#also just saying if you even have to google the am i gay quiz you’ve already answered your question
bisexualbuckleyy · 2 years
fellas is it gay to say that your bro looks cuddly and then hug him for like a full ten seconds and then go home and stare at pictures of him with the biggest heart eyes ever
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khloros · 4 years
hii!! i love your quiz, i was wondering if you would share some of your favorite responses? :)) if not that’s cool too
Ahhh, absolutely!! I’m going to shoot for some of the more impersonal ones just in case anybody didn’t expect theirs to be shared.
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Q20. What emotion means a lot to you? Instead of saying what it’s called, tell me how it feels.
“when you feel that burning in your chest. when you feel so alive and inspired you HAVE to do something with it or it will burn you alive”
This is a feeling I get a lot and often struggle to put into words. It really is like burning, and I’m glad I’m not the only one. It’s a strange thing, how creation is as vital as air, huh?
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Q4. Do you journal? If no, in what ways do you express your feelings? If yes, feel free to share an excerpt from your journal here!
“I do but it’s in german (it’s my native language) ‘Die Luft ist voller Hoffnung und Neuanfänge - doch nichts davon ist für mich gemacht’”
This person is in luck, as I’m currently learning German! Uhh, however I’m not that great yet so... Google Translate to the rescue! (tho I swear I recognized a few words!! I’m proud!)
“The air is full of hope and new beginnings - but none of it is made for me”
Something I’d like to quote at some point.
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Q4. Do you journal? If no, in what ways do you express your feelings? If yes, feel free to share an excerpt from your journal here!
“I do journal! Here’s an interesting except: ‘Walks up to a microphone and presses my lips against it. You expect me to say something but I stay silent as I lock eyes with you. So slow you’re on the verge of believing I’m not moving at all, I shape my jaws around the microphone. Once it is all in my mouth, I shatter it into countless pieces with one bite. I walk away.’ Make of that what you will”
I swear, every uquiz taker is an absolute cryptid.
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Q24. What is something you want to put into the world? Why?
“I don’t think ill have a lasting impact on the world nor put anything worthwhile into it. I’m sorry”
“i have great aspirations but am no doubt too insignificant to accomplish them”
“I don’t think I have anything to add to what more capable people have achieved”
We live in a world that tells us anything we do is worthless unless it changes every single person’s lives. I beg to differ.
Every small thing is worthwhile. Every smile or message or “thanks, dude” changes my day. I’m thankful for the people who have done that for me, even if I don’t remember. They changed the course of one thought, of one day, of one lifetime and of all those who were impacted by me in turn.
Nobody is too insignificant. Dreaming has never hurt anyone in a permanent way, only stupid actions and giving up after failure. It’s okay to break down your goals into baby steps- you want everyone to be happy? That’s not going to happen. Try to get someone to smile today instead. You’ll have definitely put good into the world- I know that I like it when someone makes me smile.
Nobody is more capable than another. Nothing has restrictions on how many times it can be achieved. It’s so very easy to change the world, you’ve already done it.
All of these responses have made an impact on me which will stick with me forever. You’ve put something into the world. I hope you’re proud of that someday, and it’s okay to take your time to get there.
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Q26. And to make this fair, ask me a question! Anything.
“I hope you find what you’re looking for”
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Q22. What is your favorite piece of clothing you own?
“I have a vampire cape, I am too weak to wear it and I am also too short and it drags on the ground, but I love the drama”
Everyone who’s taken this quiz has the gayest sense of fashion. No offense tho, this one is the ultimate gay energy. Even if the 4’11 Vampire isn’t gay.. the v i b e s are stupendous.
Live your heckin life you fabulous vamp, you’re doing amazing babey.
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Q21. Describe the most beautiful sunrise you have ever seen.
“You made me realize I’ve never stopped and looked at a sunrise really. Obviously I’ve seen a sunrise, but I’ve never *watched it*.”
Someday you will! And it’ll be boring and weird, and you’ll think “why am I even up this early?” But then you’ll realize that there’s this weird feeling in your chest that’s probably not a heart attack. And you’re not sure what it is, but it’s probably an emotion. And you go on feeling it, and it never really leaves you.
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Q24. What is something you want to put into the world? Why?
“i want to create something and be known for it. i want my name written somewhere. i just hope i manage to do good”
I can relate. I hope it’ll be enough. And I know that you’re doing good as you are.
Because of the 10 picture limit, there’s gonna be a bonus in the reblogs which has me REELING.
Hopefully this was an alright collection, I screenshot all the ones that I want to remember but I definitely skipped over SO many here. I couldn’t fit them all in!
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hideyseek · 4 years
50 Questions You’ve Never Been Asked
tagged by @usersoup <3
What is the colour of your hairbrush?  it is .. black and turquoise, though i must admit that since i’ve cut my hair i rarely use it. 
Name a food you never eat? huh. caviar? i tend to forget about the existence of foods i don’t eat until i’m on the instacard website. chocolate ice cream, i guess. that’s like, a normal-person food i never consume.
Are you typically too warm or too cold? i am constantly too cold. as i type this i am in my apartment in sweatpants under a blanket and my roommate is in shorts and a tshirt.
What were you doing 45 minutes ago? mm i was reading a room of one’s own, at risk of sounding like the pretentious humanities major i am. i’m reading it out of desperation (we are in possession of the writer’s block and we would like to give it up as soon as possible), after having had it in my head to read since i came across a lin-manuel miranda tween in like 2015 telling all young writers to read it
What is your favourite candy bar? i don’t really like.. candy. twix or butterfingers, if i had to pick one at gunpoint.
Have you ever been to a professional sports event? yEAH u fucking bet i went to winterguard international championships twice in high school and bands of america championships once (both as part of my school’s winter/colorguard). i’ve never gone to a pro sportsball match though. 
What is the last thing you said out loud? oh, are you really out there alone? (at my roommate, who is on the balcony with a desk lamp rigged up for optimal dirtball making).   
What is your favourite ice cream? vanilla. or hazelnut. i fucking love hazelnut. 
What was the last thing you had to drink? not to associate myself with brands, but i am drinking sprite as i type this. 
Do you like your wallet? yes! i had my wallet nicked on a bus in the middle of the semester and my replacement is a lovely narrow black folding wallet that i am infinitely fond of.
What was the last thing you ate? the dregs of my cheezits, pepper jack flavor
Did you buy any new clothes last weekend? mm no, though during my phone call with my grandma earlier this week she told me i should buy more clothes no less than four times. she thinks i should own and wear more “pretty girl clothes” and i haven’t the heart to tell her that i think gender is fake. 
The last sporting event you watched? i participated in a harry potter pub quiz over zoom the other week, if that counts. otherwise, probably something televised and american football related, several months ago.
Who is the last person you sent a text message to? oH thank god i have an interesting answer to this one -- my stage manager/playwright friend, whose recent play i am dying to get a copy of.
Ever go camping? yeah. my family used to go every august with some family friends. 
Do you take vitamins? mm just vitamin d. (fuck off this was not meant to be a dick joke).
Do you go to church every Sunday? nah.
Do you have a tan? not anymore... even during the semester i spend most of my time underground in a basement rehearsal space or in the on-campus computer labs. (hence the vitamin d)
Do you prefer Chinese food or pizza? these are?? not equivalent at all in terms of scope? chinese food, of course. 
Do you drink your soda with a straw? nah. can-to-mouth for me. 
What colour socks do you usually wear? depends on how cold i am: i have some very lovely warm purple socks and some red and black socks that my dear friend gifted me for christmas last? year? but otherwise i have just sports shoes height white socks and black socks.
Do you ever drive above the speed limit? i am gay, i do not drive.
What terrifies you? failure, mostly. i hate that that’s my answer, but there you go. failure, or being putting myself in a situation where i don’t really have a choice in what happens to me.  
Look to your left, what do you see? mm, i just moved from the study to bed so: the empty space in the loft bed railing where the ladder is, a blank wall, the edge and hinges of the bedroom wall.
What chore do you hate? none, really? i’ll get really passive-aggressive about some of the small apartment tidying things in my head, but not often enough that anything comes to mind now. 
What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? how my linguistics prof last semester had folks self-identify if they spoke non-american english in the middle of lecture
What’s your favourite soda? hm, hm. oH. there’s a vietnamese sandwich place in my hometown that has the best lychee soda. (a handful of google image searches informs me this is elisha aerated brand)
Do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive-thru? hm, most of the time when i’m going to fast food i’m going to in-n-out with either a pile of theater people or my high school friend group, so sitting. er, going in.
Who’s the last person you talked to? roommates, in person. 
Favourite cut of beef? i could not name cuts of beef if u asked me to really nicely. actually jk i know uh, ox... oxtail? i like oxtail soup.
Last song you listened to? am in the middle of listening to trenchh by cavetown but i’ve been alternating fob and cavetown and bastille on shuffle on spotify.
Last book you read? ella enchanted by gail carson levine, because it is my #1 comfort book.
Favourite day of the week? i like thursdays. they just sound nice.
Can you say the alphabet backwards? if i had like, several minutes, i probably could do it. but everything after w would involve me counting (counting? reciting?) from the beginning.
How do you like you coffee? i’ll drink it any way but black. i have discovered i do not like dalgona coffee. but i like the dark chocolate mocha that peet’s does in the winter a ridiculous amount.
Favourite pair of shoes? i have this pair of converse that’s grey stripes that always makes me feel like a Cool Arts Student, even though it’s actively terrible for my arches. 
The time you normally go to bed? to bed? midnightish. to being asleep? usually 1-2ish. 
The time you normally get up? eleven in the morning, apparently, since that’s what’s been happening now that i’m not setting alarms. during the school year, usually 7:30 or 8 because i work in the scene shop half the mornings of the week.
What do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? conceptually? sunsets. aesthetically? also sunsets. metaphorically, though, i prefer sunrises.
How many blankets on your bed? i’ve got a blanket (duvet, maybe? comforter? i have never really vibed with these western concepts of bedding) and another knitted blanket. 
Describe your kitchen plates: black and square and slightly chipped because roommates and i get a bit aggressive with cramming them onto the drying rack. 
Do you have a favourite alcoholic beverage? i like hard cider. (i like soft cider better than hard cider, but the apple taste drowns out the alcohol taste enough for me to have a pretty good time.) 
Do you play cards? haha yeah. whenever i’m home i play 24 with my little brother and lose a lot. or my family’ll play 21. or BS, which i fucking hate because i cannot lie for shit.
What colour is your car? still gay, still don’t drive.
Can you change a tire? mmmmmmmmmmm no. i have a shocking lack of car-related life skills for someone holding down a job that mostly involves wrenches. 
Your favourite province? oh boy. hubei province, bc there’s no country specification and this feels less impersonal than if i were to just point somewhere in australia. 
Favourite job you’ve ever had? hm, let’s limit this to work i’ve done for money, just to narrow the field down. (i tend to like the work i do a lot.) i really really enjoy working as a sound technician, especially as a mic assistant (it checks my “meeting people” box and my “helping people with their emotions” box and my “storytelling for an audience” box because at the theater i work at, pre-show mic check is me talking about my day and has resulted in a handful of people telling me i should try standup). the hours and pay are kind of crap, though. you don’t get friday nights when your friday nights are spent backstage of the same show you’ve heard twenty million times at this point. i also enjoy teaching computer science, because i just fucking like computer science. christ, i just,, miss being at work :c the production of newsies i was gonna do this summer got canceled. 
How did you get your biggest scar? mm, pass. 
What did you do today that made someone else happy? i, hm. everything that comes to mind feels vaguely manipulative, since i can’t really tell if people were made happy? oh! i had an extended slack conversation with one of the academic interns for the cs class i help teach that was basically just us bonding over word humor. he seems like the kind of person who would have gotten a kick out of it. 
I tag: @kittog @wali21 @capt-ann @lemon-yellow @iamanonniemouse @raccoon-sex-dungeon @snakesonacartesianplane @eternalflarg @swimmingseafish (do it if u want! don’t let me bully u into anything)
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j2badwolfclevergirl · 4 years
Dear you,
I know today isn't actually my birthday, but it's still close enough that it doesn't feel wrong to write this.
I remember the last time I wrote a letter to myself was when I was eighteen. Wow. That was four years ago now. Hey. It's me. You.
You were such a different person back then.
Still raw and broken, trying to find something, anything to hang onto. Your life was falling apart.
Friends were growing up and leaving. You were growing up and it fucking terrified you. You were so scared and insecure that you closed in on yourself, all long sleeves and sweaters. You couldn't bare your arms because all your pain was written on them.
You were losing your religion, your faith.
You had no fucking clue who you were or what you wanted. Well, you thought you knew what you wanted but now you're not as sure.
Do you remember those walks on the beach with Evan, how happy and yet how miserable you were?
You remember thinking "these are the memories I'll treasure."
And you were right. But you were also wrong.
Because those memories couldn't compare to some of the ones that came later.
You, at eighteen, would never have even imagined who you would become.
At nineteen, things finally started to heal. You cut off all your hair and you fucking loved it. You left religion in your rearview with all the trauma it had caused you. Ok, maybe not all of it. Some of it you still carry deep in your chest and you're still trying to pry all the sharp-edged, heavy pieces out.
You went to England, for a whole month all by yourself. You literally got on an international plane and flew for seven hours and were awake for almost twenty four hours straight and then
you were there. In England.
That "someday" dream actually became a reality. You got to see Shakespeare's birthplace and visit Jane Austen's house.
You went out to a pub for the first time and drank for the first time. You even got kinda drunk. You tried a hand-rolled cigarette. You felt free and a little terrified by it.
You went for walks by that river, beautiful and a little haunting.
You were pretty lonely for most of that month, but you don't really regret a second of it.
It showed you that you were capable of so much more than you thought and that maybe some of your dreams could acutally come true.
Then you started college. For real this time. Moving away from home, leaving behind your remaining two friends and your dear, crazy family.
You remember how scared you were that drive down? How you had your headphones on and were trying to drown out the frantic voices in your head, the twisting vines in your chest and stomach? How your fingers kept knotting in your lap as you tried to wring the anxiety out of them?
Remember that first night in the dorm room? Scared but also kind of excited. College was a place to start fresh, to try and figure out who you were now.
That first semester was a bit of a mixed bag. You made some friends but being around them made you anxious, insecure. Casper died and you cried more than you thought you would.
And then there was that night with your friends, playing drinking games and drinking wine out of a red solo cup with a twisty straw. They went out to smoke and you thought, "Why not?" And then you came inside and everything shattered. You were on the floor, in someone's lap, crying and trying to breathe. You couldn't stop saying sorry. Four and a half hours you just kept gasping "sorry" over and over and over, begging for forgiveness for being weak, being a burden, for ruining everyone's night. And that was the night everything started to crack again.
The long sleeves came back. It got hard to breathe more often. You couldn't spend time with your friends because your brain wouldn't shut up about how they didn't really like you, how you were a burden, how they judged you for being weak, how they wouldn't miss you and how they would even be better off without you. And so you hid. You stopped going to dinner. You unfollowed and avoided. You cut them off and shut them out because you couldn't make the voices stop. You started to break again.
But then summer came and it was almost a relief. Home was the same, except it wasn't. The twins had started to get boobs, James was in high school and everyone was fucking growing still. It felt good to be home but it was also hard to see that everything had continued while you were gone, that your little siblings were growing up when you weren't there to see.
The second year was a little better, a little easier. I honestly don't remember much of it off the top of my head. You started to tentatively make some new friends. Just aquaintence level really but it was a start. You kept learning, kept struggling a bit but you didn't break again.
You had your first kiss at 20 years old with the first girl you ever liked. Oh yeah, that's right. Somewhere before college you figured out you liked girls. In fact, you really like girls. It was scary and, like the nerd you are, you turned to google. You spent hours researching, taking quizes like
"am i gay?"
"is it a crush or a girl crush?"
"do i really like her?"
You watched dozens and dozens of videos just trying to get used to two girls kissing. You imagined what it would be like to kiss a girl. And you didn't hate the idea.
It took months before you decided you were bi. You didn't tell anyone for a long time. But when you did, no one made it a big deal. But you couldn't tell Gammy. You still haven't told Gammy. You're too scared. You don't think your relationship with her will survive.
You also went on your first date at 20. It went ok but she told you she wasn't interested after the second date. That seems to be your lot. You still haven't made it past the second date.
21 was when things really started to get better. You made some real new friends. They aren't perfect and sometimes you still struggle with insecurity but you're learning that it's ok and that often they are just as nervous and insecure as you.
You could finally legally drink! The first time you go to the liquor store they don't even card you and you think it's pretty funny.
You started trying to love yourself. It wasn't easy. It still isn't. You also started to let loose, take more risks, try to go with the flow a little more. You went on more dates but nothing ever panned out. You also started smoking weed. You really fucking love weed now.
You spent more time with Emma and found out you actually have a lot in common. She became your fun-friend, the friend who would drink with you on a weekday, smoke with you when-fucking-ever and who encouraged you to let loose. You were each other's cheerleader and each other's encouragement to live like the young 20 year olds you were. Remember that night you went out drinking on a Wednesday afternoon before class? You had drinks and then two shots. I don't think anyone noticed though. Two weeks later, you were back at the bar before class again and you both split a pitcher of mimosas in celebration of the ending semester. Those were two of the best nights you ever had. But they weren't nearly as fun as the days you would go over to Emma's apartment to "study." Those afternoons and evenings spent drinking, smoking and talking. Sometimes playing a game, sometimes watching a TV show, but always having so much fun.
Now, here you are. 22 years old. Four years ago, you were on suicide watch and feeling like life would never get any better. Now, you're thinking about teaching abroad after you graduate.
You still aren't in a relationship but for the first time in your life, you are genuinely okay with that.
You don't have a lot of friends but the ones you have you wouldn't trade for anyone else.
You're still trying to find the balance between responsibility and living life to the fullest but you're getting better at it everyday.
You also started practicing witchcraft, which is kinda cool.
You feel more confident in yourself and you are having fun experimenting with your style.
You shaved your head and it makes you look kinda badass. (It is also so much easier to deal with and let's be honest that is really why you love it.)
You smile so much more than you used to. You laugh more and cry a little easier. You're finally starting to let yourself really feel again. You're trying not to be so afraid of feeling, trying to stop numbing yourself when you feel overwhelmed. You're trying to sit with your emotions more and let them pass rather than ignoring them because you're scared you'll fall back into the dark place. You're growing.
You have changed so much.
You still think being an adult sucks, but you're starting to notice and take advantage of more of the perks
You have transformed from a scared, broken, bleeding teen into a confident, curious, and free-spirited adult.
The future isn't as scary now. I mean, there are definitely still days where it terrifies you and your chest aches for everything you've lost with time. There are still days where you relive a memory and long to go back to when things were simpler.
But there are also days where you remember that the future promises more of those good times and memories.
You're doing what makes you happy more. You're letting yourself be happy without guilt.
You're finding the pleasure and joy where you can and learning to enjoy it as it washes over you, instead of trying to grab it and hold on.
You're letting yourself make mistakes and trying not to feel as embarrassed or ashamed of them as you used to.
I am so proud of you. I am so proud of who you're still becoming, of who you won't ever stop becoming.
Keep growing, keep learning, keep taking risks and making mistakes.
Be brave.
Be curious.
Be tender.
Because you're alive and that's all that matters.
You at 22
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langstyboi · 5 years
And They Were Roommates
Dear fucking journal,
Ever since a couple of weeks ago, things have been weird.  I fucking hate it. Kirishima is apparently gay!? He came out and things just feel different dammit! This sucks ass! I have all these shitty emotions I can't understand! Fuck them! I want things to be normal god dammit! I'd never say it to Shitty Hair's face, but he's my best friend. I mean, I can tolerate him more than any of these other shit heads. Ever since I found out he likes dudes it's just... I DON'T FUCKING KNOW! I don't really have good feelings over this! Am I being homophobic?? What the hell? I DON'T MEAN TO BE!! I'm not THAT big of an asshole. I just can't explain these damned feelings! He's my friend and I don't wanna be a dick! Though he'd probably like that. UGH! I'M SO DAMN MAD!! AT HIM! AT ME! AT YOU! FUCK EVERYONE! FUCK EVERYTHING!!
-God damn Bakugo
The frustrated blonde closed the book and shoved it under his bed. He got up and paced around his room, thinking. Usually venting in his diary helped calm him a bit, but this time he was only angrier. He was asking himself why that red haired idiot had him so worked up when there was a knock at his door.
"The hell do you want!?"
"Um, Bakubro it's me!" Kirishima tried to force joy into his voice. "I wanted to talk to you." He'd felt the shift in their relationship too. Bakugo moved to the door, opening it to find a tired Kirishima. Both were stressed out about this and having trouble sleeping. "Can I come in..?"
"Whatever." Bakugo moved and closed the door after Kirishima walked in. "What the hell are you here for?"  
"I'm just gonna be blunt... Do you have a problem with me liking dudes?" There was worry evident on his face. Bakugo panicked internally, trying to figure out what to say. This was what he was trying to figure out for himself.
"WHAT THE HELL, YOU IDIOT! WHAT ARE YOU ACCUSING ME OF!?" Relief washed over Kirishima, though Bakugo, didn't know if what he said was true. "I COULDN'T CARE LESS, YOU FUCKING DUMBASS! YOU'RE STILL YOU, MY B-" He stopped himself, not wanting to show too much emotion, not wanting Kirishima to know he thinks of him as his best friend.
"Heh, sorry man! I thought you'd been avoiding me or something lately? Guess I'm just paranoid." He scratched the back of his head and gave a subtle grin. Bakugo got a weird feeling in his chest and all his whirling emotions were hitting him all at once. "Hey, wait, what were you going to say?" Those big red eyes staring into his only made his conflicting feelings stronger.
Bakugo tensed up in hesitation, looking off into another corner of the room, scratching the back of his head nervously. "I- uh..." He looked back towards  Kirishima with a straight, angry looking face. "It was nothing, Shitty Hair! Now get out of my damn room! You're getting on my nerves!"
Kirishima gave a lighthearted laugh and moved towards the door. "See ya at dinner, Bakubro!" He walked out the door happily and closed the door.
"DON'T CALL ME THAT!" He called out uselessly. Bakugo plopped down in his bed and stared angrily at the ceiling. "What the hell's wrong with me?" He groaned to himself. He kept thinking of the red head and tried to decipher his feelings.
What was it about Kirishima? He started talking to himself out loud. "He's really nice and it gets on my fucking nerves. He's way too fucking sweet. It's gross. But... I don't mind it. He's got shitty hair and weird ass pointy teeth. But he does have a cute smile. WHAT!? NO! I DIDN'T- BUT- IT'S TRUE! His smile is nice. And I love the way he worries about me. He cares. HOLD UP! I DIDN'T MEAN LOVE!!! I DON'T-" He was silent as he sat up and ran a hand through his hair. "This dumbass has me mumbling like fucking Deku." Bakugo had only proceeded in making himself more frustrated.
He sighed and grabbed his phone. "I'm not... I'm not gay am I?" He furrowed his brows as he went to Google. Google would know, right? He typed the question and hesitated before hitting search. He spent a while browsing articles that didn't help. He wanted answers and now.
"A quiz? Hmm. Might as fucking well." He clicked the link and felt anxious. This test might not be completely accurate but it could reveal something. He tried answering with his honest truth, thinking about each answer thoroughly.  
'Question one: You spot a cute, same-gender person in your class. They look at you. What do you do?' At the mention of cute he thought of Kirishima. He looked over the answers and none really fit him. "I wouldn't fucking smile but... 'warm and fuzzy' kinda describes this."
'Question two: Your friends invite you to attend a pride festival. What do you say?' "What the hell? I-I don't know! Come as an ally? For Kirishima I would, but he can't know that!"
'Question three: A cute, same-gender person comes out to you as gay or bisexual. They have a crush on you. What do you do?' A blush began rising to his cheeks. "Kiri had come out, but it's not like he would have a crush on me! ... WOulD hE?" He panicked. "NONE OF THESE FIT!!" He hit a random answer not knowing what to pick.
'Question four: You're in a gym class getting changed. You notice a cute, same-gender person getting changed. They have smooth, toned muscles and look perfect. What do you do?' That perfectly described Kirishima. He was embarrassed by his answer but admitted to blushing because of the other guy.
'Question five: You're sitting on a sofa watching a movie with a cute, same-gender person. They fall asleep with their head on your lap/legs. What do you do?' This had happened plenty of times. So this answer was easy. "What kind of monster would push him away? I'm an asshole but I can cover him up at least!"
'Question six: You're locked in a room with a cute same-gender person and a cute opposite-gender person. Who do you pick?' "What the hell does this mean!? I couldn't stand being stuck in a room with anyone! I'd just blow the door down what the fuck? But I could probably tolerate Kirishima..."
'Question seven: What do you think your sexuality is?' "YOU FUCKING TELL ME!" He'd never really thought about sexuality or other people. Bakugo was never really into girls, but most guys he knew were just idiotic extras he wanted to be better than. He reluctantly hit gay.
'Question eight: If an cute opposite-gender person asked you out, what would you do?' He thought for a moment. He wouldn't be into any of the girls in his class. They're annoying. He's never really had interest in girls or romance at all. Uraraka is cute in a general sense. He can admit that. But it's not like he'd ever want to date her. "Reject them it is..."
'Question nine: Pick the gender your biggest crushes were. If you've never had a crush, guess who you think your biggest ones will be.' "OH FUCK OFF! THIS ISN'T HELPFUL!!" He sighed as his frustration grew. Only one more question after this. Might as well finish. Be angrily tapped 'Same-Gendered' and moved on.
'Question ten: Finally, do you like any LGBTQ+ singers?' He doesn't really listen to music much and certainly doesn't know the singers sexuality. Also, why this would matter is beyond him. He hit the 'Get Results' button and held his breath.
'Are you gay? For 80% you are: You're most likely homosexual/homoromantic! This means you only like same-gender people. Enjoy your rainbow life!'
He slumped down on his bed. "That helped fucking NOTHING! Those answers were shit! I don't trust that damn thing! It can die!!" He felt like he might never figure out his feelings. According to this he's gay, and that's not bad, but is he gay for Kirishima?
This quiz made him think about a lot of things he was avoiding or just not even realizing before. Maybe he did have a crush on his friend. A sick feeling settled over him and he still felt confused as hell. An idea popped into his head and he held up his phone. He scrolled through his contacts before he started to type.
B: Hey Deku bitch
D: Uh hi Kacchan? Why are you texting me?
B: I have to ask you something but if you tell anyone I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!!
D: Okay! I won't! Geez...
B: I know you and icy hot are dating
B: How'd you know
D: How'd I know what?
B: That you like guys? Or HIM? I don't fucking know
D: Is this about Kirishima?
B: ... maybe
D: Alright, alright! I didn't really know at first. I had a lot of confusing feelings and after a while it clicked? I just realized that I did have a crush and quit ignoring my feelings. I mean he's cute and nice and I really like being around him. I want to do romantic things with him too. Like cuddling and dates and kissing and hand holding. I hope that answers your question?
Bakugo sat back, re-reading the text over and over. He had confusing feelings about Kirishima. He knew Kirishima is cute and nice. He knows he loves being around Kirishima. He takes a moment to think about doing romantic things with Kirishima and gets extremely flustered. They already touched often, cuddling or linking arms. That was only because Kirishima gave him no choice. They also hung out a lot, but calling that a date? That made Bakugos heart race. Imagining kissing that idiots soft lips only made him forget to breathe.
He did have a crush on Kirishima. Deep down he could feel it, but now he accepted it.
Bakugo had no clue what to do, so he grabbed his journal and began writing furiously.
Dear fucking journal,
UPDATE! I'm fucking gay. And Kirishima's cute as hell. I won't deny this any longer. But what the shit am I to do? I can't just tell Shitty Hair about this! What if he's not into me!?! I have a crush god dammit, but what do I do? It's nice to have those dumbass emotions sorted but now theres another issue. EMOTIONS CAN DIE FOR ALL I CARE!
He decided to end his frustrated rant there as his phone went off. It was a text from Midoriya. "What he fuck does this nerd want?" He mumbled to himself.
D: Kacchan did that help at all?
B: Fuck off deku its none of your damn buisness
B: But I'm gay
D: Woah that's great! You figured yourself out!!
D: A true raging homosexual.
B: STFU DIE!!!!!! NERD!!!
He tossed his phone onto his bed. Why, of all people, would he tell Midoriya that? He growled at himself and checked the time. He should head down for dinner about now. He went downstairs and almost everyone was already there. During dinner he couldn't help but stare at Kirishima. Kaminari, the resident bisexual, was chatting up a storm with him and Bakugo couldn't help but get pissed with how flirty it was getting. Halfway through dinner he was so angry he broke his chopsticks in half. After that he went to his room saying he wasn't hungry, and he truly wasn't. He was full of jealousy.
There was a knock at his door. He answered it to find a concerned Kirishima. "Bakugo you left before you finished eating. You alright? You're not getting sick or anything are you?" He pushed past Bakugo and into the room.
"I'm fine hair for brains. Just got full." He gave an angry pout and shut the door as Kirishima sat down on his bed. "I'll be right back I gotta piss." Bakugo said before turning and going to the bathroom. He really just needed to calm down for a moment. Unknowingly he had left his journal sitting right on his bed where a certain someone could easily find it.
Kirishima went to lean back but found his hand on a book of sorts. "Hmm. What is this?" He picked it up and flipped through a few pages. "A diary!" He whisper yelled to himself. He flipped to a newer entry and began to read. He knew he shouldn't, but it was too tempting.  Bakugo came out right when he was finishing today's last entry.
"Kirish- WHER THE HELL DID YOU FIND THAT!?" Bakugo thought he was going to have a heart attack. He wrote his feelings in there. HIS FEELINGS.
Kirishima looked dazzed and was blushing madly. "You... you left it on your bed." He gave a shy smile.
"YEAH BUT WHO THE FUCK SAID YOU COULD READ IT!? WHAT DO YOU KNOW!?!" Blood was rushing in his ears and his heart was pounding so hard it hurt.
"I-I'm sorry Bakugo!" He snapped back to reality, realizing his mistake. "I-um... Is it... Is it true?"
"Wh-WHAT?" He started getting defensive. He only just realized he's gay, he wasn't ready to get his heart broken this fast. Kirishima stood up and came closer. He gave Bakugo a serious look.
"Did you mean everything you wrote?"
"OF COURSE I DID SHITTY HAI-" He was pulled into a kiss. Taken aback and confused he pulled away. "Wh-what."
"I like you too Bakugo! I... have for a while to be honest. I never thought you would like me back!" And excited grin stretched across Kirishimas face, along with a blush.
"Come here you idiot." Bakugo mumbled before pulling him into a kiss.
Note: I posted the post that inspired this here. And here is the link to the Are you Gay? quiz I used for this. ALSO I REALIZE THE TITLE ISN’T RELATED TO THE STORY BUT IT’S RELATED TO THE POST AND THAT’S ALL I COULD THINK OF THANKS.
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