Having lost Izzy, it made me realise just how precious my own characters are. I always thought of them like. Just some little guys. Silly blorbos from my head.
But I have a character somewhat similar to Izzy. Who's disabled (arthrosis) and who derives his value from how useful of a fighter he is. And then he slowly loses that ability. He turns to drinking and becomes depressed. On top of that he loses a family member. But he is ultimately brought back from the darkness by his found family. And they care for him, even though he's a fucking asshole a lot of the time. Because you know. People deserve care and dignity no matter what.
Most important thing? He doesn't fucking die as a shitty useless "redemption arch". He lives out as an animal keeper. He lives. As do all the other characters.
And seeing people's reactions, as well as observing my own, it made me truly realise how important characters can be to people.
Enough death in media. Normalize happiness and surviving and living through it all to see better days.
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Vím, že je tam moc postav na prvotní čtení, ale přesto... Rating?👉👈
"Ilanet! Ilanet je tu! Vykřikla Ahdvik a chopila se kormidla. Částečně otáčením a částečně vlnou, která se do nich opřela, se paluba naklonila tak, že jim začaly podklouzávat nohy.
Rennard hlasitě zaklel a chňapl po jednom z lan. Prohlo se pod ním, ale vydrželo.
Sorontur byl uprostřed prázdné plochy a neměl se čeho chytit. Zůstal sice na nohou, ale - až komicky pomalu - se klouzal po naleštěných prknech na druhou stranu paluby. Široce rozkročený se proklouzal kolem Barreta, který se stačil podržet stěžně. Zarazil se až o zábradlí dole. Nohy mu poskočily do vzduchu, ale nepřepadl. Dopadl zpět na zem a ihned se posadil, přičemž se křečovitě chytil vyřezávaných sloupků. "Co to sakra je?" pískl, sotva slyšitelně přes hučení vody.
"Teeravikt!" Ahdvik se sice podařilo loď natočit kolmo k vlnám, byly ale tak velké, že praničemu nepomohla. Jak se rozbíjely o příď, znovu a znovu je bičovaly tak silnými návaly vody, že mnohým z nich zčervenala kůže.
Lissele si kryla hlavu víkem od sudu, o který se opírala, a ruce jí povolovaly. I přes plachtoví a litry vody ve vzduchu spatřila stín zvedající se pomalu nad hladinu. Stvoření kolosálních rozměrů se vynořovalo z hlubin za bouření vln a hlasitého klapavého zvuku, jako když někdo mlátí lžící o stůl.
Aizor, který byl původně ve vraním hnízdě nad nimi, se náhle objevil uprostřed paluby, přeběhl až ke dveřím do podpalubí a zmizel v nich.
Vylívané kýble vody se brzy změnily v poprašek, načež z nich zbylo jen občasné šplíchnutí po boku lodi.
Lissele jako první opustila stabilní bezpečí a vyběhla po schodech až na příď.
Nad hladinou se tyčil Teeravikt ve své prastaré kráse. Hlava velká jako jejich loď, se plavila po vodě tak ladně a líně, že se zdála nesmírně lehká. Vyvstávaly z ní tupé ostny potažené blánou a občasný záhyb kůže, zšedlé dlouhým věkem i pobytem v hlubinách. O něco víš se tyčila jeho záda, rovněž ostnatá, ale nerovnoměrně. Jednotlivé hroty se střídaly se skupinkami menších a tvořily iluzi mořského dna pokrytého chaluhami. Jeho hrudník se rozpínal a zmenšoval tak pomalu, že bylo těžké si jeho dýchání vůbec všimnout. S každým výdechem ale ilanet opakoval ono klepání, které vibrovalo těly přitomných. Daleko, daleko od místa, kde se jeho páteř nořila zpět do vody, se zvedaly vlny nucené do pohybu jeho ocasem. Prohýbal se nenuceně nahoru a dolů, zdánlivě nezatížen množsvím vody, kterou se dral. Samotná ploutev ocasu byla tak široká, že by se nevešla ani na náměstí ve Slatonu. Celý tvor by potom zavalil nejen náměstí, ale i knihovnu a možná by dosáhl až k hradu.
Lissele ho neviděla po celé tisíciletí. Pocítila silné nutkání skočit za ním do moře. Už už zvedala nohu k zábradlí, když se zarazila.
Teeravikt pootočil hlavou bez krku k nim. Zvedl při tom další vlnu, která jimi po chvíli zahoupala. Jediným pohybem ocasu se přiblížil až k nim a zařadil se těsně vedle lodi. Stín dlouhých ploutví byl vidět až na druhé její straně. Oko Teeravikta připlulo až k Lissele a zastavilo se. Zamžoural, neboť nebyl zvyklý na světlo a zaostřil. Následně vydal vysoký tón, který přešel do hlubšího a opět se zvedl. Rozpoznal ji snad? Lissele hvízdla na prsty podobnou melodii.
V dáli se ozvalo šplouchnutí, jak Teeravikt pozvedl ocas nad hladinu. Moment na to jím vší silou praštil. Kdyby stáli blíž, rána by je nejspíš ohlušila.
Konečně se k nim připojil Aizor. V závěsu za ním z podpalubí vylezli i L'amieil a Fialeon. Faileon se držel za rameno, do kterého se zřejmě při vlnobití uhodil. Hned jak si ilaneta všiml, ztuhl na místě. Zůstal stát bez hnutí či hlásky a zíral na živou masu vedle lodi.
L'amieil na druhou stranu vypadal návštěvou potěšený, ale ne překvapený. Poklidně došel až k zábradlí a natáhl ruku k šedé zjizvené kůži nad nozdrami tvora. Dosáhl pouze špičkami prstů, ale viditelně mu to stačilo. Mírně sklonil hlavu a zavřel oči. "Myslel jsem, že už ho nikdy neuvidím. Měl jsem v táboře zůstat navždy. Je to k smíchu." Nesmál se ale. Zvedl oči ke své ruce a pomalu ji spustil. “Už je to tak třicet let, co jsem ho viděl poprvé a naposledy... až doteď."
"Dvakrát za život? To je dobré na někoho, kdo nežije na moři," vískl Aizor a poplácal ho po rameni. "Já sám ho vídám co pár měsíců, ale to protože ho následuji." Přiložil si pěst k hrudi a mírně se poklonil.
Teeravikt ho zřejmě také rozpoznal, protože zopakoval ránu ocasem.
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garbagechocolate · 5 months
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anon-argentine · 2 months
Jon Snow deserves the world and luckily for him, Dyana Rennard is willing to get it for him.
House Rennard is a Northern house right in the middle of the Wolfswood. Their sigil is a red fox in a field of light grey. They are known for producing excellent hunters, hawkers, trackers, and tanners - they are also proud of teaching both girls and boys to hunt.
According to legend, House Rennard was founded by a shapeshifter: a vixen-woman fell in love with a First Man and stalked him as he hunted through the Wolfswood. One night, she approached his camp, where she laid a dead rabbit at his feet - an offering. The First Man, even unaware that the fox was a woman, thanked the fox kindly and shared the rabbit with it - whereas a lesser man would have killed the fox, he instead showed kindness and gratitude.
Though no Rennard has ever confirmed that they can take the form of a fox, the women of House Rennard take to courting like them. If they are interested in a match, they will go hunting with their intended in the Wolfswood for three days. Together, they shall set traps and hunt animals, showing their conflict resolution skills and their patience. If the man tries anything untoward, the Rennard woman will knock him out, take his supplies, and leave him to find his way out on his own (some have also taken to hunting said man for sport). However, if the match is successful, they will return together with pelts for their wedding bed.
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Jon and Dyana as adults (image generated with Bing AI, I can’t draw and have no money, sue me)
They met as young teens. All of 12 years old and angry at the world. Jon had gotten into a fight with Robb and ran off into the Wolfswood, where he ran and ran until he stepped right into a trap.
As he hung in a rope net in their air, a girl came out from behind a bush and started berating him for messing up her trap and scaring all the game away.
And this is how the love story of Dyana Rennard and Jon Snow started.
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misiafterdark · 1 year
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cuddle bugs
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requiemofazorua · 2 months
A little thing between Zach and Jamie from @loupy-mongoose
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countlessrealities · 10 months
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@dynamoprotocol sent:
“…Hey.” Chance’s fingers twitch within the cradle of Morty’s palms, before...with a little concerted effort...he manages to close his grip in turn around his young companion’s hand. Rather than a reassuring squeeze, the older man's scarred digits only manage a light press against Morty’s skin, which feels hot with teen boy heat and hormones and fear. Chance's own skin is clammy and cool, vacant of its usual aura of electric warmth.
His complexion, already pallid and drained of its usual vibrant tone, is dulled further by the film of cold sweat that sticks strands of Chance's wild blue hair to his forehead, the wisp of breath past his cracked lips slow and shallow. Chance doesn’t have to see himself to picture how he must look from Morty’s perspective, not when he can see it so clearly in the kid’s face.
“You’re still here? For fuck's sake, Morty. It's been hours.”
Fighting the heaviness in his limbs, Chance rolls onto his side. His lungs bristle and burn with the effort and for a second the nightmare sensation grips him with the threat that he’s going to start choking again...likely bloodying the sheets as the nanobots ravaging his system attack his chest wall. A tiny spasm of pain tweaks through him as another wave of his body’s electricity is immediately siphoned greedily away by the parasitic little bastards whose damage his body is spinning its wheels uselessly to heal, only making the invaders stronger.
He makes it onto one side without vomiting up a lung. Chance reaches across the bedsheets with his free hand, fighting the concrete heaviness of his body to embrace the back of Morty’s palm with the reassuring embrace of his own. It’s clear the kid hasn’t moved since Chance fell asleep with Morty holding his hand...carefully, so not to disturb the IV lines draping out from Chance’s arm.
Perhaps it was no surprise, really, that Morty had felt like he’d had to stay. Chance remembers the fuss he’d kicked up when the one of his partners had tried to get a needle into him. He’s too exhausted to feel embarrassed over Morty having had to watch a grown man refuse his arm and get angry to the point of tears when in the moment, in his own head, he’d been back upon a whole different medical gurney.
Managing a slightly stronger squeeze of Morty’s hands, Chance gives Morty a close lipped smile. “Get out of here and go rest already, will you? I’ll be alright. Let Rick and Rick handle things.”
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The hours had ticked away, more slowly than they normally would. Morty was no stranger to stressful waitings that left him wondering about the unpredictable outcome that laid ahead of him. Cruising the multiverse with Rick had taught him that existence was nothing but a chaos of equally likely possibilities. Even the ones that were unthinkable in one reality were normalcy in another.
When an infinite number of realities existed all at the same time, Schrödinger's cat was both alive and dead and everything in-between at the same time.
The teen rubbed his yes with his free hand, trying to chase away the tiredness that was making them sting. Once upon a time, that sort of reasoning would have confused the hell out of him. Nowadays? It was what his life was made of.
However, now none of it was of import. He didn't care about hypotheticals and alternative realities. All that mattered was the dimension he was currently him, in that specific moment, with that specific version of the man whose limp hand he had been holding for who knows how long. He couldn't have cared less of what was happening to other versions of Chance and other versions of himself.
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Morty's lips curled slightly downwards. He wasn't even sure that he knew everything about what the other was going through. The Ricks had sort of explained the general lines to him and his boyfriend but, between the chaotic way their grandfathers talked when they were agitated and the fact that the two old bastards were obviously hiding something, it had been impossible for him to fully wrap his head around the whole ordeal.
All he knew, and it was all he needed to know, was that Chance was really sick and really miserable, and that he was being forced in a situation that was triggering who knows what old, never healed trauma. He might be just a teenager, and a dumb one according to the most, but if there was one thing he knew that was what panic looked on the face of a person who had been scarred deeply by life.
He had seen it too often in the mirror not to recognise it.
The sudden light pressure around his fingers startled the boy out of his gloomy thoughts and hazel eyes quickly lifted, locking on Chance's sweaty, sickly pale face. Under other circumstances he might have felt a little embarrassed for having been caught like this, but all his worried was focus on the man. He had none to spare for himself.
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"I-I...It's not...I-I didn't have anything to do," Morty stuttered, not sure if he should make excuses for himself or apologise or whatnot. It had been a little creepy of him, to stay there staring for all that time. "I-I wanted...The Ricks are busy w-with...science stuff for the...treatment an-and you know how they get. I-I wanted to make sure that, uh, s-someone was here in case you needed something. O-Or if the IV needs to be replaced and...y-you know."
What he didn't say was that he hadn't felt like leaving, not with how terrified and pained Chance had looked. Even if he was sure that the Ricks were monitoring him assiduously, he would have felt like the biggest asshole ever to leave the other alone like that. He might not be sure of what role Chance had in his life, in his family, but the truth was that he had grown attached to that badass cool aunt figure turned into a badass cool uncle figure.
Not to mention that they were also friends, or at least that was what it felt like to him.
"An-And it's not like...I-I'm not that tired."
That was huge lie and Chance was probably as aware of it as Morty himself was. After all, it was the middle of the night and, while the teen was used to having a fucked up sleeping schedule thanks to his adventure partner, it didn't mean that he wasn't affected by it.
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"I-It's..." He started, but his voice trailed off and his expression turned troubled.
His eyes, which had been avoiding to look directly at the man's face as he struggled to lie on his side, finally met those electric blue globes. Even the colour of his irises looked spent, compared to the usual brilliance they had, as sunk and surrounded by dark circles as they were.
His lips drew in a thin line. Chance was trying to be strong so that he wouldn't worry, but Morty wasn't going to allow it. It was his turn to be strong and steady for the man's sake.
"I-I'll go...soon," he stated, in an adamant tone that showed that he had made up his mind and wouldn't change it. "FM...Uh, o-other me is coming here in a bit an-and he'll take my place, b-but...I'm still till he arrives. An-And yean, the Ricks are handling it an-and stuff, but they can't do their science properly i-if they are too worried about you. S-So, Morty and I will handle this part o-of the work for them."
His grip on Chance's hand tightened, to underline even more the fact that he wasn't going anywhere. No discussions allowed.
"G-Go back to sleep," he went on, in a softer tone. "I-If you can. Y-You're going to need all the strength y-you can get for the next round of...tests. W-We'll take care of you an-and everything will be fine."
At least, I hope.
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imprvdente · 6 months
Chance and Fish's kid? 👀
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from: If they had a kid meme status: accepting!
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Name: Azul Rennard Monet
Gender: Nonbinary
General Appearance: Bright blue hair, blue eyes, 5'5"
Personality: Azul is energetic and adventurous. They're pretty impulsive, borderline reckless, and don't usually think too hard about the consequences of their actions. Very, very curious, Azul definitely believes that discovering something cool is worth a few bruises.
Special Talents: Azul inherited the Dynamo power from their dad. However, they did not inherit the curse of Pan, so no immortality for them. They're very good with a sword and very good with machines.
Who they like better: With Chance having no fixed address and Fish traveling all the time, Azul was mostly raised by Dimitri in the shop. Because of that, they're probably closer to Dimitri. But they love both their parents!!!
Who they take after more: Personality-wise, Azul definitely takes after their mom the most.
Personal Headcanon: Azul wants to work for the shop when they grow up. In a way, they already do. They help around, clean stuff, and help Dimitri with his work. But they want to go on missions too, and explore all the different dimensions.
Face Claim: Nana Komatsu
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putting that old man through so much anguish <3
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andromedagarcia · 10 months
📚 - for a “currently reading” picture!! — softie.
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loveboatinsanity · 2 years
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movienized-com · 3 months
Appendage (2023)
Appendage (2023) #AnnaZlokovic #EmilyHampshire #HadleyRobinson #DeborahRennard #KausarMohammed #PatDortch Mehr auf:
Jahr: 2023 (Oktober) Genre: Drama / Horror Regie: Anna Zlokovic Hauptrollen: Emily Hampshire, Hadley Robinson, Deborah Rennard, Kausar Mohammed, Pat Dortch, Annie Pisapia, Carrie Stauber, Adam Butterfield, Daniel Chioco, Craig Kolkebeck, Ashley Rose Folino … Filmbeschreibung: Hannah (Hadley Robinson) ist eine talentierte junge Modedesignerin, wird aber von ihrem Boss Cristean (Desmin Borges)…
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misiafterdark · 1 year
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mess being very devoted to rennard. as it should be.
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moviesandmania · 8 months
APPENDAGE (2023) Reviews of body horror soon on Hulu
‘Embrace your inner demons’ Hannah (Hadley Robinson), a young fashion designer, seems fine on the surface, but secretly struggles with debilitating self-doubt. Soon these buried feelings begin to make Hannah physically sick and sprout into a ferocious growth on her body: The Appendage. As Hannah’s health declines, The Appendage begins to fuel her anxieties – her perceived lack of talent at work,…
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foundonshelfpod · 1 year
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Land of Doom 1986 Check out our episode all about it https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/YQbVMOfMJub 
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loupy-mongoose · 1 month
I had fun writing this part, and got it done quickly. :>
Speech guide; Randy's speech Jamie's speech (Pokespeak in parentheses)
After walking a good ways, the group arrived at a cozy looking house with shrubbery in front of a covered porch, located at the edge of the woods surrounding the town.
On it, sitting on a porch swing, was a blond man, his head facing away from them. Soon, he turned to the approaching group. And as soon as he saw them, he stood up with a wide smile and shimmering eyes. Randy noticed what appeared to be dark claw scars down his cheek, and a white scarf was wrapped around his wrist.
Suddenly, Jamie broke into a brisk run, meeting the man at the bottom of the porch steps. Without breaking stride, she leapt into him, flinging her arms around his neck. He lost his footing and fell into a sit on one of the steps. But his face was that of pure joy as he pulled the small girl into a full hug.
As the Linden trio caught up to their escort, Randy saw her give the man a peck on the cheek. She then got up off of him, allowing him to stand as well. Pari floated over and nuzzled him fondly before draping herself over his shoulder.
The man scanned them with a friendly smile that shone in his green eyes, eventually holding his gaze on Lav. I don't mean to be presumptuous, but... He pointed at her with both hands. I'm guessing you're Lavender?
Randy looked to his daughter to see her give a shy smile and a nod.
He turned back to the man, who, although it was hard to tell in the fading light of day, appeared to be as tall as Randy himself. ...No, maybe a wee bit taller...
Yes, this is Lavender. He placed his hand on her shoulder. He then motioned the hand that was still in Akoya's. And this is her mother and my wife, Akoya. I'm Randall. Linden.
The man reached out to shake hands with Randy. I'm Cody Rennard. It's wonderful to meet you all!
It's nice to meet you too, Cody. Akoya took her turn to shake. You're a breath of fresh air next to Jamie.
Randy gave her a sharp look. Akoya, that's a little rude.
She's right, though.
Randy turned to Jamie in surprise. The girl had gone up onto the porch and was sitting on a stool, wiping her feet thoroughly with a wet cloth and a bucket of water. She shrugged as she worked, giving him a blank look. I know how hard I am to get along with.
Hey now, I won't take any slander against my wife with our guests. Cody pointed at her in playful anger. Including from her own mouth.
Randy and Akoya's eyes widened. Wife??
The man gave them a toothy smile. Yeah! Been married five years now.
Five years?? How old is she?? I thought she was a kid! Akoya was absolutely flabbergasted. She's as tall as Lav!
Randy attempted to stop her, to dial her back a bit, but he had to admit he was surprised too.
I'm twenty-six. Jamie stood up and stretched, a gleam of amusement flashing in her icy gaze. But as she relaxed, it vanished and left only exhaustion. And tired. Let's go inside.
Oh! Hey! Cody gestured to the newcomers to follow them into the house, but he spoke to Jamie as he held the door open for them all. I got a surprise for you, but it's to share with our guests too. If they want any, of course. I'm sure they'll get eaten regardless~
Jamie looked up at the blond man, her eyes shimmering in curiosity, as she walked past him into the house.
Randy saw the girl sniff the air and look around.
He followed her line of sight to see two short boxes stacked on each other on a bar counter. She bound over to them, her tiredness seemingly forgotten. Cody you're amazing! Thank you so much!
Donuts? Lav's eyes twinkled longingly, and she looked up at Cody. Can I have one?
The blond man smiled at her, giving a flourishing motion toward the donuts. I did say she had to share.
Lav nervously approached the counter. Jamie had seated herself on a tall swiveling chair and bit into one. Randy felt a rush of joy as the red-haired girl--or, woman, apparently--handed the box carefully out so Lav could take one.
Thank you, Miss Jamie. He couldn't see his daughter's face, but could feel the same joy flash from her as she took a donut.
Jamie gave her a nod. Mm-hm! She then turned to Randy and Akoya, for the first time appearing at ease and genuinely friendly. Want some?
Akoya shook her head, and Randy held his hand up politely. No thank you. We're not too into sweet stuff.
Mm. Jamie placed the box back on the counter and took a second donut. More for us then.
So... Randy turned to Cody. Is... is this where we'll be staying? H-how much do you even know?
I know that you're here to see someone named Nicodemus, who's the mate of the Mew Jovie. And if you want to, then you're very welcome to stay here! I'm sure Jamie's brother and sister-in-law would gladly let you stay with them too, but I like having guests. He gave them a warm grin. Adds some spice to life, you know?
Could we see our room, then? We have a lot to discuss.
Cody began to move further into the house. Of course! Right this way!
They all turned to Jamie as she hopped off the seat. She steadily met the eyes of the Lindens, alternating between the three, her icy gaze glimmering seriously.
(Cody needs to know about the Mews)
Randy felt his blood chill, and could feel sparks of fury flickering off of his wife. He glanced at Cody, trying to gauge his reaction.
(Don't worry, he can't understand me.)
(But he should know. He's far, FAR less likely to hurt them than I am.) Akoya's eyes narrowed dangerously, and Jamie looked at her as she went on. (That's not to say I would. Whoever those Mews are to you guys... I guarantee they'll be well protected and welcome here.)
For the first time, Pari spoke from her perch on Cody's shoulder.
(He'll be so happy to see them, I promise!)
It wasn't hard for the Lindens to make up their minds.
The energy they got from Cody was vastly different from Jamie's--Randy had to admit, it was far more welcoming.
Even besides that...
He literally had a Mew vouching for him.
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Bit of a shorty this time. Unfortunately gotta wait 'til next one for Mew Reveal 2: Electric Boogaloo. (I need room for it, hehehe~)
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