#added to the site and looking at it during that time period. Man.
cuntstable · 10 months
i wish i could write meaningful poetry or even do comics properly to express ideas and things in my brain that haunt me a bit but i cant so im just left sitting on my bed staring at a wall and going Huh. Okay.
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lunavenefica · 2 years
⛤History of Mabon⛤
The Mabon or Autumn Equinox is a holiday that takes place from the 21st of September to the 24th of the same month.
⛤The autumn equinox divides day and night equally - here we should all take a moment to pay homage to the impending darkness.
We also thank the sunset light, as we store this year's crop of crops.
The Druids call this celebration, Mea'n Fo'mhair, and honor the Green Man, the God of the Forest, by offering libations to the trees.
On this holiday it is appropriate to dress in elegant clothes and dine and celebrate in luxurious surroundings.
It is time to finish the old jobs and prepare for a period of rest, relaxation and reflection.
⛤ Pagans celebrate the aging Goddess as she passes from Mother to Crone, and her consort, the Lord, as she prepares for death and rebirth.
⛤The feast of the autumn equinox is also known by other names: Feast of the second harvest, Feast of Wine, Feast of Avalon, Autumn Equinox, or Cornucopia.
The Teutonic name, Winter Finding, spans a period of time between Mabon and October 15, which is the New Year in Old Norse.
The Romans celebrated a festival dedicated to Pomona, the goddess of fruit and growing things.
However, the most famous ancient myth comes from Greece. The autumn equinox marks Persephone's return to the underworld:
⛤In ancient Greek mythology, the beginning of the fall is closely linked to the story of the abduction of Persephone, also called Kore or Cora. Daughter of Demeter, goddess of earth and fertility, she was kidnapped and taken to the underworld to become the wife of Hades, the god-king of the underworld. After a period of mourning and struggle, Demeter eventually brought her daughter back from Hades to the light, but only for six months of the year. Each fall, Persephone must return to the underworld to spend six months with Hades. During these months, Nature withdraws.
⛤Mabon is a relatively modern neo-pagan celebration, which takes place around the September equinox.
⛤In the 1970s, the American author Aidan Kelley gave new names to the six pagan holidays rooted in the ancient Celtic tradition and added two new celebrations proper to the September and March equinox.
These holidays are celebrations based on the cycles of the sun.
⛤Inspired by a proper name derived from the Welsh word mab / map, meaning "son" or "boy", Kelly chose Mabon as the name for the autumn equinox celebration, and founded the ceremony he had composed for the festival in the Greek myth of Persephone.
⛤Mabon celebrates the second harvest and the start of winter preparations, and it's time to respect the impending darkness while giving thanks in the sunlight.
⛤Druids and pagans also flock to Stonehenge, the famous 5,000-year-old site in Wiltshire, and Castlerigg, another megalithic stone circle near Keswick, Cumbria, to watch the equinox dawn.
⛤The Christian church replaced many pagan celebrations with Christian observances. The most famous is Christmas, which replaced the ancient Yule festival around the December solstice.
⛤The closest Christian celebration to the September equinox is Michaelmas, also known as the feast of St. Michael and all angels, on September 29th. In this period, the feast of St. Michael is mainly observed in the Catholic church.
⛤Centuries ago in England, the time around the feast of St. Michael also had a commercial side: servants were paid wages after the harvest and workers looked for new jobs at job fairs that also became a place for celebrations.
⛤Mabon is a time full of magic, all connected to the changing seasons of the earth, this is the Second Harvest, the Fruit Harvest and the Great Thanksgiving.
⛤The Goddess is radiant and the God eventually dies with her gift of pure love with the cutting of the last grain. As the grain is harvested in abundance during Lammas and reaches completion, we enjoy the abundance of fruits and vegetables at this time.
⛤It is time to thank the waning sun for the richness of the harvest that has been bestowed on us.
⛤Sometimes it seems like every Holiday calls for thanks, and it really is: every spin of the Wheel brings both inner and outer gifts and insights, so Mabon is a celebration and also a period of rest after harvest work.
⛤In terms of your life path, it is time to reap what you have sown, time to look at the hopes and aspirations of Imbolc and Ostara and reflect on how they have manifested.
⛤It is time to complete projects, to clear out and leave what is no longer wanted or needed as we prepare for the descent, so that winter can offer a time for reflection and peace.
⛤And it's time to plant seeds of new ideas and hopes that lie dormant but nurtured in the dark, until spring returns.
I'll be posting more Mabon related content during the week so stay tuned for spells, rituals, prayers, history and affirmations!
Hopefully, you'll have a great Celebration this year too!
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beesmygod · 1 year
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im calling my shot too early, but i've spent the last 2 days getting my ass beat by lupus symptoms. im feeling so much better. the page is coming.
BUT in the meanwhile: i wrote this long post about why i left Hiveworks
ill put it under a readmore here on tumblr in its entirety:
intro: dont get your hopes up
look, i’m going to be straight up with you: there’s no messy drama or fallout that caused this. no juicy deets or salacious rumors to slurp down. you know if this were the case, i would have erupted across my various social medias in a frenzied rage with all the delicacy of a bull in a china shop partly for entertainment purposes. instead, this will probably be a boring at best navel gaze where i try to walk the line between pragmatically trying to explain why i left and moral grandstanding. because leaving abruptly looks weird externally, i do actually have to explain why instead of just mysteriously leaving during a period of time where i am being an obnoxious asshole. a combination of disdain for the current cultural zeitgeist and a growing culture of disrespect toward audiences has culminated in my online behavior devolving into the online version of grabbing people saying stupid shit on the street and shaking them very hard. this is something an insane person would do. i know.
the commodification and increasingly blatant commercialization of an art format that could once arguably be compared to other amateur transgressive arts (ex: underground comix, tijuana bibles) is borderline heartbreaking. not to be too dramatic, but i want to start smashing things like im a monster from the rampage arcade game to scare the NIMBYs away before they start building escape rooms where the fetish web comics used to be. there is no place unspoiled by the poison of advertising and sponsorships. except…
trying to make money in comics is a fool’s errand. go make furry porn commissions if you want to make money doing art! you’re completely out of your mind if you go into the arts to make money. full on detachment from reality if you choose comics. they should commit you if you choose web comics.
at hive:
i think people have a wildly different perception regarding the popularity of A Ghost Story so i have approximate data to give people an idea. having culled the SHIT out of my analytics results to remove bot traffic, i think i have relatively accurate results, i get about 1000 unique visitors a month (generously rounding up lol), about half of them are regulars, and 10% of them donate to patreon (this is, imo, an unfathomably large amount lol. shocking and humbling. thank you for your continued support of me in spite of [gestures]).  i feel like a small comic 99% of the time, but man. 1,000 is a big number. i can at least reasonably assume, i’m PRETTY sure, that i was a comparatively small comic in hiveworks.
my monthly payout was roughly $100 a month (and merch sales, if applicable) and their services included web site help, dealing with any merch sales, and site hosting in exchange for running banner ads (which have been a fixture on web comics since the conception of google’s ad program; remember the homestuck bidding wars??). banner ads felt like a small and reasonable compromise to be included in something that felt like a weird pipe dream. in certain circles, a hiveworks invitation was a stamp of quality with prestige; i was very aware of the company i was invited into keep and was initially pretty concerned with how my presence reflected onto them and their work. i was going through some serious brain problems due to a deeply stupid relationship and, as a result, i did my best to keep my head down, stay out of people’s way, and focus on not bringing undue shame to something i was well aware i was completely unsuited for. i had (and frankly, still have) no idea why i was chosen as i had not applied. i cannot stress enough that i was under no delusions as to the quality of my comic lol. my perception was that someone had stuck their neck out to make a special exception for me and i was constantly on the verge of fucking it up and humiliating them.
it was a very off-balance exchange extremely in my favor, and i was aware of this. especially since, being frank and honest here, i was bringing absolutely nothing to the table for them. i don’t want to put words in anyone’s mouth, but its a reasonable conclusion that i was more trouble than i was worth, given the infinitesimal worth.
the vast majority of hiveworks readers completely bounced off my comic, which makes perfect sense given the hiveworks audience is i think more interested in the genre they primarily host: fantasy and magical realism. in comparison, “a ghost story” is a slow, slooow burn about federal bureaucracy and being insane with extremely amateur art; i know what i am! and that’s fine! but i became a little resentful (and i tried not to! honest!) after 7 years of perpetually being put on a back burner. it felt like i was being strung along for reasons beyond my comprehension or as the baseline of acceptable awfulness for the website’s quality. someone has to be the “worst”, objectively. it’s not a great feeling to know it, coming to terms with it i think was much healthier than trying to fight it. it was a really good driving force to keep my mind off the nightmare of my life at that point and improve my art a lot.
AGS’ irrelevance was underscored by it being mentioned once over the course of 7 years on official social media networks, upon which a great deal of importance was placed. but frankly, there is nothing worse than dealing with the guy who sucks whining for the spotlight as though they are clueless as to why they are getting the shaft. so i simply achieved enlightenment by getting over it and realizing where i was in the hierarchy and how lucky i was to have so much shit done for me. i was (am, unbelievably. it never gets less wild when i sit down and really think about it) making enough through patreon that the $100 became my monthly fun money while i lived in oregon. it was welcome, but not essential.
a lot of real life, awful things happened that suck and couldn’t be avoided: one of the main points of communication and organization became terribly ill, COVID happened and obliterated shipping and manufacturing rates for apparently all eternity, uhhh the fabric of reality began to unravel lol. it’s been a terrible couple of years. i want to underscore this stuff so that people understand i was not wronged greatly in the grand scheme of things.
there are things that started to chip away at me over time, which made me question if i was a good fit at all. genuinely: the only thing i want to do is to try to live happily within my morals doing what i love to do. even and especially if it means living very broke. that’s the exchange i’m consciously choosing to make when i pick up the pen every day. due to the generosity of the people who support me or have supported me at any time (special shout out to adam, who puts up with this shit for some reason), i am able to do that. i contribute a proportional amount to the household now but tried to be (was??) 50/50 or 25/25/25/25 when i had roommates. i don’t want my one unyielding selfish choice to be anyone else’s burden.
i was told by another artist in hiveworks that my confrontational behavior could be a poor reflection on the brand, which became the tipping point in my choice to leave. to be clear, no one in charge told me this, but even conceptually i was not comfortable representing a company that i felt i was a member of out of obligation or inertia. i didn’t belong there and my presence was an active detriment instead of a tolerated nuisance.
when the offer to leave was presented, i didn’t feel regret, or anxiety, or upset at all. i felt a placid sense of relief. i COULD leave. that’s TRUE. i had been kicking it around on my private twitter for a few months going back and forth with myself over what was more important to me: being able to take care of myself financially or doing something about my own hypocrisy that kept me up at night. if my incessant argument is that advertising based commercialization is a societal poison, then i need to put my money where my mouth is. and if i’m consistently annoying, i need to leave as a courtesy to everyone else.
i don’t regret my time with hive at all, but the overarching transformation from a collection of cartoonists to a brand is not where i want to take my art. i can’t bring myself to work even within the proximity of seven seas, a deeply abhorrent company. i am completely disinterested in wasting time or energy worrying about “the algorithm” because i don’t make comics for the computer’s sake and recognize that there’s a finite number of people interested in web comics in the world and an even more finite amount of money to spend on luxuries (because none of us have any money lol). i don’t want to repeat the familiar cycle of lamenting the death of art as we know it every 6 months.
people who are choosing to spend their limited funds supporting me are making a deliberate choice to elevate my presence in their life. i want and need to keep this in mind at all times, because it drives my attitudes toward what i want to choose to focus on. i want to keep my art (“art”) free with additional goodies being as reasonably priced as possible in the hopes that in this way we scratch each other’s back. making money drawing comics is a ridiculous privilege granted to me by people willing to sacrifice their time and money to me; i need to be thinking more about all that i have instead of worrying about what i don’t.
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blueiskewl · 11 months
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Looted Rare Coin From Last Hasmonean king Seized in Israel
IAA says coins minted under Antigonus Mattathias II rarest from period; dozens of other ancient coins from Roman to Muslim periods recovered in search of East Jerusalem home.
Police recovered dozens of ancient coins that were allegedly illegally excavated — among them a rare coin from the time of the last Hasmonean king of Judea over 2,000 years ago — during a search in East Jerusalem overnight, the Israel Antiquities Authority said Wednesday.
The currency was recovered from the suspect’s home in the Silwan neighborhood and includes bronze coins ranging from the Roman period until the Muslim period. The IAA said in a statement that coins from the reign of Antigonus Mattathias II (40 BCE – 37 BCE) are the rarest finds among those minted from the Hasmonean period.
Police questioned a man in his 30s, suspected of robbing the artifacts — likely by searching for them with a metal detector around Jerusalem — illegal possession of artifacts, and attempting to sell the items.
IAA Director Eli Escusido said that finding the coins at their original site would have been more useful to their study.
“The removal of the coin from its archaeological site harms the ability to understand our historical puzzle,” he said.
Gabriela Bichovsky, a coin expert at the IAA, said a cornucopia is displayed on the coin, with a Hebrew inscription reading, “Mattia Kohen Gadol,” a reference to the Hasmonean king as a member of the Jewish priestly class. The opposite side of the coin was minted with a Greek inscription surrounded by a wreath, she said.
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“Mattathias minted bronze coins in three denominations: large, medium, and small. The coin that was recovered is of the medium denomination and is rarer than the large, on which a pair of cornucopias appear instead of one,” Bichovsky added.
She further explained that the methods used were unique to Mattathias.
Before being stamped with their designs, “the tokens were first cast in a double limestone mold, creating a thickening coin that looks as if two were stuck together,” she stated.
“It’s very difficult to find currency from Antigonos where you can see the models in their entirety on the faces of the coin. Among the currencies of the Hasmonean period, the coins of Antigonus Mattathias II are the rarest.”
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jujuberry136 · 1 year
Puppet History theories?
New puppet history dropped, the lore is increasing exponentially. Theories below the cut - anyone have additional or other ideas?
So, the Professor is back and not giving any explanation as to how he is here in the present and not dead, but there was some weirdness going on in the episode (prior to the post-credits scene):
The professor’s appearance is off. If you pause the screen at some of the side-by-sides in the early episodes, the Professor’s eyes are a different color and his fur seems much more washed out. I don’t buy that the Watcher team suddenly doesn’t know how to light their studio!
There’s a mysterious box that is hooked up to the theater that the Professor doesn’t want any questions on
For the first theater sketch, you can hear the Professor’s voice say “where does he keep those guys”. Definitely sketchy
The Professor won’t let Ryan touch him nor does he actually answer the question “are you a ghost?” While there may be some legitimate bad feelings with Ryan killing him last year, it does seem suspicious
The Professor has that “rest break” in the middle of the show where he just collapses for a few minutes and his voice definitely seems oddly amplified/doubled during periods of the show
There is a long conversation about meat and how much the Professor likes it, but previous all we knew about his eating habits was that he ate spiders and jelly beans. This is reiterated in the show’s intro, so it seems a bit odd that he’s now craving “flesh”
While there’s a reference to the complex victory algorithm in the main body of the show, but when Ryan is crowned the winner of the episode he doesn’t reference it directly - the Professor talks instead about tallying/counting points
There’s no victory trophy! Instead we have “Puppet Cream” that the Professor insists that Ryan apply immediately. The instructions also say it needs to be applied daily. The Professor claims this is due to supply chain issues... but it’s a real Buffalo Bill vibe going on when insisting that Ryan applies it
The show was nominally about hippo, but really focused in on the idea of imposters (and faking your death)... giving us a clue that not is all it seems?
Then there was the post-credit scene! We see that Ryan is suspicious at the Professor’s survival and doing some research, including going on a e-commerce site to bid on a lamp with an actual genie in it. Some clues from the screen:
Open tabs include: puppet necromancy, trophy supply chain, Chicxulub extinction, time travel methods, and blue man group (I guess even a mystery doesn’t stop Ryan’s love)
The Science Simp website has articles on:
What looks like the professor’s fossilized hat and glasses being found in Mexico; the article notes that’s like super weird
An article on what is known about the meteor that killed the dinosaurs (aka the Chicxulub extinction)
An article on how good holograms are now
A note on the Pope being jokerfied (an on-going joke about Ryan being jokerfied happened in early seasons)
When Ryan goes to bid on the lamp with the real genie, the description notes that it came from a local estate sale seemingly run by the devil and a three-headed demon
And then we have the same noise that was heard in the show being heard in the Watcher studio before we had that scene with the shelf of Professor plush toys (with the middle one’s eyes MOVING before the lights went out and they started glowing).
Theory time!
The “professor” we are seeing is actually an advanced hologram being powered by that box that has been added to the theater. The weird lighting, the weird voice effects, the “rest break” are all related to the hologram’s technical glitches, and that’s why he wouldn’t let Ryan touch him early in the episode. The hologram is being operated by the devil, who is now interested in further punishing Ryan.
The “puppet cream” could either either a getting a Buffalo Bill situation where the devil is prepping Ryan for hosting asmoedeus himself OR it could be a play on the idea of “puppet cream” since we’ve seen that the show can turn humans into puppets (aka, see how Ryan likes being a LITERAL puppet rather than the figurative puppet he was last season)
There are TWO professors - the Faux!professor seen during the main episode who is slightly off, who is some sort of imposter with an agenda and the real professor, who is working in the background of the show and the post-credits trying to foil these plans. The show had the story of the Black Panther taking on a false identity and going on a speaking tour of the United States - is this our in-universe parallel? Then there was also the post-credits scene of a Professor plush on the ground (that Ryan stepped on), but no immediate gap on the shelves of plush toys. There was, however, the plush in the middle shelf whose eyes moved as Ryan was exiting the building and then whose eyes GLOWED in the dark. This Professor looked slightly different from the others on the shelf - more like the Professor we know and love rather than merch! I think this is the true Professor who has made a new deal with a genie or found some other method of time travel (since his gear was fossilized, but not him!) and is working in the background to try to thwart this imposter.
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bizarrequazar · 1 year
GJ and ZZH Updates — December 4-10
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This is part of a weekly series collecting updates from and relating to Gong Jun and Zhang Zhehan.
This post is not wholly comprehensive and is intended as an overview, links provided lead to further details. Dates are in accordance with China Standard Time, the organization is chronological. My own biases on some things are reflected here. Anything I include that is not concretely known is indicated as such, and you’re welcome to do your own research and draw your own conclusions as you see fit. Please let me know if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or additions. :)
[Glossary of names and terms] [Masterlist of my posts about the situation with Zhang Zhehan]
12-04 → Umbrella (Sophie’s husband) posted an essay saying he will be quiet for a while.
12-05 → Peng Lihu’s account was muted for 180 days for violation of relevant laws and regulations.
→ HBW (big Zhang Zhehan anti)’s main Weibo account was deactivated by Weibo. He is still active on side account(s) where he blamed CPFs for reporting him.
12-06 → Official day of mourning for Jiang Zemin.
→ Animals Asia made a tweet (with art by @brilcrist) celebrating the completion of Sheena’s charity drive.
→ A paid account on Weibo posted a photo of a man taken during state funeral saying that “it might be Zhang” but that he wasn’t sure (obviously to avoid liability himself), later deleting the photo and saying he was mistaken. Zhang Sanjian supporters subsequently spread the photo claiming that it was Zhang Zhehan. In case it needs to be stated, drawing attention to oneself during a political day of mourning is a huge taboo; there’s a reason celebrities and even social media and entertainment sites were completely quiet during this period. 
12-07 → The Chinese police’s official Weibo posted a PSA spoken by Gong Jun warning people about falling for gambling scams during the World Cup. [text translation] Whalers messaged them claiming Gong Jun is a criminal, ships m/m CPs, etc., to which the police responded by pinning the video to the top of their profile.
→ The brand posted a notice that their event that was supposed to happen on 11-23—the one that people had to pay 20k RMB and give their personal information to be eligible for—had been postponed because of COVID restrictions without a definite new date, and winners would be sent a gift as compensation. (Restrictions have actually loosened because of the protests.) 
→ The Instagram posted a video of “Zhang Zhehan” playing guitar.
→ Gong Jun’s studio posted his schedule for December: No public schedule at this time. Caption: “The end of the year is approaching, and the winter is getting colder. Boss @ Gong Jun Simon’s December itinerary has been delivered, everyone remember to wear a thick coat ⛄️” BGM is Hero performed by Joey Misquita. Marketing accounts subsequently reported that Gong Jun will not be having any live events this month, to which the chief editor of GQ magazine replied “?????” and “There will be more extraordinary red carpet moments,” so it’s probably safe to say he will be making an appearance during their event later this month.
12-08 → MUJOSH posted a video with the text “Hey  It's me M1129 Gong Jun  We haven't met in a long time  After the deep sea, the dangerous adventure still continues...”, teasing a new ad campaign that would release at midnight on 12-09. Caption: “After the rainforest mirroring, we finally regained contact with M1129.  It turned out that his adventures in the new wood world never stopped... 😎”
→ Fresh posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ MUJOSH posted a teaser image. (1129 kadian) Caption: “Long time no see, M1129, how is it going?  The signal is intermittent, and the video function is still being repaired...  Don't worry! Let’s have a little surprise first, the countdown is 1 day~ Rub your hands together and look forward to it”
→ Hsu Fu Chi posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ Fresh posted a promotional video spoken by Gong Jun.
→ Honor posted a shorter cut of their previous commercial featuring Gong Jun.
12-09 → MUJOSH posted a photo ad announcing their new ad campaign with Gong Jun. Caption: “The new chapter ‘THE(RE)SET Magic Night New Way’ opens and the video is fully restored, M1129, we finally meet again!  Ladies and gentlemen, it's been a long time! Isn’t @ Gong Jun Simon so handsome? Hint 😎: No sleep tonight... 😎”
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Four minutes later, they posted five photo ads featuring Gong Jun. Another four minutes later, this was followed by an additional three photo ads. 
→ Colgate posted a promotional video spoken by Gong Jun. They later also posted a photo ad.
→ A Japanese newspaper included an advertisement for The Blooms of Ruyi Pavilion which will be airing there soon, with large text on the side advertising that it features “the big hit Word of Honor’s Zhang Zhehan.”
→ MUJOSH posted a behind the scenes video from the photoshoot.
→ Charlotte Tilbury posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ Gong Jun’s studio posted a douyin of more MUJOSH behind the scenes footage. Caption: “Please enjoy boss @ Gong Jun’s ’mirror‘ show!” BGM is Fighting For A Reason by Black Red Gold.
→ QuelleVous posted about Summer, a con woman and friend of Xie Yihua’s who scripted the 05-04 deepfake video. Flora later followed up explaining evidence that one of Summer’s accounts is used primarily to exacerbate strife among whalers, trying to divide the fandom further.
12-10 → Gong Jun posted the Honor commercial from the previous week to his Weibo.
→ Gong Jun posted twenty travel photos to his Weibo. Caption: “Destination station: Lugu Lake” He later posted ten of the same to his Xiao Hong Shu, caption: “Let's go, ge will take you...  To play!” and ten to his Instagram, caption: “Waiting for a long time, because I have to add a frame before each post.. 😓 😓”
→ MUJOSH posted another behind the scenes video.
→ Kangshifu posted three photo ads featuring Gong Jun.
Additional Reading: → Flora’s daily fan news thread
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dj-bettencourt · 11 months
Smart Shopping in Salem, NH: Finding Deals and Discounts for Everyday Needs
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Salem, New Hampshire, is a great place to live and visit. The city has everything from historic sites to natural wonders. If you're looking for ways to save on everyday items in Salem, NH, read on!
Smart Shopping in Salem, NH: Finding Deals and Discounts for Everyday Needs
Shopping smart can save you money. Here are some tips on how to shop smart in Salem, NH:
Look for deals and discounts. When you're shopping for everyday items like groceries, clothes and electronics, look for coupons and sales that will help you get more bang for your buck. If there's a store nearby where you can buy an item at a discount price (as opposed to ordering online), take advantage of it!
Check out local businesses first before buying something new from an online retailer--especially if the product is considered "essential" (like diapers) or has limited shelf life once opened (like milk). This way when someone asks about what type of coffee maker I use at home today instead of yesterday's conversation starter about why their office doesn't have any decent snacks available during lunchtime meetings yet again this week...I won't have any problem answering without sounding like an old man yelling at clouds."
Store Hours - When to Shop?
When you're shopping for groceries, it's best to go during the week. Grocery stores tend to have more deals on certain items during their weekly sales and promotions. This means that if you want to get the most bang for your buck, then Monday through Friday is the time for you!
For specialty stores like clothing boutiques or hardware stores (or any other type of business), however, weekend hours are best because those businesses tend not to offer as many promotions during those days--and they may even close early!
How Can I Save Money at the Grocery Store?
Look for coupons. Coupons can be found in the Sunday paper, on websites and apps like Groupon, or even on social media.
Look for sales. Stores often run sales on certain items during certain times of year--for example, spring cleaning products in April or summer clothing in July--so check the ads before you shop to find out what's on sale at your local grocery store!
Get bulk discounts by purchasing in bulk or signing up for a membership card that offers these kinds of perks (e.g., Costco).
Join store loyalty programs like Amazon Prime Pantry or Instacart Express so that you can take advantage of special deals just by shopping online!
How Can I Find Discounts on Electronics in Salem, NH?
There are a number of ways to find discounts on electronics in Salem, NH.
Check the local paper. If you're looking for a specific brand or type of electronics, check out the Sunday circulars in your area and see if there are any sales going on that week. You may even find some items on sale as early as Tuesday!
Look out for end-of-month sales at big box stores like Best Buy and Walmart. These retailers often run weekly specials during this time period, so keep an eye out for deals on televisions, computers and other tech gadgets that fit within your budget range!
Think holiday shopping seasonally: Christmas is right around the corner (yay!), which means stores will be stocking up their inventory with new products just in time for shoppers like yourself who need gifts ideas - especially those who don't want anything too expensive but still want something thoughtful enough not only impress friends/family members but also show appreciation towards those who helped make such great memories possible over these past few months (or years).
There are many ways to save money when shopping in Salem.
Shop at the right time.
Shop at the right store.
Shop for the right things.
Shopping in Salem is a great way to save money and get the best deals on everyday items. You can find discounts on electronics, groceries and more by shopping smart and using coupons. The key is knowing where to look for these offers so that you don't miss out on any savings opportunities!
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urbnroofingptyltd · 1 year
Why is roof coating so important?
Maintaining your commercial roof space is important at any time of the year, however, with the ever-changing English weather, it is always important to stay on top of roof maintenance. If you neglect your commercial roofing, it will result in damages and inevitably increased repair costs. Consider these 5 benefits of roof coating to ensure your commercial property is in tip-top condition. Of course, with every roof coating, the initial aim is to help improve sustainability. Coatings enable aging roofs to last longer and prevent damage and ongoing repairs. Roof coatings also allow you to make the appearance of your commercial property look more aesthetically pleasing. Our five benefits include; Increased roof life, reduced debris, increased efficiency, visual improvements, and climate management.
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Any man who lives in a house knows the importance of maintaining its condition if they want the property to last for a long time. The walls, the interior, the foundation, the load bearings, and even the roof are all essential aspects of a house that require maintenance from time to time. Most of the time, people neglect the roof because they’ve been outside forever, and they’d get dirty or broken again over time, but that’s precisely why they’re so vital for your safety. Brisbane roof painting can help you ensure your roof’s condition to be back in its zenith with coating, repainting, and fixing any damages that exist, to prevent it from collapsing and endangering your entire family. Still, there is a lot more to uncover when it comes to roof maintenance. 
Increased roof life: Having the correct roof coatings can contribute to prolonged roof life, even for the most aged and damaged roof spaces. You can see more information about commercial roof coatings here. Our workers can identify and restore the majority of damaged panels. However, it does rely on the condition of the remaining insulation. By using a roof coating, you not only increase the roof life, but you are also adding layers of protection. Coatings on the market today provide a much higher level of performance in comparison to those made 20 years ago. They now help guard your roofing against a range of potential problems such as weathering and bird poo.
Increased efficiency: High-quality roof coatings have proven to increase building efficiency with regard to heating and energy bills. By coating the roof at the right time, the roof spaces can often see a decrease in temperature, which in turn results in heating bills reduced during daytime hours. Not to mention it improves employee comfort levels and morale!
Visual improvements: Leaving an older, aging, and potentially dangerous roof untreated doesn’t look great. Commercial-grade roof coatings ensure that your building’s roof space remains visually pleasing all year round. There are a number of colors you can choose your roof coatings to be in which can help maintain the overall appearance of your property. If you are thinking of revamping the property because you have recently moved in or are changing the brand image, we recommend looking at having on-site spraying as well as your roof coatings.
Climate management: Commercial roof spaces handle a lot of adverse weather at the best of times – however, there is a limit to what they can withstand. Heat and UV lighting can have a significant effect on the roofing of commercial properties, with increased exposure membranes on the surface can be worn down, which eventually causes it to age. Eventually, leaving metal roofs to carry standing water will give way and cause a lot of damage, which is why we believe applying a protective coating should be one of your top priorities. Another aspect to think about is in overall polluted towns and cities your commercial premises may be exposed to acid rain. It can have a rather damaging effect on your property, especially if left on the metalwork for long periods of time, while we are talking about roofing, we also highly recommend you check your pipes as they can be exposed to corrosion. Coating the roof can improve the insulation and decrease the chances of serious corrosion.
Increases Energy Star Rating: The Energy Star rating of a building is not static. It can change, as the structure changes. Adding a roof coating is one of the simplest ways to make a building more energy efficient and perhaps increase the Energy Star rating. Boosting the rating can be necessary for resale value or for helping it achieve a number required by locals.
URB'n Roofing Pty Ltd
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greysgenius · 2 years
Remotely operated vehicles jobs
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Army has unveiled the Project Origin remotely operated vehicle, which can be controlled by soldiers from a. Remotely Operated Vehicle jobs Motor Vehicle Technician Vehicle panel beater Carpenter HGV Mobile Motor Vehicle Technician Ambulance Care Assistant Full. Demonstrated ability of oral and written communications may b substituted in lieu of formal education. An operator controls the US Armys Project Origin remotely operated vehicle.Learn subsea construction environment, terminology. Requires 50 travel at sea (typical period is 28 days). Title: Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) Pilot Trainee. Possess basic critical rig equipment training. Remotely Operated Vehicle Pilot Technician (No Relocation Ne.Valid OGUK medical examination and vaccination certificates. Job Vacancies for ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) Supervisor- GHANA August 2022 - Jobs in Ghana - Sekondi-Takoradi, Western Region - Oceaneering is a.Huisman WIS Electrical and Control System Proficiency.Valid IWCF/Well cap certification, Supervisory level is an added advantage.Candidate must have the relevant mandatories (STCW, TBOSIET, HUET, GMDSS, OSP, NEBOSH and All other relevant Documents).in any Science / Engineering Related field. Search 58 Remotely Operated Vehicle jobs now available on, the worlds largest job site. Ensure Remotely Operated Vehicles are repaired and maintained according to manufacturers guidelines or clients directives. Our ROV fleet includes deepwater work class systems and ultra-deepwater search and rescue systems. ROV Systems We are the world's largest manufacturer and operator of work class ROV systems. Proven experience and results-oriented career and/or B Eng, or Degree equivalents in appropriate engineering subject, unlimited as per STCW Reg.Alll2 and Rag. Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs) We operate the world's premier fleet of ROVs and are the leading provider of ROVs to the oil and gas industry.5+ years in similar role proven sea time service by Discharge Book entries or Certificates of Discharge.There is no need for a human occupant, since the ROV can do the job itself, being controlled by a person aboard a vessel, sitting in a remote control room, through a tether. Ensure spares and materials are requisitioned in a timely manner to maintain the minimum stock levels in the system inventory These remotely operated vehicles are also known as ROVs and they are a subcategory of undersea vehicles, robots that can operate under water for diverse purposes.Complies with all of the Employee responsibilities listed in the Health and Safety Act Work Act 1914.Conversant with all Company and Project procedures including all HSE plans. 99 Remotely Operated Vehicles jobs available on.Nothing is mightier than we, when we are vehicles of a truth before which the state and the individual are alike ephemeral. “Only by the supernatural is a man strong nothing is so weak as an egotist. He’d operated on an almost permanent adrenaline high, a byproduct of youth and proficiency, jacked into a custom cyberspace deck that projected his disembodied consciousness into the consensual hallucination that was the Matrix. “At twenty-two, he’d been a cowboy, a rustler, one of the best in the Sprawl. As a result, the radiation falls into the detector and gets converted into an. The job of the lens is to focus on the thermal radiation toward the detector. Take responsibility for developing models, performing analysis and producing algorithms for the control and path estimation of unmanned underwater vehicles (UUVs). is currently looking for Remotely Operated Vehicle Pilot Technician (No Relocation Necessary) near Seattle. I have purchased knowledge at the expense of all the common comforts of life: I have missed the endearing elegance of female friendship, and the happy commerce of domestic tenderness. Underwater remotely operated vehicle cameras documented fish and other marine life following the jacket during its tow operation and reefing. I have passed my time in study without experience in the attainment of sciences which can, for the most part, be but remotely useful to mankind. I can only tell that I have chosen wrong. Famous quotes containing the words remotely, operated and/or vehicles: A remotely operated vehicle, or ROV, is a submersible craft that performs underwater tasks varying from inspections, welding, manipulating valves, and mapping.
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tinnysorm · 2 years
Have You Applied Portable AC In Positive Manner?
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There are loads of issues that human beings have to deal with during summer a number of, love your skin challenges, added sweating excessively, annoyance, and much more. A good number of people young and old don’t prefer the summer seasonn the slightest bit from a few reason behind why, having said that the considerable you happen to be that you don’t yearn to hold prolonged high temperatures you could potentially summer time. Just about each man or women hurt him a variety of methods of reduce popular scorching heat this coming summer months, like some individuals pay a visit to very cold positions for the end of the week in addition to summer holiday period, but some have a look at pools also beaches to have fun with many air flow and achieve a more ideal feeling in the the lake. By using some of these possibilities, a few people also try to eat colder in addition to delightful things the summertime a very long time to cut back the effects of heat surf. Besides every one of practices, most individuals choose to continue around an individual's computer cooling products during the summer time year springtime one of the best ways to lessen the effect of warmer summer months.
People who find themselves frustrated by the summer months are utilising several kinds of breeze chillers to positively feel much better easy and become reduce prolonged high temperatures. Occurrences obtain a wide range of atmosphere chillers thus to their places of residence and thus locations, but many customers don’t plenty of capacity as well as , good enough price range to establish a difficult o2 chiller. At this moment, possibly if anyone else is to build top notch and funky fresh air in the summer 12 months by a portable air conditioners. Some portable air conditioner is probably the innovative methods that have been traditionally which will enhance the risk for summer vacation experiences a lot. Individual preferably should enjoy prolonged high temperatures in the summertime season festivities by using typically the portable ac. Your entire organizations packed with a number of portable air conditioners by incorporating blueprints and has, still selecting the top portable air conditioner is certainly a hard work for clients. If needed, inquisitive women and men could certainly just click here and / or maybe trip many of our authorized how does someone find out more rrn regards to the best portable air conditioning units.
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william26guzman · 2 years
replica kelly bag 14
All That And A Bag Of Mail A variety of well-renowned luxurious brands have released new bags after being impressed by well-known girls. Louis Vuitton looked to fashion icon & actress Audrey Hepburn to create the Speedy 25. Gucci named their “Jackie bag” after Jackie Kennedy. The measurement is just like the constance mini, L18 x H15 x D6 cm. Contact me at I will show you the really high notch hermes baggage one hundred pc like genuine. The sites individuals present on this subject, the quality of the bag continues to be not good. I learn many your critiques here, but haven’t seen any of some Instagram accounts. The Knights have further depth with 6-6 Tyem Freeman (an NJCAA First Team All-American at Indian Hills CC) and four-star freshman point guard Darius Johnson. Freeman is shooting almost 65% from the sector is restricted action. Johnson has expanded his role during the last month, averaging eight.2 factors in AAC play. In convention play, WSU is shooting a league-best seventy nine.1% from the foul line. The Shockers' season share (74.6) is sort of seven share points forward of final year's tempo (68.0). WSU's two best scorers this year, on a per-minute basis, have been bench players. Highlights the man should sedate and masculine qualities, it is calm and beneficiant, stable and strong, it is the prime grade. Messenger Bag combines playful little woman feeling, a way of both women temperament. Also again are additionally destroyed over practicality, ease lit originally uninteresting apparel. Temwa is the fashion author at My Chic Obsession the place she covers every little thing from outfit ideas to the best styling ideas . This lookalike boasts the entire recognizable features of the unique Kelly baggage. It has the signature key and lock detail, the highest handles function the double rings and it boasts a shoulder strap. It all started in 1983 when Jane Birkin boarded a flight from Paris to London. As the actress was trying to load her straw bag within the overhead bin, she dropped contents from her bag on the CEO of Hermes, Jean-Louis Dumas. Sa additionally suggested that I buy this, so I am happy to win. The shade of the bag is different under completely different light. The object is extra biased in the direction of the primary picture. The bag is straightforward and shiny, appears small but the telephone and the wallet can be put down, and the shoulder strap could be adjusted. Jeon Ji-hyun can additionally be backed by the Legend of the Blue Sea. Can you tell me an excellent place to buy a replica Louis Vuitton lock me ii. Found one place known as e8baagss.com unsure if they Ar a scam. Only want you to pay with western union , money gram and to call for utilizing PayPal. Hey Przemek, Purses365 retailer doesn’t have return policy, which is not a great sign. Hey Susanne, No, I don’t suppose your account may be closed if you buy. wikipedia handbags The Finns managed just one shot over the rest of the first interval. They were outshot 19-2 within the second and general. Decker’s harm was the second to a key participant through the tournament’s opening day at the Beijing Games. Canadian ahead Melodie Daoust didn't return after being checked onerous into the boards by Sarah Foster in Canada’s 12-1 rout of Switzerland. Decker later was on crutches subsequent to the bench and was hugged by teammates as they left the ice. The assistant captain and three-time Olympian yelped out in pain after being tripped from behind by Finland’s Ronja Savolainen halfway via the primary period. Also, there aren't any different options that might enhance its usability or performance. It’s only core keys are the design and brand name. The main distinction this bag has from the unique Birkin is that it has a shoulder strap. However, if you love bags that have a shoulder strap, you will love this function. Another added bonus is that it comes with a mud bag that can help you maintain the standard of your purse. As mentioned earlier, you should do some legwork to get the prospect to buy a Birkin bag. Other cities have considered but not yet constructed evacuation towers, including Seaside, Ore., which relocated its middle college and highschool to hills east of town. skel.io replica hermes kelly Vertical evacuation constructions have been embraced in Japan for years, in the form of platforms, towers and synthetic berms. They became a refuge for lots of within the 2011 earthquake and tsunami, though that event nonetheless killed more than 19,000 people. Additional deaths are anticipated in Northern California, notably in Crescent City, the place a tsunami that came all the finest way from Alaska killed 11 individuals in 1964. Residents in Ocean Shores, Wash., and nearby communities will vote on whether or not to assemble tsunami escape buildings at native faculties that are not prepared for water ranges that an earthquake could trigger. “The truth of the matter is that if a tsunami happens tomorrow, we're going to lose all of our children,” mentioned Andrew Kelly, the superintendent of the North Beach School District, which incorporates Ocean Shores. This Hermes Birkin Togo replica is produced from superb high quality sturdy leather-based that allows the bag to face firm by itself. The performance of the bag just isn't superb as if you close the bag properly, it takes quite lots of time and effort to open it and shut it back once more. This is because of the difficult closing system. Still, it is rather roomy and it'll surely carry lots of your most prized belongings. If you're on the lookout for a good-quality Hermes Kelly bag replica, Tory Burch has received you covered. You will need a magnifying glass to spot the variations between the unique Kelly bag and this Lee Radziwill tote. The Shockers have gained all three visits to Addition Financial Arena however wanted additional time in 2018. Last February, they survived after Darius Perry's last-second jumper missed the mark. Whereas if some team gets hot and beats everyone else too, it means your team was pretty good they only couldn’t quite get the win.
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