#Rachel lu
apesoformythoughts · 1 month
‘There is a famous story about Elizabeth Anscombe, which kept drifting into my mind as I read Catherine Ruth Pakaluk’s new book, Hannah’s Children. Anscombe was an Oxford professor, a high-profile analytic philosopher, and also a mother of seven. People sometimes had opinions about that, and the story goes that she came into her classroom one day (pregnant with her seventh) to find that some mean-spirited troll had written the words “ANSCOMBE BREEDS” on her chalkboard. Calmly, without apparent embarrassment, she picked up the chalk and added two words. “ANSCOMBE BREEDS IMMORTAL BEINGS.”’
— Rachel Lu
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tabernacleheart · 1 year
Saint Mary Magdalene came to the tomb “on the first day” before it was light. What this means is that she came at the first possible moment once the Sabbath restrictions had been lifted. She loved her Lord so much, even in death, that she could not wait another moment to be close to Him. Reading this passage at Christmas might seem strange. This is the Easter story. Right now, we are remembering how Jesus was born. What we gain, though, from this glimpse of Easter in the midst of Yuletide, is a reminder of how Jesus’ birthset the stage for a rebirth that would enable all of us to be reborn. He emerged from the womb so that He could later emerge from the tomb. And on both momentous occasions, there was a woman. A woman who loved Jesus deeply was the first in each case to know that something was afoot, and the first to welcome him to new life...
Having a baby is a life-giving act, and yet for the woman it also involves a kind of death, as the old self is subsumed in a radical way by the immense needs of a helpless new human. So it must also have been for Mary. We see poignant glimpses of that transformational love in the feminine outline that sits at the manger and by the foot of the Cross, and who runs on Easter morning to the empty tomb. Love creates life, in the literal acts of creation and procreation, but also uncountable other ways as love affirms that goodness of everything God has made. At Christmas, we recall the night of Our Lord’s birth, when He lay in the arms of a woman, the first to believe, and the first to love him.
Rachel Lu
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filmpalette · 10 months
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Unpregnant (2020) dir. Rachel Lee Goldenberg
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horistans · 1 year
rewatched the comic bang trailer to feel something and now I've been thinking about this screenshot non-stop
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tacorei · 1 year
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Living for the Shazam 2 press tour pics
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forfoxessake · 1 year
February (2023)
A good month over all, I spent half of it travelling abroad and still managed to come across good things with the time that I had. 
I saw 5 movies this month, finished reading 2 books (I’m currently reading 7 and I’m listening to a radioplay).   I just noticed that I have yet to go to the cinema this year, but I want to fix that as soon as possible.
Ghost World (2001) - I somehow missed out on this film while growing up, I do get why it wasnt so easily available, there’s some difficult subjects in there, but I think my teenage self would have found something important here. And I miss Thora Birch 
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Tuesday (2015) - “Aftersun” Charlotte Wells is just as brilliant in a ten-minute short and I don't know why I'm surprised.
Apollo: Missions to the Moon (2019) -  I like all things space and I love documentaries, and even the whole moon race thing, but this was not a great one.
Where the Crawdads Sing (2022) - I like Daisy Edgar-Jones a lot and she deserved better than this film that just slowly goes nowhere. 
Unpregnant (2020) -  Two girls who used to be close friends reconnect on a road trip where the goal is an abortion. It's not your usual coming-of-age story but it's an important one that needs to be represented just as much as anything else. Haley and Barbie do a great job of having enough chemistry to carry us on this emotional but also fun-crazy-political ride.
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Dial A for Aunties by   Jesse Q. Sutanto - I have a feeling that some books from the romance contemporary genre are writen as if people are expecting it to become a rom-com movie. Some of the plot is clearly meant to be watched, not read, and it makes it boring, which was really sad in this since the first 100 pages are really interesting and different from the usual. 
Twelfth Night -  William Shakespeare - I have been following an youtuber Shakespeare challenge and now that we are almost over I don’t think I want to keep it up, it’s been fun, specially when so many plot points are easily reconizable from inumerals references in every media ever since, but it’s also been a while since I was hooked by one of his plays, peharps the best is behind us now. 
I finished What We do In The Shadows - season 04, it was absolutely perfect, not a single episode out of place, it left me wanting more and I love that they always manage to keep the plot in focus and move the story fowards.
I’m still halfway through Andor, I’m moving slow, it’s an universe I love and I like that it’s more serious and complex than anything else in Star Wars but I’m having a hard time focusing on it.
Doom Patrol is another one I’m moving slowly, still 6 more episodes until the end of the 1st season, and I’m truly enjoying it, the characters, the crazy plots and this universe that is so funny sometimes that I can’t believe this is not bigger. 
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Turnstile - Glow On has been a favorite this month, they didn’t win a Grammy but they were my favorite out of all the nominees this year. 
Tragician - Frank Iero and The Cellabration - the album version and this acoustic perfomance on the link that I wish was an official recording too.
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kdram-chjh · 2 years
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Cdrama: The Princess Weiyoung (2016)
Gifs of Intro of cdrama "The Princess Weiyoung"
=ENG SUB=錦繡未央 The Princess Wei Young 01 唐嫣 羅晉 吳建豪 毛曉彤 CROTON MEGAHIT Official
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d2kuZDOPJKE
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folkfreaks · 5 months
does anyone have any french contemporary lit recommendations for enjoyers of elif batuman mieko kawakami carmen maria machado etc etc merci beaucoup
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kaixcastiel27 · 11 months
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hi this is my first time sending a request and this one was rejected by other writer so I wondered if you could write it instead. I love quinn and I was thinking about a quinn fabray x fem!reader where reader was quinn first love back in middle school in that old school of hers and they had confessed to each other. reader loved quinn since her lucy caboosey phase and you could add that russell or Judy found out and separated them and encouraged quinn to get the nose job and lose weight. anyways, reader goes to McKinley during season 2 where quinn is trying to get her life together and she snaps when reader tries to approach her using her old name they don't speak anymore but reader always look out for quinn from the sideways (she's not from the glee club but she befriends Rachel) and quinn gets even more pissed when she catches rachel mentioning you before glee starts. the whole mess with lucy caboosey gets out and they finally speaks w reader comforting Quinn. make it angsty with a happy ending do not spare our feelings😂
Still By Your Side
You know you're staring, but you can't help it. Something about this girl in your class is so familiar. You just can't put your finger on it.
See, you used to live in Lima, but you moved away in middle school. Forced away, rather. Now you're back and junior year began at McKinley High. While you recognized a lot of people, this one person just couldn't jog your memory.
Not until her eyes bore into yours.
As soon as class ends, you pack up your things and dart after the blonde.
"Hey! Wait!"
The blonde turns around, eyebrows cocked with an annoyed look on her face. She doesn't say anything, waiting for you to tell her why you're bothering her.
You take a moment to take her in. This girl was beautiful, that's for sure. There was a grace about her to match. Even her annoyed face looked pretty. You shake the thought from your head before finally speaking.
"Lucy, right? Lucy Fabray? It's me, Y/N."
Almost immediately, a hand covers your mouth and you're shoved against the lockers. Eyes blazing with fury found your shocked ones.
"I don't care who you are. I don't care how we met. But you will NEVER utter that name ever again." She leans closer and dangerously lowers her voice. "I am not Lucy and I will never be again. I am Quinn Fabray. Lucy is dead."
She pushes off of you, shoving you further into the lockers before striding away. You just watch her leave, your heart breaking with each step she takes. You didn't even notice the person next to you until she spoke.
"Sorry about her. She's always been like that."
With a jolt of surprise, you turn to look at the short brunette next to you. There's a moment before you look towards Quinn again.
"No... Not always." A sigh escapes your lips before you turn your attention to your companion. "You're friends with Lu-er... Quinn?" The brunette lets out a soft, rueful laugh.
"Kind of? More like rivals, I guess. We're both in Glee Club together. I'm Rachel Berry." She holds out her hand, which you take to shake.
"Y/N," you reply. "Y/N Y/L."
"If you wanna get close to Quinn, you can join Glee. We always need more members anyway." She offers. You consider it for a moment before shaking your head.
"Nah. I won't bother her like that. And I'd rather get myself settled before joining any clubs." You smile. "Thanks though. Maybe in the future." Rachel returns your smile with her own wide one.
"I'll hold you to that."
As the days pass, you learn more about Quinn thanks to Rachel. Her pregnancy and the resulting fallout with her parents, her life with the Glee Club, and now her determination to return to life before her baby. It was a lot and you weren't surprised by how much it affected her. You've already decided to stay out of Quinn's way, but they didn't mean you weren't still drawn to her.
While you tried your best to avoid directly interacting with the blonde, there were times when it was inevitable. Much like when she and Santana got into a fight in the hallway and you made it a point to pull Quinn away while blocking the Latina's attacks with your body.
Quinn didn't even acknowledge you.
It wasn't ideal. Your heart squeezed in pain with every rebuff. But the love you held for her, from the moment you met Lucy, it was worth every glance.
Only once did Quinn speak to you after meeting again. It had been months of just being in her orbit. But suddenly, you're slammed against the wall.
"Stay away from Berry." She growls. "I already have to deal with you everywhere else. I don't need that dwarf opening her big mouth to speak your name."
Recovered from the push and sudden rant, you retort.
"We haven't spoken since the first day! I even honored your request, Quinn. I don't understand why you dislike me so much."
"You don't get it." She leans into your space. If you weren't so frustrated, you would've blushed. "You're the only one who knows about Lucy. About everything I had to go through because of her. You can ruin my reputation with that knowledge. How can I not hate you?"
You could only blink in shock. So much was forgotten. Or rather, repressed. After a moment, you sigh.
"Quinn... What would I gain from that?" With a slump, your head thumps against the wall. "You may have forgotten but I... I loved Lucy." You hear a soft gasp. "I still love her. Even after your parents forced me away. Even after all this time."
You finally look straight into Quinn's eyes.
"If I ever talk about Lucy, it will only be with love and adoration. But since you don't want any indication of her existence, then she'll live in my heart. I'm not here to hurt you, Quinn. You have my word."
With that last word, you push past Quinn, leaving her in the hallway. You laid everything out there and you hope the blonde would trust you.
You didn't notice the look of awe in her face.
The first thing you noticed when you walked into school the next week were the whispers. Gossip sprung up all around you. You were confused until you were faced with a poster of a familiar photo.
Lucy Caboosey.
Almost immediately, you move to look for Quinn. At the choir room, you were met with most of the New Directions. Upon seeing you, Rachel rushed up.
"What's going on?" Another girl piped up.
"Fabray was being more annoying than Rachel." You recognized her to be Lauren Zizes. "I found out her little secret and decided to even the odds for Prom Queen."
You just stared at her. "YOU WHAT!?"
Everyone jumped at your voice.
"Do you know what she had to go through because of that bullying? I basically had to be her bodyguard in middle school just so she wouldn't be pushed to do anything drastic. And. You. Bring. That. BACK!?"
It didn't matter that Zizes was twice your size and stronger. She shrunk at your rage.
"You better damn well hope I find her before I see you again."
You whirl around to continue your search for Quinn, leaving the group in fear and awe.
Eventually, you follow the trail of torn posters to a classroom where you find the blonde crying at a desk. Quietly, you take a place across from her and wait for her to acknowledge you. It didn't take long for her to look up at you with teary eyes.
You smile. "Hey, Luce. Sorry I wasn't around to protect you this time." Quinn let's out a scoff.
"Please. I pushed you away. It's my own fault." A sigh escapes her lips. "How am I going to face the school now?"
"The same way you always did."
Quinn just looks at you, confused.
"Sure, you had an outburst. But you can't let that, or your past, dictate what you do now." You reach out your hand, palm up in an inviting manner. "You show that it doesn't control you. Even if you're just faking it."
She stares at your hand.
"Why are you doing this? After everything that's happened between us." You just give her a sad smile.
"I told you before. I love Lucy. Always will. I told her that as long as I was around, I'd protect her. I intend to keep it."
A tear falls from Quinn's eyes as she looks at you with wonder. Her hand covers yours and she revels in its warmth.
"Do you think you can... Love Quinn like you did Lucy? I've changed so much since you left. I'm not Lucy Caboosey anymore."
"Quinn," you start. "I don't think I could love you like I did Lucy." The blonde wilts, her heart breaking. Her hand clutches tighter onto yours. She had been so scared of her reputation crumbling that it masked her own feelings for you. Feelings she held for so long.
Quinn's actions catch your attention and when you look into her eyes, you're struck by the emotion in them. In an instant, you're back in middle school and falling in love all over again. You let yourself stay in that moment for a bit before speaking again.
"Lucy has a special place in my heart. She's my first love." You watch as your thumb caresses Quinn's hand. "It'll always be there, but it'll never grow." Your eyes meet again. "It can grow with you though. I may not know Quinn as well as I did Lucy, but I'd like to."
The smile on your face is immediately covered by soft lips. In a surge of emotion, the blonde leaned forward to kiss you. Before you could even react, she retreats.
"I'm sorry. I couldn't help myself..." The light blush on her face sparks another memory and your smile widens.
"And here I thought I'd be the one to break." You chuckle. Gently, you lift her hand and kiss each knuckle. "Maybe let me kiss back this time?"
Quinn's blush deepens.
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fuzzystudios · 2 years
yk when I started reading toa I was kinda disappointed at the lack of power that apollo / lester had, bc pjo and hoo had their main characters be basically op, and this is literally a (former) god. apollo in tho made me cringe and reading his perspective was like looking at pills in an orange prescription bottle. but he was the whiny teenager that felt like an out-of-depth teenager more than the actually lived for years-in-teen-numbers, because they were more heroes and soldiers than teens, like they were supposed to be. he is simultaneously whiny child and responsible adult.
the moment I really latched onto him was when he basically dropped everything and tried to dive into the forest to go save his kids. bro wasn’t actually a selfish idiot like he kept making himself look like. bro was an emotionally constipated loving loser (affectionate) and loveable. he would risk the wrath of styx to save these kids. positively skrunkly
oh and his power! look guys the former protagonists always had some power to back them up, some good strength. this guy? first not demigod protagonist and he goes from straight up zero to launching a guy to the clouds with his bare hands. and tfw he uses his voiceTM. BEGONE SNAKE! and he acts so pathetic lol and if you look through whatever sunglasses he’s wearing and you look at the things from 3rd person pov dude what is he doing. he just flew off a road driving a car, and puts himself in front of the gremlin child to face one of those creepy zombie things that scream FOOD!!. bro straight up stabbed himself. bro sings the most heart wrenching song that even giant ants that don’t even understand what he’s saying get the point to the extent that they go catatonic with depression.
and holy cheez-its what kind of pain tolerance does this guy have?? dude??? you fell from the literal sky above the Empire State Building which like literal greek heaven (ouch) straight into a dumpster and then gets beat into unconsciousness by a pair of thugs under Nero like??? and with broken ribs, injured nose, hurt shoulder, etc. he walks up the stairs, runs through the woods insane. dude is literally insane. he gets flayed alive, forgets his other half, trapped in place by molten chains all at once and still trying trying to walk wth like this guy’s pain tolerance is beyond ouranos. idk how he does it I can’t even tolerate a hot summer day.
bro gives advice to a lost gremlin child who betrayed him anyway, helps her defeat her abuser the way he never could. and he grew, like everyone around him, to something better, something hopeful. “you’ve changed” heck yeah!! we love to see it
and humor?? like random mentions of things no one else in pjo would give you like playing the zither at 2am, godly toilet seat, ares roundhouse kick, waking up in Argentina. I love that they’re so offhand but they’re so funny and random
the haiku. they’re hilarious, works of art.
the characters. Chiron. Chiara. Damien. Austin. Kayla. Cecil. will. nico. Rachel. Lavinia. emmie. Josephine. heck even Commodus. lityerses. Abelard. Diana. frank. Jason. piper. the trogs. lu. reyna omg. meg. aaaaaaaaAAAAAAAA I love them so much! just how they fit in with his own journey of self and how they grow with him, like a garden, like an orchestra building its crescendo together, in unity. little things like reading frank’s admiration of apollo first in hoo, and now we get apollo’s side of it, and he’s so cute. Reyna’s whole journey of “finding the one who will heal her heart”. (gods I loved that thank you rick.) and will’s “dad!” and making apollo literally weep and meg: “the beast is dead. I killed it.” and taps her head and I'm just so proud of them.
“YOU ARE NO GOD!” he isn’t the same god who fell to earth in the winter. he likely won’t be ever the same ever again. ‘cause he’s gonna work to being better. he’s saving the world, but he’s also having a journey of his own self, rediscovering himself, building onto himself like everyone else, they’re all gonna be a better version of themselves.
k one problem: not enough content. I am starved for content. please feed pet. ty
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legendofmorons · 7 months
Lu and blue grass/ folk music they'd like
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The ballad of songbirds and snakes has me feeling some kinda way so here's the boys plus a few others and the blue grass and or folk music they'd like.
Why, yes, Several of these are from O brother where art thou
Big iron by Colter wall
John Henry
The happy wanderer
Soilder, poet, king
I am a man of constant sorrow by the soggy bottom boys
Mary Jane's last dance by Tom petty
Old number seven by the devil makes three
Down to the river to pray
Keep on the sunny side by the whites
I'll fly away
Cukoo bird
There is a time by the dillards
Big rock candy mountain
Wild flowers by Tom petty
Foggy mountain breakdown by Flatt and scrugs
Dooley by the dillards
In the jail house now by the soggy bottom boys
Charlie boy by lumineers
All I want is you by Barry Louis polisar
Dial drunk
Rover (the camp song ser lyrics here)
The moon will sing by crane wives
Ho hey by lumineers
Fast car by Tracy Chapman ( not sure if this counts)
Orange blossom special by earl Scruggs, Lester Flatt, and the foggy mountain band
Sweet Carrie by Dailey & Vincent
The craw dad song
Dark (shadow?)
My girl (in the pines)
Bottom of the river by delta rae (I can't remember if this folk but it feels like it)
The hanging tree (Rachel Zegler's version has me acting a fool)
Hell's coming with me
(Ghost) riders in the sky
Take me to church by hoizer (idk if this counts, but I've heard people call his stuff folk music)
Like real people do
Raise hell by Brandie Carlie
Cripple creek
(Oh my darling) clementine
Echo by Talisk
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thousandfireworks · 3 months
Authors whose books you have to avoid because they are problematic.
Abigail Hing Wen.
Alex Aster.
Alice Hoffman.
Alice Oseman.
Alison Win Scotch. ‘Terrorism is never acceptable. Not in Israel.’
Allie Sarah.
Amber Kelly.
Amy Harmon.
Annabelle Monaghan.
Anna Akana.
Aurora Parker.
Benjamin Alire Sáenz.
Brandon Sanderson. Islamophobic.
Carissa Broadbent. Said that hamas is doing violence against innocence.
Chloe Walsh. Siding with Israel in the name of humanity.
Christina Lauren. Believe that Israel is the victim. A racist, also Islamophobic.
Colleen Hoover.
Cora Reilly. Travel to Israel despite criticism.
Danielle Bernstein. Islamophobic.
Danielle Lori.
Deke Moulton. Said hamas is terrorist.
Dian Purnomo.
Eliza Chan.
Elle Kennedy.
Elyssa Friedland.
Emily Henry.
Emily Mclntire.
Emily St. J. Mandel. Admiring Israel.
Gabrielle Zevin. Wrote a book about anti-Palestine. Mentioned Israel multiple times without context on his book.
Gregory Carlos. Israeli author. A zionist.
Hannah Whitten.
Hazel Hayes. Reposted a post about October 7th.
Heidi Shertok.
Jamie McGuire.
Jay Shetty. ‘Violence is happening in Israel.’
Jean Meltzer.
Jeffery Archer. Wrote a book with a mc Israel operative (mossad) in a positive and anti terrorist light.
Jennifer Hartman. Liked a post about pro-Israel.
Jen Calonita.
Jessa Hastings.
Jill Santopolo. Said that Israel has right to exist and fight back.
John Green.
Jojo Moyes.
J. Elle.
J. K. Rowling. Support genocide. Racist. Islamophobic.
Kate Canterbery.
Kate Stewart.
Katherine Howe.
Katherine Locke.
Kristin Hannah. Support Israel. Shared a donation link.
Laini Taylor.
Laura Thalassa. Islamophobic.
Lauren Wise. Cussed that Palestinian supporters would be raped in front of children.
Lea Geller. Thanked people who supports Israel.
Leigh Stein.
Lilian Harris. A racist. Blocking people who educates about colonialism in Palestine and call them disgusting.
Lisa Barr. A daughter of Holocaust survivor. Support Israel.
Lisa Kennedy Montgomery.
Lisa Steinke.
Liz Fenton.
Lynn Painter. Afraid of getting cancelled as a pro-Palestine and posted a template afterwards.
L. J. Shen. Her husband joins idf (Israel army).
Mariana Zapata.
Marie Lu.
Marissa Meyer.
Melissa de la Cruz.
Michelle Cohen Corasanti.
Michelle Hodkin. Spread false rumors about arab-hamas. Islamophobic.
Mitch Albom. ‘We shouldn't blame Israel for surviving attacks or defending against them.’
Monica Murphy. Siding with Israel.
Naomi Klein.
Navah Wolfe.
Neil Gaiman. Suggested Palestinians unite with Israel and become citizens.
Nicholas Sparks.
Nic Stone. Talked nonsense that children in Palestinian refugee camp are training to be martyrs for Allah because they felt it was their call in life.
Nyla K.
Olivia Wildenstein. Blocking people who disagree with Israel wrongdoing.
Pamela Becker.
Penelope Douglas.
Pierce Brown.
Rachel Lynn Solomon.
Rebecca G. Martinez.
Rebecca Yarros. ‘I despise violence’ her opinion about what's happening in Gaza. Blocking people who calls her a zionist.
Rena Rossner.
Renee Ahdieh.
Rick Riordan.
Rina Kent.
Rivka (noctem.novelle).
Rochelle Weinstein.
Romina Garber. ‘These terrorist attacks do nothing to improve the lives of Palestinians people.’
Roshani Chokshi. Encourage people to donate to Israel.
Samantha Greene Woodruff.
Sarah J. Mass. Her book contained ideology of zionism.
Stephanie Garber. Promoting books by zionist author (Sarah J. Mass)
Skye Warren.
Sonali Dev.
Talia Carner.
Tarryn Fisher. Said ‘there was terrorist attack in Israel.’
Taylor Jenkins Reid. Posted a video about genocide.
Tere Liye. Rumoured to have ghoswriters to write his books and never give credit to them.
Tillie Cole.
Tracy Deon.
Trinity Traveler (Ade Perucha Hutagaol). Rumour to wrote book about handsome Israelis.
T. J. Klune.
Uri Kurlianchik.
Veronica Roth.
Victoria Aveyard. ‘Israel has the right to exist.’ quote from her about the issue.
V. E. Schwab. Shared a donation link and video about Israel.
Yuval Noah. ‘Israel has the right to do anything to defend themselves.’
Zibby Owens.
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megafaunatic · 3 months
writing patterns meme
let's say i was tagged by my dear friend rachel @fruitdaze !!!
rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
"So Lin," said Lu Bixing from the bedroom, "I've been doing some research." (theory & practice)
The sky was already a dark, deep indigo and the air was thick with birdsong as Wen Kexing made his way across through the forest to the creek. (a bowl of clear water)
Beijing Beta had a deeply tilted axis and an eccentric orbit, and the more populated southern hemisphere was halfway through a long, dark winter when Lu Bixing and his new friends were finally fit to land. (on traveling)
Lin Jingheng was not a person who was predisposed towards feelings of boredom or loneliness. (promise of the day)
a-xu: where are you guys (stay to find out)
On the fifth day of his mountain convalescence, Zhou Zishu woke to find himself alone for once. (where there is no disease)
Wen Kexing twitched awake: a door had opened down the hallway. (interloper)
Injured, the king of all ghosts brushed his hair, folded his old clothes, and left his rooms for ever. (you must build a fire)
Zhou Zishu was half-asleep on the couch waiting for his painkillers to kick in when the pounding in his skull was joined by someone pounding on his door. (it's all that i'm made of)
Zhou Zishu opened the door and caught a knife between his fingers. (but i have seen my husband)
not much to say about these other than Huge Priest W... i think these are all pretty strong openers. the story would be different if the prompt asked for final lines DLFKJASDGLKASDGHLSDKGH
i tag @cairoscene @sundiscus @englishsub @dcyiyou @yuebings and anyone else who want s to do this...
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🌸 Books for AAPI Month
❤️ Celebrate Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month with this list featuring some of the FEW empowering, vibrant stories written by AAPI authors or starring AAPI protagonists.
🌸 What books did you read for AAPI month?
✨ 2024 Releases ❤️ Night for Day - Roselle Lim 🌸 The Djinn Waits a Hundred Years - Shubnum Khan 🏮The Great Reclamation - Rachel Heng ❤️ Lies and Weddings - Kevin Kwan 🌸 Valley Verified - Kyla Zhao 🏮 The Catch - Amy Lea ❤️ Your Utopia - Bora Chung 🌸 Tehrangeles - Porochista Khakpour 🏮 Horse Barbie - Geena Rocero ❤️ Memory Piece - Lisa Ko 🌸 The Fetishist - Katherine Min 🏮 Real Americans - Rachel Khong ❤️ The Kamogawa Food Detectives - Hisashi Kashiwai 🌸 Manila Takes Manhattan - Carla de Guzman 🏮 The Last Phi Hunter - Salinee Goldenberg and Ilya Nazarov ❤️ May the Best Player Win - Kyla Zhao 🌸 Are You Nobody Too? - Tina Cane 🏮 The Design of Us - Sajni Patel ❤️ Welcome to the Hyunam-Dong Bookshop - Hwang Bo-Reum 🌸 Heir - Sabaa Tahir 🏮 Maya's Laws of Love - Alina Khawaj ❤️ Midnights with You - Clare Osongco 🌸 Vilest Things - Chloe Gong 🏮 This Place is Magic - Irene Te ❤️ Guilt and Ginataan - Mia P. Manansal 🌸 Icon and Inferno - Marie Lu 🏮 Calling of Light - Lori M. Lee ❤️ Bite Me, Royce Taslim - Lauren Ho 🌸 Rules for Rule Breaking - Talia Tucker 🏮 What's Eating Jackie Oh? - Patricia Park ❤️ How to End a Love Story - Yulin Kuang 🌸 Dark Star Burning, Ash Falls White - Amélie Wen Zhao 🏮 This Is How You Fall in Love - Anika Hussain ❤️ Just Playing House - Farah Heron 🌸 The Boyfriend Wish - Swati Teerdhala 🏮 A Tempest of Tea - Hafsah Faizal
✨ Romance ❤️ Dating Dr. Dil - Nisha Sharma 🌸 King of Wrath - Ana Huang 🏮 The Kiss Quotient - Helen Hoang ❤️ Girl Gone Viral - Alisha Rai 🌸 Pride, Prejudice, and Other Flavors - Sonali Dev 🏮 Role Playing - Cathy Yardley ❤️ The Hurricane Wars - Thea Guanzon 🌸 Ayesha at Last - Uzma Jalaluddin
✨ Fantasy ❤️ She Who Became the Sun - Shelley Parker-Chan 🌸 Babel - R.F. Kuang 🏮 Daughter of the Moon Goddess - Sue Lynn Tan ❤️ The Deep Sky - Yume Kitasei 🌸 The Jasmine Throne - Tasha Suri 🏮 Kaikeyi - Vaishnavi Patel ❤️ Light from Uncommon Stars - Ryka Aoki 🌸 Klara and the Sun - Kazuo Ishiguro
✨ Mystery ❤️ Arsenic and Adobo - Mia P. Manansala 🌸 Vera Wong's Unsolicited Advice for Murderers - Jesse Q. Sutanto 🏮 The Cartographers - Peng Shepherd ❤️ Miracle Creek - Angie Kim 🌸 A Disappearance in Fiji - Nilima Rao 🏮 The Leftover Woman - Jean Kwok ❤️ The Widows of Malabar Hill - Sujata Massey 🌸 Things We Do in the Dark - Jennifer Hillier
✨ Young Adult ❤️ The Wrath and the Dawn - Renée Ahdieh 🌸 All My Rage - Sabaa Tahir 🏮 Forget Me Not - Alyson Derrick ❤️ Hani and Ishu’s Guide to Fake Dating - Adiba Jaigirdar 🌸 These Violent Delights - Chloe Gong 🏮 This Book Won't Burn - Samira Ahmed ❤️ American Betiya - Anuradha D. Rajurkar 🌸 Dragonfruit - Makiia Lucier
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