#anyways i'm in love with the idea of each country / culture having their own being associated with the arts
"Every art and every country is capable of duende, angel and Muse: and just as Germany owns to the Muse, with a few exceptions, and Italy the perennial angel, Spain is, at all times, stirred by the duende, country of ancient music and dance, where the duende squeezes out those lemons of dawn, a country of death, a country open to death." -Federico García Lorca, "Juego y Teoría del Duende" (1933)
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I haven't found the original post about whiteness yet. However about "void where culture should be" I can sum up what's there trying and failing the fill the void.
Primarily, religion, specifically Western Evangelical Christianity. Purity culture, heaven and hell, the idea of sin, the idea of God.
Family is family and we must be true to that first and foremost. Following from this it's also marriage and the CisHet norms and as an extension of that having kids. (Which ties back to 1. in many ways.)
Being morally superior in every way we can. Totally not because white people are better, but we're the good normal CisHet Christians and we set the standards. (Sarcasm there.)
Exploitation of natural resources, especially those of non American countries. Vacations and Cruises. Going out into nature verg disrespectfully. Having the biggest life possible and having as much excess as possible. So, so many educational field trips where colonization was evident looking back. Never visiting pr disturbing a settler graveyard, but native burial mounds were fair game and not even in a respectful manner.
Nationalism. Military and Cops being the best thing ever. Just everything associated with American nationalism.
Food, the only not terrible thing on this list. Even that though is really a mix of so many cultures and honestly there's probably something fucked up if I looked into it deeper.
TLDR: Christian Nationalism. Which I am working to reject now. I definitely ain't perfect but I'm gonna work on it til I die.
Unfortunately though, that does leave me with very little culture. There's nothing to even try to fill that void anymore. I have to try and create it for myself. Just like I have to create family for myself. Sorry for the rambling I just had some thoughts.
I agree and think some other things should be there but yes.
And I mean as long as you're growing, that's all I care about ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ we love to see it 💖🌿
And maybe it's very rainbows and unicorns of me but we should be creating an American identity we can all share. Reject the current reliance on race all together.
Because there Should be more than christian ideology, white supremacy fascism, and capitalism.
Russel Means said it best when he said "Caucasians have a more positive vision to offer humanity than European culture. I believe this. But in order to attain this vision it is necessary for Caucasians to step outside European culture—alongside the rest of humanity—to see Europe for what it is and what it does."
Yes you have to create your own but it can be shared too. Community is crucial to any culture and people at all. Because there is so much more than what you've been given, you can create too just like your long ago ancestors before you.
And on a real note that needs to be the first step like yesterday (provided you want my opinion lol):
If white people ever want to belong here and feel like they're a part of everyone else; like we all share an identity then you have to start being more active allies to all the communities here.
You need to act like it, you know? Start actively being a part of dismantling the systems that the many diverse communities here have been critiquing for decades and centuries. Enough conditional support.
Show that you're Truly with us, thick or thin. That you wont fall back to supporting state violence because you think we misstepped in our fight for human rights and more human treatment.
Show us that you think our futures are worth fighting for. That they're a priority and the bigger picture is worth a few property damages that can/will be repaired anyway.
That you stand with us first, not the police or buildings or your political leanings. With us. With the human people that are your neighbors and bakers and bus drivers and business owners. That our human lives matter more than your politics or ideologies. That you stand for the rights of your neighbors and community like we have stood for each other.
We'd be way more of a melting pot if white ppl collectively stopped constantly looking for people to pick out of the pot. Because idk about other people, but that's how I feel as a native when liberals are trying to pick apart Landback or abolishing police or protesters causing damages for pride and ending police brutality but won't question a white imperialist for president because it's a "lesser evil" than the progressive who'd help me.
Way more of a community if other white people collectively stepped up came and stopped those kind of people from spreading their nonsense. Collectively don't take that bullshit.
Consider it your first community value. Solidarity with Everyone, not the whiteness that protects/benefits you.
And I don't mean you personally, but on a grander scale you know? Y'all should be doing whatever you can in that regard. Prove you mean it. That you want that future of belonging here and feeling safe and having an identity as much as we do.
Cuz we've Always been the first to fight, you know? With slow and conditional support...if any. But white people have the power of privilege that people in power pay attention to. More than ours. They try to suppress and repress ours systematically like we're seeing in Florida and across the country with book bans, banning CRT, and passing don't say gay bills.
We need support and it needs to be loud and visible and everywhere all the time. It can be.
The rest of us know what white people as a collective are capable of and what solidarity with one another can do.
The people in charge need to know the time for racism and fascism and individualism is behind us. That it's no longer a value that Us-Americans put up with. That you stand with us, not them.
I think we have a long way to go before the trauma of our shared history can be completely forgiven but I think unconditional allyship and support in the name of human rights and ending war crimes against marginalized communities would be a good first step at attempting to repair trust.
If you want unity we need to know you wont keep aligning with our oppressors first and foremost, you know?
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hero-israel · 1 year
Jews are obviously indigenous to the Levant. But if we consider the foundation of Israel and Zionism as a whole as a Land Back Movement, or an indigenous sovereignty movement or what have you... yes it would be the most successful example of that in history. But it was also be such a success due to large scale violence organized by a modern Western style nation state that is heavily militarized, industrialized, and practice capitalism.
I can see how the average Land Back advocate, who is statistically speaking some kind of leftist who is usually against violence or who rejects this Western style model of nationstatehood, would balk at Israel. A somewhat common approach seems to be to disavow Jewish indigeneity because surely no real indigenous group would "sell out" for lack of a better term.
I do think that especially in the West, or at least America and Canada... indigeneity is strongly associated with preconceived notions about the First Nations here. Indigenous groups from outside the New World tend not to be thought about, which isn't too surprising. So to them and their supporters, who might not have thought of Jews as an indigenous group, seeing a capitalist nation state with an army and industry and an active role in modern global politics and trading and alliances, it might not "feel" like the natural outcome for Land Back/Sovereignty. They wouldn't recognize Israel as a legitimate indigenous nation with its own sovereignty.
I would counterargue that this might just be the price for sovereignty. I've seen a lot of Hawai'ian sovereignty activists (a lot also tend to be strong antizionists). I'm sorry to say but Hawai'i will never be independent again. The American hegemony sees no use or advantage for it, and the Hawai'ian people are not numerous or powerful enough to wage war on America and win their sovereignty. Because that's the only way that could realistically happen. So they're stuck.
I recognize the tragedy that an indigenous group, characterized by a unique People with their own culture and legal system etc. that survived contact with various Empires, had to incorporate Empire into some of their Nation, in order to beat the Empires. It's also ironic that a lot of Land Back activists and their allies scoff at Israel but have no reflection on how their own strategy of negotiating with the Empire is still legitimizing the Empire. The idea of Sovereignty meaning you disavow a State and are at the mercy of a larger imperial state who graciously decides to grant you autonomy in your ancestral homeland... that seems like the actual selling out to me.
Anyway I've met a lot of indigenous people who love Jews and recognize Jewish indigeneity and who are respectful critics of Israel's government while not being antizionist. I've met lots of of indigenous people who are also Jewish! It's clear we're all natural allies with each other so I don't mean to talk bad about anyone. I just think Jewish indigeneity is complex and has some interesting implications for the sovereignty movements of other nations.
This is a great ask and covers a lot of very important ground!
Definitely true that Israel is a victim of its own success. As a real country with a real army and real body count, it stacks up poorly next to theoretical Land-Back outcomes and even more poorly against a mythological / potential country of Palestine. Castles in the air don't have dirty floors. It is precisely because the Jews are indigenous - because there is no empire of origin to decamp back to - that they have had to stay and fight so tenaciously.
"Leftists who reject the entire model of nationstatehood".... they don't, not really. Their politics include engaging with nation-states all the time and they envision other nation-states in the future. Certainly a nation-state of Palestine. When they talk about Israel, they immediately leap to destroying it, then only reluctantly backpedal into being "against all countries," when, again, by their own words and deeds they plainly are not. If someone said voting is bullshit, all elections are scams, both parties are the same, nothing ever really changes, it's all just an oppressive oligomilitarist patriarchal war machine yadda yadda yadda and that's why black people shouldn't vote, I should hope the rhetorical bait-and-switch would be just as obvious.
If Native Americans or Hawaiian islanders ever actually did have the chance to do an Israel-style retaking and fortification of sovereignty, they absolutely should. Even if it were achieved at my expense, even if upon seeing my own looming personal displacement I were to start to want them to lose out of pure base selfishness, I'd like to think I wouldn't have this affronted, shocked sense of HOW DARE YOU, HOW DARE THOSE PEOPLE which is not even the undercurrent but just plain the current of discussions of Zionism.
"Selling out and legitimizing Empire" - this I see as an inherent contradiction within the people who are against the concept of Jewish indigeneity and sovereignty. If we're not indigenous to the Levant, if the butcher's bill isn't worth it, and we're supposed to be happy as diasporists living on the good graces of America and France and however long our luck holds out... we're really just continuing to benefit from someone's empire and military violence, from someone's air force, from someone's corporate power structure. But now we get to hide behind an excuse that no one like us is actually doing it, we merely benefit from it. Impotently saying impotent slogans like "Not in my name!" while it absolutely is being done in our name is to modern leftists what buying indulgences was for Catholics 500 years ago. By having Jews responsible for their own government, their own state, we can have the greatest chance of minimizing any damage it causes. I honestly think that is one of the reasons why the I/P bodycount is so very low - because the Jews in the Jewish state can't blame someone else for what it did.
A very relevant point here is the stifling of the Kurdish national project, and how some Kurdish regions in otherwise hostile countries have shown warm ties to Israel at least as a concept. It's sadly ironic that Israel has to prioritize its ties with Turkey over the Kurds who live there, and used to prioritize ties with pre-revolution Iran the same way; likewise how it is more important that it be on good terms with Azerbaijan than that it take a principled moral stance about Armenia. This again is what happens when politics go from dream to reality. And that's what actual criticism of Israel looks like.
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besiegedhunter · 5 months
You mentioned connection between Higashi and Siracusa and do you know if there was any connection between real life Italy and Japan?
I mean, besides their alliance with Germany in WW2
So I've looked into this every now and then before this but this is the first time I've properly sat down and committed myself to it and I think there's a decent amount there.
So much that I'm gonna put this under the cut and fair warning, mid way it delves into speculation about Higashi and just a general one that I'm not very knowledgeable about this and sorry if I get anything wrong.
But onto the post:
On one hand you have the spread of Christianity, with Daimyo sending delegations to Rome before Christianity was banned and Japan closed it's borders.
But I find the Meiji Era to be more interesting for this topic because Japan and Italy signed a friendship treaty and begun fierce trade across several ports and in time some Italians gained positions of government in Japan, artisans were hired for various things and their art begun influencing each other's.
And they were allies in a few other conflicts before WW2 and though it halted when Italy signed the armistice, it was picked back up after the war. With them both embracing each other's culture and aiding each other through earthquakes recently. The relationship described as old and important and particularly I think Italian culture is popular in Japan. Or at least that's what one thing's said.
But maybe AK could possibly to taking inspiration from this?
There's also a bit that I've not mentioned which is the Risorgimento, an event in Italy's history wherein different states in the Italian Peninsula were united into the Kingdom of Italy. A similar period that was reaching it's end around the time the Meiji Restoration began.
The Risorgimento is the likely inspiration behind Siracusa's independence from Leithania with Leithania inspired by Austro-Hungary who played a similar role as Leithania to Siracusa in the Risorgimento.
The similar positions of Italy and Japan at the time may have helped with their relations possibly or at least push them to work together. I can't confirm but maybe something of note.
Now, Higashi seems moreso based on the Nanboku-chō period of Japan that happened from 1336 to 1392 vs the Meiji Restoration happening in 1868. But it's possible various parts of Japan's history will be used for Higashi's story... whenever that's happening.
And Siracusa could be, either through it's culture, it's experiences or something it can provide, could have a foothold in Higashi, maybe backing one of the two courts.
If I had to chose I'd probably lean towards the Mitsumoto or Southern Court of Higashi which as opposed to the Kougon of the North that are more conservative and militaristic, the Southern Court have focused on their economy and trade with perhaps the North and South having their own inspirations, with the South being inspired by the Meiji Restoration and working on trade with other countries, Siracusa being one of them perhaps with an influence on the art and culture (and underworld)?
Maybe the North is inspired by the Tokugawa Shogunate or the forces of the Samurai class who revolted against the Meiji Restoration.
Thought I'd throw some speculation out there but anyway. I like the idea of Siracusa in some way influencing or working with a Higashi court in their own efforts to consolidate power after it's Independence from Leithania.
Lappland could, as either part of her family or for Signora Sicily, gone to Higashi to conduct some business. Same as Suzuran's family who perhaps have a particularly strong focus on it. And because it's not limited to the mafia, Angelina's parents could've met from the relationship the two countries share.
And if we get an event in Higashi it could possibly feature Siracusans and a lore dump that's similar to Columbia or Laterano's impact on Siracusa but for Siracusa and Higashi.
I'd love to see that and the npc or playable character involved in it but yeah, heavy speculation about a couple Siracusans having connections to Higashi lol we'll see if it's anything.
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streettealee · 9 months
Hi, no pressure at all btw, but are you planning to continue your fic titled 'the rain (it rains every day)'? I love that one but, again, no pressure if you're not planning to
Hi there! I'm so glad you love the fic (and thank you for the ask!) It was an idea I had for ages that I finally messed with after some summer research for it, and it holds a special place in my heart as someone with a Greek background getting to explore that culture from a more personal lens (not saying I am the most authentic, as I am an immigrant grandbaby in another country, but I also am not one to water down mythology or modernise it too far, unlike quite a few folks these days). That being said, there is a vague plan to continue, though I would need to immerse myself in all the story and ideas I had again, which can be tricky since I have a habit of fixating on one story and world at a time, only to deviate randomly to quickly blurt out other ideas and then move on. At the moment, I've been focusing on my original works, which I post about over at @laylaraptis.
Anyway, fanfic has become a bit of a standstill at the moment. I had a great spurt around about a month ago now where I started writing to work through a lot of emotions I had from my personal life, and I felt the pressure of the upcoming second semester of university starting up soon. I believe I updated 'soft hearts, electric souls' during my first week of study before I got swept up in my coursework. I'm studying law, so it's a heck of a lot of work. I have to keep a schedule of my daily tasks to ensure I keep up with everything, while also keeping in mind that I need to rest and take care of myself and juggle a social life and other responsibilities. Writing (and even commenting on the works of other fan authors) often feels like more work added on top of that and my time has become, I guess, a bit more precious to me? Additionally, I got tired of a lot of TLH commentary that I kept seeing, as well as TSC in general. I more consume these things than participate in many discussions these days. It gets exhausting, a little depressing, and even somewhat boring. It got to a point where I felt like I would rather spend my time working on something far more detailed (knowledge-wise because it's something I created and therefore I know all aspects of it by technicality, whereas I do not know Cassandra Clare's mind) and within my sphere of control that I've been meaning to do for years, than spend another minute investing all my left over energy while I'm studying into fanfic of someone else's work -- especially because I have my own to work on, you know? (Please note that I do not scorn fanfic -- I love it and still read it, and I will always support other writers choosing to do what they love. Fanfic can sometimes be better than canon, and it has my full respect. My own choice that I prefer working on my novel rather than doing fanfic for the moment is a result of a bunch of factors.)
I've also been very unwell lately (think of health as like a number line, with neutral at 0, positives going up the healthier I am, and negatives clearly being the opposite. I dipped well below the negatives.) Within the span of six days, I completely exhausted my body, had multiple illnesses going on simultaneously, and was struggling just to stay awake and get through each day. I won't go into further detail as it deals with some health topics that some might find distressing, but basically, I'm still on the mend for the next three weeks just to try and reach that neutral 0 again. And from there, I still need to work up the positive side of the number line. Because of this, I've barely had time to even work on my original pieces.
So, that was a long way to say: the future of the fic 'the rain (it rains every day)' is kind of uncertain, and I apologise for that. My main fic, WBITHOM, might end up being definitively discontinued simply because I feel like I put a lot into it and the pay-off hasn't been great. I was writing, not just for myself, but for an audience. My old writing partner was someone I relied greatly upon to gauge reception, and yet I think they inadvertently also lead to me being disappointed in how little folks think about what I write. I like to do a lot of symbolism, for example, and a lot of foreshadowing (I'm always worried it comes off too heavy and obvious), but they very rarely picked up on the purposeful decisions I make in writing, and I felt like I was being too serious about something no one else took seriously, if that makes sense.
But now I get to write for me, in private, with no chapter updates to anxiously wonder if people are going to comment on or read at all, and it's been quite nice. Lonely, at times, but nicer somehow because it feels more self-inflicted. I get to work away and just post snippets and background information and progress updates and just enjoy myself. Plus, I get to explore not just Greek culture, but other Balkan cultures too in my original writing! With characters already made to fit! I'm not working with CC's characters and trying to balance fandom expectations. My characters are my own and I know them far better than I could anyone else's. Granted, I am still in early stages of this current draft, and I expect I'll stray back to the comforts fanfic offers eventually for a break, and 'the rain (it rains every day)' is at the top of the update list since everything else has had its time and this one was always scheduled next. But for now, all my fanfics are on hold until further notice. Any content produced from me will be found on @laylaraptis for the next 140-odd days (I've set a deadline for myself, which you can read more about over on that blog).
Hope this was an okay answer to your question 💀 I am very aware that I ramble a lot.
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sasquapossum · 6 months
(This is really about broad socio-cultural trends in the US, but I'm going to start with some personal history.)
I have a weird family history. Both sides of my family were deep into US evangelical Christianity. Pastors and missionaries everywhere. My parents met and married not only in bible school, but at a particular bible school central to the extreme Latter Rain movement. I was almost certainly conceived there, and was only born one town over because that's where the hospital was. From there, they moved to Aotearoa (then New Zealand) to start their own bible school. Never mind that A/NZ was already as Christian as the US; it wasn't the right kind of Christianity, I guess. To these folks Catholics and probably Anglicans are more hated than actual out-and-proud Satanists. So weird. Anyway, my mother eventually left that - my father, the church, religion in general, the rest of her own family - and fled with my brother and myself to another city. What happened then is best described by this video.
Tumblr media
I use this metaphor a lot IRL. When you hold a pendulum in one position and then let go, what does it do? It swings to the direct opposite side. That's the childhood I remember: a mother who was into literal sex, drugs, not so much rock and roll but certainly not anything her erstwhile church would have approved. It was only years later that I understood why she was so eager to get us out of the house, or stayed away from the house herself sometimes. But I digress.
This pendulum swing is why, despite having been completely isolated from my father's family for so long, it's my mother's side from which I feel more alienated socially and culturally. That's the context in which I saw some pictures on FB from of my cousins today. What struck me was not so much that the eldest who moved across the country is thriving so much more than those who stayed (much like my brother and me), but that they seem to be into a whole cluster of things with only the most tenuous kind of relationship. And that's how I get to my real point (at last): what the heck is up with that? Here's a list of beliefs and behaviors that don't really have much to do with each other at any essential level.
Evangelical Christianity
Social "conservatism" (really regression)
Guns and all things military
Fossil fuel: NASCAR, Jeeps/ATVs/snowmobiles
Fatty food and no real exercise
Most of the people I know seem to be into all of these, or none of them (the latter often being actively opposed and derisive toward all of them). Mixing and matching seems uncommon.
Is it because these things are more connected than I think? I know that there's a relationship between authoritarianism and gun fetishism, for example, but there doesn't have to be. It is actually possible to be authoritarian and not love guns; many on the far left fit exactly that definition.
Or maybe it's because people join a group centered around one of these, and the people there "just happen" to be into the others as well. If you eat "funeral potatoes" (a real thing and actually quite yummy IMO) at enough church lunches, maybe you develop a life-long taste for such things. Maybe it's the gun-company ads at NASCAR races. You get the idea. This kind of just pushes the question from one of personal affinity to one of group affinity, but maybe that's progress.
Or maybe there's a gene behind all of these. Or a particular kind of brain damage. Or something else. The strength of the correspondence just seems weird, begging some explanation. What's yours?
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John Object, Life (description)
My name is Timur, I was a Ukrainian musician, and now I am a Ukrainian soldier.
Russia has sent thousands and thousands of soldiers into Ukraine, and I joined the army on February 26th. Currently we are all being bombed, and my life is nothing like what it was two months ago. I have no idea what it is going to be like tomorrow and how much longer I have, so it felt appropriate to share an archive of my 2010-2019 works, in case I never get to do that when I'm old and it's a nice remastered package.
These are sorted chronologically except where putting certain tracks next to each other would enhance the flow (parts of the same EPs etc). Most are horribly mastered. Many are boring and self-indulgent (I'm 27 now; was younger then). However, this was my life, and this is the music I made. 
I urge everyone to do everything in their power to stop fascist Russia, send support to Ukraine, heavy weapons, fighter jets, artillery. Sever all ties to Russian people, kick them off your festivals, cancel your collabs. I want to live.
Some important information to note. We are a sovereign country, with a culture, history, language, identity and path of our own, and we have never been "brothers" to Russians. We also do not have a right-wing government or anything resembling a right-wing faction in power – our current government is actually quite liberal and we have made great progress in human rights over the past years. The combined support for the far-right parties adds up to about 2% of the vote here, when, let’s say, in France it is around 30% and a far-right candidate could realistically win a presidential election – a candidate that claims Russia is a great nation. I am saying this, because I know Russian propaganda is calling us Nazis. 
The war began in 2014 and has been a process of Ukrainian forces defending the territorial integrity of Ukraine against Russian-backed separatists, with weapons and people provided by Russia in "secret" – it was always quite obvious, but they have denied having stepped into Ukraine until this week. The so-called "people's republics" (DNR and LNR) are puppet states, established in name only when Russia saw a chance to destabilize the situation after the country-wide revolution of 2014, and could never exist without Russian weapons, money, soldiers, political support. Ukraine has not been at war with these "republics" (which are Ukrainian territories), it has been at war with Russians, who came to aid a small gang of separatists that attempted to split off two regions of Ukraine. This I am saying because I know it's not fully clear to everyone else outside of Ukraine (e.g. American twitter tankies thinking Russia is building fucking communism – it isn't). 
I know this, because I am a Ukrainian. I've lived my whole life in Kyiv, been to Donetsk and Luhansk, and I have friends who escaped the war there only for it to follow them here. 
Anyway. I hope we will all get to celebrate the end of Russia in a peaceful world, and party again. Until then, I'll try to stay safe and do my job here in the army, though every day I believe less and less that I will get out alive. With or without me, we will win. 
To the every person in the world: whatever you would do to stop Hitler in 1943, you are doing it now.
I hear explosions outside. 
Death to Putin. No gods, no masters. To everyone I ever told I loved them: I meant it, and I still love you. There is nothing I want more than to wake up next to my partner tomorrow, and it hurts me to realise every day this won’t happen anytime soon.
P.S. The quality isn't great on these tracks, these aren't .wav files. I only had access to 320 kbps .mp3 versions, and I had to convert them to .wav to put them up here. I had about an hour to do all of this on my last evening home; I had no time to get my hard disk and find the originals, I'm sorry. Let’s hope I come back and find the true originals someday.
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troglobite · 1 year
my favorite little phenomenon is
"you can't tell if someone is [queer/trans/autistic/disabled] just by looking at them!"
and then we can all spot each other anyway lol
it's basically just peak "recognizing the self through the other" type shit and i LOVE that
and i will say there are caveats! bc it's recognizing the SELF through the other! so if there are too many societal and cultural differences between you and the other person, good luck trying to clock them as anything, y'know? lol
like idk what queer subcultures look like in nairobi or eastern african countries and cities in general, y'know what i mean?
but i do know vaguely what queer subcultures look like in most of north america, even if i don't know all of the specifics, etc.
like idk what would be considered Weird or Abnormal behaviors in indonesian culture, so spotting a neurodivergent person might be a little more difficult
but spotting one in north america is a little bit easier
and so i really do love this phenomenon
bc it's like
"i know what we're generally like over here, and i see you, do you see me? i see you bc we are Similar. so i see you in ways that other people might ignore or misread or ostracize."
and i really like that.
it's nice.
it's also just funny bc i saw a comic today on an autistic fb page that was like
"...and i think it's bc i'm autistic that i relate to my students so well" - "oh you're autistic? i never would've guessed, you don't look it!" - "...what does autistic look like? no really." - [awkward silence, they leave] [autistic friend pipes in] - "lol yeah that's what i thought. there is no look." - [time skip] - "oh look one of us! that guy is totally autistic." - "oh absolutely, 100%"
and it's just. nice and true. it's sweet.
it doesn't come from stereotypes.
it comes from the kind of Seeing and observation that you can only get from being around other people and having a deep understanding of what it means to be these ways in your particular place and society and culture, etc.
the most that other people who fit the norms can do is just "oh that is Other."
but they can't get more specific than that
meanwhile here's a silly example
have y'all seen the big brunch? it's on hbo max. dan levy and sohla el-waylly are hosts and judge, and there's this third guy who's host/judge.
and my mom asked if he was gay
and i sat and looked at him and thought abt it
and i said
"mm. no. he's just one of those non-threatening straight guys who really loves his wife."
and so i looked him up to check and lo and behold he has a wife who's even more accomplished than him. lol
like THAT.
like she saw him being nice and having an "effeminate" voice and presence, and went. ? gay?
and i saw that and went "no not quite. he's this other type of guy."
and i was right. lol
i love pattern recognition i love SEEING people and not grouping them to minimize or flatten them but to lump lovely people together based on lovely traits and stuff.
i mean you can also do this with jackasses, bc being able to recognize complete bigots is also a life-saving thing/skill
but it's NICE to me, to look at someone and have an Idea of them quickly, not based on my own quick prejudiced born and raised biases, but through observation of other people and Learning.
sometimes you don't even realize there's a Category of person until someone asks abt a person who would "fit" in that category and you're like "oh yeah i know this kind of person."
and it's just one aspect of them but it's a nice little thing
okay i've strayed v far from this i'm just Thinking Thoughts out here
but my brain likes to categorize ppl in v atomized ways that acknowledge bits and pieces of their personality and humanity, and occasionally in ways that keep me, a person whose existence is the target of many bigotries, safer
but it's nice.
i always worry that i'm limiting ppl or assuming too much or being unfair or Stereotyping
but i never LIMIT those ppl to the various categories i "put" them in. i just like seeing that, while we're all individuals, there are "types" that line up, sometimes, and humans are all connected in that way, and it's NICE.
like i mean ffs what do we think the Category "himbos" means y'know? lol
and it is funny bc like, yeah i'd wanna be "gatekeepy" over categories bc they're supposed to SEE someone
so yeah ppl arguing abt who is ACTUALLY a twink, who is ACTUALLY a bear, bc societal perceptions around acceptable body hair and fat/weight and whatever are totally skewed and harm us, etc
okay i'm way off the original point
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nachrichten.at (01/09/22)
"I want everybody to fall in love with me"
Conchita Wurst aka Tom Neuwirth on her new music show, comfort zones and her assignment at the Capital of Culture 2024
On Friday (23:30 pm) the ZDF will start the new music show "Music Impossible" with Conchita Wurst aka Tom Neuwirth. Two music stars each have to produce and sing their own song in each other's genre. At the start, hit legend Marianne Rosenberg will compete against rapper Eko Fresh. Neuwirth (33), who grew up in Bad Mitterndorf and won the Eurovision Song Contest for Austria in 2014, talked to himself about Rosenberg's rap, narrow-mindedness and other "crazy ideas".
N: What's It Like Watching Marianne Rosenberg Rap?
Tom Neuwirth: For me it is extremely cool to get to know the participants. It's like a meet & greet. Always been very interested in the people behind the music. And to be able to watch Marianne Rosenberg turn one of her hits into a rap was fantastic.
N: To see Marianne Rosenberg plaguing herself with a rap and Eko Fresh with a hit - was there a bit of delirium joy?
Tom Neuwirth: Nope, not a bit, more like admiration. Being outside the box is a concern for me. I hate small-mindedness and the crazy idea that everyone must stay within their limits. What I like about Music Impossible is that established stars are stepping out of their comfort zone and visibly enduring insecurities. This is something we should all encourage. Cause it goes to show we’re all just human.
N: Leaving the comfort zone means fear and stress. Why does it matter anyway?
Tom Neuwirth: Because that's the only place you can grow, on the edge of your comfort zone.
N: Where are your comfort zones?
Tom Neuwirth: I would say my comfort zone is entertainment, especially when I know my audience. Of course, this is more difficult when I meet people with whom I have nothing in common at first glance. I bloom then because I want everyone to fall in love with me.
N: What Conchita and Tom Neuwirth do best is to surprise with new projects, styles and looks. Why does Conchita always have to reinvent herself?
Tom Neuwirth: because I get bored so easily lol If I went through one thing, I’ve experienced and grown from it at best. Doing the same thing over and over again has its attraction because you get routine. But for me, there's nothing like getting back to doing things I've never done before.
N:A person with a beard in women's clothes - why is that still so polarizing?
Tom Neuwirth: That's a good question, after all, at least since the Middle Ages, we've had to get used to the fact that all people are equal, but not necessarily have to look the same. In every culture, there were and are beings who can't be completely organized. You should just sit back relax, because it doesn't hurt anyone when others do what they think is beautiful.
N: In this country, a lot has changed legally for queer people in the past years. Has Austria become more tolerant?
Tom Neuwirth: Tolerance is a difficult word, it's about acceptance: you have to accept that others exist. And yes, a lot has happened in Austria, especially in family law - keyword marriage and adoption. But in other points, we lag behind: taxi drivers can refuse take-out due to sexuality, you can't be served in restaurants or you can't get a rental. Just to name three examples that are legal in Austria. That's just not possible in 2022.
N: Do you also experience discrimination?
Tom Neuwirth: Yes, and I am fully aware of my role as extremely privileged. But that foreign children on Mariahilfer Straße in Vienna call me if I'm gay - there is still some system update necessary in our society.
N: You are in the committee of the Cultural Capital 2024 Salzburgkammergut/Bad Ischl. How will you pitch in?
Tom Neuwirth: We are working on the project in full swing. And with Elisabeth Schweeger (act. Superintendent) there are extremely high standards. That I can include my name there in the list of Kapazunders who are in the committee - I didn't believe it! Always planning for myself something I've never done before and glad to be a part of it for 2024.
N: What can the cultural capital bring to the region where you grew up?
Tom Neuwirth: hopefully lots of attention. The goal of the cultural capital is, yes, to show cultural diversity, but also the differences and to bring them to the best light. The fact that 2024 with the Salzburgkammergut will be a whole region of culture capital is special and especially beautiful, I think!
Interview by Herbert Schorn
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its-me-im-coraline · 3 years
Baby // Headcannons
words //
warnings // non really, this is teeth rotting fluff, any deisre for children after this is not my fault, blame Måneskin 😂
pairing // Måneskin members x GN!Reader
author's note // lol i decided to use these photos cause it looks more aesthetically pleasing. anyways i hope you enjoy the headcannons also don't forget the "sleepover" on sunday yayyyyy...
request // yes here
summary // Måneskin as parents
Damiano David
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damiano as a father would be the absolute sweetest
the man looks intimidating in photos but the moment he opens his mouth is the sweetest
thus the conclusion that he’d be the softest father in existence
will be extremely hands on raising your kid the whole time
he refuses to not do his absolute best to be there as much as possible for your guys’ child
will never complain about having to change diapers
for some reason I imagine damiano to be the type of father that would take baths with his child
“look, look at daddy’s hair”
while he has some kind of ‘intricate’ hairstyle with tons of foam all around it
will literally cry for pretty much every milestone of the child
“di-did they just laugh? Y/N, our child just laughed, stop laughing at me!”
meanwhile he is borderline sobbing
i can also imagine him if not crying just laughing in excitement at something they do
like say your guys’ child has taken up some kind of sport or martial art, they will show the most recent thing they learned to damiano and he will start giggling in pleasant surprise
“Dio mio, amore, that was fucking awsome!”
will have a hard time not cursing in front of the child sometimes
but he’s working on it
will take tons of walks around the city, in parks and stuff, together
can just imagine him in nature, holding hands with this tiny little human being
ahuaifjn my heart dudes
will be supportive of them no matter what
be it the child’s sexuality, gender identity, career and hobbies
as long as they can be safe he doesn’t mind at all
will try not to cry when his kid will move away
if they move somewhere close by rest assured he will never not be at their house
“you know dad, you have a house of your own, don’t you like it better?”
“nah, the sun hits this place really nicely, i enjoy it”
will def take you and the kid along when traveling, when possible of course
I can also just imagine him having his kid on stage at a show and just kind of playing around and singing and awwwwwwwwwwwww
Why do I want this? i don't even want kids!!!!!!
Thomas Raggi
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Thomas is a similar case to Damiano but of course with his differences
instead of taking walks around he just takes naps with them
you can not even count the times you have come home, calling for thomas and your kid and neither responds
so you get worried a bit but then you see them napping on the couch
will nap with your kid in the weirdest places
can and will fall asleep together on a chair in the balcony/yard
I feel like he would spoil them a bit?
especially if he’s been away for long, he will return home baring gifts
from a cute shirt, to something pretty expensive that reminded him of them
will always bring snacks from different countries, like chocolates for belgium or nougat from greece (yes it is kind of a traditional candy in some greek islands especially)
might not take baths with them like damiano but i can see thomas just playing around with the hose outside in the yard
“Dad, no it’s cold! stoooop it!”
“Oh come on, it's burning out here! don’t you love the little cooling effect?”
will know when not to throw water at your kid of course, it is always done in good fun when they’ve gone outside with the solemn reason of playing with the water
dance parties at the most random moments
like a song they both like plays at a store
they will start dancing in the middle of the store
sometimes you act like you dont know them
others you join it
how sweet
ok but like picknics at the park
you just lay in a blanket, thomas and your child are non stop playing around until they get tired
and when thomas sits down the kid is still all over him and they are being so cuddly with each other
will always remind them of their jacket
Victoria De Angelis
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victoria would feel a little awkward at first
idk but although i'm sure she is the sweetest with children i feel that she will not be sure how to act at first
maybe she would view your baby as very very fragile at first and be very afraid of her movements as to not do anything to hurt them
i can not stop thinking of victoria when her child is sick or feels down
she will immediately go mama bear at them
“Are you feeling alright?”
“Does your head hurt?”
“Do you feel cold?”
why do i feel she would get into superstitions sometimes
“i should call your mum, Y/N (if you're from a culture that believes in that). someone gave them the evil eye. of course they did, you're amazing!”
feels very proud of the outfits she gives your kids i swear
“this is perfect! Y/N look how cute they look!! You have the matching shirt, right?”
will go above and beyond for them
doesn’t care what time it is, if her baby needs her she’s there
tickle fights are a must in your household
she will always laugh hysterically even if your kid doesn’t actually tickle her
the cutest thing is them two just sleeping together in the car when going somewhere
poor chilli now has to endure to children bothering her lol
victoria would be extremely protective of your child, not only if they got hurt but even with the idea that they could
will always be proud mama™
"they are amazing, how can i not be proud"
Ethan Torchio
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Remember how I said Victoria would feel kind of scared of doing something wrong and hurting your kid?
ethan is even more worried
idk, i see this man as an absolute gentle giant
i can see him just staring at the baby the first time he sees them with so much adoration, as if in a trance
out of all of them ethan is the “strictest”
i feel like you would be the one to try to sneak desert before dinner and ethan would just scold both you and your child
“Y/N, I told them no before! Come on!”
just like them all he is willing to go to the end of the world for that kid
will not hesitate to bring them the moon if he could, no questions asked
i feel like he would be the one your child confides in the most
like i can imagine your teenager sneaking out, something going wrong and calling ethan first!
he will die from the worry when he gets the call but as i said will go to the ends of the world for them
ethan will never even once yell at them
scold them a few times? sure
but yell? not even once!
now imagine this man with a little child wearing his shirt at the beach, walking around and showing them the beach
“You see those lights over there? They are windmills. They collect energy from the wind. how cool is that”
very close to my grandmother pointing out the windmills she’s seeing every summer for the past 20 years lol
he is so wholesome, will turn everything into a learning opportunity
i feel like he would be the father that is so embarrassing to the child because of how wholesome he is some times
but both them and their friends would confide in him
will literally father their friends if they need it omg
he is the type to see you holding them for the first time, or just holding them and doing something and just getting horny
“come on amore, let’s have one more!”
“ethan no”
he’s like telepathically communicate with them
it gets creepy but he does that to you two
he just knows when you need anything
tag list: @bieberhoodforever @tabi-toast
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sorenskyhigh · 3 years
Ok... this boy in my school that I'm friends with and likes me can speak fucking Korean and it just does something to me. I keep telling myself that 2D boys are better than 3D boys but like I cannot help it (he is from fucking Ireland btw). Anyway, if you get where I'm going with this... Tendou, Aone, Kenma and a character of choice with a spouse who can speak a different language... be creative with the languages queen and go crazy. Also as a scenario :) THANKS BESTIE :)
Ooooo i love this! Yes! I gotchu! Need a reminder of the real good men, FICTIONAL
A s/o Who Speaks Another Language
Includes Tendou Satori, Aone Takanobu, Kozume Kenma, and of course my pick is gonna be Kuroo Tetsurou but just for fun I'm gonna throw in Hanamaki Takahiro
Tendou Satori
Satori loved being in France, the language, like any, was hard to learn. Still, he loved everything about the culture here. You being his language tutor was a big help as well.
Since most all of your conversations were in French, unless you were practicing your Japanese (you wanted to learn it for him), Satori never knew you were fairly fluent in Arabic.
Arabic is one of a few of the most spoken languages in France (next to French of course and contending with Spanish, German and couple of others), so a good many people could speak it but Satori had no idea you could.
The first time he heard you speak it when you were trying to give someone directions.
You both were lounging about in the grass in The Champ de Mars, the Eiffel Tower at your backs.
It was a day off for Satori and he wanted you both to have a fun lunch out. Satori and you had both worked and cooked up a lunch to take with you to eat out in the sunshine.
You both were munching on some food, his long arm around your waist as you leaned into him when a work friend of yours came up to you.
"Hey, y/n, can you give her directions? She's trying to find her hotel I think?"
"Sure," you said, before standing up and engaging her in conversation. Turns out she was trying to find the Pullman hotel, it was known for its great view of the Eiffel Tower.
She was an older women and had no idea how to use her maps on her phone.
You gave her some quick help before she was on her way. Your friend thanked you, telling you they had no idea what to do and were so glad they saw you.
With a goodbye you turned around to join Satori and his eyes were wide in cartoony shock. You chuckle a little.
"I didn't know you could speak, well I don't exactly know what language that was but, that was really amazing!" With that he jumped up and wrapped his arms around you , kissing the top of your head incessantly.
"Yeah, there were a lot of people at my old job that couldn't speak French very well so I learned Arabic to help them out."
"Arabic? Is that what that was?" He pulled away to look at you in excitement, his eyebrows shooting to the stars. His smile was wide and ever so slightly crooked.
"Yes," you barely get out through your giggling.
"You sounded so beutiful!" You could practically see the hearts in his eyes as he stared at you.
"Thank you, it's been awhile,-" Satori cut you off before you could dog yourself.
"Oh, my dear Paradise, as always you sound lovely. No matter the language."
He proceeded to quiet your protests of how shit your thought you were in Japanese with a rather passionate kiss.
He always surprised you with these in public. Satori wasn't shy to show affection in public, he just doesn't show it like this much.
You had to stop him when his long fingered and boney hands slowly wrapped themsleves around your ass cheeks.
Aone Takanobu
Nobu never said it, but he loved the German nicknames you gave him.
He truly loved a of them. Like when you call him your Liebling (darling) when you're asking for him to grab you something you can't reach. Then there's Schnucki when he does something cute or sweet, like when he got you something you had been wanting for a long time for your birthday.
All of these and the many more you use are great, but his favorite is when you call him your Knuddelbär. He melts when you refer to him as your cuddly bear.
You tended to use it when, obviously, you two were cuddling. Like tonight. You both were cuddled together in bed, his big, strong arms wrapped around you with his nose firmly planted onto the crown of your head, taking in your scent.
You had your face securely settled into his broad chest. His large heart beating and rumbling through your skull. It was relaxing.
Nobu liked feeling your smaller heart as well. He's such a big guy that, it didn't matter how big you were, he was bigger and absolutely loved it.
You were mostly asleep as you intook a large breath before sighing contentedly. You were barely able to get out a mumbled, "Knuddelbär," before completely passing out.
Nobu was officially awake, his face red as hell, and his mouth stretched into a massive smile as always. He sighed lightly into your scalp as he squeezed his eyes closed.
His arms wrapped around you a little tighter as it always did. His lips barely forming a kiss to place on your head.
Nobu knew he wouldn't be able to sleep for awhile. He just loved it too much.
Kozume Kenma
You played game with Kenma all the time. And he loved it. His absolute favorite thing is when you get angry and start angrily yelling.
You'd always revert to Filipino when you'd get angry. Kenma didn't like seeing you irritated or angry per se. But he did love see you get angry at video games. Of course he wanted to be happy and live happily and comfortably, but he always at the very least, cracked a smile when you'd start angrily yelling about who knows what when something happens in a game.
Like right now. There was a level you both were trying to get through. Kenna kept getting a little behind because he wanted all the extra stuff in the level. You on the other hand were trying to keep the bad guys off his back.
It was always in the same spot. Seven tries now, where you had died and had to restart the level. You were so angry that you kept making smaller and more ridiculous mistakes as you both went on.
Well you had a enough. It started out with gritted teeth mumbles as you about broke your controller from the grip you had on it.
Kenma told you to wait for him but that just angered you more. You wanted to get through this level. Honestly it wasn't even that. You wanted to destroy that mini boss.
The idea consumed your entire being. It needed to be destroyed or you wouldn't be able to sleep or rest.
So you charged forward and were taking it on on your own and, well, you were obliterated, once again.
Your hands shook as you death-grip clenched the controller. Your entire figure was shaking with rage. You were going to explode in three.......two.........one........
Now you were angrily yelling at the game and controller in Filipino. Kenma just sat there, too. Oh-so-calmly was he, with is controller in hand. His back slumped with terri ke posture as his lips lifted ever so slightly into a smile. He tried to hide it, he really did.
Kenma knew all too well what it was like to be in this situation. He had raged on camera definitely more than once for this very same reason.
But he just couldn't help it. You were all worked up and angrily pointing your finger at the screen after you had just as angrily thrown your controller on the couch.
Kenma stood up and very silently pinned your arms against your sides. He looked you straight in the eye for a moment. He liked to see you get angry, but he also knew when you should calm down and relax.
"Puddin'," he said very calmly and quietly. You stopped, smoke practically spewing from your ears. He simply wrapped his arms around you, still holding your arms down. You slowly lifted your arms as much as you could, and hugged him back.
He very lightly kissed you on your cheek before starting to rock you both back and forth. Nothing was said; nothing needed to be said.
Kuroo Tetsurou
Tetsu loved hearing you speak Spanish. He loved learning about the difference in the Spanish spoken in Spain, Mexico, Argentina, Peru, and all the others.
You knew so much about the history of the language and how the culture in each country would change that slang so much. He loved when you would go on long tangents about it.
Tetsu especially loved when you sang in Spanish. His absolute favorite thing is when he get home from work absolutely exhausted and he hears you singing away as you're cleaning, making dinner, in the tub, or whatever it is that you're doing.
For example, on this particular evening, you were taking a much needed soak in the tub. Lovely smelling soaps and a couple of candles to give a nice dim light for a nice calm vibe.
Bubbles tickled your chin as you sang away. The noise echoing slightly against the walls around you. It didn't matter whether you had a magnificent voice, an average one, or a terrible one. You were just enjoying the moment.
You heard the front door handle jangle and knew Tetsu was home. You continued to sing as you heard the door open and close. The shuffle of him replacing his shoes with house slippers skitter down the hall to you.
You hear him coming closer, dropping his suitcase and then haphazardly throwing his suit jacket, more than likely on the back of the couch.
You continued to sing as his steps got closer. Then you heard a shuffle at the doorway. You opened your eyes and looked. There stood Kuroo Tetsurou, his black button up shirt stressed across his chest, his tie dangling around his neck.
He stood against the door frame, eyes closed as he listened to you. His eyes looked tired, the same as his small smile.
You continued to sing. You sang and sang until the end of the song. At the end, Tetsu smiled so happily. He opened his hazel/yellow eye to look at you. His smile quirked into a smirk as he took some tired and lazy steps towards you.
He sat himself on the edge of the tub. "Mmmmmm, my Spanish Siren. Trying to sing me a song to pull me under the depths to have her way with me, then leave my carcass for the sharks." He snorted a little at the end as he gave slow loving strokes to your cheek.
You hmmed in satisfaction before oh so calmly saying," Like this?" With that you grabbed his arm and caught him by surprise, making it easy to tug him into the full tub, water splashing out onto the tiled floors. His loud, raucous laughter as well as yours rang throughout your home.
Hanamaki Takahiro
You are his baby, his sweetheart, his lovely. Hiro loved you so much. Everything about you just amazed him. One of the many things that just amazed him, was how you sounded speaking Italian.
The first time he heard you, he was blown away. Your voice was so sexy, not that it wasn't when you spoke Japanese. There was just something about it though that he found incredible.
Hiro would urge you constantly to speak in Italian and even teach him a little. You spoke it so much that he, naturally, picked things up.
He always tells you that him speaking Italian just did not have the same ring to it as you.
"See, you've almost got it. Camera de letto. Try again." You say. Hiro had been wanting to learn how to say bedroom in Italian. He was having some troubles but he was surprisingly good with learning it though.
He sighed in slight defeat. "I just can't do it like you do, la mia gioia." He loved referring to you as is 'joy' but in Italian.
"Please, just one more time," you encourage him.
"I think i need a little incentive, la mia gioia," he looked at you with a small sly smirk.
You sigh before turning to him, "Quindi vuoi incentivi? Che ne dici se smetto di aiutarti?" (So you want incentives? How about if I stop helping you?)
"Oh, you sound so sexy," you cut him off with a loud laugh.
Im sorry it took so long to get this out! I've been feeling a little better and have been having actual ambition to write and wanted to do my best! Thank you as always for sending in an ask!!
@kneecapstealingalien @multifandombrainrot @vaniatslover @popcorntime-doodles @i-need-coffee-now-pls @jiheonity @shadowsbutdead @goshikisimp @anothershadeofpink @mestayanon @ghostexhibit @smallmangi @thatfunnysprout @backalley-astrologer @itsallgonnabokayihope @g00s3 @boreateo @weareallhumans123 @lil-mellow-bunbun @strawberrymakki @beelziee @mehreenackerman @taiyahhh @sakusasgerm @cr4z3d-cl0wn @detective-lazy @mainnews32 @turtletris2tumble @oshun22 @syirahtorizawa @wouldsimply31 @sadisticbelle @queenkaye33 @h3nta1t0ast3r
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chdarling · 3 years
Hello! ❤ This isn't related to wolfstar but I was just wondering about your thoughts on how accepted LGBT+ people would be in the wizarding world? Is it the same as with muggles? And if you're going to explore that at all in TLE (not that you need to I'm just curious!) Anyway love love love TLE 1&2 waiting for each chapter is torture but so worth it! 😊❤❤
Hi there! Ah, I have spent much time ruminating on this question, and I’ve gone back and forth a lot. There’s a part of me that wants to decree that homophobia simply doesn’t exist in the wizarding world and everything is wonderful and fine…except that that doesn’t mesh at all with the world as I’ve previously interpreted it haha.
So, I think among the old, conservative pure-blood families, there's some stigma there. I imagine they have regressive sexual politics in general — these sort of things happen when your focus is 100% on perpetuating the purity of your bloodline, ew. Although in the typical fashion, if you have enough money and power you can pretty mucy do whatever you want (See: Alphard Black).
I like to think — and this may just be wish fulfillment, but whatever — that the rest of the wizarding world is a little more accepting. There are still definitely bigots about (there are always bigots about) and I suppose homophobia would sometimes seep in through Muggle culture, but homosexuality is not and has never been criminalized by wizarding law or anything like that. I just like the idea of this being the one thing that wizards don't totally suck about hahaha.
So I’m kind of having it both ways I guess, which is maybe a bit of a cop out, but I just didn’t want to write about a society that was aggressively demonizing queer people. I get enough of that in my own country. 🙃
And yes, it will be explored to a certain extent in TLE but I’ll hold my tongue for now. :)
Thanks so much for reading!!
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cupofkey · 4 years
Maybe some of the non-canon Southeast Asian countries for the hc asks? You can pick which ones since I'm not really sure which ones you have OCs for
ooh this is SUCH a good ask ty anon 😭 the issue is I’m not rly an oc person, I never make my own (at least when it comes to hws) and so any ocs I do use are just an amalgamation of other people’s. but! that being said. I do have a rough idea of indonesia, malaysia, and singapore, inspired by my experiences and several different sources (most notably @/lullindo on instagram!! all of her SEA ocs are so fucking good) so yea let’s get into it ! this is a long post sorry in advance
names this is where I’m fuzzy lol. Malaysia’s a muslim woman to me and I like names like Aisah, Ayu, and Iman. Indonesia is a dude and I have no clue what his name is... Indonesians can have just 1 name though (eg sukarno) and that’s definitely him, he just has a mononym. maybe Suluang? which would make him Javanese. it’s one of my fav names i’ve heard 😌 as for Singapore I think she has both an english name and a mandarin chinese name but I really could not tell you what (mandarin speakers any suggestions? for english names I like Lisa/Melissa and Joanna)
appearance hcs THEY ARE TAN!!!!!! die by my blade if you don’t think so. anyways Malaysia loves wearing hijabs in cute pastel colors and patterns and she has a very infectious smile... also she kinda dresses like an english teacher but we love to see it. Indonesia is ALWAYS wearing much batik as he can possibly fit on his body. he also keeps his hair pretty short. oh and he takes good care of his fingernails!! Singapore is kind of a girlboss, she has glasses on a chain and a very severe bob (haircut), also she’s chinese malay. umm what else... OH yeah she likes to do fun makeup/outfits at home alone but is very much in pantsuits 24/7 outside
brotps/otps/rships/sexuality well I think these 3 are iconic bros lol, they have pretty much a sibling-ish relationship where they bicker but also do a lot of stuff together. I think Singapore kinda has a hard time reaching out to people, she’s kinda lonely? and Malaysia is like her big sister almost. I think Malaysia and Indonesia are also good friends with Philippines, they’re the 3 gregarious island archipelagos! they love getting together to cook and stuff. sometimes they invite India! malaysia and thailand are also good friends. tbh I love the idea of any of the SEAs going shopping and being cheapskates together, doing karaoke night (Vietnam and Indonesia are the unexpected power duo), or aggressively gifting each other stuff lmao. they’re all kinda straight to me... actually idk Singapore might be homoromantic bi. she talks to Philippines (queer icon) about it 🥺 I have no thoughts about ships doe
fav food YEA this is my zone let’s go! Indonesia lives for tempeh satay, beef rendang, also ayam soto is a comfort food for him :’) oh and how could I forget mie goreng, this man is the KING of instant noodles (always packs indomie whenever he’s traveling.) Malaysia has similar dishes and she leans toward rice dishes like nasi lemak, nasi goreng, bubur ayam. she also loves Chinese Malay style sweets specifically!! stuff like ang koo kueh and niangao. Singapore is OBSESSED with food. she’s super passionate and adventurous, she has a million favs and knows all the best spots on the island and around the world. something that always feels like home is a plate of hainanese chicken rice, or any kind of kway teow. also!! shaved ice!! she and Philippines are always trying to outdo each other with the shaved ice lol
why they are stupid omg ok so Malaysia is kinda like a boomer mom sometimes?? like she does stuff a certain way and she sticks with it no matter how obsolete or nonsensical. so she’s kinda bullheaded when it comes to some stuff (WHAT DO YOU MEAN ITS BROKEN— YOUVE BEEN HERE SINCE 1972 LAH!) Indonesia is a fuckin goof and likes to make things humorous, which is cool except for when that is NOT what the situation needs rn and everyone is like dude stop belly laughing.... Please....... and Singapore is kinda obsessed with face and tries to be an elitist hardass, she’s pretending she doesn’t understand singlish and shit. meanwhile Indonesia is standing there like 😀 girl I just saw you arguing with that vendor in singlish... wah lau we were just talking in singlish... 😀😀 are u ok??
anyways tysm for giving me an opportunity to discover them sjdhskhd! I used to live in sg when I was a kid and my parents lived in indo for several years, so I grew up w these three and their culture lol. (kinda wish my parents tried harder at speaking bahasa to me so I could be trilingual...) if u ever wanna hear more (about these 3 or anyone else) pls let me know this was actually rly fun 🥰
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tuz-on-ao3 · 3 years
Hey, I was reading your fic (I really like it by the way! Sasuke's, my favorite character, and I think you wrote him really well :D), and I was wondering, what's your writing process? I know everyone has something different that works for them, but how do you plan out your chapters, or get ideas, or things like that (very vague, I know, I'm sorry)?
Hiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!! Thank you sugar plum for reading Maybe I’m Paying for the Things I’ve Done and liking my characterization of Sasuke, it’s very heartwarming and I appreciate it. 
As for my writing process, oof. As you know everyone’s writing process is really different and it has been a joy to learn more about other people’s process to help figure out what works for me. This is something you can absolutely cherry pick with and try things out for the first time. 
Timing: some people write better at certain points during the day, some people can start writing at 5am or write till 3am in the morning with a late start. I am a mix of both. I can start writing around 9am because that’s when my internal ticker is like “Let’s go to work now!” It’s just how my school and internship schedule line up. I also just write when I am bored(while in class sometimes) and late at night if I really have the momentum. Which happened for some of the chapters I have written for Maybe I’m Paying for the Things I’ve Done. So figure out what works for you. Also, timing myself sometimes helps, I use Pomodoro as a way to keep track of my work, I don’t necessarily take my short breaks. 
Initial phase of writing: I draft first and I backwards outline as I go along and then I hit a wall. The idea circulates in the back of my mind and I either get a sense of a scene or a situation that I want the characters to go into and I start writing. Writing the story informs me where it’s going to go, it comes to me during the process. However, I will hit a wall. The fics I write are rarely short(shoutout to the people who can do short and sweet, your sense of pacing is unreal and I bow to your greatness) so there is a lot of worldbuilding, plot, and character development that needs to happen. Important thing to note, just because you are writing fanfiction doesn’t mean you can skip worldbuilding. It is very important!!!!!! It doesn’t need to be the crazy amount that I do but you need to set your reader up in a place and time so give some context. 
Timeline: Things happen at certain places and times, and my characters will be a certain age when it happens, so I need to keep track. One of the walls I’ve hit is that for my current posted fic Sasuke spends time in jail, but how much time was not made clear in my non existent early planning and that changes the way things happen. And how old he is, and how much time should I spend on that prison sentence. If it was a long time then I need to talk about it as a life event that will have consequences throughout the entire fic, or if he was just detained until his lawyers came that changes Sasuke’s character. It also is a good way to talk about the criminal justice system of Konoha that I am making up. So I keep track of everyone’s ages, and birthdays, and sometimes I change them. I mean it is really hard for me to write baby ninja that go out into the battlefield when they are four years old and not make the entire fic about a shitty world like that. I don’t want to do that, it’s too fucking hard, and fluff feeds my soul. Also, seasons!!! That changes the way you set up your environment as well, from what I can tell Fire Country should have a monsoon season since they are so forested and are located near the equator of their world. So when that happens, if I decide to include that, is important for pacing of the story. I mean how long should this go on? Also, romance in the rain *hitn hint wink wink* who knows. 
Outlining: I didn’t use to be an outline and to some extent I still am not. I have done a previous post explaining a little bit of it but I backwards outline to keep track of what is happening because it’s a lot of detail and I don’t want to make mistakes. However, spreadsheets are my jam. I didn’t use to be this way but my internship has changed me and now I like spreadsheets as a way to be organized. Huzzah *throws confetti in the air* to being a boring adult person! There are a couple of way to do this but first actual writing notes: 
5 commandments of story 
Inciting incident 
Progressive complications 
This is something that helped me a lot when it came to structure, because sometimes my plot points are all happening at the same time and I’m like this makes no goddamn sense, what is happening. Story Grid is a podcast, and a book, and a website that can help you talk about structure. They can also talk to you about the Hero's journey. Take or leave whatever works for you because a lot of their stuff doesn’t work for me. But in doing their spreadsheets and exercises I learned what doesn’t work in a story. It’s how I realized pacing was a problem in my writing, and that I needed to take time away. 
So they have sample spreadsheets that break down books into scenes, turning points, characters on stage, etc. Take what works and leave what doesn’t. 
Back to spreadsheets, I have a story grid one for Maybe I’m Paying for the Things I’ve Done which I will backwards outline for the chapters I have already posted and a weird visual index card thing with the five commandments on my computer to help me figure out what is happening in my story. 
It looks kind of like five boxes side by side with the five commandments written on each one. 
Sometimes there is more than one box for progressive complication and that is fine, it is also fine if every scene you write doesn’t have a resolution, because by the end of the fic you will have one. I split this up by chapter, expected word count, POV. 
Word count: Some people care about this, some people don’t. I don’t write stuff for ‘Maybe’ that is less than 10000 each chapter, there is way too much going on in the fic to do short chapters. For my other works in progress I find that I will be writing shorter, which is both easier and harder because it needs me to be concise and clear. Anyway, I do take notes from Story Grid in this because 50% of my words have to be for my middle build, while 25% each go to the opening hook and to the ending payoff. A scene is about 1200-2000 words. 
Wiggle Room: Shit happens, you don’t do as much one day and you do a lot another. It’s okay, your story will evolve at certain points, it will tell you what to do. Don’t worry about it that much. 
Struggle/villainy: Protagonists are often defined by their antagonists, and if that is the type of story you are writing make sure you spend just as much time on the villain of your story as you do the hero. They are major actors and deserve the attention. When I talk about the Akatsuki I am thinking that they are an international terrorist organization hellbent on kidnapping people that are systematically treated as weapons. There are a lot of moving parts for this. Also the characters themselves, Pein and Konana are radicalized in my story from peaceful revolutionaries to violent ones because they watched the leader of an institution murder their best friend, that will cause personal and political damage. It informs the way I write them or will. 
Sasuke's struggle isn’t necessarily against a person, it is against himself. He wants a home because when he was little the one place where he felt safe was violated by his own brother, that is a hell of a trauma. Then he left his former home to go to Oto. Place has a huge part to play in Sasuke’s characterization and I tag homemaking in my fic because I want to show the process of creating a home for yourself as a process of revival and change and hope and vulnerability. It is a huge emotional labor of love and will be a focal point in the fic. That’s why I spend so much time talking about these goddamn renovations and art deco, it matters. This is a boy who has traveled all over the world and is now trying to put all the pieces of himself into one place, how he does it will be incredibly revealing of his characters. 
Character: Emotional arcs are important for everyone. Try to figure out what your character is going to go through. It helps so much. Victoria Schwab asks her characters three questions:
What do they fear? 
What do they want? 
What are they willing to do to get what they want? 
See if this helps. Also, understand that you got to develop your side characters as well, they act as a foil for the main character and add richness to the story, you will notice if they are flat. Understand the dynamics they bring to the story and to the world. Are they a woman in a field that is more socially acceptable for men? How does that affect them? What does gender look like in this world and how does this affect your characterization? Have they gone through physical/emotional trauma? Because that shit will keep coming up in a story, healing takes time. Also this is a fanfic, do whatever you want honey bear. 
Vocab: the lovely @slexenskee told me to have a running doc of vocabulary and I am trying to do that. 
I also have a running doc for a fic/character where I put all my brainstorming, little scenes, lines, vibes, questions into. And a doc for the synopsis of any new fic ideas I get. 
Inspiration: Read, a lot. I read fics, I read fiction and fantasy books, I read non fiction and I read about other people’s writing process. I read the news, I read twitter threads, I read random quotes on Pinterest. I watch tv shows and take note of how they do characterization or pacing or plot. I listen to music, I couldn’t live without it. I am on Pinterest looking for vibes or aesthetics for my fics. When I first started writing, since my fic was inspired by another fic, I was worried it would be too similar, that worry is fading because I am doing more writing, and more reading as well. But you must consume culture in order to produce it. Also take breaks, sometimes you figure stuff out if you leave it alone or talk to friends about it. If you reach out to me about it, I will do my best to help so feel free. 
This was really long, and I hope you won't mind. Thanks again for this question, and let me know how your writing goes. Also listen to Deadline City the podcast.
#answers #fic writing #process #naruto 
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script-a-world · 4 years
(sorry this is long) I'm creating a fantasy matriarchal society that's a combination of like America post WW2 and like the amazons/valkyries crossed with magical girls. I could use some help figuring out the gender dynamics, since part of my goal is to use the swap to highlight some inequalities that still exist in our gender expectations today by flipping them. I'm trying to figure out if it's better to have the men be primary caregivers (1/?)
since there’s no reason to assume that the gender that gives birth has to be the caregivers) or if I should go the “matriarchal society would value childrearing above other jobs” route. Some thoughts I had: Women are the main magic-users in society (magical girl/amazons blessed directly by the god who rules the city with power)and that perhaps all young women are expected to go through military service of some sort before becoming matrons, politicians and doctors. (2/?)
Maybe women are associated with Life and Death and “important duties” that revolve around them, including duties regarding both killing and saving lives. So healing, leading armies, fighting, hunting, childbirth (possibly care?) and politics are feminine jobs, while “lesser duties” that revolve more around menial labor are relegated to men (manual labor, maintenance, ‘uneducated’ jobs, support jobs like scribe and secretary, cooking, cleaning, perhaps some jobs like fashion design or art). (3/?)
Do you think this is a good balance? What are some other ways I could divide gender roles? The world situation is a magical land with about early 20th century level tech (trains and private schools and like phones/radios).Also, what is the best way to objectify men in this society? I was thinking of making it so men are seen as useless/only for the purpose of providing sexual pleasure and siring children to women. (4/?)
They don’t’ actually create children or take the ‘important jobs’ (the poor dears just don’t have the brains for it, they’re too simple and direct, men don’t have the emotional maturity to handle serious issues, they lack empathy, they only want sex anyway so it’s not like you need to worry about their emotional needs, etc). I’d love some suggestions on how a society like this might work or if there are other ways to divide the gender roles, (5/?)
as well as some ways men might experience objectification in society. How would fashion be different, and how would this society put pressure on men to look or act in certain ways (and women as well). Any suggestions? Thanks, and sorry for the long question(6/?)
Mod Miri Note: If you have a question that requires multiple asks, please use the google form! That way there’s no risk of parts of the question being lost.
Tex: “Do you think this is a good balance?” No, I do not. I disagree with the notion that a group of people ought to be objectified, neglected, abused, pigeon-holed, or otherwise mistreated under the guise of inversion as a way to tout a certain prescription of thought. I think this methodology perpetuates stereotypes, and with stereotypes come all the -isms that are used as excuses to treat people poorly just because they’re different from the originating group.
I’m going to be radical and say “none of the above”. There’s a few reasons for my answer, but aside from the brief overview in the previous paragraph, let me go through and try responding to all of your points in a more precise manner.
Let’s start with American culture post WWII - and I’m going to assume that, because of this choice, you’re working from an American perspective. This is important! But I’ll handle that detail in a bit.
Post-WWII culture is heavily influenced by WWII culture. For women, this meant enlistment in the military, as well as filling the gaps in the domestic labor force left by men being shipped off (History.com, The Atlantic). Their service in the military - quite often voluntary - was as critical and crucial as their domestic work (Wikipedia 1, Wikipedia 2, Wikipedia 3). They usually received lower pay than men, true (though interestingly the women in the UK were often treated better; Striking Women), though governments of the time admitted that without women the war effort would have crumpled.
Rosie the Riveter is a popular piece of propaganda (where it was also considered patriotic for women to join the workforce and military service; National Women’s History Museum), but don’t let that dissuade you from thinking that women were not recognized for other types of work during the war. Many women in the US were recognized for their military service (USO), and other women’s histories endure today - Lyudmila Pavlichenko (Wikipedia), Vitka Kempner (Wikipedia), and Virginia Hall (Wikipedia). I’m going to toss in the official synopsis of Queen Elizabeth II’s involvement in her own military to round things out (The Royal Family), complete with a picture of her in uniform (Wikipedia).
Many women after the war went back to strictly domestic duties, and I think that parallels their wartime efforts - both situations are of the “all hands on deck” type, but the play of gender roles here means that the duties of a functioning society are divvied up by different functional spheres - and make no mistake, men and women relied on each other equally as much to cover the gaps, despite the sexism inherent in modern Western society. The difference between war and non-war time cultures was that the latter wasn’t necessarily cultivated by patriotism that could unite the different “factions”. The Oxford Research Encyclopedia of American History gives a thorough examination of this topic.
The following era - typified by the birth of the Baby Boomer generation - saw a marked increase in economic prosperity (Wikipedia). With that came increased social mobility for women (Citation 1), usually catalyzed by the actions of their fathers (Citation 2). This may typically be achieved by consistent, conscientious public policy formation (Citation 3). In short, many cultures - if they haven��t already - are realizing that it’s good for business to let women control how they participate in society and the flow of money.
In the US, this was precipitated by the boom of social development (American History; archived version). Aside from the Truman administration negotiating price fixing to prevent inflation, a significant factor was the passing of the Servicemen’s Readjustment Act of 1944 (AKA the G.I. Bill). This primarily benefited the Greatest Generation, though other pertinent legislation by the 79th Congress benefited the Silent Generation onwards: the Fair Deal, Revenue Act of 1948, Taft-Hartley Act, Employment Act of 1946, National School Lunch Act, and Hobbs Act.
It’s debatable how well this impacted long-term economic development, considering the almost immediate rise of McCarthyism in the US in 1947, which was heavily intertwined with the Truman Doctrine that precipitated the Cold War. The results of the war, at least economically, were… mixed (Wikipedia 1, Wikipedia 2). I have no doubt that this impacted the social mobility of women in all affected countries - which is all of them, but I’m sure hairs could be split on this if you wish.
Now that we’ve got that out of the way, let’s tackle the Amazons.
The modern, popular interpretation (that is slow to be shaken by archaeological evidence) is mostly mythological (Wikipedia). While some ideas are thrown in the way of a Minoan Crete ancestry to the myth, there are more similarities drawn to the Scythian and Samartian cultures on the Eurasian Steppe (CNET). It’s possible that instead of the equally-extreme pole end of the gender dichotomy that is patriarchy-matriarchy, the Scythians just scandalized the Athenians with a comparatively more fluid society (Smithsonian Magazine).
As for Valkyries… there’s been a revival of them in pop culture, probably as a net-casting to see what’s out there aside from Amazons. TVTropes covers the many, many ways media utilizes them as a trope, to varying degrees of mythological and cultural accuracy. As they state, valkyries are a form of psychopomp, as they decide who among the battlefield’s dead will go to Valhalla (ruled by Odin) or Fólkvangr (ruled by Freya). Freya seems to have assumed the “type” (as opposed to characteristics salient to a particular individual) of a valkyrie, as the female counterpart the warrior archetype. To wit, Freya herself may be a type (Wikipedia).
Here’s where the issue gets thorny - modern popular understanding of valkyries, and by extension Scandinavian women, is skewed through the modern lens.
@fjorn-the-skald has a lovely series called Viking History: Post-by-Post, or An Informal Crash Course & A Historical Guide to the Vikings, that typically focuses on medieval Iceland. In his post “Lesson 13.c - Women in the Viking Age, Part III: Were Women “Vikings”?”, discusses the particular penchant of modern times to romanticize and/or skew history to their own biases - in this instance, how medieval Icelandic women functioned in their culture, as well as how valkyrie myths play into this.
The TL;DR of that is: “viking” women were a societal anomaly, the battlefield was a male domain (and they were expected to die on it), a woman’s prowess of the domestic sphere was highly respected to a level often equivalent to men, and the domestic sphere was the sphere of commerce. Scandinavian culture prized strong women, just as they prized strong men, and their culture rested upon the concept of different genders having their own distinct, complementary, and equal domains.
Fjörn builds upon this history in an ask about gender roles outside the usual dichotomy of male-female. Valkyries, and shield-maidens, may be classed as a third gender in medieval Scandinavian culture, because women were temporarily occupying the male role in their society. While valkyries are of divine origin, shield-maidens are not, though they seem to have taken on a supernatural bent by performing feminine qualities while living in the male sphere (something that they can literally wear, by the donning of their armor).
That probably comes across as distasteful to, especially, a modern American perspective, but many ancient cultures are like that. There’s a footnote on that ask about links to a contemporary perspective of same-sex relationships, as well, to round out that talking point.
With those historical and mythological details discussed, let’s move on to magical girls.
Interestingly, the genre and trope derive from the American TV show Bewitched (Nippon.com). Its evolution reflected Japan’s changing tone about female sexuality, focusing on girls.  Magical Girl doesn’t seem to be intended to attract the male gaze in a sexual light - and in fact was generated as a form of female empowerment by by way of growing up (TVTropes), but it seems to happen anyways (TVTropes).
Magical girls, as a genre, originated in the 1960s - the archetypical Sailor Moon encompasses not only magical girls, but also the kawaii aesthetic. Kawaii, incidentally, followed after the magical girl trope, and plays upon women performing as girls in society.
As magical girls are intended for young girls, a demographic known as shōjo, it is considered a subgenre of the target audience. Please note that shōnen'ai (Fanlore) and yaoi (Fanlore) are also subgenres of shōjo.
For some context, the adult female target audience is known as josei, the young adult men is known as shōnen, and adult male audience is known as seinen. Many manga and anime are often misattributed to the wrong category, so it helps to know which is which, and why.
Kumiko Saito argues (through an unfortunately paywalled article that I’m more than willing to disseminate to those without JSTOR access) that magical girls reinforce gender stereotypes as well as fetishize young female bodies. She argues this point more eloquently than I can, so I’ll be quoting a few sections below.
Page 148 (7 of 23 on the PDF):
The 1960s “witch” housewife theme waned quickly in the United States, but various cultural symbolisms of magic smoothly translated into the Japanese climate, leading to Japans four-decade-long obsession with the magical girl. Bewitched incorporated the concept of magic as female power to be renounced after marriage, thereby providing “a discursive site in which feminism (as female power) and femininity has been negotiated” (Moseley 2002, 403) in the dawning of Americas feminist era. Japans magical girls represented a similar impasse of fitting into female domesticity, continued to fascinate Japanese society, and came to define the magical girl genre. In direct contrast to the American heroines Samantha and Jeannie, however, whose strife arose from the antagonism between magic (as power) and the traditional gender role as wife or fiancée, the magical girls dilemma usually lies between female adulthood and the juvenile female stage prior to marriage, called shõjo. In other words, the magical girl narratives often revolve around the magical freedom of adolescence prior to the gendered stage of marriage and motherhood, suggesting the difficulty of imagining elements of power and defiance beyond the point of marriage. In fact, these programs were broadcast exactly when the rate of love-based marriage started to surpass that of miai (arranged marriage),4 which implies that the magical girl anime, founded on the strict ideological division between shõjo and wife/mother, may have been an anxious reaction to the emergent phase of romance.
Page 150 (9 of 23 on the PDF):
The combination of magical empowerment and shõjo-ness framed by the doomed nature of transient girlhood naturally created ambivalent, messages in Akko-chan as well. In the societal milieu in which Japan was undergoing the politically turbulent era of Marxist student movements at the largest scale in the postwar era, Akko-chan’s super- human ability to transform into anyone (or anything) is quite revolutionary, implying a sense of women’s liberation. Despite this potential, her metamorphic ability never threatens gender models, as she typically dreams of becoming a princess, a bride, or a female teacher she respects. The use of magic is also largely limited to humanitarian community services in town. Akko-chan’s symbolic task throughout the series focuses on how to steer her power to serve her friends and family, leading to the final episode in which she relinquishes magic to save her father. Akko-chan embraces the cross-generic mismatch between the radical idea of empowering a girl with superhuman ability and the hahamono [mother genre] sentimentalism idealizing women’s self-sacrifice. All in all, the new setting adopted in this series, that a mediocre girl accidentally gains magic, became a useful mechanism for the underlying theme that the heroine is foredoomed to say farewell to magic in the end. This rhetorical device transforms latent power of the amorphous girl into the reappreciation of traditional gender norms by equating magic with shõjo-hood to be given up at a certain stage.
Saito discusses the thematic shifts in the magical girl subgenre in the 1980s to a more sexualized view, and the according rise of both an older audience and otaku fans, the latter of whom, she clarifies, make a habit of recontextualizing canon to categorize characters into stereotypes that are stripped of the majority of their original context.
On pages 153-154 (12-13 of 23 on the PDF):
The conventions of the magical girl genre transformed significantly against this paradigm shift. Both Minky Momo and Creamy Mami originally targeted children, recording a decent outcome in business and eventually leading to the revival of the genre. Because the plots are directly built on the genre clichés, however, the jokes and sarcasm of many episodes appear comprehensible only to adult viewers equipped with the knowledge of the Töei magical girls. The intrigue of these programs largely lies in the way they parody and mock the established genre conventions, especially the restrictive function of magic and the meaning of transformation. The genre is now founded on the expectation that the adult viewer has acquired a diachronic fan perspective to fetishize both the characters and the text’s meanings.
Creamy Mami presents the story of fourth-grader Yū, who gains magical power that enables her to turn into a sixteen-year-old girl. Yū’s magical power is more restrictive than Momo’s, for her superhuman capacity simply means metamorphosis into her adult form, who happens to become an idol singer called Mami. Given that the magic’s ability is self-oriented cosmetic effect and bodily maturation, the heroine’s ultimate goal by means of magic is to grow old enough to attract her male friend Toshio, who neglects Yū’s latent charm but falls in love with the idol Mami. The series concludes when Yū loses her magic, which correlates to Toshio’s realization that Yū is his real love. Mami’s thematic messages teach the idea that magic does not bring much advantage or power after all, or rather, magic serves as an obstacle for the appreciation of the truly magical period called shõjo. The heroine gains magic to prove, although retroactively, the importance of adolescence preceding the possession of “magic” that enables (and forces) female maturation.
It’s noted in the article that the 1990s-2000s period received criticism for showing a physical maturation of girls, so codified euphemisms via garment changes such as additional frills and curled hair were used instead. This “third-wave” magical girl challenged standing norms of its predecessors by doing things such as likening adult responsibilities (“childrearing and job training”) as a sort of game, as well as the transformation implying that the character’s power is in being herself, something that juxtaposes previous norms.
Due to shifting power dynamics and other changes in Japan’s culture, it became more common for boys to become magical girls as well, further separating the magical girl concept from a strict reflection of gender roles. As such, Japanese culture - insofar as my English-based research can guide me - no longer immediately implies a direct and distinct correlation between magical girls and the female gender.
An analysis of Puella Magi Madoka Magica (PMMM) by Tate James (2017; PDF) discusses an additional dimension of the magical girl genre. Two pertinent points of the piece is that 1.) PMMM dismantles archetypes pitting women against girls, and 2.) PMMM reinforces the gender stereotype that the best type of girl is a passive girl.
Now for the issue you’ve raised about who ought to be the primary caregiver of children.
Consistent, immediate, and continuous interaction between a mother and her child benefits both of them (Citation 4, Scientific American 1, Live Science, Citation 5, Scientific American 2, UNICEF, WHO). Mothers have a distinct neurobiological makeup that predisposes them toward caring for infants (Citation 6), and likewise infants have a predisposed preference to their mother’s voice and heartbeat (Citation 7). I would like to think that is sufficient evidence as to why nearly all cultures encourage mothers as the primary caregivers.
This said, cultivation of a father-child dyad is immensely beneficial to the child (Citation 8, Citation 9), and can alleviate the effect of maternal depression on the child (ScienceDaily). Partnered men residing with children have lower levels of testosterone but a higher risk of cardiovascular disease and adiposity (Citation 10). It’s interesting to note that higher prolactin levels in the mother’s breastmilk has a correspondingly higher level of sociosexual activity with their partner in cotton-top tamarins, which stimulates pair bonding (Citation 11), as well as in other species (Citation 12).
Paternal postpartum depression is recently recognized in fathers, to severe and reverberating deleterious effects on themselves and their family (Citation 13). Screening tools for detecting depression in Swedish fathers is not sufficiently developed, and many men may be passed over despite reaching cut-off suggestions in other criteria for depression (Citation 14).
It has been observed that while human mother and fathers have the similar oxytocin pathways, the exhibit different parenting behaviours when exposed to elevated levels of oxytocin - primarily that fathers will react with high stimulatory behaviour and exploratory play (Wikipedia).
Men being socialized in a culture of stoicism and an encouraged reaction pattern to violence have poor mental health that can culminate into death and other long-term effects (Citation 15). Suicide in the US is currently the leading cause of death at time of posting this response, that the total suicide rate increased 31% from 2001-2017, and in 2017 male rates were nearly four times higher than females (NIMH).
On the topic of magical culture: it’s incredibly difficult to research because it’s a component of overall culture, and one that’s not typically available to strangers/foreigners/the uninitiated. As such, a lot of authors default to what they already know. It’s not a bad thing, but if someone wants to reach outside their comfort zone, they’re going to have some trouble.
I’m going to go off the three, four-ish, cultures you’ve already come to us with: American, Scandinavian, Scythian/Samartian, and Japanese just to round things out.
For a very, very rough overview of America, we have:
Native Americans of the contiguous US
Whatever the colonizing peoples brought over (including, but not limited to, English, Scottish, Irish, Norwegian, German, and Italian)
Whatever the myriad cultures of Africa brought over as slaves
NB: I’ve put Hawai’i and Alaska as separate items because they’re not part of the contiguous US.
European settlers were of a few groups:
The merchants working on charters
Indentured servants from the merchants’ homelands
Immigrants in post-colonial eras
This is an important distinction because 1.) contemporary culture matters a lot politically, 2.) how people came to the US determined how they and their family were treated, and 3.) the contemporary job culture determined their social class.
(Slavs, as a note, are the origin of the English word “slave”, something that Western Europeans historically liked to propagate.)
I’m not going to go into the details of everything the US has to offer in terms of cultural diversity aside from a nudge in the direction of Santería. What you pick up to research is up to you.
Scandinavian folk magic is known as “trolldom” (Swedish-language Wikipedia), and the region was known for their cunningfolk. Please note that klok/-a, klog/-e, and related words relates to the English word cloak, and these people are so named because wearing one was an integral part of how they interacted with the supernatural.
The InternetArchive has a book (albeit in Swedish) about the history of magic in Sweden, which is available in multiple formats. If you’d prefer to have something in English, you can either buy this book, or inform your library you’d like to them to buy it for you.
I’m a little surprised you hadn’t mentioned either the völva (Swedish Wikipedia, English Wikipedia) or seiðr (Wikipedia), as they’re quite a well-known part of Scandinavian folk culture. Fjörn, as always, is my first stop for this area of research, with the post “Lesson 7 - Viking Spirituality”, the Víkingabók Database, the tag of Old Norse words, and the post “Norðurbók: A List of the Tales and Sagas of Icelanders” as incredibly good starting points. I encourage you to peruse them, especially because the words you learn will help you be more precise during research.
The Scythian culture is quite far reaching, as they had occupied most of the Eurasian Steppe during the Iron Age, and much of this area can be found in modern-day countries such as Russia, Iran, and China, among others. Because of how far their peoples spread out, the Scythians intermixed with their neighbors, and as such there are sub-groups to the culture.
The Sarmatians were more Russian, as that’s where a large amount of their territory laid, and were absorbed into early Slavic culture. Both their and the overall Scythian language group is eastern Iranian.
In order to help you orient yourself, here’s a map from Wikipedia:
Tumblr media
Description: Historical spread of Iranian peoples/languages: Scythia, Sarmatia, Bactria and the Parthian Empire in about 170 BC (evidently before the Yuezhi invaded Bactria). Modern political boundaries are shown to facilitate orientation.
Japanese magical culture is intrinsically tied to their religion, and as such it would be beneficial to read about Shintoism and Japanese Buddhism. The wiki for Japanese mythology is a thorough primer, though if you get stuck, then I’m sure @scriptmyth would be glad to help you on not only this culture, but others.
As for the jobs you’ve proposed - I’m going to jump right into scribes because the irony of that is it’s historically a male-dominated job, and is the progenitor of jobs such as “public servants, journalists, accountants, bookkeepers, typists, and lawyers”. It is, with even greater irony, European women that are noted in Wikipedia, and that medieval women are increasingly thought to have played an integral part in manuscript writing (New Scientist, Science Advances).
I’m not the best person to ask for medieval culture, unfortunately, so you’ll need someone more knowledgeable than me on the subject to direct you to the finer points.
The wiki for women in war links to a lot of lists, so I would suggest poking around for historical references by era (that will likely lead to by culture) to orient yourself on how women have participated in war in the past. There’s quite a bit of mythology to be found there, as well, so if you pick up some specific goddesses you get stuck on, then pop over to @scriptmyth.
Likewise, the wiki for women in government is an interesting read, as is women in positions of power. Since both are primarily modern-times oriented, I would suggest looking at the list of queens regnant for a more historical perspective. I would have difficulty giving you more than that, as you would need to pinpoint your reference cultures first.
As history often neglects women’s contributions to society if they weren’t a ruler or similarly powerful ruler - and, frankly, that frequently applied to men as well the further back you go - I’m going to toss a couple of starting points at you for the area of medicine:
Women in medicine § Ancient medicine - Wikipedia
Women in medicine - Science Museum: History of Medicine
One thing to keep in mind is that as goalposts changed for medicine - the standardization of knowledge and the need to attend a medical school to be legally allowed to perform medicine - the availability of women to participate went down.
Another is that medicine, historically, relied upon herbal medicine, and Wikipedia itself notes that there’s a heavy overlap with food history - something that’s traditionally a domain of women. This abstract by Marcia Ramos‐e‐Silva MD, PhD, talks about Saint Hildegard von Bingen, and the first page available tells you that medieval women were in charge of quite a lot despite not being allowed to participate in the male-dominated sphere of war. The Herbal Academy dips briefly into not only the saint, but other historical aspects of herbalism that might interest you.
The wiki of women in the Middle Ages, along with that of Hildegard of Bingen, nicely rounds out this particular topic.
I need to bring out the fact that Ancient Egypt was and is well-known for the equality and respect afforded to their women - in the interest of staying on subject, particularly in the field of medicine (Ancient History Encyclopedia). Isis was well-known as a goddess of healing (Wikipedia), an aspect she has in common with goddesses in many other cultures (Wikipedia). As an added side-note, Merit Ptah in her popularly-known context has been concluded to be an inflated misunderstanding - and misconstrued interpretation - of a historical figure with significant fabrication (LiveScience, Oxford).
The presence of women in medicine fluctuated in every culture, an in ancient times often shared some correlation with the use of magic (Citation 16). Healing, historically, has a high correlation with the supernatural - and if you care to look, women are usually responsible for the domain of the supernatural. (Or at least the feminine part, which was complementary and complemented by the masculine part.)
I’m going to hop back to politics real quick to bring up abbesses, particularly the social power they exercised as women heading religious orders. An article by Alixe Bovey for the British Library gives the TL;DR of medieval women and abbeys, though if you’d like something with a bit more detail, Medieval English Nunneries c. 1275 to 1535 by Eileen Edna Power is also available.
Abbeys, with their rise and fall, are important to modern American culture. Midwives, to be even more particular, have the most direct impact. In Western Europe, a midwife may under certain circumstances perform baptisms. This was a debated topic of its time, as baptisms were rituals of the Church, and the Church had strict regulations allowing only men to perform their rituals.
During the 1500s - and up to the 1800s, in some cases - midwives were defamed to be witches. You’ll notice that this corresponds to a standardization of medical knowledge, with its corresponding legal restrictions on who may practice medicine. For the Church, the politics playing behind the scenes of midwifery and female physicians fluctuated with their observations about women’s power relative to their own (Citation 16).
Malta is an excellent case study of this phenomenon (Citation 17), and encapsulates the movement of witchcraft accusations that took place throughout this period - something historians noted as corresponding to the rise of Protestantism (ThoughtCo). There’s some debate that the increasing orientation to wages in contemporary economy facilitated this adverse behaviour against women, as well as various other social pressures as politically mitigated by the Catholic Church (Wikipedia).
As the practice of medicine was segregated according to sex - male patients to male physicians, female patients to female physicians - there were proportionally fewer men in trades such as midwifery than women despite the medieval shift toward male encroachment of territory (Wikipedia). This corresponding money- and thus male-oriented intrusion into the female sphere of medicine can be seen with the invention of the obstetric forceps (JSTOR). The rising culture of appropriation constituted the witchcraft trials that, incidentally, influenced American culture during their colonization years.
A pertinent name to remember for American history of the witchcraft trials is Margaret Jones, a Puritan midwife and the first person to be accused of witchcraft in the trails taking place in the Massachusetts Bay Colony (Wikipedia).
The Salem Witch Trials, as an offhand note, could well be an anomaly due to ergotism (Citation 18).
One thing I’m willing to bend on - a little bit - is manual labor, but mostly because you’re describing something very similar to what’s already been invented: corvée labor. There’s plenty of other forms depending on what culture you’re going for, though unlike what you’re proposing, does not necessarily imply the direct and permanent subjugation of people.
I will absolutely quibble with the idea of “uneducated” labor equating to “less valuable” labor - universities offer non-vocational degrees, typically in the areas of research and/or religion, and guilds were created as a means of quality control (that unfortunately got out of hand and committed crimes such as rent-seeking). Women in guilds were a thing, vulnerable to the same fluctuations as their other occupations outside the house.
If we are defining “uneducated” labour as “menial” labour, then this set of occupations inherently varies by culture, as does its relative weight of importance. One example of this would be writing; it may be menial but important, whereas holding negotiations could be a “major” role but wouldn’t exist without the support of workers “less than” them.
Correspondingly, gender divisions may not necessarily mean an assignation of “lesser” or “greater” when compared against each other. In medieval Europe, at least, the creation of textiles was split along the general lines of spinning and weaving. Women held the former (hence “spinster”), and men held the latter. Spinning was often not formalized into guilds then, but it was an important cornerstone of the economy that could support entire families. A guest post on The Freelance History Writer’s blog seems to indicate that this gender division was due to influence by the Bible, which seems to corroborate with the history of both professions as detailed on Wikipedia - the further back we go, and also the less connected to Christianity, the more textile work women presided over. This granted them greater control over their presence in society, since the selling of textiles was useful leverage to support themselves and others.
A similar discrepancy can be found with agriculture. Hamer women in Ethiopia are traditionally the one to cultivate sorghum, a cornerstone crop to their diet, and they exhibit preferences in which varieties they grow according to criteria such as which is easiest to grind and long-term storage feasibility (Citation 19). Accordingly, there’s been an increasing orientation around the growing of crops rather than the pastoralist habits of their men, with trading standards occuring at one goat for one Dore (“pile of maize or sorghum”) (Citation 19).
A study examining the male sphere of hunting within a society discusses the various cultural implications of defendable vs non-defendable meat sharing, with respect to how the meat is distributed and its corresponding social range (e.g. immediate social circle vs entire community), something I find interesting given that the kilocalories obtained from meat is roughly equal to that of the female sphere-acquired agriculture/gathering (Citation 20). The division of labour along gender lines when it comes to food flow in a community seems, historically, to be both comparable and compatible to each other - a recurring theme with many of the topics I’ve already covered.
Gender roles in their historical perspective - especially the further back you go - are often complimentary to each other, and are an economical way to divide up the burden of maintaining a society to a functional level. There are plenty of exceptions to this (see: third genders), as well, and many cultures exhibit the idea that a productive person is good for society; their roles may look a little different from the person next to them, and not only is the work considered equal in terms of importance, but also with a bit of poking around, you’ll find that few cultures have harsh punishments for anyone “stepping outside” their predicted roles.
Men are already objectified plenty. That their treatment by society looks different than women’s, or other genders, is by no means an excuse to sweep things under the room and pretend that they have it best - or worse, purposefully ostracize them in a fictional work to further mock, ridicule, and isolate them. This contributes to the societal issues in your culture that you wish to address, and stems from a uniquely pervasive perspective from modern American culture that differs from many other cultures in the world.
TL;DR - The way you wish to objectify men is already being done, especially in American culture. It is harmful, and will have an impact that will reach further than you might anticipate. This approach is counterproductive to your goals, and the cultures/media you cite either directly contradict your beliefs of said sources or otherwise undermine your beliefs. It is vastly more productive to take a deeper look at the origins of the issues you wish to address in your writing, as well as the reference material that you wish to use. Learning perspectives outside your native culture will benefit you immensely, and the results could surprise you.
Citation 1 -  PDF - Doepke, M., Tertilt, M., Voena, A.. (2012). “The Economics and Politics of Women’s Rights,” Annual Review of Economics, Annual Reviews, vol. 4(1), pages 339-372, 07.
Citation 2 - PDF - Fernández, R.. (2014). “Women’s rights and development,” Journal of Economic Growth, vol 19(1), pages 37-80.
Citation 3 - PDF -  Duflo, E. (2012). “Women’s Empowerment and Economic Development”, Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. 50, No. 4: 1051-79.
Citation 4 - PDF - Crenshaw J. T. (2014). “Healthy Birth Practice #6: Keep Mother and Baby Together- It’s Best for Mother, Baby, and Breastfeeding.” The Journal of perinatal education, 23(4), 211–217. doi:10.1891/1058-1243.23.4.211
Citation 5 - Faisal-Cury, A., Bertazzi Levy, R., Kontos, A., Tabb, K., & Matijasevich, A. (2019). “Postpartum bonding at the beginning of the second year of child’s life: the role of postpartum depression and early bonding impairment.” Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology, 1-7.
Citation 6 - PDF - Bornstein, M. H., Putnick, D. L., Rigo, P., Esposito, G., Swain, J. E., Suwalsky, J. T., … & De Pisapia, N. (2017). “Neurobiology of culturally common maternal responses to infant cry.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114(45), E9465-E9473.
Citation 7 - PDF - Webb, A. R., Heller, H. T., Benson, C. B., & Lahav, A. (2015). “Mother’s voice and heartbeat sounds elicit auditory plasticity in the human brain before full gestation.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112(10), 3152-3157.
Citation 8 - PDF - Pan, Y., Zhang, D., Liu, Y., Ran, G., & Teng, Z. (2016). “Different effects of paternal and maternal attachment on psychological health among Chinese secondary school students.” Journal of Child and Family Studies, 25(10), 2998-3008.
Citation 9 - PDF - Brown, G. L., Mangelsdorf, S. C., & Neff, C. (2012). “Father involvement, paternal sensitivity, and father-child attachment security in the first 3 years.” Journal of family psychology : JFP : journal of the Division of Family Psychology of the American Psychological Association (Division 43), 26(3), 421–430. doi:10.1037/a0027836
Citation 10 - PDF - Lee T Gettler, Mallika S Sarma, Rieti G Gengo, Rahul C Oka, James J McKenna, Adiposity, CVD risk factors and testosterone: Variation by partnering status and residence with children in US men, Evolution, Medicine, and Public Health, Volume 2017, Issue 1, January 2017, Pages 67–80, https://doi.org/10.1093/emph/eox005
Citation 11 - PDF - Snowdon, C. T., & Ziegler, T. E. (2015). “Variation in prolactin is related to variation in sexual behavior and contact affiliation.” PloS one, 10(3), e0120650.
Citation 12 - Hashemian, F., Shafigh, F., & Roohi, E. (2016). “Regulatory role of prolactin in paternal behavior in male parents: A narrative review.” Journal of postgraduate medicine, 62(3), 182–187. doi:10.4103/0022-3859.186389
Citation 13 - PDF - Eddy, B., Poll, V., Whiting, J., & Clevesy, M. (2019). “Forgotten Fathers: Postpartum Depression in Men.” Journal of Family Issues, 40(8), 1001-1017.
Citation 14 - PDF - Psouni, E., Agebjörn, J., & Linder, H. (2017). “Symptoms of depression in Swedish fathers in the postnatal period and development of a screening tool.” Scandinavian journal of psychology, 58(6), 485-496.
Citation 15 - Pappas, S. (2018, January). “APA issues first-ever guidelines for practice with men and boys.” Monitor on Psychology, 50(1).
Citation 16 - PDF - Kontoyannis, M., & Katsetos, C. (2011). “Midwives in early modern Europe (1400-1800).” Health Science Journal, 5(1), 31.
Citation 17 - PDF - Savona-Ventura, C. (1995). “The influence of the Roman Catholic Church on midwifery practice in Malta.” Medical history, 39(1), 18-34.
Citation 18 - PDF - Woolf, Alan. (2000). “Witchcraft or Mycotoxin? The Salem Witch Trials. Journal of toxicology.” Clinical toxicology. 38. 457-60. 10.1081/CLT-100100958.
Citation 19 - PDF - Samuel, T. (2013). “From cattle herding to sedentary agriculture: the role of hamer women in the transition.” African Study Monographs, Suppl. 46: 121–133. [Alternate PDF link]
Citation 20 - PDF - Gurven, Michael & Hill, Kim. (2009). “Why Do Men Hunt?.” Current Anthropology. 50. 51-74. 10.1086/595620.
Further Reading
Harry S Truman § Domestic Affairs - Wikipedia
Marshall Plan - Wikipedia
Interstate Highway System - Wikipedia
Medieval Icelandic Law (The Grágás) – Women’s Rights: On Reclaiming Property during Separation. By @fjorn-the-skald
Fjörn’s Library
“Notes on Valkyries and the like?” by @fjorn-the-skald
Fjörn’s chronological tag on women
Epigenetic correlates of neonatal contact in humans - Development and Psychopathology
Feral: So, obviously, everything Tex just said- round of effing applause!
I do want to hone in on one specific part of your ask, “since part of my goal is to use the swap to highlight some inequalities that still exist in our gender expectations today by flipping them” and direct you to this blog post on Mythcreants specifically addressing the Persecution Flip Story and why it’s not a great idea from a social justice perspective.
Happy reading!
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To Do List:
What's up, my Herd of Nerds?
Anyway, as you can tell, tomorrow is AU Sunday. But, because it's one after a 'my input' one, it's a follower input AU day! Yay!
So, send me your AUs and I'll put all of em in a hat to pick one randomly. The winner is picked and posted and we'll all try and make headcanons about your AU.
Zombie Apocalypse AU :: (https://hermitcraftheadcanons.tumblr.com/post/618314308275863552/zombie-apocalypse-au-masterpost)
Pirate AU ::
Currently In The Raffle:
-Toy Story AU.
-Ever After High/Descendants/Vaguely 'nex gen priness' AU.
-Eldritch Horror AU :: Or if that's a bit too out there, a more normal Monster AU. I don't care, but in my heart, I know Cleo is some kind of eldritch horror. Zombie is far too easy.
-Eldritch Monster AU! Hermits are all Lovecraftian horrors who all individually decided that they wanted to pretend to be normal and are all trying to hide their otherworldliness. I also feel like Mumbo or X or someone as the one actually "normal" player on the server would work well. Most hermits don't know that everyone else isn't normal either, but some find out about friends maybe.
-Rabid Debate Club AU :: Random weird au idea where it's basic hs/uni au but like two of them try to start a debate club, then invite some friends just so there's enough people; cut to like two months later, it's all the hermits just fighting over whether or not pineapple should go on pizza or not lol it isn't very good i'm sorry but ya know rabid debate club AU.
-Animal/shapeshifting AU :: (Suggested Twice.) Every hermit can shapeshift into one token animal. (If it's something like "dog," they can only turn into one breed and color of dog, EXAMPLE: doc can shift into a black sable belgian malinois, but not anything else.)
-Wedding Planners AU :: Hermits work in various unrelated businesses such as a bakery, flower shop, etc., but see each other semi-often bc they're semi-often called upon to work together by another hermit's wedding planning business (obvs if you couldn't tell i know absolutely nothing abt wedding planning & businesses n shit lol but it's the /concept/ of it yannknow)
-Avatar: The Last Air Bender AU. (Suggested Thrice.)
-Fusion AU :: (Also suggested by Anon.) (Suggested Twice.) What if Hermits could fuse with each other? (Viva and Jumbo fused into MumboJumbo.)
-SCP AU :: The hermits have spooky powers and are kept locked up bc of it (or they have to keep the world safe from monsters and cursed objects!)
-RPG AU :: I feel like someone already thought of that but I am just wondering about it lately :p -🍋
-Adventure Time AU :: The hermits live in a post-apocalyptic world and the Lich (bad guy) is making everything decay. They need to gather all the gems (belt colours) to unlock the Enchiridion (a book) and have one wish each granted from Prismo (multiverse wish granting dude) before the Lich does. Only 4 elements can enter the multiverse: Slime (The Lich & Jevin), Redstone (Tango or Mumbo?), Ice (Stress), and Dirt (Grian, much to his dismay). Only the elementals can see the book. Grian's the protagonist with his sidekick Scar. He originally started collecting the belts because they were shiny but eventually decided to read the book and find out what they were for when Scar said he didn't see it. Doc, False, and Iskall are major obstacles because they don't believe the book exists.</p>
-Total Drama Island AU.
-Magical Girl AU :: Zedaph's the lead magical girl and rounds up a bunch of other magical girl hermits.
-Pokeman AU :: What are the Hermit's roles in this world? Who's the Champion, Elite Four. Are they scientists? Trainers? Do they compete in competitions, do they specialize in types? Who's everyone's starter? Has anyone encountered any legendaries?
-College AU
-High School AU
-Wizard101 AU :: I (🦊) recently got this AU idea and recently started going off somewhere with it in terms of writing, but, like, Hermitcraft meets Wizard101. Tons and tons of magical shenanigans, monster hunting, and idk what else.
-Magic AU
-My Hero Academia AU :: Headcanons can be about which hermits would have what quirks and occupations based on them.
-So I'm writing an AU where there's a second game of Demise but 5 years later. So far the first 2 hermits (Joe and Xisuma) have died, and their dead forms are cracked with an arrow in his chest (Xisuma) and cyborg (Joe). So since it's Saturday, I'm looking for what some skins would look for.
-City AU :: I mean this is really just a normal everyday AU.
-School AU.
-Terraria-Minecraft Fusion AU :: Who chooses what class? what events do each hermit prefer? how to they deal with the world infections? preferred biomes? Favourite NPCS? It has potentiallllll.
-70s/80s Teen Horror AU :: (like Stranger Things, Carreie, The Lost Boys, Halloween, etc.) -🦇
-Demi-God AU :: Sort of like percy jackson (everyone being the children of different gods from all different cultures.)
-Supernatural AU
-Marching Band AU :: Xisuma is the band major and all the show music is the remixes. I need to come up with some ideas for uniforms. Outfits and flags for the colorguard too.
-Different Eras AU :: (Suggested Twice.) All the hermits are from different time periods or eras. Like Wels is from the mediveal/dark era, Mumbo is from 1890-1920's, Iskall is from 2030, TFC is from 2020(?), Cleo is from 2130, etc!!! Like the mobs/animals became feused with humans, is when the mob players came from.
-Star Trek AU :: Like maybe they could be on one ship and each have different roles like engineers or doctors? I don’t know if this has been suggested but hope you enjoy! - 🐦
-House Mates AU :: ApartmentAU but scaled down?
-Atlantis AU :: (Could be merged with Mermaid AU???)
-Fighting Game AU :: Some influences would be Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, and Ultra Instinct, that kind of stuff.
-Time loop AU :: The hermits each have to deal with their own time loop.
(All those above in red are from our community's lovely Anons!)
-Superhero/superpower AU :: They each have a unique power/powerset that is in some way connected to their personality. (ie Mumbo *could* control electricity because of his love of redstone) Some Hermits may even choose to be "villains" and prank their other servermates. If you need power ideas, I've got a couple. (12u3ie)
-Daycare AU :: The recap peeps are the caretakers :P (-@tikauniverse.)
-Incredibly Long Cross Country Train Ride AU :: they all are in the same train car, telling stories of where they’re going, backstories.)
-Stuck In An Airport AU :: pretty similar to train au but they can be going diff places.
-Doctors AU :: they’re all doctors working at the same hospital.)
-Circus AU (Also suggested by an Anon.) (Suggested Twice.)
-Spy AU (Also suggested by @shadeswiftdraws.) (Suggested Twice.)
-Runaways AU :: The hermits are all teenagers who have run away from home, they all live on the streets until TFC takes them in. Head canons can be about backstories, living on the streets, or when they’re with TFC.
-Criminals and Police Officers AU
-Dancer AU :: I mean, I already got a list kind of planned out, but headcanons for why specific styles are chosen would be appreciated! :) (usedtobelucythefallenangel)
-Broadway/Musicals Hermits AU :: The hermits are all casts of various musicals and when this newly-built theater opens up they all fight for which musical gets to play in it first (they have a riff-off maybe?) musicals mainly included are Hamilton, BMC, DEH, SiX, Beetlejuice, etc (feel free to add more!) (-@heyitsroby.)
-DnD AU (Also suggested by Anon.) (Suggested twice.)
-Mermaid AU :: In honor of the end of Mermay
-Space exploration AU :: There could be different ships, command centers, aliens.... Maybe someone could even get stranded/crash on a new planet? Who knows, could be fun.
-Paranormal/ghost hunter AU :: A couple Hermits could be the ghost hunters going to haunted locations to prove/disprove their hauntedness, others could be camera crew, owners of haunted buildings, or even the ghosts themselves.
-Camping/Vacation AU.
-Summer Cottage AU :: They all spend summers/weekends along the same shoreline and do different summer activities together. Outdoor fun and shenanigans!
-Space AU :: like star trek or similar.
-I would say evil clone au but I think that's pretty much the entire Hermitcraft tumblr right now lol. (Suggested twice.)
-Magic AU :: Magic exists and all the hermits have powers. They can also summon a weapon but what that weapon is depends on the hermit. I'm thinking it'll take place in a sort-of Demise 2 in S7 with a big war. So far I've got: Grian - Cloning himself to his different personas (each has a different power). Xisuma - Making barriers, teleporting, and transforming into different mobs. Scar - Making mutant plants & boosting other hermits' attack & health. (-@datsaltyperson.)
-Demon AU :: Something enters the overworld and turns into a supernatural style-demon through Dimentional Distortion. Who gets posessed first, who goes crazy, and who actually kills it? Honestly I think that, if anything, Tango would know how to gank it, for obvious reasons. (-@fireflower-dusk.)
-High Street AU :: Everyone owns a different shop on the same street or some run a shop together (-@violets-arepurple.)
-Cat AU :: Either they're were always cats, or Hels turned everyone, including himself, into a cat, and they have to survive and overcome challenges in the Season 7 world. An example of a challenge would be Cub's a Sand Cat(the cats that always look like kittens no matter how old they are and live in deserts), and everyone's not sure if he can actually swim, so they have to find a way for him to get around without involving water. (-@scp10000.)
-How about a secret AU.. Every hermit has their big secrets and when Grian joined. He doesn't really know anything about those secrets even till season 7. Not many hermits talked to him in S6 anyway.. Mumbo was the closest to him so they would have regular chats For Iskall is mostly business related things Grian wants to know why so he set out on a quest to force the others to at least talk to him so he wouldn't be lonely. (-@babylightstudentbiscuit.)
-Hermit Family AU :: Xisuma is very busy dad but when he isnt busy the kids and younger hermits annoying the hell out of him. Grian once asked to use Xisuma's computer and crashed the whole thing trying to download illegal gamesites and get money off the internet. Mumbo and his trains run through the entire house and Xisuma trips on them daily. (-@gamerutx.)
-College AU!! But they are not students. THEY ARE THE TEACHERS (-@ivi-prism.)
Ones I planned to do anyway but Hermitblr Hivemind and all that:
Battle of The Bands AU: i believe u once mentioned a bands/ battle of the bands au... thats my jam... (Anon.)
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