#Should have won with Vicky
tampire · 1 year
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Yovska being a mood as always
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unclewaynemunson · 1 year
Remember the Wingman Wayne AU? I decided to write a sequel :D (it can be read separately tho, so this is a new part 1 of 8!) | also on ao3 now
Steve startles her by loudly drumming his hands onto the counter and she turns around to look at him.
'Why are you here? Did you forget it's your day off today?' She slams a pile of tapes on the counter, right next to his hand, making him jerk it away reflexively.
'Watch out for my hands!'
'Then stop being so annoying!'
He sighs dramatically, but ceases his incessant drumming and instead leans his elbows on the counter.
'Would you like to go on a date with the most perfect girl in the world?' he asks, sounding like he's presenting some kind of game show and about to reveal which prize she has won.
Robin wrinkles her nose. 'Why do you sound like you're scamming me?'
'I'm not scamming you!' he exclaims in an indignant tone. 'I literally have the perfect girl to set you up with, trust me!'
'And what's the catch?'
'No catch.'
'Are you absolutely one hundred percent sure about that?'
'Yes!' he calls out in an exasperated voice.
She squints her eyes at him, but decides to give him the benefit of the doubt – for now, at least.
'Alright, I'm interested. What's her name?'
'Uhh... I – can't tell you. It's a blind date.'
She squints even harder, making Steve's face almost disappear from her vision.
'You don't know her name, do you?'
'Steve.' She sighs. 'What did you do? Did you get scammed?'
'No!' He raises his hands. 'No scam, alright? I just – I forgot to ask her name.'
'Okay, so in what uncivilized gutter did you pick up this presumably perfect lesbian who doesn't even properly introduce herself to the guy who wants to set her up with what may possibly be the love of her life?'
'I haven't actually met her,' Steve admits. 'No, no, listen!' he quickly adds when Robin opens her mouth. 'Remember Eddie's uncle, Wayne? The one who set me up with the love of my life?'
Robin nods. 'Impossible to forget, you talk about him constantly when you're not talking about Eddie. It's weird and mildly creepy.'
'I can't help that the man is fucking awesome!'
God, it really is too easy to get Steve all huffy.
'Okay, so I haven't actually met this girl, but Wayne has! And he thinks she's the perfect match for you, and me and Eddie are living proof that he's always right about that shit. So you should definitely go on a date with her. She's a reporter, that's cool, right?'
'Very cool,' Robin replies blankly. 'And how much did you tell him about me? Because I never met the man, dingus, so forgive me if I'm a little skeptical about how he knows I'd be such a perfect match for this mystery nameless reporter girl.'
'He knows enough about you, alright? Can you please just trust his judgment on this one? Worst case scenario, it'll cost you a few hours of your time. Best case scenario, you'll find your true love and live happily ever after.'
That is actually an annoyingly strong argument – well, not the happily-ever-after shit, that's way over the top, but Robin does have nothing to lose here; even though she doesn’t know Eddie's uncle, she trusts the man enough to believe that he wouldn't set her up with some creepy psychopath. So she might as well go for it and see what happens. She has to admit she's curious about the girl. It's not like she has a huge range of queer women to choose from around Hawkins, so it would be rather stupid to waste this chance without even trying, right? It's been a while since she actually dated. She broke up with Vickie months ago and her lack of dates has less to do with not being ready to move on and more with the fact that she's a lesbian living in goddamn Hawkins, Indiana.
'Alright, I'm in,' she decides, causing Steve to cheer and pump his fist in the air like some gross straight dudebro.
'YES!' he yells out. 'Alright, I'll call Wayne to let him know that you're in. And you should be ready for a romantic dinner at Benny's tomorrow at 7 o'clock. I'll take your evening shift, no need to thank me.'
'A romantic dinner at Benny's?' Robin repeats in an incredulous voice. 'Are you sure I wanna meet this girl if that's peak romance for her?'
Steve excited smile drops so fast it's almost comical. 'It was Wayne's idea, okay,' he says, and it sounds slightly more defensive than necessary. 'The man lives in a trailer park, cut him some slack.'
And something about that is oddly cute – both the fact that Steve is so ready to defend Mr. Munson and the idea of this middle-aged straight man picking out Benny's Burgers as a go-to lesbian date location.
'Okay, I won't complain,' she's quick to tell Steve. 'The burgers there are impeccable.'
'That's the spirit!' Steve's slightly too intense excitement is back on again. 'Tomorrow, 7. Be there or be prepared to stay alone forever.'
'That's a bit much,' she mumbles as Steve walks out of the store, turning around at the door to shoot finger guns at her while crashing into that one Fast Times cardboard cutout that's somehow always in his way. She snickers while turning her attention back to the tapes she had been sorting, trying not to think too hard about what’ll be waiting for her tomorrow evening.
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cologona · 8 days
If you won some sort of lottery contest and DC allowed you to write a comic run for any character, any topic, no limits, what would your comic be like?
What kinda plot and characters would you want to etch into official DC canon? (Or would you prefer to write an elseworlds kinda thing?)
-redhoodinternaldialectical from the "main" blog
Sorry it took a while to answer this, I got pretty carried away! Jason is my favorite character and the character I know most about, so of course I'd write about him. This is going to be pretty long winded and fanfic-y, hope you don’t mind!
First things first I’m making both UTRH and Lost Days mostly canon again. Jason was a crime lord who did Mean Crime Lord Things for a while and that’s what I’ve decided everyone is referring to when they gesture vaguely to his villainous past.
I’m also bringing back the original “big boob” backstory where Jason makes Bruce laugh on the anniversary of his parents’ death. Catherine was an opioid addict due to illness, Willis was the person who taught Jason about cars (and thus how to jack tires) and Faye Gunn is no longer Jason’s grandma. (I really disliked Ma Gunn’s “redemption” in RHATO.) Just in case, I’m also reiterating Sheila’s role in Jason’s death.
Here’s a few lines I came up with for the Todds:
Jason keeps the letters Willis sent him from prison - the ones Ma Gunn hid- in the same picture frame that holds his Robin graduation photo with Bruce. He loved and resented Willis in equal parts, but mostly he regrets not having gotten more time. It’s all the same with fathers.
Catherine is curled up in bed, her expression is half a grimace. She asks Jason, who is reading a picture-book by her side, to get her ‘medicine’ for her. Jason doesn’t know how else to help her feel better so… that’s exactly what he does. In a moment, he returns with a small heart shaped box and a cup of microwaved soup.
If I can imply in some way that Catherine is in denial about the possibility of her dying I’d like to do that too.
I’m also doing a total overhaul of the All-Caste.
Essence is getting proper Tibetan braids, Ducra is going to wear a khampa chuba instead of her current old coat, and the Acres-of-All are getting reimagined as a towering Ziggurat with all the murals, pillars, curtains, and ornate trim befitting a monastery! The All-caste of memory will be bright and fantastical, but the ruins of the present will be dark and spooky.
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Some references for what I'm talking about.
I’m also reframing the “Absolute Evil” part of the All-blades’ description to be an epithet for the Untitled. The sword is not literally judging Goodness and Evilness anymore; now they cut through negative psychic energy Jujutsu Kaisen style. I don’t think I need to spell out a justification for Jason being able to summon them whenever, but for any sticklers I’ll just say it’s because Jason- like the Untitled- has a lot of bad feelings and trace amounts of Dionesium in his system (among assorted other chemicals.)
Since Lost Days is being brought back that means instead of spending an entire 3 years with the All-Caste, Jason only spent a few weeks with them during his world-wide training arc. Ostensibly because a little magic would give him an edge over Batman. Ducra wouldn’t normally just give away powerful magic weapons to any chump with a free weekend, and she knew Jason was dangerous, but since the All-Blades are so specific and the ritual to attain them nigh-unsurvivable she saw an opportunity to use Jason. Sure she's one of the Good Guys, but she's not called a conniving old witch for nothing hoohoo!
Now a few plot ideas for a vague overall mini-arc.
First, Jason goes to ugly lengths to protect or prevent consequences from finding one of his family. Maybe someone threatens their secret identity…? The ‘opponent’ should be someone innocent and/or noble but not easily bought or fought. Maybe Vicki Vale, another Hero, or some kind of wealthy heir. The point is to cast doubt on if Jason’s return to the Bats is really so unquestionably redeeming. Jason has pretty much chosen to betray his morals for them after all.
Then, Jason chooses not to kill a villain who shortly afterwards victimizes more people and skips town before he can get caught. Basically a rehash of Diplomat’s Son except the Garzonas figure gets away. It’s technically a win for Batman- his presence kept Gotham safe after all. But it doesn’t feel like a win, especially not to Jason.
And finally, Jason frames himself for various murders committed by victims against their abusers. Maybe kick the story off with one of Ma Gunn’s boys killing her and telling the cops it was Red Hood in a desperate bid to avoid jail.
Obviously Jason can’t be allowed to do this long-term. It’s a bad precedent to set, an obstruction of justice, etc… Jason hasn’t broken The Big Rule though, and Bruce can only act so sanctimonious when those same complaints could be are made about him as well. There’s no way this ends any other way than Batman running Red Hood out of Gotham again and they both know it, but neither deviates from the path set before them.
One or two “monster of the week” issues where Jason fights various assassins and bounty hunters sent by his more influential enemies might be good- one should occur right after the above story. A consequence for his “return to form” so to speak. Batfamily fans may appreciate a scene where Bruce says something indicating that he ran Jason out for his own safety as well as Gotham’s. Batman may be able to hide in Bruce Wayne’s skin during the day but Jason’s only identity is that of Red Hood, and at times that makes him vulnerable in a way other heroes aren’t. This + some panels contrasting the generic mercenary look of Jason’s guns and equipment with the Bats’ spandex future-tech will be great for showing how separate Jason is from the Bats.
Now while Jason’s out of Gotham again there’s this detail in one of RHATO’s flashbacks that I want to expand on- that being how he used to be able to summon a lot more All-blades.
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Red Hood Outlaw 34
“I had a lot of soul back then” - implying that he has a lot less soul now…!?
Jason’s been through a lot, in life sure but also more recently. Fight scenes where the All-blades take the form of daggers would not only be cool and evocative of the wavy dagger Talia gifted him way back when, they’d be good visual sign of his declining emotional state.
Later on as his soul ‘shrinks’ further, I’d give him a pair of mystical guns through which he can channel his All-blades into bullets. If it’s another gift from Talia I’m thinking dark brass revolvers with paisley filigree and a red Endless Knot charm hanging from each handle. If they’re from Essence or S’aru I’m thinking black lacquer and silver cloud-patterned ornamentation, with red coral embedded on either side of the gun. Beautiful Bayonetta-style guns with glowing red veins and a cowboy flair!
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antique guns which inspired me
As for what he’s using the All-blades (All-bullets?) for, I think it’d be fun to have Jason exorcising some ghosts. He can solve various murder mysteries, figure out why this place or that person is haunted, and get into fights with horrific otherworldly creatures. Jason is an interesting character to do this premise with because he might just determine that some some spirits should get their revenge, and act on behalf of a ghost rather than erasing it.
I’m not sure whether I’d want to have Essence join him or not… On one hand it only makes sense that Jason would help Isabel and Essence find a way to free themselves from the Blood Blade, and that goal would provide his character with some direction. Then again, Essence/Isabel could be cool as antagonists. Jason might see some ghosts as valid but Essence probably wouldn’t see any merit in appeasing manifestations of lingering resentment. She’s similar to him in that she also turned her back on her family, but she’s different in that she did it because she believed so wholeheartedly in their cause. She’s old and sort of a Jedi, but she’s hot-blooded and she’ll never not be Ducra’s daughter in the same way it seems Jason can never escape Batman’s shadow. I bet she has some real juicy sunk-cost fallacy type thinking too, that’d be fun to dig into.
Anyways I think this is a pretty good set-up to explore the politics/morality of forgiveness. What makes the difference between an injustice and a hatchet that ought to be buried? When is forgiveness empowering and when is it coerced? Who is it that must forgive? Justice vs Revenge, that whole kind of thing.
Other than the supernatural stuff I want Jason working with Talia, and I’m reintroducing Sasha to the post-52 continuity. Duela is getting nixed.
I don’t really have any specific plot ideas for Talia, but I would like to establish Jason as one of her associates. With Lost Days back they have basis for an actual relationship again. They’re not always on the same side but Jason can sometimes do tasks for Talia (outside the purview of Ra’s and the LOA), and Talia can occasionally support Jason with various social power-play type moves.
An instance of Jason getting into a fight with one of the Bats because he’s doing a favor for Talia would be great! I wouldn't write Talia as an evil evil bad horrible dragon lady, so it shouldn’t be a huge blow to Jason’s status as a Good Guy. Also I like the idea of Jason and Talia’s relationship mostly being inferred through their actions supporting one another, rather than directly showing much ‘on-screen’ interaction between them.
Also it’ll be interesting to go into Bruce, Dick, and Damian’s reaction to finding out that they’re not the only ones Jason is loyal to. Bruce thinking Talia was a bad influence on Jason (like fanon), silently frustrated because what he really wants is for Jason to be a full Bat-Believer (like the good old days…). Dick being fine with Jason never falling fully in-line with Bruce, provided that at the end of the day his loyalty belonged to his family.
-brief topical detour to talk about Sasha-
The new timeline of events is that Jason and Sasha met as fellow patients while Jason was in his Vague Villain era. They escaped the hospital building together (Sasha in her bloody dress, and Jason naked save for his skimpy hospital gown dhoti) and having no one else they stuck together. They got close but at some point Sasha lost her memories, giving her a chance at a fresh start. This was around the same time Jason “redeemed” himself and so just like Max Dawkins, ‘Numbers’, and Gabby Christiensen -Sasha became another person from Jason’s past that he didn’t let himself have a relationship with.
Sasha was just old enough that she didn’t have to be sent into foster care, so with some help from Wayne Foundations she got her GED and her feet underneath her. Now… she goes to work, goes to her physical therapy appointments, fights with her mother over the phone, and yes- sometimes she goes to the club.
The new Sasha still has spiky red hair but her face looks entirely normal save for a subtle scar tracing around her jawline and chin- the edges of where her mask used to sit. She wears dark makeup and even darker clothes. She’s prone to false memories and dissociation. She’s lost most of her ability to feel pain. She can’t watch certain shows she used to love anymore because they trigger her. She never returned to Russia. She doesn’t have many friends.
Since this is comics, her reintroduction will come by way of a dramatic fight. Sasha will regain her memories one day and show up out of the blue to fight Jason, angry and heartbroken that he abandoned her. He tries to explain himself but she just says look what they did to my face, referring to the facial reconstructive surgery she was given while amnesiac. She’ll be difficult to fight, not only because being a partial Dollotron gives her enhanced strength but also because she’s being reckless and the longer they fight the more strain and damage her body accrues.
After Jason apologizes and they reconcile (they will both cry) Sasha can become a recurring side character that Jason visits, keeping him grounded and up to date with Gotham. I think it'd be cute for her to bid him farewell by saying she’ll hold the city hostage until he comes back. (Is Sasha going to become Jason’s love interest? No. If I give Jason a love interest it’s going to be Numbers.)
--Going back to the previous topic, I want Sasha’s return to be part of this greater arc of Jason addressing his "shrinking soul" problem. My brain is a little fried now so I’m not exactly sure how but she is related. I think she ought to be.
Jason wants Bruce to be right. He would like for his problem to be fixed by going home and saying sorry. But at the end of my run I want him to face the reality that it’s not about that.
...Perhaps it should be about Jason 'abandoning' Gotham? I don’t really want the final thesis of my run to imply that Jason’s soul would just be fixed if he killed Rogues though, and Jason always came back whenever a big disaster was happening so it doesn't quite fit anyways… Jason does believe in the value of “pure” heroes it’s just not what he’s supposed to be. Whatever his problem's “about” , it ought to prompt Jason to stop taking Bruce’s shit. I'm saying the man is literally breaking Jason's spirit.
I’m sympathetic to Bruce but I wouldn’t write him as a nice father. I would also have scene where a younger Bat accuses Jason of being overdramatic despite 'not even having it the worst’. I don't know who 'has it the worst' but I want to make a statement that you don't need to win the pain-race to be fed up.
Ah anyways, now my brain is really fried. I hope this post was coherent all the way through, I neglected to edit and organize my thoughts as much towards the end. Thank you for asking me such a great question, I had a lot of fun thinking about it! :D
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 2 months
Stuck Between a Jock and a Metalhead
Summary: Nancy, on a whim, decides to visit Steve at Scoops Ahoy, which leads to her overhearing confessions from Steve that leads her to think about the decisions she's made. A few days later, she decides to come back. She finds him being hit on by the town freak. What's a girl to do? Oh, get stuck in a freezer with the both of them.
Chapter One
Chapter Thirty-Two: The Epilogue
Nancy walked into her parents' house, expecting to see her parents, but they still weren't there. She was hoping to share their victory, although she wasn't sure how they won. Vecna got close to them, and he should have killed them. It was like something stopped him. The image of killing Vecna filled her mind again, his eyes a vacant blue then widening in surprise before Nancy swung the axe and cut off his head. The ground shook, the vines slithering back into the crevice with the monsters as they tried to close the wounds in Hawkins as much as possible.
"It was like he in a trance," Max said. "Like he was cursed."
"You think someone might have cursed him to give us enough time to stop him?" Lucas asked.
Nancy smiled and shared a look with Steve, who looked at questioningly for a moment before his eyes widened in surprise.
"You don't think. . .?" Steve asked.
"Yeah," Nancy grinned.
"What?" Dustin asked.
"Eddie," Steve and Nancy said in unison.
Suddenly, Dustin was grinning before throwing himself into their arms.
"I hope it's true, baby," Sue said with a sigh as she rubbed Lucas's back.
Susan was clinging to Max and kissing her head repeatedly. Max was rolling her eyes as she tried to hide her smile. Vickie and her dad were sharing a couch with Robin and her parents while Vickie held hands with Robin. Matthew was gazing at Lily with admiration as they talked, Nancy noticed that Lily was looking at him more softly than before. Tommy was curled up in Walter's arms as they held each other tightly. Everyone was covered in blood, dirt, and sweat, but mostly intact. Nancy and Steve felt the same burning they felt at the cabin. Their eyes widened, and they gasped. There was a knock at the door, startling everyone. Nancy moved with Steve and Agent Stinson toward the front door. They pushed the furniture back and leaned the front door against the wall. Eddie stood there, his hands behind his back, and Mayhem was curled around his neck.
"Eddie," Nancy breathed.
Nancy and Steve flew at him before Agent Stinson could stop them. They hugged him tightly.
"Jesus, how do you even know it's really me?" Eddie asked as they cried.
"We just do," Nancy said.
Mayhem purred and nuzzled her head against Steve’s cheek. Steve laughed and cooed at her as she jumped into his arms.
"I missed you too, sweet girl," Steve said.
"Hm, just the cat, not me, big boy?" Eddie asked.
Steve grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him in for a hard kiss. He pulled back and leaned his forehead against his.
"I missed you so fucking much," Steve whispered.
Nancy tucked herself into Eddie's other side, sighing. Eddie turned his head and kissed her. Nancy burst into tears as she kissed him back, and they both could feel the salty taste of her tears on their lips. She couldn't help but think of Irene, Otis, and Steven. She couldn't help but feel like a piece of Steven finally came home, and Nancy sobbed harder against Eddie. Finally, after a moment, Nancy and Steve pulled Eddie inside to let the others greet him. Dustin had immediately started crying at the sight of him and ran into his arms. Lucas and Max immediately followed, slamming into him. Robin was the next in line, hugging them tightly.
"Mayhem!" Dustin cried out happily when she also joined the group.
"Meow!" She cried.
"Oh, Mom took Tews with Wayne and Holly. They're safe," Dustin said, and Mayhem purred.
After a long reunion, everyone settled in the living room to sleep. At this moment, everyone wasn't too keen on being apart from one another. Steve, Nancy, Eddie, and Mayhem were curled up in one corner closest to the door.
"We're going to find your parents, Nancy," Eddie whispered. "It's going to be okay. Mayhem and I will search the skies."
"Search the skies?" Nancy asked.
"Well, you know, I'm not exactly human anymore," Eddie said.
"We figured that out," Nancy said softly. "We still love you. You're still our Eddie."
"Mayhem, do you want to show Mommy and Daddy what we can do?" Eddie cooed as he pressed his fingers gently into Mayhem's back.
Mayhem's wings unfurled from his body, and he turned his one tail into a forked three. Dustin gasped sleepily from where he was trapped in between a sleeping Max and Lucas.
"That's so cool," Dustin muttered before he fell back asleep.
"Figured I do that once we all got some rest," Eddie said.
Nancy pushed him back down and curled up on his chest while Steve did the same on his other side. Mayhem curled up on his stomach. It didn't take long for everyone to fall asleep. They were all exhausted, though they didn't know exactly how much they were until they were all waking up 12 hours later to the sound of someone knocking on the door. Nancy and Steve got up with Eddie, who moved the furniture away from the door with ease. Hopper stood on the doorstep with Joyce, Mike, El, Will, Jonathan, and a long-haired guy in bright clothing. They later learned that the man's name was Argyle.
"You're alive?!" Nancy asked.
"Aw, man. I thought that was mine and Mayhem's thing," Eddie, with a delightful grin and stumbled back when El slammed into him. "Oh. Hey, sweetheart. Oh, those shitheads really did shave your head again."
"It will grow back," El said.
"What happened to the door?" Hopper asked.
"Exactly what happened to all of Hawkins," Eddie replied. "It got fucked and not in a good way."
Nancy led everyone into the living room where they reunited with everyone. She smiled when Mike, Will, Lucas, El, Dustin, and Max all hugged. Mike broke from the hug and turned to Nancy who rushed towards him, hugging him tightly.
"Where's mom and dad?" Mike asked Nancy and tears filled her eyes. "Nancy? Where's mom and dad?"
"We were going to stop Vecna the first time around, but the gate was blocked by demogorgons, and they turned on us, so mom had the idea to distract them. Mom and Dad ran off in different directions with the rest of the parents to lure them away so we could get into the gate. The others came, but we haven't. . . we haven't seen or heard any sign from them. I don't know how long it's been. . . the days sort of blurred together, but Vecna's dead. . . it's over," Nancy said.
"Oh, honey," Joyce said and touched Nancy's arm.
"Nancy. . .are we. . . are we orphans?" Mike asked.
"I don't know," Nancy said and hugged him tightly. "Holly got out with Wayne, Claudia, Charles, and Erica though. They're safe."
Mike breathed a sigh of relief for a moment before the tears started to come and he started to cry into his sister's arms. They clung to each other, crying as Joyce placed a hand on Nancy's back while Hopper did the same with Mike.
"What happened to our door?" a familiar voice came from the hallway causing Nancy and Mike to break apart.
"MOMMY!" Nancy and Mike exclaimed.
Karen was covered in blood and dirt; part of her hair was chopped off as though she had it cut it free. Nancy and Mike threw themselves at their mother, hugging her tightly. Karen wept as she held her children in her arms.
"I'm here, I'm here," Karen whispered.
"Where's Daddy?" Nancy asked and Karen pulled back to stroke their hair.
"Daddy's going to be fine. The soldiers dropped him off at the hospital before they dropped me off here. He did lose a hand though," Karen said. "But don't worry, we can deal with that. He certainly was in good spirits though. He kept offering to give the soldiers a helping hand when they wheeled him in."
"Oh God," Nancy snorted.
"What did you mean by soldiers?" Steve asked. "We've kind of been asleep for the past 12 hours."
"The military arrived to help. They were closing the gates for a town wide quarantine when we slipped in," Hopper replied.
"How long is that going to last?" Eddie asked.
"With the military? Who knows?" Hopper shrugged.
"Well, I guess we're going to have to bunker down together," Eddie grinned. "Do you guys have a problem with me and our cat being vampires?"
"What?!" Hopper and Joyce asked.
"Did I miss anything else while I imprisoned in Russia?" Hopper asked.
"Eddie's uncle got my mom pregnant," Dustin said cheerfully.
"Eddie and I are going to have a cousin?" El asked brightly.
"I'm living in sin with Steve and Eddie," Nancy said.
"Oh, I found out that my uncle used to be in love with my mother and that my deadbeat dad used to work with your deadbeat dad," Eddie said to Will and Jonathan.
"That's a lot of information," Hopper said and paused. "I actually knew about Al and Lonnie."
"So, . . . now what?" Steve asked.
Nancy sighed happily as she walked into her newly fixed up apartment. Quarantine was finally over; the town still needed some repairs, but it was back up and running. The military finally had no more excuses to make to keep the town under quarantine, and thanks to disaster relief funds, they were able to make the repairs that they needed to make.
"It looks really good," Eddie said as Mayhem flew around the apartment.
"I'm glad they were able to keep most of it the way it was, and they actually turned the second bedroom into an actual bedroom," Steve said.
"Mayhem, you have your own room!" Eddie exclaimed.
Suddenly, their new telephone rang, and they all grinned excitedly.
"Our first phone call," Steve grinned.
Nancy picked up the phone and started talking with the other person on the other end. She grinned as she placed the phone back on the hook and turned to her boyfriends.
"That was Dustin. They're officially letting people back in and out, which means. . . ," Nancy trailed off.
"Mayhem, do you want to go see Grandpa Wayne, Grandma Claudia, Holly, and Erica?!" Eddie asked excitedly.
Mayhem flew down and curled herself around Nancy's neck. Nancy smiled and scratched Mayhem's ear.
"They're already at mom and dad's," Nancy said. "Let's go."
As soon as Eddie walked through the door, he was throwing himself into Wayne's arms. Holly ripped herself away from Karen and Ted to throw herself into Nancy's arms.
"Nancy! Your hair is longer!" Holly exclaimed.
"And your hair is shorter," Nancy grinned as she hugged her sister tightly.
"Someone got into some gum," Wayne said looking.
"You turned around, Uncle Wayne," Holly replied.
Wayne's reply was cut off when Claudia walked into the room holding a baby in her arms.
"You had the baby, Auntie!" Eddie exclaimed.
"Marie Elizabeth Munson," Claudia cooed.
Dustin followed her out of the kitchen, wiping his eyes and sniffling. Nancy and Steve moved with Eddie to surround Claudia.
"She looks exactly like I thought she would: a baby," Eddie said. "Gimme. Unlike Dustin, I'm going to keep it together."
Steve and Nancy snorted with disbelief as they cooed at the baby in their boyfriend's arms. A moment later, Eddie had handed the baby back to Claudia and collapsed against Wayne's shoulder, sobbing loudly.
"I hope you handle it better when you stand up as my best man when I marry your aunt," Wayne said in amusement.
"You're getting married?" Eddie asked.
"Of course," Wayne said.
"We decided to share our vow renewal and Joyce's wedding with them," Karen said delightfully.
"Three for the price of one," Eddie grinned. "You sure you're going to be handle that, Mr. Wedding Planner?"
"Of course," Steve scoffed. "That shouldn't even be a question."
A week later. . .
"They're so cute, with their little matching headsets and clipboards," Eddie said to Nancy.
They were standing in the backyard of her parents' house and watching Dustin and Steve order people about in preparation for the triple wedding/vow renewal. They had had radios attached to their hips and headsets on their heads.
"You think they're going to do it?" Nancy asked with a grin.
"No doubt," Eddie grinned.
With their backs turned to each other, they started yelling at other people. It was a simple wedding. There wasn't a whole lot to do, but Steve and Dustin were determined to make it perfect. As they were yelling, both of them put their hands on their hips. Steve was currently yelling at Robin, who was rolling her eyes.
"Yes!" Eddie exclaimed.
"They're so cute," Nancy giggled.
Eddie raised his polaroid and snapped a picture of them. Suddenly, Robin was making her way over to them with Vickie at her side.
"I have been banned from helping out," Robin said.
"Why?" Eddie grinned.
"Oh, Steve’s just a little upset because I almost ALMOST set him on fire," Robin said.
"Well, how unreasonable of Steve to get upset," Nancy said in amusement.
"Exactly, it's only a little fire," Robin said as Vickie giggled.
Mayhem jumped up on Robin's shoulder, nuzzling her cheek.
"Robin. . .did you change Mayhem's suit?" Eddie asked.
"We're matching now," Robin said.
"Lily asked out my dad," Vickie beamed.
"Oh, I thought Matthew had plans on doing it," Eddie said.
"He got tongue tied, so Lily helped him out. He says it's actually better this way," Vickie said.
"They're so fucking cute," Eddie said.
"Yeah," Vickie agreed.
Everyone got into place when it was time for the wedding to begin. Nancy stood up as Karen's maid of honor with Mike as Ted's best man. Of course, Eddie was Wayne's, and Dustin stood up behind his mother. El was Joyce's maid of honor while Will and Jonathan stood behind Hopper. It was a beautiful ceremony, and Nancy was proud to watch her parents confess their love for one another, how happy they were that they got another chance. She couldn't help but think about her own second chances, the bat scar burning against her neck reminding her of her own connection with Steve and Eddie. In a way, weren't they sort of married? She was glad that she decided to make things better with Steve because it led her to where she was now, and she would gladly make the same decision. Once everyone sealed their promises with a kiss, the brides prepared to toss the bouquets. Since the only people there were the ones involved with the Upside Down, everyone was involved in catching the flowers. Eddie jumped up and caught Claudia's flowers eagerly.
"Haha! Get ready to make an honest woman out of me," Eddie said to Nancy and Steve.
"Technically, we're already married," Nancy pointed out.
"What?" Steve and Eddie asked.
"Ohh," Steve said snapping his fingers. "Bat bites connection."
"Shit, she's right," Eddie said, and his eyes lit up. "Hey, you guys up for getting wedding bat tattoos to match mine?"
"I think it would be the only tattoo that I would get but yeah," Nancy said.
"Definitely," Steve said.
They watched as Karen threw her flowers next, and Will accidentally caught them. Mike grinned while Will blushed. Joyce went to throw hers next, and a black figure darted up into the air, catching it in her mouth. Mayhem flew down and landed down next to Tews.
"Oh my God, sapphic cats," Robin gasped.
"Mayhem's into older women, I guess," Vickie said in amusement.
"Mayhem's legal now. I'm happy for them," Robin said.
"You know, you're stuck with us forever now, Nancy," Steve said.
"No returns," Eddie said with a grin.
"There's no one else that I want to be stuck with," Nancy grinned. "I love you."
"Just wondering if you're still going to say that in ten years," Eddie said.
"I accept that challenge," Nancy said as she slipped her arms through theirs.
Nancy had proved Eddie wrong, and she was still as smitten with them as they day they first got together. Nancy had long since graduated from college, and they all continued to live in Boston for a while after Nancy got her degree in journalism. They moved back to Hawkins once they heard the Post, and the music store was up for sale. Steve was finally ready to reopen his grandfather's salon, and so they settled back into Hawkins like they had never left. For a while, they lived in the apartment again until they found a perfect house. Now, they were in their new home, and Nancy was pacing.
"What if she doesn't like us?" Nancy asked. "What if this is our last chance? I mean, no one else is probably going to let us adopt."
"It's going to be fine," Steve said. "She'd be crazy not to like you."
"And she'd be crazy not to like you," Nancy said softly.
"She'd definitely be crazy to like me," Eddie said cheerfully as Mayhem paced with Nancy, darting between her legs.
"Eddie," she scolded.
"Our wife is so sexy when she's annoyed with me," Eddie sighed happily.
"Ten years, and you still say it like you did the first time," Steve said and kissed him.
Nancy smiled and watched her husbands kiss for a moment before the ringing doorbell caused her to jump. She opened the door, only to find a ten year old girl with wild honey blonde curls and twinkling blue eyes.
"Marie," Nancy sighed.
"Bet you thought it was Lily with your kid," she said cheerfully.
"Why do you have to be a menace like your cousin?" Nancy asked.
"Genetics, Nance," she grinned before moving inside. "Besides, I'm excited too."
Marie ran over to Eddie and curled up into his side, flashing her dimples up at him. The door rang again, and Nancy opened it to find Lily on her doorstep with a four - or five year old little girl. She had wide brown eyes, freckles on the bridge of her nose, and she was carrying a stuffed rabbit.
"This is Barbara," Lily said gently. "Do you want to say hi to Mrs. Wheeler, Barbara?"
"Hi," Barbara said softly.
Nancy smiled, blinking away the tears that came unexpectedly to her eyes. Barbara. Her name was Barbara.
"Come on in," Nancy said. "Do you want something to drink? We've got tea, lemonade, milk, and chocolate milk."
"Can I have tea, pretty please?" Barbara asked.
"Sure thing," Nancy said. "By the way, these are my husbands, Eddie Munson and Steve Harrington."
"You have two?" Barbara asked. "Is that allowed?"
"Only if it's legal. It's not, but I love them, and nothing is going to tell me not to," Nancy said.
"That's cool," she said.
Nancy smiled and went to grab her drink. When she came back, Barbara was sitting on the couch and laughing at Eddie.
"Do you work, Mrs. Wheeler?" Barbara asked.
"I'm an investigative reporter," she replied.
"Does that mean you are like Nancy Drew?" She asked.
"Yeah, you could say that," Nancy said in amusement.
"I LOVE Nancy Drew," she said in awe as she kicked her feet excitedly.
"We're huge fans as well," Eddie grinned.
"What else do you like, Miss Barbara?" Steve asked.
"I don't like the name Barbara, but I don't really like the name Barbie either," she frowned.
"You know, I had this friend named Barbara. She didn't like her name either. She preferred to be called Barb," Nancy said.
"Is she gone like my parents?" She asked.
"Yeah," Nancy replied softly.
"Oh. . . Can I be called Barb?" She asked.
"Yeah, she definitely would have loved it," Nancy grinned.
Barb smiled brightly as she hugged her rabbit.
"Mr. Munson, did you know I'm Herspanic?" Barb asked.
"Do you mean Hispanic?" Eddie asked.
"Well, if there can be a Hispanic, then why can't there be a Herspanic?" She asked.
"I think she might be onto something, Mr. Munson," Steve laughed.
As Nancy sat down with her husbands to get to know Barb, she knew without a doubt that this little girl was theirs. She had a career, an unconventional but wonderful marriage, a vampire cat, and now there was the possibility of adding a child to their already great family. After everything they've been through, she'd never thought she would get here. For a moment, she could feel her friend's hand on her shoulder.
"It's okay, Nance, this is you. Whatever you chose, it's you."
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pastel--pasta · 2 years
the people that are mad about the people that are mad about the queerbait in stranger things 4 simply do not know what queerbait is. it is not about a ship not becoming canon, it is about how queer suffering was used to drive together a straight ship and the destruction of hope for a character that the duffle bags won't even let come out, despite the fact that other characters are allowed to call him slurs or point out that he is different.
this season was about forced conformity, and forced conformity won. eddie, a town pariah for liking alternative things and was coded as queer, even if it might have been unintentional, died while trying to be a hero like his friends, and continued to be seen as evil and inhumane in death. he stuck out and then paid the price, proving that people should conform.
(i could also say that conformity was a double-edged sword in his case, because the moment he decided to conform, wanting to be like his friends who i'm going to assume he viewed as brave, it was what got him killed. there is a fine line between bravery and stupidity, and he played a stupid game and won a stupid prize. damned if you do, damned if you don't).
then, will is consistently trampled on this season. you watch in hopes that maybe he will receive a happy ending, which doesn't have to be byler becoming canon. but no, he continues to suffer to make the others happy, forcing himself to conform to the mold, encouraging his friend by using eleven as a way to pour his heart out to mike. it is then thrown in his face that he will never matter as much as eleven does to mike. mike tells him hawkins won't be the same without him, but doesn't send any letters and joins a new d&d group. not to mention, he tells eleven that his life started on the day he saw her, which happened to be the exact day that will went missing, and could have potentially been killed. there was also a perfect opportunity to come out to jonathan, considering they have been making it obvious jonathan knows something is up, but they don't act on it. it could have been a highlight for will's storyline this season, a silverlining. but nope, he simply self-harms in the form of pushing mike and el together, probably thinking he is some kind of freak that doesn't deserve to be happy. forced conformity is killing him too, even if it might not be in the literal sense like it was for eddie.
i don't know if this was incoherent but yeah.
and before anyone says anything about robin, her potential relationship with vickie was obviously given at the end of the season to try to smoothe over the atrocities they had committed this season. they've done more, do not get me wrong, this was just focused on that.
edit: i forgot to mention this before, but there is additional salt in the wound that they waited the day after pride to release volume two. there was most likely a reason for that, with that reason being they were going to follow a plotline that is harmful to queer audiences, especially younger queer audiences.
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findafight · 1 year
If Steve MUST finish the series with a love interest/dating someone, I think they should introduce a new character for it, and they should be Vickie's super weird mindmeld bestie.
So Robin and Vickie start dating. Steve and Vickie's best friend are like hell yeah high five good game buddy *Gatorade cooler dump on each other* after successfully matchmaking like they won the fuckin Superbowl in the apocalypse.
Vickie says she's so glad Robin and Steve are just as close as if not closer than her and [best friend] because they get it, her last boyfriend thought they were freaky weirdos for some of the stuff they do, but Robin and Steve do the same! It's great! And Robin is like "omg yes I was so worried you'd be freaked out because everyone else thinks we're so weird! Like, sorry, people, you don't have a best friend like us!"
Anyways this leads to Vickie's best friend and Steve spending more time together just from sheer "our possibly codependent platonic soulmates are dating each other but we are also here" and because they are two pairs mindmeld besties these end up being what are essentially double dates that no one thinks are weird because, again, super mega platonic soulmate mind meld bestieisms. And that's how Steve and Vickie's best friend can accidentally date.
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bluebear-d · 2 years
Five act structure: reason to hope
I don't usually make posts on Tumblr, but i think after st4 maybe i should.
I agree with a lot of criticism for s4 and share everyone's pain. Hope all of you are well or at least getting there.
But here's something I've been thinking, so read on if you want to get another perspective or a little bit of hope in the magic of storytelling.
If the Duffers knew for awhile that they would have 5 seasons, they might have planned s4-5 together, a two-parter of sorts. So the reason s4 feels incomplete is because it is! And the reason it doesn't offer all the things the marketing implied is because those were meant for s5.
I think the Duffers are playing the long game using the 5 act structure. You can read about it on the internet, for example here is a good general article which i'm gonna quote a little.
I want to talk specifically about the final suspense, which is an important narrative tool occurring in act 4.
In 5 act structure, the forth act is where everything that can go wrong, does. It's the darkest before the dawn part, the part where we, along with the characters, lose all hope for things to end well.
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It's like Sam's speech in The two towers: "how could the end be happy. How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad happened. But in the end, it’s only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer."
I think there's reason to assume this is the structure the Duffers are planning.
First of all, the show is 5 seasons long. What better way to structure it than with five acts?
Secondly, other seasons seem to fall neatly into this structure.
For example, s3:
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If we go by this structure and try to imagine what s5 might look like, it also fits perfectly:
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Sound familiar? After the brutal and incomplete s4?
So if we assume Stranger Things is supposed to have this structure (which i think is reasonable and highly probable), then s4 is exactly the season where everything is so wrong it seems to never be right again.
But a new dawn is just around the corner.
A new hope if you will.
So take heart.
p.s. I know we've waited three years for this and didn't get much of anything resolved. I know we're all having trust issues right now irt the Duffers' plan and writing, but i'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. We've loved this show for so long, it gave us a lot, we put so much passion, effort, skill and love into it that i think it's not entirely fair to anyone to just abandon all hope and judge an unfinished show.
We're all hurt and frustrated right now, and afraid to be hurt again in two years. But hope is hardly a bad thing. Remember: the story is not over yet, and some wonderful storytelling just might be still happening.
p.p.s. With byler and Robin x Vicky and Will's potential coming out it's also possible that it's just not allowed to make any of that explicit until well into s5. It can be part of the deal with netflix or something, for fear that anything more than "up to interpretation" will cost the platform a chunk of its viewership.
It's a sad possiblity to consider, but I'm speaking from experiences with other shows and fandoms.
Just as an example: the creators of Steven Universe faught tooth and nail for a lesbian wedding and a kiss on screen, WON THIS, but immediately got cancelled and faught some more for additional several episodes to conclude the series.
Obviously, they aren't the same shows, I'm not saying it's the same situation.
But stuff like this still happens, unfortunately.
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outsideratheart · 2 years
90 with deyna castellanos
90 - “If I ask you to kiss me in front of all these people, will you do it?”
It was Deyna’s last game with Alteti. The team had won and everyone was celebrating, a mixture of having a successful season and a goodbye to few of the players.
“You should go with her” Carmen says as you watch Deyna meet the fans one last time.
“I can’t, Madrid is my home” you hate to admit it but you could never leave Madrid even if it meant being with the woman you love.
“It will be hard at first but you guys will survive it. Look at me and Lola, we were ok”
“We let Lyon borrow Lola and they sent her back” you say causing the both of you to laugh “this is different, she signed a 4 year deal”
Carmen can tell by the sadness in your voice that nothing she says will be make you feel better.
A couple of minutes later you join Deyna walking around the pitch. A bitter sweet feeling settles in your gut as you realise this will be the last time you are in the stadium as team mates.
“I’m really going to miss you Y/N” Deyna says whilst making an effort not to make eye contact.
“I’m scared”
Again another admission, one that you haven’t heard before.
“Why are you scared? Manchester City are a good team. You will have Laia and you know Leila, I’m sure Vicky will help you settle in”
“I’m not scared of what will happen in Manchester. I’m scared about what will happen in Madrid once I leave” now she turns your way and you see the uncertainty in her eyes.
“Where is this coming from?”
You make a move to grab Deyna’s hand but she pulls away. This doesn’t sit well with you because she only did this when she was mad at you.
“Did I do something wrong?” Your brows furrowed in confusion.
“Look around. Listen to how many people are screaming your name. I see the way the fans flirt with you, it’s the same when we go out, girls throw themselves at you”
You know that Deyna gets jealous of the attention you get. Not in a bad way, more in a she is my girlfriend back off, kind of way.
“What if you forget about me?”
You can see Deyna’s insecurities all over her face.
“Deyna Castellanos. You are many things, funny, caring, beautiful, to list of a few. Forgettable is not one of them”
“But what about-“
“You’re the only woman I’ll ever want. That won’t change when you’re 830 miles away, if anything It will make me want you more. What can I do to prove it to you?”
“If I ask you to kiss me in front of all these people, will you do it?” Deyna blurts out.
Her question catches you of guard.
“That depends, are you asking?” Your playful tone gives her the answer.
She slowly nods her head and you can just make out the flushness in her cheeks.
One step is all it takes to close the distance between the two of you. The kiss is sweet and soft, it doesn’t need to be passionate for Deyna to receive the message that she is all you need.
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hilarychuff · 2 years
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miss congeniality in my stranger things au graphic series
Over the years, Robin has worked stupidly hard to get as far as she has in the FBI. Her skills as a codebreaker were carefully honed, her fluency in now five different languages was hard-won, and it was no easy feat learning how to wrestle her stubbornly uncoordinated body into fighting shape so that she could throw a punch as good as the rest of the recruits. So when she botches the Russian op and finds herself yanked out of the field and plopped squarely on Assistant Director Hopper’s shit list, she’s desperate to make things right — not least of all because Steve has been put on the Miss United States case. Without her.
Everyone at the office knows that Robin and Steve are a matched set. They’re partners. They do everything together. So when Hopper explicitly bans her from the task force, well, she and Steve both know they’ll find a way around it. It’s a fascinating case, after all. Domestic terrorist threats. A big flashy pageant. And, of course, approximately 50 drop-dead gorgeous beauty queens to go with it. So when Robin comes up with the idea to send an undercover in as one of the contestants, she’s almost certain it’ll be enough to get her back in her boss’s good graces. Only, the thing is, she didn’t anticipate that she’d somehow be the sole eligible agent.
There’s really just… no universe in which Robin can pull this off, no matter how convinced Steve is that she’s the right person (the only person available with the right gender) for the job. He really thinks she can do it, and maybe she should give that more weight considering he’s the sole reason she passed her field test in the first place, but the idea of Robin as a graceful, gracious pageant queen who has the perfect, pretty words for all manner of intrusive interview questions is — well, it’s laughable. Robin literally laughed out loud when Steve first suggested it.
But now she’s here, all waxed and plucked and polished and wrapped in some pastel monstrosity of a skirt suit being shepherded onto a bus by pageant director Martin Brenner, and Robin finds that it’s not all bad when sweet little Miss Indiana sits down next to her. It doesn’t take long, however, for Steve to reveal that the very same Chrissy Cunningham — Chrissy “All You Need Is A Light Jacket” Fucking Cunningham — is their best suspect. And he’s insisting that Robin question her.
So Robin takes Chrissy and the other girls out. Robin gets Chrissy and the other girls drunk. And Robin asks Chrissy if she’s ever committed a crime — and is met with Miss Indiana’s enormous eyes, shining and sad, as Chrissy admits in the guiltiest of voices to stealing a pair of red underwear from the mall that her mother called satan’s panties. (And, for the record, Robin had not found that any more adorable or insanely sexy than was strictly professional given their circumstances, because Robin is good at her job. But god.)
It’s just — it’s not her. There’s literally no chance that sweet little Miss Indiana is the same person threatening to blow up the Miss United States pageant and the women in it. And Hopper finally gives in and agrees when he announces that the Citizen has been caught, the threat negated, and that it’s time for Robin to drop out of the pageant. But Robin doesn’t think that’s right, either. She has a bad feeling that it’s not over yet. But sticking it out might mean she does it alone. Alone alone, without even Steve by her side. And it might mean that when her work at the pageant is done, she doesn’t have any other work to go back to.
ft. robin as gracie hart, chrissy as cheryl frasier/miss rhode island, steve as eric matthews, hopper as assistant director mcdonald, brenner as kathy morningside, henry creel as frank tobin, murray as victor melling, owens as stan fields, nancy as mary jo wright/miss texas, tammy as leslie davis/miss california, carol as alana krewson/miss hawaii, vickie as karen krantz/miss new york
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lonesome-witching · 7 months
Double Date
@rabbitofdeath-atcastleaarrggh requested this sequel to Double Date Plans. Although I feel like you can read this as a stand alone. This one has ronance and Chrissy/Vickie going on a double date.
You can read my old prompts or send me new ones.
The diner was nearly deserted. It nearly always was. Except for a few stray travelers and the occasional teenager, no one frequented the diner. Yet among Robin and her friends it was the place to get together. The band kids had been coming there for eons. It had been the perfect place for the double date.
Which was exactly why the four girls were sitting around a sticky table together, waiting for drinks. Robin was softly tapping her fingers on the tabletop as Vickie shared a story of Robin getting stuck in her marching uniform and tumbling to the floor, still holding her trumpet.
Nancy giggled, a fond expression hiding in her eyes.
“It’s not funny, I had bruises all over my arms,” Robin whined, but there was a soft smile on her face when Nancy turned her face to look at her.
“So, you guys have been friends for a while?” Chrissy asked, leaning forward, her elbows positioned dangerously on the table. Robin worried the table was going to flip over.
“Yeah, ever since we started band, right?” she responded, looking at Vickie for some confirmation.
“Yeah, pretty much. We knew each other before then, but we became friends because of band.”
“Well, Robin, do you have any embarrassing stories of my girlfriend?” Chrissy was whispering mischievously, although she was probably trying to hide her comment from eavesdroppers just as much.
“Oh, tons.”
“Do share!”
“Robin, no!” Vickie shrieked, probably a little too loud.
“Oh? I think I should share. You’ve shared one of mine, right in front of the person I’m in dire need to impress.”
“Shut up,” Nancy laughed, “you don’t need to impress me. You’ve already won me over.”
Before Robin could get started with her plethora of embarrassing stories, a male voice disturbed them. “Robin? What a coincidence?” 
“Steve? What are you doing here? I thought you had to work tonight?”
Chrissy shuffled into the corner of the booth, away from her girlfriend, but Vickie simply grabbed her hand and smiled at her fondly.
“Yeah, my shift ended like half an hour ago. I was gonna grab some dinner and I was craving some greasy burgers.” He was already in the process of grabbing a chair from the table behind him and joining the girls. “You don’t mind if I join you guys, right?”
There wasn’t a clear answer coming from the girls, which Steve assumed was an okay. He immediately set in on a story about Keith and how he kept asking Steve for Nancy’s number, to which Nancy scrunched up her nose.
The waitress, an older looking woman with curly grey hair and a face full of wrinkles but a kind smile, walked over to them with their drinks. She placed the glasses of coke in front of the girls and quickly sent a glare in Steve’s direction.
“Is everything alright here, ladies?” she asked.
“Yeah, we’re doing great. Can I get one of those as well?” Steve pointed at one of the glasses.
“Are you a lady as well?” The waitress put her hands on her hips.
Robin, who had just proceeded to take a snip, snorted at the comment, the coke coming out of her nose. Nancy was hiding her own smile as she helped Robin clean up the spilled drink.
Steve coughed. “No, I’m not. Sorry.”
“Is he with you?”
“Yeah, he sort of is,” Robin replied quickly.
“Alright then, let me know if you need anything else.”
“Do you think she’ll get me a coke or not?” Steve asked, dumbfounded.
The girls started laughing.
Steve had left with a bag filled with burgers and fries. The girls had stayed, talking about their past and their future. The waitress came over with two milkshakes and an apologetic look on her face.
“I’m afraid this was all we still had,” she stated as she placed the drinks on the table. Each of the milkshakes had two straws and Robin could swear she saw the woman grin as she walked away.
But she decided not to care as she watched Nancy’s lips wrap around one of the straws. Their eyes locked and the other two girls were momentarily forgotten. Robin thought she’d thank the waitress sometime.
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redwineconversation · 25 days
Olympique Lyonnais Behind the Scenes (Episode 6)
Kind of like last month's segment, I didn't want to do this one either because of how annoying fucking stans are. They genuinely make me want to not translate / transcribe things because they have an inability to just take a step back and act like a normal human being / football fan. However, I also want [normal?] people to get to a point where they can understand this team the way I do, so it leads us to this: me screaming into the void at how much I hate stans overstepping boundaries while I translate a genuine cause of sleep paralysis.
Again, I feel this would be simpler if OLPlay would let one screen record and my technology skills were better, but here we are. Can't have everything in life.
Blah blah standard disclaimers apply; @OL Comms Dept either chip in for Starbucks or a bottle of wine, I'm cool with either option; banning stans from stadiums would make the sport a better place; what won't I do to put off vacuuming? Apparently not much; y'all know the speech by now.
Come for Cascarino being unable to hide her Lyon DNA, stay for Becho's admiration of the likable red team. Love a team who literally recoils in horror at the thought of being seen as human. It's not that Lyon creates monsters, they honestly don't. The players were already monsters before they signed for Lyon, the only thing Lyon did was take the muzzle off.
Danielle van de Donk: We had a draw against Slavia Prague at home as well. It was a bit frustrating, it was just not nice for us because we wanted to get into a nice flow.
Vicki Becho: It's not the kind of performance we want to do, it's not the kind of result we want. So it was disappointing for us, for our fans. It's the type of performance we have to keep in mind to tell ourselves there are still lots of things to work on, and that we have to do much more.
Delphine Cascarino: After the draw against Slavia Prague, we wanted to do much better, and then we played against Reims. There was good content in the game.
Becho: I was really happy for Euge[nie Le Sommer] because she was going through a complicated period and that she scored, I was really, really happy for her. I remember Eugenie's brace because I provided the assist on one of her goals. Having playing time again, getting some minutes under my belt, it was the best of things. And in that game, when I provided the assist, I'm happy. That's what I take away from it. Beyond that, I told myself that I can do much better and those are just the kind of performances I should keep in mind to do even more.
van de Donk: Eugenie [Le Sommer] scored her 300th goal, so that was amazing for her. And I saw the people in the stands with the little paper going up. Everyone on the bench was asking what that was for, I think it was Laura [Benkarth] and I explained to her that she [Le Sommer] had 300 goals for Lyon, which is just amazing. It's great, they're so much more up to date than I am. They're actually very helpful.
Cascarino: Obviously - obviously we were happy for Eugenie [Le Sommer] because she deserves that status of top scorer for Olympique Lyonnais. And yeah, I hope she will score many more. It's quite frankly exceptional for her and the club. It shows that she's really a club legend.
Cascarino: There was a good context within the game. However we conceded a goal, so that was - that was a negative.
Cascarino: Conceding a goal is never easy, be it for the goalkeeper or even for the forwards. We owe it to ourselves at Olympique Lyonnais to not concede any goals.
Becho: We won, but it remains super frustrating because we've been conceding quite a lot lately. At the beginning of the season we weren't conceding at all. Lately we've been conceding more. We need to do better. We know our previous performances haven't been that good, we need to do better in terms of defense, and offensively we need to do much better.
Becho: At the end of the game, when I saw Eugenie, I said to her "Another one? Another record? How am I supposed to catch up to you?" [Becho laughs. I don't] No, I really like to tease Eugenie. I'm really happy for her. She leaves such a big imprint at Lyon and even in French women's football, and global women's football. And I know that for many girls, she's a role model.
van de Donk: After the game, in the locker room, we celebrated of course with the song and everything. We did a little bit extra for Eugenie [Le Sommer], of course, because it's just amazing to achieve that.
Cascarino: So there was the possibility between Benfica, Ajax and Hacken. We landed on Benfica, who is a really good team. So yeah, we know it won't be easy. They drew 4-4 against Barcelona. So we're expecting a really good opponent.
Becho: They can cause problems for us, so we will need to avoid falling into their trap. We'll need to play really good football to get past them. I would have liked to have played against Ajax, I see what they're doing this season and honestly it's incredible. They manage to sell out their stadium, they're doing a lot of things. So they're a really good team that I wanted to play against. In any case, to win this competition we have to beat the best.
van de Donk: I do think Benfica is like very tricky, they're all very technical players. I feel it's just like the Portuguese team. As we experienced it lately with the Netherlands, they're quite hard. But yeah, I'm just very excited. I mean, they're kind of my style of football so I love to see them play, now I have to play against them. They want to keep possession all the time, they have all the skills. It's just going to be frustrating, but we're just not going to have to bite, you know. And then get them when they're the most - I don't know how you say it - when they're the most vulnerable?
van de Donk: The thing is, when you build it from the back, that's kind of my quality, coming out with the press[ing]. I know when to go, so when people do it, it's fine for me. But I do think that Lyon has a good press. It's kind of our game.
Cascarino: Honestly, it was positive than it ended - that it became official, but unofficially we knew that the club had been sold to Michele Kang, so it was just formalities that needed to be sorted out. Now it's done and we can move forward with peace of mind.
Becho: We talked about it a lot. We heard a lot of people talking about it as well. But as long as it wasn't done, we couldn't look ahead as much as we can now. And now we have peace of mind. We know there is someone there for us, we know there is someone who wants us to have the best possible conditions. We know our future is set, so there aren't any worries in that regard. We're very happy on our side.
Becho: She hadn't even officially taken over her role and she was already doing a lot for us. We saw the number of staff members increase. A lot of things changed. For the better, but with the caveat President Aulas had already done an enormous amount for us. Knowing there will be this person going forward, it was reassuring for us.
Cascarino: Since Michele Kang's arrival, there has been a lot of positive changes. There's almost as many staff members as there are players. So it shows we're becoming even more professional. We're getting even closer to what is done for the men's teams. So it's really positive for Olympique Lyonnais. In every area, whether it's nutrition, fitness preparation, psychology, mental health, in every area, if there's any doubt then we have someone we can ask questions to. It really helps us to reach the highest level.
van de Donk: We were kept up to date with how the process was going with Michele [Kang] buying our side, of course. Because as soon as she stepped foot in our changing room, when I met her, I was blown away by her. I think she's amazing. She's going to do very, very good stuff for women's football. So yeah, I'm a big fan, not going to lie. When I heard it was done, it was just a nice feeling. I think we're in good hands.
van de Donk: She's so involved with the women's side. She was already making so many changes for us. You can tell that she wants things to be better and bigger, which is really nice for the next steps of professionalism in women's football. When it was all done, because everything in France takes a while I think, I think it was very good. I was very happy.
Becho: You're not allowed to lose a Lyon - PSG game. You're not allowed to lose. Those are the types of games we like to play, those are the types of games we want to play.
Cascarino: We know that PSG knows us by heart, we know them by heart. So it really comes down to tactics to win the game. We worked really hard in preparation for PSG. We worked really, really hard on tactics that week.
van de Donk: Every time we play against PSG, it's just - it's wild. I think everyone goes into a different mindset. I think everyone is just a little bit more focused because the rivalry, it's just amazing. It's just a different kind of level, everyone just really wanted to beat them.
van de Donk: Before the big games, we do a lot of tactical training during training sessions [news to anyone who has watched Bompastor coach recently]. It's not necessarily my favorite part of training sessions, but I like all the small stuff, all the small games, the technical stuff. But I do think we need all the tactical stuff. But it was good. You can taste what kind of game you're going to play or something. It's hard to describe how it is if you're not a player yourself. But normally you have a whole week to prepare. So the beginning of the week it's a bit more chill, a bit more jokey, we can have a bit more of a laugh during training. But before PSG it's just not like that, everyone is focused, "we need to get this and go."
Cascarino: It was a pretty close game, pretty difficult.
Becho: We started the game off well. We started really strong, we managed to press pretty high, we're in their half. We had chances.
Becho: As time went by our level dropped, we weren't pressing as much, there was a slower reaction time. We weren't unified. We were a little - how to say this - we were late in the press, and it could be felt. The team opposite us starts to gain the upper hand over us.
van de Donk: Obviously they have a good team, super fast wingers. On the midfield, I feel they just overload us. The attackers are dropping into the midfield so we're having to play four or five against three. It's going to get complicated if we don't do the defending very well.
Cascarino: It was pretty frustrating to see that we weren't able to do it.
van de Donk: They had one long ball on Chawinga. It's complicated because she's just super fast. It was outside of the foot, I remember. So it was actually a very good goal, but it's just hard. Don't allow them anything and you give one long ball away and it's goal.
Becho: For the whole game we didn't give them any opportunities, and that's - that's the top level. If we let them have one opportunity, we'll pay for it. We told ourselves that we had done everything not to concede that goal, but yeah. We conceded. So now we have to switch on.
van de Donk: No, losing is just not an option for us. There's certain players on the team who make sure we're not losing. They keep the standards very high and whenever we need to be picked up, they will pick us up. I think it was kind of an equal game, like both parties were in the "gray, but not bad". It was just a bit of a weird phase in the game. Luckily, when Delph[ine Cascarino] came in, she changed the game so, so much.
Cascarino: I felt that the team needed help in that moment and was losing 1-0, so you have to take risks. You really can't hesitate to go into a challenge, and press for a goal.
Becho: I think it's harder to come on when the team is behind, because you don't have the same way to react. When you're losing, you want to do everything quickly, you want to score, you want to equalize. When I came on, I said to myself it will come from us, the substitutes. The game was at a bit of a stalemate. You have to bring something extra to the team. They have to feel like we are there for them, that they can count on us, that we're a relief.
Cascarino: It wasn't easy to come into the game, especially a game like that with so much intensity. But I owed it to myself to give it my best for the team.
Becho: Delphine [Cascarino], when she comes on, we know what she is capable of. The opponent knows it too. But I don't think they were expecting her to do it so quickly and at that moment. Delphine got the ball and she did what she had to do, what she knows to do.
Cascarino: Well in that moment I felt there weren't really any solutions because they were defending well, really, really well. They're playing one-on-ones. I could feel when I got the ball PSG as hesitating. So I took advantage of it and faked passing in order to dribble past some players. Then I put in a strong cross. I said to myself "it doesn't matter, Ada [Hegerberg] is a little behind." But I put weight on it anyway. And she managed to get the defender off balance enough to put the ball at the back of the net.
Cascarino: At that moment we - you're not thinking. You're acting on instinct. I saw there was a small amount of space. I scampered into it and it paid off. Sometimes it doesn't work, it depends. It depends on the situation. It depends on a lot of things.
van de Donk: Delph[ine Cascarino] did this trick with her leg, it was crazy. She runs with the ball. She's super fast, first of all. It's hard to keep up with her. And then she does stuff with her leg in the air, and she keeps going and goes past you. It's just done.
Cascarino: It made me happy in the moment to have been at the origin, if we can call it that, of the equalizing goal. But I was still disappointed with the final result because we didn't win the game.
Becho: We weren't able to put forth the style of play that we wanted, but we didn't lose and that's what we should take away from it.
van de Donk: I had no idea where Montauban was, it was a bit of a shock. It was quite far as well. But it was a cool game to be fair, I think they had a good crowd going on.
Becho: The away trip to Montauban, it reminded me a little of the away trips when I was young. You could tell the crowd was family-leaning.
Cascarino: Montbaunan was playing the game of their lives. It was good, the crowd was really pushing them to play well, so it was nice, we like those sorts of games.
van de Donk: Games like that, they always start off a bit weird because the pitch is not as good, the opponent is fired up because they're fired up because they're playing against Lyon. They always go the extra mile, I would say, a bit harder in tackles and everything.
Cascarino: We gave ourselves a fright at the start. Unfortunately I gave away a penalty. I think it was the first time in my career.
Cascarino: Maybe subconsciously there was a little bit of carelessness. Maybe a bit of tiredness as well. The month of February is never easy physically. So maybe that's why there was a bit of a drop-off.
van de Donk: I think we're just very patient as a team. Instead of killing them straight away, I think we're like "get into the game first, play our game, and then the goals will come". In the end that was true, but the second half was more easy.
Becho: It was nice but in that moment, I wasn't thinking that- I was frustrated. Like I said, we've been conceding more goals lately, and it's something that I really hate. We are Lyon, and we - I want no team to think they can beat us or even think to themselves that we tossed them a bone or that they got something from us. No. We can't let them have anything. So I was frustrated to have conceded that goal.
van de Donk: Yeah, everything is a bit harder, it's a bit always - when you start the game, then after five minutes you know what kind of game it's going to be or how they are exactly. But that's why they are a bit more hard. I think it's a bit more difficult but very exciting always.
Becho: In the end, when you could see even the substitutes, Eugenie [Le Sommer] come on, Ada [Hegerberg] come on. We know we're a team where you can count on everybody.
Cascarino: Yes, the second half was much better and the goals kept coming.
Becho: After that, we were really happy to see Alyssia [Paljevic - former Lyon academy goalkeeper, best known for being the same height as Selma Bacha], who used to play with us. We were happy as well because we qualified for the semifinal.
van de Donk: Before the game I saw Alyssia, our little goalie from last year. I think she's amazing, she's such a good kid. So it was really nice to see her but I could tell in her eyes that she was a little bit down. I figured it's because she didn't start the game. But for her it was really nice, she came on so she could play against her old club. She's just amazing, I love her.
Becho: We're leaving for the international break.
Cascarino: First of all I really happy to be called up by the head coach. It was really nice for me to go back to the French National Team and play in my city [Lyon] as well. So it's really a pleasure for me to play in the Groupama Stadium. And yeah, we were really happy to have won.
Becho: In the final, we were playing against Spain. They were playing at home. We know that in that moment we have an entire stadium against us. But it's okay, we tell ourselves it's a final, it's the League of Nations. We have to win it. They were better than us, we're not going to hide it. They had a better game plan than us, we tried to play with what we had.
Cascaarino: They played really well tactically. They really moved the ball around, they really lulled us. And yeah, we know it, it's the style of play that they have and it worked. Unfortunately for us we weren't able to impose our style of play and, yeah. I came on as a substitute. It was complicated to come on in that type of game, especially when we were down 2-0. We weren't able to get any goals back.
Cascarino: Now we are ready for the month of March and we hope we will win everything in the month.
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steddilly · 1 year
I refuse to read fics where Steve did actually say yes to substitute for Lucas in the DnD game for two reasons, 1) Steve was the only one who showed up to Lucas’ basketball game, and 2) making Steve say yes means that Dustin wouldn’t have asked Erica to play and that’s honestly a crime.
Lucas wanted to branch out and try something new and none of the party probably supported him for wanting to give sports a go. Dustin and Mike should have went to his game, it’s no wonder Lucas felt alienated and wanted to hang out with the jocks more than the party. Robin was there for band and for Vicky, Steve actually brought a date with him and he was so proud of Lucas scoring the last points that won them the game.
Now listen, I want to read about Steve playing DnD as much as everyone else, but changing that part of the show robs Erica of a DnD session and Lucas of support. Obviously those are just my feelings, it just makes me a little sad to see.
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khaleesiofalicante · 6 months
Dani omg yes, I can't wait for the Brazilian GP! I've read that's it's one of the best tracks and there's so much history because of Senna (yes I saw a documentary about Senna on Netflix) and it's also sort of a home race for Lewis so it will be super interesting. I obviously haven't seen one before, but most drivers seem to really like Interlagos so let's see. Also this F1 page on Insta said that there's a thing since 2017 that however wins pole in Hungary wins the Brazilian GP and I immediately went to make sure who won and it was Lewis! So, that will very exciting to watch, unless Max ruins this superstition too. Honestly this guy, he is ruining everything🙄 (Just a joke please Max fans don't come at me I'm actually kinda fond of him-but Lewis for the win). Horner still pisses me off though. And you know what's funny? I remember a certain question somebody asked Horner at the beginning of this season, about who is the thing he fears for the most the car, Ferrari, or Lewis Hamilton and he went "Fernando Alonso". And now his second driver is in danger of losing second place in the drivers championship to Lewis. Alexa, play Karma by Taylor Swift
This also reminded about the Lewis/Charles disqualification last weekend which I still haven't recovered from. FIA, if two out of four drivers ain't making the cut, CHECK THE OTHER DRIVERS TOO! Seriously, they are just doing it to piss us off at this point.
Sorry about the rant, you caught me in a F1/Lewis day (which is most of the days to be honest).
PS: Every time the race begins I have this little habit of writing "44" above the tattoo I have on my wrist like a good luck charm. I swear I am not a superstitious person, Lewis just brings it out of me I guess 😅 Let's hope qualifying and the race will be awesome!
PPS: I hope the driver of the car gets sprayed with water too, I hate it when that happens, watch the way you're driving buddy, you're not the only one on the road
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I will ignore every single thing about Redbull, Verstappen (i can't call him Max lol), Horner and everyone there. I shall stay away from them for my own peace!
Also, YES! CHARLES AND LEWIS WERE SO SEXY FOR THAT. FUCK THE FIA INDEED. They should've made another joint post after hehe.
Also, if you haven't watched it already, PLEASE watch the sao polo gp weekend from 2021 because THAT WAS EVERYTHING. Like every Lewis stan should watch it because it was soooo rewarding.
I have high hopes for this weekend and i so goddamn nervous I CAN'T WAIT, VICKY. SEND HELP. Let's see how quali goes today 👀
PS - Your little good luck superstition is cuteeee.
PPS - Also, did you know that this week is the 44th week of the year jfdknvjkd COINCIDENCE? I THINK NOT.
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Elections officials are counting primary ballots in Arizona, Kansas, Michigan, Missouri and Washington on Tuesday in a series of races that will set the stage for some of November's most competitive gubernatorial and Senate contests.
Kansas voters chose to protect abortion rights in their state. The political comeback of a former Missouri Governor was shut down. And the matchup in what will be one of the key gubernatorial races this fall was set.
Here are takeaways from the early results:
Kansas voters sent a dramatic message on Tuesday, opting to maintain the right to an abortion in their state's constitution just weeks after the US Supreme Court decided to overturn Roe v. Wade.
Polls have long shown that voters overwhelmingly support protecting abortions rights. But the win for the "no" vote in Kansas is proof of that and signals that the Supreme Court decision has further angered voters and possibly shifted the politics of the issue ahead of the November elections.
The "no" leaves the state constitution unchanged. While lawmakers in the state can still try to pass restrictive abortion laws, courts in Kansas have recognized a right to abortion under the state constitution.
The biggest warning to Republicans, many of whom have trumpeted the overturning of Roe and backed pushes to pass stricter abortions laws, is perhaps the turnout in Kansas. With 78% of the vote in on Tuesday night, nearly 700,000 people have cast ballots in the primary, a figure that already dwarfs the turnout in the 2020 presidential primary election.
"This is further proof of what poll after poll has told us: Americans support abortion rights," said Christina Reynolds, a top operative for Emily's List, an organization that looks to elect women who support abortion rights. "They believe we should be able to make our own health care decisions, and they will vote accordingly, even in the face of misleading campaigns."
Republicans in Missouri breathed a sigh of relief after state Attorney General Eric Schmitt won the wide-open Senate primary, according to a CNN projection.
Perhaps more significant than who won, though, in the deep-red state, is who lost: disgraced former-Gov. Eric Greitens, who was attempting a political comeback. Greitens resigned in 2018 amid a sex scandal and accusation of campaign misconduct, and subsequently faced abuse allegations from his ex-wife, which he has denied
Schmitt, the Attorney General, emerged from a crowded field that included two members of Congress, Reps. Vicky Hartzler and Billy Long.
Former-President Donald Trump stayed out of the race, issuing a tongue-in-cheek statement supporting "Eric" on the eve of the primary -- leaving it up to voters' interpretation whether that meant Schmitt or Greitens.
Rep. Peter Meijer became the second of the 10 Republicans who voted to impeach former-President Donald Trump to be ousted in a primary Tuesday, losing to Trump-endorsed conservative challenger John Gibbs, CNN projected.
Democrats played a role in boosting Gibbs -- a calculated decision that has become a flashpoint, angering some Democrats and anti-Trump Republicans.
Meijer, a freshman, voted to impeach Trump just days after taking office, after the insurrection of January 6, 2021. Gibbs, meanwhile, backed Trump's lies about widespread fraud in the 2020 election.
Meijer's loss means the Grand Rapids-based 3rd District seat will be one of the most competitive House contests in November's midterm elections.
The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, eyeing the seat as a possible pick-up opportunity, spent more than $300,000 on television ads seeking to bolster Gibbs with pro-Trump GOP primary voters by portraying him as a Trump-aligned conservative.
In Washington, two more Republicans who voted to impeach Trump, Reps. Jaime Herrera Beutler and Dan Newhouse, were attempting to survive their own primaries. The state's open, non-partisan primary system in which the top two finishers regardless of party advance to November's general election made them more difficult targets for Trump and his supporters.
Arizona's race for the Republican nomination for governor could depend on whether former-President Donald Trump's supporters turned out in force on election day in a state that conducts its contests largely by mail.
Karrin Taylor Robson, a former member of the Arizona Board of Regents who is backed by former-Vice President Mike Pence and outgoing Gov. Doug Ducey, led former television journalist Kari Lake, a Trump-endorsed election denier, in the early returns Wednesday morning.
But the early results were largely mail-in ballots. Votes cast on election day were expected to favor Lake -- a result of Trump's years-long effort to undermine faith in mail-in voting.
The Arizona gubernatorial primary was the most significant contest in a set of primaries that tested Trump's influence over the GOP.
If Trump's slate of statewide candidates in Arizona advances to the general election, they'd be positioned to take over the election machinery of one of the nation's most important presidential battleground states if they win in November.
Blake Masters, the venture capitalist endorsed by Trump and backed by millions in spending from GOP megadonor Peter Thiel, led the state's GOP primary to take on Democratic Sen. Mark Kelly.
State Rep. Mark Finchem, a Trump-endorsed "Stop the Steal" activist who has said the state legislature should be able to overturn voters' will in presidential elections, led the GOP primary for Secretary of State. Democrats saw a tight race between Maricopa County recorder Adrian Fontes and state Rep. Reginald Bolding.
And in the Attorney General's race, Trump's preferred candidate, election denier Abraham Hamadeh led.
Tudor Dixon, the conservative commentator endorsed by Trump in the final days of the race and backed by large factions of the Michigan Republican establishment, won the state's GOP primary to take on Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, CNN projected.
The clash in Michigan could be one of the nation's most competitive Governor's races.
Whitmer has cast herself as a bulwark for abortion rights in a state where Republicans have sought to enforce a 1931 law that would impose a near-total ban on abortion.
Dixon, meanwhile, framed the race in her victory speech Tuesday night as a referendum on restrictions Whitmer imposed during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Dixon, a mother of four who is backed by former-Education Secretary Betsy DeVos's family, is also an advocate of school choice — potentially positioning education as a marquee issue in November's midterm election.
Rep. Haley Stevens' projected Democratic primary victory in Michigan's newly drawn 11th Congressional District over fellow Rep. Andy Levin marks another blow against progressives in what has been a mostly disappointing primary season.
It's also a resounding victory for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, or AIPAC, and its super PAC, United Democracy Project, which has spent millions backing moderate, more staunchly pro-Israel candidates in Democratic primaries.
Stevens and Levin are both supportive of Israel, but Levin -- who is Jewish -- has been more willing to criticize its government's treatment of Palestinians and is the lead sponsor of the Two-State Solution Act.
Progressive Democrats, frequently targeted by AIPAC spending this primary season, have fumed at fellow Democrats for accepting or courting support from the group, which has also contributed to Republican election deniers. AIPAC has defended the practice, arguing that its policy goals need bipartisan support.
J Street, a liberal pro-Israel group that has clashed with AIPAC, tried to boost Levin with a $700,000 July ad buy, but that sum paled in comparison to the millions bundled by AIPAC and more than $4 million spend by UDP.
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mxddyhero · 2 years
damien and oz from mp for the character ask?
yEAHH THE SCRUNKLIES !!! I'm gonna do both of these in one post since I don't think I'll have quite as much to say as I did about juza shgdjsv,, but still!!! Ty again for the ask Gomper, aaa!!! ^^
In reference to this post !! (feel free to send an ask!)
Character: Damien LaVey
Favourite thing about them
His fiery, tsundere personality !! He's just so silly and honestly, if an arson date doesn't sound appealing, that's on you.
Least favourite thing about them
King please open up to your friends more, they are your friends for a reason :( you're allowed to have feelings, no one is gonna judge you for it
Favourite line
Your post was absolutely correct,, Liam and Damien when they aren't at each other's throats are so great together. The Prince of hell and hipster vampire should by all means be besties and they seem to get along pretty well.. their power.. also damien and vera could be unstoppable crime Lords together and I think their relationship is so silly. Sawyer and Damien are also interesting I think, horn buddies and demon pals so they understand each other where the other monsters might not. Also Sawyer might help damien embrace the more "feminine" aspects of his personality like makeup and hair styling bcs dude what even is gender anyway.
Listen I know this is an unpopular ship, but ozmien my schmoopies ♡ I love them so so much,, I think the quiet, laid-back voidy boy and loud, boisterous Prince of hell could help balance each other out !! Sillies ♡ I'm not biased bcs I kin oz and love damien nope
I literally do not have one, man fucks.
Random headcanon
Hc that his dads often took him to theatres and ballets and such as a kid, where he began to appreciate hair and makeup as part of a performance and that's why he's so into it.
Unpopular opinion
I don't think I have one other than the arson is funny and he should be allowed to do it ♡
Song I associate with them
Black in Every Color by Happy Hour
Play With Fire by Sam Tinnesz (ft. Yacht Money)
Riot by Hollywood Undead
Favourite pic of them
God I remember being so smitten when i got this ending. Mans literally fought the sun and won. Its the smirk, its the charred fist, its the burnt suit. He's just *chefs kiss*
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Character: Oz (Yellow)
Favourite thing about them
God his design is everything. Its so gender,, I love his lil phobias so so much and it reflects his sweet, introverted personality so much!
Least favourite thing about them
The fact you can get choices wrong :/ /j /j /j (his former voice actor :/ took me a while to get past that ick, iykyk)
Favourite line
Since he doesn't technically have lines, I'll choose my favourite player choice line.
"A bowl of knives. The essence of... knives"
OZ AND VICKY BESTIES PLEASE,, I love these two soo bad !!! I feel like Vicky brings oz out of his shell and Oz really listens to Vicky when she talks. I can imagine these two just vibing, hanging out, talking about their classmates or watching movies together. They're very scrunkly,, I adore their dynamic soo bad.
obligatory ozmien, but I'm also a multishipper and so I love oz and milo too-
Literally no one, they're all just vibing
Random headcanon
Oz's phobias would absolutely go to the counter and be like "he asked for no pickles" if they could
Unpopular opinion
Idk if i have any
Song I associate with them
You're So Creepy by Ghost Town
Rhinestone Eyes by Gorillaz
Stupid by Brendan Maclean
Are You Happy? by Internet Friends
Favourite pic of them
okay not a pic but still!!! I remember tearing up the first time I saw the monster camp credits... seeing the lil guys moving to the absolute banger was just 😭🥺💞💕💝
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lioncunt · 2 years
gonna rank my stranger things ships based on tiers cause im mentally ill and still testing positive after 8 days
S tier - lumax the goat this doesn't even need an explanation this should be everyone's opinion
A tier - ronance also the goat, elmax the best friendship in the show, jopper which i actually started getting pissed at in s3 cause they were leaning too hard into the yelling at each other thing and it was stupid but now i like them again, duzie which is obvious, s1/2 byler always in my heart, stancy which is unpopular but i love being different!! he's the best boy she's the best girl i don't know what else needs explaining
B tier - s3/4 byler bc mike's not a good friend but will is, steddie which finally won me over in volume 2, mileven bc mike is very goofy and silly around her and it makes me smile. i genuinely felt such love and empathy for him when he said he wasn't even as helpful as lois lane, yes you are girl i love u!! mad at you for being a horrible friend and also a dumbass but i still love u
C tier - robin/vickie idk what the ship name is but it's very meh for me maybe it'll move up if she's given a personality that's not a carbon copy of robin and speaks more than 2 lines. points for being canon gay though even though the bar is on the floor. i also put dustin/max here bc it had potential and i think could have gone somewhere but we wouldn't have gotten lumax so it's not worth it
D tier - jancy i will never get over the pictures!!!! i finally forgave jonathan this season bc he's the only one to remember will's existence so he's an mvp now but otherwise he can stay away from nancy. also jonathan/steve bc i just think it's stupid.
F tier - h*rringrove the scum of the earth steve would rather eat glass than be with that racist piece of shit, will/eleven and robin/steve for obvious reasons.
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