#and again I think it’s Insane that if Camila is your favorite character what you want is for her to be unconditionally sweet to Daisy…
adanseydivorce · 1 year
hot take apparently but I genuinely think if your going to do an f/m/f love triangle esp with some element of infidelity, it reads a lot better in a situation where the two women have enough respect for each other that the dynamic isn’t just the two women competing for a guy or something, but they are Not best friends or even really friends at all, just two human women who have a mix of negative and positive feelings about each other. I like it way better.
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babygirlizz · 3 years
izzie’s favorite movies and tv shows of 2020 (aka the worst year ever)
another year, another movie and tv show review. this year has, to put it simply, sucked. 2020 has been so terribly awful that sometimes the only light you can see are the absolute bangers of movies and tv shows that came out this year. with that being said, some of the movies and tv shows didn't come out in 2020. if the are mentioned in this post it is because they either: had a season come out this year, i found them this year, or they became popular this year.
SPOILERS: it may not come as a surprise but just in case you didn't realize, there will be many spoilers ahead, read at your own risk.
tw // death, suicide, drug use, mild adult language. if any of these things might trigger you, i strongly urge you not to read this post.
there is no specific order of these shows and movies, i'm just writing as they come to mind. if you enjoy any of these movies or tv shows, or if you have any suggestions for me, please let me know!
1) Santa Clarita Diet
Okay, so I know this show doesn't have anything to do with 2020. But, I found this show in 2020. I put it off for a while, thinking it wasn't my style of a show, but boy was I wrong. I loved this show. Sheila Hammond (Drew Barrymore) is a normal suburban wife and mom. She is a real estate agent with her husband Joel (Timothy Olyphant). She struggles with the fact that she isn't very adventurous. This all changes when she throws up an insane amount at a house showing. She then finds herself craving adventure, and craving human flesh. Yeah, she's a zombie. Not only is this show super hilarious, but it also shows the growth that they have with their characters and their family. I'm also team Abby (Liv Hewson) and Eric (Skyler Gisondo).
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2) Outer Banks
So, I'm from NC. And, watching this show at first bothered me because I can very obviously tell this show isn't actually filmed in the obx, and the geography isn't exact, but once I got past that, I loved it. John B (Chase Stokes) is a teenager that lives in the poor side of the outer banks. He has a friend group called the Pogues which consists of JJ (Rudy Pankow), Pope (Jonathan Daviss), and Kie (Madison Bailey). They absolutely hate the Kooks, which are the rich kids. A while after John B's dad gets lost at sea, presumed dead, the group finds some evidence that may solve the mystery, and make them rich. In the process, John B falls in love with a Kook names Sarah (Madelyn Cline) whose father Ward (Charles Esten) may have a little more to do with the mystery than he let on. Through friendship, murder, and secrets, the gang may just figure out what happened to John B's dad.
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3) Love, Victor
Alright. I loved loved loved Love, Simon. I also really loved the book "Simon vs. the Homosapien Agenda." So, when I heard about this show, I was so excited. Victor (Michael Cimino) is a teenage boy that moved to Creekwood with his family. He meets Felix (Anthony Turpel) who lives in his building. He also meets Mia (Rachel Hilson) and they begin dating. But, he also meets Benji (George Sear). While trying to get used to a new school, new friends, and a new relationship, Victor finds himself questioning his sexuality. With the help of Simon (Nick Robinson) and his friends, Victor finds it in himself to finally come out, and he admits his feelings, for Benji. This is such a good show, but I was so upset when season 1 ended on a cliff-hanger.
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4) The Haunting of Bly Manor
The sequel to The Haunting of Hill House. Now listen, haunting of hill house was an absolute banger. When I saw that Bly came out I nearly died. I was so excited. But, I was alone in my apartment and also a lil bitch. So, I had to wait a week until I was home with my family to watch it. Now, I was so excited to be scared, and there were a few jump scares and ominous moments, but this season was more centered around the story line of Dani Clayton (Victoria Pedretti) and her new life in a foreign country. When seeing an ad for a live in job as an au pair. When she gets there, she meets the two young children she’ll be looking out for and the other workers of the house, including the gardener, Jamie (Amelia Eve). Throughout her stay at Bly she begins to notice weird behaviors from both children and by the end of the series she sacrifices herself for the children. Sadly, this story is being told by Jamie who Dani had fallen in love with during her stay at Bly. Now I was somewhat upset about the lack of horror, but was still very intrigued and drawn in by this series.
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5) Julie and the Phantoms
Alright, at first I was not gonna watch this show. I thought it looked a little too young and childish for me, but everyone was talking about it on twitter so I had to. I. Love. This. Show. This show centers around Julie (Madison Reyes). Julie is a teenage girl who, sadly, lost her mother. The one major thing she shared with her mom, was their love for music. Since her mothers passing, she gave up music. This is until, dead musicians from the 90′s show up in her garage. Luke (Charlie Gillespie), Alex (Owen Joyner), and Reggie (Jeremy Shada) all tragically passed away in the 90′s after eating bad street hotdogs. When Julie finds their CD in her garage, she decides to play it and they come back in ghost form. But, only she can see them. With their help, she finds her confidence to play music again. Also, she has to find away for them to stay because they’re slowly disappearing. 
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6) Derry Girls
Bitch. I love this show. And yeah it didn’t come out in 2020. Shut up. I found this show recently after watching the cast on the holiday special of the Great British Baking Show. I loved the actors so I had to watch the show. This show focuses on Erin (Saoirse-Monica Jackson) a 16 year old girl that lives in Derry, Northern Ireland in the 90′s. Alongside her is her cousin Orla (Louisa Harland), her two friends Clare (Nicola Coughlan) and Michelle (Jamie-Lee O’Donnell), and Michelle’s English cousin James (Dylan Llewellyn). During these years, a lot of people in Ireland struggled, especially because it was during wartime. Even thought this show isn’t focused heavily around the war, it’s amazing to see these teens live a fulfilling life while struggling with the state of their country, and the lack of money that their families have. 
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7) Elite
HA. This show did have a season in 2020 so leave me alone. But bro, I love this show. At first, I didn’t watch it because I thought I could only watch the dubbed version in English, which I hate. I hate dubbed shows they look so weird. But, once I found out I could watch this show in Spanish, I fell in love. But, sadly, theres too damn much to talk about in one little post. It’s crazy. But basically it just follows the lives of teens in high school that are trying to survive. And no, not in the “I’m surviving high school,” sense. No, people be getting murdered. 
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MOVIES (tbh i didn’t find a lot of movies good this year lmk which movies u liked this year and maybe i’ll like them!)
1) All the Bright Places
After the death of her sister, Violet (Elle Fanning) is devastated. She closes herself off, and has her parents get her out of doing school work that involves working with others. But, as time goes on, they realize she may need to start to move on. Violet then meets Finch (Justice Smith) who is enamored by Violet. He suggests they do a project together. While finding and visiting some of the smallest wonders of their state, they begin to fall for each other. While you are focusing on Violet and her mental health, you tend to miss some of the signs that Finch’s mental health isn’t great either, but by the time you do, it could be too late. 
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2) Dangerous Lies
Hmm. This was weird for me. I had only ever seen Camila Mendes in Riverdale, and honestly, not a fan. So, Katie (Camila Mendes) and her husband Adam (Jessie T. Usher) are struggling with money. Katie decides to take a job working for an elderly man, and eventually gets her husband hired there as well. Unfortunately, he dies, but for some odd reason, leaves the house and all of his fortune, to Katie. As they get comfortable in the house, they begin to uncover some very weird and dangerous lies. 
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3) The Devil All the Time
Ok. Iconic. You got so many hot men in this movie. Bill Skarsgård, Sebastian Stan, Tom Holland, Robert Pattinson. C’mon now. That’s crazy. But, this story is so long and in depth that I wouldn’t even know where to begin. This movie is a bit disturbing. It involves murder, sexual assault, killing of animals, and so much more so if that’s an issue for you please do not watch this movie. It was also quite long, but it was still good.
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4) After We Collided
Okay just listen. I was that teenager. I read wattpad stories and was, embarrassingly, addicted to After. This was not a great movie per say, but it was After. This is a sequel to the movie After. This movie centers around Tessa (Josephine Langford) and her recovery after her breakup with Hardin (Hero Fiennes Tiffin). Theres sex, alcohol, bad acting. The whole nine-yards. But c’mon, they’re so cute together.
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5) To All the Boys p.s. I Still Love You
Okay it was a good movie. I enjoyed it. This movie focuses on Lara Jean (Lana Condor) and her boyfriend Peter (Noah Centineo) and their relationship post the first movie. But of course relationships aren’t super steady, and John Ambrose McClaren (Jordan Fisher) shows up. Yeah, John Ambrose, from her letter. They become closer and Lara Jean has to decide who she wants to be with. Spoiler, it’s Peter. BOOOOOOO justice for John Ambrose McClaren, he deserved better. 
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dreamerandcrazy · 3 years
Ok, so I haven't been able to comment much on my Riverdale rewatch mostly bc i'm watching it with my boyfriend and we have an agreement of no cell phones when we're watching, otherwise we can't pay proper attention to it. But I wrote down some notes about the episodes I did watch (I watched up until ep 6, which is very ironic bc apparently today is its anniversary, so yay for my perfect timing). I actually remember most of the stuff that happened in s1, so here's mostly a few things I paid more attention to or noticed about the characters and the ships, or things i'm able to look at through a different view now that i've watched all the seasons. Strap in if you want to see my notes, if not just scroll please, no ship or character hate here please. Also, feel free to ignore, this is really just a personal look in some stuff I didn't notice in my first watch.
- Betty's character used to be much happier and lighter in season 1. I know we're introduced to "Dark Betty" right in episode 3, but still, I feel like the way Lili played Betty in season 1 did not hold the same "darkness" as it does in the following seasons. The scene where she is dancing happily in her bedroom because she's going to homecoming with the boy she likes? The scene where she introduces Jughead to the Blue & Gold and gets him to work with her? Her genuine innocent happiness at seeing her sister again after so much time? The way she interacted with Kevin and Veronica? Those were all chef's kiss because she actually feels like a teenager in them. In all her girly glory, she radiates youth energy and it's a thing that was sadly lacking after s1. Btw this is not a critique at Lili's acting at all, I blame it entirely on Ras and his obsession with dark Betty.
- There's actually so many indications of Cheryl being a lgbt character in the first episodes that I have no idea how I missed it the first time. But then again, there were many indications with Veronica as well, and sadly that's not the path Ras chose for her.
- Jughead in s1 is truly so superior in so many ways that it's not hard to see why he quickly became such a fan favorite. I think even if he wasn't played by Cole Sprouse, he still would have conquered many fans' hearts. Sadly, the things that made Jughead such a loving and interesting character for me also fizzled out in s2 when the writing team decided to make him a woke serpent leader instead of allowing him to sticking to his true personality as a passionate mystery lover, a dedicated friend and very nerdy, which was very cute. I feel that we got some of that back for him in s4, which was good, but sadly s1 is where my love for him really stayed to stay. But I still care for him, and s5 has a promising storyline for him which i'm excited about, so let's see if s5 Jughead can become better than s1 Jughead.
- Going back again to Cheryl for a sec, I just noticed that the red lipstick actually wasn't that common for her in s1? At least not in the first five. I wonder when did it start becoming her trademark? Anyways, it's actually a really good look her and allows you to appreciate Madelaine's natural beauty even more.
- Also, did anybody notice how Alice lowkey figured out who killed Jason in ep 2 lmao, like... in episode two she legit says she wouldn't be surprised if the Blossoms themselves had killed Jason, which... is what happened LMAO, considering we know it was his father. And even more hilarious and tragically ironic note, in ep 6 she's laughing at Betty suggesting that Hal killed Jason because "do you think your father has the stomach for it?!"... Ma'am... i'm-.... 😂😂😂😂.
- This rewatch has reminded me of how much I adored and how I much I miss Josie and the Pussycats. The girls were such a nice addition to the cast, and their songs were so beautiful. I truly wish we get to see them again someday, but at the same time I also think the actresses deserve to be at a work place where they're given the treatment they deserve and not completely ignored and treated like extras.
- Archie/Valerie was super cute and is very underrated in the fandom, but i'm glad Valerie stood up for herself and didn't take any of Archie's or Cheryl's sh*t. Still sucks because they were really good together, though.
- Why was Jason not allowed to talk, lmao? Like, i'm sure it's become a running joke in the show at this point, but back when season one was airing what was the excuse for it? He appeared in so many flashbacks and scenes and we still never heard a single word ☠️☠️☠️☠️. I just want to know what was the reason lol.
- I liked s1 Reggie, but I feel like Charles Melton's Reggie is better because he actually feels like a douche with good intentions lol, and he has more of a personality. Most of the time I even forgot about Reggie in s1, but after s2 he definitely made me more aware of him. So for that, I like Charles Melton's Reggie more. But the actor from s1 still did a good job with what he was given.
From now on I will be talking about the ships, so bear with me, and know that I am a multishipper. Yes, I have my preferences. No, my word is not law, it's just an opinion, so please respect it.
- Bughead is still super cute in s1. I feel like from s1 they will always be my otp, even if I no longer feel as strongly about them now and have a different insight as to where I would like their story to go, and now I definitely see the problem others had mentioned before of how they kind of took over the show, which is something I kind of closed my eyes to before... But I really loved them in s1. It felt like a very juvenile teenage relationship, they didn't give much thought on why and if they should be together, they just went for it like teenagers usually do, and they were very very cute together.
- I feel like if you don't count Beronica (because they really were the best no matter what you say or ship), if there's a ship that deserves "best chemistry" award for s1 is probably Varchie. I lost my interest in them years ago, but this rewatch reminded me of why I actually loved them once. They never really became an otp for me, but Kj and Camila's chemistry in s1 was VERY GOOD, and I really liked them. Their kiss in the pilot was electric and the s&xual tension was OOF, and that chemistry carries on through the season. You can easily tell something will happen between them eventually. It makes me sad bc I don't know what happened after s1, but their chemistry from s2 onwards was just... not there for me. Which is ironic bc it's the season they truly started dating and they got a lot of smexy scenes, but I just... didn't feel it. But I'll leave that comment to my s2 rewatch. For now just let me enjoy Varchie's chemistry in s1 while it lasts because it was really good.
- Now we get to Barchie, who I made clear was the reason for my rewatch, so let's get to it. I LOVED the way Barchie was written in s1. I remember when I first watched Riverdale, I was curious about their dynamic but didn't put much thought into it because I loved Bughead too much and wanted them to be together, and I thought Barchie would be the traditional "first og ship" thing and wouldn't have a big follow up, but boy was I WRONG and am I GLAD for it. I'll talk more about their development in the next seasons when I get there, so for now let's focus a bit on s1. Just in like the first two episodes, there is so much Barchie foreshadowing, like, it's legit insane how it was right there in my face and I missed it the first time! "I have never felt what i'm supposed to feel with betty", "it's not my fault he doesn't like you", "I can't give you the answer you want"... Omg, those are obvious eyebrow raising "this will come back to bite you in the a$$" moments and it's incredible how they actually DO! I would call it clever writing, but like... it's Riverdale lol. So I really am just glad that the ship was done this way, i'm glad Barchie has the back story that they do, they've really come a LONG way and i'm happy I get to experience their whole growing storyline. It's also especially good because s1 actually provides you with scenes that show you their friendship and how they're so close, you see them hanging out, talking, their pictures together, everything was just really done well with them. Still have a bit of critique with the way Archie contradicted himself sometimes regardinf his feelings for Betty, but let's be honest, we've watched enough Riverdale to know that's just a problem with the writing.
- Kevin/Joaquin is still my favorite Kevin ship, i'm sad it's completely impossible to go back to them someday so for now i'll just be really glad it existed and that I got to see them even if it was short-lived. They had great chemistry and their kiss scenes always outsold.
- Beronica... sigh. Beronica. The most wasted chemistry i've ever seen on CW and I've watched a LOT of CW shows. There was so much potential there, s1 was practically overflowing with them and it's one of the reasons it became some popular. I remember when the Beronica fandom was the biggest one, ah, good times. Veronica and Betty were easily the best part of season 1, their friendship, their lowkey romantic moments, they were just superior in every way. This ship deserved better, not even just as a ship, but as a friendship.
- Veronica's s1 hair >>> Veronica's hair in seasons 2-4. I loved the side part and I am glad it's back in season 5, it looks so much better like that.
- Cheryl, as always, deserves better. Can't wait for her to meet Toni so I can watch again Cheryl finally get to love someone and be loved back, which is exactly what she deserves.
For now, that is all! I will probably make another post soon when i'm done with season one and from season two on I will be live-blogging the episodes since I will be watching it alone. Once again, pls, no hate, my thoughts are my thoughts. Peace.
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elysiumrp · 7 years
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Congratulations EMMA! You have been accepted as Tereza Castelo. Please go through the checklist and send in your account within 24 hours. If you need more time, make sure you send a message to the main.
Emma!! I’m so excited to see you back, and to see you as Tereza no less is absolutely amazing. She is one of my favorite characters I wrote for this new Elysium revamp, and the first I wrote as well, so to see her picked up again is absolutely awesome. I loved your sample para, and I also completely support your headcanon that you mentioned in your anything else section. I know that you’ll do Tereza justice, and I can’t wait to see you play the beautiful Camila Mendes on the dash. Welcome to Elysium!!
Name: Emma Age: 21 Timezone: CST Preferred Pronouns: She/Her  Previous RP Experience: [RFP] Activity Level:  I should be on fairly often. I am also a full-time student and have a job. However, I tend to make time for my rps. Anything Else: Nope
Character Name: Tereza Castelo Why did you choose this character:
When I was looking to rejoin this rp, I had originally been debating on reclaiming one of my old characters. However, I saw the most wanted characters, my attention fell on Tereza more than it fell on Alexandra. I read her bio and fell in love though it definitely helps that Camila is totally my woman crush. I feel that Tereza has the great opportunity to be a very complex and amazing character that I would love to breathe life into.
Describe your plan for them:
I would like to help and watch Tereza grow in her relationships, as well as just growing on her own. I feel as a 700+ vampire, Tereza has absorbed a great deal of knowledge throughout her years. However, she continues to crave that desire and passion for knowledge. She has done everything she can to learn as much as she can about how to hack to help her cause. I would like to watch her use her own knowledge and wisdom to help herself in situations, as well as teach others around her. I feel I would like to explore how she is dealing with the pain of not seeing her son grow to a man, as well as Tereza still attempting to justify the decision to herself. I also am interested in playing out how she manages being an older vampire while still keeping her species a secret in a world that knows about the supernatural. I feel that it takes a great deal of cunning on her part.
Describe your character’s feelings and reactions to the initial reveal of the supernatural world:
When Tereza received the news, she was stunned. It meant a drastic change from the world as she knew it for people like her. One of the reasons she left her son was the fact that she was what she was. Tereza had lived long enough to see the damage that humans can cause. When she found out that the supernatural world was now in the open, she could not help other than to think that certain humans would try to drive out or destroy the supernatural population. She only believed certain humans though because Tereza knows there is bad and good in any species. All she could hope was that her fears were not going to come true. Yet, after witnessing someone like Hilter firsthand, she was sure that she would sadly be right in her fears.
Describe your character’s feelings and reactions to the current state of the world, and how it impacts them as an individual:
As a vampire, the outing of the supernatural was very substantial to her and she was very weary when they starting registering supernatural. There was only one time she remembered people being registered and it did not end pretty for the people who had been registered. The fierce woman is not going to allow her people be taken out without a fight. In order to have this fight, she remains in the shadows about what she is and uses her computer skills to give her side information. While she knows the fight for equality is a dangerous path, it is one that she is extremely passionate about and she wouldn’t be doing anything else.
Para Sample:
It was ironic that she was cornered by the fire when Tereza always felt that her specialty over the years had developed to be ice. Life had grown cruel to her through the years that she had been with her husband that she felt herself changing from her once bright self to someone a bit more bitter towards the world. The only light that she found in life at the time was Andres, her only son. However, as she stared at the flames before her feeling herself almost melting away, she couldn’t help other than to wonder what it would be like if she just let the fire consume her. So, she stood there watching the flames dance before her like her own personal show that was growing closer and closer. It was when the fire began to touch her that she began to scream and question her decision. The fire was more painful than what she could imagine. Tereza had been wrong. This entire idea was utterly insane. How could she have believed that this was the right way out. What would Andres do without a mother? The woman began to search madly for an escape, for an exit. Her breathing became labored as the smoke continued to fill her lungs and began to faint just as a dark figure caught her.
The next thing Tereza remembered was waking up to the cool air freezing her skin. The burning pain of the cold felt oddly similar to the fire that she had just escaped from. The young woman didn’t understand why the man was forcing some liquid down her throat that still felt as though it was a flame. She hadn’t even realized that it was blood from a vampire that she was tasting as she slowly fell into what felt like a deep sleep. Tereza woke up hours later feeling better than ever. The world seemed a whole lot more vivid like she had been living her entire life with the dimmer switch on low. Everything was brighter, more colorful, stronger smelling and certainly louder. She could hear the footsteps coming towards this bedroom that wasn’t hers and when the door opened, she was greeted by a kind gentleman.
“¿Cómo está usted?” The man asked her to gauge how she was doing after the transition. He was a beautiful man and she had felt she had seen him around though she did not leave her house to often because of her husband. However, she wondered why he had brought her here instead of a hospital. Yet, the man must have been a doctor with how well she was feeling now. The only issue that she had was the itch in the back of her throat that was telling her that she was thirsty.
“Bien, ¿y usted?” Tereza responded politely as she sat up to face the man fully. “                ¿Quién es usted?” She asked curious of who the man was and why he brought her here. That question began a series of many questions that night as the vampire began to explain everything that happened to her and what she had become. Tereza listened to every single word that came dripping off of his tongue as though her own life depended on it because it very well did. The man who stood before her, a man whose name was Matias, had given her a new life. His very name meant gift from God was this a sign? Was he her savior and escape from a life that she was not meant to live? He offered her to stay with him and offered her a home that he would help her with her transition into the life of a vampire. She thanked him then told him she needed a moment to think everything over, which the man respected and left her to be alone.
All the thoughts she had during the fire seemed to come back. Could she really leave Andres without a mother? Now, she was a vampire that feed from the life essence of living beings and did not age. Would she be able to fulfill her role as a mother while living in the shadows? It would be a few years and people would be bound to notice that she was different from the rest and not in the way that she used to be. She was no longer different by the way that she held herself or her beauty, but different in a twisted way that set her free from the hands of time. As she thought of that, she thought of how beautiful freedom would taste. Tereza thought of how this opportunity provided her a chance to become her old self again. She would be able to love life and live free of the chains that her husband had placed on her so many years ago. Tereza called Matias back into the room and told him that she would like to learn from him. Even though her heart broke for her son as she admitted her true desires, she was finally free.
Any questions/concerns/things you’d like to change: (siblings to add, pronouns, sexuality you’d like to specify, personality, face claim, history, etc., etc.)
I have a head canon that I wanted to include in my app if that makes sense:
Medieval Spain had been a scene of almost constant warfare between Muslims and Christians that Tereza had witnessed. I have a head canon that during her lifetime, she was a devote Catholic. During her times where she was torn between her own desires and being a dutiful wife for her husband that she did not love, Tereza found herself at the alter praying for guidance. Though she became a vampire and left her family, which were both actions that she believed God would damn her for, she kept her faith. As she traveled throughout her long life, she had visited many Cathedrals that were absolutely breathtaking. While she is not the most open to admitting her religious views, she would definitely not deny that she believes in a God. However, she also believes in a God that would most likely send her to hell for the species she is and part of her past. Due to this belief, she tries her hardest to redeem herself in helping others when she can.  
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Title: The way we touch is so unique (and when we touch I’m shivering) Author: cbsnforeverandalways/iwalkalone258 [ao3] Character(s): Barry Allen, Iris West, Scott Evans, Cisco Ramon Category: Romance Rating: R Timeline/Universe: Earth 1 Word Count: 3,017 Chapter(s): 1 of 1 Summary:  It’s moments like these that make her forget that she might not have forever with him. These moments are so much more than memories, they’re everything to her.
A/N: Originally I wanted to get this out yesterday before 3x13 premiered but my schedule didn’t permit me to have such luxuries so I decided to upload this today. I really hope you guys enjoy this. I had so much fun writing it. I literally enjoyed every single word but that’s what WA does to me. The title comes from “Bad Things” By Machine Gun Kelly ft. Camila Cabello. I want to add that Beyonce’s self-titled album “Beyonce” played a large rule in this fic. I listened to that album and thought of WA. It’s such a sexy fit for them. The timeline for this fic is two days after 3x12 happened. I know 3x13 picks up the same night but I wrote this before I saw the episode last night and I decided not to change anything. So the events of 3x13 in this timeline happens at the end of this fic. This is my first time publishing the smut I have written so guys please be nice. I am not very confident in the smut department but I wanted to write this for WA. I hope I did a good job. I hope you all like. Enjoy and please tell me how I can improve after you’ve read it. Thanks :) @grabetsi @inksmudge @irissswests @loislanekent I decided to tag you guys because I love your blogs and you guys are amazing. i hope you like!
Barry:  Lunch ltr?
She sees his text immediately after it’s delivered. It’s a ritual for them at this point, to grab lunch every day at noon. Iris quite enjoys seeing him as much as she can during the day. She enjoys being around him way too much for any sane person to admit.
Iris: You know it. It’s your turn to pick btw :P
When Scotts ventures into her office five minutes later, he stops right in his tracks. Iris is typing away at her laptop but there’s a pinch of red dashed across her cheekbones and this huge shit eating grin lighting her features.
“Someone’s in a good mood,” He comments leaning a shoulder on the doorframe. Iris glances up then, her eyes welcoming him in greeting.
“Good morning Scott,” She says and he nods back in acknowledgement before holding up the manila folder in his grasps.
“I have an assignment for you,” He wiggles the file which causes Iris to glance at the blue object in curiosity. She stands and walks around to lean against the front of her desk. This is a regular occurrence between them. Every morning right after she gets in Scott normally shows up with a couple of assignments for her to work on.
“Yep, it’s about a robbery that happened in Keystone earlier this morning.” One of Iris’s perfectly manicured eyebrows shoot up.
“Mhm, I think there’s a connection between the string of robberies that’s been happening here,” Scott pushes off the doorframe to hand her the file. “There’s some similarities I’ve noticed and when you review the data you’ll see what I’m talking about,”
Iris takes the folder from him, not waiting another second to flip it open. There’s a couple of printed pages along with Scott’s notes. She skimps each page, drawing a conclusion almost instantly.
“I see your point. These places have all been broken in to but only the red beryl goes missing every time.” The red beryl is worth more than any piece of gold. It’s a rarity and a gem that can only be found in certain jewelry stores. But why only red beryl? She thinks, looking down at the documents in her hands. Why not take everything in sight?
“Yeah, and you wanna know what makes it even stranger? There’s no signs of a forced entry. It’s almost as if the perpetrator already has access.” Iris releases a sigh. She understands now why this story stood out to him. She doesn’t say it out loud but she thinks this just might all boil down to a teleporting meta with a fetish for red beryl.
“I’ll look into it,” She tells him, closing the folder in her hands. There goes lunch with Barry.
Iris: Raincheck?
She’s packing up her things waiting for Barry to reply. She has to drive into Keystone to speak with the owner of the jewelry store and find out exactly how all of this connects for the article she plans on publishing in Sunday’s paper.
Barry: Sure :( You okay? Iris: Yeah baby, I have to follow up with a robbery in Keystone. Barry: Okay, be careful. See you tonight. Iris: Babe… Barry: I know, you’re always careful.
Iris doesn’t respond right away this time. She figures he’s worried because of what happened three days ago with the meta who almost killed her with the touch of his hand. Instead she pursues her lips into a thin line and heads down to her car.
She only has four months to live after all. That places a suffocating damper on her drive to Keystone. Even though she knows Barry will do every, and all things to protect her, the ebbing fear of her demise never seems to vanish. Now it just lurks right below the surface, waiting to strangle her into submission.
It’s later in the night when she finally pushes her key into the door of their loft. She’s exhausted but excited to be home. After going on a wild goose chase with the Keystone P.D. she finally obtained what she needed to start writing about her red beryl stealing thief.
“Babe?” She calls closing the door behind her and slipping out of her heels. All the lights are off except for the lamp in the living room and that gives her a hint on where she can find him. Iris settles her purse and laptop bag on the dining room table as she passes.
When she sees him a silly grin appears on her lips. He’s laying on the sofa, headphones in with his MacBook propped on his chest. She wastes no time, and crawls on top of him.
Barry pulls out his headphones with little finesse, his head tilting back to gaze up at her in alarm. She bets that if she places a hand over his chest, she’ll feel the thunderous beat of his heart.
“Did I scare you?” She questions, wearing a sneaky smirk. He nods back and forth ‘no’ before closing the lid of his laptop, his features relaxing into one of ease.
“Liar.” She straddles his hips as she accuses him but he only smiles. When she’s around sometimes that’s all he can do. Leaning over he settles both the laptop and headphones on the center table, his hands finding her thighs immediately.
“Glad you could spare little ol’ me some of your time.” He comments, his palms rubbing up and down her thighs in no set pattern. Usually Barry touches her whenever he can. He loves the feel of her skin, the smell of her hair and the way she always responds to his touch. Dammit, he just…loves her.
Iris pulls out the elastic holding her hair back in a ponytail and eyes him, her mouth quirking upwards at his silliness.  
“So not only are you a liar but now you’re jealous too?” She’s teasing him of course, and that comes out when he laughs showcasing his perfect smile. Iris ends up lost whenever he smiles at her like that.
He leans up on one of his elbows and before she can run her fingers through her hair to ease the tension he does it for her. This is his favorite part of the day; when they both come home after exhausting twelve hour shifts and she’s undressing in front of him.
Her eyelashes flutter downwards as she tilts her head closer to his hand. She is in pure bliss. The gentle tugging of her hair only intensifies when she feels the hot open mouth kisses he places down the column of her neck.
It’s moments like these that make her forget that she might not have forever with him. These moments are so much more than memories, they’re everything to her. Iris hums in pleasure, her fingers curling into the collar of his sweater, holding him close.
Barry palms the back of her head and kisses her waiting lips. It starts out slow, languid. He explores every inch of her mouth, like he’s memorizing every detail. It’s like he wants to remember how she moves her tongue against his and the sounds he elicits when he sucks her bottom lip into his mouth the way he’s doing now.
He sits up, no longer using the sofa to balance his weight, and slips a hand underneath her dress to splay on her thigh. This is crazy, she thinks, to want someone so badly after being away from them for sixteen hours. It’s complete insanity.
Her hands slide down his chest, glimpsing the off kilter rhythm of his heartbeat. It’s unfair how much she loves this man. When he breaks the kiss she goes in for another but he’s already nibbling on her earlobe. There’s a hard pressure between her thighs, and the longer his hand stays pressed against the heat of her skin, the more she wants him inside of her.
“Barry,” She breathes, her head lulling back. She’s putty in his hands, malleable and ready to give him everything he’s ever dreamed of. Her fingers slink into the soft strands of his hair and all she wants to do is rip all of their clothes off but she exhales instead. Allows the thought to float somewhere off into space.  
Barry uses his other hand to palm one of her breast, marveling in the weight of it. He breathes in her breathy moan when he fastens his lips over hers again. Shivers race down her spine at the way he’s sucking all of the oxygen out of her lungs.
She finds the hand resting on her thigh and takes it into hers. His hands are so much larger than hers but she manages to slip it between her thighs. She needs him to touch her. She needs to feel the heat of his skin on hers, the nibble of his teeth tugging her nipple into his mouth. She needs to feel the hard length of him rocking her body into oblivion. A deep moan is wretched from her gut at the mere thought of it all.
But he removes his hand from between her thighs and draws away suddenly. She’s about to protest when she feels herself being lifted up and settled back on the sofa, her head resting just below the arm. Barry’s now over her, his lean frame fitting between her legs perfectly. He ghosts a kiss over her swollen lips before moving down her body. She knows what he wants and who is she to deny him?
She groans at the pressure of his mouth on the inside of her thigh seconds later, anticipation making every cell inside her body stand on alert. Even though she wants to touch him, she balls her fists at her sides, and lifts her body in need. She wants him so badly. Sometimes, she thinks, for a writer she never has enough words to explain how much.
Barry hikes her dress up to her waist and she watches him under heavy lidded lashes. He runs roughened hands over the expansion of her now bare skin. There’s something so sexy and erotic when he’s between her thighs. The way the pupils of his eyes darken to a deep forest green as he watches her watch him suck her into capitulation. God.
He pushes her legs wider and hooks her calves over his shoulders. She allows her eyes to drift close after she feels the wet sweep of his tongue over the small bundle of nerves between her thighs. There’s so much going on inside of her body that she feels like clawing out of her own skin.
Her hips lift reflexively but he holds her in place with the curve of his hand on her ass. The friction of his tongue over her underwear makes her weak in the knees, her body fighting for some semblance of control. It doesn’t take him long to remove her panties altogether and when he’s back between her legs he gives her these deep open mouth kisses that make her cry out his name. Her body can’t keep up with the assault of his tongue, the constant nibbling, sucking.  All rational thought seem to fail her then.
Iris’s fingers curl around the back of his neck loosely. She wants to watch him, she loves watching him fuck her with his mouth but she’s too weak to open her eyes, to engross in the bliss Barry’s tongue is bringing her to care.
It’s the second she feels the slight vibration of his tongue and the intrusion of two of his fingers that her walls break, the high pressure he built consuming her blindly. Fireworks go off behind her eyelids and she can’t control her body, can’t stop the spasms of pleasure that he wrings out of her. It’s too much.
“Fuck,” She moans, her fingers tightening on the back of his neck now, keeping him to her as her hips lifts. He uses his tongue to finish her off, keeping his mouth on her until every last drop disappears. Her body is limp and she swears she might be in a Barry made coma. But then she feels the small kiss he places on the most intimate area of her sex and curses the way her gut tightens with need for him again. It’s never ending.
His mouth glides over her still clothed body and all she wants to do is kiss him, suck all of him up. Her hands find their way between their bodies and she starts undoing his belt buckle in a haste, not caring about the state of undress they’re in. All she can think about is feeling the hard length of him, all she can dare imagine is their bodies intertwined in a dance as old as time.
“I need you,” She manages, her voice sounding foreign even to her own ears. He’s so palpable and ready for her. She feels as much against her stomach.
“You’re so beautiful,” He says in response, locking his lips with hers in a primal, animalistic kind of kiss. It doesn’t take long for him to get his jeans over his hips and down his thighs and it ends up somewhere on the floor with her panties.
When Barry breaks the kiss they’re both gasping for air, the need consuming both of them. He touches his forehead to hers and gazes into her eyes as he positions himself at her entrance. Iris’s hips tilt forward, her moan echoing around them once he slides smoothly inside of her. They both still for a millisecond basking in the feel of the other. Nothing can ever compare to the feel of Barry Allen inside of her. Nothing. She makes the first move, rolling her hips and taking him deeper.
“You feel so good,” he whispers by her ear, brushing open mouth kisses down her jawline and causing her body to shiver uncontrollably. A red blush creeps onto her cheeks but all she can get out is a heavy sigh of agreement because he feels as good too. Her heels dig into his lower back, and she wishes she can inhale him in.
Iris buries her face into his neck, meeting each of his thrust with one of her own. Their movements start out slow, the heat cascading through her in slow waves and picks up with each ticking second. Fuck. She curses the fact that they’re still partially clothed because she wants to touch him. She wants to rake her fingernails across his back, and suck random paths over his shoulders. Actually, she wants to trail a pattern of nicks over every mole on his chest, make him seethe under her control, and make him come inside of her. Instead she grips on to his shoulders and bites her bottom lip to contain the moan threatening to explode out of her throat.
Iris hears it first, the chime of his phone ringing. She squeezes her eyes tightly closed willing the sound to go away. No, this is not the time for the world to need him, she thinks, I need him. However, her thoughts don’t deter the ringing above both of their heads. When he stills she finally opens her eyes to see him reaching upwards for the vibrating device. Iris doesn’t hide her disappointment or the groan that’s pulled from her chest. He’s watching her as he answers, forest green eyes expressing how unwarranted this is. Beads of sweat litter his forehead as he scrunches his face up in concentration. She figures he’s trying not to move either.
“Hey Cisco, what can I do for you?” The deepness of his voice is breathy and Iris can’t help but squirm against his still frame. His eyes widen and he releases a deep breath to stop from pushing them both off the edge. Cisco says something causing Barry’s cheeks to transition into a crimson blush.
“No…?” he says questionably, his long lashes faltering downwards. He rests his forehead against hers and she feels when he mouths ‘I’m sorry’ against her lips and disappointment fills her chest quickly. Central City needs him.
“Okay, I’ll be there.” is the last thing she registers before closing her own eyes and willing her body to calm down. She’s strung taut, and filled with a fire only Barry can extinguish. It’s when he’s reaching to put the phone back on the end table that she opens her eyes and looks up at him. Her hands flutter up to cup his face, to convey that she gets it. He has to go but she doesn’t want him to leave, not right now anyways. Iris feels a bit selfish for having those kind of thoughts and shakes her head slightly to get rid of them. He’s not only her superhero.
“It’s fine,” She reassures, giving her best smile. “Central City needs the Flash,” She doesn’t realize how sad her voice sounds until he grips her hands in his and brings them to his lips. This is his way of letting her know he’ll be back, no matter what, he’ll always be back.  
“But I need you more,” Barry deadpans projecting with his stare how much. She doesn’t say anything after, only leans up and lays a smoldering kiss to his lips.
“Go before I don’t let you,” He rubs his mouth against hers one last time and when he withdraws coldness settles in every facet of her being. Iris wonders how she ever got anything done without knowing this side of him. She exhales and sits up, tagging her dress down to cover her thighs. It doesn’t take him long to shrug on his jeans and button them, all the while eyeing her. She opens her mouth but settles on not saying anything at all.
“We’ll finish this later?” He asks running his fingers through his hair to straighten the locks.  
“Later.” She promises basking in his grin. He’s gone within the next second though, her hair flying around her face loosely. She sighs and stands, running her hand over her stomach.
Yeah, later, she thinks.
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5hfanfiction · 7 years
Wishes - Chapter 28
Lauren would be lying if she said she wasn’t at least a little bit nervous for the day. It was the last day before her birthday and the final day of her three best friends being at Disney World with her. She had spent the entire night stuck in a bed with an aching back from Dinah kicking her repeatedly, and a pillow blocking her ears from Normani’s obnoxious sleep talk. She kept reminding herself through the night that it could be worse. She could’ve been stuck in a bed with Lucy after all. 
Lauren was still unsure of where Lucy and her stood. As far as Lauren knew, they were still friends. However, there was always that awkward sense when they were around each other. Lauren still tried as hard as she could to keep their friendship afloat. It wasn’t going to be something that could go back to how they were before the whole mess unraveled. It was going to take time. 
“Jauregui, get moving,” Dinah said as she hit the green-eyed girl with a pillow. 
“Stop it, Dinah,” Lauren mumbled as she pulled the blanket over her head. 
She had barely gotten any sleep during the night and wanted nothing more than a few minutes of peace and quiet. 
“Don’t be a cranky butt, Lauser. We have things to do and places to go.”
“It can wait." 
"We have reservations in a few hours so you better get your ass up,” Normani said as she came out of the bathroom. 
“Go without me.”
“Like Normani is going to let that happen,” Lucy giggled as she unplugged her phone from her charger. 
“Ugh,” Lauren sighed as she rolled over.
Normani was never going to let her skip the reservation. Even when they had reservations to local restaurants, Normani was sure everyone was ready to go. She was definitely the mother of the group. 
“Lauren, I’m not playing,” Normani said as she ripped the blanket off the green-eyed girl. 
“I told you I’m coming,” Lauren snapped back as she grabbed the blanket from Normani. 
“Damn,” the Polynesian laughed. “I guess someone hasn’t gotten laid.”
Lauren looked over at the Polynesian, giving her a death glare with her emerald eyes. 
“Lauren, I’m not going to tell you again. Don’t make me drag your Cuban ass out of this bed,” Normani threatened. 
“You guys are worse than my mom,” Lauren huffed as she threw the covers off her and pushed herself off the bed. 
The day was already starting off on a bad foot. 
As the day continued, Lauren only became more nervous. It was a day full of surprises, something that the green-eyed girl hated more than anything. Then, have Dinah in charge of the surprises, and there’s no knowing what the surprises could be. However, so far the surprises haven’t been as bad as Lauren expected. 
They started the day out by getting some food into their systems before moving onto the attractions. They started out easy by watching the Little Mermaid (Lauren’s favorite) before moving up into the more extreme rides like Tower of Terror and the Rock n’ Roller Coaster.
As the night went on, the girls surprised Lauren with reservations for Ohana for dinner. The five-year-old in Lauren came out as she met the characters from her second favorite childhood movie, Lilo and Stitch. Then, to top the night off, the girls surprised her with a Little Mermaid cake and balloons when they got back to their hotel room.
The day went a lot better than Lauren could’ve ever imagined. It was like they went back in time to the good o'l days. The days where they had fun and careless days with no drama roaming throughout the air. The only thing that could make this day better was if Camila tagged along with them.
Lauren made sure the keep the brown-eyed Latina caught up on her day. A numerous amount of text messages were sent between the duo including a long, heart felt birthday message written by Camila, and a little video of Alexa and Camila wishing the green-eyed girl a very happy birthday. Lauren saved the message and the video to her phone, along with a few pictures Camila sent throughout her day at Blizzard Beach. 
“Look at our little Lolo,” Dinah teased as she dropped her black suitcase onto the bed. “She’s so cute when she’s in love." 
Lauren rolled her eyes as she continued to text Camila. 
"So when are you going to get your lazy ass moving and officially ask her out?” Lucy asked as she threw the bag of dirty laundry in her suitcase. 
“I’m not sure yet,” Lauren replied, becoming a bit uncomfortable. 
“You better do it soon. Time is ticking away,” Normani added before she walked into the bathroom. 
“There’s no need to rush anything right now. I have all the time in the world,” Lauren said as she waited anxiously for a reply from the brown-eyed mother. 
“You really don’t,” Dinah said as she started to stuff things into her suitcase. 
“I don’t?" 
"If you don’t wife her up soon then I’m gonna have to go after her." 
"You wouldn’t." 
"Do you want to try me?” Dinah asked, raising one eyebrow. “A girl like her isn’t left out on the market for long. Sooner or later someone is going to come up and snatch her before you can. You better move fast Lauser, before it’s too late." 
"Dinah, you could barely utter a single word to Camila until a few days ago. There is no way you could ask Camila out,” Lauren laughed. 
“Don’t test me, Lauser,” Dinah threatened, making Lauren laugh harder. “Your girl could become my girl.”
“O-o-okay,” Lauren spit out between the uncontrollable laughter. 
“It’s not that funny,” the Polynesian said, glaring at the green-eyed girl. 
“It actually kinda is,” Lucy spoke up.
“Stay out of it Vives,” Dinah growled. 
“I actually think I’ll stay for awhile,” Lucy said as she plopped down on her bed. 
“You two drive me insane.”
“Welcome to our world. You drive us insane everyday." 
Dinah rolled her brown eyes and carried on with packing up her bag. The gang was definitely back to normal.
"Do you think she’ll like it?” Alexa said as she held onto the Little Mermaid crown. It was a duplicate of the one resting on the top of her head. 
“I think she’ll love it,” Camila answered as she looked down the teal and purple crown Alexa insisted Lauren needed. 
“May I knock?” Alexa asked, looking for approval. Camila nodded in approval before Alexa knocked her tiny fist against the salmon colored door. 
“Coming,” Lauren’s voice rang from behind the door. After a few seconds the green-eyed girl finally opened up the door. 
“For you my queen,” Alexa said as she held out the crown while being down on one knee. 
Lauren looked down at the little girl before looking up at Camila, and then back down at Alexa. 
“Take it,” Alexa whispered before putting her big smile back on. 
“Thank you my princess,” Lauren said as she took the crown out of Alexa’s hands and placed it on the top of her wavy Raven hair. 
“I’m a mermaid,” Alexa corrected as she stood back up. 
“Thank you my mermaid.”
“You’re welcome,” Alexa smiled happily. 
“So what do my two favorite ladies have planned for me today?” Lauren asked as she followed Alexa down the path to the bus stop. 
“Epcot!” Alexa shouted excitedly as she jumped up and down. 
“We were originally going to take you to a water park so you could have a day by the pool, but after hearing about your parents taking you there yesterday, Alexa and I decided to change our plans and go to Epcot instead,” Camila explained. 
“Lamp, we’re going to eat around the world!”
“We’re gonna look like the giant ball at Epcot,” Lauren said as she sat down on the bench. 
“I wanted to drink around the world but mommy said that’s only for grown ups,” Alexa pouted as she found a seat on Lauren’s lap. 
“Moms always kill the mood,” Lauren said as she wrapped her arms around the little girl. 
“We could’ve turned up on chocolate milk,” Alexa said frustrated. 
“Yeah Camila, we could’ve turned up on chocolate milk,” Lauren played along as she looked up at the mother standing in front of her. “Why’d you have to kill the party?”
“Maybe we’ll come back in a few years and go drinking chocolate milk in every country,” Camila smirked as she moved a loose strand of hair away from Lauren’s eyes. 
“I actually really like that idea,” Lauren perked up as she imagined a weekend getaway with Camila while they celebrated her 21st birthday. 
“I figured you would." 
"And she’s out,” Camila giggled as she caught Alexa’s head from falling forward. 
“It’s about time. Her little body was going a mile a minute,” Lauren said as she lifted the sleeping girl off the chair and into her arms. 
“Oh what I would do to have the energy of a four-year-old again." 
"And to have someone carry me back to my bed after a long day,” Lauren added as she wrapped a towel around Alexa’s body. 
“Did you see how fast she was running from country to country? I don’t think I’ve ever seen her that excited or even move that quick." 
"It could have something to do with the ice cream we bought her in France." 
"She was all over the place after that,” Camila laughed as she remembered Alexa being hyper active during her sugar rush. 
“At least we were able to sneak in a few kisses,” Lauren smirked as she followed Camila out of the pool area. 
“A few?” Camila questioned. “There were at least ten in every country." 
"The shops kept the kid busy, so I had to take every chance that I could get. I try to treat every kiss like it’s the last one I’ll receive." 
"I should start doing that,” Camila said as she led them down to a desolated beach. 
“It part of me wanting to live in the moment more. It’s something I’ve been trying to do more and more even though I find myself slipping up at times.”
“What made you want to start living in the moment more?” Camila asked becoming interested. 
“I feel like this is going to be every Miami High student’s answer, but it was honestly our senior english class,” Lauren laughed as she sat down in the sand next to Camila. She readjusted Alexa and cradled the little girl in her arms. “As much as I hated Mr. Kroff, I actually learned a lot in his class. I always came out of his class wanting to cherish life more but I never stuck with it. It wasn’t until he had us read Tuesdays with Morrie that I actually made this a lifestyle. When I think back to childhood all I remember is wishing my life away. I always wanted to be in the next grade or turn a year older. I always thought I’d be happier after I finished middle school, but I wasn’t, so then I thought I’d be happier after high school and I rushed through my high school years. Now that high school is over, I’m not as happy as I thought I’d be. I was so worried about graduating and going off to college that I didn’t pay attention to the things that I had. After reading that book, I started counting my blessings. I either wrote or thought of three things that I was blessed with each day because any second those blessings could be taken away from me.”
“There aren’t too many people with your determination, Lauren. People always say they’ll do things and they might do those things, but they never turn it into a lifestyle. I’ll admit I’m one of those people.”
“It’s not easy. It’s not easy as all,” Lauren said as she caressed Alexa’s cheek before looking up to meet Camila’s chocolate eyes. 
“I really like your determination. It’s quite attractive,” Camila admitted before looking down at the sand. 
“Oh yeah?” Lauren asked, perking up. 
“Yeah,” Camila nodded as she brought her eyes back up. “I like a girl who knows what she wants." 
"I know I want you." 
"Then make me your’s,” Camila challenged as she moved in closer. 
“I will.”
The two paused for a minute. Their lips only a few centimeters away and the moon shining down on them like a spotlight. Lauren lightly started nibbling on her bottom lip as she debated on whether or not to make the first move. After a few seconds, Lauren couldn’t wait any longer and crashed her lips onto the brown-eyed beauty in front of her.
Camila took Lauren’s lesson into account and focused in on their kiss.  She cupped Lauren’s face with her hands, pulling the green-eyed girl in for a longer and stronger kiss. Her lips moved against Lauren’s soft plumped ones like it was the last time their lips would ever meet. 
Camila slowly backed away from the kiss, breathing heavy as she tried to bring more air into her lungs. Every kiss they shared felt better and stronger. 
“Camila, will you be my girlfriend?”
Hi guys!
I have some sad news. There’s only one chapter left of this book :( BUT don’t be too sad because the sequel, Dreams, is going to becoming out shortly after I publish the last chapter. 
I hope you all have a super, amazing, fantastic day/night!
- Ashley
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