mjtheartist04 · 9 months
Rika like- BEGS Genya to say Mi Amour cause it sounds so sweet and lovey dovey when he says it, which he's happy to oblige! Only she's asked him to say it like- 100 already.
So his excuse is 'so she doesn't keep distracting him during his training' he takes her by her cheeks and covers her face in kisses while repeating 'Mi Amour' after each one, continuing to do it till they're both giggling flustered messes. 🥹🩵💙🩷
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 6 months
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Bonus 8: How met your mother (CSSR design by @qourmet!)
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#poorly drawn mdzs#mdzs#cangse sanren#wei changze#jiang fengmian#It was important to me that WCZ had the hereditary mole. I will die on this hill.#I have been *waiting* for the day to finally arrive when I could finally make this comic. It's been marinating for months.#My mission is to redraw all of qour's character designs one day. They are just *that* good.#CSSR has the vibes of a wandering menace who shows up in towns like a stray cat arriving at a new doorstep for treats. 10/10.#While YZY strongly leads us to believe that JFM was in love with CSSR and that's his whole motivation behind taking wwx in-#-I do think this is (once again) rumour being presented as reality. It's the juicer story to tell after all.#It is still possible that he did love her! But I think that story undercuts the relationship he also had with WCZ.#Yall ever think about how JC and WWX parallel their fathers? How Wei Changze also left the Jiang Leader's side? I do.#Unlike JC though It is far more hilarious and plausible to imagine JFM begging to be CSSR and WCZ's third. You know he would.#My wild headcanon is that JFM and YZY are in a mlm and wlw arranged marriage situation. Deeply unhappy as partners. Better as friends.#they care for each other and I'll admit that there is a beautiful tragedy in them having romantic feelings for each other the whole time.#But I am also here for the gaffs. Let them be unfulfilled homosexuals together.#Meanwhile cssr and wcz are having incredible hetrosexual sex in a bisexual way that WILL leave him pregnant by the end of it.
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shirecorn · 1 year
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Gay horse man looks like a princess
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Gay horse man learns to respect trans butch lesbians and various other people who won't date him
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anonymouscheeses · 1 month
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I just want them to be absolutely head over heels with eachother. No one sided simping in my hazbin hotel!
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starflungwaddledee · 4 months
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did you know that coo is canonically lonely? {shipaganza prompt by @veveisveryuncool}
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pianokantzart · 5 months
Princess Daisy's capabilities as a ruler being disregarded because she's loud, hotheaded and emotional, leading her to be perceived by many as immature and impulsive.
Luigi's capabilities as a hero being disregarded because he's awkward, nervous and emotional, leading him to be perceived by many as weak and pathetic.
Both of them recognizing the value inherent in each other's feelings while simultaneously seeing the strength and potential in one another that they are unable to see in themselves. Do you feel me?
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sanasanakun · 10 months
One day I will write an entire piece on why Ranni's questline is a perfect example of a subtle, gothic, and chivalric romance story but one that still manages to be so blatantly in your face about both the Tarnished and Ranni's feelings for one another that you can't miss it. And yet, people still insist that it's platonic because Ranni isn't jumping into the Tarnished's arms and proclaiming her undying affection for them (even though she does say she loves them in her own quiet way with the fucking key but I digress) and it makes me fear that reading literacy is at an all-time low worldwide.
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voltfruits · 1 year
one really important thing about Aubrey and Sunny's swingset scene (and their other interactions on One Day Left) is how it establishes Aubrey as a realist in contrast to Kel and Hero's relentless optimism and Basil's despairing attitude. like don't get me wrong, Sunny really benefits from Kel and Hero's sunshiney cheer, and his bond with Basil will always be important too. but Aubrey is the person who straight up says "you've gotta let yourself feel your feelings, the good and the bad. you've gotta eat. you've gotta go outside. life sucks and it's never going to be easy, but you've just gotta take it day by day and be patient." and it's frustrating to see people say that Aubrey didn't do anything for Sunny or that she only caused trouble for him... because after Sunny spent years living in his own head, he really needs a friend like Aubrey who is just completely real and candid with him.
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paradox-n-bedrock · 6 months
The Doctor eventually stops correcting people when they call him Dr. Noble. He doesn't encourage it and he certainly doesn't intentionally introduce himself that way, but he does grin and rock on his heels and needle Donna about it a little.
And Shaun is very Shaun about it. Unthreatened and chill and rolling with the nebulous limits of this queer alien's friendship with his wife. Dryly joking that if they weren't going to exchange names, it's fitting someone take Donna's. But something about it does prickle a tiny bit, after a while. He's not sure why and he's not sure how to approach it.
And then the fam is out one day and someone happens to call Fourteen Dr. Temple. And the Doctor still doesn't correct the person but when the interaction is over the three of them laugh so hard it brings him to tears. It loosens something, and later Shaun can mention the feeling to Donna, even as he realizes it doesn't bother him anymore.
He throws an "excuse you, Dr. Noble" in Fourteen's direction the next time he's put an empty box of cereal back in the cabinet for Shaun to find and gleefully watches them both sputter.
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To me Cameron reads like someone who's aromantic but not asexual, so she kind of forces herself into having romantic feelings for other people (like Chase) because you can't have one without the other, right? Wrong
Plus she's so sensitive and emotionally vulnerable as someone who constantly wears her heart on her sleeve, she probably mistakes the genuine platonic affection and care she has for other people as romantic feelings
That, or she's a lesbian with an extremely serious case of comphet. (Or both.) In this essay I will-
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The Twin Boys; One in Black, One in White
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dootznbootz · 4 months
Odysseus is the type of guy who oozes rizz and can and will say the sweetest shit to Penelope and revels in her being happy with it ("You're beautiful in red" when she blushes. THAT type of cheesy bullshit. Have you READ the shit he says to her in the Odyssey?) but if she gives it back, he just freezes and Odysseus.exe stops working. Especially since he was the one doing all the flirting in the beginning until she finally chills out and "allows" herself to have a crush.
Penelope: ...You know, I don't really know if your name fits you. Odysseus: Oh? You don't think "Pain in the ass" is a good fit? Penelope: It definitely is...But...I don't know. Maybe it's because when I think of you, I don't think of pain, I think of joy... Yeah, instead of "pain giver", you're a giver of joy."Joy Giver" perhaps? Odysseus:
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Penelope: ...Are you okay? Odysseus: *completely red and continues to make a high-pitched squeaking sound like air being let out of a balloon*
He gets more used to it as they get further along in their marriage but in the beginning, this guy was screaming into his pillows and kicking his feet and twirling his hair and being stupid :D
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missmagooglie · 1 month
Favorite part of 7x05?
It's gotta be the implied scene where Christopher Diaz comes home from his mysterious "few days away" and is told by his dad that Marisol doesn't live with them anymore.
And Chris looks at Eddie with a full on teenage glare and says, "What. Do you mean. ANYMORE????"
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coldflasher · 2 months
anyway, thanks to that moment in the sound and the fury where barry is standing around watching with blank frustration like "god i wish i'd taken a language in high school" while hartley verbally eviscerates both cisco and eowells in multiple languages, i now headcanon that len speaks a second language, mostly cos barry would find it really annoying
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confused-disaster32 · 4 months
Hi! So you can call this a rant or a vent or whatever I don't rlly care - I just wanted to put some of my opinions out there bc it is eating me inside out to keep my opinions on Alastor's sexuality and all of the discourse about him being shipped to myself.
Also i'd like to state that I'm writing this as someone who is aroace but has no actual wish to be in a romantic relationship and actually struggles to so much as picture what that's be like for myself. I would also like to state how I'm not speaking for the whole community and others will have different opinions to myself.
Firstly - aroace is a spectrum (as someone who is on the aroace spectrum btw) and I completely agree with ppl who say that it is a spectrum and shipping has always existed and you can't rlly stop an entire fandom. My only problem is when ppl completely ignore that he is aroace while doing this, bc to me it seems like there's so much potential to having him have to go through those types of emotions and to write him off as if he's completely allo not only can make some people feel unseen but also just isn't as fun.
Also I kind of believe that he'd possibly date someone for the entertainment - like even if he didn't exactly feel romantic attraction maybe he'd be willing to be around someone closely bc he might like the reactions he'd be getting. (example: he might've stayed in a relationship with Vox maybe not out of pure attraction but if he found out that affection could make the TV short-circuit? He'd be interested)
Adding to that, I personally do not actually ship him with anyone romantically due to his character + the fact that I am projecting my own distaste for romance on him but you do you ig.
Also, on the note of nsfw around him - sometimes you cannot stop a fandom, rule 34 exists and some people who are asexual sometimes may want to have sex and all of that stuff. Personally I think he'd probably be sex-repulsed due to the fact that he canonically has issues with being touched.
ALSO, i personally think that way too many people are brushing over the idea of putting Alastor in a QPR - like that would literally be so awesome.
Alastor x Rosie? Cute af (to me Rosie gives of aro vibes too, but more romance - favourable) like they're already besties and honestly I think that Rosie would defo help him figure out about his identity considering that he's quite obviously not all that sure about slang and stuff.
Vox x Alastor - It has the potential to be SO FUCKING FUN like, you get to experiment with how they feel for each other, maybe what Alastor's got going on bc he died before being aroace was rlly a thing and he'd be confused about how he felt about Vox for sure.
Lucifer x Alastor - I quite like it, ik that Lucifer is supposed to be with Lillith but she did take an extremely long hiatus on her family up in heaven so i think it's okay. Plus the idea of them bonding and becoming close due to Charlie is wonderful.
Even angel and Alastor - maybe after Val Angel doesn't want a super sexual relationship - maybe he's not all that interested in something purely romantic either and though I love huskerdust this would still be pretty cool.
Really all I'm saying is; be considerate. Incorporate the fact that Alastor is Aroace, even if you do ship him - in or out of QPRs - and ofc sometimes writing someone who is part of a group ur not in is difficult (coming from someone who often struggles in writing especially when it comes to romance) but taking a crack at it might actually turn out to be rlly cool.
But please don't ignore his aroace-ness, there's not a huge amount of aroace characters out there and acting like someone isn't can be annoying for ppl who want to find rep around their identity, esp if they haven't seen much before (I can relate and he was one of the first aroace characters I was introduced to after I found out what it meant).
So yeah, that's my piece.
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paimonial-rage · 10 months
23 for heizou, albedo, xingqiu, and most importantly, KAEYA!! -- @milkstore
[Character Analysis Ask Meme]
Heizou Headcanons
With a talent for deduction and an enthusiasm to match, Shikanoin Heizou is a whirlwind not to be messed with. However, it is often due to this unceasing drive that a few things often drop beneath his radar, one of which being his health. It’s not that he doesn’t take care of himself, he truly does. He makes sure to eat healthily and tries his best to keep to a set sleep schedule when not on duty. However, when he is sick, it’s difficult for him to truly realize just how sick he is. It often takes an irate Sango to force him to rest after being notified by his worried fellow doushin.
As sweet as he is, don’t expect to not get roped into odd situations if you choose to date someone like Heizou. As a doushin, it is his job to crack even the toughest of cases. And how lucky he is to have you help with that! With a charming smile, don’t be surprised if he asks you to try to stab him with a rusty knife while wearing a kitsune mascot costume. The outcome will provide key evidence in solving this latest case, after all! With your help, you will be able to solve the puzzle together. Aren’t you lucky?
Albedo Headcanons
When the Knights of Favonius are in need of something alchemy related, it is often that they will go to Sucrose or Timmaeus first. Not that they can be blamed, of course. For small and often weird requests, who would ever think about going to a captain for help? Little do they know is that Albedo is much less likely to turn down a request than the other two. While he will delegate if it does not fall within his realm of area of expertise, Albedo, at his core, is both helpful and curious. Therefore he sees no harm in helping if he has the time. 
Relationship Focused
It isn’t that you didn’t expect much when you first agreed to date Albedo, it’s just you didn’t expect… what exactly? The way he pauses his studies whenever you come by? The way he takes your hand so naturally without batting an eye? The way he weaves his plans to spend time with you so effortlessly in your conversations? He catches you off guard every time, and you know it’s on purpose. You hate how he is such an unassuming natural romantic.
Xingqiu Headcanons
Though many people have heard of the second son of the Feiyun Commerce Guild, revitalizer of the famous Guhua Clan, most would not be able to point him out in a crowd. This is a conscious decision on Xingqiu’s part for two reasons. First, it is certainly not chivalrous to give into such boastful activities. Secondly, as a whole Xingqiu is happy the way he is. He does not want a prestigious position as the Guhua prodigy, nor does he need more duties to the guild. All that matters to him is to become a chivalrous hero like the stories he holds so dear. 
Anyone that is close to Xingqiu knows that he loves to tease. One would think being in a relationship with him would make it easier, but it’s only made him worse. How he adores seeing your face heat up into a flustered blush. Really, he is the worse. So it’s safe to say you really did not expect the reaction you got upon giving him a taste of his own medicine. Not only did he turn away to hide his pinkened cheeks, but did he just stutter too? Hmm, perhaps he is as easy to tease as you. 
Kaeya Headcanons
For someone as seemingly confident and laid-back as Captain Kaeya, many would not pin him for having weaknesses or insecurities. How could they? He is always giving of his time to patrol, assist Jean with her duties, play with Klee, conduct business trips… Even when not on duty, he can be found gathering intelligence at Angel’s Share, surveying possible abyssal hotspots, reporting his findings to the Dawn Winery… Kaeya always gives his time for others, but on his own, he will never take for himself. 
Even if you are able to catch someone like Kaeya, do not be so foolish as to expect his heart will be yours. Try as you may, there will be a wall. You will not be able to trust the words that come from his lips, no matter how sweet. He will lie about his wants, needs, insecurities, troubles, and more. This isn’t because he hates you or wishes to play with your feelings. He doesn’t know how to open up. He doesn’t know how to be honest. You’ll have to prove yourself a person he can trust.
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