#Royal Anon
changeling-rin · 1 year
(Royal Anon) Where do you think Realm is actually from/where was he born?
Hyrule, I'd imagine. Seems to be a pretty isolated county in his time period, not many other options that I'm aware of
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(Scenario please) Hello. This may be a strange trio to pick, but i would like to adopt a Psuedon, Rosy Boa & Taibra. I'm a disabled bitty expert, so any with disabilities, injuries, or trauma are welcome. Thank you in advance.
Sincerely, Royal Anon
Hello Royal anon! yes you can have all three of those bitties! Though due to my issues with scenarios im going to do a lil drabble and give you extra info on the bitties you'll be adopting! :3 also I wont specify their sizes as much as I can since you didn’t specify what sizes you want
Also im sorry but I will not be doing a scenario- I(mod wolf) am not good at them and they take so long to do- and im the only one running the blog now- but instead ill give you info on the bitties you're adopting!
Pseudon: He's just a lamia from the shop! Though he is a little skittish to touch due to his poison, he doesn’t want to hurt anyone! There isnt much else to say about him other than the fact he prefers sweaters and has a habit of wearing 'snake sweaters' over their tail! It slows him down but he doesn’t mind, it makes it less likely that they'll hurt someone! He currently goes by the name Max
Taibra: He was adopted before and his old owners(he was adopted three times before, and is very much a rescue) were abusive(mostly emotionally but also physically at times) so he tends to flinch at sudden movements and when hands are raised, due to this he's been diagnosed with C-PTSD(complex ptsd) though he never bites, he's cuddly when he feels safe but needs a lot of extra time to adjust to things, just show him that you arent a threat to him! He currently goes by the name Norman(his previous owners named him Bait, King, and Lucas, and he hates those names due to the trauma! Just a warning!)
Rosy boa: He was adopted once before, but it was by a loving home! They just got really tight on money and couldn’t afford where they were staying and didn’t want to make him be stuck inside(they had to move into an apartment), he has autism and is easily overstimulated and tends to just sob when he is, even if he knows it doesn’t help and can even make it worse- he just cant help it! He's super cuddly and affectionate and very co-dependent, but as long as there are other bitties around he'll be fine! He currently goes by the name Cookie(his previous family's young daughter named him)
All three of these bitties would get along great! The Rosy boa would know not to just go touching the Pseudon and the Taibra and Rosy boa would be great cuddle buddies!
You're care kit contains:
10 pairs of clothes for each bitty(so 30 sweaters and 10 snake socks for the Psuedon)
6 heat lamps
6 puzzle boxes(two for each bitty basically!)
6 blankets(3 normal, and 3 thick, for the difference seasons, one of each set for each bitty),
A bag of sensory toys(mostly for the Rosy boa but the other bitties can use them!) containing 3 sensory slugs, 4 tangles, 6 pop tubes, 3 wacky tracks, and 6 keyboard sensory toys,
And 3 bags of treats! One has Max's favorite treats, dried papaya, one has Norman's favorite treats, m&ms, and the last bag has Cookie's favorite treats, pretzel sticks!
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gaypeople · 8 months
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Damn. Well, I suppose that will be all right, seeing as you won't be playing. I will. You'll be watching... on the sidelines.
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papiercranes · 1 month
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two mimir
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cadaverkeys · 9 months
In your of Bonnies and Candy Queens art, one looked like they were after succeful Candy Queen blender experiment with Winter King and Simon, is that true?
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YES! good eye :]! I never made like a big cohesive design but i thought it would be a cool concept.
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bonsiii-art · 4 months
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" And they knew Buttercream is a wyvern??" Finally, I got this comic done! o(≧∀≦)o Sorry to anyone who wanted something more romantic between Royal Margerine and Y/N; I just really wanted to draw RM being pathetic-
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mulderscully · 9 months
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tender touch appreciation post
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yrsonpurpose · 6 months
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Henry’s beside him, holding his hand, and he’s holding Henry’s hand back, so at least that’s something.
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tarjapearce · 10 months
Lips anon! Dark King Miguel and the gentle princess. The original one except Miguel is the king you dread to marry. Even more so when you meet him. He's a hulking man adorned with obsidian armor laced with gold. Cold piercing red eyes. If you weren't terrified, you would have seen how handsome he was, and that his gaze was filled with intrigue rather than hatred.
He takes your hand in armored claws, and kisses it. Now you blush.
You were to spend a good chunk of time in the palace with him until the day of the wedding. At first it's a nightmare because you are with someone who's slaughtered thousands of men, but he's gentle with you. Not exactly kind. But gentle.
Oh oh, imagine she took a little diary with her. She records her time in his lands, and he finds it while snooping in her room (checking for any weapons and such). He reads it and finds quite a bit about her. He rolls his eyes at the passage of her describing her dream man, but he is very intrigued about her wanting a bunch of children. He can give that to her, he wants many heirs too 🤭
Im such a sucker for these sort of tropes :'D ❤️❤️❤️ (Had to write this twice cause Tumblr erased the draft midway 😭😭)
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You fretted in your chambers.
Despite the kingdom's overall economy and exterior political relations were thriving, the feeling of wariness set heavyly on your chest. The Queen and King had forbidden your stay at the most recent council's meeting, and when you demanded an explanation, you were met with nothing but silence and pained looks.
"Your Majesty! Come back here! You can't go inside!"
"They are hiding something from me, Lucille. I know it!"
"But you just can't interrupt!" Your maid and friend had been trying to prevent to get in the throne room. She caught your arm and looked solemn for a moment.
"You... You too?"
She shook her head and sighed, pulling you to a more private spot.
"You must be very quiet, ok?" Lucille guided you through a secret little passageway you didn't know the castle had. Hidden in plain sight that took you exactly where you wanted, a small hole on the wall enough for you too take a glimpse of the room.
Sparse, war table on a side, some guards you couldn't recognize stood next to a chair, partially revealing who sat in it. You could only get a small reveal of his arms. Dark skinned, strong arms clad in obsidian and golden that ended in a claw like gauntlet.
"Your Majesty" Your dad spoke, a slight tremor in his voice, "I think we are rushing into conclusions, ser. You'll see our men-"
"I don't want your men, neither your women. My army is more than enough and if I wished, your kingdom would be wiped out at my command."
You father stressed kn his chair as your mother just watched with keen eyes the display of power.
"We might not be a large kingdom, your majesty-"
"You're right, ser. You're like a tiny and annoying stone that got in my greaves, but I have had enough bloodshed for now"
"T-Then what is it you want, your majesty?"
You frowned at the armored man's attitude as dread crept up your bones. His gauntlet curled on his head, pondering as he slicked his soft, wavy and dark locks back.
"Surprise me, your majesty" He sneered the two last words and you swallowed.
"I will give you the most precious thing I possess, your highness." Your mother spoke confidently as her eyes were casted at the man.
"My daughter. The princess."
Lucille gasped and you quickly covered her mouth. His ears perked at the sound and tensed, but ignored it since he just chuckled.
"I came here in order for you to understand why I need the West passage of your borders open, not to get married." He stood and it was yout time to gasp at the size of him. He looked gigantic, your father had to crane his head up to meet his eyes.
"Think about it, your highness." Your mother pressed as she also stood.
"We can't open the passage due to political differences between our Kingdom and Erunia. It's closing wasn't to meddle in your affairs, but more like a preventive solution in our safety, in case an invasion happened. The least of things we would want is another war against a powerful kingdom we know we have no chance against. "
The obsidian clad man seemed to pay attention to your mother's words
"Sure, our Kingdom is thriving again, and economy and politics seem promising, but you must also understand we have nothing much to offer you when we are still recovering from a war. We still mourn, and we are getting on our feet again."
Your throat tightened upon her mentioning mourn. Your brother, the prince had died in battle.
"And for me to offer you, this kingdom's most precious jewel... I'll leave it to your interpretation."
The man seemed to relax slightly. Political things weren't your strength but, you didn't have to be a genius to know that tension had been rising within the neighbor kingdoms. Yours was a small one that served as a bridge among the others. Without you, the rest would collapse bit by bit.
"I offer you protection, in exchange of your daughter."
Tears welled up in your eyes. They were using you like an object. The deal was sealed, and so was your fate.
You had refused to see your parents after that, your mother had explained that it was for the kingdom's best interest.
"But what about me? I know that is selfish to think this way but, this is not what I want."
"It's not about what you want, more like what must be done. Your duty as a princess is to see for the people's interest, my dear. Our wishes matter little when the men think it's funny to play war."
"But mother, how could I possibly marry someone like that? Arachne kingdom is ruthless! And so is it's ruler!"
"We had no choice, my dear. Your brother... Im sure your brother would have chosen to try and wage a war against him to keep our autonomy... There is enough bloodshed as it is for now." She cupped your cheeks and kissed your forehead.
"Besides, he is not that bad. He was... civil and wise enough to hear us. And now, thanks to you we have his protection and a new chance of being the kingdom we used to be."
You were set to depart to Arachne's kingdom within two weeks, and you made sure to enjoy the last bits of your freedom in your home. The wedding was set within 3 months. Or so the dark scroll the mysterious man had sent, said.
And when that day arrived, your carriage departed between sobs, anguish and heartfelt goodbyes. You didn't like the feeling of being seen as a martyr, but it gave your people hope.
If you had to describe Arachne's beauty you'd settle for twisted. A contradiction of many types of beauty melded in a single space. The outskirts were full of thorns so thick you thought your carriage would be crushed before even reaching the castle, but the more your caravan approached, the sceneries changed into something less harrowing to a more utopic sort of settling.
Tall towers stood proud in the different cities, but one thing you couldn't help but notice were the elite guards. Mostly clad in a light armor, red and blue, a spider-skull like emblem on their chest. You weren't allowed to bring Lucille with you, a strange petition from this... Miguel King.
Miguel O'Hara. Ruler of Arachne. Commander of an elite force with abilities that surpassed the common guard forces. Many said it was his secret to get him where he was. Despite the rumors about the kingdom being desolated and hunger stricken, witnessing the opposite with your own eyes made your heart a little hopeful.
After all he had sent a small crew of four to guard you during the trip. A blonde girl with a left side of her head shaven, a tall dark young man with braids on each side of his head slicked back with a look that pierced your soul, Another black man with many perforations in his face, with the strangest hairdo you had seen in someone, and their commander. A tall, black slender woman with a red and obsidian armor. None of you talked during the trip. But the pierced face young man and the blonde girl offered you small, almost sympathetic smiles your way.
Your arrival at the castle was announced. Your four escorts guided you to the main hall and kneeled before the man you had only caught a minimal glimpse of. Red eyes regarded your form, clad in a emerald green with golden trims dress.
You could notice his eyes widening just slightly as you entering the room. And then he stood. Your breath was caught in your throat and just as your father, you had to crane your head up to meet his eyes. Captivating yet full of unspeakable things. But you were certain, hatred wasn't one of them, rather wonder. He stared at you with mild curiosity.
You revered before him.
"Princess (Name) of Theleria, at your service, my lord." Sweet and soft spoken. A stark contrast of his overall aura. He noticed the small tremor in your hands and chuckled.
"Welcome, Princesa." Despite his imposing and intimidating looks, his royal etiquette shone through.
"Make yourself at home" Or so it did it's best. He returned to his work. He wasn't much for words as you were escorted to your own chambers. You certainly were swooned by the place grandeur and the elite force you had heard so much.
"Your Majesty sends his apologies, he won't be able to meet you during dinner. Would you like to eat on your chambers, or in the dining hall?" The man wore another red and blue armor, you had noticed that only commanders wore a certain type of armor.
"In my room, ser. Thanks."
He nodded with a smile and left. Your room was enormous, easily mistaken for a whole wing. You had dinner in your room.
"Where is she?"
"In her room. She preferred to eat inside."
"Hm." Miguel hummed as he spreaded some map before him. Peter looking at him.
"Want me to arrange a tea meeting with her?"
Miguel's nose scrunched and he shook his head.
"Make it a lunch. I don't like tea."
"I know, coffee guy. You think her parents will keep their word?"
"They better, if not, we'll wipe them."
"Wouldn't that be harrowing for your future bride?"
Miguel arched an eyebrow at him
"Merely political affairs."
"She's pretty"
"Hm and gentle. You know what happens to gentle people."
"They get an arranged marriage with a ruthless belicist of a king." Peter couldn't help but giggle at his mortified expression.
"One more-"
"And I'm out. I know, I know pal. Get some rest. Your eyebags are packing for vacation already" Peter smiled at his annoyed sigh, then left him be.
The lunch never came, as you were stood up, again. You had expected much, after all it was an arranged marriage, of course the desire of knowing eachother just for pretense was only in your imagination. However you had noticed that his gaze lingered on you for more than he actually let on.
You had been sorted through the city, to meet it's people, and so far mostly looked happy? Children ran around a fountain, merchants exposed and sold their goods, art supplies and a small leathery notebook, caught your attention. The extense array of colors had you grinning and marveling at things you had never seen before. Charcoals, complete drawing kits, turpentine, canvas made out of the richest materials.
Arachne's people were kind, welcoming and it just made you wonder how such kind of people had a blood thirsty man for a king? Not that he intentionally waged wars just for fun and giggles. Peter watched you with a lazy smile, occasionally recommending things to try. He and the blonde girl, whose name happened to be Gwen, we're kind enough to answer each of your questions. You didn't dare to ask about Miguel. He seemed too busy to be disturbed and by the way his face was always set in a permanent frown, made you wonder how would things would be in your wedding day.
He was aloof, too buried in his own world of War and battles. You couldn't help but nod with an absentminded expression at Peter saying he won't be for dinner either.
"Of course." That's all you uttered before you returned to the castle and retreated to your room. Your chest constricting tightly.
"You know, getting any sort of contact with her wouldn't hurt you." Peter spoke as he was polishing his gauntlets.
Miguel remained silent, eyes too focused on the scroll before him.
"How was the trip?"
"She was like a kid in a candy store when we stopped in an art shop."
"Something she liked?" Peter smiled and scrubbed the wax away from the gauntlet
"Paintings and art supplies. She loved the cherry pie and couldn't stop marveling at how dreamlike the city looked"
"Hm. Her kingdom is... small. Nothing much to look around. Anyways, get her what she liked. "
"Beg your pardon?" Peter blinked at him
"Told you to get her what she liked."
"Of course. "
The following days you were either holed up in your bedroom, or in the gardens making small talk with the servants. They seemed good and easygoing people, and it kept you from giving into the loneliness feeling that seemed to loom over your head with each passing day.
Sometimes you'd caught glimpses of him, a small group of elite soldiers tailing behind him in scary synchronization. Your eyes would meet for seconds, but he'd just look away and continue his work.
At this point you knew what the apologetic look on Peter or Gwen meant. He wasn't showing up.
"I'm sorry."
"Have I done something to... upset him this way? To the point of him maybe finding my company repulsive? "
Peter seized you with a frown.
"I know he is a busy man, wars don't wage on their own, I know much. But..." You shook your head and sighed, "Nevermind that. I'm just being pretentious. Bid you a good evening, ser Peter."
You bowed to him and left to your room. You had refused kindly your dinner.
The next day a couple of guards entered your room as you were writing a letter for your parents. They saluted Peter and left.
"Your Majesty." He bowed and guided your to the medium sized wooden box.
"A gift from the king" Your eyes widened in surprise, your cheeks growing a bit warmer.
"Thank you, ser Peter." You smiled and rummaged through its contents, small squeal upon looking at the leathery notebook you had seen before. Peter left and you wasted no time into enjoying your gift.
Papers, watercolors, oil paints, colored waxes, painting brushes, paint remover, it felt like a dream. Your chest felt giddy at the idea that showed up in your mind.
You gave Peter a small box with something you had done.
"Ser Peter?"
"Yes, your majesty?"
"Could you give this to the King?" You handed him a small velvet pouch. A small canvas in it.
"Do you think he would like it?"
"I'm sure he will, your majesty" Peter smiled.
Miguel took the pouch suspiciously, but his eyes widened at the small painting of himself with a small piece of scroll. A fancy and curvy scribblings on it
Thank you for your kindness, my lord.
Your penmanship impeccable, years of princess etiquette and training reflected on it. his lips curved a bit. You had gotten a good angle of him.
He snuck in your room as you had gone to the city with Peter and Gwen again. This time, the man with the pierced face came along.
He didn't expect it to be so you. Paintings you did, dried on the window, drawings of things that caught your interest the most; cherries, birds, nature, and kids. Not that he didn't trust you, he just wanted to see with his own eyes what you had done so far with his gift.
He was glad to find you hadn't wasted it at all. The leathery book however made him to pick it up. It was your own diary. His hands carefully flipped the pages, reading into his contents.
A drawing of him with the caption "king of Arachne and quite aloof." the latter in small letters. He sighed and flipped the pages.
The bakery man is such a gentleman! And his pies so scrumptious.
He chuckled at the little pie drawing you did. He found more descriptions in what seemed to be this type of ideal man for you. He rolled his eyes. But the last lines of the pages caught his interest the most.
After losing my brother, it has come to my thinking. I would love a big family on my own.
You wanted kids. Heirs.
The steps outside alerted him as he tossed the diary back on your bed, and soon you'd enter through the door. The way your eyes looked at him with surprise made his heart to flutter softly. He had met rivals in the battlefield, all giving him a horrifying look, begged him to not come closer. But never he had someone to look at him like you were.
His eyes softened as he walked over you. Lips pressed together, you bowed.
"My lord."
He bowed too, adding more wide at your surprise.
"Enjoying your gift?".
"Very much. Thank you." His thank you gift came into mind.
"Did you... receive mines?"
"Of course."
"Did you like?"
Sweet face looked at him, expectantly. His pulse quickened.
"Si." He mumbled and you looked at him confused for a second.
"I'll take it as a yes?" You smiled.
So so sweet.
He relaxed.
"I'll see you in the dining hall."
To your surprise he looked at you as he took your hand and kissed the back of your soft palm.
"Don't be late". He left.
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rwrbmovie · 8 months
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Until he met this devastatingly handsome young peasant boy who was from this faraway land and said the most ghastly things to him. And made him feel truly alive for the first time in his life.
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changeling-rin · 1 year
(Royal Anon) During the fight with Ocean Ganondorf and Bellum, where was Jabun?
Eh, probably the same place he was during the entirety of Wind Waker. Fat lot of help he was, for being a supposed 'god of water' or 'water spirit' or whatever he was. Plus, his response to sensing Ganondorf approach was to flee for his life???
Not facing Ganondorf in a fight, or getting into any sort of actual confrontation. Sensing his approach. As in, Ganondorf was a long ways off still. And this dude decides to flee for his life and hide in a cave.
Wow. Amazing. 10/10 performance, top tier water spirit. Please apply excessive amounts of sarcasm to this paragraph.
So, despite the original Ocean Ganondorf and Bellum fight happening on Outset, where Jabun was cowering in his cave, I am strongly of the opinion that Jabun would continue to do exactly that. Cower in his cave.
I feel like water spirits ought to have a bit more health than that??? Or at least functional immortality by stint of being ephemeral and spiritual and all that jazz? I, personally, was not impressed
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inc0gnit0-m0de · 2 years
Oh hello Puppy *pet Zompup Anon*-🜲
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starkwlkr · 1 year
What about Lando and her becoming parents and her supporting Lando at races? xxx
royal baby | lando norris
here is the final part of the royal lando series! i adore royal!reader fics they’re my comfort fics 🫶🏼 thank you anon for the request!!
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time skip brought to you by the missing submarine ‼️
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Liked by y/nscorner, danielricciardo 3,647 others
royalnorris Princess Y/n and her mother attending the British Grand Prix.
f1lucy is baby norris with them too?
royalnorris yes, baby aurora is with them. i think she’s with lando and his family at the moment.
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Liked by landonorris, f1 and 3,747,379 others
daniel3.jpg A daughter was born and they called her Aurora
landonorris Aurora said thank you for getting my good side!
daniel3.jpg anything for sweet Aurora❤️
norris4 is Daniel the fairy godmother?
landonorris he’s the fairy godmother in spirit
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Liked by landonorris, f1 and 747,200 others
mclaren what a royally great home race for landonorris! 🇬🇧
royalnorris 😭❤️
lewisxroscoe did anyone see the interview lando did after the race? he took any opportunity to speak about aurora and y/n 😭
verstappen1fans not really a lando fan but he deserves this win! love how happy he looks when he talks about his family
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henryofwales · 10 months
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One of Henry’s hands slides up his stomach and stops, having encountered the old silver key on the chain resting over his sternum.
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rwrbsource · 7 months
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lakehouse parallel | requested by anon
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mugentakeda · 5 months
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decided to doodle some more stuff for this au since the lu ten lives au ask i got from oomf has been haunting me
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