#had a crush for a while. i mean remus is very attractive in a non conventional way. james definitely kept the crush a secret from sirius
enbysiriusblack · 1 year
everyone James potter has had a crush on:
frank longbottom
rolanda hooch
marlene mckinnon
amos diggory
remus lupin
emmeline vance
lily evans
gilderoy lockhart
mary macdonald
ted tonks
regulus black
harrison ford
mark hamill
carrie fisher
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northlight14 · 3 years
A love for love
Description: Roman loved love. He always had, even as a small child. So why was it so different whenever he was involved?
TW: panic attack, mention of making out but nothing is actually shown, cursing, questioning, unrequited love, let me know if I should add anything else
Ships: unrequited royality, platonic roceit, dukeceit
Genre: high school au
Prompt: prompt 6, aromantic (prompt by @pridewrite2021)
Roman loved love. He always had. Even as a small child, he'd watch wide eyed as Prince Charming leaned down and gave sleeping beauty true loves kiss, something so powerful that it was able to break an evil witches curse. He'd stayed up till early hours in the morning, squealing with excitement as he read about two warriors able to take on an entire army, motivated by their want to keep the other safe and stealing glances at each other as their metal swords collided with the enemies weapon. He'd sing his heart out when a romance song came on the radio, gushing about their love interest with such emotion that Roman adored.
Yes, Roman loved love.
So why was it so different whenever he was involved?
The earliest memory Roman had of this was when he was in first grade. Two of his classmates ran up to him giggling as they sang "Savannah has a crush on you!" Instead of feeling that overwhelming joy like the ones described in his books and music, he felt a deep cutting disgust in his stomach. Roman felt less like he could conquer the world and more like the world was going to swallow him whole. Rather than singing any great love song that he'd sang so many times in his room or in the car, he began crying instead while the two girls looked at him in confusion.
"It was just because I don't like her." Roman told himself.
But this feeling of being out of place only grew as his fellow classmates gushed about their boyfriends and girlfriends, crushes and which cartoon character they find cute. Granted, they were in second and third grade, so the terms "boyfriend" and "girlfriend" roughly translated to "they let me borrow their crayon at break once and now we're in love and going to get married." However, this love for love spread like a virus and Romans desire to fit in only grew. So, during a sleepover with his friends, Roman looked upon the TV, at the princess Aurora and decided 'She'd make a good crush.' Before announcing it to the crowd of toddlers, the words immediately sounding wrong as he spoke them, as if he'd spoken them in a foreign language. He decided that night to never speak of his supposed "crush" ever again. Roman liked Aurora with Prince Philip much more, anyway.
Roman was in fifth grade when he was talking to one of his best friends, Valorie. The two of them just laughing and joking when his friends approached.
"Who's your girlfriend, Ro?" one laughed, putting his arm around Roman. And he knew it was a joke. He knew that. But it still felt like the arm hadn't wrapped around his shoulders and instead knocked all the air out his lungs in one hard punch. This moment lingered in his mind like a haunting apparition, quickly causing any friendships with girls to become strained. First only talking occasionally while in class or on the yard, to only talking when his guy friends weren't around, to only texting outside of school to nothing at all. Roman mourned these friendships but it had been made clear that boys and girls couldn't just be friends and the idea of people thinking he was dating any of these people made him feel like a caged bird.
Later that year Roman decided, despite his love for love, he didn't want to date. The reason for this being...
"I'm just more focused on my career."
"I just don't see the point in dating right now."
"I've never really liked anyone so what's the point?"
"I just like being more focused on myself."
And any other excuse he could possibly come up with, repeating them as many times as he needed to to believe them. Roman had always been a good actor, after all. But, of coarse, with this supposed decision came "reassurance" from adults, as if they had the ability to see the future.
"You just haven't met the right person, yet."
"You'll change your mind one day, when you get a bit older."
"All kids say that at your age."
"Roman isn't interested in dating YET."
These invalidating promises made Romans blood boil the more he heard them. It was as if he was yelling while trapped in a soundproof box, unable to escape. But, despite what seemingly everyone around him was saying, Roman knew deep down that romance just wasn't for him.
He also remained thankful that this love for love hadn't infected his friendship too much.
That was until seventh grade when what was originally a few cases of a love for love became an epidemic. It seemed that all anyone wanted to know was "do you have a crush on her?" "Did you hear that Lily and Reese are going out?" "Do you find her attractive?" This soon made its way over to his friends as they talked about how hot the girls were and teased each other relentlessly about who they liked. Roman once again felt like an outsider in his friend group. His friends conversations about their girlfriends may as well have been spoken in Latin.
Then the day came when his twin brother, Remus, came out as gay and started dating a guy named Janus. It then occurred to Roman.
"Maybe the reason I haven't been feeling anything for all these girls was because they were girls! Maybe I like boys instead!" Roman had never been a very logical person but this definitely seemed to make more sense. If he didn't like women then that surely must mean that he liked men instead, right? Because otherwise...otherwise Roman didn't know what that meant.
So Roman tried. Really God damn tried to find boys cute, to fantasize about dating them, to relate to gay experiences. But all he was met with was the same foreign and hollow feeling he'd felt when he lied about having a crush back in 2nd grade. Roman quickly began feeling his love for the concept of love diminish.
So when Roman entered grade 9, he decided to put anything to do with his romantic feelings (or lack there of) in a little box in the back of his mind to deal with later. Instead putting his passion and good acting skills to use by joining his schools drama department. The moment he stepped foot on stage, he felt himself come alive. The crowd, the praise, the creativity, it was addicting.
And it was only made better with the more friends he made. There was one person who he grew partially close to. Patton Heart. The two quickly became best friends, often hanging out outside of rehearsals and texting non stop. And, for the first time in what seemed like years, Roman was happy and comfortable.
That was until 10th grade. Roman way lying on his bed watching Netflix on his phone when a message from Patton came through. Roman clicked on the message and was caught massively off guard as he read it.
Patton: hey, Roman. So I've been thinking a lot lately. In particular about us and about you. And over the past few months I've started to realize that I have a really big crush on you. You're really handsome, funny and talented and I love spending time with you. It's totally ok if you don't like me back, but I figured it's better to be honest.
It should've been it. The moment when one of the main characters confesses their feelings for the love interest and they proclaim they feel the same way. Sparks fly and their hearts beat faster with excitement. It all becomes so clear when they hear that confession in movies and books.
But this wasn't a movie.
Roman felt time stand still as he read the message, his hands shaking so much he didn't think he would be able to respond even if he knew how to answer.
He couldn't breath. Why couldn't he breath?! The edges of his vision went fuzzy as he desperately gasped for air.
"Patton's great." He thought through his suffocating panic. "He's funny and charming and sweet. You should like him. Why don't you like him? What's wrong with you?!" Romans thoughts yelled as he tried desperately to hold back the tears threatening to spill over.
Not sure of what else to do, Roman ran to Remus' room, hoping he'd know how to respond.
Roman knocked on his brothers door and Remus responded with a very annoyed "come in" after a few beats of silence. Remus and Janus were sat on Remus' bed and Roman could tell from their slightly red lips that the two had been making out. But he wasn't in the headspace to even pretend to care that he'd interrupted them right now.
"Ugh, what do you want?" Remus said, clearly too irritated by his brothers presence to notice his distress.
"P-Patton just messaged me s-saying he likes me and I don't know what to say." Roman barely stuttered out, trying desperately not to cry in front of Remus and his boyfriend.
"Aw, cute. Roro finally got a man." Remus joked but Roman was definitely not in the mood for that kind of humor.
"Do you like him back?" Janus asked, calmly, clearly taking more notice of Romans distress.
"Well, I do. But not like that."
"Ok, so just tell him that. It doesn't have to be this whole thing. Why are you getting so upset?" Remus said, looking at Roman as if he was stupid.
Which, to be fair, Roman did feel very stupid right now.
"He's my best friend. I don't want to upset him." Yeah, that was the reason Roman was freaking out. He just didn't want to hurt Patton. That was it.
"Well, just say you don't want a relationship right now or some shit. Besides, he's probably more worried now because you've taken so long to answer." Remus pointed out. Yeah, Roman was never coming to Remus with his problems ever again.
"Yeah...ok." Roman said. Slowly, he walked out the room, noticing Janus looking at him curiously but deciding not to focus on it.
Roman: I'm really sorry Patton, but I don't feel the same way. We can still be friends tho. It doesn't have to be awkward between us. Especially because I really like being friends with you.
Patton: Yeah, that's ok. This is kinda what I was expecting to be honest. But yeah, I still wanna stay friends.
A few days later Janus came over again for dinner. Afterwards, Roman went into the living room and sat on the couch, scrolling through Instagram.
To his surprise, Janus followed after him and sat next to him. "So, how are you feeling after a few days ok. Broken his heart yet?" Janus teased.
Roman huffed out a laugh. "Uh, yeah, we agreed to just stay friends. Which I'm happy about but it's also really weird. I honestly don't know where we go from here which sucks because I really like Patton. Just not like...that." Janus nodded in understanding.
"You must care about him a lot if you had a panic attack just because you didn't want to hurt his feelings." Janus said. Roman just shrugged in response. "So, does that mean you like someone else?" Janus asked.
"No...I. I don't know. I've...I've never really liked anyone. I don't think I ever will. And people say I'll change my mind but...it isn't like I've made a choice. I've felt like this my whole life and everyone around me has had a crush on someone by now. I just... don't think I was built for romance. Which I know probably sounds stupid but that's just how I feel." He said, so honest it almost hurt.
Janus nodded slowly, taking in what Roman was saying. "It doesn't sound stupid." He said before pausing, as if considering his next choice of words. "Roman...have you ever heard of the term aromantic?" He asked.
"No." Roman answered, looking at Janus curiously.
"It basically means someone who experiences little to no romantic attraction. So they don't get crushes and stuff like that." He explained.
Roman felt his heart leap and for once it wasn't because of a fight or flight reflex. "Wait, that's a thing?" He asked in disbelief.
"Yeah, a surprising number of people identify with it. I don't want to assume anything but I thought I might mention it just from what you've told me and what Remus has said in the past. Plus that panic on your face yesterday reminded me a bit of when I tried to force myself into romantic situations with girls." Janus smirked to himself.
That night Roman researched more on aromanticism than he did for his science test. The more he searched, the more it just made sense. Of coarse, he still had a long way to go towards self acceptance. Roman could feel himself already starting to mourn the idea that this was a choice he'd made ages ago and he was going to feel romantic love one day. It was an odd feeling, realizing that even though he knew deep down it wasn't a decision and he'd always hated when people made those comments, a part of him took comfort in adults promising that he'd change his mind one day. He was also horrified to realize that he didn't know what his future was supposed to look like now without romance. After all, media seemed to show single middle aged adults exclusively as depressed and lonely. But as he scoured through wiki articles to tumblr pages to memes, he knew this was a good start to unlearning any nonsense society had been shoving down his throat.
The more Roman learned and the more people he talked to online about it, the more he started to feel his love for love increase. But instead of it being centered on a prince and princess in a movie, two in love warriors keeping each other alive in a book or a cheesy love song on the radio, it was a different type of love Roman was finally starting to feel the more he accepted himself.
Self love.
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logically-asexual · 3 years
Hold me like you mean it
Logan’s feelings for Virgil and the fact that now Virgil barely notices him are stopping him from getting any work done. Janus offers a way for Logan to cope, by disguising himself into Anxiety. but is this really what Logan needs? and what’s in it for Janus, anyway?
Alternatively, an angsty story about rejection, denial, and manipulation.
warnings: (for the whole fic) unrequited love, rejection, manipulation, unhealthy relationships, gaslighting, dependency, dubious consent and non consent for kissing, sad ending, depression (vaguely described), angst in general, nightmares. let me know what else i should add.
taglist: @gummibearbullet @chara-07 @the-sympathetic-villain
Read on AO3
Chapter 3
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words: 1057
The next few days were stressful, to put it lightly. Logan couldn’t focus on his work properly, constantly bothered by thoughts about Virgil. Sometimes they were pleasant, when he contemplated the possibility of Virgil actually responding to his advances and planned for when they could be close again. But the thoughts would instantly become distressing, once he remembered the likelihood of Janus’ argument being true. Normally, he wouldn’t consider whatever idea that came from Janus as truthful. However, given the evidence in front of him, he couldn’t just rule out the possibility.
The idea of Janus’ theory being accurate distressed him for several reasons. One, his work was being disturbed by Virgil’s presence in his mind, which could be solved if Logan simply wanted to establish dialogue with him, but if he really had romantic attraction for the anxious Side, then there was a very limited assortment of solutions. Two, these “solutions” would be practically impossible to achieve, since Virgil was closed off and would never consent to a relationship as intimate as the one Logan wanted (or would want, he corrected, in the hypothetical case that he did have a crush). Three, feelings were not his department, and he would have to admit to himself that if he didn’t know how to handle or acknowledge his own, much less would he be able to help with Virgil’s anxiety.
Each day was less productive than the last, and each day Logan became more aware of the faint signs towards a crush being the real problem. He had carried on with his plan, which meant their discussions went on smoothly, and he and Anxiety often reached helpful conclusions for Thomas. And yet, Logan felt hurt every time Virgil smiled towards anyone else, while not glancing towards him at all, or when Virgil agreed with a point Logan had brought up only when Thomas or one of the other Sides repeated it. It pained him to admit it, but despite the successful results he had gotten with Virgil, Logan still couldn’t work well by himself, and needed an outlet for these… feelings.
After several failed attempts to clear his mind and sleep, he gave up, and resolved to stop his emotions from getting in his way. With that decision made, he stood up from his bed and summoned the deceitful Side, who appeared by his desk.
“Logic! So lovely to see you. Although I would appreciate it if you didn’t interrupt me during my beauty sleep.”
Logan knew this wasn’t true, the Dark Sides had a flipped sleep schedule, and slept for most of the day, which was the reason why Virgil still had a hard time sleeping the whole night through. Refuting this wasn’t important right now, though, so he ignored it.
“Anyway,” Janus continued, examining his hands as if he could see his nails underneath the yellow gloves, “I assume I’m here because you are ready to accept my offer?”
“Yes.” Logan sighed. “I seem to be stuck and I can’t think of a better alternative.”
“Excellent!” Janus said, smirking.
“But not right now! I still need to sleep. I just needed to be done with this so I could stop thinking about it.”
“Alright. Then I’ll see you in my room tomorrow at six pm. Don’t be late, sweetheart.” He finished with a wink. After he left, Logan went back to bed.
Logan was sitting comfortably next to Virgil on the couch of Anxiety’s room. He could feel the pressure of the other’s body sitting so close to him. He remembered he wanted to tell Virgil something, but no words could come out of his mouth as Virgil softly held his chin and tilted his head towards him. Suddenly, they were kissing.
Logan had never kissed anyone before, and didn’t know what to expect. The feeling was… underwhelming, to be honest. He felt the pressure on his mouth, but not much else, not any different to feeling touch in any other part of his body. He felt detached, even if it wasn’t precisely unpleasant. He closed his eyes and tried to relax his shoulders, but they still felt tense. Still, he leaned forward and let himself get lost in the sensation of being so close to Virgil. In the back of his mind, he tried to remember how he got here, it all happened so fast. Virgil kept kissing him gently, and Logan kissed him back.
He wanted to be closer, so he reached up with his right hand to hold Virgil’s neck. When he did, he was met by the cold, slippery sensation of scales. He pulled his hand away as if it had just been burned and moved back as far as he could on the couch, but when he looked at the Side in front of him, he could only see Virgil’s concerned face. He was talking to him, but Logan couldn’t make out the words, only able to hear his own heavy breathing. As the other moved closer, he could understand the faint voice better.
“Logan. Logan, it’s me. It’s alright, it’s just me.”
He shook his head and kept his eyes shut as he backed away, but Virgil continued moving closer and trying to grab him. Logan felt tears form in his eyes as he screamed at the other to get away from him, but Virgil wouldn’t listen, still calling his name. Finally, Virgil grabbed him by both of his shoulders and forced him to turn around and look him in the eyes. Logan’s heart stopped as he saw both eyes shining bright yellow, the intensity augmenting until their light was blinding. Just when his vision had gone completely white, he woke up with a gasp.
After a minute, his thoughts came back to him, and he found himself in his room, sitting on his bed. He looked at his alarm clock. It was 4:36 am. He stared at the blinking light that marked every passing second, and followed it to regulate his breathing. At 4:45, he laid back down on the mattress, staring at the ceiling and not stopping counting each cycle. He still had some time to sleep before the alarm rang at 6:00, so he closed his eyes and drifted away once more, with only one thought in his mind: What am I getting into?
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notes: >:3c
by the way my headcanon is that the Dark Sides sleep from like... 9 am to 5pm or 10 to 6 or something similar. also the reason why they like to start acting up at night (like Remus with his intrusive thoughts), when Logic is asleep and Thomas is vulnerable to them.
i'm so sorry i'm not good at like hiding stuff.. it was probably super obvious that it was a dream (and in the last chapter that it was janus all along) but also it's alright, i don't mind if you can tell from the start, i think it's compelling both with and without the surprise.
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the Marauders (Harry Potter (books only))
This is a difficult one, mostly because I’ve seen so many people’s different headcanons and I’m a little sad that I disagree with so many of them. I don’t dislike people just for having different headcanons, it’s just that it makes it difficult to find fanfics and such that include my headcanons, if you get what I mean. Anyways, here goes:
James Potter is the group’s comfort cishet. He uses he/him pronouns, but doesn’t care if you mess up and call him something else. He might be cishet, but he’s not completely allo! He’s both demiromantic and demisexual. He doesn’t develop crushes easily, but as proven by Lily, when he falls, he falls hard. The bigger they are, the harder they fall, or something like that. He may or may not have ADHD, but was never diagnosed as he presents it in the more inattentive type. Both him and Sirius have really good memory, which lead them to be referred to as ‘the brightest in their year’. They didn’t pay much attention in class, or study much, but they did enough that their good memory did most of the work.
Sirius Black gives off the biggest pan-energy to me. He’s probably a gender-non-conforming cis man, who let his hair grow out to annoy his parents. For the same reason, he uses he/it pronouns, not letting his pureblood family’s attempts to hurt him get to him. It actually enjoys using it/its pronouns sometimes. He is a demiromantic pansexual, and had a massive crush on Remus for years without realising it (mostly due to the homophobia of the time period, he didn’t realise what he was feeling was attraction until quite a bit later). Even once he realised what it was, he didn’t say anything to anyone, until he got out of Azkaban and finally got the courage to say something to Remus. James had noticed long before, and tried several times to subtly coax it out of him. Sirius is ADHD, much like James he is also undiagnosed, but for different reasons. While he is more outwardly hyperactive, there was no way his parents would let any doctor say there was something ‘wrong with him’. He didn’t bother getting a diagnosis later in life because he thought it’d be too much effort.
Remus Lupin is the character I probably projected on way too much, but I don’t care because everything I’ve projected onto them feels right. Remus is non-binary (amab), and uses they/he pronouns (although they prefer they/them, they’re not at all offended by people who use he/him for them all the time). They’re a bi-oriented aroace, and felt queerplatonic attraction towards Sirius, although it only really started once they got closer, and he didn’t even acknowledge it to himself until after Sirius had been put in Azkaban. When Sirius admitted his crush to them, Remus was scared to hurt his feelings by rejecting him. Sirius took Remus’s coming out pretty well, and eventually they decided to try a queerplatonic relationship. It worked out very well, and lasted until Sirius’s death, which Remus took a lot harder than he let on (very few people knew about their relationship, so they weren’t sure it was safe to show their pain as openly). I could write a whole post about Remus’s relationship with Tonks, so if you’re interested please say so. Even during my first read of HP, I felt that Remus was autistic-coded. Maybe it was too subtle for most people to see, or maybe it wasn’t there at all and I’m projecting, but to me they’re definitely autistic. They had to try a lot harder than Sirius and James when it came to getting good grades, and they most certainly did. Remus put the most effort into his studies out of all the Marauders (heck, out of all the Gryffindors in general?) and was aptly labelled a bookworm. He was almost always open to helping others study, which is how he became close friends with Lily, and her friends. They hung out more with Lily’s friend group near the beginning of their time at Hogwarts, before the Marauders really became a thing. I could write a lot more about Remus, but this is already a frighteningly long paragraph... tell me if you want more.
Peter Pettigrew is surprisingly similar to James when it comes to my queer headcanons. He’s a cis man, and uses he/him pronouns. He’s heteroromantic and greysexual. I don’t have much for him, I’ll be completely honest. I don’t think about him a lot. I just know that the way he was raised and the different people (dark wizards mostly) he interacted with influenced him a lot, and he could have gone a completely different path if circumstances had been different (like if there hadn’t been a war going on).
So that’s it, a surprisingly long post for 4 people. I might do other Harry Potter characters later, but these were some of the ones I was most opinionated about, so I wanted to put it out there.
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echoisfailing · 4 years
Not Realizing Its A Date-Sirius Black
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(A/N) I don’t know if I should be using ‘you’ or ‘I’. Also gif is not mine. This is pretty much a non gryffindor reader. Also very sorry but I’m not good at pranks or even thinking up pranks so this one is kinda stupid. Ahhh I really like this and simultaneously think it's horrible. :(( Also  I read over this like once so sorry about any editing issues.
Word Count:1784
Posted On: 9/5/2020
Sirius and I have been working on our shared transfiguration project for about a week now. It's a bit annoying working with him because he is always being pulled away, whether it's by  his friend group, some girls, or him just trying to distract me. We have been working pretty distraction free for about 2 hours now and we only have a paragraph or two left. “So are you going to go to Hogsmeade anytime this weekend?” He asked me. “No, I don’t ever really go. Why?” I responded. “Well if you do end up going we should meet up at Honeydukes on Saturday.” He said. “I’ll let you know, when I decide.” I told him going back to work. He wrote down the last line and I went over it to check for any mistakes, it was fine, not perfect but we would pass. I started to get my stuff together and went to leave but he grabbed my wrist. “So, did you decide on if you are going to go?” He asked when I turned to face him. “Um, not really but when do you plan on going to Honeydukes?” I asked while I was talking his shoulders kinda fell and then came back up. “Um how about 12:30?” He said. “Alright.” I said nodding then going back to my common room. My mind was racing trying to decide as I went to sleep.
When I woke up it was already 10 something and as I got ready to go to Hogsmeade I thought it was a little weird that he asked me at all. I mean we aren’t really even friends, we were just partners in one class one time in our whole 5 years and he hasn’t spoken to me once before then. I mean everyone knows Sirius Black. It’s hard not to but when I sat down next to him he told me he never even knew I was in his class. Goderic, I hope this isn’t a set up. I mean he is nice enough but no one is safe from a prank from the four of them not even them. My mind was still reeling as I found myself at the door of Honeydukes. It was about an hour early so I didn’t expect him to be in there. As soon as I opened the door I had to turn around and leave because it was basically full to the brim of students. I can’t deal with all of those people and besides there was nowhere to sit, so I decided to walk around till about 30 minutes before then see if the status changes and if not meet him outside at the very least. As I was walking I couldn’t help but think. What if he just doesn’t show up? What if he's already there and he invited me to sit in a group of people? What if he just invited me to be nice? What if just the opposite and he is going to prank me? What if asking me was the prank and when I get there he tells me it was a prank?!  These thoughts went on and on and by time they stopped it was time for me to go back to Honeydukes.
I walk up to the building and he is walking towards it as well so I just decide to wait outside. “You’re here!” He says kinda excited which makes my stomach flutter for some reason. I mean yeah sure he's cute and I’m pretty sure everyone attracted to men has a crush on Sirius but me thinking like that is dangerous I mean he barely knows me. “I mean yeah, where else would I be?” I joked he chuckled. “Good point, I just meant like already.” He reasoned but sounded sheepish about it which in a weird way made me feel bad. “Yeah, but to be fair so are you.” I quipped back at him. He moved his head towards the door and led me inside. Where it was still full of people. “Lets go sit over there.” He said pointing to the far corner. “Um don’t you want to sit with your friends?” I asked pointing towards the other side of the building, like they couldn’t even see us from over here. “Nah, it's just us. They’d ruin it.” He said scooting closer and I gave him a questioning glance. “Ruin it?” I questioned. “Yeah. Why’d they want to be here when it's just us?” He started to look a little worried, maybe? “I don't know you’re never without them, well at least one.” I tried to reason not fully understanding why he seemed so confused. He did that thing where he sighed and nodded his head, he also shifted back away from me. “So how is it I’ve never noticed you?” He asked. “Um this is the first year that (Y/H/N) has been assigned with Gryffindor. So it was probably easy to overlook me. There are like a billion kids at this school.” I explained. “Yes but somehow you noticed me.” He argued. “Yes but name me one person who doesn’t know about you even just a little bit.” I responded and he nodded his head and started smiling again. “Oh yeah and when did you first notice me?” He asked. “When you guys did that prank on the Slytherins changing room.” He cut me off. “Oh yeah in 2nd year that was one of our first, still a favorite.” He said basically patting himself on the back. “Not what I would say but if that's how you feel.” I said the mood shifted a bit. “What would you say?” He challenged. “I would say I prefer your more recent pranks where instead of pranking an entire group who are mostly innocent you guys now prank one person who you have decided deserves it.” I explained. “Yeah but they are Slytherins they deserve it.” He tried to reason and I rolled my eyes. “Some do but not all and even some on the quidditch team but not all. And also you guys decided to do it after a game they lost. So to me it seemed pretty shitty but you guys have moved on and isn't that enough.” I shot back. “Why did you agree to go on this date if you hate me and my friends?” He said bluntly. “Well, I wasn’t aware that this was a date and I don’t hate you or your friends. I really enjoy the pranks you pull and I think some are shitty or in poor taste doesn’t mean I hate you.” I fought back. “You didn’t realize it was a date, why else would I ask you to Hogsmeade?” He shot back. “I honestly had no idea, figured you were just trying to be friendly.” I said back. “Well I wasn’t but maybe it's better that this wasn’t a date.” He huffed. “Sorry you feel that way.” I said getting up. “That wasn’t an apology.” He fired back. “Well I don’t really need to apologize do I?” I sassed then left and went back to Hogwarts.
For the next couple days I felt like shit. He was avoiding me at all cost as soon as he didn’t have to sit next to me in transfiguration he stopped. I don’t know why I felt like this the whole thing was stupid my opinion hasn’t changed. I guess I just feel bad because he is avoiding me. Which I don’t entirely understand, I wish we could talk it over but I’ve already spent 15 years of my life not knowing him so what the rest ya know. I was walking to potions and got about half way there when I felt something fall on my head. I went to go touch it and it was a really sticky and slimy substance. All I heard around me was laughing but the loudest being that of James Potters. I turned around and went back to my room and tried to get this off of me, which proved to be very difficult. Every time I seemed to be making some progress it seemed to all come back. Magic wasn’t working and no muggle solution either. Eventually, I just sat under hot water clothes and all hoping that it would somehow work. It didn’t so I stopped the water and just stayed in the shower to dry off because I didn’t want to ruin anything else. I seemed to dry really fast which bodes well for my hair and skin. I heard a knock on my door which was weird because anyone that sleeps here would just walk in but classes were still going on so I figured it was a teacher. But when I opened the door it revealed none other than Sirius Black himself. I rolled my eyes and tried to shut the door but he stopped it and walked right in. He did a charm and the slime was gone. “I need you to know that it wasn’t me. I don’t know why he did it. I was complaining about our date to Moo-Remus and James heard and started talking about pranking you. I told him not to do it and that it was a terrible idea but he did it anyway and I am so sorry about it.” He rambled on. “So you realize how this looks? Like you got pissed over something I said on what you are calling our date but I didn’t even know it was a date, then stopped talking to me completely then days after you have been ignoring me your best friend, that you have gone on record to call your brother pranks me out of nowhere.” I explain. “Yeah but..” I cut him off. “I mean I believe you, but its really shitty, the whole situation.” I finish. “Wait, why do you believe me?” When he spoke he tilted his head like a confused puppy. “Do you not remember anything about our so called date?” I chuckled out. “Stop calling it that it was a date. And for your information I remember everything.” He quipped. “So you would know that you admitted to me inadvertently but you did, that you are unapologetic about your pranks.” I told him and he smiled. “So are we good now?” He asked and I rolled my eyes. “We were never not good, Sirius.” I told him and he stepped closer and kissed me. “Good, let me take you on a make up date.” He said. “You mean one that I actually know is a date?” I joked and he shook his head and kissed me again. 
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the-second-tonks · 3 years
First of all congrats on a hundred! You deserve that and more, I loved the Narnia game so much, I was smiling through the whole thing.
Actually it also inspired me to write a little fic on it , if you don't mind of course, I wanted to use what you gave me as like the base of it all. Anyway
I would now like to ask for the harry potter game
You have already shipped me with Ginny weasly and BFF with Ron and Luna
Now to give you the whole intro again, 😂😂
I'm a straight male with short curly red hair, I have light brown eyes almost golden I am full of freckles. I am 6' tall, a gryffindor/ravenclaw.
I have an almost Deadpool like humor, im very protective over my friends and the last person to back down from a fight, if it ever gets to kne usually it doesn't. I always (involuntarily) have a RBF everytime I enter a room so people that don't know me tend to think I'm mean or extremely serious.
I actually am a little serious and I suck at opening up to people j prefer to let my feeling drown inside of me. Only people that really know me would be able to get me to open up.
I'm a very passionate stubborn person, who loves to argue with people just for the thrill of it.
I would think I'd get along best and hang around more woth the main trio.
I'd prefer to be muggle born but if you think another fits best don be afraid to choose another, the rest of the questions im going to leave you to choose what would be best
Thank you in advance
And once again, congrats on a hundred🥳🥳
P.S - I see you are answering of the recent game post you made so don't worry, you can answer this whenever you have the time
Hii , thank you !!!! I'm glad you loved the Narnia game . Yes ofcourse you can write a fic using that as a base ! Haha thank you for sending the whole intro again or else I would have to search for it lol !
About the p.s , thank you :) !
Okay , coming to your game ..
About you
Your name : Y/N Y/L/N
Blood Status : Muggle born(actually a half-blood , but you prefer to be called Muggle-born)
Year : Same as Harry's
Family members : Mother , Father (deceased) , Sister (non-magical)
Your wand : 13" inches , vine , Dragon heartstring , stiff
Your Quidditch position : Beater/Chaser
Your work : Pretty sure you'd be an Auror !
Your immediate friends : Harry , Hermione , Ron and Lavender
Your bestfriend : Ron , Harry and Lavender
A small word from Mr.Ollivander
Y/N , people achieve great things , but not only passion is required , trust is required to be implanted too .
Your sorting
The sorting hat : Hmm... Quite passionate , but private . Argumentative and stubborn . Brave and headstrong . As much as I want to sort you into Slytherin , you lack the large amount of ambition and cunningness . I sort you into...
Your patronus
Wolf 🐺
Those who wield a wolf patronus will protect friends and family with a feirce passion. While first impressions can lead one to believe the wolf patronus belongs to a strong silent type, they also have a playful side underneath. However, this is only displayed towards trusted individuals.
Your girlfriend
Susan Bones (ex)
Reason to get together : She was your Yule ball date
Time span : Medium
Reason for break-up : The relationship was too casual and you both wanted something serious (6th year)
Ginny Weasely (Wife)
Reason to get together : She kissed you out of nowhere
Time span : Stable , loving and long lived .
Marriage : After the war .
The Professor who'd adore you
Professor Remus Lupin and Professor McGonagall
Because you're really the one who's serious and your debating nature ( McGonagall's loves you for this )
Also , you're not the one to back down from a fight and are protective of your friends , definitely a quality Remus loves .
Your Yule Ball look
I feel this would suit you pretty well
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Your date : Susan Bones , because she shyly asked you out . Harry and Ron pushed you to accept it (you were thinking about going alone with Harry and Ron .)
Your past
You had a simple past with your mother, father and sister . You all were good and happy until your father died in a car accident , or that's what you all thought . You were half blood , because your father was a wizard , he kept it hidden . He was killed by a bunch of death eaters . He was very close to the Potter's and knew where they were hiding with Harry . The death eaters asked him , tortured him to tell the location until he killed himself so as not to spill out the location . He was found near a car and so you all thought it was an accident .
Your strengths and weaknesses
Considering your description , I'm pretty sure your
Strengths are : Flying , Charms and DADA
Weaknesses are : Potions (mostly because it's Snape) and Herbology
Other subjects are medium
Your strongest spell type: defensive
Your weak spot : Unforgivable Curses
Your popularity
A lot after you joined Hogwarts . Many girls had a crush on you especially because you stood up to Malfoy and they found you attractive . Ginny wasn't the one , because she was too busy with Harry . You might think that you were popular because you were a part of the golden trio , no . Read ahead ..
What the Golden Trio thinks about you
Harry : You're the one who supports him . He can always have your shoulder to cry on , your backup to save him and your brains to debate . He would die to save you . He really is glad to have you as his bestfriend .
Hermione : She doesn't like you that much . She respects you and your knowledge but she doesn't like how you become stubborn (and also how you're correct sometimes) . But , she admires you for your bravery , protectiveness over her and your loyalty .
Ronald : He wasn't close with you as much you and Harry were , until you and Ginny became a thing . You began spending time with him , so you boys were also a trio . He really liked you and your caring nature behind the serious demeanor.
Marauders' thoughts on you
James Potter (if he were alive) : He'd really like you , but you won't be that close . He'll be proud of your bravery and would often insist harry to stay connected with a friend like you .
Sirius Black : He really likes the inner side of you rather than the outer one . He likes how you're so loyal and protective of your friends .
Remus Lupin : He likes you a lot . He'll often spend time with you . He really sees himself in you sometimes .
Could you master all of the deathly hallows ?
You werent able to master the elder wand. You actually don't crave the power .
A short paragraph on you going to your first year at Hogwarts
"Y/N , are you done with it ?" Your mother spoke from behind , silencing you . You had been arguing with a Sir who denied of telling you the way to platform 9¾ , instead he completely discarded the talk of having a station as such . You turned around to tell your mother that you won't give up , until a boy in baggy clothes , black hair and a trolley similar to your packing came into view . He seemed similar . After having a short talk about how he was too , a wizard and was searching for 9¾ , you all heard Mrs.Weasely . Befriending Ron and sending a smile at his younger sister , you all set out into the wall one by one . You mother bid you bye with teary eyes and a hug . Surpassing the wall , you smiled at the name 'Hogwarts Express'
Your life at Hogwarts
Year 1 : You became friends with Harry and Ron . Usually , you had battles with Hermione . You all grew very close after the philosopher's stone incident .
Year 2 : You saw Ginny's sorting with Hermione , but Harry and Ron were late . You all stood together and you doubted Ginny's health and stuff , trying to warn Ronald. Ginny began liking you when your saved her , but she didn't realise it , credits to her crush on your bff Harry .
Year 3 : You all stood with Harry while he faced how his father was betrayed . You stayed with him throughout the third year , learning the patronus charm with him (so that you could be a good support to him)
Year 4 : Your name didn't come out of the goblet but sources speak that u was put there . You help Harry while finding the one who did this . You do find him , alastor moody (who's not really him) and inform it to professors.
Year 5 : You gave them the idea of an army and you all held the meeting . There were people who disagreed , but you shut them , changed their mind and then , they were an active part of the army . You all got caught and you and Hermione got out with Harry .
Year 6 : Dumbledore tells you that you're supposed to protect Harry because you're one of the strongest wizards that the world has . You go on with them on the adventures of the deathly hallows and see Dumbledore dying . But you took it to the heart about him telling you to protect your friends and you did .
Year 7 : the final year . You played a huge role . Three horcruxes were destroyed by you and it was your theory (you warned them) that Harry could also be a horcrux .
Your adventures
You were the one to last with Harry . In the philosopher's stone , you went in with him leaving Ron and Hermione . The chamber of secrets too , you went in and while Harry battled the basilisk with you , you kept paying attention to Ginny. Eventually , you killed the basilisk and saved Ginny with Harry's idea , who couldn't move due to the basilisk teeth on his hand . Just like this , you kept going at Hogwarts , experiencing the adventures and learning lessons . You fell for Ginny(you had an attraction towards her already) after she kissed you when you were going with Harry and Dumbledore . In short , you were always the one who were with Harry in the end , he valued you a lot and told you everything . More over a relationship like James and Sirius had . You and Ginny got together officially after the war and got married , lived happily ever after
That's it ! I'll take your leave
I hope you like it !
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mooncat457writing · 4 years
A Not So Recent Development
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Written for 10 Days of Healing - Wolfstar Comfort Mini-Fest. I hope you enjoy and thanks @swottypotter​ for hosting!
A series of moments over the course of Sirius’ and Remus’ relationship told non-linearly.
Prompt: Returning
Summary: September 1st, 1975. When the Marauders return from summer holiday for their fifth year, Remus has gone from short, gangly, and quiet, to tall, fit, and—well, still quiet, but Sirius starts to see him in a new light.
Word Count: 1.3k 
Also on AO3.
The dorm room was silent. James and Peter were already asleep in a post-Welcome Feast food coma, and Remus was in their bathroom, taking his nightly shower, leaving Sirius alone with his thoughts. He’d already changed into his pajamas and lay down, staring at the top of his four-poster bed. It was only his first night back after the summer holiday. He shouldn’t already be so stressed. Sure, it was his OWL year, which every fifth-year was freaking out over, although classes didn’t start until Monday. But exams weren’t what plagued Sirius’ mind. The thing that occupied nearly every bit of his thoughts since the train was more of a personal crisis than an academic one.
A romantic personal crisis, to be specific. Sirius had a crush, or at least what he thought was a crush. He wasn’t quite sure since he’d ever had a crush before. But he had the intense desire to snog the daylights out of a certain someone, so he figured it was probably a crush. Unlike most boys, Sirius had never had a childhood crush. While James had jabbered away at eleven about how cute the seventh-year Ravenclaw that tutored them in Levitation Charms was, Sirius just nodded and threw out the occasional, “yeah, her hair does look soft.” He figured the heart-racing, pixies-in-your-stomach, dry-mouth-inducing attraction toward a girl would come later when he was older. And to an extent, he’d been right. He was older alright, but it wasn’t a girl making him feel weak at the knees. No, it was a boy.
When he thought about it—which he had been obsessing over the past eleven hours—it didn’t surprise him all that much that he liked blokes. He’d been on a date with a girl last year to Hogsmeade, and it was an alright time. He had had a nice time, he guessed, and he’d kissed her because that’s what he thought he should do. But it wasn’t the fantastic experience that Gideon Prewett, one of the twins on the Quidditch team in the year ahead of him, had made it seem. So, it wasn’t the “fancying blokes” concept that bothered him. It was the bloke in question that had him frazzled.
The door opened and out walked Remus, already dressed in flannel pajama bottoms and a green jumper. He was towel drying his tawny curls, which had grown longer over the summer and now hung in his eyes in an impossibly adorable way. His hair wasn’t the only thing that had changed about him in the two months that had passed while Sirius had been cooped up in Grimmauld Place. Remus had shot up at least five inches, although he was still shorter than Sirius, and seemed to have put on a little muscle, too. He was still skinny, but not nearly as skin-and-bones as he always was. And maybe it was the fact that Dumbledore had made him Prefect, but he also carried himself with an air of quiet confidence he didn’t have before. In short, somehow, in two months, Remus Lupin had gone from this short, gangly, and quiet boy to one who was tall, fit, and—well, still quiet, but in the kind of way that made Sirius’ stomach flip.
And that was the source of Sirius’ dilemma. He’d never once saw his best friend as cute. Never had he wished to smooth the still damp curls away from Remus’ face, then maybe pull him close by those curls and snog the ever-loving daylights out of him? What in Merlin’s name was he supposed to do if the first person he’d ever had the will to snog was his bloody best friend?
“The bathroom’s all yours, Padfoot,” Remus said as he hung his towel on the hook by his four-poster.
“Thanks,” he mumbled. He could feel Remus looking at him, and he wanted to look back, but he couldn’t bring himself to. He’d never been very good at hiding his emotions, and the last thing he needed was for Remus to find out about his feelings before he had really had the chance to work through them. So he continued to stare at the ceiling, hoping that Remus would go to bed soon.
Remus let out a frustrated huff. “Alright, that’s it. Budge up,” he ordered. Sirius barely had time to register the command before Remus was plopping down on the foot of Sirius’ bed, pulling the curtains closed, and casting a Muffliato Charm.
“What’s up?” Sirius asked.
“‘What’s up?’” Remus parroted back at him. “‘What’s up’ is that you haven’t looked me in the eye or said over six words to me since the train. And seeing as I also didn’t hear from you all summer, I can’t help but think you’re mad at me. So, what did I do?”
“Nothing. I wasn’t—I couldn’t send any letters this summer. The only reason that I could talk to James because of our mirrors. I promise.” That much was true. His mother had put him on a communication lockdown for the entire summer in an attempt to bring him in-line. But it didn’t explain his behavior on the train or at dinner, and the look on Remus’ face told him he wasn’t going to get out of the conversation that easily.
“That still doesn’t explain why you won’t talk or look at me. I mean, for fuck’s sake, I’m right in front of you, and you still won’t look at me.”
Sirius took a deep breath and dragged his gaze up from his lap to Remus’ face.
“Pads, what is it? And don’t say ‘nothing’ because I can tell something is up with you. If it was something I did—”
“It’s not you, Rem,” he said, cutting Remus off.
Remus’ face softened. “Did something happen with your family?”
He nodded. “Reg won’t speak to me. We got into a fight last night and—” he said, which was true, but again, not the complete story.
Luckily, Remus bought it. He reached forward and squeezed Sirius’ arm. “I’m sorry, Pads. You know you can talk to me, though. You don’t have to hide.”
Sirius did his best not to react to how the subtle contact sent a spark through his entire body. “I know. I just—I need time to process it.”
Remus smiled sadly. “Well, I’m here.”
“Thanks, Moons,” Sirius said, returning the sad smile. “I’m going to go brush my teeth then try to get some sleep. I’m exhausted.” That was a complete lie. He was wide awake, but he needed to be alone.
“Sure.” Remus gave his arm another squeeze before putting his arm away. “Goodnight, Padfoot.”
“Night, Rem.”
He watched Remus lift the Silencing Charm, open the curtains, and climb out of bed before going to the bathroom. He shut the door, leaned against it, and buried his face in his hands to muffle his frustrated groan. Merlin, he was in trouble. Because in that brief conversation, he had three realizations:
One: he didn’t just want to snog Remus, but wanted general physical closeness. He wanted to hold his hand, and for Remus to hold him in his arms as he told him about his horrible summer, and to bury his face into those fluffy curls to breathe in that comforting scent of bergamot and chocolate that always seems to hang on him.
Two: he’d wanted to do those last three things for longer than just the past eleven hours. He thought that was just things people always wanted to do with their friends. But maybe not, because he’d never had the same want for physical closeness with James or Peter.
Which brought him to three: his feelings for Remus might not be as recent a development as he initially thought.
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lumos-solemn · 3 years
My Opinions on HP cannon and non-canon ships
1) Hinny (Harry X Ginny) :- According to me, they are the perfect couples like what we call soulmates. They are polar opposites but still they are similar in so many things. Not being grown up in a family, Harry is awkward and uncomfortable when anything emotional comes and It was only Ginny who can handle him well. Harry never knew family love, With Ginny, He has a really large family which he can call his. They both have had really terrible and intimate experiences with Voldemort so they know what each other might have felt and doesn't go on judging. They balance each other well in a way that it is hard to separate them.
2) Romione (Ron X Hermione) :- The way we can say about their love in one sentence is "Two Imperfect People loving each other in the Perfect way." Their love had had so many hardships and both had undergone really difficult to situations before they found each other. Hermione is bossy and can be annoying at times but It is only Ron who admired her the way she is. He loved her for her flaws when everyone around tried to point them. The same goes with Ron. Being grown up in a family with 5 elder siblings, he was so insecure and It was Hermione and only her who realised this and helped him. Another thing is that They were best friends before turning into lovers and they knew how the other person was so intimately. There was no secrets or anything. They knew each other well. Romione is something which we cannot stop talking about, So I will just end it with They are PERFECT in every ways possible.
3) Jily (James X Lily) :- I personally think that they are a little overrated but that doesn't mean that they are not good together. They are really good and is something what we call "Opposite Attracts". James was the happy-go-lucky cheerful type of guy while Lily was silent and bookish. James loved Lily from the very beginning and never stopped loving her. But his ways, I think, were of a bully. One of the reason James didn't like Snape was because of his closeness with Lily (Although there was other reasons). But one can't deny the way James and Lily Loved each other. It was pure and selfless. Though they are not my OTP but I love them anyways.
4) Remadora (Remus X Tonks) :- I personally, Love this couple a lot but I have noticed that they are often not brought up because of the Wolfstar. Theirs was never the perfect love story but still it was one of the most beautiful ones from the series. I was angry when the films ignored most of their story. The way Tonks loved Remus irrespective of his problems was simply beautiful. I love them so much.
5) Bleur (Bill X Fleur) :- I will say that theirs is the most underrated love story from the whole series. Everyone say the way Tonks loved Remus selflessly but people often forgets that Fleur also did the same. Bill was also attacked by Greyback and had scars on his body but still Fleur didn't stop loving him. Theirs was an unexpected ship because I, personally didn't think that Fleur and Bill would get together. So I think they also deserve the same Remadora appreciation.
6) Snily (Snape X Lily) :- This is not everyone's favourite ship but it's canon and we can't do anything but accept the fact that of Snape never turned towards Dark Arts and didn't call Lily a mudblood, Lily would have definitely reciprocated his feelings at least for some time. I am also not a fan of this couple but I can't turn my back towards Snape's love for Lily. He truly loved her and is one of the best love stories of the book though it didn't end well.
7) Marthur (Molly X Arthur) :- I don't think there's any need to tell anything about them. Of all the couples from the series, theirs is the one with everything we love to see in a love story. They are so good and perfect for each other. And even after so many years into their marriage, Their love didn't grow less instead it grew more and more beautiful. They are those couples who we can call 'CUTE' in all senses.
8) Ravender (Ron X Lavender) :- I don't really like this couple but I can't deny that Lavender truly loved Ron. Theirs was not a healthy relationship. Ron only dated her just to feed his ego when Ginny made fun of him. It was clear that they were not meant to together.
9) Charry (Cho X Harry) :- Cho was Harry's first crush later his love. But she was not the one for Harry. Harry liked Cho only Because of her good looks. She was never the girl Harry would love. Harry was emotionally awkward and Cho only made it high. He didn't know what he should say when Cho cries or shares her traumas. Its like they might have made a good couple if there was no Voldemort drama going on or Harry had a normal life but it was not and Harry did good breaking up with her, I will say.
1) Harmione (Harry X Hermione) :- As much as I love to see both of them together, I don't think they will make a good couple. They were great as best friends and anything romantic between them would have ruined the beauty of their relationship. The way they were portrayed in the movies were not really them. Movies modified their relationship and degraded Ron's. Hermione is emotionally and girly, opposite to what Harry likes in girls. She is bossy and Harry often argues with her proving her wrong. I won't say they are bad but I think they are just not meant to be.
2) Dramione (Draco X Hermione) :- To be very honest, I have no idea how people ship them and it always amuses me how people say Draco loved her and all. I like Tom Felton and Emma Watson together but they are not Draco and Hermione. Draco never saw Hermione romantically. He bullied her and called her mudblood. He even wished her to die in his second year. There was no way they could end up together. It would have made more sense if you though about Draco and Ginny because he atleast had a crush on her. So I think Dramione is a toxic ship and I never support it.
3) Wolfstar (Remus X Sirius) :- This would have made a good couple if everything was good. I like Remadora more and that is the only reason I don't ship them. I personally think they make a really nice couple.
4) Drarry (Draco X Harry) :- I really have no idea how people made up this ship. They both really can't stand each other and I doubt they won't even make good friends. I don't want to talk more about them. Honestly, I don't like them.
5) Linny (Ginny X Luna) :- I like both of them so much individually but I don't think They make a good couple. It might be because of my obsession with Hinny but anyhow I do not favour this couple.
So, I guess that's it. I know there are more couples but I have chosen only important ones. And There's is SNAMIONE. I don't even want to think about them. It makes me sick. These are my opinions and is not intended to hurt anyone.
Thank You❤️
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ravenhilarious · 5 years
Harry Potter character personal headcanons – Marauders era
Race: Some kind of Asian. Common headcanon is that he’s Indian, so let’s go with that. Sexuality: Straight, and very surprised to find out that none of the other Marauders are  Ship(s): Lily.  If I should ship him with someone else, it would probably be an OC. In an AU where he was into guys, I could see him with Sirius, too. Nope ship(s): Haven’t really seen him paired up with anyone but Lily, tbh... but any ship with a large age gap. I’m not very fond of James/Snape either. Platonic ship(s): The Marauders. I like to think he was close to Frank, Alice, Kingsley, Moody, Marlene McKinnon, Mary MacDougal etc. too. Disability/ies: From what we see of him, he could have ADHD. Idk tho.
Race: Isn’t she explicitly described as “pale and rosecheeked” or something like that? Yeah, pretty sure she’s white (also, Petunia is blonde and blue-eyed, so yeah) Sexuality: Demiromantic bisexual. She can easily find people attractive, but she doesn’t develop romantic feelings before a few years at least Ship(s): James. In an AU where he stayed a spoiled brat and she wouldn’t want to date him, I could see her with either Remus or one of her female friends. Nope ship(s): Believe it or not, I have seen people ship her with Slughorn (!) I really don’t ship Snily. It wouldn’t be good for any of them. I don’t think I have to explain why, as we see that even their friendship wasn’t completely healthy. Platonic ship(s): I think she was close to the other Marauders, as well as her female friends (and of course Kingsley, Moody etc.) In an AU where Snape didn’t hang out with people who wanted Lily dead, I think they could have had a beautiful friendship. But well... Disability/ies: None that I can think of...
Race: Mixed. I think he has some white, and some Asian (perhaps Filipino or Sri Lankan) and maybe some Hispanic, too. Idk. Sexuality: Asexual homoromantic.  Ship(s): Remus. In an AU where they both survive, ofc. And perhaps they dated a little in their Hogwarts years, before all that war stuff distracted them. Idk.  In an AU where James was into guys, I could see them dating, too. Another ship I’d love to explore is Sirius/Kingsley. (Kingsley is into guys, right? Let’s say he is.) I think it’d be fun to have the slightly immature rebellious guy and the ambitious, serious guy... just... date each other. Yeah. A crack ship I could sort of see is Sirius/Lucius. I mean... wouldn’t it be hilarious? Nope ship(s): I have, of course, seen him paired up with most of the Lightning Generation (yes, including Draco and Neville. Yikes) and that’s just... too big of an age gap, especially since most of them were minors when he died. I’ve also seen him paired up with Regulus and all of the Black Sisters, which is just... plain wrong! I don’t like Sirius/Snape that much either. Platonic ship(s): All of da Marauders (if he isn’t dating any of them, that is). And of course Lily and the rest of the friend group. Disability/ies: Isn’t it pretty obvious that he has depression and probably PTSD after Azkaban? He didn’t really seem all that normal in his youth either – werewolf prank, anyone? But considering the parents he grew up with, it doesn’t surprise me that he would be a bit fucked up, even if he didn’t realise it.
Race: White Sexuality: Either bi or pan. You know what, I think he’s pan. And he’s also a trans boy. He realised he was a dude a while after he was bitten, and that’s why he chose that name. Ship(s): I do like him with Tonks. But I also kinda ship him with Sirius. I could also see him with Lily, if she didn’t date James. Nope ship(s): Any ship with a large age difference, tbh.  (Tonks is on thin fucking ice, but the fact that she was was into her twenties when they started dating, and that their relationship arc is so freaking cute, makes the ice a bit thicker) Oh, and especially Greyback! Why do some people ship this? Platonic ship(s): Marauders! (if he doesn’t date Sirius, then they’re brotp) And the rest of the friend group, like I described above Disability/ies: He seems to have some sort of social anxiety? And definitely depression. He needed to take some meds!
Race: White Sexuality: Gay mess. Probably had a big crush on James and Sirius during their school time. (i have a crack headcanon that he switched side because he thought young!TomRiddle was hotter than his friends) Ship(s): Idk... can’t really see him with anyone, tbh. Perhaps an oc? Someone who could boost his morality and confidence. Kinda like Ginny, but male and from his generation. Nope ship(s): Anything pædo. Don’t really ship him with death eaters, either.  Platonic ship(s): The Marauders and Lily, Kingsley etc. before he betrayed them. But well... Disability/ies: Perhaps some kind of anxiety?
Race: He reads as a mixed dude to me. Probably some white, perhaps also some Asian. Maybe he has descendants from multiple Asian countries? I like the idea of him having some Korean and Middle Eastern. Yeah. Sexuality: It’s common to headcanon him as ace. I don’t see why he couldn’t be, so let’s just say he is. I don’t think he’s into guys, so heteroromantic? I’ve also seen people headcanon him as Not Cis. But whether he’s a trans boy, non-binary, intersex, or something completely different? Idk. I do like the idea of him being intersex and non-binary, but alright with he/him pronouns (whether that would make him a non-binary and/or he/him lesbian... i won’t go into that, since i’m not lesbian myself) Ship(s): If I should pick a canon character, I’d pick Narcissa. That unbreakable vow chapter made me realise how cute they’d be together, and after a reread/rewatch, you realise that they were both primarily driven (and arguably redeemed) by love. If not, then probably an oc of some kind.  Nope ship(s): So many... but first: any pædo ship. It’s common to ship him with Harry and Hermione, both of which are very wrong (especially the Snarry ship, but since the Snamione ship has sexist undertones...) And Dumbledore and Voldemort (I’ve seen fanart for both... I wish I hadn’t) But also Lily (for aforementioned reasons) and James and Sirius. Platonic ship(s): Lily, if he could stop that racism before it was too late. And I like the idea of him and Luna sort of befriending each other, as long as he stops being mean to Neville (bc she wouldn’t tolerate that bullshit) Disability/ies: Um, depression? Definitely. He does seem to have some Autistic traits, too. His intovercy/introvertiness/whatever and his deep interest in stuff. Also how he can sometimes act slightly... clingy towards Lily (I’m autistic, and I tend to be pretty clingy in periods where I only have one friend)
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forzalando · 6 years
Secret Admirer ~ Remus Lupin
I wrote this for my own personal enjoyment, a bit of self indulgence, but I thought it was so adorable and @starlitmoony convinced me to post it :) as a lot of you probably already know, I am obsessed with the idea of love letters. I think they’re adorable and ugh I just love it. anyway, I apologize in advance, but my name and physical traits are used in this, I also inserted my personality into the letters written to Remus, so feel free to read how I would interact with Remus Lupin. 
enjoy :) 
Pairing: Remus x OC (except it’s me, I am the OC, oops) Word Count: like almost 3k, I really got carried away  Warnings: none, just cuteness :) 
Dear Remus,
I suspect you’re wondering who would send you a letter on this fine evening. You can call me, for a lack of a better term, your secret admirer.
You see, Remus, our seventh year at Hogwarts has just begun, and I’ve had a massive crush on you since our fifth year.
So, as I sat on my bed this evening, I decided that I wasn’t going to let graduation come and force us to part ways without telling you how I feel.
However, I’d prefer to stay anonymous, if that’s alright. I can handle rejection, but I don’t know if I could handle it from you. All I will tell you is that I am a girl, and I have blonde hair.
If you would be so kind, please tell your friends that an innocent bystander was almost assaulted by their most recent prank on Slytherin house. I just narrowly escaped their water balloon assault in the third floor corridor yesterday. Also, feel free to inform Sirius that he throws like a girl and that I will continue to laugh at this fact for weeks to come.
You may write back if you so desire, but I will understand if you choose not to. The owl that delivered your letter is the smartest in the owlery; use her, she’ll be able to deliver to me even though my name shall remain a mystery. 
Sweet Dreams, Your Secret Admirer
P.S. Honeydukes is having a gigantic sale on chocolate bars this weekend, and I thought you might like to know.
Dear Secret Admirer,
Thank you for letting me know about the sale, that’s awfully kind. My chocolate supply has been depleting rapidly; I suspect James is stealing some and giving it to Lily Evans.
I did, in fact, inform Sirius of this newfound information about his throwing skills. As you can imagine, he was not pleased.
I also asked him if he noticed any seventh year, non-slytherin girls in the corridor, but sadly, he said he didn’t.
Believe it or not, I know how you feel about the whole rejection thing. I’ve been rejected my whole life, so it doesn’t bother me much anymore, but there’s one person I could never face rejection from.
I reckon we’re a lot more alike than you think, Ms. Admirer.
Sincerely, Remus Lupin
P.S. I happen to be very fond of blonde hair.
Dear Remus,
Who would ever reject you? Why, Remus, you’re practically perfect in every way.
You’re smart, kind, loyal, witty…did I mention incredibly good looking? Because you are definitely the most beautiful man I have ever seen.
We do have some things in common; we share a love of books and a love for chocolate (that’s how I knew about the Honeydukes sale, I hope you replenished your supply), and last year I was informed that your Amortentia also smells of rain. I’m not sure what your other two scents are, but I reckon they would be chocolate and parchment. Am I right?
Speaking of potions, good luck on the upcoming exam, even though you don’t need luck because you’re brilliant. Merlin knows I need some, though, Professor Slughorn despises me for some reason.
Yours, Blondie
P.S. I just so happen to be very fond of brown hair and green eyes.
Dear Blondie,
I love the new signature! It’s very cute, and much more personal than addressing you as “Secret Admirer”.
Do your friends call you Blondie? Or was that just because I mentioned that I adore blonde hair? Because I really do, I’ve always taken a liking to blonde girls.
I have a nickname, and if you know me as well as I think you do, then you definitely know what it is.
I’m flattered that you think I’m beautiful, love, but I have to disagree with you. How can a man riddled with scars be beautiful to anyone?
You were half right with your Amortentia guesses; rain and chocolate are two of my scents, but the third shall remain a secret.
Eagerly Awaiting Your Reply, Moony
P.S. I left some chocolate in a brown paper bag behind the One-Eyed Witch statue for you. But don’t worry, I respect your wish to remain anonymous, even though it annoys me, so when you go to retrieve it no one will be waiting to see who you are.
P.P.S. Would you tell me what color eyes you have? I’ve been trying to picture what you look like, and I imagine your eyes to be the color of the deep sea after a storm; not entirely blue, but also not entirely green.
Dear Moony,
I did know your nickname. Even if I wasn’t enamored by you, your friends are terribly loud. The whole school knows your nickname.
Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs. The Marauders.
I have to admit; I like that your name comes first. It gives you this aura of authority that I find incredibly attractive.
My friends do not call me Blondie; they call me by my first name. Unfortunately for you, that shall remain a secret, just like your missing Amortentia scent.
I got the chocolate! How did you know hazelnut was my favorite? I sent a friend to retrieve it for me, because while I trust you wholeheartedly, Padfoot and Prongs are meddlesome. Of course, you probably haven’t told them about our letters, so I could have gone myself.
You have a very vivid imagination, Remus. I’m thoroughly impressed. However, the color of my eyes shall remain a secret.
Yours, Blondie
P.S. I am a someone. A someone who thinks you are beautiful exactly the way you are. Which means that a man, you specifically, despite the scars, can be beautiful. I happen to like your scars. They suit you. I can’t imagine you without them, and if I try to, I don’t find you as attractive. So, chew on that, Remus.
Dearest Mystery Eyed Blondie,
Aura of authority, eh? That’s interesting, so you like men in power?
I’m honored that I am the only one that gets to call you Blondie. One day I’ll discover your name, and when I do, I can only imagine how beautiful it will sound when I speak it.
Yes, my friends can be quite meddlesome. However, they respect my wishes, so I told them not to hide out by the statue searching for a blonde girl that would pick up the package.
Of course I told them about our letters, they’ve become something I greatly look forward to. Besides, it’s fun to tease Sirius about how there’s a girl in the school besides Lily who isn’t mad for him.
You definitely are a someone; a very mysterious someone. I am rather intrigued by you. I find myself thinking about you all the time, wondering where you are, and what you’re doing. Won’t you tell me who you are?
Affectionately, Moony
P.S. I’ve never had someone tell me that they like my scars. You are extraordinarily special, Blondie.
Dearest Moony,
I wouldn’t necessarily say I like men in positions of power; it’s more or less that I find everything about you incredibly attractive.
Are you flirting with me, Remus? You sneaky boy, flattery will get you nowhere! I am quite stubborn; it will take more than a clever line to get me to bend to your will.
If you ever tell them I said this, I’ll deny it, but your friends are very amusing. I may avoid their pranks like the plague, but that doesn’t mean I don’t like or admire them. They seem to be amazing people.
Yes, I’m most definitely not interested in Sirius. You’re much more attractive; both in looks and personality. If it won’t hurt his ego too much, you can inform him that I know of at least ten girls in our year, in addition to Lily and I, that aren’t attracted to him.
I kind of like having an aura of mystery, can’t I keep going a little longer? And truthfully, I enjoy talking to you behind a mask, because it means that I can say things to you that I know I never could if you discover my identity.
Yours Truly, Blondie
P.S. Extraordinarily special, huh? These lines aren’t going to work, Remus, I’m still not telling you!
You think I’m feeding you lines? Just to get what I want?
I’m not a liar, or manipulative, by any means.
If I say something, I mean it.
- Remus
Godric, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to insinuate anything negative about you. I would never intentionally hurt you, that is the very last thing I would ever want to do. I know you would never lie or manipulate someone, I truly know that.
It’s just so difficult to believe you could see me as special. You don’t even know who I am, how can you possibly believe that?
Please Forgive Me, Blondie
It’s been three days and I haven’t heard from you.
If my stupid insecurities ruined everything, I’ll jump into the Black Lake and live among the mermaids for the rest of forever.
Remus, there isn’t a single thing I would change about you. I know that you are honest and always have pure intentions. Everything about you is good and warm. You are astonishingly perfect.
Even if you never want to speak to me again, please forgive me. I can’t bear the thought of you mad at me.
Desperately Seeking Your Forgiveness, Blondie
Dearest Blondie,
Of course I forgive you, and I’m so sorry for not replying to your first letter and making you worry.
I was sick and in the hospital wing. Unfortunately, Madame Pomfrey didn’t think that responding to my letters was important.
I’m sorry for being cross, I know you were teasing. It just irritated me that you don’t see how wonderful you are.
You make me smile and you make me laugh. You see me for who I am, even though I have no idea who you are. You see my scars, and somehow, still find me beautiful.
I think you are beautiful, as well. Your personality shines in the letters you send me, and it is beautiful. You are smart, funny, observant, kindhearted…do I need to continue? I will if you ask me to.
How can someone so enchanting and captivating on paper be anything less than stunning to me?
Affectionately Yours, Moony
Dearest Moony,
Sick and in the hospital wing, hmm? I know. I’ve known since last year. I’m observant, remember? I was so worried that you weren’t responding out of anger that I completely forgot what time of the month it was.
I still find you to be the most perfect man in the whole world. When I figured it out, my affections for you didn’t falter in the slightest. If anything, they grew stronger.
I don’t know what to say, Remus. It was practically impossible to sit in the Great Hall this morning and not run over to you and kiss the bloody hell out of you. Would you like to play a guessing game? I have a feeling you’ll be able to win, you’re quite clever.
1. You already know my hair is blonde, but it is far from short. It reaches all the way down my back. It’s quite annoying, really. 2. I am also a Gryffindor. (Isn’t it kind of fun that I’ve been practically under your nose this whole time?) 3. If I am not spending time with Hufflepuff Chaser Anna Howell (Your Potions partner from last year! Now you can stop wondering who told me about your Amortentia. I’m still curious as to what your third scent is!), I can be found with Lily Evans or Marlene McKinnon! (I really have been right under your nose this whole time!) 4. You should know who this is by now, but just in case your massive brain decided to stop working, I got an O on the Charms essay you helped me with last week, just like you promised. (Honestly, right under your nose.)
Love, Blondie 
Remus stared with wide eyes at the letter in his hand. In the back of his mind, ever since he received the very first letter, he had hoped and prayed it was you. He had even imagined he was writing to you!
You really had thought of everything to keep your identity a secret; a charm that changed your handwriting prevented him from recognizing the familiar way you looped your y’s or the way you always wrote half in print and half in cursive.
He found it adorable, even though it drove all of your professors crazy.
Remus read your clues one more time, just to make sure he wasn’t imagining that the girl who had been writing to him was the same girl he had been dreaming about since his fourth year. A girl that was his friend, albeit not a best friend, but, in his eyes, a close friend.
How had you both been so oblivious?
There were signs in multiple letters that should have made him realize it was you, but he had always thought you were too good for him; too beautiful, too pure, too kindhearted, and these feelings blinded him.
Remus carefully set your final letter on his bed and took the stairs down to the common room three at a time in an effort to get there as quickly as possible.
Remus quickly took a seat next to you on the couch, and watched you close your book and turn your attention to him. It was very late, and you always spent your nights reading in the common room. Sometimes he would join you, but if he wasn’t with you then you were alone.
He looked at you as if he wanted to say something, but he couldn’t seem to find the words since his mouth kept opening and closing like a fish.
“Did you lose your voice, Remus?”
He contemplated, for a fraction of a second, responding to your sarcasm, but decided he would rather crush his lips to yours in a searing kiss.
His large, rough hands cradled your face delicately, but his lips attacked your own with a fiery passion you had always suspected was inside of him, despite his gentle nature.
With a soft tug on your bottom lip, Remus pulled away slightly and let his breath mingle with your own.
“I told you that you would win the guessing game,” you giggled softly.
“Honestly, Marissa, you’re hilarious. You do realize we’re both complete halfwits, right? I should have known it was you when you said your amortentia smelled of rain. Who else in this bloody school goes outside during rainstorms? I also should have realized when you said hazelnut was your favorite flavor of chocolate. I literally bought hazelnut chocolate for you, hoping it was you, without realizing that it actually was you.”
“You had hoped it was me?”
“Are you serious? Did you not read my description of your eyes? I imagined my secret admirer with the exact same color eyes as you!”
“You said you imagined eyes like the deep sea after a storm, I thought it was a chat-up line, nobody says things like that unless they’re hopelessly in – “
“Hopelessly in love? Well, yeah, that’s because I am. Hopelessly in love with you.”
“I’d call you a two-timer but that wouldn’t be fair since the whole time you were writing letters to me, you had no idea who I was but you were imagining and hoping it was me.”
“Did you ignore what I said on purpose or are you teasing me?”
“I’m teasing you, Rem, what else would you expect from me?”
“Maybe an ‘I love you, too’ or a snog or, I don’t know, anything other than making jokes about me being a two-timer when you’re the only girl I’ve had eyes for since I was 14.”
“Remus, I am desperately in love with you.”
He captured your lips in another passionate kiss, this time using his hands to grip your waist and pull you against his chest. His lips left your mouth to explore your neck, leaving a trail of love-bites you would be annoyed at later.
Suddenly, his lips stopped moving and you heard him giggle against your skin.
“Do you want to know what my third scent is?”
“Really? That’s what you’re thinking about during the middle of our first snog session?”
“It’s your perfume, I can taste it on your neck.”
“Do I taste good?”
“Oh love, you taste delicious,” he growled as his grip on your waist tightened.
You flopped back dramatically on the couch and pulled him with you.
“Well, devour me then, Remus,” you whispered in his ear.
“I am so in love with you, Marissa.”
“I love you too, now kiss me before I spontaneously combust, I’ve been waiting two bloody years for this.”
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Draco x reader
friends since toddler, now dating
s/o being upset
Imagines & One-shot & Song Request HARRY POTTER
Draco x Reader
She is different
Merry Christmas, Malfoy
Stay down, Weasley
Shall we dance?
Plans for the summer? (Part 1; Part 2; Part 3; Part 4)
My little Malfoys
I’ll help you
Go away
George x Reader
Who said we wouldn’t prepare anything?
Let’s go to the ball
Fred x Reader
My little Chaser
How do you know?
Your crush is here
Harry x Reader
Step aside, Potter (Father!Snape)
Sirius x Reader
I knew you would come back
Severus x Reader
Sorry, professor, not today
I care for you
Don’t ever do that
I do not want you to leave
Professor... Professor Snape?
Come here
No Romance
She is Malfoy
You deserve that (Draco)
I could have killed you. (Maradeur!Remus)
Lucifer x Reader
I see
It’s my turn
Happy Birthday, Darling
Bruce Banner x Reader
Arguing with your brother, Tony, about your relationship
Returning from the mission
Learning that he tried to kill himself
Him saying that you can never go home
More than just annoyed
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Telling him that his family is dead Playing piano
Calling you while on mission
Dean and Sam meeting you demon boyfriend (Dean, Sam, Demon!Bucky Barnes)
Him living with you because Natasha asked
Watching movies together
Him leaving for the mission
Pillow Fight
Watching you leave (Bucky, Steve)
Recalling that he tried to kill you
Dancing in the kitchen
Calling your parents
Recognizing you in the street
Understanding the reference
Him leaving for WWII
Having a nightmare
You know you want to
You look bad, dumbass
Happy Birthday, babygirl
I am James
I will do what I have to do to help him (Father!Tony)
You look like crap, love
Happy birthday to us!
It is not a dream
Loki x Reader
Visiting him in prison
Avengers capturing you
Returning home to you
You having cold hands
You look blue...
Give her back
As long as you are not hurt
Natasha x Reader
Talking till 4 a.m.
Driving her away
Coming before she leaves for the mission
Calling while she’s on mission
Steve Rogers x reader
Watching you leave (Bucky, Steve)
I am crazy about you
This is fear
Tony Stark x Reader
Intervening when your relatives offend you
Steve being over-protective when you date Tony
No Romance
Teasing Steve (Steve, Tony)
Helping you pick a major (Thor, Natasha, Tony)
You’re very likeable (Phil Coulson)
Arthur x Reader
Saving you from getting married
A Royal Prince
Who cares if one is a prince if he is kissing your sister? (Brotherly!Gwaine)
Not Really Expected
What Were You Thinking?
Isn’t that his highness?
It’s all about my father
Gwen is not ‘the one’
Gwaine x Reader
Not Perfect
Melin x Reader
You don’t have to
No Romance
I’ll teach you
Two Wizards in One House
Everything will be alright (Lancelot)
Little Sister’s Guardian
Mad Hatter x Reader
Talking to you
No Romance
Have you asked Violet out yet?
Mycroft x Reader
I know
I simply observed
Merry Christmas
Happy Birthday, Mycroft Holmes
Sherlock x John
I am taking your computer away because you should go to bed
You had one job, Sherlock!
Sherlock x Reader
The One Time John Gets To Explain Stuff To Sherlock
Do Not Open Your Mouth Again (and Part 2)
How did I produce such a child?
Moriarty? (Moriarty’s sister!Reader)
That is strange
Not Romance
Not again (Dad!Mycroft)
Dad is here (Dad!Mycroft)
Let’s play murder
Interrogation (brother!Sherlock & brother!Mycroft)
Good night, darlin’ (Dad!Mycroft)
Doctor ‘Bones’ McCoy x Reader
Not to the Sickbay you say?
She is my sister, Bones! (+ Brother!Kirk)
Late Night Chat
Captain’s Orders, Doctor. Also, I want you alive.
Asexual and terrified
Han Solo x Reader
I did not mean to shoot Luke!
Balthazar x Reader
Introducing Dean and Sam to your kid
Not trusting that he is serious about you
‘Forever’ by Kiss
Castiel x Reader
Telling him that you are not as good as others
Him saying ‘I am no angel’
Everything I do by Bryan Adams
Him taking care of you when you are sick
Him learning that you don’t like Christmas
Him and Christmas Tree
Learning that you can’t sleep after the rape
Him and Mistletoe
Him and Grinch
Him and cooking for Christmas
Taking your computer away because you should sleep
I am here for you
I don’t understand... why hide them? (’bout freckles)
Rabbit and Castiel
Charlie x Reader
Coming home after the mission
Telling her you like her
Chuck x Reader
Meeting for the first time (anti-religious one!)
Him coming for help
Helping you with depression
Crowley x Reader
Dean walking on you kissing
Protecting you
Meeting for the first time
Capturing Crowley to talk to him
Him seeing that you self-harm
‘You were always worth saving’
Him learning that you self-harm, even though you promised to stop
You hating John Winchester
Him wanting to marry you (1, 2, 3, 4)
Him being jealous about ‘Angel’
Him saving you from death and making you stay with him in Hell (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)
Hail to the King of Hell
You will burn, Winchester
You must be kidding me (+ Brother!Dean)
Yet we are here, negotiating like proper psychopaths
King of Hell, and you are... a non-important guy?
I promised I would
It took you some time
I always am here
I wanted you first!
I had a nightmare about you
I am not a hugging guy
I know you better
Give me your hand
That is the reason why you are here with me.
No one treats my girl this way.
Wanna try that again?
I did not feel bad for you
Now, are you sure about that?
You... You make me feel. I want that to stop.
Dean x Reader
Crushing the Impala
Kissing before going hunting
Your father, Balthazar, learning that you and Dean date (Balthazar, Dean)
Scaring him in the morning
Death feeding you because Deana asked him to take care of you (Death)
House of Memories by Panic!At the Disco
Bed of roses by Bon Jovi
No one like you by Scorpions
Comatose by Skillet
I’ll be around by Blowsight
Falling asleep listening to him
Drunk Dean
You didn’t have breakfast, so I brought you food
My child?
Morning, sunshine. (Demon!Dean)
Death x Reader
You know he doesn’t like us
Do you actually believe that?
How dare you?
Mutual attraction
I did not expect that
She is mine
Shape of you
Gabriel x Reader
Him learning that you are kicked out of home for being bisexual
Him learning that you are pregnant
Having a nightmare
Helping you with depression
Dean and Sam hiding you
Him coming back for you
Body image issues
Having dinner
Lucifer x Reader
Finding you after getting out of Cage
Dean and Sam learning that you date Lucifer (Dean, Sam, Lucifer, Castiel)
Your sweet 666 by HIM
Him watching you sleep
You having a heart condition, and him being an a-hole about it
Watching ‘Beauty and the Beast’ together
Every breath you take by the Police
Panic attack
Convincing him to stop looking for God
Being stressed, and Lucifer not helping
Annoying you when you are trying to study
Him killing demons that are hiding you
Him following you because he cares for you
Saving you when you get hurt badly
Taking care of you when you get drunk
Saving you when angels are following you
I’ll bring you back, love (1 and 2)
I knew you would come
Unexpected Guest
Stay away from her
I knew you would come
Michael x Reader
Being his soulmate
Sam x Reader
Waking up after being hurt on a hunt
Learning that you self-harm
Dating Soulless!Sam
No Romance
Responsible for cameras (Dean, Sam)
Calling to make them proud (Dean, Castiel)
Your brother, Dean, talking to your boyfriend (Dean)
Crowley saving you after learning that he is your father (Crowley)
Balthazar saving you from a maniac
Dean and Sam meeting you demon boyfriend (Dean, Sam, Demon!Bucky Barnes)
Dean learning that you hunt (Dean)
Making Balthazar, your father, proud (Balthazar, Dean, Sam)
Dean, your brother, walking you to the altar (Dean)
Your father, Balthazar, seeing that you got a crush (Balthazar)
Your father, Balthazar, learning that you and Dean date (Balthazar, Dean)
Seeing Destiel
Death feeding you because Deana asked him to take care of you (Death)
Telling about how you performed on a concert (Sam, Dean)
Sam pulling sleeping aid in your tea
New case
Don’t close your eyes
Brave Kid
You will make the right choice
Stay away from our girl
She is coming with me (GuardianAngel!Castiel)
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marauders1971-1978 · 7 years
Marauders 1971-1972 Chapt. 2 (Part 1/3)
Harry Potter book canon - Marauders Era
Characters: James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, Lily Evans, Severus Snape (+ Marauders Era background characters)
Genre: Friendship, Close to canon
Rating - same content warning as original series (K+)
By the time the pair reached the right Potions classroom on Monday morning, James was completely out of breath, having talked non-stop at his new friend the entire journey. Sirius - who was used to the quiet, reserved guests his family permitted to visit and his uptight, proper cousins - was completely thrown by the unapologetic constant talking. Every time James drew breath, he searched his mind for some contribution but didn’t have time to formulate an answer before his new friend was off again. In fact, he only stopped when they met the line that was the rest of the class, just worming into their potions classroom.
Sirius chose a table near the back and James rushed next to him, pushing his sweaty hair out of his eyes and beaming.
“Professor Slughorn teaches this class. He knows my dad; you know?” James stage whispered to Sirius, completely oblivious to the way his new friend leaned away slightly at the abrupt close proximity. “He’s right annoying, but he’s alright. He’ll absolutely pick favourites, so you might as well show off – are you any good at potions?”
“I’m okay,” Sirius replied, not looking at James and watching for the professor to come though the dungeon door.
“Did your parents teach you before you started here? My dad loves potions – he invented Sleekeazy’s Hair Potion, did you know? Mum’s always going bonkers because he’s messing about with all sorts of stuff and testing them out without telling us. He made all my hair fall out when I was five trying to invent a colour-change hair dye, you know?” James prattled on with his head in his book bag, trying to find his Beginners Guide to Potion Making and a quill. He emerged just as their professor entered, his arms full of a cauldron brimming with dry ingredients.
“Welcome to Potions, first years, I am Professor Slughorn. Funny that you should be starting your magical education with a subject which requires very little wand-work, however I hope that the precision and subtlety of Potions - which can be lacking in some other subjects - will give you an appreciation for magic as a multi-faceted art.” As he said this, he laid out the ingredients he’d been carrying onto the front desk and began to write out instructions on the blackboard.
“You’ll find that small nuances can determine the effectiveness of a potion early on, so I implore you to follow the instructions to the letter to achieve the best results. There’s not a lot of damage you can do with these low level ingredients, but it’s best to be careful.”
Sirius’ attention was beginning to wander – this speech was for muggleborns, or students with muggle-loving parents who knew nothing about magic and hadn’t been taught anything prior to enrolment. He wasn’t looking forward to being coddled for the first year of his magical education and could see his father’s complaint of allowing mixed magical and muggleborn classes at Hogwarts – or even allowing muggle-borns at all. He flicked though his Potions textbook, looking to see if any exciting potions were likely to be planned for their upcoming classes. At the very least, if this year was going to be easy he could put in minimal effort and still keep his parents off his back. He didn’t want to attract any negative attention. As boisterous as James Potter was, at least he had some background in potions and he wouldn’t be forced to help out an idiot for the rest of his school career.
James nudged him out of his thoughts by snapping the textbook he was reading closed. The class was moving around, collecting the ingredients that Slughorn had written out on the blackboard, with Slughorn himself benignly correcting students who were rifling in the wrong cupboards. James started up his chatter under the safety of the noise of the class and the clanking of utensils being dropped on the floor.
“So did you do much prep work before you came, Sirius?” James asked, grabbing a handful of beetle eyes. “My parents didn’t want me to do much because they said it would be unfair – but that’s so unfair! I could be top of the class at the beginning of the year without even trying!”
“My brother and I had tutors for potions, wandwork and arithmancy,” Sirius replied carefully, “but I think it’s a family tradition.”
James pouted at Sirius, dumped his newly collected ingredients on the desk in front of his cauldron and started pounding his beetle eyes into a fine powder.
“That’s so unfair!” Sirius couldn’t help but notice a definite whine coming out in his voice. “My parents wouldn’t let me get my wand until I got my letter! They said I had to do it ‘properly’! I can’t believe you actually got to practice with it before-hand!” James dumped his beetle eye powder into his cauldron along with half a pint of goat stomach-bile a little aggressively. “What is the point of being pure blood if you don’t get any benefit?”
James continued to grumble, but Sirius ran through what had been said carefully. He knew that his family’s views were unpopular, and so he spoke carefully with wizarding strangers, for fear of spouting some elitist propaganda that had been drilled into him. It was only thanks to his ‘muggle-loving’ cousin, Andromeda, that he’d ever had a chance to talk to someone who thought differently than his parents for more than five minutes. But what James had said aligned with that constant rhetoric of his parents. And so he tested the waters.
“My father thinks that muggle-borns and pure-bloods shouldn’t be taught in the same classes, because the muggle-borns would hold us back…”
Sirius stole a glance at James from the corner of his eye, trying to gauge his reaction, but James was too busy attempting to wipe the mist from his glasses with the sleeve of his robes, thanks to the warmth of the small fires lit around the room. Someone from the desk in front answered Sirius instead.
“What about half-bloods, then?”
It was the limp-haired boy from the train who was at the desk in front, paired up with the ginger-haired girl who’d been sorted into Gryffindor. She didn’t turn around into the conversation, but from the way her hands stilled, Sirius knew she was listening.
“Butt out, Snivels,” said James, not bothering to make eye contact. But the boy – Severus Snape, he remembered – wasn’t interested in James, he focussed his glare on Sirius.
“Well, what about them?”
Sirius didn’t answer. By his father’s reasoning, this wouldn’t even be a valid question, because the idea that a wizard would dilute their blood with a muggle’s would be laughable, but he wasn’t fool enough to think that this belief was repeatable. Luckily, James answered for him.
“Well, I suppose it would depend on how much work they’d done before attending.” James answered while conducting the twelve counter-clockwise stirs and adding crushed dandelion heads. “All Sirius is saying, is that lumping students of different abilities together in first year would make things difficult for students with no magical knowledge, compared to students like him.”
Snape opened his mouth to argue, but at that point, the girl joined the conversation proper.
“What, and you’ll split us depending on our parents then? Don’t you think that’s a bit unfair? What if I’ve read all my textbooks, and you haven’t? What if I’m better at this subject than you? How can you know? It’s only the first day!”
Sirius raised his eyebrows. He supposed she must be muggle-born, and she was scowling hard at James, pointing an aggressive finger at his face.
“I didn’t realise,” she continued, “that you’re not just a rude, fat-headed brat, but that you also don’t bother to think for yourself.” The girl turned back to her desk with such ferocity that her swinging plaits almost whipped James about the face. Snape smirked at James and threw a disgusted look at Sirius before turning to join his friend.
James looked at Sirius incredulously. “Have I really got a fat head?” he hissed. Sirius gave an uncharacteristic snort of laughter.
“It’s a bit big, I won’t lie.”
James scowled and squashed his face comically with his hands and but on an absurd voice. “What about half-bloods?” he mocked in a stage whisper. “What if I’ve read all my textbooks already?”
“I should hope you’ve read all your textbooks already, Mr Potter, given your father’s proficiency.”
Sirius fought to control a smirk as James snapped to attention at his cauldron and hid his hands behind his back as though he hadn’t just been caught distorting his face into that of a particularly wrinkly troll by the potions professor.
“Yes, sir!” He reassured as earnestly as he could manage, looking wide-eyed at Slughorn from behind his fuggy glasses. Slughorn maintained his hard stare for another half minute before cracking a grin.
“Not that it matters – you’re work so far…” He bent over James’ cauldron, which contained a substance of the dark green colour described by the textbook, but the consistency of snot. “…Would be commendable if you hadn’t allowed it to congeal because you were too busy engaging in the conversation of talented, pretty classmates! Better luck next time!”
Slughorn waddled off, still smiling to himself, apparently under the impression that he’d made an astute, fatherly observation. On the contrary, James made a face at Sirius and mouthed; “What pretty classmate? I hope he doesn’t mean you.”
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