for other skins for characters
I write Ada and Emil together and separate 
I write for any ship that isn’t a pro-ship!!!!
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adiluv · 11 months
bloody queen's once skin is quite literally living in my head rent free, and i have this self-indulgent thought about it that i need to like... scream out into the void.
imagine knowing mary pre-manor, being one of her servants before she was wed. hopelessly loving her, loving her with all of your heart. and trying to get closer, to stay in her presence, to earn her favor, and ending up one of the 'lucky' individuals that get to help her with her wedding gown on the day of.
and having that last moment with her before she's officially the queen, asking her "do you really love this man?" and feeling your heart shatter when she says yes.
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akuma-tenshi · 5 months
so this is a big, long rant about sexism in the idv community bc it's been on my mind lately and i need to put it out there. this is what i've observed after almost four years in the fandom and been stewing on for a long-ass time. if you don't feel like reading an essay on how annoyed some random enby on the internet is, then don't click the read more and just keep scrolling. don't interact with this post if all you're gonna do is get mad; i'm not here to piss anyone off, just make observations. and if this isn't your experience, good for you and please direct me to whatever circles you run in because i need to be there.
so, i've noticed that the idv fandom is extremely shit when it comes to how they treat female characters, and nobody really.. talks about it?? the only person i've ever seen actually discuss it used it as a way to drum up sympathy for ada. which, if you know me, you know really fucking pisses me off. because there are SO MANY OTHER EXAMPLES of sexism in this community, but no, clearly because we have sympathy for a male victim of abuse we're being sexist towards his abuser.
the thing is. there is so much to point to when you talk about how the fandom is sexist. it's very common to see female characters boiled down to just a couple traits. mary?? hot mommy step on me. michiko?? soft and gentle and demure (don't think i won't notice the weird shit about how that's a very common stereotype of asian women btw i see it). demi?? hot and drinks a lot. emma and lily are "uwu mentally ill babies". annie is soft. emily is either an irredeemable monster or a bitch, depending on who you're talking to. patricia is scary and mean. sangria's a girlboss, grace is soft and gentle, martha is spunky. and if you ask anyone their thoughts / ideas on these characters beyond those short descriptors you get nothing. i'm starting to fucking hate the word "girlboss" because it's all anyone says in response to like half these characters.
male characters are given alllllll the nuance in the world you can't talk to an aesop fan without them going into their endless headcanons / theories on why he's the way he is or how he's not actually that bad of a person or how cute he is or whatever. look at norton, or eli, or orpheus, or luca, or edgar, or joseph, or ithaqua, or any characters in that vein, and look at how the fandom treats them. look at the endless fanfictions and character studies and ships and x readers and headcanons. and then look at what female characters get. nowhere near that much.
i feel like margaretha and emily are the ones who suffer the most from this male-centric view by the fandom. they're characters who are inherently intricate, whose actions can't be explained away as entirely good or entirely bad. but that doesn't stop people from actively trying. they're going to act like margaretha wasn't being horrifically mistreated by her husband and just decided to burn down the circus for funsies or whatever. they're going to act like emily isn't trying so fucking hard to help emma and repent for what she's done. neither of them are meant to be read as black-and-white, but people will try because if they have to use more than two braincells on a female character they're going to implode.
meanwhile you get paragraph after paragraph about the intricacies of the argument between luca and alva. you get so many people analysing the relationship between norton and orpheus and how they're both kinda dicks but also both kinda have points. you get endless people defending joseph's actions bc his brother's dead and he's terrified of growing old / forgetting the people he loved / dying. you get so many fucking stories about how y'know, edgar's not that bad actually.
AND I'M NOT AGAINST ANALYSING THESE CHARACTERS!!! idv, especially in recent years, has been doing some great things with character writing. like, fuck 'em, they've got their issues, but they're still really good with some stuff and deserve credit. but don't act like it's not obvious how so many people have overlooked women (and poc, don't think i've noticed people ignoring the intricacies behind william and ganji as characters as well in favour of "himbo" and "bastard who cares", but i'm white so that's not exactly my place to talk) in favour of their favourite skinny whiteboy of the week.
they're that way with older-looking characters, too. if an idv guy has facial hair, you bet your ass he's also getting boiled down to his base traits. jose's an alcoholic, kevin is self-sacrificing and likes women, kurt is a little guy, kreacher is Awful, charles basically doesn't fucking exist anymore. but again not the focus of the talk atm.
it's just. so upsetting. esp. since most of my favourite idv characters are women but everyone i talk to about them is like "oh yeah demi's hot" or "aww annie's such a nervous little baby" or "god patricia's such a cool girlboss". and even when the shit they say is positive in a vacuum it still makes me so upset bc THAT'S NOT ALL THEY ARE!! demi is kind and loving and hardworking in the face of a world that only ever hurt her. annie's life has been an endless stream of pain and heartbreak and the only thing she really wants is freedom. patricia is literally cursed and is trying to find her place in the world.
also. i fucking hate ada but she falls victim to this too. as much as i despise the "you dislike her just bc you're sexist" thing and as horribly uncomfortable as she makes me, don't act like you haven't seen how her entire character is boiled down to how much she "loves" this man. don't act like you haven't seen how her entire character, all of her promise and potential, is forgotten in favour of that fucking trainwreck of a relationship. i bet half the fandom can't tell me anything about her other than her relationship with emil. emil suffers from this too, with his backstory and personality and life of abuse becoming an afterthought, but again, not what we're focusing on.
this is not an isolated thing or confined solely to the idv fandom. this happens in fandoms everywhere. but because idv is so close to my heart i feel like i really need to talk about it. there's so little content of female characters when there's fucking daily content of male ones. and don't get me wrong, i do like male characters. norton is literally one of my favourite fictional characters and i love talking about / analysing him. but i can guarantee a lot of people wouldn't be so interested in him if he was a woman.
sorry, just needed to get that off my chest. mandatory "this doesn't apply to everyone in the fandom" and "if this doesn't apply to you then i'm not fucking talking about you". we were so against the ashley wood collaboration bc of how much he sexualised michiko (and women in general) but like. do y'all really care that much?? bc i really don't think you do.
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jeevaschrist · 11 months
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hi hi everyone! i've decided to do my own july writing challenge since i can't find any good ones. i know i'm late so i'm going to try to catch up and crank out a bunch of writing tonight. oh well. so i've decided to choose my top 31 favorite songs and then decide from those which character i feel relates to that and why. nothing super fun to read for you all if you don't know the music i guess, but still something fun to do. here's the list of thing's i'll be writing about (i might actually write some fics if it's a ship, idk, ideas are flowing). they'll have links to them when i post them, so just check this list :) i'll be posting a masterlist too soon so this is easier to find
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july 1: mine (taylor's version) - nikolai x reader (bsd)
july 2: haunted (taylor's version) - fyodor x reader (bsd)
july 3: all too well (10 minute version) (taylor's version) (from the vault) undecided (i have some ideas but i'm not sure yet)
july 4: all you had to do was stay - soukoku (bsd)
july 5: anti-hero - light yagami (death note)
july 6: are you satisfied? - light yagami (death note)
july 7: bad blood - lawlight (death note)
july 8: vampire - lucifer, diavolo, barbatos (obey me)
july 9: paper rings - mammon x reader (obey me)
july 10: the man - akiko yosano (bsd)
july 11: hits different - undecided
july 12: still into you - joe x cherry (sk8)
july 13: how you get the girl - yosano x kouyou (bsd)
july 14: ghost - barbatos x diavolo x reader (obey me)
july 15: cruel summer - albedo x kaeya (genshin impact)
july 16: pierre - albedo x kaeya (genshin impact)
july 17: favorite crime - undecided
july 18: getaway car - matt x mello (death note)
july 19: message in a bottle (taylor's version) - beidou x ningguang (genshin impact)
july 20: enchanted (taylor's version) - undecided
july 21: miss americana and the heartbreak prince - joe x cherry (sk8)
july 22: glowing in the dark - soukoku (bsd)
july 23: mister perfectly fine - asmo x reader (obey me!)
july 24: devil doesn't bargain - undecided
july 25: in the stars - dazai x oda (bsd)
july 26: like i can - lisa x jean (genshin impact)
july 27: mary on a cross - lawlight (death note)
july 28: when you're gone - undecided
july 29: unsaid emily - undecided (probably idv emily x emma)
july 30: better together - riven and sky (fate winx saga)
july 31: check yes, juliet - matt x mello (death note)
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if anyone has other song suggestions or ideas for the undecideds plspls send them in and i'll see if there's a day where i can write them in!
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