#and realizes it’s the first time Itachi has truly laughed in months
ladykissingfish · 6 months
Had a dream last night that I was watching English-dubbed Naruto but it was like a filler episode and like Itachi got sicker and had to start using a wheelchair. And Deidara and Hidan were fighting with each other over taking turns pushing it because Kisame made it so that the wheels turned different colors when you pushed the chair really fast and they were trying to see who could make the prettiest colors and meanwhile Itachi is just gripping the armrest of the chair for dear life but at the same time having so much fun 🥹
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deaththesyd · 3 years
A Swim Worth The Bruises
Finally, after months of following others and loving their content, I am ready to make my first contribution to this site with my own fanwork! (This is my excuse for anything weird about the formatting of my post.) This isn't my first time posting fanfiction however! I have an AO3 account under the same username as well, that has a shakily outlined story which this fic is part of.
This is my first post of hopefully many, prompted by Kisame week 2021's day 1 challenge, "Come into the water and I'll show you". @kisameweek-2021
I also want to say this was inspired by a post headcannoning that Kisame could draw sharks to him passively, kinda like the Zodiac members in Fruits Basket.
“I just wonder what you do out there for so long.”
The look on her face was simply too cute to deny her curiosity. It was probably a bad idea, but knowing her, she would definitely enjoy the experience. He debated on the idea for a short moment, which piqued her interest further. Her pleading look ended the mental debate. “Come into the water and I’ll show you.”
The summer heat was quickly becoming unbearable. The early morning hadn’t been too bad, as the trio had been mostly shaded by the trees, but as the day progressed and the terrain turned to deadened grass and rock, the sun's beams were becoming a little more than an annoyance. Normally, Kisame would just trudge on, even at the risk of heat exhaustion, he prided himself on his ability to endure. With his companions though, that wasn’t an option. Itachi had been getting worse. He tried to hide it, and to his credit, he had hidden his worsening condition for years, but as their mutual trust strengthened and the sickness became harder to stifle, Kisame had taken notice of the muffled coughs and squinting glances. Their traveling had always been leisurely, but unless they were on a mission that was expected to be finished quickly, Kisame insisted on breaks. The younger man was both determined and stubborn, and this meant that without Kisame’s interference, he would have dropped dead from overexertion several times over. At the moment, said man was keeping pace with the taller man's strides, but his ever weary face was dampened by sweat, and his breath was coming out slightly harshened by exhaustion.
Looking down at his other side, he could see that their third companion was too, sweaty and tired and determined not to show it. Breathing laboured, she clutched the straps of her backpack as she shuffled along. Her steps were loud and crunched as she dragged her feet, no doubt wearing out the soles of her shoes. Healthy as she may be, she wasn’t accustomed to the heat and it wore on her as it did the two shinobi. Both needed a break, yet were firmly set on pushing themselves till they were forced to stop. He knew that he would have to be the one to make an excuse for them to rest, but he was having a hard time spotting a reasonable spot to recover. That was until the wind changed direction and he caught a whiff of a familiar scent.
The reason he hadn’t realized how close they were was because of the sloping, rocky cliffs that hid it from their view. As they drew nearer to the tall rocks Kisame could make out a seagull call and grinned. Itachi must have realized where they were as well, as he perked up slightly and gave the other man an approving look from the side of his eye. Both men changed their direction slightly and headed towards what they hoped would be a suitable rest stop. Turning to check on the woman following at his side, she appeared to not have noticed anything, focussed on her own thoughts. She only clued in when they were close enough to hear the waves lapping at the coast, that was when her eyes lit up with excitement. She looked first at Kisame, who gave her a sharp-toothed grin, then at Itachi, who simply gave a curt nod. Childlike glee had her tired feet bouncing along once again.
Climbing the rocky slopes was challenging, but when all three had clamored to the top, they were rewarded with the uninhibited breeze, and the sight of sparkling water reaching as far as the horizon. The sight was beautiful of course, but the promise of salty, cooling water had them quickly making their way down to the beach. The current position of the sun gave them a nice shaded area at the base of the cliffs to settle their things. Itachi unzipped his long Akatsuki cloak and used it to sit upon, leaning against the cold rock. Kisame’s cloak was laid on the sand next to Itachi’s, as well as his sword, Samehada, and the rest of his supplies. While he kicked off his shoes, his cloak was stolen by the third of their group as she lazily flopped to rest in the shade. Her wriggling attempts to find a comfortable position caused a muffled chuckle from Kisame as he tugged his shirt over his head. Finally finding a suitable arrangement lying on her stomach, arms crossed in front to cushion her head, legs splayed awkwardly, she turned to say something but seemed to lose track of what that thing may have been when she glanced at the expanse of muscle above her.
Her ogling was very clear, Kisame smirked, “You see something you like?” he asked.
Partially hidden by her arms was an impressed grin, and her eyes stayed right where they were as she simply replied, “Duh”. The complete lack of shame made him laugh as he decided to indulge her by giving a few flexing poses, to her absolute delight. Itachi, who was quite used to their casual flirting, ignored them and closed his eyes for a chance at a light nap.
Shuffling out of his pants and stooping to fold them with his shirt and lay them on a rock to keep them from getting sandy, he was watched unabashedly by the woman. He was used to this by now, she had never been the type to hide her attraction to him. Instead of her staring making him uncomfortable, it gave his ego a boost, made him feel as attractive as she told him he was. “Tell me how the water is when you get back,” she said, a little more quietly than her normal volume, trying to be more considerate of Itachi’s attempt at getting some shut-eye.
Raising a brow, Kisame looked at her, “You could come along and find out for yourself” he tempted, following her lead in lowering his voice slightly.
In a less objectifying way, she glanced down at his underwear and gave a light laugh, “I don’t know if I feel comfortable swimming in my underwear” she answered.
This made Kisame chuckle, “It’s not as though it’s something I haven’t seen before,” he argued. He glanced at Itachi and added, “and Itachi’s a gentleman, he wouldn’t dare to make a woman uncomfortable by gawking at her in a state of undress.” Itachi didn’t react other than continuing to ignore their chatter, but this was the clearest sign showing that he had no particular desire to ‘gawk’ as Kisame had mentioned. He glared humorously at her, “Unlike someone else I know.” She giggled but looked as though she was considering his offer, before settling her head down in her arms properly.
“Too tired to swim,” she mumbled into her arms, “Later.” She finished.
That was good enough for Kisame, the lapping of the waves against the shore finally drew him away from the shade and his tired companions. The scorching heat had been forgotten as he undressed in the shade, but the short distance to the water had reminded him why he had so badly wanted to reach the cool ocean before. Splashing water sprayed his ankles as he took a testing step into the clear water. The feeling was already refreshing, but as he waded further in, eventually reaching waist-deep before diving under completely, he felt the familiar calm of the ocean, of what he truly considered home. Opening his eyes he could see the sandy, seaweed-covered ground better than most with his specially developed eyes. Tiny fish swam away from his kicking legs and powerful arms, yet more kept swimming closer, curious as they were. His lung capacity was greater than most, but gills served as nothing more than decoration, and he was forced to come up for air after a few minutes of swimming along the seafloor. Breaking the surface, he let himself float on the gentle waves, basking in the sun for a short while, before taking a breath and submerging himself again. After all the time on land, he had begun to miss the weightlessness of the ocean. Sometimes he wished he was fully adapted for the salty sea waters, he felt as if he was a mistake on land, a fish out of water.
It seemed as though the body of water felt the same, as he spotted a black-tipped dorsal fin jutting out of the waves, heading directly for him. Kisame grinned a toothy grin, it had always been something of an uncontrollable talent for him to compel nearby sharks to gather around him. The reef shark wasn’t shy, it brushed against him, curiously drawn to his presence. Kisame carefully ran a hand along the length of its back as it moved past. It playfully flicked its tail, hitting him with a strength he would always admire. It circled him, enjoying the attention, bumping harshly into him. It appeared to be the bravest of its peers, as a few more gathered around him, their rowdiness didn’t make him nervous, instead, he enjoyed their rough company. The heat of the sun on his face and shoulders pushed him to once again dive into the deep blue. His new companions swam around him, curiously following as he dove deeper, giving him enough space to maneuver freely. Once he could seat himself on the sandy floor, he casually performed the signs for a basic water jutsu, creating a small whirlpool that caught the playful sharks and sent them spiraling quickly to the surface. Once the jutsu was released, they swam back, excitedly nudging him as they swarmed, the equivalent of a group of children surrounding an adult asking them “to do that again!”, and he indulged. When the pain in his chest was too much to ignore, he breached the surface of the waves to gulp greedy breaths of air.
By now his only company was not simply the blacktips, but they had been joined by a bulky and brutish bull shark that preferred to simply swim close, avoiding Kisame’s jetstreams and whirlpools. Lurking nearby in the slightly murky distance were a few hammerheads that were still hesitant to get too close. He wasn’t quite sure how long he had been out in the deep, so he gave the bull a firm palm to the nose as a farewell and began the short distance back to shore. As much as Kisame yearned to belong fully to the sea, he couldn’t swim forever, and his companions waiting ashore wouldn’t be leaving without him.
Closer to the beach he could spot her walking in the shallows, still fully clothed, just cooling her legs. The sun wasn’t as high as before, and he was sure it had cooled down some by now, but standing in direct heat was most likely to still be less preferable than the shade. He wondered if she was waiting for his return. The beaming smile on her face when she noticed his approach made it clear that was exactly what she was doing, and Kisame couldn’t help but grin back in earnest. She waded further in, stepping carefully, avoiding the mushy seaweed and pointed stones till she was deep enough for the water to just miss the bottom of her shorts. He bridged the gap between them, getting close enough to speak without shouting. “Was napping with Itachi too boring for ya? Or did you just miss me?” he teased.
She gave a soft laugh, “Itachi’s not boring” she insisted. “I was just a little worried about you”.
Had he really been gone that long? Covering up the fact that he was flustered by her care for him, he reached a dripping hand to ruffle her hair in a teasing gesture, which she annoyedly huffed at, batting his hand away before running her own hands through to organize the dampened strands. “Worried about lil’ ol me?” he joked, “Did you think I was gobbled up by a giant sea monster? I thought you knew I was big and strong.” His forced grin returned to a normal one when she rolled her eyes at him.
“Of course not!” she replied exasperatedly, and then a bit more curiously, “I just wonder what you do out there for so long.”
The look on her face was simply too cute to deny her curiosity. It was probably a bad idea, but knowing her, she would definitely enjoy the experience. He debated on the idea for a short moment, which piqued her interest further. Her pleading look ended the mental debate. “Come into the water and I’ll show you.”
“But I’m already in the water” she teased, gesturing at the gentle rolls of the tide around her legs.
He rolled his eyes, unamused. “You don’t trust me?” he baited, and of course she took it.
“Of course I do!” She said frustratedly, followed by a dramatic sigh, “Just give me a moment to save my clothes, jeez I was just kidding.” Her obvious sincerity was just so refreshing to him, he couldn’t help but pick on her sometimes. Even when she was upset with him, she always made sure he knew how much she cared. He followed her, not even trying to hide the gloating grin he wore when she pouted over her shoulder at him.
The sun had shifted enough that the spot they had chosen before was now in direct sunlight instead of the shade, and Itachi had either never fallen asleep, or had awoken to the uncomfortable heat and had retreated further into the shadows to read instead. Despite what Kisame had said to her before about Itachi not looking at her undressing, he couldn’t help but keep watch on his young partner. Sure, he knew Itachi quite well, but for her comfort, and, admittedly, his own, he felt a bit protective. Folding her clothes and placing them next to Kisame’s on the now Sun-bathed rock. Faking confidence, she walked beside him, heading towards the water. Her body language was stiff, but she seemed determined to ignore how she flushed slightly at her inappropriate swim attire.
Reaching the water and wading far enough to conceal her form made her noticeably more relaxed. “So, what was soooo incredible that forced me to strip for you?” she joked, reminding him just why they were there.
Grinning down at her, he fell backward into the water and swam away facing her still, deciding a verbal response was not quite needed just yet. She huffed, but her curiosity made her follow his lead, swimming towards him, not quite managing to bite back the smile playing on her lips. They swam mostly in silence for a short while before he decided they had gone far enough from shore. She was attempting to hide how tired she was, but he knew that even with her determination she wouldn’t be able to keep above water for much longer. Reaching for her he arranged her comfortably in one arm, laughing off her protests. “Don’t worry about it Guppy, I don’t mind swimming for the both of us”, he assured before adding in a more serious tone, “and the water’s about to get a bit rougher than you can manage anyway”. This made her pout fade away into a more curious expression. She didn’t seem scared, but he felt her grip on his arm tighten in preparation for what was coming.
It took a moment, but when a bulky head brushed against his legs he heard her gasp. He felt worried then, that this had been a mistake, that she would freak out, but when he looked at her face, her look of wonder erased his doubts. Another shark bumped into them as it passed, a bit rougher than the last, but this just made her chuckle breathily as she watched it fade away into the deep. These blacktips were still young, only a few feet long, smaller than the ones from before, but as they started to get rougher as they grew more excited, Kisame gave them a few firm pushes on their snouts as a deterrent, but this only worked for a short while, as they once again circled the pair, brushing past them. Kisame felt one of her hands leave him to reach into the water to brush gently against them, careful to keep her hands clear of any teeth. Just as she would with a cat or a dog, she cooed as she ran her hand along the length of their backs, and giggled when one got too excited and snapped at the tail of another. Cute as it was to her, it was a sign to Kisame that he should put some distance between them and her before they got too nippy.
“I’m gonna need my hand back, so you might wanna hang on” he warned before letting go of her to flash a few hand signs that caused a pulse of water to flush the swarming reef sharks away. With the space he gave them, she adjusted her hold, while he readied himself for another jutsu. Like before, he formed a small whirlpool and sent it towards the sharks, sending them whizzing around in a flurry of current. Beside him his companion was in complete awe, watching the sharks regain their bearings as the jutsu faded. Confidently grinning, he completed the signs for another jutsu, this time, it was a geyser that sent the sharks up a couple of feet above the water, giving his companion a good look at the creatures she adored before they dove safely back down. He expected the starstruck look on her face, but he hadn’t expected it to be directed at him. He could feel his face flush as he performed his next jutsu.
They left when a couple of bigger sharks joined them, she looked disappointed, but she didn’t protest, something Kisame was thankful for. The sun was getting lower in the sky, and they still had some traveling to do before they could set up camp. Maybe some other time he could let her meet a white shark. When they reached the sandy shore and walked towards their clothes, he knew he had made the correct decision. It was easy for her to forget how tired she was when she was watching fish fly, but he could tell their swim had tired her out again. Still, she was uncontrollably grinning like a child, and her earlier embarrassment over her state of dress was forgotten as she asked “How do you do that? Do you summon them or something? That was so cool!”
Taking a subtle glance at Itachi, who was still reading in his spot in the shade, he passed her her clothes. “No, I didn’t summon them, although I can summon sharks. I’m not really sure if this is true for all in the Hoshigaki clan, but all of my family members have been able to draw sharks to them passively without summoning” he answered. She seemed fascinated as she stared up at him.
While struggling to put her clothes over top of her wet underwear and damp skin she continued “Does it work with all sharks? Are they always that friendly?” She hesitated before adding, “Has one ever hurt you?” She asked the last part concernedly.
“No, not really,” he assured, “I've had a few nips from some smaller ones, and a few bruises from the bigger ones, but they've never been aggressive towards me”. The look of relief that came across her face made him unconsciously relax as well.
“I’m glad they're friendly, even though they're a little rough when they play. It would probably be a problem whenever you went to the beach otherwise” she laughed. “Though,” she paused to consider a thought, “I guess if you drew them too close to a public beach you could easily terrorize the public by accident.”
The idea of him even going to a public beach was laughable to him, but the idea of him drawing a group of sharks to the shallows of a crowded beach was a dream he was now tempted to make a reality. He chuckled “Never thought of that, but I think that's a pretty quick way to get myself a private beach.”
Giggling and fixing her hair as best as she could, she waited as Kisame finished redressing before they gathered their belongings and joined Itachi. Without sparing them a glance he bookmarked his page and slipped the novel back into his pack. Kisame noted how far along in the story the younger man was and decided to make a bookshop one of their next stops. Adjusting his cloak, Itachi stood and acknowledged their presence, “Did you enjoy your swim with the sharks?” He asked, queuing the excited retelling of her experience. As they made their way over the rocky cliffs back to the road, she gushed about how cute the sharks had been, drawing a rare, faint smile on Itachi’s lips, something that Kisame after years of being around the man still wasn’t used to seeing. All three of them were still tired from their travels, but their short beach stop had reinvigorated their mood, and their comfortable chatter kept them entertained till they set up their camp and turned in for the night.
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jacarandabanyan · 3 years
📚for the fanfic plot ask thing!📚
Okay so- plot of one (of many) fanfic I haven't written (because to be honest, I don't have the skill to pull this off yet) but often daydream about:
I would love to write a This-Is-How-You-Loose-The-Time-War-inspired spy-vs-spy KisaIta fic. It would feature baby ANBU Itachi trying desperately to find a solution to the tensions brewing between his family and the village (massacre was still a few years off when he first joined ANBU, I believe). This eventually leads to him hunting down all reports/intelligence related to the night of the Kyuubi Attack and finding a few small scraps of information that hint at the existence of the Masked Man.
(He is a pre-teen, so he doesn't really *get* that finding a different scapegoat/"revealing the truth of what happened that night" probably isn't going to fix issues that are rooted in three generations of Village Policy and History, because he may be a genius at killing people but his education has not emphasized critical thinking)
He eventually tracks what little (extremely scant) evidence he has to Kiri, where he comes to believe the Masked Man is operating.
He gets himself sent on endless missions to the Land of Water in pursuit of his pet project, gaining himself a reputation in the process. There are no shortage of missions- the Land of Water is rapidly devolving into three different simultaneous civil wars, and resentment over the last Great Shinobi War lingers enough that Kiri and Konoha will likely never be friends in Itachi's lifetime.
(This is gonna get really long, so here's a read more)
At the same time, recently-made-ANBU Kisame has been mostly assigned to intelligence-related missions, as in canon. However, over the course of his first few months worth of missions, he comes to suspect that there's a leak in ANBU, and he sets about trying to find it and silence it. He slowly develops a reputation for ruthlessness even among ANBU, a cut above the normal Kiri ruthlessness, as he secretly works to get his fingers into every hidden nook, cranny, and conspiracy until he finds the disloyal one.
(And maybe he's projecting his issues/self-hatred related to killing other Kiri ninha just. a little bit. on this mysterious leaker. How dare this person sell out the Village? How dare they give out the information that gets other Kiri shinobi killed? It's easier to hate the faceless traitor than it is to hate himself. And at least he still *has* values. He killed the Few to protect the Whole.)
Over time, as the two develop their reputations, their respective villages start pitting them against each other in the field. Konoha has an unofficial policy of trying to off Seven Swordsmen hopefuls before they can get powerful enough to actually get a blade, and Kirigakure knows that the unstoppable Konoha operative is a Sharingan-user, and Obito-controlling-the-Mizukage is always down to take down his estranged family members.
Danzo is less eager to have Itachi take care of the Uchiha for good, not out of any particular maneuvering on Itachi's part, but because he also remembers the last Great Shinobi War, and how brutal Kirigakure was during it. He sees their ongoing civil strife and fears that one faction will eventually WIN and turn their attention on their neighbors. Itachi has made himself the best operative at getting into and out of Kirigakure- if he wants to interfere from the shadows and keep the civil strife going, he needs to keep Itachi in the field. (Don't worry, he finds other ways to be awful/keep the pressure on).
Itachi and Kisame are a good match-up. Itachi might be a natural genius with a fancy kekkei-genkai, but Kisame has way more experience than him. Also, unlike laser-focused Itachi, Kisame is actually keyed into the intelligence world, so he always has more information than Itachi.
They clash over and over again over several years, and slowly learn more and more about each other. They mature into seasoned ANBU operatives, have epiphanies about themselves and their villages. And slowly come to like each other.
Itachi has his sexual awakening when he sees Kisame rise up out of an ocean of blood, shirtless, effortlessly hoisting a struggling Jonin one-handed over his shoulder, big tooth-filled grin on his face.
They infiltrate each others' villages and insert themselves into each others' missions in disguise. Itachi genjutsus a Kiri team to think he's one of their teammates, whom Kisame secretly has orders to eliminate. He feels a surge of relief when the teammate he'd known since his Academy days dissolves into a murder of crows moments before his sword pierces their chest- his teammate is still dead, but at least this time they were killed by an enemy, not Kisame himself.
Kisame knows his mysterious counterpart is a Sharingan-user, so he infiltrates the Uchiha compound to tease out what the situation is with the clan in Konoha right now (and maybe see if he can figure out who his counterpart is).
While he's in the village, tracking kekkei-genkai users, he discovers Root and exposes it. This is both a huge win for Kiri Intelligence and put Danzo in a tricky situation, since he supposedly disbanded it.
Eventually Kisame figures out that some of the leaked information is making its way to Danzo, so he goes to kill Danzo and try and figure out who he's getting his information from. This is right around when Danzo's started making threatening noises towards the Uchiha again, since Root was just rediscovered (by foreign intelligence, no less!) and he needs to redirect attention off himself and onto the Uchiha. He's even considering the total elimination plan again- Itachi's work in the Land of Water is valuable, but not more valuable than consolidating control over the Village.
(Or perhaps he doesn't need Itachi for this- Shisui is also a talented ANBU operative, after all. Sasuke was originally supposed to be the spare Uchiha left alive in the village, so they wouldn't loose the precious Sharingan, but it's becoming increasingly clear that while he's good, he's not as good as Itachi. Why keep the subpar tool and throw away the masterwork?)
Itachi develops a humorous problem where he's leading three different fake lives, and is covering up with by genjutsu-wammying anyone who might notice anything suspicious in the timing of his long absences. He's infiltrated Mei's rebellion as a spy who needs to disappear a lot to go do spy stuff, while at the same time pretending to be an official in the Water Daimyo's court, while also posing as a regular Kiri Jounin.
His Regular Kiri Jounin act is so solid, they give him a genin team. One of the genin is related to the civilian official he's impersonating in the Daimyo's court, and she constantly comes to see him and tell him all about her sensei. On of the other genin on the team is related to a the Mizukage, and Mei orders him to kidnap that genin away from their sensei, which is also him, so that he can be used as leverage. The third genin turns out to be a secret kekkei-genkai user, and actually wants to be kidnapped away to the rebellion so that they won't have to live in fear of being discovered, and also because they hate the current government. This genin who wants to be kidnapped is constantly fighting with the genin he's actually supposed to kidnap, and whines that "Sensei, you're not supposed to play favorites! Why do they get to get kidnapped but I don't? They don't even want to get kidnapped!"
(Itachi the Regular Kiri Jounin, who is Unquestionably Loyal and Totally Not a Radical Who Would Join the Rebellion, ends up dating Kisame, whose identity as an ANBU is technically a secret. This relationship runs on willful ignorance.)
Kisame and Itachi would end up taking each others' places at some point to take down each others' mentors- Kisame walks right into Danzo's office looking like Itachi, and no one blinks when they sense the genjutsu because Itachi is always casting genjutsus. No one even realizes anything's wrong until Danzo's dead and "Itachi" is making his getaway.
Itachi would be approached by Fuguki at some point with an offer to sell information, and immediately realizes that this is Kisame's leak. He argues to Danzo's replacement that the value of Kiri's ANBU turning on each other is greater than the value of having someone willing to sell the occasional nugget of info. He has to work not to laugh behind his ANBU mask, because Konoha nin just don't get how down Kiri nin are to turn on each other at the drop of a hat. "Turning Kiri ANBU against each other" please, as if the Seven Swordsmen don't regularly train their own murderers. As if one of the fastest ways to gain cache isn't by offing your superiors. It's like Konoha Intelligence knows nothing.
He wins his case, and reveals what he knows to Kisame, who goes and kills Fuguki like he did in canon. Obito reveals himself, same as in canon, and Kisame immediately knows how he's going to pay Itachi back. He's still disillusioned with the Shinobi world like in canon, but he had his initial Pit of Despair moment years ago, when he figured out there was a leak in ANBU and that truly there were lies everywhere. He's learned how to compartmentalize since then.
He pretends to join Obito so that he can feed Itachi information. Together they take down Obito, revealing his crimes to both Kiri and Konoha.
It should be over then- Kisame found the leak, Itachi cleared his family's name- but it's been around a decade at this point. Both of them have played so many roles as spies that they don't know how to go back to who they were before.
Itachi's almost spent more of his life in the Land of Water than in the Land of Fire at this point, and he certainly knows more people there than in the Land of Fire. He's passed his twentieth birthday by now, and he's no longer a pre-teen with no concept of the world and his place in it outside of Konoha Propaganda/Brainwashing. He doesn't know how to relate to Sasuke's fierce, uncomplicated desire to grow up to be the best Shinobi, because how can he think that's a good thing at this point?
Meanwhile, Kisame still kind of hoped that killing the liars/traitors who had sent so many Kiri-nin to their deaths would make him feel better about all the comrade-killing, but it doesn't. He can't seem to reconcile his absolute loyalty to the Village and its ideals with his disgust at everything they do.
For a brief while, he and Itachi join Mei's rebellion for realsies (Itachi still as one of his undercover roles) and help her topple the Bloody Mist government and install a new one, but it's not enough. What she's proposing is still a Ninja Village. It's better than what there was before, but that's not really a ringing endorsement.
Itachi's the first one to decide to walk away. He lets Kisame "kill" him on a random mission in a way that doesn't lend itself to a body being returned or retrieved, then settles down and builds himself a life as a secret kekkei-genkai child who grew up hidden like Mei, but never learned to be a proper shinobi. He spends his days at a quiet house outside Kiri proper gardening and making jam by the side of a lake Kisame made during one of his fights with Itachi. There's a ghost town near the lake, emptied during the Civil War years. He develops a reputation as a ghost.
Kisame walks away not long after. He can't really leave, of course- unlike Itachi, he has no desire to settle down in a foreign country, and too many people know him here- but he does step away from active duty. He "kills" Itachi The Regular Kiri Jounin-Sensei and takes his genin team for himself. The kids know something's up because their Sensei still visits them sometimes, though he half-heartedly tries to convince them he's a ghost. They help spread the story about the ghost living by the lake anyway, just in case anyone starts investigating.
Kisame quietly moves out of his shitty Kiri apartment to join Itachi by the lake. Some of the seven swordsmen do come investigating then, but when they discover that Kisame's just moving in with his squeeze who he really sexily fake-murdered, they decide not to do anything about it. Besides, they like Itachi and don't want to have to write up a report about how dangerous it is to Kiri security that he lounges around a lake all day, drawing birds and cooking elaborate meals in an attempt to blend the comfort food of his youth with the produce and spices native to Kiri that are honestly more familiar to him at this point than the ones that grow in the Land of Fire.
Itachi sometimes goes and visits Sasuke and Shisui back in Konoha, but mostly he hangs out in his new home and lives out his soft, domestic, non-violent dreams with Kisame and his cute little genin. It's a sappy ending.
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nanawritesstuff · 4 years
of peace and devotion (nsfw)| December 28th, MadaSakuWeekend 2019
@madasakuweek​ thank you for organising and motivating us all to write!! I know I’ve been lazy, and this weekend truly stirred the madasaku pot and had me cooking!
prompts, December 28th: yandere au, possessive, "you belong to me" Fandom: Naruto
Pairing: MadaSaku 
Rating: 18+/Explicit 
Word Count: 6947
Summary: Soulmates don’t mean much to Sakura, who’s never fallen in love. After she catches her boyfriend cheating, she wonders if she’s really meant for love. What will she do then, when it quite literally stumbles through her door? | sequel to of war and peace
Warnings/Tags: explicit sexual content, mild language, OOC behaviour, modern au, hints of very soft yandere behaviour...if you squint, cliche, Sakura deserves a soft Madara!! I'm just cold and lonely leave me to my soft things!!
a/n: that was the most cliched summary I’ve written in my life, this is what happens when you watch too many kdramas
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In Sakura's world, at this very moment in time–the term soulmates holds very little meaning.
As she steps through the doors to the elevator, grocery bag in hand, her mind recalls the unpleasant events of the previous week. The week itself had started out like every other one; early shifts, her usual patients, nothing too unusual apart from a few bumps here and there that she had no trouble dealing with. And now, on this chilly Tuesday, she gets to be home on Christmas Eve. 
This was the one unexpected bump in her plans. Something she hadn't even thought of, so she couldn't have planned for it–to catch her boyfriend of six months in the break room with his mouth glued to the new nurse's neck. She had stood there, watching them go at it for a whole minute before Ami had spotted her and shrieked. It was only the dawning horror in her eyes as she heard Sasori stammer out his pitifully weak excuses that told Sakura the girl hadn't known about the handsome redheaded doctor's girlfriend: her, Haruno Sakura.
Something Sasori must have been only too happy to take advantage of, she's sure.
That is why Sakura had accepted her tearful apologies with a stiff smile and continued on with her day. Ino, as soon as she found out, dragged her to the cafe, attempting to coax out the tears and curses with cold doughnuts–a reaction that just wouldn't come. That particular bit was reserved for her evening shower. Sakura was sad, yes and quite disappointed with how things turned out. Their relationship, while far from perfect, had been important to her. She had been trying to meet his expectations since before they even started dating but Sasori's nitpicking never ended; his complaints about her working too much had been increasing by the day. He also thought they weren't having enough sex. 
'I guess he went fishing,' she thinks with only a slightly bitter sigh. They were never going to last, and she should have accepted it sooner. But it had been comfortable. It had been safe. And now it's over. All her life, she’s felt as if something’s been missing. As if she’s forgotten something, as if she’s been waiting for something to come back to her.
She realizes she's been standing in front of her door for more than a few minutes, and the sound of a shuffle reaches her ears, drawing her eyes towards it. Eyes the deepest shade of dark ink, brows furrowed in concern and a slender mouth curled into a gentle smile. 
"You've been standing there for about five minutes," he says in lieu of a greeting. She blinks rapidly, shaking off the melancholic energy and smiling back at her neighbour. 
"Itachi-san! I see you've got the evening off." She eyes his sleek jacket, sniffing as the subtle notes of his familiar cologne reach her. The plastic container in his hands looks out of place in the impeccable image he makes. "Off to see Izumi-san?"
"Ah. Our families are finally having dinner together," he divulges with a nervous little smile before holding the box out towards her. "And these are for you. I received the batch yesterday." 
"Gingerbread cookies?" she guesses, her eyes lighting up at once as if she's been handed the one ring to rule them all. "Thank you. Your uncle is an angel."
"Just make sure you actually eat something before opening those bottles," he says sternly, with a pointed look at the wine bottles in her grocery bag. Sakura can't help but laugh nervously and shift the bag out of view in a futile attempt at hiding the contents from view. “And please don’t call him my uncle.” 
"But he is your uncle, isn’t he? Also, don't tell Sasuke? You know he'll nag. And send Naruto." 
"Alright. Only because I know you need space. Just take care and text one of us if you need anything. I'll be crashing at my parents'." He gives her a supportive pat on the back before continuing on, and Sakura adores him for trying. Itachi has been worried about her since she told him about The Break-Up, and he's also the only one who understood her when she said she felt more relief than sorrow. 
"Will do. Good luck, I hope you have a wonderful evening," Sakura calls out after him before unlocking her door. Stepping into the darkened entrance, she fumbles for the light switch as she slips out of her shoes, wrestling with her puffy. Her apartment is completely silent, and it bothers her less than she thought it would. With a silent apology to her worrywart neighbour, she starts looking for the wine opener. 
She does break into the box of cookies first. One of the small traditions she looks forward to every Christmas since she was twelve. The first time she tried these was in 6th grade when Sasuke brought some to class. One bite and she begged her grumpy friend for some every single year. His uncle bakes them for the entire family and ever since he found out how crazy she is about them, he makes sure to send some for her too. 
Two glasses in, she's pleasantly buzzed and curled up in her soft blanket, her laptop open on her lap. The first Harry Potter movie plays on the screen, and it reminds her of Sasori and how he hates the entire series. If he had been here, he would have insisted on watching something she has very little interest in herself. It's alarming how she's finding more pros to ending things with him by the hour, but than can only be a good thing now that he's out of her personal life.
The forty text messages from him are going to stay unread. 
Just as she's contemplating getting another snack before she starts the second movie, the doorbell rings, and at first, she thinks she's imagined it. It's 12:04 on the clock, and if Ino had been planning to drop in at midnight, she would have texted first. It rings again, and Sakura starts to feel uneasy. There's a series of heavy, hurried knocks on the door. 
'Please, please don't be Sasori-'
"Oi, Itachi! It's freezing out here, open the fucking door!" 
And there's the magic word. Itachi doesn't give his address out to people he doesn't trust, and with how familiar this stranger seems to be with him–it's probably not a serial killer. A peek through the peephole shows unruly ebony strands, and with a deep breath, she opens the door just a crack. There is little point in the cautiousness as the stranger stumbles through the door, trembling violently as he nearly runs her over.
"Took you long enough! I really need to take a-" The man pauses as he finally stands up straight, taking in the unfamiliar surroundings, and the girl staring at him in concern. "Uh-you're not Itachi."
"Definitely not," she confirms dryly, crossing her arms over her chest, just tipsy enough to not feel self-conscious about her fuzzy pyjamas and an oversized sweatshirt. She has no idea who he is but Sakura has spent enough time with the Uchiha siblings and their relatives to know one of their clansmen when she sees him. "I'm his neighbour."
"Right, definitely prettier than him. Sorry. Fuck. Oh-sorry about that too," he mutters, a slight flush spreading over the high point of his cheeks. His sheepish tone contrasts greatly with his roguish look. Wild, dark hair that falls to his back. A black leather jacket that does little to hide his well-built form, and unusually deep-set eyes that stay strangely focused on her even as he squirms with discomfort. Her heart races, making her wonder if it's the alcohol or his cologne that's hitting her so hard. "I'm...just gonna go." 
"Itachi's not home," she blurts out. "So, um."
"Oh," he sighs. His shoulders slump and she can't help but sympathize. "My bad. I should've checked." 
"Yeah. Well, if you need to, you know." She points towards the hallway leading to the bathroom, and he blinks in slight confusion before he gets it. 
"Are you sure?" he waits for her nod before he sighs once more, this time with relief, and begins to tug his boots off. "Shit, thanks. I'm really sorry to intrude, I just really need to-"
"Not a problem. It's right down the hallway, first door on the left!" she cuts in with a slight laugh, closing the front door as he hurries off. Just as she thinks to text Itachi, she realises she doesn’t have a name. 
She probably shouldn’t trust a stranger this much, but she reasons that it’s Itachi she trusts, so it should be fine to flop back on the couch and resume her drinking. 
Light footsteps indicate the not-a-complete stranger’s return, and Sakura turns to study him over the back of the couch. He seems calmer now, looking around her apartment curiously before he turns to smile at her. 
“Thanks again. I probably would’ve-if you hadn’t-yeah. Thanks,” he flushes slightly at the sight of her trying and failing to hide a grin before he looks over her head at the coffee table. “Wait-are those Izuna’s cookies?” 
“Itachi’s uncle? Yeah,” she affirms with a dreamy smile, reaching for another treat. He makes a weird face at her words. 
“Yeah. His uncle.” She cocks a brow at his wince. “Right, I’m-his brother. Madara.” 
Sakura can’t quite describe the jolt she feels at his name, and tries to ignore it as she takes the hand he holds out. His palm is warm and dwarfs her own, curling around it gently. Something in her shakes and she wonders if she’s always been so nervous around good-looking men she didn’t grow up with. 
The name is a familiar one though, and she's sure it was Shisui who mentioned it. It explains how young he looks–Madara and Izuna are cousins to Itachi and Sasuke's father, born to a father who married quite late, at least according to the older generation's standards. It had the whole clan in quite a tizzy, according to Shisui. She's also sure she isn't supposed to be privy to clan gossip so she's going to keep her mouth shut.
“I’m Sakura.” 
He smiles at that, his eyes softening in the dim light of her living room. “Of course it is.” 
Her cheeks feel strangely warm and she feels like a fool, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear. 'But,' the voice in her head that sounds a little like Ino's soothes her. 'Look at him. He's beautiful.'
"So, that makes you the other uncle." 
"Ugh," he groans before doing an abrupt turn and smirking wickedly. "So that makes you the girl Sasuke wrote that poem for when he was eight?"
"Why do you know about that?" It's more demand than a question, but Sakura really doesn't bring up that long-buried memory unless it's for the specific aim of tormenting Sasuke.
"Who do you think helped him write it?" he taunts, snickering at her startled expression. 
"And to think I'd been so impressed with the big words." Sakura shakes her head with an air of exaggerated disappointment. 
"Well, I'm glad to see I got most of it right," he shrugs, the tips of his ears reddening tellingly. "If it’s any consolation, I'm sure he knows them now...I think."
Her responding laugh is cut off by the sound of the doorbell ringing again, and they both look at each other as if expecting the other to have expected it. Madara shrugs and she moves to the front door, standing up on the tips of her toes to look through the peephole. Really, what's with her home attracting unexpected guests at–
She whirls around in a panic. 
“Everything okay?” he asks quietly as she rushes back, looking like she’s going to throw up. 
“Um, yeah. No. I don’t know. It’s my ex.” 
“An ex you want to see...?” he trails off.
“Absolutely not,” she mutters, pressing the heels of her palm to her eyes. She can feel a headache coming on with the new arrival and honestly, it is so very like Sasori to drop in without asking, expecting her to be okay with him ruining her night. Madara watches her freak out for a few seconds before nodding resolutely. 
“Okay. Leave it to me.” Sakura makes a grab for his arm as he moves towards the door, trying to tug him in the opposite direction.
“What are you doing?” she hisses.
“Well, I owe you one. And I can’t just leave you to deal with an ex you clearly don’t want to see–especially at this time of the night,” he explains easily, trying to tug his arm from her grip. He tries to uncurl her fingers from where they’re digging into his bicep, and she nearly jumps when their hands touch once more. It's only now that she realizes how close they are, and that she's nearly hanging off his arm in an attempt to stop him from opening the door. "Hey, it's okay. I'll take care of it."
He looks back to wink at her before bending over to slide his boots on, and Sakura has to nearly tear her eyes away from the ridiculously appealing sight. He reaches the door and unlocks it deftly, and she's thankful for him looking away, because that was nearly devastating enough to make her forget about why he’s answering her door. 
Then she hears the one voice she absolutely did not want to hear again, at least until she goes back to work tomorrow.
“Saku-you’re not Sakura,” she hears Sasori say, and she can imagine his disgruntled expression with perfect ease.
“Definitely not,” Madara says in an echo of her own words, and she can’t help the subtle smile that stretches across her mouth. “Can I help you?”
“Who are you?” 
“None of your business.” 
“It is if you’re at my girlfriend’s house at this time of the night.” 
At that Sakura steps up next to Madara, crossing her arms in annoyance and trying not to blush when Madara slides his arm around her. He keeps his hand on the curve of her waist, his touch gentle and loose, but mostly reassuring. It also serves to annoy Sasori greatly, who looks like he can't quite believe what he's seeing. 
“Ex-girlfriend. What do you want?” she snaps. She's sure he didn't leave anything at her place.
“Sakura, who is this?” 
“Like he said, it’s none of your business.” She shivers a little and Madara tugs her closer, moving his hand to rub it over her arm in quick, light movements. She's a little amazed at how warm he is and quite upset that she has to stand in the cold because Sasori can't speak quickly enough.
"Um, well, I was just at a party at Hidan's." Who happens to live nearby. "And I was just...wondering if I could crash here. I thought we could talk." 
For a long moment, Sakura can't quite bring herself to say anything. Not because she's considering saying yes–but because the nerve of this man has, not for the first time, left her speechless. 
"Sasori, we-"
"I know, I know," he grumbles. He then shrugs and grins in a way she had once thought was charming, leaning in slightly. "Your place was just closer than mine-"
"And no longer accessible," Madara cuts in. "Goodnight." He tries to move them back so he can close the door, but Sasori interrupts the motion with a hand on the door. 
"I'll take the couch!" Sasori pushes back against the door. "Sakura, babe, we've-"
"Alright," Madara steps out the door instead, forcing Sasori to take a few steps back. "Why don't have a little talk?" He turns to a confused looking Sakura, gesturing for her to go inside. "I'll be right in, sweetheart. Don't worry." He doesn't wait for her to reply, closing the door before she can say anything. Sakura stands with her ear pressed to the wood for over a minute, but doesn't hear a thing. She goes back to the couch, trying to figure out if this was really okay, but Madara comes back in before she can come to an actual conclusion. 
"Well, he's a prick."
"I realize that now," she says, looking him over for any signs of damage. "Sorry, did he give you any trouble?"
"Nothing I couldn't handle. And you don't need to thank me either," he adds before she can even begin to come up with a way to express her gratitude. She also realizes that they're both alone once again, and despite how nice he seems, Madara is still a stranger. He looks a bit awkward, looking as if he doesn't know what to do with himself, or his hands which clench and unclench before he shoves them into the pockets of his jacket.
"Um, I should probably wait a few minutes before leaving...did Itachi say what time he'd be back?" 
"He said he's going to stay at his parents' tonight," Sakura tells him, wincing at his dismayed expression. "He hasn't given you a spare key?" 
"Shisui 'borrowed' it." 
"I'm so sorry." She thinks it's a little funny, but works to keep her face sympathetic; Shisui would be extremely amused by the current events.
"That's alright. I think I've intruded enough, so I should probably go."  
"Where do you live?" she asks, forehead wrinkled up at the thought of him having to make his way home in this weather. Sasori lives about ten minutes away–which is why she hadn’t been worried about him, she tells her guilty conscious. 
"...Senju apartments." 
"Fancy. Also on the other side of town," Sakura states flatly. "Did you drive here?"
"In a car?"
"Right. Look," she begins, unable to actually believe she's doing this. "Just crash here tonight. I'll let Itachi know."
He looks taken aback at her suggestion, and shifts uncomfortably. "I wouldn't want to-"
"It's alright. I'm not comfortable with sending you off into the night," she reasons. "Plus, Itachi and Sasuke are practically family. That makes you...distant family. Sort of. Just-you're welcome to stay if you're comfortable with it."
Madara, who had begun to flush, looks extremely amused by the time she finishes. "Distant family."
"I said, sort of!" 
"Hah. Well," he rubs at the back of his head hesitantly. "I guess. You're really okay with it?"
"Really okay with it. One hundred per cent." She waits for him to take his shoes off before herding him towards the couch. "You sleepy?"
"Not really," he admits sheepishly, taking a seat, sitting a little too properly for this time of the night. 
"Great. You like Harry Potter?"
"Yes," he laughs, accepting the clean glass she brings him.  
"Even better. It’s been ages since I had a sleepover. I'll bring more snacks."
The mildly awkward atmosphere dissolves quickly as they begin watching the movie, and Sakura's pleased to see her new companion loosen up and put his feet up on the coffee table. In an unexpected turn of events, she's found a new companion who's up for binge-watching the entire series, which is a little too ambitious for someone who has to work the next day. They open a new bottle as they express their mutual disappointment at the wasted potential of Tom Riddle, discuss their own Hogwarts house placements and the first time they read the books–before starting the third movie. 
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Sakura groans as the light hits her face, turning it to bury her head further into her pillow. 
Her pillow, which seems unusually warm and smells like cedarwood. It's only when it shifts under her that her eyes fly open, and in her haste to spring back she tumbles off the bed. 
"Ow-" She rubs her backside in slight disgruntlement, glancing up at Madara only to see him yawning widely as he stretches like a contented cat; he smiles softly as he notices her staring. She can't quite get her brain to process what she's seeing–tan skin stretching over long, firm planes of muscle. His wild hair spills over her pillows and she's hit with a memory of nuzzling it, of knowing what it smells like. 
"Morning," he mumbles groggily, looking like he's ready to doze off again. 
'Ah, fuck.' 
"Morning," she replies in a tone a touch too shrill, jumping up when he just blinks at her. "We...uh..."
At her panicked expression, he seems to step out the doors of slumber completely, his cheeks reddening as he realizes she's struggling with their current state of undress. "Yeah. Uh, sorry?
"D-don't apologize," she says, trying to reassure him with a weak smile. "So! Breakfast?" 
"Sakura." He sits up, the sheets pooling at his waist and she looks away before she sees more than she can handle. The plain black sweatshirt that was snug on him falls to her thighs when she stands up, and she sees the way his eyes fall to the bare expanse of her legs before he forces them back to her face. "I-I'll take care of that. You okay with scrambled eggs? Tea? Coffee?"
"Um-yeah. Here I'll just..." She looks around the room, spotting his pants by the door. She can't help the way she tugs at the hem of his sweatshirt as she bends her knees, grabbing the jeans. "Here. And–coffee. What can I do to help?"
"You need to be at work by ten, right? You can go get ready, we've got time." It's 8:30 on the clock, but how does he know what time she needs to be at the hospital? Her baffled look must tip him off because he shakes his head in mock seriousness as he washes his hands. "You don't remember that conversation, huh?"
"I'm sure it'll come to me," she sighs. "Alright I'll...go shower." She misses his distracted nod in her haste to retreat to the bathroom, his eyes struggling to focus as she leaves him to his thoughts.
It all does, eventually, come back to her while she's in the shower. She’s grateful for the privacy because she’s convinced Madara would think her a lunatic if he saw her smiling so hard.
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(flashback, nsfw content ahead)
"Madara?" she asks, lifting her head off his shoulder so she could look at him. They sit side by side, watching the credits scroll past as they contemplate moving. Sakura’s cuddled into his side, unable to muster the will to move away from his warmth.  
"Have we met before?" The question has been on her mind since she first saw him earlier. He seems so familiar, but she’s unsure if it’s just because of his features, which do remind her of Itachi.
Her question is met with a slow blink as they both sit up a little straighter. "Could have. At birthday parties, maybe?" 
She purses her lips at the thought, trying to recall any interactions that might have taken place in the past. Madara watches her for a moment, as she chews on her bottom lip, before tapping her chin to interrupt the rough treatment of her mouth. She’s struck by the urge to flick her tongue against the pad of his thumb, and the thought has her squirming in embarrassment. He looks completely serious, while she’s over here thirsting. 
"Would you believe me if I said...I feel like I've been looking for you?" he asks hesitantly, flushing deeply when she looks amused. "Ugh, that sounds way cornier than it was intended to. I'm serious!" 
She sobers up at his firm tone, studying his features in the dim light of the lamp. She smooths his bangs away from his eyes, feeling slightly overwhelmed when he takes the hand tucking his hair behind his ear in his own, lacing his fingers with hers. 
"...I think I would," she whispers, mirroring his own tiny smile. "Then, would you believe me if I said I feel like I've been waiting for you?" She's only half-teasing. She feels at home, sitting next to him, arguing with him over fictional characters and concepts, watching him tap his feet to background music, eating cookies they're both shamelessly obsessed with. 
Her heart feels warm and full when he kisses the back of her hand.
"I think I would," he says, his smiling turning embarrassed and shy and so soft that she can't help but lean in and press her lips to it, her heart pounding madly when he melts into it, into her. He groans low when she climbs into his lap, tilting his head to deepen the meeting of their mouths. 
Desire drips into a pool at the bottom of her spine, where his hands splays and glides up to rest at the nape of her neck, tangling in messy, rosy strands. They kiss, and they kiss until her lips feel numb and her mind is muted for the first time in what feels like ages. 
The first grind of her hips against his feels electric and the helpless way he bucks his hips up is something she wants to see repeated. He clutches her to him, peppering hot kisses down the slender slope of her neck and she knows what she wants. "Be-bedroom."
He stills, tilting his head back until the tip of his nose brushes hers. His eyes are reminiscent of hot pools of obsidian, and she thinks she would be okay with drowning in them. "Are you sure?" 
"I want this." His mouth perks up even as he presses it to her jaw, winding her legs around his waist as he rises from the sofa with her holding on. Long fingers dig into the plump flesh of her rear, keeping her close and whimpering. 
"Wait. Are you sure?" 
His responding chuckle is edged with roughness, but not a straight enough answer. Once again, he manages to steal her breath before it can form words, sliding her lower against his body until she can feel him pressing into her, hard and straining. 
"Oh. Okay," she gasps, pushing back into it until he stumbles with a curse, pressing her back into her bedroom door as he kisses her deeply, sucking her bottom lip into his mouth.
"Keep that up and we'll never get to the bed," he groans, grinding into her urgently as she nibbles on the shell of his ear.
"That's fine, just-fuck." She loses her train of thought when his hands squeeze her ass warningly. 
"I'm not fucking you against a door," he says firmly, cutting her off with a quick kiss when she tries to protest. "Not the first time." 
And so he fumbles with the door handle as his teeth dig into her skin, stumbling in blindly. He tosses her on the bed, reaching for the collar of his sweatshirt and sliding it off swiftly. Her mouth waters at this unveiling of his chiselled form, torn between reaching out to run her greedy fingers over it and reaching for her own clothes. He makes the decision for her by sliding his fingers underneath the hem of her shirt, tugging it up and over her head. Warmth flushes down from her cheeks to her chest when she realizes she had forgone a bra earlier, leaving the upper half of her body exposed to his burning gaze. 
The moment his chest presses into hers, warm desire spreads down to the tips of her toes. It sinks into her bones as he kisses her temple, her cheeks, her lips. He carves a fervent path down her neck, teeth and tongue leaving hints of their efforts behind in blooming marks. The first curl of his tongue around a taut nipple has her gasping loudly, her fingers tangling in his hair as he splits his attention between her breasts. 
His journey around her body continues with kisses down the soft planes of her abdomen until he reaches her waistline. Her heart pounds madly as she lifts her hips, allowing him to tug her pyjamas down her legs, followed by her underwear. It leaves her squirming beneath his gaze until he bends over her to press his lips to hers. 
"You're so beautiful, darling," he groans, his hands gliding down her waist and back up. "Can I taste you?" He waits for her slow nod, smiling as he climbs back down, spreading her legs until he's found himself a spot between them. Sakura, who waits breathlessly for that first contact, nearly yelps when she feels his teeth sink into the tender flesh of her inner thigh instead. He soothes the spot with his tongue, and just as she settles down with the comforting motion she feels a languid lick along her slick sex that steals any capacity for thought still present in her head. 
Lifting up on her elbows proves to be disastrous for her heart: he locks eyes with her as he licks fervidly into her, his eyes crinkling and lips twisting wickedly. 
Sakura thinks she might have invited the devil into her bed. 
He doesn't let her move until she's dripping with her desire, pushed to the brink of madness and digging her heels into his shoulders. He's unfazed by her pleading, coaxing and tonguing but never letting her tip over. 
"Madara, Mad-fuck, please, please," she whimpers, one hand clenched around her sheets and the other smacking into the headboard. 
"You need to tell me what you want, babygirl," he laughs, drawing slow, torturous circles around her clit. 
"Fuck me, fuck me, please." She's practically begging but she needs this. She thinks she might actually wither away if he doesn't let her come. She feels him move, blinking her tears away so she can watch him slide his pants off and reach for his wallet. She's never felt more focused as she watches him tug the boxer-briefs down, freeing his straining erection and leaving her swallowing with one motion. 
Sitting up, she reaches for him as he tears the foil square open carefully, but he stops her with a hand curling around her wrist. He brings her hand up to this mouth, kissing the back of it and urging her back down. "Later." 
Any arguments she might have had are ripped away when she feels him at her entrance, rubbing the tip of his head against her slickness. When he pushes through her slit, tearing a moan from the depths of her throat, he kisses the corner of her mouth softly. She's convinced no one has ever felt this good, and no one ever will.
He's watching her, she realizes belatedly. She reaches up to cup his cheek, smiling faintly as he kisses her palm quickly, as he waits for her to adjust around him. 
"Is this okay?" he asks, dropping his forehead to hers, his muscles straining as he keeps himself from moving. She pulls him close, leaving open-mouthed kisses over his tense shoulders. 
"It's perfect." She pushes up, her walls squeezing tight and a startled groan escapes him before he pulls back and snaps his hips into hers–over and over again, aimed to tear her apart and make his mark in the very depths of her until she's shattering to pieces around him and trembling in his arms. He whispers softly, incoherently as he thrusts frantically, and she kisses him through his unravelling. 
She curls into a ball, after, nearly vibrating her contentment when she feels his fingers in her hair, rubbing at her scalp. Madara proves himself to be a cuddler when he moulds himself to her back, burying his face in her hair and inhaling deeply. "Okay, I have a confession." 
She turns around in his arms, raising a brow at his conflicted expression. 
"I...have seen you before." 
"Oh?" she lifts up onto an elbow, watching him struggle with his words. She's filled with curiosity because she's certain she'd never seen Madara before today. He’s not someone she would forget.  
"Yeah. It was at your graduation party a few years back. The one you all had at Fugaku’s place," he tells her, his eyes unfocused as he thinks back to the time. "We didn't actually meet, but that was... I thought you were beautiful even then."
It’s strange to hear him address the older man so casually when he’s closer in age to her than Fugaku, but then they are cousins. 
"Oh." She rests her head in her palm. "Let me guess–and you've been smitten ever since?" She shouldn't tease when he's being so serious, but she's come to really enjoy his blushing responses–a reaction she doesn't get this time. Instead, he meets her eyes steadily, if a bit solemnly. 
"Yeah, pretty much."
"Madara!" She laughs, pinching his cheek, prompting him to smile as well. 
“You don’t believe me.” He sighs, pressing his lips to her forehead.
"Mhm. I'm glad you got the wrong door," she whispers, feeling him smile against her skin. 
"Me too." She sighs and presses her face to his chest, snuggling closer when he winds his arms around her. They’re quiet for a while, and just before she slips into sleep, he speaks up.
"Meeting you like this...being so close to you," he shifts slightly, pressing his lips to her hair. "Right now, I almost feel like...you belong to me." His admission is said so lowly that she nearly misses it. "And I belong to you. Is that strange?"
She smiles drowsily, tilting her head back to kiss him, soft and slow. "No, I think it's lovely." 
"I think you're lovely." She can’t keep her eyes open, drifting into the dark with warmth all around her. “And...I don’t think I want to let you go.”
“...Then don’t.” 
For the first time in a long time, she's smiling as she falls asleep. 
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Sakura's still smiling as she steps out of the shower. Wiping her hand over the fogged up mirror, she squints at her reflection. She looks bright, despite a terrible headache, and she feels warm–on the inside and out; her skins nearly burns when she spots the marks over her collarbone and thighs.
Waking up to soft greetings, offers of breakfast and a very pleasant ache between her thighs–it's something new, but it's nice. Madara is nice. 
'And I'm fucked. Literally and figuratively' 
But is she? She may have started him by kissing him, but he more than reciprocated. She's never felt more loved, and that includes actual relationships. Then there were the mind-melting things he said. A bit intense, but they were both more than a little dazed in the aftermath.
She’s a little worried about starting something this soon after ending things with Sasori, but– and she may be speaking too soon, but she never felt this way with Sasori. The redhead had started their relationship, dictated most of it, and she had been okay with it, accepting that she’s not the sort to take charge when it comes to this stuff. 
But with Madara? She feels the sparks of excitement. She wants. So many things. So badly. She should, however, take it slow. A little too late, but she should still try. The man might be more than a little alarmed if he finds out just how into him she already is. 
Her stomach growls loudly as she follows the smell of frying bacon to the kitchen. And there he is, the man in question, arranging food on two plates, her coffee ready on the side. His hair is pulled back into a low ponytail, his pants tight around his waist–and backside–and Sakura nearly swoons at the sight of him.
“Are you real?” she asks, completely serious. 
“Real enough to have burnt the toast a little,” he answers with a sheepish grin. She hands him his sweatshirt apologetically, but he's unfazed as he pulls it on easily. 
She wonders if this is all very normal for him, and the thought stings a little.  
“I like it burnt.” She shrugs and pauses as she reaches the counter. She turns around to see him watching her; with a quick prayer to whoever’s listening and a hand on his shoulder, she rises up on the tips of her toes to plant a quick kiss on his cheek. “Thank you.” 
His fingers curl around her wrist before she can step out of his space, his eyes searching her face before he pulls her close. She should be alarmed by how natural it feels to have his arms around her and his lips coaxing her mouth open. In the light of the morning, he kisses her softly; once more, she’s filled with a yearning that makes her ache. 
In what’s quickly turning into an irritating pattern, her phone rings. A quick glance at the screen assuages her annoyance, but she still has to take a deep breath before answering. 
“Morning, Itachi. Happy Christmas!” 
“Happy Christmas. I just saw your text. Is Madara still there?” 
“Uh, yeah, he is.” 
“Alright. I’m nearly on our floor. See you in a minute.” 
But he’s hung up already, and she turns to see Madara sipping at what looks like green tea, failing to hide his disappointment.
“I heard.” 
“Yeah,” she sighs, moving towards the entrance, then doubling back and pulling Madara into a quick, hard kiss that leaves him slack-jawed. “Sorry.” 
“Please don’t be,” he murmurs hoarsely, making grabby hands at her as she skips away. Beaming, she opens the door to Itachi’s suspicious eyes and boxes of what she’s sure are his mother’s cooking. 
“Yes, this is for you,” Itachi says before she can ask, moving past her to peer into her apartment. “Ah. There you are.” 
“Good morning,” Itachi looks from his uncle to Sakura, as if expecting more. “I’m going to go ahead get it out of the way–did you guys...?” 
“N-What!” Sakura squeaks, glaring at Madara when she spots the grin he tries to hide behind his cup. 
“Right. Okay. Well, I’m gonna go get some more sleep. Sakura, have a nice day at work. Madara, let's go. Bring the plate, I’ll return it later.” Itachi doesn’t seem to be asking, and Madara, to her surprise, does as the other man says. They stare at each other for a few seconds, before Itachi raises a brow and turns to leave. A tiny smirk curls along his mouth, and she knows she can expect a call from Shisui within the hour.
The second he’s out Madara’s arms around her and his lips are on hers.
“Have dinner with me,” he asks as soon as he pulls away, his eyes wide with hope. 
“Tonight?” she says, her answer clear when she kisses him again. Madara grins down at her, pulling her in for a hug that leaves her gasping for breath as she laughs.
“I’ll pick you up.”
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“He made you breakfast?” Shisui asks over the phone, for the third time. 
“Yes, Shisui. Honestly, it’s not like he gave me a manicure! Why are you so surprised?” Sakura glances around to ensure there aren't any eavesdroppers as she exits the elevator in the hospital. Ino has the evening shift, so she didn't get a chance to talk to her. She's not sure what she would even say. Her entire day had been a struggle with focus, but she had managed to keep the Madara-related thoughts at bay until the end of her shift.
And then she called the one person who could give her some insight.
“Because! Madara does not make people breakfast. In the rare occasions that he does spend time with them, he exits those occasions as quickly as humanly possible.”
“So he’s...” 
“Not a dick! Not exactly. He’s just had a hard time getting emotionally involved with partners. You’re sure it was him? Not Izuna?” 
“Yes, Shisui, of course, I’m sure!” 
“Okay, okay. Hm. I think...he might like you?” 
“Yeah?” she can't help but smile as she opens the door to her car, flinging her bag inside. 
“Yeah. Weird.” 
“Why is it weird?” 
“You’re going to be Itachi and Sasuke’s aunt-“ 
“Uchiha Shisui! Don’t even put that crap in my head.” It's way too early to even go there.
“Fine, I won’t. But what will you do about the crap in his head?” 
“I’m sure there’s nothing like that! At least, I won’t know until I talk to him. Which won’t be possible until dinner tonight. I also need his number. Which is why I called you.” 
“Ah, right. You were so preoccupied with his mouth that you forgot to even ask for his number?”
Sakura makes a silent vow to punch him the next time she sees him.
 “...I’ll text it to you. Are we telling Itachi you're planning on asking his uncle out?” 
“...not yet.” She's not sure how her friend would react. Itachi has always been a supportive presence in her life, but he didn't actually say anything this morning.  
“It's not like he'll be surprised!” 
“Probably. But let me talk to Madara first!” She gets inside and closes the door, leaning back and closing her eyes tiredly. 
“Fine, fine. If he’s an ass to you, let me know. I’ll...tell Izuna.” 
“I’m hurt. You won’t even kick his ass yourself?” she teases. 
“Not when I know I won’t escape with my limbs unbroken. Your new flame is a scary dude, you know.” 
“Please. Are you forgetting I’ve met the guy? He’s one of the nicest men I’ve ever met.”
“...Madara...nicest...Is-is this what they call a Christmas Miracle?” 
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dianapana · 4 years
SasuHina Month 2020- Day 4
Prompt – Coffee Preferences/The Smell of Coffee in the Morning
Long Distance- Part 2
Sasuke POV
I am chugging a glassful of water after my morning work-out when Naruto comes out of his room eyes closed and wearing only his boxers. Me and my roommates have very different ideas of ‘morning’. For me morning is 7-8 a.m. when I get up, drink my coffee and a protein shake and go to the gym for my 3 hours work out, for Naruto it’s around 10-11-12 depending on the day, he eats ramen for breakfast and his day starts only after 2 pm. Then there’s Gaara; I saw him this morning when I woke up, that’s when he got home and was going to bed so I’m not holding my breath for him to wake up before 5 pm or so.
I watch as my best friend wanders thought the kitchen, eyes still closed, and prepares himself instant ramen. If someone told me this was him sleep-waking making ramen I’d believe them. I fill another glass of water and drink that one too and leave Naruto to his own routine; I’m in need of a shower. Once showered I get dressed for work. It’s summertime so no classes or practice, even so the three of us decided to stay on campus instead of going home. Mom wasn’t happy with me when I told her I told her I’ll be spending my last summer before graduating University here. She twisted my arm until I promised to go visit them for 2 weeks around the end of August. Which happens to be next week. Since I don’t plan on working during the actual year because classes and hokey will take up all of my time, I gave my 2 weeks’ notice already. I picked a random job this summer, it doesn’t really have anything to do with my major but it’s still good money, I’m a mechanic in an auto-service. I declared my major in education only last semester; I plan on going pro with hokey but if anything were to happen, I realized that I wouldn’t mind being a coach.
I pick up my keys and wallet and make my way to the kitchen. Naruto is still eating and I’m still not sure he’s really awake. The drive to work is quite short which is one of the reasons I picked this job, that and the fact that since my 12th birthday each summer both Itachi and Dad have been throwing their car knowledge at me. I’m not particularly interested in it but it’s better than Naruto’s construction job, or his job in moving furniture, or any other odd jobs he picks up every week.  I work from 12 to 8 or 9 at night it depends on how busy the shop is; thankfully it is quite deserted today so I get the ok from the owner to go home at 7:15. I make the short drive home and am about to walk inside when my phone starts ringing. I check the caller and press answer when I notice it’s my mom. I walk in and see Garra in the kitchen eating.
“Hey sweetie, how are you?”
“Hey mom, I just got home from work; how are you?” I say and go to sit down on the sofa in the living room.
“I still don’t get why you wanted to stay behind and work. Your tuition is paid by the scholarship and for everything else you want you know me and your dad will pay.” She says and I can hear the whining undertone in her voice. I am indeed working for the money; I don’t like asking for money from them; I can’t work during the year so I try to make as much as I can now that way, I can depend on myself for a while. I’ll only ask for money if I have to. Then there’s also the freedom; at home there’s always someone asking me where I’m going what I’m doing and so on. I’ve discovered I like my freedom very much during University. During the hokey season some of that freedom is taken by the coach but it’s still more than I’ve had home.
“I know mom. But I’ll be home for two weeks in a few days.”
“That’s what I wanted to talk to you about. I was talking to my friend Hikari, and she was complaining about how Hinata said she won’t be coming home at all. Neji and Hiashi are in America for the summer so they can’t drive over to see her. Hinata never learned how to drive and the road is way too long for her to take a train. Can you imagine baby?” Mom likes to give every piece of information; it doesn’t matter that I have no idea who any of these people are. I have never heard of her friend Hikari and her family “And she’s home all alone with Hanabi who is 16 and going thought her rebellion phase. My heart just breaks at that thought, sweetie; doesn’t yours?”
Mom actually makes a pause as if she’s actually expecting me to answer. “Yes, mom that sucks big time” Gaara walks into the living room and mouths ‘I’m off to work’ I nod and continue listening to mom.
“You know that Hinata doesn’t go to your University but the road from your house to hers is only about 2 hours so I told Hikari you’d swing by Hinata’s place to pick her up and you’d come home together. She was so excited baby. She’s on the phone just now talking to Hinata”
I’m stunned into silence. Mom literally tome me to make an additional 2 hours to pick up this girl and then another 2 hours to return from where she is; the only University that is quite close to us is the University of Arts and that’s 2 hours towards Suna and not Konoha. So instead of getting home in about 8 hours it would take me 12 hours. And let’s not forget I’d be stuck in the car with a stranger.
“I don’t know mom; that’s a little inconvenient and—”
“Sasuke Uchiha! What is more important your own convenience or reuniting a mother with her daughter? Plus, Hinata is cute as a button I’m sure the two of you will get along great”
I know better than to pick up a fight with my mom so I just agree; you could call me a pushover when it comes to her, I call it choosing my battles. “Fine. But I’ll need her number so I can talk to her directly and organize the trip I guess”
“Of course, baby. I’ll text you her number in a moment. Love you dear”
“I love you too” I really do but at times she can be very exhausting. Mom is so used to getting her way, both my dad and me and Itachi spoiled her for too long and now neither of us can say no to her, no matter how crazy her ideas are.
Hinata POV
I am stunned. Mom just called to tell me that she found a way for me to come home for two weeks. Apparently, the son of her friend Mikoto, friend she has never mentioned before in my life, goes to KU (Konoha University) and he will come pick me up and we’ll have a grand ol’ road trip.
Let me explain the two main issues here.
1.      I didn’t want to go home. Hell, if I wanted to, I could have taken a train on the first day of summer holiday or looked for a bus to take me home; but I didn’t.
2.      KU is 2 hours away towards Konoha, which means she inconvenienced this guy to drive 4 more hours than he should just to drag me, a complete stranger, home
The levels of guilt I’m feeling have no boundaries. I’m still thinking about how unreal this feels when my phone rings again, it’s an unknown number and under normal circumstances I would not answer but mom let me know that she gave the guy my number so we could talk about the trip home.
“Hello” I hate talking on the phone. I hate talking to stranger. I hate talking on the phone with stranger even more.
“Hey, is this Hinata?” his voice sounds defeated and exhausted too. I can only imagine the conversation his mom had with him.
I let a big sigh “Yes, it is. You my road trip partner?”
This makes him laugh a littler “Yes m’am. I’m Sasuke in case you mom, my mom’s best friend it would appear, didn’t let you know”
“I’m so sorry this got dumped on you. I feel so guilty especially since I could have found ways to go home…I just didn’t want to” I say and roll over so I’m on my back in my bed rather than on my belly. “Can’t you tell your mom the 4 extra hours are too much for you to drive?” “I tried and she pretty much tried to guilt trip me, saying that the, and I quote, ‘reunion of a mother with her daughter’ is more important than my selfishness” he sounds equal parts amused and annoyed. I don’t blame him.
“I too told my mom that I can’t possibly impose but she kept reassuring me how you found out about our situation from you mom and it was you who came up with the idea and that you would not take no for an answer. I knew it was bullshit from the get-go but mom has a way of getting whatever she wants” I confess.
“So does my mom. The more I mull over this the more I think our moms being friends is a bad idea.” The stranger aka Sasuke says followed by a lough sigh.
“You are right. Mom is bad enough on her own, I don’t even want to think what the two of them can do together”
“I wonder how they met. Did one of them put an ad in the paper. ‘Looking for a friend; guilt tripping of the universe, manipulation of everyone around, especially one’s children and the ability to get your way are the main characteristics I am looking for in a friend’”
That makes me laugh more than I want to admit. Silence falls for a few moments before Sasuke talks again.
“Anyway, regarding the drive, is it ok for you if I come pick you up at 9 in the morning or so; I want to get home at a somewhat decent hour” guilt washed over me again.
“That’s great, whatever works for you. I don’t want to inconvenience you even more. I am truly sorry Sasuke”
“It’s ok it isn’t your fault this was dropped on you just as it was on me. So I guess I’ll see you Sunday morning”
“Yes, I’ll text you my address right now so I don’t forget.”
“Ok thanks”
“Bye, see you Sunday” I say and hang up just as Ino opened the door to my room.
“Ooooo who will you be seeing on Sunday?” Ino asks and she winks and wiggles her eyebrows ate me.
“Oh, stop that, it’s a poor guy that my mom and his mom forced to swing by and drag me home for 2 weeks” I say.
“Oh no, you’re going home? Nooo, whyyy???” that is how I wanted to react too when mom told me but I couldn’t do that, no matter how meddlesome she is I never want to hurt her feelings.
“Mom insisted. And as I said she even secured me a way to go home and return” I still feel so guilty about troubling Sasuke so I make a note to cook breakfast for us or something nice like that.
Sasuke POV
Sunday morning, I arrive at Hinata’s a bit earlier than intended but I did text her when I left my home so I hope she’s ready to go. I walk to the door and knock. A girl that I assume is Hinata opens the door and to my horror she’s in her pjs. Her blonde hair is a mess and over all she does not look ready to hit the road.
“You must be Sasuke, come on in.” She says and I can’t even protest that we’re in a hurry and it’s better to just go because she’s not freaking dressed.
I walk into the small home and the smell of coffee hits me from every possible way. I’ve already had my first cup but I feel tired and the smell only makes me crave another cup.
“The kitchen is that way make yourself comfy” she says and walks to the stairs her own cup of coffee in hand. I hope to God she’s going to get dressed so we can leave as soon as possible.
I walk to where she pointed and find myself in the kitchen. On the island there is a plate filled with eggs and bacon, another with pancakes and a bowl of fruit salad. I have questions and look around confused, when a petite girl pops up from behind the island with two cups in her hand. I make a startled noise and she in turn screams. We look at each other for a few moments before she asks “Sasuke?”
I nod and she sighs in relief. “Oh, thank God I thought you were an intruder. I made breakfast so we can eat before leaving if you’re not in too much of a hurry”
She’s dressed and I see a suitcase next to one of the chairs. So, this girl is the real Hinata and she is almost ready to go, thank God. “Yea that’s cool.” I sit myself down.
“Do you want coffee?” she asks, I was hoping she would.
“Yes please. With just a bit of sugar and nothing else” I say  
“Ah you’re that kind of person I see” She says and gives me my filled cup. I watch her add maybe 5 ml of coffee in the next cup fill that with milk a lot of sugar, cinnamon and even vanilla. She puts it in the microwave for a while and finally walks around to sit herself down too.
“Ah so you’re that kind of person” I say right back. Hinata drinks from her cup but her eyes are smiling at me. I wait for her to fill her plate first before doing the same. We eat in silence; I finish first so I take her suitcase and take it to the car. I return to the door just as she walks outside.
“INO I’M LEAVING” Hinata screams, I assume Ino is the blonde girl.
“OK BABE, CALL ME WHEN YOU GET THERE” a voice screams right back.
I chuckle and we get into the car. I notice Hinata holds two to-go cups in her hands. She notices me looking at them and shrugs. “I made both of us another cup of coffee for the road” her declaration makes me thank the Lords.
“Good idea. It’s going to be a long road”
Part 1
(This story happens before part 1 so you can read them as you wish)
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ @sasuhinamonth || SasuHina Month 2019 || Day Nine: Ichi-go Ichi-e ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Uchiha Itachi, Hyūga Hinata ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: A Light Amongst Shadows ] [ AO3 Link ]
After everything that’s happened, Sasuke has forgotten how to just...slow down. Once the massacre was over and he was released from the hospital, his life was a blur: a rush of training, studying, and barely eating or sleeping. His drive was so all-consuming, that much of his existence simply...passed him by without a thought.
Life slowed a bit when he became a genin, thrown together with his team and sensei. At times, his goals would momentarily be forgotten. But any spare, quiet moment was met with the realization that he was wasting time. He had so much to do, so much yet to accomplish before he could face his brother, and finally attain vengeance…!
The years spent with Orochimaru were much the same: a day to day slog of training, arguing, plotting. Then Hebi...Akatsuki...Taka...the war...and his unintended return to Konoha. Once the council was ousted, his brother pardoned, his cousin returned...Sasuke realized something.
He no longer had a drive. He felt...lost.
Well...maybe not entirely. Keeping the last shards of his family safe remained the utmost priority. Never again would the Uchiha be brought any closer to the brink of extinction. Never again would Konoha - or anyone else - threaten them.
...but beyond that? For now...he isn’t sure.
His family advises that, in the interim, he work on something else: on reconnecting with those he left behind. At first, he balks. The wounds between himself and his team are still fresh. He’s in no way ready yet to forgive them: for their controlling behavior, their ignoring his struggles, for insisting he return to Konoha after learning all the village had done...he wouldn’t be able to forget or forgive that. Not yet.
...and yet…
“Perhaps it would be easier to meet in a group,” Itachi advises. “Where the attention would be more divided.”
Glancing to his brother, the elder sighs. “...I know this is not easy. It will be difficult for all of us to adjust after so long, and so much. Just ease into it, Sasuke. One step at a time. I promise, someday, you will find yourself feeling at home again.”
...he isn’t so sure, but doesn’t rebuke.
Glancing up from a shop window a few days later, there’s a blink. “...Hyūga.”
Hinata closes the distance at a jog before pouting at him. “Please, c-call me Hinata, ne?”
He just stares at her.
“...a-anyway...I was wondering if you’d like to join a bunch of us for supper…? Most of our class is getting together for some yakiniku q tonight, and...I wanted to invite you!”
...she’s always been the one, since his return, that reaches out. Usually he refuses, but...Sasuke thinks back to his brother’s advice. “...all right. Sure. What time?”
Looking a bit surprised at his agreeing, it takes her a moment to reply. “...six o’clock.”
“Okay. I’ll be there.” A pause. “...thanks for the invite.”
“O...of course!” She gives him a warm smile. “We’ll all be glad to see you, Sasuke-kun.”
Well..he doesn’t fully believe that, but he just nods.
At five before six, he stands outside the entrance. Already he can hear a ruckus of people within, and he’s willing to bet most of it is coming from his classmates. Sighing lightly, he takes another moment to prepare himself for a long, noisy evening.
Turning, he finds Hinata coming up behind him. “...not late, am I?”
“No, you’re right on time! I had errands to run, so...I’m just now ready. S-shall we go in?”
Another nod.
Their agemates sit around a large table, already laughing and talking. Everyone’s there, even Gai’s team and Sai. As the last pair approach, the festivities quiet for a moment.
Just a hair, Sasuke stiffens.
“Hello everyone!” Hinata offers, clearly trying to diffuse their reaction. “A-are there any seats left?”
Glances are exchanged, and everyone bunches together a little tighter. Hinata sits along one end, opposite Sasuke’s seat beside Lee. For a time, things seem to...idle. But between Naruto, Kiba, and Lee, it’s soon brought back up to a boisterous level.
Mostly just sitting quietly and observing, Sasuke just...takes it in. Part of him still feels uncomfortable, but...there’s also a strange, somber nostalgia.
...how many nights like this has he missed?
The thought reminds him of the old saying: ichi-go, ichi-e. One life, one experience. How each moment is unique, never to be truly repeated again. Maybe he’s missed nights like this before...but he’s here, now.
...maybe someday, he’ll be able to appreciate them fully.
Opposite him, from the corners of her eyes, Hinata watches as Sasuke gets lost in thought. Ever so softly, she smiles. While most of their peers are still wary of him...she’s made it her mission to try to get him back on his feet and branch out. Their clans (and mutual acquaintances) are too intertangled for her to just give up on him.
...she knows too much of what he’s been through to just...leave him alone. Their slate is blank. And with so many connections, they’re bound to keep running into each other. So, for now...she does her best to try to help him adjust.
He deserves to be happy. To finally, after so long...live in the moment, and enjoy it. No more struggling, no more running himself ragged.
And maybe...she’ll be the first stepping stone to getting there.
...if only she could know how far they’ll go.
But, for now...one moment is enough.
     Well, not...too much to say about today's prompt? I'd never heard of this concept before, and I really like it! I think it applies to this ship a lot. Both are quiet, observant people. Now that Sasuke can step back and enjoy life, I think he'd be very mindful of it. Hinata, too. It's just their natures.      But yeah! That's all for now - thanks for reading!
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Itachi and his S/O scenario prompt : "I need a distraction tonight."
Sure thing!
“I need a distraction tonight” - Itachi Uchiha Scenario
Lately, you have noticed that Itachi has been looking way more tired than usual. After spending hours at your place wondering what you should do make him feel better, your phone received a message. You looked at the person ID and it showed Itachi’s name. 
“Hey, I’m sorry, I know it’s pretty late but…I need a distraction tonight and I really need you” - You read the message a few times with a smile on your face before you answered that you are on your way. 
Itachi didn’t lie, it was late. The moon was already shining brightly in the sky. You dressed yourself up as quickly as possible and went to Itachi’s place. He has given you the keys a few months before so you helped yourself getting in. The first thing you noticed was that the apartment was dark. 
“Itachi?” - You called his name.
“Yes” - You heard his voice coming from the bedroom so you giggled quietly. As you entered the room you saw Itachi sitting on the bed, his back facing the door and a lot of scrolls lying around. There were only a few lit candles in the room making the atmosphere feel quite relaxing. 
He didn’t turn around when he heard the door closing. Instead, he looked down to the floor. This worried you a bit. You sat on the bed, wrapping yourself around him and kissed his cheek.
“What is going on, babe?” - You asked not trying to hide the worry in your voice.
“I’m just exhausted, I guess” - He sighed. A sad smile formed on both your faces without realizing it. You perfectly know that everything has been stressing him out lately. Though he won’t openly admit it, you know something has taken its toll on him. And now that he’s saying it - it means he really needs you. You quickly changed your position, kneeling in front of him. The moment your eyes met his, you felt like you want to cry. He looked as if he hasn’t been sleeping or eating properly for the past few weeks. You caressed his face gently and he smiled while holding your hand.
“Why haven’t you said anything? That’s why I’m here, Itachi. You are so stubborn. Come on, speak to me.” - You tried to make him laugh but it didn’t help. He dropped himself next to you on the floor and laid down, placing his head on your lap. You started caressing his hair and looked at him with a caring smile and shining eyes. Now the atmosphere changed to being sad and quiet.
“I just…I don’t know how or what to feel anymore, y/n.” - Itachi said so quietly, yet his words sounded loud in your mind. You have known him for such a long time and never seen him like this or heard him speak this way. You had this image in your head as if Itachi was some kind of a superhuman. Handling everything with such strength and grace but now it looks like everything is falling apart in his life and you started questioning yourself if you ever had seen someone with eyes so helpless and full of pain and a soul being so destroyed. Of course, it hurts you to see him in so much pain and not knowing what to do or say but as time is passing and no one saying a thing something in you was telling you that this is truly what he needs. - “The moon is so beautiful tonight.”
“Yeah, it is.” - You agreed. After a few moments, Itachi got up and looked at you once again. His hands found their way to your face and then you felt his lips pressing to yours and then moving to your neck. You wrapped your hands around him and closed your eyes.
“Thank you for coming tonight. I really, really needed a distraction tonight.” - He whispered in your ear before burying his hands in your hair.
“I’m here. You can have me”.
A/N: I think this turned slightly angsty…I’m sorry if that isn’t what you wanted. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it! Feel free to request again if you want to!
                                                                                               -Admin Lexy💞
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sns-tropes · 7 years
fic: my heart held in your hands - chapter 1
summary:   The war is over and Sasuke finally comes home. But Konoha wont let a missing-nin back into their midst without leashing him first. Naruto sticks by his side the whole time.
pairing: sasuke/naruto (ninja!verse) post-698
rating: Mature
word count: 3,778
warnings: angst, hurt/comfort, panic attacks, eventual explicit content in later chapters
It was easy for Naruto. For some reason he couldn't feel any pain where he’d lost an arm. There was a ghosted feeling where it should be, giving him the impression that it was truly detached from the rest of him. It wasn't his priority. He reached over, sitting up with effort he didn't know he had left in him. He took Sasuke’s hand in his. He was mirrored. Their arms. Gone. It felt so foolish now. He knew that their battle was inevitable. But this one was so much different. This one held a certain hopeful light at the end of the tunnel that this truly was the very last strain. He wasn’t going to cry. But he felt like he could, just from relief alone.
Sasuke wasn't going to pull his hand away from Naruto. He didn't flinch in the slightest. He just tightened his grip on Naruto’s hand with what little strength he had left.
“Does it hurt?” Naruto asked him, nodding towards his missing limb.
He squeezed Naruto's hand tighter. “Not so much.”
Sakura and Kakashi were coming up over the ruble that laid on the field  from their destructive ways.
She healed them the best that she could. Naruto's arm was blown to bits. Unrecoverable. She stopped the bleeding and sealed the wound with ease. Sasuke’s could be salvaged. But just when Sakura gave the impression that she would reattach it, he stopped her.
“I don't want it.”
She looked confused, maybe a little hurt. She didn't understand. Probably couldn't if she tried.  She opened her mouth yet no words came. She looked to Kakashi for any sign. To help her make sense of it.
“Leave it, Sakura.” He told her, knowingly.
She sighed with a bittersweet smile. Her eyes might have been watering, but it didn't matter. She had her friends back and they were alive. It was enough. Even though there was a indecipherable pang of alarm in her heart when her gaze fell on their intertwined hands. Still, it was enough.
It was going to be a long road to recovery. For them and everyone else who made it.
And Naruto hated hospitals.
The last time Naruto was in a hospital with Sasuke they ended up fighting on the roof. And not for sport. Sasuke had something to prove back then. He was just as determined as Naruto. When it came to showing what he was worth, he only seemed to take one person into account. Whether he realized it or not.
Shikamaru walked through the door and into the shared hospital room. It was Naruto’s request. Sasuke didn't protest. He probably didn't want to let him out of his sight again. Oddly he felt inclined to comply with Naruto's wishes, which was fairly new to him.
Shikamaru placed two cups of coffee on the side table. Sakura said they shouldn't have any while they're healing. But Naruto craved it just because she said he couldn't. Sasuke never cared much for it, but sipped it nonetheless.
He stood there in between their beds, nose twitching at the strong smell of linen and antiseptic.
“Hn. Haven't had this view in a while.”
Sasuke and Naruto couldn't help but turn their heads to look at each other.
“You guys are ridiculous.” He scoffed lightheartedly. He might have been laughing at them. No, he was definitely laughing at them. “Oh man, and you did it to yourselves too.”
They really have no room for a comment. He's not wrong. They did do this to each other. They fought, and screamed, and cried, and bled. They've handicapped each other. But Naruto wouldn't change any of it. Not a single moment of it.
He was about to leave and he stopped at the doorway. His expression hardened and he turned to Sasuke.
“It's good to see you, Sasuke.” He meant it. He really did. “But some advice; not everyone in the village  can say the same.”
A warning. Sasuke would be stupid to take it lightly.
Upon his leave, Naruto looked worried. “I hadn't thought about that.” He whispered to Sasuke as he fiddled with the sheets.
“It's not  your problem. Don't worry.” He stated simply.
“It is my problem. I am worried.” Naruto wasn't used to this. Neither of them were. The battle and the injuries and even the resolve had made them so open and raw. And they didn't really know what to do about that.
“Idiot. Nothing I can't handle.”
Naruto knew that. He knew Sasuke could handle it. He could handle anything. But that knowledge didn't reassure him like he wished it did.
They heal quick like always and they're out of the hospital fast and easy.
Sasuke insisted on living in the Uchiha  compound. He vowed to fix anything that needed to be tended to by hand and maintain it. Naruto thought it was a bad idea, because this was to start over not go backwards. Anything that caused pain was unnecessary.
Naruto could almost feel how heavy Sasuke’s heart was as he stood next to him behind the yellow tape and boarded up archway.
He watched Sasuke go, treading lightly behind him.
It's all dust and cobwebs and caked up dirt. Sasuke spends a lot of time in the yards, trying to will himself to enter his childhood home. It's been so long. He looked like he struggling, forcing himself to go in. Naruto steps in front of him.
“Don't force if it doesn't feel right.” Naruto told him carefully.
Sasuke regards him with a scoff, and then flees away from his gaze. He knows he means well but it's not enough to ease his impatience. He is forcing himself and he's fully aware of it.
He walks inside through the main doors. He wants to be fine but Naruto always sees right through his strains.
He doesn't go in his or Itachi's bedroom. It doesn't feel like he's supposed to. He's back here but he still wants to lock it all away.
He's walking through the home when suddenly it sneaks up on him. He can still see feint bloodstains on the hardwood flooring. This is where it happened, and he hasn't looked at it since.
He drops down to his knees, fingertips dragging across the stains. His chest is tight and he can't tell if it's the beginning of a cry.
Naruto crowds in behind him. His chin resting on his shoulder and his only arm draping around the other. An awkward hug to say the least.
“Do you forgive him?” Comes the sudden whisper in Sasuke’s ear.
Sasuke doesn't have to think about it. “I do.” He sighs shakily.
They sit like that for a moment touching those horrible stains before Naruto pulls him up.
They leave quietly. Sasuke goes agrees to live with Naruto in his apartment just like he said he wouldn't.
They both sat in the empty council room, waiting for their former teacher and newly appointed hokage.
He looked at the both of them sat side by side. One arm missing from each.
“You two look ridiculous.”
Everyone seemed to be saying that lately.
“Hey!” Naruto stood up suddenly. “They're battle scars! We look like hardened men of war.”
“Please stop.” Sasuke quipped. Naruto could almost feel Sasuke rolling his eyes.
Kakashi took a seat and he started to brief them on what to expect in the next few months. Most of it was boring. All business. War aftermaths.
“Sasuke,” Kakashi grabbed his attention. “The council expressed to me… Very aggressively, that they worry about your residence here in the village. Regardless of your helpful part in the war efforts.”
Sasuke didn't speak, he knew there was more that Kakashi had to say. He wasn't surprised by any of it.
Naruto found himself dejected as he wished they had their hands. Just so he could take Sasuke's in his.
“They've regarded my favoring of you, which I obviously do, as grounds of accusation for me dismissing any crimes that they might find you guilty of.”
If he had to endure any kind of imprisonment, he would surely leave before they could enforce it. Naruto knew that. Kakashi knew that. It was unspoken.
“So with that said, I've requested a pardon due to your assistance to the village. It was voted on. In your favor. By a landslide.”
Sasuke leaned back in his chair, suddenly feeling very old. “And the catch?” He questioned.  Because there was always a catch.
Kakashi smirked. “Supervision.”
“What the fuck does that entail?” He spouted out.
“What kind of supervision?” Naruto scoffed, squinting at Kakashi.
“STOP while you're ahead. Both of you.” He focuses on Naruto. “They've taken into account that you two will be living together in close quarters, and that has eased them. However, because of previous lapses in judgment on your part, they require a weekly inspection,” he held up air quotes on ‘inspection,’ which made Naruto's stomach suddenly  hurt.
“It's a check up. To make sure Sasuke stays in line.”
“Well they're wasting their damn time.” Sasuke told him nonchalantly. Sasuke knew he didn't need any babysitting. He didn't mind Naruto so much, that was fine. But weekly check ups? That just felt like pure ridicule. In fact he might be more stable now than he's ever been. He still had a lot to work on, but he was trying.
“This is excessive.” Naruto added. Normally Naruto wouldn't protest as long as he got his way. But he didn't want Sasuke to feel like the village miscreant. It's not exactly a good start.
Kakashi laughed at him, and both of their heads snapped up. “You're complaining? You're literally going to be with Sasuke twenty-four-seven. And it's council-ordered. This is like a wet dream for you, Naruto.”
For once, Naruto had nothing to say. It felt futile to protest, in fear that he might just mess this whole thing up. Sasuke noticed the flush on his face. Naruto's reaction was comforting to him  in a strange, unfamiliar way.
“And as for your arms, Tsunade is nearly finished with the prosthetics.”
For some reason, neither of them had much of a reaction to that information. Naruto didn't care about his arm. He would figure it out. Sasuke didn't care for his either. The prosthetics were insisted upon by Sakura and Tsunade.
“Is that all?” Sasuke asked.
“Yeah, that's all. You can go to your love-nest now. Expect a visit by noon tomorrow.” Kakashi cackled.
Naruto leaned over to mumble in Sasuke’s space. “He's enjoying this.”
“Of course he fucking is.”
"And Sasuke…” Kakashi started ominously, “this is a second chance. At everything. Don't mess it up.”
Sasuke liked Shikamaru’s advice better.
Sasuke thinks Naruto's apartment suits him perfectly. It’s organized but somehow cluttered at the same time. Like everything is its proper place, but so many of his belongings are just unnecessary.
Not that it mattered to Sasuke. He didn't have that many belongings so he didn't require much room. However he didn't take the apartments setup into account. It's a single room. Bed on one side, kitchen on the other. Door to the bathroom. Privacy was obviously going to be a foreign concept in here.
It was already dark out and Naruto was heating some water. Sasuke sat at the small table and watched as he poured it into two cups of ramen. It was difficult to do one handed, but like everything else, he manages.
“When do you sleep?” Naruto asked.
“Rarely.” Sasuke mumbled.
“You ass. I meant what time?”
Sasuke shrugs. Naruto decides not to press further. He twirls his noodles around with his chop sticks. He just looks so… depressed. And Naruto is not used  to that. Maybe cynical, sure. Angry, yeah. Rude? Cold shoulder? Insulting? Always.
But this look of sadness. That's not something he wants to see.
“Don't look at me like that.” Sasuke hissed.
Naruto was taken aback, dropping his chopsticks into the cup. “Look at you like what?”
“Like you feel sorry for me.”
“I don't.”
It wasn't that he felt sorry for Sasuke because he didn't. He felt pure regret. He wanted him to be okay. Because before he ever cared about his own happiness, he wanted it for Sasuke more. Maybe if he could have shown him that, things would have turned out differently. It's hard to make him understand that he knows what he's feeling. He's been to that dark place. Feeling rejected, cast out, and alone.
“I don't feel sorry for you. But you're always shouldering everything by yourself. Don't you get tired of it?” He rasped. This was Naruto's way of being subtle. And he was very, very bad at it. Beating around the bush never got either of them anywhere.
“You're the same. Should you really be asking me that?” He retorted.
And he was right.
“I want you to be okay.” He didn't think those words would be as difficult to say as they felt. It came out without much thought, but thankfully he didn’t regret saying it. He was sure of himself.
Sasuke let out the loudest sigh Naruto has ever heard. “I am okay.”
“Are you though? This is… All so fucking weird and I just feel like you're gonna snap at any given moment.”
Sasuke was prone to sudden outbursts and occasional maniacal laughter. But thankfully this time it was soft. Soft, reassuring laughter.
“I'm not gonna snap.” He's smiling. Naruto loved it when he smiled. It might be his favorite in the whole world. “I'm okay. More than I have been.”
“Well, good!” Naruto felt flustered now. “Now eat your damn food. I'll tie you up and force feed you. I'm so serious.”
“I believe you.” Sasuke rolled his eyes and forced himself to take several bites of his food.
Surprisingly, Sasuke didn't feel as awkward as he thought he would when he settled down into Naruto's bed.
He's never really slept through the night. Sometimes he doesn't sleep at all. Just rests his body while his mind stays awake. He was aware that things weren't heathy that way, but he had been so obsessive back then. His guard was always up.
He's trying. He's really trying to be normal again. Not that he was ever abnormal, maybe just a little erratic.
He's tired of dreaming of Itachi when he shuts his eyes and let's his mind drift once in a while. As he closes his eyes He tries to will himself to think of something else. Anything else. Because even though he got to see his brother one last time, albeit his withering corpse-like appearance, he still feels like there is something unfinished.
Even though he looked him in the eyes and told him how much he loves him, there is still a hollow cold space in his heart that he can never seem to be rid of. Sometimes, rarely, he finds himself wishing that Itachi would have taken his life as well. He dreams of his small child-like self  laid out across the smooth boards of their compound next to his parents, decorated with crimson, never to wake again. But these dreams, they don't feel like nightmares. When he wakes, it feels like maybe that's how things were supposed to be. Sometimes he still wants to die. He never really cared for what happens to him after all of his intentions came to fruition.
There's a rustle in the blankets, and a blond head of hair is turning over in the softness of the pillows. Sasuke can see the bright shining blue of his eyes as clear as ever in the gleam of the moons light. He feels like they're 8 years old again. Back then, on the planks of the dock, Naruto's eyes felt like the most comforting thing in the world. It seems that they still haven't lost that spark from all those years ago. It dispels his thoughts of Itachi and death.
“I can't sleep.” Naruto whispers. He doesn't know why he whispers, it's only them.
“Count sheep.” He whispers back.
"You can't sleep either.” He smiles. “Do you get nightmares and stuff?”
Sasuke is not going to answer that question at all. But he's sure the answer shows on his face.
“I get them too.” Naruto sighs, and his smile is gone. “About you.”
“What about me?” He can't help but ask.
“You're always dying.” He jostles the covers around a little. He might have just gotten a little closer. Sasuke can't be too sure. “You're always dying and I'm powerless. Every time… I wake up I don't  know if you’re okay, or if you…” His breath hitches. “We're hurt, or even alive.”
Sasuke feels guilt suddenly. Guilt that he's felt so rarely that it was easy for him to push it back down in the past. He’s hurt Naruto. Not on purpose, never on purpose. But through circumstance. Either he was trying to kill him or make him his very last priority. He's been horribly inconsistent with him and he's never regretted it more in this very moment. He doesn't want to hurt him anymore.
“When I started thinking about it too much… it was like  I couldn't breathe.” He scooted. Always closer. “I just can't believe that you're actually here with me…”
Sasuke was still silent. It was hard to talk back. Because he knew he would say something that he could never live down. It looked like Naruto was shaking. It looked like maybe it was happening now, given that Naruto's breathing seemed irregular.
“I'm sorry- I'm sorry I'll stop. Just- sorry.” And he's turning around and away from Sasuke.
Sasuke stops him. Pulls him closer. He was never one for words. Not really. He tugged at Naruto and pulled him to his chest. Naruto folded into him like it was the only thing he's ever really wanted from him.
Sasuke can't remember that last time he had a hug. A proper one. This felt like more than that. It pains him to think that he could have always had this. He's missed Naruto more than he ever though possible. Because No matter where he went, no matter the people he knew, no one would ever love him as much as Naruto. It was so unconditional, and even though it may have taken him forever, he's finally starting to understand why.
He feels a soft tremble and slight hitch of breath from Naruto.
“Are you crying?” He asks Naruto without ridicule.
“Yeah. Guess I am. A little.” Naruto laughs. He's never been more relieved in his life. Sasuke is here with him, alive and breathing and in his arms. He has his best friend back. He's never given up, but he never knew if his determination would reach a resolve. He didn't know if he would really be able to keep going, keep fighting, if Sasuke wasn't going to be  at the end of his road.
He is. He's here.
Sasuke holds him tight, pressing his chest against him, his only arm wrapped around him  completely. It feels nice to touch Naruto. For the first time in a long time he's touching him without hurting him. There's no intent to strike or burn or injure and it's so relieving that it's come to this.
“I'm not leaving.” Sasuke says in his ear. “Not this time.” There's a slight painful veer in in his soft tone. Naruto is dozing, but notices and huffs out a distressed breath.
He means it. Naruto almost doesn't believe what he hears. But the silence that follows is somehow reassuring. Sasuke's hand running softly though his hair, is all the convincing he needs.
It's still taking some getting used to. He doesn't know if he'll be able to touch him like this regularly without hesitation. But he feels like Naruto needs the comfort, and he has to start somewhere.
They fall asleep like that. Real sleep. The kind where they don't wake up with a cold sweat and a racing heart. The kind where in the morning, you don't want to get out of bed. The kind that Naruto hoped would come every night after this one.
As Naruto’s consciousness ebbs away he can't help but have his last thought be a troublesome one. The thought that Sasuke could disappear again is so real in his mind. But he saves it for later. Puts it off. He'll put a lot of things off if just to have this a little longer.
It's late. And while there's two scarred up and battle worn shinobi fast asleep under a blanket, Sakura is across the village knocking on the hokage’s office door.
She's antsy and impatient. The relief she thought she would feel when Sasuke returned home has slowly ebbed into anxious worry over the passing hours.
“Come in.” Comes a muffled voice from behind the door.
Sakura opens the door and strides over to Kakashi’s desk, taking a place in the chair in front of him.
He's trifling through paperwork, stacks and stacks of it. He lifts his gaze to regard her twisted expression.
"Stressed?" he asks her sarcastically.
She doesn't waste any time. “The tapes are broken at the Uchiha compound.” She says expectantly, waiting for him to answer.
"So they are.” He tufts. “You should've figured they would be.”
She makes a small humming sound.
"Don't worry.” He says, finally looking up at her properly. “He's with Naruto. He's living with him for now.”
It doesn't ease her thoughts.
“They'll kill each other.” She scoffs. “Sooner or later.” She doesn't like the way the words sound when they leave her mouth.
“Don't jinx it.” He says, like he isn't taking her seriously.
“How can you think this is a good idea?” She asks him incredulously, crossing her arms.
He puts his pen down and leans back in his seat.
“I'm the last person to baby anyone. You know that.”
She waits for him to continue, becoming more fidgety by the second. He has that tone like she's being excessive or ridiculous.
“He needs to heal. Make up for all the lost time. And most importantly find his purpose. He's in limbo right now. And We both know Naruto is more than capable of helping him get there.”
She sighs out frustrated. “I… Know. But it seems…”
“It seems like you're paranoid. And tired. So get some sleep and let me worry about the rest.”
She hates being cut off, but she could never argue with Kakashi. It's just not something she does. So she leaves his office trying to to convince herself that this is for the best.
It doesn't work.
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kusunogatari-a · 7 years
[ What Is Lost ] [ @despairinghxpe ] [ Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Fugaku, Suigin Ryū, Fubuki ] [ Death mention ] [ Verse: River Runs Deep ]
So desperate is his household, they latch onto the old wives' tale with fervor.
He doesn't quite believe it himself. Neither, he suspects, does his father. His mother, however, is the most faithful of their family. As soon as the whisper of a rumor meets her ears, she begs her husband to search for the supposed miracle in the mist.
And after the diagnosis is given...the man finds himself willing to humor her.
After all...there's little else to hope for.
It lies far to the northeast, miles from any civilized road or respite. Alone, father and son make the trek – slow going, on account of the younger's condition. More than once, his father nearly turns them around, too shaken by the sight of his son as they struggle.
And yet, despite his misgivings...Itachi insists they continue.
So Fugaku obeys.
There is nearly no path to speak of. They wander through trees and grasses, rocks and roots before finally finding a break in the peaks. Once they crest it, both pause and take in the view.
A valley, crowned with frothing waterfalls, meets their gaze. A winding ribbon of silver – a river – lays along its spine. And just visible through the trees are homes – just specks from their distance.
Neither would ever admit it aloud...but the sight itself nearly births the same faith Mikoto so desperately clings to.
The descent is unsteady, just as arduous as the way up. But both soon pass beneath a weathered torī gate...and with it, feel a kind of finality in their bones.
But it's quickly overshadowed by a wariness as an old woman stands in their path.
“...she awaits you.”
Both men turn to one another, clearly unsettled.
“...only the boy.”
“You expect me to leave my son, alone?”
“It is as she commands. This is a path he must walk alone.”
Fugaku draws Itachi aside. “...I can't just leave you here.”
“Afraid I'll die without you?”
A flinch, but no retort.
“...we both know I either find my cure here, or my death. You know the way back.” Itachi gives a wry smile. “...what do I have left to lose...?”
“I never should have let your mother talk me into this...it's madness. Gods care little about human lives, if they exist to care at all.”
“It makes her feel better. At least she'll know she did all she could.”
His father's jaw sets. “...you're sure?”
“At this point, it matters little to me.”
“...very well. Be careful.”
Itachi makes no promises.
Dead men walking have little reason to fear pain.
He watches his father go, knowing how hard each step must be. But once he fades from view, Itachi turns to the woman. “...what now?”
“We see the shrine. You must introduce yourself...and give your offering.”
“Patience, child – we have a long walk ahead of us. And much to tell.”
Grated ever so slightly by her condescending language, Itachi acquiesces. They pass through the village, all eyes watching the stranger in their midst.
“Suigin-sama watches over this valley and its people. She has been its guardian since before man wandered into the vale. A mighty kami is she...should she find you worthy, she will give you whatever aid she deems fit.”
Still unconvinced, the Uchiha gives no reply, watching his surroundings carefully.
...funny. He hasn't coughed since they passed through the gate...
His guide continues on, telling him of the goddess and her love for her humans. Of the blessings of medicinal flora within the valley; the longevity of its people; and how she herself often wanders the roads at night, purifying the air with camphor's smoke.
“We must ascend to the peak. There, you will give your offering.”
“I...did not bring anything.”
“She cares little for things, young man.” The old woman mounts the first step, carved into the cliff face. “To Suigin-sama, a proper offering is of the heart, or of healing.” Eyeing him, she nods. “...your hair will do.”
“A piece of yourself. To show your disconnect from the worldly.”
Uncertainly, he follows in silence. Ten minutes, twenty, thirty...and finally they reach the steppe.
A shrine – clearly as old as the village itself, if not older – rests to their left. And to their right, a cavern engraved with the kami's name. The air is thin and cool, snow clearly visible a short ways further up the peak.
Everywhere, shide and shimenawa litter the trees and structure, prayers left behind for the spirit to consider. Offerings of all kinds crowd the shrine's front. Versed by his mother, he cleanses his hands without a thought.
“There...you will find a knife of silver.”
“And if I refuse?”
Itachi sighs. In truth, it matters little – he's teetering on the brink of death. What is hair to a dead man?
Approaching the temple, he watches it warily. He may not be a man of faith...but nor is he a fool. As the woman predicted, a silver knife glints. Lithe fingers pluck it from its resting place, gathering the tail behind his head. The blade settles just above the tie that binds it...and with a flick of his wrist, severs the lengths in a single swipe.
Almost immediately, he feels...lighter.
“Leave it there. Replace the blade. And make your wish.”
Staring at the inky tresses, Itachi does as ordered, feeling the choppy lengths against his jaw. For a moment, he sits in awkward silence.
...O-Suigin-sama...if you truly exist to listen...I ask you spare my life in the face of illness. If only for the peace of my family, who cling to me. Please...spare them their grief.
From behind him, a breeze that reeks of camphor smoke billows, stealing at the lengths of his hair. The feeling of eyes upon his spine beget a turn...but he sees no one but the woman.
“...she has heard you. Now...she must decide. Come. There is more to do.”
The descent leaves the ill man shaken, nearing his breaking point. But she leads him to a small waterfall, and points. “Disrobe, and purify yourself.”
“I'll catch my death!”
“Suigin-sama will protect you. But first, you must cleanse yourself of impurities.”
...surely she's mad, he thinks to himself, but obeys. At the very least, it will make for a laugh when he finally submits to death. The pool at the fall's base bites at his feet, and numbness is nearly immediate.
It's going to kill me...!
But something drives him forward, and hands cup beneath the downpour. After a brief pause, he takes a breath and plunges his head into the water.
It feels like ice clawing down his back, every muscle tensing as his nerves scream in protest. Mouth clear as the water parts atop his scalp, he gasps for breath, eyes wide and staring at his palms.
Despite everything, it's the most alive he's felt in months...years. Suddenly he's aware of every inch of his body as it alights with icy fire. He's so very aware of how...alive he is.
And within him, it births a desperation – an instinct long-buried beneath his apathy and acceptance of death.
I...I want to live...!
Eventually, something tells him to recede, and he does so, scrambling for his clothes.
“...follow me.”
Hands shaking as he struggles to pull cloth against wet skin, Itachi has little choice but to follow. Already, the sparse daylight that peeks over the valley walls recedes. Lanterns are lit along the pathway, and she shows him to a room.
“Rest here. By morning...we will know her choice.”
To his surprise, a meal is brought, but given without company. He's left to his quarters – little more than a barren bedroom – as evening slips to night. Restless, he paces the floor, even as the lantern light dies.
And then, an eerie silence settles over the village.
Brought to stillness, he finds his eyes drawn to a window. Condensation gathers along the panes, a palm smoothing away the blur.
It's then he sees her.
At first, she's little more than a vague figure in the fog. But she treads along the path, geta and tabi socks peeking out beneath her kimono's hem. Along the fabric, silver fibers catch the light of her smoldering camphor branch, illuminating the woven mountains and mist upon it. Pale hands hold the incense aloft, the smoke blending with the fog that seems to billow from her form.
Locks of unruly white tumble down her back like river rapids, a draconic mask across her face. But even so, he can see that the branched horns drawn back over her head grow from her skull, not her visage.
He watches her approach, frozen in place. For a moment, he thinks she will simply pass him by.
But she pauses beyond his window, and a slow turn tilts her mask to peer at him.
Behind it, mirror-like eyes catch the moonlight, flashing silver as she beholds him.
They stare.
He can't know how much time passes as she appears to look right through him. As though unclothed, he feels bare before her, as though searching his very soul to reach her verdict.
And then, at last...she bows her head to him.
Itachi releases a breath he hasn't realized he's holding, staggering back from the window as she continues her route. His heart hammers in his chest – the same desperate fluttering from the waterfall.
...I want to live!
Unsure what else to do, he sits along his proffered bed, and somehow finds himself waking the following morning, no memory of falling asleep. The ceiling holds his gaze for uncounted minutes before he finds the strength to stand. A hand opens his door, and a shimmer draws his gaze to the road. Something catches the light, and as he plucks it between his fingers, he finds himself reminded of a fish scale.
“A token of fortune.”
He nearly leaps from his skin, turning to see the old woman. A knowing smile pulls her lips, deepening her wrinkles. “She has agreed. Keep this, young man – take it to Iwao. He will fasten it for you.”
“Those lucky enough to find a scale of the goddess keep them on their person – they bring good luck, and good health. Most fashion them into a necklace, or a bangle. Iwao has done this for many.” A pointing finger guides him, and Itachi – still caught in a fog of disbelief – does as asked.
“Fortune upon you,” is the man's reply, offering the scale fastened in a silver ring, slung upon a cord of black. “Take care not to lose it.”
Slipping it over his head, Itachi holds the flash of silver in his palm.
Even now...he feels doubt. Surely someone is simply goading these people – holding them in superstition. Anyone can wear a mask, don false horns, leave carved shells akin to scales in the street.
...and yet...
“What now?”
“Wait for nightfall. When the sun sinks beyond the western horizon, bring yourself to the river. She will find you.”
With little else to do, Itachi explores the village as sunlight lingers. Waterwheels creak in the river's banks, a handful of children laughing in the distance. It feels like a piece of lost time – a sliver of an era long gone by, lost to the tide of the modernization he knows so well. It's...strange. Almost unwelcome.
And yet the quiet – true quiet, without the hum of electricity; the rumble of cars, or trains; or ringing of phones – brings a melancholy peace to him.
So he listens. Until the sun begins to set.
It's then a kind of nervousness finds him. This all began as a last token effort to bring his mother peace. But now, he's not sure what to think – torn between his acceptance of death...and a strange dare to wonder if something beyond his knowing is at work here.
He believed in kami, once upon a time. But with age came a stoic reason – a logic that said such creatures could not exist. When he fell ill, he never prayed. That was his mother's solution. Instead, that same cold logic gave him somber acceptance. What medicine could not cure, he would not waste time trying to fight.
There's no such thing as magic.
And yet...in this place...he can almost swear he feels it crawling on his skin.
With little left to lose...he leaves his room as darkness falls, following the path to the river's edge.
The mist has cleared, moonlight bathing the river's surface. Here, just before the falls at the end of the valley, the water is deeper, calmer.
Like a mirror.
Like those eyes...
Standing along the muddy shore, he waits. And waits. And when he's nearly ready to turn back...he pauses.
Reflected against the water, the moon begins to ripple. Then, like a ribbon, a serpentine form rises from the depths.
His heart stops.
Dripping, the kami faces him, mirror-eyes staring, unblinking. Without his notice, she approaches the bank, clawed feet digging into the mud. And still, she stares, bowing her head to his.
In spite of the disbelief, and perhaps the fear...Itachi raises his hands to cup the creature's jaw. Touch, to prove that what he sees is tangible.
Is real.
And then, in an instant, serpent flickers to woman. The same mask stares, cut through by the same eyes.
He drops his hands as though burned, half a step staggered back.
Silence for a moment, and then a hand reaching to grasp the mask's hem at her chin. A tug removes it back over the crown of her head, revealing the pale, human face beneath.
A nod.
Itachi hesitates, still not convinced he's not dreaming. “...you...” A pause. “...you can...heal me...?”
Her tone is soft, somber, like the toll of low bells.
“I thought you lost, human. Though it beat within your chest, your heart was already dead...faded to an acceptance of a fate you had yet to fall to.”
Her words seem to pierce right through him.
And still, she stares. Unblinking.
“...but it has awoken. First, you cut your ties...and put your fate in my hands. Then, you begged my help...not for your sake, but the sake of those who would lose you. I felt a thrum, then, of life. That last hope...a hope that would rekindle. The prayer awoke your soul.
“You then felt the blood of the earth upon your skin – cold, and biting. It awoke your flesh. Together, both halves of your whole had been reborn. Only now can I attend you...and save what has not yet been lost. I cannot help those who sleep within their ignorance...who dream to ignore their reality. Life is a gift – one that lives only as you do. Until you regained sight of your potential...you were beyond my reach. Yet...even now...”
The kami steps forward, daring to close the space between you. “...even now, you doubt. But not out of ignorance...but of fear.”
“Acceptance of this truth will rend all truth you know in twain. To believe this, now, will throw your mind into doubt. You do not wish to release this hold...do you?”
He can't answer.
“...humans take comfort in what they know. And yet...they know so little. So many simply refuse to see. They blind themselves out of fear. For if they accept the presence of that which they cannot reason...they feel lost.”
Her head tilts, and hands as cold as ice whisper against his cheeks. “...the truths humans give themselves make them feel strong. In the face of the unknown...they are weak. But I cannot help those who cling to their false truths.”
He can feel she expects a reply – acceptance. And she's right – he feels fear. If kami exist...if magic is real...then all he's ever known is suddenly...different. It makes him feel...unsteady.
A swallow. ...this...is real. To affirm, he lays hands atop her own. Feels her form. ...I see her. Feel her. Hell, he could smell her – the same camphor scent from before. ...if I can trust myself – my senses – then...I have nothing to fear.
Her lips curl, though he says nothing aloud. “...come.” Her hands move to take his own, pulling him toward the water.
He follows.
To his surprise, the water feels...warm. But whether it truly is, or is simply a trick of her doing, he can't know. She leads him to the rivers mouth, where rapids rise. Nestling among them, she gives him one last pull, settling his back to her chest. Delicate fingers weave through what remains of his hair, twirling the strands among them.
Pulled by the river's current, the scale of silver floats above his chest.
“...lie still. I will do the rest.”
Already, a drowsy peace settles over him, feeling to be on the brink of sleep. For a moment, he wonders if he's simply...dying. Is this...her means to help me? To simply end my suffering...?
But the thought goes unanswered, fading to a silent black.
If it's a matter of hours, or days...he can't be sure. But what Itachi knows next is the cushion of his futon, and the same ceiling above his head.
Sitting up, he finds his body fatigued...but not the weary lull of illness. It's an exhaustion born of effort, not of weakness. Bowing his head over his lap, he stretches his spine...and feels the slither of hair falling over his shoulders.
Glancing to each side, a hand weaves through the locks, just as long as they'd been when he'd arrived. For a moment, he wonders if everything was simply...a dream.
But as he sits up, a shock of cold presses to the skin of his chest, and a draw of a cord reveals a shimmer of silver.
“Awake at last.”
Turning to his guide, Itachi's brow furrows. “...what happened?”
“She took you, until you were whole. It was she who brought you here.” The woman's chin declines to her chest. “...and now, you must take your leave.”
“But -?”
“You are not of these lands, outsider. Your purpose lies beyond these walls. You have been given your second chance...and now you must make use of it. But know this...” She raises a wagging finger. “...once you do...you will not return, the path forever lost to you. Your wish has been granted...you can take no more...unless you give in return.”
The man's brow furrows. “...it's that simple?”
“If you wish it to be. Ask yourself...is it?”
Moving his gaze, Itachi thinks. It's true – he's tired, and yet...already he can feel a strength within himself he's not known for...how long has it been? Since he felt whole?
...and yet...
In his mind, images play of the woman – her ghostly visage, and the cold of her hands. The same cold that clawed down his back. Part of him still feels as though every moment since the gate has been a dream.
A curiosity burns in him. About all he's missed, lost in the fog of a world that has chosen to forgotten the magic of places like these. He thought such a revelation would bring him fear...and it does. The unknown is like a dark night beyond his doorway, hands empty of any guiding light. But that same fear is mirrored by an eagerness to learn. Always, he's been a bright child. It began as curiosity, but was later sated with what logic told him.
This is something he once knew, and has forgotten...and yet, can know again.
“...and if I stay?”
“It is your choice. You were drawn here, and it is here you may linger until you feel a wholeness to your soul. If you feel something is still missing...” A wry smile. “...then perhaps, your journey is not yet over, young man.”
With that, she slinks away in the same silence that brought her here.
Indecision tears him. Already he longs for home – no...for his family. And yet...the woman is right. There's something he's yet to find here.
Something he needs.
Sighing, he rises, still thinking. ...if I can send word...let them know I'm all right...I can be content. But I cannot leave them wondering, unknowing. It would be cruel to make them worry.
Tracking down the woman of his own accord is nearly impossible. He starts to wonder if she, too, is more spirit than human. But he finally plucks up the courage to ask a stranger if a message can be sent.
“Pray to the goddess, and she will hear you. So too, then, will those you seek hear all you wish to say.”
The answer is enigmatic, but he has little choice. For the second time, he ascends to the shrine, pausing. ...must I offer something else...?
“Take an ema, and write your wish. Suigin-sama will see to it. You may give a gift if you so choose...but it is not necessary.”
In spite of himself, Itachi gives a soft laugh. “You could have told me before I came up here. I was looking everywhere for you.”
“It is good to know those around you. There is nothing to fear from those who live here. Best you learn that now, young man.”
Turning, his brow furrows at the empty courtyard. But a coarse cry draws his eyes to a tree, where a snowy owl peers at him, golden eyes almost teasing.
“...fair enough.”
Ink brushes along the wooden slate, and once it dries, he hangs it among the rest. For a moment, he glances to the rest of them, wondering just how many the dragon kami has answered.
“...you remain.”
Stiffening, Itachi stills before turning. “Y...yes.”
She peers at him, visage clear of her mask. “...you are...unfinished...?”
“Your, ah...friend suggested that I stay. In a rather...roundabout way.”
Suigin blinks, and then laughs like a bell chime. As she does, the avian flutters to her shoulder. “...I see. Fubuki is an old, dear friend of mine...since my river was small. She often tends to our strangers. But never before has she, too, revealed her true self to a human.”
She beholds him, curiosity in her eyes. “...you are an...uncommon case, Uchiha Itachi. It is rare outsiders find us...rarer still that any linger. Tell me...what else do you seek?”
The man hesitates. “...in truth...I don't yet know. But I feel I will know it when I find it.”
“...half an answer, but...the other half, you have yet to find. Very well...” The kami smiles. “...may you find what you lack. Until then, you are a welcomed guest. Should you need me, you need only ask. Consider yourself among the humans I guard, until you again take your leave.”
“...thank you.”
In a blink, it's not a woman, but a dragon that bows her head to him. Already airborne, Fubuki screeches, diving as the kami weaves into the mist like a ribbon.
Oddly calm, Itachi stares after them, unsure what to feel. A small thrumming in his chest echoes within the empty space. Something is still missing.
He just hopes he'll find it...whatever it is.
     .w.;;; I have NO idea where this came from. To be fair, it’s a general idea I’ve had for quite some time, but uh...it just never happened until now? I was listening to this and I just...got a really quick snippet of the hair scene, and the river scene, and I was like welp...I gotta do it now xD      I wrote a oneshot of this verse a LONG time ago, with another mun’s muse that’s no longer written. I then repurposed it for someone else when I moved all my drabbles here. So it’s not one I’ve gotten to write much of. In short, it’s Ryū’s kami verse - you can read the summary here if you really want to.      But uh...yeah. I ALMOST finished it last night, and then I got too tired...and memey x’’D But I managed to patch up the end (which isn’t really an end though) today.      ...I guess it’s the pacing that bugs me? Granted, it’s a rather big idea for a oneshot, so some parts were a bit rushed...and even so it’s still eight pages in my writing program. But I don’t really do longer projects anymore because my attention span sucks. So this is my compromise x’’D      ...anyway...that’s about it. I dunno if it’s any good, and it’s kinda weird because this is like...a modern/Shintō verse, but...eh. Hopefully it’s at least entertaining - I’d have no peace until I wrote it lol      ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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ladykissingfish · 3 years
Under The Mistletoe with the Akatsuki // Part Four // Deidara
Ah, so it’s his turn under the fragrant green spotlight. He readies himself and stands underneath the plant, ready to endure (or perhaps enjoy) whatever is coming his way. It’s odd; when he was a young kid he always thought that kissing was gross. But now, as he waits for the first person to come to him, he finds himself almost ... excited.
“Ooh! Lucky Tobi! Tobi is first for Senpai!” Oh, God, or Lord Jashin, or whoever it was that made things happen: Deidara does not want to kiss Tobi. Tobi is already a bit too hands-on for Deidara’s liking, a bit too attached to his Senpai. Also, it bothers him that at the moment, nobody else is in the room; the two of them are totally alone. Still, though, this should only last a few seconds, and everybody else is going to be having a turn, so why not? Tobi gets close to Deidara and, to the blonde’s shock, he pulls off his entire mask. Deidara’s brain is able to register small details about Tobi’s face, but only for a split second. After that, suddenly, everything went ... strange. He’s being kissed; he can feel ((surprisingly soft)) lips touching his own, but ... he barely notices this. Deidara is flooded with bizarre imagery, of vividly bright flowers and aggressively emerald fields, none of which are in the little room they’re standing in. Is this ... is this genjutsu?? After his first encounter with Itachi, Deidara has trained his eye to counter such illusionary tricks; he quickly snaps out of it and comes back to reality. But Tobi ... his mask is on, and he’s shaking Deidara’s shoulders. “Senpai?! Are you okay??” Tobi claims that Deidara fainted, and tells him to sit down while he gets him some water. Deidara does as suggested, confused. WAS that just a ... a dream? Had he fainted? Had he and Tobi kissed at all? He starts to write the entire thing off, but then he realizes that his mouth has the taste of dango in it. Wasn’t Tobi eating Dango earlier? Wasn’t — and then Tobi is back with the water, and Deidara drinks, his mind still jumbled. He hopes the rest of his encounters aren’t this bizarre.
Deidara is an immature kid that reminds Kakuzu a lot of his own partner, Hidan. He can’t begin to count how many times in the last month he’s had to RE-reattach Deidara’s arms, because the guy kept doing reckless things with that damn “art” of his. Still, though; even Kakuzu has to admit that Deidara’s antics provide a steady stream of lighthearted entertainment, in an organization that could be very depressing most of the time. When it’s Kakuzu’s turn, he puts one hand on Deidara’s face and gives him a light kiss on the forehead. He smoothes back his bangs as he does, informing Deidara that there are many people who would pay good money for hair Deidara’s length, and if he’s ever interested in making a bit of money, to come see him (and his scissors).
Thinks of Deidara as being like a little brother, in a way. And a good friend; despite the loud and temperamental way he acts with the others, with Konan, he’s always been one of her biggest supporters and confidantes. There was even a time in the past when the entire group was traveling somewhere new, and Konan twisted her ankle in a concealed hole in a field. Deidara immediately lifted her off her feet and carried her the rest of the way to their destination. She approaches Deidara with a smile, leans in, and kisses the tip of his nose. Deidara responds by putting his hands on her cheeks, and giving her two smacking kisses with his hand-mouths. The two laugh and then Konan leaves to make room for the next participant.
Surprisingly less objective than he was with many of the others he had to kiss. Even goes to the trouble of using a minty breath freshener beforehand. Makes absolutely NO comments beforehand about homosexuality or how “stupid” he feels this to be. “Ya ready for me, blondie?” He grabs Deidara around the waist, tilts him back, and gives him a brief (but impactful) smooch. Deidara blinks, surprised. This is ... oddly nice, but — why in the world does he suddenly taste blood on his lips?? Did Hidan just come back from a sacrifice? Did he do that completely unhygienic ritual of his where he licked the blood of his victims off his scythe? Hidan looks proud of himself, and, as he’s backing away, he tells Deidara that he reminds him of “a bitch in my old village that never let me kiss her. Now I feel like I have!”, to which Deidara gets angry and throws an explosive at Hidan’s face. “I’m a MAN, you stupid prick!” The two start fighting before Hidan is dragged away by Kakuzu, and Deidara goes to scrub down his mouth and lips before the next person comes up.
Ah, the youngest of his “children”. He’s happy that Deidara is so open with his feelings and being part of the group now; when he first came to the Akatsuki, he was a very secretive and somewhat shy young man, who had no trust in Pein or in any of them. Now he was so comfortable around his new “family” that it was like he was meant to be with them from the get-go. Pein goes to kiss Deidara’s forehead, stops, reconsiders, and kisses his cheek instead. Afterwards he smiles and gives him a friendly punch on the shoulder, before going back to his room.
Deidara may be the only member of the Akatsuki that Zetsu doesn’t really want to kiss. With everyone else, he likes to get close to them because they smell like delicious food. But the blonde guy ... he has a smell to him very much like clay, so much so that it masks the more desirable aroma of human blood. Zetsu is the only one who’s olfactory senses can detect this subtle difference, and it’s enough to deter him from ever trying to devour the kid. Nevertheless, he leans in, gives Deidara a quick smack on the cheek, and dashes away so fast that Deidara has doubts whether or not anything actually happened.
Is very, very hesitant to approach Deidara; no matter what he says or how he acts, Deidara just radiates with hatred for him. He’s watched several of the others exchange kisses with him, but thinks of just skipping his turn and going to his room. However, Deidara spots him and, folding his arms in front of his chest, asks, “So now the mighty Uchiha is too good to kiss me, hm?” and Itachi sighs and steps over to him. “Where do you want it?” “Huh?? It’s a KISS, you idiot. Where the hell do you think I want —“ but Itachi interrupts him by yanking him close by the forearms (so hard that the stitching weakens just a little) and lays into him with his lips. He kisses him so intensely and so long that Deidara actually starts to feel light-headed. Right before he thinks he’s going to pass out, however, Itachi pulls back, and to Deidara’s surprise he’s SMILING at him. “How was that? That good enough?” Deidara is still so shocked that he can’t think of a smart ass answer back, all he can do is nod. Hidan, who had been watching, comments “Jeez ... after a kiss like that I think you have to marry him, Itachi.” Hearing this finally snaps Deidara back to normal, who scowls and snarls and barks out “As if I’d ever become a low-life Uchiha scum, hm!” Itachi, still smiling, walks away as Deidara shouts insults after him. Things are back to normal.
Kisame truly enjoys being around the young artist. He finds Deidara’s sense of humor to be entirely refreshing, which was needed when working in an oft-depressing organization like the Akatsuki. He walks up and kisses Deidara on his chin, just beneath his lips. When Deidara asks why he picked such an odd spot, Kisame replies that everybody has already kissed the other places, and he prefers to not catch germs from the others (especially Hidan). Deidara laughs and agrees with him; after he goes, Deidara leaves and goes to brush his teeth and wash his face, to prepare for his final kiss of the night.
Sasori approaches Deidara like he would approach a wild animal; slowly and cautiously. Deidara has been his partner for some time now, an Sasori is never quite sure what he’s going to get with him. Sometimes he’s loud and obnoxious, other times he’s quiet and thoughtful. Some times he acts like he can’t stand the puppet master, but sometimes ... “Hey, Danna.” “Good evening, brat. Looks like I’m last.” “Yeah, hm.” Sasori gets close to him. He cups Deidara’s face, stares into his eyes, and leans into his lips. Deidara’s eyes close but Sasori’s stay open, taking in every minute detail of this kid, no, this man in front of him. Unable to help it, he moves one hand and gently puts it in Deidara’s soft hair, fingering the silky golden locks. He’s again struck by how warm he is, how wonderfully human. After some time has passed, Sasori breaks the kiss and steps back, straightening out his robe. “Was that acceptable?” Deidara nods, although the expression on his face is somewhat unreadable to Sasori. Recalling what Hidan said earlier about Itachi, Deidara says, jokingly, “After kissing me like that, now you have to marry me, hm.” He’s kidding, but oftentimes humor goes straight over Sasori’s head. He replies, in his quiet, analytical way, “I’ve always found the concept of marriage to be a waste of time and resources. People in general fare much better, and accomplish much more as individuals, wouldn’t you agree?” Deidara nods, and Sasori turns to go. Halfway down the hall he stops, turns slightly, and says, softly, “Deidara?” “Yeah?” “If I ever was to take that step, if I ever was to marry somebody, to fully commit myself to another person; well, it could only be to —“ but suddenly Hidan bursts out of his room, loudly yelling and cursing at Kakuzu’s door about something. The mood broken, Sasori bids a quiet Goodnight to Deidara and continues on to his room. Deidara stays where he is for a long time, wondering what Sasori had almost said.
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xxlovendreamsxx · 7 years
Sasusaku!!! Number 2. Childhood friends AU
2 -childhood best friends au
It had taken him their first full summer apart from each otherto realize his feelings for Sakura were not quite as platonic as he had alwaysthought them to be. 
Ever since their mothers had befriended when they were onlyeight years old, the two of them had practically spent every day of their livestogether; at first awkwardly trying to bide their time, before steadilydeveloping a more familiar relationship—to then becoming the closest offriends.
They had been through nothing short of everythingtogether since then: from endlessly petty years of highschool and too embarrassingfamily dinners, to disastrous first dates and even more disastrous firstkisses; from scuffles and tussles with self-righteous jerks and snobby bimbos, to their sleep-depriving years of undergrad studies and sometimes downright barbarous partying. 
Together, they had laughed and cried, and joked and fought, a constant presence in each other’s life, never spending more than a few days apart—and for the last sixteen years, that was all Sasuke ever knew. He had never had time to doubt, or ponder about the type of feelings he held for her.
(because to him, she was always just Sakura, his childhood best friend, his closest confidante, the girl he’d seen through in basically every state (just as she had with him); she was his rock, his greatest motivator, the one who always believed in him even when he couldn’t.)
Until now.
Eyes set on her thoughtfully, Sasuke watched his somehow now even prettier best friend talk, taking in the glow of her smile and the cute dimples to her cheeks, feeling his heart swell with warmth (in that way that it hadn’t seemed to be able to in the three months she was away). He swallowed as imperceptibly as he could. How had he not realized this before?
“You okay, Sasuke-kun?” he heard her ask, then, drawing him away from his thoughts.
Sasuke blinked quickly. Had he been staring too much? He fought the urge to clear his throat, turning his attention back to the restaurant menu in his hands. “I’m… fine.”
“Are you sure?” she said, voice laced with concern. It had him looking up again, finding her brows furrowed lightly. “You seem a little distracted.”
Yes, by you, his mind mumbled. He went back to the menu once more. “I’m sure,” he replied.
“Well… all right, if you say so,” she said, though the apprehension in tone did not fade. “You’ve just… You’ve been acting a little weird today.”
It was just like her to notice, he thought, sighing quietly.
To erase any suspicion, Sasuke forced a faint smirk to his lips. “Why?” he inquired. “Because I’m not saying anything? I’m sorry, I thought you would have been more than happy to have me wordlessly listening to you rambling for hours.” He paused here, his smirk growing wider. “Or were you not the one who’s always liked talking best all these years?”
Gasping, Sakura reached across the table to smack her hand against his arm. “Sasuke-kun! You’re so mean.” She stuck her tongue out at him, before giving him a smile, fingers reaching for her glass of wine. She sipped it gracefully. “Admit it, you actually missed having to suffer through all my babbling this summer.”
That he did, he acquiesced, mind briefly fluttering to the memory of his summer days: stagnant, all-too silent, and oddly empty. Within the first week already, Sakura’s presence was something he quickly found himself yearning for again—but it was different to miss her than it was to miss anyone else he cared for, he came to find out.
There was an ache to his longing this time, a craving for a warmth he’d never realized he’d lost before then, making him feel so lonely, so bland, so… incomplete. Something he never felt when Itachi, his own brother, left for grad school and became too busy to visit him more than once a year; or when Naruto, his other best friend, moved away to another state to live with his girlfriend and pursue his career in law.
(and it was then that he knew that things we not as he thought they were, that she meant something else to him in a way no one else did—because missing your best friend wasn’t supposed to make you feel like this.)
He was in love with her, he’d realized by the end of the summer. He was in love with Sakura.
“Tch, yeah, whatever,” Sasuke replied, rolling his eyes and seizing his own glass of red. He tried not to think too much about what they probably looked like. “I think you’re the one who missed having someone to torture with your stories.”
“Awe, am I holding you here against your will, Sasuke-kun?” she cooed, her smile turning quite teasing.
He slowly smirked again. “Haven’t you notice I’ve been trying to get out of this friendship for the past sixteen years?”
A burst of laughter slipped from her mouth at that, the sound bubbling pride in his chest. 
“You’re such a jerk! You really are,” she said, grinning. Her eyes twinkled prettily. “But I missed you, too.”
His own eyes softened. “…Hm.”
“You know, actually—I take it back,” she declared hours later, soon after they’d taken their leave from the restaurant and started heading towards the city docks for a walk instead. “The thing about you being a jerk, I mean. You’ve been especially nice to me today.”
Swallowing lightly, Sasuke found himself fidgeting with the material inside his pants pockets. “Have I?” he asked, trying his best to sound as cool and unperturbed as he hoped he could be.
(heavens, she was too observant today.)
“Well, yeah,” she said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. She paused to sidestep a few strangers, trying to keep herself by his side as they weaved through massive crowds. The streets really were busy today. “You paid for my share of everything tonight, you got me these concert tickets for that band that you hate that I’ve been raving about seeing for like, years now, and you just gave me your jacket because I didn’t have the sense to bring something war—Oh! I’m so sorry, sir!”
Sasuke’s steps paused at the sound of her soft apology and he turned , frowning as he noticed her bowing quickly to a disgruntled man she had evidently bumped into by mistake. His frown deepened when the stranger simply grunted and continued on, leaving Sakura seemingly a little affronted.
“Well that was rude,” she said, when he’d made his way to her again.
“Don’t mind him, he looks American,” he muttered, before taking her hand in his, guiding her through the horde of bodies surrounding them once again. “You know most of them have no manners.”
The move had stunned her—he could tell by her lack of response, and listlessness of her hand in his. It didn’t surprise him; while he’d sometimes reached out to guide her through crowds before, he had never before taken her hand in his like this, usually opting to grab her wrist or arm instead. 
Maybe she was even blushing, he mused to himself, finding his own cheeks warming at the thought. He kept his eyes steadily ahead of them for that, refusing to look at her before he was sure it had faded.
After a moment, though, she finally squeezed his hand back, letting him lead her through a path. Only when he was sure they were free of the mass did he drop her hand and shove his own into his pockets again, shifting to her with a slight jerk of his head.
“Alright, come on, let’s get to the docks already.”
She smiled brightly at him, green, green eyes so lovely under these streetlights. “Thanks, Sasuke-kun.”
He never wanted her to look at anyone else the way she was looking at him right now, he realized. 
Sasuke turned away before he found himself blushing again.
“Flowers for the lovely couple?” a merchant—the third one in the past half hour, Sasuke couldn’t help but to note—asked, thrusting a bouquet of pretty roses their way, both of his brows raised with enticement. “Every man should buy his girlfriend roses on a perfect night like this.”
“No thank you,” Sakura responded, nodding politely at the man and offering a smile. “We’re just friends, actually.”
“Ah, really? My mistake, then.” But the merchant didn’t seem convinced at all.
Sakura shook her head. “Have you noticed this has been happening a lot today?” she asked him a moment later, when she was sure they were out of earshot. “I mean, I’m used to everyone thinking that we’re been dating at this point—since of course these days a guy and a girl can’t be just friends in their minds—but tonight, people seem especially confident in their assumptions about us.”
Maybe because I’m crazy about you and everyone and their mothers can see it—except you, Sasuke wanted to say, but deferred. “I guess three months apart gives them something more to see,” he said instead, shoulders rolling faintly into a shrug.
“Yeah, they’re probably just misinterpreting everything, as usual.”
Or were they really ever wrong at all? Sasuke thought, snorting quietly in his mind. The irony of the situation was truly laughable. 
“Besides,” she said, giggling, “it can’t help that I’m wearing your jacket.”
Sakura merely smiled at him. “This was a really nice night, though, Sasuke-kun—I really want to thank you for that. I’ve missed hanging out with you like this. Summer wasn’t the same without you.”
Sasuke’s eyes softened. “I know.” Don’t ever leave again, he thought.
(gods, he really loved this girl—he didn’t know how he’d never noticed it before.)
“Hey, hey! You two lovebirds! Want to buy jewelry to make this night even better? I’ve got all sorts here, bracelets, necklaces and rings—even some of those matching couples t-shirts everyone seems to have these days!”
“No thank you, we’re fine,” Sakura answered, once more nodding in acknowledgment.
“Awe, come on, lady. How about watches? I’ve got just the one your boyfriend might like!”
She momentarily glanced Sasuke’s way with mild exasperation and amusement, before replying, “He’s not my boyfriend.”
They heard the vendor sigh heavily, before he started muttering to himself, his words quickly fading to incoherence as they walked past hearing range.
Sakura couldn’t help but to giggle. “You see?” she exclaimed, poking him harshly in the chest. “Another one! I bet if everyone learned how long we’ve actually been friends, they’d stop thinking we were dating—I mean if something was supposed to happen between the two of us, it would have happened by now.”
His steps came to a sudden halt at that, mind whirling for a split moment. Had Sakura thought about the two of them—
“Not that I’m saying I wanted it to!” she immediately scrambled to rectify, then, eyes set on him quite nervously; Sakura must have seen something in his expression that spooked her. “Gods, of course not—us dating? Totally weird!” She laughed here, forced and completely agitated. “That would just—it would be so awkward, you know?”
The words hit him harder than he thought they could, sending his brows furrowing deeply and his hands curling into soft fists; before he knew it, Sasuke found himself blurting out, “Would it really be that wrong?”
oh, shit.)
Sakura’s mouth slackened visibly at that, her pretty green eyes widening. His heart skipped a beat; he’d taken her completely off-guard.
Sasuke swallowed tightly. Well, his mind mumbled, fighting against the blush trying to rise over his face. He couldn’t just bury the hatchet now—Sakura would never let him get away with something like this until everything was out in the open.
So, he kept his stand, and carried through. “You and I, if we were to…” He trailed out, took a pause. He couldn’t even say the word. Mulling his lips, Sasuke tried again, “Do you really think it would be that ridiculous?”
A fierce flush took over her entire face, then. The sight had him swallowing tightly once more, chest pounding.
Until finally, Sakura whispered, a bit breathlessly, “Sasuke-kun… whatare you saying?”
I’m saying that I love you, and I want to be with you, if you’d let me, he thought, letting out a deep, impatient breath. But he never said it.
Instead, Sasuke did the only thing he could think of: he stepped forward, cupped the back of her head in one hand, and leaned in to kiss her.
Her mouth was so warm and soft against his—that was the first thing he thought about, when his lips had met hers. It felt nice against his own, a little electrifying even, urging his fingers to twine around her locks and his eyes to clench shut tighter, allowing him to savor in the feeling a little longer. She tasted like melon and red wine, like the syrup coated dumplings she’d had for dessert—and on any other day the taste would have had him pulling away; but in this moment, it tasted all so very Sakura, and he couldn’t care. 
He needed this, if only just for once. Because if Sakura ended up rejecting him, if he could never have this again, he needed to know how it felt to kiss her, really kiss her, and—
Smooth lips moved, started shyly responding to his own, and Sasuke stiffened, mind blanking. Her small hands grabbed the firmness of his hips to hold him, and she kissed him deeper, sighing contently against his mouth. Intense waves of flutters washed over him, prompting him to start moving his lips again, kissing her more languidly, passionately. He wrapped his free arm around her to pull her devotedly close, angling his head in a more comfortable position.
It was a long moment before they finally pulled away. 
Keeping her near, Sasuke stared at his pretty little best friend, slightly out of breath but eyes so terribly, terribly fond. He almost wanted to smile as her blush darkened against his tender gaze.
“How long have you been feeling this way?” she mumbled, as he pressed his forehead to her own.
“I don’t know,” he murmured honestly. “I just know I saw things clearer when you left. Realized what I felt for you was different than I thought… and that it’s beendifferent for a while now.”
That made her blush even harder. “I wish I would have known that a longtime ago…” she mumbled after a moment, a small pout forming to her mouth.
His eyes widened at that. “Wait—You… you liked me?”
Making a noise that sounded an awful lot like a whine, Sakura buried her face in his neck, and tightened her arms around him. “Ofcourse I did! You’re Sasuke-kun… You’re amazing.”
“Why didn’t you ever say?”
“Because I didn’t want to ruin our friendship, dummy!”
How long had she waited for this, he wondered, eyes softening. Could he have made this all happen years ago? 
Exhaling a slow breath, Sasuke pulled her closer. “I’m sorry it took so long…” he murmured.
“It’s okay,” she replied softly, squeezing him back. Then, she pulled away to look at him, the most bashful smile toher lips. “Kiss me again?”
He was only too happy tooblige. 
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day Twenty-Two: Don’t Laugh ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata, Uchiha Tenkai ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: A Light Amongst Shadows ] [ AO3 Link ]
If there’s one thing many people don’t really realize about Uchiha Sasuke...it’s that he does have a sense of humor!
It’s just...rather hard to find sometimes.
After all he’s gone through over the years - life nearly a nonstop cycle of painful pitfalls and damning disappointments from age seven - humor isn’t exactly something he can bring himself to feel all too often. Especially not during his journey out on the road. There’d been no time, no cause, no justification for laughter or merriment. He’d had objectives to reach. Goals to bring to fruition. Fun and games were the last thing on his mind at that time.
And during his first few months in Konoha, returned to help his brother acclimate after a daunting revival, he was anything but amused. Planning to confront the council and unite the clans in order to pardon Itachi and bring the massacre to light was a serious undertaking. With their Hyūga allies it was, perhaps, easier. But still a stressful time with little left over to let down his guard.
But as time passed, he slowly reintegrated into a village that had once damned him, and that he became determined to change. If for nothing else, then for his brother’s family. Friendships were...strained, if not broken. Even his team felt fractured, poisoned by both sides. By Sasuke’s behavior, and Naruto and Sakura’s as well. Both had amends to make to the other. And so for a time, Sasuke distanced himself from them, first working on himself and his own healing.
And part of that came though rebuilding the Police Force alongside their new allies. And who happened to join but an ex-heiress with her own doubts about her path?
The rest, as they say, is history.
She fit to his edges like no one else ever had. Her patience helped soothe his temper. Her stubbornness gave him reason to stop and think when they butted heads. Her kindness was salve on a wound long festering. And her faith in him - her understanding of his past, given their parallels - was an all-too-welcome relief. Even upon his first return, her knowledge of all that had led to the massacre as the Uchiha clan’s allies had meant she met him without animosity. Because she understood better than most.
So their working together in the police had meant a partnership that quickly evolved into friendship...and then something more.
A scant two years after his return to Konoha - something he’d dreaded for ages - Sasuke married the last person he ever expected...but the first to truly win his heart.
Which leads us to his current predicament.
His son, eight months old now, is in need of breakfast. Something the boy doesn’t seem to want to do. Though already a quiet child, Tenkai has his moments of rebellion, and one of them in full swing this morning.
Doing his best to be patient, Sasuke holds a small glass jar of pureed baby food in one hand, the other holding aloft a spoon. “Come on, Tenkai...you’ve got to be hungry, right?”
The only response he gets is a stubborn whine, the child leaning back in his chair in avoidance.
Sasuke’s head bows with a sigh. Hinata’s running a quick errand this morning, and according to the schedule they run on, this is the tail end of when their son should be eating this morning. He never fusses for Hinata...what’s the deal?
“Come on...I bet if you just take one bite, you’ll decide you’ve changed your mind,” he mutters, offering the spoon again and dodging a striking hand trying to bat it away. Sasuke then gives a deadpan one-eyed stare. “...Tenkai, you’re grounded if you don’t eat your food.”
His son just whines again, threatening to break out into a full-blown sob.
Taking a deep breath, Sasuke holds it...and then releases slowly. “...just one bite, little man. That’s all I’m asking. Don’t you wanna listen to your dad? If you eat this food, you’ll make my day.” He offers the spoon again, butting it up against Tenkai’s lip. “Just a bite. You gotta have your breakfast kiddo -”
With a squeal, a little hand bats the spoon, which goes flying and splatters baby food all over Sasuke’s face, earning a flinch.
At the same moment, Hinata walks through the kitchen door and jolts to a stop. Tenkai’s now giggling profusely, hands flailing at his father, now painted in puree. “...um…”
Turning slowly toward his wife, Sasuke gives her a look as her expression slackens in surprise. “Don’t. Laugh.”
Shoulders shaking, Hinata draws her lips in between her teeth to stifle any noise. But jolting breath through her nose is verging on a snort.
Her convulsions get a little worse.
“Uchiha Hinata, if you laugh at your husband right now, he’s going to make you regret it.”
Arms wrap around her middle, tucking forward and shaking as she leans against the doorframe. And then she draws a deep breath, which cascades back out as a waterfall of laughter.
A dangerous smirk curls her husband’s lips. “Oh...now you’ve done it…!”
“Sasuke, n-no!” Tripping over herself as she tries to retreat, Hinata squeals as Sasuke catches her from behind around her waist, hauling her up as her feet kick. “P-put me down right now!”
Her demand goes ignored, carrying her back into the kitchen Tenkai is shrieking with laughter as Sasuke spins her around several times before setting her on her feet. Deft hands turn her around to face him. “Hinata…”
Grinning, Sasuke attempts a kiss, only to be blocked by palms. Taking her wrists, he holds her arms apart and lunges, connecting before rubbing every inch of baby food-covered skin against hers he can manage until they’re both a sloppy mess.
“S-Sasukeee, I just took a shower this morning!”
“Well now we’ll just have to take another one. You can thank your son for that.”
“He’s your son too!”
“An Uchiha never behaves like that.”
“Oh really...?”
“Yes really.”
“Then what do you call your behavior right now?!”
“Simple. We vowed to face every challenge together when we got married. Little did you know, that means even the small stuff. Like this. I’m just making sure you’re upholding your half of the bargain.”
“I really don’t think that’s what those vows meant, b-baka!” There’s a few more tugs, trying to get her wrists free as she continues to giggle. “What even happened in here?”
“Tenkai’s being difficult. And I’m not the best negotiator.”
Hinata sighs with a roll of her eyes, clearly exasperated. “...I’m going to go wash my face. Then I’ll give it a try. Maybe all that laughing built up his appetite.”
“It better have. Because if I got covered in pureed...whatever that was for no reason, I’m going to be very upset.”
“Welcome to being a parent.”
     Oh my gosh, this was SO MUCH FUN to write xD As soon as I saw the prompt, I knew exactly what I wanted to do: some nice fluffy SasuHina famjam time, featuring one of the SH babbs I've made for a fic, Tenkai! He has a little sister named Chikyū about 2.5 years younger than him, but she's not exactly around at this point yet. They're the "canon" kiddos I have for another project that all my "canon" drabbles technically come from! There's also two NaruSaku kiddos, Akane and Kei! I RP them on my Tumblr :3      ANYWHO, Sasuke isn't ALWAYS such a grumpy butt. He has his moments! And I think we can thank his wife for that. She helps him come out of his shell and find a little happiness back in Konoha.      And...that'll do it for tonight! Another rather late one, my apologies - I had a long day, and then spent the evening mostly with RP shenanigans, lol - but, as always, thanks so much for reading!
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