#alex karev x george omalley x izzie stevens
countrymusiclover · 4 months
Feisty Coffee Girl
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Y/n twin sister of Izzy Steven's stumbles to Seattle with her ten year old daughter Everly. She hears all the gossip from Izzy and her other intern friends at the hospital, never expecting to get involved with any of it. That is till Mark Sloan pays a visit to the coffee shop she works at.
1 - First Name Basis
2 - Doctor Nicknames
3 - A Sloan Date
4 - What I Want
5 -
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Comments really appreciated ❤️
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harvestleaves · 3 years
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I’m on season 6 currently of Grey’s Anatomy, so in addition to Falcon and the Winter Soldier, I’m going to be adding Grey’s to the fandoms I write for. It is going to be fics and imagines.
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Death's Door
Fandom: Grey's Anatomy Summary: Alex Karev's life has been and is smothered with tragedy. Warnings: Graphic descriptions of injuries/wounds, polyamory, mentions of mental illness and character death Word Count: 2,332 Ship(s): Alex Karev/George O'Malley/Izzie Stevens
Archive link!
The adrenaline was still rushing in his veins and the tears were drying on his cheeks. He sniffled heavily and wiped at his face with his sleeve. He could hear the steady, strong heartbeat from his wife on the monitor next to her bed. He wanted to hear that sound forever, he never wanted it to go away like it had before. She had coded in his arms. She had died in his arms after he had said all of those horrible things to her about wanting to put her out of her misery.
He was still shaking from the emotional burden of it all as someone touched his arm. He had to turn around to face them, which meant tearing his eyes away from the steady vitals of his wife. "Alex, we need you to come and do something."
"If this is work related it can fucking wait," he took his arm away from Callie. He didn't hate her anymore like he had when he had first started dating George, since the man had convinced him to let the grudge he was holding go, but that didn’t mean that he considered her to be anywhere close to a friend. "My wife just fucking died in my arms."
"We need you to ID the John Doe," she replied, blinking at him a few times since she was also reeling from all of the crises that were happening around the hospital.
He shook his head and tried to push back into Izzie's hospital room. "Why would I need to ID the John Doe that was brought in? If you know enough to come chasing after me then you know enough to know who he is."
"Who do you think the John Doe is if we're coming after you?" Callie asked, catching his arm again before he had the chance to go back into the room. 
He shrugged. "I-I don't fucking know, man. Listen, my wife just coded in my arms after not remembering anything about what happened after she got a massive brain surgery for her Cancer," he snapped. "I just want to go in there and hold her hand and cry until our boyfriend finally gets out of surgery and we're able to support her together."
"Alex!" Callie pleaded. "Meredith thinks that the John Doe is George and his brain almost swelled past the point of no return. We were able to save him again but he might not make it and we need to know if this is George or not."
He collapsed. 
Horrendous sobs ripped through his chest and mouth into the silent air of the hospital hallway. His throat heaved and gasped to try to get in any air in between the heart-shattering noises. The tears from earlier had returned and were streaking down his face. They collected on his cheeks and then ran down his neck, but also dropped off of his nose onto the ground. He wiped messily at his face to try and stop the tears and snot from collecting. He was shaking again as his legs completely gave out even from the squatting position that he had been in before so that he was sitting entirely on the ground. 
Callie slid down the wall so that she was next to him. She wrapped her arm around his shoulder to bring him to her. She wasn't great at giving comfort but she was trying her best as she began to rub small circles into the curve of his back.
"My wife just coded in my arms and now you want me to be the one to check to see if my boyfriend is on Death's Door too?" he asked, the sentence being interrupted almost every other word by violent sobs.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," she whispered. "I wouldn't ask you to do this if I didn't have to."
He wrapped his arms around his legs. Bailey walked over to them both, handing Callie a box of tissues before she went to hover nearby. "I just want them to be okay. I love them so much!"
"Alex, it might not be George," Callie whispered.
He cried for a little longer before he let out a sour bark of laughter. "I'm a fucking terrible person. The first thing that I said to my wife that she remembered was that I hated being married to her and wanted to smother her with a pillow! Then my boyfriend, who I thought was in surgery with the chief, might actually be dying and I'm sitting here hoping that someone else is going to lose the most important person in their life!"
"You're not a terrible person for hoping that John Doe isn't George," she soothed. "I hope that it's not George either. I mean, I know that I divorced him but I still care about him a lot. I don't want him to die."
He grabbed a tissue from the box in her lap and used it to mop his face off. "Let's go and see if it is George. Can you, um, can you try to call him while I check some things on the John Doe?" He took his phone out of his pocket and offered it to the other doctor.
She took it from him. "Of course. You gonna tell Stevens?"
"No. I want to go now and she's still out of it. I'll tell Cristina and she can sit with her while I check. It won't be George anyway. He'll be fine, and alive, and not hurt at all, and able to help me support her and everything," he mumbled to himself as he tried to convince himself that it was true. He finished getting the tears and snot off of his face, stuffing the tissues into his pocket to throw away later. He got up and cleared his throat. His eyes flitted back to the room where his wife was staying. He felt the first bubble of reassurance that he had in weeks wrap around his heart as he saw just how many of their friends were already by her bedside.
Callie reached out and touched his shoulder with one hand. "You don't have to go right now if you don't feel up to it," she whispered comfortingly.
"No, I need to do this," Alex cleared his throat and nodded. "Lead the way, let's go and get this over with."
She nodded and then placed the box of tissues on the nurse's station countertop. The duo walked out of the Cancer wing and down to the Trauma ICU where the John Doe that was suspected of being his boyfriend was at the moment. There were a couple of the interns that used to be his friends and a few of the nurses that liked George hovering around outside of the door. They pushed through the group and then into the hospital room where John Doe was.
Alex felt his breath catch in his throat as he thought about how awful it would be if this man turned out to be one of the people he was in love with. He wasn't sure how he'd end up handling that if it turned out to be true. Callie hesitated before she walked over to the edge of the bed and picked up his hand. "Did he ever show you that freckle that looked like Texas? When we were married I used to tease him about it all the time," she mumbled, her lips sticking together as she tried not to cry.
"He told Iz about the teasing and then I used to joke that I was going to bite it off so he'd stop thinking about it," a small smile graced his face for the first time in several hours. He peeked over the body of the man to the hand that she was holding and felt his breath hitch in his throat as they found the freckle. "That's-that's just one mark, that doesn't mean that this is George. Has anyone asked the chick that she saved if he even looked like George?"
"She's in shock," Callie shook her head. She backed off of the John Doe and let Alex check a couple more things instead. She and George may have been married, but it was only for a couple of months and she knew that George had been in love with Alex and Izzie for years. 
The haggard looking doctor trailed his hand down the man's arm until he found the small, worn scar on his arm from when he had fallen out of a tree as a little kid. "No, please, no," he whispered as his movements began to get more frantic. He found the birth mark on his stomach which had just been missed by a couple of the surgery incisions. "It's him. It's him. There are three identifying marks. It-it has to be him, no one can have all three of those and not be George…"
Callie lurched forward and wrapped her arms around Alex as a flare of anger began to surge through him. The other doctor reached out and grabbed the chart off of the end of the bed. He chucked it at the wall and caused the entire binder to explode and send papers all over the floor. Normally, before he had gotten together with his partners, he would have kept going until the entire room was a mess. Instead, he just collapsed again. 
The woman that had been trying to hold him back ended up supporting his entire weight. She helped him into the chair next to the bed and went to go and get more tissues. Meredith took her place in the room instead. "It's him, isn't it?" she asked.
"Why is this happening to me?" he sobbed as he turned his head to look at her. "Why do I break everything that I love? Why am I hurting them?"
"You're not!" she gasped as she rushed forward and grabbed his hands. "Alex Karev, you are not hurting them. You have never laid a non-consensual hand on either of them. Cheating on Izzie during our intern year was not appropriate, but you decided that you were going to be loyal to them. You even married Izzie when you thought that she might not make it so that she could have her dream come true since George still had too much trauma," she was rambling and crying now but neither of them noticed.
"I just want them both to be okay," he sobbed. "I need at least one of them. How am I supposed to support them both? Izzie has Cancer and literally died in my arms and my boyfriend has been suffering and in pain in the hospital all day and I didn't even know anything about it or come and check on him!"
"You didn't know," she shook her head. "You can only do what you think is best at the time. You're here now. She's alive now. She's tumor free and still has her memory. That's all you can ask."
"I… okay…" he sniffled and nodded. "Will you please go and check on Iz? I need someone to be there and tell her but I can't move from his side. He's going to be scared when he wakes up and I have to make up for lost time."
Meredith smiled at him for a moment before she wiped the tears off of her face. "Yeah, I'll go and check on her for you," she stood up and kissed his forehead to comfort him. Their relationship was awkward sometimes, since he was used to being the big brother that had to take care of everyone and she had never had a sibling until she was well into adulthood, but he enjoyed having someone that was almost like an older sister to him. 
She slipped out of the room after watching him for a moment to make sure he wouldn't break down again. Callie was shepherding all of the people hovering outside of George's hospital room to give the doctor some space. This left Alex completely alone with his incredibly injured boyfriend.
He carefully reached out and took George's injured hand. He brought it up to his face and kissed the back of it. "Thanks for working through all the pain I'm sure that you were in to tell Mer who you were so that I could be here for you." He sighed to stop himself from crying, "I'm sorry that I didn't know it was you. I was so tired after staying up to make sure Iz would stay alive after her surgery that I didn't even think that you might be struggling too. I don't know why you weren't in surgery with the Chief like you were supposed to be but that doesn't matter anymore. Your brave, heroic ass saved some chick and basically threw yourself under a bus. A literal bus. Oh, man, George, what am I supposed to do without you? Iz and I both need you a lot, so you have to pull through. You're so much more put together than I am. I don't really know what I should be doing here, but I love you and so I'm going to stay here with you."
He finally let his talking drop off into silence so the only sound in the room was from the beeping of George's heart monitor.
This kind of thing kept happening to him. He would let himself get attached to someone and fall in love with them, either romantically or in a family way, and then something horrific would happen and take them away from him. Alex Karev lived outside of Death's Door, watching those he loved circle around it and away from his grasp without ever getting to feel the hurt of them really leaving him. He had to watch them suffer as a way to repent for his own sins, and that hurt so much more.
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I Believe in Second Chances - Part 3
Alex dies while on his way to stop Jo from reading the letters. He gets to relive his life from the moment he met her. 
Read part 2 here
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— Part 3 —
The last thing Alex remembered was the car flipping into a ditch. He and Izzie had been talking when the car in front of them was t-boned, causing a multi-car pile-up as people swerved in hopes of avoiding an even bigger crash.
When he finally opened his eyes, Alex was confused. He was standing in an operating room wearing a pair of scrubs. This wasn’t right. Something about this place wasn’t right. It looked like he was in Grey Sloan, but he knew he wasn’t. Something was off.
He figured it out almost immediately after a particular figure walked up to him. Alex stared in disbelief as his father waved, “Hey son.”
“I died didn’t I?” Alex asked. “I’m dead.”
“Basically,” Jimmy shared a sad smile. “You’re on an OR table right now. Your body sustained horrible injuries in the crash. You’ve been coding every five to eight minutes. They keep bringing you back, but the damage is too extensive. They won’t be successful.”
“No, no, no,” Alex pounded a fist on the empty OR table and shouted in anger. “No! This can’t be happening. I can’t die. I was going back home. I was going back home to Jo. I can’t die and leave her there. She’s lost too many people. She can’t lose me, too. I can’t die before I explain.”
“I’m sorry, son,” Jimmy bowed his head. “I’m sorry.”
Alex felt tears begin to run down his face. This wasn’t supposed to happen like this. He was going home. He was going to see the woman that he loved and end the suffering she’d been going through the past few weeks. He couldn’t abandon her now. The thought of it made him sick, almost as sick as he felt when he mailed the letters.
The letters. She would get his letter and he’d been too dead to stop it. She would think he left her. That thought alone caused his body to be wracked with sobs. He couldn’t do anything but cry and mourn the life he’d lose with Jo.
“You know, I tried so hard to be everything you weren’t,” Alex looked up at Jimmy after collecting himself. “But I ended up doing the same exact thing to Jo, the woman I love more than anything, that you did to us. That you did your Naomi and your other kid in Florida. I left her and started a new family without consulting her. Without having the decency to be honest... I can’t die here. I can’t die being that guy.”
“You aren’t that guy,” Jimmy shook his head. “Trust me when I tell you, you and I couldn’t be more different. You’re a good man, Alex. Made a couple dumb choices, but she’ll remember you as a good man.”
“I don’t want to be remembered,” Alex growled in despair. “I want to be present.”
Alex was startled by a voice he hadn’t heard in over a decade. He turned around to see none other than George standing in front of him, “O’Malley?”
“I heard you were here. I came to see for myself,” George shrugged. “It’s good to see you again. It sucks that it’s like this, but it’s good to see you. The others are going to want to come now that they know you’re here.”
“What others?” Alex wrinkled his face in confusion.
Behind George emerged a few figures that he thought he’d never see again. They came out into the light of the OR, confirming that it was really them.
“Alex!” Lexie walked up and enveloped him in a hug. “No... what are you doing here? I’m happy to see you, but you shouldn’t be here. You just married your wife again.”
“You guys can see what’s going on down, wherever the living are?” Alex asked as he released Lexie from the hug.
“We don’t see everything, only the big stuff,” Derek smiled warmly and placed a hand on Alex’s shoulder. “It’s been a while, Karev. Thank you for taking care of my family.”
“I’m sorry you didn’t get to meet little Ellis,” Alex looked down sadly.
“Me too,” Derek nodded.
“Karev,” Mark stuck his hand out to shake Alex’s. “Welcome to the afterlife. It’s nice, a little lonely at times but, nice nonetheless.”
Alex shook Mark’s hand, “You know, we named the hospital after you and Lexie?”
“Derek told me,” Mark grinned. “I always knew you all loved me.”
Alex rolled his eyes. Seeing everyone he’d lost made him smile and forget for just a second that he was about to lose everything he’d worked so hard for. The presence of these people couldn’t make up for the ones he’d leave behind if his body really gave out like his father said it would.
“I have to get out of here,” Alex looked at his former friends. “I have to live. I don’t care how, but I have to live.”
“That’s what we all said,” another figure walked into the space and smiled. “Hey, man.”
Of all the people Alex expected to see in the afterlife, Denny Duquette was not one of them. But sure enough, Izzie’s former fiancé was here to greet him. Alex raised his eyebrows in surprise, “No offense dude, but I wouldn’t have picked you to show up here.”
“I’m not here for you,” Denny replied with a somber tone.
Not even a minute passed before Alex realized why Denny was present. A person appeared on the OR table and seemed to be sleeping. Looking closely, Alex could tell it was Izzie. She slowly opened her eyes and looked around. Trying to understand what was going on, much like he had.
Izzie’s eyed widened and tears began to run down her face when she saw who stood before her, “Denny? George?”
She was pulled into a hug by each man and proceeded to greet the rest of the people present, “I have brain damage, don’t I? That’s why I’m seeing all of you guys. Because the last time I saw dead people, I had a brain tumor.”
“You’re in surgery right now for severe epidural bleed,” Denny informed. “You’ve coded twice already, however, it looks like they might be able to bring you back.”
“Well that’s good,” Izzie looked back and forth between the people in the room before finally settling her gaze upon Alex. “You’re going to make it too, right? This is just similar way everybody’s preserving our brain function so we can be neurologically intact. Because you can’t die. You have to make it.”
The room quiet and Alex‘s eyes filled with tears again. Is his face dropped, “No. No! He can’t die!” Izzie looked over at George with pleading eyes. “He can’t die you know as well as I do that Alex has had way too much crap handed to him. He can’t die. Not when he’s so close to getting what he always wanted.”
“I’m sorry, Izzie,” Denny came behind her and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.
“His body has sustained too many severe injuries,” George frowned. “He won’t make it.”
“There’s got to be something we can do,” Izzie insisted. “It’s not fair. He just met our kids. He just got married. He’s got so much more to do. It’s not fair.”
“Iz, I’m going to die. There’s nothing we can do,” Alex sighed.
“There’s one thing,” Mark spoke up.
“Mark—” Denny warned.
“No, they deserve to know,” Mark focused his attention on Alex and Izzie. “I didn’t mention it before because it’s messy and complicated and maybe even a little controversial… but you should know that it’s an option.”
Mark took a deep breath, “On the day I died, Arizona tried to commit suicide. She was depressed. So, she took a bottle of pills in hopes that it would cause her organs to fail and she would die. I had already been here for about a month. I was happy. I was with Lexie and my mom was here too. I always knew I’d have to go back. But when Arizona’s body started to fail, I knew I had to do something. She didn’t show up here because her brain had started to shut down. She was dying alone in her bedroom while Callie was sitting at my bedside, hoping and praying that I’d wake up. And I would’ve. I would have woken up when they unplugged me. I would’ve been the miracle story that people talked about for years after the plane crash.
“My time here had allowed me to get the closure I needed, so I could move on with my life on earth with my family. I was ready to go back. I wanted to see my daughter grow up, I wanted to be with my best friends, I wanted to maybe have another kid someday with Callie and Arizona, and watch Zola and Sofia become the best of friends. I had pictured this entire life I could live, and then I found out about Arizona,” Mark paused as he thought about what he would say next. “I begged and pleaded for something, anything that would allow Arizona to live. The only way she’d make it was through divine intervention. That’s when I was given the choice to trade places with her.”
“It doesn’t happen often because the circumstances are so specific, but it is possible to trade places with another person. In other words, two people who are close to dead, but not dead yet, may decide who lives or dies,” George informed. He looked over at Izzie with a soft expression on his face. “Ellis did it with Meredith, Mark did it with Arizona and I did it with you.”
“George,” Izzie sighed. “Why?”
“Because, I was in pain,” George shrugged. “I could’ve lived, but I’d never be a surgeon again. I would probably never walk again or look the same. The accident effectively disabled me to the point where everything hurt. And then I saw that you were dying, so I made the choice for the two of us. I had just enough life left in me to transfer that to you. You lived, I died.”
“Why don’t I remember it?” Izzie asked.
“Because you didn’t know. George never told you that he made the choice. Mark never told Arizona that he made that choice. So, you don’t remember,” Denny explained. “You went back to your normal life and things were okay.”
“Can I do that? Can I trade places with Alex?” Izzie asked.
“No! I can’t let you do that,” Alex shook his head. “I won’t. I can’t go on with my normal life, knowing that I’m the reason our kids don’t have a mom.”
“You see, this is why I told you not to tell them,” Denny glared at Mark. He turned back to face Izzie and Alex. “That’s not how it works. This is a different case. You both are aware of the ability to trade places, so the rules have changed.”
“When both parties are aware of the ability to trade places, there has to be mutual agreement of the trade. A legitimate reason must be given in order to honor the trade. There’s a catch, though. You don’t know when you’ll wake up. You don’t go back to your body that almost died. You wake up on a completely different day, from your past that is significant to the reason you traded in the first place. You’ll remember your time here, you’ll remember specific parts of your life from before that have to do with the reason you came back, but you get a second chance to do it all over,” Lexie explained. “And the person giving up their life will die on the day you wake up.”
“It can completely change the timeline. There’s no telling when he’d wake up,” Denny shook his head. “It’s not a good idea.”
Alex and Izzie stood there in silence for a minute, processing all of the information they’d just been given. Izzie took a deep breath, “Okay, so let me get this straight. So the rule is, to trade places with someone, you have to give up your own life so that they can continue theirs. There are two different ways that this can happen. The first one, is that the person giving up their life doesn’t inform you, meaning that you continue to live your life as it was before. The second way—the one that me and Alex would do—includes an encounter in the afterlife, where an agreement is made. The catch is, if you make the agreement in the afterlife, you have no idea where your life will pick up. The only thing you know for sure is that the person trading places with you will die the exact moment you wake up. Did I get it all?”
“Yeah, that about sums it up,” Mark smirked. “I’m impressed. Most people don’t get it off the bat.”
“Yeah, well most people haven’t been through the insane things this group has been through,” Izzie pointed out. She chewed on her Iip nervously. "How much time do we have left?"
"A few minutes, at most,"Jimmy informed.
"Alex's condition is deteriorating rapidly," Derek furrowed his brow. "You guys need to make a decision quickly."
“We’re not doing this,” Alex shook his head in disapproval. “We don’t know when I’d wake up. What about the kids?”
“Oh, it’s possible the kids won’t even exist in this timeline,” Lexie revealed. “If you wake up before they were conceived, then they definitely won’t exist. But more than likely, things will take an altered course in Izzie’s life so she has no dependents when she dies. The kids most likely won’t exist at all?”
“They won’t exist?” Alex asked. His face grew somber. “But I just met them. I just started loving them. I can’t leave them.”
“You wouldn’t be leaving them Alex,” Lexie placed a comforting hand on his back. “They’d be here. They’d be with their mom and all of us. They’ll have a great family and they’ll never be sad or lonely or feel abandoned.”
“Alex, please let me do this for you,” Izzie begged. “I should’ve died years ago. But I got a second chance at life. You helped me fight, now please let me return the favor.”
“Don’t you want to live?” Alex sneered angrily. “Don’t you want to live on earth and be a surgeon and be happy?”
“No, I don’t,” Izzie whispered. She looked up to the ceiling as tears started to fill her eyes. “I have everything here I could ever want. I have George, my best friend who I’ve missed so much in the past decade. I have Denny, the love of my life who I’ve never gotten over. I’d have my kids, the most important people in my life. And I’d get to see you live out your life. I want to stay here. And I want you to go and be with Jo. Save her the pain of losing you." Tears began to run down her face. "I know what that feels like. I was the girl who's soulmate died and I wouldn't get up off the bathroom floor. I left medicine. I was a shell of who I was before, a shell who made questionable choices--Denny and I had only been together for a few months. You and Jo have been together for years. You're the only family she's got. If you die, she might not make it."
"It's true," Mark signed. "When Lexie died, a part of me died with her. When Derek died, a part of Meredith died with him. You have the opportunity to make sure that doesn't happen."
"Take it," Jimmy stood in front of where Alex was leaning against the wall. "You said that you don't want to be like me, right? Take the second chance. Trade places and do better, be better whenever it is you wake up."
"Alex, you're coding again. You need to decide right now before the window closes," George exhaled nervously.
Alex's eyes filled with tears as he nodded at the individuals in the room, "I accept the trade. For Jo."
And in that moment, everything went black.
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quotesforcompassion · 4 years
“Doesn’t matter how tough we are.
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Trauma always leaves a scar. It follows us home. It changes our lives.
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Trauma messes everybody up but maybe that’s the point.
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All the pain and the fear and the crap, maybe going through all that is what keeps us moving forward. It’s what pushes us.
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Maybe we have to get a little messed up before we can step up.”
— Alex Karev, Grey's Anatomy
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dyingotek · 4 years
For all of you posting how Alex Karev would do this for his kids. No. He wouldn’t.
Alex Karev, the man with abandonment issues, would not EVER leave his wife like this for any reason. Alex Karev, the man that broke down because he thought he lost Jo, would never leave her without saying anything and let her think he was dead. Alex Karev, the man that has spent 10 seasons since Izzie left becoming the best character on the show, would not throw all of that away. Alex Karev, the man who became Meredith’s person, would not have left Meredith like this.
Alex Karev promised his wife that he wouldn’t leave her. He stuck with her through everything that she went through. She stuck with him through everything. He knows what it is like to be left like this. He would not pull an Izzie just to go back to the woman that threw him away like he was nothing. Alex Karev would have talked to Jo, he would have talked to Mer, and he would have called Arizona. Why? Because he is not Alex Karev from season 1. Alex knows what Jo has been through and how all she wanted was a family. So he would have found a way to be a father and stay with Jo and Meredith. Because that’s his family. Not Izzie fucking Stevens.
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beebetty1-blog · 6 years
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countrymusiclover · 4 months
2 - Doctor Nicknames
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Part 3
Feisty Coffee Girl
Izzie and I had gone to the bathroom in the gas station since we needed some groceries and the nearest grocery store was an hour away. Holding a hand over my stomach my sister ripped open the package of pregnancy tests we had just bought. “Here it should show up in five minutes after you take it.”
“I can’t be pregnant right. Mom would be furious if I were.” I gulped nervously taking the test out of her hands going into one of the stalls.
Izzie leaned her body against the wall waiting for me. “We will worry about mom after you take the test. Right now just keep calm and do the test so we’ll have an answer.”
“Okay I’m gonna do it now.” I answered her back peeing on the stick and just sitting on the toilet until the time was up. Opening my eyes I blinked through tears so emotional about what was down in front of me.
Izzie knocked on the stall door gaining my attention. “Y/n, what does it say?”
“It uh ... .it's positive.” I croaked through tears with my sister kicking open the door since I hadn’t locked it. She helps me up to my feet getting my pants up seeing me begin uncontrollably sobbing.
She wrapped her arms around my shaking body and I cling onto her for some strength. “Shhh I’m here for you. We will get through this.”
“You really think that?” I asked her.
Izzie broke the embrace holding me by my shoulders sniffing through some tears. “You and I are extremely tough and we will get through this.”
“What do you think it's going to be? Boy or girl?” Moving my hands down to my stomach I sniffed through my own tears. Closing my eyes I paused just thinking about the choice I had to make. I could get rid of it or keep it and become a teenage mother so young.
Izzie clicked her tongue with a light smile. “I'd say girl. She'll be just as badass as you are.”
“I might hope it's a girl someday too.” I gave her a weak smile. Running one of my hands over my stomach would change everything the second the baby's father said he didn’t want to be a teen parent so I ended up on my own. “I've always liked the name Everly. I'll probably name her that.”
“Everly will be an adorable name.’ My twin sister grinned hugging me again and we just held one another.
My phone had been ringing the entire time I was driving home from work. It had been almost over two weeks since I had gotten the random guy's number. Driving towards the elementary school I was on my way to pick up my daughter from school. Caroline was only able to take her during the mornings. Pulling the car to a stop in a spot I entered the school going to her classroom. “Seriously, how many times are you going to call me.” Taking out my phone I ignored the call.
“Mommy!” Lifting my head up I saw my daughter running straight to me. Her hair getting thrown in every direction until she flung herself into my waiting arms.
Wrapping my arms around her I laughed into her hair dropping myself onto my knees. “I've missed you. I miss you all the time you're not with me.”
“Can we go get pizza?” Everly asked me when we broke the embrace.
Brushing hair out of her face I chuckled. “Sure we can. Oh one second it's your aunt Izzie….hey Izzie what's up?”
“Would you be able to come to the hospital? I am stuck here for the rest of the day and I have some gossip I really need to tell you about.” She explained through the phone.
Holding the phone up to my ear with one hand I take Everly’s with my other leading her out to the car. “Izzie I don't know if that's a good idea. I have Everly with me and we want some dinner.”
“Meredith is sleeping with one of the residents in the hospital. I think that's enough of a reason to hear the whole story.” My sister declared.
Sitting my phone in the cup holder I helped Eve get into the backseat of the car getting into my driver's seat switching the phone to speaker making our way home. “Izzie, I love you. I want to spend time with you too. But it is not a good idea to bring her to the hospital.”
“I want to see aunt Izzie.” Everly said from the backseat of the car.
Izzie heard her and kept convincing me. “See, she wants to come see me. It will be fine. I can even add on that there's pizza down in the cafeteria. So please come visit me tonight.”
“Fine Isobel Stevens. We will come to the hospital. Just do your best to not get my daughter sick because then I'll have to take care of her for two weeks.” I caved running my freehand turning the steering wheel changing in the direction of the hospital. Hanging up my phone I hoped that this would just be a good visit and the next time we could hang out at my apartment or at Meredith's house that she was living in with some of her fellow interns.
Everly was already undoing her seatbelt to get out of the car by the time I had parked us outside the hospital. Leading her inside by the hand we found my sister standing at the nurse desk with her three other friends who were Alex, Christina and George. “Aunt Izzie!” Everly removed her hand away from mine jumping up into her waiting arms.
“Oh there's my favorite little niece.” Izzie twirled her around laughing until she sat her down on her feet.
Alex came around the nurse station with a smirk on his face getting close to me. “So you’re her sister huh. I gotta say you might be hotter than Izzie is.”
“Uh…Hey Eve, I think I heard somebody say they have pizza in the cafeteria. Why don’t you go wait over there for a second and then we can go get something to eat.” Bending my knees to be her level I put my hands on my knees to be eye level with her.
Everly grinned skipping over to one of the empty waiting room seats. “Deal. Be quick, mommy.”
“Okay so what gossip were you dying to tell me that we couldn’t do at home?” I focused my attention on my twin sister with her standing in front of me.
She throws her hands up beginning to ramble off with such bright and bubbly excitement that she naturally showed off to her friends and her patients at the hospital. “The doctor that I told you Meredith slept with is the head of brain surgery and is named Derek Shepherd. But he failed to mention that he was married and then his ex wife came to work here. And now for some reason the guy who also cheated on his wife is now in the hospital in that room.”
George leaned his head to the side, getting our group's attention to focus on the open room where a guy was stitching up his own face even though Meredith was standing in front of him. “Why is he suturing his own face?”
Cristina replied. “To turn me on.”
Alex explained where I parted my mouth opened hearing he was clearly impressed. “Cause he's Mark Sloan. He's like the go-to plastic surgeon on the East Coast.”
George gasped in shock. “That's the guy Addison was sleeping with?”
“Who’s Addison?” I raised a brow at the name.
Izzie filled me in. “You can't really blame her, can you? So basically it goes like this. McDreamy is apparently been best friend up until Mark slept with Addison who was McDreamy's wife till he found them sleeping together.”
“Oh wow.” I didn't know what to say about all their crazy gossip.
Cristina said back. “No, not really.”
George gagged. “Yes you can.”
Meredith finally came around the corner entering our conversation. “McSexy wants an x-ray to check for fractures and I think it's a bad idea if I take him.”
George stammered. “Why? Why?”
Alex bolted towards the opposite direction. “I'm on it.”
George asked. “Why is it a bad idea?”
Cristina quoted. “McSexy?”
Izzie responded and Meredith made a disgusted face. “McYummy.”
Meredith and Cristina said in unison. “No.”
Meredith finally spoke up again with another nickname. “McSteamy.”
Cristina awed in agreement. “Oh there it is.”
Izzie glanced down at me. “Yep. What do you think about the nickname Y/n?”
George gagged running away the second the door open and I turned my head in the direction. “Uh, just ah choking back some McVomit.”
“I don’t see what the big fuss about him is - holy shit!” I felt my mouth hang open when a guy with dark brown hair came out wearing a black tea shirt and gray pants.
Everly spoke up. “Shit?”
“You can’t say that. Only mommy says that.” Whipping my head around I warned my daughter with a finger before putting my attention to the guy in front of our group. “I….I’ve met him.”
Christina, Meredith, Izzie and George gasped all looking over at me. “How?”
“Don’t I know you from somewhere…Feisty Blonde?” The guy that looked exactly like Mark made his way over to us. His green eyes landed only on mine and they remained there with him putting almost no gap between us. “What are you doing here, Y/n?”
Running my fingers through my hair I chuckled nervously feeling my face turn red with the interns watching our interaction. “I guess I’m meeting you for the second time, Mark Sloan.”
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countrymusiclover · 3 months
3 - A Sloan Date
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Part 4
Feisty Coffee Girl
Running my fingers through my hair I chuckled nervously feeling my face turn red with the interns watching our interaction. “I guess I’m meeting you for the second time, Mark Sloan.”
My entire body had frozen at that moment. I reached into my pocket of my coat drawing out my phone. Scanning through my phone contacts I saw that the number had called me when I had picked up my daughter from school. “You've been blowing up my phone for almost two weeks.”
“I thought you would have called me back by now if you were interested and most people I’m with are typically interested when we first meet.” Mark responded to me shoving his hands inside his coat pockets.
Christina spoke up first behind us. “You know the Mark Sloan.”
“Not really. We only met one time when I worked at the coffee shop.” I corrected her statement before she assumed we had a long past together when we didn't.
Meredith raised a brow. “So how did you two meet?”
“He wanted a coffee and I gave him a scone recommendation. That was basically all.” I looked at the girl.
Izzie finally rounded the nurse desk grabbing me by the back of my jacket pushing me away from the coffee guy. “You listen here Mr. You stay away from her. She doesn't want anything to do with you!”
“Woah Iz dial it down a bit would ya. Nothing happened.” I pushed my way around her, not clear on what she was so pushy about. He was a guy that we were meeting for the first time. He couldn't wrong me from our first meeting.
Mark smiled at me, sending me a wink. “Don’t worry she'd have to let me take her on first before we could ever get serious.”
I felt my face turning red at his words and it only got deeper when our gaze locked onto the other. I didn't feel up to dating at the moment. I had my daughter to think about first and foremost before anybody else. “Mark, I'll at least take you up on your offer to buy me a drink.” I finally spoke towards the plastics surgeon.
“Y/n!” Izzie gasped in disgust.
Waving my hand at her I focused on Mark. “What time were you thinking or what time do you get off of work?”
“How about a quarter to never.” Izzir growled behind me.
Mark put his hands in the pockets of his dark pants. “I'd say around 7. Does that work for you?”
“That’s fine with me.” I replied back.
Someone cleared their throat behind him and we saw an older black guy standing before us. “Dr. Sloan can I see you in my office?”
“Sure chief. I'll see you tonight, feisty coffee girl.” Mark sent me a wink following him to his office on the next floor of the hospital.
Another doctor walks over to our group that had styled black hair and soft eyes that met in Meredith’s direction but says nothing for a few minutes. The man finally did say something to the group though. “So. Who’s the feisty coffee girl?”
“That would be me.” I raised my hand moving away from Izzie, extending my hand to the guy. “Y/n, Y/n Stevens .”
“Derek Shepherd. Nice to meet you. Uh I'm sorry but do you know the kid driving the wheelchair through the hospital?” Derek introduced himself before my eyes went wide, turning around on my feet.
I jumped backwards away from him when a wheelchair came running past us and I instantly saw my daughter being the one driving it through the hospital area. “Uh sorry but I have to go. I’ll see you later, Izzie. Eve!” Chasing after her it took me a good few minutes before I had caught up with her and we made our way home since I had to get ready for my date with a doctor.
“Why can’t I come with you?” Everly asked me eating her chicken bites that I had made for her in the oven.
Slipping on my tenna shoes I was standing in my bedroom with the door open so we could still talk. “Because where mommy is going tonight isn't a place for kids. Don't worry we will spend the whole day together tomorrow to make up for it.” I told my young child looking at myself in the mirror. I hadn’t been on a date in forever.
“I'll get it!” The doorbell rang with Everly opening it revealing Caroline who closed it behind her.
She sat her bag down searching for me. “Y/n, I want to see your outfit before the date tonight!”
“Does this look too simple? It feels too simple but we're just supposed to go out for drinks. I mean it isn't helping this is my first date since I had Eve basically but-” I was cut off with my best friend raising a hand.
She eyed my outfit, which was some ripped blue jeans and a light orange lace shirt that was short sleeved. I left my hair down where I had curled the ends of it to look slightly cuter. “You look cute and he clearly found you attractive in your work uniform so you shouldn’t have to worry.”
“Okay I’ll choose to believe you.” I smiled, calling my daughter over. “Everly!”
She ran over to me when I lowered myself down to a knee hugging her before I left for the evening. “Promise me that you will be super good for Caroline while I am gone.” She looped her pinky with mine and I did the same making our promise. The bar that we were meeting at was near my apartment building so I could just walk down there. Walking down a few different streets I entered the bar seeing Mark sitting at one of the bar tables.
“There’s my feisty coffee girl.” Mark smirked when I sat down on the barstool across from him sitting my bag on the edge of the table. His eyes scanned over me not dropping the smirk. “You look cuter than you did in your work uniform.”
I blushed, snorting out a laugh. “I would hope so, Dr. Sloan.”
“Dr. Sloan, you don’t gotta call me that when we aren’t in the hospital. We’re on a first name basis aren’t we?” Mark smiled with a waitress bringing over two shots of tequila.
Picking up the glass I corrected my last statement. “My bad, Mark. But if we’re on a first name basis, call me Y/n.” We both raised our shot glasses and downed the drink yet I scrunch my nose at the bitter taste not used to doing strong alcohol.
“You okay, Y/n?” Mark asked, seeing the reaction on my face.
Covering my face with my freehand sitting my glass down on the table. When I got pregnant with Eve I didn’t have my first real drink until the day she went to elementary school. “Sorry tequila ain’t my thing.”
“We can go for something lighter. I ain’t picky especially if we can meet up again.” He met my gaze, waving the waiter over to get some different shots for us. We had done about four or five different shots just talking about his job and my job.
I wasn’t sure if I could tell him about my daughter yet. Most of the time when I did guys pretty much didn’t call me back after the date or just left during the date. If it was just me and Eve for a few more years I’d be somewhat okay with that. “You really want a second date. I didn’t think a simple coffee shop girl would impress a plastic surgeon.”
“You’re not a simple coffee girl, Y/n.” Mark sat his glass down reaching for my freehand laying on the table intertwining his with mine. “There’s something about you that interests me.”
I blurted out the question feeling embarrassed the second I said it. “You aren’t just saying that so I’ll sleep with you?”
“I’ll prove it.” He responded quickly back.
A curious look crossed my face. “How ya gonna do that?”
“While we keep going out I won’t sleep with anyone else. I won’t even mention it unless you want me too. Does that seem fair?” Mark squeezing my hand waiting for my response.
Squeezing his hand in mine I agreed to the offer not knowing what I was getting myself and my daughter at some point into. “Sounds like an interesting challenge. I accept it.” The night ended with him walking me back to my building and nothing more.
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