#also yes he’s got no guns in this drawing on purpose
lilacjunimo · 23 days
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the man, the myth, the legend (mister hunter bad batch)
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princessisfinethx · 1 year
Recom Miles Quaritch x FemReader Pt. 4
Whoops...My bad guys I was in a bit of a block and then I kind of zoned out(for like three weeks?). I can't watch the movie again till they release it on disney+ so details on what happens will be up to me. :)
I will post the A03 later<3
!!!WARNINGS!!!:: Smut! Nothing crazy, consent on both ends, mentions of guns
!!! MINORS DNI !!!
Everyone else, enjoy.
You may have needed new office shoes by the time you were done running around. After sending the message and hiding away the telegraph, you went on an egg hunt for the equipment you needed. Surprisingly all you needed was to gather clothing to wear and a backpack with medical supplies. Too bad most of it was in different areas of the base. It took 10 minutes to find clothes in your size, then protective gear, then the shoes which also took a few minutes. After acquiring the clothing needed, you were told the breathing masks and other items(like optional weapons) would be brought at the meeting tomorrow morning before leaving base. 
It didn’t take up your whole day so you returned back to your office. It was empty, no notes, no emails, no patients. At some point, you decided coming along this mission was a good idea. If something were to happen, which you doubted, you’d be there to respond faster. After thinking it over, you also decided this was wrong and you were being manipulated by your own thoughts into thinking this was a good idea. This was in fact, not a good idea. You sat at your desk, coloring some silly page that had rainbows and birds on it with some color pencils. You don’t remember how you got the pencils but they’re here. Might as well use them.
Somewhere around noon, you decided to lay your head down. You didn’t have much to do on slow days like this or any unfinished paperwork. After a 30 minute nap, you would go to the lunchroom and see about getting a sandwich, or maybe a loaded salad. You drifted off to sleep, not remembering to set an alarm or close your office door all the way. 
Miles was pretty pissed off at himself. Usually he’s more level-headed when it comes to women, so you shouldn’t have had such an affect on him for this long. He shouldn’t have let you get an advantage over him, he shouldn’t have been so dumbfounded. Now he was picking at the mush of meat and tortilla pieces that litter his plate. He wouldn’t admit that he was embarrassed. 
Lyle was speaking to Walker while Z-Dog, Brown and Ja also sat around the table, chatting and eating today’s mystery meat. Lyle had hummed and glanced around before mumbling. “I haven't seen the doctor yet. Is she skipping lunch?”
“Hm?” Walker also glanced around. She shrugged. “Did she have a big breakfast today? She doesn’t skip meals.” This caught Miles’ attention so he listened without peering up. 
“No she had some cereal I think,” He took a big bite of his food. “Maybe someone should check on her.” After speaking, he glanced at Miles. So did a few others, but Walker turned her head completely. 
He sighed and looked at all of them. “Yeah I’m on it.” He stood up with his tray. “So much for drawing sticks.” He turned and walked away. Then beside him, Lyle appeared and grinned. “Yes, Lyle?”
“Bring her a salad and a fruit cup. My guess is she’s either sleeping or forgot to eat again.” He grabs a juice pack before turning and walking back to the table. Miles kept wondering why none of them went to check on you but he also had a sneaking suspicion everyone knew already. He decided to listen, sneaking a salad bowl and a small fruit cup out the lunchroom and towards your office. 
What would have taken 5 minutes actually became 10, then 15. He purposely stopped in the hallways a few times every time he thought about what happened earlier. His tail flicked in annoyance and frustration but he hid it well on his face. He was hoping you wouldn't say anything about it. Miles had scoffed at himself. The man has faced creatures bigger than him before, and here he was hesitating about walking into your office. He rolled his eyes and finally got to your office door.
 He shifted the items in his hand to knock but saw the door was open. When he peers inside, he sees your form, slumped over the desk using a sweater as a pillow. Miles walks inside and gently closes the door with his foot, then he walks to the desk and sets the food down. You didn't move, didn't stir in your sleep or anything. He kneels down beside your chair while studying your face. When he glanced behind you, he could see the clothing items and shoes needed for tomorrow. 
He smiled for a minute. He could guess you were stressed about tomorrow, he couldn’t blame you. His hand reached up and gently laid on your shoulder. "Wake up princess. Time to eat." He shook your shoulder lightly but you were already opening your eyes. 
You sat up and looked at Miles, then around at your office. "Oh god what time is it?" You lean over your desk to stretch your arms out and you spot the two food items. 
"Lunch time. Your soldiers got worried when you didn't show up for lunch so they sent me to deliver that." He slipped his hand off your shoulder and stood up. You didn't ask any questions. You had grabbed the two items, opening the salad and fruit cup and using the fork to start eating. Miles hid his smile as he watched, your eyes were closed and it looked like you could still be sleeping. "Had a good nap there doctor?"
You shrug, opting to stuff your face rather than speak. Despite your current sleepy expression, you were happy to be eating something. You wondered if he had help deciding what to bring, and you could see one of the other soldiers telling Miles what to bring. You finally paused your eating to speak. "Thank you for bringing this." He sat in the chair in front of your desk and you watched him closely. "How are you feeling today Colonel?"
He perked up at this, raising an eyebrow but shrugging anyway. "Better I suppose." You nod and move onto the fruit cup, watching him with an almost bored expression. Miles wasn't too comfortable under this gaze. "Why do you ask?" 
"Because of earlier."
"So, is this an apology?"
"Why should I be apologizing?"
"No particular reason-"
"Because I gave you a boner and kicked you out of my office?" 
He smiled. "You're very blunt about things. I like that about you." His jaw moved, he was thinking before he spoke. "That was inappropriate of me."
You finished your fruit cup and set it down. "Yes, but I was also acting immaturely I suppose." You threw away the bowl and cup, making sure any food bits were thrown away. "I made rude comments and hurt your ear. Sorry."
Miles hummed, glancing at the clothes and boots that sat on a small cabinet behind you. "Are you feeling stressed, doctor?"
You were stretching your back and answering honestly instead of sarcastically. "Yes, very stressed. I thought I had discussed this earlier." You mumbled and sat back in your chair. 
"I guess so." He smiled at you. "I've been a bit stressed as well. I don't admit it, but nights before a mission are terrible. I probably won't sleep tonight."
He watched as you slipped to doctor mode. "I have sleep medicine if you need some." You had stood up and walked to the cabinet behind him. "I understand though, I'll probably take some sleep medications myself." You grabbed two bottles and closed the door. "They're capsules. You take two, 30 minutes before going to bed and they should put you right to sleep." 
You turn around while reading the bottles, only to feel a hand grab your hip and another slip behind your head. You felt lips pressing against yours and your stomach doing somersaults. You felt your body tense up then relaxed choosing between giving in or pushing him away. The bottles in your hands dropped and you closed your eyes. This was wrong, and you knew it.
You wrapped your arms around his shoulders and he pushed you against the cabinet, never breaking the kiss. You were liking this a little too much. He tangled his hand in your hair and you opened your mouth to sigh, Miles took this opportunity to part your mouth with his tongue and you whined at the feeling. The things you threatened and promised earlier were breaking apart. He pulled away from you which gave you time to catch your breath. 
He looked down at you and chuckled, watching your face turn red. He was on his knees in front of you but his posture hinted a more dominant look. "If I may, doctor, I recommend you relax before tomorrow." 
You watched his eyes, glancing at his lips and seeing that stupid smirk of his. "Yeah? I could order medication but that takes a while to come in. So, you have any other alternatives?"
He leaned down and mumbled against your ear. "I have a few activities in mind, if you'll stop pretending to hate me." 
You scoff and glance at the door of your office and see shadows passing underneath. "Not here." He looks at you and you slip out of his grasp. "If you'd like, I can see you again later this evening." You spoke loud enough so anyone outside might hear. You were writing on a sticky note your living quarters number and a time. "Those pills should do the trick. Remember what I said about taking them." You look up at him as he takes the note from you. 
"Thank you, doctor." He grins and pockets the note and the pill bottle. "I'll be sure to remember." There were a few knocks as he was speaking. Miles opens the door. “Ah, I know your face but I can’t remember your name.”
You peered past him and smiled. “Hey Alex, did you need something?” You watched Miles duck through the doorframe and wave both of you off. Alex waved back and turned to you. 
“I have great news! So some of the research from the last expeditions years ago weren’t completed. And since the recom team and you are going into the jungles tomorrow, I get to come along to attempt to complete the missing files. Isn’t that great?” They grinned, like a kid who was excited to go on their first field trip. You were not grinning. You weren’t sure what expression you wore but Alex seemed to dim down. “Hey are you okay? This is good news because I get to tag along with you.”
“No, no, that is good news.” You smiled apprehensively. “It’s just, you and I have never set foot outside this station, is all. I’m worried for our safety out there.” You took a deep breath. “And the soldiers’ safety.” This was a lie. You were worried about the team finding out you were a traitor. And now, how Alex would react. You didn’t really have a plan or think about the consequences. Just get the supplies out there and let fate decide the rest. 
Now the thought of disappointed faces, looks of hatred from your friends, haunted your consciousness.
Alex smiled again. “That’s good though, it means you’re a good doctor.”
You play off your troubled look with an eye roll “Yeah but what am I supposed to do when a wild animal attacks me? Prescribe it with some tranquilizer? Shake a pill bottle and throw it? Here boy, go fetch!” At this, Alex chuckled, covering their mouth and shaking their head. You smiled as well. “If you want and if we have time, I can make us both a cup of coffee before we head out.”
“Ah that would be wonderful. Hopefully it’ll soothe my nerves a little.”
“If anything it would wake you up some more.” You lean against the doorframe and smile. “Personally I’m more worried about getting some sleep.” This was also a lie. 
You had checked your bag twice, and now, three times. You had the extra supplies that you promised the scientists out in the jungle. It was stored in a medium sized delivery bot you used to send items often. You also had some medications, extra batteries and some dried foods. Hopefully that was it. Then on the side you had medical equipment and some travel snacks. You knew this was a serious mission but if there’s a lot of walking then the soldiers are gonna get hungry. 
Now you sat on your floor, your bag was zipped, clothes and shoes were folded neatly and ready for tomorrow in your small storage closet. You stared into the closet, feeling like you were forgetting something. You gnawed on your bottom lip while in thought, glancing around the dimly lit room. Perhaps you should write an apology letter in case you do happen to get caught and die, in whichever order it may happen. You stood up and paused again. Was that what you were forgetting? You couldn’t put your finger on it. A few sharp knocks took you out of your trance and you looked at the door. 
“Uh, who is it?” You had creeped to the door, peeking out the peephole and let out a small gasp. 
Out in the hallway, a tall figure was bending down to look back into the peephole. “Room service.” You covered your mouth to hide a laugh. You opened the door and looked at him.
“I forgot you were coming over.” You bit back your smile. 
He stood up straight and made a look of shock. “Well, if you weren’t expecting company I guess I’ll see my way back to my room.” 
You raised an eyebrow. “So you’re going to be a pussy and leave?”
Now he looked offended. “I didn’t say anything about bein’ a pussy, just bein’ a gentleman but if that’s how you see it, then I guess I’m staying.” He leaned against your doorframe, towering over you. “So princess, you gonna let me inside or stand there and bitch at me?”
You roll your eyes. “I should just leave you out there like a stray, Colonel. Get inside before someone calls security on you.” You move aside and watch him duck into your room. You peek out into the hallway for a second then close the door. “Hope the ceiling is high enough for you.”
When you looked at him, he was practically foraging your desk. “Why do you have so many- is this embroidery?” You had run over and yanked it out of his hands. “Here I thought you couldn’t get any more interesting.” He smiled. 
“Yeah well I had to take up some kind of hobby or I would have gone absolutely batshit. Knitting was next.” You put down the unfinished embroidered hoop then glare up at him. He was still smiling, but looked at the ordered mess. 
“Now doctor, please tell me,” He picked up a copy of a Jurassic Park novel, “you read this after you decided to clone me and not before.” He turned it over to read the back. “A bit ironic don’t you think?”
“No, not at all.” You tried to take the book from him but he held it up high so you couldn’t reach. “If I'm working with animals then I might as well read about some- stop ransacking my shit Quaritch, I have everything in a specific order here.” He glanced down at you, shrugging and handing it to you. You take the book and set it down, looking over everything else. “Honestly I would have expected you to snoop through my panty drawer like an old pervert but you surprised me too.”
“Oh yeah?” He sat on your bed, seeming to make a face when he did. “Which drawer is that?” He turned and watched you as you sat beside him. You crossed your legs on the bed but didn’t look at him. 
Thoughts ran through your head, you had questions to ask. “I know this might be a bit early for pillow talk, but how does it feel to be in there?” You finally look up at him, craning your neck. He hums and looks at his knees, then his hands. He holds them up and flexes his fingers. 
“The same. But taller. And bluer.” He looks at you and you roll your eyes. “Don’t tell me you want to run around in one of these bodies doctor.”
“No, no nothing like that.” You shrug. “Everyone has different reactions and feelings when waking up in their new bodies. I can’t remember who, but one of the soldiers said they felt like their self from before had changed somehow. Like their body and their consciousness collided and adapted to this body.” You were staring into nothing now. “I know you’ve been on this planet much longer than I have, you’ve seen what the Na’vi here worship and believe in. Now I’m no scientist or hippie tree hugger-”
“You’re starting to sound like one.”
You looked at him and he watched you with stern eyes. You sigh. “Yeah forget it, you might shoot me instead and fuck the bullet hole.”
He laughed. “No no, go ahead please. Continue.” He waved his hand. 
You watched him as you continued speaking. “You aren’t curious what secrets would be held inside this planet? You’re one of them now like it or not, and that grants you a better chance at  getting closer and exploring this crazy spiritual or religious-” You shrugged your shoulders trying to get the words out without revealing you actually knew the correct terms. “God I do sound like one of them don’t I?” You rub your face and hear Miles’ deep chuckle beside you. 
“I think I understand what you’re getting at.” He held out his hand to you. You stare at it, unclear what he was doing until you placed your hand in his. He pulls you into his lap and you shift so you straddle him comfortably. “I was never a spiritual person, or religious for that matter. I follow orders, I do what I am told and I don’t question it.”
“You died.” You pointed out. “Not saying that you shouldn’t have followed those orders.” You had begun to fiddle with the hem of his shirt. “I don’t know the specifics of this mission. They’re classified to me, but you know them. And I won’t seduce you to try and get information out of you.” You smirked up at him then looked at his chest. “Would you do it again if you knew you would die?”
He watched you, looking to the side for a few seconds, then sighing. “Yeah. Believe it or not, princess I would.” He looked down at you, his hands sliding up and to rest on your hips. “Maybe a little better coordinated.” 
“Hm, wow. Yeah.” You nodded, pretending to look surprised as you dusted his shoulder off. “Glad you have that figured out colonel. Hope you’re putting all this brain power into tomorrow’s mission.” 
“I better not get any of this shit tomorrow in front of my squad.” He tightens his grip on your hips. “Cause I will-” He paused when your hips rolled into his.
You smirk up at him, your hands resting on his chest. “Sorry? You’ll what?” You roll your hips again, feeling him grow hard beneath your ass. “Use your words colonel.” His ears flickered. 
"You little minx." He picks you up and flips you around so you're laying on the bed, his tail flicks behind him. He leans down and kisses you hungrily, his body pressing down on yours. You had smiled a little in the kiss but it disappeared when his hand slowly slid down the hem of your pants. You gasped as his long fingers reached your thighs, then tugged at your underwear. He broke the kiss with a groan, reaching up and taking off his shirt, muttering about it being too hot in here. 
You chuckle, admiring his bare torso. “Would you be a gentleman this time?” You reach and tug the hem of your pants while raising your leg towards him. He grabs the ends of your pant legs and slips them off. He traces his fingers down your legs, leaning down and kissing your knees. He watched you while he moved closer, trailing his lips down your inner thighs. You shudder as you watch, his fingers loop around the hems of your underwear. You roll your hips and sigh. “Miles please…”
“You can be patient, princess.” He pulls your underwear off and throws them to the side, then he stares down at you for a few seconds. You close your legs, even pulling your shirt down a little. 
“What? Don’t just stare like that.”
“Don’t do that.” He comes closer, removing your hand. “Just relax darlin.” He leans in between your legs, kissing right above your clit then moving down. You sigh, biting your lip as you watch. He sticks his tongue out and licks deeply between your lips. Miles groans into you, licking into your sweet spot quickly. He gripped your thighs with both hands almost wrapping around them completely and kept them open. 
You had covered your mouth at the unexpected feeling hitting you, not wanting your neighboring coworkers to hear you. You reach down with your free hand and run it through his hair, feeling the shaved head beneath your fingertips. He suddenly pushes his tongue deep within you and you gasp as both hands scratch the sides of his head. “Miles-” You reach up to cover your mouth again, groaning into your hand. “Fuck, Miles~”
He peers up at you, moving up to circle your clit with his tongue. He was practically getting drunk off of all the little sounds you kept making. And when you said his name in that breathy moan…He wanted to fuck the absolute hell out of you but he needed to help you get prepared. The colonel remembers when he was looking at himself after he had been transferred. At first he hadn’t thought of any difference other than the color schemes changing and maybe the size, that was a given. But in the office, when you had threatened him and gave him that hard on, he became aware of what he truly possessed between his legs. And now here, as he lapped your sweetness between your legs, he knew he could really hurt you if he wasn’t careful. 
It wouldn’t be the first time he’s hurt a woman because of his size. Even as a human, he was well sized and occasionally wasn’t careful. 
He kept at your clit as he reached up and teased your entrance with his fingers. Once they were slick enough, he pushed his middle finger in slowly. You groan at the feeling, closing your eyes. You roll your hips into him and he feels his own hips push into the side of your mattress. After a few pumps, he adds another finger, making you gasp at the stretch. 
“Fuck, is that three?” You whine out as you look down at him. He wanted to laugh but instead he pumped his fingers faster. Your head rolls back and your legs begin to shake. He felt it and decided to pull your legs over his shoulders. You had let out a moan or a gasp at each pump, mumbling incoherent sentences. Miles noticed as your voice became louder, he could understand you were muttering soft pleas and praises. Things like, “Please please please don’t stop, don't stop,” and “Oh yes yes god you’re so good.” He growls into your skin and adds a third finger. You didn’t have time to mutter anything as you felt your climax spread and shake your body. Miles felt you spasm and clench around his fingers and he curses. The pants he had on were a mess now. 
You were panting, covering your eyes and speaking low. “Please tell me…three fingers was enough?” You didn’t look up but you felt him moving now. First, your shirt was pulled off of your body, along with your bra. An instant coolness settled on your dampened skin and you sighed. Then you watched as Miles undid his belt, then his pants and zipper and- “No.” Your eyes widened. “That is-”
“It’s a bit more than three fingers.” He gets on the bed and strokes himself a few times. “Listen princess, it's gonna take some adjusting. But if you can’t take it, tell me to stop.” He held your chin so your eyes locked with his. “Understood?”
You nod your head a little. “Yes, sir.” 
“Good. Lie back for me.” You did as he asked and let him move between your legs. You watched as he lined himself with your entrance. “Fuck this is gonna be a tight fit.” He began to press into you, making you groan and bite your lip. The tip slips in and he lets out a deep moan, his hand slamming into the wall behind your bed. He was holding himself back from fucking you hard. He had to wait. You shift your hips and he takes it, bucking his hips into you and ripping a cry from your throat. 
"Fuck it's too much!" You muttered into your elbow. It was huge and you should have known with two different sized forms that it was going to be painful. You had actually dreaded it when you first had your daydreams. It oddly excites you in a scary way. "Oh god please go slower, please…" you looked up at him. 
Miles was looking down, one hand now gripping the edge of the mattress and the other was holding your thigh. He had a deep look of concentration as his ears flattened and perked. His eyes dart up to meet yours and his ears perk up again. "Alright darlin' I won't move till you tell me."  
Your eyes close and your head falls against the pillow. The pain was bearable, slowly it subdued and you nodded once you thought you were ready. He thrusts into you and a yelp leaves your lips. "Easy! No more than an inch!" You whined out, peeking up at him again. He laughs, dipping his head down to rest against your forehead. 
"Yes ma'am." He kisses you, letting his tongue tease at your lips then pulling away. He then presses his hips forward and you let out a loud groan. This time you grab a pillow and hug it to your face. It felt like he was all the way in with how much he filled in. You were sure to be sore tomorrow and you debated somehow calling in sick for tomorrow. The pillow you had on your face was ripped from your hands and thrown on the floor. "I wanna see that beautiful face of yours when I'm fucking you."
You felt your face go red. "What if I'm too lou-" his thumb finds your lips and he presses it into your mouth. 
"I can find a few ways to preoccupy your mouth." His thumb rubs up and down your tongue and you swallow around it. His eyes almost softened as he mumbled, "Fuck, that mouth of yours." He thrusts again and you moan around his thumb. He glances down and smiles. "Almost got me halfway darlin'."
You release his thumb and he moves his hand to grab your hip. "Go a little deeper, please." He obeys and pushes in, thrusting in and out little by little. Each time would drag a small whine from you. He reaches a certain point you can't explain that causes your back to arch slightly. You grab his hand resting on you and squeeze it. "Fuck wait, right there." You look at him. 
He nods, licking his lips quickly. "I don't think I can go in any further without reorganizing your insides sweetheart." He pulls out almost all the way before pushing back in slowly. You cover your mouth as a slow moan leaves you. You felt his lips at your neck, kissing then sucking. You hold onto his shoulder and feel as he begins to move in a steady motion. Your nails dig into his skin, feeling him suck harder before letting go and smiling against your shoulder. "Hope they don't see that tomorrow…" 
You didn't have time to ask how bad it was before he was picking up speed. He roughly grabbed your hips as he fucked you in a normal pace. He would hit that spot that made you arch once in a while and you did your best not to be too loud. His hips snap into you quick and you gasp. His hand was quick to clamp over your mouth. He growled and pushed deeper, making you scream into his hand. It had you seeing stars, this new pain mixed with a questionable pleasure. 
"Fuck darling I'm gonna cum," he removes his hand and kisses you instead, his tongue wrapping and swirling around yours. You could feel yourself tighten and spasm around him. A few more thrusts, just a few more. You had to tell him to keep it out of you but he's so deep already. You whimper and he stares down at you. "C'mon doc, tell me where."
His thumb was at your clit now and you had forgotten all about that cheat code. He started to rub small circles against it and you lost it, digging your nails into his arm and shoulder. "Fuck! Miles- in me please, please just fill me, fuck go faster!" Your legs were shaking now, partially wrapped around the blue body above you. He listened, thrusting faster and circling your bud. With a short cry and an arched body, you felt yourself reach a stinging, stretched bliss. As you had cried out, Miles grunted and finally planted himself deep inside of you, twitching as he finished. He had panted and you thought he even whimpered as he slowly pulled himself out. 
Your eyes were still closed but you felt him shift off the bed. The bathroom light flicked on, water ran, then he came back and you jumped at feeling something wet and warm touch your thigh. You look down and see him frozen with a wet rag. "Don't shoot." He reaches down and gently wipes around your sore area. "You may need to bathe to get some of that out."
You nod but laid back down, eyes closed again. Your lower regions were already taking the effects, and you groan in thought. "I won't be able to work tomorrow."
"I guess we could have thought this one through a little better." Miles states as he stands up. You heard clothes rustling but didn't open your eyes. Was he leaving already? Then you heard your bathtub running. It went like that for a few minutes but you didn't want to move. Then he came back and picked you up off the bed. "I got you a bath ready." He sets you down inside and you let out a sigh at being submerged in the warm water. 
You both didn't say anything for a while. He stays outside the tub being that he couldn't fit in it. He helps you wash up, get out and get dressed. Once he saw you could walk properly, he put on the rest of his clothes. "Miles?" 
He looks down at you and smirks. "What princess, want me to stay the night?" 
You scoff. "No." You cross your arms but stay sitting on your bed. "Thank you, for the stress relief." 
He had walked over and leaned down, placing a gentle kiss on your lips. You had responded, even feeling his hand run up your back. He pulled away and his eyes were soft again. "Thank you, for having me over, doctor. Get some rest, I'll see you tomorrow." He lingered over you, then turned and walked to your door. Once he leaves and shuts the door, you fall back against your pillows and sigh. It wasn't hard to fall asleep that night. 
The helicopter ride wasn't as bad as you initially thought. Once you and the others landed on the ground, Alex was clinging to the grass and gasping for oxygen. "I hate flying." 
You grin. "Need something for that motion sickness?"
"Not motion sickness." They sigh, standing upright. "Just afraid of heights. But thank you." They pick up their bag that looks similar to yours and stand beside you. "It's a good thing I only had coffee." 
You nod and pick up your bag as well, watching everyone else gather around Lyle and the colonel. You follow suit with Alex close by Everyone was already debriefed, Miles looked at everyone, nodded and turned. "Alright, we know our objectives. Keep in mind the wildlife and the locals, everyone."  He starts walking forward and everyone spreads out. You and Alex stay behind Lyle. 
Z-Dog waves at Lyle, then signs the letters 'D-O-C' and rubs her neck. Lyle grinned and nodded, motioning to Miles who didn't see them, then at Alex. He nodes at her. She nods back. "Hey doc," she calls out, only being about 5 feet from you. "Mosquitos were bad last night?"
You blush, hoping the oxygen mask would have helped hide the obvious hickey. "Yeah yeah, that’s not childish at all Z."
"So you and Alex had fun then last night?" She questions. Lyle holds back his laughter when he sees Miles glance at them. 
Alex turns red. "What?" They look between you and her. "Wait, we- we're not um-"
Lyle turned his head. "Ohh, you and Alex, huh doctor?"
Miles turned his head and snapped. "Focus, we need all eyes ahead." He looked forward, ignoring his tail swishing in annoyance. You, as well as a few others noticed. You smiled slightly, looking at Alex who was confused.
You shake your head. "Don't worry, they're just kidding."
"Hold." Miles stopped the group. He made a gesture and two of the soldiers crept forward into an open area. They looked around then the group moved forward. You spotted the old research trailer that was brought here years ago. Two of the soldiers went in to investigate. "We've made it to base 1, over." He had spoken into a mic. You watched as the soldiers were gathering around the giant war bot that lay fallen in the grass. 
As they were all saying something, you kneel down and start digging in your bag. You slow in confusion, looking around. This wasn't your stuff. You look up to see Alex walking inside the trailer holding the same bag as yours. You curse and grab everything to follow them. Once inside, you see them with the bag opened and looking at the device inside. "Alex."
They looked at you confused. "Is this yours?"
"...yes, it's mine." You reached for it but they stopped you. “We switched by accident on the helicopter.”
"This isn't what I think it is, is it?" They examine it again and press some buttons on it. "Wait, Dr. Linear are you-" they look at you. Suddenly their eyes were filled with betrayal. "This is…for them isn't it? This is the same bot they kept telling us was being stolen and sent here."
"Alex." You stood there frozen. "Alex you don't understand, they needed help, I don't just ignore that kind of thing. They had kids here."
"Have they been tracking us too?" They looked at the robot again. "You know how they feel about us being here. They want us gone." Alex looked at you again. "I've seen what they did before."
"No that wasn't them, that was the Na'vi-"
"Doctors, you're needed outside." Miles called from outside the trailer. Alex stuffed the robot in the bag, giving you a look and exiting the trailer. You followed, leaving the other bag inside.  "Found anything inside?"
Alex looked at you, then shook their head. "No, I haven't gotten a good look yet." Then their bag began beeping and the delivery robot floated out. It began hovering and Alex jumped away from it. The others watched until Miles shot it with one bullet. Alex stared at it, then looked at you. You had gone pale. Everyone was quiet. 
"Ah, so I was right." Quaritch tilted his head. "It was one of the fellow scientists. You've been sending out plans and medical equipment to the people out here."
"What? No it is not it's-"
"I'm sorry." Alex butted in. "I…was trying to do the right thing." They had stared at you. You shook your head. They were quoting you now.
"No no no it was my bag, we switched bags!" Your throat felt like it was closing up and it made your voice shake. "Alex didn't do anything."
Miles was watching both of you with hard eyes. You couldn't tell what he was thinking. "Is this true, Alex?"
They shake their head. "No, she's just trying to take the blame. I know how much trouble I could get into and she found the robot in the trailer. It's mine."
You stare at Alex feeling your heart racing, they stare back at you. "Alex please…tell them-"
Then two gunshots rang out. 
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starsurface · 4 months
RAHHH I love your work it's so hjhjhjhjhj
Can I request cg Kotal and regressor Erron Black pretty please?
AHSNFBSH!!!! Yes of course!!!!! They're a bit more focused on Erron though, but don't worry!! I have some CG Kotal Hcs coming out soon!!
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
CG Kotal Kahn w/ Regressor Erron Black Hcs
🐮 Erron regresses from about 3-7
👑 More of a bigger kiddo, but also has some small days
🐮 Kotal Kahn was never really supposed to find out that Erron regressed
👑 He only found out because they were arguing about Erron’s performance one day and it made Erron slip and have a hissy fit
🐮 Repeatedly stomping his foot, finger pointing, whiney voice, and arm crossing
👑 Kotal very quickly realized that he wasn't arguing with the famous Erron Black, he was arguing with a seven year old
🐮 Kotal wasn't new to age regressing, regressing a bit himself and watching Jade back in the day, so he kinda just scooped Erron up, and offered him ice cream he had stashed away
👑 Pleased to say, Little Erron was over the moon, but big Erron was skeptical (and worried he'd lose his job)
🐮 It was kinda that that day forward, Kotal became Erron's main CG
👑 Mostly because Kotal was ‘worried of Erron regressing too small without someone’ (he also just missed having a little or a little friend)
🐮 Once knowing that Erron regressed, Kotal started noticing that he slipped quite often
👑 Kicking his feet during work, hiding his paci under his mask, but always making sure it didn't affect his work
🐮 . . . Kotal wasn't having it, and Erron got a big scolding >:(
👑 He helped coax Erron to a more regular, and safer, regressing schedule (which honestly helped Erron a lot more in his daily life since he was no longer struggling trying to be big and little at the same time!
🐮 Little Erron is very bossy
👑 He knows what he wants, and he knows he runs this show 😎
🐮 (^ He doesn't, but Kotal will let him think he does)
👑 Erron doesn't throw hissy fits, but he’ll stomp his foot and pout and accuse Kotal of being a big meanie on purpose >:(
🐮 Although honestly, Kotal either just has to soften his voice, or give Erron that one look, and Erron will grumble and calm down
👑 All weapons are put into a safe place that Erron can't get into
🐮 And if he slips during work, Kotal will switch his workload to come be his ‘personal guard’ and put both their weapons away
👑 Erron doesn't like touching his actual guns while he's small, but he has these little toy guns that he absolutely adores!!
🐮 He'll randomly tell Kotal to draw and Kotal will hold his heart and fall to the ground (it makes Erron giggle every time)
👑 Erron doesn't exactly break rules, but he's definitely a patient tester (lovingly)
🐮 Yeah, he could pick up his toys. Or, he could whine and pout and huff and make Kotal give him a few more minutes of playtime and- Oh wait, he's walking over with a mean face- Gotta clean up!!!
👑 Also doesn't like it when Kotal yells or scolds him, so he doesn't try to prompt it
🐮 If Erron does do something to get in trouble, no amount of ‘🥺’ will save him because Kotal’s a big meanie >:( (and because he puts his foot down on certain things and Erron gets to grumble in the corner for a few minutes)
👑 Likes getting piggy back rides (will call Kotal ‘Horsey’ and finds it hilarious)
🐮 Luckily Kotal doesn't mind, since he enjoys spending time with little cowboy (he tried calling Erron his little prince once and Erron claimed that he wasn't a silly prince >:(
👑 (^ But he makes sure Erron doesn't say that to anyone else. Not that he ever has, but just in case)
🐮 Doesn't really like others babysitting him and will run to hide behind Kotal because Kotal is huge and he can easily hide behind him
👑 His favorite babysitters are Kung Jin (I think they're friends :3) and Jade (that's his new Mama and no one can tell him otherwise)
🐮 Kotal really likes using more royal names on Erron, like Little Prince, my Little Warrior, his Majesty (he's use to using then for himself and for Jade so they come a bit more natural)
👑 ^ Erron doesn't. . . hate them, but he does prefer ones like Sweetheart, Little Sugar, Baby Boy, Tough Guy, Little Cowboy
🐮 (Although let's be honest, he'll melt at anything Kotal calls him, he really likes having a CG)
👑 If Erron’s smaller, he'll call Kotal Papa or Daddy
🐮 If he's bigger, Ko-Ko or Bubba (maybe Papa too)
👑 If he could watch Toy Story, he so would (I am leaning HEAVILY into the fact Erron’s a cowboy, I really like cowboys)
🐮 Johnny showed him the movie once, and Erron was so tempted to steal his tablet
👑 (Don't worry, Kotal got him one, he likes to spoil Erron)
🐮 Kitana knitted him a horse stuffie and thats his new best friend and they're partners in crime (yes crime, he doesn't wanna play the good guy >:(
👑 Has definitely stolen Kung Jin’s cow stuffie (that he actually bought for Jin) and doesn't understand why he's in trouble
🐮 The cow looked all lonely, Papa, he couldn't leave him!! All alone on the bed . . . No one to cuddle him . . . He just wanted to give him a little bit of snuggles 🥺
👑 Unless Jin is also small, he'll usually let it slide (steals a pouty Erron’s hat in response)
🐮 His hat stayed with HIM and no one can make gim part from it >:(
👑 However, Erron also really likes to have his hair brushed and played with so it stays with his horsey stuffie (Horsey is the name of it btw, Erron was very little when he named her and it kinds just stuck)
🐮 Erron does have a cow onesie with a hood for when he's feeling really tiny and a bit sleepy
👑 But only Kotals allowed to see him in it because he's too scared to wear it otherwise
🐮 Actually adores cuddles, but hated Kotal’s face paint because it'll get on him and excuse me Ko-Ko, he didn't ask to have blue face paint all over him >:/
👑 Kotal just laughs and rubs their cheeks together (making Erron pout more but also hold back giggles because he actually does find it kinda funny)
🐮 Erron has tried to curse once and only once when he was small
👑 Kotal shut it down extremely quickly and explained that a little boy his age shouldn't be using those naughty words while he's tiny
🐮 Luckily though, Erron didn't push it any further and grumpy accepted the new rule
👑 Although Kotal was now named a Mr. Big Meanie for life!! >:( (he's okay with that, he gets why Erron’s fussy but that won't change how he babies him)
🐮 Erron didn't like the new rule that much, especially since before Kotal, he didn't really have any rules for when he was small
👑 Very rarely, Erron will feel really small and vulnerable and hide in Kotal’s side
🐮 It especially helps that Kotal’s super big and he can easily pick Erron up and Erron gets to feel all small and tiny 🥺
👑 Erron has a habit of steal coins while he's small and suddenly, Kotal has no pocket change -_-
🐮 Erron had some regression items already but Kotal was one of the first to ever get him regressing items as a gift and it actually almost made Erron start sobbing
👑 Kotal’s kinda a protective CG and doesn't like it when Erron cries or gets hurt
🐮 He'll over fuss and kiss his boo-boo and get a band aid and require at least twenty minutes of cuddling
👑 Erron doesn't mind the fussing, but also really likes his freedom
🐮 If Erron gets sleepy, Kotal will let Erron sleep on top of him (he makes an amazing pillow)
👑 Erron is a fussy, cranky baby to wake up though, and will required his own time to wake up
🐮 Rubbing his eyes, yawning, nuzzling up to Kotal as he tries to wake himself up
👑 . . . Demands Kotal to make pancakes too, even if it's the afternoon or midnight, he wants pancakes 🥺
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Stop, I love Erron. <3
He's one of my mains, ngl. I don't know a bunch about him, but I think he's really cool. :3
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rubykgrant · 1 year
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Just thinking about my RVB character Poppy... I'll eventually get her in my story-line, there's just all the other plot stuff that needs to happen first. I do have some pictures of her, though! I can't draw armor to save my life, but hers would be white (with tan accents, styled a bit like Florida's during Project Freelancer). When I started absorbing RVB, my brain sparked several potential story concepts and characters... eventually, I refined what I wanted, and combined a few ideas into Poppy! She's going to be part of Red Team; for one thing, they almost never get new people (true, this is because their current members don't... die... as often as SOMEBODY, but still. even though Carolina isn't technically on either team, she and Wash kinda gravitated toward the Blues. The Reds "unofficially" have Doc, because he hangs out with Donut, and Grif caught Locus in the friendship net, but we need a REAL "New Red!"). For another, they've got exactly zero girls. Blue Team gets all the ladies (*finger-guns from Tucker*). Somebody needs to even this out. Finally, with white armor, the prophecy of Red Team being the lesbian flag has been fulfilled!
Her name was chosen because I wanted to use a flower, but not one I've named a character before. I was also re-watching Little Nemo, so I borrowed the name McCay
Some more info about her below~
Poppy didn't actually "join" the army. At least, not in a traditional sense. She was "selected" to be part of a "special training program", which turned out to be tricking poor and homeless people into working at dangerous outposts. When one area was getting attacked, a lot of the people running the show took escape ships for themselves. Poppy was able to find a set of armor, and now looking "official", she helped guide all the people who would have been abandoned to safety. When she got them all to a rescue ship, a soldier asked if she had been in charge of that outpost. She basically pretended that yes, she TOTALLY was the boss. Yep. Hired herself, and gave herself a promotion. Before she could back out or escape, she was congratulated for saving all those lives, and then thrown into a new "assignment". Whoops.
Poppy was later sent to a group of Red and Blue team Flag Zealots (during the Blood Gulch days, but they never interacted with anybody from there). She was supposed to evaluate their efficiency, and order more supplies as needed. The Blue Team contained Lou, Drew, and Hue. The Red Team was made up of Ted, Jed, and Fred. Obviously, they weren't very efficient at ALL, but were suprisingly endearing. Because Poppy wasn't technically on one side or the other, both teams decided she was off-limits when it came to fighting; nobody hurts Poppy! She's everybody's friend. At most, they would fight over who was her favorite~
Eventually, they ran out of ammo, and Poppy just... didn't order more. The fighting turned into more harmless pranks, and they perhaps would have eventually reached a point of shared friendship if things had continued like that. Unfortunately, something terrible happened. It started when Poppy was injured saving the others from a mine they forgot they planted. She was hurt and knocked-out, but recovering. That wasn't the terrible thing; while she was out, Somebody from Temple's group came looking for new members. These Reds and Blues refused to join. They were killed, and when Poppy woke up, she was alone.
For a while, Poppy had to stay hidden and keep a low profile. A lot of stuff was happening in the background. By the time she got discovered by UNSC soldiers again, she was still recognized as part of the Flag Zealots (even though she literally DID NOT CARE ABOUT THE FLAGS), and Temple just tried to pull his big plan... so they decided this made her a criminal (ha! when she does something illegal, it's on purpose, and she's less annoying about it, thank you). Somebody at the UNSC thought the best thing to do with left over Flag Zealots was to use all their "devotion" for a different cause... which is INSIDIOUS AS HECK. The person called in to handle training these soldiers is somebody very LOYAL and PASSIONATE, the Reddest Red to ever Red; Sarge.
At first, Sarge is very happy to be back in his comfort-zone. However, well... he might always be seeing red, but he doesn't quite have the rose-colored glasses when looking at the military that he used to. In particular, when he hears about the life of one particular trouble-making smart-mouth named Poppy, it reminds him of the people he's been spending the last couple of decades with. The way the military chewed them up, spit them out, and told them it was a good idea to take other people down with them. Papa Warcrimes has some things to think about!
One thing he knows for sure, he's adopting this little firecracker! Although she's introduced to the Reds (and the rest of the group) through Sarge, once she's in there, Poppy is meant to sort of mirror Simmons. Just like the Reds rarely get new people, Simmons rarely gets new friends. She has things in common with him, like rattling off random trivia she knows, and she's also very different from him. The fact that Sarge likes her, and she's a nerd, SHOULD make Simmons hate her guts, and he was about ready for that... but after one conversation with her, he internally just clicked with her- "Oh, sibling? Sibling!". This is extra symbolic, because the one who killed her Reds and Blues was, in fact, Gene. Poppy really doesn't care for him very muchly, but she likes Simmons a lot, and that makes him very happy (she DOESN'T think he's the same as Gene? She LIKES all his nonsense nerd chatter? SIBLING!). Also, she and Simmons are trans in opposite directions~
Some of my favorite little lines I have for her-
(after being ordered to inspect a dark area in the woods) "I'm not going in there. It looks like the Blair Witch is in there!"
(somebody rudely tells her what to do) "Hey, how about you try asking me again, but this time, get that tone out of your mouth when you talk to me~" *sarcastically cheerful*
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agoddamn · 17 days
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Ok goddamn
1) tbqh my two biggest author influences are
Stephen King: long dig deep sigh. Are you ready?
That one passage in Drawing of the Three where Roland thanks God that he beats off leftie (and directly influenced me to beat off leftie just in case I ever lost my right hand). Can't find it in this exact moment, but the quote goes something like, 'Roland realized that he had lost the two dominant fingers of his right hand and thought, "Thank God I jerk off lefty."" This inspired me to 1) jerk off lefty just in case anything happened to my dominant hand and 2) ready myself to lose body parts that I had considered until then to be inherent.
It's a situation where things happen that are both very base and very high. Roland is thinking about off hands in the gun sense, yeah, but he's also thinking about how he relates to himself as a human (ie leftie).
I enjoyed that a lot, that we, the readers, got to experience both Roland's logical brain (at least I can still shoot at all) and Roland's emotional brain (at least I can still communication with the world at all) at once.
2) George R R Martin
There are a lot of things about ASOIAF that are overrated. Are you very sure that your complaints qualify?
There are legitimate complaints, but there are also a lot of parts where essentially end up as, 'this plot point doesn't get enough attention.'
For me, the fascinating thing about GRRM is the way that his PoV characters disagree on basic facts. Characters will frequently disagree about size of army and degree of win. Per Word of God this is purposeful. I love that mix of delusion and PoV bias and think it's an incredible storytelling tool.
3) yes
4) fav theatre: RENT, Hamilton, Assassins
I greatly enjoy works that deal with certain subject matter (ie Hamilton, Assassins) while subverting expected values.
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zillyeh · 10 months
Business Arrangements
Featuring: Castel, Voss, the he-queen of Delhon City Synopsis: The Castle bakery has been operating in south Delhon city without paying its Underground tax for a long time. Its owner, Castel, takes a little trip to fix that. In the least lethal way possible.
Closing the cafe was always a relief at the end of the night. As much as Castel loved to bake all day, flopping face first onto something soft was far more appealing right now. Gatsby had gone home ages ago- Cas needed to prep a few things for tomorrow- so the only company he had was the sound of his keys jingling as he locked up. Even the street was dead.
That was, of course, until the near silent vehicle pulled to a stop at his curbside. He didn’t notice until the sound of the door rolling open startled him.
“Mr. Baclef, I presume? Heard you was real tall,” called the troll who got out. He was armed unsubtly-two holsters at his chest- and freckled as Castel could ever hope to be. He was also a good two feet shorter, but that sort of thing often didn’t help Cas as much as it should. He wore a lazy, serene smile, and deeply tired looking eyes. They were green in all the places they weren’t teal, and looking in at Castel in a way that bordered on lecherous.
“Uh, C- I prefer Castel, but yes.” He stammered, foolishly shoving his keys into his pocket. “Can I… help you?” The tealblood rolled his neck, perhaps thinking of his answer for a bit longer than necessary.
“Wellllll, not me exactly,” he said, stepping in the direction Castel did, drawing one of his guns. “Y’see, an associate of mine, big blue guy, you know him? Yeah you know him- y’see he told me-” He blocked Castel again. “-that-” Once more. “-geeze, you’re awful rude to a guy with a gun aren’t you? Can you at least let me finish? There we go, atta boy. Now. I heard you said something to one of my associates, to the effect of “If your boss wants my business so bad he can talk to me in person”? That you, big guy?”
“I- I don’t recall.” Castel had a knife on his belt by Orphia’s insistence, but it felt more than useless right now.
“Mm, sure you don’t,” the tealblood hummed, haphazardly twirling his weapon in the air. “Well, I’m here to take you up on that. Name’s Voss.”
“You…” Castel cleared his throat a bit, straightening up. “You’re not what I expected.”
“Oh, no, no, no sugar pop, not me. Though I’m downright flattered.” Voss paced a bit closer, almost within touching range. “Uh, why don’t you think of me as say… your chauffeur. Mr. S don’t like to come out in person too much, y’see. Not for this, anyways.”
“I…” A rock sank to the pit of Castel’s stomach and lower. That van was certainly just big enough to fit him.
“Is this a kidnapping?” He asked, a deer in headlights, almost literally. Voss let out a laugh.
“Only if that’s your thing, Castel. Can I call you Cass? I like Cass, less syllables. Anyway. Get in the van please.” Cas tried as subtly as he could to twitch his fingers to his belt.
"And… if I don't?" It was a stall for time- if he could just-
"Oh the list of things that I'm allowed do…" Voss sighed, idly pointing his gun at Castel's sneaking hand. Finger ready on the trigger. "You definitely don’t wanna hear it. If you're half as smart as you are cute you'll go for a drive with us. Hour or two. Tops."
The van was more… comfortable than Castel thought it would be, given the circumstances. Even with his knees nearly folded up to his ears. Voss had bound his hands in front of him for “Safety purposes, y’see.” He also took his knife, just in case. Voss sat cross legged in the back of the van next to him on the floor. At some point after Cas was properly restrained, he’d produced a rubix cube from somewhere.
“So, like.,” he started, fiddling with it without even looking. “Big fan of your blueberry muffins.”
“Ah, you’re the one Dale picks them up for, then?” Castel watched his hands, one side already totally red. Focusing on his hands was perhaps a better idea than thinking too hard about the bumps in the road.
"Uh huh. Got a bad sweet tooth on me. Been tryin' to make a batch half as good, but there's something… missing."
“I use my own blueberries,” Castel sighed, wondering if all kidnappings were this… relaxed. “From my garden.” Sure he’d been threatened with some intense weaponry, but aside from that he’d hardly been touched. Or even yelled at. Maybe he was simply too much of a pushover to be worth that, though.
“Oooh that’ll do it,” Voss said with a nod, orange side done. “I’ll have to see if I can keep one of them bushes alive. Never been great at the whole gar-”
The van went over a bump that jostled the both of them hard. The seats had been removed just to fit all eight something feet of Castel in the back, so he shot up nearly to the roof. Voss just fell over.
“Watch where the FUCK you’re going you dumb asshole!” He shouted, banging on the black glass divider between them and the driver. “We got precious cargo back here! Not to mention our purpleblood buddy!” He sighed frustratedly, then turned back to Castel. “Amature drivers, amiright, Cass?”
“Uh… huh.”
The ride could have been long, could have been short. Anticipation made it feel like days. Every second they spent on the road smacked Castel in the face. He'd told no one to expect him- they know how long it takes him in the back sometimes. He wondered if they'd somehow known that when they sent Voss to pick him up.
"Where exactly-" 
A knock from the other side of the glass cut him off. He hadn’t even noticed that they stopped moving.
"'Bout fucking time," Voss grumbled crawling to Castel's side. He used the pink knife he'd taken off Castel to undo the several zip ties it took to properly restrain him.
"We both know you're smart enough not to try anything, don't we big guy?" Voss said to Cas' puzzled expression. Castel opened his mouth to say something, but lost it when the door rolled open again. He could see nothing past the massive head of the feline that appeared there.
"Oh, oh no, no no, absolutely not-" He started to scramble back further into the van. Voss rolled his eyes, yanking him back through the door with more strength than Cas was expecting. 
"Princess don't bite unless you scare her, Cass." 
Voss shoved him out into a surprisingly large courtyard, with an even more enormous mansion attached. It was not the sort of place that looked like it should fit within city limits, but their drive couldn't have been that long. Could it? 
Taking in his surroundings was low on his list of priorities at the moment. He could only have eyes for Voss and the big cat that was, at the very least, a lusus. The door slamming behind them again jumped Cas out of his thoughts. 
Princess let Voss push Castel past her, following dutifully behind them up the small ramp to the front door. On either side of the double doors was a massive olive and a bigger blueblood- the blue Castel recognized.
"Hey Cass," he said, more sheepishly than a door guard ought to be. "Uh. Sorry?"
"Don't talk to him," Voss said to either one or both of them. The olive pushed the door in for them. Princess brushed past Castel's long skinny legs, making him jump closer to Voss.
"Aw, skittish much?" Voss teased as they entered the manor. "Would holding my hand help?" Cas wrinkled his nose and said nothing. When his eyes properly adjusted to the inside he gasped.
For as big as his own home was, it wasn't this extravagant. There couldn't possibly be enough marble on Alternia to line those floors and walls, could there be? Certainly not anymore. The lavishly decorated foyer could have fit his bakery in it twenty times at least- not to mention that he could have stood on his own shoulders three times and barely brushed the ceiling. It made him feel… small. He wasn't sure anything ever had.
"Pretty, ain't it?" Voss grinned, pushing him forward. "Where's Mr. Smiles at, huh Princess?"
The tiger made some small noise in the back of her throat, seemingly as acknowledgement as she slinked forward, taking the lead in place of Voss. He held tight to Castel’s arm as he led him deeper into the manor. Dozens of paintings and statues lined the walls, but Cas couldn't absorb what any of them looked like.
What sort of person owned a hive like this? Who needed ceilings high enough to accommodate the tallest trolls on Alternia and then some? That lusus' eyes were an unnaturally bright emerald, but that didn't mean anything. Was he a mutant? Could he be? It would make the secrecy make more sense, as if it already didn't. 
Orphia had warned him once about doing business in the city. He wished he had listened to her- hadn't kept Dale's visits quiet so she didn't worry. Now he was deep in the lion's den with no one expecting him for… hours… 
The shock of being kidnapped was starting to wear off now. Cas wasn’t sure when he’d started shaking, or if it was ever going to stop, or if he’d live past the next twenty minutes, or if he’d ever see anyone again… “Ors” and “what ifs” started piling up in his mind, somewhere between Voss and the tiger. They threatened to topple him over, if his clumsy, jittery legs didn’t do it first. 
He had powers didn’t he? But what use was he like this- anxious, without practice and his actual eye? 
"Ay, Alternia to Castel," Voss said, snapping his fingers up in his face. They had reached a door near the other end of the mansion. Cas didn't realize they'd walked that much already. He swallowed nothing, mouth too dry to even form words.
“Aww, cat got your tongue, kid?” Voss teased. He and Princess swapped places so he could open the door.
The room might as well have been a closet compared to the rest of the hive. The ceiling was just high enough to to accommodate Castel's horns, and the room- office? had about as much space as his bakery's back room. The white walls were interrupted by dark panels of blue and expertly decorated shelves, making it feel like an airy prison.
It wasn't the room that made Castel's heart nearly burst out of his chest, but the jadeblood sitting at the dark wood desk. His horns were familiarly shaped, but far, far taller. Wrong shaped pieces of Salvad's face, weathered and wrinkled, looked at him with a polite smile. His old capped fangs glinted dangerously as he stood. Castel wondered if Salvad knew about him. If his insistence that he didn’t have any curiosity about ancestors and things like that was because he knew about him.
Because he wanted to keep him away from him.
"Mr. Baclef," said the troll with his friend’s beauty marks and moving fangs. “A pleasure to finally meet you. I’m sure you understand my inability to do this sort of thing entirely on your terms, hm?” He extended his hand over his desk. Castel stood frozen until Voschi nudged him in the room. 
“Y-you,” Castel stumbled forward, reaching for his hand as politeness took over his body before his brain. “You’re- I-” He whipped his head around for support or perhaps escape, but Voss stationed himself between him and the door. Smiles’ metal finger was cold against Castel’s clammy hands.
“You can call me Mr. Smiles. Take a seat,” he said, gesturing to a heavy leather chair facing his desk. “We have a couple things to talk about. Won’t take long.” Castel did as he was told, only half hearing him over the sound of his own pulse. He’d screwed up majorly. He should have listened to Orphia- he should have told her the second Dale had started showing up. The second he’d heard Smiles’ name. In his naïvete he’d almost certainly pushed Mr. Smiles to something drastic.
As he spoke, Castel tried to focus on something, anything about him to ground him. He sauntered around his desk, leaning up against it as he gave his pitch.
“I understand how difficult it is to start a business in Delhon, believe me I do.” His accent betrayed old Delhonian. The type of old only heard from the sitting Delhon heiress’ advisor. He had earrings dangling in the mane of his hair. Gold. Shaped like little suns. Eclipsed by black every time he moved his head.
“That section of the city is terribly dangerous, you know. Or it can be, if you’re unlucky. I feel like I’ve been very patient in waiting for the answer I want.”
His curls framed his face the way Salvad’s did on the rare occasions he left his hair down. Thin scars marred his arms, barely visible but very present. Even small in stature, the man was solid. Scarily so. He held himself up about ten feet taller than he looked with centuries of confident violence.
“I won’t let you leave without us coming to an agreement, Baclef.”
He had two guns at his back. Both of them were teal trimmed, but not exactly Voss’ color. Some part of Castel’s stomach churned, but he couldn’t interrogate why before Smiles shot:
“Your ancestor wasn’t this quiet.”
Castel’s attention fully snapped back to what he was saying. Smiles raised his eyebrows, almost amused.
“There you are, hello, welcome back to Alternia.” Smiles poked one of his horns, metal digit sending uncomfortable vibrations down to his scalp. “I was under the impression that La Corps was going to end the lineage of you terrible, terrible people. Unless you crawled out of one of my caverns? Tsk. Wonder if I still have Father Jortis’ number.”
“What do you want from me?” Castel’s mouth was too dry to make the words fully form, but Smiles’ big ears caught every frightened syllable. He flashed him a smile. Cas felt like his veins were full of ice. Perhaps lead, with how difficult fear made it to move.
“Only to keep you safe in Delhon, hon,” he said with a genuine air of concern in his voice. “I have a vested interest in small businesses started up in my territory.”
“I didn’t know,” Castel whispered weakly, head swimming with his ancestor’s journal entries. Was he there? He knew about Jortis, was Smiles hidden on those pages somewhere?
“No, of course not, but it’s an easily rectified situation, isn’t it?” The sweet of Smiles’ tone almost made Castel want to cry. “Give me half The Castle and I’ll keep it very very much not on fire. Maybe even keep your little… caverns breach a secret, hm?”
No! He wanted to yell and fight and tell him off, but Castel was weak. Weak and between four guns, and being threatened with the only thing his ancestor had ever been afraid of catching up to him. What Syraah had been reluctant to say she’d hid them both from when she brought them here so many sweeps ago.
Castel looked Smiles in the eyes for the first real time. Long lashes, deeply tired, feline pupils wide and black with a hate that his tone didn’t betray at all. Without them in little slits, they almost resembled his friend’s. He wasn’t capable of hate like this, though.
“Salvad,” was the word that came out of Castel’s mouth. Thinking of him put him on the tip of his tongue, made him slip. Perhaps he thought evoking him would make him pop out from behind the desk and save him.
To Castel’s surprise, Smiles’ ever present polite smile faltered to a frown. Voss stiffened at the door.
“Excuse me?” Smiles asked, pretense of sweetness entirely gone.
“I- I don’t know why I said that, I’m sorry, please don’t- he has nothing to do with this, if you know where he is leave him a-” 
Smiles pinched his fingers in front of him, and Castel immediately shut his lips. His eyes flicked back to Voss, who shrugged when Cass’ eyes followed. Smiles swore under his breath, something cracked in him from hearing Salvad’s name alone.
“Boss…” Voss’ voice was soft near the door. Almost… sweet? Smiles’ brow knitted together as he closed his eyes, biting his thumb in frustration.
“I know,” he said. “That doesn’t change this.”
Smiles put his mask back up as if he hadn’t been rattled. Leaned against his desk, relaxed. Gripping the edge like he was about to rip it off.
“Mr. Baclef,” he said, his voice dripping venomous sugar now, “You’re going to give me The Castle. You get to run it as you like, I’m just going to keep preventing bricks from flying through your windows.”  
Emboldened by his distress, Castel said:
The left handed open slap across the mouth made him wish he’d said anything else. The edges of Smiles’ finger cut under his bad eye, sending immediate rivulets of blood down his cheek. Castel gripped the arms of his chair, stunned that he hadn’t shot him first.
“Fine,” he snarled. “I’m sure your establishment could use some broken glass and scorch marks.” His angry eyes met Voss’. Castel could swear he heard growling outside the door. “Get him out of here. Don’t touch him either.”
“Yessir,” Voss said with a heavy sigh, opening the door again. “Up, kid.”
Castel wiped the blood from his cheek as he stood, neary stumbling his way into a concussion to boot. Voss led him back out- when had they gone upstairs?- past more furious looking orange big cats, past all of Smiles’ fancy things, past Dale again at the door. All of it was a blur, even the van ride back to the bakery. His shaking was too bad, his mind was racing too hard for him to notice anything. It almost felt like a dream- one that was only proven real by the cut on his cheekbone.
Once Castel had been dumped back outside the bakery, he collapsed to the sidewalk. Voss shouted something out after him that he didn’t catch before it drove off again. Sobs wracked him, reoriented him as he scrambled back against the building to ground himself. It was a a type of panic that made him feel like he was going to die. Right there. His heart would give out. None of his street neighbors would dare check on him. Not after tonight, he was certain.
Coming down off of it felt like he’d been punched in the chest a hundred times. Painful in every part of his aching body, but especially his eyes. The only thing he could think of was to pull out his phone. He had to tell. He needed someone. There was only one thing that could help him now, and he was certain she’d react similarly hearing what just happened.
Finding her contact was instant. Calling her made his teeth chatter.
“Cass?” She picked up almost immediately.
“Orphia,” he said, a dry sob interrupting him, “I messed up really, really badly.”
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deepest-dope · 1 year
not to expose myself but i love scars so much i think they look cool af and i love just giving characters scars heres a compendium of scars i think jessup has since i cannot yet draw them for you or myself. yes they are almost all from stupid accidents no he is not embarassed of any of them
his nose has visibly been broken once or twice but also theres a scar from a hubcap frisbee incident. chance threw the hubcap too hard and jessup caught it with his face, so now jess has straight scar across his nose. bonus idea jessups nose does a weird whistle randomly during the day, and also when he sleeps. hes been trying to figure out how to whistle it on purpose since he got it.
on his left cheek is 2 or straight lines, middle one is deeper then the others, creeping all the way up into his hair line. this is from the gecko jessup fistfought to death to get his jacket leather. hes also missing a small chunk off the top of his ear. these are kinda faded though
theres one on his neck from running around with a knife without using proper safety techique and he tripped an fell one the knife leaving a puncture wound that was very luckily not too serious.
top surgery scars. you get it.
he has a big round bitemark looking thing on his side/waist from setting a bear trap on a hunting trip and almost immediately falling onto it. this is actually the one he thinks looks the coolest out of them all.
yet another bear trap scar on his calf. chance literally warned him he was about to step on one and he said “yeah i saw it” immediately before tripping right onto it...
while practicing aim with one of micros pistols he shot himself in the other calf because he wasnt using proper gun safety measures that micro JUST taught him. its his most faded scar by far but still very much there.
i think he has more but these are the ones he actually like remembers. between micro’s training and papa’s good raiding tactics he doesnt actually have many real battle scars. hes too good a warrior working for too good a leader.
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Hello there! This is for the matchups!
Song: Guns for Hire from the Netflix show Arcane :) I'm hyperfixating on it because I associated this song with a scene from an Interactive Fiction game I'm following called Leas: City of the Sun (it's a fantasy romance game and I love it so much) For specifics, I love this lyric itself but also the way it was sung was chef's kiss -> With all this weight buckling down on you now/ Don't you drown and float away (I love the pre-chorus too but yeah -> You're out of time make your move/ Live or die while the fuse is lit/ And there's no turning back)
MBTI: It's always one of two of these options -> ISTP and ISFP (I think I'm more of an ISFP tho)
Childhood imaginary friend: I never had one (sad, I know) but I always spoke to my stuffed animals :)
Hobbies: I love writing and drawing in my spare time. It helps me to relax and I usually listen to music that fits the vibe of what I'm writing or drawing as well
Fall asleep to: I never do this on purpose but majority of the time I fall asleep to any kind of ASMR but majority of the time it's ASMR/audio roleplays
Fav R.Audios: David's hoodie audio, Milo's audio where Sweetheart heals him, Milo's ACTUAL sleep aid and Gavin's confession audio. I've also been listening to James' Past/Present audio and I love the Inversion hehe
Don't vibe with: Regulus :) this is absolutely no hate to him but I'm just not a fan of obsessive or possessive characters
R.Audio bestie: I love Huxley. I wouldn't date him but he would be such a great friend :)
Memorised movies: I know all the words to Mulan and Tangled. It's unhealthy
Favourite media (?): My favourite K-drama is Flower of Evil (it's a mystery-thriller romance) and I absolutely love League of Legends: Arcane on Netflix. My favourite webtoon is Purple Hyacinth and it's a mystery with some action and has really hot main characters heh :)
Favourite books/authors: I don't read very often but if I had to choose a favourite book it would probably be The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller. I also love reading Leigh Bardugo
Fav animal: Cats. Very generic but if I had to choose an animal I would like to be, it would be a cat.
Fav foods: Chicken and potatoes in any form. Very basic but I love it if it is made well
Thanks so much and I hope you have a great day/night! <3
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INFP's seem to be characterized by their unique, open, and spontaneous nature. They bring a lot of creativity and fun to the lives of everyone they meet, and I think Lasko could really benefit from a partner like that.
It would make a lot of sense that Lasko, being a workaholic, would forget to make time for the hobbies that bring him joy, like video games and TTRPGs. It’d be so lovely the two of you to sit and be creative together, whether that be writing, drawing, or just consuming art. Lasko seems like he’d enjoy a good Asian drama, I feel this in my soul.
Also, Tangled is one of Lasko’s absolute favorite movies. A young, naive child with special powers and an authoritarian guardian breaking out of a prison to go on a journey where they find self-discovery and love? He eats that shit UP. You serenade him with I See the Light, and it turns him into an adorable mess.
Ooh, like Sunday I'll pray our love will always stay pure/ Ooh, while the world turns around, he holds me down for sure
Ooh, yes, I am delightfully intimate with the Arcane soundtrack. That was a hyperfixation of mine last year. (ViktorxReader is actually what got me back into writing fanfiction- a little peak behind the emerald curtain lol) So I had to give you the fun, sweet love song off of it. I don’t know if it’s his genre- Lasko’s taste in music eludes me- but I can see him hearing that song and it bringing him joy and it reminds him do you (especially if the two of you watch Arcane and look forward to season 2 together!)
Wouldn’t it be, like, so cute to be the one to show Sam modern media and movies? This man has absolutely no clue what League of Legends is, and you are about to get him so cowboy-hat-deep in lore. Next, hear me out… Eric deserves love and something more in his life, and I think you are just the person to bring it.
Note: Song of Achilles broke me gosh I’m sad now lol jk thank you for giving me an excuse to binge the Arcane soundtrack while I wrote this 🧡
Want a match-up of your own? Read this post, and tell me about yourself! 💌
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slimylittlemaggot · 3 months
Ok, so his design later in the story is simple but noticable.
He wears a gasmask which he takes of rarely, but not never. He has a false left eye with a scar coming down from it, because lore.
The gasmasks left eye either has a Googly eye or a red plastic with a gray plastic on top that he changes to show emotions. Usually for humor.
He has some merchandise he "borrowed" from an apple orchard he went to on a mission. His ice-pick is painted a solid green, and he uses a variety of guns. He changes them depending on mission:
Thirty round silenced bolt action rifle.
A powerful magnum
Silenced lever action rifle
A assault rifle with a built in silencer
Just... All the pistols. All of them. Because he likes em.
And a gun he purposely made look like a bolt gun from Warhammer 40k. It sucks in action but it's funny.
And three different shotguns. One pump action, one full auto, one semi auto.
He also has a shovel. For smacking. And stabbing. And digging.
His bag is filled with different things to give him energy, from coffee to actual straight up adrenaline. It also contains survival supplies, spare ammo, and some miscellaneous stuff that he keeps for emotion reasons.
Yes there is a teddy bear. Yes he hugs it when he goes to sleep. No, nobody bullies him for it, he is like 6'7" and built. The last person to bully him (enemy soldier) for it got picked up and thrown at someone.
He also draws.
Fun fact: if you watched my warzone videos and paid close attention to the guns, you might notice some overlaps.
Hehehe, good to know :3
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film-in-my-soul · 1 year
For your top 5 (or 10) fandoms who is your fave for each and why do you love them?
Oh god, that's a tough ask but boy howdy and I'm glad you said (or 10) cause honestly top 5??? Ooof.
This is gonna be a mix of new and old fandoms since, honestly, I feel like I've been part of so many TT^TT
1. Top Gun - Nick "Goose" Bradshaw
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What can I say? His mustache and terrible fashion sense compel me (not me wishing my wardrobe was his). But on a more serious note, I just love how he is with Carole and Bradley. He's also Mav's rock; the comedic support and his vibes are just immaculate. He's very "man written by a woman" energy, a complete dork, and I love him.
2. Top Gun: Maverick - Tom "Iceman" Kazansky
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Am I splitting hairs calling these two different fandoms? Maybe. Do I care? No. Because Ice needed to be on this list. I love him. I mean, look at that smile? Also, I think Ice is just one of these characters that everyone likes to paint as super serious, and I just??? Did this man not snap his teeth in a show of aggression? He's got a petty streak a mile long and knows how to keep up with Maverick verbally and in the air. He's got the range, and I love digging into him. Also also, it's Val Kilmer.
3. Six of Crows - Kaz Brekker
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This one was hard cause I could have pulled another above and separated book from the show, but for the purposes of variety, I will stick with the book on this (if it was the show, it would be Jesper). I love my fictional men a little deranged and willing to burn the world down for the people they love. Kaz is honestly the epitome of that, even if he's very stupid about it. I genuinely love his character. He's unapologetically a bastard and self-aware enough to admit it without finding too much fault in himself. He's got depth and violence, and I love that.
4. 9-1-1 (TV) - Evan "Buck" Buckley
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Buck is such a great character, and even after 6 seasons, he's still growing and coming into himself. He starts at such an interesting place as this earnest but dumb jock-headed fuckboy, and we get to watch him come to terms with himself, his struggle with intimacy and romance, and even now with his self-worth. I think Buck so easily could have been a stereotypical ego-driven character, but he's balanced on this knife's edge of cocky and sensitive, just wanting to do well for the people around him, that he's honestly very compelling.
5. Stargate: Atlantis - Carson Beckett
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Carson TT^TT (if you know, you know). Look. I've got a thing for sensitive characters, and Carson is great. He's also a character that grows out of his cowardice and fear, and I love that for him. He's a bit of comic relief and a good mix of level-headed and completely done that balances out Sheppard's more boyish energy and McKay's snappish ego.
6. Supernatural - Gabriel/The Trickster
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He's goofy, damaged, and makes it so sexual predators get eaten by sewer gators? Ummm? Yes. Gabriel could have been just a one-off character, monster of the week, but bringing him into the story at large and giving him this anger and hurt over the situation he can't control and thus, takes it on himself to force others into so they might feel like he does? I eat that shit up. He's not just this comic relief relatable angel, there are these brilliant moments with him that are just filled with depth, and I honestly can't get enough.
7. Beyond Evil (괴물) - Lee Dong Sik
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Please see above with Kaz Brekker and my love for slightly deranged characters. Dong Sik is this seemingly confident character who is always 1 step ahead, always thinking, and quick on the draw with his quips. He toes the line of "am I crazy or just that much smarter than you" and fuck if it doesn't work. But fundamentally, he is damaged and traumatized, and when we get to see that? Witness the broken man beneath the facade of control? It's as beautiful as it is devastating.
8. Law & Order: SVU - Rafael Barba
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God, never has a character had a better introduction to a series, in my opinion, than Barba. I mean... he literally let a sexual sadist choke him out in court with his own tie, I- christ above he's great. Dry humor, whip-smart, but not infallible. He's fun and funny in an interesting way, and there's just something about how sharp he is that's so great.
9. Star Trek (2009) - Leonard "Bones" McCoy
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Southern, snark, and unofficial James T. Kirk brat handler? What's not to love. Also, sorry OG Star Trek, but Karl Urban wins this one. That being said, of all the remake characters, no one embodies the original well as Karl Urban does, so I could have swapped him with DeForest Kelly, and my reasons would still be the same. The sass and attitude are just so great. He's grounded and witty and a fucking joy on screen.
10. Underworld - Selene
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She is iconic, and I would let her step on me. But also, as a character, I just really fucking love her? She's a badass, plain and simple, she honestly does what she wants and looks hot doing it, but more than that, I really appreciate her as someone who is distinctly cold and detached from the world and the people around her, but finds love that doesn't change her as a character, just elevates and encourages her choices. Her falling in love with Michael doesn't suddenly make her a ray of sunshine; it just gives her something more important to fight for than what she grew up believing she had to.
This was a lot of fun anon! Thank you for sending this in to me :3
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galaxythreads · 2 years
Jesus, Loki crying on Thor's body while clutching him in the rain and everybody is touching him (Thor) because they are not so unconsciously scared of losing him again and the rain and thunder are probably related to Thor physical or mental or emotional situation even if he is unconscious and I am crying, Loki is crying, Steve is almost certainly on the verge of crying, my neighbour dog is crying for Crist's sake! (albeit that may not been connected)
You. You wrenched my heart from the it's cavity in my chest and then filled it with barbed wires while slowly cooking it in front of me. I am gutted by emotions. AND YOU DARE SAY IS NOT EVEN THAT GOOD? SHAME ON YOU! Is wonderful in a horrifying way!
Also, fuck Frigga every chapter I want to kill her more and more and more and Natasha should have punched harder and probably also kicked, bited and gunned her down for good, fuck her and fuck her abusive twisted behavior and manipulations and poor Tony tried to intervene but Loki was still there, hearing everything. We love protective Fury who is (on my list) now slightly less of a jackass.
Clint :(
Clint, baby :( please you need psychological help before falling head first into some very bad mental illnesses, you can't ignore panick attack and derealization and what sound like the start of a dissasociacion fit. Please :(
Everybody in this fic need help.
Giving you a hug and sorry for the rant but I have EmotionsTM, okay?
:'( :'( :'( <3<3<3
This is so sweet. Thank you so much. Seriously. This was the first thing I woke up to on sunday(? i've got no idea what day it is anymore, lol) and it was such an instant brightening to my day.
And no worries! The last two chapters of this fic are planned to just be recovery from everything, so there will be lots of help. :)
And Frigga. XD I find it infinitely amusing that FRIGGA is more loathed than Odin is in this fic. Which. Fair. I did write it that way on purpose. It was kind of a "if I wrote Loki and Thor's extremely dysfunctional family based on realistic dysfunctional family dynamics, could I make people hate her and not do it overtly OOC?" and the answer was yes.
When I started planning out this fic, there was ONE THING i knew was going to make it in here, and IT WAS THAT SCENE. I wrote it years ago. It was the opening to a completely different fic where Thor was found after being kidnapped in a warehouse after he was missing for several months, and it was raining and we knew something horrible had happened to Thor but we weren't sure what.
I actually played around with Thor just showing up in Wyoming when I was having a lot of formatting problems, but ultimately, I wanted to stick with the original vision. So!
I'm going to draw that scene, I think.
But seriously. Thank you so much. You have no idea how much this meant to me. <3
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disastroboy · 8 months
ok idea for the s3 1941 flashback, involves a rejected kiss and also some zombie shit w/ furfur
crowley and aziraphale do a lil slow dancing, post the ‘shades of grey’ convo (idea from this gorgey art). aziraphale gets a lil starry eyed and leans in to initiate a kiss, but gets swerved by crowley.. like in the way where he turns and makes aziraphale kiss his cheek instead
and they're both mortified just standing there holding each other as the music plays on.. and it's like.. if aziraphale was chill he could 100% recover from this (a little bit of a bummer that he got swerved, but crowley's still holding his hand and the small of his back so clearly he's not too pissed...meanwhile, crowley's literally standing there psyching himself up to turn back and kiss him again properly..the biggest reason he avoided the kiss in the first place was shock..so he's working on building up his nerve)
but aziraphale isn't chill, unfortunately. and he rly did not expect to get rejected so he's just burning with white hot shame and panic and after a couple awkward moments he hits crowley with the classic 'forgive me'
but he says it just a little too quiet. and shame-filled. and reverent. and after a moment it kind of dawns on them both that he's like.. not reeeally asking crowley to forgive him for the kiss but moreso ,,,asking forgiveness from the lord god for kissing a demon..or even wanting to kiss him.. which ofc fully fully kills the mood
but oops! furfur came back to the bookshop that night to spy on/threaten them bcos they fucked up his promotion and made him look stupid and what does he see? aziraphale kissing crowley's cheek on purpose. and he's like oh yea no y'all are GAY gay, kissing on each other and shit (something something about how by kissing crowley’s cheek, aziraphale unintentionally exposes him to the enemy, judas-style) so he waits outside for crowley to leave cus he knows he's not getting in the door and he's not about to NOT try blackmailing these assholes again
MEANWHILE crowley is still standing there holding aziraphale, and crowleys brain is chugging along like 'wowwww ..sooo first he tries to kiss me, which is awesome...but then he immediately feels all dirty about trying it in the first place and literally asks god to forgive him??? which proves i was right to swerve him to begin with. because if i would have let him kiss me, he'd have just tortured himself about how he's so bad and wrong for doing it, and he'd overcompensate by ignoring me for a few years and refusing to call me his friend again.. all that trust talk, insisting on helping me with my bootlegging business, getting CAUGHT helping me with my bootlegging business, not to mention the hundreds of years of 'sinful' shit he's done for the arrangement...he's ok w/ 'shades of light gray' because he wants to shoot guns and eat cake and drink wine, but kissing me is where he draws the line..like he rly is deep down disgusted with me, huh. like SPECIFICALLY PHSYICALLy.. nice nice, love it, no that’s fair, i am a disgusting horrible demon so it makes sense and is cool. aight peace!'
and his reasoning would fall apart under scrutiny, but he doesnt say anything - just steps away and grabs his hat and coat and leaves (cos duh he just does that in situations like this). and aziraphale, obviously feeling horrible, kind of just lets it happen cos he thinks he fucked up (even tho he doesn't really fully understand how) and he just feels guilty for like 30 years about simultaneously rejecting and getting rejected by crowley.
anyway, crowley leaves the bookshop, trying not to cry lmao, hops in the bentley and drives off but then there's furfur in the passenger seat like 'hey girl hi...so u cost me my promotion, aaaand i saw the angel kiss you.' crowleys like 'do u have any proof? no. r u still pathetic? yes. and im STILL not dealing with this' and furfurs like 'oh what, did he reject u and u got yr lil feely weelys hurt' and crowley's like not dignifying that with a response, but technically? crowley rejected him. so..
[MAYBE THERE COULD BE A FUN FINAL ZOMBIE CAPER IN THE MIDDLE HERE where crowley and furfur need to dispatch the zombies for some reason and furfur has to like..trust crowley in a way that's so rare for demons to be able to experience in hell. and when furfur experiences that kind of trust (what feels like friendship) ofc he wants more, because being in competition all the time sucks so hard and he's soooo bad at it.. in this fake s3, there will be a pattern of more demons and angels coming to crowley & aziraphale’s ‘side’ against heaven and hell, and a flashback to furfur experiencing some fun friendly times with crowley could be fun backstory for his eventual rebellion against hell.
anyway, furfur gets a little tender hearted for crowley because i think he really does look up to him and thinks he's cool and doesnt understand why his friend just stopped giving a shit about him...why he keeps pretending not to know him... but anyway they kill the zombies successfully and crowley gets in the car to drive away but now furfurs following him around puppy dog style]
furfurs in the passenger seat [a bit of an az parallel for a sec] like 'hey, thanks for helping me out. maybe i can help you out, re: the whole angel thing. breakups are hard. i dont really understand why you'd wanna be with some stinky angel anyway. but hey! maybe there's a bright side! we could work together, like the old times. we're still a pretty good team (re: zombies). we should go report him to heaven, i think shax has a contact up there.. if we got an angel to fall it wouldn't just be a commendation, it would be duke of hell level shit...for both of us'
and ofc crowley (who had kind of forgotten abt aziraphale for a second in all the zombie hijinks) snaps and goes all terrifying demon on him, like 'if u even mention his name again, i'll literally kill you. i hate heaven and every angel in the place, but i wouldn't subject this fate to my worst enemy. now get out of my sight u horrible, disgusting, miserable waste of space' (projecting much, crowley?) which makes furfur do the demon equivalent of peeing in his pants, like legitimately thinking he might get killed rn, and he's looking at crowley with the fear of satan in his eyes..which just affirms crowley's self-hatred/self-fulfilling prophecy about how horrible he is. so crowley just shoves him out of the door and into the street and drives away
furfur sits in the road and realizes like oh ok 1. this dude is really really scary strong, 2. this dude i think would legitimately kill me if i tried to fuck with him or the angel, and 3./worst of all, he either really actually doesn't remember me or (and this 1 would hurt him most) crowley remembers it all but genuinely doesn't care about furfur or any demon anymore - that since they fell, they’re truly irredeemably evil but not evil in the cool/good way, evil in the useless pathetic waste of space way. he walks away from the whole experience believing crowley would be fine if he and everyone like him was literally dead. unlike this night had him believing, there is no ‘good’ in the world, no 'friendship', not for a demon, and now he’s going to hold this grudge forever and hold up crowley as like… his personal villain/poster child of what happens when u stray from hell.
and then yknow, in the current-moment part of the episode, furfur has to make a choice to either trust or fuck someone over (maybe literally crowley again) and he can have a lil redemption moment. idk im just having fun
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oh boy, here at last, I’m going to split the progress of finally posting the progress of making this little menace in half, because that’s going to be way easier to make in all honesty and reading a novels worth of development would probably get monotinous after a certain point. 
so initially I started out with this basic sketch with some of the ideas being taken from some of the characters already researched, like mimic as well as using the earlier version of the character, in the first sketch to try and make something that would show off the rest of the body, the hands were the most annoying aspect, especially the one on the right I could never come up with a way to make it look natural no mater how I positioned it and it was real annoying real fast, this a commonly occurring issue when designing this cretin Hands are annoying to draw,
kyrstie came along and gave the criticism that the character looked like morph and that he wasn’t really intimidating enough and that he vaguely looked like morph 
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which you know in my defence I was still in the concepting phase and hasn’t even added any extra clothing to the design yet, but I guess it was more criticism with he more exaggerated proportions with a character who’s whole purpose is stealth.
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she made some edited versions to give some different alternatives but I somewhat preferred the idea of making a few versions of the same radically different idea and went with that.
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I created 4 varied designs based on the same concept, you’ve got the thin lanky one with the creepy grin and trench coat, the little gremlin one that’s 3 foot tall and has floating limbs, the third is the finished design from earlier in concepting and the last is a specific one covered in a cloak. with a weird looking smile, a real selection of freaks if I have anything to say about it.
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the extra sketch would be where I made some changes to some of the designs and gave them some new changes to the concept brought up by the previous image above. 
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the biggest changes are seen with the designs on the left with the feet of the far left one being far better and not terrible looking like they were in the previous sketch and that’s mainly cause Kyrstie game me a sketch to work off of with smaller looking and far more realistic proportional shoes.
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as well as that She gave me a sketch that showed the second design with fore more angular features smaller eyes and more pronounced shoulders. 
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I used those recommendations and concepts to make my own version using those concepts 
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also before anyone says yes I know he doesn’t have thumbs, he wears custom gloves to help him grip stuff better even without them.
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also final edit thing I made an extra version of the one to the far left holding a knife after Chris made the observation that a gun wouldn’t make too much sense for a character who’s role is stealth.
for what I used to create this, it was photoshop again using an A3 file size, with a sideways orientation, pen wise I used a wet media brush and somewhat squished it down to be a bit thinner to help the look of the line art.
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constantvariations · 2 years
Hi, it's the same anon. We see Jaune and his sister's relationship before the trip to Atlas. It's warm. They fool around. Also, Jaune without hatred or aggression tells Ruby he has 7 sisters. Compare this to Weiss. We learn Jacques is bad not even from Weiss. We find out it is Blake who is talking about SDC. In v1 we are shown motivated the characters to go to Beacon and what their relationships are with their families. We see the difference between the Weiss and Ruby families. We are immediately given to understand Jacques is a bad person. We are given to understand that part of Yang's family is fractured and she loves Summer as her mother. But she keeps looking for Raven. We see Summer is dead. We see Summer was a good mother. We see who Ruby got her inspiration from. Ruby has a favorite uncle. Even Blake tells us very little information about herself. Yes, she grew up among the White Fang and went to protests. But she still has privileges. They talk about the problems of the faunus, but do not show them. We know there is a White Fang. They have protests that have gone too far. But we don't see any racism toward the fauns. Even in the most racist kingdom, we don't see racism. We see an unfortunate example of racism when the heroes just show up in town. And that's it. That's just it. There is a faunus among the Ace-Ops and no one cares. No one makes racist comments. Although Marrow's portrayal of himself is very racist. They made him a dark-skinned dog/wolf on purpose, didn't they? And they kept trying to show us how good he was. He was getting into all the timeline they had. He was a very handy tool when they decided to make James evil. Jaune doesn't talk about being forbidden to train. Jaune just went along with the crime. Blake had a reason for running away. Jaune had no reason to run away. He's just a fantasist. He didn't even know anything about the aura. Aura is a hunter's most basic skill. I wouldn't be surprised if they told us that Jaune had an abusive family all along and was forbidden to look at guns because he was a boy.
Hello again, anon! I have no idea what draws you to my blog in particular for these, but I am pleasantly surprised
Jaune’s family is mostly an enigma. Yes, we see him and Saphron (honestly I forget she exists 99% of the time) and it is a saccharine sibling dynamic, but they never mention any of the other sisters. No names, no shared memories, nothing beside the fact that Jaune and Saphron are the only ones not living at home. (Ngl when I first heard that my immediate thought was that it was a cult family and these two were the only ones to escape. It’d be a really cool subplot imo.) I think there’s a single off-handed line about Jaune’s parents in one of the early seasons, but I don’t care enough to check. Either way, there’s no concrete evidence as to the web of dynamics in the Arc family
I can’t agree with the assessment that Blake, in talking about the SDC as a whole, is the one to introduce the idea of Jacques not being a good person. A company isn’t a person. That’s like trying to pin all of RT’s own scandals on one person instead of acknowledging it’s a massive mess with dozens of participants. It’s still Weiss who talks about Jacques as a person when she tells the group that his anger at business gone bad made for a difficult childhood, and it’s through her story that we learn more of who he is as both a father and a businessman
I’m not entirely sure the purpose of the comparison between the RWBY families. It circles back to your issues with Blake and the White Fang, but I don’t know how the two connect. Unless they weren’t supposed to? It’s difficult to read long asks when there’s no paragraph breaks between topics
The racism in RWBY is poorly implemented because its writers were and are cowards about their world. They want the aesthetics of deep themes and adult topics, but have no idea about how to actually do that. What we end up with is la croix racism, where bigotry looks like high school bullying (Velvet getting her ears pulled, Robin calling Marrow “Wags,” some drunkards being mean to Blake)
When you make peace with the fact that RWBY is written by people who have no idea what they’re doing, you’ll have way more fun with this series. It won’t erase the bad writing, the promises of representation that they backpedaled on, the inherent bigotry throughout the show, BUT it will give you enough distance from the Watsonian universe that you can pluck the parts of the show you like and run away with them in your imagination
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That’s why there’s so many rewrites - and the especially fun thing about that is how every individual’s experience/interpretation will dramatically change how they rearrange RWBY. No Remnant will look exactly the same as another and I think that’s beautiful
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
So Jerry should have said that and up in Maine can you beat him up and they wanted our son to say he's nuts and he did to put him into the mental hospital and to put Arnie in and Dee warned him and Max said he's doing what he had me call him nuts cuz I don't think I've ever beaten anyone and he did it on purpose that got really mad I said you're a f****** dead man came by Trump's yelling how am I supposed to do this that goes back you don't use the boy and leaves and I went ahead anyways so he's the one who did the 75 thing I saw it in the movie and I saw you later with the scar he's going oh no and he wants to do it he wants to threaten me all the time and threatening what he did to you because I'm glad you got it out I do thank you you hurt mom needs to pay such a jerk that guy is such an animal sad to tear up and I said wow that guy's bad it's not McDonald's it's probably Burger King so he went to town figure out who he was heard Jonathan Moulton will he trace the lineage and he found a bunch they found that guy who said oh you're the pain in the ass and he might be Lincoln I'm sorry Washington too so he walked up to him the other day and said hey Lincoln and he smashed him he knows what was that for that's where and they said that's what for being n lover. It says who told you and he arrested him tons of people saw it wondering why I did that I think Tommy f shot him afterwards and had him do it cuz he probably shot him before in order to have him do it.
Michael's infuriated he said you're this piece of s*** doing all this stuff he wants he thought it was BG another threatening him to do it turns out to be you my own son with some asinine plan of being in hell with them well I'm not for it and you're a loser this is hell you broke off from everyone it makes you weaker and he knows it too so he fired him said you're out get your s*** out of my house and stay the hell away from me I'll fire you every time you come near me
And mac daddy said all that and Tommy f said I'm not out you're out and he's out and he heard our son say what are you saying you little b**** you're going to be out shortly I haven't everyone attack you cuz you're a big mouth Mac started laughing, nobody's mouth real loud it made a funny noise and kept saying look I'm John remillard you're both dumb as hell and doing stupid s*** he started laughing too and said I can't help it everybody got dumb because of that stupid a****** yeah ghwb you dumb f****** crap to hit him John remillard come zooming around the corner dressed up as George Bush Senior so they said is that him I don't know his own son says I wouldn't know he's very confusing so John remillard detected something he said he's detecting something my son said watch out he's a quick draw so they started making fun of him and didn't have a gun and he kept saying it pull it out John you're him also he turns around red in the face cuz I can't stand you people you're disgusting you make fun of us all day long for us trying to grab you and harm you now he's doing it he says that's cuz we know what we're doing to you fool so John's going off to be dirty Harry hahaha he's going to try and threaten our son over and over everyone's going to shoot him
Thor Freya
Haha lol set some up for venom the movie and venom 2 and your son is chomping at the bit and wants to kill him bad this is I think it goes in order and I do manage to grab him but you do manage to get them too with me or at least we managed to get him because of it looks pretty good so must be your mother egotarian. Yeah I think so who do I get to beat him up no one how about you so having this fight and you're abomination you're saying you're not fit to rule you're not fit to have this power and I started thinking for some reason in the middle of a fight which is odd and usually she's the one doing that I'm like wait a minute yes I am..... So we had a good laugh we're on to the next fight we haven't had that one yet lol. We're not physically here okay I'm using your bodies in their possessed they're blaming you for the crimes of fixing stuff Savage opress States what the hell's going on here
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flanklurker · 2 years
Hi!!! I read your Omen x Reader fic about Omen trying to be closer with the reader. That was the most adorable thing ever!! Is there a chance you could do something like that with Chamber please? :)
I see we like our French friend. Tres Bien, you are not the first (also I love your pfp this is a Snips stan acct). Coming right up!
Chamber x Reader: Trying to get to know them and being dramatically awkward about it
· It’s no secret that Chamber is a smooth fucken sailor. He can talk his way out of the most terrifying situations and crack even the hardest facades
· Hell, he managed to get his way into the Valorant Protocol, one of the world’s most secure organisations
· But somehow, when it comes to you?? That charm he’s become so very reliant on is nowhere to be found. Like, he reaches for something, anything.
· It’s gone
· When you walk into the room, he’s reduced to knee-jerk reactions—the three same pet names, talking loudly and dramatically to the nearest person like some dumb highschooler
· He silently curses himself as he does it but this man is surprisingly bad at dealing with what he quickly realises are feelings
· The great Chamber? Reduced to such a simpering fool?
· He’s gotta do something. Anything
· To start with, expect to be absolutely peppered with attention. To start with, I definitely wouldn’t blame you for being suspicious that Chamber wants something from you
· Every day, another ‘Ah! Mon petite chou, just the person I wanted to see! Could you humour me and test out my new weapon? I believe it may be to your liking’
‘Uhhhh, yes, but can I finish my cereal first? Please?’
‘But of course mon canard, you are the one with the crackshot reputation here, no? I can wait’
· Every time he opens his mouth he’s inwardly cursing, but he’s at the point of no return. He’s got to catch your eye. Somehow.
· Finally you accede to one of these… weapon test runs for want of a better word? Chamber is positively delighted. It’s like half an hour in of him showing the cool things he’s made and how much money he’s spent on them before he finally gets to the thing he actually brought you here to see
· This is bemusing to say the least, but you humour him as he takes the (admittedly very elegant) ghost out of the glass case with gloved hands. He runs you through the mechanism, bragging at the patented ball-bearing system that reduces trigger latency and recoil.
· ‘Oh, so like a fidget spinner?’
· Man has never been more gutted in his life, but he shakes it off.
· ‘Aight, hand it over then Chamber.’
· Your hand brushes his as you take the weapon, and he lingers for a second, seemingly paralysed by the gesture.
· ‘You… okay there bud?’
‘Ah, yes, mon Cherie. Just… proud of my work.’
· While that’s not the whole truth, there’s more truth in that sentence than he’d usually be comfortable sharing. Huh.
· As you take the gun, feel its balance and give it a spin, you can feel him watching you intently. You toss it up, catch, and take aim at the synthetic target on the far wall.
· As much as you kinda hate to admit it, the gun handles well. Really well. It reminds you more of a finely crafted musical instrument, sculpted to purpose.
· With a remarkably quiet release, the two of you appraise the singed hole in the inner ring of the target
· ‘Not bad at all Chamber.’
· Goddammit. He hates just how hard it is to hide the happy flush that spreads across his face. It’s all he can do to keep from grinning like an idiot
· ‘And I wasn’t even the one shooting the gun,’ he observes dryly
· You shoot him a wry smile at this, and it’s all Chamber can do to stop from pumping the air
· He manages to draw you again with the promise of good weaponry, and try as you might you find it hard to find flaws in the weapons you test
· Granted, when you do notice something off in the handling, he’s pretty receptive and starts tinkering away
· Soon, the two of you have made a habit of hitting the workshop together, building up… for want of a better word, it’s a strong professional relationship based on trust
· This is big for Chamber, trust doesn’t come naturally to him
· Finally though, he wakes up one morning and realises he can handle himself around you
· Tres bien
· From here, Chamber becomes more and more forward about wanting to spend time with you. After tinkering, he starts to suggest innocuous little cafes and quiet lunch spots
· ‘Oh but mon Cherie, it is my treat! You are the one helping me with these gadgets’
· Finally able to relax a little bit more, you began to see a side of Chamber that’s more comfortable and less reflexively performative. He seems to genuinely want your advice on situations, and is keen to share what he learns. He’s still very outgoing, but there’s an earnestness that he doesn’t seem to show otherwise
· That’s all well and good but as soon as any of the other agents walk by it’s back to drama king Chamber. It’s quite jarring the first time it happens. One minute he’s kicking back and humming along to the bossanova in the background, the next he’s loudly exclaiming about how ‘you simply must change up your casual outfits, Yoru! You look like an angry teenager in that jacket’
· It happens a couple more times before it hits you that he seems to be genuine specifically around you
· Huh
· Eventually you call him on it
· ‘Vincent.’
· His ears prick at the mention of his real name. He’s made no secret of it in the protocol but it’s still out of the blue
· ‘Yes, ma puce’
‘This is like… the third time this week you’ve gotten me flowers.’
‘Ah but of course mon-‘
You cut him off
‘You trust me to be real right? It feels like you’re courting me here Vincent.’
· You can’t help but feel your cheeks heat up as you say this. God, what if you’re misreading this and-
· The spiralling stops when you realise that Chamber has turned even redder than you feel
· He sputters a little, genuinely caught offguard
· The great, smooth-talking Chamber. Rendered speechless
· You can’t help but chuckle
· ‘Please mon chouchou, you have put me at quite a disadvantage’
· Okay, this is fun
· You draw closer, relishing the way he seems to struggle with hiding his face but also enjoying the closeness?
· Seeing his lip quiver a little, you decide to take pity on the poor man and say, just quietly enough for just him to hear
· ‘Well, I’m certainly not opposed to this partnership, my dear’
· His eyes flick up to yours, see their sincerity, and glimmer with something you can’t quite place
· ‘It seems, mon bonheur, we have a deal.’
· Closeness definitely achieved.
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