fluffy-appa · 1 month
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Indeed, the patient will be given their reward without account.
[Quran 39:10]
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girlactionfigure · 2 months
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milaalkhansah · 1 month
Semoga kelak kamu bertemu dengan seseorang yang bisa membuatmu percaya bahwa menyayangimu bukanlah sebuah pekerjaan yang berat. Seseorang yang bisa membuatmu percaya bahwa kau pantas untuk disayangi dengan layak. Bahwa kau dan segala kurangmu tak lantas membuatmu menjadi tak bernilai di mata seseorang yang tepat.
Semoga kau kelak bertemu dengan seseorang yang tak perlu membuatmu memohon dan mengemis untuk dicintai. Karena kau dan segala apa yang ada di dirimu telah membuatnya jatuh hati di kali pertama dia melihatmu.
Semoga kau bertemu dengan seseorang yang sudah lama sekali kau perjuangkan dalam diam. Seseorang yang seringkali hadir dalam doa-doamu yang panjang. Seseorang yang kau ceritakan pada Tuhan. Dan seseorang yang membuatmu begitu giat belajar menjadi lebih baik dan melakukan perbaikan.
Wahai diri, semoga doa-doa yang kau langitkan itu kelak menemukan jawaban. Maka bersabarlah kamu dalam penantian dan yakinlah bahwa balasan Tuhanmu tidak pernah salah sasaran.
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leen--20 · 23 days
“إن معنى الصلاة هو أن ترحل عن خطاياك إلى الله.. تخرج من دركات العادة إلى العبادة”
د.فريد الأنصاري
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sobashahzadi · 24 days
today marks the 27th day of Ramadan (depending on where you live and what calendar you follow it might be different) and I’m finally going to say it, it physically pains me how privileged I am right now, I’m fasting yet I can expect food at my table every night to break my fast, I have electricity to check prayer times, I have so many local mosques I can visit to pray and I have all my family here to celebrate with but millions of people in Palestine don’t, they’re struggling every night to scrap together a meal, they can’t afford to buy dates, dates! They’re the staple to any household in Ramadan if your not Muslim then it might be hard to understand just how significant they are to this time of the year. They can’t listen to the adhan (the call to prayer) because their mosques are destroyed, they can’t message family members to check on them because they have no electricity or to even cook, they’ve lost so many family members, some with only orphans remaining. guys I literally cannot stress enough how bad the situation there is, theyr facing a man-made famine as we speak, watch any recent video from Bisan if you have any doubt. keep donating and talking about this in the days leading up to Eid, and keep praying for them, keep donating in these last nights of Laylatul qadr and to those who still deny this gruesome genocide then please form a line as I shove my finger up yours
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frommydiary · 1 month
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Ramadan has come the farmland for the worshippers,
To purify the hearts from corruption;
So give it its rights in statement and action,
And take your provisions for the return;
He who sows seeds yet does not water them,
Will feel regret on the day of harvest.
𝘉𝘰𝘰𝘬: 𝘙𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘦𝘰𝘶𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘝𝘪𝘳𝘵𝘶𝘰𝘶𝘴 𝘋𝘦𝘦𝘥𝘴 𝘉𝘺 𝘏𝘢𝘧𝘪𝘻 𝘐𝘣𝘯 𝘙𝘢𝘫𝘢𝘣 𝘏𝘪𝘬𝘮𝘢𝘩 𝘗𝘶𝘣𝘭𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴 | 𝘗𝘨. 139
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wrappedinamysteryy · 1 month
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Ya Allāh, You are Al-Mujeeb. You are the only One Who is capable of answering our supplications. You are the One Who is in control of our affliction. Forgive us, Ya Rabbi, grant us ease from this adversity by accepting our duās in the most beautiful way, beyond imagination.
Book: Calming Echoes by Mona Al Kabir
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invitetoislam92 · 2 months
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seharschronicles · 2 months
The one best thing that I have done for myself is building a relationship with the book of Allah. A relationship that compels me to open the Quran at least once a day. This has been my goal for a very long time, and it has done wonders for me. I want to share how I have created this habit because Ramadan is here, and we all need this.
1. I started reading one ayah per day with tafsir. Just one. No more. Even if I wanted to read more, I stopped myself. Because if I get overwhelmed, Shaytan will make it really hard for me to resume. My goal has been to read at least one ayah but read Quran daily, without any breaks. Reading just one ayah with tafsir and while taking notes hardly takes 10-15 minutes. So, it gets easy and does not take much time. You can easily start your Quran journey with this approach.
2. I have not set a scheduled time - nope! I will read at 1 am, sometimes at 3 am if that's when I get done with everything else, and sometimes in the afternoon if that's the only time I can take out of my schedule to read the Quran. The goal is to read daily, not read only after Fajr. I mean, it's awesome if you can do it, but since I struggle with this, I have not restricted myself. This has made a significant difference in my Quran journey.
3. I am taking it slow. I am not in a rush to complete the entire Quran in a month or year. My goal is to learn it thoroughly, not complete it in a given time frame. So, with no rush and no time bomb ticking over my head, I feel comfortable and easy to stay connected with the Quran.
4. Look up your favorite Ustadh or course - for me, it's always been Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan. So, I have subscribed to Bayyinah, which means I know what I am going to read today, I know the next lesson is saved there, I don't have to create a timetable or a schedule of what to read and how to read. It's all available in the Bayyinah app. Simply login, play the video, and start learning.
That's it. Just simple 4 steps. Nothing big. So, Ramadan Kareem, and may this month become an opportunity for you to build a long-lasting relationship with the Quran. Ameen Ya Rab.
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hermoonlitroses · 2 months
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Salam, everyone,
As Ramadan graces our lives, it arrives as a beacon of hope, lending strength to hearts that have grown weary, rescuing souls from the depths of loneliness and despair, and illuminating even the darkest corners. In this sacred month, may the blessings of Ramadan extend to our beloved brothers and sisters in Palestine 🇵🇸 and to all those across the world who bear the weight of suffering. May Allah Swt, in His infinite mercy, make their burdens lighter and grant them the opportunity to celebrate this blessed month of Ramadan together in an atmosphere of peace and serenity. May this Ramadan serve as a transformative journey for each and every one of us, a profound awakening of our hearts and souls, and a deepening of our faith. May our fasts be accepted, our prayers answered, and may our hearts overflow and be filled with the radiant light of our faith. As we welcome the arrival of this blessed month of Ramadan, may we carry within us an everlasting closeness to Allah Swt, embracing the invaluable lessons and abundant blessings of Ramadan throughout the year أمين 🤍🕊️🌙
To all those who are celebrating today or tomorrow, I wish you all Ramadan Mubarak. May Allah Swt bless you all with goodness in this world and the hereafter أمين 🫶🏻♥️
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fluffy-appa · 1 month
May we come out of this Ramadan with every single dua being answered آمين
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girlactionfigure · 2 months
Today in Rafah, on the southern border of Gaza, Palestinians enjoyed the Sahur meal just before sunrise and a full day of fasting.
It would appear that, contrary to mainstream media reports, the people in Gaza are not starving to death.
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milaalkhansah · 27 days
Kita sering mendengar
"Hidup ini singkat, jadi nikmatilah" tetapi seringkali lupa "akhirat itu panjang, jadi persiapkanlah"
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leen--20 · 22 days
ولتعلمي يا حبيبة .. أنَّه ما من أحدٍ حفظ القُرآن فِي ظُروف وردية .. ومَن كانت ظُروفَه ورديَة في الحَفظ ساءت في المُراجعَة ! لابُدّ مِن ضَمة شَديدَة تَضم الحَافظ كمَا ضَمّ جَبريل عَليه السَّلام رَسول الله صَلى الله عَليه وسلّم ثَلاثًا ثُم تَركه فَقرأ بعدهَا القُرآن .. ثُم بَعد رَوع الضمّ لَم يَقل الله لَه نَم يَا مُحمد حتَى يَذهب عنكَ الرَوع ! بَل نَاداه نداءً يَبقى مَا بَقي القُرآن : " يَا أيُّها المُدّثر قُم فَأنذِر " هَكذا القُرآن وَ هكذا مَن يُريد أخذَه .. تَضمُّه الشَّدائد ثُم تُرسله ثُم تَضمه ثُم تُرسله فَيتنغم بَعدها بِالقرآن حتَى يَرى مَنزلَه .. فيَا أحبَتِي خُذوا الكِتاب بِقوَة .. أفَحسبتِ أنَّك تتوجّي وَ تَحظي بَولاية أهْل الله وَ خَاصته وَ لمّا يَعلم الله مُجاهدتُك وَ تعاهُدك وَ استِماعُك وَ تَكرارُك وَ تَسميعُك ؟! ألا إنَّ تِيجانُ الله غَالية وَ ما يُتوج بِها إلا الذين اصطّبرُوا وَ ما يَحظى بهَا إلا ذُو قَلب عَظيم
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marsmerizing-sims · 2 months
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Ramadan Mubarak!
Wish you all would have a blessed--happy--life changing month!
From the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for being around and all the supports I've got for 2 years! 😢🧡 InsyaAllah, I will keep making The Sims stuff happily! (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
And lastly, happy Ramadan, my fellow Muslim simmers! Let's strive to be the best human in God's eyes until the end of time, may we'd be guided to fill our hearts with love to God and His prophets--and to all beings. (I have so much prayers for all of us in mind but I shan't make you read anymore😅)
Much love,
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frommydiary · 29 days
Ibn Rajab al-Hanbalī رحمه الله said:
"Indeed, your month (Ramadan) is beginning to end, so increase your deeds.."
[Latā'if al-Ma'ārif (183)]
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