rottingbrains101 · 4 months
thinking sbout how its the 40s in lotf and interracial relationships (and gay relationships likely) were frowned upon or even illegal. huntingmates was ILLEGAL.
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horror-vampire · 2 years
im thinking about mcr5 and how maybe, just maybe, this is what it should've been all along, with a new sense of hope
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grimmssnarl · 2 years
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itspronouncedfeckyou · 7 months
guys theyyfound out im afaggot ,,,,,,, i nneed to disappaer,,
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squuote · 11 months
I keep thinking about that image of stephan hillenberg holding spongebob and I imagine that’s how the narrator feels about stanley. holding creature gently….
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docma-crm · 1 month
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Redraw of that one Falk picture Powerwolf once shared on social media
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moicat · 11 months
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Various sketches I’ve been neglecting to post. (I do this often) had to go back and add my signature to some of these haha.
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froot-batty · 7 months
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Accept your future path wasn't yours to be chosen.
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relicariums · 9 months
If i had a dollar for every time i heard the story of a man on his deathbed asking for people that he neglected or completely ignored his whole life to come visit and forgive him so he dies without regrets, I'd have a few dollars. My opinion is always the same and that's that he should die alone since he created that situation himself. I don't know, whenever I hear stories about people apologizing on their deathbed it always seems disingenuous. Reparations take time and effort. I'm sure there's some genuine regret there, but why only say you're sorry when you don't have the time to actually fix up your act etc
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🏳️‍⚧️- Gender headcanon
🏳️‍🌈- Orientation headcanon
for the trollhunters?
jim: i like headcannons where he's trans but i can see it going either way tbh. he feels like he has both trans and cis boy swag. so bi
toby: i've seen genderfunky toby hcs and i really like them tbh. genderqueer or nonbinary but still using he/him if think. pan probably
claire: once again, i can see her as both trans and cis, idk which one i prefer. totally bisexual i mean look at her
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unproduciblesmackdown · 5 months
and so real it takes timing and talent persistence and pluck but nothing does the trick like a little luck; speaking of november 15th snow and passing time looking at fics & leaving comments & then some other stuff happened; speaking of sometimes serendipitously you smack into someone and both drop your kleinsen ao3 fics and pick each other's up and then also learn you've been studying all your lives to be scholars of [whoa! kompenso!! there's winston billions & taylor mason autistic and nonbinary icons respectively in there!!!] and give it some Zing with earnestness effort yet ease and enthusiasm over and over and be like gosh this pwns like fuck and shoutout to we're Not gonna be stuck at the manor shoved toward marriage & children besties and we Are the non cishets and funny little guys and undeniable forces of one's own tastes and personality and talents and interests and spontaneity and idiosyncrasy and isn't it all just a delight like it's just like they sing it's just like they find some more breathing room and their personhoods inevitably bloom & thrive further & better. gold ring on the merry-go-round midbarn collisions serendipitous talent, timing, persistence, pluck, a little luck
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Vanilla and I were in the pool
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hauntingskiss · 1 year
graahg now i feel bad my portal art feels like it sucks q_q then again all my old portal art is from like, three or two years ago but ahughuhfuhguhguh!!!!!!!!!!!
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nutelly · 2 years
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instantcreationpizza · 5 months
Nur Heliza helmi
Heliza helmi berumur 34 tahun seringkali melibatkan diri Dalam memberikan bentuan
Kepada mengsa - mengsan perang Dan bencana Alam dia sering. berada Di kem pelarian bagi menyampaikan makan . Tanpa pengetahuannya,
Heliza helmi keini menjadi sasaran pengganas kerana tidak berpuas hati dangan keberaniannya. satu Hari , mereka bertindak memculik wanita itu
Dari kem bentuan . Mereka mengikat tangannya belakang Dan mentutup kepalanya dangan Kain.
Apabila mereka membuka penutup muka ITU , heliza helmi menyedari Dia berapa Di Dalam sebuah gudang Dan dikelillingi lelaki bersanjatakan senapang . Dia sangat takut . Dan menghampiring .
Itis is heppened when you dera to help my enemies " kata ketua pengganas .
"I'm not afraid of you!" Kata Heliza helmi
Ketua pengganas ITU berkata sesuatu Dalam bahasa asing . Pangikutnya membawa keluar sebuah kamera .
"You well see the punishment for all who dare to go against me "kata ketua pengganas ITU.
Dia melangkan kebelakang haliza helmi Dan mengoyok baju .
Aahh ..no ! Let me go "kata Haliza helmi
Dia tak melawan kerana kedua tangannya diikat dibelakang . Ketua pengganas ITU menbogekan Di Hadapan kamera Dan hanya meninggalkan tudungnya. ketua pengganas itu bercakap Dalam bahasa asing lagi .
Pangikutnya mengikan kefun kaki Haliza helmi pada rantai basi Yang digantung dari siling Dia digantung Dan keadaan terkangkanh dah Di atas.
Haliza hilmi Teresa seperti ingat nak menangis . Dia melawan perasaanya ITU .
You better let me go! Kata Heliza helmi
Ketua pengganas ITU menyepit kedua puting tetek dangen penyepit baju .
Aaarrghh! Mak! Tolong!! Jerit Haliza helmi.
Ketua pengganas ITU mengeluarkan vibrator Dan mengenakan pada burit Haliza helmi.
Ummpphh no no p - please aahh no ..' kata Haliza helmi
Ketua pengganas itu terus mengenakan vibrator pada biji kelentit Haliza helmi . Wanita itu memejamkan Matanya. Itu adalah titik lemahnya walaupun dia malu diperlakukan begitu. Ia juga memberikan rangsangan.
"P- please ...stop .."Rayu Haliza helmi.
Why should I? Soal Ketua pengganas ITU .
Haliza helmi memandang kamera Yang merakamnya . Dia memejamkan kedua Matanya menahan malu. Vibrator ITU terus memberikan rangsangan kepadanya sehingga air buritanya terpancut. Kumpulan pangganas ITU ketawakan . Hatinya hancur perlakukan begitu .
"That s enough .. please ...Stop ... "Rayu Haliza helmi .
I'm not done " jawab ketua pengganas ITU.
Dah mencapi sebatang Cota . Dia menggunakan cota ITU dah memukul bontot Haliza helmi .
"Aarrghh! Please! It hurts !!" Rayu Haliza helmi.
Tanpa berperikemanusiaan, ketua pengganas itu menjolok burit wantia 38 tahun itu dangan Cota tersebut. Haliza helmi meraung kesakitan . Dia dapat merasakan Darah keluar buritnya. Dara Dan kesucin dirinya diragut olah Cota itu. Air Mata menitis diri kedua Matanya . Ketua pengganas itu membiarkan Cotar ITU. Terpacak pada burit Haliza helmi . Dia meninggalkan seluarnya Kotenya keras terpacak dihadapan Mata wanita itu.
Haliza helmi sangat ketakutan .
No! Don't do this! This is already to much for me please! " Kata Haliza helmi .
Ketua pengganas itu melakukan facefuck dengan memasukan kotenya kedalam mulut Haliza helmi. Dia menjuah kotenya Di tekek wanita itu dangan ganas. "Urk urk! Gulk! " Hanya bunyi itu Yang dapat didangar. Mata Haliza helmi berair Dan dia sukar untuk bernafas . Ketua pengganas itu menarik kotenya keluar dari mulut Haliza helmi Dan air liurnyan meleleh atas mukanya.
Haliza helmi meludah kearah ketua pengganas itu. Dia menampar pipi wanita itu. Dia mencabut panyepit baju dari puting Haliza helmi . Kemudian. Dia mencabut puting wanita itu Dan menariknya.
Aaarrghhh!! No! No! Stop!!" Jerit Haliza helmi.
Dia menrik cotarnya keluar dari burit wantia itundan memukul bontotnya. Dia memberikan arahan Dalam bahasa asing kepada pangikutnya lagi. Pangikutnya menurunkan heliza helmi ke lantai Dan meletakkannyan Di Dalam posisi menonggeng.
Kedua tangannya Haliza helmi Masih lagi teriket Di belakang bedannya. Ketua pengganas ITU memijiak pipi Haliza helmi.
"Today, l turn you into a useless dog!" Kata ketua pengganas itu.
Kemudian dia memasukan cotar itu kedalam lubang bontot wanita itu . Mata Haliza helmi terbeliek, mulutnya ternganga Dan dia terkencing . Mereka terus memrakam saat Yang memulakan itu sembil ketawa. Ketua pengganas itu memasukan kotenya kedalam burit Haliza helmi Dan memggerak-gerak cotar itu Di Dalam bontotnya.
"why!??why did you do this!? No!!!" Jerit Haliza helmi Dan menangis.
Ketua pengganas itu merogolnya dangen ganas sehinggakan tiada suara Yang keluar dari mulut Haliza helmi Dan cuma air Mata Yang berlinangan.
"You feel so good! You're definitely are born for this!," kata ketua pengganas itu .
Dia mengeluarkan cotar itu dari bontot Haliza helmi. Dia merangkak kemuka wanita itu Dan menolak cotar Yang dikeluarkan dari lubang bontot ITU kedalam mulut bertudung ITU
Uurrm..! Uurrmmm!!" Haliza helmi bersuara.
Dia menendang bahu Haliza helmi sehingga dia terjatuh Dalam keadaan terbaring. Ketua pengganas ITU terbuka punggungnya dengan kedua tangannya Dan duduk diatas muka wanita itu.
" There! KISS my ass,you cheap slut!" Kata ketua pengganas itu.
Sembil ketawa . Dia bangun semula Dan Haliza helmi terbatuk-batuk. Mukanya merah. Ketua pengganas itu memijiak tetek kirinya Dan meludah mukanya. Dia melutut Di tengah kedua kaki Haliza helmi.
"are you ready, whore?" Soal Ketua pengganas itu.
Dia memasukan kotenya kedalam burit Haliza helmi Dan terus mendayung dengan ganas Dan rekus tangannya meramas-ramas tetek wanita itu ,Dan mencubit putingnya. Haliza helmi terus meraung meminta tolong tetapi tiapa sesiapa Yang datang .
"Oh yes . you pussy is the best!"ketua pengganas itu.
Terus provoke heliza helmi .dia mula bercakap Dalam bahasa asing lagi. Pangikutnya mula menghampiring heliza helmi . Mereka membuka seluar Dan menguruk kote masing-masing . Heliza helmi mentutup Matanya, berharap ini hanyalah mimpi ngeri Dan dia Akan bangun dari tidur.
Kemudian dia merasakan sesuatu Yang hangat di atas pipinya. Haliza helmi membuka Matanya. Ahli kumpulan pangganas itu melancp Dan memancutkan air mani mereka diatas muka Dan tetek wanita itu .
"Tak!!! Kepada!? " Jerit Haliza helmi .
Ketua mereka mesih rakus merogolnya sementara mereka terus melancap keatasnya tubuhnya melekit.
"Do you like that, cum dumpster!?" Kete ketua pengganas itu.
"You're crazy!" Balas Haliza helmi.
Ketua pengganas itu menggenggan kedua tetek Haliza helmi Dan menghenjut dengan lebih laju.
"Yeaaah! I'm Cummins, hoe!" Kata ketua pengganas itu
"No-no-no! " Jerit Haliza helmi .
Dia memancutkan air maninya dalam burit wantia ITU.
"Aaarrghhh!! Kepada!? benda ni jadi kat Aku!!" Jerat Haliza helmi sembil menangis.
"Do you want me to let you go, or should l sell you? Soal Ketua pengganas itu
Dia mula ketawa sembil kakinya memijat burit Haliza helmi.
Dia mencapai ayam goreng dari atas meja Dan mencampakkannya keatas lantai .
"If you manage to finish that with only eating it like a dog, l"ll let you go," kata ketua pengganas itu.
Haliza helmi bergerak diatas lututnya. Dia membongkok untuk memakan ayam itu . Tetapi pada ketika itu, ketua pengganas itu kencing diatas kepalanya tudungnya basah dengan air kencing lelaki itu. Haliza helmi berasa terhina dia menangis tetapi teruskan memakan ayam Yang telah dibasah air kencing.
Ketua pengganas itu memijiak kepala Haliza helmi.
"you're a good dog! Kata ketua pengganas itu
Dia menarik tangan Haliza helmi Dan membawa masuk kedalam van. Di Dalam van itu, dia membuka ikatan tangan wanita itu. Haliza helmi masih lagi berbogel Dan hanya memakai tudungnya Yang dibasah air kencing ITU. Tiba Di sebuah lebuh Raya, mereka menolam Haliza helmi keluar. Orang ramai terkejut melihat wanita Yang jelita terlanjang Di tengah lebuh Raya. Haliza helmi tidak tahu kemana arah hendak dituju , dia menangis cuba mentutup tetek Dan buritanya dengan tangannya seorang perempuan berlari Dan membalut tubuhnya dengan Kain. Haliza helmi meraung atas bahu wanita Yang membantunya ITU.
(cerita Yang kesatu )
(Yang kedua)
Selepas Dirogol ganas Dan dimalukan Oleh sekumpulan pengganas, Haliza helmi telah pulang ke tanah air. Pagi Itu, dia bersiap secantiknya bagi meraikan Hari Raya. Dia keluar menaiki kereta untuk mengujungi rumah rakanya. Tetapi ketika di dalam perjalanan, Haliza helmi terpandang seorang lelaki berpakaian selekeh Dan tidak terurus. lelaki itu kelihatan seperti sedang bersedin . Kerana sikapnya yang suka membantu, heliza helmi memberhentikan kereta Dan menghampiri lelaki itu.
"Pak cik kenapa duduk sorang-sorang kat ini Hari in kan Raya."kata Haliza helmi.
Lelaki itu menoleh kearahnya Dan memberikan senyuman. Namun, senyumannya kelihatan tidak bermaya Dan lemah.
"Pak cik in hidup sorang-sorang. apa pun tak Ada . macam mana nak Raya?"balas lelaki itu .lemah Haliza helmi mendengar penjelasan lelaki itu .
"keluarga Pak cik?"soal Haliza helmi.
"Pak cik memang tak Ada keluarga."jawab lelaki tersebu.
"apa kata kalau saya hantar Pak cik balik? Kita boleh Raya bersama."kata Haliza helmi .
Pada mulanya, lelaki itu kelihatan seperti ketakutan tetapi dia mula tersenyum.
"Bolah,nak "jawab lelaki itu.
Dia menunjukkan arah kepada penyanyi ITU untuk ke rumahnya mereka tibe disebuah rumah papah Yang buruk Dan agar jauh dari orang.
Abablia mereka masuk kedalam, Haliza helmi melihat seorang lelaki cina berseluar pendek,bersinglet putih Dan bertattoo berapa Di Dalam Di rumah ITU.
"Man mana Lu pergi!?"kata lelaki cina ITU.
"Maaf,boss lim! Saya Cari jalan mau hutang"kata lelaki itu
Lu dah Ada wang? Soal lim.
"Tak! Tapi .. mungkin boss lim bolah terima perempuan in sebagai bayaran"kata lelaki itu.
"Pak cik!?"kata Haliza helmi
Yang terkejut dia cuba melarikan diri . Lim mengarahkan Dua orang pengikutnya untuk menangkat Haliza helmi. Mereka menyeretnya kembali kedalam rumah ITU.
"Pak cik! Sempai hati pak cik but saya macam in!" Kata Haliza helmi.
Man mengalihak pandengannya
Lim menghampiri penyanyi bertudung labuh itu.
"comel la ini ustazah.." Kata lim sembil ketawa.
"okay . Man! Wa pakai in perempuan, wa Kasi Lu disukaun 50% " Kata lim
"Balik! Terima kasih, Boss lim "Kata man
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mikobeautifulheart · 2 months
hey sweetie!! its meee again!! (the one who requested the drunk megumi fic lmaoo)
ummm can you do megumi again??
so basically after a super tiring day, the reader and Megumi decided to chill in megumi's room. they get cozy and then they get intimate…. (no smut please!, JUST A STEAMY HOT MAKE OUT SESSION like before (with tongue [this is embarrassing now…]) AARRGHH!!.. and can you like, drag the make out session?? i mean, make it longer.) ummmmm then, gojo happens to pass by his room. he hears noises 👀👀(of smooches ofc)… he dramatically sighs like a proud dad considering how much megumi has grown and changed over time. (since he raised him). he then teleports into his room and takes a photo of them without them knowing(??) (idk the photo part, write whatever feels good!) he then teases megumi about it!!
and ofc do it only if it feels comfy for you!!
thanks a lot in advance!!!!!!!! <3333333333
Tehehe I almost jumped when I saw ur request anon, ASK AND YOU SHALL RECIVE.
Megumi and you getting caught up in the moment.
(And on Gojos phone)
TW: THERE WILL BE A MAKEOUT SESSION BUT NOT SMUT. and probably second hand embarrassment.
Maybe 800-900 wordsssish
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You went over to Megumis dorm after training to study for your up coming tests. Why do you even have tests anyway your a sorcerer. Whatever any excuse is good enough of you get to hang with Megumi. You guys did actually study for a bit until the sun went down. That's when Megumi started to wrap things up. Even though it had been a few hours you were still hot and bothered from training, and Megumi knew that.
"My shower room is next to my bed room if you want to clean up." He said as he got up to put his study matierials back on his shelf. The best thing out having a small amount of students at Jujutsu High is how good the dorms get.
"If you don't mind."You said going to walk to the room. You paused
"Uh maybe not I didn't bring any clothes and my dorm is across campus..." You mumbled
"You can borrow some of mine" Megumi said hearing everything.
"Oh thanks" you said. Just thinking about being in his clothes makes you heat up.
You opened the bathroom door, spotless, as expected of Megumi. You suddenly felt him behind you making you turn around only to look right up at him.
"Sorry...but here the clothes" he said handing you a shirt and pants.
"Towels are in the corner over there" he mumbled before walking away.
"Thank you" you said going into the room and closing the door behind you.
What was he doing? He knew he wasn't supposed to have anyone in his dorm after 9:00 pm, let alone you. If he gets caught he would be doomed. He flung himself onto his bed, face in pillow and sighing loudly. The tips of his ears were red. He knows he's breaking the rules but...you...you were in his bathroom right now and you'll step out wearing HIS clothes. The image in his mind makes him groan. What was he going to do? You definitely weren't going back to your dorm, not that he wanted you to. And even if you tried to then you would get caught and he would just feel guilty.
Megumi would be lying if he said he never wanted this. He just hoped you did to. Just as he almost suffocated himself in his pillow he heard the bathroom door open. Footsteps filled his mind as you finally came into his view. He sat up and looked at you speechless. The way his clothes nearly slowed you whole made his heart explode. You rubbed the towel against your hair trying to get it as dry as possible before you set the towel aside and joined him on his bed.
There was an akward silence as it was taking everything in Megumi to keep his composure.
"Have you ever had a crush on anyone before Megumi" you asked out of the blue.
It obviously caught him off guard as he moved over to the other side of his bed to give you more space.
"Well...yeah I guess." He said rubbing the back of his neck starting straight at the wall infront of him. He could feel your eyes on him.
"What dose it feel like? Because I think I like someone right now." You said cheek flushed pink. You were nervous. You've been crushing on megimi for a while now but you didn't know how to take it out of the 'friend zone' so you figured that you should just go for it.
"Well it's like your having a heart attack." He starts.
"Then it makes you feel like you want to gently play with their hair" He says reaching out and taking a strand of your hair in-between his fingers.
"And then it makes you feel all hot and embarrassed but it dosent really matter when their so pretty."
You blush harded meeting Megumis gaze and refusing to look away.
"But when you reay like someone, it's love. And love makes you want to do this." He said hand letting go of your hair only to go behind your head and pull you into his lips.
You kiss. You kissed?
He pulled away for a moment letting out a hot breath.
"And it makes you tell them how much you need them and how you would die with out them."
He gose back into the kiss, but this time he slowly put his other arm around your back and lowered you gently onto the bed as the kiss deepened.
You part for a second and said
"Megumi I've never done this before, but I think I like it and I like you"
"I think I like you to" he said
He kissed you again but on your neck, making you groan.
Meanwhile when you guys were at the hight of your night a white haired menace walked by. He has 6 eyes there's nothing you can keep from him, that's why he was disappointed in Megumi because he thought he would have known that by now.
He decided to give Megumi a pass thinking it was iust Him and Yuji haning out until he heard a higher pitched groan. He opened the door slightly and looked into the room to see MEGUMI??? ON TOP OF Y/N???? A thousand thoughts went through his mind. Is he a womaniser? Is that the only thing Megumi learned while he was raised by Gojo? But he's only a kid! So are you...But your not kids anymore...but THATS HIS SON! And he was proud? A grin spread across his face as he closed the door and teleported beside Megumis book shelf, that was facing away from you guys.
"Y/N... I...I need you" Megumi said
"Megumi-" you said, your lips parting perfectly, almost irresistibly. So he went in again, this time he slipped his toung in making you gasp.
Gojo was mortified on one hand, he raised his son well, on the other hand he didn't know if Megumi should even be doing this... Eventually he settled on the 'do now consequence later' method. Before he left he snapped a picture and quickly teleported away.
"Hm. What's wrong Megumi?" You asked as he pulled away and looked around his room.
"It was nothing, I just thought I heard something" He said before going back down.
AUTHOURS NOTE: Thank youieee for the request my most loyal anon and I hope this time I did better (Romance wise) i mean be honest with me, I want to write what you people actually want so your going to have to be honest. Anyways im going to sleep now Gn. and thanks for reading.
You guys were heating up so much that the window started to gain condensation. Megumi deepened the kiss even more taking your breath away. You to were impossibly close together but craved to be closer. You put your arms up and wrapped them around Megumis neck making him go deeper into the kiss again.
One of your hands couldn't help but wander into his hair, playing with it while being high off love. He trailed kisses down your neck leaving a hicky here and there, tounge swiping over each one giving you chills.
"Megumiii~ " you groaned voice sounding like heaven to him.
"Mmm" He said in-between his bites
"What if someone sees them?" You say.
Honestly he could careless about who ever saw them, right now he only wanted you.
"Let them." He said before lifting is face above yours.
" I don't care who sees. Do you?" He asked
You shook your head as a 'not before he smirked and crashed into your lips again.
The next day after traning Gojo took Mefumi aside to talk.
"Look son-im so proud of you, you've grown so much from the mini Megumi I knew" Gojo said pretending to wipe a fake tear from his eye
"Yeah, well word of advice form an expert, I get you'll die without her but you gotta be quieter and don't have your make out sessions when IM on night watch at YOUR dorms okay?"
"What the hell are you talking abou-"
Gojo pulls up the picture of Megumis face hovering above yours.
"YOU CREEP WHAT WERE YOU DOING IN MY DORM" He yelled trying to take the phone off Gojo.
"DELET THAT!" Megumi yelled
"No, It's going in your photo album" Gojo said turning on his infinity so Megumi was no match.
"And maybe for her birthday you should get her a scarf to cover those 'bed bug bites'"
Across the field you saw Megumi yelling at Gojo, throwing things at his infinity when Yuji suddenly snapped you out of your distraction.
"Hey Y/N maybe you should get a new Marree, those bed bug bites on your neck look really bad." He said out of genuine concern.
"Uh YEAH ILL DO THAT" you squeaked turning read and pulling your collar up to hide the red marks on your neck.
"You and Fushiguro sure got the bed bugs bad" Nobora smirked looking at you knowing that no way in hell was that a bed bugs work.
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