#and that was amazing and honestly a tad bit bone chilling
Not a horror fan, but I believe in their beliefs (tragedy fan)
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Follow The Light (Warlock!Yoongi x Wisp!Reader)
Genre: Supernatural Au, Fluff, Angst
Warnings: Explicit language (a tad), brief mention of cheating and death, P.O.V. switching, that’s about it
Word Count: 9K (oops)
It wasn’t every day that Yoongi was visited by an unnerved stranger with nothing but revenge on their minds. Well, it didn’t use to be, but ever since he took that idiot’s offer to help him get revenge on a cheating girlfriend in exchange for some monetary compensation, it seems that’s all he could attract nowadays. 
In fact, he can’t even remember the last time someone came in for something as simple as an herbal remedy, or maybe a spell to keep flowers from wilting, or hell, even just to say hi and see how he was doing.
He couldn’t hold it against anyone though; his friends were off far away with lives of their own to attend to and the strangers coming and going all seemingly had worse things to worry about than the feelings of the town warlock. 
If he’s being honest, vengeful souls looking for a quick fix were better than no interaction at all. It’s when he’s alone in that dark house with his thoughts and demons that scared him the most, so any company is good company in his mind.
The only problem is, revenge comes with a price, and the darkness doesn’t just come for the seeker, it comes for the creator as well. 
Yoongi is not unfamiliar with treading the line between good and evil, in fact, it’s a balancing act he’s been doing his whole life. Every action has either good or bad consequences, and those are tripled when you’re using magic. 
At first, it was easy to make the right choice, stay the path of light, deny the darkness, and keep the peace. However, as he grew and learned the truth of the worlds, he realized nothing was as simple as it all may seem on the outside. 
It was much easier (and fun) to take a walk on the dark side sometimes. Dark magic had less rules, less strings attached, at least, that’s what Yoongi first assumed. 
Turns out, the price of black magic is much higher than he thought, and Yoongi has racked up an enormous tab. 
Now it was a daily internal battle to keep his demons at bay, and honestly, he’s fucking exhausted. Should he give in to the temptation of the darkness, or should he fight to follow the light? If he thought about that question one more time, he swears he’d have a stroke. 
Yoongi was honestly done with wondering what if, he wanted answers and he wanted them now. Maybe that’s how he found himself wandering a path not often taken, searching the woods for an answer, a sign, anything. 
If anyone saw him right now, they’d think he’s crazier than they already do. What kind of all-powerful warlock wanders the edge of town for a sign of the right path? Answer, the stupid kind. 
Yoongi shakes his head, the corner of his mouth turning up a bit, “If the boys could see me now.” 
He knows they’d have a field day. The ever-so wise and sure Yoongi, asking the universe for guidance? Hysterical. 
Yoongi was the type of guy who fronted that he knew all the answers, when in reality, he didn’t know a damn thing. He could fake smooth confidence, but it was a different story actually trying to have it. 
But he couldn’t let his reputation deteriorate, not when it was one of the only things keeping him afloat. If people lost their confidence in him, he’d lose his livelihood. 
He was the scary warlock who lives alone at the edge of town who solves people’s vengeance problems. People seeking revenge wanted the worst of the worst, so that’s what Yoongi provided. 
To be honest, Yoongi took walks more often than he’d care to admit. It wasn’t just to look for a sign, but to clear his mind, calm his soul, and keep the negative thoughts at bay. It is harder to do good when you are consumed with bad. To keep on the line, he took the time to clear himself of some of the negative energy. 
The woods were a place of solitude. Nature, the sounds of life bustling around him helped him center himself. It was the only time he left the house, and he liked getting away. He likes watching the clouds roll by, the leaves rustle in the wind, and feel with cold air against his skin. It was these things that made him feel almost human, like he was just a normal person living a normal life. 
It gave him a break in the constant tug of war, one that he desperately needed to keep a somewhat sane mind. 
Yoongi followed the dirt path at the edge of the wood, hands in his pockets, eyes following the line of trees. It was late October and the colorful array of leaves gave him something interesting to look at instead of the ground. 
He thanked the spirits that he’d decided to bring a scarf with him, winding it around his neck to ease the chill that seeped from his veins into his bones. Not to say Yoongi didn’t like the cold, he actually much rather preferred it over the heat. Sweaty Yoongi = Grumpy Yoongi.
The surrounding area took on an illuminated cast as the sun began to sink into the horizon. Sunsets were great, but in his opinion, when the stars begin to glitter in the dark abyss of space, now that was truly a beautiful sight. 
He was amazed at how bright these little things could shine when enveloped by such a thick darkness. 
Stars gave him hope. 
Feeling a wave of calm rush over him as the night takes over, Yoongi pauses a second to breath. The air was magical at the shift between day and night. He could feel the surge of energy in every fiber of his being. It was what being alive felt like. 
But just as Yoongi felt complete and utter peace, a new, unfamiliar feeling crept its way in. He could sense something was there, something he’d never encountered before. His sense of peace was replaced with uneasiness; a feeling that set him on edge and ruined his good mood. 
‘Why does something always have to ruin my serenity?’ He thinks to himself as he cautiously scans the surrounding area. Yoongi is really hoping it’s nothing serious, because he doesn’t have the energy for a fight right now, or ever for that matter. 
He’s about to brush it off as a minor bout of insanity, when he catches a glimpse of light disappear down one of the old trails in the woods. 
Adventure is not Yoongi’s forte by any means, and he’s definitely not one to chase a mysterious figure into the dark woods at night. He wants to keep walking, forget it and go home. 
His legs even start carrying him away, yet when he comes upon another trail, he sees that same glimpse of light disappear into the darkness. 
“I’m seeing things. I’m totally just seeing things.” He whispers to himself, rubbing his face harshly in his hands as if to wake himself up. He keeps walking. 
It’s when he stumbles upon a third path that he finds himself standing his ground, staring out to see if it would happen again. He stays still for a few seconds, but sees nothing.
“I knew it.” He turns to keep walking home, but this time sees the light in his path. It stays still for a moment, mirroring him, and if he squints hard enough, it almost looks like...hair?
With no other choice, he slowly trails after it, the light keeping its distance but almost beckoning him forward. 
It’s almost like it wants him to follow it?
A few minutes pass, and Yoongi becomes impatient. He wants to know what the hell this thing is and what it wants: now. 
He picks up his pace, but just as he gets close enough to make out a figure, it suddenly disappears. 
His eyes blink rapidly, mouth agape. Standing frozen, staring at the spot this thing was before it disappeared. Yoongi had never encountered anything like this in all his years, and let me tell you, he has seen some weird shit. 
But never had he seen something as strange as this. A light that beckoned him forward only to disappear. The craziest part? He swears it looked like... a girl.
It’s an incessant knocking that draws Yoongi from his slumber. If it wasn’t for that, he’d probably have stayed in bed all day. He’d been pushing himself harder these past few weeks, and magic drained him of every ounce of energy he had. 
Rubbing his eyes to rid them of the sleepy haze, he waves his hand, sending his clothes to him, quickly dressing as he descends the staircase. A loud freak escapes a loose floorboard, but he pays no mind to it. 
As soon as he approaches the door, he knows who’s waiting for him outside, letting out a long sigh before turning the knob. He doesn’t even have time to greet the intruder before he’s already pushing his way inside. 
Too tired to deal with pretty much everything, a quick wave of his hand sends his guest gliding right back to the open doorway, shock overtaking his features. 
Yoongi would like to say he doesn’t use his powers to control people very often, but he definitely does because people often do stupid things Yoongi doesn’t appreciate. 
One being storming into his house like they own the place. 
“You Satanist bastard! You ruined my life, you hear me!” The man screams in Yoongi’s face. Most people would’ve shrunk back at the level and harshness of his words. Yoongi stood there, face void of emotion trying to block out the words to avoid hearing loss. 
Ah, the best part of the job, unsatisfied customers. While Yoongi is incredibly good at what he does, he’s not incapable of making mistakes. Sometimes things don’t work out as planned, but in most cases, that was customer error, not Yoongi’s. 
As the man continued to throw insults left and right, Yoongi searched his mind far and wide for recognition of the man and what his service was. Knowing what they asked for made it easier for Yoongi to deduce whose fault it was when things go wrong. 
After a few seconds, it pops in his head, and he tunes back into the scene unfolding before him.
Red covers every inch of the man’s face, but Yoongi overlooks that to finally speak out.
“You came in last week, a memory spell, wasn’t it?” He stays silent, the man taking in heavy breaths after his outburst. 
“You wanted your wife to forget your unfaithfulness, correct?” Yoongi knows without a shadow of a doubt this was true. He tried to make it a habit of keeping track of things he sells and who he sells them to, just in case. Information like this came in real handy during times like these, and he was grateful his memory had actually held onto this particular order. 
The man nods furiously, “Yeah, I did, and you said it’d work. A few days later, she doesn’t even remember her own name!” He’s shaking, fists balled up at his sides, eyes turning glassy.
“All of a sudden she couldn’t remember how to speak, or eat, and I found her-“ he chokes back a sob, tears dripping down his face, “I found her face down in the backyard, she was dead, dammit. Dead!” 
Now this threw Yoongi for a bit of a loop. Never had something as simple as a forgetfulness spell ended in something as serious as death. In fact, when death came about during magic use, it was more times than not the human’s fault, not the magic. 
Before he could question the man further, there was swift whistle through the air as the man’s fist landed sharply into Yoongi’s jaw, sending his head reeling to the side. As he lifted his hand to hold his injury, the man suddenly took off, most likely scared Yoongi would use his magic to retaliate.
Did he want to? Of course, there was no better feeling than sending an asshole flying after daring to lay a finger on a warlock like Yoongi. Retaliation was one of the pleasure Yoongi took in making many enemies, because the adrenaline that coursed through your veins when you used magic in such a way was a fucking rush. 
However, Yoongi was too sidetracked by the fact that something he had created had led to an innocent woman’s death. First she’s cheated on, then void of everything she’s ever learned, and then suddenly she’s dead. She’d done nothing wrong.
Yoongi had.  
Turns out, not only does black magic have a high price, it also can be highly unpredictable, especially when not in the right frame of mind. After so many dark spells, overuse of his magic, and fighting with himself, Yoongi had been left vulnerable to malpractice. 
His carelessness cost someone their life.
This time Yoongi didn’t take a scarf to keep warm. He opted for a flask of whiskey instead to warm himself from the inside out, though the guilt building a fire in his stomach kept it warm enough as it is. Maybe that’s what he needed right now, to feel like he was burning. 
He’d lost track of how long he’d been walking, but judging by the fact that he no longer had any idea of where he was, he figured either he’d consumed much too much alcohol, or he was very far from his normal path. 
Not that he cared about either anyways. Alcohol dulls the sting of emotion while distance tries to leave it behind. Both of which sounded great to Yoongi right now.
Not one case had bothered him as much as this one. He was usually better at separating himself from his work, building a wall between his personal beliefs and what he had to do to keep on living. Once the spell, potion, hex, whatever it was, was out of his hands, it was no longer his problem. 
Out of sight, out of mind. 
And it’s not like Yoongi had never dealt with an upset customer or a violent one for that matter. He’s had his fair share of scuffles with pissed customers who didn’t read the fine print. Sometimes he actually enjoyed it, standing his ground and belittling the idiots who start things. 
It wasn’t everyday he got a chance to prove how cunning and powerful he was, so he really took advantage of it when it happened. 
This hit differently though. It’s like the darkness inside of him liked the taste of death on its tongue, which greatly contrasted the sick pang of guilt Yoongi felt. His demons were bloodthirsty, and this may have been the tipping point. After the man had left, Yoongi spent a solid 10 minutes trying not to vomit from the tearing of his insides as his two sides fought over the feeling. 
Murder took Yoongi’s line and crumpled it up in its hand, tossing it into oblivion. He could feel the evil inside of him seeping into his veins, reveling in the news that Yoongi had made a grave mistake. 
One that could cost him his light. 
The devil doesn’t care about intention, he only cares about results. 
And the result was blood on Yoongi’s hands. 
He takes another swig from the flask, a slight sway in his step as the alcohol really settles in. He should be scared that dulling his senses could make it easier for the darkness to take hold, but he figures he’s probably already screwed, so bottoms up. 
Looking around him to get a feel for where to head, Yoongi stops all together.
While the whiskey sure does make it hard to focus, it’s not to the point where he could hallucinate. And he’s definitely seeing a little light flickering at the edge of the woods. 
After taking a second to collect himself as much as he can, he takes a step forward, keeping his sight on the glow. 
It seems to glow brighter, edging him on, and he can’t stop himself as he lunges forward, chasing after it like a dog after a rabbit. 
Yoongi’s mind warns him that he could scare it away, make it disappear, but the light only moves faster, further into the woods, almost like a game of tag. 
Alright, if this thing wants a race, fine, he’ll give it one. Maybe it’s the alcohol giving him liquid courage or rock bottom feeling that his life couldn’t get any worse than it already is, but he’s flying through the trees, swerving and dodging limbs, after the little light. 
The sober, sane part of his brain is kicking himself for how ridiculous he looks right now, but the rest of him doesn't give a shit. His filters gone and walls down, he was going to find out what the hell this thing was if it killed him.
Yoongi hates to admit it, more than happy to put the fall on the alcohol, but he was tiring quickly and the light didn’t seem like it was giving up anytime soon. So, no matter how badly his lungs and limbs ached, he pushed forward. He wasn’t going to let it get away this time. 
Minutes that felt more like hours passed, when the light stopped just before a large opening at the edge of the tree line. 
Tired as hell and dizzy from the whiskey sloshing around in his stomach, Yoongi heaves himself to a halt, resting his hands on his knees as he leans forward, trying to catch his breath.
That, needless to say, was more than enough exercise for Yoongi for one lifetime, maybe even two. 
When his heart rate had returned to a safe pace, he peeked up between his fringe at the place he saw the light stop. It took a second for his eyes to adjust, but he could finally see what he was chasing after, and despite his efforts to dismiss what he thought was an insomnia-induced hallucination, he really did see the figure of a girl.
She was standing at the edge of an old fountain, back facing him. He wasn’t sure if he should be proud or terrified for the fact that he was also right about the light coming from her hair. It wasn’t as bright as before, but it cast a soft glow that mesmerized every atom of Yoongi’s mind.
Yep, this was definitely something he’d never seen before. 
Yoongi collected himself, even straightening his clothes and hair, not that he was trying to impress her or anything, he’s just a gentleman is all. 
As he went to take a step forward, he found himself unable to move his feet. He was scared she’d disappear again. What if this was his last chance to uncover the mystery and he blows it?
What if this is his sign?
Just as he was about to pull it together and go for it, she turned her head, a smile visible even in the dark of night. He stepped forward, cautiously, and when she remained constant, he took that as an okay to proceed. 
The closer he got, the more features of the girl he discovered. The color and flow of her hair, gently swaying in the night breeze. The curve of her cheeks, her smile pushing them high, a red tinge blossoming at the apples. 
She didn’t look at him, but he could see the frame of her eyes, soft and wide, cute. 
For a creature of which Yoongi knew nothing about, she looked seemingly human, save for the whole glowing hair thing. Her outfit was simple and warm, smothering her small frame in layers to stave off the cold. 
If he had seen her in any other setting, he might’ve given her a second glance, maybe even indulged in some light conversation. He couldn’t deny that she was pretty, but the fact that she is running around the woods at night, seemingly taunting Yoongi to follow, made him leery. 
He knew of other mystical beings, from simple to complex, but he’d never come across something like her before. He’d tried, after the first sighting, searching his library for a book on moving masses of light. Of course, he always ended up with nothing. 
Learning she actually was a she and not just a ball of energy or something, only further complicated things. 
What in the hell is she?
“I like the woods at night,” she says, voice soft and light from not being used. Yoongi stops next to her, looking up from the ground to her, but she remains focused on the fountain ahead.
“It’s quiet and peaceful,” she lifts her gaze to him, smile growing, “the perfect place to think.” 
He’s not sure if he’s to respond or stay quiet, so he opts for the latter and turns back to the fountain, placing his hands in his pockets to avoid swaying them like an idiot like he does when he’s nervous. 
Yoongi hears her take a deep breath, releasing it and then speaks again, “So many paths to take, yet they all led here.”
Yoongi finally takes a second to survey his surroundings, and he indeed sees several other trails all leading to the fountain. When he looks at the thing, he notes the vines wound around the edges, leaves caked in the bottom, and only the lightest of trickles coming from the top. 
It was pitiful, honestly.
“Do you believe in fate?” Her question addressed to him startles him. His mind almost tricked him into thinking this was all just a figment of his imagination, but when he turned to see her waiting for his answer, he feels a cold sensation in his hand.
Her fingers wrap gently around one of his own, holding it softly, and he looks back up into her eyes, smile still present. 
Clearing his throat, he turns his attention back to the fountain to avoid showing how pink stained his cheeks grew. He’d never really had many intimate interactions with girls, or anyone really. He’d preferred solitude in the relationship aspect. He didn’t really trust others, and found keeping up with humans and their emotions rather exhausting. 
The only friends he’d ever had were the ones he’d met when he was younger. The seven of them used to stir up trouble any chance they could get. 
Now that they were older, though, most of them moved on to other things, from starting families, to stable jobs, to traveling the world. 
Yoongi was the only one who remained in the same place, following the same path in an endless circle, repeating every day just the same as the last. 
He didn’t know how to break free from it, or if he even wanted to. 
After standing in silence for a while, Yoongi realizes he still hasn’t answered her question.
“I guess,” he states, hoping it will satisfy her, but she holds her ground, waiting, so he continues, “I mean, do I think we all have a destiny we can’t outrun, then sure. And, we’re here, right now, for some reason, so maybe?” 
She releases his hand to settle at the edge of the fountain, looking out into the woods, almost searching for something. 
Yoongi is about to ask her what she’s looking for when she speaks before he can get the words out. 
“I can sense something in you.” She says, soft smile gracing her lips, eyes moving to look at him, as if actually seeing something inside of him. 
Rubbing his neck as he circles her, dropping down to rest on the edge next to her, he sighs, eyes dropping to the ground.
“Yeah, well, I’m kind of a bad person, you’re not the first person to come to that conclusion.” 
Yoongi doesn’t lift his eyes from their spot trained on a leaf settled on the ground. He does, however, feel her turn towards him, feels her hand as it comes to rest on his knee. 
Slowly, he looks up and meets her eyes, seriousness swirling in them though her mouth stays curved upwards. 
“It’s actually quite the opposite Yoongi. Everyone makes mistakes, it’s how you learn from them that matters.”
It was like time had stopped; everything around him had frozen in place and he couldn’t tear his eyes from hers. He wasn’t sure if he’d heard her right. How could she, let alone anyone, possibly see anything but evil in him, especially if she knew what he had done. He could feel it in himself every day, and by the way people gossiped about him, he knew others could too.
And how had she known his name?
She removes her hand from his knee to clasp them together in front of her, “So, what and how will you change?”
After that, he avoided answering you by grilling you instead; you could tell he was startled by your revelations. You liked the mystery, though, so you’d offered him no answers and disappeared into the night before he could object. 
It probably wasn’t fair, no, it definitely wasn’t fair, but it sure was fun. 
You’d woken up with the sudden urge to visit a place you’d never heard of. Leaving on a whim, you found yourself in a small town with an abundance of hiking trails and the story of an evil warlock surrounding it. 
The whole thing felt eerily familiar, but you couldn’t put your finger on it. This wasn’t the first time you’d gotten a feeling so strong it carried you away from home. 
In reality, there was no true home for you. You moved around so much, no place was ever permanent, but that was just how your life worked. 
You couldn’t ignore destiny.
So here you are, waking up in a little inn on the east side of town, wondering if you’d go to him this time, or continue to let him chase you.
You figured he’d be pretty shaken up after last night, especially considering how intoxicated he’d been, and decided you’d take the initiative.
Packing a small bag for the journey ahead, you quickly showered and got dressed, locking the door behind you and heading off. 
You’d known the first time you heard about him that he was the reason you were here. 
You didn’t show up in a strange place on a whim just for fun, it was more like, work.
Since you were little you’d been given the task of guiding others to their fate. It started off with little things, because as a child you didn’t truly understand what fate even was. As you got older, the tasks became higher stakes. You’d had some charges that refused to believe, and it pained a small part inside of you knowing there was nothing you could do.
Sometimes, people just needed to figure out their path on their own. When they needed a little extra help, that’s when you came in. 
You were here to help Yoongi find his way, and from the second the feeling sparked within you, you knew it’d be more difficult than the rest.
You hadn’t even really met him  and you knew he’d be a tough nut to crack. 
You did, however, sense his desire to find the right path, so you had hope this wouldn’t end in a total lost cause. 
Still, as you trekked your way across town in the direction the innkeeper said he lived, you couldn’t help the nervous tick growing inside of you.
You hadn’t worked with many magical folk, and if his reputation precedes him, then Yoongi is as powerful as they come. Humans were one thing, they could easily be persuaded and helped into understanding.
Warlocks were an entirely different story. Most witches and warlocks pride themselves on knowing everything there is to know about all the worlds. So when a force beyond their knowledge comes in to guide them, they have a hard time releasing the reins. 
No matter how difficult this would be, you were determined to give it your all. Yoongi has something incredibly beautiful inside of him and you want to help him find it. 
This is the case that would change your life. 
You just knew it. 
The hangover was worse than any he’d encountered before. Alcohol and startling revelations create quite the nasty combo. It hit Yoongi like a K.O. and he was sure this is where he would die. 
In his bed.
Same clothes from last night.
It’d be one hell of an obituary. 
What he wasn’t expecting at 8 a.m., just when he finally fell asleep, was a knock on the door. It was softer than the one from yesterday, but it was a pain in the ass nonetheless. 
He got up, not even bothering to fix his appearance. He was too exhausted and grumpy for that, and he wanted to make sure whoever was bothering him at this hour could tell. 
He took the stairs two at a time, swifter than someone with a hangover should, but let’s blame that on the magic. 
Yoongi doesn’t even grab the door handle, he just flicks his wrist and makes the door fly open, hitting the wall behind it so hard, some bits of the plaster break off and fall to the ground. 
“This better be good or else-“ and he’s suddenly wishing he could take all of the theatrics back, because he definitely did not think it’s be the beautifully mysterious girl from last night knocking at his door. 
He almost forgets that your the reason he’d gotten no sleep last night, but as quickly as his face turns red from embarrassment, it shifts to a shade of aggravation. 
It was almost sad that you could tell the difference between the colors, having seen it so many times before. 
He stormed off into the kitchen to make himself some coffee to wake himself up, and you stand in the doorway, not exactly sure what to do. 
He hadn’t invited you in, in fact, it looked like quite the opposite. 
Before you could apologize and walk away, though, your body is pulled forward, the door swinging shut behind you. 
This should be interesting. 
“Why are you here? Don’t you have woods to wander and people to scare?” He yells from the kitchen, not bothering to come to you, instead beckoning you to find him. 
What a reversal of roles. 
You take cautious steps forward until you find yourself in the little kitchen, dimly lit by skylights and a door leading out into what looked like a greenhouse. 
The smell of freshly brewed coffee filling the air, it was incredibly homey, something you didn’t expect from Yoongi. 
“Well?” He sighs, pulling you from your survey of the room. He takes a sip from the mug held tight in his hands, the steam rising softly and enveloping his face. 
“I thought I’d switch it up, come to you this time.” He chuckles into his mug, amused that this was actually happening. It wasn’t just some weird dream he’d conjured in the depths of his mind. 
No, this was all really happening. 
After the initial silence radiating between the two of you as you both tried to figure out where to go from here, Yoongi beckoned you through another doorway, leading to a quaint sitting room. You sat down in the large sofa across from a beat up chair, which Yoongi took his place in. 
“Ok, so, you’re here, I’m here, now what?” He seemed impatient. It was probably the lack of sleep, which you could see in the discoloration under his eyes. 
“I think the best course of action is to tell you the truth and go from there.” 9 times out of 10 you’d never tell your charge the truth of why you were there. It usually just complicated things and drew them out longer than they needed to be.
Most times you’d just pose as a random character introduced in their life, subtly guide them where they needed to be, and get out of there. 
You knew that this was to be treated differently, because Yoongi was different, so you thought he’d appreciate a little honesty.
“Alright, I’ll bite.” Yoongi takes a big swig of his coffee, sets it down on the stand next to him, and leans forward, elbows on his knees. He was genuinely curious as to what you’d drop on him, but he was also still dealing with the repercussions of copious amounts of alcohol mixed with insomnia, so he didn’t exactly seem all that interested. 
That didn’t stop you from going forward anyways. 
“My name is Y/N, I’m a guide. I help people toward their fate. It’s kind of my thing.” You say, albeit a bit cocky, but you were proud of what you did. 
You see the corner of his mouth turn up, but continue, “I’m here to guide you, help you back on track.” 
That sends him into a fit of laughter he has a hard time trying to contain. You sit there, staring at him, not sure how to react. 
Was he laughing at you or the whole thing?
Yoongi calms himself when he sees the discomfort paling your face. He didn’t mean to make you feel bad, it was just so fucking ironic that he’d been feeling a bit lost and the universe throws him, what, some supernatural spirit guide? 
It’s just too hilarious.
“So,” he starts, wiping his eyes as his laughter dies out, “You’re here to get me on the right path?” You nod your head and he has to try really hard not to bust out in another fit.
“What’s so funny about that? I’m serious Yoongi.” 
He stops, “And is that how you know my name, Y/N? Some magic man in the sky gave you a prophecy about guiding me towards the light and now you’re here?” 
You jumped up, red tinging your ears and flowing into your cheeks. How dare he make fun of your job. This was serious business and he was treating it like some kid’s fairy tale book. 
You turn on your heel to storm out, but your body stays frozen just beyond the doorway as Yoongi follows after you. 
“Wait, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you, I’m just kind of an asshole when I’m tired.” 
You ignore his apology, turning to face him, closing the distance, your finger pointed threateningly in his face.
“Do not use your magic on me.” Yoongi pales, lending away from you in retreat, and watches as you open the front door, slamming it behind you. 
Some more plaster flies to the ground. 
He insisted on following you all the way back into town, keeping at a safe distance, though, in fear you’d reprimand him again. 
You didn’t pay him any mind, stomping your way back, posture making it blatantly obvious you were pissed. Maybe Yoongi didn’t have anything good in him at all, maybe he’s not meant to be saved. Maybe you didn’t want to help even if he was. 
You hear his footsteps suddenly pick up pace, and he’s now beside you, not too close, but close enough he can feel the anger radiating off of you. Once again, he’d gone too far. 
You didn’t feel like going back to the inn, let alone letting him know where you were staying, just in case, so you opted to wander around for a while to blow of steam. After a while, your anger dissipated, and much to your surprise, Yoongi made quite good company. 
He stayed silent for the most part, except when showing you different places as you walked. He’d point out little things about the town and watch as you discovered new things, in awe of the place. 
There were many things that were different here places you’d been before. With so many lost souls in larger areas, you tended to surface in cities, finding person after person to guide. 
This place was so small and secluded, it was like a little paradise. Tiny mom and pop shops, a cute park with a playground, a little bridge over a calm river settling at the center.
It was peaceful. 
As you explored, you let yourself fall into casual conversation with Yoongi, swapping stories of childhood and life in general. 
You’d hate to admit it, but you were actually starting to feel the warmth from the good in him again. Now you’d definitely have to help him, not that you weren’t going to in the first place, you just liked to make empty threats when you were upset. 
Night quickly snuck up on the two of you, but instead of parting ways Yoongi offers to make you dinner to make it up to you.
“It’s the least I can do, I was a dick.” He rubs the back of his neck and you smile, nodding to accept his offer. 
“Yeah, you were.” Yoongi smirks at you, and you just walk by him, back to his place. He quickly catches up and you both walk in peaceful silence. 
You were growing on each other. 
Dinner was simple and quiet, but a nice quiet, one that made both of your souls feel warm and content. He bids you goodnight and you make your way back to the inn, thinking partially of a plan on how to help Yoongi, and partially of the way his face lights up when he smiles and the sound of his laughter.
This job is turning out to be more than you thought it would be. 
  The following weeks are filled with various activities and tasks to help Yoongi find his way. You start off with the simple things, like tidying up his house, getting his things organized, finding him a proper routine to follow. 
He’s hesitant at first, his things were all where he liked them and change wasn’t something he enjoyed, but if you were there to help him, he guesses it isn’t that bad. 
Watching Yoongi haul boxes of books, candles, and herbs was a hilarious sight to see, but you didn’t patronize him too much. 
You could tell what little tidying he did was done with magic, so forcing him into manual labor was a foreign concept, and one that brought plenty of whining. 
It would be good for him to take a step back and remember the human part of him, and tapping into that required a break from the magic. 
Eventually, he got into the rhythm and focused on the task at hand instead of focusing all his energy on pouting, and, while you found his pout quite adorable, you were thankful he was finally taking you seriously.
Even though the little things did help get Yoongi on track, he still felt the darkness in him growing, and it was starting to kill his hope. 
Every time he looked at you, smiling as you organized his potion recipes or laughing when he dropped a box, though, it pushed all of that evil away and replaced it with a warm fuzzy feeling Yoongi had not been privy to before. 
When his friends were around, he felt light and happy, but this was different. This was something sweeter, something more complicated. 
Was he...falling for you? 
Yoongi didn’t want to dwell on that thought, reminding himself you were only here for a job and that was it. He’d be nothing more than a customer to you, and Yoongi knew all about that type of relationship. 
Once you were done helping him, you’d be on your way and he’d be left with nothing but the receipt. There was no room for getting attached. 
Yoongi did, however, let himself indulge in some harmless flirting while you were here. It couldn’t hurt, and he liked knowing your smile after a silly pickup line was because of him. 
Believe it or not, meeting you opened up a whole new side of Yoongi, and he was growing fond of it. 
You talk to him, listen, annoy him, help him. You do so many things for him outside of what he would consider part of your job. 
He liked that you pulled him from his dependence on his powers, even if carrying heavy ass boxes up and down the stairs on his own was hell. Doing things the ‘human’ way distracted him from the storm inside. 
It made his life a little simpler. 
“Alright, I think that’s enough for today, what about you?” Setting the duster down on the counter, you turn back just in time to see Yoongi plop the box he was carrying down on the floor and collapse on the couch.
A giggle escapes your lips, watching him huff a big breath, blowing his fringe all over the place, his cheeks bright red from the exertion. 
Yoongi doesn’t even bother to open his eyes as he reclines back on the couch. He’s physically drained and while he doesn’t want to show it in front of you, he doesn’t have the energy to do anything else. 
You didn’t mind though. You knew it’d be a change, finding the right path always was, and you admire the amount of effort he put in. 
You make your way over to the couch, falling down next to him, mirroring him as you let your head fall back on the cushion. The couch was old, but hell was it comfortable. Now you knew why he enjoyed sprawling out across it all the time. 
Closing your eyes, you let silence take over the air, enjoying the peace and tranquility of each other’s company. You hadn’t realized how exhausted you were as well, not noticing how Yoongi peeked one eye open to stare at you.
He mapped your face in his mind. Every detail, from the curve of your lips, to the frame of your nose, all the way to the curl of your lashes. He could stare at you forever given the chance. 
When you let out the smallest, softest sigh, the best of his heart increased ten-fold, and he found himself smiling like an idiot just watching you breath. 
In a perfect world, he’d lean in and kiss you, and you’d kiss him back, and then you’d live happily ever after. 
This was not a perfect world, however.
This was reality, so he’d enjoy the view while he can, at an appropriate distance. 
Eventually your eyes opened, turning your head to meet his. You just stared at each other for a while, not saying anything, scared it’d ruin whatever moment you were having. 
You thought you saw his head start to move forward, snapping you quickly from your daze.
Clearing your throat, you speak up, causing him to pause, “It’s getting pretty late, I should probably head home.” 
That was the last thing Yoongi wanted. He watched as you stood up and began gathering your things. 
He felt the sudden urge to use his powers to stop you, to convince you to stay, but he stopped himself. You’d warned him against using his magic on you, so he figured if he wanted this to go right, he’d have to do it the old fashioned way. 
He leaps up, taking your bag from the hook it hung from right before you could grab it. You looked at him with a smirk, about to tell him to stop messing around, but he just stares at you, a look of pleading spreading across his face.
“Or you could stay?” Your eyes widen a bit; he’d never been this forward before. You knew there was something brewing between the two of you, no matter how professional you tried to be. There was just something about him that reeled you in; it sent shivers down your spine and felt like butterflies in your stomach. 
You’d never taken such a liking to a charge before, but he didn’t feel like a ‘client’ to you. He was more like a best friend, the person you could come to with anything, could lay your heart out to. 
He became warm and familiar and all you wanted to do was spend time with him, get to know him, maybe even love him. 
You’d spent so much time helping others, you’d neglected yourself and your own needs. If others had paths, you surely did too, right? There was no way, no timeline or universe you could fathom in which Yoongi didn’t fit into yours. He was the only thing you felt sure of.
You knew, however, that there was a possibility that you were not on his, and that after he found his way, you’d be gone and on to a new soul. 
You didn’t want to think about leaving Yoongi behind, the possibility of never being able to be like you were now scaring you more than anything else ever could. 
Your job wasn’t one you could just quit, and love only complicated everything. 
You could enjoy it for now, but it could be nothing more. 
Setting Yoongi up to only get hurt in the end would not be an option. 
“I don’t know...” you sigh, your own internal battle raging on. If things went too far, you’d never be able to forgive yourself.
“Hey,” Yoongi says, grasping your hand in his. The warmth from his hand envelops yours, soothing your warring mind, “It’s dark out and I don’t want you to go back alone. Plus, you’d just have to come all the way back tomorrow, so if you’re already here, we can get more done, right?” 
The hope that illuminates his face is what ultimately convinces you to stay. He quickly sets up the couch for himself, offering you his bed, which you decline but he insists anyways. 
He puts on a movie and cuddles up with you on the couch to help you both fall asleep. 
Halfway in, your breathing slows to a steady rhythm, your head resting on his shoulder. 
Yoongi is about to get up and carry you to bed, but as he shifts, you snuggle closer, burying your face in his chest. He opts instead for leaning back and letting you use him as a pillow. He wraps his arms gently around you, pulling the blanket on the arm of the couch over the two of you. 
He doesn’t know how the movie ends, falling asleep not long after you both get comfy. It was the best night’s sleep he’d ever had, holding you in his arms gave him the most peaceful sense of security. 
You both slept in well past morning wrapped in each other’s arms. 
The more time spent with you, the harder Yoongi fell for you, until every time he saw you, he couldn’t resist the urge to entwine your hands or place a quick kiss to the top of your head. 
The more time you spent with Yoongi, the easier it was to let yourself get swept up in the romance of it all. It became a natural occurrence, the skin-ship between the two of you, earning its place in your routine. 
The tasks set to help Yoongi find his path turned into domestic activities you shared together, enjoying each other’s company. Checking out of the inn a week or two ago, Yoongi had lent you his spare bedroom so you wouldn’t have to make the trip across town every day. 
After the first week, the spare bedroom became spare once more as you decided snuggling up next to Yoongi in his room was the only way you’d be able to get any sleep, not the Yoongi was complaining. 
There was never an awkward moment between you two since then, it was almost like you’d lived together your whole lives. 
You wake up, obviously before Yoongi, and make a pot of coffee and some breakfast every morning. Yoongi usually smells the food and makes his way downstairs a few minutes later, jointing you for the meal. Your routine has become a joint effort to make each other as happy as possible. 
You’d earn a point for every time you made Yoongi a cute egg and bacon smile for breakfast, and he’d earn one for every time he helped you wash the dishes.
You’d earn one for every time you’d surprise him with a quick peck on the cheek and he’d earn one every time he holds you tight and kissed your forehead. 
All plans of keeping your distance was promptly thrown out the window long ago. 
You’d shared your fears of leaving with Yoongi, and he’d assured you he would never let that happen. 
You wouldn’t tell him, but you had your doubts. You couldn’t stay just because Yoongi didn’t want you to go, and there was no physical way possible you knew of for him to keep you with him. 
You were pulled by a force not even you fully understood, and disappeared at the end of the job without a trace usually. When you show up to the next soul, your precious soul moves on, forgetting you were even there. 
Despite believing Yoongi would come to forget you and move on, you still decided to give everything you had to him while you could. 
You wanted to feel love, be loved, but most importantly love Yoongi. You felt it in your bones that this is what you were meant to do, love him with every fiber of your being no matter how long you had. 
Yoongi felt the same way. He was perturbed that he couldn’t help ease your mind or find a way to help you stay. You’d helped him so much in the months he’s known you, and he couldn’t imagine living even for a minute without you. 
Not knowing anything about who or what was behind your job aggravated him. The fact that you didn’t know either yet could still be taken away from him at any moment without a choice didn’t seem fair to him at all. 
He wanted to find your ‘boss’ and make them let you stay with him, or at least try to help them understand that he needed you.
The only thing he could do for sure, was hold you tight and love you with all his might, because the only thing he knew he could give you was himself. 
Yoongi couldn’t even remember what it was like to live before he knew you. He credited you for making him a better person, but you knew he had it in him all along. 
Every day was filled with so much laughter, so many smiles, and so much love, that the darkness in him had suffocated; the black flame snuffed out. 
As he leans in the doorway to the kitchen, watching you wash the dishes from this morning’s breakfast, he realizes you’d shown him the light inside of him was still alive, and even helped it burn ten times brighter. He was excited to wake up every morning, knowing he could wake up next to you.
Yoongi, after the first week of meeting you, had decided to put the vengeance business to rest, and went back to making simple, safe potions for mundane things. He’d dotted all of his ‘i’s and crossed all of his ‘t’s and he felt so good because of it. 
People no longer gossiped about the ‘evil warlock in the woods,’ but rather referred to him as ‘Yoongi, the nice boy attached to Y/N’s hip,’ which he much rather preferred. 
When the two of you wandered through town, whether it be a grocery run or a romantic stroll, people would offer a smile or a small wave instead of side eye. 
Yoongi was finally living his life; truly living.
Yoongi slowly walked to stand behind you. You felt his hands slide from your hips to wrap his arms around your waist. A smile forming as he leaned his head into the crook of your neck, placing a small kiss to your shoulder. 
But the sweet feeling was quickly replaced with one you knew all too well. One you had been dreading.
Setting the dishes in the sink, you turn around and Yoongi’s face pales at the sight of your scared expression. 
His grip around you tightens.
“It’s time isn’t it.” He said it more as a statement, and you couldn’t help the tears quickly forming in your eyes. Yoongi quickly wipes them away, nuzzling your nose with his to soothe the ache as much as he could. 
As soon as he came to the realization that you’d changed his life, he understood what that meant. Now that he was on the right path, it was time for you to go.
He wanted so badly to let tears escape, to hold you so tight they couldn’t take you away. He wanted to scream at the universe, how dare it take away the only thing he cared about.
Yoongi didn’t do any of that, though. He wanted to stay strong for you. There was nothing he could do but hold your hand, kiss you softly, and tell you it was going to be okay.
“I love you. I always will.” 
And just like that, you were gone. 
Yoongi stood in the kitchen, alone, and finally let a few tears slip down his cheeks. 
The universe probably expected Yoongi to fall apart after you’d left, then forget you all together. Hell, he expected that himself. 
He couldn’t disappoint you though and he knew that this wouldn’t be the end. 
You’d become such a huge part of his life, that even the universe couldn’t strip you from his memory. You are his soulmate, and he is yours, and that’s a bond that can't be broken. 
You’d taught him an important lesson about fate, and he knew you were his.
So, he didn’t break down, fall into the darkness, and waste all the effort you’d put into him.
No, he held himself high, and smiled knowing you were out there, somewhere.
He’d broken free from his old cycle of life and dedicated the new one not only to loving you, but loving himself as well. 
The universe could throw whatever it wanted at him, he was done taking it lying down.
This life was his, and he wanted to share every bit of it with you, the person who showed him just how much he deserved it. 
He doesn’t care how long it’ll take, he’ll find you. 
After all, you can’t outrun destiny.
    My main man Yoongles’ story is out ya’ll. Honestly, this one was the most difficult for me to finish, don��t know why. Again, came out longer than expected, but I think that'll be a theme from now on. Still love how it came out though, sorry it’s not exactly the happiest of endings, but hey, they can’t all be! Hope you guys like it, and if you find any errors, let me know (there are probably a lot, I suck). Anyways, thank you all for the support of this “series” so far, it means a lot! Enjoy!
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Bell 😍 can i request something for kaminari??? You can decide if it's a scenario or headcanons or whatever you want 💚 (I'm so confused with him because idk if i love him like a partner or just friends HELP)
I decided to do a fluff headcanons game for this since I haven’t done one before!! I hope you enjoy it, love!! But I totally know what you mean about not knowing if you should love him as a partner or friend. Denki would be so good as either of them!!
Also, I got this headcanon game here !!
Kaminari Denki:
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A = Affection (how affectionate are they in day to day life? Do they show affection publicly or keep that more in private?)
Dekni is very affectionate!! There isn’t a moment that he isn’t holding or touching you in some way. With or without realizing it, his hand is always going to find its way to yours, linking your fingers, caressing your hand or simply holding it. He just loves being near you and giving you loving affection. Don’t even get me started on the amount of kisses he gives you each hour of the day. Honestly, some might find his constant kissing annoying, but you can never be annoyed for too long because of how sweet he is being. Placing kisses on your shoulders, cheeks, hands, arms, or just wherever he feels like at the time is something he just loves doing because of how soft your skin is. He is open for some PDA as long as you are. He loves letting people know how much he loves you and that he has no issues giving you affection out in public, but if you are not comfortable with it, then he will put in an effort to only leave the affection behind closed doors. 
B = Best memory (what is the best memory they have with you)
The best memory he has with you is your first kiss together. It was like everything night was more beautiful, enhanced, louder. The moon was high and full in the sky, covering the land in an ethereal glow that made you look so much more angelic than you usually did in his eyes. You two had been walking through a park but had stopped at a nearby pond to rest and admire the sparkling water. Sitting side by side you both conversed lightly, Denki making a few jokes and you laughing at how silly he could be. At one of his sillier jokes, you had lost yourself in your laughter, tears pricking st your eyes. He couldn’t help but stare at you, your beautiful smile wide across your face as you laughed at his joke, your laugh resonating through his bones and reaching his heart, making it skip a beat every other second. He wasn’t sure what force had compelled his body to move, but before he knew it he had closed the space between you both, eyes still locked on you as he cupped your face and turned you towards him. He waited until your laughter to die down before his lips covered yours softly, body working on its own. To this day he can remember the way he felt an electric pulse not of his own ripple through his body at the feeling of your lips against his, so soft and warm. The kiss didn’t last long, but it was long enough to leave you both stupefied, eyes searching one another’s for answers before you both smiled at each other lightly, you giggling happily and him nervously smiling at you but still filled with such a sense of love for you.
C = Cat or dog person (this is pretty obvious)
He is a fan of both cats and dogs, but I see him liking dogs just a smidge more. Small dogs are his absolute weakness, especially Pomeranian (I actually headcanon that all the bakusquad members are huge suckers for Pomeranian (mainly because of Bakugou)). He finds small dogs so cute and loveable. They are easy to carry, cuddle, take care of, and play with without making too much of a mess. He also love how smaller dogs have a lot more energy than bigger ones and how cute they look when they run. He’d probably get a pomeranian or a pug one day and name it something like ‘Sir Skwiggums’ or something because he loves dogs that have cute yet weird names. 
D = Dreams (what do they want to do in life?)
Honestly, this is a question Denki still has a bit of trouble answering. Yes, he’s currently training to become a hero, but he isn’t sure that’s exactly what he wants to do when he gets older. He often feels bad about thinking like this since if he had never joined the hero course, someone else could have had the chance to train to become a hero. It really puts him into a big funk and everyone can notice it and do their best to reassure him. Often times he thinks about what else he could have been doing, but he is never able to answer it for himself and it scares him how uncertain and unclear his future is. 
E = Evenings (how do they spend their evening? So they go out? Do they read?)
His evenings mainly consist of him hanging out with his friends, doing some schoolwork but then stopping half way since he most likely got distracted by something and instead playing video games. Overall, he just wants his evenings to be filled with chilled out fun with his friends or s/o after a hard day at school. Surrounding himself with his friends or s/o just puts him at ease and makes him feel comfortable. He is big on being around people in general since being alone for too long makes him feel uneasy. 
F = First date (what was it like?)
His first date with you is a complete disaster but not in the sense of the date not being enjoyable or him being a jerk. He had planned to take you out to see a movie but had forgot his wallet at his dorm so you two ended up walking the streets and doing some late evening sightseeing. For the most part, it was enjoyable, but then Denki had somehow tripped over himself and twisted his ankle. You fussed over him for a bit, worried that he was seriously injured. He would have enjoyed your attention and concern were it not for the overwhelming feeling of embarrassment for having tripped in the fashion that he did, resulting in a sprain in his leg and you carrying him back to the dorm. He was sure that you would have stopped talking to him after that but was surprised to know that you wanted to go on a second first date  with him. 
G = Giggle (what is their laugh like? What makes them laugh?)
His laugh is actually rather cute. Most people would think that his laugh would be obnoxious and loud, but it is a decent volume and light. His laughs always start out with a raspberry before turning into light joyous laughter with the occasional wheeze or hiccup.
H = Hugs (do they like hug? What kind of hugs do the give?)
You Denki is giving you his signature full on, genuine, warmest of the warm hug when you two end up on the floor. His hugs are always full of affection and giggling and moving about. He can’t contain his excitement and joy when it comes to hugging someone and will eventually topple you to the floor in one of his hugs if you are someone close to him. He loves giving and receiving back and side hugs. They are the cutest types of hugs to him since it gives him a good chance to kiss the other person’s neck (He makes sure to kiss Bakugou’s cheek since he doesn’t like having his neck touched by anyone that isn’t Kirishima). When it comes to chest-to-chest hugs, he saves those for when his friends or s/o is feeling down since, to him, those kinds of hugs are “I’m here for you” type of hugs.  
I = Instrument (do they play an instrument?)
He is pretty good at he guitar but is killer at the ukulele. He started playing it when he was in grade school and completely fell in love with the ukulele. He loves how small and cute it is and likes that the songs played on it are always calm or upbeat. He knows how to play several different songs on it and sometimes he goes to Jirou’s room to ask her how to play new songs or two play along with her. 
J = Joy (what brings them joy in life?)
Friends and family are his main sources of joy. Like I said before, Denki loves surrounding himself with people that he is close to since it brings him happiness Being alone for too long makes Denki uneasy and pretty sad, so just having one person keep him company (whether that be through calling, texting, or face to face) will make Denki feel better. He is very close to his friend’s family as well, mainly Sero’s. He loves hanging out and playing with his siblings (usually falling victim to the twin’s antics since both he and Sero look up to them a tad bit too much) and he absolutely loves playing with the kids within his family as well! 
K = Kisses (what kind of kisser are they? Shy? Passionate?)
Excited and sloppy but sweet type of kisser. I know this sounds pretty odd but honestly this is how all of his kisses are. His excitedness makes kisses rather sloppy, lips smacking, teeth grazing, and bruised lips, but there is a certain sweetness to it that makes your knees weak and heart race. His kisses will linger on your lips for a good while, making you occasionally touch your lips and giggle at how sweet and excitable he can be sometimes. 
L = Love (how do they act when they have a crush)
He is all about trying to impress his crush and getting them to notice him. He can do this in two ways. The first way being that he does something rather impressive to get their attention. This can be trough when he is training and he successfully pulls off one of his secret moves or with his good communication and sportsmanship skills. It’s amazing seeing Denki when he is in action and how well he works with others. It is bound to impress you and most of his other classmates. However, the second way he gets your attention is when he is embarrassing himself. This can happen when he overuses his quirk and short circuits or when he makes a joke that no one understands or laughs at.
M = Memory (what’s their favourite memory?)
His favorite memory is when he was younger and his parents took him to Disney world for the first time. He had been talking about wanting to go for years and was beyond excited when his parents finally took him. He felt as though he had been taken to some far away magical land when he entered the gates. His parents took him on as many rides as they could, getting him different snacks and foods and souvenirs in between each ride. That night he went home as excited as when he first got their, balloons tied to his arms, stuffed animals and characters sitting in the seat next to him in the car and cotton candy fluff still stuck in his hair. When he got home that night he called his friends up and told them all about his time at Disney world, showing them all his new stuffies and raving on and on about what a fun time he had. Eventually he would have ended up in his parents room thanking them for taking him before sleeping in their room with them.
N = No (what is their pet peeve?)
Denki is a rather chill person and not a lot pisses him off, but people bad mouthing those that are close to him is a sure way to get him angry. He can not stand having people talk badly of those he cares about and will make sure to give that person a what for for what they are saying. He won’t ever get physical with the person, but what he says back to them is far from nice.
O = Occupation (what’s their dream job?)
Again, this is a question he just can’t answer. He’s tried thinking of what he could be beside being a hero but nothing ever comes to mind and it scares him. Denki is both good and bad at almost everything, so he isn’t sure what kind of job would suit someone like him. With the skills he does have, he is sure he could get whatever job he applies to, but he knows he won’t ever last long due to his shortcomings he believes he has.
P = Parent (what kind of parent would they be?)
He is such a sweet and fun loving parent!! There isn’t a thing he wouldn’t do for his child. He spoils them rotten with affection, giving them kisses so often that his child is bound to end up covered in Denki’s drool. He loves playing around and messing about with his child, having fun with them at any given time as well as teaching them different things. He thinks the best way to teach a kid something is to make it fun! However, he is very protective and gets pretty emotional over his child as well. If he sees any sort of danger around his child, he is quick to be by their side, holding them close. If anything ever happens to his child is his blind to cry about it. Let it be them scraping their knee or them saying their first word, Denki is going to be crying about it.
Q = Questions (do they believe in the super natural? Aliens? Anything along those lines)
He believes more so in ghosts than he does Aliens. He’s seen some freaky spooky creepy shit in his life and the only explanation he can find for these things is ghosts. He spends most of his nights watching ghost videos and conspiracy theories about them as well as buzzfeed unsolved videos. He’s sure ghosts exists and likes watching videos and documentaries that explain certain types of ghosts and their activities.
R = Romantic (are they romantic during the relationship?)
Baby boy is very romantic during his relationship with you. He loves being able to sweep you off your feet every once in a while, treating you to something nice and pampering you as you should always be. He loves how much you enjoy him being romantic and sweet with you. Often times he will randomly bring you flowers that he has picked from the school’s garden and then confessed his undying love for you as he is taken to the Nezu’s office for messing with school property.
S = Smile (what makes them smile without fail)
Seeing his mother happy. Whenever he sees his mother doing something she enjoys or even just seeing her face will make him smile. He is very close to his mother and loves her to pieces. He is a complete Mama’s Boy. Almost everything he did as a child was to please his mother and even as he’s grown over the years, he still tries to please her as much as he possibly can.
T = Together (how clingy are they? How long do you two spend together per day on average)
He is a pretty clingy guy with his family, friends, and his s/o. He likes spending as much time as he can with all of them and gets pretty upset when it’s time to leave them or when they have to leave him. More often than not if you say you are going somewhere, Denki will want to tag along with you to both avoid being alone and to spend more time with you. You two spend at least 14 hours a day with each other, sometimes more if he is feeling extra clingy.
U = Unbearable (what habit do they have that’s unbearable? What habit do you have that they find unbearable)
There are a lot of things Denki does that you find unbearable, but the one thing that really gets to you is the way he chews his food. He chews his food like a horse, exaggerating his bites and making small smacking sounds. It makes you want to choke each time he eats.
A habit that you have that has the potential of ticking DenkI off is when you ignore his texts. Now it isn’t exactly a habit but the way Denki texts you makes it pretty hard for you to reply to everything he says. He sends massive blocks of texts sometimes and it’s hard to give him a response to each one so often times you just ignore the ones that you don’t think need a proper response to. It ticks him off since he puts a lot of effort into the texts he sends you but he is never mad for too long.
V = Videos (do they take lots of videos or photos during your relationship?)
Of course! He takes photos and videos any chance he gets and he somehow always manages to get the funniest or most embarrassing photos/videos of you both. He has an entire digital album of photos/videos of you both and will often spend time watching them when he misses you. 
W = Wedding (what was the wedding like?)
The wedding was a fun one! All of your closest family and friends were there, keeping the wedding rather small but still pretty enjoyable.Everything went smoothly and on time.Your vows were said, you both shared a beautiful kiss, had a bit of fun cutting the cake before dotting bits of icing on one another. Music played after the wedding and everyone got up to dance with the groom and bride before watching them dance together.
X = eXtra (what’s an interesting fact about them that they don’t tell anyone about?)
He knows a lot of facts about random topics. he retains a lot of information by watching videos, over hearing conversations/lectures, and through experience and if the topic ever comes up, he is able to tell you a random fact about that topic. It surprises everyone that he knows such a fact since it’s so exact. When asked how he knows something like that he just shrugs and says that it’s something he remembers hearing. This same thing goes for when someone has forgotten what they have said, Denki is able to remind them. Even if he wasn’t exactly apart of the conversation, he remembers hearing what they said in passing and is able to remind them of it.
Y = Yuck (what do they hate? Could be a food, sent, word anything)
Food: Grapes
Scent: Damp clothes
Personality trait: Rude
Z = ZZZZ (how heavy of a sleeper are they? How do they sleep? What mood do they wake up in? Really any sleeping headcanons)
He is a pretty heavy sleeper. It’s pretty hard to wake this electro-boy up. It takes you shaking him and calling his name for him to wake up. As for the position his sleeps in, Denki is all over the place. He is in a different position every 30 minutes when he sleeps. If you want him to keep still during the night, you’ll have to cuddle him, keeping your arms secure around his own. However, despite sleeping so poorly, Denki wakes up pretty chipper.
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Wanna see some other shit I’ve written?
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ikonislife · 5 years
-Hanbin x Female reader
-Hanbin’s birthday project (:
-Hogwarts au, friends to lovers, school life au.
-Spellbound masterlist
-A/n: It’s been 30 days without iKON, without Hanbin. I miss Hanbin extra hard today and since Bobby + Donghyuk had finally posted again on their social, I figured it would be okay for me to post this. Here you guys go! The second to last part of Spellbound. I hope Hanbin’s getting all the rest and all the time he wanted with Hanbyul. I hope too that the rest of the boys are doing well, especially with the concert coming up... Their first without Hanbin.
-Also, this still doesn’t really change my hiatus. I just, really really realllllly miss Hanbin today...
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Chapter 7: Always Mine?
Somewhere between the little whines falling from Hanbin’s lips as you wiggled away from his grasp and the boy excitedly bounding back into the flagrant cloud of delectable dinner, it was decided that your official second date was happening, even if curfew just mere few hours away and the night dark, lit with naught but the stars and brilliant moon. Even now as you walked into the night, hand in hand with a bundle of bread and various condiment safely tucked in the book bag he had forcefully borrowed from Chanwoo (no doubt you’ll hear about it later tonight), everything still felt like a dream. Save for the few times he’d pull your hand up to his lips for a soft kiss, the rest of your trek toward the quidditch field was filled with tales of the past and hopes of the future. You had found out he has a little sister and by the bright smile on his lips and how his entire being seemingly lit up at your little questions about her, he adores her to the max. It was strange honestly, the soft way he spoke of her, doting over every little thing she did. You had encountered countless version of him, and still discovering new sides every day. Of course, there was captain Hanbin, ruling over his team with an iron fist. Then there was the cheeky boy, so carefree and happy, terrorizing the hallway with his friends. Most important of all, Hanbin, your boyfriend. He was always sweet, and caring but this new side, the family man, it was one you hoped one day you’ll have a chance to meet, as well as a chance to meet his sister. 
“The way you speak of your sister… I’m honestly a bit scare to meet her if I have to be honest.” “How so? She’s a lovely girl. I can say with the utmost confident that you’ll like her!” Beaming with pride, Hanbin smugly declared that his sister was the best in the world and you believed him. “Well, obviously I’d like her! But I’m worry since I’d have to get her approval. Not only so, I want her to like me too! What if she doesn’t like me?” Cautiously voicing your concern, counting your luck, it wouldn’t be too far off to think his sister might actually despise you for absolutely no reason. “You’re so cute. Don’t even worry about it, she might be a bit shy at first, but I can assure you, that’s not even a real worry.” Though Hanbin couldn’t see why you were so worry, already thrilled with the thought of you and him, taking his little sister out on an outing… His favorite girls, all in one place. Once more, you found yourself climbing the steps of the grand stands encircling the lush green field where your almost first kiss had been. And although Hanbin’s intention for leading you back to this wonderful place wasn’t clear, you found yourself following along happily, not the least bit curious as to the plan he had got up his sleeves. You’ve since learned to stop questioning the wonderful ways things happen around this boy. Once safely at the highest spots, Hanbin begins pulling things out from the bag you were now sure he had to have wrangled off the cold dead fingers of Chanwoo. It wasn’t much like your friend very much to let go of the bag he had charm to have endless storage space, spoke of it very fondly the first time your trio had gone picnic together… Boastful even, of the usefulness, even once called it his greatest creation. Perhaps you won’t need to do much convincing after all for your dear friends to let Hanbin hangs around. Just as your thought of Chanwoo dissipated with the gush of sudden bone chilling wind blowing toward the lake, your attention once more on the boy that was setting up quite a spread in the time you had let yourself lost within your thoughts. Two dining sets placed neatly across from each other, in between, a few candles Hanbin had so cleverly enchanted to twinkle and float. In a blink of an eye, the plates began filling themselves with dinner, fixings and all. You stared up at the boy in awe, watching as he beamed down brightly, quite content with himself at the little smile of amazement on your lips. “Woah, this is serious. I thought we were just going munch on bread and butter but… You’ve outdone yourself, good sir!” “Anything for you, M’lady!” He quipped teasingly.
And even lost within the soft banter of your last minute second date, nothing could ever escape the eagle-eyed captain as he lingered on the small shiver running through your body. You were still very much enthralled in the twinkles of the candles he had enchanted to float about, matching so brilliantly with the stars above when a gentle tap on your shoulder stole all your attention away. There he stood, with a sheepish grin on his lips and the slightest touch of peach on his cheeks, clutching a small bundle of fabric messily folded in his hands. You were mesmerized, as you always and always will be every time you look at the dear boy, though this time just a tad of confusion mingled within “Uhm, I have something for you, and I guess now is as good of a time as any because it’s cold and all so you might need it.” As always, every time Hanbin gets nervous, it seemed as though he forgoes breathing altogether just to say all the things he needed too, all in one breath. He rapped out his thought before shyly pushing the bundle of knitted fabric, crimson and gold into your lap. “Present? Already? But I haven’t gotten you anything yet…” You tugged at the bundle until it loosely draped over your folded knees, examining with the utmost care. “It’s nothing… I hope you don’t think I’m narcissistic or anything. But, uhm, it’s my sweater! Team sweater! Seemed I’ve grown a bit too much since last year so, I thought it’d be cool if, if… I mean you don’t have to accept it. It’s silly.” He chuckled nervously before letting his hand tugged at the sleeves, completely missing the wonder spreading over your features. “Hands off, mister!” You exclaimed happily, letting the soft, albeit worn fabric brushing delicately under your fingertips. The Gryffindor insignia embroidered proudly a bit frayed, everything told you the little thing was very well loved. In some way, that made your heart swelled even further knowing he had given you something that truly meant so much to him. “Turn it around!” He urged gently, sparkles lighting his eyes when he finally realized just how fond you already were with the thing, how careful you were. As instructed, you flipped the fabric to find a large “95” etched nearly the entire back side just below the spelling of his name. “I, I hope you don’t mind that it’s a little old… It was the first official piece of uniform I got from the team and, I wore it any chance I could. I just thought it’d be cool for my girlfriend to have something of mine.” He offered up an explanation that was far too earnest for your heart to handled, stretching across the way to pull the bashful boy into a big hug. Hanbin was glad, glad that you loved his present, and glad that you couldn’t see the embarrassment bursting from every inch of his skin this very second as he morphed into a human sized tomato. “Are you sure I can have it? It’s so nice!” You mused gently, still couldn’t believe that he had given you something so meaningful. Though your action betrayed your words for the sweater already being pulled over your shoulders. “Of course!” He chuckled, as you stood up and twirled. “It’s perfect. Thank you!” You pulled the sheepish boy into a hug, feeling his warmth permeating through the layers of fabric stacking upon your body. As the cool air began to settle over your excitement, you were glad for the sweater keeping you warm, glad for Hanbin. . “I know you said you don’t care but, I feel like I have to tell you about me and Jinhwan…” Guilt was still very much drowning your heart, burning the edge of your happiness with its flame even if Hanbin insisted nothing was wrong. You watched as his eyes longing for the stars, absentmindedly munching of a small piece of bread, though the calling of warm food was mere inches away from his hand. You owed him the explanation. “Sweetie, if it still bothers you, of course I’ll listen. But know, it’s not going to change at all how I look at you.” He said, wholeheartedly believed in you and in your words. How you’ve managed to stumble upon the two most incredible guys, you didn’t know. And although Jinhwan was the one that never was, you were glad Hanbin was here for the long run. You’ve known Jinhwan for as long as you could remember… the adorable boy that lived down the road. The adorable boy you had always associated with crisp sunshine of summer and the sweetest honey the adorable chubby bees could make. Even his home, painted a bright shade of yellow, a family owned café named Le Happy only solidified further in your heart that he was the out of this world, embodiment of sunshine and starlight. He wasn’t like the other boys on the block, always picking on you, always teasing you. Jinhwan was gentle, curious mind always assured that you’ll learn something new every time your mom would stop by his family’s café on the way home from the market. As your mom and his would linger to chat, he’d tugged at your hand, pulling you along to his room to show you something new, something he had gotten or just something he had learned. As far as your heart had known then, it belonged to Kim Jinhwan… And his too, seemingly belonged to you. You went to the same elementary, though not the same class for he was a year older, Jinhwan made sure you never spent a lunch, a single break alone. You’d walk to school, hand in hand, just as you’d walk home, side by side. Homework were done together and even after school program too. You were inseparable, spending every waking hours together… And every second lost to the sandman was every second dreaming about the next time you’d see each other. The day he had received his letter was the first time ever his parents had experienced a melt down from their usually sweet son. He had insisted, no school, no magic was worth it if you weren’t by his side. He cried, denying his very existent until you had punched him. It wasn’t hard, wasn’t enough to hurt the poor boy but it was enough to shock the living daylight out of him for you’ve never been one for violent. You held him in your arms for God knows how long as you hushed away his tears. “Nani, you have to go. You’re the smartest person I know, and you’re meant to do great things. That’s why you got the letter! I’d be so mad at you if you don’t.” You repeated the sentence over and over again as he sobbed in your arms. You promised to be there every break and to write him every chance you’d get. Nothing would change, you insisted even if you knew everything had already began to change. Reluctantly, that following autumn, you sent him off to the train station knowing this year will be lonelier than all the last. Distant seemed to have only strengthened your friendship for Jinhwan didn’t let go of your hand that following summer, not even through your families’ nightly dinner together. Then that fateful night came, the night when you had showed up at his door, clutching too, a letter in your hand. You had already been crying and it didn’t stop when Jinwhan too, broke down. The next second you were engulfed in Jinhwan, and suddenly, adventuring into a whole new world didn’t seemed so terrifying any longer. Your heart drummed erratically as Jinhwan tugged you along the cobblestone path of Diagon alley, objects, creatures you’ve never before seen plastered the small busy street.  His smile was nothing short of proud as you gasped in awe at absolutely everything and anything, looking to him for all the explanations. He was there when you chose your first wand, there when you bought your first cauldron. You had opted to adopt a little black puppy (first year the school had expanded their choices of guide animal), a choice Jinhwan applauded, but very importantly, a choice his little kitty approved of. In many ways, his cat Pepper was the perfect reflection of Jinhwan, dainty yet resilient, graceful but never one to back down from a fight. It felt like a dream, even as you settled into the little compartment on the Hogwarts Express chomping down on a tiny chocolate frog that Jinhwan had nimbly caught after you had made the mistake of letting it hop away. You had naively believed that this was it, this was the life you and Jinhwan meant to have, that nothing could ever go wrong. Though your perfect dream shattered the moment you caught his eyes in the crowd donning yellow, as the Sorting Hat proudly screamed through the hall… Slytherin. You could recall still the horror etching so deeply, so painfully on his features as the entire castle grew silent. The few whispered in shock soon turned to jeers and mockery as the days gone by. Derision then came too, the physical bully from the few pureblood families still hanging on to an old, outdated belief. You endured it all, never showed your pain even if Jinhwan knew full well what happened behind his back. So, he fought them, what else could he do but to defend his best friend even if it meant turning up in the hospital wing every other day. Eventually you isolated yourself, avoiding him in the Great Hall, texts and calls went unanswered. Though he never gave up, hunted you down and made sure every break you were with him, that you knew he was still very much here whether you wanted him to or not. But you couldn’t bear it, the sight of him bloody from fights, even if he smiled through it all. Your sweet boy stained by the hatred of others, so you asked him a favor, to pretend as if nothing happened, as if you were nothing. Though he protested, Jinhwan eventually gave in when he realized Junhoe and Chanwoo made for much better bodyguard than he could ever hope to be. Eventually too he fell in love with a beautiful Hufflepuff girl. You remembered still that one night in the height of summer spent in the boiling air, swinging in silent at the park you had spent much of your childhood in. He didn’t say much, and neither did you. But you could see it, the guilt on his face for not keeping his promise, for falling for someone else. “Jinhwan, it’s okay. Honestly, I’m happy you found someone!” You found yourself sadly uttering those words over and over again as your sweet best friend silently shed tears. He knew your relationship hadn’t been the same in a long time but it wasn’t like anyone was forcing either of you to deal with it. Yet now, in the face of a potential love, life was forcing his hand, forcing him to deal with the end of the era of you and him. “Y/n, I’m so sorry. I made a promise to be with you and I-“ His words lost in the wind of a summer night, barely enough to alleviate the sweat dotting your forehead. “Nani, we were kids. I’m not going to hold something your 6 years old self had said against you” You held his hand, then held him in your arms as he sobbed out endless apologies. That very following autumn you had the honor of meeting his girlfriend, one more friend to have your back in tough times, one more friend to hold you through trials and tribulation of being a muggle born Slytherin. “In a lot of ways, I knew Jinhwan and I would never end up together like we had so naively believed as kids. But it didn’t hurt any less, you know.” You lamented the relationship that never was, the relationship that you knew changed forever the moment you had gotten placed into Slytherin… “I guess we had always thought of me and him in that small town, not this…” You let out a sigh that was the perfect mixture of amazement and fear as your eyes longed for the glows of the castle in the distant. “It’s insane, you know. One day you’re completely oblivious and the next, your destiny is decided by an old wrinkly hat.” You never thought it, you as a Slytherin. Jinhwan had bet with all his might that you were to join him, if not, then Ravenclaw. Who would’ve thought you’d be shun by the one donning the same colors. Though most felt sorry for you, pity the fate of a Slytherin muggle born, none dare stepped in to help. The few that had hands in your harassment were far too powerful physically and socially for them to be against. “I’m so sorry.” Hanbin recalled all the time he had passed by you in the hallway, not a thought to spare for who would believe that in this day and age, the once strong held disdain for muggle born amongst Slytherin was still something of reality. Thinking of it now, of how well you had masked the pain, of him being celebrated by his classmate for being a muggle born, what a world different colors could make. It hurt, unfathomable even, how foolish he was being so oblivious to your suffering. He felt helpless, even if Hanbin didn’t know you then. “Don’t be!” You sighed apologetically, for ruining the mood and for the pout tugging on Hanbin’s lips. “It all worked out in the end. I thought I lost my best friend, but I ended up with a new friend. His girlfriend, she’s lovely and perfect for him in every sense of the world.” You pondered the memories of that following Autumn, when JInhwan had excitedly bounded your way, tugging a very scare Jisoo right toward the Slytherin table. She had thought he lost his damn wit, walking up to the table filled with all the intimidation this place had got to give as if it was his second home. Yet the second you had pulled her into a hug, Lisa too waving enthusiastically at a new friend that didn’t bleed green, her heart eased. “And, I met you!” your bright word lulled out a dreamy smile that banished the last bit of sadness lingering on his features. “I hope you’ll understand that Jinhwan will always be special to me… Of course in different way than how you’re special.” As your last thought of Jinhwan was shared with your boyfriend, the future of him and Jisoo weighed heavily on your heart. You wished them all the best in the world and prayed that the days to come will be kind. “Sweetie… I’m sorry if I gave you the impression that I was mad or jealous. It wasn’t like that at all, I swear.” Letting his hand caressing away the frost harsh against your rosy cheeks, Hanbin desperate in conveying his thought. He never meant for you to understood his silent as anger nor jealousy. Though he was taken back by the intimacy between you and Jinhwan when he had first laid eyes upon the two of you, he was not once mad. “I can’t express how grateful I am, for how understanding you are.” You leaned further into his touch, elation, deeper understanding of each other drawing your heart and his so much closer together. If someone had told you just a few days ago that by this weekend end, you’d be having dinner… No, on a date with Kim Hanbin, you’d told them they need to get their head check. Yet now, munching away at the dinner he had so carefully packed, listening as he animatedly explained Gryffindor’s strategy, you couldn’t imagine being with anyone else, spending your weekend any other ways. Your sweet, innocent boy hadn’t at all realized why you had been giggling at his seemingly secret game plan… Questioning perhaps someone had spiked your food because why else would quidditch moves and technical jargons would be so funny. Wasn’t until you had gently reminded him that your own best friend was indeed the Slytherin captain and you were, through and through despite everything, bleed green and silver that he had frozen in his spot. The smile on his lips melted away quick as he suddenly grew red in embarrassment. You assured him, that the plan he had so meticulously poured his heart and soul into creating would never be spill from your lips. Even so, if you really wanted to, you couldn’t for not much of what was said made a lick of sense to you anyways. Though perhaps Hanbin was more shocked, mortified that he had so easily given up the plan he swore he’d guard with his life. “Speaking of top secret quidditch game plan…” His words drawn out, the spoon of pudding he had scooped up pushed about as his cheeks once more redden with bashfulness, teasing at your curiosity. “Will you come see me next weekend?” You could feel it, that sudden shift in your heart as the delightfulness of the heartwarming date slowly sinking to the pit of your stomach. You stayed silent, watching the sheepish grin still plastered across his lips, no doubt happy from the thought of you admiring him from the stand. “I’d be so happy to look into the crowd and see you…” He rushed out when nearly a minute pass and no answer was voiced, hope still very much coloring the universe behind his beautiful eyes. But you said nothing, staying silent as you let your gaze fallen over the spread of dinner that had now nearly been finished. “Baby, you okay?” Gentle finger nudged at your cheeks, he had thought the frosty wind had stolen his girlfriend’s soul when he pierced into your eyes and all he saw was sadness. “I- I don’t know, Hanbin…” Your voice cut out as your brain went into overdrive calculating very carefully the next few words. You knew how much quidditch meant for your dear boy, and you knew nothing would make him happier than to have his very first girlfriend cheers him on at every game. But you knew also what you were, what you bring, and it wasn’t something you wanted for Hanbin. “It’s okay, Y/n. You don’t have to wear my sweater or cheer for me. I just wanted you to watch me play, just knowing you’re there is already enough for me.” Busying gathering and sending back the dirty dishes to the kitchen with a wave of his wand, Hanbin explained, knowing it must be hard for you being caught in between your best friend and your boyfriend. But just thinking of you sitting in the crowd, excitement coursing through your veins as you look on with all the adoration you have for him sparkling in your eyes, it sent him to heaven just thinking about it. Even if it meant you’d be sitting in the ocean of green and silver, even if you could only silently cheer him on. Though as observant as he was, he missed sorely the emotion wrecking your heart. “It, it’s not that… Lisa told me countless time to cheer for you, knowing how big of a crush I have on you.” Though the reason behind your rejection was still burning his mind, hearing how supportive your friends were toward him, Hanbin was happy. “I just, don’t think it’s a good idea, me being at the game.” There was no good way of turning down your puppy of a boyfriend. No matter what you say, no matter what you do, it could never make up for the way shock ripped through his features. “W-Why? Did I say or do something…?” No word could express the confusion running through his mind. Just a second ago, you were eagerly listened on as he rambled about quidditch, even if you didn’t understand much of it. Just before that, well he had brought on the plan for a small trip during winter break, a trip to commemorate the new friendship that had brought everyone together. You had so enthusiastically nodding along, excitedly adding to the plans and all the muggle things you’d want for your friends to enjoy. Yet now, the way you were staring at him, all the guilt eating away at your soul as if you had just done something unspeakable… Hanbin didn’t understand it. “I’m sorry. I want to, I do, you have to believe me. I just don’t think it’s a good idea for me to be there.” Head hanging low, you mewled out sadly. How could you even begin to express the emotions rising in your chest, the thoughts, the reasons why you couldn’t be there for him. You had reached for his hand, balling up in his lap but your nerve gave out at the very last second. “It’s okay.” The sigh leaving his lips was nothing short of agonizing, even if that smile on his lips, bright as he stared off into the heaven above. Quidditch was the one thing he could be prideful of, knowing that he was better than most, the thing he could impress you with. He knew you had your reasons, but that didn’t help the disappointment drowning his heart as he glanced over the empty, dark field. “I’m so sorry…” You had started, tears brimming your lashes now, but he cut you off with a hug. A soft kiss placed upon your cheek as he whispered over and over again that it was okay.   “Hanbin…” You called for him, meek and sorrowful but he didn’t let go, only tightening his hold around your body.   “Don’t worry about it! Let’s head back, hmm? It’s getting late.” You hated it, hated that a perfect night was ruined from your own doing. You hated the way his eyes seemed so dim, almost as if you had broken the stars lighting those beautiful orbs. You knew he was trying his best, to hide the fact that your rejection had affected him far more than it should’ve. But you knew better, you knew it would hurt him but what else could you do? You needed to stay out of his way, stay far away from the game and you hoped one day, Hanbin will understand why. For now, for now all you could do is to clutch tightly on the large hand holding yours, and hoping that he’ll let you sooth the sorrow grinding at his heart. The walk back toward the Slytherin’s dungeon felt much like an eternity for the delightful conversation that had colored the beginning of your date absent. Hanbin refused to let go of your hand even if he did not once look back, silently moving forward as he processed the entire situation. It was only when the entrance that had become so familiar in his eyes once more greeted you both that he had turned around to look at you, sorrow in his heart only grew knowing it was time to part ways. “Go in, baby. It’s getting really late.” He nudged you forward, whispering solemnly, yet you refused to budge. You couldn’t leave, not like this, not when he was so down on himself. So you dove into the arms that tighten around your body out of sheer instinct. Yours too woven around his body and you dug your face into his tone chest, feeling the aching of your heart dissipating slowly as his hug only constricted further. Hanbin let his fingers carding through your hair, gentle kisses fluttering against it and he took in that all too familiar, comforting scent you always wore. He parted way, ready to send you off into the hand of the sandman but you only reeled him back in. Tiptoed, you did your best to plant a kiss on his lips. A desperate kiss, lingering, stilling as you basked in the softness of his lips, studied, committed to memories each curve, each wrinkle. You didn’t let go, didn’t let go until your own legs gave out as you stumbled backward but this time, Hanbin got you. He tugged you back into his chest, bending awkwardly to continue the kiss you had so sweetly given him… Though the one he returned was anything but. It wasn’t innocent, it wasn’t desperately sweet either as he guided you toward the stone wall. He pressed you tightly against the hard surface, hand cushioning the back of your head to be sure he wasn’t hurt you. This was far different from the shy first kiss you had shared, or the hundreds chaste one to follow. It was heavy and it was crass. Teeth knocking and gentle nibble that breaching the territory of pain were given to which you readily received. He loved the way your breath grew heavy, cashing his touch, relenting to every move had made. Sweetness of the pudding leftover from dinner mingling so perfectly with the bitterness of the tea left him craving more. So Hanbin tested the water, a brisk swipe of his tongue against your lower lip left him smirking when you readily greeted it with your own, lips parting to welcome him in. Hanbin felt like he could swallow you up this very second, still so insatiable even when you had just tugged his lower lips in between yours. Soft nips nearly sending him to heaven before you pulled away, pupils blown and rough breaths rushing through your teeth. Hanbin was wholeheartedly satisfied with the sight before him, the way he left you so breathless. He hadn’t known that a kiss could be so amazing, could riled his heart so but staring at you now… Cheeks redden, and lips swollen, fingers gripping so tightly unto his sweater, he was truly happy. Everything had been so unexpected, so unexpected that it left him spinning, wanting more. Though the chime of the large clock had called for him to hurry, calling for reality to return as he grew bashful, finally realizing what was happening. He could barely look you in the eyes as he whispered one last goodnight, hasty as the distant murmurs grew loud. Hanbin sighed, still yet ready to part way but not wanting to cause a scene, especially right in front of the Slytherin’s dungeon. So, he kissed you once more, on your lips, on your nose, and on your forehead before shooing you through the gateway before rushing off toward his own room.
The entire way back, he couldn’t help but relished in the sweet taste of your lips and how a single hug from him seemingly banished the sadness lingering in your eyes. He was so fucked, whipped in every which way possible for you and honestly, he couldn’t care any longer that you can’t come to watch him play. Hanbin was certain, so certain that after the whistle concluded the game had long been blown, you’d be right there celebrating his victory or soothing his lost in the privacy of your own world. And perhaps that would be so much better for you could love him uninhibited, without the prying eyes of the crowd and that was so much better than anything else. No matter what, it’d just be you and him, and that was all that matter. He couldn’t stop smiling, even as he laid his weary self onto his bed, even after Jiwon had forcefully shutting off the light, quoting that in-love Hanbin was far too creepy and insufferable for his liking. The thought of you so desperately clinging onto him, letting him kiss you, how willing you were and the implication of what that kiss might be in the far distant future left him elated. Even now, as the bit of guilt rising in his chest knowing just how sad he might’ve made you, reacting the way he did when he knew for all the action you take, there always is a reason. He thought of your little pout, and of the feeling stirring in your heart when he had so carelessly pushing you away, the feeling that had pushed you into that kiss. And no matter how happy he was that you kissed him, Hanbin was devastated that it was fueled by desperation. How could he have been so insensitive, right after you had poured your heart out to him, letting him in on something so personal. So, before drowsiness could take over, he pulled out his phone, hoping you were still awake.
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Though no replied was heard, Hanbin was glad still. Glad that he got two amazing dates with you in a single day, glad that you were no longer so shy around him, glad that he finally have someone to love. As he drifted off into dreamland, Hanbin prayed that you’ll be with him for a long while, prayed that no matter what lied ahead, you’ll let him be there for you always...
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breg21 · 5 years
Ladynoir Month:  Bad Luck Charm
Here's part 2! And boy am I exhausted. I'm calling it a night, guys! I hope ya'll enjoy!
Adrien couldn't help but feel a tad of disappointment.
It was neither his, nor Ladybug's fault, really. He had been an emotional wreck the week before, and after they kissed, she comforted him the rest of the night, and for that, he was grateful, he had this amazing, caring partner, and even though they didn't officially become a couple that night, he knew they had all the tie in the world to figure everything out, and he couldn't wait. It was all going so great.
That was, of course, until the ground began to shake beneath his feet.
The look of horror on his teachers face chilled him to the bone, yet she was easily distracted so he took advantage of that fact crawling under his desk as to have the room to himself for what came next.
He put the phone up to his ear, only to hear his father's voicemail. "Come on. Pick up for once."
He pierced his head above the desk to see if everyone had fully evacuated. The classroom was left entirely empty yet there was a strange golden glow coming from the air vents. He didn't have time to worry about that. He jumped out of his hiding spot as he yelled.
"Plagg, claws out!"
The little creature swirl around him, materializing his suit in seconds.
With a heavy heart, Chat picked up his phone one last time.
"Come on Lil' Bug, we've got some time to fix."
Ladybug looked at the future Bunix with all different levels of confusion. "What are you doing here?"
She placed a hand on Ladybug's shoulder, making sure that they kept walking the entire conversation. "Listen, long story short, I picked on a kid who was trying to lose some wieght, it was stupid, I was young, I know. Point is, he's the akuma right now, and because of my actions, his life goes down the drain big time. So, because of my massive regret for my actions, I thought I would come back and fix that mistake."
Ladybug smiled. "That's great, how can I help?"
Bunix grimace. "You already did and it ended terribly."
Ladybug couldn't tell which feeling was strong, her confusion about time travel of her anger for being insulted for something she hasn't done yet. "I'm sorry?"
Bunix crouched down, placing her hands on Ladybug's shoulders. "No need. It was entirely my fault and I'm here to correct my mistake of trying to correct my mistake."
Ladybug blinked a few times before trying to shake her head clear of her jumbled thoughts of the complexed explanation. "Let's just say I don't understand anything that you just said. What do we do from here?"
Bunix let out a slight grin. "Me, I do nothing, I already messed this day up enough, still not as bad as the darkest timeline." She shuddered. "Word of advice, never alter the timeline after 16 shots of Tequila. Man, those ships did not work."
Ladybug stared on, completely lost to the older woman's words. "Okay… What do I do?"
"Just do what you do best, jitter bug. Take names and kick butt. Speaking of which we should get moving, we have to meet up with your kitty in a couple minutes."
Ladybug's face went flat. "Don't call him that, please."
Not saying a word, they bolted out of the locker room and onto a nearby rooftop where they were soon greeted by Chat with a goofy smile on his lips. "What do we have today?"
She gave him a confused look, trying to signal just how weird their world was going to get with their bunny friend around.
"We know quite a bit actually. The victim has super strength and incredibly fast speed, but because they're not used to their new body type, they are super bad at aiming or controlling it."
Chat looked to Alix in a state of confusion. "How bad is this guy if you're here with us."
She gave him a playful smile. "Not too bad, just, you know, time travel stuff. And I'm definitely not your lucky charm, more like bad luck charm. Anyway, have fun you two." She gave them a very forceful pat on the back pushing them off the building entirely. "Sorry!" Bunix shouted from her spot above them. "I'm still not used to super strength."
The akuma turned to her and before any of them had a chance to blink the Akuma had broken through the building they were standing on.
Both Chat and Ladybug jumped to the nearest rooftop.
When they were in reach of the akuma, Chat took a swing at it, but missed. Over and over, he tried to throw punches, kicks, or anything that would work, but he always missed his reach by a few seconds. "Okay, he's fast." Chat let out as he did his best to catch his breath.
Ladybug nodded before she added, "Yeah, and apparently he doesn't like being called Billy either." She considered calling on her lucky charm and seeing if it could give them any insight as what to do next, but thought better of it knowing that her timmer might run out too soon if she did it then.
The two looked around in the rubble to see if anyone was hurt. Luckily, they found a condemned sign amongst the wreckage.
Ladybug continued to search for the future miraculous holder, but came up short in her findings. The fear held an iron grip on her spine, and started to slowly crawl all over her being."No sign of civilians but where's Alix?"
They felt the ground shake beneath them as a blur flashed before them wrapping them both in highly muscular arms.
Chat wiggled around in the akuma's grip, trying to break free, but realized his struggles were pointless. His hold was too strong. "This is not the kind of hug I needed today."
Ladybug reached for her yo-yo, her fingertips barely able to brush the surface of the weapon, before sending Chat a wink from the other arm. "I'll have to keep that in mind for later."
The akuma victim released them as their momentum sent them both crashing into a wall.
Chat spat out a piece of rubble that found its way into his mouth. "That is, if we're still physically able to give hugs."
She readied her yo-yo as she pointed to the extremely muscular man "Hey, there! Strong arm, you want another go or are you just too slow?"
As he planted his feet firmly in the ground, Ladybug tossed the other end of her yoyo to Chat, making sure she had her footing just right. "When he makes his charge, you pull as tight as you can and when I say throw, you throw it forward with all your might."
He gave her a shaky thumbs up.
Within moments the akuma victim took off toward them, right as Bunix jumped directly in front of the cable.
"Bunix, look out!" Chat shouted, but it was too late. The akuma and Bunix were bound tightly together unable to move.
Ladybug let out a small chuckle. "Hey look, Chat. I made a rabbit trap."
The street became dead quiet before Chat burst out laughing, having to hold his stomach at bay. She felt proud of her pun. "That was so good M'lady."
Bunix rolled her eyes before she started to squirm in her confines. "That's real cute and all, but can we please get me out of here?"
Ladybug took the dumbbells from Billy's hand, purifying the butterfly and returning things to normal.
As the Ladybugs scattered about the city, future Bunix went up to the large teen. "Listen, I have a little secret for you. That girl that made fun of you today is going through a really hard time. And that definitely doesn't give her an excuse as to why she said what she said, but she hasn't exactly found herself yet and she didn't mean to hurt you."
He looked up to her with shame on his face. "I didn't mean to react the way I did, I don't like the thought of hurting anybody. It's just...I've been working out for three months and it just doesn't get any easier. I guess when I hear her making fun of me, it just made me feel like I'm never making any progress."
Bunix shook her head. "You don't have any reason to be sorry. She needs to learn that her words hurt, and you didn't deserve any of it." The bunny superhero paused as she thought over a few things. "Hey, here's a tough thought. Go to her. Tell her how you feel. I know for a fact she has an excellent fitness regimen and could really use a friend right about now."
He gave her an odd smile. "How do you know this, are you her mom?"
Bunix's face nearly cracked at that. "Close, but no. I just know someone who's lost when I see them." She looked back to Ladybug and Chat. "And I know when someone has been found."
With the akuma taken care, of Alix went back to her own time, finally leaving the two to their thoughts. The city below glistened in the golden hour of the sunset as the two once again took their place on the Eiffel tower.
Chat looked out onto the city as Ladybug scooched closer to him eventually bumping her knees against his in an effort to gain his attention.
A loose smile formed on his lips. "What's all this about M'lady?"
She placed a hand on his upper knee. "Alix was talking about how difficult it is as a time traveler not fixing the regrets she made in life and she also told me about how in trying to drastically fix a regret she had to redo this entire day. She also said something about 16 shots of Tequila, but I honestly didn't listen to that part."
Chat let out a little chuckle at that, and she couldn't help but join in. "Point is, I don't want us to have regrets with each other and while I'm still terrified, I think that's never really going to go away. Not fully at least and not knowing who I would be dating... I don't necessarily know if I want that feeling to go away."
His air was almost gone, and knew if he lost everything else, that if he still had her, in the end, he'd find ways for everything to be okay.
She booped his nose, drawing his attention back to her. "You've loved me practically since you first laid eyes on me and have fought tooth and claw to get a fair chance. While I know there's Hawkmoth, we can't let him define who we are. If I choose to be with you, then that's my choice, we may have to fight to keep each other safe but at the end of the day, there is nobody I'd rather have my partner."
He felt like he was choking on his own tongue as hope bubbled up in his chest. "Does… are you saying what I think you're saying?"
She laughed, and he swore that sound was gonna be the death of him someday. He really didn't mind that though. She scootched even closer and into his personal space and brushed her nose against his chin. "Yeah. That is, if you want still want to."
He yelped, and flashed to his feet, scooping her in his arms, and began to pepper her face with kisses, getting every inch of unmasked skin that his lips could possibly touch and it pulled beautiful giggles from her lips and he wanted to continue and just never stop.
He loved this girl. He loved her so much, and he got to keep her.
She pulled nack, but remained in his arms. Her face was slightly flushed all around and he thought he had died in that second, because she had to be an angle. "So, um." She started out, and giggled nervously, which made his eyebrow arch in confusion, because why was she nervous now. He didn't have to wait long for an answer. "Are.. are you gonna ask me?"
Oh, his brain lit up as realization came flying in. Oh.
She wanted him to ask her to be his, and he wanted that, truly he did. But the words fumbled in his mouth. He tried once, opening and closing his mouth. Twice, thrice, four times, but no matter how hard he tried, the stupid words would not tumble out.
He had been pining for this girl for so long, and it had been only a dream in his mind, and his nerves were just eating at him. They just didn't want to leave his mouth, and he knew why.
After so long of being rejected, even though he knew her answer already he was scared to be the one to take the step in their relationship. He had given her full rein, letting her have the space she needed and wanted, and letting her set them at the pave that she needed.
Which was great, because he knew he needed to respect her boundaries, and let her do what she needed to do have them a good relationship— friendship or otherwise— But now she was handing over everything to him, she was asking him to take one of the very important milestones between them in his hands.
He was terrified out of his mind.
And she noticed, as she always did. Her face softened as she inched forward. "Kitty," she breathed. Sweets. Sweets were all he could smell, and he wanted to taste. "I've been the one to make the first move in our relationship because you've been respecting my feelings. I've cared about you a long time— even before it was romantic— but you've cared about me for so much longer."
His breathing stopped, and he could feel his adam's apple bobble in his throat as she cupped his face as he contoured her argument. "Because that's what you deserve. You deserve the world, and I'd give it to you if I could."
Her smile was so bright. He wanted to kiss those happy lips. "That's why I want you to ask me. You've waited so long. Please. You should be the one to ask me."
He could tell she meant her words with the utmost sincerity, and who was he to refuse his lady? He didn't think he could if he tried, it'd hurt way too much. "Ladybug." He swallowed the pool of spit that had built up. "Will you please be mine?"
The forever part was silently implied.
She giggled, moving onto her tiptoes to press her lips onto his for a slow, sweet, lingering kiss that broke between smiles. Everything else ceases to exist after that. "Of course, kitty." Another kiss that was interrupted by their face eating grins. "You wanna know a secret though?"
Breathing on his own was becoming impossible, but she was sharing enough. In a daze, he asked, "What's that, bugaboo?"
Against his mouth, she whispered, "I already was."
*Slams fist on table* I demand more fluff. I love fluff. I live for fluff. Take that away from me, and you will not see a happy girl. You should be scared in fact. Anyways. Till tomorrow, guys! Lots of love!
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sally-annesstories · 5 years
Day 92 - Lost City Trek, Colombia
Rise and shine!
1. I actually had a pretty amazing sleep the night before and then just before 5am the guides walked around to wake us up. The mornings have a pretty tight schedule with 5am wake up, 5.15am bags ready, 5.30am breakfast with a 6am departure. We were all on the road on time and started the walk. The guidance for the trip says this is the hardest day from a length perspective. The first part of the trek this morning was all uphill and then we hit Colombian flat for a couple of hours. My hat was literally dripping, so grim. At one point we had a break and a local Indian man gave us a bit of a history of the land. Then another 30/40 minutes later we hit our lunch spot.
2. It was kind of funny we called it a lunch spot given we arrived at 9am. On arrival everyone had the option of hopping in the river. I think everyone in my group, bar me, partook in this. I just didnt want more stuff wet when we have another 5 hours of walking to do today. Instead I treated myself to eyedrops and chilled. Just after 10am everyone came back to shower and drip dry with lunch being served at 10.30am. Lunch was either chicken or chickpeas and really tasty! We were also given a milo bar which noone bar myself and an Australian recognized. Then we had about 40 minutes to get our stuff together and we hit the road at 1pm. I was told the water was safe to drink here so took it but used a purification tablet so here's hoping the water was good / the tablet worked and I'm still healthy as the day continues!
3. The first half of the afternoon walk was all up hill. This was damn tough in the scorching sun the whole time. I honestly kept feeling like I was going to faint from the heat. But luckily I didnt and we kept walking up for over an hour.
4. If I thought up hill was tough the torrential downpour was 1000 times worse. Every inch of my clothing was soaked through. I had put a plastic bag over my wee pack but even so rain was running down my back. Luckily the clothes were in a plastic bag again inside and I had left some dry clothes till I come back to our lunch camp in two nights. Theres a section where you're meant to do a river crossing but the river was running wild. Very high water and the current was running strong. Instead of crossing in the water we had to take a cable over the water holding on as the pulled the little cart about 20m above the water. Not 100% what health and safety will think of this. I was about 10th in the group but when I got to otherside we weren't given the clear to keep walking to camp. Instead we stood in the rain for about 20 minutes. We were all done by the time we had to walk. The positive of this was I no longer navigated puddles to avoid them because my shoes were soaked through. Downside is I have no idea how I'm cleaning or drying them! At the camp we walked to find a few groups already there (turns out one left at 4.30am and skipped a long lunch to make it ahead of the rain at 1.30pm). But there were also a few groups that followed us so overall everyone was in a similar boat of a tad wet and smelly.
5. I had been looking forward to a shower when we realised it was still going to be cold water. Not ideal when you're already frozen to the bone. But 100% necessary when you're insanely gross. So I had a shower as fast as possible before putting on warm clothes. Then we got hot chocolate. I saw one of the guides with cheese in his which he shared (similar to Holoumi - delicious!) And another guide said Colombians are odd and put cheese in their drink so I decided to give it a shot too. It was actually really yum. Added a bit of creaminess. And it didnt fully melt so I still got to eat cheese. Then we hung round eating popcorn and finally dinner before calling it a night. With everything I had wet I splashed out and treated myself to wifi. Plus I was a bit of a martyr and put my hand up to sleep in a hammock for the night (just one person from the group needed to). But with this I knew I wouldn't be sleeping so easy so then at least I had the internet and music to entertain me before tiredness took over. The hammock wasn't too bad but was chilly. Thank God for the mosquito net !
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