#and uhh.. I don't really know how to end this post but thank you everyone who has been sending support<33
inkly-heart · 16 days
please don’t be sad little sprout, you are loved 🌱 🖤
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smutstevington · 8 months
Resensitized (part 2) | Eddie Munson x Reader
(Find part one here)
Summary: Oh, how the tables have turned. Your porn star roommate is getting a little distant and weird after your night together. But don't worry - his attempts at avoiding you won't last long.
Word Count: 6.4K
Warnings: 18+ Minors DNI!!! Smut (pwp), Pornstar!Eddie x Fem Reader, no use of y/n or defining characteristics, Eddie is a soft dom but has a kink for reader, grinding, pining, reader tempts Eddie and is kind of a BAMF, protected PIV sex, oral fem receiving, fingering, male self-gratification, hickies, communication/consent is sexy, things get very sweet at the end
A/N: Okay so you all loved part one and wanted more so...here we go! I tried to add what I saw requested - sub Eddie, some of his POV, the date, etc. By the way, I read ALL comments and tags, because they make me so happy. So, thank you to everyone who left feedback on part one and I hope this lives up to the hype?? xx
Wait, did he just say-?
“What?” you asked, your eyes wide. His face fell.
“Uhh, shit.” He let out a breathy laugh, then jumped out of bed to put his clothes back on. “That was, uh - I don’t know why I said that.” 
As you watched him hurriedly step into his boxers, face flushed and hair a mess, you couldn’t help but notice that you’d never seen him flustered like this before. Sure, during sex, his usual composure was blown to bits by the end, but this was different.
You’d heard about the concept of “post-nut clarity” before- men who think something is a good idea when they’re horny, then immediately regret it after the fact. But you weren’t offended by Eddie’s nerves, because you knew this wasn’t him regretting that he’d had sex with you.
It was him freaking out because he enjoyed it.
Let’s be real - successfully getting Eddie to bust after he’d insisted he wouldn’t be able to made you feel like a goddess. So, instead of feeling rejected or vulnerable, you were riding high. 
“You probably said it because you want to go on a date with me,” you teased, sitting up in the bed and swinging your legs over the edge. 
Eddie looked at you, but he didn’t respond. Instead, his eyes traveled to your breasts, lingered for a moment, then widened.
“Oh, shit,” he said.
He pointed at your chest, and when you looked down you saw several dark splotches on your skin. You chuckled.
“Well,” you responded with a sigh. “I think it was worth it. Any on my neck?”
“No! I was careful,” he replied. You eyed him accusingly. “I just got carried away at the end, there.” You smirked at each other, and you realized that despite the fact you’d had sex, the dynamic between you both hadn’t really changed. Not as much as you thought it would have, anyway.
“Well, luckily I stayed true to my word,” you replied, gesturing at his unblemished neck. He checked himself in your mirror to confirm, then nodded, impressed. You grabbed your robe from the floor and wrapped it around yourself, tying it until it was snug, then unintentionally began ogling the way his jeans hung low on his hips, his buttons and belt still undone.
“You see something you like, roomie?” he teased with a smirk. “My eyes are up here, you know.”
Your gaze snapped up to meet his as you bit your lip, guilty.
“Sorry, you’re hot,” you responded.
“And you’re drooling.” 
“Am not.”
“Are too.” 
Eddie took a step forward to close the gap between you, then dragged the pad of his thumb across the skin just below the corner of your mouth. Once again, you were mesmerized by him, your lips parting at his touch. After his thumb finished traveling along the curve of your bottom lip, his hand found a home against your cheek. 
“Eddie,” you said softly. “I would go on a date with you.”
His expression went through a series of small shifts - surprise, amusement, joy - then landed on cockiness, his lips pursed and brow raised.
“Good to know,” he replied. “We’ll, uh - We’ll talk about this more tomorrow, yeah?”
You were feeling incredibly sleepy, so you didn’t fight his avoidance of the subject. Besides, you lived together - you were bound to finish the conversation eventually.
“Okay,” you replied. “Night, Eddie.” He dropped his hand from your face, and you immediately shuddered at its absence
“Night, roomie.”
He didn’t kiss you, even though you very much wanted him to. You wanted him, in all capacities. As a roommate. As a friend. As more than that. You couldn’t quite comprehend it all in your tired state, though, so you let him leave. You heard his footsteps trail off down the hall, and you swore you heard a hesitation before his bedroom door creaked closed behind him. 
Fuuuuuuuucking hell. 
Eddie wasn’t supposed to feel like this. This wasn’t how he did things. He didn’t like this. 
Eddie closed his bedroom door and wished he hadn’t. He wished he’d instead stayed in your room and held you while you fell asleep and maybe fucked you a few more times because oh my god????
That was amazing. So amazing he’d nearly forgotten how the whole thing started.
He’d told you it wouldn’t mean anything. He’d told you that it wasn’t a big deal. That it was simply transactional and nothing else. 
He stayed there with his back against the door, breathing rapidly, hearing you walk down the hall and hoping you were coming to him. Instead, you went to the bathroom. He heard the toilet flush, then the sink running, then the sound of you brushing your teeth. 
You lived together. You were friends who signed a lease and who got along and had a good thing going and Eddie felt like he screwed it all up. 
He clutched his chest and let it rise and fall against his hand, his heart pounding beneath his ribs. 
Just calm down, idiot. You’re acting crazy.
He’d grown to care about you quite a bit since you’d moved in together. He loved any time schedules lined up and you got to spend time together. He loved joking around with you, and the way you let him be completely himself with no judgment. He loved how nervous you were around him after you watched his videos for the first time. That was probably his first clue that he kind of maybe liked you as more than a friend or a roommate. His second clue was less of a clue and more of a neon sign. 
Sex hadn’t meant anything to Eddie in a long time. Now it meant everything.
Unsurprisingly, you slept better that night than you had in months. You woke up with the sun streaming in through the windows, fresh as a daisy. 
You loved this apartment. You loved your room. You loved your roommate.
You didn’t love him like that. Actually, maybe you did. Or maybe he was just so good at sex you were getting your feelings confused. 
It was still early - Eddie would probably be asleep for a few more hours. It’s one of the reasons why you didn’t see each other much - you woke up early, made breakfast, then left to work or run errands, and he slept in until the early afternoon, worked or rehearsed with his band, then stayed up late practicing guitar or playing video games with online friends in his room. 
You walked into the kitchen to get a pot of coffee ready, then made yourself a bowl of cereal. You checked your phone to see that your horrible Tinder date had messaged you again. 
Had a lot of fun with you last night. Would you wanna do it again?
Hmm. What was the classiest and least hurtful way to say, absolutely the fuck not??
To be honest, you’d forgotten him already, even though it had only been about twelve hours since you’d hooked up. He was entirely irrelevant, now. Every other partner you’d ever had paled in comparison to Eddie. That was just a fact.
Then, you realized you’d never told your friend what happened. You had passed out so immediately you hadn’t had the chance. 
Naturally, she called you pretty much immediately.
“Tell me everything, spare no details,” she greeted. You looked down the hall to see Eddie’s door still closed. 
“I don’t want him to hear me,” you told her.
“Wait, are you still in bed? Did this happen just now?”
“No, it was last night,” you answered, holding your phone to your ear with your shoulder so you could carry your coffee and cereal to your room. You closed the door with your foot and set everything on your desk, then sat down with a sigh. “It was the best sex I’ve ever had, no contest.”
“I’m sooooo jealous,” your friend replied. You laughed. “So, how did it start?” You sipped your coffee and leaned back in your chair, happy to recount the memory. 
“Well, I - that guy from Tinder came over, and it ended up being extremely underwhelming, and Eddie picked up on it because - um, anyway, he wanted to help me out, I guess?”
There was silence on the other end of the phone for so long, you wondered if the call dropped.
“I have so many questions,” she finally said. “Why did he pick up on it?”
“He heard my fake noises through the wall,” you answered. 
“He was listening?” she asked, a flirtatiously quality to my voice.
“Said he was curious.”
“Hmmmm.” You already knew what your friend was thinking. “And then he wanted to prove he was better than Tinder boy.”
“Yes.” She waited for you to continue, so you did. “He was all about communicating and doing exactly what I wanted him to do.”
“Hot,” she responded. “Did you - I mean, did he get you to - you know?”
“Yup,” you replied. “Four times.”
“Oh my God!”
“I know!!”
You realized that you were raising your voice, and you didn’t want to wake Eddie through the thin walls, so you calmed yourself down.
“So, what happens now?” your friend asked. “You’re going to hook up again, right? You have to. Do it for me, if nothing else.”
“Trust me, it wouldn’t just be for you,” you replied. “And I think we will. I mean, I know we will, but - well, he kind of asked me on a date after.”
“He WHAT?!”
“I was confused too!” you told her. “We’re going to talk about it more today.”
“You absolutely have to go on that date,” she said.
“Duh.” You laughed, but were interrupted by a light knock on your door. You brought your voice to a whisper. “Shit, he’s at the door. Talk to you soon.”
You put your phone down on the desk, took a deep breath and walked to the door, then opened it.
Eddie was fiddling with his rings, one corner of his mouth raised into a smile.
“You’re up early,” you noted.
“You were yelling,” he explained, his smile turning into a smirk. 
“That was not yelling,” you replied. “God, these walls are too thin.”
“That is how we got into this whole mess, isn’t it?” he teased, walking into your room and looking around as if it had changed since the night before.
“It’s a mess?” you asked. He turned around and shrugged.
“I was up all night thinking about it,” he began. “I just - it’s not a good idea - you and me starting something, I mean. It won't end well.” You laughed and rolled your eyes. “What?”
“You were the one who asked!” you pointed out. “Way to dangle the carrot in front of my face and pull it away.” He ran his hand through his hair and smiled, bashful. 
“There’s a joke in there somewhere where the carrot is my dick.” You rolled your eyes again. 
“God, Munson, get your head out of the gutter for once,” you told him. “If it’s a bad idea, why did you ask me in the first place?” 
He looked down at you, and you realized that he was wrong. It had changed things, because he’d never looked at you like this before. In an instant, he snapped out of it - clearing his throat and shaking his head.
“It doesn’t matter,” he replied. “Look, I like you. I like living with you. And you’re kinda my closest friend right now.”
“I thought you were used to fucking your friends, though,” you countered, referencing a statement he’d made in what felt like eons ago. 
“I was,” he responded. 
Two words, and yet he’d said everything he’d needed to say for you to understand the rest of his thought - I was that way, but I guess I’m not anymore. Not with you.
Well, fuck. He had a point, as much as you hated it. Hooking up with your roommate was a recipe for disaster, usually. It was why you’d resisted the idea for as long as you had.
“Okay,” you sighed. “So, I’m your closest friend, and you don’t want to mess with that.” 
“Exactly,” he agreed. You both stood there awkwardly, not really knowing where to go from there. Finally, he puffed out his cheeks and exhaled deeply. “I’m gonna go smoke.” You crumpled your face in disgust.
“Cigarettes are a bad habit,” you reminded him.
“Yeah, but I’ve got an oral fixation,” he replied.
“Oh, I know.”
He was stunned for a moment, and then you caught him fighting a smile. His tongue grazed across his upper teeth, and then he nodded.
“I guess you would,” he responded at last. He went to leave, but paused with one hand grasping the door frame and the other giving you a halfhearted salute. “Catch ya later, roomie.”
Then, he was gone. The conversation didn’t go at all the way you’d wanted it to, but whatever. It was for the best, probably. When you returned to your desk, you saw that your friend had never hung up. You brought the phone to your ear and shook your head.
“You’re too nosy for your own good,” you told her.
“He likes you,” she said.
“Yeah, but you heard him,” you continued. “It’s not happening.”
“Bullshit,” she argued. “That man is obsessed with you. You’ve totally got him hooked, but he’s pushing you away because he’s scared. It’s a tale as old as time, babe. You live together. Any attempts he has at getting over you are doomed to fail.” You laughed, then resumed eating.
“I don’t want to make him do anything he doesn’t want to do,” you said.
“You’re not,” she assured you. “You’re reminding him that he should do the thing he very much wants to do.”
“Please,” she begged. “For me. Otherwise I’ll just hear you pine about it some more, and it’s entirely avoidable.”
“Fine,” you agreed. She squealed into the phone.
“Yay!” You smiled against your coffee mug, then realized you’d actually taken one of Eddie’s this morning. “As always, keep me posted.”
“I will.”
She was probably right. Okay, she was right. Relationships and dating were things you had long given up on, ever since your horrific breakup. But one thing you knew about yourself was that, once you found someone you liked, you weren’t able to just…stop thinking about them. 
So, you decided to be a little sneaky. You wouldn’t do anything crazy, you’d just give him a few reminders on what he was missing out on. He liked you, and you liked him, and you knew with 100% certainty that you could get him to break. 
You had this in the bag.
Eddie was losing his mind.
For a few weeks, everything went back to normal. You were extremely level-headed, and things were how they’d always been between you. As if that one night had never happened. Which, granted, is exactly what he’d asked for, but he didn’t like it.
He thought about you all the time. He lingered in the kitchen and kept his door open on the off chance that you’d want to talk to him. He felt like a goddamn fucking idiot, honestly. It wasn’t even about the sex, he just wanted to be around you. He wanted to make you laugh. He wanted to make you blush.
But, more often than not, you were doing those things to him instead of the other way around.
He would walk into the kitchen and see you wearing an oversized t-shirt and no pants, reaching for something on the top shelf enough for the shirt to lift and reveal your cotton panties. He’d try not to stare, but he would anyway, and he’d fight the urge to fall to his knees and sink his teeth into your skin. 
He wanted to literally bite you on the ass. What the actual fuck was that about.
You’d sense his presence and look over your shoulder to confirm your suspicions, then smirk. 
“Good morning,” you’d say. 
“Morning,” he’d respond, already fighting a hard-on.
And you knew exactly what you were doing. You knew that it killed him every time you asked him to zip up your dress. You knew it made him blush when you’d come home on hot summer days and walk around in a sports bra and shorts. You knew his heart skipped whenever your playful banter turned flirtatious. You knew why his eyes focused on the edge of your coffee mug after you took a sip - because your lips had just been there. You had to know.
And then, one fateful night, he dreamt of you. 
He was at work, except you were the only other person there. He was confused at first, but then you told him that you were the one he was paired with that day. He nodded, but it felt different than all the other times he’d been told the same thing about other people. He took his shirt and pants off and tried to touch you, but you backed away, tutting and waving your finger at him. 
“Not this time,” you said. “I don’t want you to do anything unless I tell you to. Lie down.”
So, he did. He swallowed and felt his heart rate skyrocket when you climbed on top of him and rocked yourself against him. You were moaning, your eyes closed and lips parted. He wanted nothing more than to kiss you, but you weren’t going to let him. You kept your hand on his chest, holding him down, biting your lip. 
“Can I -?”
“Shh,” you cooed, focused on what you were doing. “Don’t talk.”
His cock stiffened as you continued to grind on it, and the feeling was indescribable. Your motions picked up, your hips rocking faster and faster, your moaning turning higher pitched and less controlled. 
He watched you - beautiful, sexy, incredible you - and felt the familiar feelings of his own orgasm building within him. Any moment now and he would -
“Fuck!” you cried out, your composure fully unraveling and your movements stuttering. He spilled onto his stomach immediately, feeling the warmth of that and himself and you all around him. You crashed down onto the bed, still breathing heavily, and pulled him into you. 
“Thank you,” you said, placing a quick kiss on his cheek. 
Suddenly, he jolted awake in his bed, eyes wide. 
He was sweating a little bit, but thankfully hadn’t jizzed in his boxers. He was grateful to keep up his streak of no wet dreams since his teenage years, especially since he shared a bathroom and washer/dryer with you. That would have been mortifying.
Seriously. What the fuck were you doing to him???
He decided he needed yet another cold shower - he’d been taking a lot of them recently. One would think that him still having sex with other people through all of this would have helped his situation, but it was actually quite the opposite. He didn’t want them, he wanted you. Besides, the sex he was having was for work. He did try once to hook up with one of the other actors after hours, but even that didn’t curb his desire for you in the slightest. 
He probably should have anticipated running into you on his way to the bathroom, considering you lived together and all, but somehow it took him by surprise.
“Hello,” you called to him casually from the kitchen. 
“Uh, hi,” he said, awkwardly standing in the hallway. He saw you sitting there, fully clothed and doing literally nothing remotely sexy, but he blushed anyway as if you were. 
“If you’re about to shower, just know there’s something wrong with the water heater,” you informed him.
“That’s okay,” he replied, perhaps too quickly. “I, uh - I don’t mind.” You put your phone down and looked in his direction, suspicious.
“Okay, weirdo,” you teased. “Anyway, I tried to talk to the landlord but I think he likes you better, so -”
“Uh, yeah, I’ll give him a call,” Eddie said. He pointed at the bathroom awkwardly and nodded. “I’m gonna - uh - yeah.”
Way to go, idiot. She totally knows something is going on with you.
He couldn’t worry about that yet, though. By the time he shut the bathroom door, his dick was so hard he had no choice but to deal with it. He hadn’t been this out of control horny since he was going through puberty. His face was red and his bottom lip was chapped from biting it so much. He stifled his grunts and groans to the best of his abilities, leaving the water running to mask the sound of him jerking off. 
It didn’t take long. It never did when he was thinking about you.
The shower was in fact cold, but he was too busy trying to figure out what he was gonna do to notice the temperature that much. He didn’t come up with anything by the time he was finished washing up, or even after drying himself off. He put a pair of pants on and opened the door, just to jump at the sight of you waiting for him by his room.
“You’re being weird,” you told him.
Yeah. There was no denying that fact.
“I know.” You continued, taking a step closer to him.
“You’re acting like I did when -”
“I know.” You eyed him with a smirk, then gestured for him to follow you to the kitchen. He did so blindly, even though he wasn’t sure why you needed a location change. Honestly, he would have followed you anywhere. 
“Okay, let’s talk about it,” you said, drying off the last of the dishes beside the sink. Ah. So that’s why you needed to be in the kitchen. “Did something happen? Did you find one of my videos?”
“Do you have any?” Eddie asked. He didn’t mean for it to sound desperate. He honestly was curious. But, combined with everything else, that’s how it came off.
“No,” you answered. “Not yet, anyway. So, spill. What happened?” Eddie took a deep breath and leaned with his back to the counter beside you.
“I had a sex dream about you.” You burst out laughing, your eyes squinting so much he could see the crinkles around them. He smiled, joining in with your laughter. “Don’t laugh at me!” You calmed yourself down and shook your head.
“It’s cute! That’s all,” you said. “We’ve all been there, Eds. Was this last night?” He nodded. “First one?” He nodded again. “But you’ve been acting weird around me a lot lately.”
“Woah there, detective,” Eddie replied, his hands up in defense. “What’s with the interrogation?”
“You told me I could ask you anything,” you responded. Eddie groaned, realizing he had in fact said that. Fuck. “Does the dream have something to do with the moaning that was coming from the bathroom just now?”
Eddie’s eyes widened. Fuck these paper-thin walls. This was worse than the time he popped a boner in math class. You stared back at him, smug, and he narrowed his eyes at you. Making people flustered like this was his move, dammit.
“So, what if it was?” he asked with a shrug. You rolled your eyes.
“Just admit that you have a crush on me.” Eddie couldn’t believe how bold you were being. Once again, that was traditionally his move. The tables were turning, and it made his heart race in a way he hadn’t experienced before. Your eyebrows furrowed at his silence. “Um, sorry. Maybe I had this all wrong -”
“I absolutely, 100% have a crush on you,” Eddie answered. “That’s not a secret though. I’ve been down bad since we - I mean, you know. And it’s fucking annoying. I feel like an idiot for telling you I didn’t want to go out with you. I thought that repressing it was for the best, and maybe it is, but at this point I reeeeally don’t think I can hold out much longer. No help from you and your refusal to wear pants around here anymore, by the way. It’s like you’re trying to rile me up.”
You looked down at your oversized sweater and exposed legs, then smiled. 
“That’s exactly what I was trying to do,” you admitted. “I’m glad it worked.”
“That’s mean,” he replied, smirking. “You’re mean.”
“Yeah, but you have a crush on me, sooooo….” He chuckled, then shoved you playfully against the arm. 
“Yeah, whatever,” he responded. “Congratulations, roomie - you’ve ruined me. Let’s go on a fucking date.” You smiled, big and bright, then bit your lip. Eddie realized he’d do anything to make you smile like that any chance he got. 
“I thought you’d never ask.”
You settled on going out to dinner. Nothing groundbreaking, but a date’s a date. Eddie originally suggested going to the arcade and playing laser tag, but you told him that was more of a third date kind of thing. 
Secretly, you both already knew that a third date would happen, so you didn’t stress the first. It was all a formality, anyway. A symbol instead of a step. Like, you already were close friends who lived together, and you’d already had sex. So it felt like you were going in reverse more than anything.
At least that’s how you thought it would feel. Instead, it felt perfectly natural - as if this was a normal situation that went in a normal order. You laughed, you people-watched, you flirted, and all was well. 
“Your place or mine?” he teased after he’d paid the check.
“Mine,” you answered. “I don’t have sex on the first date, Edward.” Eddie snickered.
“Bullshit,” he replied. You smirked, then got your purse as you both stood up from the table. He took your hand to walk you out of the restaurant, and neither of you even really noticed you’d never done that before. 
“I’m serious, actually,” you responded. “I mean, I used to be that way. Before I moved here and had that one night stand.”
“That godawful one night stand,” he reminded you. You rolled your eyes.
“Yeah, well it led to us hooking up, so at least something good came from it.”
“Yeah, you did,” he said with a grin. “Four times, if I recall correctly?” You blushed, biting your lip at the memory.
“Has anyone ever told you how humble you are?” you joked. He laughed, nudging his shoulder into yours.
“Not once,” he responded. 
It was a quick drive home, and conversation continued to flow easily. You were talking about some movie you’d both seen as a kid when you walked through your front door, and you’d nearly forgotten that you had just come from a date. None of it felt new, somehow.
“Well, I’d say that was pretty successful,” you said once there had been long enough of a silence. You went to grab yourself a glass of water at the sink, when Eddie said something behind you that sent a chill down your spine.
“Do I get to kiss you goodnight?” 
You spun around to face him, then nodded. He closed the gap between you and put a hand at the small of your back, then laid his other hand against your cheek, his fingers wrapping around to the back of your neck. He leaned in and pressed his lips to yours - slowly, gently, respectfully.
The moment you kissed back, his composure broke. He breathed you in, parting his lips to deepen the kiss, tightening his grip on you. Your arms went over his shoulders so you could be even closer to him. His tongue grazed your lower lip, then dove past it to lick the roof of your mouth. You moaned unintentionally, then broke from him just enough to speak.
“Woah,” you said, your head spinning. 
“Sorry,” he replied, putting his forehead against yours. “Too much?”
“Not at all,” you answered. “How long have you wanted to do that?” 
“Too long,” he responded, breathlessly. “Too goddamn long.” You gave him another peck on the lips, then cherished the way he chased you when you didn’t go back in for more.
“You want me again?” you asked him, softly. He nodded.
“Now?” you asked, as if you didn’t already know the answer. You could already feel him stiffening against you.
Within moments, his lips were on yours. His hands quickly tangled in your hair and pulled you deeper into him, your bodies flush with one another. He walked you backward until your ass hit the kitchen counter, then wrapped his arms tightly around your waist and lifted you up so you were seated. His hands abandoned the small of your back and went to your thighs, spreading them apart so he could stand between them. All the while he kissed you and touched you and and breathed into you. 
“I want to make you feel good,” he said. He was so close to your skin, you could feel the vibrations of his words. “Please let me make you feel good again.”
He nipped at your earlobe, causing you to shudder. Your eyes flashed up to the ceiling, all other thoughts fading away.
“You are,” you responded breathlessly. “You do.”
The confirmation seemed to only motivate him even more. His fingers began trailing up your skirt as he dropped to the floor, a frenzied desire in his eyes.
Ohhh lord. Seeing him on his knees for you turned you on more than you could have ever anticipated. 
“Please,” he begged, placing a quick kiss on your thigh. While it was tempting, you didn’t really want to have sex in the place where you prepared food.
“Yes,” you permitted. “But not here.”
“Why not?” he whined. “I eat here all the time.” You kicked him playfully, rolling your eyes.
“That’s gross,” you said. He stood up, grinned, and held his hand out for you to take.
“Tell me it’s gross in two minutes when I have you screaming my name again.” Your breath hitched as you took his hand and followed him to your room - you might have gone to his room instead this time, had it not been ten feet further away. You didn’t want to waste a single moment. 
“You’re dangerous, Eddie Munson.” 
“That’s what they tell me,” he replied with a smirk. “Now, take off your clothes and pick a number.” You were confused, but did as told anyway.
“Uhh, 7?” you said as you lifted your dress over your head. His eyes bore into the newly revealed parts of you - your stomach and chest and legs. 
“Pssh, easy,” he said, his gaze still fixed to you. “Let’s get this out of the way, too.” His arms went around you to unfasten your bra.
“What’s the number mean?” you wondered, shivering at his touch. Your bra fell to the floor beside your feet.
“Oh, it’s the number of times I’m gonna make you come,” he replied casually. Your eyes widened.
“What?!” In an instant, his hands groped at your breasts while his lips went back to your neck. “Eddie, I - mf,” you murmured, already succumbing to his influence. “What if I’d chosen a higher number?” Eddie broke away from your neck to look into your eyes with a smirk. You jolted when his thumb and forefinger flicked across your nipple.
“Then we would have to be here for a while,” he said. “Do you wanna change your answer?”
You stared at him, dumbly, unable to comprehend how you’d found yourself in a situation this perfect.
“Just shut up and kiss me,” you replied.
So, he did. One hand grabbed and pulled at your hair while he kissed you passionately. Then, he kissed down your jaw, to your collarbone, between your breasts, on your stomach. He left a trail of fire all the way down to your panties, your core already throbbing for him. Once he was back on his knees, he yanked your underwear down to your ankles and lifted one of your feet so you could spread your legs apart. 
His mouth was on you in seconds. No time for teasing. As he licked up your slit, you searched for something to hold onto. The only thing around was him, so you grabbed a hold for dear life, gripping a fistful of his hair. He groaned in pleasure as he tasted you, and you felt your knees buckling. He slipped a finger into you as his tongue swirled circles around your clit. He pulsed in and out of you, and your eyes rolled back into your head. You felt yourself cresting over the edge as your fingers tangled in his hair, and before you knew it you were losing your balance and falling to your knees across from him. While his head had separated from you, his finger remained buried inside you, undulating against your g-spot.
“Oh, sweet Jesus,” you muttered. You could tell that your first orgasm was just prefacing your second. “Don’t stop.” You shifted yourself until you could lie on your back against the floor. Eddie threw one of your legs over his shoulder and continued eating you out as he fingered you. Your hips grinded against him of their own accord as you moaned and squirmed beneath him. 
And then you felt that tightening deep in your stomach - just as you’d suspected - and all of a sudden you were shaking and exploding with pleasure, tears springing to your eyes.
“Fuck!” you shouted, quickly slapping your hands over your mouth to keep quiet. Eddie used his free hand to tug your arms away from your face, tutting in disapproval. 
“Don’t censor yourself, sweets,” he cooed. “I want to hear you scream.” He added another finger inside you, stretching you out. You gasped in delight. “I’ve wanted to hear it ever since that first night,” he continued. He kept his hands on you but crawled forward so his mouth could reach your breasts. He kissed one, gently. “I was hearing that pitiful excuse for sex through the walls and all I could think about was how I could fuck you better, and how you’d sound when you weren’t faking it.” He sucked right beside the last remaining hickey from the first time he’d done this. Your back arched, your heart beating so fast you were practically vibrating.
“Eddie,” you moaned. “I need you inside me right now.”
“I am inside you,” he said, flexing his fingers in a way that made your hips roll against his hand. You shook your head and reached down to his jeans, grabbing his cock and running your hand up the shaft. He stiffened, his eyes closing and motions stuttering. 
“This,” you clarified, tightening your grip. “I need this.” He groaned, then nodded.
“Fuuuuuuck, okay,” he said. He pulled his fingers out of you, licked them clean, stood up, pulled you up, then started stripping as you got a condom from your bedside table. By the time you’d retrieved it and turned around, he was fully naked and waiting eagerly to put it on. He ripped the foil open with his teeth and rolled it over his length, then sat you on the edge of the bed and lined himself up with your entrance. The corner of his mouth twitched into a smirk, his eyes dark and pupils blown out. With a final nod of your permission, he thrust himself inside you all at once.
You whimpered, your mouth falling open at the feeling of him completely filling you. Your legs wrapped around his waist, your heels crossed under his ass. He pushed himself in and out of you, guided by your feet, falling into a steady rhythm. You bit at his shoulder and neck, drawing groans of pleasure from his lips. You could feel his body getting warmer to the touch, a bead of sweat forming on his brow. You leaned back and laid down fully on the bed, and he quickly followed you. You both crawled further onto the bed until his body was stretched out and hovering over yours. You tightened your legs around him again and threw your head back, enjoying the way he continued pumping himself in and out of you. 
“Tell me that nobody else fucks you like I do,” he said in a husky tone. Your eyes were closed to keep yourself from being entirely overstimulated.
“N-nobody,” you stuttered. “Nobody fucks me like you.”
Suddenly, he was kissing you, and you were kissing him back, and he was fucking you, and you were rocking your hips against him, and his thumb rubbed at your clit, and you were coming again, and he was coming with you. Your mouths were open against each other, gasping and shaking, and then your eyes opened.
He was looking at you, really looking. As you returned his gaze, you got lost in it all. His hips stalled with his cock buried deep in you, but neither of you dared to move. You just kept looking into each other's eyes, breathing deeply, and that’s when you realized that one of your hands was interlocked with his. You kissed him again, slowly and leisurely, before sucking his bottom lip into your mouth and biting it. He moaned softly, appreciatively, then sighed.
“I lied before, about having a crush on you,” he said. You raised your eyebrows, mind still reeling from the sex.
“I think it might be more than that,” he explained. “I mean, it is more than that.” Your eyes widened.
“Oh.” He waited for you to respond. “Just - give me a minute. I’m still in outer space.” He flashed a small, crooked smile, then pulled out of you slowly. After he settled back into bed, you instinctively curled up next to him, which he happily accepted. 
This was nice. This was better than nice. This was perfect.
“I know that because of my work -”
“It’s more than that for me, too,” you interrupted. You angled your head to look up at him. 
“Yeah?” he asked. You nodded.
“And I don’t know how I’m gonna feel about dating someone who has sex with other people at work,” you continued. “But right now, I don’t care. Usually, I’d be jealous, but - but I’m not.”
“You really wanna give this a shot?” he wondered, desperately trying to hide his excitement. You nodded again, smiling.
“I don’t think we have much choice,” you replied. 
“Fuck yeah,” Eddie said, grinning from ear to ear. “Let’s do this, then.”
You kissed him on the cheek, then went back to cuddling up to his chest. He hummed, content. 
He was pretty sure he loved you, but that was for another night. This night would be spent making you come another four times, as promised.
Eddie was always true to his word.
(Next part)
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storiesbyjes2g · 4 months
3.80 Favor ain't fair
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I couldn't help but watch the elders and how they dealt with each other. All of us had long since gotten used to this post-divorce world we lived in. Though everyone had moved on, I expected Winterfest to be very weird. Me seeing Dwayne with Mama or Dad hearing about him from me was one thing, but having them in the same room was another. Dad made a lot of progress, but was he ready for that? I had prepared to be a buffer or make an excuse for him, but he looked surprisingly comfortable. Dwayne was the one who was hesitant. He had always been reserved and comfortable in the background, however, so he could have been okay. Mama was all smiles, of course. Heh, this was probably the best day of her year with her kids and both lovers at home. I watched them all with pride despite feeling like it was all very weird. It took a LOT for all of them to get to that place. I honestly doubted Dad would ever get there, but he walked around Mama's house grinning up a storm and peacefully sharing a space with the man who took away his soulmate. Winterfest miracles did exist.
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After dinner, Rosie found me, and I gave her some holiday love.
"Happy Winterfest, Ro! You've been a very good girl. You think Father Winter will bring you a nice treat?"
Alessia stood there watching us, and I hoped she would do better with our dogs than she did with Tofu.
"Did you meet your auntie yet?"
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"Ehhhhh...hi," Alessia said stiffly.
I laughed.
"She's not gonna bite you, Less. Just put your hand out slowly and let her smell you. If she thinks you're okay, she'll let you touch her."
"Okaaaaay." She bent over slowly and cautiously. "I'm coming down...don't be weird..."
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Rosie stepped toward her equally as cautious, sniffed her hand, and then sat in front of her.
"See? She likes you. Give her a pat on the head so she knows you're friendly."
"That was really cool. She's cute."
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She never gave Tofu a chance. Maybe Rosie and Kooper will win her over.
Mama came in with the dirty dishes and caught Less and I having seconds.
"Hey! Don't fill up on that. There's dessert, you know."
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Dwayne left shortly after dinner. He said wanted us to enjoy our family time. I could see the disappointment in Mama's eyes and imagined her saying something like, "but you're my family too." Dwayne was a realist, and I appreciated that because Mama's fantasy land was gonna get someone's feelings hurt eventually.
It was time for presents, and I caught a glimpse of Less and Sophia dancing in the living room as I passed by. Whether they had bonded or it was just coincidence, I was glad to see them together, not in conflict.
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"Luca," Mama sang, "I've got something extra special for you!"
Alessia rolled her eyes.
"Here she goes with the special gifts just for Luca."
"It's not a special gift! It belongs to him."
She handed me a box, and I took it hesitantly. What did she have of mine? And why make a big deal out of it on Winterfest? She wasn't the re-gifting type.
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"Uhh...thanks," I said.
I took the box and opened it slowly. Inside, I saw a painting I'd seen my entire life. It hung in my room when I was little. And then when we moved to Newcrest, Mama put it in the kitchen. I seemed to recall one time Mama said Gammy painted some things for my nursery before I was born. This had to be one of them!
"Gammy's painting?? You're gonna let me have it?!!"
"She painted it for you. The one with the dogs too, but I want to hold on to that one."
"Yeah, of course! Wow! Thanks, Mama. This is so cool!"
I thought about our frigid meeting in the cemetery often. I loved that I now had evidence of our past relationship and would hang it in a place of honor in our new house.
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After presents, we gathered around the tree and sang songs. And as always, Less acted like she was too cool for school. That only made us turn up and be even sillier. At least she was in a good mood, though. At the end of the night, she sat on the rocking chair doing belly laughs. It was very contagious, so I joined in. Mama came in and told us a story about how Father Winter came to their house in Sulani while she was doing belly laughs. He thought it was adorable and gave her some tips! And just like how it happened in her story, Father Winter walked in on her doing a belly laugh demo for us.
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"I remember you," he said. "You still go it."
"Thank you, Father Winter! This is my son, Luca! He's getting married soon!"
"Yes," he said, "I've been watching him. He's been very good this year. This is one of my extra special gifts."
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I didn't know what to think. An extra special gift from Mama, and another from The Man himself? And I was getting married in three days to the kindest, sweetest, funniest woman in the world? It was all too much. I thought about everything I'd gone through and how burdened and confused I was. All of that was a test. I held on and did the best I could, and now I was being rewarded. Not with a gift from Father Winter, but in love, success, favor, and friendship. I had already reckoned with my problems, but at that moment, I felt like the struggle was officially over.
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quakes-of-cragclan · 2 months
Important (OP speaking)
okay.. I know we're only like 5 moons in, but I think I'm going to start up another Clangen blog (YALL I'M SORRY JUST HEAR ME OUT)
So I started Quakes of Cragclan as a sort of experimental blog to try out different things on Tumblr, and I'm so incredibly appreciative of the support I've received on it, and for the experience I've gained through the process of doing it. The reason I would like to start another blog though is because I'm developing a save currently based on a much more cohesive plan, and I want to try out different formatting, time period, and just generally take what I've learned from the first and improve. I had a lot of new ideas barely even that long after starting, and also gained so much more inspiration from other members of the community (some examples being @aphidclan-clangen, @rise-of-littleclan, and @barrenclan (YOU GUYS ROCK)). I have an idea for this one that I REALLY LIKE, and a much more cohesive idea as to how it starts and ends hopefully.. This blog had a constructed beginning, some vague character ideas, and absolutely no plan as to how it would end (oops), but I learned from that mistake, and I really want to show it!!!
I don't know what the page quality will look like, but I plan to do a lot more in-depth moons and probably more multi-part posts. all in all, I'm SERIOUSLY LOOKING FORWARD TO IT IF I FOLLOW THROUGH!!!
I'll probably still post to Quakes of Cragclan OCCASIONALLY, but I imagine actually continuing it for a long time will be a challenge for me. So yeah, my focus will probably shift.
Thank you to those who did read, and to EVERYONE WHO NOTED MY POSTS I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!
I'll link the page if/when I make it and pin it to the top of the page, but uhh I'm running out of writing power so THANK YOU ALL I LOVE YOU GUYS SHJSLAJFGLSA I HOPE I DONT DISAPPOINT YOU GUYS WITH WHATS COMING MWAH KISSES YUO ON THE FOREHEAD BYEEEE!!!!!!
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o7k5a8m9i · 2 months
~♡Perfect Little Family ♤~ Hisomachi
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Pic by me♡ credit to @itsmyara for the little Hisomachi icon🃏🧵 ⚠️⚠️ 15+⚠️⚠️ because of mature content💮 read at your own risk
YOU MUST READ THIS before reading this fanfic!! ➡️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
Again the post above is a MUST READ if you wanna understand the story 😭🃏🧵💖✨
Chapter 1: ~Machi's unfortunate surprise~🧵🃏
{A/N Forgive me for the OOC, AU, and cringe!😫🎐}
[Machi Komacine is a 23 year old woman who's apart of the Phantom Troupe. a group of thieves and murders but to her they were like family. well all except one... Hisoka Morow replacement number 4 he had joined the Troupe 4 years ago and him and Machi became...... teammates to say the least she didn't really like him but over time developed feelings for the stupid clown but she'd never say it. of course he had feelings for her too and told her all the time. but she always just took what he said with a grain of salt not sure if he's lying or not but regardless things were about to change.
April 10th the troup was all together celebrating a big heist they just pulled off. so they decided to have a party✨ most of them got drunk but not Machi nor Hisoka. although something did go down between them that night Machi blamed it on "I was drunk" she'd always lie or blame it on something she'd never amit to it. a few days later Machi noticed something... Different...but didn't say anything. a 1 week later some of the Troupe decided to move to the next city but they ALL agreed to meet up again in a month. they wanted to hangout more. (Look idk I just need a excuse 😭) when they got to the new hideout Machi had to know. and so that night she found out...she was pregnant.... she didn't tell anyone but she was having a heart attack she had no idea what to do....this made her feel weak. she let her gard down what was she to do?...but before anything. she'd wait till he arrived... The father of this baby.. now as I said before not all the Troupe came with Machi the only people at the hideout right now were Chrollo, Pakunoda, Shalnark, Shizuku, Kortopi & Machi. they were still waiting for the other members one of them being the father of this kid. and so a few days past and now everyone was there. everyone except Hisoka. now normally Machi wouldn't care if he showed up or not but this was different they needed to talk.... two MORE days later and the clown finally decided to show up. although Hisoka was only planning to stay a few days maybe a week that was about to change once Machi starts talking. Chrollo exampled that he'd be staying in this city for a few months because he was a bit tired of moving and he added that any other member of the troupe could stay with him and that was all.]
Hisoka: Hi Machi~
Machi: Hi...or whatever...
Hisoka: so how are you doing?~
Machi: what do you care!
Hisoka: oh my dear Machi I care because your my friend, Teammate, Fellow spider and maybe something more someday~
Machi: S..Shut up! we're teammates that's it!
Hisoka: oh ok...~ -_-...so how are you?...
Machi: ....[She really didn't wanna say but... he was the father... she had to...]
Machi: not great....
Hisoka: oh my what's wrong dear~?
Machi: ... nothing....
Hisoka: oh stop lying and tell me. my dear~
Machi: ... I'll tell you later...
Hisoka: oh ok~...but don't think I'll forget~
Machi: yeah whatever..//.....
-To Be Continued- 🧵🃏
....†....†....†....†....†....†....†....†....†....†....†....†....†....†....†....†....†....†....†....†..[END of this chapter]🌙✨☁️☀️ A/N I hope you enjoyed I'll write part two soon🧵🃏🌸 anyway thanks for reading!!☺️ I know it sucked🍭 if you have anything you'd like to say/question's let me know 💙 again this is a AU✨🌹 and OOC!😫🙏,
Tagging people who voted to see this Story @thelovelyghostwriter @zillybusiness @rinhxh @jandeline190 @dekingcobra
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fatefulfaerie · 7 months
20 Questions For FIc Writers
Thanks @linksthoughtbrambles for tagging me!
I honestly don't interact with the Tumblr fic community anymore because time is such a fleeting thing so whenever I post I feel like everyone is like who dis?? I do wish I had more time for this stuff and miss the good old days <3
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
The Legend of Zelda mostly buy RWBY, Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, and Star Wars when I'm feeling those.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Ten Thousand Years Ago: 135
Hindsight: 137
Written In The Stars: 184
Honesty: 229
In Calamity's Grasp: 345 (but that's because my co-authors @pastelsandpining and @aurathian were/are awesome)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to but sometimes I forget!
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
uhh to many to chose from but *sighs* yeah that's probably ttya
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Have I written any uh...yeah probably AMB
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I did once and I deleted the fic because of it. They were upset because I pulled the "it was all a dream" bit and like sure but it's fan fiction about an alternate timeline that I made up based on a fictional web series. I mostly write it as a thought experiment and like idk. People got really mad and for what? Like I wrote a thing, I did words, nothing in it was problematic and hey I'm just a human? Like I'm not saying it was perfect but I think the amount of hate I received was a bit much. Sometimes people just want to be mad and RWBY "fans" like REALLY want to be mad. I have no idea.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind.
Not really. It's not even because I'm squeamish anymore it's just not my wheelhouse. I respect people who do though!
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I don't think I have?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No but I think fan fiction.net had a translation option and I remember playing with that to see what my words looked like in other languages.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! Pastels and Bella and I wrote ICG together! It's still one of my favorites!
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
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15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
The nonexistent bridge fic between botw and botw 2 but idk. That's the only situation where I feel exhausted fixing Nintendo's problem for them. They should just hire me so that these things don't happen in the first place.
16. What are your writing strengths?
also humor I've been told but I can't control that power yet
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I've played with French for some poetry but that was using Google Translate. I think I'd need to actually know another language in order to do that.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Probably Once Upon A Time when I was 14
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
Am I allowed to say In Calamity's Grasp?
Tagging @pastelsandpining @aurathian @linktheacehero @dyventus
Idk if you guys are still around or what you've been up to but I consider you the OG lackeys although I know I'm forgetting people I'm just not sure of usernames anymore
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Well technically I didn't JUST finish it I had to stressed-ly pace around my house for three minutes first xd
And then stare at a picture of an otter which was blessedly the first thing on my dash
Uh anyway :')
AND JARRED???!?!!!!? SIR WHAT ARE YOU D O I N G HER!????!!?!!!
Okay I'm genuinely struggling to breathe a tiny bit so I'mma take a second lol
Okay I'm back :) did some breathing and a physical exercise to work some of this out lol
Anyway as soon as Seb said he had something to tell Carlos I got SUPER nervous and I was pausing so much but as soon as I started to say it and I saw the subtitles I literally screamed and his for like 3 minutes straight 😭 xd. Y'all I am living my worst life right now lol xd.
But uh anyway I knew Seb was in a knight outfit (boy we had no idea what that promo pic meant 😭) so I was wondering if the pumpkin was someone he sent or MAYBE him, and then I was thinking a) it's Big Red (especially after interrupting Ashlyn and Maddox around the time I was thinking this) b) it's the person Seb cheated with or c) it's both (awful, worst possible option for anything about this situation). And THEN I was like okay so Jarred, is this the dancer, an ex, the guy he cheated with, or both Carlos's ex AND the guy Seb cheated with. Luckily it's just the dancer xd. Not great news, still, but, you know lol.
Frankie wasn't lying when he said these first few episodes were an episode of Housewives 😭
Boy those episodes really can Housewives 😭 xD
Anyway, uhh, I was depressed in the first half but hoping they'd talk and just not come to a total understanding yet, but then by the end I was screaming throwing up losing my mind :) also I'm pretty sure we don't get Seb next episode so :') because now I need to watch HIM beg lol, even it out xD
Also if we don't get Over Again till the last or second to last episode I freaking swear-
ANYWAY! This is not just a seblos post XD. This is an episode four post lol.
Rina is going THROUGH IT 😭😭. I gotta say Ricky I think you should make it clear that Miss Jenn wanted to switch Dani in lol, not you xd. And I also wish they'd both managed to tell each other about the various situations 😬. When Mack first mentioned it I thought Ricky overheard and I went o.o but xd. Also I know you were in front of everyone but Gina why didn't you just explain the mom thing DD:. Poor Ricky he's going through it for real :((. And with college and everything too :'( D':. Anyway they were cute for a bit this episode and they slayed but xdd 😭. I love them <33.
ASHLYN GIRLLL WHAT ARE YOU DOINGGGG!!! Like lowkey 👀👀👀👀 but also girl Big Red 😭😭💔. Unless it was him and Seb in which case I don't think I or this friend group would ever recover but also idk if there would be a need to escalate nonetheless lol- aUAGH ESCALATE THAT REMINDS ME OF SEB-
Whoops sorry lol 🤪 that was so crazy wild 😌
Anyway :D that SONG THOUGHHH!! It was a bop :DD!!! Also not Ashlyn crying when she thought Maddox wasn't okay 😭😭😭💔. Y'all I'm not okay, thank you very much <333
And 😬😬 there's confirmation that Mad and Mad are down - or, as Maddox said lol, bad xd. Sorry guys :(((
Kourtney honey DD:. I swear that's how I start her part every episode XD. At least it's not multiple y's on either word this time lol. Anyway, I'm glad she went out 🥰🥰. I was scared she'd just stay in :((. But while she's CLEARLY stressing, I'm so happy she went to the party and had fun with them :D. And I do think she should look outside of Ivy Leagues, I think something will definitely come from that in some way :).
And speaking of Kourtney SLFKGFJSHDK JET!!! Man is trying his best but it was HILARIOUS lol xDD. Also his moment with Ricky was great xD. But seriously my guy, nice, smooth lol xd. ~Fabric~. Also, little sus over there calling Mack and Ricky hot one after the other xDD. Anyway lol. Also it's really sweet that he helped Maddox with the prank to make it up to her :')) 🥰❤️. I love them so much your honor, thank you very much <3. Another point to that is Maddox's reaction to Ashlyn saying Emmy probably has a crush on him lol xD.
Miss Jenn DD:. I'm sorry honey :((. I'm sorry to Ricky's dad too, he's been great this season DD':. And he's such a MOOD too lol xD. But yeah, honestly, they just don't work great together :'//. And I mean I've wanted them to break up but it was still sad :'( 😭 and I didn't wanna see it I didn't deserve it xD. But nah I'm glad we saw it lol, it's for the best. I'll miss y'all though <33. But not too much xD. Oh and her scene with Ricky and the end was amazing :'DD. I think she's calling Mr. Mazzaraaaa? Idk but I think so and anyway I really loved the scene :'D. Also slay costume lol.
Slay costume EVERYONE y'all were all amazing :DD!!! Everyone slayed so hard they brought the house down 🥰🥰❤️😍🤩✨🥰.
Missing you EJ, Mr. Mazzara, Nini, and Emmy :)). Love you guys <333. Though from the picture on the next episode bit after finishing episode four it looks like EJ's gonna be in the next one :O!!! We love that for us :DD!!!
Anyway yeah xD. Everyone's going through it lol. But I hate to break it to you guys, Carlos is going through it more 😭 xD. Like y'all his boyfriend's been icing him out supposedly because he thinks Carlos cheated on him and when he's finally willing to talk Carlos finds out that Seb cheated on him, and that the lowkey creepy person who bothered him a bit during the night was the person he was accused of, in a documentary that was streamed world wide, is there and wants to be with him. Just. Wow xd. Leave this man ALONE!! Like in the angst department 😭. I mena I love it but come on xdd. Anyway lol!! They seriously are all going through it though lol xD.
Anyway!! This episode was absolutely AMAZING and I loved and despised it :DD. How could you do this to me :')). The music was amazing (y'all that first song was SO FREAKING COOL!!! I loved it it was wild :DDD)!! Both songs were so good, and COMPLETE opposites lol. Despite partially being about the same thing xD. Like storyline wise lol (as in at least a bit about Ashlyn and Maddox being sus). Anyway! The drama was off the CHARTS and it was just a really good episode all around :)). I did genuinely enjoy it lol xdd. Still though, I am going to kill someone <3. I don't know who, but somebody :) xd. And Carlos is death so he's in on it, he'll help me with it lol.
Anyway xD. It was great. I am so freaking scared for the next episode and episodes, thank you :')). But SO EXCITED!! Still dying though lol <333.
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cuuno-moved · 1 year
uhh so questions, lemme think… hmm do the turtles and co. run into any conflict with the foot clan? because i imagine they wouldn't be too fond of splinter because they thought he was dead and wanted to do experiments on him (speaking of which where did the foot clan get mutagen? is stockgen a thing) and now maybe they want to know more about them since they were still only testing mutagen. speaking of which, do a lot of official characters show up? how are they different from canon? do you have ocs? and judging by how the turtles were able to find casey, how often do they go to the surface? is it a casual thing where they like to explore or is it like in 2012 tmnt where splinter is very cautious about them heading out? how do they feel about humans outside of casey and april? do they get seen sometimes but then most people just are like "some turtle guys walking around just another day in NYC amiright" or do they try very hard not to be seen by people? does casey act different from spending so much time with the turtles? is there any places they like to hang out? how is their home in the sewers, is it like decorated n' stuff? do they all get to have a lot of personal area or is it kind of cramped? what stuff does donatello build, and do they have a version of the turtle van? how do the turtles go about resolving the occasional conflict? i imagine they don't fight as often as they do in some official stuff, but like do they get into silly squabbles often that aren't too serious? and when they are serious, how does everyone act? also, if mikey is similar to the 2018 one, then does he also kind of try to help his family in a lot of stuff when it comes to conflict? when it comes to villains and stuff, what kind of people do they fight against? is it more "we fight when we have to but generally try to avoid it" or is it more "i am going to go on a space adventure to fight the utroms or something WOO!" oh wait this ask is kinda long now. uhh well you don't have to answer everything!!!!! i just saw the post asking for asks and thought oh i like tmnt aus lemme try to ask as many questions as possible. sorry if it's kinda rambly!!! okay have a good day or night
OUGHHHH i love you so much anon thank you thank you thank you
okay so. the footclan originally think they died because. yk. mutagen. but when they find out they mutated (via mikey getting a little too clumsy on a suply run) they decide they need to make more mutagen. that's the first time that the turtles have to fight for the safety of the public. however, some mutagen does in fact get out in the bottled water, and some people are transformed
there will be a couple of canon characters - i've already mentioned usagi, and im adding barry just for kicks as a sheep mutant. and i've got an oc named dusty miller who im adding because i like him.
the turtles weren't supposed to leave the lair as kids, but casey happened to make the insane decision to hide in the sewers from his bullies, which is how he met them. over time they began to sneak out more and more until splinter found out and realized he couldn't stop them anyways, and started to train them more. just to be sure they could defend themselves
casey does end up picking up a couple habits from the turtles, like trying to mimick their sounds, ie growling or chirping. he also forgets he cannot in fact hold his breath for an hour underwater sometimes
they live in an abandoned subways station, and they each have a tent set up where they sleep. it's not super exciting or nice to look at, just like a regular homeless camp, but donnie made a power generator and they have a tv that works pretty well most of the time
donnie works mostly with junk he finds in scrapyards or pulls off of old trains, but when they run into the foot clan, he manages to steal some of their technology, which really helps him. they have a sort of turtle van which is an old volkswagen that they decked out and occasionally drive around town. they call it the shellraiser because i think that's a really funny name actually
they do get in a lot of fights. especially when it comes to donnie. he's really bad at tone and understanding when people are mad at him, so he will overreact and assume everyone hates him, which they don't, which inevitably pisses raph off, which upsets mikey, which upsets leo. mikey does his best to smooth things over by clarifying what people mean to donnie, but it doesn't always work, and that kind of affects mikey in. really negative ways. like he thinks he isn't important if he doesn't help people
the villains are mostly foot clan and some mutants. most of the turtles don't like fighting them, but leo is so obsessed with being a hero that she actively starts picking fights with the villains.
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simpingcowboy · 1 year
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Firstly, I just wanted to thank any and everyone who has supported me <3 I wasn't sure what exactly to do for a 100 follower milestone (plus like ~15 more of you who got here within the last 4 day. You're part of this too, hi.) So I thought I'd just say a bit about myself and how I got involved with the Pedro fandom as I think it's a bit funny :)
Hello! For starters you can call me Am or A :) I go by She/They/He pronouns absolutely any of those are fine to use. I'm 21 years old and live in Chicago, IL in the US though I'm originally from Seattle! I'm Zapotec Mexican and American Lakota and just a littleee Polish (my love for perogies has to count for something right??)
Abit of what I do IRL! I work as a barista at [redacted mega green coffee corporation]! Though I do some side gigs with my poetry and painting. I'm also very into furbies!!! I have lots of them. My DS is my bestie. I unironically play the silly bands game (don't judge me). I'm also very involved in my local drag scene! Yes, I am that type of ✨gay✨ I love surrounding myself with queer creatives here and IRL!
Let's talk about how I ended up in the Pedro fandom. So it actually starts...with my ex 😅 who had a MASSIVE crush on Mr. Pascal. We'll just refer to him as X. Truthfully, I didn't care much for most newer Star Wars stuff as it was primarily a nostalgia thing for me, but eventually X convinced me to watch ✨The Mandalorian✨ with him. Now he didn't actually TELL ME that we were watching it so he could see if I also thought Pedro Pascal was hot or not...X would just continually ask me what I thought. To which I mostly just responded "Uhh I mean I like his character yeah??" And give him my character analysis of Mando lol. It wasn't until we see Mando's face in the SECOND SEASON that I realized X had a huge crush on Pedro that I then used to relentlessly tease him about.
My simping didn't really start until I saw Pedro in Narcos! Maybe it's just that I could actually see Pedro in this but uhhh yeah that did it in for me lol. Fun fact, I did try to get X to do a couples costume as Agent Murphy (him) and Agent Peña (me) that he violently shot down :( it would have been PERFECT!!! Anyways that's where I fell into the Pedro Pit. And I haven't come out yet.
I lurked on here for awhile, before finally publishing my first fic on Christmas of 2021! I had gotten COVID the week before and needed something to fill my time so I wrote The Gift Exchange. Since then I've continued posting my writing on here :)
It's been fun for me! And give me a good opportunity to practice my prose. Everyone has been so kind to me! I look forward to getting to know y'all more and to have fun writing even more!!! Thank you for reading and supporting me <3
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kayla-crazy-stuffs · 1 year
Ready you are. You for questions have I!!!!! KAYLA
Now read that backwards :3
Ok ok ok
So was looking at tiny Mer au and found the post about Dream and Foolish. Are they related 👀👀👀
And because I’m fairly certain they are, is Puffy apart of your au and if yes, what is she????
Also it seems you like to paint George as a Villain for a lot of your aus. Just wondering what your reasons are behind that. (I actually think it’s really cool since George isn’t usually utilised as a villian against dream often)
For your Fairy au, do hunters exist in your universe? If so, who would the hunters be and what kind of uses would fairies hold in the eyes of a hunter?
Annnnnddd who and how do the characters come about breaking the language barrier? I know there’s a way to break it but you said it was rare. I wanna know!!!!!!
Surfer dream au, ha suck it George! Serves you right for tormenting Dream. However what changes George’s perspective on humans in the end? And when it does change, what happens with Dream and George’s relationship? I can imagine the tension would be high.
Also, any other characters you want to add to the surfer dream Au that you have yet to add yet? If yes, who and what are they?
Random side questions
Any recommendations for fics you love that you think everyone should read? (I want more reading material lol)
A gt movie you adore
Your favourite Christmas movie and/or Carol
Something you’d like to receive for Christmas
Thank you for answering and here’s many lollipops as thanks for answering 🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭
Woooooo! I received Questions!!! >:D Thank you Becky!!!
Yeah, Foolish and Dream are related in tiny mer au; Foolish is a shark mer that is also a sizeshifter but unlike Bad that he's human sized mer and can grow to 60ft tall mer, Foolish is a 4'5 inches tall mer that can only grow to human size.
Also for Puffy, I have no intention to add her to the au, since I'm not used to draw or write about her :')
I don't know in which more au's did I make George a villain but yeah, I kinda want to see George being a villain against Dream sometimes, since usually the villain is Dream, so I wanted to change that :]
Well, actually Fairy au is like the au that has a bit of angst at the beginning (because injuries at all) but is supposed to be a fluff au so I didn't add hunters to it :)
Well, for the language barrier; Karl likes to read a lot so one day, he finds a book where they talk about the "magic forest" and found a section were it was specifically focused on one mysterious berry that no one know its color; there are a lot of them, they have the same form but different colors; all of them are mortal if they're eaten, so that's why fairies stopped trying to find the actual one that breaks the barrier. But what will happen when Karl founds one of that berries and accidentally eat it, just to be able to understand the fairies not much later? >:]
Quackity probably reluctantly hands George something he really likes, saying it's from Dream, who wanted Quackity to give it to him since he didn't want to get anywhere near George. It would also change when Quackity reveals that Dream is actually only 16 and that he has only been trying to kill a kid...
George and Dream's relationship? Well, George would actually try to get closer to Dream but the human would only panic trying to get away from him, hiding behind Sapnap, Quackity or Punz (yeah, Punz and him are friends when this happens), but time to time Dream starts trusting George (slowly but he starts). Also because probably Sapnap and Quackity told him that George is trying to change and apologize to him.
Well, I'm also going to add Foolish to this au too :]
Recommendations?? Uhh... Right now I can't think of any but I'll tell you when I got some :']
Hmmm, Arrietty and Thumbelina (1994) :D
Christmas movie... I can't remember if I have seen any... And Carol; "25 de Diciembre, fun fun fun" (yeah, Spanish Carol UuU)
Cosplays and anime things, any type of things >:]
Thanks for the lollipops Becky!! :D
Have some cookies 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪
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bishounen-jump · 1 year
Tag 10 People You Wanna Get to Know Better
tagged by @danhoemei thank u for still tagging me even tho it takes me forever dlkfajdl;kfjd;klfj ily <3
Relationship Status: I'm just chillin lol
Favorite Colors: umm yellow probably? dark blue and dark grey are also v nice
Favorite Food: gyoza!! specifically my mom's
Song Stuck in My Head: it was reincarnation apple for the longest time but now it's this cover of 熱異常 by miyashita yuu :') how does his mouth move that fast slkajfdslkfjad; also i rlly like the lyrics
Last Thing You Googled: "teru big nair" i wanted to search for "teru big hair" for a fanart idea i've had for years but never done but i made a mistake😓 lsdkfaj;lsdkfaj
Time: 1 pm
Dream Trip: tbh i'm so tired that any trip sounds like too much work? something not too strenuous, i guess, like looking for shells at the beach or something. looking for rocks in a creek. i suppose i'd want it to be pretty warm though
Last Thing You Read: stereotypical life of a reincarnated lady, so glad it was finally finished after like 2 years <3 absolutely love the art style
Last Book You Enjoyed Reading: i really like reading thousand autumns!!! it was so fun to read aldsk;aj;dsklf yan wushi is my blorbo now shen qiao my beloved and i'm obsessed with yanshen's dynamic aaaaaaaaaa
Last Book You Hated Reading: uhh i skimmed through one of those elsie dinsmore books bc of a post i saw. poor girl, the post described her pretty unkindly even though she was being abused (probably they read it too long ago to remember the specifics)
Favorite Thing to Cook/Bake:I don't do a whole lot but anything with eggs i guess??? except i get really excited and often end up smashing the eggs akjfkljf;kldjf
Favorite Craft to Do in Your Free Time: i like to make horrible little drawings sometimes, but besides that embroidery when i have the energy!! got back into crocheting recently also
Most Niche Dislike: umm when people get mad about people saying "why is this so funny ldkfjads;lkfj;dsk" and are like "obviously it's the humor that makes it funny" it's literally just a thing to say! it's like saying "why would you keep this in the tags." you just say it even if it's not necessary or completely true. when i say "why i am laughing lmaooo" i'm not asking for a fucking answer lkdsfjalk;sdfjaksdfljlk
Opinion on Circuses: i don't remember a whole lot about them! i remember wondering why everyone thought the clown was funny though. like i didn't get why a guy crying was funny lmao
Do You Have Any Sense of Direction: i'm ok i guess, i can read a map and follow directions, i am aware of the position of the sun but usually i don't really care lmaoo it's not the end of the world to get lost (most of the time)
tagging: @unfotp @taira-nova-34 @gothamstan @eccedentesiast-sapphic @joy-drops @kjthenbee @psychicai and anyone else who would like to! as always no pressure!!! <3
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faccal · 2 years
📃 Ever written something inspired by someone elses fic? 👽 Strangest fic you ever written? 😚 A fic you like writing more than other fics? 🌾 A fic you really want to write but you haven’t (yet)?
These are all from this post!
📃 Ever written something inspired by someone else's fic?
So I think with this one, I wanted to write some Walruss inspired by other WalRuss lmao, and even a separate ship, but I never ended up writing it. I can't find any plans for it, so I must've never written anything down, so now i don't know what it was lol. I usually bookmark stuff on AO3 I really like or want to read, so I'll have to go through there sometime and see if i can find it. I do know years ago when i first joined the COD Ghosts fandom, I wanted to write a WalRuss fic inspired by another unfinished one. It was about Keegan being a hot rich sugar daddy to broke college student Logan. Fucking love that shit, idek why. Never wrote it though, didn't want to upset the original poster by having soemthing similar, i respect other authors and their ideas, and I always feel like a thief if I find out something of mine is similar to something else.
Also on this note, watching HOTD, there was a scene that was similar to something I'd already planned for a fic and I was like "oh no, can I still use this???" XD
👽 Strangest fic you've ever written?
HAHA, definitely The Tame and The Flame, it's first draft was HORRENDOUS, horrendously funny, and also just SUPER bad. I'm not talking first draft super bad, I'm talking Alpha Rorke forcing Logan to be this omega for him as his revenge for Elias not only mating with his actual mate (Hesh and Logan's mama) but also for allowing Rorke to fall of this cliff and "die" (his dumbass lived on a cliff. Wtf was he thinking?) he became a rogue alpha and was coming back to exact his revenge when Logan was actually Keegan's mate.
Also Keegan kept thinking of his late wife and mate while being SUPER horny for Logan (but that's normal behavior for him, let's be real)
The idea has since evolved into something MUCH better and actually worth the read/worth writing, I just haven't figured out the plot lol. The new idea is literally a 100% completely different fic lmao. I like it better, and also kind of accidentally ship Daniel Russ with Rorke, so there's that :D
(I apologize to everyone who read the original TTATF. I was rewriting and doing my best to make it soemthing that's actually good, and I just eventually gave up. Still have the old drafts saved LMAO.)
😚 A fic you like writing more than other fics?
Uhh, I think I have one, lmao. I enjoy writing the Dragon fic (still needs a damn title) but I haven't written much for it. I REALLY love planning/plotting for it though!!! Minus like one instance of referenced mpreg it's one of the most normal ones I have lmao. (And the mpreg fixed a plot hole, but accidentally brought back 2015 Wattpad era)
OH! THORNS AND ROSES!!! I have SO many plot twists and shiz, but I love this fic too and rewriting it (literally only had three chapters rip) has helped me flesh out the plot better and actually decide where I wanted it to go lol. I do think I need to fix the coronation scene, but other than that I love writing for this fic as well.
I used to love writing Infatuation, until i nitpicked it and then realized how weird and gross it was. Also high school? Fuck that. Despise high school. It was gross because high school lmao. I don't care if Logan was 19 in it, it started making me uncomfy LMAO. I may figure it all out one day, but I often despise my writings no matter what I do :/
🌾 A fic you really want to write but haven't (yet)?
DRAGON FIC DRAGON FIC DRAGON FIC!!!!!!! DID I SAY DRAGON FIC?!?!?!? ALSO GHOSTS FIC!!!!!!!! (and my marvel au @tokillamockingbird427 has been helping me figure out!) Like I ADORE my dragon fic man, Prince Keegan??? 😘👌🏻😘👌🏻😘👌🏻 Sexy farm boy Logan??? 😘👌🏻😘👌🏻😘👌🏻 Logan's badass grandmother??? 😘👌🏻😘👌🏻😘👌🏻 Hesh being flirted with by MULTIPLE hot dudes??? 😘👌🏻😘👌🏻😘👌🏻
Dude I can't wait to like explore this fic through rereading and writing but like I NEED TO WRITE IT!!!
My Ghosts fic is gonna be super dark too (not overly so, just certain topics) therefore I'm beyond excited for when I figure out what I want for it!
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bubblelesscoke · 2 years
so basically i wrote this before ute came out and didn't finish it, so there are no spoilers about ute that im aware of
i don't really know what im doing with this, i just wanted to post it anyways
it contains blood, injury, spoilers for the end of doa and all that good stuff
have fun :)
Never was panicking. Hard. Very very hard.
He knew this was a bad fucking idea, he knew it! Saving the world had become quite a common thing in his life lately, but damn if it wasn't still hard.
It was harder if you knew you would be fighting against killer unstoppable gods. And Valkyrie Cain. And a bunch of other stuff that just want to see the world burn.
Now, Never was already nervous. He had been forced to pray to the killer gods, one of the strongest people he knew had been turned into a moving Minecraft block, and things were going to shit.
And you might think, 'wow that sounds hard'.
There's more.
As the widely known world-saving-teenagers, it was kind of the squad's job to take care of this whole mess. With some help, of course.
Help like Skulduggery Pleasant, and a lot of students from Corrival, and some random sorcerers here and there. Never was happy that all those people wanted to help.
He was not happy, though, that Omen fucking Darkly, next to his apparently new bestie Never had seen once before, wanted to join in too.
Do not get him wrong, the odds were looking awful on their side and any help was welcome.
But Omen's brother was gone, and Never felt like it was now his responsibility to make sure the boy was safe. Fighting a bunch of creepy god creatures was not, in fact, safe.
He did end up, eventually, allowing Omen to join in. He was a good fighter, had relatively good ideas, and most importantly, had been the one to warn everyone else of what Valkyrie had shown him.
(Never had wanted to ask why had the blond looked so horrified while talking about it, but maybe it wouldn't have been the best idea. Of course, killer gods were always terrible news, but Omen had talked about it as if he had one standing right next to him. The thought made Never shiver.)
Allowing Omen in was, probably, the worst fucking idea ever, because now they were trapped inside a crumbling room, alone, with no magic nor way of communicating with the outside, and Omen was bleeding out.
That last one was the one making Never go nuts.
So no magic-weird god had touched Omen (Thank Lord), but when the room they were in collapsed, something had stabbed the boy's side, and apparently it hurt a lot.
And, because the universe hates Never, that very same room had magic-dampening properties, so Never couldn't teleport away and bring a healer, which was fucking wonderful.
That's not all though. Of course it's not, you idiot. There's always more.
They couldn't get out of the room. The only exit was blocked by pieces of wall, dirt and stone. There was barely any light coming through some small cracks on the ceiling.
Never had tried screaming for help, but had soon grown tired and decided to focus on the important task.
Which was making sure Omen didn't die.
A hard task, really.
Never wasn't an idiot, so after the room had crumbled down and he had been able to check his surroundings, he was quick to say
"OK! Everything fine over here, of course! How's your ass doing, Omen?"
Which had not been answered.
More silence.
Oh crap.
"Omen, can you hear me?"
A groan. A small, confused voice. Good, not great but good nonetheless.
Never put a hand over his heart as he stood up, relief sinking in. Omen was alive.
"Don't scare me like that, you idiot. I thought your ass had up and died or something." Never felt frustration running through his blood. This boy sure was dumb sometimes.
"Hey Never? I, uhh, I think something's wrong…" This made Never stop for a second. Omen's voice was shaky, he sounded like he was struggling to talk.
"What… What is it?" In the darkness it was hard to see, but Never still tried to look for Omen from his spot next to a wall. Where could the boy be?
"There's, there's blood. Like, a lot"
Never wasn't bleeding.
Nobody else had been in the room with them.
Oh shit.
Never walked quickly, standing close to the walls and trying his hardest to see something with the little amount of light there was. Omen's voice sounded like it came from the left-centre of the room. He was probably half buried in the debri.
When Never saw something moving and trying to sit up, he knew he had found Omen.
He rushed to the other's side, kneeling on the dirty floor and trying to do an injury check. Trying, because it was way too dark to see more than shadows. Never brushed all the debri off the boy and grabbed his shoulder.
"Hey man. Can you, like, get up?" Never wasn't sure he would be able to carry Omen.
"Sure, just let me-" Never saw Omen put his weight in both of his arms. So the injury wasn't there. Then, Omen tried to sit up straight and immediately bent over his right side, groaning, clutching it with one arm. Okay, that looked bad. "Sorry, sorry, I just- God, this hurts."
"Don't worry, don't worry. Just, put your arm around my shoulder and I'll help you up, OK? You might have a big ouchie right there." That was probably the most gentle Never had been with Omen for a while. He started to think about all the times he had been an asshole to the blond, and felt guilt fill his stomach. This was not a good moment for self-reflecting! Come on, your friend probably has a really bad injury! Hurry the fuck up!
Once Omen's arm was secured around Never's shoulders, (he was holding the boy tightly, patting around to look for any wounds) Never lifted them both up. It took a couple seconds more than it should have, and he was pretty sure Omen had wanted to ask for a break at least once, but they were finally standing and that was the important thing.
Looking for the safest spot in that place, Never saw a part of the room that looked partially acceptable. The floor only had a couple of big cracks and there wasn't much debri there. Plus, it was the spot with the most light that they could find there.
Even with Never's help, Omen still struggled to walk. He was clutching his side the whole time, and sometimes they needed to stop so that he could regain his breath. That did not, in any way, calm Never down.
(Neither did the pool of blood that was on the spot Omen had just been laying on.)
Once they got to the spot Never liked, he let go of Omen and helped him sit down, with his back being held up by the wall. That's where he got a good look at the blond's injuries.
He had a little cut on his cheek, but nothing that couldn't be solved with a wet rag or something alike. Aside from a few cuts here and there, there wasn't anything too bad.
Oh yeah, wait. There was something very bad.
Do you wanna know what it was?
A huge fucking bloodstain in the right side of Omen's shirt. And jacket.
Oh fuck.
Never kneeled down for the second time in ten minutes, right next to Omen's right side, taking off his own jacket quickly and applying pressure to the wound. Omen whined but didn't push Never away.
"I think it would be better if you just laid down, bud." Omen nodded his head and slowly slid off the wall to lay down on the floor. His eyes were closed and his breaths were deep and labored.
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. This was fucked up.
Never put his hand on the hem of Omen's shirt. He wanted to take a closer look to the wound, but that would mean taking off Omen's shirt, and he had to keep making pressure on the wound to make sure Omen didn't bleed out too much.
"Looks like we're gonna be here for a while, huh?" Omen said in a soft voice. Out of all the things you could say in a situation like this, that wasn't one of the best ones.
"Yeah. We just have to wait for someone to come help us. It's gonna be fine." Never wasn't a patient person, so if they made them wait for too long he would kill someone.
"So what do we do now?" Omen asked.
"Well, I try to get help and you focus on not bleeding. You're making a mess." Why couldn't Omen just stop bleeding? Didn't he realize it was scary?
"Woah OK, I'm sorry. Next time I'll make sure not to get stabbed by something." Omen answered sarcastically. Really helpful.
"Yeah, you really should do that. You get stabbed way too often." Never said, running along with the joke.
"If I had a nickel for every time I've been stabbed, I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice." Omen quoted Doofenshmirtz. Both of them giggled and Never shook his head.
"Just… Shut up…" That only made Omen laugh harder, but it quickly turned into a very aggressive cough fit. He hid his mouth in the inside of his elbow, and his body shook and convulsed with the force of his coughs.
When he was done, he took a few seconds to catch his breath before pulling his arm away and laying back down. His elbow was stained with blood.
Never looked at him with sad eyes before applying more pressure. He started screaming for help.
And that's how we get here. Never's throat sore due to screaming (probably over half an hour. Damn.) and Omen trying his best to stay conscious. Not an easy task.
Even though Never had done everything right, the wound wouldn't stop bleeding and it was frustrating. Omen needed to heal right now! Why was he just laying there and bleeding? Why couldn't he just stop?
The blond's eyes were closed. His face was scrunched up in discomfort and he looked pale as hell. Never ran a hand through his messy blond hair. Once they got out of there, Never was going to kill the boy for scaring him like that.
They were going to get out together. They had to. Omen couldn't- he couldn't-
A tear slowly made it's way out of his eye, sliding down his cheek and landing on Omen's face. A choked sob shook his frame.
Feeling the tear and hearing the sob, Omen slowly opened his eyes. He gave his friend a sad look before moving his left hand to grip Never's wrist. Never just kept putting pressure on the wound, tears falling down his face and little sobs cutting his breathing.
"We're- we're gonna get out of here, OK? We're gonna get out and everything is gonna be alright and we- we-" His breathing was shaky, he was shaking his head from side to side. "Oh my God, once we're out I'm going to beat your ass up! For doing this to me! Don't you realize how fucking scary this is?!" Never was full on crying now.
Omen turned his head to the side and pressed his forehead against Never's knee, a small gesture of support. His grip on Never's wrist tightened.
"It's alright, OK? You're going to be fine. The world is going to be saved, everyone will be safe and sound. You-" Omen tried calming Never down, but was cut off.
"No they won't! Omen! The world is fucking destroyed, we can't do anything to save it! And even if we could, it would be fucking worthless!" Never bent down over Omen's body, hands still applying pressure. His forehead rested on top of the other's belly, and the tears fell down at a fast pace. "If you're not here it's worthless! But you had to be a big idiot and just- just" A mix between a cry and a groan tore it's way out of Never's throat. It hurt so much.
Never quickly pulled away when he heard Omen call out his name. The blond's expression was one of pain. He had small tears in the corners of his eyes. A thin line of blood was dripping from his mouth.
Omen's grip on his wrist was so tight it hurt. Omen was trying to get Never's hands to relax.
Only then did Never realize the amount of pressure he was putting on the wound. He was leaning his whole weight in, and it looked like it was doing more harm than good. He was quick to lessen his strength, keeping the pressure firm but less hurting.
Omen's expression didn't relax.
After Never had calmed down, there was silence. They could hear the chaos outside, but it didn't matter. Not to Never, who was only focusing on Omen.
"Does it hurt?" He asked in a low voice. It was barely above a whisper.
"What?" Omen frowned, confused.
"Like, not the wound. The…you know."
"No, I don't know… What are yo-"
"Does it hurt to die?" Never asked bluntly. He didn't want to say the word, didn't want to think about it. Didn't want to acknowledge the fact that death was a very likely outcome for his friend.
"Uhh" Omen didn't want to think about it. Or maybe he couldn't. With the amount of blood he had lost, it was probably hard to form a thought. Still, he tried to answer. "I mean, I guess so, yeah. Like, I haven't died before, but I am on the way to…it, so I guess you could say it hurts."
Never just hummed, acknowledging Omen's words.
"I think it hurts because it's slow and I have time to think about it. Plus, you know, the wound." Omen chuckled at that. It wasn't funny. "But if it was fast, or I wasn't conscious, I don't think it would hurt."
He felt Never brush his hair back with one hand, (the other pressing down on the wound) scratching his scalp in an attempt at comforting him. (and probably to calm himself down. Omen knew Never sometimes used contact to ground himself.)
"Is it scary?"
Omen frowned and thought his answer through.
"Well, yes. My life is fading away and I can't do much about it, you know? But… But I guess it would be way worse to do it alone. You're here, and that helps. You're, like, a distraction. I don't have to focus on what's going on because I have you here to help… I don't- I don't think I could stand the last moments of my life being spent on my own. That'd be terrifying."
Never nodded silently, agreeing with him. A short silence followed through, and then was broken.
"What's on your mind?" Never asked Omen.
"A lot of stuff, really. Things that I've done, things that I haven't. That I would have liked to do. Everything that I have left unfinished… Things that I did or didn't say. It's all just crashing down, you know?"
Never tilted his head curiously.
"What are some things you haven't said?" Omen shook his head at the question.
"Nothing important, really. I have always wanted to scream at my parents, but you already knew that." Never knew there had to be more. There just had to be. "There's just some things that I didn't say for… Reasons."
"Aw, c'mon! Don't leave me hanging. Just tell me one big thing."
"Pretty please?"
"Not happening"
"Is it about me?"
He was met with silence. Never instantly tried to pry the information out of Omen.
"Oh my god, it is about me! Tell meeee… Please?" Omen just shook his head and closed his eyes. He couldn't tell Never. Now was not the moment.
Never's tone got softer, voice dropping to a whisper.
"Is it what I think it is?" Even though Omen couldn't see it, Never had a gentle smile on his face.
"Depends. What do you think it is?" Omen teased softly, trying to avoid answering. But Never already knew this tactic, and he already knew what had been left unsaid.
Slowly, he leant down over Omen's face and looked at it. Soft, round, young. Omen could feel Never hovering above him, even with his eyes closed.
He could also feel Never lowering down, until his lips touched Omen's cheek. It was a soft touch, only a kiss, but it still got the message through. Never stayed like that for a few seconds, before slowly pulling away. His hand went from Omen's hair to his left hand, that was resting over his stomach.
The moment Omen felt Never's hand touch his own, he grabbed it and squeezed it comfortingly. Never squeezed back.
Omen still hadn't opened his eyes.
For a second they stayed in silence, taking in what had just happened. But then Omen spoke up.
"I guess that, if I had known what would happen next, I would have told 'I love you' to Auger before he left, you know?" He said that in a low tone. Never just looked at him sadly and squeezed his hand again.
"Sometimes we don't get to say the things we want to the people we love. But I'm sure he already knew you loved him with all your heart."
Omen's eyes opened at that. He looked at Never. (His brown irises had a slightly grey hint to them.)
"Do you really think so? I just-" Omen paused, trying to look for words that would get his point across, without sounding self deprecating. "I feel like I could have been a way better brother, could have helped him more or something. But for most of our lives all I did was just-just let him handle everything on his own." His tone got sadder. "Would it have changed things if I just had been there more? Had been more supportive?" When Omen finished his little dialogue, he found Never staring at him with wide eyes.
"Are you fucking serious right now?" Never whispered out. Omen didn't answer. "Do you genuinely believe you're a bad brother? After all you've done, all you've been through, just for him, do you actually think you weren't a good twin?" Omen felt so weird. One thing was his own brain questioning him, another thing was someone else doing it.
"I don't think I was bad, just, not enough." He tried to backtrack a little bit, but the damage was already done. Never frowned and glared at him.
"What else could you have done? Gift him your organs?"
"Well, no, but I should have talked to him! I should have asked him how he was feeling, make sure he was alright… I should have listened to you…"
Never's expression softened and his hand squeezed Omen's reassuringly.
"As much as I love hearing you say that, you need to understand that we don't always make the right choices. You couldn't have seen what was happening even if you had asked beforehand. Now all you have left to do is think about the fun times you guys had together, and make sure you don't forget about him."
"I could never forget him…"
Their little moment of deep talk was interrupted by people screaming. They weren't terrified screams, it sounded like they were calling out for someone.
They were calling out for them.
They both heard someone who sounded like Kase scream for Never. Some other familiar voices were looking for Omen too. Never quickly straightened up without getting up and started shouting.
"We're here! We can't get out! Guys!"
"Never? Never, are you there?" Mahala.
"We're down here! Under the building!"
Some mumbling, and then one of the big pieces of wall was moving, and a group of people stood outside of the opening. Mahala, Kase, Crepuscular, Axelia, Mr. Peccant and Mr. Hunnan.
"Guys, we have a little problem…" Never said softly. The adults quickly rushed to get inside, seeing one of the kids lying moveless on the floor.
"Is he OK?" Said Mahala, looking at the stains of blood.
"Yup." Said Omen automatically. It was the answer he always gave so he didn't really think it through when he said it out loud. "Well, no."
Crepuscular was fast to crouch next to Omen's left side, opposite of Never. He quickly wrapped his hands around the boy's left arm and patted him comfortingly.
"My boy…" There was pain in his voice. Like he regretted leaving him on his own.
"He's bleeding, I can't leave." Said Never, pointing with his head to the wound. Hunnan kneeled beside him.
"I can stay with him, you guys need to leave."
Crepuscular shook his head.
"No, no. I should stay, I dragged him into this."
"He chose to be here on his own." Stated Axelia, who was standing near the door with the other teens and had a worried frown on her face.
"I don't care. I feel responsible for him."
"I'm his teacher, I am the one who should be taking care of him."
Hunnan and Crepuscular stared at each other, Crepuscular ready to argue back. Never interrupted their conversation.
"I can stay, don't worry. Just remember to come back for us once it's over…"
"If we can come back, that is." Kase added unhelpfully.
Silence ruled over the room for a second.
"I'll stay."
They all turned their heads to look at Peccant, questioningly. He looked at them as if it was an obvious answer.
"We're going to need as many teleporters as possible, and you two" He said while looking at Hunnan and Crepuscular. "are more experienced fighters than I am. Of course, letting two children be here on their own would be irresponsible."
Nobody refuted his logic, but Never did look at Omen to see an expression of disappointment and disgust in his face. Exactly the same one he had whenever he was in math class.
That little detail made Never smile.
They had a short round of 'goodbye's and 'good luck's, Crepuscular whispered some things to Omen that the rest couldn't listen to, Hunnan patted the boy reassuringly, Axelia brushed his hair out of the way, Kase and Mahala said their 'goodbye's out loud, and lastly, Never kisses their still linked hands before getting out of the way so Peccant could put pressure on the wound. Thankfully, he wasn't bleeding as much as before.
They all started to head out, Crepuscular on the lead with Hunnan and Never at the end. Right before stepping outside, Never stopped walking, turning to Omen. He felt weird saying this with his teachers there, but he had to.
"… Don't you dare fucking die."
And with that, he left. Hunnan stopped before leaving too, glancing at the boy before holding eye contact with Peccant.
"Take care of him, please."
Peccant scoffed.
"Of course I will."
Hunnan nodded at that, looked at the boy some more, and then left. That left Omen and Peccant alone, which was an extremely awkward concept that Omen had to suffer through.
Peccant probably wasn't too happy either.
A long silence washed over them, filling the room like a big blow-up castle that didn't have enough space, yet couldn't stop growing. It was uncomfortable at the least.
After a short (not for Omen) time, Peccant spoke up.
and that is all i wrote. i know its bad but i still wanted to share with the few people that might read this, which are definitely not a lot but its still enough to make me feel a bit happier whenever i think about it
thanks for reading, even if you didn't like it, and have a good day
(and if someone wants to ask me for a fic about these kids or similar, you can always ask through the comments or message me the request)
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cloudslou · 2 years
ok so, rant:
it's about louis and how some fans like to believe they're entitled to know and have opinions about everything in his life. i've read some stuff from certain accs here (it's kinda funny how it's always the same people that say this shit that makes me roll my eyes so hard....and i don't even follow them but they always seem to make their way into my tl 🙄) ANYWAY, as i was saying, some people seem to have gotten too comfortable with commenting on EVERYTHING louis does and it's so. wtf. like for example "oh louis doesn't like this and louis likes this drink and he doesn't like this food and he does this with his friends and that with his band and tbh i find x thing louis does so annoying" and i'm like. who the FUCK cares what you think??????? we're not his friends!!!!!!!!!! we don't get to have a say in how he behaves around people close to him or get to decide what he likes or dislikes. for fucks sake!!!!!!!!!!! draw the fucking line between being a fan and straight up thinking you're besties with him!!!!!!!!
i know, us fans have a pretty close relationship with him and he's said that multiple times and that's nice and i love how much he likes to involve us in his art but THAT'S IT. in his ART. not his personal life, not what he does with his friends, not in how he chooses to present himself to the public. at the end of the day, he's still a stranger and so are we and he is not our friend and we are not his. jokes and teasing and stuff is fine as we've seen on twitter interactions and on tour and that's super nice. thinking you have the right to say i don't like this i don't like that when it's literally none of your business and doesn't affect you in the slightest is just.....i don't wanna say harsh words. just, it's okay to be humble and know our place i guess.
oh and a while ago i think you made a post about lads? something? something referring to certain fans here and i think i get it. i get it
also people are being so fucking weird now that he broke his arm and i'm like.....you're so weird....................sigh. it's hard trying not to be a hater 🙄
thank you for the time and your patience again and for being willing to listen to me being annoying 😭
love how u mention it’s always the same people saying shit cus uhh… it really is. i don’t even have to look to take a bet who is saying shit. i think i’ve gotten good at keeping certain ppl off my dash but some things slip thru the cracks, always.
but i agree ppl get verrrryyy comfortable talking abt louis and i try to be understanding, that my boundaries on what i talk/post about are not everyone’s boundaries and they don’t have to be, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t drive me up the wall sometimes (esp anything involving food, exercise, health, etc and especially not just Judgments about those things, but desires to Control those things)
always feel free 2 be a hater here. we support healthy hating. :DDDD
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allywritesforfun · 3 years
ahhhh @neptunebabes thank you so much for the request! sorry it took a longer than I wanted it to! anyways chow, I was really hoping someone would request this one! how to request for the event here.
{Red String AU} cc!Wilbur Soot x Reader
pronouns: for reader not mentioned, friend they/them
word count: 1665
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600 followers masterlist
regular masterlist
wilbur masterlist
The string to you, was useless. Everyone has a string but only one connects to yours? Ridiculous.
Just saying it out loud sounds dumb. The only thing this string has caused you was pain and suffering. No one wanted to date you because "you're not my one true love". Like, doesn't anyone want to be in a relationship and get attention and figure out how they work before meeting their soulmate?
At this point, you just pretend like the string isn't there. It's just a bother at this point. It's always in your way, and makes for a horrible conversation.
"Maybe you'll meet your soulmate at the concert tonight!" Your friend tried to get you excited about the thing.
They were the complete opposite of you. They loved their string. Key word: loved. They were lucky enough to stumble across their soulmate when they were young. They never had to actually go out and look.
"It's not gonna happen," You sighed. "I'm gonna be one of those people who never meets their soulmate. Look around!" You gestured out to the crowd in angst. "All of these strings are connected, intertwined. There's no way that I'm gonna find my soulmate!"
They huffed, "How many times do I have to explain this? You're not supposed to find your soulmate, you meet them! The strings aren't meant to be followed, just a symbol."
"A symbol?"
They nodded, "Of true love! We are so lucky to live in a world where we know who our soulmate is! There's other worlds where people don't get the luxury we do! And it's so romantic too! Just... promise me that you'll enjoy the concert tonight?"
You patted their shoulder, "I will. Who's opening for them by the way, I never got a chance to look."
"Uhh..." They scrolled through the band's Instagram page, "Some indie band... Lovejoy?"
You two found a sit down restaurant and started planning out what you were going to do for the concert. It all starts with what time people start lining up. You had to be in the front row, preferably in the middle, but it doesn't always work out that way. You decided to stay close to the venue, that way you could jump in when it was time.
You got there about two hours before the concert started. There were a few people ahead of you, but as long as you got into the fastest check-in line, you should for sure get in the front row.
Your prayers were answered, you got the front row, not exactly in the middle but in the outskirts of the middle, which was good enough for you.
"So this Lovejoy band," You started. "Have you ever heard of them?"
Your friend shook their head, "No but I like the theme of their Instagram!" They turned their phone towards you, allowing you to scroll through a couple posts.
"The fluffy haired one is cute!" You commented. "He seems tall too!"
Your friend laughed, "He does have his string still..." They playfully nudged you.
You rolled your eyes, "That's not fun-" You were cute off by the lights dimming a light guitar playing in the background.
It was about time, why is it that bands are always late to come on stage? But, you stepped-take that back-got pushed into the barrier by people trying to shove their way forward. When you looked up, the band was all out. You couldn't help but smile. You missed live music, just the openers were enough to get you back into that familiar feeling.
After their opening song ended they took a break to talk. The lead singer sat down on the stage and crossed his legs, "Yooooooo!"
You giggled, what vibe he was.
"Hey everyone! My name is Wilbur! Over there is Joe, and Ash, and last but certainly not least, Mark! We're Lovejoy! We released our first Ep earlier this year and we are really close to releasing our second one! Isn't that exciting? Who's excited? I know someone is."
To your surprise, the crowd went crazy. They were better known than you thought they were. Everyone was jumping up and down, hands in the air mimicking Wilbur's movements. In fear of getting called out, you followed the group. Out of nowhere you heard, "Oh my god!"
Keeping your hand in the air, you looked around confused like everyone else. Wilbur stopped talking and the crowd fell to a low mumble.
"y/n..." Your friend trailed off.
"Wha-" You saw it. You saw what everyone else saw, the string. Your string leading straight to Wilbur's finger. This couldn't be real. You brought your hand down to you. You stared at your shaking hand in shock.
A bigger hand slowly grabbed your hand, their other hand reaching out to you and pulling your end of the string off. It glided so easily off, you were in shock. You did everything to get that stupid thing off, and just like that it could be taken off.
"Uh-hi," You looked up and saw Wilbur sitting at the end of stage, feet hanging off the ledge with his hand holding yours. "I'm Wilbur, you can call me Wil if you'd like."
You tried getting words out, but you just couldn't. Everything you tried to say came out as a stutter.
"I know, I know," He rubbed your hand. "Why don't you come backstage and we'll talk in a little bit. Is that okay with you?"
You looked back at your friend, who was somehow already recording this precious moment. They waved their hands at you, motioning for you to go. You shook your head, you couldn't do this alone. You looked back at Wilbur, he nodded understandingly, "They can come with too."
They put their phone away and Wilbur hopped off the stage and guided you through the crowd and held your hand up the stairs until you were off stage. He handed you off to a stage manager who led you into his band room. You sat down on the couch, your friend across from you. You made eye contact and they squealed, causing you to burst out laughing.
"This is a dream right?" You asked between breaths.
Your friend covered their mouth, "You're so stupid! You were supposed to take off his string too!"
"What?" You asked.
"The only person that can take your string off is their soulmate, silly! You're really making him go perform out there with his string."
You buried your head in your hands out of embarrassment, "I don't remember that part of the lesson! Why didn't you tell me!"
"I thought you got the message when he took off yours!"
"I'm too stupid for that!"
While you waited for Wilbur to come back, you and your friend talked about what happens next. Which you realized you probably should've paid more attention in class. It was a lot to absorb at once, and honestly you forgot all of it.
There was a knock on the door, you waited for it to open. Your friend laughed, "Come in!"
You sighed, you can't even remember proposer manners anymore. Just Wilbur walked in, the rest of the band peeking in from the side. He shut the door behind him.
The room was awkwardly quiet, good thing your friend was there, "Did the show go good?"
Wilbur smiled, "It went great! Better than we expected with everyone being... well a bit distracted. But it was a great first show!" Wilbur stood in front of you, "Is it okay if I sit here?”
You nodded, “Yeah of course!” You scooted over and held out your hand, “I should probably get that off now.”
He smiled back at you, “That would be great.”
You smiled at the way he wrapped it around his finger, so tight like some sort of hug. You carefully undid it, making sure not to rip it, “Are you responsible?”
He shrugged, “For the most part, yeah.”
You handed the string over to him, “I lose things easily, you should keep a hold of this.” You heard the door shut, your friend left, leaving just the two of you.
“I never caught your name,” Wilbur reminded you.
You looked away, “I’m y/n.”
“That’s a beautiful name!” He replied. “I was surprised too, and I’m super nervous. I don’t know if it shows that much.”
You shook your head, “I can’t tell. I would’ve thought you’ve done this a million times.”
He chuckled, which caught your attention and you finally got to make that intimate eye contact with him. His eyes were a soft brown, staring back into you. You remember your friend telling you about their moment like this. A sense of safety and acceptance overwhelmed you. You felt your cheeks heat up and you had to look away.
“So, you’re a musician?” You asked.
“It’s a part of me, yes,” Wilbur started, “I also stream. Mainly Minecraft and Geoguesser. Other than that and music, I like to think I am a simple man.”
You smiled to yourself, trying to think of what to say next. Nothing came to mind.
“I’m not making you uncomfortable am I?” He asked.
You waved your hands back and forth, “No, god no. I’m just still in shock that’s all. I was the type of person who thought I was never gonna meet my soulmate, but here we are!”
“How do you feel about that?”
“I feel great!” You replied. “Right before the show I was telling my friend about how cute you are and stuff like that. I’m really happy it was you. You’re already so patient and kind to me, it just makes me really excited!”
Wilbur gently rubbed your shoulder, adding more pressure every time he completed a circle. You got the hint and leaned into him, wrapping your arms around his torso. 
He rested his head atop of yours and continued to rub your shoulder, “We’re gonna have a great life together.”
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enhypia · 3 years
JS ; exes
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exes answers questions with the choice of drinking instead of answering
pairings: park jongseong x gn!reader
genre: angst, mild fluff
words: roughly 1.7k
masterlist ⸺ series masterlist
~guides and warnings~
italics - reader speaking
bold - jay speaking
[enclosed] - interviewer speaking
italicized bold - both reader and jay speaking
[enclosed bold or italics] - question (depends on who's speaking)
heavily inspired by: rec.create lie detector games, cut truth or drink
warning: contains and mentions of !!! drinking, swearing, neglect, breaking up
i don't promote underage drinking, save your livers
hello, i'm (y/n)
and i'm jay
we're (awkward eye contact)
uhh we're exes
[you guys were invited here today as exes for a fun little drinking game, you guys were aware of that right?]
*interviewer shuffles awkwardly
sorry it's just, our friends were the ones who signed up for us
yeah, we just found out about it three days ago
[but are you guys still okay with doing this?]
we're okay
just give us a few minutes to get used to environment
*(y/n) chuckles
[okay, for this game, questions will be asked and if you refuse to answer, you drink, it's that simple. are you guys ready? should we start?]
*jay nods
ready as i'll ever be
[how long were you guys together?]
we were together for almost 3 years
[how long have you guys been broken up?]
about a year and a half now
[who broke up with who?]
i did they did
[why did you break up with him?]
so this was all a year and a half ago okay? no coming for jay, he's grown, we've grown
you're welcome
*jay laughs
uhh.. it just really reached a point where i felt neglected in a way? and it was just tiring? i kept thinking 'do i deserve this treatment?' and i hated that i was doubting everything, including his feelings. so i just said let's talk about it and then yeah we split up
*jay drinks and (y/n) laughs
sorry sorry
nah i just needed that
[okay, how about we officially start the q&a portion between the of you now?]
*both nod and played rock paper and scissors to determine who gets to ask first, jay wins
*he picks up a card and facepalms after seeing the question
should i be scared?
not sure, but you might opt to drink though
[do you blame me for what happened to us?]
oh my god *(y/n) laughs
i know right
so we're unpacking emotions today? okay noted
you can just drink if you're not comfortable with it
i'll drink but i'll still answer, might ease your mind no?
*jay couldn't stop his head from nodding
*(y/n) drinks
i admit that i blamed you at first, but then i got to thinking that it wasn't just you, i was also at fault too since i never really vocalized what i felt? i just let it build up until it reached the point where you couldn't do anything about it anymore, and i couldn't too.
yeah but it's more of my fault since i felt something was wrong but i just brushed it off, i brushed you off.
*jay smiles slightly and both raised their glasses to cheers before drinking
we were both at fault and i don't blame you, jay. i hope you stop blaming yourself
*(y/n) smiles softly then picks up a card to stop any reply they might get from jay
god why are these questions so heavy? it wasn't like this from other episodes
*jay and crew laugh
okay, hit me
[what's your biggest regret about our relationship?]
what the fuck
SEE ?!
*both laugh and jay drinks
okay, next question
no, i'm answering
[we won't stop you but just reminding you both that it's okay not to answer if you drink]
the alcohol releases the unhinged-ness
in other words, this is really just us using the alcohol to actually say what we feel
i think you already the answer, and it's that i didn't do anything about us even if i felt something was wrong. i just kept on focusing on my career that i reached a point where i brushed everything off as nothing. and in the end, while i got the success i wanted, somehow i also feel like i'm on the losing end really.
*(y/n) drinks making jay laugh
what? it's my first time hearing all this !
it was a rough break so
omg is this our closure ???
*jay's eyes widened
and it's filmed ?!?!
*everyone laughs
couple goals *(y/n) does a hashtag
oh wait *(y/n) looks at jay
exes goals *both do a hashtag pose
*they laugh, ignoring the sting in their hearts
okay, okay moving on
*jay laughs again
is it a heavy one again?
[do your friends hate me?]
*(y/n) bursts out laughing
please 😭
we have the same friends
we share a lot of mutual friends
that's why there was like tension for a month in the friend group because no one knew what to do
i'm sorry you had to endure all that friends
remember when they literally made an organized schedule to hang out where we wouldn't see each since the break up was still fresh?
yeah like i got heeseung on tuesdays
and i got him on thursdays
we love them though, they did their best to console us both
thanks guys <33
*(y/n) picks up a card
[do you think we could've actually worked out our problems?]
i think it's unfair that i get a lot of heavy questions
i have the power of god and anime on my side today
i think we could've, if i just had taken the actual time to reflect and sit down and talk, we could've worked it out.
*(y/n) slaps jay's arm
i told you, stop blaming yourself
*(y/n) rolls their eyes
*jay picks up a card and
*he is stuttering guys, he is fidgeting
[do you wish we were still together?]
*both drink
i mean-
*jay has been paralyzed, he did not expect (y/n) to answer
i'm happy where i am right now, maybe there are moments of weakness that the thought crosses my mind but i don't dwell on it too much. i think we're both still learning and growing.
*jay doesn't want to think about the fact that (y/n) never said a clear yes or no
*(y/n) picks up a card and groans
please just drink to this
[what do you think of me now?]
i'm answering
i want to?
right now i'm just really proud of you.
*WORLD PAUSE, (y/n) is malfunctioning
it's a little sad that i didn't get to witness a lot of it but i promise i watched from afar and i'm so proud of you. like it makes me feel lighter in a way? knowing that you're still going and pursuing your dreams. it just made me at ease that -
*(y/n) drinks, looking very much like snow white's apples
are you blushing?
jay i will kick you
*he laughs and pinches (y/n) cheeks making them redder, (y/n) slaps his hands away
i won't hesitate bitch
how about you huh?
[what do you think of me now?]
*jay you should know not to tease too much or else it'll bite you back
i think you're absolutely amazing.
*jay could only blame himself
i am in constant awe and there's this pride that i have in me whenever i see you thriving. it's weird because i thought i'd be bitter about it, but since i knew of your goals and how passionate you were, all i felt was pride. it did hurt a little that i couldn't go "that's my baby!" anymore.
*alert! jay's ears are red and it's spreading to his cheeks and neck
okay next question!
*he quickly picks up a card making (y/n) burst out laughing
everything i said was true though.
hajima. stop. pause. i'm not listening
*(y/n) laughs at flustered jay
this is the last one.
[question for both: if you could tell me anything, what would you say?]
rock paper scissors? loser goes first
*jay wins
*(y/n) drinks
can you turn around for this one, like don't look at me.
*jay followed
i want to say that,,,, that it's not your fault for putting your future first. it kind of stung since you made me feel like i wasn't a part of it but i know that wasn't your intention. i understand your actions and i don't blame you. if i was in your position i probably would've been the same. i'm sorry that i didn't try harder, like you said we could've made it work but i just got so tired, i hope you can forgive me for that as well.
okay i'm turning around as well, your turn
*(y/n)'s eyes are glassy, but jay doesn't need to see that
i want to say that i'm sorry for neglecting you. i feel like you're tired of me saying sorry but that's really all i could do. i forgive you by the way even if i don't get why you're apologizing to me. i also want to say that, it wasn't you. it sounds cliche but you weren't the reason i became like that, it was me. it was never you. so please don't blame yourself for anything. please don't question your worth because you were more than enough.
yah i didn't want to unpack that
well i still know you and i was given the chance to say it now so
*(y/n) turns around wiping tears, jay is sniffling
i need a drink damn
*(y/n) pours a shot and jay as well, both drink after clinking their glasses
[you guys good?]
*both looks at each other and chuckles
we're good
i can't believe we have to thank our friends for setting this up
*jay groans
[care to answer one last question that is in everyone's minds' right now?]
oh god
is it what i think it is
[will we see you guys be featured again? maybe exes to couples again?]
let's drink!
*both take one last shot and waves to the camera
*(y/n) shrugs and jay winks
»————- ♡ ————-«
bonus: youtube comments (peep last one)
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a/n: i was planning to post this sooner but my pharma prof suddenly dropped a 6-page activity lmao rip, im scheduling the timestamps i forgot to post last update sorry sorry. my angst skills are subpar forgive me but i tried my best. i hope you like this one too !! jake's will be uploaded next ! please look forward to it <33
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