#and their canon is all over the place but eh. we learn on the job
spite-and-waffles · 1 year
In this fic I'm reading, Jason collects parental figures the way Bruce collects orphans. This isn't particularly borne out in canon but I'm going to incorporate it into my belief system. It's too hilarious not to. My homicidal little scamp.
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council-of-beetroot · 3 months
Maybe it's out of your area of focus, but there's some interesting fanon that parallels Eastern Europe (east of the Iron curtain at least) under Soviet influence with Latin America under US influence.
Latin America isn't canon in Hetalia yet, but they argue that America would be as big of a dick as Russia when it comes to Cold War interactions. What do you think about this?
Forgive me anon I spent an hour typing this out then today woke up in a daze having little recollection of the night before and soon realizing I never posted this.
You're actually in luck because I have a small amount of background knowledge around Latin America during the cold war. I speak Spanish so one of the ways I would practice was reading a lot of historical fiction and non fiction and my teachers also taught a good amount of this in class.
Now my base knowledge is eastern Europe so learning about these parallels between both the US and the USSR in this era was quite interesting. Coming from an Eastern European perspective, the US is seen to this day as the better of the two, which is understandable given our history. Now it's interesting because I find that in Latin America or the Global south as a whole, Russia/ The USSR tends to be viewed in a softer light. I've noticed this in Hetalia depictions as well.
I think this all comes back to believing the grass is greener on the other side when in reality both sides weren't doing too hot. For me it became apparent that stories like those talking about los desaparecidos feel similar to those told in areas near Augustów.
Now I do advise against viewing both powers as identical. Just because the US for example isn't perfect, doesn't mean the glorious communist revolution will solve all of your problems
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Now as for Alfred and Ivan there's a lot of similarities between them during this period. Both have a certain naïveté to their mindsets. They both believe what they are doing is justified. However Ivan tends to view his actions in a mindset of utopia justifies the means, while Alfred acts because he believes what he's doing is right. Both believe that there is no middle ground it's one or the other.
Now their refusal to see shades of grey makes them frustrating to deal with if you're any nation caught in their sphere of influence.
Even before Hetalia I kind of jokingly would say that basically the cold war can be summed up to be akin to two girls arguing over who has more friends and who has more stuff and making it everyone's problem in the fifth grade. Basically if you're acquainted with one you better not hang out with their rival.
Now this gets annoying fast when these two are calling the shots, failing to see how they are impacting everyone around them.
Both use delusions of greatness to cope with the failures of their systems.
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This is basically how it's described in any us highschool history class. Now freedom seems hypocritical when segregation was a thing and when there's lots of barriers in place when many try to exercise those freedoms. Additionally meddling in democratic elections in foreign countries feels undemocratic.
Highlighting democracy as a key difference feels a bit odd if you are Martín and expressing dissent will ensure your family will never be seen again.
Also how free are you to have an opinion when say you disagree with Alfred it means you are in favour of Ivan. To this day if someone says healthcare reforms there are people that say we can't do that that's communist.
Now Alfred's way of doing things is unstable while Ivan what you forfeit in freedoms you get hypothetically in equality and security. Your house rent is going to remain the same, your job is going to remain the same. Now just like the hypocrisy of Alfred Ivan is full of hypocrisy as things are never truly equal, strange how the government employees have access to way more than you, and somehow despite being equal your culture is discouraged.
Now for the question do I think Alfred is more of a dick eh not really. I think both Alfred and Ivan have a lot of power and they view that power like kids in a sandbox. Do I think they aren't dicks? Eh no, not really
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lycanlovingvampyre · 1 year
TMA Liveshow Relisten
Activity on my first listen: cutting the jasmine and Buddleja in my garden.
ALEX: "The audio in today’s episode was recorded at our first Magnus liveshow as part of the London Podcast Festival Presents audio drama event in 2019." First (?) Magnus liveshow? Just curious, were there more than one shows? I only ever saw content from this on.
ALEX: "The events take place prior to the first episode of The Magnus Archives, and can be considered canon." Canon you say, eh? So does this mean, occasionally, The Magnus Archives actually IS a workplace comedy???
JON: "Right. Well, I’m sure I can figure it out, I was – (shaky inhale) – thinking of, uh – digitising some of the more commonly accessed statements and then – some – general… (trails off) …archiving." Everybody always asks "What is archiving?", but nobody asks "How is archiving...?" xD (plus it’s a show called “Archives” and nobody actually knows what that means in a workplace environment XD Comedy at its finest xD)
I love how with the laughs and how the actors actually... pause for laughter this actually feels like a 90s sitcom!
ROSIE: "Miss Robinson was getting… on, a little bit- and it must have been very hard for her. Did, um. Did you ever meet her at all?" JON: "Erm – not really; a few times – I don’t think she liked me much." [[SCATTERED LAUGHTER]] ROSIE: (audible grimace) "…No." So is it true, what the Stranger was leading on. Gertrude would have been so disappointed to see Jon become the new Archivist and how that's going.
JON: "I mean, there were a lot of rumors, floating around Research, obviously. According to them, she  (sensationalizing) ‘died at this very desk.’" Always the curious one, always asking one too many questions.
MARTIN: "Hey, sorry; you haven’t seen a dog, have you?" I love that we get to see that scene! It has been already established in the launch trailer (the one with the vigilo audio opperior whisper) where Jon says "I swear, if he’s brought another dog in here, I’m going to peel him." after calling out for Martin.
JON: "I’m s– Sorry, what?" MARTIN: "Um – Uh, a dog, a-a Spaniel, I think." JON: "In – In general, or?…" And that was the last time, Jon said anything not laced with contempt to Martin for about a year!
It's so funny how extremely anxious Martin is here. Because when we meet him for the first time in MAG 22 he doesn't sound THAT intimidated by Jon at all. Still, I guess it's pretty stressful already fucking up on the first day of your new position.
JON: "So I’m your boss." [PAUSE.] MARTIN: "I mean, I guess." [SMALL HEH.] [[SLIGHT LAUGHTER]] JON: "Which means that technically – (small, smug *heh*) – I have the power to – dismiss you, if this dog situation is not resolved immediately." [SLIGHT LAUGHTER]] MARTIN: "I mean, yeah, probably." [HE GIVES A SMALL LAUGH.] [[LAUGHTER]] Martin is just too deep in the gay headspace to realize that this has a subtext.
JON: "Well that’s – (exhale) not ideal." I mean, I kinda get it... He took a job he knows he's not qualified for. He asked the person to move down to the Archives with him who actually is qualified for this Job and is constantly overshadowed by her. He takes the job over from someone who mysteriously disappeared or died with the possibility that she had been the victim of a crime. The Archives are in an absolute state of chaos and he realizes he probably bit off more than he can chew. He gets that creepy feeling of being watched. And then, someone who at least seems less qualified than him (he later learns that Martin also might be more qualified and then again later learns that Martin is indeed super not-qualified at all...) has been assigned as his assistant without him knowing anything about it and that very person let a dog into the Archives! I'd probably be on the verge of a breakdown (without being an asshole though, most likely I’d beg the others to help me.)
So the statement of MAG 2 takes longer than the ambiance track xD
TIM: (coming into view) "Right, yeah. Oh! The Gillespie statement! That’s a proper weird one, right?" Ah, the old Tim energy!
TIM: "Oh, uh, yes, uh – mm. Hypothetically –" [[LAUGHTER]] TIM (CONT’D): "What would you say, if I said that there was a…" [HE TRAILS OFF. THE ARCHIVIST SIGHS.] TIM (CONT’D): "Dog." [[UPROAR OF LAUGHTER]] TIM (CONT’D): "Situation. In the Archives." Seriously, I'm pretty pleased with the amount of jokes there are in TMA, there are sooo many good ones. But I surely wouldn't mind something like these three scenes every once in a while as bonus! So I hope this stuff keeps coming occasionally in Protocol. These three scenes here are such a gem!
JON: "I would ask if it was getting worse?" TIM: (relaxing) "Okay, alright, cool, so, right –" Tim be like "Okay considering Jon's grumpy worksona, this is going pretty well so far!!"
JON: "Tim." TIM: "Hypothetically –" JON: "Tim!" TIM: "I – Yeah, yeah, there’s a dog situation in the Archives. There’s a – there’s a mess –" Tim gave up, he knows that Jon knows, no way to salvage this xD
JON: "Come on, let’s – (inhale) Let’s deal with this before it escalates." I love how they all went to hunt that dog down together xD Right after the pack dynamic domain episode!
TIM: "Oh, recording equipment, um – (blows air through teeth) Oh! Yeah, the – I think there are some old tape recorders in the storage." [BRIEF PAUSE.] JON: "That could work." You know, that is not sooooo out-of-this-world-ish... Just 2 weeks ago I came into the office fully bracing myself that I had to use the tape recorder that day because there was a big maintenance the week before (that was actually the reason I even showed up at all. Usually I’d stay in home office). System shutdown for several hours. Turns out, no one wants to use the bloody tape recorders anymore, so god knows what they did during maintenance.
Magnus outro song starts. Everybody sitting on nails like "Say the line, Alex!" Alex: "The Magnus Archives is a podcast distributed by Rusty Quill and licensed under..."
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justcallmealt · 10 months
So, if you remember that anyone who Hokma hired to work in Lobcorp has the *potential*, when placed in the Well and cultivating the right conditions, to become an anomaly symbolizing the history, sins, fears of this human, then I suppose we can talk about Fau, Devona and Rogan. Unfortunately, due to practice in botany Fau's analysis will be later.
And this information with the help of knowledge extracted from Garion's brain. And also mostly people from the Backstreets, who accept the terms of the contract, have no other choice for a normal life, and have *potential* to become abno, so...
Let's start with Rogan, as one of the very first agents that I remember by name and appearance. What could it be if this high level agent who hates it was placed in the Well to extract the anomaly? Basically I can point out a few parts of his life: history - he hails from the Backstreets that took over District 23 (including how Fau learned enough to hide his history at a decent level), has the trauma of having to eat people (well, not really people, but dishes of them, well, culture of District) to survive in his teens, after his father, the Fixer, but the homophobe (maybe it's part of my story but in him...) who taught him to fight, died on a mission.
Also, very important friendship with Devona can be attributed to the story, who showed Rogan that there are other, more pleasant people, and that it is not necessary to be ashamed of their orientation (Rogan bi with a preference towards men. But he can also fall in love with women, do not forget, do not forget. ..(don't pay attention, it's for a friend rather)).
Now, turning to his work in L corp. At first, he was simply apprehensive about such a lucrative job, and for good reason, and since he was one of the first agents, he had to see many deaths of colleagues, which each time beat to his heart until he closed himself off from others, except Devona. And along with the closeness of character from the newcomers came a hatred of anomalies, which allowed him to attack with force those whom he was ordered to suppress.
But that's not all, as he could feel a certain oddity, a sense of deja vu associated with the flow of time and the TT2 protocol used by the manager to restart the day (even if in the canon X had to start all over again, and not restart the day like this).
Further, there are fears - the main of which is the loss of Devona, whom he did not see when Devona was transferred to the department of Hokma, but he knew that they were alive. The second is to allow others to die from hateful anomalies. The third is being unable to protect others from death. And to become attached, which can be attributed to the fourth fear.
Next come the sins. The main sin, the basis of Rogan, can be considered wrath, fortunately directed at anomalies, not people, but unfortunately not at unfair situations, despite the fact that his highest stat is justice. The second would be lust/protectiveness(/the fact that he still blushes if someone nice compliments him, ehe~). The third one can probably be called gloom, caused by the fact that no matter how much he tries, his efforts will still be mostly useless, because this cycle of death will continue again and again.
Thus, the anomaly extracted from Rogan will most likely be something similar to the Army in Pink / Black, or have completely different traits - hatred and rage towards everything that can be attributed to enemies, but at the same time allies help and protect them, or absolute blind rage towards all living things/ something to do with stopping this senseless loop of suffering and death, allowing his colleagues to survive on their borrowed time at the expense of something else (similar to the Price of Silence?¿)/ Or is it the pain of losing acquaintances and comrades, destruction of oneself, disappearance (something similar to a ghost / that anomaly in Limbus, whose gift is called "Phantom pain") / the desire to leave forever, fall asleep and not wake up, give others freedom, even if in the understanding of others this freedom will end in a worse situation than death (similar to Empty Dreams, even if he didn't work with this anomaly).
I place Devon next for this analysis. They also grew up in District 23, but their main difference is that they are more optimistic and light hearted. They learned to find at least a drop of something good in life so as not to go crazy. They try to be friendly to others, which is why most of their younger colleagues are drawn to them. Devona were literally the heart of their Lobcorp team.
They also had a girlfriend named Diana shortly before their employment, for whom they accepted a job offer, a desire to secure a good life, and possibly even move to the Nest. Which unfortunately didn't happen. At work, they were also among the first agents and were glad to see Rogan - their friend. Over time, when other agents either died or started using Enkephalin, Devona tried to somehow help others, noticing that these deaths also affected Rogan. The Devona tried to cheer Rogan up, not letting him drown in despair.
But like him, Devona too was affected by the deaths. And because they did not try to close themselves off from new acquaintances, each death hit them, allowing a feeling of depression and helplessness to gradually accumulate in their heart. Even if these attempts end in nothing, it is better to try to take even the slightest step to avert disaster, isn't it? Sometimes the encouragement from Devona helped, planting hope in their hearts before some died from abnormalities.
Those who survived had the potential to become captains with the same warm hearts and desire to help. The Devona understood that they were trying to feel a little better by doing something. And when Fau appeared in the middle of the road to day 50, they noticed his resemblance to Rogan, how each death affected this strange newcomer, who had too much Temperance, but still held back emotions and tears inside. That is why they felt patronized to some extent.
In the Lobotomy Corporation, they had the highest Prudence and wore the Blue Star ego armor and weapon. They could quickly understand what was needed for this or that anomaly, but most people were no exception.
However, this did not stop them from attacking the escaped anomalies, protecting their crew and other agents, and even clerks. Devona did not like death and fights, just as they did not like to fight, dreaming of the impossible, that one day the day would come when they would not have to fight anymore. Therefore, the strongest weapons, when used by them, always had white damage. Do no harm, only help your own.
After the execution of the Seed of Light plan, they had to fight against anomalies together with everyone, and at one moment all these deaths became redundant, something inside clicked, the accumulated tension allowed tears to pour about all the dead before they decided on this, selfishly escaping, turning neck. What Fau saw.
But Devon's story doesn't end there. Since they were in the department of Hokma, they were among the first to awaken on the Religion floor in the Library, accepting everything and returning to hope.
I can attribute the first one to Devona's rhinestones, and the one that disappeared the fastest - losing Diana when they realized that they would not return after being transferred to the main building. Over time, this fear became different - to lose those they cared about, including Rogan and their team, whom they cared about. The second is that they will all have to fight all their lives with no chance of a break, and that these battles will always be meaningless, blood for blood's sake. The fact that from this blood people will forget what they once came here for.
Sins. The main ones include the gloom that has accumulated over the years, slowly sabotaging their work and self-esteem. The second is lust/desire. The desire to change for the better, no matter how small they are. The third - Gluttony, in the context of Limbus is perceived as a thirst / hunger for something (for example, knowledge, but in their case it is a thirst to help others, not to see other people's suffering and not to suffer themselves. Also thanks for other people analysis they are soooo cool and sexy brains) or a desire for life, which they also possess. I could call it a thirst for the impossible, closely intertwined with their desire for change.
Thus, an anomaly extracted from Devona is something, or rather something, most likely similar to an animal, most likely even associated with a fish, possibly similar to Headless Ichthys, but instead of anger, there is desolation, empty tears in which there are no emotions except for the maddening emptiness, with tears forever flowing for those who could not get out. Or, here you can draw a parallel with the Eye from Wing K.
Or, it would be an anomaly that gives away parts of itself, even if in fact these parts only make the situation worse, perhaps similar to that anomaly of the Nurse, but an aberration (? Anger does not find a place here). Or, there may be a resemblance to the Thearesia (sorry can't look at abno info rn, so can be called wrong) anomaly from the Lobotomy Corporation. Something similar, but an excessive number of uses leads to destruction, so that the anomaly will be reborn again, continuing the cycle of suffering, but not wanting to break this ring, not knowing how to do it without victims, except for itself. Or it could be an anomaly related to Trauma, something that hates combat and reacts to the death of clerks, but also brings some benefit. Or it could be something similar to Blue star, with how it ends human lifes.
Anyway, abno that could be extracted from Devona Always will have white damage.
(also translation ate some parts so if something missing please tell me)
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"Tom Riddle effectively destroys the country from the inside out, which I believe was his true goal the entire time" (c) wait a second, so you think that he wasn't going to really take over or anything, just destroy the fuck out of w britain?
I have avoided this ask long enough.
I’ll start by saying that asking me about Tom Riddle is like staring down into a bottomless rabbit hole. We could travel down that path, but it is a dark and perilous journey, and by the end of it I will come out looking like the Mad Hatter.
It also requires a few prerequisites that you’re just going to accept as true (or else got off the crazy train here).
We know very little about Tom Riddle or Voldemort
What we do know of Tom Riddle comes to us from suspect sources
I’m just going to go out there and start with the basis that Tom is not crazy
Elaborating a little on number 1. We never actually see much of Tom Riddle or Voldemort directly. He’s a bit like Thanos in the MCU, or Palpatine in the first two movies of the Original Trilogy, he’s this looming threat that we pass by and glimpse every once in a while but never really get quality time with.
Generally, Voldemort makes an appearance in a moment of crisis.
He and Harry fight over the philosopher’s stone for Tom’s very survival. He and Harry fight over the diary for Tom’s very survival. He resurrects himself with Harry as a witness. We get those very strange dreams from Voldemort’s perspective (half of which we later learn are fabricated).
None of these really lend to our, or Harry’s for that matter, understanding of Tom Riddle. There’s too much going on, it usually happens far too fast, and there’s usually something Tom Riddle desperately wants or needs that eclipses all other concerns or else he has an audience.
This is part of the reason we get those Halfblood Prince pensieve lessons: Harry knows nothing of Tom Riddle and doesn’t understand him at all.
Which leads us, of course, to number 2, most of what we know about Tom Riddle comes from Dumbledore. I’ve talked about this before, so I won’t spend much time on it, but Dumbledore has a very clear agenda in relaying these memories to Harry. Dumbledore already has strong suspicions of what objects are horcruxes and where they’re located, he already has Snape as a very reliable agent to continue work when he’s gone, his job here is to convince Harry there is no path but suicide. And that involves portraying Tom Riddle as the most evil man who ever eviled, was born eviler than the antichrist, and will die eviler than the antichrist. 
Now, does this make Tom necessarily good or bad? No.
However, it does mean when Dumbledore tells us things like, “See, Harry, an impoverished child was upset when I lit all his belongings on fire! What a monster!” (especially given that, in a similar situation, Harry thought it was hilarious when Hagrid gave Dudley a permanent physical deformity and Harry was told he was an angel child) we should take it with a very large grain of salt.
Right, so, with all that backdrop what I’m getting at is that a) we can’t take Dumbledore at his word b) even if we could he could be wrong c) Harry doesn’t have the introspection to be able to figure himself when a or b is happening. I won’t elaborate on this last much, suffice to say that Harry’s world is very black and white, divided into the camps of those who personally like him and those who don’t.
So, why do I think Tom’s goal was not to rule the wizarding world but instead to destroy it?
A few things.
First, there are so many easier ways he could have ended up ruling the wizarding world. More, even when he effectively does rule the wizarding world in book seven, he takes very strange actions so that he’s never directly in power.
Second, I never really bought Tom’s racism. It’s too convenient and too contradictory with his backstory.
The second first, because we’re going out of order today. I’ve gone over this before, but I don’t believe Tom had minions early and I think he was effectively treated as a muggleborn (see here and here) until he took on the Voldemort persona many decades later. I’m hard pressed to believe someone as intelligent, angry, and proud as Tom Riddle would willingly believe and accept he was inferior to the likes of Abraxas Malfoy. More, even if he wished he was a halfblood, I think the evidence of him being muggleborn would be stacked too high against him to deny even to himself (and when he finds out it’s not true, he has maybe a month or so before he realized that he’s the bastard son of a squib). 
And it’s just so convenient. All the people with the power, with the money, who are itching for a cause against a threat that doesn’t really exist believe in blood purity. Ergo, Voldemort shows up suddenly espousing over the top blood purity rhetoric (rhetoric that directly clashes with his “there is only power” philosophy at that). 
In other words, I think Tom Riddle gave himself a line that he knew would get him places very quickly.
And now for the first. For a guy who has had the entire country in the palm of his hands twice, one time taking it over in a bloodless coup, he’s really big on causing collateral damage and really small on actually doing the ruling thing.
The first wizarding war, Tom Riddle as Voldemort has the backing of the heirs of the most prestigious and wealthy noble houses save a select few. These are people with seats in the Wizengamot, which has a frightening control over the government itself (including the minister of magic). I imagine, in 1980 had Tom Riddle wanted to be elected as Minister of Magic, he would have been elected as Minister of Magic. If he wanted a friendly face in office then he probably could have made that happen to.
More than even this though, by this point, Tom had already won. By having control over the majority of the Wizengamot he owns the government. He’s done, it’s over, it’s finished, and many of the characters admit as much which is why Harry Potter was such a miracle. So why all the seemingly random, exceptionally pointless, terrorism? 
One answer is that Voldemort is crazy bananas. And sure, I guess we can go with that, except for someone insane he’s oddly effective and very consistent. 
I believe Tom was systematically destroying the very foundations of the country through its core aristocratic families. Within a few short years Tom decimates the Black family, it goes from having five heirs to none, and while some of this isn’t Tom’s fault he does take care of quite a few of them. He brands Lucius for life, while Lucius rises high in politics he never escapes the stigma of being a known Death Eater and in the end cannot escape the consequences for his actions. The Malfoy family is very nearly destroyed by the end of the series, had Draco died in the Fiendfyre. The LeStrange family, presumably decimated as well.
More, this is mostly me headcanoning, but I imagine Tom fuels an extremism that the Wizarding World had never contemplated. I imagine, previously, anti-muggleborn sentiment was probably fairly rampant among purebloods. Oh, some were very pro-muggleborn I’m sure, but I think most were fairly “eh” on the people and felt they were a drain on society (such as requiring constant funding for the obliviation department).
However, when Diagon Alley starts getting blown up every other week, when muggleborns start being tortured and murdered, when purebloods who aren’t anti-muggleborn enough are being tortured and murdered, this starts wigging people out in a way they’ve never wigged out before.
By the time we get to Harry Potter’s canon, it is now only a minority that are anti-muggleborn, and they’re perceived as raving lunatics. Nobody wants to be grouped with these people. Which, just goes to show, how much Voldemort rattles the wizarding world in a very small amount of time.
Then there’s Deathly Hallows, rather than become minister himself Voldemort installs a puppet minister. He shows no signs of wishing to change this and instead does things like destroy the sorting hat (which again shakes the very foundations of the wizarding world as whta will we do if we don’t know who’s a Gryffindor anymore?!)
So, where is this ramble going?
Given the results we see, that more than any others it seems to be the purebloods and often Tom’s own followers that suffer colossal losses, I think Tom’s actions are, in part, a means of vengeance against the entire damn wizarding world (but especially the purebloods).
He makes fools of these people, brands them as his slaves, and has them participate in the most over the top ridiculous rituals (the cloaks, the masks, the entire theatrics of it feels like Tom got drunk one night and planned this whole thing out). He destroys them entirely, and better, enables them to completely destroy themselves and the country they believe they’re trying to save.
Basically, I think by the time the series begins Tom is fueled by a nihilist rage that knows no bounds. But dammit all, the wizarding world is going to burn.
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zhoufeis · 3 years
Yay! The newbie (me) has finished 10 korean dramas
....... and here are my ratings.
- Ratings for: W - Two Worlds | Extraordinary You | Bring it on, ghost! | Hotel del Luna | The Tale of Nok-du | Run On | Rookie Historian Goo Hae-ryung | Romance is a Bonus Book | Radio Romance | A Love So Beautiful
- Also mentioned: Memories of the Alhambra | My Country - The New Age | Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol | Signal | Mr. Queen | Tale of the Nine Tailed | Goblin | My First First Love | Moon Lovers | The Crowned Clown
Let’s rate from worst to best:
10) Romance is a Bonus Book. Rating: 2,1 / 5 stars - skip it.
- I kept seeing this show on my dash and since my first kdrama watch was W Two Worlds with the wonderful Lee Jong-suk, I decided to give it a chance.
- But hell, no one warned me how bad it actually is. I’m not talking about the acting (the cast is actually quite solid), but I’m referring to... the plot (or lack thereof), the love story (let’s rather call it one-sided obsession) and the wasted potential. Let’s start with the set-up. A company producing books, a single mother who needs a job, her childhood best friend who works for the company. Yeah, it’s not precisely complex or inventive, but it’s something to work with. Create nice dynamics at the working place, have some yearning between the two leads, give them heartwarming moments and a confession of how they’ve always been in love with each other. There’s just one problem: she really never, ever had any romantic feelings for her childhood best friend. She keeps calling him a brother and insists on him being her closest friend (which seems a stretch since she lied to him for a year about her separation from her husband and kept sort of creeping up into his house to eat and shower there without letting him know). Anyway, I could oversee this (even though I hate the trope of childhood best friends becoming lovers in adult life just because one is a man and the other a woman) if AT LEAST we actually get to see her falling for him slowly within the show. But we just.... don’t. He confesses his love to her - as she is actually starting to see someone else, and let me tell you, she actually seemed to be into the second lead -, then promises her not to push his feelings onto her... but that’s exactly what he does (I guess I don’t need to mention I ended up not being his biggest fan), and she ends up falling for him for unknown reasons. Eh. Okay. I started rooting for the second leads halfway into the show. Hae-rin & Eun-ho as well as Seo-joo & Dan-i appeared to me as the much more shippable pairings. I might have actually cried for Hae-rin & Eun-ho at some point of the show, but well... Moving on to... everything else. I enjoyed some scenes in the company, but not enough that I could tell you any right now because there wasn’t anything very memorable. The show basically thrives in some random scenes usually involving one of the two leads rather than in scenes with the two of them. That random author’s suicide has stuck with me as well as the letters that song hae-rin has wrote to our male lead over the years. The talk about fears between eun-ho and that author has stuck with me too, but other than that... there’s just nothing really happening. I was patiently waiting for a plot to come but nothing ever came. It just feels like a bunch of really uninteresting subplots put into one show. I don’t wanna judge it too harshly, but one of the other modern day dramas I will discuss further down this list also simply works with a bunch of subplots coming together - and it’s wonderfully executed (it’s ‘Run On’, for those of you who are wondering!)
- Favorite character:
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- Positive: nice friendship between women (dan-i & hae-rin); delivery of lee jong-suk, jeong eu-gene & park gyu-young; one strong scene involving a life lesson every few eps
- Negative: no main plot, dull subplots... nothing happens, very cheesy at some points, the protagonizing couple is quite problematic and unshippable, their chemistry is not strong enough to oversee that; i really don’t know why people like this show.
9) Radio Romance. Rating: 3,2 / 5 stars - it’s cute.
- Radio Romance is the show on this list that drives me into conflict with myself. Because some things about this show are very strong; others (many) very, very weak. I guess the main problem is that the show’s set-up mostly shouldn’t be taken too seriously, but it deals with some heavy topics that need to be taken seriously. And unlike quality japanese animes or some quality chinese drama that usually achieve to make you realize what can be taken as a joke and what can not, Radio Romance is sort of incapable of keeping that balance. You gotta figure it for yourself.
- While offering a quite enjoyable cast and some quite different personalities within the show, there is no one particularly standing out. As you will see as we go further down on this list, this is not my only Kim So-hyun drama, it was also not my first, and I can promise you that it won’t be my last. I simply adore this actress, she’s enjoyable to watch. I don’t think I’ll ever grow tired of her, which is why I checked out the show in the first place. Compared to her other characters though, Song Geu-rim is kind and nice and all, but not too memorable. She’s portraying a nice girl next door here with a dream to become a good radio script writer. And if not even her character stands out, as expected, none of the others will either. As for the plot... We don’t really have one, I suppose. If you count the plot making the radio show, I suppose then episode 3 or 4 is the last with actual development. I was hoping for more conflicts and plot twists involving Soo-ho’s backstory - and we got them, but very, very, very late on the show. Basically, getting through the first 7 eps felt very easy to me, due to the change of locations and relationship growth, and getting through the last 3 as well. Although the last was such a cheesy ending, you have no idea. The middle part suffered from a lack of plot and character development as well as it suffered from a focus on the love triangle - which I totally could have lived without. Like, istg, what was the POINT of this love triangle? Soo-ho and Geu-rim had to deal with enough things already, bringing in yet another obstacle through the tercero and putting the focus onto this love triangle was just soooo cliché. And don’t even get me started on how they also went with the problematic love triangle tropes rather than to at least make it somewhat adorable or funny. It was also boring. I kept pausing the episodes there and didn’t keep watching for days. It was only at the end of episode 13 that things finally got interesting again when we finally got to learn more about Soo-ho’s backstory. From then on, I was able to end the show within 2 days. So, no, the backstory was not the thing that drives me into conflict though. What drives me into conflict is how such a quite flat story was able to portray a very good, very realistic case of depression and PTSD. Like wow. This must have been one of the few shows, in which we have a canonically diagnosed character who does not fall into stereotypes and in which his depression isn’t used as a mere plot device to get the ship together and cure him by that. His depression is underlying at all times, sometimes more, sometimes less. He is told to get treatment (”no treatment, no medication.”), he has moments in which his depression mentally and physically restrains him from acting. It’s a very layered, realistic depiction and I adored every single bit of it. Meanwhile, the character isn’t defined by his depression nevertheless - there’s more to Soo-ho then just the depression, and after all, he was an outstanding character (to correct what I said before because I was lying xD). So... for all the lack of plot and development and predictable storytelling, the depiction of depression and the peacefulness of the protagonizing couple save that show.
- Favorite character:
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- Negative: unnecessary love triangles with unnecessary clichés; barely any plot; sheer boredom in the middle of the show; takes itself and its tropes way too seriously.
- Positive: complex character who is suffering from depression and PTSD; layered, realistic depiction of depression; adorable couple that transmits peacefulness.
8) Rookie Historian Goo Hae-ryung. Rating: 3,5 / 5 stars - nice, but it is no must-watch.
- I feel genuinely bad for putting this right after Radio Romance and Romance is a Bonus Book, because Rookie Historian was, simply put, muuuuuuuuch better. I got invested in the characters and their backstories. The story is quite more complex in retrospect than it seemed at first, but the show’s issue is that this is rather less apparent in more than the first quarter of the show. I really don’t even recall what happened in those first few episodes because it is rather unimportant for the rest of the show, with minor exceptions. The story truly starts picking up around episode 9 and has a strong run until around episode 15. The last quarter of the show then is wayyyyy too fast-moving, too many things happening and we barely spend time on things I then wished to spend more time on. Unfortunately, despite having a good set-up and a quite fine cast, I don’t think I’ll remember anything in particular about this show in a year. It’s a nice watch, even though I sometimes really had to motivate myself to keep watching in the first eps, but it hasn’t lingered in my memory after I finished it.
- Favorite character:
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- Positive: rather lots of plot; positive female relationships; feminism; shin se-kyung; leading couple as well as the second leading couple, even though romance is not at the core of the show; nice messages about morality and truth.
- Negative: the first few eps are really.... slow-moving. To the point that I’d recommend putting the first 8 eps into 2-3 eps and giving more space in the end. Especially the last 4 eps of the show are way too fast-moving. Furthermore, there’s some plotholes. My biggest issue though is the glorification of europe's christianity during the 18th and 19th century. I was not expecting that in a korean drama but it seemed utterly wrong in my eyes, specifically because the show used it to promote that chrisitianity promotes equality of all races and genders. Not to be a bitch, but europe’s christian beliefs have never stopped europeans from discriminating women and non-white people, not then and not now.
- My general impression of the show is quite positive, but I’m not sure I’d willingly watch it again since knowing all the plot twists and storylines actually is enough to be watched once with that show. An experience that I haven’t made with the other kdramas that are higher ranked on this list.
7) A Love So Beautiful. Rating: 3,5 / 5 stars - if you really don’t want to think at all and just watch a light, easy to follow show, that is your pick. However, NOT recommended for first-time kdrama watchers - it gives you a totally wrong impression of what kdramas are actually capable of achieving.
- I’d like to point out that this show has surprised me in a good way - but there’s things that need to be pointed out here, so let me make three paragraphs: the first will talk about my impression of the first 16 eps; the second will talk about the last 8 eps; and the last will talk about how this show was cute, but could have been incredible, but didn’t use its potential correctly.
- Episodes 1-16: Look, the thing about those eps is very easy to point out: it’s not quality and it is never pretending to be (unlike romance is a bonus book, which pretends to be some smart, adult quality show but is just trash). Those eps cannot be taken totally serious. You have to go in there knowing exactly what is awaiting you. I started it because when I saw the trailer, I immediately realized all the tropes that Extraordinary You (higher ranked, you will see later) was making fun of. What you see is exactly what you get: Clichéd characters, clichéd love story, average acting, average directing, simple dialogue, clichéd love triangle, predictable developments - a simple romcom put into a tv show format. It’s cliché over cliché over cliché put into a het high school love story. And you know what? After weeks of studying for and writing my uni exams, it was exactly what I needed. The show is so over the top with its clichés that it’s genuinely funny. The lightheartedness and the non-existing complexity just add to that. Basically, you could argue that it’s all so bad with its clichés, which is why it becomes hilarious. Unlike other kdramas, it has a straightforward plot: a girl is in love with a boy and wants to be with him. It’s as easy as that. The show clearly loves featuring every trope you could associate with het love stories, but honestly, it’s so light and breezy and such a fast watch (due to the fact that each ep is between 20-25 minutes), you will finish those first 16 episodes before you know you even started it (I made it in less than 2 days). I want to repeat here though, it’s not for someone who starts with kdramas and hasn’t watched other kdramas. It cannot be taken seriously - and you only cannot take it seriously when you have seen things like Extraordinary You or W or, I guess, a bunch of high school kdramas. But I’m telling you, this is the only Kdrama on this list that you can watch in the most stressful time of your life and it will make you feel better. It won’t make you cry, it will make you laugh, and the moment it is out of your sight, you will forget about it - at least, that’s the case about the first 16 eps. And then we get to...
- Episodes 17-24: guys, what have I gotten myself into? As these people finished high school and their problems actually also got more adult, I started to grow genuinely attached, specifically to the ship. When she got sick and he didn’t even know although he’s a DOCTOR? When she was sexually harassed and didn’t know how to talk to him about it because their relationship was filled with other problems? When he left for 3 years and later told her that he had hoped she’d follow him because she always has... and then she didn’t? When he said that everyone is under the impression that she is more dependent on him but that he is actually the one who cannot imagine a life without her? IT ALL HURT BADLY. Because 1) so many years passed in such a short amount of time on the show and it felt like someone was ripping my heart out. I got genuinely reminded of that stupid US movie “One Day” - and y’all know how that movie ended. And because 2) there was a very realistic notion in the adult relationship portrayed. Not only did it point out how differently relationships/friendships can develop once you outgrow your teenage years and start navigating your life by yourself, but the problems, the misunderstandings, the different perceptions of time, the different perceptions of how friendships and relationships are developing - I honestly could relate to it a lot, looking at it from a 24yo perspective because it is something I have been experiencing as well since I finished high school. You feel more lonely and tend to perceive some time as passing by quickly, other times, it feels like everything is going so slow. These last 8 eps completely differ from my perception that I had in the first 16 eps of the show, as the tone is much more serious and the things depicted realistic and relatable. I also sobbed a lot. I didn’t sob at all, ever, in the first 16 eps, but the last 8 were me crying a lot and feeling my heart hurt as the years passed by and these two just spent them apart.
- So, what do I criticize about this show? The show’s pacing. I genuinely loved the change of feeling between high school and adult life, between ridiculousness and seriousness, and I know the show wants to celebrate youth at the end of the day. But I honestly believe this show could have worked so much better if u cut the high school episodes down to 8 episodes and rather spend a few more eps exploring their young adult lives. It would have worked so much better because their young adult selves were genuinely relatable, as well as their problems. The growth within the characters, realizing that the way they acted as teenagers were often self-centred or that they didn’t think that much about the consequences or how other people felt was nicely done. The show had potential. The dialogues were bearable, the camera work had hints of something great. In other words, I believe that with more carefulness to directing and dialogue, the show could have genuinely been a quality romance drama. The potential was there, but it wasn’t used the way it should have been. In the last 8 eps, you simply get a whiff on what this show could have actually been. Because the realistic character and relationship writing was right there - and if it had been put together with awesome directing and better pacing, everything could have been incredible.
Favorite character:
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Negative: the show’s pacing; the waste of potential to be an actual quality romance.
Positive: the un-seriousness of the first 16 eps, which were just so clichéd that it all was hilarious, compared to the seriousness of problems and development depicted in the past 8 eps.
6) Run On. Rating: 4,2 / 5 stars - recommend
- I’m gonna be honest here and tell you something about me you might have guessed by now: Modern-day shows with no sci-fi nor fantasy elements are not particularly my thing. I usually sort of hate-watch them. Romance is a Bonus Book, A Love So Beautiful and Radio Romance are all of such shows and while I was even capable watching two of them without ending up hating them, they’re far from being my fave. Objectively, they’re okay-ish shows, nothing to be considered quality tv according to my cultural studies though. Subjectively, they just suffer even more from the fact that I’m very keen on being critical of such shows. But what happens when I find a non-fantasy, non-scifi modern-day show that is actually... good? Run On is the answer. Run On has memorable characters, their funny, unique characteristics, and simple conflicts put into nice subplots that often talk real-life problems such as bullying or self-neglegance. At the end of the day, this show is a love poem. It’s a love poem to self-love, self-respect, to friendship, to character growth, to family bonds, to achieving your goals, to making new goals, to kindness, and to life itself. That’s really what it is. You will find yourself in, at least, one of the characters. You will see them struggle, fight, grow, become better, and at the end of the day, the most important thing is that you are capable of living with yourself. I personally got attached to all of the stories and I adored how nothing was ever done over the top. Everything was subtle, multiple subplots working together... to form stories of life. It’s more than just a simple “feelgood” show and less than a devastating tragedy, it truly shows you life and puts it into an aesthetic form, that never neglects its reality. Which leads me to something I should point out here: it’s creatively done. From the fact that Seon-gyeom is waiting for Mi-joo at the end of the track to the drawings of Young-hwa that have Dan-ah in them to Dan-ah realizing that people experience the same things differently due to the fact that experience itself is different to everyone to Mi-joo imagining movie plots with the people she surrounds herself with to Seon-gyeom starting to live with Young-hwa in a small flat rather than to live lonely in a big, fancy hotel room - the things the characters go through in this show are not only talked about, but they’re often expressed through art, in all its forms. And these characters, these dynamics, the art, the conflicts are all subtly but carefully put together into subplots that form the show and very nice messages. The most important take-away I had from this show is that the way we treat us and the people around us is the highest form of art. And the show is a love poem to that.
- Favorite character:
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- Positive: the cast (especically the core four), the characters (especially the core four); the wonderful messages about respect, kindness and self-love; the subplots working together, reflecting how life is also not just some simple chronological order of things but rather multiple experiences that we remember and that shape us; life is constant growth.
- Negative: i think the only thing i truly have to criticize is that you never really know what the plot even is. While I do enjoy how the subplots all work together, I would have wished for deeper inspections of some plots. And while it is easy just for some headcanons to come to mind, I still think the show could have incorporated more. Considering the treatment of art forms and how it takes a prominent role within the story (due to Young-hwa and Mi-joo, respectively), I also would have liked to have some cultural nods and references - and interpretations. I think the show used about 85% of its potential - and the potential was great, which is why the rating is still very good.
5) Bring it on, ghost! Rating: 4,2 / 5 stars - recommend, especially good for people who want to have a focus on romance coupled with a supernatural plot and who want a happy ending
- While the story is pretty easy to follow, often seems to be predictable and familiar, the show still promotes nice messages about forgiveness and regret. The strong side of the show isn’t particularly that though - this show is entirely saved by the two leading actors. Kim So-hyun and Teacyeon portray two incredibly lovable characters you will see yourself drawn to. They furthermore have a chemistry that you just have to love and their bickering is just the best part of all. This is mixed with some tragic moments - in present time as well as in the past - and what you get is a romantic show with a bit of comedy, with a bit of tragedy, but with a very happy ending. If you exchanged the actors with two less skilled actors or two people who simply don’t have a lot of chemistry, this show simply wouldn’t work. Their performances are the shining light of this drama, mixed with some funny side characters that you get to enjoy as well. The reason why it ends up higher on the list than Run On - despite Run On probably having generally the better dialogue writing as well as better camera work and even more beautiful messages - is due to the sole work of the two leads who simply carry this show on their back and the fact that despite having some more or less necessary subplots, there is a main plot here that will take a faster, darker turn in the second half of the show. And I personally just enjoy having a main plot to hold onto as well as I always enjoy a bit of fantasy more than modern day real live shows. On top of that, add some devastating backstory and top-notch character development for Park Bong-pal, and a badass, slightly violent, sassy characterization of Kim Hyun-ji. This show will simply leave you with a huge smile on your face, despite being made for people who enjoy tragedy as well.
- Favorite characters:
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- Negative: subplots sometimes take the focus, a familiar story, stereotypical portrayal of ghosts (yes, ahre, i said it), no real plot twists (which can be a good thing, too, since the show rather simply unfolds each part of the story over the course of its run)
- Positive: the two leading actors, their incredibly shippable couple, a happy ending. If I was going to recommend a light-hearted, happy kdrama that has some tragic parts but ends happily and isn’t that hard to follow, I’ll recommend you this one.
4) The Tale of Nok-du. Rating: 4,6 / 5 stars - strongly recommend.
- If you ever are in search for an unproblematic dummy as protagonist, watch this show. He’s a dummy you just have to love. You laugh about him, you laugh with him, you cry for him. He’s a puppy, you cry with him. And the best thing is, this puppy falls in love with a girl who can be quite rude and annoyed, but he always makes her smile and genuinely is attentive to her. The most frustrating thing about both of them is that each of them keeps a secret they cannot tell each other because they refuse to hurt each other - and this almost leads to tragedy. Better even, they’re portrayed by two very skillful actors. You’ll love them in the blink of an eye. And then there’s the cute second lead, portrayed by Kang Tae-oh. Yes, cute. Until he really isn’t. I’ve never seen an actor being able to turn around a character to 180° in no time. Some talent that is. And now let’s just say - the plot is nice. It is not the most complex one, but it is interesting to follow and you are always eager to find out new information to collect and put the pieces together. If you are searching for a show that is simply entertaining and nice to watch and featrures a great cast and nice characters and ranges from comedy to tragedy, this is your pick.
- Favorite characters:
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- Negative: the narrative change in the middle of the show that shifted the focus away from women to men (even though it made sense within the story, it was still a very sudden and harsh change, especially if you consider that these women were mostly slaughtered to death)
- Positive: CAST (specifically the three mains are just beyond amazing); an innocent, pure, absolutely adorable protagonizing couple that will steal your heart; feminism; male protagonist being a feminist who ends up working with badass women for his entire lifetime; directing; narration practices - this show is the one that draws the line between the ones i discussed above and the really great ones because it is the first on the list to be capable of telling a story by constantly keeping your nerves up while also not overstimulating the viewer with too much information at once. Only the other 3 shows which will follow now were able to do the same - and it’s what makes people watch or quit, and that’s why it’s so important: constant plot development, no unnecessary side plots, and handing your audience enough information to make them keep watching but not enough to guess the entire plot yet. The Tale of Nok-du was able to do exactly that and I honestly enjoyed the ride.
3) W - Two Worlds. Rating: 4,8 / 5 stars - strongly recommend, must watch.
- I’d like to point out first that my top 3 are interchangeable. I sometimes tend to change my mind which one of the three I adore the most, and W is definitely in those top 3. Firstly, I’d like to let you know that W was my first Kdrama watch. And it blew me away. I was in awe with Lee Jong-suk, with Han Hyo-joo, with the narration of this drama, with the plot, with the direction, with the leading couple, the cast, THE DIALOGUE. Everything about this drama was excellently executed. The slow-moving narration in episode 1, the extra long scene of Chul holding the writer at gunpoint, the writer ‘becoming’ the killer (which he has always been anyway), the philosophy behind it, the creativity. I was blown away by literally everything about this drama and I believe it to be one of the strongest dramas ever made. Furthermore, what I also really adored, is that you don’t need to necessarily be into the couple in order to enjoy this show anyway because the plot takes the spotlight - but since the couple is always involved in the main plot, you get to enjoy plot, dialogue and couple at once. An interesting thing that I want to note here is that a few weeks after finishing the show, I stumbled upon reddits criticizing Lee Tae-hwan for his acting in general. I don’t know if he just perfectly suited the role of Chul’s bodyguard in W, but I highkey enjoyed watching him in this drama.
- Favorite characters:
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- Negative: I would have adored if Yeon-joo took a more prominent role in the resolution of the story (last 2 episodes) since the ‘hero arc’ went all to Chul there. And another negative aspect is that the show lives from very strong dialogues throughout all episodes, all incredible, all amazing and then - the very last scene. The last words spoken on the show, as a voice-over of Chul and Yeon-joo, are rather dull compared to the rest of the show.
- Positive: narration device, leaving out information to fill us in later and blowing our minds away (PEOPLE, I THOUGHT CHUL DIED), complex main characters, complex plot, no unnecessary subplots, no unnecessary romantic drama, no unnecessary cheesiness, DIALOGUE, direction, the cast in general*.
*I tried Memories of the Alhambra, as I found out that the same people who also made W were in charge of that drama, and I have to admit that I was intensely let down, specifically by the casting. Hyun Bin was alright-ish (not very memorable though), but Park Shin-hye was unbearable for me after episode 3. I stopped watching. If the plot was as interesting as the one of W though, I would have kept watching. But seeing as nothing really happened in those first 3 eps other than the lead killing his old best friend and playing video games that appear to turn into reality, I felt like I was wasting my time.
2) Extraordinary You. Rating: 5 / 5 stars - strongly recommend for hopeless romantics, people who suffer from second lead syndrome and people who like getting into philosophical debates.
- Extraordinary You was the second kdrama I ever watched. And. And. And. And I almost gave it up after episode one. It seemed somewhat ridiculous to me, way too fast-moving. I would regret my entire life if I had given it up right there and then. Because PEOPLE, IT IS SO GOOD. Not only does it feature a very healthy main couple, it leaves you emotionally devastated because there’s a backstory that you only get to know in the second half of the show but which influences your entire perception of the first half - and jeez, by the time I reached half of the show, I was yelling and screaming and crying my eyes out. You ever want to see a love so deep that it transcends consciousness and universes? A love so deep that time and space become mere nothings? That’s what you get in this show. And one of the best parts is that the ‘’’’’actual’’’’’ lead (in the ancient story within the show, not the story of the show) aka Baek Kyung* does NOT get the girl. But that doesn’t mean you won’t fricking suffer with him. Jeez, I bawled my eyes out for him, too. But Haru/Dan-oh, guys, they’re.... everything. Oh and all of that is nicely mixed up in a strong, complex plot that leaves nothing unexplained. Not everything is explained through words - the show is high on symbolism rather than dialogue - but everything makes sense. And the ending, oh that stupid ending. As beautiful as heartbreaking. Since the plot is put into a philosophical perspective throughout the show, the show also raises questions about existence and being. Yes, I yelled when Heidegger was mentioned. So not only do you get to see a beautiful, heartbreaking love story; adorable, complex characters; time-and-space-transcending friendships, you also get to laugh, cry and think about your own existence and your own place in this world. This show is a delight.
- Favorite character:
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- Negative: you will cry and cry and cry and then laugh and then cry and cry and cry. It’s really not fun. Emotionally devastating. No, but for real... I wished we had a more complex depiction of the female characters that aren’t Dan-oh (specifically Ju-da, Sae-mi and Su-hyang), and a bit less focus on the guys therefore (I love them all but I thought the girls could have gotten some screen time of theirs while I would have accepted Jinmichae, Do-hwa and Nam-ju to get a bit less)
- Positive: Honestly? EVerything. Directing, casting, characterization, narration, love story, friendships, everything.
-  *Let me say something about Baek Kyung, portrayed by Lee Jae-wook. That character could have simply been an asshole. The set-up was there, the writer of the comic also made him that way. But Lee Jae-wook has portrayed this character with so much depth that it is impossible not to feel bad for him. His entire life stages (hahahaha, I’m so funny) are a tragic mess. The fact that he eventually realizes that who he is and who the writer made him are eventually indeed two different people after all - but that they both share being in love with Eun Dan-oh - is as important as it is devastating. Cause it makes you realize that he can finally move his life more freely with that knowledge - become a better person outside of the stages (only if given the chance by the writer though) - while also never finding a happy ending. Firstly, because happy endings don’t exist in their world anyway because endings - if happy or sad - are always endings to these characters’ existences and because it is glaringly obvious his happy ending would include having Dan-oh by his side also outside of the stages. That is denied to him and will always be denied to him. And as a viewer, you understand that and you want nothing else, but the fact that he doesn’t even appear in the new story, not getting a chance at a new life this time, just adds a tragic notion onto all of this that no one asked for. I’d like to thank Lee Jae-wook here for such an incredible portrayal. I started Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol because of him and, unfortunately, had stop watching after 2 episodes because Go A-ra is simply... a terrible actress. I can’t put it any other way. I’m looking forward to other dramas with him and the rest of the cast though. Extraordinary You definitely had a huge advantage already by having a quite young, but incredibly talented mass of actors and actresses.
1) Hotel del Luna. Rating: 5 / 5 stars - strongly recommend, must watch.
- It wasn’t thaaaat surprising to me that I would love this show. It was rather.... obvious that this would happen because a fantasy show set in modern day with the involvement of other time eras and a badass, broken, strong female lead is simply my taste. What I did not expect was this to become my favorite tv show of all time. I don’t even know where to start. I guess Jang Man-wol is a good starting point. Because I live for such characters. Characters like hers are precisely of my taste (I had similar people to her before - Ámbar Smith from Argentina’s Soy Luna or Melody Paz from Argentina’s Casi Ángeles - and also after her - Seo Dan-ah from Korea’s Run On), but Jang Man-wol takes the no.1 spot in all tv characters ever. She’s so layered, so complex, so well-written. She’s not predictable, but she’s also not ever surprising. She comes across as one of the most relatable tv characters you could ever see because she isn’t just one thing. She’s very contrary, she can be soft and loving or harsh and ruthless, sometimes all at the same time. She can be forgiving, she can be arrogant, self-hating, self-loving, lazy, passionate, she is quite literally everything. And while in the show’s set-up she is punished for hundreds of years when other, much more problematic people were allowed to leave this world sooner than her, the narrative wants you to feel sorry for her. You see her flaws, you see she’s anything but perfect but it won’t make you conclude that her punishment was ever deserved. The more you get into this show, the more you will ache. Because you know that there is only one possible ending to the show - for her to finally find peace. And that... that can only be achieved if she finally is allowed to leave this world. And it hurts and pains because, obviously, there is a love story. A love story that goes back to when she was a child 1,300 years ago. A love story that reunites her with the guy who saved her these 1,300 years ago and who now finds her again, someone who makes her care about her life again. As deeper as you go into the show, the more you will cry, the more you will suffer. And you will feel conflicted. You will want her to get her revenge while you will want to protect her. You will want her to finally be able to leave this world, but you won’t want her to leave Chan-sung. You will want her to actually care about her own fate while you will also want her to make the mistakes that worsen everything. It is a beautiful character put into a story that mixes fantasy, comedy, tragedy, soulmates, life, death, revenge, a stunning cinematography and strong dialogues into one. And what you get is the probably best show ever made.
- Favorite character:
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- Negative: There is really only one minor thing I’d criticize. While all the chars are rather complex and all subplots and character arcs work within the main plot frame and round up the entire story perfectly, there is one subplot I personally got a bit tired of because it is definitely the most unconnected one to the main plot - this concerns the romance arc of yu-na and hyun-joong. I wasn’t hating it, but I just didn’t need it for this story.
- Positive: This show has everything. I told you above already all the things I like. On top of that, I’d like to add that it has a beautiful found family story arc, promotes wonderful messages, has gotten itself the most excellent leading actress with IU who just beautifully portrays Jang Man-wol in all her depth. The show leaves you with your heart aching while there will be a smile on your face. Emotional devastation is just how this show works.
- Kdrama I'm currently watching: The Crowned Clown
- Kdramas I plan on watching soon: My Country - The New Age (watched 2 eps so far) | Signal (watched 1 ep so far) | Mr. Queen | Tale of the Nine Tailed | Moon Lovers
- Kdramas I abandoned because I didn’t get into them / disliked them: My First First Love | Goblin | Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol | Memories of the Alhambra
- If you have any suggestions for me based on my likes and dislikes, send them to me. I’m open to everything :)
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famouskittychild · 3 years
Cheeky Mandos - Five: Coming home
Word count: 2828
Summary: They’re coming home! They’re coming home... a visit to home and facing some important questions.
Rating: M
CW: multiple references to sexual activities, relationship talk, references to polyamory (OC's parents) and open relationships, some angst, pining
Author’s note: Lots of pick-and-choose world building here. I mostly disregard / am not familiar with Legends except for the language, I love languages ( *insert Penny loves steak* gif here) and there’s barely any canon/also am not very familiar with whatever there is so I made up what I would like mandos to be; which is a very open and egalitarian society with a focus on family that comes in many forms (and is sometimes a single person with five tookas, other times it’s your three buir’e, your five vod’e and about thirty cousins.). Din is so alone and his covert has (had? :( ) to fight so hard to survive, I gave my Armourer a big, loving family and a community that fared much better.
Series: Prolouge - One - Two - Three - Four (NSFW Din/Cobb special)
Cheeky Mandos - Five: Coming home
When you get back to your covert, you leave Djarin behind as soon as politely possible. You need your friends, you need advice, and you need company that isn’t confusing you.
You find your friends at Thlolla’s place; they have small ones so the rest gather at their quarters, scattering in the kar’yai’s couches and on pillows on the floor. You commed them before you got back. They would’ve gathered anyways for the occasion that you came home, but your message made sure that everyone showed up for at least a little chat.
They know what it is all about, of course. They know you well enough. They saw the shiny armour. It’s easier than putting two and two together.
“It’s basically like putting one and one together” Tav winks at you, and Hill’it smacks their back.
“You are so bad at math, that’s the only thing you could ever calculate” and you all laugh at that because Tav is terrible with numbers.
All the couches and floor pillows are occupied as your friends and some of their families lounge around the karyai of Thlolla’s home. You stretch out on the soft rug, resting your limbs on as many people as you can. You missed them dearly. Jama, who has your left leg draped over his knee, rubs your calf before speaking.
“So. What is your problem, mate?”
He knows you the longest. You lived at the same covert from the time you were entrusted with your own rifles, moved three times, and only separated years later after you both went through your verd'goten. His clan is the reason you still have the same accent as him when you’re tired or angry: that was the first time you were around more people than your immediate family.
You let your thoughts linger on the past because it’s safer than the present. Or the future.
“No problem. Just the usual ‘I’m an idiot, innit’ situation.” You pause, and try to swallow your regrets. “When was I good with choices?”
There’s a collective sigh and rolling of eyes, but you can’t help to feel that way and voice it. All your friends have found their places a long time ago. Some on their own like Haika; others have families, some with children like Thlolla does, or with partners of some kind. Except you. To-Ran, Tav’s foundling, crawls over to you and leans against your chest. They have been formally adopted by their current clan only recently and probably feels you are in something of a similar situation. You squeeze their shoulders reassuringly.
“Let’s be honest, hun” Jama says, “Neither of us has the burden you do. We don’t have to vanish off to space for weeks at a time, or if we have to, we can work together.”
That is the crux of the matter. Unless you get with another Armourer, your professions would pull you apart.
“I’m just thinking… maybe it’s because I was alone for quite a while now. I just latched onto the first person that came along and stayed for a bit.”
Hill’it pulls up an eyebrow before answering.
“Maybe you need a friend so you won’t feel so alone.”
There are small ones in the room hence the careful wording, but the adults understand the added meaning. They offer friendship, yes, but the definition of that word can vary. You aren’t sure how outsiders do it exactly - you have met people who have definitely had a more stricter separation between friend, person to have feelings for, and person to have sex with, than your people do. But they didn’t seemed to navigate things any better, so you stick with what you know and what worked.
But your people, at least those you know closer, tends to deal with problems head-on. You can’t fight well if your thoughts linger on problems in your private lives. You were thought early on to face your doubts and fears and anything that could be a distraction - and how that includes feelings and libido too. How people have needs for emotions, attachments and intimacy, that those varies, each their own way and degree. And that these are some of the things that can spur people to make rush decisions the most. You and your friends watched others make those mistakes and made some yourselves too.
Life thought you that if you have people around to talk to and to hug and to trust, you wont jump on a stranger you’ve barely met and feel attracted in some way just to fulfil those needs. You can wait until you get to know them, until you actually want them for themselves, and not just for the feelings or the intimacy, emotional or physical.
Hil’it is a good partner, familiar and fun, and tonight, extra caring. You wake up together sometime way before dawn, and the worry must still be on your face.
“Rivets for your thoughts?”
You sigh, and try to gather said thoughts. You remind yourself at another hard learned lesson: talking about a problem is often half the way of solving them.
“I’m just wondering… “ you start, than your words stuck in your throat.
“..what if it works out?” Hil’it smirks at you, lips pulled into a lopsided grin as they rest their head on their arm. You furrow your brows in disapproval.
“No, don’t try to derail the conversation. What if I say something, or do… and he takes it as an offence?” You stop their objections before they could open their mouth fully. “I’m serious. He was sent on this… mission. From high up. Pissing him off can have political consequences.”
“You mean that he could take your advances the wrong way and exact vengeance on your clan, or even the entire covert?” They look at you with an eyebrow raised. Put it like that, you know that’s not very plausible. “We are talking about a vod who was basically ready to enter your service and accept any of your terms, after seeing you for the first time three minutes prior when you said ‘hey I’m a wandering armourer, I visit some coverts sometimes’ - all so he can reach more of our people.”
“Yeah… he won’t turn on us just because I make him feel a bit uncomfortable.”
“Not very likely.”
You nod, glad you managed to voice your worries.
They lean their forehead to yours, and you share a breath, the tradition as old as the Creed. Hil’it than tugs on your arm, pulling you closer onto their chest. You scoot over and snuggle up beside them with your back to them, their arms around you and resting their hands on your chest. You sleep much better until dawn.
Three of your buirs live at a smaller enclave some distance from the main hub of the covert. You go over to them for breakfast after Hil’it leaves for her job early. It’s only Tis-buir who’s up, as usual, pattering about in the kitchen making long breakfast just as you expected.
He pulls you close and touches your helmets together. He didn’t need to wear his helmet in his own home, or even his armour, and definitely not at this early hour, but he got into the habit since you became a Master. His set was forged before you were born and you’re grateful that he’s still around, together with your other buirs. Every time you get home, they seem to look older and older though. You wonder whether part of your panic about relationships comes from the dread that they might not be able to give their blessings to you.
“How are you doing, ad’ika?” he asks, and the way he says it is always with so much more meaning than people usually throw that question around. When Tis-buir asks it, he means it. He wants to know if you have any fears, if something bothers you, if there’s something that made you happy but don’t talk about it because you think it’s too insignificant to talk about. You hesitate, and that’s an answer in itself that he understands. “That bad, eh?”
He chuckles and steps away, back to the steamer. He checks the rice cooking there before turning back to you.
“What is it, cyare? Pirates? More beskar thieves? Or that stowaway getting in your way while you work?”
Your helmet is on so he can’t see your face, luckily, and you’re quick to deny anything.
“No, it’s not that. It’s something more… personal.” You could just end the conversation, like you often do when you don’t want to trouble your buir’e, but you came for advice. You nudge yourself mentally. Better to spit it out - it’s nothing to be ashamed about catching feelings after all. Your buir’e told their stories enough times to know they have no problem hearing about the topic.
“Oh. So, it’s about a special person. And they are.. an aruetii?” He asks, and he keeps his helmet on still, to allow you to do the same. As much as you’d like to see his face, it’s better this way.
“No, it’s… he follows the Creed too.” You admit, and your stomach is doing a flip. It’s entirely different talking to your family about this. With your friends, they’d just say their opinion and you can take it or leave it. With your aliit, you want their approval.
Tis-buir nods slowly, weighing your words. Then he reaches for his helmet and takes it off, placing it on the shelf near the counters that is there for this purpose. He leaves his scarf on, the handwoven fabric soft around his white hair and beard. You may take off your own helmet now, and you do that, placing it on the shelf beside his. You turn your snood down from your head and fold it back around your neck. He’s smiling at you.
“Shall I put two and two together, or…?”
“Why does everyone want to do math around me all of a sudden” you mutter under your breath, turning your face away in embarrassment.
“Because your friends and us know you well enough, Buy’ce’ka” he winks at you while stirring one of the pans; he knows you met your friends last evening. Using your childhood nickname brings a smile onto your face. You took into your head to became an armourer the moment you touched your first helmet. You wore it all the time even though you didn’t needed to and told everyone who would listen that one day you’ll be making buy’ce’se, helmets, yourself. Even some of the tutors called you that instead of your real name.
You go to help with breakfast. It’s not the usual simple fare but the multi course, heart-warming, belly-filling affair for a special day. You remember with a sudden pang how Djarin is probably having ration bars on his own in a sparse guest room, or maybe some porridge if he remembers to go to the communal dining hall. You somehow hope he has company, even if he is fine with solitude. You are too, but you have all these people to recharge with. How alone is he?
You almost burn the mushrooms while getting distracted. You focus back on the food, and as the house slowly stirs awake, the members of your family show up one by one and greet you over stirring pots and chopping vegetables. When all is ready, Tis-buir calls to table and you move everything into the karyai. The heart of every home where most of life happens - eating, living, receiving guests, defense during a battle - is a spacious room, and you only half fill it.
It’s only your three buir’e who live here now, and one of your vod’e lives next door. She comes over with her riduur and their usually grumpy teen who fails to hide how happy they are to see you. You don’t even make an attempt to hide anything and after touching foreheads, you pick them up and give them a hearty squeeze.
“Ba’vodu! I’m not a child anymore to just pick me up like that” they grumble after you put them back down, and you pat the top of their head.
“You’re going to need to grow a little more, vodu’ad.” You smile at them, but they suddenly go nervous.
“Are you going to come home to my verd'goten?” they say, face solemn and showing them older than they are. You see this often: the fears of a foundling, someone who lost their roots once already. The little things that a person born into a mandalorian family would never worry about rear their head in them, and you hug them close.
“Well that’s an unnecessary question. Why wouldn’t I?!”
They make you promise to come back, and you let them make a reminder of the date and time in the form of a holo message on the comm of your vambrace. You have made their first helmet years ago and they barely can hold themselves back for a few minutes before asking about the possibility of vambraces. Their new pair, forged to include pieces passed down at both side of their family’s, are hidden in the house, finished months ago, waiting for them to prove worthy to receive them.
You wouldn’t miss the occasion for the world. You’ve been there for all your vodu’ad’s, the children of your siblings; and even some of your younger cousins and unrelated ade in your clan. As you eat with your aliit, your thoughts go back to Djarin again. He must be missing that foundling he was responsible for. Who does he have for family? He mentioned some friends who helped him through bad times lately. You hope he’s on the comm with them right now, using the covert’s better equipment to reach them after having to do with what the Brick has for weeks.
You spend the day chatting, visiting the elder of your clan and more family, and one of the old warriors of the clan too, to receive her last blessings. She might still be alive the next time you visit home; she might not. You are thankful for being able to say goodbye to her. You visit the Forge last, and help out with whatever work needs doing with the other masters, until it’s time to leave for the dock.
You almost start to make excuses to prolong your stay before steeling yourself. Twenty-four hours, a standard day, that was the schedule you agreed on with Djarin. Unless he comms you that something came up on his end, you’ll leave in the evening.
The first thing you spot in the hangar is the shiny armour. That suit looks good at every angle, at any distance. Than you feel your ears flush when a little voice says in your head how that might be partially because the person under it makes it look good. You try to shove the thought to the back of your mind.
As you draw near, you can see he’s talking with your elder Thrilla. Your heart does a double-beat as all your thoughts from before come flushing back for a moment. No. They must be talking about his mission, not you. And he’s basically clan-less, or at least elder-less. It’s good to see him seeking the guidance of an elder too.
He’s standing in that hip-twisty way you’ve seen him do, with one hand on his belt. It’s a strangely relaxed and playful stance from a person who’s usually as focused and sombre as him. Thrilla glances up at you, the black of her visor glinting in the blue and green helmet. Than she shoos you away with a barely visible battle sign, turning back to Djarin. You’re a bit surprised, but make yourself scarce. Than you spot a grey head near the cargo ramp of the Brick. It’s Kad, Thrilla’s riduur and a mechanic who had helped to rebuild your ship. You go over to greet them before getting on with the preparations to leave.
This time you two will be away for longer and will travel further away. The trail to known coverts had dried up, and from now on you will be going by uncertain informations and rumours. You have experience in that, but the fact that he used to be a bounty hunter should help. You often spend days just trying to pinpoint which spaceport, which town, which mountain or cave or farmstead is the one you are looking for. You hope his expertise will help.
Your hopes are proven right. He reduces the hunting time to hours, and you scramble to finish preparing your tools and equipment.
“Nice job, hunter” you smile at him. His helmet turns towards you and he nods.
“You’re welcome, armourer” and you hear the smile in his voice too. Than you mentally chase away the butterflies that suddenly seem to have taken over your stomach.
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cristobalrios · 3 years
My Holo-Headcanons that I still need to turn into fics sometime and the original posts I made about them, A Compilation:
The Trouble With Emergency Holograms: La Sirena Tribble shenanigans, already started writing this one but has just been sitting in my WIPs for like a year.
Multiple Personalities: Some Sci-Fi reason the holos all have to temporarily be inside of Cris's head so they temporarily take over his body like That Episode With Data or That Episode With Seven, or kind of like That Other Episode With Seven and Doc although personally I'd prefer this to be an episode and not a fic, so we actually get to see Santi doing the rapidly-switching-between-personalities thing.
Holo Programs for Emergency Holos: Steward's recreational holo-program for the EHs where everyone gets to have their own dream job that's supposed to be not what they're programmed for, like an "if you could do anything other than your current job, what would it be" scenario. Emil is just... A doctor. Or is he? His hospital is actually a front for his secret spy base and no one knows it until Enoch spies on Emil and then the secret's out.
The Importance of Being Eddie: Rios pretends to be an Emergency Hologram that doesn't exist to get out of a conversation when he was Not in the mood for anything resembling social interaction; it was quick and easy and felt really good so he started using this excuse more, so he invents Eddie, the Emergency Departure Hologram. The Holos hear Rios doing this sometime and decide to help him out and have some fun of their own, so they take turns pretending to be this Eddie holo so people don't only see Eddie when they're looking for the captain and Eddie doesn't only leave the room to "find him" and never come back. And things... Get out of hand. Title named after the fact that this sounds suspiciously close to a variation of "Bunburying" as Algernon named it in The Importance of Being Earnest (I also love the fact that his name is Eddie, as named by @enigma-the-mysterious, specifically for the fact that it's reminiscent of Edward Hyde that this also... kind of resembles, if you squint, although the name came from "Emergency Departure Hologram" and was not, as far as I know, a literary allusion)
Hospitality: The origin of the Emergency Hospitality Holograms, an idea pitched to Doc when working on the Emergency Hologram Basic Installation Package, by his friend and fellow Voyager veteran Neelix, after meeting another beloved self-aware hologram, Vic Fontaine. Not exactly a story about our Holos on La Sirena, but sort of an origin story for Steward, so related.
The KitKats and That Time Cris's Generosity Was Mistaken for Negligence: Working title. Two things were talked about here; a Cute Fluff story where Enoch gets to have Emil's KitKat because Emil doesn't like them, but there are Conditions, and; Rios handing some things out the the holos, and Enoch sneaks back in line seeing if he can get away with getting Two without Cris noticing, and when Cris does give him another without any comment, he is suddenly worried that Cris really didn't notice that one of the holos was there twice and he's slightly offended.
Holo-ween: The Holos have a tradition on Halloween; try to confuse Rios about which Holo is which. They switch it up every time, including one time all of them looking exactly like him with no other visual or auditory indications of differences.
Portal: The Holo Squad play Portal. That's it, that's the entire thing.
I Swear My Smart Devices Are Alive: A modern AU where the EHs are Cris's smart devices and Agnes is the cute IT Tech who comes over to fix them when their idiosyncrasies get on Cris's nerves enough.
Forgery: The Holos can mimic Cris's handwriting perfectly...
Collection: This one is actually post-Picard S1, or during. Elnor wants to learn about why people have... Stuff. Just, stuff, for no apparent purpose, that they seem very attached to (read: Cris and his mermaid statues). Steward tries his best to explain it to him and the Holos show Elnor their own collections and hobbies, and help him find hobbies of his own.
Diagnostics: Ian takes his duty as their equivalent of ""Doctor"" to his fellow Emergency Holograms very seriously, but in true Rios-fashion, neglects to take care of himself. This results in the actual EMH having to step in. @talvenhenki already did an absolutely wonderful fic based on this idea that I love in chapter 8 of Voyages of the Freighter La Sirena, but I might do a version of my own. Maybe it will take place not long before this one, when Emil (and possibly Agnes, as mentioned in that version above, so that's an idea) goes to Ian before Cris intervenes. Anyway, whether or not I ever actually write it, definitely go read that version!
Emergency Command Hologram: A theory I had pre-Stardust City Rag that started off as a joke and turned into "wait this would actually be fun if not in canon, at least as an AU" - I have subsequently decided that this is going to be a recurring nightmare of Rios's, that he finds out that the real him died and he's a holographic copy of himself as a modified ECH the holos have been using to fake still having a captain. That he actually died and the holos covered it up to avoid being deactivated permanently or changed by the ship's next owner. The cover up aspect, of course, goes "nicely" with Cris's trauma.
Steward and His Roombas: I really don't know where the original stuff is for this (the link to the post is broken now, I don't know where it went) but this was completely inspired by Stabby the Space Roomba about Steward and his ship cleaning bots and Emmet taping a knife to one of them like the infamous Stabby that inspired the wonderful, beautiful fic @procrastinatorproject wrote and gifted to me, A Night at the Opera. Please go read it if you haven't (and reread it if you have). And listen to the podfic version @thelaithlyworm is making, here. They're both wonderful!
Meta that aren't fic ideas but are interesting/important observations and/or headcanons:
An Exploration of Emmet's Tattoos: Pictures, identification of whatever I could identify, and discussion of all of Emmet's various tattoos that we have been able to see on screen so far.
Connection: The holograms in the Emergency Hologram Basic Installation Package are interconnected with each other and the ship in intricate ways. This post itself is mostly a meta on the holos instead of an actual plot bunny but there's definitely stuff that can be done with these concepts.
Emergency Hologram Basic Installation Package: I have character bios for each of the holograms on my carrd that also has some headcanons about the EHBIPs as well. Carrd Home Page; Emil; Enoch; Steward; Emmet; Ian.
Also, these ideas are open for other people to steal (I would love but it's not required to credit me and possibly any others who helped make these ideas, as shown on their original posts, since a lot of them were definitely a collaborative thing).
If you do use any of these ideas, feel free to reblog this with the link to it!!
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A lesson in patience
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“Maybe if you would learn we wouldn’t be sitting here waiting on you!” Grady barked from the top of the tank. It didn’t matter who heard him. Alaska had pissed him off yet again while he was teaching her how to clean some of the weapons.
Taking one last swig of his canteen, Don sat inside the tank hoping for peace and quiet from the group. Behaving like the animal he is, Grady found his way back to Don’s personal space ranting about the young woman they picked up a few weeks ago.
Grady pulled the top hatch open, dropping inside almost stepping on Don. “Oh shit, sorry Top.” A name the tank makes all called him.
“Maybe you should calm the fuck down and pay attention,” Don snapped back, knowing Grady needed to be put in his place.
Grady climbed down further into the tank where he usually sat. He rubbed his face with his hands and took in a deep breath like Don often told him to do on other occasions.
“Remember, she’s not the one you’re at war with,” Don reminded. “Stop being so controlling of her. She’s practically a kid and she is trying to do everything you ask. It would be good for you to slow down. You’re stressing me out.”
Grady inhaled, ready to shout his frustration but let out the breath knowing Wardaddy would never stand for it. “You wanted to roll out by dusk.”
Don looked to Grady who looked down. He never made eye contact when being corrected. It was something that used to piss Don off but he learned that’s just who Grady is.
“I’m not going to get into it with you. If she is going to stay alive, she needs to learn every job here. Same as we do.” Don snapped.
Grady nodded, feeling it would be best to not say what was really shouting in his thoughts about just leaving her at the side of the road somewhere.
Don adjusted himself in his seat to manage his back pain that he had. Taking a moment to think, he took the cracker pack from the MRE and tossed it at Grady’s head.
Grady erupted, “She argues everything and can’t do nothing right!”
“EH!” Don shouted over him, silencing his ammunition loader back into his seat. “You listen here. I’ll have Bible sit assist with driving. You will be on canon. Alaska is taking your job.”
Grady scoffed. “She can’t load for shit.”
“Quiet!” Don snapped again. “Get her comfortable with knowing how to use everything. We’ll rotate positions until she’s just as good as you. That’s not saying much.” Don reached down with his boot and gave him a nudge to the arm. Grady didn’t budge.
“Look you’re doing better at controlling yourself already,” Don teased. “Is there something between you two? There’s more to this story. I’ve never seen two meet and have this much tension unless there’s something there.”
Grady shifted, looking around the tank for any way to change the subject. “No. She’s just too young to be in this mess and has her whole life ahead of her.”
“So do you, son. Now go show Alaska how to stack bodies or something.” Don said, pushing himself up to stand and step out of the tank to give Grady a moment to compose himself.
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cutegirlmayra · 3 years
I love your jealous Sonic and I think the most canon one is boom, so may I ask for Boom!Sonamy with jealous Sonic? If you need a more specific idea maybe Amy gets a pet like a puppy that takes up all her attention so Sonic feels left out and in competition and feels the dog doesn't like him and doesn't want to share Amy.
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You can find me talking about this prompt at 21:16 on the Pajama Blogs!
Hehe, jealous Sonic, it would be more canon in Boom, you’re right. I agree and share your opinions lolol but I think this would be cute and I hope I do it justice!
PROMPTS ARE ON SHUTDOWN! Sorry, you missed the grand opening and will have to wait till next time :( You can still ask questions though! But they need to be in accordance to the blog rules~<3
Comedy Chimp was in a hysteria of panic, the news had just announced the most popular celebrity pet: Tinkle Dipples, to be housed in Hedgehog Village while preparing to shoot a cameo in the famous Tommy Thunder movies.
Eggman and Amy compete in a tournament/competition to win the right to take care of Tinkle Dipples for the shooting, since his manager is going fangirl over Tommy Thunder, she doesn’t want to care for him and instead, has Amy--the winner of the tournament--sign some legal documents and take off to pursue her hero.
Sympathizing a bit with the manager but more excited about the cute, idol puppy, Amy takes her job very seriously as Eggman whines and complains about his loss and plans to do something about it..!
“I knew I should have played Dynamite Dalmatian but she had Rover Clover on the field, you can’t EXPLODE ROLL WITH MAXIUM LUCK ON YOUR OPPONENTS TEAM!” he wept and tossed his arms about as they wacked against his bed.
Orbot and Cubot just looked to each other, unsure how to comfort him. “Sir, perhaps scheming against Sonic and his friends while one of their prominent members is distracted could prove useful and make you feel better?” Orbot stated, as the two held up a pen and some graph paper, “Scheming always puts you in a better mood for evil...” He encouraged again.
Collecting himself and rubbing his massive hands under his glasses, he sniffled as he took the paper and started sketching. “Ohh...hoo... hoo...oh-ho? Oh ho! Oh-ho-ho-ho-wha-hahaha!!!” with soft cries that suddenly turned manic with evil, he scribbled more furiously and immediately cranked his back and threw his arms to an angle in his signature laughter.
Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles were playing beachball when Sticks poked her head out of the local garage dump, “Heeeey, wait a minute!” she threw a banana peel off her head a second, “Volleyball and Beachball are the same things! Why are they called differently!? Do they respond to the same name!?”
“Guess you could call it Beach Volleyball.” Tails shrugged, “Though, technically, beachball is the thing you use to play volleyball...” As he continued, Knuckles spiked and knocked him down while he was contemplating it.
“Haha! Snooze you loose!” Knuckles mocked, throwing his arms down to point at Tails.
“Grr... Knuckles! We’re on the same team!” He spat out sand and dusted himself off.
“Oh.” Knuckles then gestured to himself, “Well, then I was awake and quaked!”
Tails shook his head, “Sonic, do you have to play on your own team?”
“What? I’m fast enough for two!” Showing off his amazing speed, Sonic zipped around the court to where it looked like Sonic was literally playing by himself, “I could even play all teams!” He snatched the ball from the ground and pushed--or lightly placed--Knuckles and Tails out of the field to then play the game by himself.
“Still seems a bit unfair, though.” Tails pouted, folding his arms.
“No, no. Shh!!! I wanna see which team wins!” Knuckles became excited, “Woo! Go, Left field Sonic! Ah! No! Watch out, Right field Sonic! Nooo..!!! Oh, phew... Wait-Sonic!” Knuckles went through typical spectators reactions, gripping his head, tugging on his hair, before cheering yet again, “Yeeeahhh! Good forward arm there, Left field Sonic! Rooted for your along! ... Hey, which one’s Sonic again?” he looked to Tails.
“At least you got the fields right.” Tails side-commented before stepping back up to Sonic. “Is this because Amy wouldn’t come down to the beach today?”
“Yeah, we can’t help it if I’m too good for the two of ya.” He twirled the ball on his finger, “Besides, Amy can’t--and won’t--part with that Tinkle... Dinkle... Winkle... whatever his name is!” Sonic fanned a hand out, masking his own opinions on it. “Amy’s obsessed with that thing...”
“Huh, I always thought Amy was obsessed with y-” Tails seemed to panic and jumped up to cover Knuckles’s mouth.
“Knuckles-!” he cried out, then lowered his voice to whisper down to him, clinging to his head and shoulder. “We’re supposed to pretend we don’t know anything about that...”
“Anything about what now?” Sonic was still doing tricks with the volleyball.
“N-nothing!” Tails waved his hands out and flew a moment in the air. “An-anyway, I don’t think I’m really in the mood to keep playing. I’ve got uh... some... some engineering stuff to work on! Bye, Sonic!” He waved and took off.
“Engine-erring!?” Sticks spat out a flat tire that had been thrown away that she was gnawing on to find the trapped gerbil that she believed made the car’s wheels turn and free it from it’s imprisonment at last. “Oh no, you don’t!” she jumped out and rushed after him, barking as he flew up and in a bit of surprised fright, tried to dodge her but she jumped and grabbed his foot. “You aren’t making nothing to torture these gerbils anymore!”
“W-wha-what are you talking about!? Le-let goooo!!!” The two flew off and seemed to crash somewhere.
“I-uh... better check on that.” Knuckles saw Sonic offering to share the ball with him but decided to check on his friends first. “Sticks! Wait! I’m sure that nice village of Gogobas are still safely in their pity parties!”
Sonic sighed, “Oooh...” And let the ball go to kick it, letting it roll as a Eggman spybot was hit out of a bush and flew up.
“Guess I’ll check on Amy then...” Sonic took off towards her house.
“Hehehe-huhuhu...” Eggman rubbed his hands together, sitting happily in front of his screen in his evil lair. “There we go... I’ll snatch Mr. Tinkle Dipples the second Amy’s distracted by Sonic!” He roared confidently in laughter. “My machine is almost complete! Orbot! Cubot!”
“Yes, Doctor?!” Cubot nervously saluted as Eggman turned around to face the two in his spinning chair.
“Make sure my robot pooch is fully operational!”
“Yes, doctor!” The two took off...
Sonic raced to the door, but before knocking, looked himself over in the reflection of a window and adjusted his quills, then tightened his bandana. He choked, loosening the bandana again and grumbling to himself something but the only audible line one could hear was--”Never learned to tie a tie...” before rushing back to door and knocking this time.
“Busy!” Amy cried from within.
His entire confident air deflated, and he drooped forward with his arms hanging down, “Oooh... Uh, it’s me! Sonic! ... Sonic The Hedgehog!” He puffed himself up just a little bit more, calling and leaning more towards the door. “Hero extraordinary! ... So much better than a puppy...” He folded his arms and mumbled the last bit to himself.
“Oh-oh... C-coming!” Amy seemed to scramble but Sonic could hear multiple layers of locks, chairs, wooden-door stoppers and more start being cleared away like a construction site. She peeked open the door, “Come in!” she chimed, “Quickly, quickly, quickly..!” She then rushed him in and put one single lock back on the door. “Eh, I’ll take of that later.”
“Woah, what’s with the, uh... high-end security arrangement, Ames?” Sonic thumbed-back to the door but Amy rushed over to a stool with a soft pillow on it, making the little puppy look like royalty as his tongue hung out and he drooled.
His eyes grew intensely large like in anime and shined, trying to such Sonic into his cuteness as Sonic felt the pull but leaned away.
It shone with heavenly aura as it’s eyes kept growing bigger but Sonic about-faced and turned to Amy, “Uhh... How’s the pooch-sitting coming along-” he was surprised to see she was completely captivated by the puppy and already squatting by the stool, gawking and taking pictures as her own eyes looked bigger than normal.
“Aww, cute puppy! Sweet boy! Look over hereee~” she cooed and coddled as it continued to pant, it’s eyes normal to Sonic now. “Who’s the cutest, wutest, sweetest, squishiest cheek boy ever?~” she then scrunched up his cheeks and played with them as they jiggled and wobbled to her touch, spraying drool everywhere...
“Oh.” He realized he was being ignored. “Alright, no worries, just the most dashing man of the hour in your house... No need to over-celebrate.” He frowned and pushed his arms straight down again. “Dumb dog.” he muttered under his breath.
“WHAT DID YOU SAY!?” Amy’s big, sparkling eyes went right into his face, as though a brainwashed-slave to this puppy as he shook his head in intimidation at her creepy smile.
“N-no-nothing! Just how cute the puppy iswh! Is-!” he almost mimicked Amy’s baby-talk on accident. “Ehem, Amy, I normally would never do this under typical and honorable circumstances but in this case-” He shoved her hands to his cheeks, “I think you see my point.” he beamed.
“...Uh, I guess?” Amy took her hands off his cheeks, “You hungry or something?”
He deflated yet again, his eyes just saucers of white. “N... No.”
She raised an eyebrow.
“...Yes.” He shrugged down, and as she went to the kitchen, he glared and clenched his jaw at the puppy. He zipped over to it, “Listen you, I don’t know what fame has done to your head or anything, but I’m not here to stand for your pompous treatment of my friend!”
The dog continued to drool, one eye blinking.
“But I’ll have you know that I’m the big shot in these parts! And Amy just happens to be madly in love with me!” He pointed to himself and then picked up the constantly panting dog. “Not you. So you can wag your little tail and stick out your tongue somewhere else!” He dashed to one of Amy’s bird cages and shoved the dog in, causing a minor yelp from it but it wasn’t hurt, just surprised as Sonic tarped it and headed back to Amy.
Sitting at the counter, he then crossed his legs, “So-ho-ho~ Amy~ Have I told you about the one time I-”
“Yep.” Amy continued to work on the food.
“I-I didn’t even say it.” Sonic squinted his eyes in suspicion at her.
“...Are you even listening to me?”
“All done!” she poured something into a bowl.
“Awesome! You’re cooking, might I say, is way better than Meh Burger when it comes to the ol’Sonic engine!” he rubbed his stomach and licked his chops before Amy swiped the bowl away from him as he went to bite down. “H-huh..? What just happened...” he spoke with his mouth open, mid-bite again, before he saw the puppy had mysteriously wound-up on the pillow stool again, Amy bringing the deluxe dog food over to him.
“Here you go, Mr. Tinkle Dinkles~ Yes, who’s hungry? Who’s the biggest star in Hedgehog Village and the world? And the whole wide wittle world? You are~ You are, you good boy~” she petted him as he leaned his head back, thumped his leg at her praise and loving scratches, and then flopped over her lap to gorge himself in her home-prepared dog food.
Sonic leaned against the couch, narrowing his eyes at the sight as he muttered more curses for the dog under his breath...
He had a thought bubble that then showed a chibi-version of Amy and the pooch, her scratching his belly and loving on him but the dog faded and a Chibi-Sonic replaced it. Snickering and cackling as Chibi-Amy continued her smothering but the Dog was now whining with it’s tail between it’s legs, trapped in a Meh Burger costume with a sign that read: ‘Will pee for attention’.
Sonic continued to snicker to himself before the doorbell rang again.
“Oh?” Amy lightly placed the dog back on his stool and used a finely made napkin with ‘Fuzzy Puppy Buddies’ logo on it to clean up his mouth before heading to the door. “Who could that be?”
While Amy was distracted, Sonic sped over to the dog, grabbed it, pulled back the window and tossed the dog with a under-handed swing out the window. It hung in the air a moment before going, “Oof?” like a little woof and fell straight down...
Into Eggman’s hands...
“Hehehe, hohoho..!” Eggman placed a mechanical dog down, doing the exact animations as the dumb little creature in the first place. “Now you’re coming with daddy sweetie~ Who’s a big, bright, beautiful star? You are~ You are Mr. Tinkle Dipples~ Uncle Eggy has a nice place set up just for you~” he wiggled his finger to the puppy and continued to adore it secretly while sneaking away.
“I’m gonna miss Metal Pooch.” Cubot wiped an imaginary tear from his eye. “Such beautiful destruction he caused...”
“Yeah... The steel heart mends, Cubot. Give it time to rust.” Orbot patted Cubot and helped turn him away from the sight.
When Amy closed the door again, she turned around with a shriek, panicking and tearing her house up looking for the dog. Sonic tried everything to get her to turn her attention to him, even momentarily throwing away his pride and setting up a floor-lounge with candle-lit setting with a rose in and across his mouth,... but she was too busy searching to see.
He spat out the rose and it hit her on the back of her head, “Ah! Sonic! We don’t have time for-...” Her eyes shrunk at the scene, and it might have been enough as their eyes met and romantic music started playing as he lifted up his foot and clicked a radio with his heel.
“Who’s a good boy..?” he flirted, but suddenly...
“Oh my stars!” Amy raced to the window, “Mr. Tinkle Dipples!? What are you doing out here?” she had big, anime eyes again... as though love was blinding her from seeing the fakeness of the dog.
She cradled it in her arms after reaching down the window to get it.
“BARK. BARK. I AM THE GOODEST OF BOYS.” It’s robot voice was a dead giveaway, but Sonic was amazed to see that Amy kept caring for it, spoon-feeding it as it took the food but lifted its tail to dispel it out the other end.
“Ohh~ Did Tinkle Dipples make a wittle present-mess-le?” Amy put her hands to her hips as Sonic couldn’t take it anymore.
“HE’S A ROBOT!” He spindashed the Eggman robot as it powered down.
“Ohh... Goodest of b-b-boys...” and shut down.
“NNNOOOO!!!” Amy freaked out, crying and holding him in her lowered arms.
“Amy! Snap out of it! It’s a decoy!” Sonic put his hands on her shoulders and shook her, and her eyes returned to normal. “H-huh? Sonic? When did you get here?”
He lowered his eyes in agitation, but then the news came on.
“This just came in, T.W Barker is suing Amy Rose for a violation of her contract, that’s right, MR. TINKLE DIPPLES IS MISSING! AHH!! THAT POOR, INNOCENT BOY! AHH! AHH, THE AGONY! Amy’s reputation is ruined by the way and the world will never forgive her awful crime of LOSING THE MOST ADORABLE PUPPY IN THE WOR-RL-RLD!!!” The eagle was losing himself in his grief, as Amy’s eyes twitched and she brought out her hammer, looking ready to murder Sonic.
“Wait!” He dodged, “Amy, listen to me! YIKES!” he had to dodge Amy all the way to Eggman’s, where they defeated him to get the puppy back, who was still as still and in a loop-animation as ever, but wagged its tail and licked Sonic’s face when successfully brought to the manager.
Amy’s reputation was spared and Cubot and Orbot got Tails to fix Metal Pooch, leaving him to a happy life with Mombot.
Metal Pooch continued the animation cycle, “I AM. I AM GOODEST BOY OF YOUR TWO EVIL SONS. BARK. BARK.”
Eggman frowned, watching from a window, “Ohh... Wait, how’d he end up there!?”
Cubot still visits to give him screws as a treat.
Amy looked to her friends, “Huh, I guess the moral here is to not let celebrities take over your lives and make you forget about your real friends...” She opened her arms up to everyone but instead, T.W Barker popped up, shocking everyone.
“And always keep your contractual obligations~” he winked to the camera with a sly grin. 
he muttered under his breath as though the legalities at the end of a radio or t.v commercials.
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silver-wield · 4 years
Hi! Can you do an analysis where after you do all the sidequests in chapter 3 and Tifa asks Cloud which outfit to wear? Thank you!
You're talking about the alone at last discovery, but you want all the dress options? I mean, the mature one is canon for her even if you don't do alone at last, so the other choices are optional within an optional scene – and the only reason it's optional is because you get the mature dress anyway.
Basically I'm just gonna do the mature dress lol
Ok, spoiler warning for ppl who haven’t played – do I still need to do this? Eh ok, (I tag FF7R spoilers as final fantasy 7 remake spoilers) and it’s gonna be medium.
Also, this is one person’s interpretation of the scene, so if you disagree that’s cool and we’ll agree to disagree.
You’re also gonna have to excuse the janky quality on some of the screens, I’m grabbing them from Youtube and it’s frustrating af trying to get the exact moment I want.
Please check my master post to see if I've already covered your question, thanx
Recap time!
A pouting Cloud – who will always be my favourite Cloud cause adorable af – has been convinced by Tifa to help collect money for water filters to cover his pay for the reactor job. While they're making their rounds he gets stopped by Marle for a little heart to heart and a very important life lesson that he takes with him through the rest of the game.
Once that's over and he's changed the filter in his room, he pops next door to see Tifa.
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AGH SHE'S SO CUTE! She's totally being cute on purpose too! Big eyes, hands behind her back, leaning forward, she's doing everything she can to put Cloud at ease because she's about to be nosy and we know Tifa doesn't push people.
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The wide eyes, surprised “hmm?” and unguarded expression show he thought she had something else in mind besides this question lol
This isn't real!Cloud btw, it's just surprised Cloud lol
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This is real!Cloud. After some back and forth between them, where Cloud seems to have a small deliberation with himself what he's ok to reveal while Tifa wears an earnest and hopeful look of expectation he'll share with her, Cloud turns away and gives some basic info that's emotionless and has very little attachment to his SOLDIER persona. A part of him seems to realise that and we see a flicker of grief cross his face. His mouth downturns and his brows pull together for a brief moment. He may well be getting a reminder of Zack's death, but it's so detached at this point he can't recall it or feel anything besides the slightest flicker. He grows confused and tries to muddle it through, but there's no conclusion. It's yet another odd feeling he has that comes with no reason why.
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Tifa senses Cloud's upset and apologises for pushing him. She's very aware of his feelings and the distance between them from the long years apart.
We get a wide shot of them, showing the physical distance, which highlights their emotional distance. However, between them on the rug is the pattern of the reunion flower. This imagery has likely been placed there as a metaphor for them reuniting.
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Cloud gives Tifa his profile as she talks about them maybe never meeting again and it being a strange coincidence they did. Since part of him assumed she was dead the entire time, it's likely a painful association to him and that's why he can't face her when she says it. With his head down and eyes obscured we can't really read his face very well, but from the glimpse we get, he looks hurt.
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The distance between them closes when Tifa takes steps towards Cloud and he turns to her. She suggests they celebrate and Cloud looks surprised. Since he's probably wanted to ask her out since forever, the ease in which she does it makes him doubt she's sincere.
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Tifa clearly becomes defensive here. The potential rejection from Cloud's “really?” has made her cross her arms over herself in a protective gesture. Her expression is hiding the hurt that Cloud might not want to go out with her. She tried to close the distance between them, but then took a small step back, indicating they're not quite comfortable with each other still. They're both wary and tip-toeing around each other, being careful. In Tifa's case, it's likely so Cloud won't up and leave all of a sudden. And for Cloud, we can guess it's because as much as he wants to be with Tifa, he feels like he always fails her and has no right to be around her.  
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Cloud, you're a goddamn troll and I hate you lol
Caught the smile the third time I watched this bit back. I knew he was teasing her anyway, but his micro-expressions give me life and I need to find the exact moment they appear. He wants to see her dressed up. Just the idea of her dressing up for him is making him want to smile. Cloud joking around is adorable and I wanna see more of it. This is hints of real!Cloud teasing his crush because he thinks she’s cute.
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Remember during their promise scene when Cloud would try and bait a reaction out of Tifa and she'd one up him and he'd end up being the one who got stuck in his feels? Yeah, this is that.
You'd think by now Cloud would've learned not to tease Tifa if he can't handle the come back. I mean, this is a clear, check me out, pose.
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When Cloud says, “Something refined,” Tifa smiles and replies “we're not kids anymore” which is definitely suggestive of her. The look on her face hints that she's got plans already and she's pleased that it seems Cloud doesn't think of her as just his childhood friend anymore. Which is why she draws attention to them not being kids any longer. She wants Cloud to think of her as a woman.
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And Cloud likes the idea of them matching. It's suggestive of a couple, which he'd like to be with her, so the fact she's asked him to match her is a huge hint that she still has a crush, although Tifa's so reserved her hints are very small and take a keen eye to spot. That Cloud smiles at the thought shows how much he's looking forward to going out with her, he does this tiny little shy glance away then back to her – we were robbed of a cute date up on the plate #cries#
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More Cloud smiling. He's looking forward to it, even if he replies “maybe” to Tifa saying how much fun they'll have. He was asked out and agreed. That's how dates work. We were robbed #cries even more#
It's an introspective moment for him. He's likely wanted to ask her out for years and this is how easy it was the entire time lol
Get married, make babies, we're getting old here!
Cloud isn't pressured into going out with Tifa, the amount he smiles during this exchange shows he's excited to have a date with her – even if they're not calling it a date. Tifa got Cloud to open up a little and they closed some of the emotional and physical distance between them. It's a step on the path to them becoming a couple.
I say a lot that they have good eye contact and this is where they begin. Before this moment, Cloud looked at her, but didn't hold her gaze as much. After Marle telling him to try more, he's putting himself out there for her and making that emotional connection. Their eye contact in this scene isn't there at the start, because of the seriousness of the conversation at times, but Tifa's very sympathetic to Cloud's needs and does her best to cheer him up. It works because he teases her and by the end, they're on their way to that moment in the corkscrew tunnel when neither of them broke eye contact even after getting up.
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sabraeal · 3 years
Root & Vine
The third fic but the fourth most popular pairing in my Holiday Rare Pair poll; I wanted to give myself more time to work on the Zen/Kihal fic (which now has gotten moved to January, so I don’t skimp on the quality). When it came time to pick out a concept for this pairing, this canon-compliant prequel fic won in a landslide! The events in this are meant to parallel some that happen in @bubblesthemonsterartist’s Dead Men Tell No Tales: Long Live the King, only from the view in Lilias
The second prince hovers just outside the threshold, book tucked against his stomach like a shield. He’s ten-- only a month ago he’d been trotted out in front of all the peers before being tucked straight back into his nursery so the lords could get on with their drinking and dancing and plotting-- but he looks two years younger. The runt of the royal litter, baby fat still clinging to his jaws and cheeks the way he still clings to Her Majesty.
Her Majesty, who hasn’t stopped looking south since they arrived.
“Mother?” he tries again, voice lifting, like a pup trying to get attention from his dam.
The queen doesn’t stir, doesn’t even give a sign that she’s heard. Just keeps standing with her back to him, hands clutched to her chest. He might call it praying, if her eyes strayed anywhere but at the horizon.
Zakura clears his throat, pointed. “Your Majesty?”
Now that gets her. She startles, the long hem of her nightgown whirling around slippered heels. Her gowns run large nowadays; the shoulder slips before she can catch it, baring a flash of flesh carved from ivory, a delicate rounding over the bone--
And yellow mottled with a faded brown. There’s so much vulnerable skin to take in, but that’s what his eyes fix on. Days ago, it’d been purple. Misjudged an entry, she laughed, the carriage rattling beneath them. That was how she always was, his queen: beauty and grace and never finding the door on the first go.
“Zen.” The tension sags from her shoulders. “I didn’t--” her lips close over her words-- “do you need something, darling?”
“My stories.” His cheeks flush all the way back to his ears. “I mean...would you read to me? I’m going to bed.”
Slim fingers tangle in the lace at her neckline. “Oh, do you need...?”
“No!” The kid looks ready to melt into the stones themselves. “I can read them myself. It’s only...Izana sometimes would.”
“I...” Her breath rattles in her chest. “I suppose...”
“Let me,” Zakura says, jumping to his feet. The prince stares at him with rounded eyes, and oh, His Majesty’s get he might be, but there’s more than a little of his mother in that blue. “Been a long while since I’ve read a good yarn.”
“Oh, they’re just-- just children’s stories.” His boots shuffle bashfully in the hall. “Tales of knights and such. Nothing, er, interesting.”
“Come now, Highness.” He gives the kid a grin, the sort he’d give any of the other men in the guard, the kind that says you’re one of us. “Who loves tales about knights more than a knight himself? And I’ve heard you’ve got an eye for the best.”
“Well.” That small chest puffs up behind his book. “I have read quite a lot of them.”
Zakura hooks his hands on his hips. “There you go then.”
His Highness hesitates. “All right,” he says after a long moment, “As long as you don’t mind.”
“‘Course not.” He hazards a glance over his shoulder, and she’s right here, his queen, her grateful gaze ready to greet him. His place is ever at her side, but for now--
Well, her son is a part of her too. “It would be my pleasure, Highness.”
“I hath invited you into my home, dear sir, and you throw these sordid accusations at me?” the foul lord cried as he set down his cup. “Do you not expect me to seek satisfaction from you?”
“Nay, my lord,” proclaimed the valiant Sir Akihiko. “I thought you too cowardly to meet my blade, though I relish in the honor--”
Zakura scowls down at the page. “Are they going to duel?”
The second prince stares up at him with those wide, guileless eyes, the very mirror of Her Majesty’s, and says, “Of course they are.”
“But why?”
“The Lord of Montivale is a villain,” the kid explains with beleaguered patience. “And good must triumph over evil.”
“I’m not saying he can’t kill him.” There’s an illumination that half the page, all fancy maile borders and knights with sabatons that look like socks, every one of them holding a chalice. “But look, he’s right there, drinking with him. Why not slip some poison into his cup and suggest a toast?”
The prince sputters. “He can’t do that?”
“Why not? It’d be cleaner.”
“A villain must be slain through righteous combat,” he shrills, “not through-- though--”
“Being smart?”
Chubby childhood cheeks puff out in distress. “Trickery.”
“There’s no reason for it.” It’d be rude to laugh in the face of a kid who could, with a few convenient accidents, become king, so Zakura restrains himself to a muffled chuckle. “Learn this now, little prince: a man should always fight smarter, not harder. The best way to win a fight is to never pick up a sword to begin with.”
Flannel sleeves cross over the bedclothes, his chubby face twisted away in temper. “That’s not what my father says.”
A king has men to die for him, he doesn’t say. Not like a prince would get the distinction. “If Sir Akihiko had any brain beneath that helm, he’d have dropped some arsenic into Duke Montivale’s glass and ended this whole thing before it started.”
Zakura heaves a sigh, settling against the headboard. “Listen-- what would have happened if Akihiko had lost?”
The prince blinks up at him with his mother’s eyes. “He can’t lose. He’s the finest knight in the realm. No one can beat him.”
“Right, right.” Children’s tales always liked to muddle the point. “But I mean, what if something happened? What if he tripped over an uneven stone? Or misjudged one of those stairs? What happens then?”
His little mouth works, wrapping around words he can’t quite dare to say. “Then...Duke Montivale...lives?”
“And now there’s no better knight to defeat him.” He leans down, meeting that kid’s wide-open gaze. “When someone has to go, you don’t rely on chance.”
The prince chews on that for a moment. “But a knight can’t just...poison someone.”
“Why not?”
“Poison,” the prince informs him with the sort of gravitas most councilors only achieve in their twilight years, “is a woman’s weapon.”
“Hah!” Zakura grunts, smile widening into a grin. “And what if the knight’s a woman?”
The royal mouth purses into a disapproving bud. “That’s not possible.”
“Not now,” he hums, “but who knows about later...?”
The kid stares at him, impassive. “I’m tired,” he declares. Tired of you, his tone implies. “You may leave.”
“As my liege wishes.” He levers himself to his feet with a groan. The other guards had warned him-- it was a tough life walking the walls, and the knees were always the first to go.
“Blow out the lamps.” Quieter, His Highness adds, “And thank you, sir.”
Zakura smiles into the dark. “Anytime, Highness.”
Her Majesty is still awake, right where he left her half an hour before, gaze fixed out toward the horizon.
“His Highness is tucked in.”
The queen of all of Clarines and Yuris jumps. Startles right out of her skin, collar pulling just so, a mottled yellow bruise blooming at the base of her neck, and, ah, he hasn’t seen that one before. It’s oblong, decently sized-- he could probably fit it under the pad of his thumb--
“Ah.” The sound pulls her lips roughly into the shape of a smile. “Good.”
He ranges into the room with a saunter, pausing to perch on the settee’s arm. “I don’t think I impressed him with my skills.”
She blinks. “Oh, ah-- your storytelling, you mean. He does like them to be told as they are. No embellishments.” Her mouth bends into a rueful curve. “He’s comforted by their regularity. By his ability to anticipate the events.”
“Eh.” He twitches his shoulders in a shrug. “One day he’ll learn life is all about the embellishments.”
“Ah, perhaps. But I think...” Her Majesty’s gaze drops to her hands. “Some of us prefer the steadiness.”
There’s a strangeness to the silence in these rooms. Her Majesty has never been one to fill the air with empty noise-- he likes that about her-- but when it’s just the two of them she always has an occupation. Stitching, sketching, writing letters to place he’s never seen; her hands are never idle, and her chatter always pleasant. Not enough to seem like an imposition, but enough so that he doesn’t feel like the furniture. Comfortable, that’s what it’s like with his queen.
But not tonight.
“Missing home?” he asks, when he can’t stand the quiet.
Her eyes dart to his, blinking wide. “Ah..?”
He nods toward the window. “You haven’t stopped looking since we got here. South.”
“Oh...no.” Her lips rub together. “Wistal had never been my home. I mean, not until the children.”
Her children, with only one who came with her. With one who chose to stay behind. It only makes sense; an heir should favor his sire.
Doesn’t mean he needs to think better of that little prick. Zakura likes to save is charity for people who can’t afford it. “Not to worry, Your Grace. I’m sure His Majesty has everything well in hand.”
He could swear he hears her murmur, that’s what I’m afraid of.
But it can’t be, not when barely a breath later she says, “I don’t miss it. To answer your question, sir.” Her fingers clench in her nightgown. “It’s...important that I’m here.”
Now that’s a strange way to look at a holiday. “I guess it’s always good to take a rest.”
“Ah...” It’s half a laugh, half a sigh. “Yes. A rest. A respite.”
Zakura clears his throat as he watches the candles melt into wax caves. “May I ask what you’re thinking about, Majesty?”
Her breath rattles in the silence. “Gardening.”
“I think I’ll be up a long while yet.”
Zakura sways on his feet, blinking up at her with bleary eyes. Ah, a rookie move, nearly falling asleep on the job.
Her Majesty only smiles at him, kind. “You should get to sleep, sir. A young man needs his rest.”
“No, no.” he shakes his head. “I’m supposed to watch over you, Majesty. Can’t do that if I’m laying down.”
Her mouth bends into the barest frown. “I’ll be up a long time...”
He pushes himself off the wall, and comes to sit by her, the chill from the glass seeping into his clothes. “Then I’ll stay up with you. As long as you like.”
She stares at him a long moment, her eyes as dark as the night itself, and nods. “Thank you, sir.”
He offers her the softest smile a rough mouth like his can make. “I’m your man, Majesty. I always will be.”
Her hand lands on his, soft and cold and pale. “You will never know how much that means to me.”
“Could I ask you something, sir?”
Zakura blinks, dragging his gaze back to the woman beside him, the one who has not moved her hand this last half hour. He doesn’t think he imagined her palm warming over his. “Anything, Majesty.”
His queen hesitates, licking her lips before she asks, “Have you ever heard of hogstrife?”
“Hogstrife?” His mind strains to piece together the vaguest picture. “That’s a plant, isn’t it? Called it widow’s weed where I’m from, I think.”
“Yes.” Her voice is clipped, crisper than he’s heard outside of a scolding. “The pharmacists use it. Not for medicinal purposes, but because it releases a scent that keeps pests from eating the plants.” Her mouth takes a wry bent. “The bugs avoid her like people do a widow.”
“Ah.” He clears his throat. “Yeah, then I’ve heard of it before.”
“They consider it essential to growing their gardens.” Her long fingers pick out an anxious rhythm on the arm of her chair; the hand in his is still. “To grow such large plots and harvest what they need for the palace...it would be impossible, if the pests could not be kept at bay.”
Zakura can only nod. Apparently, Her Majesty had not lied about having gardening on her mind.
“But hogstrife can’t grow unchecked,” she continues, gaze still riveted south. “It’s roots are thick and its leaves are broad, and if it is not regularly pruned what once protected against predation chokes the life out of the garden instead.”
“And what does one do when such a thing occurs? When what one protected ruins instead?” Her voice creaks under the strain of her words. “Should it be left to destroy as its due?”
“No.” He’s never been much for plants, but he’s hacked down some overgrowth in his time. “They take them out, don’t they?”
He knows they do; the men talk about it sometimes-- stalks like tree trunks and noodle-armed herbalists with saws. They laugh at it over their cups.
“They do,” she says darkly. “Right at the root.”
Doesn’t seem so funny now.
He clears his throat, uncomfortable for no reason he can name. “I didn’t realize you knew so much about gardening, Majesty.”
“Oh...” Her mouth twists into a bitter smile. “It’s a recent interest.”
“Sir Zakura.” The hour is far too late for talk. Or rather, too early. “May I ask whose crest you wear?”
He stares down at his sleeve, the jeweled star of Clarines bright upon his sleeve. Some of the men said it was a flower-- for the Wisterias, of course-- but he’d never seen it, not really. “The crown’s.”
“Is that who you serve?” The words are very nearly slurred; Her Majesty cannot be far from sleep now, no matter how hard she tries. “The crown?”
“No.” The word comes out barely above a murmur. “I serve you, Your Majesty.”
There’s fatigue in every line of her beautiful face, but her eyes are sharp, focused on him. “Can I trust you?”
His hand presses to his chest, and oh, he’s too tired to keep himself from saying, “I’m yours. Always.”
She leans, so close that her breath ghosts over his skin. “Will you protect my family, no matter what storm may come?”
He blinks. “His Majesty charged me to--”
“No.” Fear burns bright in her eyes now. “If only my word compelled you, would you protect them?”
His hand tightens around her. “Until my dying breath.”
The moment is taut between them, her eyes searching his, and oh, he would give her anything if it would help her believe him, if it would prove his devotion to her, but--
“All right.” She leans back, breath rushing from her in a sigh. Her whole body slumps. “All right. I think...it would be best if I rest my head. I’ve kept you up...far too late.”
“Don’t think of it, my lady.” He smiles, though the humor no longer fits on his face. “Just doing my job.”
She hums, absent. “And let us hope you keep on doing it.”
He lingers, for a while.
With Her Majesty tucked in tight like a babe, his duty is lifted, his own head free to rest, but still, still--
Something keeps him pacing by the window. Only for a few minutes, no more than a quarter of an hour, but it’s enough. He’s here when the knock comes.
A nervous man stands outside the queen’s door, small and inconsequential, wringing his hands. A steward of Arleon’s, perhaps; he hasn’t bothered to keep track of all the clerks and maids and comings and goings.
“I presume,” he begins, drawing up to his full height, “that this is important.”
“My lord,” the man pipes, not quite meeting his eyes. “I must-- the queen--”
“Come on, man!” His grip on the door tightens with the knot in his gut. “Out with it.”
“It’s the king!” The man’s breath heaves, as if he’s run here. “The king is dead!”
“Dead?” A strange sense of cold certainty fills him. “How?”
“F-foul play.” He prays, in the breath the man takes, that it was a coup, a sword between the ribs, anything but-- “P-poison.”
If he could give his queen this one last, restful sleep, he would, but the death of kings does not keep. If anything it rots like the corpses themselves, growing ranker with each passing hour.
He steps into her room again, only moments from when he left it, watching the slow rise and fall of her back. The sun has begun to creep over the horizon, sending pale shafts across the bed, showing where the collar of her gown has ridden down in sleep, baring--
A bruise. A large, patchwork round at the nape of her neck, and the edges of another two, smaller, on each shoulder. A handprint.
“My lady,” he chokes, bending down. What are we to do, when what protects ruins instead?
She hums blearily, opening one eye. “Sir...?”
Who is it you serve? “It’s your husband,” he manages. “The king is dead.”
“Dead?” Still delirious from sleep, she smiles. Poison is a woman’s weapon. “Good.”
She turns over, burying herself more deeply into the pillows, and sleeps, deeper than he has ever seen her before.
Can I trust you, sir?
“Always, Majesty,” he murmurs, kneeling at her bedside, finger tangling with hers. “You will always have me.”
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𝔍𝔬𝔥𝔷𝔢𝔫𝔧𝔦 [PART i] [PART ii]
Our chaotic precious messy babies~!! I honestly can’t believe that after I finish Johzenji, I’ll have about 3 schools and then a miscellaneous (aka the solo hitmen) left to do for this AU. I can’t express how much I’m thankful for all the love and support you all have given for this AU and I promise I’ll start writing a bunch of HCs, One shots, drabbles, etc once it’s all done~!
» » Admin Ko
»»————- ♔ ————-««
A group that’s so chaotic it’s a rarity in itself when someone actually requests or makes a purchase from them.
It’s without a doubt that within the various self established hitmen groups that populate Japan, they’re one of the ones that are sent to deal with large scale catastrophic disasters.
It goes without saying that they’ve tried to recruit Hinata at one point, and had ended up failing miserably.
Y̷u̷j̷i̷ ̷T̷e̷r̷s̷u̷s̷h̷i̷m̷a̷
A force to be reckoned with. Despite his childish and overzealous amounts of energy he exudes, he quickly analyzes and can pick up any sort of technique or skill on the fly.
One of the most avoided leaders throughout the likes of Japan because of his chaotic thinking and lack of care.
Out of all the tactical geniuses that litter the underground crime world, he’s one of the most feared and hated. Playful and coy, Terushima not only enjoys toying around with his prey, but absolutely loves to bring utter chaos and destruction every step of the way.
Insanely intelligent, almost anyone who comes across him is thrown for a whole loop when he easily recites strategies or the composition of drugs in their collection.
A sly upturn of the lip was all that was really given as the cool metal from the barrel of his gun caressed the trembling figure’s jawline. The sheer and unaltered fear that swelled in his prey’s eyes only fueled his bloodlust as he leaned forward. Hazel hues burning an electric gold as he slapped the target’s face. The sharp clang of metal and the sickening sound of flesh against mass echoed throughout the room as crimson droplets painted the floor beneath him.
“I like to think I’m a nice guy, ya know with how lenient I can be with payments and providing you with supplies that would have any other desperate scum begging and groveling at my feet...”
Soft whimpers filled the room as the target’s breathing began to quicken in pace. 
“You’ll agree when I say I’m being plenty kind to ya...right?”
Despite his tactical brain and elusive way of speaking to gain knowledge, Tersuhima’s appearance greatly contradicts that of a great master mind.
Bleached blond hair styled consistently in an undercut with hidden tattoos underneath, Terushima has the appearance of a punk than the leader of Johzenji. 
Out of all the hitmen in his squadron, he’s the one who carries the most piercings. A plentiful amount on his ears, a tongue piercing, and finally an eyebrow piercing.
Besides that, every other week he can be seen visiting a barber to keep his undercut cleanly shaven.
He’s not as heavily built as most hitmen-- as he relies on his quick reflexes and thinking-- but he can be described as lean.
If he has an s/o he’s most definitely a playful one who will most definitely tease them to no end. 
It goes without saying that he’s fiercely protective of them and strikes fear into the hearts of many if he finds so much as a scratch on them.
K̴a̴z̴u̴m̴a̴ ̴B̴o̴b̴a̴t̴a̴
The strategist of the group.
Despite his calmer demeanor, it’s without a doubt that Bobata is just as carefree and sporadic as Terushima. 
His strategies are consistently unique, in that each one almost perfectly mimics that of any other group they’ve come across. 
Additional to that, there are times where the plans he has are so insane and ludicrous that neighboring hitmen groups and agencies actively avoid the Johzenji group.
Alongside this, it is without a doubt that they have practically little to no enemies. Mainly due to their terrifying and unstable mindset. 
Uneasy. That’s the vibe he could feel-- no taste in the air as he and the rest of his groupmates surrounded the cowering targets. A sense of heavy desire grew within him as he slowly leaned down to meet the frightened eyes of their targets.
“Eh? We were pretty certain we at least got the interesting job on the market. Who would’ve thought it would be this easy?”
Feigning exasperation, the strategist couldn’t help but feel a sinister grin form on his lips as he cocked his head to the side. A plan formulating in his mind that would not only cure his teammate’s boredom, but his own.
“Don’t you have contact with someone who could be a bodyguard for you? Perhaps...another hitmen group? After all we’re just a little bored...”
Tall and lean, Bobata doesn’t come off as intimidating initially, though when put in a certain mood he can most definitely make even the bravest of hitmen check behind their backs.
He’s known as the slenderman of the group. One who is not only thinner than the rest of his group, but is surprisingly one of the fastest members when it comes to execution.
Unlike Terushima, Bobata has more tattoos than piercings-- though he has his own fair share of them. 
He has shaggy light medium brown hair that’s usually placed in a half pony tail.
When it comes to his s/o he’s surprisingly calm around them and tries (key word) to hold back his more...sinister cravings.
Like Terushima, he’ll become quite fanatic once he hears of any sort of harm that comes to his s/o.
T̷a̷k̷e̷h̷a̷r̷u̷ ̷F̷u̷t̷a̷m̷a̷t̷a̷
The one who looks the most innocent out of the entire group, he has a similar role to that of Hinata from Karasuno except instead of being a decoy in luring targets into a proper position for the kill he is a decoy in that of being able to make multiple connections and relationships by becoming an ‘innocent’ bystander.
Due to his sweet and kind features, it’s easy for him to persuade and wring out information from those unsuspecting of him. 
Unsurprisingly, he’s similar to that of his teammates. Chaotic and insane in his own little way. He won’t admit it, but he enjoys manipulating and tricking his way into gathering information on targets or on rival hitmen groups.
“Oh, is that so?”
“Yup! And get this,” 
The figure glanced around. A sense of secrecy in their eyes before they leaned in close to the male. 
“I heard that the CEO really likes to go to the club down on 5th.”
Feigning surprise, the young decoy put on a shocked face as he easily mimicked the surprise and bewilderment of any normal person who was delivered such scandalous news. In reality, the male couldn’t help but mentally jump for joy at the quick progression of his mission. 
After all, the faster he’s able to take out the target, the faster he’s able to go back out on the field to greedily drain out the secrets of the world into his awaiting hand.
With messy black hair and wide dark colored eyes, Futamata has the appearance of a sweet gentlemen. 
In reality, he has a large tattoo of a panther on his back-- usually hidden away from the public eye with modest clothes-- and a couple of piercings. Of course nothing too over the top as he wishes to maintain not only a boyish, but sweet and energetic appearance.
Similar to Bobata, he’s lean-- though not completely to the extent of the infamous slenderman. What he lacks in mass, he makes up for in speed and close combat.
Truthfully, Futamata doesn’t see himself with an s/o who isn’t at least in the same field as him. He personally would love to work by their side in causing massive chaos throughout the dark side of the world with them.
Once he’s attached though, he won’t ever let go. As they’re the only one who truly sees him for who he is and not who he pretends to be.
K̴a̴t̴s̴u̴m̴i̴c̴h̴i̴ ̴H̴i̴g̴a̴s̴h̴i̴y̴a̴m̴a̴
One of the close combatants at Johzenji. 
Like most of his teammates, he’s able to mimic and copy any new technique or skill on the fly whilst throwing his own twist into it. 
He most definitely enjoys being out on the field, and when he’s not working he spends most of his time on an obstacle course. 
Higashiyama is usually paired up with Futamata, especially if it’s predicted that their target will be within an enclosed space. 
Besides that, he’s also the team’s sniper. Though in actuality he picked up and learned the skill from Futamata who had just gotten bored of dealing with stuff from a distance.
Bodies pressed firmly against one another, the heavy heat that wafted over the club brought no surprise to the close combatant as he easily maneuvered his way through the crowds to get to his target. From the side he could see his partner easily chatting up with the target’s secretary-- no doubt draining the man of every little bit of information he could gather before the drop that would happen.
Thinking back to it, the male couldn’t help but grin to himself as he leisurely danced his way through and over to the man of the hour. The target in question was ordering drinks-- no doubt a chance to unwind from whatever stressful life he was living. But to the combatant? This was a perfect opportunity. 
Without a moment’s hesitation he easily positioned himself in the way to start a mini fight. One that escalated quickly enough to the point that in the blink of an eye he found himself out in the alleyway easily overpowering the tipsy target.
“God...this is just too easy.” 
And then the crack of bone.
Appearance wise, Higashiyama has an appearance similar to that of a thug. One that no one dares to mess with unless they feared his wrath-- when in reality the male could be considered one of the more stable members in his group. 
Unsurprisingly, he’s built. With the consistent desire to be out on the field and on a course, his entire body is flexible and sturdy. 
Around the base, he’s usually seen with his brown hair spiked up, or pulled back with a headband as to not obstruct his vision. 
Out of all the Johzenji members, he’s the only one who doesn’t have a tattoo.
In comparison to the rest of the members, he’s the one who would most likely have the most normal’ relationship. Though in reality he’d prefer that his s/o be in the same line of field work as him.
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1zashreena1 · 4 years
Princess and the Migraine -7
18+, m/f, technically OCxDiego Jimenez [Power]
Summary: When Princess needs his help Murder Panther undergoes a trial by fire and comes out soft and gooey. Like a marshmallow. A really sexy, highly dangerous marshmallow.
WARNINGS: Ridiculous descriptions and 'the code is more like guidelines' outlook on grammar. Is it OOC if the character was given essentially zero development in canon???
NO SMUT, usage of names, mild groping (he’s still Diego), illness and medical establishments, plus size woman+fit man, secretly competent Diego!, helpless Princess, bad boys with too much money and not enough impulse control, secondary OCs, excessive swearing (???), illegal business dealings... I mean, its DIEGO
A/N:  Princess took on a life of her own and has essentially become an OC. There are infrequent mentions of her description (specifically as plus size) and her actual name in later pieces (its Bicki). She started as self-insert so she looks like me (plus size, white, short, blue eyes, curly hair). If that is not your thing, I totally understand. And do not feel obligated to read this, I will not be offended!
I'm not a fan of "plot" so be aware that most of this series is just meandering through their relationship, angst-fluff-smut whiplash style. But with dick jokes.
TAGLIST: @chelsfic​​ @symbiont13​​ @nicke0115​​ @bunnykjm​​ @rosee-sensuelle​​ @girlpornparadise​​ @mandoplease​​ @heresathreebee​​ @xxsteph-enrixx​​ @jetiikad​​ @joalsglasses​​ @mutantcookiesecrets​​ @demoncatstone​​ @squidlywiddly87​​ @lockedoutofmyotherblog​ @poeedamerons​
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gif by @nicke0115​
Diego had received the normal text from his Princess, a simple and efficient 'here' attached to a selfie. This Friday the selfie was in his bed, that mane of ringlets tossed up over the pillow and those deep blue eyes half closed in relaxation. There was nothing sexual about it, hell, he couldn't even see her lips, and it still made him half hard. What if I could see that every day? In person, right next to her? I must convince her to quit that stupid little job.
Groaning softly, he flips the phone to be held horizontally in his left hand while the right presses the heel of his palm into his burgeoning erection. He cannot wait to bury himself into that soft little body; fingers, tongue, dick, anything. She is the softest woman he has ever touched, even her tiny little feet are soft, it is maddening. He slouches down into the backseat to relieve some of the pressure from his pants.
"You want me to stop anywhere, boss?" Bastian asks from the driver's seat. Bastian is a good kid, he follows orders, he is efficient, he even anticipates needs like this, offering to get food on the way home. He looks nothing like his uncle. Julio always did say that his little sister liked blondes and Bastian was living proof.
"No, I will see what she wants to do first." Diego wants to get his hands on Princess more than he wants food.
Julio chuckles from the front seat, "His dinner is already at home, eh?" He's been with Diego for twenty years, he knows how this goes down.
"One can only hope." Diego mutters as he flips through the 'Pretty Princess' photo album in the phone's gallery. Sure, there are the expected compromising pictures (much to his delight, she enjoys posing seductively at any level of undress), but many are shots of her laughing, being excited at a new restaurant, snuggled into his side at some scenic location perfect for a couples' pic.
A couple. Is that what they are? Does he want that? (Yes) Can I have that? (I will).  He hasn't wanted any of what used to be his regular girls in… six months. Sure, Franchesca and, and whatever-her-face-is accompanied him to some club events, he even let Franchesca blow him in the car. But it wasn't until he closed his eyes and saw another gaze, drowning blue and dark as ink, that he came. Vocally. Franchesca at least knew better than to comment. That was the last time.
He wants this. He wants Princess. His Princess. How, he has no idea, but he assumes he'll figure it out. He has figured out how to survive his sister and his profession all the way to age 42. He has figured it out so far and he has no plans to stop now. 
That book about relationships and autism spectrum really helped, maybe there are other similar books that he can get. Is there a book on how to get women to admit feelings? There has to be a book on something so… unusual, yes?
The elevator dings and he steps out before the doors are fully open. The common area is dark and quiet. "Princess?" He calls. Nothing.
Maybe she is still in the bed waiting for me. The image throws him into rapid motion; the jacket is tossed over the back of the sofa and he pulls the gun out of his belt to place it on the breakfast bar as he passes by. With huge strides, he hurdles up the stairs and into the bedroom. 
The small lamp on the nightstand is at the lowest setting, turned to a faint aqua color. She does love fiddling with the ridiculous color options. Her bag is on the floor in front of the closet along with her purse, shoes, and a trail of clothing to the bed.. Odd, she always places everything just so. Never just, just dropped… anywhere.
 Princess is in the bed… but she is asleep. 
Diego pushes his shoes off and pads over to her side of the bed. Her glasses are on the nightstand and next to them the gemstone ring he gave her is threaded onto one of the diamond tennis bracelet for safekeeping. It makes him smile, how thoughtfully she cares for his gifts.
"Princess?" She winces at his soft rumble and cracks one eye open. "What's wrong?" He reaches out to touch her hair and she flinches away. Ouch, what the hell?
She holds out a hand, he takes that instead. "Baby?" Her voice is so quiet he can barely hear her. Something is very wrong. 
Kneeling to the floor, Diego rests his chin on the bed directly in front of her face and waits. He has learned that if it's something physical that is bothering her he can simply wait her out. Each time that he has tried this it resulted in a shorter wait period the next time and a less agitated Princess. He's not sure if he is training her or if maybe it's the other way around.
Her fingers curl around his thumb, small but strong. Finally, she opens her mouth, "I have a migraine. Was fine earlier, but police lights. On whatever bridge. We sat for like ten minutes, Bastian couldn't get out of the traffic. I took medicine, but I need to sleep." She pauses, her eyes closed tightly and brow furrowed. Her breathing is shallow, like she is trying very hard not to cry. "I'm sorry, baby." She whimpers, and then a real tear does escape.
"No no no, Princess. No crying. Please do not." The absolute last thing Diego can deal with today is that pretty little face all red and messy with tears. She sniffles but doesn't move away when he wipes the tears with his thumbs. Those blue eyes are watching him very closely.
"Are--" she licks her lips and tries again, "Are you mad at me?" Her high voice cracks at the end and she blinks back more tears. Apprehension is coming off of her in waves.
Diego cocks his head, trying to understand where this question comes from. "You… think I will be mad at you for being ill?" Slowly, he leans closer to her while she nods tightly with a tiny 'mm hmm' of affirmation. When she huddles into herself, almost hiding under the covers, understanding begins to bloom. "Have other people gotten mad at you for becoming ill?"
Princess swallows hard, her eyes slide away from his. She is embarrassed. Someone has managed to shame her into feeling guilty about a hereditary illness she has no control over. He can feel rage climbing up inside his chest.
"Y-y-yeah. It's really inconvenient. I ruin p-plans like this. I'm sorry." Her voice is muffled by the covers. She picks at the stitching on the sheet, snapping her nail back and forth over the threads in a nervous tic.
Right now, I am doing the training because this needs to be broken. Immediately. He takes a deep breath, "No, Princess. No one can be mad at you for suffering from a condition you cannot control. That is ridiculous. I could never be angry at you for getting sick." He tries very hard to sound soothing and not like he's about to reprimand a ludicrous child. Slowly, he pulls the sheet down until her entire face is visible. Her eyes flick back to him, then away again. "Aqui." She obeys the command thoughtlessly, locking on his gaze. Diego raises a brow in question.
Princess huffs a soft sigh, then whispers, "Okay." Her face smooths out, eyebrows straightening and lips relaxing back to their normal fullness. Her little nose even unwrinkles as she eases. She must decide she buys it, because next she timidly asks, "Will you bring me a Coke?"
Diego gets her settled with her phone (which he silences) and the small bottle of Coke (opened downstairs so the noise doesn't hurt her). When she pulled herself upright to drink he realized she was still dressed so he got her into pajamas, it was odd putting clothing onto her instead of taking it off. She kept her eyes closed and allowed him to move her around like a ragdoll, relaxed and trusting.
The tightness in his chest only worsened when she crawled into his lap and nuzzled into him with a plaintive, "Hold me." Princess wasn't really a cuddly type of girl, so he knew this was bad. After ten minutes she was done with the 'mushy stuff' as she referred to it. He let her get situated then went downstairs with instructions to check on her in two hours.
Diego spent the time researching migraines, her medication, and other possible treatments. Julio came and went with dinner, cheesesteaks that Princess had mentioned long before the police strobe lights. 
The required two hours have passed, Diego swears it was two days long, so he heads upstairs to check on her. Princess is on her stomach, head turned to the left, and her mouth hanging open. His hand lands softly on her shoulder while he calls her, "Princess?" 
Nothing happens.
He tries again, just a little louder, "Princess? Hey, mirame."  Still no response. She is a light sleeper, this is highly unusual. And he is beginning to be concerned. 
Diego nudges her shoulder, then, when he gets nothing, pushes until she rolls over. She doesn't even make a sound. Shit. Shit shit shit. 
"Hey! Bicki! Wake up, come on." Her lashes flutter and she makes a whiny noise. Sitting on the bed, he hauls her into his lap so she leans back against his left arm. Tapping her cheek with his right hand gets a semi-verbal response.
"Dieg.. Where. I'm. Can't." She slurs and burrows into his chest. "Too brigh. Is brigh." Her voice is so quiet he can barely understand her. Her tiny hands are fisted in his shirt, hanging on for dear life. 
He grips her jaw in his right hand and turns her head to face him. "Princess? Can you tell me?" She's struggling through his name, like her tongue is too big for her mouth. "Yes, it's me. It's your Diego. We're home, in bed. You're safe." Her brow furrows as she processes this information. It takes three times longer than it should, he hasn't seen anyone this fucked up in a long time. Its terrifying. 
Finally, her hands in his shirt ease their grip and she looks around the room. "Diego?" She is squinting hard, blinking slowly.
"Right here, Princess." Turning her to face him, he can see that her eyes are completely unfocused, pupils so small they're barely visible in a sea of grayish blue. Her hands come up to touch his face and she makes a tiny noise of distress.
"Baby. Can't see. I can't." Her whisper fades as she goes limp, eyes rolling up. Her breathing stays even, if shallow, so he doesn't panic. Yet. She said she does this, that she will black out. Her whole family does it. Her sisters, her niece, her mom… HER MOM. 
Hit by sudden inspiration, Diego whips around to her phone on the nightstand and snatches it up. Her mom. Her mom would know what to do, right? Easing her deadweight back to the bed, he makes sure she is breathing easily, then turns back to her phone. He unlocks her cell with his left hand while digging his out of his right pocket. There, at the top of her contacts labeled 'Emergency', Mom. Dad. Diego. He ignores the sharp flutter in his chest at seeing himself as her emergency contact, and opens up the Mom item. Before he can second guess himself, he taps in the number in on his own phone and hits the green button. She better know who I am or this is going to be a disaster. 
It rings twice before a remarkably similar voice answers, "Hello?"
Shit, now what?
"Hello, is, is this Kat?" Fuck. Shit. Damnit Diego.
"Yes…?" It really is startling how similar their voices are.
"I do not know if you know who I am, my name is Diego and I--"
"Diego! Ohhh, I know who you are." She laughs lowly, just like Princess. He notes the fact that she recognizes him instantly for later discussion.
"I apologize for calling like this, but I need your help." He tries not to sound scared. He does not get scared.
"What's wrong? Is she okay? Are you okay?" Apparently he failed. Her mom, Kat, knows instantly that something is amiss.
"She said she had a migraine and took her medicine. Now, I cannot get her to wake up fully and she keeps repeating that she can't see. I don't know what to do, I've never seen her like this. Please." It all comes out in a rush, he hopes she can understand his rapidly thickening accent.
"Okay, first of all, take a deep breath." Do I sound that panicked? Should I be panicked?!? "This isn't that unusual for her more severe migraines. As long as she keeps breathing. Is her breathing fairly normal?"
He watches her chest rise and fall at regular intervals. "I, err, yes? It's a bit fast, but even." 
"Good. That's good, Diego. She is not going to like this, but you have to take her to the ER."
"Okay. I can do that. Yes."  Wait, what do you do when you take someone to the ER?
"Okay, listen. You have to tell them that she's had these since she was a kid. She takes the highest tablet dosage of imitrex, tell them what time she took it. She needs the shots, yes she has had them before, no drug allergies. Under no circumstances do you tell them that she blacked out or they will admit her. Also, no chance of pregnancy, they'll ask that. If they think she might be pregnant then they won't treat her."
"What do you mean? Won't give her the shots? If she might be pregnant? What shots?" Diego is very confused. This is a lot of information in a very short time and all of it is very important. Why would that matter?
"Hospitals will not give medications to pregnant women. Only tylenol, generally. And that isn't going to help." Her mom sounds like this topic has been thoroughly debated in their household. 
"Okay. No pregnancy. No black out. Have been having these her whole life, need shots, have had those before. I have the bottle of ...imitrex? I should take it along?" He ticks each item off on a mental list. "Actually, could you text all of... that?" He most definitely does not want them to admit her.
"Of course. And taking the bottle is perfect, that's quick thinking. What time did she take it?"
What time did she take that?? She had already taken it when he got home. "Sometime before seven…? Yes. Between six and seven."
"One last thing, I want you to be prepared. Its two shots, a sedative and a pain medication, but they'll put it in her butt."
That's… interesting. "In her butt?? She won't even let me put something in her butt." He mutters petulantly.
Her mom is sputtering with laughter. "Oh, I see why this relationship works. Wow. This is perfect."
"Err, is there anything else? I've never been to an ER, so. Um." Something about the way she sounds just like Princess puts him at ease, like he doesn't need to worry about impressing her.
"No. I'll text you the list after we hang up. Just let me know how she is tomorrow, okay? I know you'll take care of her, Diego."
"Yes, I will. Thank you." He ends the call and texts Julio to get up here now.
The ER is pandemonium and Princess is extremely unhappy to be there. She is curled into his side, trying to hide from the noise and the light, while Bastian fills out forms for her. Julio thought to bring her purse, it was a very good idea since her entire identity is in there. When Bastian hands over the forms to the desk the nurse sees Princess's hospital work badge in his hand with her ID and she magically shoots to the top of the waitlist. 
The nurses come to take her into the back, they bring her a wheelchair which she grumbles about but goes willingly when Diego pushes her into the seat. He wants to go with her, but he isn't family. If this were anyone else he would do whatever he wants, but this is his Princess. The thought of breaking her trust by violating her privacy is unbearable, anything like this has never been discussed. 
They barely disappear around the corner before a nurse comes right back.
"Alright. Which one is Diego? She will not shut up and she will not calm down. Come with me." The nurse grabs his arm and practically drags him for a few steps until his longer legs catch up. 
They go into a curtained room where one nurse is trying to manhandle yoga pants down well-rounded hips and another is opening prefilled syringes. Princess is swiping at the unfamiliar hands on her body, unbalanced and jumpy. Little noises of fear escape from her lips in high pitches, her head is down and her eyes are closed tightly against the florescent lighting. Diego suddenly remembers that she can't see. She is terrified.
"Princess?" The second he touches her with one hand she dives into him. Her own little hands claw into his shirt and she tries to mold her body to his. "I'm here. You're safe." Wrapping arms around her, he holds her still tightly. She nods against his chest and relaxes a tiny bit. 
The nurse with the syringes looks pointedly at Princess's butt, then back up at him. Oh. Right. Sliding one hand down her back, he inserts fingers into the back of her pants and eases the elastic waistband down. "Its just me," he whispers into her hair as she trembles in his hold. The strong muscles of her butt twitch, but she doesn't fight him. She trusts me. 
Its over in under five seconds, both shots and both bandaids, one set on each side. She jumps with each injection but can't seem to process what happened fast enough to respond appropriately. 
The nurse doesn't even bother to look up from cleaning the table. "Okay, take her home and put her to bed. She'll sleep for the next eight hours." 
His eyebrows shoot up in surprise. "That's it?"
"Yep, thanks for your help." 
Princess succumbs to the sedative halfway home and Diego has to carry her to bed. She really does sleep for most of Saturday. He keeps going in to check on her, she is completely limp and doesn't change position once. Its a bit disturbing how helpless she is like this. Has she had to do this alone before? Or, worse yet, with the awful ex?
He stays right beside her after that.
When she finally wakes her eyes are normal again and she immediately reaches out for him. "Diego?"
Her little question makes him smile warmly. 
"Right here, Princess. Welcome back."  He rumbles softly, unsure if sound still hurts her. Stroking one hand down her back makes her arch up into his caress. So beautiful. 
She squints up at him through the curtain of her hair. Slowly, Princess rises to all fours, then eases back to sit. "I…" she blinks at him. "I have to pee." 
Okay, so awake but not totally coherent yet. She requires a little assistance in the bathroom, mostly a steady arm to lean on, but they manage it with only mild to moderate giggles and one bruise-inducing bump to the corner of the counter. 
She stumbles back to bed, collapses face down, sticks her left arm out in his general direction, and wiggles fingers at him then back at herself.
"Take the stupid bandaids off. Shit itches."
Oh yes, finally time to touch the butt.
Diego sits on the bed beside her, one hip pressed up against her own. He firmly strokes both hands down her back just to hear her deep moan of pleasure. She arches up when he reaches the curve of her ass. Oh good, she is feeling better. Fuck that, she feels amazing, he chuckles at his own joke but doesn't pause in gently groping her. The silky panties slide easily over her cheeks, the sight makes his mouth water. The pale skin is only marred by the bandaids, so he pulls them both off in rapid succession then smooths fingers over the red marks. 
"Mmmmm," she moans with the gentle treatment, "Thank you for taking care of me. That's the first time someone other than my parents did that for me. How did you know to take me to the ER, anyway?" Her voice is muffled in the pillow, soft and sleepy and content.
Diego absent-mindedly runs a finger down the crack of her ass, feather light. "Your mom told me what to do when I called her."
Judging by her volume, apparently no, sound does not hurt her anymore.
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deathvalleyqueen · 4 years
“I’m Pregnant” 
I saw this on a prompt list going around a while back and wanted to do this one, particularly for the twins, mostly because it would happen right before The Gospel of Mary Jane. This is considered part of the canon for Mary Jane’s story/world. 
Rating - M (swearing mostly)
TW: Pregnancy mention
Ship: John Seed X Mary Jane 
Word Count : Just under 2,800
The last place I expected to be was in a gas station bathroom, with my brother Jimmy and Mac outside of the door while I peed on as many drug store pregnancy tests as we could find in this podunk county. I couldn’t do this back at the farm house, or my parents home down the street. Someone would find out. Someone would tell John...or worse Joseph I reminded myself. With a heavy sigh I placed the last of the seven tests we had managed to find at six am on a Saturday morning, on the edge of the dingy sink. I pulled up my pants, washed my hands before walking right out of the bathroom. 
I was greeted by the confused faces of my two eldest brothers. Jimmy reached out and gripped my shoulders. “What are you doing?” He asked me as I tried to keep walking back to his truck. “You can’t just piss on them and walk away.” 
“I can and I will…” I declared trying to push past him only to be stopped by Mac. He tilted his head and looked at me like I was a puppy who had misbehaved. “Stop..” 
“You woke US BOTH up at five in the morning, in a panic because you had suddenly realized you hadn’t had your period in two months.” Mac physically turned my body around as I tried to dig the heel of my converse into the pavement to no avail. “Now go back in there and find out if you are fucking pregnant before you go hide in the laundryroom and get drunk...again.” I refused to budge, a scowl painted across my face. Mac let out a frustrated sigh. “For fuck’s sake, Mary Jane…” 
Jimmy pushed open the door and gestured inside. “If you are scared half-pint, then you know what. We’ll come look with you, right?” Jimmy asked wide at Mac who cringed at first at the thought of going into a bathroom with his little sister, but ended up nodding his head once I looked up at him with my big ‘please, big brother’ eyes. 
“Yeah, whatever… lets just find out if our family is going to be permanently fucking interwind with the shit show that is The Seeds…” Mac grumbled. 
I shook my head. “You know you used to like John, before Joseph came around.” I pointed out finally walking back into the bathroom. “Both of you…” 
“I liked the fact John was a free fucking lawyer.” Mac said as he placed his hands on my shoulders giving me a gentle push towards the sink. “And that Duncan money wasn’t bad either… but him as a person is a little shit.” Jimmy scowled over at Mac. Mac lifted his hands from my shoulders and put them up defensively. “Tell me that you actually liked John, Jimmy… tell me and I swear to fuck I will eat my boots.” 
“I wouldn’t say I liked him, but he has always been good to our sister so we don’t have room to say fuck all about fuck all.” Jimmy admitted with a shrug. 
I smirked as I pointed back at my eldest brother. “Jimmy, is in fact correct.” I laughed before all the laughter faded as my eyes landed on the first of the tests. A bright blue plus sign caught my eye. Then the word ‘Pregnant’ on the digital one. One by one I looked at each and they all said the same thing. 
My brothers caught the shift in my mood and the both peered over my shoulders. In unison the both declared. “Fuck.” I looked between them, each with a concerned expression on their faces. 
“Well, I mean.” I started nervously trying to find some silver lining in a situation I was not expecting to find myself in. “John is very good looking, the baby will be beautiful..” I muttered as I picked up the tests and put them back into one of the boxes before shoving it into my purse. 
“Yeah, the kid is gonna be cute as shit.” Mac agreed as I pushed past them both to walk towards the car. “MJ, are you okay?” Mac asked as he followed behind me. 
“This is not small news…” Jimmy continued. 
“It’s what Joseph wanted for us.” I mumbled. “He said as much before we left Atlanta.” I shook my head more to myself in utter shock. John and I had only ever briefly talked about the prospect of children and both of us had agreed it may have not been the best path for us. That was, however long before Joseph walked back into my husband’s life and changed the whole course of our lives and relationship. 
Jimmy slid in front of me and stopped me by grabbing my shoulders. “But what do you want?” His question was so weighted. “Do you want to have this baby?” His second one only more so. In truth I had no idea what I wanted more than just go home and talk to John. I wouldn’t even be able to gage what this was going to mean till I saw how John reacted. 
“I want to talk to John.” I whispered. “If he freaks out, if this triggers something in him… can I even in good conscience bring a child into that?” My voice shook as I spoke, tears welling up in the corners of my eyes. John was never violent with me, but he could be violent. My brothers both had seen it with their own eyes. He also had a temper and mood swings, which I had learned to deal with but a child adds so much more to the equation. 
“I know..” Jimmy responded with a soft smile. “John may change for the better though, like I did when Claire was born. She helped me calm my shit right now. Best thing in the fucking world to ever happen to me.” Jimmy had a point, one that I really hadn’t considered at that moment in time. I took a step forward and wrapped my arms around him hugging him tightly as I started to cry. “Eh, half-pint, none of this waterworks shit you are going to mess up my shirt.” He laughed trying to bring a little lightness back to the moment. 
“JImmy is right, MJ. Having a kid can really put a lot of things in perspective. For all you know. John and you popping out a couple of little Seedlings could really like to save him from his own self destructive bullshit.”  Mac shrugged as he made an over exaggerated ‘I don’t know’ face which did it’s intended job and made me chuckle as I lifted my head. “Peanut, you aren’t going to know anything till we get you home and you and John get the fuck out of that house and talk someplace ol’Joe isn’t gonna be sticking his nose in.” I nod slowly as I take a step back from Jimmy. 
His hands lingered on my shoulders as he looked down at me, “Doughnuts?” He asked with a smirk. “So John doesn’t think you ran out of the house at the ass crack of dawn for no reason.” I nod again as Jimmy motions for Mac to go get the car started. 
We did in fact go get doughnuts and brought some home as our grand excuse of why I had disappeared before anyone was up. As we walked in the house I could tell my absence had caused quite the commotion. John was pacing in the dining room, his hands raking through his hair. He hadn’t bothered to get dressed, just in grey sweatpants as he panicked. “Where is she? Where could she have gone. My tuck is still outside, I told you all this was too much for her, Joseph. You had to ease her into things slowly or she was going to crack. Now look. My fucking wife is GONE.” John was so wrapped up in his own panic he didn’t hear my brothers and I walk in. 
Joseph and Jacob however did. I held up the box of doughnuts for them to see with a nervous look on my face. “John…” Joseph started calmly. John wouldn’t acknowledge Joseph till he put his hand on his shoulder. “Turn around…” John’s slowly turned around. 
I smiled nervously across the room at him, “Hi baby…” I laughed through gritted teeth as I held up the box of doughnuts. “Do you want a doughnut?” I really don’t think the look on John’s face could properly be described by mere mortal language. His eyes were wide, his jaw clenched tightly to keep himself from saying something he would only regret as he very quickly stormed across the room. 
“Do I want a doughnut… Did you really just ask me that?” He grumbled as he reached where I was standing between my brothers. John snatched the bakery box from hands and shoved it towards Mac who scoffed, protesting his roughness was going to harm the doughnuts. It was not the wisest of choices, as John only snarled at him. “Would you just shut about the doughnuts.” He snapped as John took my hand. “You… upstairs… now.” 
“What did I do?” I protested as John started to drag me towards the stairs. “Babe, what’s the matter? Is this all because I left before you were up?” I asked softly, really worried that I was about to walk into a huge fight and it was going to be the worst possible time to tell John the ‘news’. 
Just as John was about to speak, Jimmy cleared his throat. “Johnny, if you are gonna be pissed off at anyone, be pissed off at me, I texted her because I was up and wanted to get out for a while… this is all my fault.” I looked back over my shoulder at Jimmy who just shrugged when I silently questioned why he just took the blame for me. 
John looked down at me, squeezing my hand to regain my attention. “Is that true?” 
“Why would we lie?” I questioned back softly as I pulled my hand away. “I can spend time with my brothers, they won’t let anyone hurt me. Especially not them two.” I nod my head back towards my brothers. John nodded slightly, still obviously upset. 
“I, just...Mary Jane…” John stammered as he reached out for me. 
With a heavy sigh I forced a smile. “Come on, let’s go up stairs.” I whispered, taking his hand. It didn’t take any coaxing at all to get John to follow. My brothers didn’t say anything, just took seats on the couch. I suspected they were going to wait around for a while to see if there ended up being any sort of fight between John and I before they left. 
As I set my purse down on the bed, debating if I should even have the conversation I really needed to have with John in that moment. He answered the question for me when he slipped his arms around my waist pulling me back against him and away from the edge of the bed. “Why did you real go?” He asked softly. I knew he knew Jimmy was lying. Jimmy has never historically been a good liar and John could read me better than anyone else. 
I took a long deep breath in as I leaned back against his bare chest. My lips parted as I tried to find the right words to start off this life changing conversation. “John.” I started as I turned around, his arms still round my waist keeping me close to him. With another long deep breath in I closed my eyes and decided to just get it over with. “I had my brothers take me into town to get a pregnancy test.” I paused and gestured back to my purse. “Well I think there are eight of them actually…” 
For a man as educated as John was, he was obviously confused by what I just said. “Pregnancy test? Why in the world…” He stopped himself as things started to click. His eyes grew wide as he took a step back letting go of me. ‘Wait, are you?” 
“I’m pregnant.” I was so scared to see his reaction, I had closed my eyes before I had spoken and kept them closed till I felt John’s hand on my stomach. I opened them to find John looking down at me with tears in his eyes. “Babe..” I muttered softly as I reached up and touched his face. “Are you okay?” 
John nodded slowly against my hand. “I just wasn’t expecting this.” he sighed and I tried not to laugh. It didn’t make sense to me how he didn’t expect this to happen. Particularly when he was the one who had talked me into going off my birth control at Joseph’s behest six months prior. 
“I don’t know how?” I shook my head as my hand slipped away from his face. “I haven’t been on the pill for six months, John.” John shrugged and I chuckled as I shook my head. “We are far from chaste, as well ya know. I am actually shocked it took this long for this.” I gestured to my stomach where his hand was still resting. “To end up happening.” 
“I know.” John mumbled. “I had hoped before it did we would be settled in a place of our own again.” I nodded along agreeing with him as my hand covered his. “Are you okay with this?” He asked looking into my eyes. 
I shrugged much like I had when my brother asked me the same question. “Do I have a choice not to be anymore?” John chewed on his bottom lip as he tilted his head to the side not wanting to answer that question. “I don’t, do I?” 
“You don’t want to have our child?” John asked, trying to deflect from answering my question. 
“I didn’t say that,  I just asked if I even have a choice to want something different. The answer is ‘No’ you could have just said it.” I pulled back from and John took a step forward trying to stay close to me. “I love you John, part of me is over the moon at the idea of us starting a family but I also am terrified bringing a child into all this. We are not the most stable people.” John scoffed and I shook my head. “We agreed not two years ago that the idea of us being parents was a disaster waiting to happen, what changed.” 
“We have family, we have the Project, we are not the same people.” He wasn’t wrong about the last part, those people were still inside us. I knew it and so did he. “We are going to be fine, this baby is going to grow up surrounded by so much love…” John promised as he gripped my hips pulling me towards him.
“And so many guns…” I muttered as I rested my hand on his chest. 
“There are far worse things for them to grow up around and you know this.” He wasn’t wrong about that either. I leaned forward and rested my forehead on his chest. “You said part of you is happy about the baby?” John asked and I mumbled ‘yes’ back to him. He moved one of his hand under my chin and coaxed me to look up at him. “Then be happy, I’m happy about this. It’s not what we would have planned for ourselves, but what if this is God’s plan for us?” He smiled as he leaned in. “Can we be happy? Please.” 
“Yes,” I muttered trying as best as I could to push down the nagging little voice in my head that was telling me this was just going to trap me here even if one day I waned to to leave. John would never let his child go, I knew this about him before we even had children. He had lost too much in his life, been hurt too much to ever simply let something as important as family slip away from him again. Instead of dwelling, I forced a bright smile as I pushed myself up on my tiptoes. “Let’s be the happy family…” I whispered as John leaned in to meet me in a kiss that sealed my fate to forever be bound to the Project at Eden’s Gate.
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Your Stupid Smile
Word count: ~6,100
Pairings: oc x canon
Warnings: fluff and shenanigans
Sup! I’m actually running out of stories to post. Didn’t think this through too well. Curses to writers block and the fact I write long stories. Even so, do hope you enjoy! 🥔🎨
**Note, Emily is my personal character. I just like to stick her places. I also still have no idea how to do a ‘short click for full’ post.
Irritating, simply irritating. Everyone was having a good time, sure, but Nash was having a hard time joining in on the fun. Every time he got close to truly relaxing and enjoying the company around him, he would hear it, that laugh. Of course, once he heard the laugh he had to see where it originated from, and it was always the same face. That stupid face and that stupid smile. He couldn’t stand that smile, and he didn’t want to admit to himself the reason why it bothered him so much.
The team was in the lounge enjoying the company of each other after a long day. Cisco was telling a story, Barry and Iris adding tidbits here and there, and the more elaborate and ridiculous it became the more laughs rang out. By the end of it everyone was rolling and roaring with laughter which only intensified after a stray loud squeak sounded. Emily covered her mouth in embarrassment before folding over the bar counter in laughter again. “I’m sorry!” She breathed trying to apologize between laughs. “I don’t know where that came from!” She covered her face in an attempt to wipe away the tears now rolling down her rosy face. “Oh no, my face sprung a leak!” Everyone continued giggling and Ralph stretched his hand over to her to deliver a tissue. She took it with a mousy thanks wiping her face. Nash was trying his hardest to keep from looking at her, he already made the mistake of just glancing over and he scowled to himself about the flush slowly spreading up his neck.
“Hey Estrata,” Cisco called after composing himself a degree. “You got any stories to share?”
“Yeah,” Ralph agreed. “You almost never share anything. Think you could drop the mysterious facade for a night?” Emily had one arm draped over her head and held her cheek with her other hand as she thought. “Hmmm..... I dunno,” she teased. “I’m not exactly good at sharing, things about me anyway.”
“There’s room for only one queen of ice,” Frost defended. “Quit giving the cold shoulder and fess up would ya?” Emily gave a growly sigh as she seriously considered the plethora of things buried within. “Ok fine,” she relented. “You make a good case, and Ralph has a point. I’m just, I’m really hesitant to share much. Seeing as I could find myself stranded somewhere else, it gets tiresome re-explaining.” Everyone gets quiet and Emily scratches her head realizing she killed the mood a little. “Eh, I think I have a solution though. Tell me,” she smiled. “What you wanna know? Besiiiides, my name,” she cut Ralph off before he could ask. Everyone chuckled and Nash just smirked.
Frost stared her down thinking intently, Emily actually got nervous with the holes being drilled into her soul with the stare, before she decided on a question. “You don’t look like the type to, but are obviously capable of, doing some not so desirable things. So have you?”
Emily squinted at her before straightening her back and clearing her throat. “Just, just gettin riiiiiiight into it huh?”
“I don’t make a habit of pussyfooting around,” Frost dismissed smirking. Emily patted her cheeks trying to think of a good story to tell while everyone turned 100% of their attention to her, excitedly waiting for whatever secret would come up. “Ok, ok, I got one,” she said smiling. “Believe it or not, but, I’ve had to break out of area 51.”
“You were taken to area 51?!” Barry asked shocked. “How? Why??” Emily flashed another, albeit awkward, smile. “Well, I am a wanted woman back where I come from.”
“Wanted huh?” Frost asked somewhat impressed. “What’d you do to earn that target on your back?”
“Exist,” she said plainly. “What I am, is a very valued product to a group of people. I’m one of a handful, if not the only person, with my genetic makeup.” She sighed making everyone become glum. “They really wanted to study me, poke and prod and see how they could use me and duplicate what I am.”
“Estrata, I didn’t—“ Frost started before Emily waved dismissively. “No, no, it’s fine,” she assured with a smile. “After learning that I decided to make myself the biggest most obnoxious target ever,” she waved her hands in front of her to illustrate as she giggled reminiscing. “I thought to myself, that if they wanted me that badly they’re gonna have to work for it. So I made it my mission to piss them off and kick their collective ass,” she flashed a big smile. “Besides, if they’re busy chasing me and my friends, they can’t go looking for anyone else.”
“Guess that explains all the injuries Caitlyn found,” Frost commented thoughtfully. “And the fact you gave Dr. Wells such a hard time about just coming to the lab in the beginning.”
“Yup! Broken ribs, arms, legs, fractured skull and fingers, I’ve had my stomach punctured straight through at least twice, and my shoulder. Think that one actually broke my shoulder blade to be honest.....” Emily rambled.
“Jeeze....” Ralph said stunned.
“And that’s not counting their penchant for causing neurological damage with all variations for shock collars and tasers,” she listed with a smirk. “I really shouldn’t be smiling but honestly, they’re some serious badges of honor so why not?” They all softened their faces though she could tell they still felt bad. “So anyway, “ she continued, “there I am in the bowels of area 51, strapped to a chair in some interrogation room when two guys in suits come in.” Everyone changed their tune as she gets back into the story, Nash admiring her resourcefulness and determination. As she rambled and gesticulated enhancing the story with her hands, complete with illusions and little animations, Nash couldn’t help but stare even when she smiled bright. Cisco noticed his staring and bumped his arm jostling him enough to break his gaze. He wiggled his eyebrows causing Nash to grumble and avert his gaze from everyone but still listened attentively.
“Soooo, there’s a whole facility underneath?” Barry asked once she finished. “And what we all think is area 51 is just a cover?” Emily nods with a smile. “There’s quite a lot buried underneath. I think the whole desert lot actually.”
“And no one knows about it?” Ralph asked.
“Lots of people know, but the government makes them seem crazy. That’s one of the reasons I didn’t like Eiling all that much, reminded me too much of them.”
“So this, Quazar, or Quinton, was there too?” Frost asked. “Why was he there again?”
Emily paused trying to formulate the sentence as coherently and short as possible without rambling again. “He was the one who gave me my powers. Well, not really gave but, reactivated dormant genes so I could do what I do. It’s how I got the monicker ‘half breed’.” She drifted off in her memories. “We grew close, and I must admit I didn’t handle learning he was an alien well but. We protected each other, and came to care a lot about each other.” She smiled thoughtfully. “He’s my anchor to home. Him and Oliver and Flaer and Jimmy.” Bringing herself back to the present she cleared her throat. “He was there for leverage I guess. Most likely for added study being a pure blood. As long as he was there I would be too, even if I got out I would come back to try and get him out. So I just broke him out right away and messed up their plans.” She flashed a smile lightening the mood of the room.
“Boy, you are just full of mysteries aren’t you?” Ralph asked with a smirk.
“Eeeyup! And I am 100% telling the truth too. I also gave yooouuuu..... three mysteries? Three mysteries an explanation,” she said standing with a stretch. “No more.”
“Just, one more question?” Cisco asked. “Do you miss him? Quinton?”
Emily paused looking at him. “Well yeah, ‘course I do. I get homesick sometimes. I miss everyone back home.” She sighed deeply as her mind wandered a bit. “Sometimes, my relay picks up messages he sends. Takes quite a long time to decompress the file because of barriers and reality changes but, he asks me how I’m doing, gives me updates on what’s going on, tells me to hurry home. But....” She rubs her cheek thinking. “He said..... he said if I ever get stuck somewhere, not to worry about them back home. He would keep everyone safe, and that he wanted me to be happy wherever I landed.” She smiled softly. “So... so I try. I try real hard, to be happy. And make other people happy. And, I guess I do a pretty good job.”
“You do,” Nash commented without thinking. Everyone turned their attention to him, Emily raising an eyebrow and smiling softly. “Huh?” Nash cleared his throat averting his gaze. “I-I mean I’ve noticed, that, everyone enjoys your—your company and. And they, like, having you around.”
“That include you?” She asked. Nash snaps his head to her and makes eye contact, his words momentarily caught in his throat as he begins to panic having been put on the spot. “Speak,” Harry says manifesting beside him. “You need to speak, say something.”
“I mean yeah, I guess,” Nash coughs out. “I certainly don’t find you all that annoying anyway.”
“Probably not the right response....” Harry comments.
Emily frowns a little. “Hmm, well I suppose that’s something.” Nash turns away from her again, Emily cocked an eyebrow noticing his ears turning rather red. She was sure he felt them burning but decided not to press him further.
“She noticed that you know,” Sherloque said manifesting by the bar behind her. Nash looked at him curiously. “What?” He asked.
“I didn’t say anything,” Emily responded taking her seat at the bar again. “Oh, sorry,” Nash apologized. “Thought I heard something. Guess it was nothing more than an auditory hallucination or something.”
“She’s not as oblivious as you think she is,” Sherloque continued. “I guarantee she already knows how you feel, and is just waiting on you to do something about it.” Nash turned away from the bar trying to ignore him, in addition to keep his flush from getting worse. He didn’t want to acknowledge it but it was rather difficult to keep from staring at her or subconsciously follow her around. He grumbled to himself trying to get his mind on something—anything—else. Cisco noticed and smiled mischievously having gotten an idea. “Hey, I remember you saying you attended a spontaneous karaoke session with Harry at one point,” he started. “Think you could sing something?”
“Wait, you sing?” Ralph asked in surprise.
“As a..... hobby.....” Emily said shyly. “I don’t really.... sing in— in public. Much....”
“Why not?” Barry asked. “Caitlyn said I sing pretty well and I never sing in public.”
“She gets carried away,” Nash says still not looking at her. “Least that’s what Harry said. Though, I’m not sure if it’s her or the crowd she sings in front of.”
“It’s, uh, it’s a little of both....” Emily half confirmed.
“How’s that?” Ralph asks intrigued.
“Uhhmmmm.... well.....” Emily fidgets a little. “I’m a bit on the theatrical side. I like my special effects, people like seeing all the flashy stuff and, well, I can get lost in the music. Sometimes.”
“All the time,” Harry comments. “Tell her to sing So Soft by that Carrie woman.”
“Why So Soft?” Nash asks out loud. Emily stiffens and blushes slightly. “What?” she squeaks. Harry smirks. “That’s why.” Nash looks over at her, smile threatening to crack onto his face as she sat there with her cheeks slowly getting rosy. Cisco notices her posture change as well and smiles wide. “I think we may have a winner for song choice.”
“Nu-no, not that,” Emily stammers. GP flies over to her whirring what seemed like a suggestion which only served to make Emily beat red. “I am NOT singing that one!” She near yells. “You should know better than to suggest that.” The drone whirrs again. “That one’s worse, no!”
“I kinda like the idea of worse,” Ralph teases. “What was suggested anyway?” Emily casts her gaze down making her hands into fits and pressing them into her knees. “GP always try to suggest two songs he knows will make me uncomfortable,” she explains. “They’re...... uhm..... they’re.....” Emily pauses before rolling her head and deciding to just get it over with. “They’re called ‘Do You Think I’m Sexy’ and...... ‘Sex bomb’......”
Everyone’s interest had been piqued with Cisco and Nash both staring at her with raised eyebrows. Emily covered her face in embarrassment floating above her seat a little. “I shouldn’t have said anything,” she near whines. “What about Talking Body?” GP whirrs in intelligible english tones. “Preferred over those, but still no.” Emily responds still red in the face. “No, I.... hmm.... I think I... h-have one. It’s called Collide.” Emily straightened her posture and cleared her throat. “Oh this is embarrassing......” she muttered under her breath after a pause and cringing. Taking a breath to calm herself she began, GP providing the background music.
*Lately, I feel like I’m pushing you away*
*Acting moody for no reason*
*And even though you know I'm always gonna stay*
*I've been talking like I'm leaving*
*I don't know why I keep playing these dumb games*
*Love is not a competition*
*And no one's winning when I'm pushing you away*
*Sometimes darkness is a prison*
The lights seem to dim a little before returning to the normal ambient light. Taking a breath to steady her nerves further, Emily continues.
* Turn the lights on, honey, honey, I don't wanna hide*
*Turn the lights on, honey, I'm surrendering tonight*
*Although I'm not perfect, I feel perfect in your eyes*
*Turn the lights on, honey, I don't really wanna hide, not tonight*
*Come and crash into me 'cause I want us to collide*
*Collide, collide, collide*
*Collide, collide, collide*
Emily smiles becoming more relaxed even beginning to move in rhythm with the music and providing small effects such as orbs of lights and dimming the actual lights at times.
*Look into my eyes and tell me we're okay*
*And we both can be forgiven*
*Kiss me gently, say the things you wanna say*
*You don't need to ask permission*
*I'm a stormy ocean, but you're steady*
*And I'm a commotion, but you get me*
*Too many emotions, but you let me*
*Let me blossom in the dark*
The lights dim and brighten to the beat of the song, the orbs of light change color and seem to twinkle and multiply. Emily smiles wide as she sings and looks around in amusement at the display going on. Everyone else is distracted by the lights but Nash was fixated on Emily. He smiled as she smiles happier than he’s ever seen feeling as though this was her unfiltered.
*Turn the lights on, honey, honey, I don't wanna hide*
*Turn the lights on, honey, I'm surrendering tonight*
*Although I'm not perfect, I feel perfect in your eyes*
*Turn the lights on, honey, I don't really wanna hide, not tonight*
*Come and crash into me 'cause I want us to collide*
*Collide, collide, collide*
*Collide, collide, collide*
The lights slowly begin to dim as Emily, having decided to stand, took slow strides toward the center of the group. She begins to float the closer she gets and takes a modest cross-legged ‘seat’ in the air. Everyone looks around curiously and Nash fixates on her again.
*I'm a stormy ocean, but you're steady*
*I'm like a commotion, but you get me*
*Too many emotions, but you let me*
*Let me blossom in the dark*
Emily darkens the whole room by creating a field that prevented any light to show through. She then made it look like she was glowing, her suit had appeared, her hair was snow white with the unique holographic shine, and she still kept the rest of them in utter darkness as she continued toward the song’s end.
* Turn the lights on, honey, honey, I don't wanna hide*
*Turn the lights on, honey, I'm surrendering tonight*
Emily snaps her fingers and flicks her wrist in front of her causing an explosion of stars appear in the room making it look like they were in the deep of space. Still glowing, albeit softer, she smiles wide. Nash watches noting she seemed to feel at home in such an environment almost looking free, maybe even exited to share the wonder of the void she knew so well with people she cared for. She looked dazzling in that moment.
*Although I'm not perfect, I feel perfect in your eyes*
*Turn the lights on, honey, I don't really wanna hide, not tonight*
*Come and crash into me 'cause I want us to collide*
*Collide, collide, collide*
*Collide, collide, collide*
*Collide, collide, collide*
*Collide, collide, collide*
The room fades back to black and Emily brings the normal light back into the room gradually so as not to blind everyone. They watch in stunned silence as she takes a few steps back toward her chair, suit disappearing and hair returning to her usual red tinted brunette, and she smiled shy and awkwardly. “So.....?” she asked.
“That was—“ Nash began.
“Amazing!” Cisco interrupted causing Nash to snap out of whatever trance he fell into. Emily smiled placing a hand on her cheek as she blushed. “Hobby my ass,” Ralph scolded. “You’ve put in some serious work to sound that good.”
“I’ve, had a few years of practice,” she teased.
“Well, whatever it is you just stunned us with, I wish I had a talent like that,” Iris commends. “That was..... wow!”
“Sing something else!” Wally said enthusiastically.
“Yeah, that was great!” Joe agrees enamored.
Emily laughs waving a hand. “No no, I would be singing all night. Do you know what I would sound like tomorrow if I did that?”
“C’mon, just one more?” Frost asks surprisingly invested. Emily sighs with a reluctant smile tilting her head toward Nash a little. “Again, Harry, this is why I don’t sing in front of people.”
Nash chuckled in amusement with Harry smiling next to him. “Three. Three ‘one more’ requests that night,” he explained. “I was worried she would kill me by the end of it. If it weren’t for Jessie changing the topic when we left she may well have.” Nash looked at him curiously. “I was......responsible for two. She wasn’t enthused when I got the whole room going,” he said reminiscing. “By the way, if that wasn’t an obvious tell, I don’t know what is.” Nash’s gaze fell upon Emily again as she grumbled placing both hands on her cheeks considering indulging their requests. “No, no. It’s going to turn into karaoke night all over again if I don’t stop now,” Emily determined. “Only one tonight, but maybe another some other time,” she smiled raising a finger with a wink.
Casual conversation carried for another hour or two before Emily began to yawn, followed by a few of the others present. Half an hour after the first yawn, everyone decided to call it a night. It was well into the evening at this point and no one wanted to risk sleeping in too late. Emily stretched winding up leaning all the way back, about 90°, over the bar. She stayed like that taking a deep breath and complained about not wanting to move. “I think I’m just gonna.... sleep here. Like this. Yeah, this is comfy....”
“Thaaaat doesn’t *look* comfortable.....” Cisco commented looking confused at how she could even *do* that.
“Must not be a fellow human rubber band,” she replied grabbing her elbows keeping her arms above her head. “Being super bendy sure comes in handy.” She smiled lazily and turned her head to face the person she heard moving to her side, seemingly tripping over a chair. Her eyes met Nash’s, who’s cheeks immediately turned rosy, and lifted her head. “You ok?” She asked.
“Yeah, no. I’m f-fine,” Nash coughed out. “Stupid chair, got tangled in my feet....” He kicked it nearly getting tangled in it again.
“Yeeeesaahhh,” Emily said tiredly. “They always seem to like ankles and toes, huh? Just.... always in the way, at the worst times.” Her eyes closed again and she sighed half falling asleep right there. Nash averted his gaze awkwardly and Cisco smirked at him, Nash gave him a face instigating a silent argument between the two about him saying something before GP flew over and whistled at her waking her again. “Hmmm?” she said tiredly. GP whistled again and Emily groaned. “Nooo, don’t waaaanna move,” she said with another stretch. GP bonked her head and she sighed. “Ok, ok. Fine. I’ll go to bed.” With a huff, she pulled herself into a sitting position before hopping off her seat and heading out. Various farewells and well wishes were exchanged as they left one by one leaving Emily alone with Nash and Cisco. They stood awkwardly at the elevator door waiting for it to come back up, Cisco flicking his eyes in the direction of Emily trying to encourage Nash to say something and Nash refusing.
“Good night guys,” Emily said with a yawn when the elevator dinged. “Travel safe, ok?”
“Make sure nothing blows up, alright?” Cisco joked. She smiled tiredly. “Aww, no fun. And I was gonna try to make a star tonight.” Nash smiled recognizing a similar joke he made with Cisco. “I’ll make sure to hold down the fort,” she assured rubbing her eye as they stepped in. “I’m pretty good at keeping people out of places.” They waved as the doors closed, Nash watched as she turned, flicking her finger like you would a switch, and the lights going out one by one as she advanced down the hall. Cisco turned to face Nash with a disappointed look. “What?” Nash asked doing a double take.
“You need to tell her you like her already,” Cisco scolded.
“I don’t... like her,” Nash said attempting to brush off the accusation. “Why would you even think that?” Cisco’s face dropped unamused. “Yeah, ok. You are literally dripping in tension when you’re in the same room as her.”
“I am not!” Nash protests. “I’m chill.”
“You stare at her, you follow her, you ears get red when she looks at you.”
“I.... do not... What?” He turned to face Cisco as the doors opened. He rolled his eyes as he left, Nash close behind. “Pretty sure everyone knows. Well, maybe not Barry. But Wally does, Joe asked if you two were a thing, Iris knows....” Nash went quiet still following him. “I think Ralph may have a thing for her too but so far hasn’t had any luck.” He spun to face him and pointed a finger in his face. “Say, something. Anything. The awkward is getting unbearable.”
Nash stared at Cisco for a minute before the latter turned to leave, Nash took a long look back at the lab with a sigh. *I really should,* he thought. *But what do I say?*
The next day was business as usual, Emily had decided to get some practice in before everyone came in and had just finished when she passed Nash in the hall on her way to change. “Oh, hey Nash!” she greeted with a smile. Nash felt that familiar flush start to run up his neck when he saw her. He closed his eyes and muttered the only word he could think of. “Don’t...”
“Hmm?” Emily asked tilting her head to look him in the face. He opened his eyes making eye contact and used as much self control as he could muster to speak. “Don’t.... smile. At me.”
Emily paused in confusion. “What?”
“Don’t smile at me,” he repeated slowly beginning to regret his sentence choice. Emily blinked a few times just staring at him as she tried to understand. “Why...?”
“Because it’s stupid and makes me uncomfortable. And it’s annoying. Remember when I said you weren’t all that annoying? I lied. You’re more annoying than Ramon,” Nash blurted everything out before he realized what it was he was saying but fought to keep a straight face. Emily’s face was blank, shoulders dropped a little, and she stared confused at him. “Oh.... well..... ok.” She said softly. Nash felt his heart constrict in his chest. What had he done? She took a breath and looked him in the eye again, her facial features betraying hints of mischief. “Alright Nash, I’m sorry. I had no idea my smile could do that to you.” She placed a hand on his shoulder in mock concern making Nash a little suspicious. “I’m so glad you told me.”
“....You are?” Nash asked.
“Yes, yes, I am. From now on I won’t smile at you.”
“You.... won’t?”
“Nope. I’ll just smile at everyone and everything else instead,” Emily said fighting a smile. “Rest assured you’ll never see my troublesome smile again.”
“Ah...... good.....” Nash said trying to sound satisfied.
“See you later then,” Emily said before continuing on her way. Nash watched her go mildly panicking. “What just happened?” He asked no one in particular.
“You messed up, big time,” Sherloque answered from behind him. “How so?” Nash asked spinning around.
“Well, you heard her. She’ll still smile, just not at you,” Sherloque smirked. “But oh, she knows what you said wasn’t true. Not all of it anyway. She still may be a little concerned you find her annoying.”
“So, what will she do?”
“Exactly what she told you she would. Clever woman,” Sherloque mused. He smiled at Nash who still looked concerned. “She will, continue to smile, at everyone and thing other than you. And in doing so, knowing you don’t really find it uncomfortable, she will frustrate you.” He stands close to his face continuing to smile. “My, what a mess you’ve made. I do wonder how you’ll fix it.” He disappeared leaving Nash alone in the hallway again, completely and utterly uncertain about what to do now. “Oohhhh no....” he muttered to himself.
The rest of the day went on as normal, no one but Nash really noticing her slightly altered behavior though they did note he seemed a bit more frustrated than usual. She really did keep her word, taking care to never smile directly at him though that didn’t stop him from getting the smallest of glimpses. He found himself staring at her more often, and after three days he had nearly had enough.
He had found himself in the cortex, Barry was out and about as the Flash leaving Cisco, and Ralph there with him. He was tense and on edge knowing Emily could come in at any moment. He was too preoccupied to remember where she said she was going which only served to amp his anxiety. He tensed when he heard the familiar light tapping of footsteps drawing closer.
“Hey, I’m back!” A familiar voice called out. Nash refused to turn to meet her even as she walked over. She was wearing an oversized tank top, sport shorts, knee high socks and sneakers with her hair tied up. *Training,* he thought to himself. *That’s right, she wanted to practice for a while.* “Hey Cisco, Ralph. Hi Nash....” She smiled at Cisco and Ralph before dropping the facade to look at Nash. He clenched his jaw but kept his composure. “So, what are you up to?” She asked.
Cisco’s eyes darted from her face to Nash’s, before giving Ralph a look. “Not much....” he said. “Barry’s just doing his patrols, hasn’t come up with anything yet,��� Ralph added walking awkwardly away.
“Hey, uh, Estrata,” Cisco called from the control desk. “Could you do me a favor?”
“Yeah sure, what’s up?” She asked cheerfully.
“The, satellites could use some maintenance. I can do general software updates from here but it’s difficult to do physical repairs. Could yoouuuu.....”
“Go check it out?” She finished for him. “My pleasure. I’ll take Tinker with me in case they need specialty parts.” She said smiling at the small drone flying into view. “Good idea. Yeah. Take.... take what ever you need and stay however long to. Fix things...” Cisco replied trying to sound as nonchalant as possible. “Be back in a jiffy!” She said with a grin before dropping it to look at Nash as she walked by. “Later.” They all watched and waited for her to leave the room before the two shot daggers at Nash with glares. “What?” He asked when he turned and saw their faces.
“What do you mean ‘what’?” Cisco asked near shouting. “She has been acting weird for the last few days,” Ralph added. “I don’t .... know..... what you mean,” Nash tried to dismiss. “You said something to her, didn’t you!” Cisco accused. “What did you say?!”
“I—I.... didn’t ......” Nash stuttered trying to avoid the unwanted confrontation. They stared each other down for a while before he relented. “Alright fine. I..... I did.... say something.....” he said rubbing the back of his neck. “Probably not the.... greatest thing...... in hindsight.....”
Cisco took a few steps forward still glaring. “Spill it.”
“I.... may have told her that..... she, uh, was..... annoying.....” Nash answered sheepishly. “You.... you what?” Cisco asked in disbelief. “You said what to her!?”
“You told me to say something to her. Anything, actually,” Nash tried to defend.
“Not that! Oh my— guh...” Cisco yelled throwing his hands in the air. Nash scratched his head like a child might when in trouble, being under all that scrutiny made his scalp really itchy. Ralph just stood there shaking his head. “You messed up, so bad,” he said.
“You don’t think I know?” Nash snapped back. “I got a lecture from a Wells as soon as she walked away!”
“You need to fix this,” Cisco said pointing again.
“How, Ramon? How?”
“I don’t know! But you have to do something! Smart, this time,” he glared, Nash glaring back at the ‘smart’ comment. “Because this?” he gestured around him, “This tension, is worse than your repressed tension. It sucks!”
“Hey Cisco,” Emily called over the relay. “Hey Es,” Cisco called back. “What ya got for me?”
“I’ve fixed a few cosmetic things, just scratches and dings from space debris, aaaaand I gave you a few new toys.” Cisco’s face lit up with a smile. “Ohhhh, new toys? Estrata, you spoil me.”
“Only cuz I like ya!” She responded with a giggle.
“Can’t imagine what you’d do for a special someone in your life,” Ralph commented shooting a look over to Nash. Nash clenched his jaw glaring back unenthusiastically. “Hmm, yeah. I’ve been told I get scary when I get serious or protective. Like, Mama Bear mode on steroids. So probably break a mountain in half. Or bake, I like brownies,” Emily rambled.
“.....Wait..... can you do that?” Ralph asked concerned. “Break a mountain?” Emily paused. “You know, never tried. But I did obliterate an asteroid one time.”
“Really?” This time Cisco asked.
“Yeah, but it was a small one. Like, maybe half a football field. And it was made out of a material similar to sandstone.”
“Thaaaat’s still pretty impressive,” Ralph stated impressed and a bit wary. “I know I could never do that.”
“Sure you could, you just gotta put your back into it!” She giggled, Ralph chuckling in return.
“So you gonna come back now?” Cisco asked glancing at Nash.
“Nah, not right now,” Emily replied with a sigh. “Been a while since I’ve just hung out in the deep black of the void, think I’ll chill for a while.” Nash’s shoulders dropped a bit hearing the news. As if he needed another contributor to his tension, now he had to wait for who knows how long. “Ok, take as much time as you need,” Cisco said still looking at Nash. “We’ll be here when you come back.”
“Ok, see you later then,” Emily said before closing the connection. Cisco crossed his arms and Ralph gave him a look, Nash stood stiff lost in thought. “Well, least now you have plenty of time to think of what to say,” Ralph commented before leaving. “You better make it good too,” Cisco warned before exiting as well, leaving Nash to stew for a while in uncertainty. *What to say....* he said to himself.
It was well into the evening when Emily made her way back to the lab. She casually strode down the halls humming to herself when she came across Nash and nearly bumped into him. “Oh! Oh, hi Nash,” she said looking up at him.
“H-hi.... Estrata,” Nash smiled awkwardly. “What brings you skulking around here so late?” She asked putting a hand on her hip. “I uh, I.... have something...... I’ve been meaning to, tell you....” he said trying to figure out the words as he went. “Oh? You do?” She said sounding intrigued. He nodded his head looking at his feet. “Uh huh, yeah.” He paused still staring at the ground and shifted his weight from one foot to the other. “I lied... earlier.... wheeeen I said you were..... annoying......” he started. “You did?” She asked relaxing a little. Nash nodded again. “I did. I actually don’t, find you annoying that is. I uh, really like your company. A lot.” He peeked up to look her in the eye, the flush building like before. “Well then, why did you say that?” Emily asked, face softening as he spoke.
“I don’t..... I don’t know..... I....” Nash ran his hands through his hair in frustration and started pacing around. “You..... don’t know?” she asked in confusion. “I..... I don’t, have the words...” Nash said pausing and rubbing his chin. He stood quiet for a moment before turning to look at her again. “Maybe.... I don’t need words.....” he muttered to himself.
“What was tha—“ Emily’s sentence was cut off by Nash, who took three quick strides toward her, cupped her face and nearly rammed his face into hers with a kiss. Emily stood stunned, clearly not expecting this turn of events at all, and could only stare wide eyed into space. Once he broke the kiss he looked her in the eyes, thumb gently running over her cheek. “Wha...?” Emily started to ask. “Truth is, you make it incredibly difficult not to do that,” he says with a smile. “Especially, when you smile.”
Emily’s lips slowly pulled into a soft smile before mischievous tones bled in. “Hmmm, I’m not sure I got all that.” Nash raised an eyebrow smirking at her before placing another kiss on her lips. Emily chuckled after he broke the kiss again. “Gee, I dunno.... if I understand..... you may have...... to repeat.... that......” she said with a giggle, Nash taking the obvious opportunity to kiss her over and over while she spoke. They stood for a moment, smiling at each other like idiots, when they heard someone walk around the corner.
“Oh my god, FINALLY!” a voice said loudly from behind them. Emily gripped Nash’s shirt pulling him close as she tried to bury herself into him in embarrassment. Her face was beat red and eyes wide as Cisco briskly walked by. “Now if you two could do something about the other obvious tension you have, that’d be perfect,” he said pointing a finger first at Nash, then Emily who was trying very hard to hide her face. Cisco smiled at Nash, who gave him a wink, before walking away to a lab somewhere. They stood quiet for a minute before he rubbed her back and drew her into a hug enveloping her petite frame. She relaxed nestling into him a bit with a deep sigh. “So....” she began looking up at him. “What’s this ‘other tension’ Cisco was on about?”
“Oh, uh, I uh....” Nash coughed. “Not sure, actually.” She pouted suspiciously at him raising an eyebrow, keeping the stare made his ears rather red. “Mhmm......” she smirked. “Then I guess there’s nothing to ‘take care of’ and no real reason for a sleepover or anything....” she said slipping away. “I’m tired anyway, should probably just go to be—“ her words were cut off by Nash grabbing her from behind in a tight hug causing her to squeak. “Ok ok! I’ll stop teasing” she giggled. “But you’re kinda cute when you’re frustrated.”
Nash raised an eyebrow. “So are you telling me, this was a bad idea?” He asked close to her ear. “Noooooo.....” she said trying to hide the goosebumps. “Just..... think of it as an adventure. You do like adventures, right?” She asked grinning at him. He paused looking thoughtfully at her. “You know, now that I think of it. This might be one of the better ones.”
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