#and then he just dies? and she has to find him there dead on the dock? she would not be ok. :(
ineffectualdemon · 1 day
Orpheus doesn't look back.
He stands, one step from the entrance.
He doesn't look back.
"Please. Please look at me" Eurydice weeps behind him.
He doesn't look back.
"Why do you ask me to? In two steps you will be free of death and we can be together again. Yet all this way you have begged me to look." Orpheus asks.
But he doesn't look back.
"Because it is time. Time to put me behind you. I never wanted this. Not for you and not for us."
He feels Eurydice come closer, just at his back. Cold and smelling of the grave
He doesn't look back.
"Do you not love me? Would you not have done the same for me? I do this out of love for you! I do this for you!" His fists clench tight as tears trail down his face.
He doesn't look back.
"My love of course I love you! I loved you with every breath in my body when I was alive and I love you with every wisp of my being now. I love you so much that it tears me apart for you to chase the dead rather then continue with life."
He feels Eurydice's hand on his shoulder.
But he doesn't look back.
"I don't understand. You died too soon! You should want to come back to me! I don't understand." he confesses, the tears making his throat tight and his voice crack.
But he doesn't look back.
"I died young. I remember what a precious gift life is. How fleeting but bright it is. But I accept my death. I accept my time. But to see you squander your gift of life to chase what has already gone hurts me to my core. I don't belong out there anymore. But you still do."
Orpheus feels Eurydice rest her forehead against his back.
He doesn't look back.
"I can't live without you."
He doesn't look back.
"You can."
He doesn't look back.
"The pain will be unbearable."
He doesn't look back.
"You can bear it."
He doesn't look back.
"I don't want to say goodbye." He whispers, shaking from the tears that keep falling.
He doesn't look back.
"I know my love. But you must. It's time. It's time to see me for what I am. A memory. A ghost. It's time to walk into the light and live. For yourself and for me." She whispers in return.
He doesn't look back.
Orpheus takes a deep breath and wipes his face. Somehow he finds the strength to take a step to the entrance, into the light.
"I love you. I always will." He says.
He looks back.
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Can you tell me more about your bad endings au? Like, from where in the timeline are each of them? Cole is probably either from the day of the departed or that fall from season 10 but I don't know about the others lol
dlfahslhfjhkehjkhldfds yes! and you're absolutely right about where Cole's timline split lol
Cole - during DotD, the ninja forget about him as in canon, but he doesn't go after Yang. this means they don't get attacked by any of their past villains, but Cole also doesn't go through the rift because it's never opened in the first place. so he spends a few years wandering around ninjago forgotten, until he finally snaps and goes after Yang. the details after that are a bit blurry, but he uses dark magic to become human again and "kill" Yang. after that he goes after the ninja and becomes one of their enemies, though they still can't remember him
Kai - his timeline splits the earliest out of all the ninja, meaning that he is the baby of the group. during the volcano scene in s1, where he would have saved Lloyd and gained his true potential, he doesn't. he went after the fangblade instead, but that meant his version of Lloyd died. they still manage to defeat Pythor and the Great Devourer, after that the ninja basically shun/reject him because of what happened to Lloyd. he ends up running away and becomes this lone vigilante-type figure who stops crime in hopes of "atoning" for Lloyd's death
Nya - during s6, Nadakhan kills Jay. she ends up going through through the rest of the season alone as the rest of the group are picked off until she's the only one left. she doesn't go to the lighthouse or gather up people to help her though, and goes after Nadakhan on her own. she pretends to be his bride and kills him at the wedding with the venom. then she escapes, or maybe sinks the ship and kills the rest of the crew. either way, she continues being the last remaining ninja, since the rest of them were in the sword when the ship sank, and is still doing that when multiverse shenanigans happen
Jay - also from a s6 timeline! the season goes exactly as it did in canon, but he doesn't use his final wish to reverse the timeline. he uses it to wish he was far away from Nadakhan. so he gets his wish and immediately regrets it because the rest of the ninja are still with Nadakhan. when he finally finds his way back to the ship he learns that the rest of the ninja are also dead. he tries to start a resistance to stop Nadakhan but fails and ends up doing it on his own. he's still trying and failing when the time twins arrive, who cause the entirety of ninjago to go to ruin, which is also about the time he'd meet the rest of the alternate ninja
Zane - the ninja don't go after him in s4. they assume it was a prank or joke. so Chen's plan fails and he keeps being held prisoner for years. eventually he escapes, somehow, kills Chen, and gets off the island. at that point the oni trilogy has passed and he realises how long it's been. he becomes really bitter towards the ninja for not even trying to find out if he was alive and actually starts to hate them, though he can't force himself to become a villain, so he just. doesn't let them know he's alive. he doesn't go to the monastery or help behind the scenes, he just goes back to his father's old workshop and lives there. he probably got a decently happy ending compared to the others actually
Lloyd - Garmadon actually succeeds in killing the ninja when he destroys the Bounty, so the earlier parts of the season just play out as in canon. they gather up a resistance and try to fight back against him, but then Nya gets executed and he's the last remaining ninja. he continues with the resistance, and when he finds the remains of the Bounty also finds that his brothers are dead rather than evidence that they're alive. this doesn't go well, obviously, and he starts bordering on insanity and vowing to kill Garmadon. he shuts out Misako and the rest of the resistance and is just about to go after Garmadon when he gets pulled into the multiverse
and now we arrive at when these versions of the ninja would meet each other. I'm still not sure on the details, but they end up in some sort of multiverse in-between space and attempt murder on each other before they sort everything out. none of them particularly want to stick together, but Lloyd convinces them. they figure out a way to go to different universes/timelines together and try to find one to live in, as well as going back to some of their original universes to cause chaos
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dyne-osaur · 1 day
might be rambling this might mean nothing but omg has anyone thought about how a huge thing™ in dead boy detectives is how women were wronged ?? (and also not just women who were wronged but boys who were shitty assholes but in this essay i am focusing on how women were wronged) am i looking too much into it.. (this is prob not intentional and i am overthinking as per usual but like)
spoilers duh
also this got really long i apologize
so in episode 1 we meet crystal who is basically like the catalyst for everything happening right and this is kinda obvious but like the whole kinda happens because her toxic demon ex bf stole her memories (fuck you david) and like? that was a horrible thing to happen to her and he sucks boo >:( and also throughout the whole show she has to deal with his shittiness and whatnot
and also in episode 1 we obviously see becky aspen who is like a child (specifically a little girl) who was kidnapped by esther (who also only goes after girls like hello?) and about to be fed to her giant snake which like ?? hey now,,, and they have to go in and save her and i feel like it's kinda important esp with the last episode ("she killed hundreds of little girls to stay young; who gets justice for them?" or smth) like it's built on the backbone of women who were wronged
in episode 2 with the dandelion sprites we have niko who lost her dad and her mom wants her to just be better and the sprites literally like infected(?) her while she was trying to feel better or smth (prob a bit of a stretch ngl) so we don't rly see much of this in episode 2
in episode 3 the most obvious thing of all is that the devlin guy murdered his entire family (his wife and two daughters) because he was a bitch and hated that they wanted to leave him which like ?? okay fragile male ego (as crystal so eloquently puts it) like these girls felt haunted by him in life and even in death they were stuck in a loop getting killed by him over and over and over because of his fear they would leave them. he was controlling and abusive and a creep and in the end he killed them. (obviously this episode has other important themes like how charles' trauma is reflected in this and his emotional response to devlin and the horror of controlling/abusive family members but i feel like there's smth to be said with how women keep getting wronged in this show idk)
in episode 4 we get crystal who is still dealing with the effects of her lost memories and her desperation to find her mom (we all know how that turned out) and importantly we get the stuff in the gift shop (specifically lillith and ig the washer woman)
the washer woman is washing away the blood of humanity yadda yadda (she's a rly interesting character i love her) and like when she and crystal are left alone crystal is desperately trying to find how she can have her lost memories and past back and the washer woman gives her that riddle to help her smth smth (basically crystal's memories)
lillith is more introduced here as the goddess of wronged women (and blood magic) (this is self-explanatory i hope)
in episode 5 (this one i feel is also obvious) we get those charming-but-actually-really-shitty jocks who died because maren (brad's gf) murdered them because they were being really horrible. we get shelby who killed herself because they drugged her and ruined her entire life and her future and everything and even in death the boys (though i love them, this was a fault of theirs) were skeptical because the jocks were just so charming
and then we get maren who invites crystal over because of her fear that she would get caught when she was trying to protect herself and she made a(n albeit huge) mistake. brad sent her nudes to his bff richie and they never thought they were in the wrong like hello? i was like wtf but anyways they practically ruined the lives of these girls (maybe not maren because they never fully got out but they could've and either way she ended up turning herself in from her guilt and stuff)
(also note: crystal says "we all lost our lives to boys who went too far" and like.. a big thing™ from my perspective is also how men/boys go too far e.g. the schoolboys (edwin and charlies) and david (crystal) and also the jocks and devlin and later esther's husband and arguably the cat king (don't come at me i actually love him towards the end but for more info check out this post i love their take on him) etc. there's probably more i just can't think of them atm)
in this episode we also meet maxine for like a second(?) time (first being devlin murders in ep 3) where she obviously wronged jenny by stalking her and she doesn't see what's wrong with what she did when she literally tried to murder her, she stalked her, she's apparently done this MULTIPLE times (smth ab this happening "again" which ? oml) and jenny feels horrible about this because she put herself out there for once and she got hurt. and at the end of this episode we see them all hang out and of course david comes back because crystal can't catch a break but back to the topic jenny was almost killed by maxine who did a horrible thing to her
episode 6 we finally hear tragic mick's story. sedna was literally a girl who got sacrificed by her dad because he thought it would help. she was a woman wronged out of the many women wronged on this show and she became a goddess for her trauma yay?? but at the core of that backstory was sedna who was a woman wronged by her father. (and ofc tragic mick and how he became human POOR GUY)
we also have crystal who finally has a way to get david out of her head (did anyone notice it doesn't break till she says "i just wish i could be normal" or smth which is prob kinda why she lost her powers?) all of this has been culminating since the beginning and then later he comes back and he's taunting her and yelling at her for giving up "the one thing that made you special" (come on man :|) she does get her powers back later though yippie (and sees her badass ancestors)
and jenny who is still dealing with the trauma is obviously upset throughout the episode because yk maxine was crazy
episode 7 we have the boys in hell but to keep in theme we have crystal who feels horrible that charles won't let her help and she just goes out to get david to open a gate and jenny follows. jenny then gets violated as david literally possesses her and we get kinda the climax and then the resolution of david and crystal as she realizes her power and takes her memories back and buries him because he was a horrible horrible person to her (and also the comments he made were so creepy like "i want to get back inside you" "let me back in" WHAT THE HELL no way that wasn't intentionally creepy)
and then jenny (poor jenny) has to deal with the fact that she has now been possessed and has to deal with all this creepy shit like can homegirl catch a break goddamn (and speaking of jenny we see maxine on the stairs still clueless to what she did wrong MAXINE OPEN YOUR EYES)
crystal eats her memories
episode 8 she finds out she was a horrible person and her past was not as great as she thought it would be. she treated her friends and strangers badly and she wakes up and she feels horrid. and she thinks it will get better and she calls her mom and her parents did her dirty. they neglected her (didn't even REALIZE she was MISSING) and didn't do shit for her and she probably acted out for attention (in horrible ways i am in no way defending what she did btw but she can be a horrible person and changed as a person crystal they could never make me hate you) and she swallows the rest of her memories and finds out that she was not the person she wanted to be
in episode 8 we also find out esther's backstory. the big bad of it all and i think a huge point in the story is how at the core of it all was a woman who was wronged and turned horrible for it. her husband cheated on her and she killed him but then she couldn't get enough and just wow. just to me the fact that at the core of the story is a woman who was horribly treated and as a result turned into a horrible person (and kind of parallel to crystal who was horribly treated (by her parents and by david) and she finds she can still turn things around and be good) and esther is too far gone as she yk decides to continue being evil
in episode 8, the end of it all, we see that turning point where crystal goes into esther's head and summons lillith. the goddess of wronged women. we see her as crystal yells that esther has been tormenting girls, WRONGING WOMEN, for decades (centuries?). we see the rage in lillith's face as she turns her stare on esther for skewing the gift that lillith gave to a woman scorned. we see lillith drag esther out of the house screaming and AGH i love that so much idk
but yeah those are my thoughts on the amount of women i just saw wronged and this could all mean nothing and i could be very insane and crazy but ! whatever !
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marvelsmylife · 2 days
Pairing: Brennan Sorrengail x reader
“Because you haven’t chosen me. Not in a very very long time”
Plot: Brennan sees someone from his past and doesn’t know how to act.
A/n Because of how I ended this, I’m going to be writing a part two. Also, I couldn't help but use this gif of Sebastian Stan.
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For years, Brennan had fantasized about seeing you, his beautiful girlfriend, one last time. You were the light of his life, and would have done anything to make you happy. That’s why it pained him to let you believe he was dead for so many years.
Now that you are in front of him again, Brennan has no idea how to act. Especially when a little boy who looked exactly like him had his face against your leg. The world seemed to have disappeared for Brennan the instant you walked in with the little boy until Mira snapped her fingers in front of Brennan's face. “I’m sorry, what did you say?”
“We need you on standby in case anyone needs mending,” Mira told her big brother before turning her attention to you and your son, “Y/n, you and Bren need to get out of here. Keep the little guy safe until this is all over.”
Brennan couldn’t keep his emotions in check the moment Mira said your son's name. “When were you going to tell me I had a son?” Brennan asked, and everyone in the room looked over at you, waiting for a response.
“I’m sorry, I was going to tell you sooner, but you know, you supposedly died, remember?” you replied, causing your son to glare at his father for making his mom upset.
Brennan felt embarrassed at your response and walked over to you. “Please, can talk to you in private?” Brennan begged.
Against your better judgment, you agree and kneel down to talk to your son, “Go with Auntie Mira, I’ll be right back”. You kissed the top of your son's head before following Brennan to an empty corner of the room. “Ok, what do you want?” you asked, a cold expression was now on your face.
Brennan began to explain everything that happened in the six years he’s been gone and how much he missed you. By the end, a dry laugh escaped your lips, “I find that very hard to believe.”
A pained expression appeared on Brennan’s face at your words and prompted him to ask, “What makes you say that?”
“Because you haven’t chosen me. Not in a very, very long time. You chose to go out and fight in that war after I told you not to.” You had to pause for a few seconds because you noticed your voice was getting high, and you didn’t want your son to hear what you were saying. “I will not subject our son to the type of pain you’ve already inflicted on me.”
Brennan was ready to beg for your forgiveness for all the pain he had caused you when his mother's voice cut him off before he could ever speak. “Y/n, you need to go now,” General Sorrengail’s voice broke you out of the trance you were in. Kneeling down, General Sorrengail hugged her grandson, “Protect your mommy, ok?”
Bren nodded his head repeatedly. He gave his grandmother a kiss before running over to you and escorting you out of the room. “What?” General Sorrengail asked when Brennan stared at her in confusion.
Shaking his head, Brennan replied, “Nothing, I’ve just never seen this side of you before. You actually showing love to someone other than dad.” 
Brennan's words stung his mother, but she quickly masked her hurt and went back to general mode. “Whatever plan you guys have, make it fast. I don’t want innocent civilians hurt.”
Everyone agreed and began to work to get the wards back up before the wyvern showed up.
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a-french-coconut · 2 days
Drew Tanaka (Part 8)
Lunch couldn't be more awkward.
Piper refuses to meet her glaze, only talking if Lacy or Mitchell asked her something, like salt and pepper.
Her sister doesn't give any indications she heard her but since Drew is literally sitting in front her, she'll dare make the guess that she's just ignoring her.
"Piper, stop being such a bad loser and listen to me." she says a little more irritated and oh, nothing works more than a snappy remark.
"What ?"
"We need to talk."
"I'm all ears."
"The both of us, it doesn't concern Mitchell and Lacy."
"Oookay," Piper looks at her suspiciously and yet intrigued, "We're free after lunch right ?"
Drew nods, a little surprised with Piper's attitude.
She expected her to be a little more bratty, daughter of big super star Drew has only ever seen a poster of, but it seems that she had been a bad judge of character, for once.
When lunch is over, Drew puts Connor in charge of her siblings and leads Piper to the stables, known place to be alone at Camp.
"So," her sister takes an apple and feed it to Guido," what do you want to talk about ? How you swept the floor with me earlier ?" She smiles bitterly, her hand mindlessly rubbing her thigh, where Drew stabbed her a few hours ago.
"Not exactly, though it has a link with why I went so hard on you."
Drew takes a big breath, trying her best to start this conversation with calm and patience.
"I want to tell me everything you know about Silena Beauregard."
Piper freezes, looking at her with uncertainty.
"Why do you want to talk about our dead sister ?"
"My dead sister, and I want to know what you think Silena was before exposing you the whole picture."
"Drew," Piper frowns, "I already know what you think of Silena, you made it quite clear."
"Indeed, but have you wondered why ?"
"Because you think she's a traitor."
"I don't think she was one Piper, I know, everybody knows."
"But they forgave her, you-"
"didn't, and never will."
"Then why do you want to talk with me about it ? If you think you are going to make me change my mind, you're wrong."
"I wouldn't be so sure, sit will you ? It's a long story."
Piper sits on the ground and Drew on a haystack.
"Okay, I know Silena was a daughter of Aphrodite who dated a guy from Hephaestus, don't remember his name though."
"Charles Beckendorf," Drew smiles sadly, "only Silena could call him Charlie, for everybody else it was Beckendorf."
"Yeah, and then he died and when you guys had to fight in Manhattan, Silena revealed she was the spy after dying trying to fight a dragon."
"It was a drakon actually, there's a difference."
"That's I all know, that she died a hero, knowing she made a mistake and trying to make amends."
"Do you think you know Silena Beauregard then ?"
"In the grand lines, yes." Piper answers from the floor, twirling a twig in her hands.
"In the grand lines," Drew repeats, "what a dignified way to say I don't know shit."
"I do-"
"Ah, ah" she stops her with her hand, "my turn to speak now. Let me tell you everything I know about Silena Beauregard."
Where, on the grand painting of Silena's life should she begin ?
"I met her when I was only a child," she twirls her leather necklace, "I arrived two years before Percy Jackson did and everything went wrong."
She inhales some air, it's been a while since she dared explore her happy memories with Silena.
"She was an amazing older sister, braiding my hair, gossiping with me, teaching me makeup and horse riding. It was scary, you know ? To be a 8 years old girl and find out there are monsters trying to kill you. But Silena, she made all the fears go away."
"She sounds really great," Piper says softly.
"She was," Drew says as softly.
"But anyways, big jump towards six years : Luke went crazy against the gods, waging war on us and Olympus. During that summer, he tried to invade Camp using the Labyrinth to bypass the frontier." Drew's voice breaks at for a moment, all she hears are the monster's screams as they erupted from the maze, "it was the first true battle and they were many casualties."
"Lee Fletcher from Apollo, Will's older brother, Castor from Dioynsus, I think you met Pollux ? They were twins, Sasha from Demeter was also killed during that battle. He was my best friend, even more."
"Oh my gods, Drew, I'm so sorry."
"It's alright," she shrugs, "been a while now. Thing is, I had just broke his heart for the Rite of Passage, only two weeks before it happened. And I was so excited to tell him that I liked him, I spent days squealing about all the date we would go on to Silena, and we would laugh together at my crazy ideas." Drew chuckles, "Once, I wanted to have a picnic on clouds, watching the sunset from the sky."
"That's sweet." Piper smiles.
"But the battle happened and I didn't even get the chance to say goodbye, Sasha died thinking I didn't liked him."
She can feel tears gathering in her eyes and does her best to hold them.
"Later," she continues with a wobbly voice, "Silena chose Beckendorf for her rite of Passage. Usually, it lasts one week, two if you're feeling really cruel but their relationship went on and on until they were celebrating monthly anniversaries. When I confronted her about it, she told me she wasn't going to break things off with him. It made me furious, I had just lot Sasha and there she was, thinking herself superior ?" Old, familiar, anger makes its way up before Drew squashes it down. "In the end, she did what she always did, say a few words with her pretty smile and sweet voice and everything was forgotten or forgiven."
"Wait," Piper frowns," are you saying she charmspoke you ?"
"Maybe, I'm not sure. She did about other things though, but don't worry, you'll know everything soon."
"The next summer, we were all tensed up. Percy's birthday was getting closer and closer and sabotaging missions we're issued by the counsellors almost every week. Beckendorf and Percy were ordered to blow up Princess Andromeda, Luke's yatch, but something went wrong." Drew grips the hay she's sitting on, "somebody warn Luke they were coming. Only Percy made it back alive, Beckendorf blew himself up with the ship."
"Oh my gods." Piper says breathless. "But they were-"
"Ssssh, let me speak, it's the best part. When Percy comes back alone, Silena breaks down, muttering nonsense when she enters the cabin and then she drops the bomb," Drew leans as if she was sharing a secret "there's a spy amongst us."
"A spy," she continues "that has been feeding information to Luke for gods know how many time. Someone that has been heartlessly stabbing them in the back while we ate together, laughed together, trained to together. Someone I hated with a burning passion for making my beloved sister cry."
"Do you know why Silena fighting the drakon in the first place ? No ? Well, Apollo and Ares had a feud concerning the flying chariot you arrived at Camp on and Clarisse decided that she and her cabinmates wouldn't fight in the war anymore. Her pride was too wounded. Long story short, only an Ares child can kill a drakon and with them absent, there was no way to win. So, Silena went to rally Ares' children, posing as Clarisse. They were best friends and knew each other well, nobody suspected a thing. Until she died, at least."
"I wasn't there when it happened, busy fighting and saving my siblings' life so I don't know what she did exactly but in the grand lines she revealed she was the traitor."
"I-" Drew stops herself, trying to think what to say next, "When I found out, my brain just short circuited. I couldn't understand why she would do that until memories started to come back, memories Silena had charmspoke me into forgetting that showed Luke and her together, whispering behind the cabins. She liked him, before Beckendorf, she liked Luke."
"And it was so confusing, to love and hate the same person with such intensity ? The urge to grieve while being happy the traitor got what she deserved ? I almost went mad and the only way I found to protect myself was making sure nobody would get as close that Silena did. That's why I was so harsh on you, because you reminded too much of her."
"Me ?" Piper says shocked, and was that a little nervous ? "How ?"
"You refused to the Rite, and your vibe wasn't good either."
"My vibe ?" her sister asks a little amused.
"Yes, your vibe. The one saying I'm not like other girls, I don't care about makeup and all that."
"Oh," Piper puts her hands in her jacket, not looking at Drew, "it wasn't against you, I swear."
"Then what made you like that ?" Drew asks, genuinely curious.
"My dad," Piper sighs, "is a famous actor and he's always busy. I guess that over time, I tried to get his attention by a lot of ways and I didn't want to be the cliche of a star's daughter, all dolled up and just a pretty thing to look at. In addition to that, the girls mocking me at my last school were all always wearing makeup and whatever. I suppose I just made a connection between the two."
"And I certainly didn't help with that, did I ?" Drew winces when Piper gives her a nod, "sorry about that."
"Well," Piper offers her a smile, "I can understand you now so, water under the bridge ?"
"As long as you don't go preaching about how heroic and brave Silena was, it's a deal."
"Mmmh," her sister makes a show of thinking, "yeah I can do that, not like I knew her anyways."
"Oh, now you don't know her ?"
"Are you going to stay bitchy like that ?"
"What can I say, it's one of my best talents."
"Oh yeah, what are the others ? Managing to fashionably wear camp's t-shirt ?" Piper teases her.
"First of all, it is one of them. But no, I was more thinking about how I kicked your ass."
"Wait until I get better," Piper threatens her with her twig, "I have eight months to beat you."
"Maybe if you ask your roman boyfriend to train you, you'll succeed."
"Talking about Jason, I still have a bone to pick with you," Piper looks at her scowling, "do you still have a crush on him ?"
"Oh honey," Drew cackles, "I never had, I just wanted to piss you off. And by Aphrodite, it worked !" Her cackles transforms into full demonic laughter when Piper groans and rolls her eyes, mumbling something about "bitchy sister" and "wait until I train with Jason, you'll see".
I actually wanted to do it after Piper came back from the Seven quest but then I realised it would mean they stayed angry at each other for four months, something like that, and I went "eeeeeeh, not gonna work."
So they had a healthy talk about their respective attitudes and now they're on friendly ground !
At least until Drew discovers that Piper was working with a giant (:
And it gives her massive SPTSD (Silena Post Traumatic Stress Disorder).
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iamnmbr3 · 19 hours
hi there!!🫶🏻
Just a sad theory...how do you think Harry would've reacted if Draco had been killed (canon Harry ofc)?
Like how he'd react if death occurred in fiendfyre scene or after malfoy manor scene or after he couldn't kill dombledore and he escaped with snape or when he pleads to death eater but this time death eater kills him(better say each reaction of his in these situations if they make difference lol)
Think of this so much but can't find my answer...
Hello! It's always such a delight to see your questions in my inbox. They're invariably thoughtful and fascinating.
I think you're right that when Draco died specifically in canon would have huge implications for the specifics of how Harry would react. Generally though, if it occurred in book 7 during the war I think Harry would be very shaken by it and much more upset than others, or even he himself, might expect or understand. But he would try to compartmentalize it at the time.
Just like how after the Manor sequence he compartmentalizes and puts Draco out of his mind because he knows Draco may well be brutally killed as punishment for Harry's escape. He knows - and it horrifies him so much that for the first time ever he manages to block out Voldemort so he doesn't have to see it - but he has a mission to complete. All this suffering and death can't be for nothing. It just can't. Remember, following that escape there's a real turning point for Harry. He becomes single minded in his purpose to complete his mission whatever the cost and stops worrying or doubting or thinking of anything else. I think Draco's death would have a similar but even stronger effect on him.
But then the war ends. And he has time to think. And something about that particular death just haunts him even though it shouldn't really. I mean, he and Draco were never friends right? It's not like he cared for him? ... Right? And yet somehow as the years slip by he can't seem to get Draco out of his head. Wondering what could have been, whether Harry could have or should have done more? What would have happened if he'd thought to try to help him in sixth year, if he'd realized the full extent of Draco's doubts and vulnerability before that fateful night on the Astronomy tower? The years slip by and maybe Harry marries Ginny but feels that somethings's always just a little bit lacking in his marriage or maybe he breaks up with her and finds someone else, or no one at at all. But always in the back of his mind something is missing. There's some unanswered question. And whenever he goes back to visit Hogwarts he always finds himself turning to look across the Hall to meet a pair of grey eyes that aren't there.
Now, to get into the specific scenarios you mentioned:
if death occurred in fiendfyre scene
In this scenario I think Harry would feel a lot of personal guilt since he would feel that he failed to save Draco. Furthermore, he would probably also feel that perhaps Draco might have lived if Harry hadn't taken his wand. He's probably sick with horror in the immediate aftermath but pulls himself together long enough to complete his mission. And then the guilt plagues him for the rest of his life. At first he thinks that's all it is but over time he and others start wondering if there was something special about Draco, something more to him, to make him haunt Harry's thoughts so much.
Where it really gets interesting is there's also the possibility that Draco appears as one of the resurrection stone shades, which has all sorts of fun angst potential.
The other issue here is that Draco is dead when Narcissa asks about him. I think Harry probably still answers honestly but I think it doesn't change much since now she has nothing to lose and wants to avenge her son so she still lies for Harry.
2. after malfoy manor scene
So again, Harry definitely feels personal responsibility here. He also really dwells on the fact that Draco saved his life and died because of it. I think in any case where Draco dies after the "I can't be sure" sequence Harry spends a lot of time postwar thinking about what Draco did and why he did it and all the questions he'll never get to ask him and wondering whether if he'd done more earlier - during 6th year or another time - Draco could have gone down another path and been saved. Especially in this scenario though where Draco dies immediately after, essentially sacrificing his life for Harry.
Another interesting thing in this scenario is the question of whether Narcissa lives. If Voldemort doesn't kill her too then she still has her wand since there's no Draco for her to give it to. She might want revenge on both Voldemort - for killing her son - and Harry, for taking his wand and leaving him defenseless and for escaping. But also maybe part of her knows the wand might not have made a difference and that Draco surely recognized Harry and made his choice. Maybe she meets Harry during the battle and attacks him and wants to kill him but changes her mind in the end. Maybe they fight early on but then in the forest she saves his life because she knows Voldemort is the real enemy and she knows that Draco gave his life to save Harry's. Or maybe she even tries to take down Voldemort herself.
3. after he couldn't kill dumbledore and he escaped with snape
Ooh! This is interesting. I wonder how fast Harry would find out. He might discover it much later. We know he spends a lot of time worrying about Draco after the end of book 6 so this would basically be all his worries being confirmed. OR he might actually witness it through a vision from Voldemort. Since this would happen before the Horcrux hunt is really going on in earnest I think Harry would spend a lot of time brooding over it and it would give him a sense of purpose and a need to end the war before any more innocent lives are lost. Maybe Harry tells himself it's just a general feeling of responsibility, but it's also about grief and revenge over Draco in particular, even though rationally he knows Draco isn't someone he should be feeling this way about.
Of course, in this scenario a lot of other things in the story go very differently. First of all, Voldemort may become the true Master of the Elder Wand by defeating Draco (at least according to the canon version of wandlore; I think possibly he could never have mastered it because his fear of death meant it would always have chosen Harry) which means Harry might have died in the duel at the end....
Assuming he even made it that far because the Manor sequence would also go very differently. The Malfoys (assuming any of them were even left alive by that point and Voldemort didn't just massacre the whole family) might not be able to conclusively identify Harry and co right away and might have thrown them into the cells they had while they decided what to do (giving them a chance to escape) but they also might have chanced it and called Voldemort. Voldemort would've killed Harry on sight...thus destroying the Horcrux in Harry and knocking both of them out for a moment. Then Harry of course comes back to life. This means he might've had a chance to surprise everyone and try to escape (if so there's still probably a lot more carnage and death and everyone probably doesn't make it out not to mention Harry also doesn't get Draco's wand) or he might just end up getting killed a second time.
Really brings home how Draco - and his devotion to Harry - is a key part of what enables Harry to win in book 7. Voldemort really was defeated by the power of drarry.
4. when he pleads to death eater but this time death eater kills him
Harry definitely still tries to save him and feels terrible guilt over not being fast enough. Also here Draco dies right in front of him and his body is just lying there right where Harry can see it. He probably is momentarily distracted until his friends remind him they have a mission. He never gets the image out of his mind though.
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correctproseka · 1 day
Been thinking about absolutely strong An has been through this event.
- Finds out her aunt died from her uncle after he said her team would never beat RAD Weekend in their lifetime
- Watched her colleagues (EVER, Arata, Kotaru) get decimated in a singing battle SECONDS AFTER by the same uncle who broke the sad news to them (Arata especially getting Shredded from Taiga’s remarks about carrying dreams since he carries Soma’s dream of becoming the best singer ever)
- Later performing against said uncle with her team WHILE STILL PROCESSING NAGI’S DEATH, WHAT TAIGA IS DOING, and other thoughts racing in her head, only to get eviscerated by him sINCE SHES GOING THROUGH A LOT AT THE MOMENT MENTALLY (“Your Aunt’s dead, your team wont ever beat me, lets have a rap battle now!!” - Taiga)
- Seeing said colleagues leave seemingly forever because their dreams have been shattered, only having her own team
- Her father finding them and telling her the whole truth, which included the reason why until now everyone had been LYING TO HER FOR YEARS about Nagi’s condition
She gets back up, thats true, but lets make a few things clear.
She only gets back up because she has her team and her dad. If anyone in her team had given up, i dont think she could've handled. And as much as she is rightfully angry at her dad, he is also a good reason she can stay as confident as she is.
Plus, we know that whatever happened was NOT acceptance, well, it kind of was, but also not. You know the stages of grief are.. weird. An skipped denial (or we can count those three years as denial), right into anger- and she unleashed that anger while singing, and is angry at her town and at her dad- and in between anger she has depression, i would say they're both so intertwined you can barely see which is which. She can't bargain, or maybe she's bargaining at herself, she cant fully break down in front of Taiga, or until she learns of everything.
And once she does, more at side cards than in the actual story. Here comes the acceptance, alongside again more depression. You just know she possibly cried herself to sleep that night- if she slept at all. But also, yes, An is strong, but we cant just ignore the fact that she set her feelings to the side enough to cry at a safe place- and that she has her team to lift her up.
Because for one. Nagi is right. If An knew about it before she met Kohane, and before they formed Vivid Bad Squad, An would have given up on music all together, not that she wasn't strong then, she would have gotten over with that situation, probably EASIER without yknow. Knowing it three years later. But also the main reason she was into music would be gone, so what was the point? Now she has more people- and more reasons- to be into music.
Just adding salt to the wound yknow.
Also my headcanon is that after An was. Like yknow, not fighting tears just because of Nagi's name (which took like a full week), Ken took her to the cemetery where Nagi is, which made An cry all over again but helped her mourn since she never had the chance to, he walked away to give them a bit of privacy while An talks to the grave to give Nagi updates about her life and in the end, she feels more determined than ever, she leaves a little drawing of the vbs logo on top of it and goes back more at peace than when she came in.
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cripplecharacters · 2 days
3/3 sorry for sending parts of this ask so far apart. English is not my first language and it takes me some time to phrase things properly (sorry if any part of this gargantuan mountain of asks is hard to understand) and it was getting late.
So the last on the list is my male MC and i am realy not sure if i should give him an FD because the way he gets it meets the trope of "someone bad did this to me" and it has other problems
Some more relevant info:
There is a singular way for mages in my world to bring someone back from the dead and its the hardest and most dangerous spell, with much harser restrictions that magic normaly has Mages are born with their powers, its esentialy the intent of the user expresed throug one or more of their senses and/or movement there is realy no wrong way to use it most of the time. Some more complicated things requer the user to do things with specific senses in a specific way but they are realy taxing spells and requer the help of a non magic user to ground the mage so they dont "overheat". This spell requers all this plus a specific order of rituals to be followed perfectly and spells recited perfectly. Its sort of the expection to all the rules magic normaly follows but it allows two things magic normaly is incapabel of doing.
1 Creating biological matter with a will of its own that doesn't requer a mage's control to move and function to creat the body.
2Teleportation, even then a very specific kind of it that allows the main casters soul to enter the realm of the dead to find the soul of the person they wish to bring back and bring them back and bind them to the newly created body. To bring the dead person back to life.
Its a bit more complicated than this, but this is the core of. Of course nothing is perfect so actualy executing this without any mistake is imposibel. How much the resurected person resembels the person they were befor they died and their overal healt at the moment depends on how well these two steps are executed, how much time has passed and also sheer luck.
No person brought back from the dead is exactly as they where. The characters interpret this as a price at first but they are not right about it. Its both just a natural conseqence of the proces being inperfect no matter what and also dying and spending any time in the realm of the dead changes a person, both because dying is (a sometimes negative) monumental experience in the case of most of the people brought back no one else remembers and the same goes for the afterlife that souls reborn into a new life completly forget but they are going to remember to some degree (the longer they been dead for the more they remember)
This is not treated as the "came back wrong" trope in general and especialy not in the case of the MC. And the FD has nothing to do with how the resurection spell normaly works and everything to do with a certain aspect of his death and what happened after whic i dont know if it makes it worse.
The antagonist was the one who killed him, and used the rest of of his remaining powers to creat a pocket dimension and drag his soul with him there. The god of the dead manages to pull him into their own realm. Problem is They can't keep him there permanently because of what the antagonist did and for the entire time he is dead the death god and the antagonist are playing a very high stake game of tug of war with his soul . This is relevant because when the other MC starts the ritual to resurect him he is in the afterlife where he is suposed to be but when she gets to the part of the ritual where she enters the afterlife the antagonist pulls him back into his realm before she finds him and she needs the death gods help to follow him there, she finds him there and almost manages to bring him back to the real world without troubel but the antagonist manages to find them at the last moment befor they get back to the death gods realm to go back to where they suposed to be from there. He grabs the MC by the face and hair (i mention his hair because its something he is attached to and it has relevanc later) to keep him from moving and begs him to don't leave him alone there for the rest of time.
The MC pushes him away as hard as he can, whic causes damage. Whic could be fixed if they spent some time in the afterlife but since every moment they prolong the ritual is very taxing on the female MC due to the amount of magic it requers and the antagonist could theoreticaly pull him back at any moment he choses to not wait and asks her to take him back to the living realm and finish it right away. This is what leads to the FD in my curent plan of the story and i am woried about several things
1 The someone bad did this to me thing whic is true to some degree in the case of both Balthazar and his father. Since the antagonist is responsibel for the existence of the magic fires and the king's orders directly lead to his father losing his eye and he is a secondary antagonist who turns especialy hostile after that incident. Plus all three of them have an acquired facial diference and the other kinds have no rep, which i feel bad about. But i alredy made most of the characters i need i could either give one of the existing ones an FD thats not aquired, whic would feel like i tacked it on as afterthought or create a new character with an FD, but then i would do that just to give them an FD whic would make for a flat character and bad rep. I dont feel great about either of those options. Any other way i could balance this to some degree?
2 The whole thing implying that something happening to his soul influences his aperance , specificaly that part of it stays in the antagonists hand. Its mentioned earlier that a souls size or shape says nothing about their nature and has no effect on their worth, due to the fact that even though they resembel humanoid shape but not completly and not always depending on the souls own preference most of the time. Also the injury is not directly the reason more so the fact that the created body is not realy "solid" until the soul enters it and it conforms to the shape the soul takes(whic is influenced by the antagonists action here so i feel like its on thin ice) whic means that it could differ from an abeled aperance even if the mc was unharmed. This actualy happens with two of his fingers on his left hand whic he didnt lost but since he was strugeling to keep them in shape they dont manifest. So there is evidence in the text that this is not exactly the case but a bad faith interpretation wouldn't need to dig deep and i would like to curb that. Is there any way to do that or should i revrite this part.
3"the came back wrong" trope, not invoked but "came back different" is still a bit close for me even if refers more to a change in personality rather than potential phisical differences. There is a moment some of the other characters freak out but its only due to the fact that they worry that the injuries will bleed and/or are causing the MC pain. The MC himself is more bummed out about his hair than he is about the scars since the antagonist also grabed that and thanks to that its rather short (whic is something he dislikes due to things that happened in the story previously) After its clear that the MC has no troubel aside from some sensitivity in the scars they calm down. They consider the ritual very sucesfull and the mc didn't change much personality wise considering the circumstances and the only memories he has troubel with are the ones he had troubel with previously. This might lessen the circumstances but i would still like to choke unfortunate implications at the root but also balance out the characters reactions since the scars are still a big change.
4 This happens towards the end of the story and there are only a few chapters after this so the MC is not FD representation for most of the story. Would it be a "here is nothing hold it well" situation or would it be worth anything as representation? The story ends on a very positive note and both of the MC's and the minor characters are the happiest they ever been in a long time, but its still not a lot of time and there are a lot of implications that need to be tackeled to put it in. Would it still be worth it?
There is two other points i could put most of the injuries in (he needs to have both of his eyes for a later part of the story to happen so that would need to happen at the end regardles) but both of them have their own problems. One of them is a big fight with the antagonist, and they lose there whic beside the "someone bad did this to me"would cary other not so nice implications. The other is when the prince attacks him, but it would change the story to a degree. Both of these are still a good way into the story and another problem with them is that the story takes a turn for the worse after they happen and the MC struggels a lot with his self esteem and self image. He is forced to lead the other branch of the militia whic forces him to both alter his aperance in a way he doesn't want to (cut off most of his hair and wear an uniform that makes him completly identical to most of the people around him) and make decisions he doesn't agres with that make him feel like a monster. I worry that it would lead to unfortunate implications about the facial difference regardles of the text stating that he feels like this due to resons unrelated to the FD. Would it still be better? Maybe with some changes? Perhaps him liking the scars because they make him distinct in some way?
Tumblr media
here is a picture of him at the end of the story that i recently made that i realy like. Apologies for the bad quality my phone was not cooperating so i had to take a screenshot of it to put it here. Also the drawing doesn't show it well (i am not good with digital drawings)but the scars are suposed to be sunken in and the one that runs through his nose does alter its shape a bit.
Also would it be alright for him to wear his hair how he does in the picture? Since it covers a portion of one of his scars, specificaly the part where his right eye was when it lays flat. He doesn't wear it like this to hide his scar ( I didnt design it for that purpose) but because he likes to have long bangs (i like how he looks with long bangs)but he needs to keep his hair away from the left side of his face to not obscure his remaining vision. Is this okay or would this count as the mask trope?
I thank you in advance for your answer, reading your blog already helped me lot with writing things more mindfuly and avoiding causing harm
[Image description: screenshot of a drawing of a white man with multiple scars across his face, missing one eye. He is smiling. End ID.] 
Hi again :-)
I'll go straight to the main questions!
The "evil causes FD" as a trope is more annoying and overused than it is harmful to real people, so if anything will slide, it would be this. Would it better if there was some variety? I mean, probably. But if they are as story-defining as it sounds, trying to work around the ones mentioned already seems like more effort than it's worth. The real "fix" here would be to add something to balance that doesn't go into that, so let me address that:
I don't think that putting one on an already existing character would necessarily feel like an afterthought. Characters with FD don't have to be "centered" around their facial difference, nor even talk about it particularly much (I mean, I don't talk about my FD all the time either? I have hobbies, lol). They can just Look Different, and there are facial differences that primarily cause visual changes. E.g. vitiligo, port wine stains, blepharophimosis syndrome, rosacea (though it can also cause pain), alopecia, visual effects of previous cancer (like having no nose, for example, but there's a lot of head and neck cancers). It's fine to have a character who just... has a facial difference, there's no need to attach some plot point to it. Maybe there's someone on the royal court that has no ties to being evil or violent, and they just happen to have facial asymmetry?
For new characters: I would add minor/mentioned ones that have some sort of facial difference that is Clearly Non-Traumatic. It doesn't need to be a character particularly important to the story. As long as they have character traits that are unrelated to their disability, it should work. Just describe them as having some sort of facial difference during their introduction - maybe there's someone that shows up to care for one of your characters after their injuries, and they happen to have craniofrontonasal dysplasia? Facial differences and disability are just a regular part of life, they're often boring and not "useful" to stories. Just like random characters being unusually tall or something, there's no "reason for it to be there", people just are like that.
If you want some more ideas, I'd recommend this post!
As of the soul thing; probably fine. Now if he was the sole character with FD then I wouldn't say that, but there are other characters who don't have this problem.
With that said:
In the previous part, you mentioned that the MC was attacked with a knife ("cuts his face with a dagger") - wouldn't he already have a facial difference? I don't mean to say that he can't have two, rather that having one unrelated to his soul (or the lack of it) would be more realistic in the literal sense, as well as wouldn't have this kind of implication at all. If he's already scarred before getting his soul damaged, there's no way to conclude that these two are related.
For the reactions around the new disability, probably fine as well. As mentioned in the previous part you specifically avoid the “better dead than disabled” which is great. If MC's friends are concerned that he is in pain, that's fine (it makes sense).
Re: other options, I don't think there are many differences in the scenarios themselves (especially with how I feel like that MC would already have a facial difference from the part 2 fight?). That said, I feel like making him like his scars specifically because they make him different is awesome. Especially when he is in a scenario where he’s miserable because he’s forced to dress and look the same as everyone else, but his scars make him feel better. I will take almost any message about facial differences being explicitly positive :-) It would be nice to see!
I wouldn't say that it counts as the trope because you can still see the majority of the scarring. Just show it from time to time to not make it seem like a missing eye is some sort of bloody hole in the middle of a human head (I sure wish I didn't have to say that, but here we are), and you should be fine.
I hope my answer helps!
If you need clarification on anything, feel free to reach out :-)
mod Sasza
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aroanthy · 3 months
i love how fraught and complicated discourse around various utena characters ‘dying’ is when anthy is literally stabbed to death eternally by a million swords imbued with human hatred. and then utena gets stabbed to death by them also. like. ‘death’ is incredibly interesting in rgu because most of the time it’s this ambiguous figurative thing that has interesting implications re: ohtori as a closed-off world one can escape. we are all trapped in our coffins. mamiya is the only named character with a grave. nemuro memorial hall functions as one all the same. ruka is implied to have died in the hospital— was he dead all along? who was the boy we saw for these two episodes? is this dead boy the same boy, or is this just another coincidence from the shadow girls, cutting like a knife? it’s heavily implied that akio and anthy murder kanae by poisoning her, adding to the previous implication that they were poisoning mr ohtori too, but there are no perceptible consequences of this. kanae’s absence is not felt. she’s fed an apple slice. what happens to the bodies? we know what happened to the 100 boys, but what about everyone else? and so on and so forth. ‘death’ is a tricky thing in utena, i think it’s constantly functioning on figurative and literal levels in very different ways for very different purposes. dios died. dios was dying. dios didn’t die. he grew up. etc etc
#what am i trying to say here?#idk! think about all of the pieces you have#dying is complicated in ohtori in countless different ways#and i find it boring to see so much ‘this character is dead and that’s it’ stuff#when death is used farrrrrrr more figuratively than some ppl give credit for#and i think the movie too does wonderful things with death#and what ‘dying’ really means#being disbelieved. being forgotten. being rejected. haunting despite this#much more interesting to think about wrt commentary on abusive relationships than it is#to think about what?? oh me when my brother died but plot twist he’s alive and can walk on this road all cool. like?????#akio doesn’t have the power to make himself revenant#he THINKS he does and he absolutely has power when he’s alive and he imbues that power with such meaning that it does live on after him#but ANTHY. anthy is the one struggling with herself and her feelings and the impact of trauma and abuse (that power!!) in aou#he’s dead? he died? she brought him back through her memories? or she’s left him (metaphorical death) and he’s haunting her??#all such interesting interpretations#i haven’t mentioned touga bc i don’t have the energy today. if dead and just illusion of others memories then why active. why awful#like in aou akio is only Obviously scummy when he’s alive. his illusory self is based upon anthy’s love for him#if anime!touga is nothing more than nanami/whoever’s memories of him before he died……. why does he actively choose to suck again and again#like nanami wouldn’t do that. unless it was meant to be a subconscious thing like ooo he’s dead all along but that’s not what her arc is#it’s not ‘he’s been dead all along’ literally or figuratively. it’s ‘he’s unsafe and i don’t want him’#sigh. once again i am asking people to think about nanami and touga’s dynamic through touga’s eyes#it’s so interesting to me how people forget to consider his motivations or feelings on ANYTHING#like sure his motivations and feelings are scummy but they’re interesting!!!!! they intrigue me!!!!#compel me even#anyway ignore how i said i didn’t have the energy for this and then typed it all out anyway#dais.txt
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writer-room · 6 months
Honestly Rayla is equally 100% ride or die for Callum too.
That's so true I almost mentioned it in that post. They're so ridiculously feral for each other it's hilarious to watch. Callum's the legitimate "we ride AND die together" whereas Rayla is the "I will ride and die FOR you" sort of deal yknow?
Could be literally any situation, no matter how dangerous, and she's already decided she will die here. Does it ensure Callum lives? Then batter-up buckeroo we're going in swords blazing! Everyone cheer and clap for her human or she'll blow this whole place up. Kinda person who says "even if you hate me I'd still lose everything if it meant you were okay". She thinks they're in a tragic love story where she's always at risk of losing him but that's okay as long as it keeps him safe and happy like y'know Viren parallels, she'd risk losing her very self for him over and over. Except Callum would wait until the end of the world itself, and even beyond, and she wouldn't even have to ask.
The difference between them, really, is that Rayla will die for Callum on any given day. Callum will kill for Rayla on any given day. Something something matching sets
#tdp#the dragon prince#asks#rayllum#tdp callum#tdp rayla#talk#someone in the tags of that post said 'raylas self loathing works hard but callums devotion works even harder' and they own that post now#its theirs. they summed it up beautifully. they own it#'yes hes cringe but hes MY cringefail loserboy!!!!! get your OWN'#everyone else would say the 'hes a 10 but--' except for rayla. shes just 'hes a 10. hes just a 10 striaght-up'#he is not. he is so not a 10 i love him but hes not a 10 shes just so ill for him#so insane that the girl who has issues abt not being or being wanted by anyone or not good enough for ppl to stay/want her#proceeds to find maybe the 1 guy in the entire world who will choose her no matter WHAT#and even when SHE was the one who left & he was pissed he was still 100% sticking by her. hes staying#oops she showed him affection. now hes stuck forever! shame. welp guess thats how it goes!#and its partially bc of that she'd die for him. she needs him to b okay even if shes not there. mix of that loathing like#'he could still b happy without me so i need to ensure he lives so he can STAY happy at my own detriment. he means more than me'#girl if you died he would literally crumple into dust. fold in like cardboard in the rain. lay face-down in the sand & just die there#same w callum hes like 'i can hurt myself over & over for her if shes alive. if the danger is dead then she can live longer. i will live bu#tear myself apart so long she is safe'#bestie. if you reach the point of no return she will sacrifice herself to get the old you back WHAT THEN
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jfkisonthemoon · 7 months
they honestly couldve done so much with junpei beheaded/dismembered and im disappointed that it ended up just being mira. so much of his character and his relationship with akane is characterized by his lack of bodily autonomy, and him being openly beheaded during the nonary games would be the ultimate example of this. its perhaps the most brutal death in the game, and it never really gets explained or developed beyond the one puzzle that we get with it. junpei has been shown repeatedly to be subject to akane's plans or follow her blindly and i just think that would have been a really interesting angle to approach his beheading from. junpei has willingly signed up for nonary games in two different timelines just because he knew he would see her. he was infected with a deadly virus trying to find her. he grew desensitized to death as he took underground jobs to try and find her. his safety always comes second when shes in the picture, and his beheading wouldve been a prime opportunity to 1. exploit his willingness to let himself die/be injured for her and 2. make akane confront the fact that her confidence that junpei will always follow after her is not necessarily a positive thing.
#zero escape#additionally wasnt mira supposed to be asleep?? like i know she didnt get the forget juice but didnt she still get knocked out?#but also!! none of her other kills were like that! none of them were dismembered and she didnt touch junpeis chest#so even that reasoning doesnt make sense#kinda feels like a copout to keep the shock of junpei being disrespected in such a way - to have his very body turned into a puzzle#a puzzle that akane is forced to solve!!! without knowing that what shes looking for is his head - him!#theres so much potential there and they just didnt do anything#im not even saying that akane should have somehow been responsible for that death - only that not having her really grapple with it is such#a missed opportunity#i still fucking LOVE the imagery of it though. i really think its the epitome of the representations of his lack of autonomy#he loses all of vlr. quark. 45 years of his life. because akane decides this is best for him. he dies repeatedly trying to find her.#because she believes that she knows what will keep him safe#and turning junpeis body into a puzzle posthumously is a fantastic example of his lack of control over his body#its like hes literally become a doll. hes jumpydoll - not junpei. hes subject to these games even after he has died.#he gets no peace. no respect in his death. not when hes in these games. not when hes in the shadow of akanes whims and games.#i still love the imagery. i think it was one of my favorite parts of ztd and is honestly now a core tenet of my Junpei Understanding#but i was disappointed in the lack of narrative weight that specific death had. for him to be one of the first dead? for it to be in such a#brutal manner? like come ON. the character analysis for junpei and akane and their relationship is RIGHT THERE. all you had to do was put i#in the game#but nope.#they just handwave it as something mira did.#and dont bring up the details ever again because. plot point solved?#anyway. ive been thinking about junpei imagery and bodily autonomy a lot. obviously.#zero escape spoilers#mak no peeking#marydontlookatthis
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dirtytransmasc · 6 months
modern got au in which asha is a "teen parent"
or more accurately, asha and theon have a much larger age gap, 10/15-ish years, type of age gap (she's at least 18/19 and theon's only like 4/5), and in a series of freak events, their lives are turned on its head.
their brothers were dead. their mother and father were ruled incompetent, the former left a shell of herself after the loss of her sons, no longer able to care for her remaining children, the latter was never a father to begin with and he didn't seem to have any wish to become one now.
she was an adult by law, meaning she was free from the hell that was the system. her kid brother - the one who smiled at her for seemingly no reason, the one who crawled into her bed when thunder rattled the house, the brother who held her hand on their rare family outings - was not.
she couldn't leave him there, even if she wanted to, even if it would make her life so much easier. she wouldn't abandon him like the rest of their shitty family. he was blood for fucks sake, she'd die before she let's him get taken away from her and given away to strangers to be used and exploited or treated like a shelter puppy to be pitied and fawned over.
cue asha fighting for custody of her baby brother, doing whatever it takes to be deemed a suitable guardian, and the two of them taking on the world together.
more thoughts:
they have to find an apartment cause they can't afford to keep their family home. moving into the cheapest place they can find with only the stuff they can fit in asha's truck, sharing an air matress and eating off of a coffee table while watching movies they rented from the library.
asha cleaning her brother up before his first day at his new school, trying to get him to look suitable, but not really knowing what suitable means for a kid going into kindergarten/first grade
theon comforting his sister when she gets overwhelmed with it all, doing his best to ease her tears. the night ending with them both curled around each other, just two scared little kids trying their best.
asha fighting anyone she has to to keep custody of theon, whether it be the social worker, the judge, people who called cps to report her. she doesn't care, no one will take away her baby brother.
asha taking theon to work with her (she works in a boat shop cause she already knows what she's doing) and having to keep him entertained while she works so they don't get sent home.
their first christmas/birthdays by themselves. theon putting together gifts at school (finger paintings or paper mache or something of the like) and asha cherishing it forever. asha spending all the money left to her name each time to get him something nice so eh can feel like a normal kid.
theon doing sports in school (little league or something) and asha making sure she goes to every damn game, being the loudest in the stands.
asha getting more and more used to being physically affectionate with her brother at time goes on. before everything she'd tense up when he'd hug her legs or hold her hand, but now she scoops him up like a rag doll, ruffles his hair, kisses his forehead, without a second thought.
{I'm so normal about them I swear}
#I just think the spin on their dynamic. with him being so much younger than her. the only bit of family she has left. completely dependent-#on her. all of that. would be so interesting#it puts her in this position where she needs to learn to be softer and gentler for his sake instead of just all tough and mean to survive#and just imagine them together#she has to be a parent. she's gotta bathe him. feed him. clothe him. put him to bed. put him through school. deal with bullies. talk to-#his teachers and his friends parents. she's gotta be the 'teen mom' who everyone's always judging and staring at.#all while she's working and finding them a place to stay and learning to be an adult and coping with the loss of her family#and theon's just a kid. he's gonna have bad days. he's gonna throw tantrums. he's gonna need to be held. he's gonna get sick#and he's coping too. his big brother's are dead. his mother essentially died with them. his father gave them up. he's too young to really-#understand any of it. he just knows they're gone.#they're gonna struggle. but they're gonna make it#and maybe they run into some familiar faces along the way#maybe theon is take from her briefly and we meet the starks (maybe they offer to lend her a hand while she gets herself together)#maybe the shop she works in is run by our man davos who is always willing to help out someone. especially kids. in need (he lets theon come#to the shop and lets her take time off to attend to his events. etc.)#idk. I got a lot of thoughts and no time nor brain power to right this#asha greyjoy#theon greyjoy#yara greyjoy#got#game of thrones#asoiaf#a song of ice and fire#my beloved squid babies#asha being a good big sister has my heart#she's trying her best ok. she's struggling but thats ok. she's giving it her all and that's all that matters.#theon is our baby
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softquietsteadylove · 6 months
Thenamesh. Tomb Raider. AU. Please.
Gil did his best to swim to the surface but it wasn't easy. The tunnel he had followed let out to a rather violent section of the river. He had chosen this slightly riskier path entirely because he had thought it might give him a head start on Thena.
Did Thena make it out okay?
He had bigger problems to worry about, like surviving this river.
He fought to the surface, gasping in what air he could before he was tossed aside again. Okay, so choosing the tunnel section close to the rapids was not his wisest decision. He was trying to think like his more reckless and impulsive colleague!
Colleague probably wasn't the right word for what they had. A frenemyship...a rivalry...some tension that he knew he felt, but was quite sure Thena was oblivious to. Not that it mattered now that he was drowning.
He was hallucinating now. Much closer to drowning than he thought--great. He hit a rock under the water, its speed overpowering all the muscles he had worked so hard for. His air left him in one gulp.
He wasn't sure if it was a hallucination or not when he saw Thena in front of him. His eyes were barely open when she swam down to him. The river was calmer further from the surface. She swam right up to him, pressing her lips to his, pushing air from her lungs into his.
He must be dying, he thought.
Thena's hands gripped the straps of his bag, urging up back into the momentum of the river. He knew she was plenty strong herself. She would have to be, to be called 'Tomb Raider' by those in their profession, freelance or otherwise.
Thena gasped loudly as she surfaced first, then forcing his head up as well. "Breathe, you bastard!"
He didn't know how necessary the name calling was. But he did take in a breath--a real breath of air. So, he wasn't hallucinating, and he wasn't dead. He was surprised.
"Come on," she growled, still fighting against the current to keep him afloat. "Just keep breathing."
He tried his best, although he was waterlogged, to put it lightly. He felt her sharp talons of fingers creep around his pockets, finally pulling at the zipper of his bag, "hey!"
Thena grunted as she finally disposed of the counterweight he had in his side pocket, expressly for the purpose of switching out certain artifacts, potentially surrounded by traps. "Not a world of difference, but a stone is a stone."
He wasn't sure if that was a crack about how heavy he was or if she really was talking about the rock he was planning on switching out.
They did eventually make it to the side of the river. Thena grabbed onto the riverbank first, fingers dug into the grass and holding onto the strap of his bag for dear life. "Come on."
Gil groaned, dragging himself up out of the water after her. He did feel heavier after his impromptu river ride, he had to admit. He coughed up some water, although he was pretty sure he could hear Thena doing the same. "Thanks."
She remained facing away from him, also fighting to catch her breath. He had underestimated just how strong she was, apparently, given her ability to drag him to shore with those thin little arms. "Imbecile."
"Okay," he huffed, turning over to sit on his butt and lean back on his palms to gasp in the rest of his air. "I'll send you a card, I guess."
"What were you thinking?!"
Gil stared at her as she grasped the front of his soaking wet shirt, shaking him. Her voice was raw and warbled from the shouting and the almost drowning. But it was more than that; she had tears in her eyes.
She shook him again, looking terribly upset (angry and otherwise). "Why didn't you follow me?"
"I-I-" he shook his head, still stunned.
She grabbed his shirt with both hands now, pulling him closer so she could really shout in his face. "Why didn't you follow me?!--down my tunnel! It leads further downstream, at a lower altitude!"
She seemed awfully upset with him for...almost dying? Gil let her grab and shake him all she wanted though. Whatever helped her get it out (and not start punching him). "I didn't know. This was the way I came in."
"You could have died, Gil," she asserted, since apparently it bared repeating. She never called him Gil.
"I-" he blinked, sitting up more properly and gently reaching up to her hands. He tried to pry them away from him gently, and she let go as soon as he touched her. But her hands were so small, and so soft, and now they were so cold, too. He held them in his, "I'm sorry, Thena."
She didn't have a clever response to him holding her hands and wholeheartedly apologising. He still wasn't sure why he was apologising for almost dying on her, but what the Lady wanted, the Lady got.
Thena sighed, her hair now hanging around her cheeks limply after their little log ride. "I thought I was the reckless of the two of us."
The two of them made quite a pair, he thought. He chuckled, looking up at her in her hunched position up on her knees. His hand drifted, and he almost wondered what it was doing. He pushed back some of her loose strands escaping her braid, tucking them behind her ear again. "Guess I had to beat you to it, just this once."
Fuck, she was beautiful. If only her very existence didn't interfere with every job he had ever taken.
Thena looked him over, determining if he really was fit to travel or if he was having one last surge before croaking right in front of her. But she must have been satisfied, because she rocked back on her heels before standing. "Just this once, Gilgamesh."
He mourned how she called him Gil.
"Are you able to walk?" she asked more genuinely, more firmly, and more like her usual self. She glanced at him over her shoulder (with as little effort as possible). "Or should I come back for you."
"I'm fine, I'm fine," he insisted, even as he let out a loud groan to get on his feet again. "Maybe if I tell them I almost died trying to get that stupid idol they'll still pay me for my trouble."
"You did technically find it," she shrugged as they began trudging back to the main basecamp around the remains of the city. "I would vouch that your finder's fee still applies."
He smiled, tired as it was. Her shoulders sat lower than before, and she had never looked more delicate to him. But he dared to nudge her shoulder with his elbow, "thanks for saving me."
She declined to respond to that.
If she wanted to walk in silence then so be it. But he had to wonder, "where's the idol."
"Bottom of the river."
"It was made of gold, Gilgamesh, I could not possibly have swam with that on my person."
She abandoned it...for him? He looked at her curiously, but apparently his eyes burning a hole in the side of her head was low down on her priority list.
"Which means my finder's fee also applies."
Ah, that was more like the Thena he knew. He chuckled, soaking up the sun, both for the warmth and in hopes it would help dry out his clothing. It was stuck to him like a second skin. He would worry about Thena, but her raiding outfits tended to stick to her like a second skin already.
Not that he had noticed.
"I can always go back for it."
He laughed more fully, even though his lungs still ached a little. She elbowed him for it this time, and damn her elbows were pointier than his. But he let it slide, given how she did forsake a great treasure to save him. "No racing this time."
"It was never a race," she rolled her eyes at him. "And if it were, I had beaten you anyway."
Ah, Thena never changed. And he kind of didn't want her to.
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helpimstuckinafandom · 2 months
#CAMI AND DAVINA GONE IN ONE EPISODE??!?!!??#YOU CAN'T BE FUCKING FOR REAL#(davina perma died an episode later both they both died in one episode right before that)#also this season has been slacking on marcel and the ep post-davina's death kicked him up several notches#he said all the shit i take issue with about the always and forever family bs#he hit that shit out of the park#also camille's death being all about comforting klaus fucking pissed me off#it was until she was scared right at the end that it was more about her#and her last words COULD have beenthe immortality line. but then they had to have her bolster klaus again instead#at least we got others mourning her after#but davina????#those bitchass ancestors forced her boyfriend to kill her then nearly shredded her soul#and she could've been resurrected. but of course fucking family came first#she had to die screaming for mercy alone as the ancestors tried to carve her soul from fucking existence#(and though i'm mad at elijah and freya for it it makes sense for them to do it#(what pissed me off was them and klaus then telling marcel that they were justified and he should just suck it up and understand)#(like no take the consequences let the man mourn)#(freya claiming family to kol too like girl i don't know you. and this 'family' loves you more than it ever loved me)#(y'all only love me on my deathbed)#(if being family means we kill each other's partners [which happens time and time again] then fuck being in this family)#like i don't actually want the mikaelsons dead. but also i hope super vampire marcel kills you all#hope kol gets away from you people because you are not family to him. you aren't.#but mostly davina. poor fucking davina#her and kol are my bonnie and enzo - finally finding someone who will choose them not just use them#only for death at the hand of allies#davina clair was an abused teenager you all used and who justifiably hated y'all#and she deserved more than to die like this. die basically three fucking times over still helping in the end#truly have not seen a witch this blatantly used and mistreated since the bonnie bennet#davina claire#the originals
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hecatesbroom · 14 days
Apparently, today's brainrot of choice is a Golden Girls Sound of Music AU where Rose is Maria, Dorothy's the Captain, and Blanche is the Baroness, only that one scene where the Baroness visits Maria in her bedroom ends very differently & they end up in a polycule
#i'm afraid i'm sending this one into the void but i was singing edelweiss on my way to the supermarket when this thought popped up#and it has *not* let go of me since#i'm sorry but this just seems perfect for them when you consider it!!#rose seems like she would 100% be the type to be mesmerized by nuns (and their singing)#only to find out after joining the convent that she absolutely is Not the right type to be a nun#(she would absolutely be found singing and humming everywhere. her tendency to hum is a canon fact!! and she's great with children!!)#dorothy would be a widow rather than a divorcee in this case & i guess stan was still a yutz (but with money this time)#it's been 2 years or so since he died and she's been absolutely torn with guilt over how *free* she feels without him#(she thinks she ought to feel sad like any good widow but she doesn't. just like she felt she should've loved him during their marriage#but she also couldn't of course.#so i'm guessing she has this sense of ''if i wasn't able to love you the way i should have when you lived#then at least i should grieve you as i ought to now that you're dead.''? so she spends her time being... well. we've all seen the captain#because she doesn't feel like she's *allowed* to experience joy anymore#which is when Rose shows up and slowly brings love and life and music back into the household!!)#Blanche as the baroness feels pretty self explanatory to me#but i think for additional conflict she's a widow who was very happily married#(everyone thinks she married for money & rank but it really was love. SO MUCH of it)#and the very first person Blanche falls for again is Dorothy. so of course she sees Rose as a threat the first time they meet#but when she sees how much Rose genuinely loves Dorothy (and how *good* Rose is for her!!) Blanche slowly falls in love with her too#i have SO MANY thoughts about this au lol i'm kind of starting to wish i had the motivation to write it :')#the golden girls#golden wives#rose nylund#dorothy zbornak#blanche devereaux
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wildtornado-o · 1 year
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Not enough content of Laura finding Max's body tbh (sorry if this looks bad I dont really make a lot of comics lol)
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