#and shiro losing his shit with slav
alluraaaa · 11 months
team voltron is so good because all seven of them are lame and loud
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sasouken · 2 years
                                it's shiro slowly losing his shit bc of slav for me
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“Can’t we just give up already?” Pidge whined. “We’ve been hiking in this stupid jungle for a billion years. It’s hot. It’s humid. I’m hungry. We still haven’t found the stupid fucking cave, I don’t even think it’s real. Can’t we just take this one L? Just the one?”
Keith had to agree with her. Normally these adventure missions were right up his alley, but he was more equipped for desert heat — this humid shit was awful. He had no idea how Lance was prancing around like it didn’t affect him. I grew up in Cuba, the weather in the summer sometimes got so hot you literally weren’t allowed outside, this is nothing, bleh bleh bleh. Jerk.
Even Shiro was struggling to stay optimistic, which brought Keith an absurd amount of joy despite his own hatred of the situation. Yeah, it sucked, and it was hot, and he wanted to go lie in a freezer for the next four days, but Shiro had his crazy eyes. It was fantastic. Keith couldn’t wait for the someone to light his fuse juuuuust right. It might be a younger brother thing, but watching Shiro explode was funny literally every time (he watched the Shiro-Slav-Explosion footage before bed every night and laughed just as hard every time. He couldn’t wait to get back to Earth and tell Adam, so they could laugh at Shiro together).
Pidge kept whining about how hot and sweaty she was, eventually goading Hunk to join in, and it finally happened — Shiro cracked!
“Paladins,” he said sharply, smile manic and eyes twitching. Pidge and Hunk snapped their mouths shut immediately. “I know everyone is tired. And hot. But we made the Floroxits a promise, and they need that cave mineral. Allura has assured us it is worth our time. So. We are going to keep following the map, and drinking water, and you two are going to stop whining or so help me God I am going to lose it.”
Keith smirked to himself. Sounded like he had already started to lose it. Heh.
“Now. Hunk. You’ve been on nav, right? I feel like we’ve been walking in circles for a while. Where are we?”
Keith felt a ball of dread grow in his stomach as Hunk started wringing his hands together anxiously, like he did when he knew he had maybe fucked something up.
“Um. Well. I’m not great at nav, and the map looks way different from the actual jungle, so it wouldn’t be entirely inaccurate to possibly maybe insinuate that I. Am not entirely sure. Where exactly. We are.”
Shiro’s eyes twitched harder, but Keith couldn’t even properly enjoy it. They were lost?!
“You got us lost?!” Pidge shrieked. “Hunk! You goober! Why didn’t you say something?”
Hunk threw his hands up, defensive.
“I don’t know! I’m sorry! I kind of just gave Lance the map after a while ‘cause I couldn’t figure it out! I was hoping he’d maybe know —“
Keith turned behind him, about to give Lance as much shit as Pidge was giving Hunk (yes, he was well aware this wasn’t in any way Lance’s fault, but pissing off Lance was almost as fun as driving Shiro loony. Keith lived and breathed for their little rivalry and arguments, although he would rather eat a rabid squirrel than admit that to Lance under any circumstance), but did a double take when he didn’t see the Blue Paladin right behind him.
“Wha — where’s Lance?” Shiro demanded, looking at Keith. Keith threw his arms up, incredulous.
“Why the hell are you asking me? I’m not his babysitter! I don’t know! Why are you looking at me like I killed and buried him, or something?”
“Well if it was gonna be anyone…” Pidge muttered. Keith glared at her darkly.
“Who’s side are you even on?” he demanded. She shrugged, uncaring.
“My loyalty can be bought and sold like gasoline during an economic crisis. You have no god here.”
Keith rolls his eyes. “Whatever. I did not kill Lance, I have no idea where he is. But…” Keith but his lip, letting a bit of his anxiety show through. You won’t get him to admit it out loud, but he worries about Lance. That loveable dumbass somehow always finds himself at the business end of a sword or gun, no matter the situation, and it kind of stresses him out. Keith has no idea how it’s even possible, given that they are miles into the deepest part of a literal uninhabited jungle, but he wouldn’t be shocked to turn a corner and see Lance shit-talking one of Zarkon’s goons with a blaster pointed directly at his forehead.
“Y’know,” Keith muttered. “We should probably look for him, or whatever.”
Keith scowled further when he saw the smile envelop Hunk’s face. “Aw,” he cooed, “I knew you cared about Lance, buddy.”
“Actually, on second thought, he can die in this jungle. Why would I want him here anyway, he’s frustrating and loud and his face is so distracting and —“
“Wait, shut up for a second,” Pidge interrupted. She squinted at something just behind Keith. “As much as I would love to hear Keith admit how often he makes goo-goo eyes at our one and only Blue Paladin… are those Lance’s shoes?”
Keith turns to face what she’s squinting at, pointedly ignoring the goo-goo eyes comment (he does NOT, Lance is stupid and not at all pretty, okay, Pidge can shut the fuck up), and raises an eyebrow when he sees not only Lance’s dorky retro sneakers, but also his stupidly adorable shark socks and what looks to be a good portion of his armour.
To say everyone is flabbergasted is an understatement. Shiro, in particular, looks absolutely bewildered. “Why would he — Lance is the biggest germaphobe on the ship, why would he be walking barefoot around the — he’s gonna step on something —” A voice called out from way above them.
“I found the cave, guys! It’s about six kilometers to the east!”
Four heads shot upwards, eyes widening as they focused on a tiny waving blob, several dozen storeys high in a tree.
“Oh my God — Lance hold on! Don’t move” Shiro demanded, panicked. “You don’t have your jetpack! We’ll come get you, oh my God!”
Either Lance didn’t hear him, or decided to ignore him (Keith could guess which one was true for the contrary little fucker, albeit a little hysterically — Lance had to be at least 300 feet in the air, and Keith had seen him trip over his own two feet six times in the last four days. Sue him for worrying a little), because he took a running leap off a branch, launching himself in the air.
Keith is not the only one who screamed at the top of his lungs, and he’ll bet his lion on that. Pidge is a lying liar who lies and never agrees with Keith ever. Keith heard her scream too, Pidge is a gaslighter and a fraud.
But Lance was not plummeting to his death, thankfully. He angled his body, curving his fall, and then grabbed on to a nearby vine, using his own momentum to swing himself around the paladins, letting go at the peak of his arch. He flipped twice in the air, then landed in a graceful crouch in front of everyone, grinning at them.
“That was awesome!” he exclaimed, straightening up and dusting off his flight suit. He walked over to his pile of stuff, and started pulling everything back on.
Everyone gaped at him. After several moments of stunned silence, Lance looked up from where he was tugging on his leg braces.
“What?” he asked, as if he had not just leapt from a tree as tall an average apartment building. With zero safety equipment. Informing no one of his plans or his apparent skill in said stunt.
Keith, predictably, recovered first. Any chance to start something with his rival. Go figure.
“What the shit was that?!” he demanded, shrill.
Lance raised a brow, either not seeing the issue or willfully ignoring it.
“Uh, me wrapping up this mission?”
“What part of jumping to your death was wrapping up the mission?” Pidge screeched, for once backing Keith up.
Lance rolled his eyes. “I didn’t ‘jump to my death’,” he argued around mocking air quotes. “I made sure the tree was sturdy and climbable. I checked for vines strong enough to swing on. I’ve done this before. It wasn’t a Keith decision. It was well thought out! And now I know where the cave is, so we can grab those minerals and bounce.”
Before Keith even had the chance to be offended over Lance substituting his name for ‘impulsive’, Shiro had already walked away, muttering something about ‘high blood pressure’ and ‘goddamned thick-headed children who don’t think a damn thing through’ or whatever it was old men grumbled about. Keith resolved to make fun of him for it later. Hunk spoke up next.
“Not to encourage you or anything,” said Lance’s number one enabler in an enabling tone, “But that was kind of dope. You looked like Spider-Man, and you got us out of this stupid jungle faster. So. Props, man.”
“Aw, thanks, dude!” said Lance, grinning, as he bumped Hunk’s outstretched fist. Pidge threw her hands up, incredulous.
“Unbelievable! He leaps from 300 feet in the air and you congratulate him. Say it was fucking cool. I hate boys.” She stormed off to join Shiro, but Keith didn’t miss the slight smile on her face. He knew that she knew that as reckless as it was, what Lance did was unfortunately cool as shit.
Keith scowled at Lance and at himself for thinking that Lance was in any way anything other than a dork, and punched him twice in the arm.
“Ow! Fuck! What is your problem, Keith? Why did you hit me twice?” he demanded, rubbing his shoulder. Keith sniffed.
“First one is for jumping to your death like a fucking crazy person. The second one is for not inviting me. Jackass.”
He stalked away, but couldn’t hide his grin at Lance’s answering laugh. He rolled his eyes at himself.
Whatever. At least his crush was cool. Shiro’s fiancé unironically went to bed at 8 p.m. and got up early to watch birds eat worms or whatever.
Keith wins this one.
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vldlance · 3 years
not kl but: anytime shiro loses his patience over slav keith mocks him in little brother fashion with “patience yields focus”
we r really feeling the sibling culture in this house tonight skdkdkdk but ur so right shiro has never regretted anything more than having said that shit bc keith will Not let him forget it alskdkskdk
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greenflamedwriter · 3 years
S8 Second Chance [Ep1-4]
I wrote them as Episodes, these are just notes. I’m not writing it becuase I’m sick of Voltron.
Episode one: Shadows. 
-Kuron is having headaches and asks help from Lance. Lance saw Shiro attacking a galra sentry and suddenly acts weird, they subdue him and Lotor reveals a project Haggar had in relation to Shiro losing his shit.
"Why didn't you say so before?" Lotor gives them a blank stare "She has over a million projects you think I've memorised them all?" Pidge raised an eyebrow and lotor sighed.
"The galra are weak unlike alteans, we can't shapeshift." 
So they used clones and experimentation to create soldiers. CLONE soldiers.
-They arive at a Cloning facility, Shiro has a mid-life crisis when he see’s the OG Shiro from s1 when he got ABDUCTED.
The CHAMPION who originally piloted the Black lion has been a clone the whole time.
(Did I steal this from young justice? Yes, yes I did.) Kuron sacrifices himself but he lives and changes his name to Ryou he admits that Lance was his best friend and Lance flushes. Gay panic begins. Ryou goes to other planets along with the mamoura and calls shiro and keith on a zoom call. The clones call each other handsome. Which irks everyone. (Hes just as bad as Lance)
+return to earth, Lotor has a falling out with voltron via romelle who was in an eacape pod unconcious with Keith and his mother who confirm her story, lotor is banished (kidnapped) before he could explain. Then kuron clone crisis happens after.
Episode 2: Missing Limb
How everyone deals with Kurons abscence Lance gets hit the most, with his relationships feeling like they're falling apart he feels as if he's not needed once they return to earth, until something latches onto his ship and he has to investigate it himself a mushroom parasite that makes him tell the truth.
"I'm just a boy from Cuba!"  Lance cries out. missing Kuron, Allura, Keith, Hunk and Pidge it's as if everyone is evolving adapting growing stronger and he's...left behind.
At the end..."We're all messed up aren't we?" 
"No- what you said we were all thinking. we were terrified of talking about it."
"But letting things fester isn't doing good for anybody." Shiro took a long breath then exhaled "alright. Let's start from the beggining." All of them talk about their problems, Pidge vents about her family, as well as Hunk and even Shiro admits a bit of his past and says that the clone Ryou misses Lance the most and wanted to reach out to him for a while just thought Lance hated him for being a clone. Ryou ends up being Lance’s rock and best bro/platonic wing man. It doesn’t fix anything but it’s a step for lance’s arc.
Episode : Reboot.
Alternate reality: The voltron crew fall through a portal along with lotor [Who came back, explained everything redeemed himself] and found a reality commet (Lotor thinks of the potential of going through multiple realities with the comet and creates his own mini voltron with Allura) Go through 90's verse. Call back to the OG Voltron.
 Avil Altean Verse where Allura battles herself as a tyrant and stands firm that she's different, she holds Lotor's hand that she see's the Galra as victims and should be saved. Future verse/kinda Voltron reacting to the shit that is s8 Allura's statue Lotor being a traitor Shiro marrying some guy called Curtis and how the others are happy except Lance. Pidge screams at them that this is bullshit.
"Lance is smart! Alright- He saved us more times we could count and just because he doesn't know how tens and units works doesn't mean he's dim he's smart in a different way and has gained allies that way! living on a farm Lance!? Please...you're more than that."
Symbiote Verse/ They find monsters that latch onto people and make them stronger but they're like parasites and one latches onto Lance and they get into high jinks. Turns out that any aliens [Kolivan, Keith, Allura] are the SYMBIOTES in this universe. And it was Keith symbiote that latched onto Lance. [Foreshadowing for Klance]  
thanks to Slav they go to the 80s voltron verse. and have the other's react to their old selves. 
Then they get stuck in the crappy car one. [Voltron Force]
And a TON of AU’s of mermaids, Alteans, etc like a cute wink to the fandom that had so much fun with AU’s.
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headspacedad · 5 years
Writer Nonnie wraps up Shirotember with fireworks and all the AUs that Might Have Been!  Its been a wonderful run and thank you WN for filling every day on the calendar of Shirotember with wonderful Shiro fics for us all the read and enjoy!  You’re a gem!
One AU? Why not multiple? In order we got Batganes again, My Hero Academia, Wings/Avian AU, and Demon Slayer(for context, Keith is half demon, a Daywalker!), a little snippet of ideas that have been floating around. It’s a bit longer than all the other Shirotember fics, so enjoy!))
All Shiro remembered was Slav saying something about alternate realities, a bright light, and then a sensation that could only be described as his soul leaving his body.
An unfamiliar city.
The night was misty, and Shiro could only see the tops of the skyscrapers and various blimps here and there.
“Quiet night.” A masked man wearing black and blue patted Shiro’s shoulder.
“Too quiet.” Shiro heard himself say. “Can’t help but feel something’s gonna happen.”
“Oi,” Ryou, also wearing some sort of costume resembling the other man’s outfit, swooped down and smiled. “Being paranoid is the Bat’s shtick.”
“He taught us to be prepared.” Shiro retorted. “All I’m saying is, foggy night like this has Grundy written all over it.”
“We still got a few more blocks to go,” the masked man in blue said. “Race you?”
“You’re on!” Ryou smirked.
The masked man in blue sped off to the other rooftop.
“Come on!” Ryou nudged Shiro. “He’s gonna make us do his chores all week if we lose!”
“You mean we’ll make you do all our chores.” Shiro felt a smirk on his face as he began to run after the masked man in blue.
Shiro heard all of them laughing and cheering as they stumbled over each other.
They were joined by a larger masked man, one with a red helmet, a brown jacket, and some scary looking guns. He and Ryou seemed to get along just fine. Then two smaller masked males joined, who seemed to be at each other’s throats half the time if not for the blue one’s intervention. Then a girl clad in purple from head to toe, and a woman with bright red hair.
In the distance, Shiro saw a dark bat-like shape, similar to the insignia on the chests of both the red haired woman and the man with the red mask. The shape glided across the sky and down into the misty depths of the city streets below.
One of the lights on the blimps began to shine brighter, and Shiro felt that sensation once more.
Shiro was jumping around a strangely empty city.
Jumping far higher than a normal human should.
No jetpacks, nothing on his feet. Just sheer willpower.
He heard an explosion behind him.
“Ease up on the firepower!” Shiro yelled as he glanced behind him, seeing a whole herd of costumed children following him in various ways. One kid was creating ice, another seemed to dispense tape from his arms, one girl was keeping pace by hopping and using a long tongue like a grappling hook. For some reason, it didn’t seem weird at all. “Don’t risk collateral damage if you can help it!”
“Shut it old man!” The one that caused the explosion, an ashy blonde with angry red eyes and large grenades strapped to his forearms, yelled back.
Shiro felt himself sigh. A plain looking kid with dark green hair and and buzzing with electrical energy managed to get ahead of him. The kid was intensely focused, and Shiro couldn’t help but feel impressed.
“A bit eager aren’t ya?” Shiro called to the kid, getting his attention.
The kid took a moment to comprehend he was getting ahead of the pack, and that moment of flustered hesitation was enough for him to faceplant into a building with a loud yelp, followed by sympathetic hisses from some of the other kids.
The exploding one laughed as he passed by. “Eat shit!”
“Language.” Shiro sighed. To his surprise, the plain kid was up and keeping pace with Shiro in an instant. That intense focus had softened, less stressed now. Shiro smiled.
The kid seemed to glow brighter and that sensation came back.
A cool night. Wind was rushing through his hair, caressing his face.
He had physical wings. He could feel each nerve buzz with life as they flapped.
Keith flew next to him, smiling.
Shiro felt himself fly higher, above the clouds now. Keith followed, though a bit clumsy, a few feathers getting loose.
“You need to preen your wings more often.” Shiro said.
“It takes forever!” Keith replied, trying to keep up with Shiro.
Shiro sighed a little, smiling. “I’ll help you out. You gotta do it every day. Keeps the wings in tip top shape for flying.”
“Whatever you say old timer.” Keith rolled his eyes and smiled.
They flew back down, landing next to Ryou, whose wings were in very poor shape.
“See, this is why you preen every day.” Shiro gestured to Ryou.
“I preen.” Ryou was tinkering, as usual. This time with an old TV.
“Sure you do.” Shiro plucked a feather out of the mess. He saw Keith began fiddling with the feathers on his wings and immediately saw why it took the kid forever to do. “Hey I said I’d help you.” He said as he began guiding Keith’s hand.
Looking up, he saw the moon and stars. The moon glowed brighter and that sensation returned.
Shiro saw himself, Ryou, and Keith, hanging about with four other individuals. Two appeared to be wearing some sort of uniform. One, a girl, had a piece of bamboo in her mouth. The other, the one yelling-
“Says the wild boar!” Keith yelled back. His eyes were intense, almost animal like. Strangely, his canines were much more sharp. He was yelling at someone wearing a boar’s head.
“Now now,” Shiro heard himself say as he stepped in between Keith and the one with the boar head. “Fighting won’t get us anywhere. Let’s try to talk this out.”
“I’ll talk it out with my fists!” The boar-headed man lunged at Keith, who in turned lunged forward as well, shoving Shiro aside. “PIG ASSAULT!” The two were evenly matched and neither were about to budge, growling and snarling at each other.
Shiro looked to one of the others, a young boy, probably early teens with what looked like a scar on his forehead, looked to Shiro apologetically.
“Looks like he finally found someone to play with,” Ryou chuckled. “Wouldn’t you say bro?”
Keith was finally able to get a hit in, specifically a headbutt. The boar-man’s comrades all seemed surprised at that.
“NOW YOU’VE DONE IT!” The boar-headed man yelled and charged back into Keith’s range.
Shiro could only catch a glimpse of how flexible and agile the boar-headed man was in his fighting-practically spinning like a top around Keith’s shoulders, giving him no time to react-before his vision was clouded with bright light again.
Shiro woke up on a couch, his head hurting.
“Ugh.” He groaned. “What happened?”
“Short version or the long version?” Hunk asked.
“Whichever one explains all the weird things I was seeing.” Shiro blinked, trying to get his eyes to focus.
“Well Ryou gave Slav coffee,” Keith began. “Which gave him the idea to mess with Allura’s new magic staff, which you tried to take away. It exploded in your face and you passed out.”
Shiro was seeing faint things. Somehow, almost everyone had wings. Keith in particular had both wings and sharper canines. There were extra figures in the room, one being the masked man in blue. He thought he even heard an explosion somewhere in the distance.
His vision refocused, and everything looked and sounded fine.
“Huh.” Shiro shook his head. “Back to work then.”
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phantomstorymaker · 7 years
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OK. Season 2 of Voltron Legendary Defenders was amazing. I’m surprised that it’s surpassed season 1 in terms of certain aspects.
But nothing can ever top Shiro loosing his shit at Slav! Like woah, that was totally unexpected but hilarious. It was perfect. I thought the highlight of this season would be Galra!Keith but Pissy!Shiro topped it.
Also their Brotp was confirmed by Keith so yay!
Now I’m gonna sit an wait for season 3 to do something about Lance character development and/or finding freaking Pidge family and/or finding out who the heck that Galra person Keith was with?
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When in the season do you think klance will become canon? Do you think the klance fight will be the pivotal moment for lance realizing his feelings? And will the fight be near the end of s8?
I’m a bit iffy about timing. I definitely think we’ll get a//urance for the first 3-4 episodes, even if it’s just hints of it since this isn’t a show about romance, romance is just important to a couple of the characters. 
Less reverse engineer this.Episode 13 - Likely be the second half of whatever final battle we see. This is where we get our aftermath. If there’s any klance happening, we’ll likely see them holding hands or smiling at one another, stuff like that here at the end of the fighting. We’ll probably get some kind of epilogue with it too since LM and JDS want to end the story definitively so no one else can come behind them and make more.Episode 12 - Mostly probably the big battle against the true big bad - who I think is the rift creatures. I think that in this episode, we’re going to get a scene between Keith and Lance that mirrors Keith and Allura’s hug at the end of the Zarkon Arc (S2E12) and Lance and Allura’s hug at the end of the Lotor Arc (S6E6). Both of those hugs happened around the 5-10 minute mark, so this one will too. Likely, if there’s going to be a klance kiss, this is where it would be. Odds are, framed so that some people could claim it’s a hug. 
Episode 11 - A tiny little bit of breather after Honerva Madness though they realize something really, really bad is coming. Shit likely hits the fan with the rift creatures at the end of this. Shiro and Lance end up having a talk about Lance getting a second chance with Keith, and how he should take it, because Shiro knows what it’s like to lose someone and not get a second chance and wishes that no one else. 
Episode 10 - Astral Plane fights, including the klance one. So like…super touching moments and stuff but no confession or kiss or anything.
Episode 9 - The team is trying to get Keith back from Honerva or something here.Episode 8 - They end up getting Keith here or something I dunno. This might be the one with that super dark planet or something where we see Lance and Hunk in their armour, and Keith fighting with his. 
Episode 6 & 7 - Shit usually goes down midseason so likely the build-up to some giant fight in episode 6 and the giant robot fight happens in episode 7 too. Maybe this is where Matt dies since I think that’s something that’s going to happen.
Episode 5 - Shit happens or this is the filler. 
Episode 4 - Shit happens or THIS is the filler. 
Episode 3 - Look these ones are actually really hard to predict okay? 
Episode 2 - They leave Earth and go into space. Shiro makes his big speech. They go zoom zoom into the sky. Stuff happens.
Episode 1 - More lighthearted. They’re on Earth. Very likely where we see the date. Pidge with her family. Hunk with his. Keith probably training with Acxa. Shiro discovering Slav is coming with them. At the end of the episode, there’s some kind of discovery that leads to them deciding to leave Earth.
Seriously though, I’m not entirely sure, since there are so many things we don’t know about and it’s like 85% likely that I’m not even close for most of this.
I do think that if klance goes canon it won’t officially happen until episode 12, because right after that they can focus on fighting robots. For all I know, Shit immediately hits the fan in episode 2 and they spend like all the second half of the season fighting the rift creatures instead of the last couple. Or maybe that’s not a thing at all.
We’ll see soon.Technically speaking, if you’re staying up to watch it when it airs, it’s only two more sleeps. (Like telling kids ‘it’s only two more sleeps til Santa comes’).
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hzlmrgoalsk · 6 years
Shiro losing his shit at Slav will probably be my favorite Shiro moment ever.
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leiyahime · 6 years
One kiss before we die
A while back I read a prompt from @creativepromptsforwriting and it stuck in my head. So here you are. I’m still new to Voltron so I’m still trying myself out.
Nevertheless I hope you like this fanfic.
Some time after Krolia left the group they land on a planet and are surprised by Galra and an unexpected hard fight occurs. In the eye of death Keith asks for something he has wanted for a while now.
One kiss before we die?
 Fuck! Fuck, fuck, FUCK! Keith thought when he took the situation in. But he didn’t say it. He was the leader after all. He shouldn’t let the others know that he thought this situation was… bad at best.
They were stranded on a planet no one knew the name of and they were attacked… By Galra, who somehow had managed to tame the deadliest beasts the local fauna had to offer: not quite wolf, not quite tiger but something in between with terrifying teeth and claws. The lions were out of order for still unknown reasons and no one knew if they would be able to recover soon enough to save their bloody lives.
And as if that wasn’t even bad enough the Galra had managed to separate them. As far as Keith has kept the overview Lance was with Allura at a lake and Pidge and Hunk fought in a forest. Coran, Romelle and the animals stayed hidden in the Lions.
 And he? He was stuck in a canyon with Shiro and a deep cut from a beast’s claw on his right leg which he tried to ignore the best he could.
 Not that he minded his best friend’s presence, not at all but… Shiro had only returned from the Dead a mere month ago. Yes he had been recovering quickly; yes he had started to train again but… It was not the same. Keith gripped the haft of his Bayard-sword a bit stronger. Shiro had found a strong branch he used as a weapon but it was obvious it wouldn’t hold long against their enemies.
They stood back to back; the number of fallen enemies was quite impressive considering their desperate situation.
 “Keith! We can’t hold on much longer!” Lance’s voice came from the speaker in their helmets, he sounded pained, desperate.
 “Hold on! Do you want to die?” Keith asked voice calmer, than he felt. But he had to send out a signal of strength to his team. If he gave up, everyone else would lose their hope and then they’d all die! He couldn’t risk it.
He darted forth to slay another Galra who tried to kill him and instantly jumped back to the shelter of Shiro’s broad shoulders.
 “No! But…”
 “Keith! He’s injured!” It was Allura’s voice. The Altean princess, usually so collected and level-headed, sounded almost in panic. Shit!
 “Keep calm, Allura! We…” – Another slash to a four legged monster which thought it was witty enough to be able to attack from above and cost it its head –  “we’ll come as soon as possible!” which wouldn’t be anytime soon Keith was afraid. “But you need to keep a calm head! They’ll kill you instantly if you get reckless or panic! We will come!” He wasn’t sure if he could keep this promise, but…
 “Thank you!” Allura’s words confirmed that he had said the right thing to keep hope afloat.
 He felt how Shiro attacked an enemy and shuddered when he heard a terrible ‘Crack’ when Shiro’s weapon broke.
 It only took a few more minutes until they were pressed against a wall of stone, their space to move strictly limited when four beasts and at least ten Galra circled them.
 Keith took a breath. How could they survive that?
 “You really have grown into a great leader. I’m proud of you”, he heard Shiro’s voice next to him. He switched the communication off. The others didn’t need to know he was close to giving up, now that he also noticed a shadow on a ledge just above them ready to kill them off. His grip around his weapon strengthened.
 “Thank you.” Keith sighed and lifted his injured leg a bit to keep it from giving out but keeping his will to fight to the end. “Come… How many do you think we can take with us?”
 Somehow some kind of lethal determination slipped into Shiro’s eyes. “Preferably all of them!”
 Keith smirked. “Yeah… preferably.” His voice was full of sarcastic determination, knowing that that was nearly impossible. The enemies came closer. He couldn’t see a way to escape alive. But he wouldn’t die without the fight of his life. “One kiss before we die?” he asked in the same ironic mocking voice. He had never told Shiro what he really felt for him, that his love was more than brotherly.
 “You can have as many kisses as you want when we survive! So move!” Keith felt Shiro’s hand at his back. “I’ll cover your back!” Then he pushed him forwards into a big pile of Galra and beasts and seven human limbs with many screams and more blood.
 The roar of a lion froze the battle. And the instant Black took part in it the tables were turned. It was a matter of less than a minute until the remaining enemies fled. No one wanted to mess with a robot many times the own size. And the moment the threat was over and Black opened her mouth, Keith collapsed, his leg giving up the will to carry him. He knew he bled somewhere on his scalp and his arm. And soon he felt Shiro at his side. “Come, we need to get into the Lion and help the others!”
 Keith needed two seconds to get what Shiro meant. But then he gathered all his strength and pulled himself up on Shiro’s shoulder! “Let’s get moving! We can’t afford any fatalities!”
 Shiro nodded and supported his friend to the lion with his one left arm and sat him down in the pilot’s seat. “Let’s do this.” He said and the lion roared.
 “Guys! We’re on our way!” Keith informed the others with new determination. Yes, he was injured, but as long as he was able to pilot his lion he would not let anyone alone. A quick glance on the map and he knew where he had to go.
 “Pidge? Hunk? Status?” he asked on the way to the lake where Lance and Allura fought. He hadn’t heard anything of the Yellow and green Paladins, yet.
 “We’re fine. Green just arrived! Take care of the other two!” Pidge’s answer relieved Keith. Within seconds he arrived at the lake and let Black do the cleanup quickly joined by Red and Blue, who were back online as well and couldn’t leave their Paladins to their fate as well. So it was a matter of mere minutes until the lake was Galra free as well.
 Keith sank back in his seat and groaned. Now that the adrenaline in his blood slowly faded, the pain in his body and especially his leg returned full force.
 “Everyone, take first care of your wounds then we’ll meet in Black to plan where we will go next. Pidge? Can you look for a Galra free planet, moon or whatever close by?” he ordered. He knew they needed to leave as soon as possible. But they also needed to take care of themselves first.
 “Copy that!” Pidge replied and the line went quiet as well as the connections to the other lions.
 “Let me take care of your wounds until you can get into a healing pod!” Shiro said. He had already gotten the first aid kit and taken out the necessary things.
 Keith nodded. One kiss before we die? God, how could he have been so bold? He didn’t dare to look at Shiro when he gently wiped the blood from his face. He wanted to say something but nothing came to his mind. You can have as many kisses as you want when we survive! Damn… Despite his tone Keith had been serious… But was Shiro?
 “Are you alright?” Shiro asked concerned. He had helped Keith get out of his space suit and was now taking care of his leg. He had cleaned the cut and was now bandaging it.
 “Yeah. Thank you for being here!” Keith opened his eyes. Should he ask Shiro for the promised kisses or… would that ruin things between them.
 “That’s what friends are for.” Shiro replied gently. Keith looked at him now and Shiro returned it. The tension almost bristling in the air between them.
 “Keith!” “Shiro!” both spoke at the same time. Shiro smiled and pushed himself up.
“Back then… you wanted something… Do... you still want it? We survived after all.” Shiro’s voice was smooth as silk. Keith gulped. So Shiro had also been serious?
He hesitantly nodded. He would be a fool not to accept the offer and a few seconds later he could feel Shiro’s lips on his, gentle, testing. Keith closed his eyes and returned the kiss, arms circling Shiro’s neck and pulling him closer.
He had read so much about the first kiss being like some kind of firework, all bright and magic and excitement, but he experienced none of that. What he felt was so much better. It was mutual trust and love, not burning but calm, things falling into place, just as they were supposed to be. He groaned when he felt Shiro’s tongue nudging his lips and he gladly granted access to his mouth welcoming it with his own. Somewhere in the back of his mind he felt Black purring out her blessing.
 No one knew how long they stayed like this when they separated again.
 “Wow! You’re amazing!” Keith murmured.
 “You’re the one to talk!” Shiro replied with a happy smirk, but then he stood up and stretched his back. It sure was uncomfortable to lean down so much just to kiss your best friend.
 Keith felt the warmth of Shiro’s hand against his cheek and leaned into the touch. “We should go to the hangar and meet the others…” he murmured a bit unwilling.
 “Yeah. Can you walk?” Shiro asked and held his arm out.
 Keith stood up but soon noticed he needed support, his leg wasn’t ready to carry him. And Shiro smiled and put his arm around Keith’s waist to support him. But before they left the lion’s cockpit he leaned down again and stole another sweet kiss from Keith’s lips.
 A few minutes later everyone was gathered in Black’s hangar. Everyone had at least a few band aids somewhere on their body. Lance’s arm was in a sling. So he, too, would need a healing pod later.
“That was a tight fight!” He stated weakly.
 “Yeah. I’m glad we survived!” Hunk said. He had only minor injuries which didn’t need any special treatment.
 “Thanks for not giving up on us, Keith” Allura smiled.
 “I’d never give up on you.” Keith replied with a weak.
 “Only on yourself.” Was Shiro’s dry remark to that.
 “Hey, in Slav’s words… the chance of us surviving was around three percent.”
 Shiro smiled and pulled him close to his chest. “But I’m glad we made it.”
 “Yeah… Me too.” Keith smiled and snuggled closer to Shiro. They could plan their next steps like this, too, right?
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arosmith-zeppelin · 6 years
Avengers: Infinity War AU Where Everything Is the Same Except Voltron Is Included
Using the versions from Voltron: Legendary Defender. They meet the Guardians of the Galaxy and then go from there.
There may be SPOILERS, so you have been warned.
The castle ship runs into the Guardian’s ship. Rocket and Drax are ready to attack it (”So what if it’s larger? We can blow it up and see how large it is then!”)(”ROCKET”), but they for some reason decide to hear them out
After hearing about another giant purple alien threatening to universe the Voltron crew decides to tag along because Defenders of the Universe and all.
Quill doing that lowering-voice thing he did with Thor when talking to Shiro. 
Keith and Gamora see each other’s swords, silently make eye contact, and give each other a nod of respect
Pidge and Rocket instantly click because they’re sarcastic lil’ shits who are geniuses with technology
Hunk and Mantis being the soft cuties they are
Drax and Coran being their strange, lovable selves
Allura and Quill surprisingly become pretty good friends, though maybe not that surprising because both of their parents (Alfor, Allura’s mom, Meredith, Yondu) are dead, and they had to  destroy their evil fathers (Ego, the corrupted projection of Alfor)
Lance introduces Quill to memes and the two start spouting them out at the speed of light.
“They’re my boots Peter, for god’s sake why are you like this”
Keith and Gamora have a scene where they sharpen their swords and complain about Lance and Quill respectively.
“Now that Peter knows memes he’ll be more insufferabe.”
“You can blame Lance for that.”
Pidge can’t understand a thing Groot says but by god she’ll try
“I’m guessing he said... he’s hungry?”
Rocket: “Nah, he’s pissed cuz Quill took away his game”
Cue Pidge and Groot stealing it back
Plus Thor arrives.
He and Allura also become pretty close, considering they’re in basically the same position. Destroyed planets, dead fathers, all that jazz. Quill becomes low-key jealous
Pidge and Hunk go with Thor, Rocket, and Groot to Nidavellir
Before they leave, Rocket turns back and makes eye contact with Shiro, “Oh, and I’m gonna need your right arm, Captain Guyliner.”
While Shiro blinks in confusion, Quill just screams, “ROCKET” as Groot rolls his eyes
Rocket: You know, to sneak the eyeball out, I had to store that eye up my... never mind
Pidge, over the comms: His ass. He shoved it up his ass
Thor: ...
Pidge and Hunk, inside the Green and Yellow Lions, help Thor keep the gate open to heat the forge
Hunks cries when Groot uses his arm to make Stormbreaker’s handle and is relieved to hear (with Pidge’s first successful Groot translation) that his arm will grow back
Pidge and Hunk use their Lions to help fight in Wakanda. Pidge joins Nat, Wanda, and Okoye in fighting Midnight.
Meanwhile, Coran goes back to pilot the castleship while Shiro, Allura, and Lance take their lions. Keith tags along with Lance in the back of the Red Lion.
Quill: Where is Gamora?!
Tony: Who is Gamora?!
Drax: The better question is: Why is Gamora?
Keith: And the best question is: When is Gamora?
Dr. Strange: I can’t believe I have to deal with this
They help fight off Thanos with the remaining Guardians + Tony, Peter Parker, and Dr. Strange
Shiro helps Tony and Peter with Thanos’s gauntlet
Keith is definitely not happy about Gamora’s death and attacks Thanos with Quill (cuz y’all know he would if someone killed someone he cared about)
Basically this is just a giant mess. Feel free to add on if you wish
Dr. Strange: There is only one reality where we win
Cue Shiro losing his shit in the background
Zarkon: Who are you?
Thanos: I’m you, but more purple
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bleusarcellewrites · 7 years
Cardboard Castles
Thiiiiiiiis...probably sucks, but eeeeeeeey, there might be something enjoyable inside, maybe? something? I dunno.
AnYWAYS, hope you like it @eleedoesart ! This is me taking you out on a most promised date and I hope I do good, bc I suck at dates and stuff. 
It’s a one shot of these idiots moving in together to a new apartment in the modern au, so yeah! Shklance for the soul, hope you like it <333 
2.5k words under the cut, so yeah, clic on read more if you see it and want to. 
Disclaimer: Voltron doesn’t belong to me. 
Lance wakes up with tickles.
More than tickles, the familiar feeling of butterflies kisses against his face. He smiles unconsciously and leans closer to their source. There’s a low chuckle near him and Lance cracks one of his eyes open to meet a familiar gray pair.
“Morning,” Shiro mumbles, nuzzling his face closer to his boyfriend’s, earning yet again another giggle from Lance.
“It is now,” Lance sighs contently, shifting on the bed to wraps his arms around the other man’s shoulders, pulling him down, “What got you into the romantic mood so early?”
Shiro hums. “Well, it is a especial morning; it’s our first morning together in our new place. A especial wake up method was required.”
“I like this method.” Lance declares softly, dropping a kiss on the pink scar over Shiro’s nose.
“Well, that’s good, because then you have the honors to wake up the last sleeping beauty in this bed.” Shiro looks to the side, eyes turning fond at the snoring figure next to them.
Lance follows his gaze, snorting quietly when a loud sharp snore shakes Keith’s entire body.
“Oh, such an honor.” Lance teases, rolling his eyes but grinning playfully. He untangles himself from Shiro’s embrace and turns his body, groaning with pleasure when his muscles stretch and bones crack at his movements.
He crawls on the bed until he’s knee sitting besides his still sleeping boyfriend.
Lance goes with the tender fluffy option first.
He places his hand over Keith’s disheveled bed hair and strokes it gently, not at all surprised to see that it has no knots whatsoever, one of his boyfriend’s many lucky miracles.
“Babe, time to wake up.”
Lance frowns and purses his lips.
Welp, he tried. Time for teasing playful option.
“Babe.” He calls again, finger up and poking one of Keith’s pale cheeks.
Still a big nothing.
“Keith, honestly.”
A loud exaggerated snore answers him, and Lance gasps dramatically.
“You little shit! I knew you could hear me.”
There’s a moment of silence and then,
“Oh my god.”
Shiro barks a laugh from his side of the bed, shaking his head in amusement as he watches his boyfriend failing to make their lover to move in the least. He raises his hand in surrender when Lance turns back to glare at him.
“Alright,” Lance shrugs, smirk growing on his face and Shiro knows what's coming, “You asked for this, mullet.”
Keith barely has time to register the words before Lance’s lifting up his shirt and blowing a loud sloppy raspberry on his stomach.
The reaction is immediate. Keith squeaks and turns sharply, laughter escaping his mouth and struggling wildly when Shiro joins his other side and hold him down by the wrist.
“No, no! Don’t you dare -! Lance! I see you! Don’t!” Keith laughs, fighting against his boyfriend’s hold with no success whatsoever; for only using one hand, Shiro has quite the strong grip, “Shiro, let go! Oh my god!”
He hears Shiro chuckle above him, lips pressed against the top of his head. “You had it coming, baby. I can’t interfere with Lance’s vengeance.”
“Wise choice,” Lance muses, dropping a quick kiss to Keith’s stomach before using his fingers to tickle him, “Last time, mullet! Surrender your sleep or suffer the consequences!”
“Never!” Keith shouts back, voice cracking in the middle by a hiccup, grin still wide and big in his face.
Both Lance and Shiro share a look before nodding.
“Then a war shall we have!” Lance exclaims, leaning away from his boyfriend before grabbing a pillow and holding up high in his head, not hesitating to bring it down to Keith’s face.
“Lance!” Keith shouts, finally free from Shiro’s hold but only to be attacked by said partner with his own pillow, “Not fair!”
“You’re getting slow, love,” Shiro cackles, dodging the hit coming from Lance effortlessly before throwing his pillow to the brunet, effectively hitting him in the face.
“Ack!” Lance yelps, throwing himself back in the bed and clutching his chest dramatically, pillow still covering his face, “Blue down! Blue down!”
“Red is on the move! I repeat, Red’s on the move!” Shiro mockingly gasp, grinning wildly as Keith jumps on the bed, lifting his own pillow up, eyes narrow with challenge.
“He’s going for Black! He is defenseless! Will this be the end of the Black Lion?” Lance narrates from the bed’s edge, using his phone as microphone while pulling his own pillow closer to his chest.
“Not helping!” Shiro groans as he blocks with his arm another pillow attack from his smaller boyfriend.
“He’s losing strength! I repeat! Losing! Strength!”
“He’s calling for Blue but Blue’s on the other side of paradise by his own fault! There’s no one to help him!”
“The Mighty Black Lion is weakening!” Keith joins in with the narration, dodging one of Shiro’s attacks, a wide exciting grin decorating his face,  “He’s getting slower by the second! He is now Red’s prisoner!”
“He’s making breakfast!” Lance adds, laughing and launching himself to hug Keith’s waist once Shiro flops down on the bed and raises his hand in surrender, “The legendary waffles of the Mighty Black Lion make a comeback!”
“And the kingdom has been restored!” Keith cheers, leaning down and dropping a kiss on top of his brunet boyfriend.
“Can the black Lion get kisses too before he goes into fulfilling his punishment, which he will do with pleasure and love?” Shiro chides in, lifting his head to look at both of his boyfriends.
The pair share a grin before throwing themselves on their boyfriend.
“A little more to the right.”
Lance hums as his boyfriend follows his instructions, the big mirror he’s holding up with a strong grip pressed against the wall.
“How about now?” Keith asks, looking over his shoulder to meet Lance’s eyes.
Lance hums again, rubbing the edge of his chin dramatically before waving his hand to the left.
“A little to the left.”
The brunet bites down his smug smirk when Keith groans annoyed but complies. He had to give it to his boyfriend, they have been at this task for the past half an hour and Keith’s still able to hold up the big mirror steadily enough.
He snaps out of his thoughts when someone collides with his hip and he turns his head to the right, catching Shiro’s warm smile. Lance nudges him back and grins when Shiro laughs.
“How is Operation Hanging going?” Shiro asks casually, sipping from his cup.
Lance hums nonchalantly before reaching out and taking Shiro’s beverage from his flesh hand, taking a small sip. “Oh, raspberry tea?”
Shiro nods, “Your fave.”
“You poured yourself raspberry tea because you knew I was going to steal it from you?”
“Duh.” Shiro smirks, leaning forward and dropping a chaste kiss against the brunet’s lips.
“What a gentleman.” Lance smiles, pulling him close to one last kiss before turning their attention back to their boyfriend.
“Now?” Keith whines, slamming his forehead against the wall.
“Almost there, amor! Just a tiny itty bit to the right!”
Keith groans and Shiro shakes his head in amusement.
“You just want to stare at his butt.” Shiro accuses quietly, poking the brunet on the side playfully, making him squirm and huff a laugh.
“Oh, please, I’m enjoying this as much as you are.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Shiro shrugs but smirks knowingly, dropping his prosthetic arm on his boyfriend’s shoulder before turning again to Keith, “You almost got it, baby! Just a bit more to the left.”
“You guys said to the right last time! Oh my god!”
“Wait, now it’s too low. Hold it up a little bit more, Keith.” Lance grins, eyes never leaving his boyfriend’s backside, ignoring Keith’s curses and humming in appreciation when Keith lifts the mirror up, muscles flexing, “Yep, that’s the stuff.”
“Lance, it is alright there - Lance!” Keith snaps, head never turning around but his own reflection now greeting him with the help of the higher position of the mirror and catching Lance’s gaze from it, “You piece of shit, are you staring at my butt?”
Lance jumps in surprise, a flush covering his face for getting caught.
“You piece of shit, oh my god!”
Shiro just cackles, bending slightly over to hold his stomach as more giggles escaped his mouth, until he see the way Keith’s hands leave the mirror and then he’s leaping out to catch it.
“Nop! I’m out! I’m now in charge of organizing the DVDs and CDs! Me! Leaving! Right now!” Keith fumes, glaring at Lance as he pass by him.
The brunet smiles sheepishly and blow him a quick kiss. “I love you, babe.”
Keith’s glare softens but he still narrows his eyes at his boyfriend and does the universal hand movement of ‘I’m watching you’. They wait until Keith’s out of the dining room before Lance speaks up.
“From one to ten, how high is the probability I’m waking up to cold feet on my back tomorrow?”
Shiro hums as he hangs the mirror easily and steps back to admire his quick work. He meets his boyfriend’s eyes through the mirror, “From one to ten?”
“Dang it.”
“I can’t believe you managed to sneak that in.”
Shiro looks up from his place on the floor, throwing his head back to catch his boyrfriend’s dark blue eyes upside down and sends him a loopsy grin.
The older man holds up small owl statue, “What do you guys have against Slav? This little guy is like our watch dog. Keeping the apartment safe and secure while we are out!”
Keith snorts, shaking his head in amusement. “Yeah, okay, Takashi, maybe in another reality.”
“You never know!”
“This is the same owl Lance used to freak out for two weeks straight every time we had sleepover at your old place?” Keith asks, arching an eyebrow at his boyfriends, who smiles sheepishly.
Keith laughs this time, softly and genuine as he stares down at his boyfriend and takes the owl statue from his hands.
“You’re such a dork.” Keith declares playfully but still places the owl down on the counter next to the kitchen’s entrance.
“Says the one who brought his Mothman figure,” Shiro snickers, huffing when he feels a body press against his back, “...Comfy?”
Keith hums contently, face buried against his boyfriend’s shoulder from behind.
Shiro chuckles fondly and raises his flesh hand, placing it on top of Keith’s black mop of hair and ruffling it playfully.
“Come on, baby, we still have like, ten big full  boxes to unpack.”
Keith groans loudly against him, sending a shiver down his spine.
“Ugh, can’t we just live surrounded by boxes? We have been unpacking the entire morning!” Keith whines, lifting his head enough to send his boyfriend a flat look, “Lance’s childhood dream was to live in a cardboard fort made from boxes! Bam! Made his dreams come true, best boyfriends ever.”
Shiro snorts this time, prosthetic flying to his mouth to suppress his laughter. “I mean, I can’t argue with that, to be honest.”
“Right? Look at this,” Keith whispers before he throws his head back, “Lance? Babe? Can we live in a cardboard fort instead and stop unpacking?”
“First off, it’s a cardboard castle, second of all, if it has a terrace, then sure, babe!” was the instant answer from the kitchen.
Keith purses his lips. “I can give you fire escape stairs?”
A pause and then, “Deal, but a stargaze date is required every two weeks!”
“Make it weekly!” Shiro butts in and smiles when he hears the excited ‘whoop’ from Lance.
“See?” Keith smirks down at Shiro, wiggling his eyebrows.
“Oh, joy, now will be known as the trio who lives in a cardboard fort,” Shiro teases but smiles tenderly when he feels a soft pressure on top of his head.
“Cardboard castle, remember?” Keith corrects gently, dropping another kiss on his boyfriend’s head before leaning down and kissing his cheek.
“Hey, guys? Lunch is ready and I made - Mother fucker! Oh my god!”
Both men wince at the sound of plastic plates falling and clattering on the floor followed by a pained yelp from their brunet boyfriend.
“Man down! Man down! Butt harmed and a creepy owl still staring down at me! Takashi!”
“It was Keith!” Shiro shouts back, dodging Keith’s hand as the other tries to slap his arm, “I’m coming, Lance!”
Keith pulls himself up from his boyfriend so the other could stand up and help Lance. He ends up on the floor, legs crossed and a pout on his face.
“Does this mean we are having take out?” He shouts and grins when he gets both positive answers from his boyfriends.
“Okay but that scene was so cliche.”
Keith hums eyes never leaving the laptop’s screen and hand still stroking Lance’s short brown hair as the brunet’s head lays on Shiro’s lap, soft snores leaving his mouth.
The pizza box is still half open with a few leftover inside, the apartment’s light are off and curtains closed, leaving only the dim laptop screen to light up their surroundings.
Keith sighs contently as he snuggles closer to Shiro’s side and pushes his cheek into his boyfriend's shoulder, cuddling closer and chasing the warm Shiro provides. He feels the familiar pressure of Shiro’s lips on his temple and he unconsciously smiles.
“This is what happens when you let Lance chose the movie.” Keith replies quietly, trying not to disturb the sleeping brunet below them.
“It was only fair after you scared him with Slav.”
“I did not - ! Oh my god, it was you who brought that damn owl.” Keith rolls his eyes and softly hits his boyfriend in the arm, “Such betrayal from your side, honey.”
“You will live.” Shiro laughs softly, hushing quietly when Lance whines and shifts, burying his face deeper in Shiro’s stomach, “It think it’s time to call it a night, though.”
Keith nods besides him, leaning down to drop a kiss on Lance, just above his eyebrow. “Alright, sharpshooter, time for bed.”
“Shi...bed.” Lance mumbles, words slurred and barely understandable but it makes both of his boyfriends laugh.
“I didn’t know you were a mattress trade mark, Takashi.” Keith teases and the older man looks back at him.
“Har har,” Shiro deadpans before shaking his head with a smile, “Alright then, up we go.” He makes sure to have a strong grip on his half sleeping boyfriend before standing up, nodding in thanks when Keith shuts down the laptop and opens their bedroom door for him.
“He must be really tired if he didn’t went through his beauty routine,” Keith frowns, stroking a bang out of Lance’s face as soon as his head hits the pillow.
“It’s been a couple of tiring days, with all the moving and sudden changes.” Shiro nods, taking off his prosthetic before rolling his shoulders back, a pleased noise leaving his lips when he hears a small crack.
“No regrets, though.” Keith smiles, grabbing Shiro’s hand and bringing him down on the bed, making him lay on Lance’s free side and leaving the brunet in the middle.
“No regrets,” Lance agrees, voice heavy with sleep, eyes still closed but both of his hands moving around, looking for something.
Both Keith and Shiro are quick to help him out and intertwine their hands together, smiling when a small happy smile grows on Lance’s face.
“None at all.” Shiro hums softly, finally laying down and pulling both men closer to him.
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My fav things abt vld and the vld fandom:
1) Shiro losing his shit bc of Slav
2) Texan Keith memes
4) Italian Pidge memes and Pidge being a savage
5) C o r a n  C o r a n  t h e  g o r g e o u s  m a n
6) Lotor’s hair
7) and then basically just the whole show but yeah
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panda-noosh · 7 years
I loved your de-aged s/o headcannons! Do you think you could do de-aged paladins and how little baby them would act?
well this was greatfun. Enjoy!
 - okay,you all know them.
- you ever seen them pictures of, like, three year olds who stand onstools by their mothers side whilst their mother works at the sink?they're trying so hard to be part of the adult work?
- that's Shiro. he's the little three year old with his head poppedover the counter, pretending to be part of things.
 - he's not an overly giddy child. quite calm, knows when to shut up,but he's definitely interfering with things.
 - he doesn't know he is, bare in mind. he thinks he's being helpful.
 - it's mostly with Pidge or Hunk. Pidge is trying to work on someall-important device, and Shiro is watching her very closely for alittle while before he swoops in and starts messing with it himself,pretending he's copying her every move perfectly.
 - Pidge would freak out when she got back into the room to see herhard work had been completely disembodied by Mini-Shiro.
-  and he'd just look up at her with that proud smile on his face andbe like, “I did it!”
-  with Hunk, it's cooking.
- Mini-Shiro likes cooking.
-  Hunk is obviously in charge of making sure Shiro eats. Hunk hadgiven Shiro food earlier on in the day, and from then on, Mini-Shirois completely in awe by the idea of makingfood.
 - sohe spends all day pondering around the kitchen, and Hunk doesn'tmind. he actually quite likes the company.
 - until Shiro tries to sit inside of the oven to “see how the foodrises.”    Keith:
 - heliterally just sleeps everywhere.
 - poorlittle baby Keith is tried from being little baby Keith.
 - but he's tired all the time, and whenever his toddler self is awake,he just talks about how tired he is.
 - also, I feel like he's the type of toddler who makes adults cry withthe things he says. he's a savage toddler.
 - but back to the sleeping thing.
 - no joke. you'll be walking through the halls of the ship and youhave to watch your step on flat ground because you never know whereKeith decided to curl up and nap this time.
 - uses the carpet as a quilt. puts his head in a bowl and just fallsasleep in a baking bowl. falls asleep across Shiro's lap wheneverShiro tries to take him to get food that day.
 - anywhere but his bed. Pidge literally crafted him a bed suitable forsomebody his new-age, and he just refuses to sleep inside of it.
 - as for the snide comments he often throws in, he's a savage.
 - he doesn't mean to be. I can see him being quite a sweetheart if hehasn't got his brain in overactive mode, but he's very . . . he hasno filter at this age. he doesn't understand what basic manners arejust yet.
 - he called Slav a 'worm with words,' which made Slav complain toShiro about the 'disrespect of the crew members.'
  -whenever Lance was trying to make him laugh, he just sat there withthe straightest face in the world before rudely commenting on howstupid Lance was.
- thecutest, most competitive little thing you have ever seen.
 -cute, because he looks adorable when he's de-aged. he's probablymissing a few teeth and his hair is probably cut all wrong and it'slopsided, but it's cute as all hell.
 - competitive, because he's Lance and he can't lose. even when he's atoddler.
 - even though nobody wants to have a competition with him, he finds away to make everything a competition.
 - like, Shiro is walking down the hallway and Lance runsdownthe hallway, talking about how it's a race.
 - Hunk is eating his food and Lance then has to wolfhisdown, just to prove that he's the dominant eater at the age of three.
 - I can imagine Keith being one of the only ones who actually indulgesin these competitions, and it makes Lance so happy.
-  Keithhas a soft stop for baby Lance don't fight me on this.
- the two of them just spend the entire day racing up and down theship.
-Keith probably knocks baby Lance over a few times, because he, too,is a competitive fuck who can't lose.
- thetalkative one.
 -helpful, but extremely curious. and curiosity leads to a lot ofquestions. and questions lead to him being extremely annoying insituations.
- nobody minds, of course, but they dofindit slightly irritating that they can't do anything without littleHunk's head popping between them and asking a stupid question.
- for example, Pidge is cooking. Pidge is attempting to cook. the lackof fully-grown Hunk has them grabbing for any mild chef they canfind, which just so happens to be Pidge.
- she's having a tough enough time as it is. but then little mini Hunkpops his head up on the counter, probably knocking a few bowls off ofin the process.
- “why is the dough in the oven rising?”
- “why is their white stuff all over the counter?”
- “why do you look angry?”
- “why is Lance eating the stuff on the counter?”
- “lANCE.”  -  pidge leaves to go yell at Lance, and mini-Hunkends up trying to cook.
- and he's good at it. because he's Hunk.
- shedeadass turns into some kind of government spy when she becomesde-aged.
- because she's everywhere, and yet nobody knows when she walked intothe room. they just turn around and she's sitting in the corner,staring into the crowd of chattering adults.
- so for the days that she is a little toddler, they have to keeptheir mouth shut, which doesn't make finding a plan any easier.
- but they have to, because baby Pidge has a big mouth.
- seriously.
-Shiro was probably chatting shit about Slav, and Pidge was behind himthe whole time without him knowing.
- whenever he turned around to see her, his heart fell out of hismouth because shit.
-  andthen baby Pidge is running through the halls, yelling for Slav whilstShiro tries to grab her.
- but Slav hears her yelling and comes out to see what's happened.
- he only got his feelings hurt that day, which led to plenty oftension on the ship after that.
- baby Pidge is also very attached to Keith.
- because why not.
- but I can imagine somebody hurting her feelings by telling her toshut up or something, and she just runs straight into Keith's arms.
- and Keith is being all Dad about it, rubbing her back and tutting atthe person who hurt her feelings.
 -sorry, I like Dad Keith.
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voltronassesposts · 7 years
Could I get an emergency ask please? I was laughed at because of my race and I wanted to talk back so bad and break their teeth but I was working so I couldn't do anything. There wasn't a lot of people around to defend me so I was so angry and after they left I stared to shake down and cry. I was wondering what would the paladins do in that situation? Thanks. Stay safe out there.
oh gosh wow, that’s really a terrible situation. i can’t believe people actually do that still (but i know hate towards middle eastern men and women has spiked dramatically bc of trump). if it’s any consolation to you, i would have said something and i’m sorry that happened to you
whether he knows you or not, he’s going to stand up for you. he’s not white and he may get some shit for that sometimes himself, so it hits home for him
“what’s so great about your race huh? nothing. that’s what”
pulls out some really amazing historical facts that aid to his claim that no race is superior than the other and one person can’t be held accountable for the actions of the rest of their race
he doesn’t even give them time to speak, he smacks them down with the facts and he always has a comeback that’s better than theirs. he’s practiced. he’s been here before
once he scares the assholes off/beats them verbally until they’re just making themselves look more stupid, he’ll pay for whatever he’s buying and ask if you’re okay
minorities need to stick together, and he offers you his phone number if you’re ever in a situation like this again. mostly he means it, but he’s also flirting with you heh
his response is drastically different depending on if he knows you or not. for a s/o, he will definitely get up in their face with his fists. he doesn’t give them time to argue their point, just kicks their asses
“don’t you ever talk to them like that again, don’t even look at them–” proceeds to curb stomp a mother fucker.
then after that’s done and the bitches have run off, he will most likely also run off bc shit, he’s too young to go to jail. space was a lot easier for his temperament
he’s calmer if he doesn’t know you. he’s more likely to wait until that person leaves and comfort you at the counter after they’re gone.
“those guys were pretty shitty. i’m sorry, you didn’t deserve that.”
mostly just really tries to keep his anger in check. doesn’t want to go off, bc he doesn’t know how that will end for him. but if you’re his s/o, he can’t keep it in 
“hey now guys, that’s not cool.” puts a hand on their shoulder, not so subtlety squeezing kind of hard
he’s all smiles bc really, he’s a pacifist and wants everyone to leave unharmed emotionally/physically. he understands sometimes that’s not possible though, and he’s really for a scuffle
either the person(s) will be scared off by his unnerving smile and huge stature, or they’ll think they’re brave enough to take him on
if they think they’re brave, they may throw some insults at his race as well. maybe this’ll lead to a punch being thrown, but hunk will catch it easily and proceed to throw the person(s) out the door. literally. they will hit the concrete. hard.
once that’s done, he wipes his hands of the matter and pays for whatever he was paying for. “You okay?” 
pidge may be small, but she can’t stand social injustice. she’ll get right up in the guys face and challenge his intelligence. she’s not above insulting someone, especially someone that stupid.
she’ll use her superior intellect to argue, and pretty soon the argument will progress past race and completely take the heat off you. of course this was her original plan to begin with
now it’s just a back and forth match of arguing about this that and everything under the sun, which pidge will always win at. eventually the guy will just have to give up and leave. he may throw some bad words at the two of you, but at least he’s gone
pidge walks up to the counter to console you. she doesn’t know what it’s like, but she knows it must be rough. she’ll offer to talk shit about the guy while she pays for her stuff, but if you don’t want to she totally understands
when she leaves she makes sure to tell you to stay safe and that you have allies out there
shiro, like hunk, is calm in the face of danger. but he’s pretty likely to put himself up as a barrier between you and the asshole berating you instead.
he doesn’t want to put his hands on anyone, bc he has quite the temper he’s trying to keep under wraps and anything physical will just make him lose it
he’ll just stand in front of you and be like “let’s all just calm down here” but obvs, some pricks do not want to stand down, so he’ll say it again as many times as it take for the asshole to leave.
finally he just loses it. it’s worse than when he loses it with slav. how do you look and shiro and not understand that this guy has been through hell and could turn your body into a pretzel??
he probably picks the guy up by the collar, and when they see his arm, oh god they are shitting himself. he’ll tell them if they ever come back here they’ll get to see what this arm can do, and that’s the end of that.
doesn’t say much after that, just gives you a sheepish smile and pays for his things. “sorry about that”
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amethystspaceprince · 7 years
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Shiro losing his shit is one of my favourite moments in voltron because he never really does until the episodes where Slav is there and it's just so funny. Look at him, he looks like a tomato. Also relatable because Slav is annoying and I think I'd have a mental breakdown too if I had to be within hearing distance of him
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