#Irregular menstrual periods
healthyhygine · 1 month
Hormonal Imbalance In Females- Common Causes, Treatment and Management
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The body produces some precise amount of each hormone necessary for different processes to ensure your health. Basically, hormones are chemical signals that have a powerful impact on your mental, physical and emotional well-being. The sedentary lifestyle and Western diets can affect the hormonal balance of your body. Moreover, the hormone levels decrease as you age, certain individuals experience an unusual imbalance. 
This imbalance can drive dozens of medical issues and for the majority of hormones present, too much or little can cause symptoms and problems regarding your health. Although most imbalances need medical treatment, some are temporary and disappear by themselves.
Hormonal Imbalance Explained
Hormones are chemical substances created by different glands and tissues that form an integral part of the endocrine system. Hormones reach all of the organs and tissues in the body through the bloodstream as they transmit messages to organs informing them about the function to be done and when.
The working mechanism of the hormones include regulation of various bodily processes, including regulating appetite, metabolism, sleep cycles, stress levels and other similar activities. Since they influence a variety of functions, imbalances in specific hormones can cause discomforting symptoms.
A hormonal imbalance is when an individual has too much or less of a specific hormone, like cortisol, insulin or androgens, thyroxine and progesterone where even a slight change can cause significant changes to the body. Certain hormonal imbalances are temporary, while others can be persistent. Additionally, certain hormonal imbalances require treatment to ensure your physical health, while others might impact your overall health.
Conditions Caused By Hormonal Imbalance
Mentioned down here are some conditions that a female body may undergo when they experience hormonal imbalance:
Menstrual Irregularities:
So many hormones play a role during the cycle of menstruation which is the reason an imbalance in hormones can lead to irregular menstrual periods. Certain hormone-related disorders that can produce irregular periods are polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and amenorrhea.
Hormonal imbalances become the primary reason for infertility among women causing hormone-related disorders like PCOS and anovulation. 
Extreme Fatigue:
Obviously getting tired is a very common thing but if you’re always tired, you may be suffering from an issue in the thyroid gland as the constant fatigue is a sign of issues with thyroid hormone Thyroxine. Additionally, an imbalance in hormones can lead to insufficient sleep and increased stress, resulting in increased fatigue.
A hormonal imbalance could explain the appearance of acne prior to your period. The hormonal changes can cause acne and can exacerbate skin issues. 
The most common endocrine hormone-related disease is diabetes where the pancreas doesn’t produce enough insulin, or the body doesn’t make it in a proper way. The common types of diabetes include Type 2, Type 1 diabetes, and gestational diabetes.
Thyroid Disease:
The two most common kinds of thyroid diseases include hypothyroidism- low thyroid hormone levels and hyperthyroidism- high levels of thyroid hormone, and each one of them has a variety of possible reasons which definitely requires treatment.
A variety of hormones influence the way your body communicates that you require food and the way your body utilizes energy and an imbalance in certain hormones could cause weight gain through fat accumulation. 
Common Symptoms
Listed below are some common symptoms that a woman may face if there is Hormonal Imbalance in her body:
The Causes
Every person experiences natural cycles of hormonal imbalances or fluctuations at certain times throughout their lives, but hormonal imbalances could be a result when  endocrine glands in the body aren’t functioning well. These are basically the cells which store and produce hormones and release them into blood. 
There are a variety of glands of the endocrine system throughout the body, which control various organs including:
Tests To Determine The Cause of Hormonal Imbalance
Hormonal imbalance can occur because of natural life changes, including puberty, pregnancy and menopausal changes and sometimes due to numerous medical conditions can also alter hormones. It is therefore important to visit a physician to determine the root of the problem when you suffer specific symptoms.
Blood tests for hormones can include:
Estrogen Test: to help identify infertility, menstrual issues, and ED
Progesterone Test: To help diagnose abnormal bleeding, infertility and adrenal gland problems
FSH Test: To help diagnose infertility and problems with the Ovaries.
TSH Test: To see how well your thyroid is performing.
DHEA Sulfate test: Tests the adrenal gland’s function, conditions of the ovaries, testicles and body hair that is excessive in females.
How can you correct the imbalance in hormones?
Some medical conditions causing hormonal imbalances, like thyroid and diabetes, may require medical attention immediately. There are many nutritional supplements that advertise that they can treat various hormonal imbalances, however only a few have been tested scientifically to be beneficial. Thus, it is important to talk with your doctor before taking supplements.
In addition to medical treatment, your doctor may suggest specific lifestyle modifications to control a hormone imbalance, like reducing your stress levels and engaging in regular exercise.
Balancing Hormones Through Lifestyle Changes
Listed below are some altercations that a person may make in their routinely life to manage their hormone imbalance:
Following exercise routine is a major factor for balancing hormones as apart from increasing blood flow to muscles, exercise enhances the sensitivity of hormone receptors and thus increases the flow of nutrients and hormone signals.
When you are in a stressful condition, the body releases various hormones like adrenaline and cortisol that trigger the fight or flight response. Some management approach to lessen stress includes:
When an individual suffers hormonal imbalance, reducing the sugar intake can help in optimizing the function of hormones, while preventing developing diabetes, obesity and other ailments. Moreover, sweetened drinks are the most significant sources of sugar added to the Western diet and fructose found in soft drinks, fruit juices, energy drinks, etc. Thus, reducing the consumption of drinks containing sugar can boost your hormone health.
Whatever diet you consume routinely or how regular exercise you do, getting adequate restorative night sleep holds equal importance to ensure good health as sleep deprivation can cause problems with several hormones, including cortisol, insulin and HGH. Thus, to maintain a healthy hormonal balance, you should aim for seven hours of quality sleep every night.
The symptoms involving unusual changes in weight, irregular menstrual cycles and skin conditions can majorly occur due to hormonal imbalance. Thus, it is possible to treat hormonal imbalance, however it’s essential to visit a physician to determine the cause. The results of blood tests will usually tell you whether your levels are within normal levels.
If you suspect a hormone imbalance or have particular concerns, visit Shanti Super Speciality Hospital immediately to check with the experts for more details. With years of expertise, the doctors here offer individualized advice and conduct tests, while suggesting appropriate treatment plans to correct the hormone issues in your body.
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awetistic-things · 1 year
awetistic things {951}
having extra painful periods
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aurawomen · 1 month
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पीरियड्स मिस होने से पहले प्रेगनेंसी कैसे पता करें?
पीरियड्स मिस होते ही, गर्भधारण करने की कोशिश कर रही कोई भी महिला तुरंत अपनी प्रेगनेंसी टेस्ट करती है। आमतौर पर पीरियड्स मिस होना प्रेगनेंसी की और इशारा माना जाता है। अंडा और स्पर्म के निषेचन की प्रक्रिया होने के बाद फर्टिलाइज्ड अंडा गर्भाशय में प्रत्यारोपित हो जाता है। इस प्रक्रिया के पूरा होते ही आप गर्भधारण कर लेती हैं। जैसे ही आप गर्भधारण करती हैं आपके पीरियड्स आने बंद हो जाते हैं। लेकिन प्रेगनेंसी से संबंधित सभी चीजें आपका पीरियड्स मिस होने से पहले ही पूरी हो जाती हैं। ऐसे में आपके मन में यह प्रश्न आ सकता है की Pregnancy Symptoms Before Missed Period in Hindi आप पीरियड्स मिस होने से पहले अपनी प्रेगनेंसी के बारे में कैसे पता लगा सकती हैं।
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agnaeoh · 2 years
How I successfully cured my irregular cycles by drinking tea.
I wanted to share my story of curing my irregular periods in the hopes that it might help someone else. I just want to say right off the bat, I am not a doctor, nor do I have any qualifications to be giving advise. Just wanted to share what worked for me. (Also, I am on no medication and I am a healthy 28-year-old)
A bit of background: as a teenager, my periods were 90-100 days apart. I loved it. I only got 3-4 periods a year and in my mind that was a win. As I got older, I realized this could pose a problem if I wanted to get pregnant one day. I also knew that it was a sign something was wrong with my body and it needed to be fixed.
Through diet and exercise, I was able to bring it down slightly, but not a lot. I was still averaging in the 70s.
Fast-forward to last year. A friend let me try her homeade tea and I fell in love. I became obsessed with it. I started making it myself at home and soon I was having 1-2 cups per day. Within 3 months, my cycles were down to the 30s-40s, and as of right now I have a regular 28 day cycle, which I never thought possible.
Maybe it's anecdotal. Maybe there are other factors. Maybe I'm simply more hydrated, or maybe it's the vitamins I'm consuming daily. I don't know. But I have not significantly changed my lifestyle at all accept for the tea. I have done research on the individual ingredients, but I have found little research to suggest that drinking this tea has a major effect on regulating menstrual cycles.
Fresh ginger root - ginger is anti-inflammatory. Many women suffer from irregular periods due to inflammation. Ginger is sometimes used to kickstart the menstrual cycle. It's also used to help relieve pms symptoms.
Lemon: contains lots of vitamin c, antioxidants, helps lower blood pressure.
Pear: high in folate, vitamin c, antioxidants. Contains lots of fiber which promotes good gut health.
Honey: super food. Anti-inflammatory.
Recipe: I make a big pot and it lasts me a whole week usually. 1-2 cups per day.
Bring a large pot (Dutch oven) of water to a boil. Add 1 large lemon cut in half, 1/3 cup of chopped fresh ginger, 2 diced pears. Let boil for 2 minutes. Place cover on pot and leave to simmer for at least 1 hour. Strain.
I keep it in a bottle in my fridge and reheat it when I'm ready for a glass. I usually add a little honey when I'm reheating it.
I just want to reiterate: I drink this tea because I enjoy it. It's delicious and calming. I really do believe it helped regulate my cycles, but I have no actual proof. However, if you struggle with long or irregular cycles like I do, this might be worth a try.
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thatrandomblogsays · 4 months
The tiktok about the 26 year old woman who never got a period and is getting testing because she’s trying to get pregnant makes me feel so feral. I want to beat every coach and doctor that’s ever told women athletes or skinny girls that it was okay they didn’t have a period because they were fit and skinny so the lack of body fat and period and underdevelopment was an issue. Girlie I am so sorry that all the people in your life continually failed you to such an extreme.
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slapdashboard · 8 months
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New Jersey has created, on its government website, a whole side of the site just for periods. Which it was RUNNING ADS FOR.
So not only have they acknowledged the existence of and lacking care for menstrual health and issues (which in itself is a big win), they’ve also gathered medical information and resources about it, linked to helpful organizations around the state or beyond, made it openly accessible in one online location, and then SPENT ACTUAL MONEY to advertise it so people with periods notice and can actually learn anything about periods for perhaps the first time.
It’s got:
••• What is normal and what is not normal when it comes to menstruation and menstrual pain
••• Period issues, including PMS and PMDD (which people are often gaslit about, especially by male-sex people and scientists), irregular periods, paused periods, heavy periods, period pain, ovarian cysts, fibroids, PCOS, endometriosis, and toxic shock syndrome (and what, other than tampons, can cause it)
••• How periods interact with fertility and pregnancy
••• Introductory info for teens and prepubescent kids (others too) nervous about or still inexperienced with periods, like what to expect, how to manage, what period products are out there, how to choose them, and what a first gyno visit is like
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Plus, they include Planned Parenthood as one of their three official healthcare resources (alongside the state health insurance marketplace and NJ Medicaid) and, amongst their resources, a newer NJ organization looking to provide accessible period care for all (including, from what I can tell, trans men, nonbinary people, etc. who menstruate).
This is hopeful news (especially these days, with sexism surging legally and culturally, offline and online), but the website also has a lot of potentially useful, simple info for anyone with periods, not just NJ residents. So if you need help or introductory info, maybe check it out.
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fuyuoh3 · 9 months
Question for people that get periods.
On my heavy days (first 2-3) I change my pad every 2-3 hours (sometimes even only after 1 hour) is that normal?
1. They are full
2. They're size 4
3. I generally go through a whole box of 28 pads each period. Sometimes there's like four left.
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shubhragoyal · 9 months
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Women often experience irregular periods as a result of their hormones. Does this issue affect you as well? Do not worry about it because it is treatable, and you can also identify the causes to take necessary precautions! 
There can be several reasons for irregular periods, like hormonal imbalances, stress, birth control, etc. You cannot control your periods, but tracking their pattern is a minor deal! If you want to find out more about the probable causes of irregular menstruation and solution or available treatment options for the same, make sure to read this blog! 
Read More: https://www.drshubhragoyal.com/welcome/blogs/irregular-periods---symptoms-cause-and-treatment-options
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smalltittiesbigdreams · 9 months
Nobody talks about how annoying it is to have to plan your summer outfits around your period
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anniemurphy · 11 months
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katak377 · 11 months
Menstruating women!
Let’s work together to solve women’s health issues!
We’re working on a project to help women balance their hormones with only food, but to get started we need to understand the current state. Please fill out the survey below:
Thank you’
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blahwithasideofblah · 8 months
Just discovered that bleeding for several weeks straight is not, in fact, what they mean by irregular periods.
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natureflip2022 · 2 years
Eliminate Period Cramps and Irregular Periods from your life with Gynokalp- Natureflip
Gynokalp contains the beneficial components of medicinal plants like Ashoka, Shatavari, Haritaki, and Amlaki, which have regenerating and anti-inflammatory effects. This tonic helps with menstrual cramps, irregular periods, hormonal imbalances, irregular menstrual cycles, weakness, cramps, anxiety, stress and overall women health.
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fitgothgirl · 2 years
Oh and I wanted to mention..... I emailed my OBGYN to ask about getting a bisalp (sterilization)..... It dawned on me that there’s no reason I can’t be someone who does that, I don’t know why I’ve always just kind of ruled it out in my head. But at this point I’m 32 and really don’t want kids and want them less everyday. On the super miniscule off chance I did start wanting kids, I’d want to adopt a kid at least like 5 years old. But that’s not even gonna happen lol. 
I got Paragard this past March and my period’s been weird. It’s not longer or heavier like they say is common, and it took 6 weeks to get my period after getting it inserted. The next period took almost 5 weeks, so I thought things were normalizing, but now I’m still waiting for my 3rd period. Tomorrow will be 7 weeks. I did a pregnancy test just in case and it was negative. I’m not complaining about less frequent periods but it’s weird lol. So I included a question about all this when I emailed my OBGYN. But it’s like, why am I even bothering dealing with this stuff? I mean the IUD is super convenient and is working out great for me, but why not just make it the most convenient and permanent. And even if I do live in California and feel secure in my abortion rights at the moment, this Roe v. Wade stuff scares me. You never know lately.
Since having that thought and starting to entertain the idea, I’m only getting more excited and more sure. I just need to wait until at least 2023 when I get different insurance because I picked a shitty plan this year lol... But I’m sure it’ll still cost money so this just gives me time to save, as well as to stew on it and be positive about my decision.
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brightandblossom · 2 years
Amhennoreha recovery diaries: happily every after?
After hoping and praying for 9 years that my period would come back, I have now been menstruating for a whole 2 weeks.
Irony is a cruel, cruel mistress.
However, I am not completely panicking just yet. As research would suggest that due to my lack of ovulation, the uterine lining has been building, and building, and building without any release for months. Therefore, this is the first time it's managed to get a proper exit, so there is a bit of a longe cue.
So I am hoping that it is just a case of "balancing out" for my hormones, and soon I will be more regular.
But I am still over joyed to be ovulating again!
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feelingtheaster99 · 5 days
Having an inconsistent uterus is wild because you you’ll be just going along living your life and then all of a sudden there is a PAIN in your stomach and you go through your checklist and it’s not a stomach ache pain or a sickness pain…
And then you’re like OHHHH and several days of feeling sore and having quick access to your emotions makes sense
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