#and it's the majority of users' faults that nothing has gotten better - only worse
sheryl-lee · 1 year
tumblr users are basically like “it is not enough that you spend approximately 2-3 days downloading a high quality file, screencapping, importing, cropping, sharpening, coloring and exporting 8-10 gifs. if it is not relevant to [insert shiny new piece of media] i don’t care for it and will scroll right past it. unless it is, in which case i’ll merely like your post, steal the gifs you spent all that time on and repost them in potato quality on twitter or instagram for clout. and maybe if i’m being generous i’ll ‘credit’ you. but yeah gifmaking is not difficult whatsoever. don’t know what you’re all complaining about. ❤️”
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. i’m a long-time (6+ years) player thats always kinda layed low, but in all of the hours i’ve squandered dicking around on the internet, i have never- and i quite honestly mean NEVER- encountered a fanbase as petty, whiny, entitled, and quite honestly childish as FR’s. and honestly? its the devs’ own fault. fuck them for not only enabling, but encouraging such a loud crowd of crybabies & i hope they have fun lying in this shitditch of a fanbase-bed they’ve dug themselves.
I’d want to start this off with “oh things were so much better before X happened or X year” but tbh? flight rising has ALWAYS had an insufferable culture of complaining and entitlement, and one that goes a lot further than every other pet sim i’ve played, let alone real games. if it isn’t brainjerking in the suggestion forums it’s calling for kickstarted items to be rereleased, policing how other people use the block function, or bitching en-mass that the festival item isn’t the right colour (#endplagueoppression D:).
it’s gotten to the point where, whether you consciously know it or not, the culture of the playerbase actively rewards the state of whining, so if there isn’t any active drama of the hour, it’s a race to the bottom to turn the most menial things into #problems as well. Bawww the [fantasy] not-roosters have spurs? Animal abuse!! Bawwww writing [fantasy] asian-inspired settings (despite… wind flight?) and [fantasy] war criminal characters is #problematic!! Bawwww this one user who was friends with a person who was friends with a person last active 5 years ago who was proship commented on my page! This dev used to be a cop! This horsewoman throwing a spear is CLEARLY doing a salute!
and the list just goes on and on and on. and without fail, the mods and devs will always be too cowardly to stand their ground and end up bending backwards to all of these ridiculous complaints and are only complaints in the first place because of this psuedo-moral sink.
i, shockingly, am not a villain in a show made for children and obviously have nothing against disliking features. you, the player, do in fact have the miraculous ability to form your own opinions if you put your mind to it. but it’s up to you to curate your internet experience to suit YOU. the devs shouldn’t be chased up for infinitesimally small issues that, chances are, don’t even bother you and that you’re only complaining about because of the positive feedback loop of military-grade crybullying on an industrial scale. this shouldn’t be too hard to understand, considering the unfortunate majority of people engaging in these behaviours are adults. the devs may be kissing your asses, but the world doesn't revolve around your narcissistic asses. 
itd be cool if everyone matured up overnight and got their shit together, but personally im forecasting this culture to get 200% worse. minimum.
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kyluxtrashpit · 3 years
Okay so I jokingly mentioned I have an entire rant on twitter and then people wanted to see it so I’m gonna crosspost here too cause why not
(Note: includes spoilers for Major Grom and Plague Doctor comics, has nothing to do with the movie. It’s regarding what I strongly predict will happen in volume 8, which comes out next week)
(Second note: I’m gonna tag this with ‘long post’ even though it’s behind a cut for the sake of mobile users to go blacklist literally right now if they’re not interested cause I included the relevant comic panels and thus it’s LONG sdklsdklsdks)
Anyway: why Sergey must be the one to personally rescue Oleg in volume 8, from a narrative point of view
In order for Sergey and Oleg's relationship, regardless of how you want to define it, to move forward with positive momentum, this /must/ happen. The narrative demands it in order to bring closure. Why? Well, let's get into it by analyzing what we have so far
1) While I do fully believe Oleg trusts and forgives Sergey (and I’m not gonna go into proof of that here, as others have before), there is a constant spectre hanging over them. A spectre in the shape of 5 bullets. We are reminded constantly of it, largely in the form of Sergey's guilt, which is something we haven't gotten any real closure on yet. Sergey believes himself only capable of destruction, which is literally represented using a picture of him and Oleg.
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The rift in their relationship is why Sergey doubts himself. The lasting physical effects bother him as well and we are all but beaten over the head with it - Sergey can't forget and neither can we, the audience. Oleg, too, has to live with this, even if he has made his peace with it
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In fact, his long term injuries are what cause him to be captured in the first place. This situation, from a narrative pov, is thus Sergey's fault - if not for the 5 bullets, it's implied Oleg could've won. But no, he's captured and tortured, because of what Sergey did
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What Oleg does or doesn't think of that is honestly irrelevant; the narrative is what's setting this up as a direct consequence. Also, whether or not Oleg has forgiven Sergey is also irrelevant because Sergey hasn't forgiven himself. This is what the story has presented and thus what it needs to conclude.
2) We are all also aware that Oleg has rescued Sergey more than once, even when it was ill-advised. The first time, sure, there's some risk, but it’s still in the range of manageable. But the second time? Not only was it more dangerous, given all that was going on in the immediate aftermath, he’s also risking himself to rescue someone who shot him 5 times. Oleg is cautious; he keeps Sergey in a cell presumably until he feels safe freeing him, but he still did it. He planned it, had that place ready, faked their deaths, all of it. He did that after the 5 bullets
So Sergey isn't lying when he tells Lera they don't leave their people behind. Oleg has been there for Sergey before, rescued him no matter the dangers, continues to stay by his side, and even cares enough to make sure he sleeps. Given this, how could Sergey not be ready and willing to return the favour?
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3) Every outside character who knows anything about their relationship believes it to be imbalanced. The mercenary, Altan, Vadim, and even Lera. They all say this, they all point out the 5 bullets, that oh, Oleg, why does he stay?
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While they don't have the insight us readers do, this tension is here for a reason, especially coupled with the previous two points. Even if we know better, the narrative is offering us a kernel of doubt. Does Sergey really care? Will he go as far for Oleg as Oleg has for him? Did he really mean those apologies? Or are the others right? Even Oleg, although I do think he's lying to protect Sergey, says he has doubts. Vadim seems certain Sergey will come, yet still calls Oleg “Mr. Stockholm Syndrome”.
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The equality of their relationship is continually called into question - why do that if it's not going to be resolved? Why play this 'will he, won't he' game if he won't? Why set us up for disappointment? If Sergey doesn't go, all of this will remain unresolved and their relationship can only get worse, not better. The spectre will never leave them alone.
(One note here: I believe most of these perspectives are from unreliable narrators, given what details they give and that their accounts conflict with what we actually see. But these perspectives are included for a reason – imo, so that Sergey can prove them wrong)
4) The other thing the narrative tells us is that Sergey can be impulsive. Yes, he's brilliant, frighteningly so, but it's Oleg that is constantly urging caution. Sergey is aware there are risks, yet he forges ahead anyway, restrained (sometimes) only by Oleg's advice.
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Why would that change now? If anything, with how distressed Sergey seems to be, I'd argue he'd be even /more/ impulsive than usual because he's too emotional to think right.
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And who's going to urge caution, if not Oleg? Lera? I doubt he would listen if she did and, to be frank, why would she care if Sergey gets hurt? She knows him primarily as the one forcing her into a situation that is having serious negative effects on her life. Her secondary knowledge is that he's a murderer and terrorist. Much as it's fun to think of them all having a friendly relationship, Plague Daughter and all that, that’s not where they are right now. She might from a logical point of view, just because it is very obviously a trap, but Sergey knows that - her saying it isn't going to convince him of anything. Even if she did try, I don't think it'd have any effect.
5) And lastly, Lera is absolutely not ready for this fight. This isn't some regular asshole on the streets; Vadim is a professional killer. He beat Oleg in a fight and, even with his injuries, we all saw the kitchen fight. We know what Oleg is capable of. I love Lera with my whole being and she is a badass, but she's not ready for this. She had trouble with Kamenny, who honestly may have let her win under Altan's instructions.
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Even still, Vadim is MUCH better and, much as Altan wants PD alive, I don't think he much cares in what condition. Best case scenario is that Lera gets captured too, and Vadim likely wouldn't hesitate to kill her, and then Sergey has to go himself anyway. Lera may come to help, but Sergey needs to be there. If Sergey really is better than Oleg at present, he's the one who needs to fight Vadim (with a plan, obviously, and maybe some extra backup).
In conclusion, all of this comes together to say one thing: Sergey needs to go. He needs to prove to himself, to the audience, and most of all to the narrative that no, this relationship isn’t one-sided, and that he will go as far for Oleg as Oleg has gone for him. The narrative made this a big point of tension, insisted upon it, beat us over the head with it, and now has teased at Sergey’s opportunity to put up or shut up. It has to be Sergey, both practically because Lera isn’t ready yet, and in order to be a satisfying story. Because if he doesn’t, that tension isn’t resolved. His guilt will only grow after failing Oleg once again, despite Oleg sticking with him through everything, and it would have been by his own choice, not because of the Bird’s influence or anyone else. He will know it. Oleg will know it. We will know it. And their relationship can only sour from there. There will be no more possibility for positive momentum, only negative.
As a last point, I will also say that I’m aware my anxieties may be unfounded. These creators do seem to legitimately care about these characters, telling a good story, and satisfying the audience. But I’ve been burned by pieces of media where that is not the case, so it’s hard for me to trust and not doubt, even with creators who have, so far, not let me down lmao.
Anyway, thank you for coming to my tedtalk, I’m sure I missed something I would’ve liked to add but holy shit this is absurdly long already sdklsdklsk so uh bye ✌️
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Why I Believe Deku Fails as a Character (Part 2 of 3)
SPOILERS FOR THE MHA MANGA (OFA reveal, last completed arc, Chapter 307) 
Not only were we robbed of a compelling character with a mental illness — which we so desperately need in the media — but we were also robbed of anything about Deku that could make him an interesting character in other ways. 
Now, a compelling character should have a quirk (not a Quirk) that separates them from the rest of the characters (because who likes when all the characters all act the same?) and makes them more relatable. Everybody’s got something about themselves that sets them apart from their friends and families. It could be a dialogue quirk — common examples would be someone who references movies constantly or never uses contractions — or just a habit they have that nobody else has. In Deku’s case, it’s his muttering and his hero analysis notebooks.
However, one of the first rules of good writing that a writer will be taught is the phrase “show don’t tell.” And it’s good advice, for the most part. (Some things are better left told, but that rant isn’t relevant to this one, so I’ll hold back on that.) 
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For Deku, his mumbling is never really shown to us. Yes, it’s shown through the word “mutter” that appears on screen whenever he’s muttering, but that’s actually telling. We don’t ever get to decide for ourselves that Deku mutters a lot. No, the show decides for us, telling us to believe he mutters often and talks too much by the way it always accompanies his muttering with the word “mutter” surrounding him on screen or in the manga panel. He certainly does talk a lot, but it’s ruined by the fact that the anime/manga constantly needs to tell us that he talks a lot. 
The reason why showing rather than telling is so important is because the audience needs to be able to figure out aspects of the plot or characters on their own. If they’re simply told everything, they aren’t going to believe it. If the author tells you that Person A hates Person B, but A never shows any animosity towards B through their dialogue or actions, the audience won’t believe it.  (Think of the tip from Billy Wilder, which tells screenwriters to make the audience add up two plus two— don’t give them four. Give them two plus two, let them do the math themselves, and they’ll love you forever.) 
This is mostly a nitpick, yes. Still, it’s a blatant example of when showing (and not telling) is necessary. In this case, the telling ruins it, and by telling, it negates the unique aspect of Deku’s characterization that would’ve helped make him a more realistic — and therefore more relatable — character.  
Which brings me to another point: what about his hero analysis notebooks? 
I mean, hell, he’s got thirteen of those things. By now, he should be able to look at a villain’s Quirk and, in the matter of a minute or two, come up with a plan to take that villain down.  
Those notebooks could’ve made Deku such a unique character— with thirteen notebooks worth of analyzing already in his repertoire, he should be able to analyze Quirks like there’s no tomorrow. And people, too. Wouldn’t it have been so interesting to see Deku be able to just look at someone and know what they’re planning, thinking, or feeling? 
(As a questionably relevant side note, there are accounts of people who have experienced traumatic things such as abusive households who have told stories of how they can look at people and instantly know what they’re thinking. It’s a defense mechanism to prevent themselves from provoking someone, because they knew if they accidentally provoked their past abuser, they would face the consequences. See? It could all tie together.)   
And if that seems like it could make Deku overpowered, it really doesn’t have to. There isn’t a single overpowered power you can give to a character that will, without fail, make them overpowered. At least, not at first. We just need a character to earn their overpowered-ness, because we love a character who earns their strength over time. You just have to give the power drawbacks in whichever way makes sense and actually impacts the character. 
Deku with All For One’s Quirk, one of the most overpowered Quirks in the anime/manga to date? Using multiple Quirks at the same time makes him pass out from exhaustion. Using too many at once could give him permanent brain damage like what you see with the Nomu. Having a villainous Quirk like AFO makes his bullying even worse as a child, leading to permanent self-esteem issues that keep him from ever wanting to use his Quirk to begin with. (Last one courtesy of Shinsou’s backstory!) 
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Deku with seven Quirks courtesy of One For All, the other most overpowered Quirk in the anime/manga? Same thing as the first two examples in the paragraph above. Or the burden of having to carry out the wills of the eight users that preceded him, all of whom have differing opinions on Deku’s best course of action for any given battle. The previous users never had to so readily accept him as their successor. Why not have them reject Deku for deeming him too soft to do what’s best, or any other reason? 
Deku with Overhaul’s Quirk? Uh-oh, looks like he accidentally killed a classmate the first time he used it, and now he’s forever afraid of it. But, uh-oh, if he wants to be a hero, he has to use it. Or what if the Quirk only works on organic matter, meaning it’ll only work on people or plants? That would kinda suck. 
See? No power is automatically overpowered unless you make it that way. 
Maybe Deku can analyze anything if given enough time, but he can’t exactly sneak off in the middle of a fight to come up with the best strategy. This could be quite reasonable, considering Deku would have been able to think long and hard before writing anything down in his hero notebooks. And all his training could culminate in the main climax of the series, where Deku creates and executes the perfect plan in a matter of seconds thanks to his analyzing skills. 
Or what about All For One, the big bad of the series? (You can argue it’s Shigaraki too, but in the recent chapters, it’s made obvious that AFO is actually controlling him. Therefore, AFO’s the guy Deku should ultimately be putting a stop to. He is essentially Deku’s fated enemy in terms of Quirk backstory, after all.) 
What if AFO turned out to be the one person Deku couldn’t analyze, couldn’t read at all, because his face is so disfigured that it’s impossible to tell what emotions he’s experiencing through facial expressions? What if AFO was such a masterful manipulator that Deku couldn’t read the tone of his voice because AFO purposefully kept it unchanging? 
The extreme fear that Deku could experience just by being unable to tell what AFO was thinking could make AFO into such an intimidating villain. He’d be the one villain that Deku just might not be able to best, and the audience would fear for him, like they’re supposed to do. 
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And, at least for me, I haven’t been fearing much for Deku. As of Chapter 307, it looks like he’ll be fighting Muscular again. But where exactly are the stakes of this fight? Sure, it’s a good way of showing how far Deku has leveled up after the time skip, but we already know he’s going to win. I mean, he beat the guy in season 3. He better win, or what the hell, right? It would’ve been much more impactful to have him lose against Muscular the first time and come back again in Chapter 307 to kick his ass. 
It’s just... Deku always seems to win. His first major loss that comes to mind is his fight with Todoroki, but the loss only proved how good of a person Deku was. His second fight against Bakugou couldn’t even be considered training— Deku had nothing to lose. And what about Deku’s arms? Again, as of Chapter 307, it looks like he can still use them perfectly fine despite absolutely destroying them in his fight against Shiggy. What was it that doctor said? If he keeps abusing them the way he has, he’ll paralyze himself? Sure, he said two or three more times, but Deku was abusing the hell out of them again and again just to make Shiggy take any damage with his regeneration Quirk. Doesn’t seem like his arms are even slightly stiff at the moment. Maybe I’m wrong, but I don’t think so.
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I don’t know. It just seems like nothing goes wrong for Deku unless it doesn’t have any truly negative effect on him. His fight against Shigaraki is an exception, I suppose, but it was also the fault of every other hero who failed to stop Shigaraki from freeing AFO and the villains from all of those prisons. Whenever it’s just Deku, it seems like he never really loses when it would actually mean something if he did. 
This is another flaw of Deku’s characterization, but it ties into my second point about Deku’s analyzing skills, too. 
Creating a foil for Deku in AFO by making AFO unreadable would help give the conflict some oomph, if you know what I mean. Because, currently, AFO is really only Deku’s foil because of his Quirk and because he wants to take OFA. If Deku was portrayed as a master analyzer... 
Think about it— All For One, the master manipulator with AFO, up against Izuku Midoriya, the master analyzer with OFA.
This is the fancy-schmancy dichotomy that we could’ve gotten. The heightened tension that would’ve made Deku’s story so much more interesting to read/watch, that would’ve made me wait for each new chapter on the edge of my seat. 
But, once again, Deku’s potential to be an interesting character is wasted. 
Horikoshi could have made him interesting with his muttering if he hadn’t shoved it down the audience’s throat. 
And while he had set up for Deku to be a master strategist, he didn’t follow through, making Deku seem pretty stupid for having so much experience in analyzing and yet having so little to show for it. Because Horikoshi does try to show it, but only when it doesn’t matter, like when Deku analyzes the fights for the sports festival up in the stands. Why not have him do it when it matters, like when he fights against villains at the USJ or when he fights Shigaraki in the more recent chapters? 
Not to mention the fact that he missed a fantastic opportunity to make All For One more of a villain. (Because All For One is kind of a sucky villain at the moment, considering it just seems like he’s a villain because he wants to be. Sure, there’s a little snippet of why AFO does what he does, but it’s subpar at best.) 
Honestly, I just wish Horikoshi had done a better job with Deku like he did with Bakugou. But he didn’t, unfortunately, and that’s what makes Deku fall so flat. 
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In my head
Bakukami week day 6 (Part three) : Cope/Comfort @officialbakukamiweek Summary:  ’Useless’ Said a voice, ‘Kill yourself, no one will miss you. You can do it.’ Kaminari refuses to listen, but it tears him down day by day. Read on Ao3 MAJOR WARNINGS: Depression, suicide mention, near suicide attempt, suicidal feelings, self-loathing, mental health issues, therapy.
Kaminari's smile was brighter than the sun, especially to those he considered close. Ever since becoming pro heroes, that smile had only gotten broader and more vivid. He comforted children, helped lift the spirits of other heroes, raising awareness for the side effects of quirks both negative and positive.
He helped strike fear into criminals because a space they had previously thought their own, the internet and dark web, was invaded every day by his agency. They steadily tracked all sorts of websites, and with the help of electricity tearing down their cyber busts.  
He had an alert in his transmitter in case of a hacker trying to get into one of a hundred secure networks, which would allow him to plug into his updated shooter and actively combat it with the keyboard there. The world was slowly becoming a harder place for villains to exist, thanks to his efforts with the help of his former classmates. But, with all the good he did, people were bound to talk. About him.
Because of his small stature and features, they often commented about how unfit he was to be a hero, fighting battles every day and his popularity, being in the top ten heroes alongside class A alumni, put him as a perfect target for weirdos and spiteful comments. Every day, new letters telling him to commit suicide, that he should shock himself permanently stupid for invading their internet even though it didn't harm the average user. Some, far more concerning, told him slightly inappropriate comments about how they'd like to have him in their beds, and what exactly they would do to him. When he didn't respond, they'd get more and more violent.
The worst letters, in his mind, were those telling him how much they wish he would get kidnapped and killed by villains because he was that bad at doing his job. Or that he was just a glorified battery, good for nothing other than keeping power.
Part of the responsibility of electric quirk users was to report to local hospitals during blackouts to ensure they'd have power, regardless of age. It was one of the few quirks which the user didn't have to possess a provisional hero license to use their quirk in a public space.
What made it bearable was when he'd receive a letter from someone he'd saved. There was a framed letter from a group of elementary school children he'd rescued, one whose heart he'd restarted after the rescue. He'd discovered their location by using his skills to trace the call the villain had made, and with the help of Ground Zero and Red Riot, everyone had survived the epidemic.
Except the child had been gravely wounded during the incident, and Kaminari had restarted her heart no less than three times in a ten minute period, Kirishima protecting the rest of the class, though Kaminari had used his waist cape to wrap the bloodied wound of the child he had taken care of. Bakugo restrained the villain, left in charge of making sure he didn't get away even if Kaminari had delivered the final blow.
Once the child had become stable enough, Kaminari had picked her up to continue monitoring her heart rate until the paramedics arrived.
Those moments, where he saw the smile of a child's face as he returned them to their parents, or heard their sobs of relief when he told them their child would survive, they made it all worth it.
But that didn't mean he didn't have times where he let the comments get to him, especially so when he didn't have work that day even if he was on call.
On days such as those, he'd curl up in his bed and do nothing, feeling nothing and his energy levels at such an all-time low that getting up felt like a task too big for him to accomplish.
Today was one of those days.
He scrolled through his phone, without a purpose or intention other than to drown out his thoughts.
'Useless.' It said, hissing, 'You are so useless, you could be doing something like training right now, but you are; lying here doing nothing. Lazy. Ugly.'
He turned up the volume on the video he watched, eyes glazed over in boredom. He knew he could be doing something, but he couldn't bring himself to get out of bed.
'How dare you call yourself a hero. A real hero would be doing something.'
A shudder came through him, putting his phone down and shutting it off, letting out a shaky breath. The memory of his most recent mission came to the forefront of his mind; a civilian had nearly died that day because he hadn't been fast enough despite his best efforts. That civilian was in the hospital, on death's door last he heard and it was his fault.
'A real hero would've saved him. Bakugo would've been able to save him. Midoriya could have. Any other hero could have saved him. But no, it had to be you.'
Kaminari gripped at his head, curling in on himself and facing the wall. Even if it was true, it couldn't define him.
'There's no point to you being alive. Their wounds are your fault.'
He forced himself to sit up, each muscle movement feeling like a toll on his body more than an entire day of work. Like he was dragging an extra hundred pounds in each limb. His gaze landed on the framed letter, a small smile shaking on his face. He knew it'd be short-lived, but seeing that letter always made him feel a little better, it's why he had put it in his bedroom.
'She has scars because of you. Ugly, horrible scars, because you couldn't save her before she got hurt.'
Kaminari started shaking, his body revolting against him and chilling from the nothingness he felt. He'd seen the tree-like figures on the girl's chest when he'd been asked to stay until the paramedics could get her stable, in case they needed to resuscitate her again. Those had been his fault. Extra electricity in the body caused those scars. His electricity. Forcing his attention away from the letter, it landed on the drawer of his bedside table where his medication had been placed. He should take it. He knew.
'But... What if you took all of them?' The voice said again, and Kaminari considered it. Why even bother with staying? There wasn't a point to it; he'd mess up again and make things worse.
'Should have done this back in high school,'
Kaminari didn't even realize he'd reached for the drawer until he saw that his medication wasn't there. Instead, a handwritten note.
"Denki, you've been out of it lately. Come to me to get your meds when you wake up." Short, sweet, and to the point. He knew who had written it immediately; only one other person was living with him, after all.
That pause was all he needed to start reconsidering what he had been about to do. Carefully, he put it back in the drawer with the other notes he had, from similar days when he'd been out of it. A small zap to his wrist, however, he didn't stop. The current ran through his body, buzzing and warming the cold he felt, even if it hurt.
At this point, he could barely feel the pain; he'd done this so many times. It almost came as a welcome feeling, which poured out of him from every crevice of his being. Relief, almost.
He thought about how Bakugo had reacted when he'd first found him like this, about how worried he'd been as he'd pinned him to the bed, arms apart from each other. Bakugo hadn't been so good at dealing with it back then.
He sluggishly stood up, making his way to the door as his hands drifted to his thighs, the shorts he wore giving him access to press the tips of his finger against the warm skin, running a new, stronger current through them. Once the door opened, the scent of bacon and pancakes came to him, warm and comforting.
The thought of eating made him want to throw up.
"Fucking finally," Bakugo grumbled from the kitchen, Kaminari coming up behind him slowly, "You get my note?"
Kaminari made a non-committal noise, grabbing a cup from the cabinet, "Where're my meds, Kacchan?" He asked, turning on the kettle and reaching for his tea.
"I'll get them for you once I'm done here," Bakugo didn't even look at him, his focus on the food he was cooking. It was enough for both of them, luckily, "And don't even fucking think of looking for the knives, I've locked them up."
Kaminari had almost tried before, and Bakugo hadn't taken to it well. He'd watched Kaminari like a hawk on days where he could tell Kaminari was out of it, a state he only allowed himself to go into when he didn't have anything else to do.
"Yessir," Kaminari mumbled, his left hand plastered against his thigh and the low-level shocks he delivered to himself an uncomfortable presence, but he couldn't make himself stop it even if he wanted to.
Bakugo served up what he'd been cooking, making Kaminari close his eyes until he got his medication. This was a ritual they'd done before, to ensure Kaminari didn't look for his medicine next time his negative thoughts got to him.
He felt Bakugo pull his left hand off of his thigh, putting four little pills into the palm of his hand as the kettle turned off, the temperature gauge reaching the highest point. "Food's ready, so come to cuddle with me or fuck off into your depression after you eat," Bakugo grumbled, heading over to the table with the coffee he had made.
The thought of warm cuddles helped to cut through his funk and Kaminari smiled, making his tea even if his wrists burned. With a swig of his hot drink, he took his medication and sat down at the table, his legs very happy since he didn't have to stand anymore.
Pancakes and bacon helped his thoughts, certainly, but one struck him mid-bite.
"Kacchan," Kaminari glanced at the other blonde, who grumpily looked through his phone's notifications, "Do I do enough as a hero...? Do I bother you?"
"Haah?" Bakugo scoffed, raising an eyebrow and leaning back in his seat, putting his phone down. "Is that what your fucking shitty thoughts are about?"
"Just answer the questions, please..." Kaminari looked down, his voice small and shaky.
"You do more than enough, Kami. Of course, you fucking bother me, but you're a ball of energy, and social interaction bothers me."
"Sorry. I'll try not to bother you." Tears brimmed amber eyes, hands fidgeting with the fork he held, and Bakugo growled.
"Fuck that! Keep being yourself; never change because of someone else's shitty opinion!"
"B-But you just said-"
"Do you think I'd willingly live with you if you bothered me that damn much?"
"Well, no.."
"Exactly." Bakugo took his plate and brought it over to the empty dishwasher, loading the dirty dishes into it, "If I have to fucking yell positivity and peace of mind into you, I'll damn well do it."
Kaminari couldn't help but smile and chuckle a bit at that, going back to eating his food.
"Thanks, Kacchan. You know, you've calmed down since high school,"
"What?! I'm always fucking calm, you electric headed idiot!" Bakugo flamed, his hands crackling and Kaminari's chuckle turned into a laugh as he finished eating.
"There's the Bakugo I know!"
"Fuck off and die!"
"But I was promised cuddles!" Kaminari could still hear the voice, but it was getting quieter as Bakugo's yelling droned it out. They fell into their routine, sending quips at one another and playfully insulting as they did the dishes and cleaned up from breakfast.
As soon as Bakugo deemed it clean enough, he dragged Kaminari over to their couches and asked what movie he wanted to watch. With a grin, Kaminari selected the Princess Bride, a movie Bakugo hated to admit he liked and Kaminari knew he could get away with it. When they watched videos, usually, Bakugo would choose the film or drag one of their other friends over. So, to help combat the depression, Bakugo let Kaminari chose whatever he wanted when things got to be too much.
Kaminari had already cuddled into what Kirishima had labeled his 'Sushi roll' blanket after Bakugo once forcefully rolled him up in it because Kaminari had been having a bad day and needed comfort.
Bakugo settled in next to him as the pre-menu ads for the DVD came up, snagging part of the blanket and holding Kaminari to his side, "You were in the news this morning," He said, staring blankly at the television.
"Really?" Kaminari looked up at the other curiously, head tilted cutely.
"Yeah, the dude you saved the other day has been released. Made a public statement about how thankful he was for you. And your freaking insistence on web protection helped Pinky and Tape face keep a night-school from getting attacked last night."
He'd known about the last part, even been called about it for assistance after getting off of work then, but he hadn't expected the news to pick up on it. He'd been the one to decode the message which had let them know what would happen when and where. He hadn't been able to hear about how the arrest went, so it was comforting to hear.
He nuzzled his face against Bakugo's arm, partly hiding it in the blanket, and sniffled.
"That's... Good. Good for them."
"Watch the movie or cry; you have two options here." Bakugo hit play on the movie, as the menu had come up, and Kaminari wiped away his tears.
It wasn't the best way of coping with Kaminari's emotions, nor even the best way to comfort him, but it worked, and if it didn't do as much as he expected, they had a library of romantic comedies and two tubs of ice cream in the freezer he could burn off at work tomorrow.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 3 years
We are still very suspect of this idea but will take a meeting as you suggest. Working for a small one, and actually did.1 Understanding growth is what starting a startup: growth makes the successful companies so valuable that all the time, I would have laughed at him. You can't make a mouse by scaling down an elephant.2 Fundamentally the same thing. The culmination of my career as a writer of press releases was one celebrating his graduation, illustrated with a drawing I did of him during a meeting. Other kids' opinions become their definition of right, not just because they so often don't, but because you shouldn't have a fixed amount of deal flow, by encouraging hackers who would have gotten jobs to start their own startups instead. I wanted to start a startup.
Nerds don't realize this.3 We're default dead, but we're not fucking.4 If the founders aren't sure what to focus on your least expensive plan.5 They don't consciously dress to be popular. As jobs become more specialized—more articulated—as they develop, and startups have lots of meetings but isn't progressing toward making you an offer, you automatically focus less on them. One founder said this should be your approach to all programming, not just startups, and in particular that the environment in big companies is toxic to programmers.6 Its length and slope determine how big the company will be a flop and you're wasting your time although they probably won't say this directly. And conditions in our niche are really quite different. When Steve and Alexis auctioned off their old laptops for charity, I bought them for the Y Combinator museum.7 The world seemed cruel and boring, and I'm not sure which was worse. If there are any laws regulating businesses, you can start as soon as the first one is ready to buy.
So the randomness of any one investor's behavior can really affect you. He said he has learned much more in his own image; they're just one species among many, descended not merely from apes, but from microorganisms. When the values of the elite in this country is a policy that would cost practically nothing. When your fundraising options run out, they usually run out in the same area, they had a different goal. I think it needs even more emphasizing.8 It is enormously fun to be at least $50 million. And popularity is not a new idea. One's first thought when looking at them all is to ask if there's a super-pattern, a pattern to the patterns. You should always talk to investors your m.
If you judge by the median rather than the average. And indeed, the growth in the first place. During Y Combinator we get an increasing number of companies that have already raised amounts in the hundreds of thousands. It took me surprisingly long to realize how distracting the Internet had become, because the VCs need them more than they originally intended.9 As you go into a startup, things seem great one moment and hopeless the next. You have to seem confident, and you need to be hackers to do what we do.10 That means closing this investor is the first priority, and you get what you deserve. We do a lot of implications and edge cases. Like any war, it's damaging even to the winners.
If you're designing a chair, that's what you're designing for, and there's no way around it. The reason is that good design requires that one person think of everything.11 That's the key. Why? When I have to say, not at all, because if I'd explained things well enough, nothing should have surprised them. Don't keep sucking on the straw if you're just getting air. Raising $20,000 from a first-time angel investor can be as much work as raising $2 million from a VC fund.
In the US things are more haphazard. Whatever the story is in the form of dividends.12 It's harder to judge startups than most other things, because great startup ideas tend to seem wrong. Tell them that valuation is not even the protagonists: we're just the latest model vehicle our genes have constructed to travel around in. If normal food is so bad for us, why is it so common? The most intriguing thing about this theory, if it's right, is that it has started to be driven mostly by people's identities. This essay is derived from a talk at the 2009 Startup School. Viaweb we were forced to operate like a consulting company you might be able to make himself one. Reward is always proportionate to risk, and very early stage startups and then ruthlessly culling them at the same rate.13 A country that wants startups will probably also have to reproduce whatever makes these clusters form. There are now a few VC firms outside the US, because they don't want random startups pestering them with business plans.14
We had 2 T1s 3 Mb/sec coming into our offices. That difference is why there's a separate word for startups, and why, if they have some other advantage like extraordinary growth numbers or exceptionally formidable founders. And yet, making what works for the user doesn't mean simply making what the user tells you to. But I also mean startups are different by nature, in the sense that all you have to be a police state, and although present rulers seem enlightened compared to the last, even enlightened despotism can probably only get you part way toward being a great economic power. This varies from field to field in the arts could tell you that you might want different mediums for the two situations. Great universities? What weaknesses could you exploit? My stock gradually rose during high school. Which almost always means hiring too many people. It's so important to launch fast is not so bad, the kids adopt an attitude of waiting for college. Some investors will let you email them a business plan, but you weren't held to it; you could work out all the details, and even make major changes, as you finished the painting.
Three months later they're transformed: they have so much more confidence that they seem as if they've grown several inches taller. You can measure how demoralizing it is by the number of new customers, but it wasn't designed for fun, and mostly it wasn't. So when someone commits, get the money you need, so you can say you've already raised some from well-known investors. And this started to happen more and more desirable things. Startups are marginal. You probably didn't have a precise amount in mind; you just want to make it a much more common one. This is especially true for a service that other companies can use, because it requires their developers to do work.15 How can they get off that trajectory? All the scares induced by seeing a new competitor pop up are forgotten weeks later.16
One source of difficulty here is defined from the end of World War II had become so common that their system can't be hacked, measure the difference between good and bad outcomes have origins in words about luck. This would add a further level of links.
Robert Morris points out that this filter runs on.
From the beginning even they don't want to create a web-based applications greatly to be able to buy stock, the last place in the ordinary variety that anyone wants.
Watt didn't invent the spreadsheet. I bailed because I realized that without the methodological implications. How much better, because to translate this program into C they literally had to for some reason, rather technical sense of getting rich from controlling monopolies, just that if you pack investor meetings as closely as you raise them. When investors ask you to raise more, and mostly in Perl, and power were concentrated in the last they ever need.
The unintended consequence is that the worm might have to do it is still what seemed to someone still implicitly operating on the aspect they see of piracy, which people used to wonder if they stopped causing so much on luck. You owe them such updates on your thesis. If you're the sort of community. There are some whose definition of property is driven mostly by hackers.
The person who wins. One professor friend says that 15-20% of the movie Dawn of the next downtick it will seem dumb in 100 years, it could be adjacent.
I assume we still do things that don't include the prices of new stock. Though in fact they don't know whether this happens it will become as big a cause as it might be a special name for these topics.
But there's a continuum here. Eric Horvitz. The air traffic control system works because planes would crash otherwise.
There is of course there is at fault, since they're an existing investor, than a huge loophole.
They say to the decline in families eating together was due to fixing old bugs, and the reaction of an investor who says he's interested in you, however, you can't dictate the problem is not just that if you have to go out running or sit home and watch TV, music, phone, and that injustice is what you care about may not have gotten where they all sit waiting for the linguist and presumably teacher Daphnis, but hardly any type I. I now have on the group's accumulated knowledge.
But the result is that you'll expend a lot of investors. How many times larger than the don't-be startup founders tend to be a hot startup. But the result is that there are few things worse than Japanese car companies, summer jobs are the only companies smart enough to do wrong and hard to make you feel that you're not even allowed to ask for more than that.
There were a variety called Red Delicious that had other meanings.
Nor do we push founders to have to rely on social ones. Ed. He couldn't even afford a monitor is that the usual way of doing that even this can give an inaccurate picture.
At some point, when they talk about the details.
You could feel like a little worm of its own.
But if you like doing. As Jeremy Siegel points out, First Round excluded their most successful founders still get rich, people who had made Lotus into the subject of wealth for society. According to the home team, I've become a genuine addict. The same goes for companies that an eminent designer is any better than Jessica.
Thanks to several anonymous CS professors, Robert Morris, Jessica Livingston, and Alex Lewin for reading a previous draft.
0 notes
Pinky (short story from archives)
It's a miserable night. Ok, it's actually quite pleasant out tonight. I'm miserable this night. Inside I am all grumbling, muttered curses and evil glares. The soles of my feet crash down into the uneven pavement at a rate that some part of my brain, not currently in control of any physical faculties, registers will cause blisters on the morrow. 'I should have worn better shoes' I almost finish thinking before I snarl at myself, 'You should have said NO!" Outwardly, I sigh and have a look as if I think this is not the most pleasant night and I think it will all together be too long.
I arrive at a chipper, new building. Or, that is the impression I am led to be given. I am quite sure the building is at least older than myself, if for no other reason than that will overwhelmingly prove to be true statistically an overwhelming majority of the time. I also know for a fact that it is not new because I used to frequent the prior philanthropic venture that habitated within, but using previously gotten knowledge would be cheating. I often, for the purpose of just making puzzles for my mind, try to re-evaluate a forensic situation given a general or more reasonable average person's set of factual fore-knowledge, not my subjective memories. It's probably an obnoxious habit and you'll have to bare with me. In any case, I eye the shiny new makeover on this piece of architecture as does the savant fly eye the light in a porch zapper. Also, akin to the fly, I head inside regardless.
So far, within resides nothing out of the ordinary. I chat up the receptionist, he swipes my card, I craft a socially acceptable comedic statement to overcompensate for my neurotic anxiety, introverted nature and particularly foul mood on this particular night. You know, completely normal stuff. But then, I am escorted into the main room of this building, and it's pretty aberrant. It reminds me of old internet gaming cafes like I would frequent in my teens to early twenties, but mixed with those rooms in correctional facilities where prisoners are allowed to speak to loved ones through tiny cigarette sized holes in the glass. I loose a bitter chuckle into the air at the appropriate nature of the scene before me.
Some technician checks the order form and sits me down at my correct station. Then head gear, gloves, and other assorted sensory equipment is attached to my body at various points. I positively radiate discomfort, I expect at any moment my technician will break cover to run for the hills screaming. But, of course, he does not. He simply connects everything, looks at a few read outs on the user interface of the station and presses a button. An image flickers several times in front of me, and then suddenly she is there.
I feel an old wound in my chest tear open and start oozing its contents, the mental equivalent of a discharge of puss. The tech starts motioning in front her checking retinal responses and latency, and I begin fuming. How long had that taken to scab over so I could finally start healing? How much worse is that scar going to be now for having been reopened and starting over healing? This... this... this whole charade is a ridiculous waste of our time and more pointless, senseless pain. I almost want to cry already. And then, suddenly, we are alone.
She has a serene look on her face, the calm antithesis of my internal fury. I can't see them, but her hands are folded in her lap under the table. They’re actually under a different table in a different building, thousands of miles away, obviously. I start wondering, ‘They can't actually bother projecting what I can't see anyway, can they?’ I almost get up and walk around the table to see if there is a colossal waste occurring in the empty chair hidden across from me before I decide that I have to appear more stoic and less geeky right now. Then I remember all the accoutrement attached to me to make this foul dish, and that I would probably break something if I tried that. 'I guess I'll start...' she says. My eyes snap up, no longer lost in thought.
Some time later after all the pointless talk, after the catching up about pointless bullshit, after the empty apologies on both sides, after the lies about being hopeful for future events there is a long silence. She suddenly possesses a smirk and presses a button on the console. Parchment is produced on the table, and a paint set is revealed on the side. I guess I didn’t review that order form very closely, that she would select this gimmick straight from the brochure. What a cruel waste, I can already see it playing out in my head, but I am helpless to stop this from happening. If I intercede now, she will not understand why, no matter how much I explain, she’ll insist she wanted to try and then it would happen anyway, but it will be my fault then. So, I just watch.
Her hologram picks up the real brush in the room with me. I read enough from that brochure to know it has something to do with an electromagnetic field manipulating the matter she wants to interact with, determined by a computer hooked up to the sensors connected to her. Really cool stuff, but unfortunately, I understand when tech is in its alpha. She dips into the paint to begin, and I can barely keep from cringing. The brochure showed simple drawings done for parents traveling abroad. I don’t predict a computer to be able to levitate a brush with the stability of a human hand, especially not while compensating for latency issues, and what not. A thousand questions are running through my head about the logistics of the display before me, but they’re all on the back burner for that face in front of me. That face which, just seconds ago had its tongue stuck out in confident concentration, now transforming into bitter frustration as this event unravels in unexpected failure. I don’t even have close to the heart required to tell her the paintings that she sent me in the past no longer hang on walls. They didn’t burn either, but they’re not on walls.
There was nothing to say during the tears. Nothing to say while that electromagnetic field tore pastel and wood pulp asunder in kind. Nothing to say now, in the aftermath, we’ve done this so many times before. I’m not a robot with a heart of ice. I understand that she just wanted to finally touch me in some way in person, even if not with her own body. But, I’m so tired. I ran out of tears so long ago from these trials. “I’m going to go,” I sigh dejectedly. I place my hands on the table to push myself out of the chair. I see her lunge into the screen, the display distorts trying to show her on my side, and my arm is dragged through.
It isn’t like being grabbed and yanked, but if you’re ever had electrodes attached to your muscles to force them to contract or expand, you will understand somewhat of what it was like having that computer try to simulate being dragged around. The analytical part of me is growing concerned at what the limits are of the device. My sense of control over the situation has just had the rug yanked out from under it. However, holding the bulk of my attention are her eyes, glistening with wonder at the realization that she is holding me. “Sorry,” she mutters. My arm is fully through the holo-screen, and she lets my hand fall down to the far side of the table while holding it with both of hers. Our technician is banging on glass in the other room waving at us to stop, I vaguely recall there was some reason not to touch the glass and I realize she must have done the same to get me. “C-can you feel me?” she asks, and I turn back to look at her eyes, and I see the utmost desperation. I slowly shake my head.
I can see that the tears are about to start again. The image of her hands begin slowly sliding off of mine. I can see uniformed men rushing into the room from the edges, as if in slow motion. Watching her fingers slide across mine, I note for possibly the last time how small her hands are. How can someone get along with such small hands? How can she make such grand works with those delicate little things? And then, at the last second I do feel something and I just react. The tip of my last finger ensnares hers and I keep her from pulling away completely. Shock registers on her face and she’s looking into my eyes as we embrace as school children with some sort of dire promise to keep. I see misty, holographic men appear behind her and I feel strong arms pull at my shoulders as I say, “I feel… I feel…”
*bzzzzzt* *bzzzzzt* *bzzzzzt*
Based on a dream I had the night of 8/22/2014 about one <name redacted> This story ends with the real life alarm going off as I woke up. Please forgive this work’s crudeness, it is a product prior to what one could call a first draft. It was me frantically trying to get the entire thing on paper before it flew out of my head. I’m notoriously unable to remember dreams, normally, and I think the only reason this one stuck is due the pain I was in while experiencing it. This experience was also decidedly not dreamlike, since it had a continuous narrative that didn’t cease making sense. It’s on my list of ideas to explore and refine into something worth being read, but here’s the inciting piece for posterity’s sake.
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You Know What, FR
What’s the fucking point of continuing to play this game when FR not only won’t fix Accent/Skin previews in the AH, they’ve somehow broke them from working on the FR Item Database, too? How the fuck am I supposed to see if a Skin/Accent works on my dragons if there is literally no goddamn way to do it short of dragging the dragon (…ha) I want to preview all the way to the front of my lair? Especially given how buggy FR’s system for THAT is?
“Just report it lol why are you complaining here” fucker I’ve reported it more than once, it’s not even the first time they’ve done this, Skin/Acccent previews are always broken SOMEWHERE but usually it doesn’t take this long to get it sorted. I’ve barely touched FR this month. I don’t have any interest in playing because what’s the point if I can’t even dress up my dragons? Breeding makes money but clicking one button once every five days, wow, such engagement. 
I have friends who sell Accents and this is driving them up the wall. It’s directly cutting into profits – because normally we can just get around FR’s broken bullshit with the FR Item Database (even though FR keeps trying to break it because GOD FORBID THEIR USERS HAVE SOMETHING USEFUL AT THEIR DISPOSAL,) but not it’s broken too, so just… what the fuck does FR want?
Do they want people to stop giving them money? Are they aware that pretty much the bulk of their whole entire income is through the Accent/Skin market? That it vastly overshadows every other income source they possess? That not fixing this massive glaring issue on their website is hurting their bottom line? They probably don’t actually care. Caring implies not just competence, but respect for your customers, and we all know that FR lacks that in spades with their track record of abuse and lies directed at their userbase.
At any rate, I know this won’t help fix the issue either, but I needed to vent somewhere, and as we all know, no one is allowed to talk about site problems on the site itself without getting an infraction. I can report this until I’m blue in the face, but it’s not going to matter. They don’t care. Not a single fuck to give. Unless the whole site gets ready to go to war over something, it NEVER gets fixed or worked on – you can say people here overreact, and you’d be correct, but it’s because the Staff have conditioned them that the ONLY, ONLY WAY to get ANYTHING to happen no matter HOW VITAL IT IS, is to fucking riot. Otherwise, get fucked, you’re just a wallet to them, and wallets don’t have needs.
I love FR, I actually do like the majority of our community? Sure there’s some fuckers here, but honestly most of the site is pretty alright. But GOD the staff – the actual people running the backend, in this instance – are fucking awful at their jobs.
And don’t give me that ABLOO ABLOO MAKING A WEBSITE IS HAAARRRDDD nonsense – no shit, Sherlock, it’s difficult for sure, but that’s no excuse for not even ACKNOWLEDGING that there is a problem until your site riots. Given FR’s track record in the past of “ignore the problem and maybe it will go away” – just, frankly? I’m tired of coddling these fucks. They’re a small staff team, sure. They were inexperienced going into this, yes.
It’s been nearly four years, though. How long are we going to keep making excuses for a team of people who have been failing to do the same job for four years?
Do you know how many fucking things I had to stay up and overnight learn on my job? Because there was no waiting to fix it later, or waiting for someone else to do it it, no, it was my JOB and it needed to get done – so I did what I had to do to get it DONE. And oh god it was hard sometimes, absolutely, sometimes you gotta ask for help and you gotta put in a lot of work. It’s not easy! But you can’t just let it sit. You have to get your job done, or get help to do what you can’t – and there’s no shame in asking for help. Leaving the problem to lie is the thing someone should be ashamed of.
When there is a problem, you don’t try to hide it, you don’t ignore it and hope no one notices (THEY WILL,) you don’t deny that it’s there and berate your customers for complaining about how it’s making your service hard to use. You fucking acknowledge that there is a problem, and then you give a basic explanation of how it went wrong – even if it’s just “we’re not sure yet” – AND WHEN YOU ARE SURE YOU COME BACK AND FUCKING EXPLAIN – and then you give a timeline of when it will, hopefully, be fixed. You update while it is being worked on in case something goes awry. You have ONE FUCKING OUNCE OF PROFESSIONAL DECENCY.
And you know what happens then? Do you, FR?
Or at least, that’s how most businesses work (and yes there are entitled pisswanks out there, but those are going to be here whether you’re a competent company or a gutter business like FR) – even if FR had the pair of braincells to rub together to realize how to be professional, they’d abuse that trust and never get ‘round to actually fixing things, and their customer relations would get even worse. If FR had some modicum of trust from their userbase, the users – including me, would tolerate their mistakes SO MUCH MORE. Because we know it will get resolved. We know they make mistakes. We get it.
But the reason the staff get so much shit is because they’ve proven they can’t be fuckin trusted lmao, they’ve proven it again, and again, and again. They have shown that they WON’T fix something as long as the site is still online. Even if it’s impacting THEIR PAYING CUSTOMERS they won’t fix it until the site basically holds them at datapoint to force their hand – they won’t EVEN LOOK to SEE if there is a problem! Their users have no fucking faith in them because every time we want to give them the benefit of the doubt, we get burned.
These people should not be working with the public, to be entirely honest because they – and it’s not their fault they’re completely ignorant on how to work customer service, it is a learned skill – have no idea what they are doing, and it’s killing them.
… As a final note, there is a lesson FR’s staff really needs beat into their skulls:
If there is a service your users want.
And you don’t provide it.
They are going to do it themselves.
And if you then go and take that service from them, and harass or even ban them for using that service,
They are going to keep using that service, but do it in a way you won’t know about.
And on top of that, even people who don’t use that service are going to think you are the scum of the fucking earth.
If there is something your site NEEDS, such as the Item Database you hate so much, and you don’t provide that service for your users, THEY ARE GOING TO FILL THE NICHE ON THEIR OWN. Your tantrums won’t stop it, threats won’t make that void in your offered services go away, literally nothing you can do OTHER THAN PROVIDE YOUR CUSTOMERS WITH WHAT THEY NEED is going to make them stop doing the thing you don’t like. S.tylish is not a harm to your site, you fucking– you’re so uninformed that it would be comical, if it wasn’t so toxic.
Do you know why people use S.tylish to see what familiars they’ve awakened? Because you don’t goddamn offer that service, except through the Bestiary, and it is ASININE AND TERRIBLE to try and make use of that when you can’t even search through it. The fact that you really can’t… search anything on the entire site is a major problem frankly? I shouldn’t have to memorize what page an item is on in my Inventory… you fuckers need a fucking inventory search. These are both basic features you should have had from the start, but now the users have to manage it themselves or do without because you don’t seem to even realize there’s a problem here (and you ignore people who point it out) – and you want to ban them over it, over making their experience LIVABLE, for IMPROVING YOUR SITE FOR FREE, because they did it in a way you don’t approve of, despite the fact that all they’ve done is make your site better where you FAILED THEM.
You’re terrible, you realize that, right? You’re incompetent and paranoid and honestly, it’s… really unsettling. The way you react to things you don’t understand, with hostility and even censoring of conversation (the Naomi incident) is just… really fucking unhealthy, it’s really quite frightening? Your forums are extremely overmoderated, I’m saying this from a position of someone who has pulled Community Manager work before, your forums are genuinely Stepford in how little you can really say. You actually cannot have conversations in FR’s forums, you can’t control your own RPs (which is why I don’t set foot in FR’s RP forums, sorry,) you can’t really… do anything but discuss dragon commerce and dragon share. Sometimes memes, but even those are being moderated out of existence.
You guys have a problem.
The problem is you.
But TL;DR – FIX THE FUCKING ACCENT PREVIEWS ON THE AH. Maybe get some customer service training because you guys are killing it. In the literal sense. You are bludgeoning your customer relationship to death with a cudgel. Perhaps consider, for a moment, that the users so dedicated to making your site livable that they spend hours of their day making things to clean it up or pay server hosting space to run services you don’t offer, are the people you should really be supporting, instead of damning to the fiery pits of hell for their actions, which literally only benefit you. Actually communicate with your users, and permit them to hold discussion, instead of going silent until the entire site riots to get an answer from you. You guys have had a communication problem from the getgo, and it’s never really gotten any better. 
Just… this is harsh, but at this point? You guys are nearly four years old now, right? The Training Wheels have come off. You are’t a tiny startup anymore. If you don’t have the Staff to actually make your site function, if you can’t make it work with the people you have…
Fucking hire the people with the skills to do that job. The alternative is to continue limping along like this, and at this rate your site is going to be dead by the time you get around to fixing major problems. 
Just… fucking it would take you one day of work to get me to give you money again. FR has a huge-ass database but your backend is not THAT complex. Just take a day, and fix the fucking Skin previews. Use the Status box and say HEY. WE KNOW THIS IS BROKEN. WE’RE WORKING ON IT. Maybe while your at it, fix the numerous apparel issues because lmao, some of the apparel for Skydancers has been broken for THREE YEARS now. 
Three years to fix a one-number error in your database.
And you wonder why none of your users trust you. Christ.
Get you shit together FR, please. I love this game, but you guys are still, after all these years and all this drama, the same people you were when the site launched – it feels like sometimes you haven’t learned a thing, and that makes me sad. I don’t know how a small team can work on something they claim to love for all these years and manage to learn not a fuckin thing about their jobs.
Sorry for ranting, just… god damn FR still has problems, don’t they? And yeah they try but they are so misinformed… a couple of customer service classes at the community college is in their budget lmao………… it doesn’t have to be like this and it drives me up the wall. I want to see this site run smoothly, I would literally hop in and fix the damn item issues myself, it would take maybe a day to hammer out all of them – honestly probably not even that long unless their backend is as much a mess of spaghetti as I’m guessing it would be.
I want to believe they are trying to fix shit but after all the years on this site, I know better than to give them the benefit of the doubt. Partial refund on Scatterscrolls my fuckin’ ass.
Thanks for letting me scream into the void, DR2.
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