#The rats say something
28ratsinatrenchcoat · 6 months
I am a Ms. Lovett apologist, she deserved better. Like deep down all she wanted was to be loved. did she do some pretty fucked up things to try to be loved? Yes. But do I care? No.
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lowpolyanimals · 10 months
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Very Cancerous Rodent from ULTRAKILL
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ironinkpen · 5 days
hands down one of the best pieces of subtle world building this season is the name High Five Heroes and the way it doesn't mean anything. the Bad Kids and the Maidens' names actually say something about their respective groups and what they've done/been through. meanwhile High Five Heroes is clearly a name that was handpicked by Kipperlilly long before she stepped foot in aguefort on the first day or actually met any of her party members. it's a pre-approved inside joke specifically designed in a lab to be as bland and palatable and inoffensive as possible—a middle manager's attempt at manufacturing camaraderie. the most generic, perfectly marketable name she could come up with for her Perfect, Optimal Adventuring Party.
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o-vera-nalyzing · 3 months
my biggest aftg head canon is that andrew is just a silly little guy—like his meds didn’t change his personality he was just more easily distractable and had less of a filter so all the stupid little jokes he made are his own
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bro what did you say?
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ria-starstruck · 11 months
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actually, this is why the vessels don't have mouths
from this:
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beatcroc · 1 year
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the real joke here is that i'm pretty sure fake pep is like totally average person height, it's just that the rest of this cast are fuckin pipsqueaks
hey! it's a series! fake peppino world tour: [noise] [noisette]<-u are here [peppino] [gustavo] [gerome] [noisette again]
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Seeing posts from folks getting genuinely angry at the intrepid heroes and Brennan (or putting full blame on the ih and acting like Brennan can’t handle a campaign) for them taking out opponents is like… like I’m not one to say “go touch some grass” but if you’re getting so angry over not just a dnd show but over the characters trying to stay alive by taking out their enemies then please go look at the fucking sky or read a fanfic or log off like wtf y’all??? I think rat grinder redemption arc would be great too but you cannot genuinely expect the bad kids to let themselves be killed by trying to non lethally attack these fucking insanely high level enemies
Cause the rat grinders aren’t gonna just be convinced to not do this, regardless of possession or not they’re pretty in with the plan and they’re also really high level like a lv9 spell?? What else would you expect the bad kids to do?? If I were in the campaign I too would be going for the kill. It’s the smart move. And also the finale is next week like if they’re gonna get to revive Lucy they’ll also more than likely revive the others they have to kill
Just log off a bit and chill the fuck out it’s just a show
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ewwww-what · 1 month
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I raise my voice when I tell him I love him!!!
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layraket · 10 months
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i had a vision...
I like the idea of the chain just being little creatures and/or animals. I almost did Four like a minish but he being just a tiny rat is more funny
Close ups
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orpheuslookingback · 3 months
I just finished playing Ghost Trick and for a split second right before Ray’s identity was revealed I fully thought it was going to turn out to be the spirit of the rat that keeps getting fucked over throughout the game and it was actually going to be the ultimate villain and was about to create another, even worse timeline that you would have to counteract.
And like the actual truth is much more fitting for the tone and themes of the game but I do also think “sudden death evil rat timeline” as the final level would’ve been. Very funny.
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28ratsinatrenchcoat · 4 months
If we get 1 more supernatural episode ever, I want it to be a scoobynatural type crossover but with the muppets.
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turtletoria · 6 months
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when youre in a 3/4 left facing bust competition and your opponent is turtletoria
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morlock-holmes · 7 months
I didn't say I think "dominant" culture values rational systems (and what dominant culture do you even mean), just that rationalism falls way short on its claims to do so. And I dunno, this is personal, but I can't agree that the subculture that told me "actually you should reframe your entire life around your scrupulosity" is much of an improvement, even if the bar is extremely low. Not when that subculture is full of all the kinds of social manipulation and cruelty it claims to be above.
I'm making very narrow claims that don't really have anything to do with what you're talking about here.
I have trouble communicating how much even high functioning autistic people have struggled with things that allistic people "just know", (a phrase I've heard again and again when interrogating allistic people).
Here's an example, which I believe I heard as a real life example although I can't recall where:
You have issues with the texture of clothing and there are only a few dress shirts you have that you can stand to wear. You have a sudden nose-bleed on one of your shirts and get blood all over the collar and down the front.
You launder the shirt but the blood stains have set in and are still very visible.
Should you wear that shirt to the office?
Most allistic people already know that the answer is, "almost certainly not."
An autistic person is likely to go through this process:
I have no idea if I should wear that shirt to the office or not, so let's figure it out.
Well, I have laundered the shirt so it is clean and sanitary, the stains are just visual blemishes.
All the social messages I've heard since I were a kid say that you can't judge a book by its cover and that looks don't matter, it's what's inside that counts.
And, I have a desk job, I wasn't hired to look a certain way, but rather to produce a certain kind of work, and wearing this comfortable shirt makes it easy for me to work without being distracted by uncomfortable clothes.
Therefore, logically, I can't imagine that anybody at the office will object to my wearing this shirt.
That last sentence is key, and I really want you to focus on it. You **aren't** thinking, "Well, maybe the button down drones at the office think this is a problem, but I know better than they do."
No, you aren't thinking that at all. You're thinking, "I put together the clues so I'm sure everyone at the office will feel the exact same way as I do"
And when they don't, it's a shock.
Now, I want you to further imagine that this is how you reason about other people and the world, but through some cosmic joke you've ended up at an employer where dressing right is incredibly important.
You'll get yelled at by your boss if you wear the wrong thing and your coworkers will turn on you. But there's no published dress code, you're just supposed to "just know" what an employee should wear.
But look at your reasoning above! You *don't* "just know" what the fashion is. Imagine you eventually say, to your boss and some coworkers, "I'm starting to get really stressed about not knowing what to wear to work, I really want to wear the right thing and be part of the team but I don't know how and I'm getting stressed out."
Immediately everybody turns on you. Your boss calls you into his office to ream you out. Your coworkers start a petition to fire you because you're obviously trying to undermine the valuable work culture that they have worked so hard to create. Concerned work friends pull you aside and go, "Jesus, are you crazy? We all stress out about what to wear but you never say it in public!"
Think about what that might feel like.
Now imagine you get fired and at your next job the boss is like, "Hey, the dress code is pretty important here, here's a list of what we expect. Sometimes some stuff is kind of on the edge so you won't know, but it's always fine to ask me if something is appropriate, and if you accidentally wear something that's on the wrong side that's fine, I'll let you know and we'll work on getting you some more appropriate stuff, but you won't get in trouble."
I want you to really think about what it would feel like, as an autistic person, to be at that second job after decades working at the first. To suddenly know you could ask questions or make mistakes at something that doesn't come easily to you after so much time in an environment where you're told that this stuff comes easily to everyone and people only *pretend* to be bad at it to get away with things.
What you're doing is coming in and going, "Well, that second job might be bad for other, unrelated reasons."
I will completely grant that, you're utterly correct. That second job might be terrible for a bunch of unrelated reasons.
But I'm never going back to that first job.
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mrghostrat · 3 months
can you speak to sexual vs aesthetic attraction a little more, regarding bnf!crowley? i absolutely love ace crowley as an ace person myself but i struggle to differentiate the two.
especially with ARMS, ANATHEMA because i think i might feel similarly to crowley -- correct me if im wrong -- in appreciating things about people without like?? wanting to have sex with them about it?
sorry if this didn't make sense.
YEAH it's so hard to describe but aesthetic attraction makes me, like, clench my fists and scream. it gives me the same feeling as watching "ultra satisfying compilation!" videos where the head of a vacuum cleaner fits perfectly between a couch and a wall. like. YES. ffffff yeah. excellent. gonna have a good day now. everything is good because i'm lookin at this.
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padfootswhiskers · 9 months
“I’ve been living off rats mostly. Can’t steal too much food from Hogsmeade; I’d draw attention to myself.” He grinned up at Harry, but Harry returned the grin only reluctantly. “What’re you doing here, Sirius?” he said. “Fulfilling my duty as godfather,” said Sirius.
never forget
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