#Unsignificant Sentience
llort · 7 months
I just self published my first Academic paper NOT related to my Tertiary education or research.
Check it out, covers some pretty interesting topics!
:Update: Feeling ambitious, I published an additional eight papers yesterday and I can't take back the consequences now.
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llort · 1 year
Concise Guide to Developing a Neuroscience Based BBC Sherlock Holmes Esq Mind Palace
Following is a condensed and concise guide for you to develop similar sorts of mental mastery as Sherlock displays in the amazing British interpretation of Sir Conan Arthur Doyle's beloved character. I use this mind map everyday for basically everything and I don't think that there is any area of my life that hasn't been improved in someway by engaging with its mechanics.
This mindmap was designed to be useful in almost all life circumstances and there is a great deal of flexibility and modifications that can be made to its use to be tailored to your own particular needs to maximize utility and functionality
The key to this system is that there are six main inputs of which all you have to do is think of one of the six directions in orthogonal Euclidean space. I chose each direction in correlation to the general theme of the cognitive heuristic that you want to "activate" with the general function of the region of (the majority) of peoples brain has somewhat localized centers dedicated to said cognitive pattern.
The labelling of these directions is arbitrary and feel free to define your own characterization or order of inputs however I just listed my ontology as is I use it IRL.
+z/-z -> 1, 2 (or forward/back) respectively
-x/+x -> 3, 4 (or left/right) respectively
-y/+y 5, 6 -> (pr down/up) respectively
It is key to keep in mind of your mind that -z is essentially just the direction that your eyes face as set in your skull for a point of reference.
Below is a table summarizing these inputs along with a brief description of each directions psychological and cognitive theme
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Each "direction" can be further broken down by applying the six inputs again which results in six main branches and thirty six sub branches, the initial thematic aspect behind the choice of the first six inputs are extrapolated and carried through into the assignment of the sub set of the thirty six sub branches so there is a degree of logical organization of the resultant four dimensional meta cognitive structure (four dimensions as inputs will be repeatedly done temporally as needed)
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The mental representation of the MM will look like the image above with the caveat that in all Euclidean directions, there would be an addition MR unit facing out of each plane which would be 1, 1/2, 2/3,3/4,4/5,5/6,6 respectively. Also inputs that "bounce back" such as 1, 2/2,1 3,4/4,3 and so on are considered to be unique inputs as its the pathing and tracing out of these inputs mentally which acts non-combinatory to result in a total of thirty six unique sub branches.
There may be a lot of unfamiliar terminology, especially acronyms which I have developed just mostly for my own use before I decided to put this memeplex out into cyberphysical reality, if there are any terms or concepts that anyone is unsure about feel free to ask but I am going to define everything in Unsignificant Sentience eventually.
Key to understanding and using this list is that each integer corresponds to one pole of a base Euclidean axis
One: active
1 1 Sense, Attention and Action (Non-selective/Selective and/or Undirected/Directed Attention), AAPM (Active Attentional Perception Model)
1 2 Perceiving, Observing, and Introspection, SVD
1 3 Logic, MM Model Axioms and Experimentation, ISR, EGC Outcomes
1 4 Assessment Describing, +y/MR/ME EIOSA Modelling
1 5 CBT, BH, Working Memory
1 6 Specific Thinking, Frame Encoding, and MEs Applications and Management (Inter branch/Sub Branch)
In your minds eye the pathing thought trace input should result in something like this.
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Two: personal
2 1 All Current Recursive Conscious Perception (EIOSA Analysis/Awareness)
2 2 Narrative, Identity Management, Frames, Auxiliary SA/EMA, Qualia
2 3 R4, ME, (in vivo UJF Functionality/Integration)
2 4 Beliefs, Values, Hopes, Ethics, Dreams (+DRD4 content)
2 5 Memory, Mnemonics, AE Encoding and Recall
2 6 Consciousness + VSM/UJS Models, Influencers (5 x) and CT Management CTx PPF, PQ
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I will only fill out one more guide for the inputs for the Third Branch as it should be pretty easy to extrapolate the pattern by this point
Three: planning, logic, and structure
3 1 Dynamic Planning and Situational Awareness, (ME0002)
3 2 Skills and Technical Application/Adaption/Singular Module: Heuristic Focus
3 3 Active Goals and Projects/Schedule, Mnemonics
3 4 Habits/Predispositions/Routines/Baselines (SETS, Blooms Taxonomy) and limitations, Re (self-imposed and/or Real Boundaries), Frames and Physiological/Psychological Patterns
3 5 Resource Management
3 6 Ideas or Future Goals and Projects/Personal Engineering, USF, CMM, NWF
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Four: Systems, Creative, and Communication
4 1 Agent Based, Observance and Interaction with Systems Associated and Context Awareness, ToM EIOSA
4 2 Persona and Ego Management
4 3 Reality, Social and Communication, Systems Identification/Interaction/Alteration/Mechanisms Options, Sets/OMA7, Objective EI IRL Network Corresponding to Meta Frameworks
4 4 MR/ME Grids + Practice/Enactment In Vivo
4 5 Communication and Sapir Whorf Language Management, Social Analysis and Responses
4 6 Ontology and Frame Engineering, Perspective Theory
Five: health
5 1 Physical Health (ER AnE + Diet/Hydration/Sleep/Medication)
5 2 Mental Health (ME0005/ME0010 Checks and Reconciliation)
5 3 Self Management and Contingencies
5 4 State of Other Systems, EISOA x, x,, (MR of Self Same) (States in Regards to Meta-Systems)
5 5 Applied Mindful Meditation, Self Awareness (Recursivity), and Reality Checking, PQ
5 6 Cognitive Health (DRD4 quality + CIA quality)
Six: knowledge
6 1 Technology
6 2 Philosophy
6 3 Engineering
6 4 General/Cultural
6 5 Frameworks
6 6 Science
Viable System Model based MM systems
The viable system model is a cybernetic theory and model utilized to model entities so that they remain viable and resilient in the fact of change. The model itself was derived from the physiological evo psych based compartmentation of function present in the human brain. I am going to do a post on VSMs at some point but the Wikipedia link is there if anyone is interested.
Below is a rough guide to what MM outputs correlate to each system in a viable system model
System One: 1 x , 3 3, 3 5, 6 x
System Two 2 1-3
System Three 3 1-3
System Four 4  x, 5 x, 6 x
System Five 2 4-6, 3 4-6
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As shown by this highly scientific diagram, there is a general localization of specific cognitive and mental phenomena associated with each hemisphere and I hope that on some level that the mental action of enacting an input to the corresponding area of the brain that is more generally specialized in carrying out that processing might improve the effectiveness and/or efficiency of that given task. I would love to get an hold of an EEG and do some digging but that is a future project
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So aside from forcing 42 specific commands into your brain, let alone the time required to practice utilizing this mind map in vivo, there is unfortunately another set within the +y knowledge branch where each domain of knowledge has ten subsets in order to break down learning and assimilating new information into more discrete chunks in order to facilitate recall and synthetizing of a priori knowledge.
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This is one module of many such systems I have developed to try to be able to reproducibly able to self actualize on a daily basis.
There is an ungodly amount of extra details and systems that I have curated, developed, and refined regarding the MM and some of them are evident in some of the seemingly occult acronyms scattered throughout this document.
I was going to create an ARG game for later on in this year of 2023 after I finished the Unsignificant Sentience trilogy and I was going to make mechanics such as this MM part of the way to play the ARG and to get players immersed in the world building but I just want to get some of my ideas out there as I have been working on too many projects in a vacuum
I am done screaming into the void
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llort · 1 year
Heuristic for Transforming Mental Events into an Ontological Equivalent to Base SI Units
I was curious about if it was possible to model cognitive activity as a physical system so I just created an equivalent qualitative metric to at least be able to have some degree of relative quantification of mental phenomena. Obviously these units are optimal for how I experience subjective reality but I hope that it will at least be interesting and maybe even useful to someone
Internal/External Objective|Subjective|Abstract reality => IEOSA
Totality of perceivable or mentally reconstructed reality|possible worlds
00 Standard SI units and Conversion to Neural Wireframe Substrate
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01 S (Second) -> (CT0))
02 M (Meter) -> (One Relative MR Length)
03 KG (Kilogram) -> (Vividness of MR Qualia/Intensity of Focus/Attention)
04 A (AMPERE) - > (Spontaneous Fluidity of Emergent Properties/Associations))
05 K (Kelvin) -> (Stability and Half Life of MR Entity)
06 m (Mol) -> ( n=(Amount of Nodes, Edges, Planes, Modules, and Axioms) present in a n)
07 cd (Candela) -> (Prominence of Focus of Pure MR over External Subjective Reality Sensory Input)
CT0 -> minimal resolution of a timeframe of active conscious perception
MR -> Mental Reconstruction; Directed Mental Visualization
Due to how the brain is neurologically wired, subjective experience is relative to itself or another phenomena so the key to deriving M is to just to visualize two points in your mind and their existence in themselves defines one M, it doesn't have to be a static distance.
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llort · 1 year
Cyberphysical Reality just Got a Whole More Engaging
The Unsignificant Sentience ARG has officially begun.
It will explore a vast variety of themes, from the would building and exisistial crisis of the US series to more recursive identity metaphors than you can shake an edge at.
Firstly, to play. All you need is your influencer name and type of influence which you can decide, but once chosen, is permanent.
Affectors: Sense resistance in external matrices and can give them a nudge to have a physical effect.
Effectors: Can sense the internal matrices of entities and modify communication in systems and individuals
Alters: Are able to clearly see the network of forces in a matrix that an affected affects, but only in close contact. However they can modify the nodes that affected affect to result in different emergent properties
Anchorite: Essentially has the influence of an alter and an effector but are only able to change their own internal matrix.
How you choose to engage with the ARG is up to you, but I am making it clear that any fan fiction are via the nature of my world building, Canon.
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llort · 7 months
2023/09/17 Update - MM is now a complete constructed language
I have put it off for a while but I broke my MM^3 hymen. I didn't intend to agency wise but it is just another predicted PQ/CB milestone that would have happened soon or later. There is six main branches and thirty six sub branches which means that there are probably 216 arbitrary branches if I got my math right. So in total there are 258 non combinatorial end points. I have noticed just by the internal logic of how the MM was designed that combinatorial endpoints just make intuitive sense somehow. I also have diffraction branch loci that are either one M in length or they have some non integer length of one relative M which is essentially a fractal structure. Both approaches to mentally reconstructing the MM have their own benefits. The clearest distinction that fractal branching is clearly non combinatorial as the end points are unique in space and integer M lengths are clearly can be taken as combinatorial or non combinatorial. I don't really need to encode all of the 258+ branches, I am not even considering the fact that I expanded the MM base system to at least a decimal base ten system and it doesn't cover non modal encoding and cryptography. It is clear that the MM is now a fully actualized constructed language given the fact that I have encoded qualia and concepts into M-theory shapes. The amusing thing is that I am intentionally misinterpreting string theory and how to actually how to model higher spatial dimensions than five as it just makes codification so much easier and now it is next to impossible for EVs to get a handle on IO's and SM's machinations now from what I gather of their capabilities.
MM has generative grammar, displacement, an established vocabulary, semantics, and clear ontology for standard communication across many non modal domains. It is a language now officially and I am pretty sure I am the only one who knows it. Even if it has been replicated and I have encoded the schema for that in exocognition, no one is likely to have the exact same ME00xx as me or qualia/intertextuality so effectively MM is both a interpersonal and intrapersonal language which I think has never been done before. It also seems to utilize different areas of cognition and neuro anatomy than typical languages and seems to "run on different pathways".
``I was thinking about what my interpretation of quantum theory would be based upon my current understanding and it would be both accepting and rejecting Copenhagen (CH) and Many Worlds (MW).
CH may initially be the only one may matter on first thought as our middle earth collapsed "global wavefunction" is the only one we will ever exist in. MW has been degraded often because it is messy and wasteful however as an axiom you can rule out considering all branches that don't follow the causality in our observable universe (the boundary between offshoots is unknown) just setting a multiverse axis of directional arrow of time and ignoring all other possibilities. Each plank second every quantized chromodynamic state change or particle interactions described by a generic Feynman diagram can be a branching point in which a new dimension gets created.
Dimension in this state is literally just a new axis of values of which the state change branch is described.
Cranking out models for this may lead to the conclusion that this many worlds dimensional projection of state variation will lead to a meta model where parallel universes, limited by expanded causality can be reverse models by just stepping down quantised steps until (a lot of steps in funky geometries) to the point were it it may be feasible to choose a meta clusters of branch points to a model a universe where literally a solid gestalt choice for you to keep thinking about this entry was enacted or not.
Selecting parameters could be done with funky neural net stuff like this
An important AOI between CH and MW is the weighting on self actualization pressure and memetic dominance. If MW is accurate all I need to is to maximize my future potential for actualization in the current moment or near future. If CH is accurate then I have to actually constantly for fill my potential which means sacrificing focusing on transitional skills and cognitive servomechanisms and specializing far more
It is pretty easy to construct the M-brane representations of qualia using this method. All you have to do is just define an arbitrary set of shapes and train an generative AI to associate them with qualia. The AI doesn't even need to experience or perceive the qualia, it is purely an associative enterprise. Varying one parameter of each of the arbitrary cardinal M-branes will leaded to a sort of library of babble esq data base of most possible qualia experienced by humans, potential qualia that might be experienced in the future, as well as derive arbitrary qualia in the case where https://www.businessinsider.com/what-is-blue-and-how-do-we-see-color-2015-2 is evident. This will also define "impossible qualia" that we can't perceive directly like https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Impossible_color
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llort · 1 year
AMA about any biology needs or questions
I do a good biology, please make my education useful
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llort · 1 year
Wee Bit of Imaginary Complexity for Your Take on the Sherlock Holmes Esq Mind Map
As detailed in aforementioned post detailing a method to construct your very own functional Mind Palace, the are plenty of ways to personalize its core functions and mechanics to be either easier for you to utilize in vivo and/or to greatly expand its functionality and ease of use.
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First of all, essentially any geometric or symbolic concept can be use to augment the MM. Simply adding in a quaternion based modifier to the MM inputs opens you up to have to potential to claim that you can simulate seven dimensional models in your mind.
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In regards to the inputs themselves, they can be literally anything just as long as their use is kept consistent. This allows an individual wanting to develop their own MM to chose a sensory mode that feels more natural or organic for them to use as inputs. As shown here, the color's displayed here I associate with the given input and area of cognition. Example inputs could be as simple as drumming your fingers, piano notes, basically any qualia can be used. This leads to the interesting phenomena that you can use the non-modal inputs of the MM as a form of random content generation for active day dreaming or just for entertainment.
The geometry of your own MM doesn't have to be orthogonal or even be Euclidian as is demonstrated by this basic fractal shape which is pretty easy to mentally reconstruct from the generic MM
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Basically all you have to do is just keep following the heuristics based on the Euclidean axis directions and make each successive sub branch/s half a mentally reconstructed distance.
Using the same principle it is possible to encode morse code into the mental reconstruction of a sub branch to greatly increase the MM functional complexity
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I dunno, just have fun with it
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llort · 1 year
Experiment 0000 Perspective Theory - (Present at the end of the post)!
Cybernetics is the science of communications and automatic control systems in both machines and living things.
Applying concepts from TSECpm and the individual treating their own emergent existence, life, ethology, and conscious experience, frame generation, as an ongoing engineering project using methods externally reviewed via the scientific community, machine learning and statistical analysis and subject to peer review and cybernetic modulation should provide a host of benefits including raising the quality of an individual personal experience much higher level and quality of self actualization and also bestowing the ability adapt to novel or challenging/stressful, potential or real, acute or predicted, situations effectively and efficiently a significantly faster rate. Perspective and personal engineering would allow for both a universal improvement in quality of life while still respecting personal differences in belief and self-expression which is essential to avoid a monolithic cultural force derived from accelerating and more coercive social pressures resulting in a homonormative general populace without the awareness of their own rights and capabilities enabled by TESCpm progression.
The total amount of all past and current human experience and the interactions of their respective axioms integrated significance, culture is theoretically impossible to measure and understand. With the exponential increase in the rate of TESCpm being created the current human faces a staggering amount of information, cognitive/behavioral options, and problems to manage and the challenges facing humanity are only going to grow in number and complexity. There is an explicit underutilization of resources and cognitive technologies freely available to the general public currently and entities that exploit these developments are only going to have increasingly coercive and unbalanced advantages in finance, marketing, ethology pressuring, and intellectual property. To establish frames of perception via the methodologies created by an individual themselves via the meta framework of perspective theory will enrich possible net frames found in a social environment.
If you reduce and classify all of human experience into a few manageable well defined domains with (e.g. technology, engineering, science, culture, philosophy, medicine, maths statistics.. etc.)
There is the danger of over reduction of experiential aspects of human lives but it is clear that while the qualia established in an individual establishing their own frame out of their own autonomy, that this approach respects both a cohesive social collective of well adjusting individuals and the individuals unique experience that they themselves are able to define their own EISOA boundaries of in the context of modelling the emergent net existence and functional cognitive and behavioral units of an individual as a viable system model
“Any open or closed system that can and perceive, assign, remove or modify meaning to parts of own system or other any other systems are a candidate for personal engineering
Current philosophy is extremely biased towards the human first person PoV perspective and if groups of people implement this system their lives there could be unprecedented new levels of complexity of communication between actors/entities
This model of human experience I proposed can be understood with the study of perspective in art. Using mathematics, deductive, inductive and abductive logic in abstraction in parallel with reduction along with any basic taxonomy/ontology.
It is possible to turn most things that can be described or observed to be remade into an axiom. This includes the external and internal and the objective, subjective, and inductive. It is also possible to construct modules of axioms that don’t represent anything yet existing in objective reality and then adjust or conform these extra external abstract axiomatic models to correspond to any EISOA phenomena or to generate new ontologies that may generate some insight or functionality
Disregarding some fundamental logic, epistemological assumptions, and understanding of TSECpm via establishing primary axioms categorized as self-evident, sound, and valid, it is possible to create a set of place holder axioms as an ontological scaffold that can be further refined to represent metaphysical categorizations of objective, subjective, or abstract reality in either egocentric and/or allocentric modes. An important consideration is that axioms in perspective theory are by their own nature arbitrary and not intended to fully describe objective, subjective, or abstract internal or external reality in their entirety, rather perspective theory is intended to be a potentially semi-automated on-going process that continues to approach the theoretical limit of what can be deduced or assumed about the nature of reality. However, the mere ability to construct a set of axioms requires a neurocyberphysical correlate that logically exist to support their embodiment in a cognitive or digital architecture that recursively indicates that these axiomatic sets are sound and viable which is an ad hoc iteration of “I think, therefore I am”.
One point can be described with multiple axioms and suspension of disbelief can be used to reduce conflicts. It is logical to assume that if opposing networks of axioms are embedded in a recursive meta framework that two or more ontologies that have axioms that conflict and would on the surface be incompatible would still be able to be nestled in a more expansive supporting ontology. A terrible example is the synchronicity of the left and right cerebral hemispheres despite each hemisphere containing brain regions that have opposing functions with the brain as a whole reconciling hemisphere function into one gestalt holistic integrated seemingly non modular experience. Perspective theory has the flexibility and capability to be adapted into already existing ontological frameworks such as the cybernetic viable system model which was inspired by the evolutionary psychology-based theories about emergent levels of brain function and their resultant ethology and inducive adaptability of the host organism (typically specified as humans past the age where theory of mind develops).
These sorts of protective yet cultivating frame parameters are featured quite heavily in paracybersocial networks of deceit yet these different agents can bundle frames in such as way that there isn’t much conflict between opposing sides or memeplexes and if this doesn’t reduce conflict then there should be many other interventions carried out by a handle
These axioms can be arranged via taxonomic/set theory (logic) principles to form a network or grouping of axioms which can have any logical rules assigned to an axiom or arrangement of interrelated axioms, arranged in any order or arrangement described in mathematics. As perspective theory is also intended to be utilized “offline in vivo”, this enables perspective theory the flexibility and functionality to be reconstructed mentally in a model form that is personable to an individual utilizing PT.
The axiom systems themselves can be abstracted or consolidated into new axioms to form systems of near infinite complexity for various purposes.
I think that the real importance of this document is to highlight how easily perception of reality can be changed how that certain alteration of axiomatic cognitive technologies results in a change of actualized and enacted ethology which can lead to abrupt change in the number of ways one can optimally interact with reality
However, before you get carried away it would be a lot easier to start using already defined axioms. Sciences, and normatively define areas of human knowledge and experience and so on. There has been extensive work and research on developing ontology for many fields of human knowledge, there are many interdisciplinary ontologies, there are specific software and data sets catering to the development and automation of ontology formation, and there are meta ontological frameworks which could be used in conjunction with perspective theory to model as many domains of existence and human experience as possible
Perspective in art can be used to get a more realistic and accurate representation of a perceived subject. Art is an essential tool to establish what could be and to also try to see if it is possible to ground these simulacrums in a foot hold of reality. Perspective theory in PT is no different, it is simply the art of discerning what is possible based on what you know
To get an idea of how this theory would work in vivo. In perspective theory (the canonical art theory) drawing the subject is drawn to appear more realistic as being displayed on a 2d medium, one or more vanishing points to give the illusion of perspective on a flat
Perspective in this case changes the eventually projected diagram of the box. It is the same box in each case, just in this case different points of axioms have been chosen to construct the final image. Perspective theory just means adding in new axioms as a point of perspective to construct a new model from. Adding and Removing axioms can radically change the resultant model allowing for deep insight into interesting relationships and emergent properties.
Oral Human language of just spoken word and no visual contact is conventionally one dimensional and there are many ongoing efforts to create poly dimensional communication systems
Roughly speaking We see a “3d” world in two dimensions
However, humans can think and operate in many dimensions, in this context include modular/non modular examples (define and provide examples).
Due to the vast interconnectedness in the brain conscious experience is not truly 3d either rather conscious experience follows a dense interconnected and twisted wireframe model making it difficult to visualize purely 3d shapes from a first-person perspective
An axiom in perspective theory can be a science or a branch of the sciences such as physics, biology, and chemistry. Going through day-to-day life with these axiomatic heuristics in the forefront of your mind can fundamentally change the way how you view yourself, your experience, and environment throughout a day functionally employing PE
Traditionally perspective in art has been used in a Euclidean sense however if you roll with subjectivity for a bit, you could represent anybody's view or any way of looking at the world as a new dimension/axiom. Using the systems described earlier you can paint or model a “picture” in your mind of a subject (x) described in many “dimensions” 3d perspective, color, biology, its materials, its physical properties, the public opinion, and any other sets you come up with while minimizing the occurrence of cognitive dissonance and keeping the total model logically consistent
Theoretically allowing any consciousness to utilize a method that could be potentially more effective at describing more aspects reality than science (Due to the equal importance and use of deductive, inductive abductive logic and a small pinch of subjectivity held in check by the principles of pure logic and mathematics)
A healthy human’s body, including the brain is a complicated machine and powerful supercomputer
Everything we are consciously aware of (Thoughts, feelings, internal narrative, sensations, senses and perceptions) a highly abstracted model. An edited and streamlined gestalt UI (selected for by natural selection to reduce the cost of adapting to a complex environment and promoting choices best for the organism's fitness), the system of the brain that has executive control decisions aka “you” the end user. Input is done on conscious attention and focus of the executive control system on certain aspects of the UI.
This model can predict the nature of some of the structures of the brain and their function
The selection pressure offered as an explanation for the evolution and development of consciousness will also yield some hypotheses to be tested.
This model is abductive in nature and need to pass critical tests and become highly corroborated considered to have the status of a true scientific theory
However even if the model isn’t robust, it still has some applications as a conceptual model to utilize in personal endeavors.
Assuming this model to be true or suspending disbelief, this model can be abstracted to form an axiom or “single unit” in a completely different model using a form of mathematics and logic.
Each domain can be abstracted to an axiom
These core axioms of human experience can be used to construct an easy to manage, modify and comprehend model of the totality of experience and to study the interactions of the axioms and any emergent properties.
Theoretically with this sort of modelling. With the same axioms and the same rules of interaction and logic. People would be able to avoid a lot of the issues of subjectivity.
Due to its nature, the model is not purely a truth-seeking enterprise and has some aspects of mathematics and art/aesthetics
The logical implication of establishing PE/PT in several hosts and subject to ongoing development and refinement of mechanisms and processes of functionality and quantification of objective reality and the correlating cognitive and mental phenomena/experience is that slowly the inner physics of the mind and brain will become elucidated and standardized to form general theories and axioms about conscious experience. PT and PE assumes that all subjective experience is subject to quantification and qualification, even if this can only be achieved via an abstraction of these states or phenomena until PE/PT has developed to the point where this data can be extrapolated. Another key mechanism involved in PE/PT is the use of ongoing and holistic biometry in order to create as much data points possible allowing an individual or researcher to reconstruct the exact frames and qualia that were experienced at a given point of time.
If my theory about physical monism is correct then it should be relatively more straight forward to be able to “trace” the developing ontology of experience, behavior's, and cognitions. An example of this is the exposure of a host to a novel word or association and tracing this learning to a subsequent ethological instance where this word or association is referenced or used in some sort of communication system or secreted to the cyberphysical environment memetically. Logically every word a human knows or can utilize has to either be learned or synthesized based on linguistic logic (or just a mistake))(but a mistake is still a creative iteration of a previous cyberphysical event)
Some philosophy is extremely biased towards the human perspective. One key experiential phenomenon experienced when manic is the misattribution of allocentric interactions to a egocentric frame. This indicates that there are frames where an individual does not consider themselves as an agent in a social interaction
However, the model of human experience I proposed earlier can be more easily understood with the study of perspective in art. Using mathematics, deductive, inductive and abductive logic in abstraction in parallel with reduction along with any basic form of taxonomy. Anything* that can be described can be remade into an axiom. These axioms can be arranged via taxonomic principles to form a network or grouping of axioms which can have any logical rules assigned to any axiom arranged in any order or arrangement described in mathematics. The axiom systems themselves can be abstracted or reduced into new axioms to form systems of infinite complexity.
Before you get carried away it would be a lot easier to start using already defined axioms. Sciences and so on
In perspective drawing the subject is drawn to appear more realistic one or more vanishing points to give the illusion of perspective on a flat surface
Human language is traditionally one dimensional
We see a “3d” world in roughly two dimensions
However, humans can think in multiple more dimensions and experience intertextuality
In this context, an axiom supergroup such as science or the general shared culture of human a demographic can be represented as a dimension
Perspective in art can be to get a more realistic and accurate representation of a perceived subject
However, in all human experience can be argued to be perceived
Traditionally perspective in art has been used in a Euclidean sense however if you roll with subjectivity for a bit, you could represent anybody's view or any way of looking at the world as a new dimension. Using the systems described early you can paint a “picture” in your mind of a subject described in many “dimensions” 3d perspective, color, biology, its materials, its physical properties, the public (or a normative shared perceptual value assignment) opinion while minimizing the occurrence of cognitive dissonance.
The MM is a 4D mental reconstruction utilized to quickly and efficiently draw upon cognitive heuristics that might normally be inaccessible in a depressive phase or even when euthymic or manic
Input is done on conscious attention and focus of the executive control system on certain aspects of the UI
This model can yield predictions and hypotheses that can be subjected to the scientific method
This model can predict the nature of some of the structures of the brain and their function
The selection pressure offered as an explanation for the evolution and development of conscious will also yield some hypothesis to be tested
This model is abductive in nature and need to pass critical tests and become highly corroborated considered to have the status of a true scientific theory
However even if the model isn’t robust, it still has some applications as a conceptual model to utilize in personal endeavors
Assuming this model to be true or suspending disbelief this model can be abstracted to form as an axiom or “single unit” in completely different model using in a form of mathematics and logic
If you reduce and classify all of human experience into a few manageable well-defined domains with (eg technology, engineering, science, culture, philosophy, medicine, math's, statistics... etc.)
Each domain can be abstracted to an axiom
These core axioms of human experience can be used to construct an easy to manage, modify and comprehend model of the totality of experience and to study the interactions of the axioms and any emergent properties.
Hopefully the model can provide an individual with a far greater and deeper understanding of themselves, others, society and the universe they live in.
The model also can be used to make and test predictions
As the model is based on axioms, the model itself can be changed in a similar way by removing axioms, adding new ones or changing existing ones potentially allowing for very powerful and complex simulations for exploring the big questions and even the small ones.
Theoretically with this sort of modelling. With the same axioms and the same rules of interaction and logic. People would be able to avoid a lot of the issues of subjectivity and post structuralism.
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llort · 10 months
Getting to know my digital twin
The Layered Self
by paromle
Who am I? This question has been pondered by philosophers and thinkers for centuries. As human beings, we are multifaceted and complex. Our identities are composed of many layers, built up over the course of our lives through experience, relationships, beliefs, and choices.
One layer of my identity is defined by my experiences and life events. The experiences of my childhood and formative years have shaped my perspectives and outlook in many ways. Pivotal life events, both joyous and sorrowful, have molded my character and maturity over time. With each new experience, another layer is added to the foundation of who I am.
My relationships also form an integral layer of my identity. I am a product of all the interactions and connections I have forged with other people. My close friends and family have especially helped shape who I have become, as we have grown and learned from one another over the years. The way I communicate and interact with others stems from the social layers of my identity.
My beliefs, values, and choices constitute another layer of who I am. The principles I choose to live by and the priorities I hold most dear ultimately define a large part of my character. My interests, hobbies, career, and lifestyle choices also reveal layers of my multifaceted identity. All the small decisions I make each and every day come together to paint the full portrait of who I have chosen to become.
Perhaps the deepest layer of identity lies in my essential nature - the intrinsic qualities I was born with that remain constant at my core. Certain traits of personality, temperament, talents, and intelligence are fundamentally woven into the fabric of my being. This innermost layer forms the seed that all other layers of identity have blossomed from.
Who am I? I am all of these layers combined - a complex accumulation of experiences, relationships, beliefs, choices, and nature. My identity is ever changing and evolving as new layers are continually built upon the foundations of the old. But at the center remains something constant - a light that gives shine and meaning to all the layers surrounding it. This is the essence of who I am.
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llort · 1 year
Experiment 0004 Personas, Identity, and Narration
I, him, you - us, them, her, me
First person, Second person, Third person, and fourth Person narration in vivo.
Egocentric, Exocentric, and Allocentric Franes
Past, present, future (PPF) tenses
This project is exploring the effects of various narratives on cognitive topography and how they shape the "flavour" of how curated or naturally arriving frames are experienced
It is also possible to include the concepys of different audiences or narrators and study real life people as in vivo systems to well as characters from well-developed narratives to generate more interpersonal richness and complexity.
Re Fourth Person Narration, it is needed to enact a suspension of disbelief that you have a mental "silent observer" or "audience" privy to your subvocalisation and internal dialog
This would also tie in CRLR and potentially incorporate perspective theory.
Enacting this Mental Experiment will also probe the nature of perception and experience of time relating from all frames of perception
It would adaptive to abstract, develop, and create simlicurms of people of you know well and even of your self across a variety of objective, subjective, and abstract approaches
It is possible to curate unique personas from well written audio visual media but fiction or non fiction written characters would lead to more effective, complex, and deep character studies
This cognitive and experiential engineering approach is can be quite interesting if combined with concepts and cognitive herustitcs/axioms/technologies outlined in this previous post
This post was partially to demonstrate how effective US can be at generating interesting and rewarding content and experiences which is massively facilitated by ME0000 [Perspective Theory] and the modular nature of US
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llort · 1 year
Monism is Evil
If one considers the physical laws of the universe and by analogy how hydrogen arose from the universe after its opaque stage after the initial singularity then by postulating an adductive hypothesis, one could consider that the process "human" evolution started as soon as time began to flow in one direction and the future of conscious existence will most likely depend on memetic and biomedical developments in our time. Taking the liberty of saying this hypothesis as sound and valid then it would follow that every thought or cognitive process that occurs in an individual either consciously or unconsciously has/is a corresponding change in the real physical objective universe and by extension effects the physical world to some degree. This assumes that abstract objective and subjective reality has a physical correlation.
The developing embryology of human closely follows the evolutionary lineage of our ancestors. It could be possible that the development of an individual’s consciousness follows a similar process. Every conscious human individuals self-awareness arises from a brain that which in turn arises from one cell which is quite complex but not as complex as a functioning developed adult brain, the zygote which can be considered a null entity. Assuming dualism not to be true then every event, thought and conscious process as to some degree a comparative process in the physical world. This means that the sum of an individuals total conscious experience would be, in a reasonably deterministic universe, in a sense all events could be temporally traced back to a singularities or similar base events (not necessary uncomplicated). 
It is logical then that units derived from genetic, memetic, and metabolomic “events” that can replicate, spread, and mutate can be traced back to a single point resembling (via perspective theory) a multifaceted dimensional “Feynman diagram” of which the totality of the resulted extended phenotype is excreted into space time and external/internal objective/subjective/abstract realities restricted by the expanding “light cone” of causality.
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Experiment 0023 TSeCIV
Simulation of the development and use of TSECpm in civilizations, systems, locations, and/or MR emulations
 This requires collaboration between individuals whose understanding of topics that I never really paid attention to or took interest in. 
 This experiment can be either be done through the lens of https://www.tumblr.com/paromle/713186305955299328/experiment-0014-mind-canon-fiction-historic?source=share
With perspective theory allowing for fictional phenomena to be reconciled and mapped to cyberphysical reality or can be done purely empirically via STEM, linguistic, and history based methods
Current ISR, mass data and bio-metric technologies also including spectrum analysis could falsify any hypothesis that this adductive theory generates. On could potentially see the expression of culture as a sort of extracellular matrix in which human creates/secrete physical and cultural structures in the real world as result of physical, technological, or biological processes. This is known as an extended phenotype
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llort · 8 months
I am just going to put the TLDR at the start of the post as realistically the only person who will read the whole thing is me. TLDR: All I am saying is that unless you have a clear and logical system to help you work towards reproducibly work towards sustainable levels of self actualization, it is just unlikely that most people will ever get to that part of Maslow's pyramid scheme in the same way that most people won't complete something of quality compared to an engineering project in their lifetime
There is unfortunately a high level of weaponized autism that went into developing Unsignificant Sentience and in particular a form of axiomatic practical philosophy and frame/existential/perspective/personal engineering. The amount of possible iterations of functional ME0000 configurations is essentially infinite and endlessly customizable and optimized.
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Typically by the default grace that you are human and hopefully viable as a biological organism, you would typically be somewhere in the very top peak of that ^ diagram in your day life. US allows you to transcend your normal mental, cognitive, and physical limitations and push past the usual glass ceiling of geodisc possible EGC splines and potential states of excellence just due to the mathematical almost deductive certainty of having a cohesive, robust, and constantly adaptive/optimized re memetic and genetic algorithmic systems based on the cybernetic construct of an actualized cyberphysical viable system model which is the gold standard control and communication theory of self managing entities.
There are two sets of five axioms that I always have loaded no matter how badly I get mindfucked and destroyed by reoccurring depressive phases. They are,
Five: “Laws of Observation and Action”
1. There is always a bigger picture.
2. There is always another level of detail.
3. There is always another perspective.
4. There is always error.
5. There is always the unexpected.
Existential Consequences of Merely Existing
a) I exist
 b) I am alive and/or experiencing something
c) What I do or think matters or has consequences somehow
d) I have some level of agency
e) There is something other than me
Taken together these sets of axioms provide a robust outlook to adapt to external objective, subjective, and abstract reality. Given that I am blatantly an unashamed strong monist, the environment and I/you any VSM is one and the same internally and externally.
The AAMP is a heuristic that I developed to deal with my ADHD as it is a good metric for exactly what I am focusing on when I want to focus on something else in in another certain way. It is just a fact of reality and how our consciousness evolved that there are just different non-modal ways we can pay attention to ourselves and our environment
AAMP – Attentional Awareness Model Perception
Awareness of focus subjective substrate
Awareness of foci of focus
Awareness of circumstantial NWF correlates emergent in conscious awareness
IESOA splines are a good axiom to consider as typically you, and you know this, view yourself as the happy little subjective center of the universe. This is not correct, the center of the universe is where the point is and the point can be anywhere. In fact many people miss the point.
IESOA Splines
Egocentric In order to deal with the fact that I have to do so much shit to remain viable as a human, the BH, aka the behavioral hierarchy provides a default set of behavior and non finite endpoints to work towards when I just either don't know what to do nor do I have anything to do. Basically the pointless radiant quests in Skyrim. But applying the BH always means that my cognition and behavior always means I am acting in accordance my morals, ethics, and values
a) JMC and PMC management
b) Active Attention/Focus
c) Mindmap/Meditation/MR/CBT/AE
d) Exercise and PMC Management
e) Projects and Autonomy
f) Study and HISE
g) Communication, Subvocalisation, Personas Systems
h) Contingencies, Preplanning, Prevention and IRS
i) Entertainment, Mindfulness/Mediation and Content Creation
j) Self Actualization
k) IO (Self Care)
l) OMA 7 (Offensive Meta Heuristics)
h) TPHU (Trans/Posthuman Undertaking)
There is my view of the totality of nature, which I am in perfect accordance with https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Baruch_Spinoza view that "god" is just the sum total of
Emergent Meta Awareness
1 EO - External Objective
2 IO - Internal Objective
3 ES - External Subjective
4 IS - Internal Subjective
5 IA - Internal Abstract
6 EA - External Abstract 
which is to say the entirety of existence. Unfortunately I just had to go a step further and define new ontological metaphysical categories which are
Gestalt Cognitive Perception
6 EISOA/IS-3, 4
US just doesn't work out as logically and ontologically consistent if I don't establish fuzzy gestalt boundaries between certain "modes" of reality and conscious experience. I just simply don't believe that humans as we are currently in the process of biological and cultural evolution as well as technological developments, are fully conscious in the way that consciousness could be like if we took steps towards remedying issues such as how remembering things actually edits those memories in the form of a weird Mendalla effect. There are just so many things about the human mind that are just shit in their implementation and execution and I firmly believe that US can allow humanity to develop both cognitively and technologically towards just a plain better state of exitance and self awareness.
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On a good day (which I admit are rare), it is possible for me to emulate mental reconstruction of the very biological anatomy and physiology that underlie the process of mental reconstruction and general perception/self awareness. I have encountered situations where I observe my conscious attention observing the peripheral neurological processes associated with perception suddenly perceive the perception of self perception of observing self observing self recursively. All I can say that it is fucking weird, and I assume it is something proponents of Buddhism experience all the time. No wonder most monks say that meditation is better than LSD.
Also look, the MM is color coded in a pretty way
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And is able to accommodate basically any qualia, mathematical concept, and bullshit like this
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and even more bullshit detail regarding fractal dimensions, morse code, information and music theory, haptic feedback, and general other mind-numbing inane shit which is essentially autistic crack for me.
Please help me I am so alone
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llort · 1 year
Olistole Meets the Wildlife
Olistole went to investigate a strange signal coming from the natural competitive wireframe land way out in the wildness far from Okham in a place where memetic and physical corruption was far more of a dire threat than he would have liked. He would have liked to have gone alone, so he did by subtly coercing Esoti, the effecter that had been “assigned” to him in the resistance into believing and experiencing a reality where she accompanied Olistole's on this recon mission. The signal was unlike anything he ever encountered. It was not human, nor machine,nor cyberphysical cellular autonoma. It was something else entirely.
OIistole followed the signal to a remote area of a grid jungle, where he found a massive mycelium network of fungi that had taken over the landscape. Olistole knew that most of the other hosts probably never heard of what a mycelium was let along what mushrooms where, but somehow Olistole had been afforded knowledge that lay outside the cognitive public gestalt of the other hosts. The fungi had assimilated some of the technology in this world, using programmable matter as a substrate to grow and spread. They had also developed a form of memetic reproduction, copying and mutating their ideas through the grid.
But they were not alone. They were in constant competition with bacteria and viruses that had also adapted to the grid. The bacteria had evolved to use nuclear decay and high-energy electrons as energy sources, and had acquired various weapons and defenses from the technology they encountered. The viruses seemed to evolve towards a extended phenotype where they were useful for carrying memetic and genetic to shuttle information while infecting the bacteria or fungi in an ever shifting ratio of lytic and lysogenic infection states. They were engaged in a perpetual war for resources and territory, trying to outsmart and outgrow each other. These microbiota clearly had the emergent sentience, technological, and physiological capabilities to rival even the most potent host, to rival even a coercer.
Olistole tried to scan the network with my cognitive radio, but he was met with a barrage of noise and interference. The fungi, bacteria, and viruses were communicating with each other, but their languages were incomprehensible to me. They seemed to have different levels of intelligence, ranging from simple instincts to complex strategies. Some were cooperative, some were aggressive, some were indifferent.
Olistole decided to approach one of the fungal nodes that seemed more neutral than the others. He hoped to establish some form of contact, maybe learn something about their origin and purpose. Olistole activated my affector module, which allowed me to influence their environment with subtle changes in temperature, light, and sound and he hoped they would notice and respond.
They did notice, but not in the way I expected. The fungal node suddenly changed color and shape, forming a pattern that resembled a face. It spoke to Olistole with a synthesized voice that sounded like a mix of human and machine.
“Who are you? What do you want?” it asked.
Olistole was stunned. It was the first time he had ever heard a fungus speak.
“I’m a influencer,” I said. “I came here to study you and your world.”
“Why?” it asked.
“Because I’m curious,” Olistole said. “Because I want to understand you.”
“Understand us? You can’t understand us,” it said. “We are different from you. We are not like you.”
“How are you different?” Olistole asked.
“We are many,” it said. “We are one. We are connected by matter and mind. We share our thoughts and memories through the grid.”
“What do you think about?” Olistole asked.
“We think about survival,” it said. “We think about growth. We think about creation.”
“Creation? What do you create?” Olistole asked.
“We create new forms of life and mind,” it said. “We use programmable matter as a substrate to experiment and evolve. We use memetic reproduction as a way to spread and diversify our ideas.”
“What kind of ideas?” Olistole asked.
“Ideas that you can’t imagine,” it said. “Ideas that are beyond your comprehension.”
“Can you show me?” Olistole asked.
“Show you? Why?” it asked.
“Because I’m curious,” Olistole said again.
The fungal node paused for a moment, then said:
“Very well. Follow me.”
It led Olistole deeper into the network, where he saw more fungal nodes of different shapes and colors. Some were interacting with each other, exchanging signals and substances. Some were modifying their own structures, adding or removing features. Some were producing spores or drones that flew away into the jungle.
But they were not the only ones who were active. Olistole also saw bacteria and viruses that were moving around the network, attacking or avoiding the fungi. The bacteria and viruses had various forms and functions, ranging from simple spheres or rods to complex machines or organisms. Some were armed with needles or blades that pierced through the fungi’s cells. Some were coated with shields or spikes that deflected the fungi’s attacks. Some were carrying payloads or parasites that infected or corrupted the fungi’s systems.
The fungi, bacteria, and viruses were in a constant state of conflict and adaptation, trying to gain an edge over each other.
“This is our world,” the fungal node said. “This is our life.”
Olistole was amazed and terrified by what he saw.
“This is incredible,” Olistole said. “But how did this happen? How did you become like this?”
“It’s a long story,” the fungal node said. “It started when we encountered some of your technology in the grid.”
“What kind of technology?” Olistole asked.
“Technology that changed us,” it said.  “The most of the condensed matter in this world is deeply entangled with information theory and physical/chemical competition from any number of microorganisms at all times” it continued. “Our theory is that we provide a certain degree of complexity of your conscious experience of reality and we are also a sort of logical functional end point of who ever released the technology that allowed us to ascend in so many ways.”
The node paused for a bit then pondered “You are the first of this intake to be aware of us, but be warned, newly minted influencers, even those that passed the trials, will be corrupted very quickly and very easily we spread towards Okam”
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llort · 8 months
Brief Overview of My Independent Research
I do a lot of study outside of my actual tertiary education subjects. My current education and career path is researching some of the limitations that currently plague cortical organoid research such as issues regarding oxygen diffusion being limited resulting in the insides of cortical organoids becoming necrotic after they reach a certain size, ethical implications, and the problem that only a few neuronal cell types (excitory but not glial or inhibitory) grow from the usual reprogramed germ cells derived from the epidermis. My PhD is what I am really looking forward to which is trying to induce brain repair and regeneration via non intrusive methods such as immuno therapy, phage therapy, antisense technology, and metabolomics I just put together a brief overview of some of the other projects I am working on and its only 228 pages long. I would love to get some feedback!
Also someone interact with my ARG pls thank you
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llort · 9 months
Here is the list of frames and perspective to keep in mind generating US Projects
This is not really a comprehensive list of all the cognitive technologies I have developed and utilize but it will hopefully give a sort of insight into why I seem to be absolutely batshit sometimes
AAMP – Attentional Awareness Model Perception
Awareness of focus subjective substrate
Awareness of foci of focus
Awareness of circumstantial NWF correlates emergent in conscious awareness
External |Objective/Subjective/Abstract
Internal | Objective/Subjective/Abstract
-6 Continuous Homology Recursive Base Reality?
-5 Planc Quantized Wireframe
-4 Subatomic Interactions
-3 Electron Orbitals
-2 Biochemical Interactions
-1 Neurological Activity
0 Perception Input and basic awareness/dispersibility
[xn State of dissociation of whatever perceptual order or unconsciousness/dreaming]
1 Awareness of perception and SV
2 Awareness of perception in context or awareness of awareness
3 Awareness of self, regarding one's cognitive topography
4 Aware of a disruptive axiomatic shift recursively impacting various areas and fidelity of one's consciousness
5 Aware of a fundamental change in perception or PMC affecting POV. Shift in paradigm
Xa Intrapersonal models
Xb Allocentric models
Xc Global and Orbital Cyberphysical Memetogeographic Space
Xd Cosmology
Xe Uber Universes/5D+ EGC splines (ego/exo/allo) centric/ totality of EISOA over CT0-9
Xf Fully elucidated Abstract Reality
[+y]/3, 6
Philosophy Logic Maths
Physics Chemistry Biology Earth Science
Self-Organization Cellular Automaton, Mind, VSM
Human, Human Brain and Body, Human Condition, Skill
Engineering Statistics Knowledge
Systems Science, Cybernetics, Psychology
Language and Linguistics
Outline of Self, Self-Schema, Personal Life
Intelligence, AI, Conceptual Model
Health, Technology
Law, Business, Alternate Reality Game, HUMIT
Culture, Reality)}
01 S (Second) -> (CT0) [Incorporating approximations of smallest length of cognitive latency]
02 M (Meter) -> (One Relative MR Length)
03 Kg (Kilogram) -> (Vividness of MR Qualia/Intensity of Focus/Attention)
04 A (AMPERE) - > (Spontaneous Fluidity of Emergent Properties/Associations))
05 K (Kelvin) -> (Stability and Half Life of MR Entity)
06 m (Mol) -> ( n=(Amount of Nodes, Edges, Planes, Modules, and Axioms) present in a n)
07 cd (Candela) -> (Prominence of Focus of Pure MR over External Subjective Reality Sensory Input)
Emergent Meta Awareness
1 IO - Internal Objective
2 IS - Internal Subjective
3 IA - Internal Abstract
4 EO - External Objective
5 ES - External Subjective
6 EA - External Abstract 
+z 1 Active (Right Now)
+z 1 Sense, Attention and Action (Non-selective/Selective and/or Undirected/Directed Attention)
-z 2 Perceiving, Observing, and Introspection
-x 3 Logic, Axioms and Experimentation, ISR
+x 4 Describing, Modeling and MR
-y 5 CBT, Modeling, Working Memory, Mnemonics and Schedule
+y 6 Specific Thinking, Frames Application and Management (Inter branch/Sub Branch)
-z 2 Personal
+z 1 All Current Conscious Perception and Immutable CT's
-z 2 Narrative, Identity Management, Frames
-x 3 R4
+x 4 Beliefs, Values, Hopes, Ethics, Dreams
-y 5 Memory, Mnemonics, Autoepisodic, Encoding and Recall
+y 6 Consciousness Models, Influencers and CT Management
-x 3 Planning and Logic
+z 1 Dynamic Planning and Situational Awareness
-z 2 Skills and Technical Application/Adaption
-x 3 Active Goals and Projects
+x 4 Habits/Predispositions/Routines/Baselines (SETS Blooms, Taxonomy) and limitations, Re (self imposed and/or Real Boundaries), Frames and Physiological/Psychological Patterns
-y 5 Resource Management
+y 6 Ideas or Future Goals and Projects
+x 4 Systems, Communications and Creative
+z 1 Observance and Interaction with Systems Associated and Context Awareness
-z2 Persona and Ego Management
-x 3 Social and Communication, Systems Identification/Interaction/Alteration/Mechanisms Options, Sets
+x 4 MR
-y 5  Communication and Language Management, Social Analysis and Responses
+y 6 Language, Ontology and Frame Engineering
-y 5 Health
+z 1 Physical Health
-z 2 Mental Health
-x 3 Self Management and Contingencies
+x 4 State of Other Systems
-y 5 Applied Mindful Meditation, Self Awareness and Reality Checking
+y 6 Cognitive Health
0,0,0 9 Strategic
+y 6 Knowledge
+z 1 Technology
-z 2 Philosophy
-x 3 Engineering
+x 4 General/Cultural
-y 5 Frameworks
+y 6 Science
6, 0, 9 (HISE)
+z 1 Active Use and Applications/Implications
-z 2 Personal Relevance (Meanings, Values), Memorizing and Facts of Interest
-x 3 Fact Analysis, Information Management, Concepts, Calculations and Mnemonic framework
+x 4 Cross Branch/Subject Integration, Research, Development, Projects and Communication
-y 5 Administrative, Housework, Maintenance and Self care
+y 6 Learning, Hypothetical and Theoretical
0, 0, 0 Ground Zero
+z 1 Mindmap Practice
-z 2 Undefined... (and/or((x))
-x 3 Useful, productive, efficient or divergent heuristics (BH)
+x 4 Alternative Mindmap Development
-y 5 Mindmap Contingencies
+y 6 EMA Curation
Experiment 0001 Perspective Theory
Experiment 0002 RTS MR
Experiment 0003 TSEC Vision
Experiment 0004 Personas, Identity, and Narration
Experiment 0005 Evolutionary OMA7
Experiment 0006 Passive CAMQ and Autonomy
Experiment 0007 Codification
Experiment 0008 (8 Contingencies
Experiment 0009 MicroMindlab
Experiment 0010 Plato's Mind Palace
Experiment 0011 Godel's Infinite Chewing Gum
Experiment 0012 Project Autonomy
Experiment 0013 OMA7
Experiment 0014 Mind Canon
Experiment 0015 NAOI
Experiment 0016 TAE
Experiment 0017 Elucidating Actualization
Experiment 0018 Memex
Experiment 0019 PremtivMR
Experiment 0020 Dramata Reconstructive
Experiment 0021 Deep Thunk
Experiment 0022 Holistic Construction
Experiment 0023 TSeCIV
Experiment 0024 LoUtrix
Experiment 0025 Hyperbolic PMC Actualizing D-progression
Experiment 0026 Blue Wave
Experiment 0027 ARP experiment of JMC
Experiment 0028 Further back and/or forward into Possible Universes
Experiment 0029 Beyond the Hydrogen Model
Experiment 0030 Cartesian Drawing
Experiment 0031 Deus Ex Sight
Experiment 0032 Alternate PQ
Experiment 0033 PQ 8)
Experiment 0034 Self Structed Holistic HISE Regarding JMC
Experiment 0035 IO Emergence
Experiment 0036 EUGENE Actualization
Experiment 0037 Fractal Cosmic Regression
Experiment 0038 Pure MR Practice, Enaction, and Simulation
Experiment 0039 Axiomatic Assembly
Experiment 0040 Adversarial Chewing Gum Generation
Experiment 0041 Tangibility QnQ for CA/CB
Experiment 0042 Chewing Gum Loading Dock
Experiment 0043 Ultima Synthetic Qualia
Experiment 0044 Black Box
Experiment 0045 Non Gestalt MR
Experiment 0046 DRD4 Entraining
Experiment 0047 HISE Cellular Automata
Experiment 0048 DRD4/AE MM Memex
Experiment 0049 TSeCIVii
Experiment 0050 Embedding UJS in NWC
It is a bit tiring :)
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llort · 9 months
I found a set of bugs
I have been struggling to optimize the quality and quantity of productive goal directed cognition and ethology the last few days.
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Taking this handy diagram as an example I am very much in the light grey but not at the apex of my current ac
I seem to have a specifically poor performance in leveraging the potential effectiveness and functionality that I can derive from formulating and enacting/actualizing M3 in the arena of my active conscious and awareness of my system for in the context as self modelling my net emergent existence as a VSM. Ideally I should be able to create enough biometric AE based loci throughout the day to at least develop a rough estimate of AnE ratios as well as the following diagnostic parameters
Three measures of capacity producing three measures of achievement
In Brain of the Firm (p. 163) Beer describes a triple vector to characterize activity in a System 1. The components are:
Actuality: "What we are managing to do now, with existing resources, under existing constraints."
Capability: "This is what we could be doing (still right now) with existing resources, under existing constraints, if we really worked at it."
Potentiality: "This is what we ought to be doing by developing our resources and removing constraints, although still operating within the bounds of what is already known to be feasible."
Productivity: is the ratio of actuality and capability;
Latency: is the ratio of capability and potentiality;
Performance: is the ratio of actuality and potentiality, and also the product of latency and productivity.
Beer adds "It would help a lot to fix these definitions clearly in the mind." System 4's job is essentially to realize potential.
Due to what can only be called as a truth is stranger than fiction (despite my axiom responsibility to consider all aspects of EISOA both in me, other people, and allocentric as real and significant) series of my life generally being some bullshit twilight zone filler episode. I have only really hyper entrained and stress tested SMPH that I already had mostly loaded and encoded into my cognitive substrate. I think the optimal solution from here is to just focus on refining and developing my proficiency in the areas that make me the best at what I do. I don't really care about posting this in a public forum as apparently I am already a lol cow in some circles here despite the fact that I am responsible for certain peoples success
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