#It sure is complicated lol
skyloftian-nutcase · 7 months
Oof, I’m writing this and I’m realizing how complicated the whole situation is. The calamity for Ammon was a year ago and they won. Link is his son. The calamity was ten years ago for Tillieth and they lost, and Link is also her son.
Ammon is definitely not Abel and Tillieth is def not Sarah
I have… no idea how they’ll even figure this whole thing out 😭😭
Yeah, it’s very complicated for sure! They gotta get through layers of trust building first. Like I feel like Ammon would realize they’re on the plateau and recognize the destruction and be trying to figure out why this woman is the only one here and why the guardians haven’t been cleaned up and why everything is so decayed. And Til is trying to figure out who the heck this guy is, how he got on the plateau, what he was doing in her bed, where Abel is, and what state the shrine is in.
Til first needs to know that Ammon isn’t a threat, and Ammon probably has to start there before he can get answers. But the good thing is Til is more trusting than Abel, so she might honestly believe him with as bewildered and unsettled as he’s likely to be.
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pokeberry5 · 7 months
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girl experiences gender euphoria and is immediately slammed by grief
for @litttlittt <3. this was supposed to be a portrait of caroline hill, but litta mentioned tim looking like janet when dressed as caroline and identity issues and angst and things spiraled
something about tim not knowing if he's his mother's child or bruce's or neither's.
figuring out the looks:
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i wanted janet to have that poofy 70s hair
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arte072 · 3 months
"Sansa bullied Arya? Oh so you think she's worse than Tywin Lannister, Gregor Clegane and Ramsay Bolton??" is such a hyperbolic, insincere and ultimately non-existent argument. Literally name one person who says this shit with any sort of sincerity, if at all lol
This is up there with "Talking about Arya's importance to the North means you think Jeyne Poole's life doesn't matter!!!" in terms of disningenous talking points.
It's only ever used to shut down any attempts at considering Arya's feelings and well-being when discussing the girls' relationship.
and no offense, but why are 🫵 YOU🫵 equating the acknowledgement of a fictional child's flaws with calling her a war criminal? why are you treating it like that?? 👀👀👀
I mean, this fandom regularly says Arya lacks morality for surviving war zones with violence. They consider her a walking tragedy whose story is about losing her humanity and becoming the ultimate killing machine. Everyday Dany gets called a N@zi Barbie for not abolishing slavery perfectly. But Sansa gets clocked as a mean girl bully in the first book and y'all fall apart at the seams at that?? C'mon now
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kruinka · 11 months
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now that the blade fiasco is almost over im trying to rediscover how to draw kaiser
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antianakin · 2 months
I read your disagreement on this popular sentiment that "The Jedi Were Flawed" and I couldn't agree more with your disagreement. The Jedi are not the problem in the galaxy. It's everybody else: the Sith for plotting a revenge conspiracy for 1,000 years, the Republic for being plagued with corruption in which the Sith had a hand in (but not all Republic senators were corrupt), the Mandalorians for being warmongering a-holes, the Hutts and other crime syndicates who terrorize innocent people, the Separatists for making problems worse by starting a war with the Republic, the Empire for bringing tyranny upon the galaxy, and if you're an EU fan, the Yuuzhan Vong for starting an unprovoked war against the galaxy that causes the deaths of TRILLIONS of people!
That post came about almost as a reaction to pro Jedi people constantly talking about how OF COURSE the Jedi were flawed all the time and how annoying I find it more than anything else lol. It's very annoying to have to keep seeing posts by people who I know do LIKE the Jedi talking about how flawed they are, how they make mistakes, blah blah blah.
I've had people ask me why the sentiment of "the Jedi were flawed" can't co-exist with the sentiment of "the Jedi were RIGHT" or "the Jedi did nothing wrong" and, to me, it's not that they can't coexist in a more general sense, but they don't coexist NARRATIVELY to me. "The Jedi were flawed" is just a bullshit statement because the entire point of the narrative is that the Jedi were RIGHT. So what does it add to that particular theme and storyline to insist that the Jedi were flawed all the time, or that they made mistakes? How does it add to the message about being selfless and compassionate to insist that the characters who are in the story specifically to showcase why it's important to be selfless and compassionate are in fact also flawed and make mistakes?
It ALSO bothers me because the people who most often say it are the ones who mean "the Jedi were flawed" as "the Jedi deserved what they got" or "the Jedi were wrong the whole time" or "the Jedi should've changed their entire culture to accommodate one person" or "it was the Jedi's fault that everything bad in the galaxy happened." So when fans who LIKE the Jedi and don't actually believe any of that continue to insist "OF COURSE I believe the Jedi are flawed" it just smacks of desperation, of trying to appease these other fans who will never change their minds. Why bother trying to insist on a middle ground when what they mean by "the Jedi are flawed" is not the same as what a real Jedi fan means by it? What does it add to try to find a middle ground with someone whose interpretation is so completely the opposite of your own? Why bother?
So yeah. I never say the Jedi were flawed because I don't find it a particularly useful way to analyze the story or the Jedi's position within it. The Jedi were right, the Jedi are always right, and it's not honestly any more complicated than that.
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pepperpixel · 3 months
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+ Butch 4 Butch +
(Except neither one of them is rlly that butch but holy fUCKING SHIT THAT SONG IS LITERALLY THEM… the version of them I made up in my mind palace… it’s them.)
Anywayyyy. Yeah! Have a tagr art dump..! aka, those vibes when you, out of a series of moments of temporary insanity, end up finding, taking in, nursing back to health and eventually falling into a tangled messy yearning situationship w the asshole tsundere alien who tried to destroy your entire planet… rlly extremely relatable vibes!!
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foxx-queen · 6 months
alrighty so managed to do the knock out minthara recruitment but it took me three tries because it's not at all as simple as it sounds. gonna post exactly how i did it because having it not work three times killed me
speak to halsin to get the kill the goblin leaders quest. don't get him to accompany you. id already killed gut by this point so i don't think she makes a difference.
turn on non-lethal damage. attack the guard next to minthara to get the -attitude. knock her out and deal with any other goblins that rush in.
kill ragzlin before a long rest. deal with any goblins that rush in.
long rest in the room you find ragzlin in. use free camera or w/e it's called to check that minthara is up and about in the other room. she should be up and on full health.
fast travel to the emerald grove environs and speak to zevlor, without telling halsin you've killed the leaders. he'll tell you halsins shown up already.
i went straight to the tieflings party in that convo, went to the shadowlands through the underdark, met the harpers, ran to the convo to kill the drider and get the lantern and straight to moonrise to find minthara. she was there when i did all the above steps.
there's probably other ways to do it and I don't know exactly what it was about this one that worked, but I think it's to do with making sure you kill ragzlin after knocking her out but before you long rest, because the time i long rested in between she didn't show up in moonrise.
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dethberrie · 1 year
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❝ we bury ourselves in each other,      scream, shudder,               shatter. ❞                       — R.N.
twitter | carrd
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synthshenanigans · 8 months
One of the power hours is just his own one. Like the chonny jash power hour. Where he just covers his own songs
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nonokoko-draws · 4 months
Do you guys see my vision
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spookykestrel · 3 months
Aaaaaaaaaaaaah stop with the “ I’m gonna kill myself” jokes stop ! it’s the whole don’t make self deprecating jokes thing except worse ! just bc you abbreviate it doesn’t make it better it’s hard to respond to what do you want me to say do you want me to call suicide hotline then ?? depression and mental health is hard and coping is hard you make jokes about it but sometimes !! the things you joke about are real and can affect people and I’m tired of it just being thrown around so casually
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jinxed-ninjago · 4 months
do you think jay panics to zane if he gets strep throat because he knows about the potential for rheumatic fever if he doesn't take care of it as soon as he possibly can
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officersnickers · 21 days
I need them both at Disneyland eating apple pie 😭🥧🎢
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liquidstar · 1 year
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after a long pause i finally finished my newest oc batch ^_^ this time for owl feather: the scholar's guild. the members are more or less different types of academics, or just nerds, with their own different niches. as usual, more specific info+closeups under the cut <3
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Name: Mercury
Name Origin: The planet named after the messenger god
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 28
Guild rank: Guidmaster
Weapon: Caduceus
Ethos (Power): Aileron (Enhanced speed and levitation)
Flaw power is based on: Her evasiveness- Though her power has evolved (the levitation) once she became guildmaster as she became a pillar for her guild, and successor to the former guildmaster.
Notes: I can be your angle... or yuor devil
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Name: Keid
Name Origin: A star whose name means eggshels
Pronouns: He/him
Age: 19
Guild rank: 3 star
Weapon: Chicken sickles
Ethos (Power): Computative prognostication (He can calculate the outcome of events in his own head, but he can’t see outcomes beyond the one he calculated)
Flaw power is based on: His overly cautious and ruminative habits, though he tries to play it off like he's way more chill and not constantly existentially overthinking
Notes: But which came first...?
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Name: Alasia
Name Origin: A star whose name references Idalion Tablet, one of the oldest known contracts
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 15
Guild rank: 2 star
Weapon: Shovel
Ethos (Power): Erudition (Psychometry- The ability to read the past of any object by touch)
Flaw power is based on: Her extreme curiosity, while her inquisitiveness on it's own can be admirable she can often get obsessive about it.
Notes: She's an archeologist <3
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Name: Dimidium
Name Origin: Exoplanet whose name means "half"
Pronouns: He/She
Age: 22
Guild rank: 4 star
Weapon: Double-ended flail
Ethos (Power): Vice-versa (Healing and reverse healing)
Flaw power is based on: His simultaneous obsequiousness and brashness- Two extremes that she fluctuates between in a way that's both unpredictable and unhealthy.
Notes: Generally stoic either way so it's hard to tell...
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Name: Navi
Name Origin: Informal name for γ Cassiopeiae- A navigation point for Apollo 1
Pronouns: He/they
Age: 19
Guild rank: 3 star
Weapon: Arm
Ethos (Power): Kefi (Energy direction- He can channel his energy into powerful attacks into his weapon of choice, which they designed to be their own arm)
Flaw power is based on: Their over-zealous nature. Though passion is a good thing, their ferventness can absolutely make him lose track of himself.
Notes: A weaponsmith who’s figuring out more technological approaches
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Name: Talitha
Name Origin: A star system, whose name means "Spring"
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 13
Guild rank: 1 star
Weapon: Plastic wand
Ethos (Power): Metamorphosis (Magical girl transformation. She can shoot beams out of her wand now.)
Flaw power is based on: Her extreme tendency for escapism, especially in idolizing fantasy.
Notes: She's a magical girl 💖💖💖
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Name: Misam
Name Origin: A star whose name means "wrist"
Pronouns: They/them
Age: 28
Guild rank: 5 star
Weapon: Wrist blade
Ethos (Power): Rigor (Enhanced precision)
Flaw power is based on: Their surprisingly to-the-point, often cold-blooded nature.
Notes: Nerds can be cool too, guys.
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Name: Perwana
Name Origin: An exoplanet whose name means moth
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 27
Guild rank: 5 star
Weapon: Lantern
Ethos (Power): Callous luminance (Physically palpable hard light, created from her lantern)
Flaw power is based on: Her tenancy to place the burden of guidance onto herself- Literally a guiding light for others. Mostly in regards to erudition, the symbolic connection between illumination and knowledge. She wants to illuminate everyone. But this can be at the cost of herself.
Notes: These are her summer clothes.
#finn's ocs#finn's art#oc references#YAY finally posted them#the smart guys set....#i was excited for this set regardless bc they all have their own like specific reasons theyre in the scholars guild#like different things theyre following. except for arguably talitha but shes like. a baby#shes more geeky than nerdy. but she would hang out in their huge library a lot and just sort of ended up joining#mercury herself is obviously the leader but her thing is moreso about spreading the message of the previous guildmaster (minerva)#while keid is more of a philosopher (so good at rumination might as well make a passion of it lol)#and like i said alasia is an archeologist (and historian!). and i describe navi as a blacksmith bc thats the title theyd be given-#but hes more of an engineer. doing cool new innovative things. so they and alasia have this sort of future/past passion thing#dimidium is a medic lol but bc of the way her power works its a bit more complicated#when i say reverse healing i mean he can literally just make you worse. Injury Power.#misam is like the edgiest of the batch for sure but dont be fooled theyre still more nerd than edgelord#the reason they can be so ruthless is because theyre very calculative about their choices#not in the same overthinking-type way keid is but in the sense that they can be a bit... ends justify the means?#not that they dont care about ethics at all but unlike keid they wouldnt get caught up in them#the most direct approach is the best one and all that. theyre a utilitarian.#(misams top was also more risque at first but i decided to have them button up a bit lol)#and perwana is an acolyte (aco-light. lol) in the sense that her goal really is just to spread knowledge#shes the most similar to mercury in that sense which makes her probably the first candidate for the next guildmaster rn#bc thats also the thesis statement of the guild itself!#they have a big open library for a reason. well. mostly open#but thats them :)
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ofekma · 3 months
"how can you be an animorphs fan and support Israel?"
I don't know, how CAN I be the fan of a book series talking about kids being forced to grow up too fast due to being a part of a war that has been going on for longer than they're alive, trying to defend their home against an invading force?
Seeing how this situation affects their mental state, world view and relationships with each other? Not being able to fully trust anyone else because they can turn out to secretly wish for your demise?
How can I be the fan of a series that mirrors the way I grew up, of feeling scared and lost and small but knowing that you have to keep going because there's no other way?
Knowing that the other side has people who are like you, who never really wanted to hurt anyone but are being forced to fight too, who were brainwashed from birth to not see people like you as people?
Knowing that innocents die in war, that cruel, messed up, unjust things happen in wars but not seeing another way forward?
Wanting to save your loved ones who are now being kept hostages?
#animorphs: there's no black and white but sometimes you have to fight to protect the people you love#people on tumblr: ISRAEL BAD PALESTINE GOOD#Hey remember how every time the animorphs kill a hork bajir controller#they kill both an innocent hork bajir hostage and a yeerk that is threatened with starvation by their superiors if they won't fight?#remember how most taxxons only agreed to collaborate with the yeerks because they feel like being puppets is better than constant hunger?#remember how Serrow only wanted to do something good but ended up causing an intergalactic war?#remember how as early as book 6 Jake didn't blink before boiling alive dozens of helpless yeerks?#remember how the Howelrs who exterminated countless species were merely toddlers playing controlled by a higher being?#REMEMBER HOW ANIMORPHS IS A FUCKING COMPLICATED BOOK SERIES AND EVEN OUR HEROES COMMITED ATROCITIES THAT HAUNTED THEM EVERY DAY?#AND HOW WE STILL ROOTED FOR THEM BECAUSE WE KNEW WHY THEY DID THIS AND WHERE THEY'RE COMING FROM?#HOW MOST OF THEIR ATROCITIES WEREN'T JUST KILLING FOR THE SAKE OF KILLING?#Unlike you know#what Hamas is doing#killing for the sake of killing#sacrificing their own people in the process#brainwashing and treathening their population#Remember how the war is actually a chess game between two larger entities that use everyone else as a peon for the war between themselves?#Hm now that surely sounds familiar#Imagine thinking that a fictional war in a book series for kids is more complicated and morally grey than one in real life#And that you can know everything about it from Twitter and tik tock#Couldn't be me lol
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simikae · 2 years
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What do we mean when we talk about personality? What is your personality?
colors 13-15 for huevember 🐇 !
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