#Thetis (my OC)
as-easel · 2 years
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oh no i have been caught by the imagining-my-ocs-in-a-visual-novel disease
#itd be like arcana but mysmes inspired because. because#this started because i was thinking about yrys in the lightwarden au and got a pretty vivid image of them on their knees#in the middle of amaurot on the verge of turning right.#and then my mind implemented a 'hey this kinda looks like a bad end cg you can get in visual novels'#if you do ziero's route one of the bad endings is that you get so caught up in zenos's bullshit that you quit being a hero#this is akin to the rika ending of mysmes v's route. yes its legally a bad ending (and in this case probably causes the end of the world)#BUT its fun and cool so who cares#miles's bad end (at least the first) would be them falling too much into the role of thetis's reincarnation. the second is nero dying in ct#theres lore here it makes sense in context#this is really fun wait#like im not making an actual visual novel about my ocs im not insane#and im not good enough at art#BUT...#might.. write down some endings#at least bad endings since ffxiv is ongoing and the only ones i could feasibly write a final end for are thetis & valerian#thetis bc theyre an ancient & valerian bc he has reached a good point??#he got his family & friends back! that is a good ending!#will i out myself as absolutely fucking insane by posting the notes if they do end up coherent. yes#have i seen worse in the xiv tag on both tumblr and ao3. also yes#im thinking ziero miles & yrys as starting mcs#like theyre the. zen yoosung & jaehee of this#thetis & lachesis are the another story equivalent but you have to live with the fact that their happiest endings#are in fact bad endings#ur not pursuing them ur playing as them but thats. the biggest difference#make too many thirsty comments about characters you Really Fucking Shouldnt and you unlock the secret route!! whore.#(m'sahni's quest to be the worst wol ever by virtue of being so annoying about being allosexual all of the time)#if i get back to you. im sorry
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hestia and the ghost siblings
l-r back row:
hades: george (international 2022)
thetis: noilly prat (china 2012)
iris: not etcetera (international 2022)
l-r front row:
hestia: olivia (china 2012)
apollo: george (1977)
@hufferysnuffery it's the kids 😭😭
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abookishdreamer · 2 years
Character Intro: Thetis (Kingdom of Ichor)
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Nicknames- My Pearl by Zeus
Age- 19
Location- Skyline district, New Olympus
Personality- Even though she's stunningly beautiful with an intimidating modelesque presence, Thetis has the sweetest caring soul. She's one of the many girlfriends/lovers of Zeus.
She's a nereid oceanic nymph. Her tail has pale white & silver scales.
Thetis loves her family and wishes she visited more often. She likes video chatting with her nieces, nephews, and youngest siblings- like Themisto & Dero. She loves mailing them toys & gifts and giving her sisters some "goodies" from her job (designer clothes, shoes, bags, makeup, and jewelry). Despite her mostly permanent move to Olympius, she hasn't renounced her Underwater citizenship. When she's in New Olympus, Thetis often hangs out with her younger brother Nerites. She's not as close as she used to be with her sister Tris (Amphitrite) after she voiced her opinion about Thetis' relationship with Zeus.
In Olympius, she lives in a high rise penthouse apartment in the Skyline neighborhood of New Olympus. She was also gifted a beach house in Naxos by Zeus. She has a pet newborn hippocampus- a girl named Aurora. In her penthouse apartment, Thetis bought her an Olympic sized tank and when she's staying over at her beach house, Aurora is free to roam in the seas.
Aside from her good friend Pandora, Thetis is a very popular print and runway model. She models for several brands and products like Glory's Crown (she loves the jasmine tea products line), Megaleio, Euryphaessa, Olive Visibly, Paloma, ViVoTrack, Diamond Ave., La Petit Amour, Swimsilk, Persuasions, No.3 & Co, Heavenly Spark, and many other esteemed fashion brands.
Her favorite fashion brand is Chromata tou Nerou. The designer is a nereid nymph named Kyriaki.
Some of Thetis' favorite accessories have been the latest Diamond Ave. jeweled clutches she bought- the seashell shaped one & the dolphin shaped one.
In the business, she's also good friends with Adonis and Narcissus, who are male mortal models. She's also friendly with Aphrodite (goddess of love & beauty), Calypso, Peitho (goddess of persuasion & sensuality), and The Graces. Outside of this, Thetis is also friendly with Delphin (god of dolphins) and Nephele (goddess of clouds).
Her go-to drink is a limoncello gin cocktail (a drink made with gin, limoncello, club soda, & ice). She also likes pineapple-coconut smoothies, lychee juice, mojitos, New Olympus Iced Teas, & martinis.
Her favorite nighttime snack is poi kulolo ice cream. Since it's rarely sold in Olympius, she orders it online at a shop located in the Underwater Realm.
Her favorite food is french fries topped with shaved feta, parmesan, and melted graviera cheese. She also enjoys when her parents Nereus and Doris stop by to see her- giving her home cooked meals of sweet rolls, spam fried rice, & manapua. She also likes the lobster roll sandwich from The Bread Box.
In her free time, Thetis enjoys surfing, reading magazines, swimming, listening to music, shopping, going to the spa, watching TV, hanging out with her friends & family (when she gets the chance). She also enjoys watercolor painting.
Thetis considers herself "the favorite'' of Zeus' girlfriends. They first met at a photoshoot for his lingerie line Heavenly Spark. The photo ended up on a billboard downtown. He invited her out to dinner at his high class restaurant, The Crown, and they've been together ever since. He even spends the night sometimes at her apartment and long weekends at her beach house. He has recently gifted her with a "quasi engagement ring"- a gorgeous pearl & diamond ring. She wears it on her middle finger instead of her ring finger. Thetis is well aware of the scrutiny she receives sometimes from the public. Even though she hasn't vocalized it, she does want to have a baby with Zeus, marry him, and become the new queen of Olympius now that the queen has filed for divorce.
Despite the Queen's best efforts, she couldn't successfully blackball Thetis from the modeling industry. Thetis once discovered the tires of her luxurious custom made truck slashed (with the platinum chrome spinners damaged). The side of the truck had the word "slut" spray painted. Thetis suspects Hera (goddess of women & marriage) and her assistant Iris (goddess of the rainbow).
"There comes a time for a new Queen."
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exantivancrow · 2 years
Iliad-verse World-state
The first of my related-Inquisitor series, where I, your host, write about what would’ve happened if the canonical Inquisitor backstories kissed my ass because I find them boring. The Iliad world-state is also arguably my most dramatic world-state which fits! See more OCs from this world-state below the cut. Oh and they’re all gay, shit dude, I just realized that while typing this.
Thetis Mahariel, Hero of Ferelden
an archer, ranger and duelist specialization; romanced leliana and killed her at the temple of sacred ashes upon desecrating the ashes. died killing the archdemon.
Briseis Hawke, Champion 
a blood mage with spirit healer specialization; romanced merrill and sided with the mages after letting anders go.
Patroclus Kokkinos, Inquisitor
cassandra’s cousin, a warrior from the nevarra/free marches border; romanced the iron bull and sided with the templars in the hopes of finding his younger brother damocles
Zolah Kondrat, of the Merchant’s Guild
one of varric’s contacts, and arguably his only friend (with benefits) in the merchant’s guild
Tatenen Aqun
rivaini seer and ambassador to the inquisition; lover of josephine montilyet
Silvain “Bulter”
city elf inquisition agent undercover in halamshiral; lover of dorian pavus
Sekhmet Adaar
member of the valo-kas mercenaries with the Inquisition, sera’s gf
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jewellapoole · 2 years
10 for anyone! :DD (ask game) [@sweetpop]
[10. how do the other characters feel about your self insert and f/o’s relationship?;
[No one else knows about Amelia's crush on SCP-049, she doesn't want to tell anyone, least of all any of her co-workers... they do notice that she has a particular interest in SCP-049, though. If asked about it, she just makes up some sort of excuse about finding him fascinating, or something., But if the rest of the Foundation did know about Amelia's secret crush, then.. well.. I don't think they'd be too happy about it..]
[Now with Theti, on the other hand, pretty much Everyone knows about her crush on Thoth(Yes, that ibis-headed Egyptian god of knowledge & wisdom-). Presumably, even Thoth himself knows(well he knows everything, sooo..), he just doesn't really seem to have a reaction to it. The other gods don't really seem to mind it much(Although Set is probably kind of jealous lmao- he is, afterall, known for his jealousy.,.). Of course, perhaps afew of the gods wouldn't approve of it, but Theti doesn't seem to really care if the others do or not,.]
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Chapter 9 cover art, featuring Dr. Alastor Jesper.
Yes, he’s a reference to Age of Calamity.
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darlingsart · 5 months
your oc is so adorable! 😍 can you tell us more about him?
Thank you!! 🥺❤️ Here he is (+ His little brother!)
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Okay SO I've had these Patchilles OC's for like 3-ish years now and I've never shared them on here before bc they mean so much to me the idea of putting them out here seemed super scary BUT here are two of my Patchilles kids Maximus and Hyacinth 👉🏼👈🏼 (Yes that name is intentional and supposed to be ironic lmao)
More about them + the lore under the cut!
Basically, this is canon divergence and the lore is that Pat and Achilles don't go to Troy and instead stay in Phthia after their time on Pelion. Thinking that they no longer have to worry about a prophecy, they end up getting married and starting a family but, unbeknownst to them, the prophecy doesn't exactly go away, it gets passed down to Maximus and becomes it’s own big thing as the war goes on for well over a decade overseas. Thetis is the only one who actually knows about this and she keeps it a secret from Achilles and takes it upon herself to train Maximus and turn him into the next aristos achaion.
I'm actually in the middle of writing this as a series on ao3 (Currently on the 4th work!). If you're interested, you can start with the first fic, New Beginnings, which explains everything a lot more (their engagement, the reason why they stay) OR you can jump right into the story I'm currently working on, The Rest of Our Lives, though you might be a bit confused!
Maximus is by far one of my favorite OC’s but I love developing his siblings as characters too. If you read/have read The Rest of Our Lives, you’ll see that Maximus definitely takes after Achilles like without a doubt and it’s brought up several times but as he grows older, he becomes a well rounded mix of them both and I like to think that Pat’s attributes shine more then though I haven’t written it all out just yet! Maximus is just a fun loving, rambunctious kid who tries his best with the cards he’s dealt, he’s very loving and kind hearted and an overall good kid!
Hyacinth is about four years younger than him and one of my favorites too, especially as he grows into his character. So they do have another sibling but I’ve only just gotten there in the story so I don’t want to spoil anything, but he is a true middle child lol it’s actually an important part of his character that really gets explored later on in the series. He’s also a sweetheart, a little more reserved than Maximus but I wouldn’t call him an introvert, he’s just not as…. Hyperactive as his older brother lmao but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t get roped into Maximus’ antics too.
I’ve also written modern au stuff with them (which I haven’t posted anywhere), so like now whenever I imagine any au with Pat and Achilles, it’s hard not to picture these two, especially Maximus, in it too lol
Sorry for rambling so much, this is the first time I’ve actually talked about these two outside of my writing 😅 I hope y'all enjoy them as much as I do! And feel free to ask me about them from time to time if you want :)
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aroaceleovaldez · 2 months
what powers do you think a child of arke would have? would they be similar to iris kids?
OH BOY i have thought a LOT about this. Holding my dear beloved Arke kid oc Rain. Now is her time to shine.
For Arke kids, i imagine the most common power would be having wings of some kind, or something relating to wings - just given that based on the little written stuff we have on Arke, the most notable stuff about her (besides being Iris' twin) is her wings being taken. Also I think it's fun that her wings are specifically iridescent, versus Iris' more often being described as golden specifically. With my oc, she specifically has wing-shaped markings on her back from which she can summon real wings at-will (plus general other feathers just for the aesthetic).
Besides that, definitely just general stuff related to being a messenger goddess and rainbow goddess - I imagine Arke kids would probably have similar powers to Iris kids, but maybe more subdued in some areas or specifically focusing more on double rainbows and reflection/refraction, iridescence, etc - Since Arke's thing as Iris' twin is that she's specifically goddess of the second faded rainbow when there is a double rainbow. I just really love the idea though of like, you have your Iris kids with general color/rainbow stuff, but then Arke kids are more aligned with like the rainbow sheen of oil in puddles and stuff. Rainbows in places you don't really think about. Iridescence of bird wings and beetles type stuff. Re: colors, one trait I gave to my oc for that theme is that her hair changes color like a mood ring based on her emotions. By default it's just a rainbow gradient at the ends of her hair, but it'll color-shift to match how she's feeling/what she's thinking.
I also think there's a lot of potential for stuff along the lines of like. So Iris is specifically associated with the sky/clouds and water. Arke in turn you could associate more with the earth and underground, since she was cast into Tartarus (and you could totally play with how her wings were given to Thetis, who gave them to Achilles. Maybe Arke kids have beef with Thetis/Thetis kids as a result, or just generally don't do as well around water because of her.) or due to her siding with the Titans during the original Titanomachy. Maybe Kronos as Titan of the Harvest gave her some ground-based speed buffs idk. Fun to play with. Speed as a power is a definite possibility, since Achilles wearing Arke's wings on his feet were supposed to be why he was extra fast.
Also maybe not a power, per se, but they could definitely make a joke about Romans misunderstanding who their mother is - cause both Iris and Arke are twin messenger goddesses of the rainbow, but only Iris has a Roman equivalent, and her Roman equivalent is Arcus. "Who's your mom?" "Messenger goddess of rainbows, Arke." "Arcus?" "Arke" "Arcus?" "Arke-"
In general though: Messenger/speed, colors/rainbows, and wings are definitely the big themes. In part because she has so little text about her, it actually kind of makes for a lot of room to play with stuff and work out further themes for her which is super fun.
I also have a lot of general thoughts and headcanons about Arke/Arke Kids and the Second Titanomachy/Titan Army if you wanna hear about that 👀
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grugtale · 1 month
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ok hii this is Thetis !! she's my undertale oc and basically she was the previous head of the Royal Guard before Undyne and she served from around the 1970s to the 1990s !! (still trying to figure out the timeline, I know that I'm probably going completely against the canon undertale timeline but ehh its an au so I'm probably allowed to do that)
this drawing is from ages ago and I so want to change her post-war design cos I am not really happy with it lmao
here are some other concept thingies !!
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I think she's so silly I need to draw her more like all of these drawings are from ages ago I just forgot to post them
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virgils-muse · 8 months
My Roman Empire is Thetis. Not my oc/anon (although I think of my Ocs way too much) I mean like Thetis is the Iliad and stuff.
I think about her way too often for my own good because then I end up getting sad. It’s not helpful that the book I’m reading, “Wake, Siren” has a chapter on Thetis (it’s a collection of retellings from the different characters in Ovid’s Metamorphosis). And it hit so hard. Like, nothing tops that five page chapter on her in A Thousand Ships, but this was really close (there also isn’t much variety. Literally the only other retelling she’s in is in TSOA and I hate how they portrayed her). There need to be an entire book dedicated to her immediately!
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my hand slipped
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sugutoad · 4 months
my part of pjo demititan ocs for @nicosavior456 ‘s au!
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Evangeline Bechtyl ; daughter of Phoebe and Lorcan Bechtyl who is a professor at a University. 
Appearance: With wavy hip-length golden hair and of Irish descent, Evangeline is said to be very beautiful and innocent angel-like with moonlight fair skin and startling, clear blue eyes. Her hair is often set in a half bun and half let out, almost always accompanied with her blue headband. She has curtain bangs that frame her face and her friends are always telling her to get her hair but she tells them how she can do as much as anyone else even with long hair getting in her way. She has a voluptuous figure and rosy cheeks.  
Personality: Honest, creative, intelligent, wise, overthinker, passionate, perseverance, self-aware, strong sense of Justice, always follows rules, bright but in a realist way, afraid to jump out of her comfort zones, selfless, emotional, stubborn, overachiever, perfectionist, stumbles her words often, emphatic, hesitant, doesn’t take risks, compassionate, open minded, resourceful, altruist, social butterfly
Fatal Flaw: Hesitance
Weapon: A dagger that she had infused with poison. Evangeline isn’t necessarily a good fighter in terms of brute strength but she is quick, intelligent and agile. 
Likes: Romance novels, long walks, strawberries, reading, swimming, mysteries, cooking, her parents and friends, has a tiny crush on Ryan who is much older then her (an admiration since like her, he is also a medic and helped many), stars, biking, blue, being correct and praised, jellyfish, hair bands, spicy food, cats
Dislikes: Being useless and left behind, overly sweet things, doing nothing all day, Gods, being at front lines in a battle, bad grades, insects, prejudice people, snakes, snow
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Kaito Hanabusa; Son of Thetys and Kenji Hanabusa who is the brother of Isshin and a marine biologist. 
Appearance: Kaito is an incredibly handsome Japanese boy. Standing at 6’4, he  has black hair and dark blue eyes flecked with black. He has a sharp jaw. He has a tattoo of a black rose on his shoulder. He has fair skin, and if you get close enough, you can see he had little faint freckles. 
Personality: Witty, charming and playful, short temper, cunning, soft for some, determined, selfless, reckless, compassionate, sarcastic, mood changes quickly ( he can be the soft waves of the sea or a raging storm) impulsive, determined, overly proud, outspoken, strong sense of Justice, rule breaker, competitive, proud of himself a lot, street-smart, headstrong, stubborn 
Fatal Flaw: Impulsive 
Weapon: A labrys 
Likes: Basketball, swimming, late night walks, drawing, golden retrievers, roses, gardening, winning, chess, sharks, sweets, being the best, stars, his parents, his uncle and cousin, his motorcycle, beaches, music, himself, trying new things, his Evangeline <3
Dislikes: Dolphins, jerks, slow walkers, people who expect to be pitied, horror movies (claims he isn’t scared tho) tomatoes, work, Gods and a few people he knows
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The faceclaims are manhwa’s character so credit to them! I don’t know the first one for Evangeline but Kaito is from Operation True Love!
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suv-draws-stuff · 8 months
iliad and limbus enjoyer here, can i ask you about helen's and achilles' backstory in that limbus au of yours? tell me anything about them idc theyre cool
Heyo im glad you found em cool :D
Some context first. They're now working in a Limbus branch separate from Mephistopheles. The branch is basically Journey to The West themed instead of Dante's Inferno
I'm still kinda working on them (Iliad is so long help let alone adapting it), but to summarize it:
She was born in a town called Sparta in a Nest (its probably close to A corp or C corp)
Castor, Pollux, and Clytemnestra are her siblings. Castor died, Pollux went missing in action, and Helen haven't talked tp Clytemnestra in many years
Also Helen had years of combat training thanks to being Spartan
Suitors come to marry Helen. Helen ended up marrying Menelaus and had Hermione.
Life was alright for her until Paris and (disguised) Aphrodite visited Sparta. Helen was made unconscious by Aphrodite and Paris took her to Troy
Helen was mind controlled and manipulated by Aphrodite during the Smoke War. She didn't like Paris either. Helen became more and more self loathing and distrustful
After the war, Menelaus tried to kill her. She was also shunned by people in the Nest, with people attempting to murder her left and right. Helen got fed up, divorced Menelaus, ran off to the Backstreets far away, and ended up working for Limbus Company
As for others... Pollux is actually still alive and they will meet again. Meanwhile Hermione became a fixer to find her mom. Helen is now the only sane person in the bus aside from Saksi (and she's Not having a good time. There's a tension between Achilles and Helen and it's not a good one)
Achilles is a superhuman thanks to Thetis' experimentation. Thetis herself was a researcher from B Corp. Thetis knew that the City is screwed up so she made sure Achilles could survive in this crapsack world
When he was a kid, Achilles trained under Chiron to become a fixer. He also has a childhood friends to lovers situation with Patroclus
Smoke war happened, he was drafted anyway no matter how much Thetis tried to hide him. Achilles wanted some of that sweet sweet glory even though he was still a teenager
He became a war criminal, basically. And also poster boy for his side of the war
Agamemnon and Achilles had a conflict over the war prize, which made Achilles sulk for quite some time... until he found out Patroclus was killed in the war and stepped in to avenge his death
Achilles still got shot by Paris with Apollo's guidance and died from that
As for how he ended up in Limbus, he got revived years later (with Thetis' consent). Achilles of course did not like this outcome and rampaged in the facility until he was incapacitated. He then (begrudgingly) agreed to work there as long as he can die for real after his contract ends
He just wanted to see Patroclus again, and that's why he's so. grumpy.
And if you wanna learn more about my version of these two and more art of them, you can check Helen's and Achilles' profiles on Toyhouse. I also have stuff for other limbus/limbus related OCs too there
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 9 months
Itty Bitty OC Recap
this is 100% just to make my own life easier but a tiny little quick recap of new ocs!!
1. RWRB ocs
2. Troy Donahue Callisto, Gilmore Girls, fic title new romantics & shipped with Logan Huntzberger also maybe finn tbd, also fic title delicate & shipped with @the-witching-ash's Richie that's the verse that matters, face is Taylor Zakhar Perez
3. Harry Bechtel, Gilmore Girls, also in new romantics/delicate, ship tbd, face is Nicholas Galitzine
4. Topher Charming / Christopher James, descendants, chad's older brother & currently second in line for the throne, fic title tbd, ship is evander grimhilde, face is Nicholas Galitzine
5. Evander Grimhilde, descendants, fic title tbd, ship is topher charming, evie's older brother and tbh big brother to the entire isle, face is Taylor Zakhar Perez
6. Marnie Fitzwater-Hood, descendants, fic title tbd, topher's best friend, face is Ellie Bamber
7. Electra "Ellie" Jackson, pjo oc, fic title Oceanic Feeling, daughter of Poseidon & Sally Jackson, Percy’s twin sister, face is mckenna grace
8. Pyrrah Jackson, pjo oc, fic title Lighthouse, daughter of Thetis, raised by Sally Jackson, slightly older than Percy, face is Sadie Sink
9. Haz Torres, gossip girl reboot oc, max (& aki & audrey?) ship, face is Taylor Zakhar Perez
10. Nolan Van Der Woodsen, gossip girl oc, serena's older brother, blair ship, face is Nicholas Galitzine
11. Vicki St James, gilmore girls oc, sookie's daughter who moves to stars hollow start of s2, jess or oc ship, face is Ellie Bamber
12. Laura Hyde, stranger things oc, series is Things We Lost In The Fire, books are Seek (s1), Furor (s2), Albatross (s3), and Oblivion (s4), poly ronance oc probably, face is Ellie Bamber
13. glee ocs
14. Thalia Lightwood-Lewis/Thalia Lovelace, shadowhunters oc, adina lightwood & simon lewis/lovelace daughter, face is Rachel Zegler
i think that's all of them but just trying to keep track for when i suck it up and deal with masterlists rip
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darlingsart · 2 months
im curious how would Pyrrhus fit into your au? love your ocs BTW
Hi! First off, I’m glad you’re enjoying my OCs! 🥹❤️
I’m assuming you’re talking about ‘A Peaceful Life AU’ so please correct me if it’s for my other AU! (which is whole other answer in and of itself lmao).
So Pyrrhus doesn’t exist in this AU since Achilles never went to Skyros BUT I think if Thetis had taken him there (so like an AU of this AU?) she would’ve pushed him to get knocked up probably by some aristocrat to try and keep him out of the war as long as possible like “you can’t wield a weapon in this state so you can’t go even if they do manage to find you here”.
I think Achilles would be heartbroken about having some other man’s child, and would be really bitter about the whole thing in the first few months. When Patroclus finally gets to him, he’s shocked, hurt, frustrated with the entire situation, just a whirlwind of emotions at first, with a similar reaction from the book. But I think he’d come around to the idea of the baby pretty quickly, definitely before Achilles does. And one day he’d tell Achilles that he’d love the baby like his own, that they could run away someplace and raise it together.
Fast forward a few months and Pyrrhus is born and Pat and Achilles are living in a cottage in some nearby remote little village raising him together. Then of course their kids come soon after and grow up all together. With Pyrrhus’ personality, I think he’d have an interesting dynamic with my OCs. I can definitely see him and Max butting heads a lot because they’re both stubborn and Pyrrhus is a bit of a hothead. With Hyacinth I think they’d bicker too, lots of poking fun at each other but I think Pyrrhus is one of those kids that WILL break another kid’s nose for bothering his siblings. And for some reason I think he’d get along with Alexios the most!
This is so different from my AU but I’m ngl just typing all of this out made me want to write a little one shot SO bad so I think I might lol
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