#and that's how he ended up a vamprie
agent-jaselin · 5 months
drawing Astarion as an elezen like "put that elf into a taffy puller"
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alpaca-clouds · 4 months
Okay, let me explain!
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Okay, you know what? Given that at least one person (hey there, @vengencefilledwriter) say after my shitpost yesterday, that they wanted to read about this... let me talk about how I very randomly started shipping Astarion with Themberchaud.
Because, yes. It is a crack ship in many ways. However, I will maintain that it actually totally makes sense.
And yes, Themberchaud is the chubby dragon from Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves. I kinda talked about him a bit before (but tumblr search cannot be assed to show that to me), so...
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See, me shipping the two arose from Wishing Well, the Astarion-centric longfic I am writing right now (which is also the sequel to Voice of the Voiceless). The story takes place about a year after the end of BG3 and centers around Astarion and Tav finally visiting the other vampire spawn, who in this have simply settled the Grymforge, after it was abandoned by the duergar.
Given the story takes place completely in the Underdark and features a conflict centered around the duergar, I thought it would be a fun little thing to have Themberchaud show up at some point as a cameo.
Yeah, I thought wrongly.
Because then I started the research on Themberchaud, and oh boy, let me tell you guys, this dragon is actually such a poor little blorbo who in truth just needs a big ol' hug!
Yes, yes, I see you there, muttering: "But red dragons are chaotic evil." To which I just say: "Sssssssh! Listen!"
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Okay, even if you play DnD there is a very high chance that you never really encountered Themberchaud, because he is kinda locked into one place: Gracklstugh. The duergar city in the north of the underdark. And while the movie kinda plays his fatness as cute and funny, actually it is in his case super tragic!
See, Themberchaud is a slave. Because the duergar's masterful weapons can only be created in dragonfire, which is why for so many hundreds of years they have held themselves a dragon slave. The current one is Themberchaud.
Of course, given that dragons by nature have a rather big ego, they know well enough to not let him know that he is a slave. He has all the servants he wants, gets gold for his hoards and unlucky adventurers to feast on, and all they ask of him in return is that he keeps their forges running.
Well, and just to make extra sure that he plays along, they use some of the psychic powers they have gotten from their millennium of illithid enslavement to keep him content.
The fact that he got fed so much without having to hunt for it, is what made him so fat. And in fact that came as a bonus for the duergar, because the fact is, that Themberchaud has become so fat that he could no longer leave his hoard and hence very unabel to flee or fight back.
But dragons get stronger as they age and as such it becomes harder and harder to keep him controlled. Which is why he was supposed to suffer the same fate as all the other dragon slaves before: Get killed.
Something went wrong however. We just do not know what. Only that for some reason by the time the movie takes place, Themberchaud has somehow managed to escape Gracklstugh. But something is very clearly wrong with him. Because for one, he does not seem to have any capacity for reason in the movie - and also... his dragonfire somehow does not work. And remember: The duergar kept him for his fire.
Now, maybe his mind got just melted away by the psychic magic. Who knows. But yeah, that is the backstory there.
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Okay, did I successfully get you invested in the story of the poor dragon? Yeah?
Hopefully. Let me just talk about why I ended up shipping him with the sad vamprie boy. Which kinda brings me back to why Themberchaud did not just remain a cameo in Wishing Well. Because I was planning the story and hence researching, I realized something: Astarion and Themberchaud are weirdly similar.
They both were slaves for around two hundred years and barely know anything but slavery.
Their respective masters used mindcontrol of them, which would logically lead to them both having trouble to even know who they are. Were they begin and the mind control end.
Both of them were abused by their masters through food. While Astarion was starved, Themberchaud was overfed. But both is still abuse through food!
Their enslavement ended through some circumstance (which for Themberchaud is still unknown) the plan of their respective masters to kill them failed.
Throughout their enslavement they were kept from the sun. (Note: While it is not explicitly said for Themberchaud that he wants to escape the underdark to see the sun, there is some implication for that.)
Like, those are actually fairly strong parallels. Something that undoubtedly was not intended by anyone, because I kinda doubt anyone at Larian even had Themberchaud in mind, when they were creating Astarion.
Never the less: Those are parallels.
And those parallels made me decide against the Themberchaud cameo......... in so far that instead of being a cameo, he literally becomes the sixth ranger in Wishing Well. Because he and Astarion pretty much talk to each other for like 1 hour and instantly are like: *scream* "BESTIES!!!" With Astarion afterwards being very unwilling to abandon the big dragon once more.
I will spare you the shenanigans that happen afterwards, but let me just put it like this: When they get granted a wish, Themberchaud gets turned into the more handy form of a dragonborn, which allows him to travel to the surface world. Because, you know, see the sun for himself.
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Yes, yes, I hear you once again: "But that is just what happens in your fic!" Which, yes, sure. You are right. But you know what?
I still totally think that the two of them would totally at least platonically hit it off if they were ever going to meet. Because they just are so darn similar in their dramatic backstories as runaway slaves whose masters were trying to kill them.
Like, just look at all the bonding potential there!
What I love about it too, is that it has Astarion in the role of a caretaker for someone. Like, people (well, mostly Tav) took care of him, when he needed it and now he is capable to support someone else who has lived through similar shit.
And yes, in case you are wondering: No, Astarion does not break it off with my Tav in that stuff. Because polyshipping is a thing xD And that polycule is already just a bit bigger.
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And, just... Look people. I JUST WANT MY BLORBOS TO BE HAPPY TOGETHER, ALRIGHT?! *feral*
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daisylikesmedia · 2 years
Series 3 Episode 1: Smith & Jones
"Basic slave drones, you see. Solid leather all the way through. Someone's got one hell of a fetish"
Series 3! Martha is here! Ohhh I am so excited to talk about this series with y'all cause I adore it. So hey what are we waiting for lets gooooo.
Characterisation is so strong in this episode. In just the first scene you understand every single character of Martha's family, it's so impressive. We learn so much about Martha as this episode goes on, and how The Doctor earns her respect through his actions. And we also learn how The Doctor has been coping without Rose near the end of the episode (hint: he's still huffing copium and is not a happy bunny). These two, a smitten Martha and an irresponsible 10, make what might be one of the most toxic pairings of all the TARDIS teams in new who. Whilst I say this, I love watching them together. A flawed, destructive relationship is the kind we've all been through at some point, and it makes for great TV as our hero become more nuanced and less trustworthy.
Also iconic villains? Hell yes. The Judoon just as a concept are awesome, and the spectacle of seeing them march over and start their mission to find the plasmavore. The only thing that makes me sad is that we haven't seen much more of then outside of this episode. There was Fugitive of the Judoon but that was basically the same kind of plot. Surely there are more unique takes on space police then "looking for alien needle in haystack of humans". But that's a complaint for FotJ not this episode, they are very much done justice.
And I said iconic villains plural, because my god an alien vamprie who uses a little straw to suck the blood out of her victims? Perfect blend of humour and horror for a series opener. This story manages to combine humour, high stakes, a unique setting, loads of character intros and two new separate alien threats ALL INTO ONE EPISODE.
TL:DR/Overview: Smith & Jones is what every series opener wants to be. It sets up the arcs of the series and introduces us to our new cast members in the middle of an action packed story that doesn't leave it's main goal behind. It's tightly written, has a massive scope, and is wonderfully executed. S tier.
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jardinsdeminuit · 2 years
Two-Faced: Kou x Yui [Part 1/3]
It’s been so long since I wrote a Dialovers one-shot! This was a fic I found in the depths of my laptop drafts recently that I decided to clean up and write the ending to (I say ending, but I mean the vast majority of because this was literally just a stub when I found it). It’s Kou x Yui and quite heavy on the violence/body horror, so please take care. I’ll be publishing it in three parts on Tumblr, one every day from now on, then uploading it to AO3 at the end. Let me know what you think if you read it and liked! <3
Pairings: Kou x Yui
Rating: M (pushing the higher end in the later parts)
TWs: violence, body horror, gore, threats of N/C, mild sexual content, blood-sucking
If there's one thing I've learnt too late in my short time in this world, it's that there is no such thing as a safe haven.
Snatched away from the Sakamaki brothers to live with the Mukamis, I thought that at last, I'd found somewhere semi-safe to live. The Mukamis weren't like their pureblood counterparts at first. While they'd all had a taste of my blood by the end of the first week, they seemed reluctant to go further. They weren't as violent, either, and their verbal degradation rarely went beyond the occasional nickname. It seemed that I was little more than a background presence in their home, permitted to keep to myself and coexist in a way that was the closest I'd had to peace in months.
I let my guard down. I might even have said I was happy.
That was until the first full moon.
I catch a glimpse of it through the windows now as I tear along the corridors. My lungs burn from the effort of running, but still, I force myself on. The moment I stop, it'll all be over, because that's when he'll catch me.
“My, my, M Neko-chan. You're not making this easy on me, are you?”
Kou's voice rings out from the other end of the corridor behind me. Considering he's been chasing me all this time, his tone is too upbeat. It barely sounds like he's tired at all.
I reach a set of stairs leading to the first floor and throw myself down. Not only am I having to fight my own body at this point, but also the growing realisation that no matter how fast I flee, I will never be able to escape Kou in his own home. It's simply a matter of time until I drop down from exhaustion. That moment is fast approaching, I can tell. My legs shake as I take the stairs three at a time, my vision growing dark at the edges. It's hopeless, all of it.
And yet still I run. It's the only thing I know how to do.
Living with the Sakamakis has made me all too familiar with what happens to vampries on the night of a full moon. Their senses become more acute, their bodies stronger, but more than that, their lust for blood heightens to maddening levels. I remember Ayato likening it to the feeling of starvation once. Every full moon has been a horrific experience for me: I've been attacked, pinned down, had my blood drained multiple times per hour. The Sakamakis never held any restraint in that regard.
So, it hardly came as a surprise when I heard a knock on my door earlier tonight. I sighed and opened it, only to find Kou on the other side. Out of all the Mukamis, he was the one I'd interacted with the least, as much on account of his demanding idol work as the fact he'd never shown that much of an interest in me in the first place.
He invited himself in and took me into his arms immediately. I braced for the feeling of fangs on my neck, but it was the words out of his mouth that made me freeze.
“How about we play a game, you and I?”
I pulled back my head to stare at him. “A game?”
“Mm-hmm.” Kou gave me a smile. “I've been thinking of a good one. You run away from me, and if you don't manage to escape, I'll kill you. I'll even give you a five-second headstart, since I'm in a good mood.”
It took me a moment to process his words. The Sakamakis had threatened my death too many times to count, and most of the time, I'd taken it seriously. The sparkle in Kou's eyes told me he wasn't joking around.
I pulled free from his arms and backed towards the door. “What are you talking about?” Deep down, I wanted to believe he was just trying to intimidate me, even if I knew in my heart that wasn't the case.
Kou giggled. “You're a little masochist, aren't you? I thought you'd enjoy a game like this. Then again, I wouldn't put it past someone like you to deliberately lose just so you could be punished.”
I opened my mouth to tell him he was wrong, when he cut in with, “Five.”
“What are you—”
My heart dropped as I realised he'd begun his countdown. He was utterly serious.
“Kou,” I whispered. “Whatever you're planning to do, please don't—”
“Three.” His grin widened. “Better start running.”
I'm in the entrance hall now, between the twin staircases that lead up to the bedrooms. I dive for the double doors and try the handles, but just as I suspected, they're locked. My throat feels raw to the point where breathing is agony. Everything screams at me to simply drop down on the spot and let whatever happens happen. Perhaps one of the other Mukamis will find me and whisk me away until Kou sees sense again.
Footsteps sound on the floor behind me, and I don't have to turn around to know that he's there. From somewhere deep in my body, I feel a final surge of strength. My eyes flick to a door in the corner of the room. I've noticed it a few times before, but never actually been through. It's as good an option as any.
I push off from the handle and stumble towards the new door. By a stroke of luck, it's unlocked. I throw it open and take a step into darkness. The next thing I know, I'm slipping down cold stone stairs. I land in a pile at the bottom, gasping and trying to force back the air that's just been knocked out of my lungs.
The world shimmers around me. Then it all goes black.
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canmom · 2 years
영화 화요일 38: Park Chan-Wook 2!
Hi friends, it’s Toku Tuesday! As usual on Toku Tuesday we won’t watch any tokusatsu.
Tonight I am in the mood to return to Korean film! With some more films of Park Chan-Wook, whose Vengeance Trilogy we saw back on... TT#29! Tonight I felt like seeing some more of his films, so if you’re in the mood for some kinda stylish and violent social allegory, tonight’s your night!
Since I’ve already talked about his career a bit last time, let’s just get straight to the films. After wrapping up the revenge thrillers, Chan-Wook directed the romantic comedy I’m A Cyborg, but That’s OK and then two vampire movies, Thirst and Stoker [edit: i did not do my research, Stoker is not a vampire movie, and Thirst is more comedic than i realised], before returning to more familiar ground with The Handmaiden. I think the vamprie movies would make a good pair on their own, so tonight’s movies shall be...
The Handmaiden - an incredibly tightly plotted erotic thriller adapting Sarah Waters’ historical lesbian heist novel Fingersmith from Victorian England (tragic Victorian lesbian novels being something of a specialty for Waters) to another society rife with intense class stratification and sadism: Korea under Japanese occupation. We can surely see the influence of Nagisa Ōshima (TT#33) here, particularly In the Realm of the Senses - it’s not that Chan-Wook’s other films have been reserved about sexuality but this places it especially central.
To say too much about the plot might give away one of its many twists, recontextualisations and surprises. But to give at least the initial premise, at the outset we see a young woman Sook-hee, a former pickpocket, being hired by a conman Fujiwara to infiltrate the house of a Japanese heiress named Lady Hideko. Hideko lives with her uncle Kouzuki, a Korean who has benefited immensely from his collaboration with the Japanese occupation. Kouzuki routinely has Hideko read aloud passages from old and rare erotic books in a highly ritualised way.
The plan is that Sook-hee will persuade Hideko to marry Fujiwara, at which point he will have her committed to a mental asylum and run off with her money. And that’s where I’m going to stop the summary because I think it’s more fun if you don’t know where it will take it...
There are many interesting production anecdotes around The Handmaiden, such as that when filming the sex scenes Chan-Wook would insist on only women among the crew for the comfort of his actresses. Unfortunately I don’t have time to research them right now! So I’ll just say it’s a really great film, uncompromising with regards to Japanese imperialism, and I can’t wait to watch it again without getting pressured into oral sex immediatealy afterwards 🤪
I’m A Cyborg, But That’s OK: this one’s in a genre that seems out of character for Chan-Wook: a romantic comedy. It’s set in a mental institution, focusing on Young-goon, a woman who believes she is a cyborg and was institutionalised after attempting to stick a wall outlet into her wrist. She forms an unlikely alliance with Il-soon, a kleptomaniac who believes he can steel character traits from the other patients.
Such a premise could, I feel, go a number of ways, and I’m quite curious how it ends up handling it. (I am actually reminded a bit of the Spanish animated film Wrinkles, which we watched a few months ago [AN#87] - also ultimately a romance film which finds lighthearted moments which just accentuate the tragic edge of a bleak situation. I don’t know how this one will compare!)
Apologies I can’t do a more substantial writeup. I’m going to put some food on, and we should be able to start the movies in about half an hour to 45 minutes, which will hopefully leave time to torrent the movies >< So, get ready to tune in to twitch.tv/canmom very soon!
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hlizr50 · 3 years
Tell Me
Spoilers for The Crown of Gilded Bones, and the rest of the From Blood and Ash books by default.
After their escape to the hunting cabin, Kieran confronts Casteel about the scars on Poppy's back... and why the hell he didn't know until now.
Based on a prompt that had been posted on AO3
Read on AO3
The prince turned to his oldest friend, his brother, but Kieran kept his gaze forward. The two of them sat on the ground, leaning back against the wall of the hunting cabin and taking a moment to breathe, have a drink, and enjoy the soft night breeze. The wolven looked troubled, which wasn’t necessarily a surprise. The last several days had been difficult, to say the least.
“Can I ask you something?”
Casteel raised a brow. “What? Poppy’s sleeping so now you feel the need to fill the quiet with questions?” he chuckled, but his friend stayed quiet. “Kieran? Are you alright?”
“When I was taking care of Poppy – when I was cleaning her up – I noticed… marks. On her back. Not the scars from the Craven but… thin lines. It looked like… fuck, I don’t want to think it but it looked like –“
Cas released a resigned sigh and closed his eyes, leaning his head back against the wooden wall.
“Like she’d been struck by a cane made from the wood from a blood forest tree.”
He could feel Kieran’s sharp intake of breath as if it were his own. It never got easier to say it, to know it was real – the suffering his Princess had endured at the hands of Duke Teerman.
“When? Why?” the wolven seethed. “And why the fuck wouldn’t you tell me about it?”
“I knew before we even left Teerman Castle, Kieran, but you have to understand. I… it wasn’t my story to tell.”
“That’s why you killed him, isn’t it? The Duke? He did that to her?” Kieran’s icy eyes were wild.
“I drove that cane through his heart.”
“He deserved to suffer,” Kieran growled. “Tell me why, Cas. Tell me what happened.”
“Kieran, I don’t think –“
“TELL ME!” The glass in Kieran’s hand shattered as he roared. Casteel could see his brother’s hands shaking. “Fuck.” The wolven shook his hands out and gingerly picked the glass out of his lap, but he made no move to get up and address the blood dripping from his fingers and palm.
“You going to take care of that?” the honey-eyed Atlantian prodded.
“I’m not doing a damn thing until you explain how my Liessa ended up with those marks and why the fuck you didn’t think I should know.”
“Kieran, I think the notam is putting you on edge.”
The wolven’s heavy pants seemed to echo in the night, but they slowed. Casteel loosed a breath he hadn’t realized he was holding as the silence became a tangible thing between them.
“Cas. Please.”
Casteel sighed and leaned forward. His knees pulled upward and he rested his forearms on them.
“I don’t know how long it had been happening, although I suspect it had been at least since her brother had gone to the capital,” the prince stared at the glass in his hands, wishing he were more drunk for this conversation. “The Duke called them lessons… but it was a punishment for perceived misconduct. For behavior unbecoming of the Maiden.”
He turned a pointed gaze to his friend. “And you know how she is…”
“Gods, did he do it every fucking day?!” the wolven huffed out a horrified laugh.
“Poppy was quite… stealthy. And surprisingly skilled at being demure when she needed to be.”
“I’m sure she learned that she needed to be,” Kieran whispered, mortified.
“Poppy hasn’t been particularly open about it, but from our few conversations it seems that being demure or stealthy really didn’t matter. The Duke would… find reasons. Reasons that weren’t real reasons.”
Casteel could feel that pale blue gaze on him. So he turned to his brother, meeting his eyes.
“When we were at Spessa’s End Duchess Teerman dared to claim that they had been protecting her,” the prince spat. That word tasted vile on his tongue. “Poppy said… that he would punish her for answering him in an inappropriate tone or… walking too loudly.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever heard you swear so much at once, Kieran.”
“Well what the fuck do you expect me to say?” he demanded, then realized he’d done it again. “Sorry.”
“No need to apologize. You’re going to say it more. I…” Casteel had to avert his eyes back into the dark. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to share what else he knew, wasn’t sure if Poppy would want him to know. But Kieran would be furious if he found out on his own.
“What, Cas?”
“That night she also said that the Duke would put his hands on her and allow others to do the same. One of the Lords – Mazeen – was known to join the Duke for their lessons. And he had… a reputation –“
The snarl that ripped through the wolven shook the very air they breathed. Kieran launched himself to his feet, hands clenched tightly at his sides. Casteel could see him shaking, vibrating with rage.
“Tell me you killed him, too,” his voice was low and cold as death, his breath sawing in and out of him.
“I didn’t get a chance to.” Casteel chuckled.
“Are you telling me that bastard who touched her is still –“
“He’s dead, Kieran. Poppy hacked him to pieces after the attack on the Rite.” He looked up at Kieran, seeing his shoulders fall as he breathed out a relieved exhale. They remained that way, in the quiet of the night, letting the moments drag between them. The wolven eventually leaned back against the side of the cabin and slid down to the ground.
“To pieces?” He lifted a brow to his prince.
“Good. Good for her.”
“Yeah,” Casteel murmured. “I couldn’t have been more proud, but…”
“But you and I both wish we could kill him ourselves.” Kieran finished for him. “Gods, I wish she never would have been forced to endure that in the first place.”
“You see why I was so adamant about changing our plans? And about keeping her safe.”
“I always understood that, Cas. You’re a good man. You cared for her,” Kieran explained. “But fuck me, I had no idea. I didn’t realize the shit hand she’d been dealt even before you barged in and turned everything upside down.”
“And it never seems to get easier for her,” Casteel’s golden eyes stung. “Now I may have very well condemned her to a life of bloodthirst, forced to spend her days in the dark.”
“Cas,” Kieran countered. “This may sound crazy. And I don’t mean to have false hope. But there’s something inside of me… this feeling I have that she won’t be like other vamprys. She’s special. She always has been.”
“That she is.” Casteel smiled wistfully.
“You can smell her. She doesn’t smell the same, but she also doesn’t smell like a vampry. You can at least tell that.”
And he could. But he just nodded, unable to form the right words. He didn’t feel guilty, not really. He hadn’t been ready to lose her, and he knew that Poppy would still be in there somewhere. But the ways her life would have to change, without her choice. And her choice was the most important thing in her life – the thing he had always sworn to give her.
“All I’m saying, Cas, is don’t borrow tomorrow’s problems for today,” Kieran used the prince’s own phrase against him. “Right now she’s alive, she’s resting. Whatever happens when she wakes up, you’ll be there for her. We both will.”
“You’re right,” Casteel grinned and tilted his head back to the wolven. “Thank you, Kieran. For taking care of us. For taking care of her.”
“You know I would do that, notam or not. I’ve grown to care for her, questions and all,” he smiled. “And I’ve been forced to take care of you all my life. I wish I could just let you die but it’s just a reflex at this point.”
“I’m just going to ignore the last part of that comment,” Casteel groaned as he rose to his feet, reaching down to offer a hand to the wolven. “Let’s go inside so you can take care of that hand and get another glass of whiskey.”
“Shit there’s not enough whiskey on this side of the Skotos after that conversation,” Kieran muttered and Casteel cursed in agreement. Then the brothers entered the cabin to wait for their queen to wake, praying to all the sleeping gods that when she did she would still be the Poppy they knew and loved.
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lostsoulaltair · 3 years
OnS Theories (20S). Sixth Theory - The Contract
Hello everyone, this is another theory I’ve been meaning to talk with many; as many might be aware, there’s hype and emotion along curiosity on how exactly Yu and Mika’s contract will be like, therefore, let’s talk about it!
P.S: Theories are held within a neutral view and ships are excluded 
As many might recall, chapter 102 was left in a big cliffhanger or rather an emotional one:
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Image taken from Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign - Chapter 102
And of course, one of the biggest questions is, how exactly will Yu make a contract with Mikaela if he’s broken?
For that, let’s retake the reason why he demon Mikaela was left broken and that was precisely after Asuramaru tortured the remnant of his soul back in chapter 101, he made sure to destroy and crush all what Mika loved by controlling his body without letting him have any sort of will in order to kill those he held dear without him being unable to gain control over his body:
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Image taken from Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign - Chapter 101
Such events lead to the eventual defeat of the demon Mikaela by the black demons that eventually were crushed by Yu, but, how does this panel relate to Mika’s contract?
That’s because the contract won’t be a conventional demon contract. 
How can I state such thing and what exactly do I mean?
If many might recall, the contract between demon and wielder has been reflected as one on which the interested recquires to touch the cursed gear in order to face a trial the demon sets towards them, such thing can be heavily reflected back in the beginning of the story with Yuichiro Hyakuya, Shiho Kimizuki and Yoichi Saotome:
Yuichiro Hyakuya’s First Contract:
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Image taken from Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign - Chapter 6
Back in the first chapters of Vamprie Reign, Yuichiro aimed to have his personal cursed gear, but for that, he recquired to touch it in order to face down the demon that resided within such weapon, which is something visible for anyone that aims to enter into a contract with exceptions such as Shinoa and now Yuichiro with Mika.
But, is that all there is to make a contract with a demon that is within a cursed gear?
Of course not, and such thing is reflected in such chapter:
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Image taken from Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign - Chapter 6
The human entering into a contract with a demon must possess a strong heart and willpower to not let the demon control its body with ease, and of course such thing was presented with Yoichi Saotome until he decided to stand and fight back:
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Image taken from Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign - Chapter 7
And of course, a possible question that might come up is how can we tell if Yu has a strong heart and willpower when he’s breaking into pieces due to the situations he has faced down?
Despite the condition of Yu within the recent events and chapters, it is to say that Yu still has a strong willpower to stand and fight against adversities that stand in front of him,
But overall, the process to enter into a contract with Mika have been different ever since he was going to get sealed, instead of the conventional form, Guren made the ritual and barrier to make sure Mika would reach his former weapon he wielded as a vampire:
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Image taken from Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign - Chapter 101
And of course, instead of seeing Yu meeting Mika directly, he saw the whole mess and a little Mika crying and left all broken in scene which of course angered Yu to no end, leading to the eventual assault on which Yu would get the victory against the 3 demons by ordering Asuramaru to get bound by the rules of the contract as for the other two, they stopped receiving power from their wielders, leading to this panel that was posted above:
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Image taken from Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign - Chapter 102
And now, the main question is, how will this contract proceed?
As many might have noticed, Yuichiro inserted his hand on Mikaela’s chest and of course leaving many questions about it, but, in fact, the action Yu’s taking is the first step for the contract he’ll have with Mikaela, but, how can I state such thing?
First of all,Yuichiro is aware Mikaela was left broken in tears, he didn’t respond even after he finally reached the place he was in; thus leading to an action he might do in the next chapter (of course this is just theory), such action is that Yu will aim to connect and heal Mikaela’s soul due to the vast damage the other demons left on him since he heard exactly when Mika screamt his name for help.
But how exactly will that be possible?
In previous chapters, it has been noticed that at least in Asuramaru’s case, he has done such action with Yu in order to look at the memories buried deep down on his soul despite him not remembering:
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Image taken from Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign - Chapter 62
With Asuramaru’s help Yu was able to recall he talked with Mahiru despite him not knowing her at that time, but how does this relate to Mika?
It is to say that Yu will likely touch the depthness of Mika’s soul to understand what broke him along finding ways to heal him in order to enter in a contract with him, but this contract won’t be filled with the visual greed presented in chapter 6, but rather, this contract will be filled with a different condtion, one on which both parties will agree without the need to harm the existance of each other and likely to live through life to the desired goal.
Yu will likely aim to find the lost crying Mika that was devastated, the aspect of his soul in order to communicate with him, with the purpose that Mika will find ways to forgive himself and learn to live again and pull forward.
What do you think dear readers?
Let me know!
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gif belongs to yaboku
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emilia3546 · 3 years
Bring Him Home Part 4 - PoppyCas
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
The ground crunched beneath my feet, and I shifted uncomfortably, rolling my eyes when Kieran nudged my side, still in wolven form, he fixed me with an unflinching stare. I leaned against a tree, closing my eyes for a heartbeat, allowing my nerves to harden while I waited for the shouts and clashing of steel that would alert us to Isbeth's retaliation. Still, even with the draken waiting alongside our forces, we would have to be quick, quick to get in, quick to find Casteel, quick to get out again, or we'd all be trapped inside. I glanced down at the marriage imprint of my palm, and flexed my fingers, I hadn't realized that I'd been fiddling with my ring, but I didn't have time to worry about the way it had slightly faded with the shouting that erupted around us. Flame lit up the evening sky, illuminating the silhouettes of draken in the sky, raining fire onto Ascended and revenants alike.
"Move," I whispered, slipping through the servants' tunnel into the castle before us. Without a candle to light the way, I was blind in the darkness, and I clung to Kieran's fur, forced to allow him to guide me through the gloom. He led me down, down, down, right into the bowels of the earth, where the sunlight had never reached, right into the depths of Isbeth's dungeons. A faint glow appeared at the end of the corridor, and Netta snuck forwards, leaving just Kieran and Delano by my side. There was a muffled cry, and a snarl, then Kieran was moving again, prowling forwards on silent paws. The cell block that the vampry had been guarding was empty, as was the next and the next and the next. With each empty cell, my heart raced faster and faster, with each second we were down here, we risked being trapped, we risked Casteel being hurt again, or worse.
A shout broke the silence, and we hurried forwards, ducking into an empty cell block, and pressing close to the door. Someone looked in, his gaze passing over our heads as we froze, hardly daring to breathe in case he heard it. If they found us now we would have no choice but to run, whether or not we'd actually found my husband.
"Nothing!" He shouted, "But there's got to be someone down here, Roland was unconscious," a second voice shouted something back, and Netta winced, but I couldn't quite make it out,
He said to leave it, to make sure that Casteel's guarded. Kieran's voice was strained, even in my mind, but at least we knew that Casteel was definitely here. As the footsteps faded, Kieran gestured to stay still, sneaking out silently to check if it was clear. It was, and he seemed to have found a scent, perhaps the man who had been searching for us would lead us straight to Casteel. It didn't matter if they were guarding him, if anyone tried to stop me from reaching my husband, they would not survive to report back to Isbeth. Another set of stairs appeared, winding down into the earth, my eyes only just managing to make out rough shapes in the gloom. I made to step forwards, but Kieran whirled, snarling into the darkness, at the holder of a candle. 
Armed with bloodstone, well dressed, clean, I lifted my gaze from his weapons, looking higher, and my heart almost stopped, my promise sounding in my blood as I stared into Prince Malik's eyes. Her was the man who had betrayed his people, who had betrayed Casteel, who Isbeth had expected me to marry. My hand dropped to the dagger at my side, and Kieran stepped in front of me, Netta beside him, but Delano made to pull me away, but I shrugged him off,
"You've come for Cas," Malik whispered, tears in his eyes, "He's down there, last cell on the left." I blinked in surprise, not quite trusting his words,
"Anything down there?" A voice from the gloom, 
"Nothing! They must have gotten lost," Malik shouted back, immediately shifting his demeanor back to the one I recognized from Oak Ambler, "Let's do another sweep of the upper levels, no point in sending guards down here," 
"You would help us?" I whispered, the hand on my dagger relaxing slightly,
"Just get my brother out of here. Please. I can't help him while he's here, please, Penellaphe, just go." Those tears in his eyes were real, the pain in his voice, that was real, "From blood and ash, we will rise," he whispered, and slipped away into the darkness.
"Thank you," I whispered, and turned, practically flying down the stairs, taking them three at a time, sprinting down the damp corridor, and throwing open the last door on the left.
I let out a quiet sob at the sight before me. He was here, really here, but he wasn't. 
"Cas?" I whispered, but there was no response, no response, because he wasn't just hurt, he hadn't just been denied blood, he was completely unconscious, had been that way for a while as far as I could tell. I dropped to my knees beside him, pulling his head into my lap, "C'mon, Cas, please," I whispered, his pain, his fear almost overwhelming my senses as I tried to combat the feeling of despair. I love you. I love you. I love you. I held him tight against me as my gift started to work, to heal the countless wounds adorning his body, the pain consuming his mind, but beneath it all, there was something else, chocolate covered strawberries, I reached for it, my eyes flying open as the decadent taste of toffee blasted through me. Hope. All this time, he'd had hope, hope for me, that I would get him out. "I'm here, Cas. I'm here, come back to me, please," tears dripped down my face, falling onto his as I held him tightly, sobbing again when his eyes finally opened, bright, brilliant, honey-colored irises met my gaze,
"Yeah, I'm here," I whispered, "We're gonna get you home, okay?"
"Am I dead? Dreaming?"
"No, Cas, no, I'm here, I'm really here." I pressed my lips to his forehead, "And I'm never leaving your side ever again, never, do you hear me?"
"How?" He breathed, struggling to rise,
"Malik. He saved our asses,"
"I hated him, I hated him, and he kept me alive, he fed me, Poppy."
"I know, I know," I muttered, glancing back to the door, Delano gestured outwards, and I nodded, "We've got to get out, do you think you can walk?" He nodded but, even with his injuries fading, the moment I pulled him to his feet his eyes glazed in pain. Something was really, really wrong, and I barely managed to catch him before he slumped into my arms. Delano was by my side in an instant, slinging Casteel's arm over his shoulders, and half-carried, half-dragged him out of the cell. I couldn't help, I couldn't even see once we'd climbed back up the stairs, blindly following behind Kieran as Netta shifted back to her mortal form to help Delano with Casteel. I had no idea where we were, where we'd come from, but Kieran knew exactly where he was going, I had to trust him to get us out, to get us home. 
Light started to filter into the corridor, just a few more steps, just a few more steps until we could reach the others waiting just outside for us. I was still gripping Kieran's fur when he yelped, swaying on his feet, and crashed into me, knocking us both to the ground. Oh gods, that was an arrow protruding from his side,
"Get him out!" I screamed at Delano and Netta, "Get him out!" Kieran panted, struggling to his feet, but a second arrow slammed into his shoulder, sending him collapsing to the floor again. I lost control of exactly what I was doing, and simply reacted, throwing a shield of some sort up between us and the shapes emerging from the castle. The arrow in Keiran's side wasn't that bad, it was bleeding, a lot, but it didn't seem to have done too much damage, but the other one, the force at which it had slammed into him was too much, it was lodged in between his shoulder joints. The pain radiating from him was too much for a simple wound, and the fear, my heart stopped as I realized that the arrow must have splintered bone. "Shift," I muttered, "Kieran, shift." It was an order, nothing short of that, but he whimpered in pain at any movement, "Shift," I murmured again, numbing the pain as arrow after arrow slammed into my shield, distracting my attention. Kieran whined in pain again, but the next time I looked down at him, he'd shifted, and I pressed my hands against the wound in his side, trying desperately to stem the flow of blood. In a moment, Netta was beside us again, hauling Kieran backwards, and I made to follow them, but the moment that shield dropped, those arrows would be unleashed upon my people. I turned my attention back to the tunnel, to the people now concentrating on bringing that shield down. Revenants, a few Ascended with them, but mostly revenants. Without the draken, they would think themselves invincible, but it was the fire of the gods, not just the draken, that would bring them down.
"Poppy," Netta was almost at the end of the tunnel,
"Get back as far as you can. Get them out of here, I'll meet you soon." I didn't need the draken to kill the revenants, they used the fire of the gods, I was the fire of the gods, and that fire burned through my blood, erupting forwards towards my enemies. I was The Queen of Atlantia, standing between a brutal enemy and my people, I was the blood of the gods, I was a goddess, and I would not run any more, not now, now I was going to stand and fight for my people.
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belle-reads · 2 years
✨Review Time ✨
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✨This is your minor Spoiler Warning ✨
There is just so much I want to say about this book; my absolute favourite book of the series. I finished this book a while ago and I’m still reeling from everything that happened. Casteel and Poppy are in love, but the world will do anything to keep them apart. The Trio - Casteel, Poppy and Kieran are as strong as ever. The greatest threat to them and to Atlantia is what awaits in the far west, where the Queen of Blood and Ash is carrying out plans that she’s been developing for hundreds of years. Just like the other two books, shocking secrets and betrayals come to light, and enemies emerge to threaten everything Poppy and Casteel have fought for. 
I had to physically pick my jaw up off the FLOOR when it came to every twist and turn regarding Poppy. I am so unbelievably here for it. I’ll only say two things about this character; 1) Poppy’s family tree legitimately gave me the worst case of whiplash, and 2) Poppy, the new Daenerys Targaryen???? Give me more.
The love that radiates through these pages is indescribable. The love Casteel has for Poppy, and vice versa, is unmatched. I don’t think anyone can actually understand how much I love when one character is fatally injured and the other character is absolutely BROKEN; I’m talking when their voice is shaky and hoarse whilst telling their love interest everything will be okay, and they are willing to do anything to bring them back - including whats forbidden. 
You see a completely different side of Cas in this book. Yes, he is still that tall, dark haired, handsome, cocky tease that makes your heart flutter. But in this book, this man turns absolutely feral when the love of his life is kidnapped (I am in love with that concept as well), and you see him helpless, and broken, and so many other things that will just rip your heart out. Cas crying at the beginning of the book?!! No thank you. I thought that was heartbreaking, and when I thought I’d never have to endure that again, JLA GOES AHEAD AND HAS HIM BEGGING AT THE END TOO. stOP. I didn’t think it was possible, but I love him even more.
Anyway, I’m now deceased. The vamprys have sucked me dry and I’ve officially ascended. Please respect my privacy during this difficult time because book four is still months away. If you are thinking about reading this series, please do it. You will not regret it I promise you that. Your life will change for the better.
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transbibennyweir · 3 years
I think Whitechapel is a Place of Power where things have always been kind of weird (remember the druid tree? years upon years of rituals. Yeah) so it draws people like Jesse and the Weirs and at this point the weirdness is just entrenched and unremovable and if you're from there you just think life is Like That
i have a very long and similar hc like that jesse, his coven, and many that practiced witchcraft bought the weirdness to the town (although many of the witches found there to be natural magic to pull power from as well. many occult creatures from vampires to witches and beyond had settled in the town and added to the pile of weirdness making it into a magnet of magic and strangeness. {big warning for hc dump and very messy writing of some town history hcs among many other things mixed in!} 
my take on the history of the town involving the witches (like the weirs), humans (+ stern’s family), and vampires (and jesse’s coven):
jesse led a coven of vamps into a town to settle in. there had already been a lot of witches that been there and were commonly doing their own rituals and practices (the magic was very earth based i.e. the druid tree). the witch trails hadn’t hit the town yet and many of the witches didn’t trust the vampires and rumors started that the witches were going to rat out the vamps to the humans and jesse took upon himself to start his own witch hunt to drive them out and take over the town (and to earn the trust of the humans so his coven could stay and keep feeding) so soon following a witch and human team up to create the lucifractor to rid the town of vampires (and marked the first of the “spell masters” witches would more commonly start to work with humans and gain their trust that way.)
i have whole other post i want make how that works but the short of it is witches would be labeled spell masters if they worked under someone, it was like a job of their choosing. other names would pop up as well such as earth priestess who didn’t have masters but gave magical guidance and help. benny could still be considered a witch because he doesnt work under anyone but the use of witch was replaced by “spell casters”, witches that didn’t work for one person but still helped the town (kind of like a work for hire). the practice of working with humans did fade out though so did some of the names.
anyways, i think a weir and stern’s great great great grandfather are the ones to have made the lucifractor and jesse found out and like in canon dried stern’s grandfather dry, killing him while the weir was able to get away. eventually leading to jesse and his coven being burned in the church by a group of humans (led by a seer who had visions of the vampires). afterwards many of the people that practiced witchcraft no longer felt safe and many joined together to cast this soft of fog or aura that made it so humans wouldn’t be as aware of the magic and weirdness around them. those witches that created the “veil” also made it so magic was not boundless and would be self contained within the town so many creatures can enter but can’t leave either. so the weird magic never died away despite many going into hiding and like how you said towns people just believe life is just like That when living there, their eyes are clouded and it becomes harder for them to fully realize the magic and strangeness that they witness. the only humans that cant be tricked are the Seers who were considered important by everyone (humans/witches/vampries/werewolves/etc) for their abilities. 
there are different types of seers with varying powers and vague similarities such as sensing auras and seeing through the magical veil, the most valued being that of seers who have visions. many of them went into hiding and kept their powers a secret so their abilities couldn’t be abused. (many thought they were going crazy when they started getting visions before realizing what was happening as it was rare for a family to disclose their seer bloodline out of safety and many families forget about their often dormant abilities. although many are able to sense seers through their auras). 
so between the vamps being burned in the church (only to show up again much later. new covens showing up and staying out of human affairs) and seers going into hiding to protect themselves, and witches having either gone into hiding/been chased out or burned during the witch hunts, and magic being more on the low to stay safe from humans a lot of the town’s weirdness is more easily hidden especially with the magic veil keeping it out of human view although things change when jesse comes back (the spell that keeps humans out of the magical loop is still going strong up until the lucifractor goes off at the end of the show because of stern and it “resets” the town and its magic making it a lot more limitless but making it so humans can catch on to all the weirdness a lot easier if their not careful).
anyways this really got away from the point of the ask but i really wanted to go off about some hcs i had so feel free to add on to these ideas!! 
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christinesficrecs · 4 years
So, recently you got an ask about fics where Allison is still pack, they we're nice, but I'm missing some more - I wanted to know if you know of any fics where Allison and Stiles are friends, or Allison-centered (about her redemption) and with Sterek involved
Stiles & Allison Fics
CAPTIVE by writeonclara | 23.5K | Explicit
Stiles thinks he has college all figured out (despite his sourwolf of a roommate), until he gets scouted to be a model for the popular werewolf skinmag, CAPTIVE.
Cinderella Can Suck It by Inell | 10.6K | Explicit
All the best fairy tales have one thing in common: a happily ever after.
Strains of the Heart by clotpolesonly | 20.6K
Stiles has always worked with Scott for end-of-year projects. Only this year, Scott wants to work with his new girlfriend Allison, leaving Stiles without a partner. The only person not already partnered up is Derek Hale, first chair violin who has played for his sister Laura and only his sister Laura since joining the academy.
If he was just an asshole, Stiles could handle that. But Stiles has a vision for this project, one he's spent his whole life cultivating, and Derek? Derek just doesn't get it, and that Stiles cannot handle.
A Small Miscalculation by dragon_temeraire | 2.9K
Stiles might be dating Allison. Derek is definitely pining for Stiles. Chris just tries to help.
Tell Me You've Had Enough (My Dear We Still Have Everything) by crossroadswrite | 5.7K
“So,” he starts, pressing his lips together like he only does when he’s trying really hard not to cry. “What’s the best day of the week to potentially find out you’re pregnant with your ex’s baby? Because I feel like Thursday night sucks as a day to find that out.”
To Look Upon Your Face by Dexterous_Sinistrous | 36.9K | Explicit
The Great War between Vampires and Lycans has raged for more than 1,000 years. With the murder of his beloved still haunting his every waking moment, Derek Hale continues to fight Gerard's forces from the shadows. Yet for the past few centuries, an end to the war seems nonexistent. However, there is a new hope on the horizon—Scott McCall. There is something unique about Scott's blood, and the way he reacts to the bite.
As the Lycans track down Scott with hopes of purifying themselves and the Vampries—ripping immortality from them all—Death Dealers work to continue their focused mission: hunt the Lycans down, one by one, until they are extinct.
There just happens to be a problem: Stiles—a Vampire with no memory of how he came to be—of all people, recognizes Derek, just as Allison—Death Dealer and granddaughter of Vampire Elder Gerard—grows more and more attached to Scott, despite his ties to the Lycans.
Getting to Know You by Inell | 8.4K | Explicit 
Derek is back in Oregon temporarily, but he and Stiles still take time out of their busy lives to try to get to know each other a little bit better.
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mistwraiths · 3 years
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2 stars
Apologies for the blurry picture but I couldn't seem to find a good one. The Crown of Gilded Bones is the third book in the From Blood and Ash series. I want everyone to know I'll be putting on my clown makeup after I post this review because despite rating the first two books low and having issues with them, I somehow deluded myself into thinking this one might be better! It wasn't and dare I say it I think this was the worst one by far.
I'm genuinely trying to find something good about this book ot at least something I really enjoyed. I do like that the books pick up right where the last book ends up. The first few chapters are pretty exciting. Around page 600, the last few chapters are fast paced and things are happening. Other than that, I can't really think of anything I really liked about the book.
Crown of Gilded Bones majorly suffers, like its predecessors, in the same four ways. Being too long, repetition, world information and building, and nothing important to the central story or plot happening for huge chunks of pages.
I firmly believe that all the books were half their length and the story beats were quicker coming and longer, it would be far more enjoyable. Instead you're forced to slog through inner monologues that don't add anything new, Poppy getting dressed by Casteel, showers, and other mundane parts. I thought knowing that it would be slow would help me enjoy the book but nope. The whole deciding to go to the realm of the gods literally doesn't happen until nearly the end of 500 pages in.
The worst part about the book being far too long and nothing happening is that when something does happen, it gets rehashed several times to the point where I, as a reader, am exhausted about reading about talking about it. I'm a big lover of communication. I love it when characters who are working together or are together tell each other important information and trust each other, but this is different. Once something happens, it gets talked about it detail for a handful of chapters, usually lasting longer than the actual event itself, and then is brought up again to go over, and then again. It's frustrating because I just want to move on but the story is so determined to go over everything again.
That's not the only instances of repetition. I know authors tend to reuse certain words over again. SJM and her "croon" and "toes curl" and "barked/roared". I can forgive stuff. I can look over Jennifer's constant use of dimples. The honeydew part is the most disgusting. I don't care what flavor Poppy's vagina is. There's a difference when it comes to the same thing happening with the near similar responses/situations being used over and over again as an attempt in humor but it falls flat after its been used several times. I'm talking about the "I have a question" "No one is surprised by that" parts and the Poppy being prone to violence makes Casteel horny and Poppy has to be like you're disturbing. If it showed up once or twice after the initial one, I could get over it. But it's reused every so many chapters. If it's an attempt at humor, it is a poor one.
This book is number three in a series and this book is still chock-full of world building and world information. I could possibly forgive it since I suppose at the start Jennifer didn't plan for a big fantasy series, but it's too much. There's so much information being crammed at you and it's in a very obvious way. Poppy asks and Kiernan or Casteel answers. That's pretty much the only way Poppy and the reader learns anything. At this point, I feel like I need a glossary and timeline because there is so much information.
In fact, despite nothing happening, l don't know how it still feels that there is a lot going on. There's the Solis problem. There's the Poppy should be queen problem. There's the people have concerns of Poppy being queen. There's the Unseen problem. Another Dark One problem? Poppy's lineage/past mystery. Something about waking up the Consort? And a little bit more. It's a lot.
In the second book, I liked Poppy (sort of), Casteel, and Kiernan. However, I find myself not liking any of them that much. From personality to saying similar things, they all feel very much the same character. There's not much difference in personalities or dialogue. About the only difference is that Kiernan is cool, Poppy is compassionate when it suits the narrative, and Casteel is protective. Other than that, there's not much of a difference between any of them.
Poppy is pretty much the same as always. Massively overpowered and incredibly special, doesn't know anything about her world that she lives in, and somehow despite being so special and powerful, she's kidnapped and hurt and then levels up again. We are forcefully spoon-fed how Poppy is so strong, so beautiful, so intelligent and clever. I haven't found one instance that I've been wow that was smart. Poppy's powers she inherently knows how to use perfectly the moment she gets them.
There's also almost no female interactions or female friendships with Poppy. Tawny was barely there in the first one but when she surprisingly shows up here, she's immediately rendered injured and unconscious. We're told Vonetta and Poppy are friends, but there's been almost no interactions. Vonetta gave her clothes once and then delivered a message later. Is that a basis for friendship? Vonetta eventually falls in a hole and Poppy saves her. That's about it. Ileana and Eloana are both older motherly types but also significant worrisome individuals for Poppy internally. Again, there's like one conversation each with them individually. Lyra is introduced to us by giving Kiernan a blow job but no interactions. Hisa and Nova are soldiers but no interactions. It's even mentioned that female draken are rare, but I'd argue that female characters are exceptionally rare. It's ridiculous. It's like there isn't any female that's allowed to have a moment of spotlight or competency other than Poppy. Poppy also has a moment of nastiness that's out of character when she threatens a woman who admitted to her that she had no interest in Casteel and Casteel had said the same and he wasn't interested in her, and she threatens to rip her limb from limb. It's so sudden and startlingly and leaves a terrible taste in my mouth.
As for Casteel, I no longer like him nor do I think he's a good guy. I think he's capable of good, being good, doing good but there's too many times where he's been vocal about killing anyone and burning his own kingdom down if Poppy doesn't get her own freedom of choice or what she want and what not. It's played out as the most truest love but to me, that's like a villain kind of love. If someone I loved burned down a city because I didn't get to choose what I wanted, I'd call the police. The craziest thing I had to read is people believing that Casteel would make a good king when he legitimately states that Poppy's needs comes before his own kingdom's needs. And if hers are met, the kingdom's could be met. That's not how any of that works!
He also does something incredibly reckless. I get it, he couldn't live without Poppy so he chooses to Ascend her. I can wrap my head around it. The fact of the matter is that Casteel refuses to take the blame or even entertain the consequences that could have resulted in that and how reckless it was. Poppy even refuses to allow the conversation. They are both like: I am not a vampry. Nothing bad happened so let's move on. It's astounding. Not only that but I felt it extremely odd that Poppy would have been okay with Casteel making her into a vampry, something incredibly dangerous and something she hates and would never want to be. It's just oh okay well luckily I didn't turn into one. And that's... it? It would have made good tension but no. Instead, they're just in love so much we have to listen to Casteel tell her how strong and beautiful she is every twenty pages.
I was excited to learn more about Kiernan but I still couldn't tell you much about him. Best friends with Casteel, a wolven, and he's always like "no one is surprised by Poppy having question". That's about all I know of him. Those are all things I knew about him in the second book.
Some other things I had issues with is that the villains are eager to spill everything about their plans. I feel like I'm watching a cartoon show with their villain monologues going on and on. Everyone except for Poppy is knowledgeable about everything!! People are constantly apologizing for things they have no control of. Characters somehow know exactly what to say to Poppy all the time like mind reading. I'm annoyed that the gods realm and the draken were such short parts.
When the reveals and the action which took 600 pages to get to happened, I really couldn't find myself caring. Reading felt like a chore. I'm not worried about any of the characters. I don't know if I'm interested anymore in reading this series because it feels like work trying to read it. I'm here for enjoyment and I'm not having a good time.
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the-fiction-witch · 4 years
The Human Queen : Bunny
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I smiled as I walked through the forest with Thomas holding my hand as we hunted, as the sun began to fall below the sky. Lucas was in tow of course mostly to translate for us until we stopped as Thomas heard something he gave my cheek a kiss before he ran off to hunt.
"So, How's the honeymoon?" Lucas asked
"what?" I laughed
"Wel you two should be getting to the end of your honeymoon period now" he explained
"I'm happy" I smiled "I'm truly happy here"
"Good, so I don't need to write to your father and have him order you home?"
"No, I like it here, Who knows maybe I'll be queen someday"
"Really?" He laughed and I glared at him "I meant no disrespect, My Lady"
"Good, you forget sometimes who your talking too Lucas" I laughed "I have every faith in my husband, I think will be king someday"
"Yes My lady," he says just as Thomas growled as he was chasing a little rabbit
"Ohh Thomas no," I said kneeling down and picking up the little bunny "Please don't kill it, Thomas, it's so cute," I said cuddling it close and petting its little ears
"Dinner" He growled trying to take the bunny from me
"No thomas please, Let me keep him" I begged Thomas looked at me and the bunny questionably before Lucas said something to him In Vampri and he smiled and nodded "really?" I asked "Wife can keep bun" he says "Oohh Thomas, thank you" I smiled hugging him closer trying not to squish the bunny between us before walking along petting it's soft fuzzy fur, Thomas went off to hunt again giving me his usual kiss "what did you say to him?' I asked "I simply reminded him that.... Human women like having something to mother" Lucas laughed "he was fine with it really" "Thanks Lucas" I smiled "It's fine, I just translate" Once we had got enough hunting for today we headed back to our little house Lucas bidding fairwell as he got home, I put my bunny on the floor letting it explore the house as I got ready for bed "Ummm beautiful wife" Thomas smiled gently giving me a cuddle as he sorted for bed too "Aww your too sweet Thomas" I laughed "Did my little Huntress want to... Bed tonight?" He asked his English getting much better I smiled and nodded so he quickly kissed me gently but still roughly pushed me on the bed, as much as I was consenting I still didn't much enjoy us having sex laid on my stomach as he works fast and hard even if he tries to slow and make it nice for me too but I sighed and moved away "something... wrong? Did I hurt my huntress?" He asked holding my hands "No Thomas... I just I wanna try something" I suggest pushing him on our bed he was very confused what is as doing as I moved to mount his hips he looked nervous before I moved a little and he slipped inside me "Uuuhhh!! Uhhhh!" He groaned rolling his head on his pillow in shock, it felt all bubbly in my tummy to so I kept going I watched his eyes and he watched my own as we both moved our hips desperately attentive to each other he sat up a little to kiss me so I kissed back often giggling when he kissed down my neck until I felt a firework explode in my stomach and I know he finished too as I squealed "uhh... Uhhh i- I uhh" he stuttered struggling with his words both stuggling to recall them and stuggling to get his breath back "I" he smiled before tapping my chest "my little Huntress" he smiled "You what?" I laughed "I... I don't know word" "Heart?" I asked and he asks "it's called love Thomas" "Love... I love wife, I love my huntress" he smiled nuzzling close to me and I blushed hard "I love you too"
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nikkxb · 4 years
WIP Roundup
* Updated October 10, 2020.
Active WIPs:
✅ All that Glitters -- Rewrite the ball scenes I know I should finish the pre-ball scenes and prep work, but I have a feeling that reworking the ball would help me figure out what’s going on in the beginning. I already discovered new things to fix and the writing style needs reworked, so maybe that will help me figure out what leads up to the angsty pining.
✅ Defensive Interference -- Write Chapter 13 Every time I’m convinced I’ll never return to this story, a super sweet review comes in and drops this back at my feet. I’m getting to the crux of Sesshoumaru and Kagome’s struggles, but there’s also Kouga’s problems at the high school to contend with. Not to mention that Kagome hasn’t met the rest of Kouga’s pack and I’m guessing that should be happening soon?
Halloween -- Finish first draft. I have a solid start and I’m really liking where it’s going. I just need to create the lore I’m using, the language, and the culture because I feel it’ll be easier for me to make up one than find an existing one that fits (and also be much less offensive).
Little Touches -- Write Chapter 8 My only non-Inuyasha WIP. Part of me is okay leaving it unfinished, but part of me really wants to finish it. I think it’ll need at least two more chapters to flesh out into a good end, probably three. Maybe I’ll hit it when I want to run away from everything else.
✅ Living -- Write Chapter 12 Kagome is finally going to meet Sango! Which means there will be more information and answers about vampries and that will be interesting to figure out. But then I can get on with weaving Miroku further into the plot and oh, he’s so much fun to write in this fic even though he’s a supporting character. I’m just not sure what’s going to happen with Inuyasha yet.
✅ Pajamas -- Finish Intermission I know what the intermission is going to look like between Part I and II. Why is there an intermission? Good question. There just is. But what is it building up to? I think I just have to accept that this little one-shot spiraled out of control. Intermission may end up being 5k words and Part II is going to be who knows how long. But that does give me a lot to work with in terms of timeline and I do have supporting characters to help me figure out the rest of the plot.
✅ Running Game -- Write Chapter 4 I have a very solid idea of what their first time is going to look like which, while helpful, is aggravating because that’s a few chapters away. Buuuuut Kouga flirting is always a favorite and writing them both at a bar while Kagome is crawling out of her skin should make way for some awesome development and discovery.
✅ Sparks Fly in July -- Finish at least one prompt per week of event. Week 1 is drafted, needs to be rewritten and edited.  Week 2 is halfway done, then needs to be edited at minimum. Finish Weeks 3 and 4, then see if writing for the second prompts is feasible.
✅ What Could Have Been -- Write Chapter 2 The first chapter has a lot of little things scattered through it. I have a solid idea of where they’re going first, but following the end of the fake jewels is going to be the climax of the story. I just don’t know what’s going to happen with that (then again, what else is new? I never know what’s going to happen), but I think it’ll work out pretty well. Learning this new Kouga has been a lot of fun.
Inactive WIPs:
Clean -- Nikki. You are an IDIOT for putting this here. OKAY BUT. How do they turn back to normal? What does their journey look like?  What happens to them? Could I potentially flesh out the rest of this story? *I’m going to at minimum finish Living before I see if I can do anything else with this.
Demon!Kouga AU -- I opened my big mouth. I think this could be a fun exercise. If I really go in depth in the dreams, I could play with the horror tropes I love reading in other fics. It has potential to play in with a lot of genres while still maintaining a modern feel. I do need to think about what Kouga’s demon form looks like and what it actually is. This fic might be marinating for a long while.
Motorcycle Club AU -- I should trash this and never speak of it again. I have ideas. And it would be fun to write. But I don’t think I want to write this one. So I’m going to move it into this particular section and let it sit and maybe, when I’m ready, I can think about revisiting it. After Living, WCHB, and Running Game are complete, minimum.
Ocean Blues -- One more little snippet? Nikki, you know people would eat angsty smut right up. Especially in this AU where it’s pining and caring and goodbye sex. And I do have a solid idea of what’s going to happen -- it’s literally right there in the one-shot. Maybe when I finish a couple of the shorter WIPs (ie. Pajamas, What Could Have Been) I can see if i can get something out for this.
Time Traveling Kouga -- Where is this going? How did he get through the well? Why did he show up? Can he go back? What is his purpose there -- other than getting Kagome to fall in love with him? I have a lot of questions about this one., but I did start it with the intention that it would only be a single one-shot to play in the AU. Could be yet another one I write and then leave, but... Hm. I’ll have to reread what I have and see if it’s worth salvaging.
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 5 years
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Summary: The guys find out that the reader is a vampire on a hunt...
Pairing: Sam x Vampire!reader
Square: Vamprie
Word Count: 1,500ish
Warnings: none
A/N: Written for @spngenrebingo
“Dean, stop!” shouted Sam, your hand on your cut up shoulder as you hid behind him.
“Oh come on dude. She’s a vamp and she’s been playing us,” said Dean. “Move before she tries to take a bite out of you.”
“Dean, she saved us. Both of us. She got hurt for us,” said Sam, keeping a careful eye on you as you poked your head around him at Dean.
“She’s a monster,” said Dean.
“What about Benny huh?” said Sam.
“I killed Benny in the end,” said Dean. “I’m sorry but she has to go. Now get your ass over here Y/N and I’ll do it quick.”
“Last night you were best friends and calling her lil sis. Now you’re going to kill her?” said Sam.
“You seem strangely calm about this, Sam. Did you know?” asked Dean.
“No,” said Sam, the hurt in his voice loud and clear. “But-“
“Y/N,” said Dean, shoving past Sam. You hopped back but hit a wall, Dean flipping his blade around. You slid down, Dean cocking his head at you. “Stand up.”
“You’re going to kill me,” you said.
“Have a little dignity while it happens,” he said. Your eyes felt hot and watery but you stood up, Dean shaking his head at you. “This really how you want it to happen?”
“It doesn’t matter. You both hate me,” you said, Sam on his feet again. He grabbed Dean’s arm and pulled him aside before closing their eyes and muttering to each other. Sam left and your bottom lip wobbled. “G-get it over with already.”
“If you want to go that route we can but...Sam is getting the vamp cuffs,” said Dean.
“You’re not-“
“I didn’t say we’re not. But you could have killed us both tonight and you didn’t. You got one shot, Y/N and I mean only one,” he said. “Understand?”
You’d never been so relieved to be threatened in your life.
“Hi,” you said quietly when they came into the dungeon. Sam gave you a nod but after saying something to Dean, he left. You swallowed hard, Dean rolling his eyes at you.
“I’m not going to torture you. We’re going to have a civil conversation,” he said. “Starting with how you became a vamp.”
“It sounds nuts but my babysitter when I was really little snuck in her boyfriend. He was a vamp and after their makeout session got heated, he turned her. And...then he found me and turned me,” you said. “My parents came home from their date and the guy was going to turn them too but my dad-“
“I’ve met your dad. Don’t piss him off,” said Dean.
“Exactly. Once they realized I wanted blood to drink, they researched and they got me some animal blood since-“
“Your dad works at a butcher,” said Dean.
“I’ve never tasted human blood, I swear,” you said.
“But you did drink some kind of blood so the cure won’t work,” he said.
“You guys were out on a hunt. I tried to do the cure once. Threw up half the night,” you said, Dean’s face still as hard and unreadable as when he entered.
“So you’re a vamp that hunts vamps,” he said.
“I was four. I didn’t exactly consent to this,” you said.
“Have you ever hurt anyone?” he asked.
“I’m pretty sure I broke Sam’s heart and your trust,” you said. “Other than that, no.”
“You’ve lived here close to six months. How come we never saw you drinking any of this blood?” he asked.
“You actually do see me. All the time. My protein shakes. I make them up at the butcher and you guys think I just buy them at the store,” you said.
“And your butcher friend just gives you blood for free?” asked Dean.
“The one in town here is really good friends with my family. They help me. They think it’s like a medical condition insurance won’t cover,” you said with a gulp.
“Were you ever planning on telling us?” he asked.
“Someday,” you said. “But I was afraid so I didn’t.”
Dean breathed heavily, rubbing his palms against his eyes. He pulled his hand away and ran it over his mouth. He stared at you for a long time before he reached into his back pocket, pulling out his switchblade.
“Dean I was telling the truth,” you said. He flicked it open and stood up, walking in front of you. Then he sliced the blade along his arm and put it in front of your face. “What are you doing?”
“Do I smell tasty?” he said, moving it closer to your face.
“You smell like you need a shower,” you said, scrunching up your face. “Human blood is as revolting to me as it is to you at this point.”
“So you have drunk human blood,” he said, pulling his arm away.
“I was in a car accident with friends when I was younger. There was sort of blood all over the place and some went in my mouth,” you said.
“And?” he asked.
“And it tasted like metal and gross. I didn’t go suck anybody dry, Dean,” you said. He bit his bottom lip at your word choice and you finally relaxed. “You’re not going to kill me.”
“Never was,” he said sadly, putting his blade away. “Stop shaking like a leaf around me, sweetheart. I don’t like it.”
“What’s with the games then?” you asked as he started to uncuff you.
“You were a bit petrified so you didn’t notice it as much but Sammy, he’s taking this pretty hard. I knew I had to be bad cop and make sure everything was alright,” he said.
“Why don’t you hate me?” you asked.
“Because I don’t. I’m pissed as hell over this lying thing but I just don’t,” he said with a shrug. “You owe me like 12,000 homemade pies though.”
“I’ll get started on that,” you said, Dean holding up a hand when you stood.
“Let me go talk to Sam. Clean up your shoulder, Twilight,” he said.
“How original of you.”
“Hi Sam,” you said, Sam grunting when you opened the door to your room. “Dean talked to you?”
“Yup,” he said, closing his eyes as he sat back on the bed.
“Do you hate me?” you asked.
“I hate that you didn’t trust me enough,” said Sam.
“I told you things about Lucifer and the cage, things I’ve never told anyone. Stuff...you couldn’t tell me this? You thought I’d what, try to hunt you? Hurt you? In case you didn’t notice, my first instinct tonight was to protect you,” he said.
“I can say I’m sorry Sam but I can tell you the truth too and I was scared. Not that you would hurt me. That you’d see me as some disgusting monster,” you said.
“I’m the one with demon blood in him,” he said. “It would be a bit hypocritical of me.”
“I was scared and you understand what it’s like to be scared so please don’t think I did it to hurt you,” you said. He opened his eyes and turned his head, eyes roaming over you.
“You don’t look scared,” he said.
“I’m not anymore. Trust me, I will beat myself up about this far worse than you ever will,” you said.
“No,” said Sam, opening his hand, curling his fingers for you to sit with him.
“Huh?” you asked, Sam throwing his big arms around you and pulling you down into a hug.
“We already beat ourselves up enough. No more,” he said.
“How do I get your trust back?” you asked. He shrugged but held you tight.
That was more than good enough for now.
Two Months Later
“Nope,” you said, grabbing the werewolf that was going for Dean, Sam getting a perfect shot as you held him still. “Don’t be messing with my Winchesters.”
“Hey, that was risky and you know it,” said Sam.
“I’m strong,” you said.
“Yeah but I still prefer my girlfriend in one piece,” said Sam. You nodded, helping clean up until Sam was tugging you outside.
“Beside the stepping in thing, did I do something wrong?” you asked. Sam shook his head and gave you a kiss, the first in a very long time.
“I want to go back to this if that’s okay with you,” said Sam, lacing his fingers with yours.
“Yeah,” you said. “It’s more than okay with me.”
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butlerofthecount · 4 years
Tagged by (Kind of?): @ducktales-wco-oo and @gamblealife
Tagging: @tuesdayscanons​, @ketchupblood​, @airborne-disaster​, @listofevilinventions​, @darkwiing​, @pick-and-shovel-laborer​, and whoever else wants to!
Regular - Dextrius | Bold - Goosewing | Italics - Dexter
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layer one : the outside
Name -   Count (Dextrious) Duckula, Ludwig Von Goosewing, Count (Dexter) Duckula Eye colour - Crimson, Puke Green-Yellow, Obsidian Hair style / colour -  Black with purple streaks; fashioned with a fire motif in mind (Might as well have himself look hot, right?), Short and messy white, Medium-short raven hair that is nicely parted at the middle, yet some of the strands are uneven compared to other strands. Height -  4′7″, 4′8 1/2″, 4′7″ Clothing style - A stylized formal suit with some jewelry to complete the look. Flames are also visible on his cloak, though they aren’t real, just a part of the design. He prefers a classy bright violet and is proud of it. | Some undergarments like an undershirt and boxers with a heart pattern on them, pants, a vest, scarlet bow tie, spats on loafers, and a deerskin coat and hat to complete his attire. | A simple black suit jacket over a button up shirt with a red bow tie and a lavender cloak that reaches the floor. Best physical feature - Beak, arms, and chest. His small fangs can be seen as attractive, but also misleading for some of his more vampire traits, like how his arms may seem wimpy but have more to them than just their looks. What doesn’t disappoint is his chest however, as he does try to stay fit for his own satisfaction. | Chest and abdomen, as he is probably the most vulnerable there. Tries to stay clean and soft for the ladies. | Eyes, beak, and hands, for how gentle and smooth they feel, especially the last two.
layer two : the inside
Fears - Looking bad in front of a crowd, not being able to fulfill his dream of being a star, losing anything that he has gained at this point, Being alone, dying, and holy men and their items. | Not honoring his family lineage, going against his parent’s wishes, physically unpleasing people (to look at), old age, his insecurities, and being embarrassed. | Meat, Flesh, Blood, anything related to animals and their insides, terrible people, being used or abused by others, giant vegetable monsters, death in general, pain, confrontations with those much larger or heavier than him, and true vampries. Guilty pleasure -  Playing video games, interacting with the villagers in casual chats, much to Igor’s dismay, going out partying and clubbing (He’s been through some things), and exercising. | Having conversations with his imaginary partner, Heinrich, using technology to date and mingle with others, Tries to attend the Vampire Hunter’s convention but usually gets denied, and his drinking problems. | Gambling and playing cards, trying to pretty up his hair and attire, keeping his feathers well plumed, and writing songs. Biggest pet peeve - Being given orders or bossed around | Being seen as a laughingstock or a lolcow. | Not being taken as seriously as he wants to be, despite his appearance. Ambitions for the future - Wants to be the most well recognized person in the world, no, in reality. He seeks the best, as he only deserves the best. | To avenge his parents’ death and rid the world of all vampires, while also continuing his bloodline. | To live his life the way he wants to, not how Igor desires. 
layer three : thoughts
First thoughts upon waking up: - “So what’s the plan for today? Making a ruckus, plastering my luxurious face in several cities? Ah, I’ll think of something, I always do!” | “Eh heh, I hope dat my bed doesn’t need repairing again.” | “Ah! I better turn off the alarm clock before Nanny arrives!” What you think about most: - “What can I do to make myself the best, the most fantastic, the one that never winces from danger?” | “Duckula, you fiend, I will get you, and when I do, your end will be assured!!” | “Hm... I’m not sure what I think about most. Is it broccoli sandwiches? Or looking good? Hrm...” What you think about before bed: - “Ah, another plan foiled yet again. Oh well, better try again tomorrow!” | “I wonder what I might find in my dreams? Hopefully I’ll get an idea from dere...” | “Hopefully no one tries to make a rustle while I’m asleep. Don’t need to lose any more sleep than I already have.”
I wonder if: - “I wonder if anyone... really likes me for who I am?” | “I wonder if what I am doing is going to end the terror?” | “I wonder if there will be a day when Igor gives up his griping?”
What your best quality is: -  Charismatic! | Honor! | Kindness!
layer four : what’s better ?
Single or group dates - Group | Group | Single To be loved or respected - Loved | Respected | Respected Beauty or brains - Beauty (But he’s no slouch on brains) | Brains (But he wants beautiful partners) | Both (As he respects someone for who they are.) Dogs or cats - Dogs (Doesn’t mind Towser at all.) | Dogs (Cats just don’t like him and his way of life.) | Cats (He loves to pet them and they love to rest on his lap.)
layer five : do you…
Lie -  For certain | Only when forced to or to further his plans | Tries not to but has Believe in yourself - Without a doubt! Well, maybe one | Confidence drives his soul | Sometimes. Believe in love - Craves it! | Surely! | Yes. Want someone - They all do, just for their own reasons. Dexter’s the least yearning of one.
layer six : ever been …
Been on stage: - So many times | Once or twice | A couple of times Done drugs: - It’s safe to say yes, he’s done some, but it’s not like they’ve really affected him (Thanks to his supernatural tolerance) | No, besides alcohol and tobacco | He hasn’t really yet, but if he did, he’d have less tolerance compared to Dextrius Changed who you were to fit in: - He’s tried to adapt but for all of his attempts, he just can’t change who he really is. | He’s not willing to really change for others as he likes who he is and doesn’t feel like changing until his goals are complete. | Whether it’s to his life as a marshall or as a space bounty hunter, Dexter changes to try and make something different of himself from the rest of his bloodline. To be better than them.
layer seven : favorites
Favourite color - Red-Violet | Goldenrod | Emerald Green Favourite animal - Werewolves | Dogs | cats Favourite movie - Vines (Meme-craving pity duck) | Hasn’t seen any movies | Top Gun Favourite game - DarkStalkers: The Night Warriors | Doesn’t have any but Castlevania might be an interest | Red Dead Redemption (needs some place to get electricity for it though.)
layer eight : age
Day your next birthday will be -  October 23rd | April 8th | October 23rd How old will you be -, 35 or 879 | 67 | 45 or 889 Age you lost your virginity - For all of the silly stuff he’s done while at parties, he hasn’t lost it yet. He doesn’t know why, but it might have something to do with his fangs and him being a vampire... Or just unsatisfying to have “fun” with. | Oh, for sure nope. He’s been trying to for a good while. | Not yet, but isn’t pushing to get that changed either. Does age matter - Not really for Dextrius (He’s no pedo though) | Somewhat for Ludwig | And most definitely for Dexter
layer nine : in a person
Best personality - Supportive | Tolerant | Funny and Quirky Best eye colour - Really doesn’t matter | Sapphire Blue | Not really on that Best hair colour -  Radical or Unusual Hair Color | Natural Hair | Not really adamant on a specific color or type Best thing to do with a partner -  Have them adore and fawn over him, tend to his desires, snuggle with as he plants some kisses... not the deadly kind | To converse and put up with his shenanigans, perhaps even go out on romantic occasions if he can | Actually uncertain of what he wants
layer ten : finish the sentence
“I love - me and everything about my self... except for the insecurities. Those I can do without.” | “I love dat I know have de chance to bring honor to my family name and dis time, I will do it right!!” | “I love who I am, and the good people that I protect. And Nanny and Igor too. I can never forget them!!” “I feel - ...like I’m doing something wrong sometimes. Like I have to be different, and adapt to make people like me.” | “I feel as if dis device is not doing what I want it to do. Hrm... Stupid contraption!! Heh, why do dese dings always go haywire?” | “I feel like there may be something in my clothes... Is that you, Spurs? Ah, nope. Just a rat.” “I hide - my issues that I don’t want peeps to see. If they did see it, then they wouldn’t like me for sure. I know it.” | “I hide my wampire weapons for any visitors. Wouldn’t want to get another accident on my conscious, heh heh.” | “I hide whenever I get scared. It just seems like the best course of action sometimes, but when no one else will rise up, I’ll just have to. For everyone else.” “I miss - earlier times. Back then I could have done so much different to get what I want.” | “I miss my parents. They were very loving and caring, and seemed like great people.” | “I miss my time for the daily lunch broccoli sandwich. Hmph, looks like I have to make it myself...” “I wish - that I could be famous. Whether it’s by the country, the world, or even the universe. I just wish people would see me, and all that I have to offer.” | “I wish I could find a way to stop all of de wampires. Dat way, I can carry on with finding someone for me.” | “I wish my ammo wouldn’t keep getting clogged or misfiring. I need to shoot when I want to shoot!”
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