#and my partner has THE ENITRE BED
messiambrandybuck · 2 years
Bilbo: *scooches a bit away from Thorin to get comfortable*
Thorin: *migrates back towards bilbo*
Bilbo: *scooches yet again*
Thorin: *migrates again*
Bilbo: Thorin, I love you, but back the fuck up.
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pink-imagines · 4 years
request: Hey could you pls do a story while bakugo and the reader have like they first time (if you know what i mean) and how he acts the next few week 😊 Its okay if you don’t want to write a story like that. And btw srry for my bad English
a/n: i really really like how this turned out, i hope you do too!
warnings: mentions of nsfw content, but no smut
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For some reason you thought your first time would be extremely planned, something that you would discuss with your partner for a while before doing so. Then again, you never knew that you would be dating Katsuki...
The night it happened Katsuki was helping you study in his room. It always ended up with you spending the night, cuddling up next to him... but tonight the enitre vibe was different. Katsuki was sitting next to you, pointing at the different pages and then at your notes. You did the mistake of looking up at his face, and he looked so gorgeous. The focus in his eyes as he tried to explain the equation and the way his lips moved as he spoke- fuck. You looked at his lips. Just as you looked at his lips he looked up at you, your noses were so close they were almost touching. You forced yourself to look him in the eyes instead of looking at his lips. Katsuki’s eyes flickered from your lips, back to your eyes. Before you knew it he pushed foreward and pressed his lips against yours.
The kiss quickly got heated, with him laying on top of you on the floor. He was kissing down your jaw to your neck when he suddenly looked up at you.
“Do you... um... if you want to stop it here we can.”, he muttered.
“No... no.”, you shook your head as you tried to catch your breath, “We can keep doing this.” He nodded before he got up from you and helped you up. He kissed your lips softly before muttering out a “jump”. You wrapped your legs around his waist and he carried you to his bed. He let you softly fall down on his bed before getting on top of you once again.
“Katsuki...”, you breathed out as he kept leaving marks down your neck, “Katsuki!”
“Shit! Sorry, did I do something wrong? Do you want to stop?”, he was quick on his knees.
“No... I-”, you leaned against your elbows, “I want you to be my first time.”
“Okay, alright...”, he nodded and for once actually sounded a bit nervous, “Are you sure? You don’t have to do this.”
“I’m sure.”, you reassured him.
“Just tell me if you want to stop, okay?”, he said softly. You nodded and watched as he pulled off his shirt, looking at the way his muscles moved as he did so. As soon as he had pulled his shirt off you were back in reality and hastily took off your shirt aswell. Now it was Katsuki’s turn to stare and you blushed slightly.
After that everything was a blurr. In the moment it felt like time had stopped, only for you and Katsuki to live in absolute ecstacy. As soon as it was over a smile spread over your lips as Katsuki tiredly fell down beside you. When you turned to face him you caught him looking at you, with a litte smile of his own playing on his lips.
“You don’t think anyone heard us, do you?”, you asked softly.
“What does it matter if they did?”, he chuckled and pulled you in to his chest. A shiver went down your spine as you felt his skin against yours, a new sort of feeling bloomed in your chest... it was a mix of something warm and safe.
The next day you woke up early in the morning, only waking up Katsuki for a second to say goodbye. Before you left to your dorm he gave you a quick kiss to your lips and fell back asleep. You were quick to sneak out and get back into your dorm room before anyone else woke up. In your room you threw yourself on your bed and let out a happy giggle.
The day, though, would go on to be a bit strange. It started off with going down for breakfast, like normal... except what happend last night seemed to change your view on things.
“Good morning, Y/N!”, Mina smiled brightly at you. Even though this was her normal way of greeting you, and she greeted others like this, your immediate thought was “shit, does she know?”.
“Good morning.”, you smiled and tried your best to keep your cool. You saw Katsuki in the kitchen and he gave you a quick smile, which you returned, before the both of you looked away from each other. Throughout the making of breakfast, aswell as actually eating it, you caught him sneaking glances at you. He was in a way checking up on you.
During lunch was the first time you spoke for the day. You sat down beside him, a little too close than a normal person would but Katsuki didn’t move at all. The people sitting with you looked between each other before looking back at you two.
“What?!”, Katsuki exclaimed. Everyone looked away while muttering out a quick “nothing” but Katsuki kept glaring at them until you put a hand on his shoulder. Katsuki looked over at you and you gave him a soft smile, making him relax his tense muscles. He sat back against the couch as he let out a scoff. People looked at you in shock, but even you were surprised that he didn’t keep the argument going. You never had this kind of effect on him before... but things had changed.
At the end of the day some people in the class decided to go out to enjoy the sun, just sitting under some of the trees around the school.  With a sigh you unbuttoned one of the buttons on your shirt to not sweat to death. 
“Hey, Y/N.”, Ochaco started, “What’s that on your neck?” Your hand flew up to your neck, where the hickey was, as if on instinct.
“Oh... probably just a bruise, right?”, you laughed nervously.
“How do you get a bruise on your neck, though?”, Mina leaned towards you.
“I don’t know! Maybe my hero suit?”, you scooted a bit further away from her.
“Hey guys, what’s going on!?”, Kirishima smiled as the rest of the guys started walking towards you to join you.
“Y/N totally has a hickey!”, Toru exclaimed. You looked over at Katsuki, whose eyes for a second widened but then turned back to normal to not give it away.
“You gotta be more careful, Bakugo!”, Denki laughed but stopped as soon as Katsuki glared at him.
“Well, at least you two had fun last night!”, Kirishima chuckled as he sat down on the grass.
“What’s that supposed to mean, shitty hair!?”, Katsuki exclaimed.
“Weren’t you guys ‘studying’ last night?”, Jirou grinned. Katsuki mumbled something before sitting down on the grass next to Kirishima.
Later that night, everyone had went to their dorms and the curfew was in a few minutes. You were in the kitchen trying to make a quick cup of tea before you went to bed, so that you could sleep better. Just as you were stirring in the honey you heard someone coming down the stairs.
“You’re up late.”, you heard Katsuki comment from behind you. You turned around as you took a sip of your tea, a smile trying to break out on your lips.
“I couldn’t really sleep.”, you muttered. He walked up to you and waited for you to put down your cup before he embraced you in a hug.
“Your hoodie’s cute.”, he muttered back and pressed to the top of your head.
“Is that because it’s yours?”, you scoffed.
“No... it’s because you’re wearing it.”, he smiled proudly.
“Wow... I didn’t know you were that cheesy. How long did you think of that one?”, you chuckled and rested your forehead against his chest.
“C’mon, you liked it.”, he said with a cocky tone. You looked back up at him as you wrapped your arms around his neck. He kept his cocky grin on, but there was something soft in his eyes that meant more than anything he could ever say.
“Fine.”, you sighed, “It was kind of cute.” He scoffed and leaned his forehead against yours. He mumbled something about you shouldn’t be up so late, but all you could really do was look at his lips move. Memories from last night kept reappearing in your mind. Katsuki caught on pretty quickly and leaned in to press a peck on your lips. You pulled him in right after to give him a real kiss.
“... you taste like honey.”, he muttered against your lips.
“Probably because I just drank tea with honey.”, you muttered back with a slight smile.
“Well, you tasted like honey last night too.”, he pressed another kiss to your lips, “You’re just that sweet, huh?”
“If you say so.”, you chuckled and tried to hide your flustered face by leaning it against his chest again.
“We should get back to our dorms.”, Katsuki said as he kissed the top of your head.
“Yeah.”, you yawned and let go of him, which he later did aswell, “I’ll see you tomorrow...”
“I can-... could I walk you up to your room?”, he asked.
“Of course, Katsuki.”, you smiled.
As both of you took the last steps to get to your dorm room, Katsuki let out a sigh. You looked over at him and he turned to face you. He looked like he was nervous about something, but also like he really wanted to say something. It wasn’t usual that Katsuki would ever hold back what he wanted to say... so it kind of scared you.
“Goodnight.”, you said and slowly moved to your door.
“Wait!”, he exclaimed and started mumbling about something you couldn’t hear.
“Sorry, Katsuki, what are you saying?”, you let out a quiet laugh.
“I love you.”, he spat out, “Okay?” You walked over to him and gave him a quick kiss.
“I love you too.”, you whispered and started walking back to your door again.
“I was scared.”, he admitted, making you turn around in an instant, “... that you thought I did... that with you because I just felt like it. But I really l-... fuck.”
“You don’t have to say it, I know. I know, Katsuki.”, you smiled and took his face in the palms of your hands.
“I really do love you.”, he muttered, “I don’t know why it’s gotta be so damn hard to say!”
“It’s okay, Katsuki.”, you laughed, “You said it, and that’s all that matters.” You looked at each other for a while, his hands eventually finding your waist and pulling you in a bit closer... but then you heard someone walking down the corridor.
“Shit.”, you muttered and let go of him, “I’ll see you tomorrow, goodnight!” You walked over to your door and opened it.
“Goodnight, honey.”, Katsuki grinned and started to walk to his own dorm. That nickname was gonna stick.
permanent taglist: @theoceanphoenixhasrisen | @raven-r0ses | @darkbeautyswife | @sondering-thoughts | @gowoneandonlyone | @bnhabadass | @queenblackcat | @jayetheanimefreek101 | @witchy-anna | 
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