#like. they admire things about each other they are not friends
hannieehaee · 13 hours
ENDLESSLY (teaser)
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18+ / mdi
summary: despite not having a large audience, jungkook's camboy career prevailed with the hopes that someday he'd make enough money to finally leave his dead-end job. what happens when one of his admirers offers to make that dream come true?
content: camboy!jungkook x trustfundbaby!reader, jungkook is shy, jungkook is a faceless camboy with a very small audience, reader is younger than jk, kind of pathetic!jungkook, reader is rich and very confident, slowburn (kind of), afab reader, smut, camming, masturbation (m receiving), oral (f receiving), dry humping, penetrative sex, etc.
(^ no actual content warnings in the teaser)
wc: 2126 (teaser); 12.7k (full fic)
RELEASE DATE: june 28th
or you can check it out on my ko-fi or patreon today by subscribing to either one!
a/n: this took me forever to finish lol i hope its any good at all</3
masterlist | kofi/patreon
"Well, that's it for today guys, thanks for watching."
With an awkward chuckle, Jungkook reached out to his computer screen and shut the laptop closed, groaning just as he stopped being out of earshot.
233 viewers.
It wasn't much, but it was enough to give Jungkook the hope that maybe someday he'd be able to find pride in the number. Maybe his streams would blow up in views overnight one of these days – the hope prevailed. It had been a month since he hit the 200's, now garnering an average of 250 viewers per stream.
It was quite embarrassing to him sometimes. There were instances in which he'd finish a stream and regain full consciousness of his actions, becoming embarrassed at the knowledge of strangers watching him cum — of them hearing his voice and his whimpers as he played it up for their entertainment — and of him not even being able to make a living out of it.
He had to stay creative, sometimes finding scripts online that he'd read out to his viewers while he jerked off, playing the role of a subby coworker or a dominant childhood friend in order to keep his audience engaged (and maybe incite one or two to send money his way). Other times, he'd simply ramble about his life (but never get too specific) whilst he let himself lose control on camera.
Jungkook never once showed his face, only ever giving people glimpses at the tattoos decorating his arm and of his cock as it stood against his abs. The most he'd ever shown had been a small view of his lips before the camera's frame cut off.
He liked it this way.
In reality, he was too shy to ever be outspoken about doing such a thing, which was why no one in his life knew about it. He didn't judge anyone who enjoyed camming, but he was simply too self-conscious to do such a thing. Despite being aware of how handsome people thought him to be, he had never been too forward when it came to sex, much less this.
This had all started a little over a year ago, when he'd come across a few cammers on Twitter late into the night. Going on their accounts out of sheer curiosity, he realized that they each had a large following, not only on Twitter, but also on camming websites. Some of them even had their Patreons and PayPal accounts linked to their accounts, amassing even more revenue from these third party websites on top of their income from the camming sites. This was what mainly caught his attention.
Part of him felt bad about being on it solely for the money, but he was beyond desperate. And so he held the false hope that he'd somehow have the same luck as them and create an income out of this.
As someone who had only recently graduated university, having found no luck in his field, Jungkook had to resort to applying to jobs he felt were below his level of expertise. Having no connections in his field and no call-backs from employers, he found himself working a part time at a gas station accompanied by a part time at a grocery store. Both jobs were miserable to him.
The jobs themselves were not horrible, but attempting to manage both schedules and both sets of responsibilities was slowly weighing down on him. His coworkers were also not the best to be around. And did he mention the commute to each establishment? That part ate up at his days drastically, leaving him with almost no time for rest.
Jungkook knew that he should've given up on camming a long time ago. Hell, he'd made a grand total of $876 dollars in the past year he'd been at it. That would be a laughable amount to all the cammers that had inspired him into taking such a profession. But he didn't have any other prospects. Even as he worked his two jobs and cammed, he continued to search for more fulfilling (and better paying) employment, but was unable to ever even get any callbacks.
And so now he found himself doing about three streams per week, getting more and more discouraged each time he'd end a stream with the same low number of viewers.
With yet another sigh, Jungkook got up to go clean himself up, lethargic in his movements due to both the physical and mental exhaustion of having worked all day, only to come back home for a lowly appreciated stream.
Coming back from a much needed hot shower, he did his usual skin care before heading back to bed, where he had been recording just now. For a moment he pondered whether he should go to sleep now in order to get ready for work early next morning or to indulge in watching some anime as a reward for the tiring day.
Going for the latter, he opened his computer back up, sighing again when he remembered he hadn't closed the tab in which he'd been camming.
But before he could actually tap out of it, something caught his attention, making his eyes widen more than he thought possible.
burner98 donated $1,000
This must've been some sort of mistake. Right? Maybe they mistyped? No one in their right mind would donate such an amount to a faceless cammer ranking up to less than a thousand weekly views.
All his prior donations had been in the lower numbers, usually only ever amounting up to $20. Never had he ever gotten someone to donate anything in the triple digits, much less going into the quadruples.
The name of the donor also caught his attention. Babystarcandy. It was a frequent watcher who had been in attendance to every single stream of his starting a few months back — which was when they'd first made an appearance in his audience.
He had never noticed this viewer in particular, though they were one of the only people to ever grant him donations. They'd usually donate whilst he was off stream, which he found slightly strange but never questioned. Checking through his donation history, he saw this name listed three times prior, with donations of $5, $15 and $20 respectively. They'd happened throughout the months, with no pattern in particular. It made no sense for them to donate such a high amount to Jungkook out of nowhere, especially not while he wasn't actively on stream.
With a heavy heart and half a mind to simply keep the money, he decided to message the donor to inform them of their mistake and follow through with a refund.
So much for his anime binge before bed.
babystarcandy - Hey, burner98. Thank you so much for the kind donation, but I think you made a mistake. I'll refund you.
He decided to go with something kind of formal. After all, he'd never spoken to this person before.
Surprisingly, the response came within minutes. Being three in the morning, he assumed you'd wait til the following day to reply, but maybe you were in a different time zone.
burner98 - omg hiii !! did i make a mistake ?? im sorry !! i meant to send 1k. did it not go through correctly ?
Had that not been an accident? One thousand dollars?
This made no sense. Why would you send him such a large amount out of nowhere? That was more than he'd made in the entire past year. Hell, that was half his rent.
Jungkook had no idea how to respond to you.
As much as he wanted to accept it, it felt like robbing you of a fortune.
babystarcandy - Gosh, hi! No, the thousand came through, it's just ... Are you sure this is correct? This is a lot of money ... I'd feel terrible taking so much from you
Once again, you responded almost immediately.
burner98 - haha ur so cute
burner98 donated $2,000
burner98 - is that better ? ;)
Holy fucking shit.
Jungkook's hands were shaking at this point. His eyes couldn't believe what was right in front of him.
Quickly, he took out his phone to check his baking app, checking to see if the deposits were legitimate. Upon opening it, he found that his balance had in fact gone up $3,000. This was far more money than he'd ever had in his bank account.
He stared blankly at it for a few moments without so much as breathing. A reminder to snap out of his trance arrived in the form of another chime coming from his computer — a new message from you.
burner98 - did i scare u off :((
burner98 - just wanna help u out :(((
Immediately, he rushed to respond, not even thinking before typing anymore.
babystarcandy - no! not at all! this is just so much money. i dont want you getting yourself into financial trouble for me
Within seconds, you responded.
burner98 - haha it's okay i can afford it dont worry <3
He furrowed his brows worriedly, typing up yet another message.
babystarcandy - i really dont mean to sound ungrateful, but why ? it's so much money ... this is life-altering type of money for me (as made up as that may sound) my content isn't even that good. why are you giving me this?
He knew he was shooting himself in the foot by questioning it so much and not simply accepting it, but he'd learned through his life that good things don't just come out of nowhere. He needed more details. At least for his peace of mind.
burner98 - i adoooore ur content. u've helped me so much u have noooo idea !!! u deserve it !! u mentioned in ur live a week ago u were struggling with money, so ofc id wanna help u out pretty <3
Fuck. You actually liked his content? His content was worth $3,000 to you?
Jungkook was almost sure he had accidentally fallen asleep before he even opened his computer. Pinching himself a few times proved for this to be actually real.
babystarcandy - thank you so much. you have no idea how much this means to me.
babystarcandy - there has to be some way i can repay you.
Was he propositioning himself to you?
Not even Jungkook was sure. He had no idea what he was offering to you, but it was the middle of the night and he was extremely grateful. He couldn't help himself as he typed up that message and sent it.
burner98 - oh ? what would u suggest ?
Oh, fuck. You were agreeing. Okay ... Now what? Jungkook had nothing to offer. He was an amateur cammer with nothing to his name. What could some random person on the internet with tons of disposable income possibly want from him?
babystarcandy - maybe i could give you a call to thank you ? you know, one on one ?
He mentally kicked himself as soon as he sent that message.
What the hell was he thinking, offering up a personal call to some random person online? This could be a friendless creep for all he knew. He had no identifying information about you, other than knowing you apparently had a vast disposable income. I mean, hell, your account name was burner98, you clearly did not want to leave any traceable information about you.
Before he could backtrack (not that he would actually have the balls to), the three dots on your side of the conversation popped up, followed by another message from you.
burner98 - really ??? :00 that'd be amazing omg ... are you free tomorrow ? i'll make it worth your while <3
Staring at the $3,000 sitting cozy on his bank account, he didn't even let himself think before agreeing, sending a quick message in confirmation. He had work tomorrow, but maybe calling off would be worth it considering you were hinting at even more money.
Jungkook felt dirty for some reason, despite knowing what camming truly entailed. However, he also knew that there was nothing morally wrong with what he was doing, so he pushed that shyness to the back of his mind and began drafting up some sort of goodbye message that encapsulated your plans to call tomorrow and a few more thank you's for your donations.
burner98 donated $5,000
burner98 - just a little thank u for ur kindness ;) see u tomorrow baby ~
Jungkook had to swallow the gasp that was about to leave his body. Five thousand dollars??
You'd managed to drop eight thousand dollars on him within an hour's time. This was four months of his rent. Jungkook had never had this much money lying in his bank account. Its mere presence was making him nervous.
Not only that, but the thought of talking to someone who had this much money to give without a second thought scared him shitless.
There was no way he'd sleep tonight.
you can check it out today on my ko-fi or patreon by subscribing to either one!
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witchthewriter · 1 day
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𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐚 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐎𝐃 𝐦𝐞𝐧, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 𝐚𝐝𝐦𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
⤷ female, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!
Warnings: fluffy fluff
ᴹᵃˢᵗᵉʳˡᶤˢᵗ | ᴹᵃˢᵗᵉʳˡᶤˢᵗ ᴵᴵ
a/n: With each tf141 guy, they're single when they're admirers.
𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐄: You had been married to Price for two years now, and the team knew you quite well. So well, that their name for you is 'Mrs Captain.' You had a different kind of friendship with each of your husbands work friends/teammates. With Gaz, he was a sweetheart. Loved when you mothered him a little, jokingly calls you and Price his parents. Ghost has respect for you - high respect. He's someone that you knew you can rely on when things start to turn ugly. But with Soap - my god, all he did was flirt with you.
You took it as a joke for a while, until one night when the five of you were at the bar, Johnny had one two many drinks and practically expressed his undying love for you:
"Mrs Cap," he started to say, a holding the outside wall for support.
"Yes, Johnny?" you said, chuckling at his drunkenness.
"If Mr Cap evah broke yer heart, I-I'd break his face-"
"Oh, well...than-" but he cut you off before you could finish.
"I love ya tha' much bonnie, die for ya I would."
Your eyes had then flicked up to the person who was walking towards you. You weren't sure how your husband was going to react...
𝐆𝐀𝐙: The amount of pride Kyle has for you is insane. He couldn't wait to tell the other guys about you. With more and more information, Kyle never realised he was making one of his teammates fall in love with you.
Ghost was always eavesdropping on the conversations that you and Kyle had over the phone. Was the first to look at any selfies you sent or carepackages. But he tried not to make it too obvious. Plus, he was happy that Kyle had found someone. Even if that someone was you.
𝐒𝐎𝐀𝐏: One of the biggest joys about your fiance, was his humour and how you had the exact same type. You two always found something to laugh about. There were so many inside jokes between you two. The understanding in your relationship was on a whole other level. Soap knew he was going to marry you.
Gaz was nearly green with jealousy. Whenever he saw you, all these feelings hit him straight in the gut. You were his type; funny, witty and passionate. And your loyalty was clear. But Gaz had to let it go. It hurt, hurt so bad. But he had to let the thought of you and him go.
𝐆𝐇𝐎𝐒𝐓: Being a newly wed to Ghost was the exact same as being his girlfriend. He looked after you properly from the beginning. Ghost never wanted you to feel unloved, unwanted or undesired. He worked so hard to show you how much he needed you and your relationship was great.
Except... you kept getting small gifts in the mail, sometimes letters flowers, twice you had been sent jewellery. But there was never any name; no inclination to who it could be. It wasn't until you brought it to Simon's attention that it became a serious matter.
But never in a million years did Ghost think his own Captain would do something like this.
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lesbiankimdahyun · 2 days
Desperately need the next part for summer session I WANT TO KNOW IF IM NOT A CHICKEN FOR MISS SANA PLSANDJSJS
here it is!!
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2.9K words 
CW: scissoring, face sitting, other gay activity using toys ;)
AN: this is most likely the last installment!
[Sana x F!Reader] 
Requested: Yes
“You’re gonna run out of clothes, bestie,” Chaeyoung said, “And time.” 
“Ugh,” you replied, readjusting your phone to give the tiny version of your friend on FaceTime a better view. “I know I know, just tell me what you think.” You stepped back into the frame of your full length mirror so Chaeyoung could get a glimpse of your outfit. She leaned in toward the screen, trying to get a better look. 
Clothes that didn’t feel right littered your floor, bed, and hung haphazardly on hangers in your wide open closet. This was your fourth outfit change and you were about to start sweating. “Well?” 
Chaeyoung took in your outfit– a simple white tank with a cropped, textured, short sleeve lilac button up over it, and dark denim shorts. 
“You look…” she paused. “Well, gay. Okay great! Now hurry up and add a watch or some jewelry so you can go!” 
You rolled your eyes a little, picking up your phone and reaching for the jewelry stand on your dresser. “Just gay? Oh whatever, as long as I don’t look stupid.”
The blonde-haired girl beamed at you from her New York City studio apartment. “She’ll like it,” she said, then smirked. “But you didn’t need any help from me for this, really. Not when those clothes are gonna end up coming off anyway!” 
Her burst of laughter cut off your chances of getting a smart reply in. Chae waved at you. “My job here’s done. I gotta go meet a few friends now but good luuuuuck!” Her sing-songy voice cut off as the call ended. 
You thought about sending her a snarky reply via text, but when you put on your watch and saw how close to seven it was, you decided to forgo it. Instead, you opened the chat you had going with Sana as you locked the door behind you, told her you’d be there soon, then headed for the train station. 
Sana’s apartment was modern and clean, but still very personalized to her style. As she showed you around her kitchen and living space, a few things caught your eye. 
“Is that like… vintage Betty Boop?” you asked. 
Sana smiled at you. “Yeah,” she said, glancing up at the framed image hanging on her wall. “One of two hundred original, signed, limited edition lithographs.” She blushed a little. “I uh, I really like Betty Boop. She’s just so cute! Yet sexy...”
Her bookshelf caught your eye, too. But not for the books. In fact, only the bottom shelf had books. The rest held other personal belongings of hers. The top shelves were dedicated to perfume bottles– some new, some that must have been a few decades old. The middle shelves were full of small photos and knickknacks. 
You pointed at a photo of Sana with a couple other girls on either side of her. “Who are they?” you asked, suddenly noticing just how many photos she had with the two other dark haired girls. One of them had a cute, shy gummy smile and distinct beauty marks. The other girl had a long, shoulder length wolf cut with bangs that lay perfectly across her forehead. She was intimidatingly pretty, just like the other girl. 
“My best friends from home,” Sana replied, picking up the framed photo. “That’s Mina,” she said, pointing to the girl with the beauty marks. She pointed to the girl with the wolf cut. “And that’s Momo!” 
“Wow,” you said. “How long have you known each other?” 
Sana paused to think. “It’s been…gosh, maybe ten years? It feels like I’ve known them forever, though. I’m trying to convince them to visit next summer.” 
You smiled as she set the framed photo back in its place on her shelf. “I hope they do,” you said. “They seem cool.” 
When you were done admiring Sana’s space, the two of you ordered food. As you waited for it to arrive, you hung out on Sana’s couch while she introduced you to her favorite kr&b duo, UJB. While you acquainted yourself with the duo’s two idols, Jihyo and Jeongyeon, Sana made mixed drinks for the both of you. 
“Their music is so good,” you said when she sat back down and handed you a glass. “Okay be real– do you have a favorite out of the two?”
Sana laughed, a sound you liked the more you heard it. “I love them both a lot,” she said, pausing to take a sip of her drink. “Obviously. But if I had to choose…” she nodded toward the shorter, raven-haired woman on the screen. “It’d be Jihyo.” 
When your food finally arrived, you arranged it carefully on Sana’s coffee table while she refreshed drinks for the both of you and grabbed plates and cutlery. The mouthwatering scent of bulgogi, spicy pork, steamed mixed veggies, rice and summer salad filled the room. Sana came back with not only drinks, but two tiny shot glasses and a fresh bottle of soju. 
“What’s all this?” you asked, eyeing the shot glasses as you reached for a napkin and plate. 
“I hope you don’t mind,” Sana said, reaching for the remote. “But I’ve always wanted to try…” she pulled up Jennifer’s Body, ready to stream. “...the drinking game to this.” 
“Oh, sure,” you said, filling your plate while Sana filled hers. “I love this movie.” 
At first, you thought you wouldn’t be drinking that much considering there were only eight rules to follow for the drinking game, but Sana insisted on alternating between the pure soju and your mixed drinks. Soon you were feeling much less self conscious and a little braver with some alcohol in your system. Before long, both of your plates sat unattended with only a few bites left on each as you got more into the movie’s plot and the drinking game. 
Your nerves about why Sana had invited you over in the first place were almost gone, until the scene in Needy’s bedroom was suddenly on screen and you felt a bit of heat rise to your face. You couldn’t bear to look at Sana as you watched Jennifer kneel on Needy’s bed, tucking her hair behind her ears and adjusting her glasses on top of her head. Their lips met shortly after, and you glanced away. Sana, on the other hand, sat engrossed, leaning in slightly as Needy climbed on top of Jennifer on screen and leaned down to kiss her. 
“When’s the last time you kissed someone like that?” Sana asked suddenly, making you jump a little. 
“Wh-what?” you forced yourself to only look at the screen, watching for a moment. “Oh, uh… it’s been a while,” you said. Without really thinking, you then said, “You?” 
Sana chuckled. “Hmm. A while for me, too,” she replied. You nodded a little, suddenly very aware of how much distance had closed between you and Sana since the movie started. You had been sitting more toward the corner, facing her with one arm lazily draped over the top of the couch, and now Sana was nearly resting against your arm. You kept your eyes on the screen, swallowing hard. 
Sana reached for the remote, turning down the volume of the movie. “Would you kiss me like that?” 
You blushed. You nodded before your voice finally caught up with you. “Y-yes,” you said meekly, finally daring to look in Sana’s direction. She was already looking at you. 
“Okay,” she said, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. You turned to face her, and as you did, you could practically feel the energy of the room shift. The attraction between the two of you was almost palpable now, and it gave you a much-needed bit of courage. 
You sat up a bit, resting your hand on her knee as you moved. You leaned in a little and so did she. You were about to tilt your head when she spoke suddenly, softly. 
“I…” Sana hesitated. “I just want you to know I really do think you’re attractive, I’m not just doing this because we’ve been drinking and—” 
She trailed off, eyes fixated on your mouth. Noticing this, you moved forward then, finding your confidence finally as your lips met with hers. Sana let out a muffled noise of surprise, then quickly kissed you again, giving you permission to continue. 
Her lips were soft and her touches even softer. She opened her mouth a bit, inviting you in to taste her. Her hands gently pulled on your wrists, and it was all you needed to be able to lead from there. As your fingertips focused on lightly trailing over her forearms and waist, you continued to kiss her, a little deeper, then deeper still until she finally broke away to come up for air. 
Sana’s cheeks were a deep, flushed pink and her eyes slightly hooded as she looked at you. 
“Do you— um…” Sana struggled to find her words and bit her lip to keep a goofy smile off her face. You waited patiently, amused by this new side of hers. It was like finally, your roles had traded. You felt much more bold, while Sana seemed to only get shyer. “My room’s this way,” she said finally, getting up and taking your hand. 
You barely had time to look around Sana’s room before she was pulling you down onto her bed with her. Your lips met hers again and you laid back on her bed, pulling her on top of you. Her hands pulled your short sleeve button up away from your sides as she kissed you, then moved toward your white tank tucked into your shorts. Meanwhile, you worked on Sana’s shirt, a dark off-the-shoulder long sleeve. Before you knew it, both of your clothes had been abandoned on her bedroom floor. You could see out of the corner of your eye through Sana’s window that the sun was setting, but one of her lamps turned on automatically a few moments later, filling your corner of the bedroom with an incredibly soft, yellow glow while everything else fell away to shadows. 
Sana was kissing her way down your neck fervently, one hand working its way between your legs. At first you thought she was going to touch you, but then she started pulling you closer. You were confused for a moment until you figured out what she was trying to do. You took your hands away for a moment to adjust your legs and the distribution of your weight, and then Sana’s; one of her legs over yours, and one of your legs over hers. 
“Better?” you asked softly, pulling Sana closer to you. In all of your experience, scissoring had never been able to make you get even remotely close to coming, but if it was what she wanted and needed to get off, you were more than willing to do it. 
Sana nodded eagerly, looking down to watch as your body met with hers. You closed your eyes, stifling a moan when you felt her wetness on yours. You tried not to think about all of the other things you’d rather be doing to her, focusing instead on trying to help her grind into you. It was nearly impossible to get a good rhythm going, but your own lust skyrocketed and you found yourself grinding back against her, trying to get your aching core any sort of satisfaction and relief. 
The more the two of you worked at it, the more labored both of your breathing became. 
“Is…this comfortable for you?” you asked after a few minutes, panting lightly. 
“Kinda,” Sana replied. Her eyes roamed everywhere over your body. She grabbed at your thighs, squeezing lightly, then set her gaze back on your mouth. She paused for a moment. “Actually…” she said, “I think I know what I’d like even better.”
She reached for you to kiss you, gently untangling her body from yours as her tongue explored your mouth. You found yourself lying down on her bed with Sana climbing on top of you. Her long, brown hair tickled your face as she kissed you, and then she stopped. 
“I… want to feel you,” she said, her brown eyes looking down at you for approval. “Put that mouth to work for me?” You nodded eagerly, sliding down more so Sana had room to hover above your face. You held onto her thighs as she lowered herself down, her breath hitching when she felt your tongue on her. 
You started slowly, taking your time to lick the length of Sana’s wet cunt. She held onto the headboard of her bed, eyes closed. Your tongue teased her entrance, making her gasp, and then moved toward her clit. She tried to be quiet at first, but you gave the back of her thighs a playful squeeze. “I like being able to hear you,” you murmured. “Don’t be shy.” 
Sana half laughed, half moaned as you lapped at her clit. “Y-you’re one to ta– oh, there, right there,” she said. She sank lower onto your face, her thighs warm and snug against the sides of your face. “F-fuck,” she breathed, starting to roll her hips. Your own noises of delight were muffled under her pussy, but Sana appreciated them just the same. 
Your chin, nose and lips became soaked in her juices as you continued to eat her out. You could tell it felt much better for Sana than scissoring had because her breathing slowly became more shallow and her once quiet moans were getting louder. 
“Oh, god…” Sana’s body involuntarily shuddered a little. “That feels so…” she trailed off, grinding against your mouth a little faster. “Yes…” 
But then, just as you were working yourself back into a rhythm that seemed to really please her, she stopped again. She lifted herself off of you, giving you both a few moments to catch your breath. 
“Are you okay?” you asked, slightly worried. “Did I hurt you?” 
Sana smiled, still panting lightly. “No, no, not at all,” she said. “I was actually…” she tucked some of her hair behind her ears. “I could’ve come like that. Well, I mean, I wanted to, but I… I think I’m too shy to come in your mouth,” she finally admitted. “But,” she added quickly, “I do want to come.” 
You nodded, sitting up a bit and wiping part of your face with the back of your hand. “How would you like to?” 
“Hmm.” Sana climbed toward the edge of her bed for a moment, letting the top half of her body disappear momentarily as she leaned over the side to grab a small box under her bed. You quickly looked away from checking out her hips and ass when she sat back up. When she turned to face you, she held a light purple, seven inch toy in her hand. She blushed, but you grinned. 
“I can work with this,” you said. “Lie back,” you instructed, taking the toy from her. You kissed your way down her body, lightly twisting one of her nipples as you moved. You settled in between her legs, kissing and licking your way to her wet pussy. 
“Do you want me to touch you too, or do you want to?” you asked softly. In response, Sana snaked one hand down between her legs, rubbing her clit lightly. Your own cunt clenched involuntarily around nothing as you positioned the head of the toy at her entrance. You rubbed it along her folds a bit, soaking it with her own juices before finally slipping the head in. 
Sana threw her head back, opening her legs a little wider. “M-more,” she said. “Please.” 
You prayed your own wetness would drip down your thighs instead of onto her bedding, talking to Sana softly as you worked more of the length of the toy inside her. “You look so pretty like this,” you told her. Sana rubbed her clit as you fucked her, eyes locked on you as the toy slid in and out of her dripping pussy with ease. 
“God, you make that feel good,” she said, her entire body flush from pleasure. 
“And you,” you said, listening to the lewd sounds of her receptive, wet pussy, “make it sound even better.” You leaned down to kiss her, letting Sana lick your lips and tongue. Her hips bucked as you fucked her, her body trying to get more of the toy inside as her fingers rubbed away at her clit desperately. 
“R-right there,” Sana said after a while. Her body had been growing more and more tense the closer she got, and you could tell she was extremely close now. 
“Nngh- f-fuck, there,” she reached down and put her other hand over yours, helping you fuck her deeper and faster. Her breathing was ragged. You wondered how she was getting any air at all when suddenly she let out a cry, hitting her peak. Her body collapsed completely as she came, letting out light, breathy moans. It was one of the prettiest sounds you’d ever heard. You supported her body as she relaxed into post-orgasm bliss, and gently worked the toy out of her. The moan she let out when you finally slid it all the way out nearly made you feral as you set it aside on her nightstand. 
“Thank you,” Sana said breathlessly. “Wow.” She rolled over, eyeing you for a moment curiously. “To be honest, I’m more of a pillow princess,” she said, glancing at your neglected, soaked cunt. “But I’d love to watch you touch yourself.” Then she smiled mischievously. “You uh, don’t happen to own a harness for a strap, do you?”
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Cold as ice.
𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗹𝗲𝘀 𝗟𝗲𝗰𝗹𝗲𝗿𝗰 𝘅 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿
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𝗪𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴: 𝗮𝗻𝗴𝘀𝘁, 𝗮𝗹𝗰𝗼𝗵𝗼𝗹 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗽𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻, 𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗴𝘂𝗮𝗴𝗲.
𝗦𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆: when two people are so afraid of losing each other, they might lose sight of the important things and focus on all of the ways they are slipping away from one another.
𝗗𝗶𝘀𝗰𝗹𝗮𝗺𝗲𝗿: 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗶𝘀 𝗮 𝗿𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝗺𝗮𝗱𝗲 𝗯𝘆 @clomo12345
enjoy !
As cold as ice.
The wind blowing into my hair, the gin martini in my ring clad fingers and the look my boyfriend of a couple of years was giving me were all as cold as ice.
“I know you’re upset Charles, but could you just try to understand?” I earn a scoff as a reply. So i give up, I get up from the white leather couch and make my way to the kitchen inside of the yacht. I down the rest of the clear liquid in my glass, the taste burning at the back of my throat.
“Where the hell are you planning on going?”
His shouts are tormenting and make me regret pouring my drink into my mouth and not onto his face. “I’m sick of this Charles, I can’t bear it anymore.” The hot tears rolling down my cold, flushed cheeks form a contrast and makes me even more overwhelmed than I already was. “So you decide to fuck off to Cabo and not mention it at all ?” “Yes, I tried talking to you, explaining how i feel, but all you fucking care about is yourself !” He’s standing in front of me now, his tanned arms caging me, securing me in place and making me feel as little as possible. “Charles please, I don’t like this.” I whispered this time, my tears now dry and my voice monotone and dull.
“I don’t know what’s going on in that pretty fucking head of yours Y/n, but i’m sure you’ll have enough time to figure it out.”
That’s the last thing I’ve heard from Charles in the last three days. I’ve tried calling and i’ve texted a million times.
The house was getting lonely and I missed him more than anything. It wasn’t like Charles to leave and not tell me, but I guess he was giving me a taste of my own medicine. I understood that he was upset, but eventually the void had to be filled and he had to either come back to me or let me go.
I met Charles through Max, as I have know him for years and have kept him as a close friend. We got together about two years ago when we were at a club in Ibiza, drunk off of our minds and in all honesty both a bit heartbroken. Since then, we’ve evolved as a couple and I couldn’t imagine my life without him. I had this gut-wrenching suspicion that Charles didn’t share that opinion. He wasn’t infatuated with me anymore, if anything I felt as though I was a chore. When asked about his future, he would only mention his racing career and how he plans to give his all into the sport. At first I admired his drive and determination, but as the years passed I began to feel more and more like a second option.
Questions of marriage had been shrugged off as though it was an unrealistic fantasy built off hopes and broken promises and kids weren’t even on the table.
Being shut down over and over does wonders to the human mind. You either become accustomed to it and learn to tolerate it or you despise it and in the long run, learn to despise your partner too.
That’s why I took myself out of the picture for a few days. I needed to set things straight. My priorities and my goals in life. I stayed at my beach house in Cabo, with a few of my friends, drinking the unbearable feeling of being an absolute burden away. I would check his socials every now and then, being met with pictures of pretty blondes and hundreds of comments about how good they look together. In all honesty, they didn’t. I could never picture Charles with another woman, I didn’t want to.
And that’s what got us into the fight we were having about 3 days ago.
The three ice cubes in my wine glass rattles at the quick jitter my body makes. The front door causing the frightening noise that I reacted to. I place the glass down on the white marble table, making my way into the entry hallway of the penthouse. Disheveled and tired stands my boy with his suitcase by his side and a defeated look on his face. My head tilts slightly at the sight of him, my nerves not quite knowing how to react to this strange nature. The air felt cold, as cold as ice. A footstep too rough and lake would swallow you whole.
The air felt fragile.
“Where do you see yourself in five years?” The icy barrier was now cracked, it was time to test the waters. His face responded to my question with a slight frown and a deep furrow between his eyebrows. I wait for his answer, although I knew this handbook like the back of my hand and I knew I was right.
“Probably with a few championships, if this year goes as planned.”
Full marks for me.
“Why do you ask.”
I smile at that, at his ignorance. His total obliviousness towards the fact that I need to start building my life and that I am prepared to do it with or without him.
Ignorance really was bliss.
“In five years I see myself married with one or two children.” His eyes shoot up from their focus on the floor, now looking into mine. “Your idea of a future doesn’t consider me at all, nor does it involve me at all, for that matter.”
He goes to speak, if it’s a plea or a protest, doesn’t really matter as I take a dive head first into the shark infested waters.
“That hurts Charles. It drove me up a wall. I started fights out of pure fucking boredom and I ran away for days just to try and get your attention.” tears are now rolling down my cheeks and my fore arms are sore from the clutch they have on my sweater. ”It is exhausting to continue drilling this safe and I’m starting to think all that’s in there is a bunch of burnt up hope.”
“Y/n I want a future with you.” He shakes his head, almost as if the accusation I made was absurd. “Then act like it! You leave me on my own, you neglect my needs and feelings. I don’t have a solution anymore.” I’m profusely sobbing by now, struggling to get a breath in.
We’ve made it to this point, the bottom of the lake. The murky and sandy waters making me nauseous and unsure if we’ll make it up to the surface.
As the tears cloud my eyes and my judgement I start making my way to Charles. Seeking for any form of comfort I could get in his cold, hollow embrace. My tired arms move away from my eyelids, giving up on shrugging my tears away. Now they rather try to find him.
The door shuts with a jitter to my spine once again. With shaken and exhausted limbs I sit down on the couch. With my wine glass and tear stained cheeks I look into the beautiful darkness of the Monaco sky, adorned with lights coming from warm and joyful rooms and boats. In that moment, with the whole of Monaco lit up around me, I sit in the dark with a feeling of utter loneliness in my heart.
It’s been seven days since I downed that gin martini. Seven days since my relationship has gone to absolute shit. Life went on. Monaco stayed scattered with lights and love and the world never stopped spinning on its axes. My head never stopped either. Replaying the same situation over for the millionth time felt like watching your comfort movie, that you watch when you want to cry. I was done crying. I felt dry and raspy on the inside, the constant flow of salt from my eyes never easing the uncomfortable feeling.
The feeling was almost as uncomfortable as the man sitting in front of me. His hands intertwined in his lap and his face full of uncertainty and pain.
The view was beautiful. The sunset making the water glisten and the people of Monaco glow with radiance. Charles has always been radiant. His smile and utter kind hearted nature when it came to other people making him shine through others. Right now he wasn’t radiant, he was rather dull and lifeless.
“I’m so deeply sorry.”
It was finalized I think. This was it, in the Monaco waters with no way to civilization I deemed this as me and Charles’ end. No one to help us get back to shore. All I could do is apologize. I didn’t quite know why, but the guilt I have been carrying weighed me down and really gave me no shot of getting to the land. I carried this guilt of being a burden greater than I carried my own name. Greater than I will ever dream of carrying his name.
Our name.
“For fucks sake.” his head was in his sweaty palms now, his veins pulsating and indicating just how frustrated he really is.
I stand up, a gin martini once again in my hand as I walk towards the tip of the yacht. Looking out into the night turning sky I feel contempt in the moment. My heart breaks along with each wave that crashes down and my knuckles clutch the railing of the boat.
It’s cold as ice.
“Marry me.”
I feel nauseous, the glass in my hand dropping as another jitter makes its way throughout my whole body, this time ending at my heart and making all of my nerves tingle. I turn around with a shaky exhale of breath. He’s not on his knees, nor does he have a ring. Yet he stands in front of me with tears in his eyes and asks the most important question I have ever been exposed to.
“I love you Y/n, I am willing to do anything to prove that to you. I will build you that house with the balcony, I will give you 2 or 7 or how many fucking kids you want and I will be the best partner to you. I am not willing to do that for you I want to do that for you. And I will, every single fucking thing on your ‘what will make Y/n happy ’ list until you are grey and wrinkly from all the smile lines. If that means quitting racing, I will do that. Please allow me to spend every second of my life doing that. Planning a future not only in consideration of you, but revolved around you.”
I woke up the next morning with a heavy heart, full of love.
As I started to move around in Charles’ arms I realized I woke up with a heavy hand too. Lifting my left arm above my head, my future glistens in the Monaco sunlight.
The diamond on my ring finger is as cold as ice.
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oracle-of-dream · 8 hours
Aloha! this is a simple request! a jake x male reader story where the reader admires jake from the distance and he asks his friend to set them up together. they go on a date and then the reader invites jake to his house where they make love together
Dinner Date
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Not Proofread
Summary: Jake needs his best friend to help him get to know y/n. But he doesn't know how close they'll get by the end of the night...
Notes: Male Reader, No Smut–a little implication, Jaywon, Jay and Jake are best friends, 3rd person perspective
Wordcount: 2266
Jake's eyes bulged at your newest Instagram post. You were sitting in a cafe, glasses sitting on your nose, focused on a book as the sun shined perfectly on your face. Your caption, Why can I only look good in candid shots? His finger hovered over the "like" button, but he couldn't press it. He still didn't follow you on Instagram but checked your page to see every update you posted. What if you thought he was weird? Jake took a screenshot of your photo and looked at it longingly. He zoomed in to look at your face closer, loving your soft smile. Seeing it in person would be the best thing in the world. It was five whole minutes before Jake noticed a reflection in your glasses, it was another person. A guy! Jake zoomed in as much as he could, trying to see who it was when he heard noise coming from downstairs.
The front door opened and shut, perking Jake's ears. "Jay?" He shouted.
"Who else would it be? Come help me put these away," Jay replied from the kitchen. He was putting groceries away when Jake got downstairs.
Jake nodded as he eyed the cup of coffee on the dining table. "So, where were you?"
"At the grocery store."
"Just the grocery store?"
"I stopped at a coffee shop too." Jay raised his eyebrow, "Why so curious?"
"N-No reason. I just missed you," Jake lied.
Jay stared at his roommate for a moment, examining him. "Sure. You missed me." The men put away the rest of the groceries silently until Jay spoke again, "That's right. I forgot to tell you, my friend is coming over tonight for dinner. It's y/n. You've met them once."
"Y-Y/n?" Jake stuttered. "That's cool, I hope y'all enjoy dinner together." Jake's head fell a little. Of course, Jay had already made a move...
"You're not going to eat dinner with us?" Jay tilted his head slightly. "I told them you'd be there, but if you're busy I can tell them. I should've asked you."
Jake raised his head. "You want me there?"
Jay opened the refrigerator and said, "You are my roommate. And you don't cook for yourself. I want y/n to make some friends, they're a bit of a loner, and you're a pretty good guy."
Jake held back tears as he hugged Jay. "You're a good friend." Jay tried to push him away but Jake's arms wrapped tight around him. "Wait! That means we gotta clean this place! It's so filthy in here," Jake said as he pointed at the spotless kitchen.
"I cleaned two days ago," Jay said flatly. "Why are you being so weird about this, it's just dinner."
"It's dinner with y/n! I want to make a good first impression!"
Jay studied Jake even closer. "Don't you know him already?"
Jake stiffened. "N-No!"
"You're met!"
"...I do know of them. But we don't know each other."
Jay crossed his arms. "Why are you being weird about it?"
Jake shifted in place, thinking of how he could weasel out of this, with Jay watching his every move. "I had a class with them, and we sat near each other."
"And, I think I caught feelings..."
"From just looking?"
Jake nodded in agreement.
"So you got a crush from class–Who's my friend, and you're losing it because they're going to have dinner with us tonight?" Jay asked.
"You're taking this better than I thought you would."
Jay sucked on his teeth. "Did you think I'd be a bully about it and knock you out for liking someone? Why are you assuming I'd be opposed to you two." Jay picked up his coffee and walked past Jake upstairs.
"Wait–you have to tell me about them! What do they like? Are they as cute as their pictures? Should I get them a gift?" Jake chased after Jay, who was walking away from him.
Jake wanted to slap himself for talking so much.
"You're a freak," Jay said flatly as he shut the door to his bedroom.
Jake shook the doorknob but was locked out. "Please, Jay, I need your help! I want to get close to them–go out if we can. I need to know everything!"
"Try bathing. He's got a sensitive nose!" Jay shouted through the door, hoping Jake would leave him alone after throwing a bone.
Jake had showered today but didn't want to leave anything to risk. "Give me your soap, it smells better than mine!" He shouted at the door.
"Jake! Just go shower. You'll be fine." Jay turned on a speaker and started playing music to drown out Jake's knocking at his door.
Jake ran into his room, found the nicest clothes he had, and laid them on his bed for him to iron, then rushed into the bathroom to shower for the second time today. After the shower, ironing clothes, and dressing his hair for thirty minutes, he sprayed on his cologne as he heard a knock on the door. Jay was already downstairs cooking dinner. "Jake, get the door!" He yelled. Jake checked his hair twice, tossing his hand through it nervously as he licked his lips. He rolled his sleeves back, and checked his earrings, bracelet, and hair again– "Jake!"
"Coming!" Jake rushed down the stairs to the front door. He took a deep breath before unlocking it and opening the door–but no one was there. "Where is he!?" Jake stepped outside in a panic, looking around.
"I let him inside already," Jay said from the doorway.
Jake ran back to the door. "Why didn't you say that!? I told you I wanted to make a good first impression."
Jay chuckled as Jake came inside. "I think you made a great one," He said as the door closed, revealing you behind it. Jake smiled awkwardly, knowing you just heard him lose it over meeting you.
"H-Hi..." Jake waved at y/n.
They waved back. "Hi, Jake. It's good to see you again."
"Dinner's almost done, go set the table, both of you." Jay went back to the kitchen, leaving Jake and y/n alone.
"The table's this way," Jake muttered as he squeezed by y/n. He tried not to groan at their scent, clean with a hint of something fruity... Maybe raspberries? He led them to the table. "Don't worry about helping! I'll get it, have a seat!" Jake pulled out a chair for y/n to sit in.
"Oh, I'd feel bad if I made you and Jay do all the work. Let me help," He said smiling. Together, the table was set. Jake couldn't stop glancing at the man whenever he could, hoping y/n wouldn't notice. He was even more handsome than in the photos. Of course, he'd seen y/n in person, but never so close. It was like looking at a dream before his eyes.
"So Jake, why were you trying too hard to make a good first impression? We already know each other." Y/n's eyes looked up curiously as they sat at the dinner table.
"We did?"
"We were in that government class together, right? You said, 'Hi' to me every morning. It was so funny!"
Jake blushed. "You remembered something like that? I was just trying to be friendly."
"Of course! I wanted to talk to you more, but my classes were so close together that I didn't have time to stop to chat with you. I'd asked Jay if he knew you, and then he invited me to dinner today to meet you."
"Why ask about me?"
Y/n pulled out his phone and opened his Instagram. "I got a message that you liked my photo. I thought your name was familiar so I asked Jay if he knew."
Jake got close enough to read as his eyes bulged at the notification. "I-I don't remember liking any photos..."
"Then maybe we were destined to meet? We're not even following each other–let's fix that!" Y/n pressed the glowing follow button under Jake's account name, which made Jake's phone buzz in his pocket. Jake steadied his hand as he pulled out his phone to see the notification. Y/n has requested to start following you! He clicked a few buttons and then confirmed y/n's follow.
"There... all set."
"Wait–you didn't follow me back!" Y/n stood, leaning over to Jake to look at his phone. From that angle, Jake has a full view down y/n's shirt. He tried to look away, or at least not look too hard, but he couldn't resist just a peek.
Y/n looked up and met Jake's eyes, catching him in the act. "Looking for something, Jake?"
Jake looked back at his phone. "I just couldn't find the button!" He pressed the follow button on the account and sat next to y/n at the table. Jay walked in carrying a large pot that smelled like heaven. He placed it at the center of the table and uncovered it. A soup, with all sorts of veggies and spices mixed in, served with wine, Italian bread, and smooth jazz.
"Dinner is served," Jay said with a smirk.
"Jay this is amazing, it feels like we're at a five-star restaurant!" Jake cheered, relieved his friend had come to save him.
"It is five-star, Casa da Jay. Now, I've gotta go, enjoy your food, and take care of it when you're done," Jay said as he picked up his coat.
Jake jumped from his seat. "W-Wait, what do you mean go?! Where are you going?"
Jay covered his mouth. "That's right! I forgot to tell you! Jungwon called and asked me to cook him dinner, so I'm going to his place."
"Why not invite him here?" Jake almost begged.
"And ruin your date?"
"It's not–"
Jay hushed his best friend, pulling in for a quiet conversation.
"If you finish that sentence, it won't be a date. I've set you up, now all you need to do is score. And you owe me a night out of the house when Jungwon comes over."
Jake frowned. "Gross."
"Fine! Leave me here or whatever!"
Jay pushed Jake toward the dinner table. "Okay, I'm headed out! Y/n, have as much food as you'd like! There's ice cream in the freezer if you want it, Jungwon won't mind." Jay left with a smile as he flipped his keys on his finger.
Now alone with y/n, Jake turned his attention to the beauty sitting at his table. "So... That was unexpected."
"Jay told me he was going to be leaving hours ago... I thought you knew."
"Hours–I mean that's cool, it's just a slight adjustment." Jake puffed out his chest. "I'll be the one to care for you tonight, sir."
Y/n giggled. "I'm so happy to have such a kind host."
Jake sat with y/n trying to break the ice and get comfortable as best he could. He told jokes and stories to keep his dinner date laughing. Y/n's laugh was so cute, and their nose scrunched slightly when they laughed too hard, which made Jake grip his fork like hell. But Y/n kept staring at him, but he couldn't figure out why... Maybe there was something in his teeth? Or his hair? Or both!?
"I-Is there something wrong?" He asked softly. "You're staring at me sorta hard–am I eating too messy?"
Y/n shook his head. "No, you look so sweet when you tell your stories." Jake choked on his food, grabbing desperately for his glass of water. "Flustered so easily too, that's another plus for me."
"W-What are you talking about?" Jake put this glass back on the table. Y/n stood, leaning over Jake who leaned away from him until he almost fell out of the chair.
"Jake, I'm gonna be blunt, okay?" Y/n took a breath. "I'm really into you and want to go out with you. So can we skip the awkward stuff and tell me if you like me?"
Jake nodded furiously.
"Yes? Do you like me or can we skip the awkward stuff?"
He opened his mouth this time, "B-both! I wanna date you too, or whatever you want. I just want to be close to you."
"How close?" Y/n asked, leaning in as their eyes closed.
Jake was frozen. His one-in-a-lifetime chance was happening before him. Not only did Y/n ask him out, but now he was getting a first from y/n! He closed his eyes and waited for the connection. It felt like ages before his lips were greeted by y/n's. It was a peck, but Jake didn't want it to end. He slipped his hand around y/n neck, pulling him in for a deeper kiss. His tongue escaped his mouth and into his boyfriend's. He couldn't help but squirm in his seat, both from trying not to fall and from how aggressive of a kisser y/n was. Every time Jake thought it was over, y/n would keep pulling him back in. Eventually, they broke apart to breathe...
"So... we're dating now, that's great. But, uh..." Jake looked around. "Jay's not coming back for the night. If you wanted to..."
"Jake, are you asking me to spend the night with you?"
"If that's okay, then yes."
"And what are we going to do?"
"Whatever you want?"
"Then," Y/n stood and pressed his thumb to Jake's lips. "We're not getting sleep tonight."
Jake's lips twitched as his knee anxiously bounced. "O-Oh..."
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mimikoolover · 3 days
Hi! I’m about to dump a little ramble here I hope that’s okay :)
I’m fairly new to bts and have only in the last six months started to catch up on everything and then started observing the fandom. I have to say, the one thing that’s left me completely baffled about this fandom as an outsider is the way jimin and jungkook’s bond is treated.
I was prepared for seeing appreciation for all the different friendship-dynamics between the members, and I have seen that and it’s beautiful. Jimin is my bias so I like seeing his bonds with everyone. But the general difference in energy surrounding jikook compared to the other friendships is wild to me.
I was prepared to see tinhat type shippers who try to prove two members are romantically/sexually involved and will die on that hill, because there’s always those in every fandom. (and ofc I’ve seen those here too with several different pairings and I don’t necessarily have a problem with it unless they’re being completely inappropriate or harassing them or people in their life or whatever, you do you in fan spaces I guess), but what I was NOT prepared for is seeing jikook biased fans and shippers(?)supporters(?) spending more time defending the fact that they are even close AT ALL, than they do trying to prove an alleged romance. When to me as an outsider it’s incredibly obvious they have been/are one of the closest duos in the group and love each other dearly. Why is that not just accepted as fact? Why are people so hell bent on downplaying that reducing them to purely fan service? Of course they do fan service, all of them do, all groups like that do, but two things can exist at once. It’s super easy to detect when band members are acting close on camera but aren’t actually close, believe me I’ve seen it before, and jikook are definitely not that.
So why??
Some patterns I’ve obseobserved:
- Solo stans love rivalry. JM and JK are the most popular/stand out the most and have the most success with solo songs etc, therefore their fans simply have to dislike the other and see them as competition, -> can’t appreciate them together
- People dislike shippers who see them as something more than friends so much that it “ruined” their bond for them and they can’t appreciate their interactions because of it. (Childish if you ask me, never let what other fans say affect how you feel about the people you follow)
- They’re tinhat taekookers (nothing more to say here lol)
- They’re homophobic and/or jealous and can’t stand some of their flirtyness/jokes/other gay shit they do lol (but it seems to be mostly okay if it’s other pairs, only these two bringing out such a strong anti reaction… which I think is rooted in a few different things but that could be a whole other ramble so)
- They take out negative feelings about perceived mistreatment/favoritism/questionable career moves/believing one is better than the other etc on JM andJK to the point of not wanting to see them together. And I’m not saying some of those concerns can’t be valid, but letting it drive you to dislike one of them so much you can’t appreciate their bond is wild.
- They just don’t like one of them or both for whatever reason, which sure whatever not everyone’s gonna vibe with everyone. Who fans vibe with or not isn’t gonna change the fact that they clearly vibe with each other though, spewing negativity is pointless.
I’d be interested to hear your thoughts on this if you have the time! Why do you think they’re so “controversial”?
Oh also for the record, I’m firmly in the “idc what they have just love them” camp. I can see why some think there’s feelings/attraction there, I can also see why some think it’s simply close friendship/found family/mutual admiration. That’s not the point here though.
first of all i hope you've been having loads of fun becoming a fan, i wish i could go back to the time when i first discovered bts🥹💜
i think the reason is all of what you've said but i have to add one more which is taekookers actively spreading proganda about jikook hating each other. that is a massive one i fear. from what i hear the first group most people come across when they become fans tends to be taekookers (i suppose the reason is that many people get drawn in by tae or jk) and tkkers are super hardcore when it comes to spreading pure hatred towards jimin and jikook. the biggest tkker accounts on twitter and youtube are hardcore haters of jimin and jikook and they come up with wild theories about how jikook hate each other.
i think they do that because they want to pre-empt people looking at jikook and seeing that they're close then questioning if jikook are in fact closer to eo than taekook, which wouldn't bode well for tkkers. once people are brainwashed any ridiculous theory will fly because they already want to believe that jikook hate each other.
whatever jimin or jk do alone or together, tkkers' first reaction is to relate it to proving that jikook don't get along. it's obsessive and frankly so ridiculous. for example apparently jungkook took a trip to japan with eunwoo last year. tkkers' first reaction was that this proves that jikook aren't dating and they're not special because jimin wasn't the only person jungkook 'took to' japan. which is lowkey funny to me coming from tkkers because it's not like jk went with tae. by their logic wouldn't they find it weird that jk travels with someone who's not tae?😭but this is just an example of how far tkkers take their hate and jikook could do literally anything in the world, it would still mean that they hate each other. they didn't have to connect jk and eunwoo's trip to jikook but they still did because they're obsessed and they can't stop talking about how much they think jikook hate each other.
solos are very loud these days but from what i've seen they don't tend to focus on jikook's relationship (or their faves' relationship with other members in general) more than just spew hate towards the members. it's not very ship-specific i don't think. undoubtedly some of them dislike jikook's bond because they don't want them to be close but it's more coming from misguided hate towards either of them than anything actually related to what jikook say/do.
however i will say i think solo stans' bs do affect jikookers/people who would be a fan of both of them and more and more people are 'choosing sides' which to me is really sad...it was definitely a case in the past that most jikookers biased jimin but now the majority of those people have become solos or if they don't say that they've become solos, they displayed very extreme anti reactions to jungkook which is why i have half of jikookers on tumblr blocked😭
there's also a big issue with tkkers harassing people who post positively about jikook especially if it's someone who's a 'non shipper', for example they made numerous 'non shipper' youtubers delete positive reactions to jikook videos or flooded their comments saying that jikook hate each other. 'non shippers' like anyone else don't want to be harassed so many just choose to not talk about jikook i guess.
i've not really been in fandom spaces this year like i was in the past and what became apparent to me is that a lot of drama is just on twitter which is almost like its own bubble. if you look outside of twitter i think the majority of bts fans bias either jimin or jungkook and a lot of those people don't have an issue with their friendship. i see a lot of people get chimmy and kooky keychains together for example and i think outside of twitter a lot of people will be enjoying jikook's travel show.
a reason why i kind of 'left' twitter is because i realised that jikookers focus on the negativity around jikook a lot both from tkkers and solos. i think perhaps there's a tendency for jikookers to highlight the negative bc we want to protect jikook and react strongly to hate but i think this can skew how we think people view jikook if we are focusing on the negative so much. i mean i completely understand it but i think this is also why there's so many solos in the fandom in general, we want to protect the members so much so that we end up focusing on the hate which will then start to seem really extreme and people get more and more passionate towards defending whoever they think deserves it most and end up resenting other members because of their fans' behaviour.
i'm kind of down about bts fandom in general these days because it seems to be in shambles. a good thing though is that years of tkkers and solos didn't seem to affect jikook's bond at all which i didn't think it would. i'd love to say that i think things will get better and people will start to appreciate jikook's friendship but i just don't see it happening😭maybe i should become more hopeful if we are getting people like you with common sense becoming fans!
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hard--headed--woman · 14 hours
Hey! After talking about not just a lesbian but a lesbian couple yesterday in my post about Elisa y Marcela, I will do the same thing today ! This time, the two women are american. Their names are
Donna Burkett and Manonia Evans !
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"I did not believe the government had any business telling me who I could marry."
This sentence aptly describes the convictions and state of mind of the two women in 1971.
This year, indeed, Donna Burkett and Manonia Evans applied to a Milwaukee County clerk for a marriage license, decades before their state legalized homosexual marriages. At the time, their story made the rounds of the national media and newspapers, attracting the hatred of some and the admiration of others. Such a bold move at a time when homophobia was so rife was bound to get people talking! They were the first same-sex couple to do such thing.
Aged 25 and 21 respectively, the two women had met in a gay bar. After being refused a license, they filed a federal lawsuit claiming that the denial of marital benefits, including inheritance rights and joint tax filings, did not afford them the equal protection granted by the Constitution. The complaint read, “The legal increments of marriage ought to be shared irrespective of generic differences, to wit: mutual fulfillment and happiness and the equal opportunity to share in the benefits of the law as those in heterosexual unions blessed by the civil marriage contract.”
Federal judge Myron Gordon dismissed the suit over "technical legal issues".
Meantime, Donna and Manonia still wanted to get married, so they invited 250 family and friends together on Christmas Day 1971 for a ceremony officiated by Joseph Feldhausen, a gay Russian Orthodox priest, in Milwaukee. Some members of their family, like Manonia's parents, were not present, not accepting this union, but the two women were OK with it, saying that it's part of life when you're gay.
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Their wedding also made it to the news.
The results of their newfound fame were not positive ; the young couple’s friends shunned them, Donna lost her job, and Manonia got kicked out of school. Manonia’s father, a preacher, said he’d rather see his daughter dead than homosexual.
Unfortunately, the strain took its toll and eventually, Donna and Manonia split up. Both of them spent the rest of their life fighting for gay rights. Some years ago, Donna, who isn’t married even though she now has the right to, said that she doesn't care anymore, that she's happy with herself, but glad that young homosexuals can marry who they love. The two women haven't seen each other in many, many years.
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It sounds like a very sad story indeed; their attempt to obtain the right to marry failed, their coming out caused them a lot of problems, and they ended up separating because of it all.
But this story and the determination of these two young women has encouraged many homosexuals to fight for the right to marry, and has definitely helped this cause achieve its goal.
Although their lawsuit was ultimately unsuccessful, the argument they used – equal protection under the Constitution – was cited by U.S. District Judge Barbara Crabb more than 40 years later, when she overturned Wisconsin’s ban on same-sex marriage in 2014.
I personally love this story and think we should all remember it, as it is important in global lesbian history, and is so interesting and inspiring!
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moonlightseve · 2 days
So we all know that Stammi Vicino – Non Te Ne Andare is essentially Viktor’s cry for help in a world where he has neglected his personal life for twenty years, giving everything he has to his sport and becoming an untouchable god because of it. And the lyrics are so sad and I just want to talk about them and what I think is going on because I can’t get it out of my head. 
I hear a voice weeping in the distance Have you maybe been abandoned as well?
We start out with Viktor looking for this person who can understand how he feels, that same desperation for connection between the two of them. They are not united yet, but are able to come together because of their circumstances. Viktor, who has no family that we know of (or even friends outside of skating) is so utterly alone that this chance at having another soul who gets him has to be this horrible gnawing desire. 
Come now, I'll quickly finish this glass of wine I’ll start to get ready Be quiet now
The glass of wine only confirms my thoughts about his loneliness, in my opinion – he has been sitting there alone, silently, enjoying this small pleasure with no company. And now he moves to join this distressed individual addressed at the beginning. There’s little comfort here beyond an attempt to silence their crying, it’s less of an established connection and more of an acknowledgement of similar circumstances. He can understand what it’s like to be sad and alone without feeling like there’ll be any change.
With a sword I wish I could cut those throats singing about love I wish I could enclose in ice the hands that write those verses of burning passion
There’s some frustration here – Viktor is 27 years old when he skates Stammi Vicino. This is past the age where many people experience these passionate romances for the first time, finding a twin flame with which to go through life. Despite how much people adore him, how successful he has become, how admired he is… he cannot be loved because no one truly knows him. There’s so much media out there about people finding each other, these grand love affairs and lasting friendships that add so much depth to a person’s life. And he has nothing. It must be infuriating, to have so much and yet so little. And I think there might be something there with the “enclose in ice the hands that write those verses of burning passion” as well, with him reflecting on his own circumstances in comparison to these love stories. Why don’t they have to suffer the same fate as him, married to the ice? Why must his heart remain frozen and no one else’s?
This story that has no meaning Will vanish tonight together with the stars If I could see you, eternity will be born from hope
There is no meaning to his life, nor is there any meaning behind his connection with this other person. They do not know each other. This is fleeting, and temporary, and entirely impermanent… but god, he wants so badly. He knows he can’t have it but he wants to hope so much.
Stay close to me, don’t go away I’m afraid of losing you
This hope has taken root in his soul. Despite the fact that he is so utterly alone and this individual who maybe can just barely begin to understand how he feels isn’t truly with him in any way that matters, he can’t bear the idea of giving up this tiny thing that is all he has left. This is a moment of pure vulnerability, the admission of just how scared he is. He is going through the motions, facing everything he has to entirely alone. Even a fragment of attention and care sets him alight, he cannot bear to lose anymore than he has already.
Your hands, your legs, My hands, my legs, And our heartbeats Are blending together
Here he comes together with this person. I still don’t think it’s viewed as a bond that he believes in, but acceptance of potential and the fact that maybe they could have something together. He feels something intertwined in their souls, some semblance of similarity. And for him, that means a lot.
Let’s leave together I’m ready now
The glass of wine has been put down, he has acknowledged his anger and frustration, and he is ready to move forward. There’s something for him, maybe, if he keeps looking. He can only hope.
Now. I could go on and talk about what the banquet meant to Viktor, and how this was maybe the first time he had wanted a person in his life this way, or I could just talk  about the duetto … which is what I’m going to do. 
So the duetto contains some pretty obvious lyric changes, namely the fact that the verses
With a sword I wish I could cut those throats singing about love I wish I could enclose in ice the hands that write those verses of burning passion This story that has no meaning Will vanish tonight together with the stars If I could see you, eternity will be born from hope
are removed. Hmmmmmmmm… all of the longing, none of the aggravation towards that sickly sweet romance? None of the denial that this could matter, the quiet desperation that maybe he might be allowed to hope for once? Because finally, after years of searching and waiting and quietly, so quietly, hoping – Viktor found someone who sees him. Who loves him, who wants him for who he is. They can stay close to each other, and neither of them will go away. Yuuri adds this color and warmth to his life that he had been looking for, and Viktor in turn has given Yuuri the chance to flourish and become the best version of himself, all the while having someone by his side who simply will not leave him. They are able to support each other in ways no one else can, and that is what makes their pair skate so beautiful. 
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adanseydivorce · 1 year
hot take apparently but I genuinely think if your going to do an f/m/f love triangle esp with some element of infidelity, it reads a lot better in a situation where the two women have enough respect for each other that the dynamic isn’t just the two women competing for a guy or something, but they are Not best friends or even really friends at all, just two human women who have a mix of negative and positive feelings about each other. I like it way better.
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electoons · 3 months
breaking my artistic dry spell by drawing my 6'5" orc and her 5'5" bosmer husband as every single tall goddess/short king meme that exists. unfortunately I can only think of 2
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enbysiriusblack · 1 year
everyone James potter has had a crush on:
frank longbottom
rolanda hooch
marlene mckinnon
amos diggory
remus lupin
emmeline vance
lily evans
gilderoy lockhart
mary macdonald
ted tonks
regulus black
harrison ford
mark hamill
carrie fisher
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yuwuta · 3 months
inuokko.... yuu2... yuwuta do i dare ask you how you feel about okkofushi next?
ofc you can but be prepared for me to be very unnormal about everything mentioned in this ask 😁😁🤒
#anonymous#can you..... tell i like yuuta :/#i also love to think about how all his pairings pan out + reader bc its very <3 to me why have one when u can have fun!#i think inuokko is the most fair/even they both approach u at the same time and want the 3 of u to work#yuuji and yuuta.... bites hand.... gathers myself...... how do i say this......#feels like yuuta thinks yuuji is way too cute for his own good + youre cute with yuuji#and yuuta leans very quickly that he likes the feeling of having u both admire him... having people to protect and want to keep to himself.#ANYWAY! okkofushi rise but theyre tough i feel like it takes a while#lots of dancing around each other and dancing around you#megumi swears he's over his crush on yuuta bc he has a crush on you (which he will deny and take to his grave if he can help it)#but somehow along the way you and yuuta become friends and it's. a lot for megumi lets just say that#think u and yuuta have to find a way to make a move on megumi because hes..... special <3 lets say that#anyway...........................#in general tho im not picky or have particularly strong feelings about ships in general so in addition to loving yuuta#thats part of the reason i like all of these <2#as far as jjk goes there's only two ships i would say i dont like/dont care to talk about but it's like. im not gonna rag on it either yk 😭#honestly tho... even tho i am biased and the most informal about yuuta and yuuji at least u didn't ask about itafushi...#the things i could say... lord...
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koumeowkami · 9 months
haju.nayu is the proof some people really do base their ships over Nothing... idk man /nm
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othercrossee · 1 year
Could u imagine irida, altho trained for so long to be the next leader, never believed in herself to sucessfully be chosen? how she felt when her name was called upon after all day shed been telling her older friend palina she was the one to take on duty? Could u imagine the anxiety? The feeling that she had betrayed the only person who had treated her with an ounce of care? The feeling that her entire world was shifting? How she had to keep a smile and a prideful look to appear as the correct answer, a strong new leader to lead her people? How she realizes lina and her could never be friends on equal ground? Although it was never equal to begin with?
#z rambles#the *never equal to begin with* is about their age gap and personality differences. palina is older more calm collected responsible caring#and overall she was....perfect in iridas eyes. she admired her. maybe more than a friend and she was guilty#guilty of how much she was holding her driend to such extend but palina? seeinf irida train and become a leader was....conflicting#on one hand she deserves it she worked so hard but why am i. older and better in every way. discarded from the position#she was happy but she was upset. envious? but between them will aythinf change? hadnt they been.....equal?#baaically irida always see palina stabdinf taller better than her snd she was a mother figure she csnt surpass#so there was no equal in that dynamic#and now palina who had always been standinf tall feel irida is now above her and its strange she feels the dynamic had switched#and she wants it ti he normal. the same as back then but it csnt be cuz back then wasnt equal either#they were never stabding on equal ground. they were never close enough to understood each other#u see irida becoming leader wouldve put them on the same level right? but palina sees different and irida feels like its not right either#but rhats her guilt dripping hersekf talking#its just awful#its complex and its awful and things could nevee go back to how it was. cuz no natter what one of them or both will always be unhappy#to me. these two would have a talk and develop their relationship for years#this aint the type of shit that one talk was gonna fix everything. both of them got issues
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marinehero-a · 1 year
thinks ab them.... sengoku/garp....
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andrew garfield for the ask game!
Yikes, I Don’t See The Appeal || Not My Type || He’s Alright || I See The Appeal But I’m Different™ || Cute But On Alternating Wednesdays || He Has A Kind Face And That’s Good Enough || Pretty || Gorgeous || I— I Love? We Don’t Deserve Him.
send me your favorite average, white man and i'll rate him
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