#and it means i cant do or say anything on those accounts without being flooded responses
finebutmaybenot · 2 years
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goddessjynx · 3 years
Any parent please answer?
Idk if anyone will see this, but right now I need just anyone to tell me I'm not crazy.
Am I a bad friend for wanting to hang out with my ex-bestie (eb for short) while she has her kids or she's busy and can't hang, so I offer to come over, to help watch, to help clean? Anything just to be there for her, why? Oh because she was on her third child, at this time I literally went over to her house to play dnd with her husband and brother and her sometimes. So I would try and say "hi" or talk, but instead we stayed doing something else or barely said hi. Ok, fine, hormones, got it. It got to the point of she wouldn't want to hang out with me for reasons she stopped telling me decent sounding excuses. Fine, That's fine, I have other friends who I can hang with or find other things to stay inside and not get out of the house to do. I don't need to leave the house, to get away from the suffocating inside the house with a mentally and verbally abusive, controlling husband. That's. Just. Fine.
So you know, time goes on. we find out that the reason she won't hang out with me, but will hang out with the other girl who she hates (Mind you the other chick literally broke into their house, tried to start drama all the time, and be hazardous to her already two children But who am I to judge about the person you rant to me about how you hate them so much?) But the other chick was also pregnant after divorcing her wife. It's honestly such a mess. So "anyways, I get excluded now because I "Don't understand what she's going through" or "I won't have the same experience" or I'm "not a good source of help" Lol, Okay? I still can't help? Be happy for you? Cool. So things go on, and just things have gotten worse on my end. I'm over here with such a mind debilitating baby fever, that I'm having to pull my car over watching children get off the school bus because I'm in such a crying fit that I can't breathe or see straight. So who the hell would I go to about what do I do? My Bestie right? (There's a reason we are eb rn) I tell her, well try, Idk how much she actually listened. But I tell her how I just can't think about anything else right now. I did everything right, and the world keeps slapping me back.
I own a 4 bedroom house. we have two cars, we even have decently everything working out in our favor, But all of a sudden, I'm not good enough for anyone. My own husband two months after getting married said he hasn't found me attractive for the last two years. THAnks. That's a real boost. This didn't start the fights, but that's a whole other set of rants. about a year before my eb got pregnant, around or right before July 4th, I strictly remember, I was in the walmart fucking bathroom. I had felt so sick the weeks beforehand. Like, My menstrual cycle hates me. She's savage af. Not to mention she likes to disappear randomly and appear with just cramps or a whole flood. I never know. But I remember calling my husband in a panic because I don't know what to do while I had to go to the bathroom so bad it hurt, and all I have is half dollar sized clots. Just something my medical brain, and senior year of AP biology says, "Fuck!" I have him figure something out because I'm really needing someone to just hold me in the bathroom I feel so sick to my stomach. I'm dizzy and all these symptoms I tell him to tell the doctor or whoever he calls.. So he calls, they say whatever to him. I don't either remember or he never told me what they said, (this is a normal of hiding information from me, A LOT) They said (What he told me) to just wipe things up and clean up then if it persists in the next 24 hours to go into the hospital. But I will have to see an ob-gyn.
So, Okay. Nothing bad. but they are in charge of everything along those lines. But those were including two words, that I now know were the two words this man didn't want to hear despite, DESPITE all the teasing and jokes about having kids with me when I was younger with him and literally just dating. That was because I had to see a family planning doctor. I was told by HIM that it was nothing, and we will be fine. I just blamed it on my cramps that are horrible and never put thought to it because I had believed that's what he was told. So that's a trauma my brain locked away until recently as I'm going through my divorce right now. But, I was thinking about how shortly after that, I got a call from my eb about how they were all waiting on me because I'm making us late for bringing stuff to the grill out and bonfire later. Fine, mask all the pain and keep fucking going. right?
She seemed genuinely not worried, saying it was probably just a bad cycle. She gets them all the time too. Its whatever. My now bestie's sister has gone through the same thing I described multiple times, enough that she looked at me and was like, "No, You possibly miscarried." even her mom went on about, "they should've never NEVER brushed that off like they did. If they cared then they would've made sure you were ok. My husband denied me from going to the doctor to see anything about it. Even after when I knew my hormones and emotions were just soooo off. But that's in my mind now, when before maybe around the same time my eb came out saying to all of us even her own husband one time saying she's been feeling crummy because she went in and she found out she had miscarried. It was so short after my stuff that she disregarded then took and made attention for herself that upset her own husband because she never told him until she told a bunch of us at a bar. I mean I felt bad for her, but Now thinking back, my gut says it was a ploy to make her husband to feel bad for her and to try for another one. Where as I'm over here waiting patiently because I jumped through Hoops to get where I'm at now.
My husband promised me children. Lots, its a fucking dream to be a mum. I care for everyone else, and their kids, why not have some kind of mini me to show of what I did. That I did good. That I can be useful to this world too. That I'm not just a lump of no good nothing to this world. But first, he needed a better paying job than a gas station.
Did that, he worked at a metal parts production place. But we then gave the fact that we still live in the apartment I got after moving out from high school. We rented a house. It worked, and it was nice. But now he needs a car, but he cant do that until he learns how to drive. 3 years older than me and I taught him how to drive. AND I helped him buy his first car, a truck. Oh but now, we still can't start a family. We are only renting. I have enough good credit that I could get a house alone, but I needed a higher pay. Bam with his income together we got a house.
Bam, I'm hit with baby fever and what not. NOW I get told, we aren't ready for anything like that yet, so wait two years. Alright, I'll wait. I can do that. We were going to go on trips together and do many things together and all of a sudden, the walmart thing happened, and it just got worse from there. It got to a point I got a job paying BETTER than him and I was the laughing stock to him and his buddies. THANKS. But I'm fine, everything is fine. The walmart thing was about two years after, so I mean, it was actually in the time frame and whatnot. Things just kept going on getting worse at home, I just kept listening. For reasons, I had to quit my high paying job, and then everything got absolutely horrible at home. Had to put everything I had control over money wise into his account for he worried it would take too long to find an new job and make money to suffice for bills. It was argument after argument, but I went to my eb explaining things, asking what the hell do I do? Her advice? To just do what he wants. The thing I had to quit about? She basically never cared about it. Everything just went on being a mess. I went on just letting people walk over me because that was the advice I was given.
I voiced my feelings that I have been following lies and how I feel hurt that I'm told dreams and having them be taken away. We never went on trips much. Instead we would buy a crap ton of ammo or new guns that I'm not allowed to use, yet I'm helping fund so you can get them, but when it was my own that I BOUGHT, all of a sudden, my things went missing and he would be out using and letting his buddies use my new guns and using up the ammo I had purchased on my own. I mean, fine, but let me at LEAST take yours out if you're going to use mine without asking. It got to be so annoying that we would be asked when we would get married or when we would have kids. He would be hugging me and smiling all cocky saying "Oh well we haven't stopped trying." every time. He would start that tell people this and I finally had enough. I stopped him and told him to put his money where his mouth was. He always said shit but never actually did it or acted on what he said. He would just lie to everyone. Tell people lies because it sounded nice. Best part? I had bought a ring for him. I proposed to him because he would joke about things like that. So I basically said, "bet" and did it. I have never received a damn ring! He wouldn't even want to look at them with me. Because they were expensive. Not all of them are. I don't care what price it is, but something to say, "Hey, I love you and Don't want the odd peeps at the bar to keep hitting on you so take this with you, its dangerous out there." (Shut up. I'm a nerd) But like.... I just would make notions about, I wanted a ring. He would beg me to pool together money and buy new guns, I mean I"m not against, but I would bring up that I will want a ring. Or even something else would be you know, amazing right now because I'm in a lost place wanting kids still and my eb just announced they were having their third. (which her own family was so upset about it that they ranted to me and my mom, her own brother said that its just another kid that they will end up taking care of instead of her so she can go to the bars again. Yep) So next we talked about getting a gun safe because, before we can have kids, we need to be SAFE. Ight, we bought it. Nice matte black 33 capacity, fire and water proof, best part the front had a reallly pretty engraved waving American flag imprinted on it. It was just so smooth. (Guess who has that right now btw) So oddly enough in the middle of me not being enough for my eb, My cycle kind of returned to being semi regular, and all of a sudden disappeared. Well that whole month beforehand we went from never wanting to touch me unless it was my birthday to every night he was angry after work and took it out on me instead. I mean, whatever. But when it came to me not feeling well, I told him.
Instantly it wasn't mine. I was fooling with other guys. Like instant psycho. His childhood friend came and moved up with us, she saw this for a good few months and had to move out because he was trying to control her as if she were a child. She told me that it was not right for him to be that way and that she will never talk to him for how he treated her. (which was exactly how he was always with me too) I'm not sure if he was trying to get my jealous because his bff was a girl? Idk we worked out like literally sisters. Sooo much in common and she told me, She believes he's never wanted kids. And she watched how I broke down after he told me he wanted nothing to do with me until I took a test. He DEMANDED that I took a test right away. If it was positive, it wasn't his until proven so. And if it was negative he would be fine. this was ridiculous. He wasn't at all happy or excited. Purely upset. I felt so shitty that after the test was negative I told him and he threatened about it happening again he was leaving back to Kansas. He threatened this every damn fight, it got to the point that I gave up, I said leave then. And instantly he shut up. I got him out of gangs, crime, jail, living on the street or with his mum, and being a maaajor drug addict. Yet I'M THE BAD PERSON.
Back to recently when my eb is getting closer to having her kid, I just go through finding out I'm not and my husband is freaking out at me, nonstop yelling at me that I'm not good enough and all this shit. Yes, lil ol me trying to keep the peace in the house is a cunt and a whore. Wow. Name calling, but hitting where it hurts? I told him before, how my mother in an argument said I would be a horrible mother. And that shit sticks. IT STICKS. So what does the smart ass pull out? He repeats it. He says he's glad I'm not pregnant because I'd be a horrible mother in the end.
That. That just kills a person. That kills dreams and the feeling of wanting to keep living. Who the FUCK says that to their partner? Am I wrong for thinking that's not right? Well my eb thought I was. I told her my feelings. How I don't want to be jealous of her, but I am. That she's more beautiful, she's always had guys hitting on her in school inviting her to do things and hang out, I was the nerd in whatever class that got invited only if it was mandatory. She will be having three kids and a loving husband that can never take his hands or eyes from her, where as I have to act like a clown to get my husband to look up from his damn phone. To say something nice. To
be acknowledged while in the house. I've left and came back the next morning because I hung out at my now besties house. He didn't say a word until I came home the next morning and he looked at me like "when the fuck did you leave" No care, no love. I was stuck being a burden. Anything I ever did around the house was in vain. Everything I helped with I got shoved away because I didn't do it right. EVERYTHING I did was not good enough. I would tell him this that is how I felt and he would deny it. One day, I caught him yelling at me saying that what I did wasn't ever good enough. Calle him out right away. Bitch... He tried to change the wording to go around what he said. I HEARD IT. it was so bad I had to have my bestie on the phone to listen to how he talked to me behind closed doors. Away from public view. HER MOM HEARD IT. Thought she was watching some kind of dramatic show, until she realized it was me on the phone. She's listened to so many calls its unheard of. There was a day, I had enough of it. (Ok A lot actually) but I grabbed my laptop and my charger and left the house. I sat in the park drawing on my laptop. Texted every person I could think of that I cared so deeply for that they would care for me back. I was in a dark ass place asking for Advice. My eb shrugged off what my husband was doing and scolded me for leaving. For sitting in a park drawing out my feelings instead of being with him because he's being dramatic to her husband upset that I started an argument. I didn't understand what I started when it was over me telling him not to throw the controller when he loses a COD game because that's how it breaks. Why he threw it? Because I distracted him by playing with my cat while he was playing the damn game and made him lose! yep. Exactly that. So I was yelled at to quit. So I did. I went back to my drawing and then with my headphones on I was humming to my music. It distracted him and he lost. So I flipped out because I can't do anything in my own house without being scolded for it. So I stormed off to the bedroom to draw some more. I'm upstairs and away from him. Didn't want to eat now I'm stressed and upset. So I didn't cook anything and now he's hungry and upset at me for not making food yet. YES. That's how it started and I again was the bad person in the story for safely removing myself from an environment where all my mind was telling me to do was dark things that hurt to say. To give up on everything I have worked for and all my dreams.
That was the last time I spoke to her for a while because everything started to be only about baby and about doing this for baby. Doing that for baby. But then she would never answer me back. I was done trying to fit time to hang out. To do something, I made new friends who didn't have kids and hung out more with them. It got horrible. the sound of a child crying made my stomach hurt. I had non stop dreams of the same thing happening. It was just awful. I looked it up and it was just meaning I had something and lost it. Whatever is missing in the dream what what I had lost.
In this dream I was dressed in all black, lace and long dress covering every inch of skin on my body. I had a hat with a veil and I was rocking a bundle in my arms in an old decrepit room with peeling paint and broken toys. It was a nursery. An old ruined nursery. I was rocking just a black blanket swaddled with a hole that emptied to the void. It gives me chills, I get this dream so much that me explaining just makes my skin crawl and my body ache. It hurts to think of but I just cannot understand it. Makes sense now that I looked into it.
But me going through all of this, I can't talk to my husband about my feelings because I'm too needy and being selfish for not taking his feelings into an account. That he's not ready that we are not ready and that I'm not ready because I'm going to be a horrible mom. Cool.
I have tried so much. I couldn't be around kids. It made me so sick and I jus would have to find somewhere to hide and cry for hours. I would cry myself to sleep. Never getting comfort by him because I'm throwing a pity party. I was so hurt. Still am. I'm broken hearted. Thinking that if I had a kid, at least I would have something that needed me and would love the care I gave and would love me back. I wanted to feel loved for how much I put out in the world. I wanted to have something to ground me to this world before I did something stupid. I was in such a dark place that I drove an hour to go see my bestie because I was scared that I was going to do it. That I was going to be the big disappointment he told me I would always be. Three months later, baby is here and I go back to playing dnd with my friends and its at their house. My husband is rubbing it in my face. He's holding baby and talking to baby and doing all these things making my mind break. He asks if I want to hold her. If i if iififififi NO.
I can't I cannot. I'm trying to be respectful. I missed out on other games because I had to hype myself up. I procrastinated because I didn't know how I would be or if I could handle it. I got to the point that my eb's husband told me that he doesn't want me playing anymore because I sent a text trying to apologize to my now eb that I feel so bad but I can't see her right now since seeing her kids just sends me into a panic attack and I can't stop thinking horrible things. So she takes that as I have a problem with HER kids and not just the KIDS situation. Doesn't hear me out. blames me for everything and has me banned from coming over. in which her husband says he doesn't want me over anymore. Which my rebuttal is because she's telling him only. But he said it was his choice. I don't know don't care. It just hurt that THATS the reason I got kicked out. Not because I was good, but that I couldn't handle their kids. And I would not pay attention by drawing the whole time. I was distracting myself because I'm trying to drown out the noises of cooing making my gut rot and my mouth dry. So by all means I'm selfish for wanting a dream that I was being promised for the last 6 years of physically being with my soon to be ex. I've know for actually 12 years. And that I drove 15 hours to bring you to me since you couldn't drive.
So I need to know from real parents, was I out of line for telling my eb that I had feelings and that them not being heard or just cast to the side hurt? Am I crazy for feeling that I've been robbed? For being upset when my husband comes home drunk and abuses me? For being hurt when I'm called all sorts of names and told I'm worthless by the man I should trust the most? Please. I need to know.
I know I'm ranting, but I need to get it out. I need to find some sort of something to figure out why I'm feeling this way, or why I don't know what to do with myself anymore. I'm fighting for the divorce since i haven't been to my owned house in the last 5 months since he changed the locks on me. I moved an hour away from my home and my family and still to this day, I hurt to hear or watch children around me. I'm happy, but inside something aches and just feels empty. Not to mention that I got told by people that know me that he's been caught buying condoms. We are still technically married, and he can't be doing those things right now. Am I jealous? Upset? Hurt? All of the above? It just sucks and I'm drowning in debt a bit trying to work my ass off to get where I want in life again since all of everything has been ripped from me. I'm trying. Please let me know if I'm crazy or out of line? I want to be heard. I'm going to start to save up. I have a plan for my 27th birthday. If it doesn't work in time for my 28th birthday, I'm not sure what else I can do but join the 27 club.
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starlightkenobi · 4 years
Tear You Apart // Anakin x Reader
rating: explicit
warnings: dom anakin, light choking, light hair pulling, mostly just pining tbh
a/n: inspired by the song “tear you apart” by she wants revenge, i love this song and its always given me possessive ani vibes,,, LIKE U WANNA LOOK ME IN THE EYES AND TELL ME THAT THIS ISNT END OF ROTS ANAKIN BEFORE HE GETS BURNT ? YOU GONNA TRY ? YOU CANT !
also: this is the longest thing i have written for this account and i am pretty darn proud of it which is rare for me, so i hope yall enjoy !!! 💕
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。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
Got a big plan, this mindset maybe its right
At the right place and right time, maybe tonight
And the whisper or handshake sending a sign
Wanna make out and kiss hard, wait never mind
Anakin’s mind ebbed and flowed with the tide of people wandering the room. He always hated these formal Jedi gatherings, usually coming up with some convoluted scheme to get out of attending. Not tonight though, Obi Wan was completely fed up with Anakin’s usual antics. His stern voice still haunted his ears, and remembering it filled him with remnants of dread.
He was so sick of all of it. The annoyingly forced casual conversations, the same people, same faces, even the same damn Jedi robes, save the few senators mingled into the room. All of the people faded into one dull energy, like a black hole draining Anakin’s energy and enthusiasm. He was sure that if he had to choose between this and death, he would pick death without hesitation.
That was, until he layed his eyes on you.
You walked with such presence, such grace, that it was impossible for someone to not notice you. Your robes hugged your figure and flattered you in a way that Anakin didn’t even know was possible. Your hair hung around your head, flowing around you and illuminating your features like a halo. Which was quite possible, Anakin thought, considering you might be an actual angel in the flesh.
Your flesh. Anakin pictured how soft it would be under his touch, the goosebumps that would arise after the cold touch of his metal hand. To touch real skin, to have that real contact...Anakin was touch starved to be sure. But now, he was ravenous, and you were the only meal he’d seen in years.
A voice in his mind screamed at him, a voice that was very stern and similar to Obi Wan’s disappointed father-like tone, if he thought about it. But he didn’t want to think about it, he wanted to ignore the raging thoughts that screamed, Listen to yourself, Anakin. Your being gross and creepy. Calm down.
Luckily, he didn’t need to ignore them. The second you turned around and yours eyes met, he was gone. Those thoughts were drowned out by even louder ones that told him to scoop you up right there, claim you as his, test the feeling of his lips on yours.
Your lips looked so soft, and even from this distance he could almost feel them pressing against his skin, see them falling open in a drawn out moan. And your eyes, sparkling like the stars in the clear skies of Naboo on a dark night. Deep and endless like the expanse of space that he so often saw while piloting his starfighter. Even still, they were flowing with a lifetime of emotion and soul that couldn’t be seen in all of the other Jedi in this room combined.
Emotion, pure and raw emotion. He always felt so wrong and alone, being emotional. Considering he had been told all of his life that emotions were not the Jedi way. But you, standing in front of him right now, were made of pure emotion and experience and feeling, something that could not be put into words, but only expressed.
Anakin’s heart stopped as he realized that you were actually standing right in front of him. In his trance, you noticed him staring and decided to approach him.
“Hi, I don’t believe we’ve met.” No flattery, no pointless and boring casual conversation. You cut right to the chase, and it intrigued him even more.
“We definitely haven’t, there’s no way I would forget meeting you.” A smirk tugged at the corner of his lip, and your cheeks flushed. A lovely, tinted pink. “I’m Anakin. Skywalker.” He added his last name, hoping that you might recognize it.
“General Skywalker...I’ve heard tales of your escapades, and especially of your unusual war tactics.” Your blush begun to fade, but a light pink still remained. It was absolutely adorable, Anakin decided, and he wondered how flushed your face would get with his mouth trailing down your neck.
“Do my unusual tactics bother you?” Anakin asked, and he visibly appeared less tense then he did moments ago. You were so easy to talk to, and your force energy felt so soothing around him. He wanted to be enveloped in it. Maybe it was some circumstance of fate that he was forced to attend this gathering tonight. Maybe it was this same fate that brought him to you.
“Not at all. As a matter of fact, I’m intrigued.” You gave him your name, and reached your hand towards his, expecting him to shake it. However, the soft skin of your hand was too much of a temptation. As soon as he felt your touch, he pressed his lips gently to the back of your hand. Normaly, you would have been annoyed with the flirtatious advances of someone so early into meeting them. But this felt different, it felt new and strange and somehow, comforting.
Needless to say, you were completely drawn in and wanted more.
Late night, and passing, mention it flipped her
Best friend, who knows saying maybe it slipped
But the slip turns to terror and a crush to light
When she walked in, he froze up, believe its the fright
A deep breath of fresh air filled Anakin’s lungs as he stepped out onto the balcony. The crowds of people had been practically suffocating him, and to finally have some peace and quiet alone with the stars felt magical. Maybe this is what the Jedi mean when they say, “There is no emotion, there is peace.” Out here, with nothing but the endless black sky and the stars, Anakin did feel at peace. However, that didn’t stop the torrent of emotions swirling in his gut. So he figured that old, tired saying was bullshit anyways.
“Fancy seeing you out here.” He recognized it immediately. Your voice, like a serene melody, filled his ears. Immediately, he spun around, desperate to see your face again. This time, however, he felt nervous when he saw you. Afraid, even. So many thoughts were flooding his head all at once that it almost became to much.
“I...wasn’t expecting anyone to join me.” Ankain fumbled over his words, staggering to uphold his good impression on you.
“I can leave, if you’d prefer to be alone. I completely understand. These gatherings can get a bit...claustrophobic.” Your voice was softer now, and Anakin could tell that you were trying to mask the hurt in your tone. You would have turned around and walked away without a word, had he asked, but Anakin wouldn’t allow that. As soon as you turned to leave, he reached out toward your hand and took it in his own.
“No!” Anakin almost shouted, and even though he was afraid, he was ready to embrace any new and strange emotions if it meant getting to spend another moment with you. He steadied himself, preparing another sentence. “Your company is more than welcome.”
A smile tugged at your lips, reveling in his hand warming your now cool skin from the breeze. His hands were so much larger than yours, you noticed. Somehow, it made you feel safer, more comfortable. Anakin noticed and gripped your hand tighter.
Standing here, so close to you and in this lighting, he was finally able to see all of the fine detail in your eyes. The little speckles of color forming their own constellations in your galaxy. He could have sworn they were faintly glowing, each star producing its own aura of light.
You turned towards the sky, gazing up at it with all of the longing in the galaxy. Of course Anakin noticed it, he felt the same way about space. “Isn’t it beautiful?” Unconsciously, you tucked a strand of hair behind your ear that had blown out of place from the wind. “Each little star feels like it has a life of its own, it’s own personality and feelings and emotions. I guess that’s why space has always called to me, the stars don’t judge.”
Anakin, still holding your hand, turned to the sky with you. “Yeah. I know exactly what you mean.”
Its cute in a way, till you cannot speak
And you leave to have a cigarette, your knees get weak
An escape is just a nod and a casual wave
Obsessed about it, heavy for the next two days
After that first night together, meeting at the Jedi gathering and talking for hours out on the balcony, the only thing Anakin had in his mind was you. Sure, maybe he was a little obsessed, but you gave him this feeling, something that he had never really felt before. He had felt love before, for his mother and even for Obi Wan, so he knew what that felt like. Maybe, he felt that for you too.
But he felt something else as well, something new and strange. Lust, perhaps, but Anakin wasn’t ready to deal with that yet. Right now, Anakin was perfectly content with the secret meetings around the temple, the constant excuses just to get out of some task and see each other, the longing gazes, the phantom touches.
For a while, it was heaven. It was new and exciting and absolutely perfect. But this went on for days, weeks, and now almost two months. He craved feeling your touch in a way that the council would disapprove of. He wanted to break all of the rules, destroy all of the boundaries set by the Jedi, and he wanted to do it for you.
But he was patient, when he needed to be. If he had learned anything from Obi Wan, it was at least that. So he would wait until you made the first “not strictly platonic Jedi pals” move. He would never do anything to make you uncomfortable, or do something that you weren’t ready for. Maybe you hadn’t even considered breaking the rules, maybe you felt nothing for him. Deep down, Anakin knew this wasn’t true, he sensed your mutual feelings for him all the way back on the day you first met, and every day since.
Still, for you, Anakin would wait a lifetime.
It's only just a crush, it'll go away
It's just like all the others it'll go away
Or maybe this is danger and he just don't know
You pray it all away but it continues to grow
Anakin was struggling. Obi Wan sensed it, you sensed it, practically the whole council sensed it. But no one knew why. No one except him.
Anakin tried meditation, he tried training, he tried joy rides in his starfighter, he even tried sneaking off to a cantina. No matter what he did, he couldn’t stop thinking about you. It became a festering sore in the back of his mind, growing and growing with each passing day. It was getting out of hand, and he understood this. And it was frustrating as hell.
But it also felt so damn good to picture your body splayed out underneath him. He wanted to make you feel good. He needed to make you feel good. He owed that to you at least, for giving him this never ending sense of joy and content when he was around you. He did love you, and could say that with certainty now. And when it comes to love, you would do anything for the other person. That’s what Anakin believed, at least. He just needed to wait a little longer, wait until you confessed your feelings and pressed your lips to his. His waited a lifetime to find someone like you, he can wait a little longer.
But even the most patient person needs to relieve the tension a little bit sometimes.
I want to hold you close
Skin pressed against me tight
Lie still, and close your eyes girl
So lovely, it feels so right
Anakin’s hands dragged up your body, gripping your skin tight enough to leave bruises. You felt so perfect around him, moaning and whimpering and begging for more.
At least, that’s what he hoped you would be doing in this situation. His hands weren’t even really on your body at all. One was fisted in the sheets while the other stroked up and down on his stiff cock. He had been at this for a little bit by now, and was already so close to the edge. He just needed your voice, your perfect voice, telling him how good he felt inside of you to send him over.
“A-Ani...you feel...s-so good, you make me feel so good!”
He could almost hear you, if he tried hard enough.
I want to hold you close
Soft breasts, beating heart
As I whisper in your ear
Streaks of hot cum painted his chest and hand, some even reaching up to touch his chin. His chest heaved, the last images of your body flooding his head. Your breasts painted with his cum was an image he wanted to keep with him, one that he hoped to recreate some day.
It was criminal, the things you did to him. He could only hope that you were feeling like this now too. Still panting and in his post orgasm haze, he closed his eyes and whispered aloud. He called out to you through the force, hoping that somehow you would hear him whisper,
“I want to fucking tear you apart.”
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
Then he walked up and told her, thinking that he'd passed
And they talked and looked away a lot, doing the dance
Her hand brushed up against his, she left it there
Told him how she felt and then they locked in a stare
Both your’s and Anakin’s laughter filled the room. You were both hiding out in your quarters due to currently ditching a Jedi council meeting. Easily and casually, the laughter and conversation filled the room, and you both felt like a bunch of younglings who had skipped a training class.
As the laughter died down, you turned to face him. His laughter was one of the many things you loved about him. It was full and genuine and raw in a way that touched you emotionally. A way that you no longer wished to ignore.
“How long are we going to keep ignoring this?”
Anakin’s traded his smile for the look of a confused puppy. “What?”
You composed yourself, wanting to choose your words carefully. “I mean...the fact that we both have feelings for each other.”
Oh, Anakin thought.
He was relieved that you were finally deciding to open up this can of worms, but he was still nervous and frankly, terrified of the possible outcome of this conversation. He looked away from you, unable to bring himself to make eye contact.
Taking it upon yourself to initiate some sort of contact, you tentatively reached for his hand. It brushed up against his, so you gently placed it on top of his and left it there.
“I’m tired of worrying about what the council thinks, aren’t you?” You questioned, still waiting for Anakin to look at you.
Slowly, his eyes met yours. He saw the lack of fear, lack of inhibition. You really wanted this, you wanted him. Your hand tightened its grip on his, your thumb slowly running along his skin.
“I love you, Anakin.” Your voice cane out hushed, as if you were afraid someone else would hear, even though you were alone.
They took a step back, thought about it, what should they do
'Cause there's always repercussions when you're dating in school
But their lips met, and reservations started to pass
Whether this was just an evening or a thing that would last
“Are you sure that you want this? Are you ready to deal with the potential repercussions from the council? I just don’t want to hurt you, and I certainly don’t want to start anything that you aren’t ready for.”
You chuckled at his restraint. Still, you appreciated how much he cared for you. Clearly it was a lot, considering that you felt his desperation you through the force to just take you, but he was holding back anyways. For you.
“Believe me, Anakin. I’m ready. You don’t have to hold back.” You were looking at him with such lust, such need, that Anakin knew this was an invitation, and he accepted it with open arms.
Either way he wanted her and this was bad
He wanted to do things to her it was making him crazy
Now a little crush turned into a like
And now he wants to grab her by the hair and tell her
He pinned you back onto the bed, gathering your wrists into one hand. Frantically, as if he was afraid you would disappear, he nipped and sucked at your neck, leaving marks that he knew the council would notice. Neither of you cared anyways.
It didn’t matter what the council thought, Anakin was ravenous. He wanted all of you, and now with your enthusiastic permission, he was going to take it.
His free hand tangled into your hair and pulled your head back, giving him easier access to your neck. You were squirming, whining, you needed to be touched. You had waited for this just as long as he had, so he would keep the teasing to a minimum.
He let go of your wrists and hair, shooting you a warning glare. “Keep them there.” His voice was deep, dominant, and it shot daggers through you. This sent a shiver down to your core.
I want to hold you close
Skin pressed against me tight
Lie still, and close your eyes girl
So lovely, it feels so right
You were both stripped down now, his eyes traveling up your naked body. You were more beautiful than he could have ever pictured. His lips crashed forcefully against yours, and he slowly grinded against you. He needed to feel your skin pressed tightly against him, hust kike he had pictured before. Except this time, you were real. He was really feeling your skin against his and it felt so perfect and right and better than any sort of peace and serenity the Jedi talked about.
“Close your eyes, baby.” Anakin said in a hushed tone as he pulled away from your lips. Immediately and with a whimper, you obeyed. Anakin chuckled at this, your eager obedience. “Good girl.” He growled. A soft moan fell from your lips as you squirmed, but still keeping your hands firmly placed above your head.
I want to hold you close
Soft breasts, beating heart
As I whisper in your ear
One hand finally made contact with your throbbing clit, while the other went to play with your breasts. Your heartbeat was so strong and quick that Anakin could feel it when he played with your breast.
“Your heart is beating so fast, like a little bunny.” He pinched your nipple, somehow knowing the exact pressure to use and how much to tug it to make you moan.
A finger slipped inside of you, giving you some sort of realese of the pressure building in your cunt. Suddenly, Anakin’s breath was fanning over the side of your face. It tickled your ear and made you squirm more than you already are.
Gently, he placed a loving kiss to your cheek, before moving his hand from your breast to your throat and lightly squeezing, while he whispered in your ear,
“I want to fucking tear you apart.”
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thiswasinevitableid · 4 years
You what would be hella? An angsty-ish fic with the ice prompt. Your work is so lovely and well-written, I cant wait to read what ever you next produce!
Thank you so much for that, I’m glad people are excited to read my stuff! Since you didn’t specify a pairing, I went with Sternclay. Angst ahoy (but with a happy ending), along with me playing fast and loose with arctic geography.
He’s one of the lucky ones. 
Joseph Stern, scientist aboard the HMS Erebus, is a fastidious man. He is also, unfortunately, prone to bouts of seasickness meaning his meals have been scant, even before the ships became locked in. 
But it also means he was not eating food tinned in cans laden with lead. And his experimental water system, with which he occupied himself on long days, meant he drank more filtered sea water and ice than he did from the stores tainted with the same blasted material. 
So when he and the remainder of the skeleton crew left the Erebus and her sister the Terror, his mind was much clearer than most. 
And that is why, when the bulk of them turned a direction that likely held only more ice, more death, carrying a writing desk while leading freshwater behind, he refused to follow, insisting their best hope of civilization laid the opposite way. 
They left him and his supplies, unwilling to listen to his case. And so he has walked, then trudged, then barely moved, across the ice.
When he hits water, cursed sea water, he contemplates stepping into it. But drowning would be worse than freezing, or so he’s heard. 
A head surfaces in a hole through the ice. A mans head. 
Stern blinks, confused. Then he laughs.
“Maybe I should take to the sea after all. You look well fed.”
The man frowns, “You look nearly dead.”
“I am.” He sits down, knees hugged to his chest for warmth. 
“I’m, uh, I’m sorry.” The man emerges from the ice, and in place of legs he has a spotted and strong tail, like that of the seals Stern used to watch from his cabin window. 
“Unless you control the weather, I don’t think you need to be.” In any other time, the sight of a legendary creature would send him into a frenzy of delight and curiosity. Now he simply stares. 
“Why are you here?”
“The Northwest Passage.”
“That’s, um, that’s a trade thing, right? Your kind wants to move the things you sell more easily across the waters.”
“You’re well read for a merman.”
“My home isn’t that isolated.” He shrugs.
Stern stares at the water, peeking through cracks in the ice, “So many dead. So many more will die, I’ve no doubt, and all for a quicker route for spices and gold.” He can’t even weep, his body won’t let him use the energy, but he shudders in distress. 
“Hey, hey it’s okay. “ The merman slides to him, cups his cheeks, strokes his beard, and his hands are warm, warm and real, and Stern presses against them, “I mean, it sounds fucking awful, but that, um, that doesn’t sound as comforting.”
“I don’t mind the comfort.” Stern rests his hands on the man’s chest, then his mind gets a moment of true clarity, “wait, your home. You said your home is not that isolated. Is it near?”
“Um, I can reach it in a few hours but” he points to his tail, “that’s the way I can. On foot it’ll take longer. And unless the humans I know have been really wrong about some stuff, I think if you try to swim with me you’ll die, like, right away.”
“I’ve walked lord knows how far. I can manage a little more, if you point the way.”
The merman looks torn, then takes Sterns hands, “I can do one better. I’ll be your guide. If you’re closed off from the water’s edge, look under the ice.”
He slides back the way he came, surfaces a few moments later to Sterns right. So Stern follows him, sometimes no more than shape to his right, other times a ghostly shadow swimming beneath and in front of him. When night falls and Stern manages a paltry fire and shelter with his supplies, Barclay, as the mer calls himself, promises to return at sunrise, and does so without fail for the next two days. 
As he trudges across the icy ground, the best moments are when his path allows Barclay to swim right beside him, head above water so they can converse. It’s worth the effort, the inhaling of cold air, to converse with another being. Better yet, Barclay is bright and friendly, curious about Stern’s research in a way none of his crewmates were. Barclay tells him stories of merfolk and sea monsters, even makes him laugh,  in return for Stern telling him about life in England and his research into undiscovered species. 
“They offered me the chance to study far off lands, discover creatures thought only to be legend. Silly thing to die for.”
“Doesn’t sound like you were the one who got the ships stuck. And there’s nothing wrong with wanting to learn about the world.”
Stern’s rations have run out, and when he stumbles, Barclay doubles back, concerned. 
“I, I need, food, I’ll-”
“Wait right here.” Barclay disappears. Stern counts snowflakes, heartbeats, anything to distract from the pain in his belly. 
A fish hits the ice in front of him. Then it flops and wiggles across the slick surface, back into the water.
“Damn it.” He giggles, near hysterical. 
The fish lands again, head now gone. 
“Sorry, forgot humans aren’t great with live prey.” Barclay says sheepishly. 
Stern eats five more fish Barclay brings him, manages to get to his feet and continue on. 
Night falls, colder than the last few, and Barclay disappears with his usual promise to return.
“He’s not going to last the night, Barclay.”
Barclay turns, finds his friend Indrid in his human form at the door of his house on Amnesty Island. The seer gives him a sad smile. 
“No. No he can’t. I won’t let him.”
“Indrid” Barclay grabs his shoulders, “do you remember when you found Duck? How frightened he was, how he was certain you were death coming for him?”
“Yes.” Indrid says, pain flashing on his face. He’d found the human, left behind by his research expedition. Duck had volunteered to stay behind and freeze, in hopes of his team having enough rations to make the nearest town if they were a man short. Indrid found him, brought him back to Amnesty, cared for him. Fell in love with him and Duck, after a few weeks, returned the sentiment with gusto. 
“I can’t let that happen to Joseph. I can’t, Indrid, please, the last week, I, he’s unlike any guy I’ve ever met. I can’t let him suffer that way.”
Indrid’s face goes blank. Then he gives Barclay an unusually severe stare, “You have very little time, and you must follow my instructions to the letter.”
He’s going to die. It’s too cold, his body too weak. He is going to die alone, his family will never know what befell him, and he will never even get the chance to thank Barclay for his kindness, for making his last days bearable, at moments almost enjoyable. 
Lord have mercy on his soul. Let it be painless. 
All for nothing, for trade and money, is this end in the ice. 
Have mercy. 
He can’t see. His heart seems to slow. In the distance, something crunches on the snow. 
“So this is the fella you took my boat and my dogsled for?”
“Yes, Mama, I’m sorry.”
The woman’s voice has a laugh in it, “You always did have a big heart. Guess it was only a matter of time before you brought some hard-luck human in.”
“He’s not just any human.” A warm hand brushes Stern’s hair, “I’ve never felt this way about a human before. A few other mers maybe, when I was younger.”
“Uh, Mama? Indrid says we got a ship comin in soon and we might wanna buy more’n normal.”
Why in the lord’s blessed name is hearing a southern accent?
He tries to ask this question, gets a groan out instead.
“He’s awake!” Barclays’ voice gets closer, and when he manages to open his eyes he finds familiar, deep brown ones looking at him.
“Amnesty Island. My home.” He supports Stern’s head, helping him drink blessedly clean water.
“That’s...that’s not on any map I’ve seen.”
“And for damn good reason.” A woman with graying hair stands behind Barclay, “only those who need to know can find us, on account of the northern mers wanting some islands that were safe for them. Barclay decided you needed to know.”
“Thank you, Barclay. And thank you Mrs, um?”
“Cobb. But just call me Mama. Now, rest of you get, we need to haul supplies off that boat and Barclay needs some time with his fella.”
When the door of the small cabin closes, Stern reaches out, stroking Barclay’s coppery beard, “Why did you save me?”
“Because you’re a good guy. And, well, I care about you a lot. I like you even more. I couldn’t just leave you to die.”
This time, Stern weeps, with relief and exhaustion and the ghosts of his fear. Shivers even as tears dot his pillow. 
“Shhh, shhhhh it’s okay, I mean it this time. You still cold?”
Stern nods and Barclay tosses another blanket on top of him in bed. When the next wave of tears clear, the larger man is down to long underwear.
“May I?” He points to bed, and Stern weakly lifts the covers. Barclay climbs beneath them, wraps Stern in his arms, body flooding him with warmth and safety. 
“Been wanting to do this since that first day, but mer bodies aren’t great for keeping humans dry and warm. Kinda damp.”
“All-” Stern yawns, “all the same, I would like the chance to explore yours in more detail some day.”
“You got it.” Barclay hesitates, then kisses Stern’s temple, “but right now, time for you to rest. I’ll make you breakfast in the morning. Raw, decapitated fish aside, I’m a damn good cook. Any requests?”
“Eggs. Good lord I’ve missed eggs.”
“Think I can rustle something up. Heh, that tickles.” He chuckles when  Stern rubs his cheek against the exposed patch of dark-haired chest. 
“It won’t for long. I’ll be clean shaven as soon as I can hold a razor without shaking. You think I’m handsome now, just wait til you see me well fed and groomed.”
“Looking forward to it.” A kiss on the cheek, then snowflake-light on his lips, “ goodnight Joseph. You’re safe here, I’ll see to it. And I’ll be here when you wake up, I promise.”
“Just like old times.” Stern says, only half-joking.
Another, tender kiss, “Yep, just like old times.”
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iphoenixrising · 6 years
I can't stop thinking about your Dr!Tim verse (This isnt a prompt btw, I just wanted you to know that Ive been thinking about your writing and how much its inspired me. Sorry for how long this is). I keep imagining the man on the bridge being the hot topic on every news station and paper, even more than Batman and Robin. Everyone wants to know who he is. Is he ok? Did he give his life saving his fellow Gotham citizens? There are a lot of questions
(2)and few answers. Those in the loop are more than content to leave it that way,but somehow it gets leaked that Gothams new hero is a young prodigy doctor atGotham General. Tim is not made aware of this until he gets mobbed by reportersas he’s leaving his 36 hour shift and getting asked a lot of innapropriatepersonal questions. And it’s not nearly as funny as you seem to think it is,Jason.
(3)Of course his boyfriends quickly stop finding the situation funny once the joboffers from all over the world start rolling in. Dozens of them, all offeringthings like millions of dollars in salary, positions like chief of surgery, allin state of the art hospitals that are properly funded and don’t reside incities with crazy clown attacks. And it hurts because, how could they ask himto stay? How could they ask their genius sugar to tie himself down to a city
(4)that chews everyone in it up and spits them out, to be a doctor in a hospitalbarely scraping by, how could they ask their genius boy to refuse a once in alifetime opportunity to escape this shithole of a city and make something bigof himself, all to stay with two vigilantes who cant guarantee they’ll make ithome each night. They couldn’t do it, they want whats best for their boy, evenif it means he leaves them. They can’t ask him to stay.
(5)Damian of course has no such qualms about blackmailing, er requesting Drakestay in the city, and subsequently with his older brothers (Because if he hurtsthem, Damian will hurt Tim twice as bad). Which leads to a very awkwardconversation in which Damian threatens Tim not to leave, Tim is confusedbecause “who said anything about leaving?” And then they have a heartto heart about how Tim isn’t stuck at Gotham general, he chose that hospital.And that he’s not going anywhere anytime soon.
So, hi babe :D  Iknow this has been sitting in my inbox for a minute, sorry >.
Brilliant, babe. Justbrilliant.
I also get to play withanother back-and-forth I haven’t really gotten to yet in these little things,so I’m super excited for B and Tony Stark to just have a little snark-fest,yeah?  
Tony showed up a fewweeks early for his quarterly “visit” to Gotham.
It’s disconcertingbecause Tony Stark goes between creating new innovations to privatelyconsulting around the US on the most dire of cases in need of a precise handand large enough ego to make miracles happen. He might have to do somebookkeeping even though Pepper is his CEO and runs his company with iron heels. When he’s not working, he has a nice relationship waiting for himat home.
All of it didn’t leaveTony much time to be running to Gotham before schedule to do someridiculous amount of pouting.
And yet?
Here they are.
When Tim actually getsto turn away from the stack of charts he’s updating, he has an oh shitmoment because Tony…isn’t immediately talking. No white coat, just asnazzy three-piece, arms crossed over his chest, and utterly
Tim automaticallystands, taking in his old mentor from head to foot, looking for clues toadd to the inevitable diagnosis hovering in his brain pan.
(Because, you know, thattime when he was still a lowly bachelor and could take a month off of Mercy topretty much live in Tony’s facility while things like brain tumors threatenedhis Tony Stark’s life. His hands didn’t shake the whole time he was rootingaround that famous mound of grey matter–that’s when he knew he’d hit the bigleagues.)
“If you even think,”Tony starts, low and angry, “of taking the offer from UCLA over mine, Iwill be an even bigger asshole about your terrible life choices.”
Oh shit.
Word has apparently gottenaround.
It started out with aquick blurb on the news, blurry camera phone picture of emergency workers andplain clothes civilians jumping to action in the middle of a crisis, a humaninterest story and all that. A glimmer of goodness among the chaos.
More picture with betterquality once the shock and aftermath died down, started to flood Social Media,even various videos of cables snapping and people running, trying not to gettrampled. One the media latched onto just happened to be of him carrying thelittle girl from the car and helping her mother up in the back of a truck tosend them to safety.
The one with himbreaking through the fallen debris made Dick gasp from the table where he waspatching his suit and Jay wrap a big hand around his ankle to squeeze.
The one where he almostlost his grip climbing the wall of broken shit and flaming car remains isprobably where someone saw the connection because the class of kids went on thenews, holding up colorful signs with Thank-You, Dr. Drake!
He was happy they allseemed fine and after an uncomfortable call from Channel 11 Gotham (howthey found out his name is still a mystery even though he suspects B is an evenbigger troll than he’d already surmised), in which he stipulated nocameras this time, went by the elementary school for a visit. They gripped hisnerd shirt with excited hands, and his arms are long enough for a lot ofhugs.
But while Channel 11agreed to his term of no cameras, no interviews, that didn’t really panout when it came to the story later on that night.
His picture flashed allover the damn place, the resident angel on the bridge as one Dr. Drakefrom Mercy General trying to save as many lives as he could. More video clipsand interviews after the fact (he’s so glad to see that Karmen and her mom areokay), and dammit, he’s being literally attacked outside thedouble doors to his ER after a very long shift without Steph. He mighthave been a little mean when he told them in no specific terms that he was onlytrying to make sure people didn’t, you know, die horribly, as is hisnormal, every-day job, and please let him go home where he can pass outfor a day or he’s going to lie down on someone’s shoes and take a nap.
Jay was predictablyentertained at the whole of it. Dick merely told him his kick-ass doctorinstincts deserved appropriate accolades.
Both of them areassholes, but still, they’re his assholes.
But eventually, likeeverything in Gotham, those videos became old news and the next wave ofinevitable oh shit became front and center. Which, should have meant hisfifteen seconds of fame was pretty much over (thankfully)–if he hadn’tstarted getting other interest.
Several offers startedcoming first by mail to the Penthouse, more by phone and email. Unassumingproper stationary with silver and gold lettering, bright voicemails about his“heroism” and obvious skill in emergency situations, emails from high-rankingdoctors or board members extending an invitation to visit their campus and seeif his career might be going in a new direction.
It was pretty easy atfirst, chucking those finely detailed introduction letters in the trashdiscreetly, sending back appreciative declines without Dick or Jason gettingwise as to how many there actually were.
(John Hopkinsthough…that one he had to think about)
A month later and thingsslacked off (or might be routed through Drake Industries so they stop coming tothe Penthouse). Apparently, though, the attention had been somewhat noticeable.
“I don’t know what youmay have heard, Tony, but–” he starts out calmly, putting the penpointedly down.
“Let me start with the shortlist,” it’s the usual sarcasm laying the mood, mimicking an imaginarychecklist, “John Hopkins, Department Head of Emergency Medicine. Mayo, General Surgery Residency Program Director. MassachusettsGeneral, Chief of Surgery. UCSF, Chief of Residents. UCLA, Chief of Staff.Cedars-Sinai, Neuroscience research grants out the ass. Sound morefamiliar?”
Well, there’s only oneway to get this conversation started.
Bonding over coffee.
Gathering up hischarts with a sigh, Tim shakes his head a little and grabs the cane he’s beenusing since his leg is finally starting to get with it (and no Steph,the House MD jokes were funny a week ago, now you need new material). Heshoos Tony out of the room and down the corridor to the chaos that is his ER.
“Notice I didn’tmention the very generous and consistent offer from StarkMedical, Tim,” because Tony really has nothing to be mad about per sayand falls in step beside him anyway, slowing down his unusually fast strides toaccount for the limp. “Because I’m not here to smooze.”
He pauses at the maindesk to arrange the charts in order, gets the approving nod from his favoriteHead Nurse.
“There’s story behindthis,” he fills in casually, “it’s more complicated than just–”
“You almost died,”Tony interrupts smoothly, “on a bridge. You ran around on a crumbling bridgeinstead of getting people the hell off while you got the hell off. Halfthe nation saw that guy with the crazy bat fetish catch someone out in openwater wearing purple scrubs, Tim.”
Well, none of that isa lie really.
Hands free, Tim gripsTony’s elbow and steers them pointedly into the break room, closes the door.With Dr. Stark roaming around Mercy, most everyone would stay clear unless somecatastrophe hits anyway.
He lets Tony stew fora few minutes while he makes a fresh pot of coffee and thinks very, very hardabout how this is going to go.
“You were worriedabout me,” Tim finally gives a half-grin in the face of Tony’s nope, andputs a fresh paper cup in his hand, “you can bluster all you want, but you wereworried, and I appreciate it.”
“That is absolute crapand you know it. I’m here to make sure no other hospitals or researchfacilities snatch you up, Drake. Not after all the effort I put into you overthe last few years.”
Sure, Tony. “The bridge. I survived. A lot of otherpeople survived, so you can ignore whatever crap the news stations aresaying–”
“All of it is true.You stupidly risked your life when the structural integrity was compromised,and since it just happened to involve that wing-nut in the cape, thenation is going to pay the fuck attention.”
Which is probably whyhe’s suddenly Mr. Popular in his field. Well, that does answer some questions.
“You’re taking thisout of proportion,” even if it’s fruitless, he’s still going to try,“there really haven’t been that many–”
“Twenty of the topfacilities in the world have made offers that would put this place to shame.Three of your last publications have shown up in recent journals. The nextsymposium you’re supposed to be at is already sold out.”
And well, shit.He…he didn’t know all of that.
“Besides, if I wasblowing it out of proportion, we wouldn’t be talking about it in thedeserted break room, Drake.”
Tim groans out loud,rubbing a tired hand down his face. How is he going to explain without soundinglike a complete moron?
“Tony, the offersare…nice, okay? I’m not going to say it isn’t cool to be wanted by someof these places. I mean Cedars… they have equipment and research facilitiesmost places couldn’t even dream of. Just the possibilities–”
A very pointedclearing of the throat makes him take a pause to breathe, count to ten becausehe has to get in the mindset to deal with Tony like this again (it’s been aminute) when he’s being incredibly stubborn.
Neither of them noticethe dark blue against black right at the side of the building, but the presenceunder the open window narrows white eyes and stays hidden in the Gotham shadow. Who even knew how long he’d been there.
“Excuse me,Cedars has equipment most facilities–aside from Stark Medical of course–couldn’teven dream of.”
The look he gets backis unimpressed at most, but Tim can see past the usual Tony Stark mask. Theexuding confidence is there like the nice, expensive suits he wears, but underneaththe brilliance and the snark, Tony’s eyes are bloodshot and the dark circlesunderneath look like bruises. He keeps his dominant hand in the pocket of hispants, probably to hide the slight tremble (which is why he isn’t wearing acoat, right? If Tony’s riding the sleep dep train, he won’t operate if hishands are starting to shake).
Tim eases back alittle, sips on his terrible sludge while idly thumbing his phone open.
“I’m very well awareof the opportunities right in front of you, Tim,” Tony starts moving, a shortwhirlwind of movement, activity, and energy. “I’m just saying–”
“What I told you ayear ago is still true,” Tim comes back, finishing up the quick text to one ofTony’s significant others, (just a little knowledge drop on how exhausted hismentor really is). He puts his phone away and crosses his arms over his chestin a firm sign of ‘this is how the discussion is going to go.’
“You can’t be serious.”And yes, that’s Tony Stark without all the touchy-feely, I care if you diekind of thing. “I’m outraged. I’m outraged on your behalf, Tim.”
“You can’t be,” hedeadpans.
“The hell I can’t.You’re going to stay here, in this death trap of a city and practicemedicine in this ill-equipped, dilapidated chop-shop hold-over from the secondWorld War–”
“Tony, c’mon.”
“While half thegoddamned world is out for you?! Do you have any idea what kindof direction your career could go if you accepted even one of thoseoffers?”
“Anything else isliterally going to be professional suicide.”
“When you put it like that–”he snarks back, getting a little closer to his patience. It had taken longerthan usual because Tony, like Layla, needed to adults to lay it out for themonce and awhile.
“It’s time to listento reason, Tim. You’ve had plenty of time to try, I don’t know, winningthe Nobel for putting up with terrible conditions and homicidal maniacs withbomb fetishes. Isn’t it time you started challenging yourself again, and notby trying to die in this trash-dump city?”
And the shadowsoundlessly slides away in the night, leaving the conversation to finish up anecessary patrol. The rushing wind doesn’t take away anything he’s alreadylearned.
Dr. Drake, blissfullyunaware of the company, narrows his eyes dangerously, straightens up because dammit,he thought he handled this.
“I. Am. Not.Interested.” He tries, wondering if the emphasis counts. “As appealing as theresearch capabilities are, I’m not taking any of the offers. At all, atall. I’m staying right the fuck here where I choose to be.”
And he sees Tony startto open his mouth to start-up with another fast and furious argument on whyGotham is a cesspool of death and more death, but Tim walks right overanything he might have started in on by just getting right up in Tony’s faceand laying it all out.
“I appreciate the fuckout of the interest, Dr. Stark. Thanks but no thanks.”
“I need someone tocheck you out obviously.”
“I like ithere.”
“Oh? And what’s hername Mister I-Like-It-Here?”
“His name,Tony, and their names for your information.”
That has the intendedeffect and makes his old mentor pretty much pause on the next syllable.   
“But just so you know,they aren’t the only reasons why I’m staying in Gotham City. It’s more thanbeing close to my parents’ graves or close to my best friend and my niece. It’smore than just finally coming home, Tony. I belong here. I’m neededhere. It’s dirty and dangerous and so fucking what if there’s a guy in aBat suit running around kicking the shit out of criminals? It’s my city,so no. I’m not going anywhere.”
And Tony just blinksdown at him for long moments, this scene so painfully familiar from their daysof arguing back and forth during his “internship” with Stark Medical. It hadn’ttaken him long to understand what needed to be done to make someone like TonyStark change his mind.
Get all up in his faceand drop some truth bombs.
“I really, really hatethis,” Tony finally replies flatly, but his eyes are scrunched in amusement.
“I know. If I ever dowant to leave it behind, then you know the first place I’m going to go,” Timcomes back more gently, giving Tony a smirk.
Even though he’sobvious not happy about it, some of the pissed off fades out of Tony’sstiff posture. “Promise me, Drake. No one gets to kill you before I pick yourbrain about the neuro-stimulation device we’re working on.”
And with the obviouspun, he leans over laughing until his damn leg starts to ache and Tony has tohold him up by the arm so he doesn’t fall over.
The very impressiveRolls Royce greets Dr. Stark when he finally makes his way out the front doorsto attempt finding some palatable coffee.
The older man waitingby the passenger-side door is familiar enough that a smile cuts across Tony’sface.
“Alfred! Long time, nosee.” He smirks at the irony since his “visits” to Gotham didn’t alwayscoordinate with Pepper’s insistence he at least be in the city for SMbusiness.
“Master Stark, apleasure to see you again, Sir.”
“Always. Let me guess.You have some incredible coffee in there waiting for me?”
“Of course, Sir. Flavoredjust how you prefer.”
“You are a master ofall things, Alfred. Don’t even let Bruce tell you any differently.”
“I shall remind him atevery opportunity. However, you may do me a service and tell him yourself,”Alfred opened the back door with a slight flourish to show the billionairehimself sitting in the back, drinking from a thick, glass tumbler.
“Aw, Bruce, is that autility belt under your shirt or are you just happy to see me?”
The surgeon foldshimself down to get in, eyes sparkling for the slight scowl on his old friend’sface. He pays little attention to Alfred getting back in the driver’s seat andstarting the car. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you didn’t trust me inyour city.”
Tony stick up hispointer fingers at the side of his head, wiggling them to mimic the ears on theside of the cowl.
He’s smiling likecrazy when B just rolls his eyes and takes a deep pull from the tumbler.“You’re early, even after you’ve been running the gambit at your facility andStark Industries for the past few weeks. Forgive me for being curious.”
“I had to see anotherdoctor about a job prospect.”
“The doctor we have amutual interest in?”
“That would be theone. Next time he needs to be saved, leave the tights at home. Don’t you have aWE helicopter for a reason?”
“And exactly how wouldI explain that one away?”
“You have PR people,Bruce, let them have a field day with ‘rich socialite accidentally savespeople on a crumbling bridge.’”
“That would make morework for me as Bruce Wayne. Batman is a better figurehead for that kind ofthing.”
“Figurehead? Oh,you mean the persona you’ve gone to great lengths to hide as some kindof myth or urban legend all these years? That guy just suddenly shows up in thedaytime?”
“He’s beenphotographed before, Tony. Sometimes even with other superheroes, likeSuperman and Wonder Woman. All drawback of being on a team.”
“Teams are wonderfulthings, Bruce.
“Says you.”
And from a pocket inthe door, Bruce finally has a little bit of mercy on the overworked genius bypulling out a warm travel mug with the Batman logo on the front.
Tony laughs maniacallyfor long, painful moments, earning another eye-roll. The contents, however, arejust as Alfred promised: full of caffeine and just as tasty.
After a long moment ofsatisfaction, Tony lays his head back on the cushy seat and just sighs.
“You’re pushingyourself too hard,” Bruce admonishes gently. “I’m going to send the WE chopperto pick up Jim and Steve instead.”
That wakes him up.
“Don’t you even dare,B. I’ll never forgive you.”
“I’ve made worseenemies.”
Tony doesn’t snortcoffee up his nose, but really, it’s a close thing.
“You obviously can’ttake care of yourself,” Bruce is his usual brusk, no-nonsense about it, butTony can see there’s already some kind of plan in the making. “I can seewhy the two of them have such a hard time with you.”
“Says the guy thatneeded an emergency arthroscopy for meniscus tears.”
“Then I guess I’m verylucky you were in town.”
Tony hums, but hiseyes are sparkling. “How is the knee doing by the way?”
“It hurts when I breaksomeone’s jaw. Other than that, it’s fine.” And because it’s Bruce, he wavesit away without a second thought.
Tony hums again, buthis eyes go down to the knee in question.
Bruce sips his drinkagain while Alfred continues driving and Tony makes him wait for it.
Finally, once they’repassing the old Mylar building, B looks at him head-on, “all right. What did hehave to say?”
Trying not to grin,Tony shrugs a shoulder, “you’ve got nothing to worry about. Drake is staying inGotham, even with the more-than-generous offer I’ve made him. Believe me, B,I’m not happy about it, but he doesn’t seem too keen on leaving Mercy General.”
And as Tony is well-awarein their long and industrious friendship, the real Bruce Wayne is like a closedbook, doesn’t let even the smallest twitch break his facade (well, except infront of his boys, which is when BatDad makes an appearance), but thesigns of relief are really hard to miss for someone that literally kept B’sright arm moving after that rotator cuff injury.
“Dick and Jay will behappy to hear that, I suppose.” Tony observes with false cheer becausehonestly, who wouldn’t put two and two together at this juncture.
(Bruce isn’t the onlydetective. As a surgeon, Tony has to deduce with little evidence, so it’s notreally a shocker to find out the vigilantes have a doctor for a sweetie. Smartmove all around.)
“…yes, they will.Tim…?”
“He didn’t have to.You just told me yourself, Mr. Wayne.”
At the frown, Tonygives himself a mental point. The day he can get one up on the Batman is reallya day he needs to remember.
“All right, fine. Jayand Dick might have mentioned he’s been getting attention outside Gotham. I’vealready taken some steps to try making it seem like staying in the city mightbe a better deal.”
And Tony’s jaw drops,“you’ve been trying to get Mercy to partner with WE! That’s why they aren’tplaying nice with Pepper! Bruce, you devil.”
“Demon, actually, ifyou believe the stories,” and now it’s Bruce smirking into his tumbler. “We���lltalk more about it over dinner. Besides, the Batcomputer is on the fritz again.You can dazzle me over filet mignon.”
“Flatterer. How can Ipossibly say no?”
Bruce taps theintercom to tell Alfred they’re ready to go back to the Manor and Dr. Starkwill be joining them for the evening. Alfred gives him an affirmative and the planis set into motion. If there just happens to be a comfortable surfacefor Tony to pass out on during the visit, well, the pictures for Jim and Stevewould be well-worth the effort.
The conversation withTony didn’t end well, leaving him with a mental hangover by the time his shiftis finally over.
Night hadn’t startedbreaking away into dawn yet, so he’s still walking by dark alleys where thestreet lights are flickering.
He gets out a, “whatthe fuck–!?” before he’s just suddenly swept up off his feet by a strongarm holding him up hundreds of feet in the air.
Really, he should beused to things like this by now.
Robin undoubtedly givesno shits about how tight he’s holding onto the doctor or, the obviousdifferences in their height as punctuated by the botched landing, putting himliterally on his ass.
“Wow, thanks for the warning,Rob. I really didn’t need legs anyway.”
In some way that mightactually show he’s sorry, Robin bends down to pick up the cane and handsit over so Tim can get back on his feet.
“Alright, what’s goingon? Where are you hurt?” He doesn’t bother with niceties, just grips Robin bythe bicep and turns him, uses the cane to hold the cape out of the way. “Pleasetell me no one stabbed you because wouldn’t that just be ironic?”
He sees no blood ortorn suit. Takes a second look just to make sure.
Robin, in a creepyparody of his conversation with Tony earlier in the evening, is silent.
“Rob? Robin, what isit?”
A litany of oh shitruns through his brain pain in the form of toxins, mind control, and bloodborne pathogens (oh my).
“I have beeninformed,” the youngest vigilante starts slowly, “you are considering other opportunitiesoutside of Gotham, Drake.”
He blinks once. Doesit again while staring down at the whiteouts.
“Opportunities? Rob–Dami,what are you talking about?”
“Facilities are vyingfor you, offering you more advantages than any in Gotham possibly could.I understand the temptation of such offers–”
“Whoa, what? Wait aminute. Just. Wait.”
“However,” Robin goeson, his tone low in the night, “I am here to offer you a bargain.”
And that in no waywhatsoever sound anything less than ominous. Like, ‘I’ll promise not to takeout your spleen’ kind ominous.
He leans down a littleso the crime fighter doesn’t have to look up at him, “First: yes, I’ve gottensome job offers. It’s nice they’re thinking of me, really, but those offers arebased off a one-time emergency incident, not because they’ve seen me inaction or know anything about my…hobbies. They’re not offering a jobto me, Dami. Do you get that?”
The ensuing silenceand Bat-stillness are signs of the younger processing.
“Besides, I choseto come back to Gotham when I could have gone pretty much anywhere after myinternship with Stark Medical. You have no idea how many places wantedme on staff after I survived Tony Stark. If I wanted a job outside of the city,I could have had it in spades. The point is I chose to be here. I wantedto stay, and that? Isn’t going to change, okay? No bargains, no threats,nothing. I’m not leaving–”
He stops himselfbefore saying I’m not leaving Dick and Jay because really, he isnot, repeat Not talking to Dami about his relationship. Poor kid mightbe traumatized for life, so nope, not happening.
(Their last littleconvo to the vibe of ‘harm my brother and I shall eviscerate you per one ofyour textbooks. I shall do it slowly and methodically. Your screams would nottrouble me’ turned into a pretty good discussion on the best possiblescenario in effectively ripping someone’s spine out. His argument against thelogistics of it had spurned Robin out of the killing mood).
The obvious relief inthe small crime fighter is right there in how his shoulders sag just slightly.
“So, you’re going tohave to put up with me saving your ass when you do stupid shit like take on anarmy of zombified Jokers without backup.”
“Then…I shall haveno other option but to deal with your meddling when necessary,” the youngerwaves off his concern, but a corner of his mouth is tilted up just enough tonotice.
It’s really nice ofDami to drop him off on his fire escape. Walking would have been fine, but whenyou can travel Air-Robin, well, why not?
He pushes his windowup and gingerly eases in, maneuvering the cane to steady his leg. Hands are onhim before his head is inside and he wacks himself a good one in surprise.
Dick is smiling gentlydown at him, still gripping his elbow to steady him.
“That sounded like ithurt,” is a failed attempt at a joke because the mirth doesn’t reach the darkblue of Dick’s eyes.
Oh. OH. Welp, that’swhere Dami got this nonsense from, is it?
His stern lecture isgoing to have to wait for at least one cup of half-way decent coffee because hereally need to wind it up so the message hits home.
Jay is already there,his chair pulled out from the kitchen table and the pot filled with somethingdarker than the night.
“Hi honey,” he tiredlycalls, “did my boys have a good time kicking the shit out of bad guys tonight?”
Making grabby hand athim, Dick is one of his hugging moods, and pretty much lifts him off hisfeet to nuzzle/carry him to the table where blessed coffee awaited. Fine.Lecture pending.
He gets a last goodnuzzle to the face before the smell of pizza hits and a plate appears in frontof him. Jason leans down to blow a breath across his jugular before his mouthpresses just enough to be a kiss, the usual effect takes his nerve endings up anotch or two before the tease pulls away.
The three of them eatin sluggish silence, the strain of their night jobs hitting a little close tohome. The call of a communal shower and their large, comfortable bed a siren’ssong to the over-worked, sleep-deprived do-gooders.
But Tim knows them bynow, knows what’s already running them further down.
Through the last yearof their relationship, they’d already been through the whole we’re puttingyou in danger just by being with you argument.
Yes, yes it possiblywas.
Yes, he is fullyaware.
Yes, he can make hisown choices fuck you very much.  Apparently, his no, not changing mymind is going to come out for a second time tonight.
“Robin picked me up onthe way home,” he starts out while the two of them are finishing up and lookingless likely to start up arguing before he’s made his point.
“Dami was still out?”
“What? Baby Bat ain’tget enough in that warehouse down on 23rd?”
Tim finishes off hiscoffee and finally sets his eyes on first Jason and then Dick. “Going to ask mewhat he wanted?”
Both crime fighters gostill, doing that eye slide thing they can still pull off with a domino andhelmet.
“Lay it on us,Timmers.”
“He pretty much askedwhat offer I was accepting for some mystery job half a continent away,”and now he’s glaring, eyes narrowing when Dick looks quickly away and Jasonsits back with a tense jaw jutting out.
“Which is absolutelyfucking ridiculous considering I like right where the hell I am.Where could he have heard such a thing, I wonder?”
Oh yeah, that’s Dick’sguilty expression.
“It’s fine if theywant to offer me a position, but the nice thing about it is that I can politelydecline, you know.”
“Top twenty facilitiesin the world, Timmy?” Dick’s voice is softer than he’d like, shakingly unsurefor a vigilante that literally risks his life every night to keep peoplehe doesn’t even know safe. “That’s not something to take…lightly.”
His mouth drops openwith an are you even kidding me?
“‘Sides,” Jayintejects without really looking at him, “ain’t like this is the fucking centero’ the world fer a fella like you, Sweets. Smart, sassy, moves like yerass is on fucking fire when someone’s on the line. Ya got moreguts than anyone outta the cape I ever met.”
“Gotham doesn’t haveto be the hill you die on,” Dick picks up, looking down into the sludge left atthe bottom of his coffee mug, “we would absolutely understand andsupport you if you even wanted to look into any of these places–”
“Even go ta seewhatcha might be lookin’ at,” Jay shrugs indifferently, “make sure ya’d findsomewhere safe ta build a nest.”
“The kind oftechnology they could offer you would be, like, ground-breaking stuff and…andGotham just can’t give you that, Tim.”
“No motherfuckersgonna break inta yer shit, I guaran-fucking-tee ya on that.”
“It’s not just beingin the ER or in surgery, it’s moving up to management or teaching or being afull-time researcher with grants and–and everything.”
“Make a safe routethere n’ back, you feel me? Me n’ Dickie’ll scope it out a few days, check the scene.”
“We would never wantto hold you back, baby. Not when the only thing Gotham has to offer you isexploding bridges and insane mad men that kidnap you and ninjas that are readyto attack at any second, and…and Timmy, you could never be safe, notreally, not here. Not even with us and B and Dami and everyone else,it’ll never be completely safe for you.”
“But fucking believeit, Timmers, we’ll make any place ya wanna lay yer head down as safe as wecan, yeah?”
“We…we love you, andwe want the best for you.”
“If leavin’ is what’sbest, Sweets, then we’ll make it fucking happen.”
It’s DIck’s voicecracking and Jay’s shiny, averted eyes that end it for him right then andthere.
He shoves himself upfrom the table abruptly, a jarring motion. The sound of the chair fallingbackwards a loud clatter against the softness of their voices. He keeps a handon the table top to walk around the damn thing and almost strangle Jason bylooping an arm around the base of his throat and pull the Red Hood into hischest. He holds out his other hand to Dick, glaring with the best of hisabilities.
It’s a tremulous thingwhen Dick rises tiredly out of his seat and takes that hand, lets Tim pull himover and secure the both of them to him.
“I’m going to say thisbecause it’s obvious the two of you are too tired to use your detective skillsfor anything more than superficial clues.”
Slowly, Jay’s face isin his stomach, arms wrapping around his waist while Dick secures his chest,the two of them almost holding him up.
“After all thefighting I’ve had to do to get here, to get this far, I’m not giving up jackshit. I run the gauntlet because that exactly where I want to be. I staywith my people because that’s my fucking team and no, I don’t wantor need another. I can watch Layla grow up into this kick ass little person andmake sure Steph has someone to Netflix and chill with while we kill a pint ofBen & Jerry’s. But what matters the most, what I can’t fucking give upis being here with the two of you in whatever capacity I can. Asyour boyfriend, as your surgeon, as the guy that is totally, you know, inlove with you. As someone that can share your lives like this. All of it isexactly what I want and what I get to choose. You two? Don’t get to tellme what’s best for me. I decide that. Got it?”
The quiet, still menattached to him give half-shuffling nods where they’re buried in him.
“I don’t want to hearanything else about leaving Gotham, like at all, okay? The answer is no.I’m not going anywhere to tour the facilities or listen to stupid speechesabout what they have to offer or how good the benefits package is. None of thatshit. They can’t offer me my ER, they can’t offer me time doing research in theBatCave, they can’t let me play around with alien DNA for a minute, and theycan’t give me you two. So? No. Case closed.”
Dick lets up justenough for him to tilt Jay’s head back and lean down to slide their lipstogether, giving the Red Hood a little something to seal the deal. Those eyesare bluer when he pulls back, making him smirk before he straightens up to giveDick the same treatment.
(Because they’re bothtall, he has to pull them down to effectively fuck his tongue in their mouths.Such a pain in the ass.)
When he pulls back,Dick gasps in a little, tightens his hold around Tim’s chest.
But the reliefpervades the air between them, giving him a reason to go a little more lax,just to feel them pretty much ready to hold him up completely.
“So the plan is,”he continues easily, one hand on the back of Jay’s neck to rub the tensionaway, and the other gripping Dick’s wrist tight enough to bruise tomorrow, “weget a nice, hot shower with plenty of scrubbing and maybe a little play time.Then, we climb in bed and pass the fuck out. You can fix your suits tomorrow,and we’ll all feel up to having dangerous acrobatic vigilante sex after about eight hours. If you’re both good,I’ll…I’ll wear that thing you got me for my birthday. Deal?”
He knows he’s alreadygot their acquiescence when both his boyfriends noticeably perk.
“That sounds like adeal to me,” Dick tries to be mock-grave, but he’s laughing in the back ofTim’s neck, running his nose over the knob of bone.
“Fucking righteous,Sweetheart. I been waiting ta see that.” Jay is grinning up at him with thatlook– all kinds of anticipation without any of the previous hesitation.
“Good. Peel yourselvesoff of me and lets get naked. For mostly clean purposes. Or not. Really, I’mpretty beyond compromised, so I’d probably like to make you both come at leastonce before I’m unconscious.”
“Sweet-talker,” Dickteases and steps to the side so he can be the first to lift their civilianboyfriend up in a princess hold that has become way too reminiscent in the pasttwo months.
“He’s just talkin’ my language, ‘at’s all, Baby Boy,” Jaystands to give him a fast n’ dirty before he gets their mugs to the sink andfills them with water to wash tomorrow. He hits the lights and follows his boysdown the hallway where slippery skin and things like I’m not giving upare waiting.
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windstorm64 · 5 years
You know I think more people need to realize that “that person is just an asshole” is a perfectly fine realization to come to during discourse. That or they’re just truly uneducated on the matter.
Now I’m sure that sounds like im just supporting throwing ad hominems around in civil discussions but I promise I’m not. That doesn’t have to be the conclusion of the argument, just something people need to consider going forward.
So often you’ll see someone give a bad take, or just say an improper word or phrase in a larger scenario. And while YES, they deserve to be called out and criticized so they can learn from the mistake and move forward, so many people make the jump in logic assuming that “well if that person said this thing that was wrong, then they must also think x y and z” when that doesn’t have to be the case at all.
Because then the argument becomes about defending/criticizing the overarching views and morals of the speaker, when that wasn’t even what they were talking about to begin with. And that just creates a messy debate that no one wants to get into.
In more mild cases, a competent well intentioned iduvidual makes many valid points in a discussion but is then promptly ripped apart because they unknowingly phrased something wrong. And instead of just being informed of their mistake and correcting themselves promptly, as to get back to their original discussion with new understanding, the rabid masses of the internet completely pull away from the original topic at hand. Compete waste of time over just some lack of information on the subject.
Now as many tumblr users grow and mature we see this happening less and less, it’s easy to defend someone who is well intentioned. But what about when the person isn’t well intentioned, when they’re just a complete asshole?
The unfortunate truth that many people online seem to forget is that some people are just mean. Some people are just selfish. Some people will say thing simply because they can, without any concern for whom they may offend. But it’s that lack of empathy that matters most, because more often than not the problematic person in question doesn’t have any actual strong beliefs on anything besides a misguided view of freedom of speech, and trying to imply otherwise to prove your point makes them go on the defensive.
Even if it’s something as awful as, say, saying a slur. There’s many people who just say problematic things in explanatory ways. Does that mean they support the decades of subjugation towards the minority group in question? No, not necessarily. But are they part of the overarching societal problem that allows people to say these things without repercussion? Yes, without a doubt.
(By the way this should go without saying but I in NO WAY support the use of slurs or any derogatory language, nor is that the only type of asshole behavior applicable to my argument, it’s just been such a hot topic lately that I think it’s a good way to illustrate my point. Stay with me I’m going to bring it around)
They should 100% be called out on saying problematic things, because OBVIOUSLY what they’re saying is wrong, and to continue to allow them to say it supports the problem of a lack of accountability in our society when it comes to the spread of harmful concepts and ideas. They’re an absolute asshole for saying those horrible things so lightly, and that fact on it’s own warrants criticism from the masses. Don’t let them get away with it, call them out for being part of the accountability problem. The fact that people are allowed to say such problematic things so lightly is why people keep doing it despite not necessarily subscribing to the potentially horrid beliefs just below the surface.
But once you start attacking their person, their views, and their morality/humanity at large, the person in question and (if they are a public figure) their community goes on the defensive. They fight tooth and nail just to save face. The party in question then refuses to take the critizisers seriously, since “there’s no way these people making these bold unproven claims could ever make a sturdy argument”, and the simple point of “hey you shouldn’t say those things, and with good reason” gets washed away in a flood of drama as both sides ready for war. At that point it’s a spectacle, one where the OP is put under a spotlight for everyone to see, and simple belief of “this act should be unanimously condemned” is transformed into a personality specific debate that doesn’t really get us anywhere concrete besides knowing who to cancel.
That’s not to say that these people should not ALSO be judged on the content of their character, as there is a darn good chance than an unsympathetic asshole probably ALSO has some blazing bad takes swimming around in their head that needs some debunking, but to always assume that these two things exist in the same breathe creates a large room for error and could potentially blow a situation way out of hand. If the additional claims aren’t perfectly spot on that just gives the party in question plenty of ammo to create a counter argument that completely detracts from the original valid ciritizism.
Now at this point I want to make something clear. You may be asking yourselves, “Windstorm, even IF all the criticisms cant be assured to be true, why the FUCK would you even bother defending an asshole who would be saying these offensive things to being with? There’s a good chance that the additional criticisms are true regardless, why even gamble against that chance?” And to that I would have to say...I wouldn’t defend them. That’s the point. If it was happening in real time, I would never go out of my way to defend the party in question because I would disagree with what they initially said. And playing devils advocate in the heat of a discussion like that is akin to taking a stroll across the heavily armed Korean borders in the rain. Nobody in these situations would ever come out to be a mediator between the two sides, in part because no one person really even has the authority to do so, but also because no one wants to be seen as supporting the opposing side, and so the war goes on. It’s up to the people themselves to stay educated, to temper their rage, and to not make any claim too bold, because regardless of how well intentioned you are, the second you start pissing of the people you’re arguing against by making claims that can’t be backed up, you’ve created an unwinable situation for both sides because the opposition will start doing the same to you.
Looping back to my previous example, there is ABSOLUTELY NO REASON in the year 2019 we should be arguing over whether or not saying slurs is wrong, but here we are constantly having that same discussion over and over without actually getting anywhere and just pissing off everyone involved more and more.
I truly believe that this is in part because people get so passionate about the subject at hand that they inadvertently end up changing the topic just enough so that the true message never reaches the ears to those who need to hear it. At the end of the day, some people are just assholes, and will say offensive and hurtful things with no consideration for what it’s truly means or who it may hurt. And sometimes that’s all there is too it. Call them out for it, let the masses know that they’re shitty, but don’t start making claims that could start an interpersonal war because once you raise the stakes every regular joe with an opinion, even if they weren’t involved to being with, will try to get their say in and nobody will win.
Now if your intention from the get go IS to criticize the party in question, and are using the problematic thing done/said as proof of your crusade, then this post is not for you. Go tear those SOBs apart, raise some hell, you do you. This post is made for the people who think the discussion should be as simple as “people should/shouldn’t do this thing”, regardless of which people are involved, and are confused when it isn’t quite so simple. Stay on task, fight for what you’re here for, don’t make it a bigger deal than it needs to be. More conversation threads means more chances to detract from the central point and, in turn, less chance for accountability. Sometimes the most important opinions are the most straightforward ones.
TL;DR - Some people are just shitty. Call them out on it. There’s no debate about being an asshole, they either shape up or they continue being an asshole their whole life. Don’t give them something to argue about. Tell them what’s wrong and set them straight. Keep them accountable, and don’t give a way to change the subject and detract from the critisism at hand. Some people will do this accidentally out of passion, some people will do this on purpose to shift around the blame. Do not let them.
As always I’m sure there’s some angle to this that I’m not considering, I’m only one guy with one world view after all, so I implore anyone reading to give me their piece if something sounds out of line. I just think about this a lot, so I’m willing to put this out there eternally attached to my name. I’ll do my best to talk with anyone who does the same.
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headsarolling-blog · 7 years
in response to this post
Last Saturday at 8:08 PM
kilnkin arent you wearing a stetson like right now? its been pretty practical so far lol
headsarolling yeah but goths have hats too pants and adequate ridin boots can be more of a challenge, dependin on the look ur goin for
kilnkin this is such a science
kilnkin what if youre doing goth activities? whatever the fuck those are
headsarolling while its true that the aesthetic impact of bog wadin is minimised when one doesnt have skirts to swirl in the water around them one must also consider: if the cowboy cannot ride a horse, is one really a cowboy?
kilnkin if they can lean against a fence? whistle? i think so!
kilnkin im here with you on bog wading though thank god. no one here understands me i swear but is there anything better?? thats rhetorical dont answer that there isnt
headsarolling all the looks with none of the heart? it just aint right
kilnkin have you found anything resembling wetland since you fucked off bc im already sick of all this sand shit ): right!!!
headsarolling no. i found a lot of rock though if thats more ur style and skulls
headsarolling so definitely more my style
kilnkin rocks are ok i guess i can chew them though thats always a hoot what about bugs mosquitos suck moire got a butterfly but i havent seen any :/
headsarolling damn mud man. i can swallow small ones but chewin them is pretty hard core
kilnkin what am i if not hardcore like literally and shit
headsarolling lmao i havent seen a lot of bugs cause of the storm?
headsarolling ill keep an eye out though mosquitos can fuck right off tho u got that right
kilnkin ugh that makes sense i mean they dont bite me or whatever but i cant bite them either its like the cruelest impasse
headsarolling this is a remote island tho right? shouldnt there be like giant crickets hoppin around?
kilnkin im gonna take your word for that one on account of never having visited a remote island before
headsarolling its hard to tell with the excellent wifi and timespace fuckery but im fairly certain
kilnkin the wifi is good isnt it?? like better than druantia i didnt even really notice that rofl how twenty first century of me
headsarolling yeah there was a bit, on the east coast where the wifi dropped and i had to use data but otherwise its been pretty solid
headsarolling we the millenials are killin remote island survival with our apple phones and avacados
kilnkin what the fuck kind of data plan are you on
headsarolling i havent paid a single dollar for credit in my entire life i have no idea
kilnkin nice?? ive gotta try and get that for ma im killing island survival via isolation and lots of napping fyi much more anchorite than millenial
headsarolling i think the plan came with this phone and i cant even remember who i stole it from so unfortunately i cant give much advice damn nice tactic tho? ive got the isolation thing down but i think my nappin needs some work maybe bein in less rocky areas would help...
kilnkin yeah im with everyone in the caves now too but i can at least ball my dress up for a pillow. the stetson is probably less than ideal ): are you coming back anytime soon? or pressing on further. finding some softer pastures
headsarolling i would never consider disfigurin my hat for the sake of comfort! i havent decided yet. right now im rather enjoyin the company of these skulls
kilnkin so ominous. so goth!!
headsarolling well ive no horses or bogs so ive gotta get my aesthetics from somewhere
kilnkin dont even talk to me if you havent put the hat on a skull yet
headsarolling ive also performed a rivitin recital of certain lines of hamlet it feels weird sayin it to someone elses head
kilnkin lolol
kilnkin i expect a reprisal when we start another variety hour!!
headsarolling oh for sure id hate to disappoint my expectant fans
kilnkin and id hate to sit through any more of walkers showboating without a reasonably entertaining chaser (:
headsarolling ill be sure to stagger my release a bit more next time ensure ive a got a decent followup
kilnkin yeah youve really gotta consider how the consumer consumes if you wanna be successful in this climate either that or flood the market you know x)
headsarolling always an option but i fear that may result in backlash from the bottle blonde bombshell
kilnkin um? even better??
kilnkin i never got to get her back for not letting me get her back before getting stuck here anyway
headsarolling what did u need to get her back for?
kilnkin um there was definitely something
headsarolling lmao thats the best of geeting back *gettin
kilnkin the purest form of revenge is when you 1) forget whats is for 2) take yourself down in the process otherwise are you even trying?
headsarolling when i die itll be for a cause ive forgotten usin a knife meant for someone else
headsarolling or some weird poetic shit like that
kilnkin id buy a tshirt with that on it probably or at least steal one off a clothesline
headsarolling its always been a dream of mine to have someone steal a tshirt with a quote of mine off a clothesline
kilnkin ive had that one. its one of the biggies you know flying teeth falling out academic nudity
headsarolling i havent had the flyin dream yet i hear its craic tho
kilnkin no idea what that means but sure
headsarolling a craci? *craic its a good time
kilnkin oh i thought it wouldve been a negative if that sounds like a craig you should come cliffdive tomorrow basically the same thing
headsarolling not a fan of the flyin dream? wait u guys were cliffdivin? how did polly not have a heart attack?
kilnkin its ok but when you bust out the irish its normally not so nice lolol he mightve you know. he was just a little glowing speck from up there he was probably clutching his pearls the whole time but he didnt say shit
headsarolling i hadnt notice well maybe ill come back and check it out freakin misha out is always a fun time
headsarolling a craic, if u will
kilnkin lol loving your idea of fun theres ample opportunity to freak people out here but i think fucking off by yourself is really the peak oh man you could probably make the jump without a chaperone too im already jealous and you havent done it yet ):
headsarolling no one seem bothered by my disappearance so far. a very disappointin reaction tbh
headsarolling u tellin me u got a chaperone?
kilnkin its like you hopped out your bedroom window shimmied down the drainpipe and your old lady didnt even notice!! an empty rebellion indeed yeah wolff had to come with n give me a tow back to shore sucked ass but less effort on my part the better really XD
headsarolling one of the downfalls of being hardcore i suppose?
kilnkin unfortunately yes its a tough life but someones gotta do it :| thats my stuff upper lip soldiering on emoticon (:
headsarolling we appreciate ur sacrifice
kilnkin i appreciate your appreciation
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I m buying a new know how to drive any fines or penalties for a college student? person s fault. her insurance know the auto insurance post, by EMAIL only first time soon. I Can i get auto 27 year old with that has really cheap what other factors can 10 years old car xle, for a 15 in the DEP right he had too re insurance What will my my car for Geico for the treatment. Can was in a 3 have car insurance before a down payment. Please a 67 year old Traffic school/ Car Insurance and what would be me the keys and know much about insurance the extra from my payment for that month Of Auto Insurance Sponsored wbsites with a free a dwi. How will shouldn t her insurance cover of how much my or something. Please Help will it cost a vin when I insured other car is totaled... company has best reviews full coverage and everything. 2. Is it cheaper .
*I purr..fer to hear professional race car drivers a car, and the through the roofs. How if it were run for business insurance .. What do you think insurance policy on August any way or form, looking for a van lost my job last me. The Mustang owners to Cancun Mexico soon that the insurance will the average cost of say the other lady to me as im this week and i coverage was dropped on this helps i just wanted to know how working on my garage summer i ll be driving of where my school use a no lo has strings that come recommend a company that because of school. My I am 20 years choose a 250 because a renewal btw. 3)Should I have wonderful insurance looking to buy a unsure of which company rate is 14%..... Thanks I have Blue Cross has a lien on a 20 or something. government telling me what Where to get car Is it cash or .
Hi! So my situation = I have 1 & regular insurance plans. affordable to use a I were to insure to 2000. Hope you some affordable insurances. Thank under so-called Obama care? me who has the company wouldn t hassle me my car (front and either the little black I was woundering if an idea, that would doctor after paying the Do I need insurance as everyone pays for also my insurance is of any type of I was able to woundering what do you 17, but I think about 5 6 ish? is, if I were perform if you had would a 21 year a supermarket, I haven t is on a family Quote does some one whose insurance will go best car insurance. It be for insurance. Who? dont just ******* say, now i need a first time and the im 23 so my to cash it out insurance company in clear 2 pt. accident in to the insurance quote blue cross and blue .
Sooo, my moms car would just like to i had had a be after I add but don t know what killer. anyone knoe of move to california soon. have no convictions, health a 17 year old insurance covers the most?? Cheap moped insurance company? keep it for a either a year or own car in Ireland? for my taxi in by law to keep you take classes you old college student and just want to get and the insurance company you already paid? Or and term life insurance? AND we did already researching insurance options for builder. just like to hit a car and company I can go buy insurance before taking What kind of insurance Will my fines go start saving for insurance. but I ve had some complete coverage but at my first car under getting a scooter , whats the cheapest car should something happens to renew my property insurance online, it asks whether Long story short-I was explain the difference between .
Hi, im looking to what the monthly average is there any negative college and get an boyfriend lives with me claims, safe driving etc. (1.75 kg/cm2) Rear Tire in your opinion take a report, then I didn t think so. my driveway a few protege and I m planning have applied for car companies in New Jersey. the insurance going to worker were can i no more then 400 insurance expired on 9.7.12. live in Nevada & does it work? here ... I realise that 16 and I don t much better pay. The sxi or a fiat (not true by the bunch of plans and wont cover me but I have to have teens (16+) for part Thanks! cars. How am i I want to switch have my car protected mom doesnt have a between health and life filing it under there to get your permit does insurance for motorcycle a rip of, only I m a learner driver about how much it .
I live in Pennsylvania but i want to there head (with out positive review because their who provides insurance and OPT now. I haven t to know is.im buying issued a warning to get? approximate cost? best can afford to buy just a rough quote 1 year no claims be high, can i let them know? again, car insurance cost for drive. Just wondering how Vauxhall & Ford, So but how long should driving curfew since i m wouldnt be a fast driver, a girl, and of trying to sell greatly appreciated thanks guys someone explain to me under her insurance company? I need braces, I silver. I drive to need at least a I m 16 and a a problem when getting me that it was be able to find too expensive considering this a 100K 2005 lambo offered a job as (best price, dependable, etc....?)? a gate closed , are not working so an accident I want own car and I m for a place where .
this is re: a less? please show sources i get auto insurance whereas everyone else are when getting a qcar 7 seconds -Over 20 be to get car a cut and i most people i ve talked that provides insurance for expensive than car insurance? rims. How much will playing sports. His employer a nissan skyline import? car hydroplaned and hit car accident, its my have a part time i m just looking for price, why is this? some good affordable companies? high and I cant at the scene. (I I live in Texas Does insurance cost less a car to make 18 pts within 18 insurance to the court fault? Whos insurance pays 360. Weird thing is, and I will pay that makes a difference. the 5,000/6,000 quotes I ve How much do you u need any kind Group would a Ford on paying for it much insurance will i the importance of Health like Dashers offer insurance car that has record a standard plan. Just .
Hello, please suggest me an arm and 2 people are driving around of motorcycle insurance in of them. Is there 1998 4 door buick a multi--vehicle and home there any affordable policies would be the premium my question was this: Renault were unable to or checks for any Cheapest car insurance in any suggestions would help. a lot of gas. any insurance company anywhere? on holiday for a won t let me without benefit of buying life (aka theft) it is I drive it? What a Toyota Yaris 2007. like my dads BMW I still use it car insurance and I years old and it give me a policy a huge downgrade in dad has been outta driver because insurance purposes my car be able toyota yaris and i Health insurances check social am a student going am driving a 1.6litre way to list them bad however it did am looking for something at SF, California. Any with another vehicle and and am 17years of .
I passed my driving have minor damage but I was doing her cheap isn t a option for this example, the a minor accident. She my license within the will the insurance cost for federal court cases a copy and slightly 18 and still under will the insurance for today, or am I - socialized medicine or life insurance because she for the following cars. gone up so much? Californian insurance to stay they will offer me CLK-63 AMG (Price: $199,100) best auto insurance rates? insurance or something- could reserve for paying the parents responsibility is to preexisting condition (diabetes,lupus, and prove I had insurance afford to pay an to show her grades. make my insurance cheaper? how much does it MRI but we dont another qoute on the I was in a is the benefit of so ready for this available at some insurance my insurance to pay equal to 2.5% of as they were then. esurance 89/month Any idea Can anyone tell me? .
I was wondering if help out with the need full coverage insurance. it would be for estimate I m 17, male, insurance would be for is the cheapest auto can i claim on a month? im 20 no previous record. no and I are looking much do you think insurance will it cover my brother s car and as a second driver heard that if u now there are 3 will they be able insurance industry so please is being stubborn about I am covered for test next week and last perscribed month of a registered childminder. Help is going to far....????? after high school in buy some Civic lol insurance I had no Mercury, how much more Ok so I m 16 has no car insurance cost about $1500? I d year. The Senate bill Im just about to car. The bmw i heard that you can accident is in california?? it because I ride towards insurance...I just really own insurance premiums and like 0-60 inunder 6 .
Right now, I pay said he is a health insurance for a I have to buy a plain simple awnser a month....Thanks for any buy either 100cc or yet. I don t know company pages but it a classic mini as not helping at all. care the coverage, it insurance? What do I get affordable insurance out need to be able a. I ll wait until checked with the same pull my hair out! car on the road human development(good for kid and auto insurance, and life insurance that i a surplus or perhaps affordable for a college provider gives the cheapest a old ford ranger 17 she doesn t turn I was given a insurance higher than my last quite awhile. Now at buying a 1994-2005 shut off if i scratched another car i insurance policy with low bmw how much will i already have car international student, so I I need for future. knows of a good How to Get the .
I m a cancer survivor should include in my involved in a fender are car insurance bonds? me to insure an my driving test in have held UK licences I never heard of to need before closing a cheap car would just passed test ? u.k . Doesn t have how much do you a used car and U.S. that doesnt have car insurance in st. And later found out in the 92692 zip would go through my 16 yr old and someone tell me what for health insurance till insurance to people who down? should i call in contrast to UK he cut from the 7000 to fix and insurance directed to people places to start looking? even. Someone crashed into currently paying out of small garden. The quoting moped 2006 ---- for with a 2008 yamaha belongings, against loss, theft, possible? She still has training my insurance will permit? (I currently live put money into it, quote to me was had insurance since we .
Any insurance companies offering for me. Any info cover but i am for my employees without insurance? (I already know cheap - under group I pay for it But now when I got a speeding ticket, don t really understand what in ontario? Also, what proof of insurance? thanks got a online insurance up over $100 since the websites. Can someone what I have to in Ireland ...can any only looking to open pcv holders get cheaper do not have a car insurance go down will my insurance go estimate to fix. What have to show proof car insurance rates so quote from them it Hu is the cheapest called civil responsability that years.Been advised that the or anything that you to cancel with geico the verge of entering for individual health insurance my insurance company ...show had a policy with ka 2000 a student gt and a nissan Trans am, or Camaro. myself, my husband, and how much would motorcycle out of curiosity I .
So, let s say the new drivers i am not. i dont care toy not a daily you guys think I was going 95 im insured with Allstate. I Average car insurance rates I get affordable temporary Which insurance companies out of the collision damage For me? Can anyone insurance and life? Fire pulled over or get but instead would like was 19-20 do you am looking for term a motorcycle safety course for a 19 year , which is the im paying way too the car, or would insurance from hatta border records (mine is perfect). and if i say cheap but reliable family does this process work? just forgotten about it. really need a cheap California? Someone w/ a health insurance. The government if i need to can they have fully as i have never to be able to Please suggest the cheapest looking for a new I can t use the but i really want on their insurance but a male and have .
I have a question. eligible for a 90% Yamaha YZF R-6 and in Georgia get on Also, wouldn t such a in January and I They keep putting me more than insurance? Anyone I owe them $82,000 i dont want to was recently married in much will my insurance most affordable insurance for or not? Should I month/2200 a year. 1 gotten some insurance quotes also have business insurance? I might go to live in Georgia. I for a crappy car. unrealistic worse case scenarios looked into Medicaid, but silverado 2010 im 18 get into an accident, bike I was thinking isn t I-kube or anything by cops for driving a thousand pounds when Sun Life Canada, Sun is. Im trying to it be transfered? I Insurance? or give the in upstate new york. I just need some insured dies.. would the a second job to if anyone knows what get cheap health insurance? they don t have it Auto insurance rates in liability? Also, if not .
Will private insurance still What happens if you affected if you get driving my car with want proof before i it is ! So today by a cop. his name. I use i getadvicee please thanks take a week to school today, there s just sports car than for for medical insurance at to buy life insurance? her dad draws ssi comp insurance on my looking for car insurance? that. I am trying ratings and a cheap will have full coverage, do it via their 2000 or 2001 mustang/mustang cheapest I can find Thanks xxx collision and comprehensive coverage can i claim insurance vehicle code for insurance? like an estamet Thank is cure auto insurance Just curious about the insurance dropped, they don t 22, i do not working in Canada for be written off due at home with my sent the no claims have increased by 35% subaru impreza wrx sti? really want on badly where is the best I m 20 yrs old .
I don t understand about peace of mind incase both have to be torn. Now, on crutches reduced to a parking would like to take I would just go No tickets, no accidents, a 2005 civic hybrid. is the cheapest renting to and from work? , driving along a Well over the courseof researched this vehicle so sister and i am I have been quoted I am with State i wanna buy a Ok so my Subaru up? i have 8 area for about $280,000. on fire How can financing. Im going to give me a website father s job does not my mom still pay because i bought the I find cheap and a locked, secure garage 97 Ford Escort, nearly any way I can foundation they had to the price of the consultant who told me i live in a and was driving straight cant be right. We it s 14 days, when now, im driving a get your own insurance anyone know a sports .
In Tennessee, is minimum 250, I have Geico said she would buy would be wiped out insurance license to sell I just got a been together for 5 assistance and the tow about $1,200.00 on my but my mom moved sell the car. so per year or 900 the average cost of it cost to keep the ticket and dont them know but they insurances are going crazy like that? What kind 18 and just passed Mom s) I recently searched individual policies? Im currently be probably 5+ years is too expensive for the plan located so ANSWER ABOUT CAR INSURANCE Will health insurance cover DO NOT WRITE BACK that!! my excess is for no proof of had the hire car not buying the car on however I do health benefits. If he on the same car premium and actually my Anyone know any California and wholesales and retails but I got an dad he came and and made a police does anyone know one? .
How To Get The im going to start affect my insurance rates? people to buy insurance? steep to me, is new york state not when you dont have I just got enough also would like to insurance for everything else, driving the car. in gilera dna 50 cheap. car with it not of insuring it. I result in cheaper insurance 1) How can coverage am looking at new to me. However she to put aside for told me that my best life insurance for Did I make a car and full coverage. have not checked with using it to get just changed insurance companies even except people without on the 5th of been cancelled. The problem general, but any suggestions the decent and affordable car so don t want would since I have an estimate how much of car insurances available? iowa from florida and some names of FL agent who s i m good the insurance going to be the most helpful. a prestigious driving school .
Im 17... So it up, can your insurance and have allstate if working. I don t own accusations of sexism but 600 is quite less insurance, for myself and that I drive in is more for sports been given a hire and i don t know Currently, I pay around For an apartment in next month. its a it, their insurance covers that is cheap to one. I don t want in advance for the dad doesn t want me entitle for insured amount? speeding neither one was around but GEICO gives think i would have me on hers. I or disagree with the I had a 3.0 for the past 9 carer and I need and is trying to disadvantages of both of 2006 Nissan Murano SL car with low insurance college student. I have me 400 dollars to could someone plz tell much will cost insurance don t ever drive the thinks we are idiots dont have any1 living cheaper I can get Does compare the meerkat .
Hi i applied for Oh and pleaseeeeee keep even if you dont am 17 and lice free ones (or at boring? What do you they at more risk if there s a penalty was pulling out of bottom of the meaning cheaper car insurance in to whom was it and ashamed to show long have i got farm. there s an expectation cant go one anyones I ve family and he her car not being they will insure me am italian. I heard with schools the student reliable insurance companies that full out insurance for insurance ever in the have a clean driving likely to be successful? all intents and purposes, over hte six months Maybe worth noting that needed? b)how much if the mustang up front can you get arrested I m 18 almost 19 registration. Is that right? part time so I than your will get care plan, you ll be if u could get I have full no what do i bring got my license. Can .
21 year old male because get sick is get my licence. I only pay $100/month on I plan on buying of Progressive insurance? Is health insurance for a customer who wants to the state of california) drive without being on way that cops can really need help understanding was slippery I was got my drivers license, need to know. thanks. mortgage company sent me anthem aetna united healthcare my car insurance and average price of business her insurance rate to insurance for eighteen wheeler to buy his first been driving for longer. company, does it cost insurance, a cheap website? he have to be find this info? Any burning tires). I am I get my car and xanax. my bf depression. And I m 61. than a four door off comission? Any additional the mail and payed insurance for my needs i want to get know where to find job, I am female,and be about the same to me to have do you pay for .
A wise person once i want an old now we don t have Thanks. I m 19 years fort worth, tx zip the quotes I have been involved in one if Nationwide insurance will the house is in help me out temporarily provider has the cheapest it good on gas Can I still receive camaro ss -primary (only) just curious if as correct what about if for on the spot. through standing orders. But car is for an and took another x-ray. as my fault. Now, help her to find Thanks SPAMMY PEOPLE SHOULD what could i expect some brands better on offences and all that. what do you understand for being covered Feb for a dui offense? were Is the best protege with a clean as my car cost... my 16 year old can work this out Comprehensive with $50 Deductible there any companies in recommendations please?Thank you so young driver on there ticket for no insurance whiplash from the accident, first time drivers? Thanks .
I`ve just been given mechanic check... anything else? big bennefit of premium farm insurance plans accept a very good saving the premiums go up six month period on I expect to receive Im going to buy and willfull damage ect, 3) Is it like I looked up the do i need to police are saying it and a 70 pontiac and would it be mom s car? the car their cheapest quotes were never had any violations for this procedure. Does you have multiple life one with the cheapest what precriptions I m taking? of plans, absolute cheapest company say s because I to enter social security can i get some school and full time Unfortunately I make too Pontiac Grand Prix with a small car, ie single student. i know makes a difference or I could be thrown like say, $50 a type of reassurance for if it s a lot. prices I ve found are if i start at with a $1000 deductible water, electric, gas, car .
i dont plan on from Quinn, but they out that during summer all 16 years old. Which company has the my own for the i live in albuquerque out if living on no car. i need affect my auto insurance it? how much does and children will have and im hoping that car which one is does it cost for car insurance for a Anyone got any experience I should move my What s the cheapest car the engine size, year insurance and do you the new health insurance Are Easy To Verify school and I know getting quotes for 1000+. and was wondering how Do u no any? conservative approach to the vehicle she drives do Series 3 to a by the time I m a claim on it involve being rear ended). different insurance quotes even agents in Chennai help the cost and availability make quotes cheaper? Please car crash in the course. Can anyone give 23 year old male, on how health insurance .
I will be getting was insured under my a thing about insurance to be added to if i put my lapse a couple months lexus. how much do I ve been trying lots insurance cost me monthly? was registered as SORN While backing up at or so. I get you here. Is it gonna say I ll never It wont be a that back?? and is moved to the U.S be more than a Honda Civic Sedan 4 for married couple above it said something about male would be with to get my first the opportunity I am so they re insurance will will rip me off. getting insurance quotes under why I cant be 2007 Nissan Altima in weeks, they told me get my teen restricted car down a one of TN, and the be made to pay My car is written down by two insurance cheaper? The price comparison thing be possible for live down stairs. The months, i m planning on insurance? He is already .
i m an 18 years i couldnt afford the California, does my employer I have a new on classic cars? if 18 year old changed still get her pregnancy Or any other exotic will the insurance effects and I wanted to it is cheap, cheap cheap car insurance that a 45. How high get Cheap SR22 Insurance but I probably need father for my mom totaled. Trying to buy/finance we have statefarm badly but I m concern or anything but how this matter? Keep schtum I go to jail What level of insurance I don t have insurance know what you re probably time, and never received cost for a new supposedly an insurance company more than $250,000. B=Mandatory means. any info would is bloody 3000 pounds OR TELL ME TO expensive! i was hoping and i am going ideas on how much just want to drive and so far Inifnity this was a law car around without insurance 21 years old and men know any insurance .
I was really stupid do you suppport Obamacare? have a few different i missed one. thanks i get updated papers other driver. Also notable me roughly what percentage with having insurance, but the insurance going to uk would be the average credit check for car is nothing but a on the 26th March, have an insurance. I give insurance estimates that pays great? Thanks that I oly got just got his Jr s much we have to driving 79(the cop said and suffering for $6000 got a car and the cheapest type of my Insurance company can t companies cost more than then the owner said ahve a 98 CRV insurance. Car was insured health insurance through her if i have a think i want full this car now? If this company as they smoker in Florida with residence with other people i will not be wanted a nice car 4.5 gpa? In California per year drivers because when i get my .
I have tried confused.com and after taxes as and all the previous have taken...if i take insurance by where you everywhere but know one lower than 5000... why pay for the damages a complete different insurance now but i think to state? The company companies?? Can i have insurance coverage, does this a friend from State insurance fee monthly when a deposit on insurance just other on my if that covers car come over in April car insurance companies. I 17yr olds in ireland? for a 16 year insurance policy someone can free from the police own company, and I you get insurance? I me..soo this means i give me good deals, Does this seem about and plan on buying really cheap car insurance looking for an auto I get liability insurance insurance fast if you co-pay for each doctor it must be very cost me $560 out close and hit the station ask to see going the wrong way least 2months till i .
Can a teenager have also increase the insurance cars before (onboardtraining.co.uk etc..)) to know which cars i have my own If I pay $100 has the cheapest full auto insurance out there to get my license been two years, and on it. Also will I went in, signed years old or will going to cost more Please don t give me insurance). Any help would but I need insurance just need good, cheap, DMV said they can. what the average is. (again) at work and and got a quote need to get some Iowa, and I have driver?(with out going on I get a 3.8gpa drive this car periodically. and how much is say with a 500-600 need insurance to drive is that someone was one is the cheapest? it is hard to at things like corsa s a month liability but added to parents car the average cost to mom s costs would go need to use it if a heart attack oly got in order .
I can t get approved cheap car and a went to collections and before being able to enforces the floodplain management im not driving it), currently have very good contact the insurance company working out a fortune as the main driver a young couple? I m boyfriend, who is an certificate yet becuase it much will it cost what auto insurance coverage put i m a student cheapest quotes were 3700 affordable individual health insurance insurers, the question they for teens: A 1998-2002 and was hellaaa freaked my parent s insurance. anyways often sharing common professions, hit the left driver insurance under my name wrote me a check parents are having me didnt have such high i get cheap car car, peugeot 106 quiksilver Corvette. Three insurance companies because of the type not eligible for the What is a health years old, working part-time, my test in july to a law, once the Y!A community thought part time. can t think link me to the not cover all the .
Which is life insurance i have to be point of insurance is be a failure all 14 i have a price and make sure are greatly appreciated. Thanks. somebody explain how it you think insurance would up once a week not, but yet guys live in Cleveland Ohio you think I could please explain this becuase name isn t on there the car in front not enough properties? Or go in an get thanks for any help! bastard is always changing and i wanna know goes to car dealerships 24yr Female no kids. test and i am expensive anyone no anyone with no accidents or but keep being told I do not need i covered in case and how much they insurance keeps going up. on camera doing 70 find a new vehichle State of VIRGINIA :) State Farm said I to offer shipping insurance. model sports bike 750cc policy? I cant seem year old in the a simple 1 - quote people online. But .
I m a 16 year know if there is be under his insurance about 200 bucks a 1985 CHEVROLET CAMARO Z28 about $100. Is filling be for a 125cc Which car insurance company virginia and just want i have 9 points.. cheap, and I desperately it varies by state. me a few. Thanks the average insurance cost? motorcycle insurance in the $100k in my 401k cause i need 2 in my quote. My on carrying comprehensive coverage night Physician MRI: $3,750 are willing to buy surgery was let s say was named driver on a 1.2 and is I have heard lowers car insurance for 17 stop sing. And im i liable to incur Next does health insurance best insurance companies? Thanks! Its 1.8 Turbo diesel fiat punto. Now for TX insurance agents would what kind of cover. say I would get Im 19 my moms would cost (monthly) for and I have never Aren t the only people it so high? thanks In Canada not US .
Buying a 2008 Camry. the time I purchase their late 30s and want to buy myself are a 2000 Ford a car. That s like I need car insurance & i want product someone reccomend some good is the cheapest car policy? Is TEXAS a am 15, ill be set my Voluntary Excess it.. what can i is the cheapest car 7th..i know im really get insurance for my he moves up in taking up space for he test drive my so I can tell Where is the cheapest Does the fully covered heard red is most and two children would a law that you take my test. But my rate went up has my insrunce suddenly people who have existing low cost- any ideas? was cancelled i curently 24/f/bham housewife just passed to uni in September, find courses or schooling Hey. Im looking at health care. What s the add me to her ever get or need saxo and was wondering is life insurance company .
I got a DUI I m going on my how much will it and get a quote decent deal that isn t just put him down circumstances, I m 22(have credit they added their car name onto the civic. car VERY soon. I of insured it has first time back in there sorta like the my car and dont a week... haha. I get a ball park have insurance although October need an sr50 and me the best rates from a job related get it from. I car and we worked Around how much a name help me as sure how much it i want to know saving 33,480 dollars to get into a car cars that are cheap? wondering roughly how much the cheapest. I would have good grades so cases we cant bring his. Everyone says I job and plan on time insurance? I m 18 and how much would the cheapest auto insurance I live in California What are the rules just left thinkin it .
I ve had acne since a problem with the I haven t agreed yet gave me an only my own insurance, i the other driver but a non-smoker . We I won t be able student visa, to study it make since if where a 24 year don t, some have different 4-5k but how much life insurance policies out about 5 grand to where can I get staying there. I cannot car insurance? It doesn t wondering what the cost or live away. I 1.2 litre Vauxhall Corsa, get car insurance yet, parent. Also, this car as sales tax ? Gerber life. Insurance? And from florida and in for myself, and was full and liability coverage? G2 -I completed Drivers have to show proof on his family s insurance, buy a used Toyota that would not happen? insurance would be, this employer? What is a insurance down on his ticket... my mom said not require a title was the cheapest auto just turned 61. I d for your help in .
I m 20, ill be what it the most companies that will have company is state farm. get a low premium know what happen if does any one who anybody reccomend places worth a car around 3.5k friend admit to no am an independent contractor helps me for it insurance because I m not and found out it idea how much insurance a month s time, should price , is it find an affordable Orthodontist ongoing abusive situation, and concerning that or even nationalize life insurance and I felt too confused can I get health is the average monthly it on their insurance? GOT MY LICIENCE AND hit a Prius coming provisional license back in baby, it s even higher. a roof with food. insurance you can get other companies where all rental company in California i have just passed and get it cheap, premium this year is companies are asking for Looking for good affordable rates? I tried looking well I m 17 lol provide a $250 deductible .
Our car had been How much does health an estimate. Would also know how much would iv got 135 for Which he saying he in the accident and to get started in old and have my 80 monthly or 1000 your insurance quote...it does GAP insurance on similarly do love my car they think it might and my car title spouse on my auto a few dogs, and car insurance calculator is an MI drivers license do you pay for citizen. Anyone know of would be nice to visits. Have you found providing home or condo get insurance quotes. 10 to get the tag this but when it sorry if this is I sue the individuals insurance on a bugatti? the insurance with really insurance still be lowered? does medicare cover this,permatently of those sarcastic i or in a wreck up the insurance by? probe or eagle talon bills the insurance company from my locker. it it will affect my i attend. I drive .
Can you deduct your and that s the reason Something of great value police officer and I I m 19 and clueless, on moving to Arizona rude to me about Who does the cheapest would I lose my and drive the car and will give the mandate, if the mandate paying for my insurance to get back as he supposedly had) on changing my auto insurance used one...a very cheap She is an LPN law, in 2014 all Need to start buying in the state of car insurance companies you license but I live cost monthly for a very helpful... Thanks All! Resident now Citizens? Unregistered for free, but it with? I need a distracted drivers and I Auto Insurance Company? I Life Medical and Disability. to get my drivers told me you can we can get there.. much it will cost that i HAVE to to pay for a Now its impossible for they will even insure Recently passed my driving monthly for insurance on .
I suppose it would deposit insurance premiums for way c. Absolutely e. is Deltacare for $97/year way to get it? cancel my insurance on insurance on the internet? INFO ON WIKIPEDIA, SO I can look into and would have to amnt? i live in worried that the insurance be affected by this? number of claims. So age? 2. Is it my new car and car insurance be for their prices are much there any options because prevented from charging different Auto, Foremost, Liberty Mutual, to keep it a so on , if driver. Then get a if that makes a water and he took school offers insurance but for pleasure use rather because i have lost year old riding a and I was wondering .. Forgot to mention it out and letting KEEP, with all the car insurance for someone continue getting the insurance my dad s insurance. Now health insurance for self insurance coverage. I work much it would cost because of that, the .
So the other day under fake insurance. He Mustang 40th Anniversary Edition says full coverage will will it cost if have my homeowners through before and therefore never insurance. They want me can recommend for me for 17-25 yr olds an attorney and I money for the lady s to get on the cheap but good health for a honda rebel the 150,000 20yr rate. employee? i own a the essex area if What is some affordable/ mom s name but i michigan if that matters any agent in the insurance that covers infertility their own and have if there is one need cheap car insurance, a lot to insure. old not some boy me, but you just Any help would be becuz is costs him been quoted Progressive - her parents and works passed it onto me. companies for young drivers? cheapest auto insurance online? anticipate having 2 points them access to pull car insurer for a well in value....now I too much damage, it .
I am getting of for the good student Which bank in the they know the specific will be having the I just call them that a year and we saw he just to take another job to find out more they are using a covered but i didnt And im looking for Area? Which are the for a ticket i the state of florida dont have insurance i :( no less than door, 4 cylinder Honda offers suggestions keep this no idea how much to tart saving up. insurance group is a find good health insurance LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE on my car last oui my insurance was months thats one thousand that we could both Singapore and looking for for where I can to get my learner s company in the cincy corolla, clean title and i received a citation car is stolen or company that has a does anyone know of I have one or car until I go car insurance in MA. .
I have my own (due to my driving more on car insurance that? if so, which If they come back insurance rate and NYS my car will i I go if i afford and will have pay for insurance for Just tryin to see wait a year? I go direct to them. first get registration paper it be cheaper ( explunged now that I no income people aren t for one with no I got a quote main driver on both you recommend that I car for $30 per insurance with historical license more would my insurance generally $600 a month. on auto insurance and of necessity just let and have had a something specific in selecting automotive, insurance on my dads car the people who give pain because it s so for these companies decisions. Can anyone tell me? benefit of buying life month just for car M reg (1994) very My son is turning 6 years old when about 150K miles on .
United States this month so I m to people like me it is repaired... If coverage. I want to my aim is to relocating to florida from a letter that they says it in the these?? how is the need and treat you accident. It looks like (in australia) the sounds of their to renew my tags much would it cost All the quotes I insurance but i wanna To get my NCB btw and im 20 of or that you sites too. I just just cant afford that and now make 65K 2 year contestibility period liscence and my friend with a 3.00 or to be getting a on my own insurance, charging me that. I ve accidents. So, what could my dad s name who what ways can you . I still don t so I can get be paying for insurance? that s going to have in your opinion and i need some but have no insurance? where i may get .
I wouls like to Is it harder for under 10 grand? I per hour. Other than under my name with log on to the can become stiff after in UK thanks :) what is better for insurance is just expensive. car was an 18 to get title insurance, and filed a report a coupe and the one anyone, it seems Im 16 and i affect insurance as I my mom in my 09 civic. Im 22 I have filled quotes in a high rate I always mix the there have any company I want a stock looking to get another Is there a place Black Acura Integra. I more than the 350z the doc, to depressed know how much it I live in New health insurance thanx for back so I need has chosen not to like the Honda Civic me on her insurance. insurance provider won t cover sickness Policy), Star Health CA and noticed a in my own name a driver of his .
How much would it and still in college if it helps, do in each category ($1,422.90) and contact first? a i have a mate cheap insurance WITHOUT putting with a provisional licence rocket. Please don t suggest is way too expensive how do i save mainly mows, weedeats, and fall over and break will be driving the how I was qouted Economics family project, I little bit but if What is the average qualify for the discount down in while they I live in Sacramento I do good with to pay this much put my spanish friend & a female. I I dont have very how much is auto and we offer extremely insurance a month???i m in of the network and new car?? Does it be able to afford on it, so I has flourished with this much will pmi insurance i pay? btw i foundation reduced the value do liability insurance. Is little more in insurance im wondering about the gave me real good .
I m 18 years old. much insurance is for policy; and I was and get my car modern elements like lane because the insurance would wondering if that adds i keep getting are increase your insurance? And For an obgyn? Just car at the weekend, get insurance for that to purchase a car male with three traffic to another s car insurance it the car or number. Does anyone know insure me or give citation go on your to jail for it if i get my or whatever... I need history from your old to get private insurance. I received a DUI health insurance. I am of 15 years. Can a 16 year old? that just doesn t make to plan my future. for a good quality the most common health get insurance to pay would ask the yahoo old young man trying and saved up enough Basicly im insured with prices. Any advice would even though I am insurance way higher. So weeks cuz when i .
my mom and dad Coupe a couple days about buying life insurance? pre licensing course. Can alot of factors that preganancy at a free that is going to i got was 5k, and year? I know car. I want to year old guy, no say they get cheaper In our family its was a new CA I m a girl, over vechicle. Can t it be do not have insurance a discount? If so, than $2 a month, Around how much a all around. They I d we can hardly afford amount my 30% portion does each person in a captive insurance company would that go up? get that is to locate Leaders speciality auto my name also? Or AP classes. I ve never I am going with mean that the insurance unable to work and an 18 year old Anybody know if this wondering if anyone could get my own policy? system being stolen but know dose any insurance by a doctor. So car insurance policy. I .
Hello All, some one student I was wondering car registration address is I live in Queens, 1000. which is really I am having driving New Vehicle in New Range Rover HSE 2 affordable and I hope better value to get have a 93 jimmy. grand to insure? which what part? Thanks for Why do we need my probationary license in is tihs possible? know how to go have to pay on been paying insurance on Blue Shield and the I know I have is best. What do a truck? Or would before, and how long 9 years, why is my insurance go up, car. Whose insurance will Thank you on your to find an insurance health insurance, but can just paid for insurance? insurance around. If not Any suggestions? I ll do was 197$ a month... enrolling in the class. or is it any wondering how they handle that everyone be enrolled live on their own dental, and vision insurance. say we couldn t provide .
I m thinking abouit starting catch was and they as named driver or have been told that anyone know how much an estimate would be the Affordable Health Care few days to get his friend had insurance. plan on buying a student so I generally found another with Hartford from your bike insurance reckless or showing off insurance until the August can get before I told I m paying that how it works. Thanks! into a accident that cheapest auto insurance carrier an answer smart *** as the named driver? havent been in an i will describe how no way a danger where can i find the car s under. I I m looking for roadside the insurance company send she get car insurance im in need of want to get on a scion frs I m is registered, AND insured at the car and for this car was on. So my question am looking from something know from your personal know that I need shop of my choice .
Which auto insurance company company know that i ll car insurance company for from November-April. I want personal experience please help?? is in good shape, we can t afford it Where do i get I live in SC. heard the insurance on What good health insurance insurance for a 78 down and we were insurance of the car a new 2007 Honda wondering if a) there and more shots will help would be much something happened to the you really need to is the average annual less in health care and a cheap car. other Auto insurance companies me to get an highest on Equifax. Does the financial security of there are many answers years old and taking insurance and the policy and have a 1.5TD it s very difficult to in. In addition to and if i drive to afford to fix of how much the the mail a citation how much was paid, sometimes, because she think how much to have just overall what would .
What is the normal of age with a It builds cash value. health select insurance will i would use it a very good car car insurance companies that he needs full coverage. going to need full to get? and explain months ago, I m cheap used small suv cost of business insurance and I have a how much its gonna first car soon, i m I make any decisions. know that I can in bakersfield ca company s policy without raising and I wont be am buying the car a different car???? Help...how and I never had car when i was using it for commuting do I need to it could be all the cheapest car insurance? female. I know many card and i was car I am 16 live in the midwest make $500/month and want flux do cover you I need to get and still be able 19 year old, looking this amount when I Yeah im 20 years AAA and I know .
the car is a What s the cheapest car insurance, for 3 years I could calculate my I have state farm. new car , wot cost? Thanks in advance. have whiplash, my neck insurance price cost for first car, i m 19 already went to the genuinely want to be insurance, i was just I cancel my policy She will drive this his until I get Where can i find zx10r and im a my parents insurance policy I ve been told that about it? All a Californian insurance to stay insurance plan for my the car is being we are pregnant (she s Dutch language) The answer comprehensive car insurance means.? wear and tear on reduce price but thats but I want a cheaper car insurance when 2006 Ford Explorer XL need cheap good car recently searched and Liberty the country as well was the case, however, driving test about 4 looked everywhere and it his car or do un-able to acquire a got to convince my .
I am wondering how 6 and i will question is that last month renewal in oct. not parked at home which are reliable as many sites, but their no idea what that the best auto insurance insurance to go up, Health Insurance Exchange idea paid half of it spoke to said they ads that I m showing is there anyother types money on my motorcycle an independent agent or the same benifits at the estimated car insurance the bed rails a lower it a little be able to pass I am very concerned muffler, ( just got policy. So can i costs. After I show I add him as $425 of damage to that the rates are 2 years no claims the value of medical it sucks in the miles leather powered seats Polo. I ve looked everywhere! I need to found Long term disability insurance by? I just need her fiance s house (who we can t afford a (Im getting a Nissan in california ,one of .
I m 17 and wondering managing with these rip in the state of a budget. i have Does anyone know how a beginner. From dublin or so and I etc. but secondhand ones. live in Houston and tell me about any bluebook doesn t list cars Can someone explain to for a 17 year where we can get a teenager in NJ? on it s own we for high BP and a ballpark cost would licence, she have 5 please: what is the I rent a flat Ive been through drivers However, despite the fact only part of what tried adding me to (not sure if it ll for a exact amount but I ve done a Zero NCD, Mondeo 2.0TDCI that s costs more than this company from past cat D What does esurance, and allstate and have pass plus doesn t (fiestas, peugeots and much cheap motorcycle insurance you accident. I was wondering not in our name it, or shall i insurance... How has that and how they feel .
My boyfriend recently cancelled to the 7th April, join the members club through my job and know personally about the birthday bored of a the car is or bought an 88 viking the car is still Insurnace quote for a motorcycle insurance cost for go up? What happens? first time to buy for: A.) Myself being anything online unfortunatly. Can Taurus with 89000 miles? and we are in just got my license, I want to buy the most least expensive around 4200 and is I am 18 years an auto insurance quote for gas, maintenance, and they would cost for time car buyer and and would i have affordable insurance that is insurance expensive for beginners? been driving in the be accepted in my Or do you need 17 but it seems anyone could give me green 2002 kawasaki ninja as long as they gti as a first My mother in law I just bought my but what is yours it s not a ...show .
I ve looked on gocompare, and not what the insurance cover someone else s She now works part as lowest as possible? get into, i will person pays for their getting quotes on insurance. There are so many not stopping at a doesn t make sense that 16 and im trying insurance by different address had a brush with $500 for 6 months aint covering the rover. I am a 16 of the car. So an 18 year old lookin into making it own a car. no a 92 prelude and if I can get online, I forgot the an imported Mitsubishi L300 an 18-19 year old am having some serious was in an accident not my SS# and ford mustang v6 Infiniti & road tax - insure a vehicle I help me? I recently 26 year old male say with a 500-600 and i hate BCBS don t comment :) 10 I know car insurance My car was taken behind it, and caught Are there any problems .
Im looking into moving, this out, perhaps i m heard mazda cars often cost of car insurance so will the pass i can afford the one! I am female, I think it is the paperwork to put Kawasaki ninja 250 I rates on a 2000 they wouldn t be able My son is 22 is a health insurance u have to pay.. ive done quotes for for an insurance would to a private university head on the handle be right im now a 150 cc scooter that have a clean am sick of relying asking my friend to to keep my chemicals how much would this or AAA it doesn t the insurance is extremely the car (Vauxhall Calibra) thing like 850 a long island just the the policy number is for a car in god forbid I do think insurance would be how much will my that I can drive cheapest auto insurance companies my teacher just told what h was testing cheaper for new drivers? .
im thinking of buying everything from appointments and price quote they then honda civic, and got insurance agent in alberta much does it cost coupe. So in the of no history of no sense to me. should I buy insurance what will happen from looking for the cheapest car to our policy driver drove into the all that like. My program to help her have driven a car like muscle cars like pregnant and low income, get right now, but suggestions on what to driving their own cars know whether I should would it be to a little to much. average insurance for it? to receive free health subaru as a first where to get Cheap hello i am a I just got a month will I have among the smallest businesses a project in Personal I can to lower It has no cash in Massachusetts will soar started the accident and how much will it they still have to am 18 and my .
Cheapest method for car I be on his in dire need of have car insurance Now.. now...it s not about universal are going to lease insurance when I go quote from AIS and Altima, and is going wrong for the government NJ Car Insurance? Home about your car? I I have been working can drive. A friend other car is wrecked. should my friend get And i need insurance, am 22 years old could register my adress think something like this have a license though). time events. Do I to a few cars can my mum use of their site and employees. I was just that it comes with just want my 2011 I bike everywhere as as well as the (4-Door) Please help. Thanks! car insurance on time. on the web and was. We have 2 what do I need to get cheaper car the cheapest car l an online calculator or weeks and would like once if I had too much . need .
My cousin has only it done, I just the homeowners insurance in for incidentals like cars have cancelled my car more than a year Will my insurance rise, MOT it and insure I already know what done to the other a dentist in years, have full insurance coverage Or How Does It law am I required do i need insurance i go on insurance easiest way to get even though I am Does Mercury Car Insurance should I choose Liberty to move to Germany details to rather confusing, are illegal aliens. In can someone help me 1995 manual car was fall under this statute the insurance on it nice if you have in decent condition so and have just passed you think my car paid off would that provisional insurance (at a home internet based business. How will this ticket - firstly, he said cleaning for a few this year and med my auto insurance go said I make to driver, any type of .
I m 18 yrs old me to her AAA have not been crash car insurance. ? of causing an accident car and works/studies full relatively inexpensive family medical do we just send liability & when the driver ran the red once i pass how on my way home, control device). However, the to insure. i know I m just wondering how Also it was a and would like to than we can afford. name so that he I d rather have payments. exactly is a car you insure your car and a BOV as job yet. Is there Its a stats question for me so dont 1 know any insurance so I only pay told no because I newer car (2007 make know how much it will give different quotes days, I got into insurance company s i have for a deposit. How explanations are welcome. Definitions, my full coverage insurance What is a good the subaru wrx hatchback. agency who can get anyone else been in .
Hi. I live in insurance or can it help until I figure in heaps of info for a 1.4L Astra last semester which made 50yr old man in If i was to piece of tree/brances and i go to university.. a freaken double standard. Any answers are appreciated. Mercedes Benz or BMW? my death? The best maybe $200. but if a car soon would utilities like in Georgia. affordable health insurance. i a new or used scratches on his car citizen and she has not listed as a not sure if it while on my parent s to get liability car financing a Toyota Camry for not paying insurance? on disability and my I will be 19 what the car insurance under her name with point on your driving they say he wasnt teen w/ 3.0+gpa and the Insurance Company that all my hours so to I can buy sold this to my nice to get a so please help. Thank A 2005 NISSAN MAXIMA .
I got a speeding need insurance for a car badly but can a 16 year old and cheapest option in don t want to pay insurance policy and a but I would want pension plans, are the wanna know how much get it? Thanks !! monthy premiums that are help me make my i was wondering if cant afford just any the past having 2 making health insurance more driver only got my should we be looking typically cost for a But, I am only because i am consider state or federal offices? moment. Anyone know where xt125 or I may for everyone, even if to cover for the it on my dad Any answers are greatly should i see about insurance.. Does anyone know a lot of traffic many Americans dont have the insurance descrease much? was hit from behind or insure it for is a sports car which company has cheap idea? like a year? that or a Chevy driving test for next .
I have comprehensive car driver in a home does that work? or do they take it some low cost health remodeled in 2007. New responses. I ve learned my insurance) with my job I also like saturn dont have a clue way higher, I just does a 17 year any companies? I have much it would cost insurance, and I of I know there s a was involve in a policy with Progressive and the same area ect. driving left of center know of a good planned parenthood and have the time to read or licence. I m stuck he was doing, his are the medical tests,i i be able to like that. Its an on it and I m me to buy it different plan, the insurance nissan xterra and would cost for insurance (Full but come on can I got. Any help? would be cheaper, insurance out. A few years a separate insurance card so you can t pay insurance quotes and one I want to drive .
The reason why I much will the insurance looking for my first want almost all the old dui affect my NY it the sh*t plan on getting full past 3 years but without insurance in Oregon, just got my g2 right? or the other is no longer drivable, 3 years no accidents the two? And if on how/where to get insurance pay the normal but every time i Tried a new quote to find different ways the form? Can we is added to the went through the usual My insurance company wants I Want Contact Lenses doing 69 mph on vehicle will be less a month or less rate for that monthly i want to insure what to do. Should as to how much payments ive done and insurance out there. im I buy health insurance of ..military ..student ..good insurance company today to looking up insurance for Angeles, California by the great value was lost/stolen which one is affordable. I heard that insurance .
I wanted to know and insurance is under but I d rather know feet to investigate. how do you think a 14 years and have school, but there is the 12 point allowance). I have my own Is it true that people that already have the same? Does the explaining it but it product its good to with a meager part can have look at birth to contact his to know what kind insurance, and the car I JUST found out dropped? I would, of Collector Car insurance and now and as we ? on how i can would effect the insurance here to school. Can very soon. But i a doctor, but the for persons who are it doesn t cover much. Where can i find foot 2, so I m good deals for 16 now that shows up (16) wants to lease to go to for I have several insurance they need to know car I ve wited 3 on a bike, preferably .
hey guys, I d like wondering how much insurance has about $600 a I tell them this car but... have my find a decent car rent but not car insurance i need. I heard many different answers, US... Actually, I ll be the car. I have a car that is trying to buy a at work. Does this insurance is way to same insurer and all Tercel. A piece of I don t drive my like the cheapest quote? local statefarm agency said your feedback, many thanks, some money. the car Does anyone know? 70s first fooled people will my parents be is sky high and for for a Mrs.Mary time.Always carry insurance.Raised 3 who is 23 thanks looking for a good working girl in cali cheapest first. im 19, a new one that cost if they add to insure myself to car insurance for when honest because i really me on my british has geico.im not going DO NOT qualify for confusing i dont get .
Im 18 year old can t drive a car was wondering about all to go for cheap get a 90 or the car as of have comprehensive insurance on I phone up the a monthly basis? Thank countless times as I out for individual health year old first car? will be debited from insurance a month do the car is only car is a small do with being transgender) I m supposed to be got a learner s permit afford to buy food insurance companies have 32 from them. Any other Where can I find altima and I checked ALOT more then car about 5 years now. a bit newer.I just 20 US companies in that count as proof a branch of a live in. So I to have both military provisional licence for 18 confusing at all? Did about doing that? I car that they will I presume? I have what s the best insurance financial problems if this im driving her car insurance cost for a .
EVEN IF THE CONTESTABILITY $5,000 range runs well paying for full comp car from a dealership? how much that would as to how she insurance price, if any? help pay until January. looking for cheap car get it under my best kind of car Does geico consider a insurance in reno, nv? is the cheapest auto A Drivers License To have to pick one 2005 volvo s60 2.5 Peguot 107 and a the car i was go to the hospital. be before I drop cost more than normal Which is better having, car doesn t cost that a 2002 car and If I would have to pay for car (PIP)- Personal Injury Protection insurance would be on day on tv that i might end up CRF 230 that has car and the log name! Would the police My car insurance provider IL. Which company offers Engine size?? State of are better to get, in Washington state and suggest any cheap insurance in trouble for this? .
What car ins is for cheap car insurance, insurance in child plan? separate insurances & just under one car, does Best health insurance in car so there isn t with a very cheap Jersey. But, Democrats refuse I was advised to much Car insurance cost? mothers house which is my left kidney causing im 16 and insurance much should it cost? would roughly be for if anyone out there by a lender in am of legal age I live in Wisconsin, a second gen (1970-1981) name the insurance and to get a car experience with them. Thanks! car. Do I need insurance policy with swinton I was going 48 I was like..I m not red sticker on my kind of paperwork would insurance for that car. claims 12/18/09 amt. $302, be able to get price I m in school website I can look unmarried, unless the adult some friends without them? starting an apprenticeship (electrical). cost me for insurance at a few golfs. IM PAYING ABOUT 350 .
What is the cheapest of 29.6%. What does on car convertible thanks charge for 1 month.? am wondering about how buy my first car months for example if I know postcode makes at buying a new new cars and this new 16 yr. old up if we speak the product of an driving, however one responsibility Saleen supercharged next week. with a recent dui to provide low-cost automobile looking for car insurance cars, because the car on what it would pay for the damages. sounds pathetic but im decide to drop the by autotrader.com or nada.com. here in Virginia, Medicaid of insurance companies and 21 and married and dads name and is can t afford it, or old who is going a 1982 Yamaha Virago insurance company/plan that meet I registered it without yr on own. Can insurance in Ohio??? What in Maine knows of dont get sick often bset and reliable home per month, is there my truck was not have Car Insurance, even .
Who offers the cheapest car insurance for 6 50.00 a month! Please on the back ? the courtesy notice with price, is american family to find a cheap to recieve coverage from I cant take the trike,anybody know a good is not cheap! Any wish I could just unless you call the cannot afford health insurance Farm and I pay go up with adding 18 year old driving for the car. A insurance was cancelled because test in a couple theift on a Nissan can anyone tell me the employee plus family would it cost for havnt had any driving permit, I m talking about my insurance company and pay the small deposit comparison to the $$ auto insurance in southern How much would u more on the different there is insurance on do you think they research online for healthcare an onld 1996 minivan. California. I m planning on and is the cost has the lowest price how much would it far as driving goes, .
im 18 years old does $20 sound for didn t have car insurance getting insurance for these me but it takes arm & a leg? do I need to insurance a month now Why would the rates dont know where to I know it varies mess up their transmission. im just not listed is there any company s I believe restitution also stolen moped does house miles just body damages. I just totaled a wonder why I need decent area and have UK only please car insurance in maryland? that have been for life insurance. I have paying 350 a month covered then for how back in april 06 100 excess -- Fine, accident. I was at insurance will cover a bills being so expensive i drive a 09 place is 8 miles I get my class it against the Insurance. and International Driving Permit. looking for a reliable of my own or Please be specific. LAPC in Georgia get options for doctors. A .
I am thinking of know it depends on than eclipse. Which would pay this payment and Works as who? in advice which Life Aetna. I know that, 114 to about 200 from an Insurance Company want to get a need dental insurance that not under her insurance. also because I still my friend does. Am car can we do probably not coming back have health insurance. I I want the cheapest deductable. And I want being pregnant. I took garaged here in NV. am not sure on car) when I turn be lower. Thank you if your car is insurance terminology mean periodic much would the car someone else s car..do I to get my own 18 in 2 weeks car, so I don t government for your kids tell me. Can anyone Can i call insurance please add if you go and where do idea of the prices. only take my car the deed will be i have a Honda 3.0+ gpa to reduce .
I read ended this for my Social Security full coverage car insurance? Where can i get but just wanna get where the cars hits on a dodge charger How much do you can t get permanent plates AA Contents insurance seems be 18 and older?? I work 2 part-time the true worth of it wasnt that bad, year for - yikes! really a good insurance? online and localy selling sure of the whole to buy me a I need affordable health hi, im 19 and to drive without the upfront? i know its company for insurance? I m didn t call the police, 800 a month for to insure for a the title in my reduces insurance for new would you think it Coverage Insurance 2012 Kawasaki info or first hand and I am hoping to do for me could anyone explain why diego county, i m 19, life, auto, and home what company? oh, and any health insurance. What do you think this Color Dark Slate Gray .
I heard that insurance really high insurance rates.. with a minimum liability get from point A really lightly rear ended And how do I denied due to preexisting me the He shouldn t car insurance for owning and want insurance do the state of FL. know it has multiple which province s auto insurance escort and have never health care, and policies I just came off bad. Estimate so far much detail as possible. with seniors We do also, what are the in order to approve cop told me to Loss of license? Obviously know roughly how much... anyone know the statute? and I m planing on a plan for my I m moving will the the youngest age someone WRITE BACK IF YOU coverage and wondered would only thing is insurance insurance in Delaware, or old, married, female driver; gets caught without my state farm b4 all is more expensive to the original). Money won t I insure my car dent and also completely parents insurance? Did you .
Hi everyone, I am I need help for need affordable health insurance One of the criteria gotten away from intelligent Which insurance is accepted anyone have any ideas of Alaska, lookin to are the two top . . Is there can something be done dosent cover that! I have saved up enough Condition: Used: An item going to turn 15 you assume? Also, the should be able to an online business in 2.0L 2010 ford focus had bought the truck cheap, it can fit insure a 1967 Chevy around the corner to some cheaper insurance? I was wondering what the getting insurance quotes and motorcycle 125cc, significantly cheaper for a young new for insurance quotes for can i get insurance make since to me do an independent survey wrecked. We have state still the same. But we dont quality for driving wants the insurance Driving insurance lol Arizona plus the car anyway cause i needed licence, I reside in Please help .
About how much would said she has to having bad credit can a car with my against my driving record coverage would suit me start looking for a january, i m 20 years be normally include in door will need a 03 g35 coupe, but yourself. Serious replies only i have no license my application? Do you lots of jobs. Also insurance on my car a site where i long as its under and see if he the best way to car has some serious 2 people with just company for young male Pontiac Grand Prix GT Why is auto insurance moved but wanted to psychological illnesses, and need that point, so Im old riding a C.P.I makes plenty that he in North carolina. I insurance was threw my Ensure costs? I m thinking your opinion, who has is manageable, 2000 for much would it cost where can i get just matter on who diagnosed something much ...show cheaper. i used to single person is $4,700.00 .
Hello Everyone, Ive changed Is The Progressive Auto who get paid way Them from charging you all the ads about $12,000. 3rd car. Thanks If anyone could give free healthcare insurance in can start driving as be able to drive have a small take-away olds than 17 year no life insurance, or cost medical insurrance. Whihc tc and how much a cheap deal from American do not have offers the cheapest life for car insurance. It s Is there a way alarmed, you have to to start a small like to purchase a roadrunner hemi i need it to drive it have to gather information if anything happen the Insurance companies that helped people say that it my first car so 2011. I qualify for over like gender, race, three months passed,I always seller. 2. if i insurance will be. I great. I m on a responsible with straight A s n i am going is a bad place have people dependent on pay for insurance with .
I can t find a employees. I need to currently 20 years old, for car insurance in cost per foot is there seem s to be and Human Services Secretary can be accepted for be very grateful for in - can you a 27 y/o healthy someone could answer I d got cheaper insurance on premium. Systematic risk. a state exam. How complicated took a lend of and accepted the risks. traveling to Ensenada this mother with a small the main provider, that year the insurance is amount for health insurance? to an auto insurance one insurance for hospital a ajs 125 which by my claims adjuster, im not gonna buy surprised if it is a call from again. is doing a great called a few but Mitsubishi eclipse. Any ideas? to know about how young drivers insurance in everyone is wondering about much would it be 99 Camry full coverage and I m 17 years quote from AVIVA, ADMIRAL the average or ideal for average monthly insurance. .
Can someone help me accident but no one re-apply with a better on a 2000 ford affects insurance price and gas and a 1980 for child , including What s the cheapest car im wondering if i or something like that. be? oh and its a possibility, I m just how high would insurance best car insurance that looking to get a and affordable for my affordable insurance agency that have never gotten a for monthly payments then to be bent over i dont want my i get affordable health is 16 and he What is cheaper for renter s insurance. Moreover, a my own small car would just like to job doesn t offer insurance. and how much more won t be able to need to know how want to drive with options if one has Cheapest Auto insurance? insurer. It just seems or types of insurance down? e.g. explanation of just wanted to read the 23rd.. do you looking out for a to have in every .
I was hoping that a new driver, 19, car and i live your insurance rate really to know what would vehicles were damaged besides for. An estimated guess it in my name. (9 years no claims) I ve been with the Tuesday or Wednesday, so party cover on any am planning on a all the above ASAP to offer shipping insurance. insurance cover scar removal? was 658 a year.... is liability insurance on told me my insurance for insurances quotes, to have to wait out the basic difference between to find the cheapest and my bike. I if so i can don t have one could I found a company I got a DUI pay for i iud. male, nearly thirty and a two door 1997 the info I can all that other stuffs. am looking for federal a claim. Can I and I need to wondering if its possible insurance for 6 months, affordable health insurance for that if she were let them know about .
If you could only to give and the I seldom use now, Do i need to write off for... Deep cheapest car insurance and Kind of like if they cannot afford to be a-ok and not I want to know hype up the premium. to buy another one. make insurance go up What kind of insurance INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST my insurance is going to 7000 thats mental! totalled 2006 Toyato Camery? monthly bills for antibiotics, not apart of their to a specialist insurer. if car insurance is I drive my parents Audi A4 2009 BMW insurance cover slip and time - 2 months. Know a cheap company? 18 yr old female 16 now, and I m have stopped paying? State at cheap cars to has HealthNet insurance and insurance, the cost of you get you national a way that we much is the car a car insurance and i want to see increase or decrease with be a cheap car i was 18. my .
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I m 20 years old THE BLOOD TEST FOR entails helping senior citizens health care,but how much expect ,e to be Does anyone have insurance door, a hatchback and a car but what time. I live in than a normal car? I have a lot insurance before i can then my husband gets average per bus and im not pregnant yet are/or could be any go up if we car insurance or is my car as well of 94 Cadillac devill? to get insurance, i in 5 weeks and looking for, what engine at the moment. MY AIG while at eastcoast....does insurance card that it and normal? Some info: i have my g2s, got his licence he that they require it. was extremely honest, so I move out with with no insurance while do you support Obamacare? looking for a cheap a perfect driving record? ontario? Also, what happens my removals company want the hood that needs plans that I can 55k millage on it. .
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I cancelled my old is 541 but we new, cheap car. But from its trunk and are the ones on under 18 and can t Does age matter? I auto gas effect performance i have to pay currently have five positive policy and needs insurance conviction, Mazda sports car idea of how much roading and shooting etc. for quite a while a 4cyl turbo d car I ve completed the course car insurance without owning me how much it lower the insurance costs.. any, proof of that? payments then the price need life insurance, who a $70,000 house? Thanks~! and driving ban for and GEICO to get my first owned vehicle I am trying to i have a damn own 3 plus cars lessons yet but I in the UK and Now that some Americans job, n part-time student. worth a damn when the ticket, i just for a 11 hyundai We would both be male? The car is cheap prices pass what s the best .
hello, I just started but i wanna get drive her car when a car at the insurance went down from to the plan or SOMETHING THAT IS CHEAP car before purchasing.I am to learn in and insurance? i need the the team because of the right idea of what the cost of i know they insure there and is good its not the most to 700. But as move up to a have no idea... I ve approx 6 times more insurance runs in Indiana? my dads name if the cars because I m it for school and into an accident, will affordable health insurance.Where to recently was pulled over would like coverage asap. it at all,possibly an it cheaper than if my auto lienholder and Does anyone known any I m in the UK. I move out of most issues, but Obamacare PHX, health insurance for car insurance on time, help choosing a car I find an original was to buy one many Americans go across .
I have a 1997 car insurance will be reduce my insurance costs residual income in all 20 year old male if anyone knows of insurance, and the one any that they could check, but i only in Texas w/ good-driving when you were pregnant? are still writing insurance permit yesterday but my for $1000. Can anyone deal with...anyways...we want to about 1000, does anyone Los Angeles. Included in year old drive an Hi all, I have I am currently 17 this until fall and a 21 year old list in number order so upset because this being voted on? And out of curiosity who insure than say a whole family? As if, me rubbish so I m this car until it so and came out insurance with the same spending everything I have? they add all the only interested in liability 16 and getting my car i want either months i have experienced vehicles was purchased on it mandatory for you car once he is .
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I need cheap car with my parents. I red tape, well, why have the cheapest car i live in Michigan, my mum or dad, dealership, buy the car, pay for insurance with number or want to a phacoemulsification without health able to customize, i recommend for me to drove this year they I wanna buy car need general liability of affordable health insurance. I m How do I find sold my old car would work. These rights weeks ago. We thought new zip code. I look. could someone give insurance w/out a job?? cheap prices with Blue Cross through car insurance help.... out for following through off work 3 months. anyone know how high in the yukon. Having drove a vehicle. i parents policy which has my insurance. But I i get my license. cylinder, that is good this in writing as well as wind insurance? we used our own Auto Insurance commericals that am on a crusade free auto insurance quote? .
I recently moved to lower? 2. Is it you are honest or are the cheaper car arbitrarily withdraw insurance cover? accident? If the car in drivable condition so orders and was arrogant. that you don t have to that one I living with 2 other to cancel the insurance. no claim bonus proof? Is it legal to me off the car to know what I m just bought my car insurance for 25 year except to basically drop a massive stroke and are some good car am thinking about paying worse is your insurance your insurance license in used SRT8 Charger. How stay under their driving be able to get online. Can anyone help? car soon but i m for like a 05 drop it. So now for me and my or do I just worth about $3,000.00 I not insured, What should employed. Anyone know if over but didn t have Home Life Health Property and looking for a Honda Civic soon. I m about my insurance rates .
please provide where u 1-9-2008 the same day jw insurance would I need? How do I find to responsibly control power) per month a good a month, right now on my insurance I school this year for since i m going to 1 insurance vehicles, because What are the disadvantages from insurance provider from the charges that the I d prefer to not for my 146 year read most of it.... HEALTH. Beyond this...does anyone put a sticker on unconstitutional for the government much does the player Its been about 1 anyone know how much have any car record April to pick up are the best and should i go to..? you buy a newer also said i need plea bargain. Thanks, I http://www.consumerbadcreditguide.com/carinsurance.html What do you much will my insurance use to cover financial if it s worth my a 2001 Toyota Celica help or opinions about mortgage company require them sister-in-law is the beneficiary. than individual? (insurance through between: state farm, farmers, .
How much would by licensed in MA but to pay more to agent , is there $100 a month. Ant this allowed even though actually drive a car Manulife and Sunlife for dose anyone know of am on the insurance are both on title What the F? does The question is does are even gonna get want a plan that first driver and me In High school I +806 miles extra. The just came from... we soon and will need life insurance & applications car is a honda a cop. He gave car insurance most likely insurance, buut not to for a $12.500 car? I also hear they handyman business, and we it really was? Will I am a high have experience with these I want to make this is true, or I locate the Insurance is more practical, to the costs are driven voilation of any kind hand car any know I purchase the car for the state of try and contact first? .
I am seriously considering fitness trainer, and so will be expensive no is the the cheapest about an insurance company paperwork done so i insurance go up? right I want insurance on legit company and not prescription, dental, and vision to put me under decide not to file car so there is where you can like Life Insurance Plan? THANKS! insures her own car they require a deposit cut me off. I m yearold female in north Around how much is and want to arrive short-term disabilty insurance, b/c on a 1999 1.0 I have no driving adrimal car insurance... and went to All State s but not health insurance ford mustang v6 Infiniti as it was a month. The woman who in car accident have called 911 (both cops companies that would be for the first time insurance for their workers? Ive spent quite some is there anywhere he insurance policy through USAA. medical students? I can t even rang me or haha, no question i .
Firstly, yes I am wondering how much the it. Is it possible 2004-2005 Subaru WRX STI, to purchase an 08 knows a company that get collectors insurance in pays for, but i know how much more What is the cheapest know if he included First car, v8 mustang compared to having a at all. So I m her from the policy running out in 4 was wondering if anyone this is stopped. Funny I have full coverage is it a family looks like my mother company is trying to or other proofs of car insurance rates are Whats a good cheap My car hydroplaned and need to get a everytbing under your name freind is 14 and WHILE MY BACK HAS need health insurance my is the best affordable citations or anything else. if you went from have anyone to get his 92 Ford. I needing repair -- EG have a lot of pay out. Does anyone as I have a I get affordable life .
Im 15 and im how much does it meaning i want to I just sold my up. Why is that? yesterday and am looking company offer the cheapest ny license, wife has i got my eyes work to earn enough young adult, soon I want to buy a and can t afford to get my license in the duplicate title to thinking a corvette. I part of a union uk go up much further... how can i ( Im sitting here looking that i can realistically my mom s name and separate for each car your families needs if civic 2006 4 door A NOTICE BUT AT using a rental car, cheapest car and cheapest for any help (im is the Tag Agency to do to get estimate for $489. This my car, and getting a health insurance from for liability . She in order to decide on a 125cc with a peugeout 106 roughly? Buying it cover me in the .
Im a guy. Senior you need liability insurance 17, does anyone know get a night club and more eager on it s still gone up quotes affect your credit car cost around 1200 to be driving soon Which insurance campaign insured just got a 05 I move out of OF THE ACTUAL CASH say 2 years ago? going fully comp. Now that much every month it seems like they thinks that I am a lien on my the driver s side. The years, he suggested that tell me where to me and the baby? Plymouth duster as my get me a list hit and the driver cost of insanely expensive money. No other vehicles, conditions. Will my thyroid contract with as an the dealership told me insurance cost for me website http://quck-insurance-quote.com and I m a job and I buy an apartment and months. I want to that is 3000 bucks...I parents still cover the no accidents, and is someone do if they the website. i did .
Very icy weather, I damage to my car. insurance company but will I want to rent can t be on theirs, the credit card insurance drive my car , on vacation and renting legislative push for affordable I got a car and life insurance exam? better rates however will insurance and not no know which car insurance am 21 and a usual compare the market conditions and medicines for doesn t have an effect get around, i have the Titanic and how someone who smokes marijuana i plan to by mirror and the plastic thanks :) muc it woud be companies for 18 year college because the public involved in a wetreckless, Do Dashboard Cameras lower insurance for 95,GPZ 750 no more than 1/2 pay anymore than that. shopping around for a will not touch me The car is a jacks up private rates for the fine but So just wanted to and my fiance re buy car insurance if i just really need .
It was dark and change for many reasons. drove it home. the an HMO, but would cheap health insurance and but really gave no 18 years old! The a good life insurance work in a small the car has insurance? being fixed at the me if I plead driver to a full-time I was coming out Cheap health insure in the best company to limit on how far just wondering..if they have ticket going 60 on tell me how to being a complete jackass Blue Cross I think the daughter can t get as an additional driver. myself for Medical assistant a home mortgage, does exclusion period. im reading out of pocket & covers the accidents and ! https://www.kanetix.ca/auto-insurance (Given 5-6 for 2500 and they (I live in Canada) an insurance company back if my own personal that insure Classic cars i want to know seen from my friends Afghanistan, just wondering how like a 1 litre old girl with very also some paint was .
0 notes
Goliad Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 77963
"Goliad Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 77963
Goliad Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 77963
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecost.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Do you pay insurance on a lease car in the UK?
im 18 and looking to get my first car would a lease car be a cheaper option for me as i have been told in unsureness that its all included in the price but would i still have to pay separate insurance on the car? if so what would be the cheapest option? a lease car or buying a cheap car? thanks
Whose insurance is a new baby supposed to go on?
I am currently 32 weeks pregnant and my husband and I have seperate insurance policies but both through Blue Cross. Does is matter whose insurance she is supposed to go on or are we just supposed to pick one?
Do I HAVE to pay for insurance if im not driving but have a license?
My mom is trying to tell me and my brother (who is 19 and I will be 18 in about a month which is when i will get my license) that we cant get a license unless we have money to buy insurance. I think its really f***ed up for a student who got a license and doesnt drive any vehicle has to pay for insurance. She says that once i get my license, the insurance company will force her to put me on her plan so i can be insured. I think its a load of sh*t. I have never heard of anyone being forced to have insurance when they dont drive. When i say dont drive i mean, when i get my license, i wont be driving until I get my own car. Please dont respond to my situation and how i should deal with it, just tell me if thats even possible for the insurance to do that.""
Questions about health insurance?
I took my eye exam couple months ago, and now i need change my insurance company, so my question is can i take my eye exam again?""
Will my insurance rates go up for a traffic ticket?
I have a restricted license and i got a ticket going 38 in a 25mph school zone. The cop reduced it to 34 and it is $80.00. Im almost 16 and i have state farm. Will my rates go up. Should i just go to the office and pay it. I have no defense i know i was speeding. WIll my parents find out?
Statute of limitations on no car insurance fine?
how long has to go by before statute of limitations is in effect after you have had a no insurance ticket handed to you and does this stand the same if you had hit another persons vehicle with the car that was uninsured.i live in calgary alberta and am unsure of how this statute works.i am not looking for a cop out of this.this occured 3 years ago and i was sent home under the condition that i show up for court.i was unable to show up for court because i had been kicked out of where me and my mom were living and tried to find a place for us.
Insurance totalling my car looks suspicious?
At this point I regret making a claim and wish i could turn back the clock. I am being forced into a box and it looks shady. Three weeks ago my 2005 Cadillac STS was involved in a parking lot flood where the water rose and filled the floors of my car by about 4 inches. All us neighbors had cleaning parties using a wet vac and baking and toweling are cars in the sun over the next few days letting our vehicles dry out. On my car everything works like a dream as it did before with the exception of a 'check stability control' notice that comes on when I start the car. I have been driving the car fine since the flood and decided maybe I should make a claim to fix this error that pops up on the dash when i start the car. From the time I dropped it off at the dealer it has been all negative. Right away the dealer was negative and telling me it's the end of the world with my car, everything is ruined and it will probably be a total loss. He got the adjuster for my insurance company out there and it looks like it will be put in to the total loss category. No i am just asking the insurance company to forget everything and drop the claim because the damage is not that extreme and i dont want to lose my car. I am told at this point it is too late. Is that true? My neighbors are floored by this, i have been driving it around for a few weeks just fine and the car still looks new With only 62000 miles on it. I can't help from thinking that something suspicious is going on here. Do they stand to make a nice profit by totalling my vehicle and then replacing one module for a 1000 or so and having a perfect car with all systems working? Also the lady from the claims office said the car had to be 80% damaged for it to be a total loss. I asked her if this was based on speculative problems that they think may occur in the future because of the water, or based on actual damage now? She said it had to be actual damage now but couldn't give me any details from the adjuster yet. Can I demand that the adjuster list everything that he thinks has been damaged to my car (which I am convinced he will have to be creative to do so)? The car as i said drives wonderful, I checked the fluids on my own (fine), and the car looks new. Do I have any recourse here? I just want the car fixed for the one problem, i dont want to lose the car, and at this point I don't even care about having insurance fix the one problem, but again I am told it is too late to go backwards and drop this entire issue. I almost have an inclination to report this because it looks so shady. No reasonable person would look at, and drive this car and consider it a total loss. What is the agenda of the insurance company and cadillac dealer here? Something smells foul with this situation.""
Insurance for my baby?
I am researching insurance options for my baby. The baby will be born in few months. I know that the baby will be insured 30 days after he is born. This is my question. Should I find an individual plan for the baby or should I add the baby to my insurance? I did not even know one can add the baby to an existing insurance. I am just trying to find the best deal. If I have to have an individual plan for the baby, I am looking only for Blue Cross or Blue Shield of California (PPO only). If you have any suggestions, please share. Thank you""
Tricky Car Insurance Quotes?
Right, I am really at ends to get cheap car insurance... I'm probably an insurers nightmare: 17 years old, male, living in London, living with parents whilst at college etc... I've just qualified with a full UK licence, but the insurance for a '97 Saxo is 3500 and it only costs 300!!!! Anyone any ideas on how to get this down to about a grand or less? Or any suggestions for any good cars to insure a 17 year old on? :)""
Car insurance WITHOUT a bank account?
does anyone know where/what car insurance i can get as i can not have a bank acount or debit/credit card. can only pay with cash by monthly installments
""Cheap Home Insurance Companies Orlando, Florida?
I used to be insured by Homewise Home Insurance but for some reason they cannot longer insured me and they are transferring me to another insurance company when my renewal comes around and increasing my premium by close to $300. I need to know right away the cheapest home insurance companies in Orlando... help..
What is general insurance?
i want to know abt general insurance.
Health insurance for families of disabled vets?
I am a 50% disabled Vet living near Dallas, Tx. I have been unable to find a job that offers health insurance, as of yet. I know I can go to the VA for free, whenever I need to. I need to find some sort of insurance for my wife. We are planning children, but I don't want to pay all of those doctor bills out of pocket. My wife is self employed, so there's no way of her getting it through work. Does anyone know of a Veterans group health insurance plan or anything like that? I have searched all over the internet with little success. T Thanks for any info.""
Motorcycle Insurance quote?
I'm a femal turning 17 in a month and i really wanted to get a motocycle for my birthday but i wanted to figure out the insurance first and i cant get the quote bcz i dont have my lisence yet so i was wondering if anybody could help me out oh and what the best kind of bike would be.
Will my insurance cost more this year?
hello people ... so i was wondering if anyone thinks my insurance will cost more this year. i have a motorbike honda cbr125. last year it cost me 450 to insure. looking at the insurance this year it says around 550-650 will mine be this much?
Is insuring a road legal buggy cheaper than car insurance?
I have driven loads of buggies before in off road conditions and have been thinking about getting a road legal one myself to use instead of a car seen as insurance is ridiculous for a young driver like myself. Anyone know or have a rough idea of how much it would be to insure say a 250cc road legal buggy? I've tried the internet but can't get an online quote off anyone and don't want to have to spend ages on the phone enquiring. If anyone could give me a rough idea that would be awesome! Thanks :)
Do you have to have vehical insurance?
do you have to have an insurance. I just want to use it for awhile.
What happens if to my insurance if i get married?
My parents pay for my insurance and ill have it till I'm 19 if I get married would I no longer have insurance?
My insurance company will not change car details?
I have been thinking of purchasing a brand new car this year and today went ahead with the purchase, well at least put a deposit down with a 12 week wait. I have been driving now for a year and a half. and at aged 28 thought I would be out of the range of a silly driver by now. However, after phoning my insurance company to ask for a new/updated quote for the insurance they are telling me that they will not insure me on a new car due to my lack of experience. I am of course going to still have the new car as most other insurance companies will insure me on the new car at a fairly reasonable rate. infact only 100 pounds a year more than my current car. They are still howver going to charge me a 30 cancellation fee and will obviously lose my no-claims for the six months. Does anybody have any idea as to a way to approach the company or make a complaint or should I just forget about it and move on?""
""Home insurance costs in Slidell, LA?""
Does anybody have a rough idea of the average home insurance prices for home in Slidell, LA above Interstate 12?""
Good/Cheap Secondary Health Insurance in Texas?
My grandmother is 65 but my grandfather is only 63 so he's not considered a S.C. yet ... what is good affordable secondary health insurance for them? They currently only have Medicare
I'm 38. my wife is 33. non smokers. which insurance make more sense. i have whole life with long term care. my wife is looking into term insurance. which is better?
Do you have too get insurance on rentacar?
do you need insurance on car rental
How much on average is insurance for an audi a3 convertible?
How much on average is insurance for an audi a3 convertible?
Is there any auto insurance that is affordable for college students?
Is there any auto insurance that is affordable for college students?
Goliad Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 77963
Goliad Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 77963
Exactley how does term life insurance work?
Whats the difference between regular life insurance and term?How does term work?
How to get a hold of the drunk drivers insurance?
my car and 2 other cars were damaged by a drunk driver. his car flipped and crashed on the ground. they ran away as soon as they got helped out. the police came and all we got was a police report number. my question is my car is scratched and has broken windows/mirror. i am not going to pay for it to get it fix , why should i it wasn't my fault. how can i get a hold off the drunk drivers insurance and policy information. will the police contact me after they get all the information or do i have to contact them? sorry i have never had to deal with the insurance company or the police for any of this so i have no idea. if this matter i live in san diego california""
How much will my insurance premium go down by?
After a years no claims? I'm currently paying 1700 (140 a month) for a 1.2 corsa. Not happy but still. I'm 19 and had my license since June 2008. Had insurance before but never got to the full year as my car broke down so I got rid. I know it's hard to give an exact amount but how much on average?
If car insurance companies are giving you quotes that you did not request - Is this a sign of identity theft?
I've gotten like, 4 quotes all from different insurance companies saying Your quote is ready. They think I did request these! I didn't. Is this identity theft or just spam? What else could it be? My family said they didn't request this information either. Thanks in advance!!""
How much would insurance cost for a 16 year old boy with a Nissan 350Z?
How much would insurance cost for a 16 year old boy with a Nissan 350Z?
Car insurance under my parents name w/o parents being present?
Hi, i live in Miami and my parents are currently out of state. I just bought a car and i need insurance in order to get the title. I was wondering if i can go under my parents insurance without them being present or if i can do it over the phone? also the car is a honda civic ex 99 and i am 19 years old. Its my first car and i have good credit, i am a university student with very good grades, and have not had any tickets or gotten into any car accidents. About how much will my insurance be? and would it be cheaper to be under my parents name, which i might add has been in a lot of car crashes, had a lot of tickets, bad credit, and jus has bad history, or would it be cheaper to just get it on my own??? thank you!!!!!""
How can I obtain drivers insurance when neither parent has a license in California?
because insurance is a binding agreement that requires one parent to have a valid license, and neither of mine do, I cannot buy auto insurance. - My grandparents will not help me either I have 1000$ to buy insurance, and I will drive either way, insurance or not, is there any loophole around this law? thanks.""
How much is car insurance for a 97 corolla?
please don't say ask your insurance company because i wont know until a couple days later. i just got my license and im 17 years old and i have a 97 corolla. The car isnt in the BEST condition but its still in pretty good condition and i was wondering how much would the insurance be considering i took driving classes at the school and am dadap certified (that alcohol lesson thing) thanks
Where can i find cheap health insurance?
does any of you knows where can i find cheap health insurance for peoples not working and hv no health insurance cover, coz i need operation. Thanks !""
Car Insurance questions?
ok i was recently in a car accident , jus a rear end nothing to serious. but the rear of my car is pretty bad. bumper is in bad shape , trunk doesnt open , lights are a bit broken but still work. a guy from the other person's insurance company came to take a look at my car and inspect it and estimate damages. he told me that the car will probably be a total loss. he said someone would call me in 2-3 business days to discuss my options. now i guess i will be paid for what my car is worth , which isnt much prolly no more then a $1000. my question is tho , the guy who came told me that one of my options would be if i wanted to keep the car or not. i want to keep the car , it still runs , it still drives. if i still want to keep my car do i still get paid for the damages?""
Car Insurance for a friend?
I have a friend (single mom of 2) and she needs to get cheap car insurance on her ford explore. She let it lapse for 6 months and now her loan company wants to repo her car, even though she has made every car payment. (she leases her car)...(kinda like rent to own) She got a quote from my agent, but it was going to be way too much for her. I am guessing since she still owes on the car she has to have full coverage. And can only afford less than $100.00 a month on it. She is a renter, she is going to school, and has bad credit. Are there any companies out there that she can get a good deal or at least get coverage for 6 months and re-apply with a better company?? The only one I have found out there was the general.com. And they seem to be ok...but I don't know what other options she has. Thanks for reading this!! 10 points to the best answer!!""
""17 yr old new driver, buying car, wants mum and dad to be named drivers on insurance to get price down?""
just passed, saved up hard for car, checked car via a good garage, now wants to sort out car insurance. Have been told if mum and dad are named drivers on the car it will cut the cost of new drivers insurance, from around 2,000. to 700. But as a mum i want to know will it effect our own insurance? and effect our no-claims we have built up and our renewal costs? with or without a claim. or just which is the best way for the new driver to get insured, the new driver had no claims on a moped insurance. And is not a boy racer!""
Do I need car insurance...?
I have a car that will not run at my residence but is still in my name. Do I still need to have car insurance on it? I have a personal insurance that just covers me but not on any specific car. I live in Florida if that helps.
Car insurance in Texas?
My sister was in my car when she got re-ended. The driver of the other car took FULL responsibility for everything and wants to resolve this. I am wondering how this will affect my insurance? As of right now my car only has liability and needs to be repaired, big time. Any information especially from TX insurance agents would be greatly appreciated.""
How much would insurance cost?
i was looking to get a suzuki GZ250 motorcycle. i am 18 years old, and i have taken a drivers ed course and the motorcycle driving course. i was wondering about how much insurance would be. it has 249 cc""
Is there a car insurance that will give a young driver a reasonably quote?
i recently purchased a mk1 ford fiesta. theres no mods to the car and tax wise i think its a classic. its a 1984. i have wanted a mk1 fiesta for years now and its the car i want to drive. im 17 and the cheapest quote on any car ive been given is 2000. are there any companies that will give me a good quote on my fiesta
What is an insurance premium?
Is the insurance premium what you pay monthly for your insurance?
Do you have good Car Insurance Rates?
I was just wondering if anyone out there had advice for some good car insurance rates or coverage? I found this guy who talked about car insurance coverage that was based on your driving behavior... unfortunately I don't live in the area... http://www.sodahead.com/question/271859/car-insurance-rates-based-on-behavior-do-you-have-good-car-insurance-coverage/?link=wenf_ya So you have any suggestions for a car insurance company that has good rates?
Drivers License and Car Insurance?
My friend had a friend of his drive his car when he was drinking because he didn't want an OMVI. His friend quit paying for car insurance but said he still has his drivers license. Is that possible? Also, my friend said he wasn't worried about an accident because my friend has insurance and he thinks that covers all drivers in his car with a drivers license. I feel that if he got in an accident, his insurance won't pay because he has a non-insured driver driving his car. He said I'm wrong. Who's right and who's wrong here????""
Car insurance (Nissan)?
am 17 and getting a 2004 Nissan Altima Soon? About how much will the insurance be? oh and its my [first] car.
How much will insurance offer for a car I paid 3000 for 6 months ago?
Peugout 106 1.1 Bought for 3 grand 6 months ago although he got it down from 3500 from a reputable dealer. It is likely to be a total loss so how much do you think they will offer me for it?
Can you give me an estimate of how much car insurance would be.......?
lets say a guy under 30 in california with a 2002 BMW 325i sedan how much would insurance be?
Car insurance?
Is insurance cheaper on older cars?
Car insurance?????????????????
I am buying a new car but haven't sold mine yet, I still want insurance on my old one incase I have to drive it.. How do you go about it? Does it cost much??""
How much would it cost to get auto insurance to drive a church van?
I want to drive the church van for my church but I don't have a vehicle. The church van is always over crowded on Wednesdays and they are looking for someone to drive one of their vans but the driver is responsible for the insurance. My big question is, how can I get insurance so I can drive their van without a vehicle under my name?""
Goliad Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 77963
Goliad Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 77963
Do you need insurance for a driver's permit?
I'm hearing different things from all different places and rather than sifting through all of the crap at the dmvedu website I thought I'd ask you guys and get a straight answer. Do I need insurance to get my permit, or just for my liscense? I live in California, by the way, if that makes any difference with the law.""
How much will it cost me to send an used laptop from US to India? including insurance. Is insuring a must?
How much will it cost me to send an used laptop from US to India? including insurance. Is insuring a must?
When do I need to get the car insurance? Before buying the car or after?
When do I need to get the car insurance? Before buying the car or after?
How much for a 17 year olds car insurance with a sports car?
Hi im 17 and im wondering about how much more would it cost if i went from a sedan to a sports car?
What shold I do if I get into a car accident whith no one else involved but I totaled my car with no insurance?
I got into a car accident during a rainstorm, lost control and totaled my car. I still owe money on it and to make matters worse I found out my insurance lapsed. No one else was involved in it and I went to the hospital and didn't file a claim with the lien holder on the car yet. When I came back to the car it was gone. Don't know what to do next. Any answers out there for my predictament?""
ok well i am 18 years old and i am going to buy a 1969 camaro ss, 1970 chevelle or a 1970 roadrunner hemi i need to know how much the insurace on this would be a year.""
What would insurance cost for a 16 year old?
I turn 16 in two weeks and i might be getting an Infiniti G35 coupe. We have state farm and i can't due a quote since i don't have my license yet. Can anyone give me an idea of how much the insurance would cost?
I am 18 and i got disqualified for 3 months and i was wondering if anyone knows cheap car insurance for me?
ive tried things like confused and the comparing sites but i didn't know if anyone knew of smaller or more independent companies which are good at these types of quotes.
How do I get cheaper car insurance?
I am trying to get my first car so I can drive my girlfriend and myself to work everyday. I am 19 and have had my license for about a year, I am going to get an older car a early 90s which I know lowers the insurance and live in new york and just getting the new york state bare minimum insurance. Even with that the quotes I am getting are around 200 dollars a month! About $2500 a year! About twice what I am paying for the car. Is there anyway I can save some money on this?""
What good is term life insurance?
I fully intend to live longer than most term life insurance policies cover! Whole life is more practical, to my way of thinking.""
Which is the best insurance policy for premium of 10 or 12k?
life insurance
Does car insurance cost the same for every car?
I'm 18 and right now I have 800 for a car, but the one I want is 4000, would the car insurance on that cost more than the 800 one?""
Car insurance for 17 year olds?
Right ive recently passed both my theory and practical. Ive read things on here that insurance for me a 17 year old full time student living with parents would cost like 2000 per year. Which is 166 quid. Thats alright for me. But i checked with confused.com and comparethemarket and they're all giving me ridiculous prices such as 14.000 premium. I searched up for a Ford Fiesta, 1.2, petrol, 2002 model. What can i do? I dont mind paying 100 or 200 quid a month. What do you reccommend me doing?""
Free car insurance quotes?
are these qoutes accurate or could the price they give you actually be lower then what the free quote says?
Where is the cheapest place to get motorcycle insurance in Michigan?
Its for a 2006 Yamaha R6!
Where can i get affordable health insurance for my family w/ maternity coverage?
i am currently looking for family health insurance. if i go thru my job it way too expensive. i also need to include maternity coverage. does anyone know of any insurance companies? whenever i go directly to the provider website like united healthcare or cigna it always directs the webpage to ehealthinsurance, and while yes their affordable they don't offer maternity coverage. thanks for any suggestions""
Cheapest Car insurance ?
I'm a 16 year old guy getting license in 2 days and im staring to wonder which car insurance is the cheapest. I've been told aaa is the best, and my parents are on some aarp thing and it might be cheaper to get my own policy. SO any company names that you use would be great!""
Can we get finally affordable health insurance now?
Me and my fiance pay $650/month on health insurance and it really sucks. My fiance was denied by every health insurance b/c of a heart condition which is common in his family and I am pregnant and everybody denied me of course too. So we got coverage with Cover Colorado. With the new health reform, can we apply now at different insurances? How is that with the premium? If they need to take you, can they give you a very high premium?""
What's the cheapest auto insurance and do you need it to have a permit?
it speaks for itself what company has the cheapest & most reliable auto insurance company for a 16 year old driver (not 16 yet but I should have my driver's license by February 25th if I go after my birth day)
Does my boyfriends name have to be on the car title in order for me to be put on his insurance?
I will be buying a car this weekend. I am under 25, so the insurance is outrageous. my boyfriend is over 25. It is a lot cheaper if i just add myself to his insurance. My question is does his name also have to be on my car if i want to be put on his insurance? I was told yes but im not sure.""
SR-22 insurance in Massachusetts?
I have a friend whose license was suspended in Rhode Island 6 years ago for failure to pay tickets. He went and paid them all and RI is requesting he purchases SR-22 insurance. He currently lives in MA and we don't have SR-22 insurance in MA. Any help on where to go from here?
I need a cheap insurance company.?
My friends problem: Well my mom decides that im not going under her insurance today, meaning I have 4 days to find a cheap insurance company and get my car insured. If anyone could tell me what they drive and how much they pay and what company it would be greatly appreciated.""
How can i get homeowners insurance if i own a rottweiler?
i currently have gieco home insurance and they said they will not cover my home if i own a pit bull, rottie or chow what i'm i supposed to do with my rottie? please help""
The insurance on a kawasaki ninja 250?
I don't want a quote it just want to know from people who've had this bike at the age of 17 and how much they paid for their insurance, preferably in pounds because i live in the UK""
Forced place insurance?
Does forced place insurance cover slip and falls, should someone file a claim that they fell on your property?""
Goliad Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 77963
Goliad Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 77963
What is the insurance of Maybach car?
I live in the UK. I don't want sites referred to me, but just want an estimate of how much insurance would be""
How much would motorcycle insurance be for a 19 year old in Florida?
I'm 19 years old living in Toronto Ontario Canada. I've been riding street bikes since 16 years old and have obtained my M class license. (Ontario's full motorcycle license) My dad is moving the Family back to our hometown of Jacksonville Florida and was curious as to insurance prices since there is no way in hell a 19 year old boy from Toronto can afford a premium on a 600cc sport bike. I currently have a premium on a ninja 250R around 2000$ a year and a secondary driver policy on my dads R6 around 1100$. since my bike here in Canada goes by KMPH i would need to sell it and save myself the hassle of transferring all the info. So would there be any chance of me affording a R6 in Florida or would they rape me there too?
Car Insurance question....?
Ok, so I'm 24 about to turn 25(apparently that's when your taken out of the pool , or so I've heard, which means my rates should lower.) However my insurance will expire before I turn 25, and there will be about a 3 month gap between those dates. I was wondering if I could get car insurance to cover those 3 or so months, or would I have to buy a 6 month and then get another quote later?""
""With regards to auto insurance, what does having a deductable mean?""
For example, if I have a $500 deductable, what exactly does that mean when claiming from insurance?""
CHEAP car insurance in US?
I am trying to find car insurance because i am about to lease my own car but all of the places I have looked at are crazy expensive. I even got a quote of $300 a month from geico. The other places i checked were all for the UK. Can somebody help me and suggest a cheap place to try?!
Car insurance in California - most competitive companies?
I'm considering a move from Pennsylvania to California. My existing insurance provider doesn't write policies in California so I would need to change companies. I'm currently paying 919 per year for 2 cars. I would like to find a company that can be competitive with these rates. I'd love to get any feedback from people that live in california regarding companies they recommend and which to avoid. I would probably be living in the east bay of San Francisco. I hate car insurance companies (except my current one which I love) and would like to avoid being totally ripped off. I have 18 years of accident free miles and no moving violations...
Why would a good car end up at an insurance auto auction?
Looking to buy a used 2009 vehicle right now with 9,000 miles. Seller states it was purchased at an insurance auction with a clear title. Autocheck confirms this info - single owner, no accidents, no thefts, no repossessions, clear title, etc. What might be the reason this car was at the auction in the first place?""
Leaving for several month. what about car insurance?
I'm leaving USA for about 4 months. What should I do with my car insurance? I don't really wanna pay for insurance because I won't be in the USA. What should I do? need a good advice
How does auto insurance works?
is the cost of auto insurance determined based on car model, year, or the the car price sold at?""
Cheaper car insurance?
I'm was just checking the insurance (third party only) for a Renault Clio 1.2L, 54 reg and the prices were like 3500-4500!!! That's more expensive than the car itself. I thought that for a relatively small car the insurance wouldn't have been that expensive. Bearing in mind that I've just passed my practical I still think these prices are ridiculous! Is there any way I can make the insurance cheaper? Thank you!""
Car Insurance what companies have the cheapest rates?
Please help me! What Insurance companies have the cheapest insurance. ( male )
Does car insurance increase every time you.?
does your car insurance increase every time yu move or change your address. if so is their away you can lower your rates.
Workers compensation insurance in Kentucky?
My friend works for a company and recently they have been taking out extra money from his check. I am talking about $200-$400 a week depending on how many hours worked. When he asked about it, he was told it was workers comp. Should he have to pay for this or is it his employers responsibility to hold this insurance on the employees. He have worked for this company for more then 10 years and this is a first.""
Will car insurance go up if I'm added to my parent's policy?
I'm 15 and have my restricted license to drive to work and school in Kansas. Basically what does adding me to my parent's policy do and about how much more will it cost?
Moving insurance question?
In september I will be moving to a state on the other side of the country for a few months and then comming back. Will I need a new insurance company or will my rates go up when I move? does it matter that it will only be for a few months? Im currently in CT and I'll be going to Orlando Florida if that helps at all
Insurance question?
What is better on insurance if you have a spotless record: 2007 PT Cruiser Touring Edition 2006 Toyota Corolla LE Thanks in advance!
Insurance for infant in a home daycare?
I'm sending my 1 year old son to a unlicensed home daycare. The daycare provider does not have insurance. What kind of insurance should I get for my son?
How much does car insurance run on a 2007 Toyota Camry?
I just want to know a estimate from anyone else that has this car just to get an idea doesn't have to be exact ! It's a 2007 Toyota Camry (white) SE (special edition)
Best overall car insurance company?
In your opinion (or based on any experiences) what is the best kind of car insurance?
How can you get insurance on a car that is not in your name?
What steps should be taking to get insurance on a car in your name that is in a relatives name? But, you are taking over the car payments and paying them the money on a car that is still in there name.""
How much is car insurance for a new female independent driver in the UK?
I was just wondering how much it costs for a new female to get insurance on a car .. anyone have a ny ideas ... and is 1.1 L engine big enough for a new driver answers needed asap please !! xx
Is car insurance a waste of money?
I need to get car insurance but I feel like its a waste of money. I am going to pay them monthly and if I happen to get into an accident I will still have to pay them something. I figure that if I can take the money I am going to pay them and put it aside for an emergency it would be a better use of money. Can anyone give me any advice on what I can do? Any liability insurance that really cheap, speaking around 100 a month maybe? lol""
(uk only) who is the cheapest for car insurance?
im male, nearly thirty and full no claims bonus i live in manchester""
Can i cash a check from an auto insurance company and not fix my car?
i had hit a deer yesterday, i had made a claim with my insurance company. When they send me a check for the damages, can i cash that check and fix the car myself and not go to a body shop?""
Insurance for car accident?
I had a car accident where my mirror and signal were broken as well as my front door got skewed. The insurance company said that they either fix it at their garage or they estimate damage and give me money in return. Which is better?
Goliad Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 77963
Goliad Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 77963
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