#anyways if anyone feels like having some kind of a respectful discussion about this feel free to ask clarifying questions
violetclarity · 2 years
like...not trying to offend anyone but I’m honestly becoming more and more convinced that catholocism (& probably christianity as a whole) are simply irredeemable? like I understand that the actual message in the bible is all about love and peace or whatever, but I don’t understand how you can look at all the harm that christiandom has wrought and continues to wreak, all the people they have hurt in the name of their faith, and think that the probably intention of some dudes a couple thousand years ago means more than...all of that.
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altschmerzes · 2 years
im too tired to word this well and thoroughly but lately spending time in the aro community is just increasing and strengthening my belief that the framework of attraction/orientation is just not the appropriate framework for thinking about and discussing every type of human interaction and experience and feeling. that’s a specific concept to capture a specific experience and making everything an axis of attraction/orientation is…… it really doesn’t work.
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So this is a weird ask but I figured an Actual Welsh Person would be the person to go to, and you've been pretty gung-ho about the language thing. So I hope I'm not bothering you with this.
Is there a cultural consensus on foreigners learning Welsh? I'm American and I don't have a single shred of Welsh ancestry. My family is historically German, and we've been here since the English Colony days, so it honestly seems really weird even to try to claim some tie to German heritage.
Anyway, my point is, I have absolutely zero legitimate claim to the Welsh language. I don't plan to travel to Wales in the foreseeable future. I have no reason to learn Welsh except that it sounds pretty and I enjoy a challenge.
Putting aside the issue of "lmao it's gonna be stupid difficult to learn an endangered language if you don't have anyone to speak it with" (I have a loose plan for dealing with that, and the experience of learning two languages to "can read most novels without needing the dictionary" level without anyone to speak them with in person already) entirely, do you reckon it's okay for me to study Welsh? I know Americans are really, really bad about just kinda assuming the whole world belongs to us, and I'm trying not to do that here. Especially because Welsh IS endangered.
I imagine your average Welsh person probably doesn't care what some random American does. But like, for people who care about the language...Would it be considered disrespectful or overstepping for me to study it? I don't expect you to speak for the entire country, of course, but I respect your opinion and I feel like you'd have a grasp on what the general feeling towards a foreigner like me might be.
Thanks for your time.
I honestly, truly, do not understand how the discussion around cultural appropriation has been twisted in the cultural zeitgeist to such an extent that people now feel anxiety about learning other languages.
This is not a personal attack on you, Anon - the gods only know that you clearly care and want to do the right thing, and that's beautiful and wonderful and also I will come back to extolling your personal virtues at the end of this post, so stay tuned. But I do want to take a moment here to talk about the broader issue at play, which I have seen echoed multiple times elsewhere, because fuck me what are we doing to ourselves.
Learn. Languages.
That is what languages are for! To be used for communication. If you don't learn languages, you are forcing everyone else to use yours. How have we somehow, as a culture, twisted that into being the less selfish option? How have we done that? I posted my favourite Welsh idiom recently, and someone reblogged it and wrote in the tags that they loved the idiom and would start using it, but they would do so in English because their "Welsh pronunciation would make their Welsh grandmother spin in her grave."
What kind of mental gymnastics is that?
How the fuck do you twist it so badly that you think taking a Welsh idiom for your own and exclusively using it in English is less offensive than saying it in Welsh but maybe a bit wrong? I've literally had people proclaim to me that they're learning Welsh on Duolingo but they never speak it because they're too self-conscious, and they tell me this not to highlight a massive flaw in themselves that they need to work on, but as though I'm supposed to pat them on the head and thank them for... still making me speak English to them.
There was that post where a Deaf blogger received an anonymous ask saying learning sign language is cultural appropriation, as though Deaf people haven't been calling for Sign to be taught in schools. As though a Deaf person being entirely isolated in everyday hearing society unless they have an interpreter with them is less offensive than a hearing person being able to use BSL.
Like, these are not sacred or religious languages. The purpose of Welsh or BSL or what have you is not to perform the Eleusinian mysteries. It's a living everyday language, same as English -
Except it's not the same as English. As Anon here so rightly points out, Welsh is endangered. That means we are desperate for people to learn it. That's how it will survive. That's how we reversed it from 'dying language' to 'living language', in fact - we managed to get lots of people to learn it. You know what is a threat, though? People not learning it because, like poor Anon here, they've been somehow convinced by Western society that you're only allowed to learn languages if you personally have a historic or cultural connection to them that you can prove via six forms of ID and a letter of recommendation from a druid. Or people never using it because they're too embarrassed to try and risk losing face by getting it wrong, or maybe sounding a bit silly, and thus forcing us to use English anyway. Those are threats.
Anon. Listen to me, feel the sincerity of my words: we adore you. We adore you. You cannot imagine how appreciated it is when someone learns Welsh. You cannot imagine how touched we are that you wanted to, that you tried, that you respected us enough and considered us valid enough that you made the effort. Our closest neighbours are the very people who are still trying to stamp out Welsh to this very day. Do you know the number 1 reaction I get, by a country mile, when I tell English people that I speak Welsh? It's some variant on a scoff, and the sentiment "Why? What's the point? Bit useless, isn't it?"
By a country mile. That's the reaction I expect, and brace for, and is overwhelmingly what I get.
So when someone who isn't Welsh actually chooses to learn Welsh?
Imagine what that feels like! To go from not-even-hidden disgust, from outright mockery and often active suppression campaigns, to a foreigner earnestly telling me that they love and respect my language so much they're trying to learn it. Imagine how that feels.
Please learn Welsh. Please learn it. We will love you for it. We will build you a statue. We will bake little Welshcakes with your face on in icing sugar. We will write you poems in complex rhyme. We'll name an Eisteddfod prize after you. We'll name at least, like, three sheep after you. Thank you, thank you so much for even wanting to learn. You're a delight and a marvel and a wonder. Your hair looks great today, as it does all days. You're a strong, independent human being of immense wisdom and compassion. If this were a Welsh myth you'd be a wise salmon the heroes came to for advice. What a fantastic human.
The welcome awaits if you choose to learn
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borzoilover69 · 3 months
I have a headcanon on how these guys style themselves postgame and you WILL hear me out.
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Kanaya, Roxy, and Jade are self explanatory. They know how they want to present themselves. They know how to go forward with that. They’ve got colour combos and layering and fashion choices suited to their particular style IN THE BAG. Loud, prominent, they know whats up.
Jake, Calliope, and Jane get nudged into giving a fuck about fashion by anyone named above, or rather their own desire to dress up…Jake moreso because as a celebrity he gives too much of a fuck about his image to be anything less. Callie of course is affectionate enough with jade and roxy that they teach her how to style and i think she would like lolita and more daintier feminine stuff than roxy, but she does tend to sometimes switch over to suits. Jane is pure butch energy she dresses like a guy but as a girl with fashion sense. Like strict lesbian style. I dont know how else to fucking put it she would dress like how a butch lesbian would.
Jane and Jake stylewise would be similiar to some retro callback summer movie where everyones on a roadtrip in a yellow van or something except jake is more prone to extravagancy because he gives more of a fuck. Also one of them is wearing dresses and its NOT Jane.
Dirk and Rose.. fashion disasters. Dirk doesnt know fashion weight for a while and tries too hard id even suspect that he would try and mimic daves fashion style for a while until john or someone else blatantly calls him out in an offhand comment and jake and the rest of his friends start getting on his fucking case about being so bland with his fashion takes (all primaries, little to no patterns, basic, no layering.) that he caves and starts taking it like a personal challenge to style well.
At some point he has a revelation and realises he can get piercings and starts leaning into that and punk / gothish fashion. Black with complimentary colours recommended by friends.
Rose is sort of a fashion trainwreck like for all of kanayas nudging she doesnt really give a fuck and kanaya starts dictating her outfits and then of course she also gets the "someone makes an offhand comment that makes them mald really hard about it and go into a snooty onesided competition to prove they GET IT actually and that you were TOTALLY wrong about them not GETTING IT." Its the only way Dirk and Rose start caring.
Terezi and John get nudged around by their respective compadres about fashion sense and style, but they generally dont give a damn and have their own thing going for them. Theyve got their own vibe and style that feels well on them and especially terezi wise i think she would lean into the fashion disaster for fun. As long as the colours taste well together, who gives a damn about layering etc etc. throw in some crocs with a suit. An oversized shirt with a tapered skirt. Who cares. John is more tried and true but he styles out ENOUGH so he doesnt end up in the last (deorgatory) category.
Dave and Karkat are the real stubborn contendors of the friendgroup fashionwise. Baggy on baggy outfitwear. WILL get on your case if you point out had it not been for their respective colour choices they basically dress the exact same. Same mix of cargo pants, sweatpants, tracksuit pants, hoodies, and tshirts to keep them going for the lifetime. There js nothing else. Whats layering. Accessories? Well except for a watch hard pass. Patterned clothing? No way. Basic colours ONLY. Maybe Dave would dig long shorts ive always seen him as a longshorts kind of guy but its never anything noteworthy. Type of guys to choose what theyre wearing with their eyes closed thats how basic their closet is.
Anyways thats my style and fashion thoughts. Let me know what you think. Discuss and all that. Also tag yourself on which one youre closest to stylewise. Im jake. Obviously.
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krowbby · 9 months
i've been meaning to make a post about this for awhile, so here's one of my favorite little monstrous regiment bits/hcs. we know that vampires can somehow 'sense' someones sex from the bit with the charcoal burners (unless they're old). this gives some insight into how mal knew about all the girls in the squad from the jump. the fun bit comes from their interactions with otto. if mal can sense this stuff, surely otto can as well? so why doesn't he say anything? he not only doesn't out any of them, but even explicitly respects their chosen genders (i.e. when he says "no more mr. nice coffee drinker guy.")
there are a few options here i think:
a) he just is a vampire who knows how to mind his own business. kind of odd to be a photojournalist with a healthy sense of that, but stranger things have happened.
b) he has a similar feeling to when polly asks mal if he's going to do anything about the girls in the squad, and mal says, "why should i do anything about anyone? i'm a vampire officially pretending not to be one right? i'm the last person who'll say anyone has to play the hand they were dealt." otto also knows what it's like to change something about yourself to go where you want to in life, and he's not about to ruin it for the squad.
c) of course, the most fun conclusion to this is that otto is also trans. i don't have a copy of the truth on me, so i'm fuzzy about what otto has shared about his origins, but i don't think it would be a stretch for him to have felt similarly confined by vampire gender roles as mal and gone off to the city to take his pictures. (also i just realized otto would be a really fitting chosen name for him, since he loves ph(otto)graphy...)
anyways i don't think i've seen people discussing this topic on here before and i think about it a lot when i'm rereading! so i thought i'd share :3
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fluentmoviequoter · 2 months
Driver’s Seat
Pairing: Dominique Luca x fem!reader
Summary: At a classic car show, you meet the only gentleman in attendance and bond over a mutual love for cars.
Warnings: fluff! 1.2k+ words
A/N: This is completely self-indulgent (it’s about me and my car) but I figured I could share it anyway. Happy daydreaming about Luca!😊
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“Nice car.”
You bristle, prepared for some variant of nicer driver or bet you look good in it.
“What year? ‘76 or ‘77?”
At the continued discussion of the car, you turn. You’ve seen Dom Luca around car shows before, but haven’t had the chance or a reason to talk to him yet. His kind smile helps you relax and you offer a smile in return. Being a woman at a car show is like travelling back in time to when the cars were new; you’re treated differently here than anywhere else.
“1977,” you answer. “Good eye. You’re Dom Luca, right? You brought a gorgeous 1956 Buick Special a few months ago.”
“Yeah, yeah, that’s me. Friends just call me Luca. I’m stuck with a ‘68 Charger this month. But your car is a beauty.”
“Thanks! I still have a ton of work to do before she’s finished, but I’m proud of everything I’ve managed to do.”
“You should be. Sorry, I didn’t ask your name.”
You smile as you extend your hand and say your name. Luca’s handshake is firm, and you appreciate the respect he shows you. It’s refreshing, and you’re glad your mental image of him from past shows holds up. He’s a gentlemen in a world where there aren’t many left.
“Any chance you have before pictures? I haven’t gotten my hands on a Nova yet but I know good work when I see it. Do it all yourself?”
You pull your phone from your pocket and navigate to your photo albums as you nod. “I did as much as I could. Had a lot of amazing people to help too.”
As you turn your phone to scroll through the before pictures, Luca moves to stand closer. His shoulder presses against yours, and you freeze momentarily before swiping to the next picture.
“Is that you?” Luca asks excitedly.
The picture of you smiling in the driver’s seat after the first test drive is one of your favorites. It was such a special moment, and having it immortalized in a photo is priceless. Luca’s attention, however, makes you a bit shy and you nod before swiping away quickly.
“There’s no shame in being excited. First drives are a special kind of rush,” he assures. “It’s a good picture, too.”
“Thank you,” you whisper.
“Everything original?”
You appreciate the change of subject, happier to focus on the car rather than its owner.
“Yeah, it is. Straight 6, automatic transmission, even the color is the same.”
“Now that takes real talent. Anyone can cover a classic in aftermarket parts, but original? That’s impressive.”
As you turn to face Luca, you realize how close he’s standing. Face-to-face, eye-to-eye, lip-to-lip… you know you should step back but you don’t want to. Luca smiles like he feels the same before his eyes drop to your phone.
“Care for another picture?” he asks. “It’s your first entry into a car show right?”
Someone whistles behind you and shatters the moment. Luca looks over your shoulder as he steps back. You can tell he wants to say something, but you shake your head. It’s always like this, you communicate with a shrug.
“Can I see the Charger you’re stuck with? Though I’d love to get my hands on a ‘69, so I don’t see it as the unfortunate situation you do,” you say with a smile.
Luca’s shoulders drop as he relaxes and steps to the side. He leads you down the row and around a booth at the end. The black Charger is beautiful, and your eyes widen as you walk the length of it.
“Luca,” you murmur. “It’s perfect.”
Luca presses his lips together to hide his smile. He said his friends call him Luca, and it sounds right coming from your lips. After thanking you, Luca pops the trunk open and points to a nearly invisible metallic L welded to the side.
“For Luca?” you ask, once again standing directly at Luca’s side.
“My brother and I work on these cars together. We, uh, didn’t talk for a while, so now that we’re close again, we like putting something in every car.”
“That’s amazing. I- do you have one more minute to spare?”
“If you compliment the car again, maybe I’ll give you two.”
“The body work on this is impeccable. Better than original. Like always,” you compliment.
“Lead the way.”
You unlock the passenger door and open the glovebox of your car. A laminated piece of paper and a photo are in your hands, and you pass them to Luca.
“1987,” he reads. “You have an old title registration for this car? Do you know how rare that is? Was it in the car?”
“Look at the picture,” you answer.
“I take it back. The first drive photo isn’t your best.”
You chuckle at the idea that the photo he’s holding is your best. In it, you’re less than 10 years old, sitting in the driver’s seat like you belong, and it’s proof that you’ve loved this car for nearly your entire life.
“Took me a while to get started on it, but it was worth the wait,” you muse. “Most good things are.”
“So, when you came to shows before, were you looking for inspiration or people to hire?” Luca asks as he passes the papers back.
With the memories of your family’s history with the car secure in the glovebox, you return your attention to Luca.
“You’re different than I thought you’d be,” you say. His face drops, and you add, “I knew you’d be a gentleman, but I didn’t think you’d let me talk to your ear off about my car. And yours.”
“You’d be surprised how long I’d listen to you.”
You playfully roll your eyes before someone yells Luca’s name.
“What are you planning to do next?” Luca asks, pointing to your car.
“Dom!” the man repeats, louder.
“Do you need to go?” you ask.
“My brother,” Luca says. “He can wait. Tell me what’s next. Finish this one and call it good, or are you going to be around with more cars?”
“I’d love to restore another car. Actually, a truck. An old boxy one that needs the love, or a Harvester.”
“1950s Harvester is my dream project,” Luca agrees.
“Finding one that isn’t in a scrap heap seems…”
“Impossible,” you and Luca say together.
“If you ever get your hands on one, send me lots of pictures?” you request as Luca’s brother approaches.
“What if I ask for your help instead?” Luca suggests.
“Why me?”
Luca smiles like he knows something you don’t. He introduces you to his brother, Terry, and shakes your hand again before leaving to talk to a salesman. A paper is transferred to your palm during the shake, and when he’s gone, you look at it. Luca’s phone number accompanies a short message, and your smile grows until your cheeks hurt.
Talk my ear off before the next show? I’d love to learn more about the girl in the car.
When he had time to write this, you don’t know. But you do know your answer. You text Luca that you’d love that, and he turns to wink at you before asking the men around him if anyone knows of a Harvester still on the market.
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feluka · 1 month
Hi, I don’t rlly know how to explain this but I’ll try haha.
I recently found out I have Egyptian and specifically Coptic ancestry, through family tree making, matching with cousins, gedmatch, dna testing, etc and now personal confirmation from family/ancestors.
The problem is idrk who was the Coptic ones in my family as my dad died when I was four and I’ve had no contact with his family at all since. I know it came from his mother, but I can’t even give you her name let alone where she was from, or anything. Although I want to learn more and reconnect and eventually find out who they were exactly. It’s just hard because my dad’s living family has no contact w us and since he’s dead, it’s been hard to get records as well.
I would like to learn more about Coptic culture and Egypt in general but I am worried about people considering me a ‘culture thief’ since I only recently. found this out a few months ago but didn’t really have 100% confirmation until like 2 weeks ago. And even though I can prove genetically I have ancestry Coptic I can’t really say who my ancestors were which would probably make some skeptical.
Especially because I am African American and there already exists a rift between Egyptians and AAs bc of hoteps who claim Egyptian culture/claim Egyptians are just Arabs who ‘stole’ Egyptian culture. I want to be respectful but I’m unsure how to navigate this.
I guess I’m asking if you have any idea how I should move forward, or if you know of any resources to learn more? I want to be respectful, but I would also love to start to reconnect even if I don’t know where my ancestors were exactly from other than ‘Egypt’.
Hello! First of all, this is both a very respectful and a very personal ask, so I want to thank you for trusting me with that. I hope my answer can help you find peace with the matter a little.
Instead of trying to figure out if the overall sentiment of trying to reconnect is harmful or not, because there's really no answer to that in and of itself, and instead stop at every individual action taken to reconnect and asking: could this be harming anybody?
For example, if you'd like to pick up Coptic language lessons, could this action possibly be harmful to anyone? Not really. Is reading about Coptic culture and engaging with what survived of it in modern day harmful? I don't think so.
The only possible thing that I can think of that might be harmful is, I have awful experiences with certain diaspora Copts who have never really engaged with the community nor know much of it, who suddenly butt in conversations about Coptic politics in Egypt like they're an expert on it despite never having been or known anything about it themselves, but from the way you've written this ask I doubt you're the kind of person to do that anyway, seeing as you're being very respectful and that you recognize that there's some dissonance in your experience (which there's no shame in, but the self awareness is helpful as a guide of when to participate and when not to!)
I don't know if I said this before on this blog but, to my knowledge, the matter of the hotep subculture entails far more than just questioning the Egyptian identity, and seeing as I'm neither African American nor Black at all, I don't think it's my place to comment on it. I invite any of my Black followers to contribue to intra-community discussion in the reblogs/comments for you to read, though!
All I can promise you is that even if the notion that the population of Egypt was displaced rather than converted during the Arab conquest of Egypt is false, there still are Black Egyptians and there always have been. Sadly I'm sure there will always be people who try to make you feel like a pretender, but that is true of so many things and regardless of what you do, so always remember thay Black people have always been part of Egypt's history, and that nobody is entitled to know your personal details or family history and you don't need to disclose anything you're not comfortable with to prove anything to them.
As for resources, there's always a lot on Egyptology in general, so the specific topics that would be helpful to be aware of are: modern history of Copts (or Copts post the Arab Conquest of Egypt), the persecution of Copts, the decline of the Coptic language and the efforts to revive the language. The last two are especially pertinent nowadays.
Lastly you can always ask other Copts! I may not have all the answers but I'm sure between me and my followers we can find something helpful for you if you're trying to find a specific resource of have more questions. (The scarcity of resources is something we *all* have to deal with, even us here in Egypt, I'm afraid, but it's not a lost cause! You'd be surprised how much is out there on internet archives.)
I hope you have a lovely day. ♥️
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Aroace Alastor
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Hoo boy here we go- This one might make some people mad at me, so I'll preface by saying I do not want to start a fight and as long as you respect my business, I'll respect yours. But let's get this over with-
First off, I genuinely don't understand how some people can see the Ace-In-The-Hole quote and still believe that Alastor is only intended to be asexual and not also aromantic. Yes, the term Rosie used for purpose of the pun was 'ace', but can we look at the context of that moment before jumping to conclusions?
Rosie, motioning to Charlie: "Oh, who's this you brought with you? Come now, Alastor, she's much too young for you! Oh, I'm just kidding. I know you're an ace in the hole!"
Her original statement implies nothing sexual, only that he's involved in a relationship with Charlie, and she follows it up with why she knows that couldn't be because he's an 'ace in the hole'. I don't think you have to read too far between the lines to see that.
I would also like to say that when Vivienne has spoken about his orientation before, I recall her saying that she didn't want to confirm him being aromantic so that she wouldn't 'ruin anyone's fun', which I just feel like is an odd thing to say if she wasn't already explicitly picturing him as aroace. If she thought he had romantic attraction, why wouldn't she just say that? What fun would that ruin? I also feel like keeping things like this ambiguous just to appease the shippers is a little weird, but I digress-
And to those of you who I know are saying "But aromantic people can be in relationships too!!" *deep inhale* yeah I know. I'm not gonna pretend you're not right about that, but there are also aroace people who have exactly 0 interest in romance or sex at all. This is the part of the post that really is based on how I interpret certain moments, but to me he is absolutely one of those people. I don't really know where people get any vibes of him being interested in that stuff. I have never once looked at him and thought "Yeah I could see him in a romantic relationship with *insert character here*". Even aside from attraction in general, since that's what we'd be talking about at this point anyway, he just seems like the kind of guy who'd rather work and live independently instead of relying on anyone, whether practically or emotionally (which is also probably part of the reason he never joined the Vees, but that's another topic entirely). Hell, I'm pretty sure he's in heavy denial about even developing any kind of care or friendship with the people at the hotel (ie. the episode 8 scene with him and Niffty).
The only ships I see him involved in with people he doesn't hate (so ignoring RadioApple, RadioHusk, and StaticRadio. But to be real, maybe the fact all his main ships are enemies to lovers coded says something about the whole situation, but that's just me-) are Charlastor - which I will not even try to discuss here, people aren't gonna like this post as it is - and RadioRose. Rosie and him would at least be fair, if it weren't for one thing (which is also personal opinion on my end), and I don't know exactly how to word it. I'm tempted to say she has wingwoman vibes? But she knows he's aro, so that's not the right word, but there's vibes of like, she probably did act as a wingwoman before she realized that about him or something.. There's also something about her joking around like "Oh this is the girl? You have a girlfriend and I'm only now meeting her?" is almost giving motherly behavior. Idk man they're just besties to me, I could see them in a QPR though (not that they'd probably label it that way, considering the word queerplatonic is likely just complete gibberish to Alastor lmao).
So to summarize: It feels incredibly likely, if not practically canon, that Alastor was written with aromanticism in mind, even if Vivienne refuses to explicitly state it. Subtext and not-that-subtle implications can say just as much about a character as word of God, especially when that God has explicitly told us why she won't confirm or deny this information. Do I think any of this will stop people from shipping him romantically with literally any other character? No ofc it won't, and that's okay, that's just what fandoms do. I do think there's something to say for the fact the one aroace (or even at the very least asexual) character gets constantly shipped with everyone else in the cast, but this post is long enough I think. The only point of posting this is that I wanted to get information out there in one post to say "Hey, let's look a little bit past the surface for a second before saying there's no proof of him being aromantic"
Anyway, thanks for reading, I hope you at least took something away from this
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poetrysmackdown · 6 months
some informal thoughts
hello! hope the holiday season has been kind to all of you. and i hope all my jewish followers had a lovely hanukkah! anyways, since i said a few months ago that i’d pick poetry smackdown back up sometime around this time of year, i thought i should make a post. the gist of it is that i’m still quite busy, i have a break that’s about three weeks shorter than I was planning on, and i don’t currently have the mental bandwidth required to read, contemplate, and sort through poem submissions in a way that does justice to them, even if i were to recruit some friends to help out. since running a tournament format requires at least five weeks of continued engagement once it’s underway, and since i’m not at capacity to offer that right now due to the change in my schedule, i’m gonna have to bow out for now. sad bc i was looking forward to it!
my hope is that i’ll have some more time over the summer to hunker down with it, in which case you’ll be hearing from me. it’ll frankly depend on the kind of job i land in for the summer, but i find that my unemployed spirit can typically keep me doing stupid shit regardless of workload...to a point. i don’t want to make any promises because i don’t want to get anyone’s hopes up just to let them down again LOL. i do admit the amount of exposure the first tournament got has made me feel like more of a perfectionist this time around, doubly because i don’t feel that i’m very suited to being a public online presence (even a relatively quite small one)—i’m bad enough at responding to emails for my own real life responsibilities, let alone tumblr asks for the silly responsibilities i invent for myself lol. that’s not to say i no longer want to do it, or i don’t enjoy it, or even that i don’t feel capable of making a really interesting bracket—just that if i am working to put something new together, and if people are taking the time to submit poems they care about, then i don’t want to half-ass it.
my second admission is something like this. I made the original bracket as a celebration of poetry and our relationships to it. yes it was silly and competitive, and the poems were very tumblr, but still, celebration was the intention—I wanted to have conversations about poetry. I stand by the bracket format as a fun and valuable way to foster conversations about poetry, but truthfully, the poems i’m wanting to have conversations about right now—the poems that we should be talking about right now—are ones that i'm not comfortable putting in a bracket. I reblogged The Baffler’s Poems from Palestine collection on here earlier, and Najwan Darwish’s “Who Remembers The Armenians?”, which I still often find repeating through my head when I'm traveling from one place to another, walking home or riding the bus. I came across this beautiful thread recently where people have been translating Dr. Refaat Alareer’s “If I Must Die” into their own languages (this just makes my translator's heart sing!!!!!!). @havingapoemwithyou has been posting some great poems from and for Palestine as well—check out their tag here.
There's always more to add, and I'll be posting more on here as I come across it, but that's what I feel anyone should be focusing on right now when it comes to poetry. i think poetry can be an escape but it should never be a distraction. does that make sense? i wouldn't be against doing a one-off poll here or there, but it feels weird to be making a tournament for poetry right now, or anytime soon. i feel like what free time i have right now is still best utilized helping my friends with organizing in the real world. and god, a bit off-topic but while I'm talking, fuck poetry foundation—I have so much respect for all the poets keeping up the boycott, because while i think it's a simple decision, it's not always an easy one (Aurielle Lucier discussed that here).
anyways, if you read all of this, thank you for your time!! I could go on and on, but really this was just meant to be a message telling y'all that there won't be another tournament for a while lol. even so i'll be trying to use this small silly platform as best i can until palestine is free because that's the absolute least i can do.
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simplykorra · 10 months
i need to talk about how ava's constant physical pain and the way she keeps getting utterly wrecked, as in her body getting repeatedly mangled throughout season one, is completely disregarded by most everyone except bea. repeatedly stabbed, shot, whatever, didn't matter much simply because she could heal. so because she could heal not much concern or empathy was ever given to her. i know mary kicking her off the cliff is supposed to be a mostly humorous moment and to literally knock some sense into her but like. not only was it over the top unnecessary, it was callous and kind of cruel. yes she can heal. that doesn't mean it's okay to continually harm her so severely it may have killed somebody who couldn't. like she still feels every bit of the pain in the moment. just imagine that. falling off a cliff onto sharp rocks. it's lilith stabbing and slicing her back. it's jillian not giving a shit and electrocuting her so severely she drops to her knees screaming. she might as well have been a test rat. so not only is her past emotional pain, that trauma, disregarded and not given the respect it deserves by others, but her actual body isn't either.
anyway all this to really say that it's why the scene in the van after ava got shot with the arrow is so wonderful. she's bleeding and in pain and visible distress and bea is treating it as you would if you couldn't heal. taking it every bit as seriously as you should if someone you cared about got shot. the way she holds both hands so tightly over the wound, not letting up, her reassuring words. always trying to comfort her. treating her like ava the person not ava the halo bearer who can just heal from almost anything so who cares. no, as soon as she got to know ava, spoke to her, saw her, she was the only one who gave her pain the respect it deserved.
now the only thing missing is an actual discussion of her emotional trauma. it can only happen with bea and i'm so hoping we see something like that down the road.
you know, anon...i can't really add anything else to this
you nailed it, i don't think anyone appreciated someone finally taking care of her more than ava did
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pomplalamoose · 7 months
DILF Luke headcanons / story draft
🌱modern day AU🌱
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A/N: It's outrageous how there is so much content for modern day dilf Anakin but basically none for dilf Luke and I'm here to fix it😤
I hope you enjoy this little collection of headcanons, ideas and scenarios <3
part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5
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• think about dilf!Luke who is in his late 30s to early 40s
• he lives in a nice house together with his adult child
• before you meet for the very first time you don't know anything about him at all
• nor about his former partner for that matter
• assuming you are friends with Luke's child, you may get enough information to know that his wife/their mother is no longer in the picture 
• are their parents still married but they're simply not living together anymore?
• did she leave him?
• did they have to get a divorce?
• did something happen to her?
• you don't want to pry and, of course, you are sure your friend will open up once they feel like talking about it
• there are so many other things to share and discuss anyways, so why, of all things, would you talk about their father's love life?
• (soon though you'll find you want to talk about nothing else)
• on the rare occasions your respective families do come up in conversation, it's always clear they have a really great relationship with their dad
• Luke cares for his kid a lot and wants to be involved in what they do to support them, no matter how old they are 
• so naturally he doesn't mind them inviting their friends over, which is how you'd get to know him in the first place  
• that's just the thing though, I think he has some kind of reputation among the people who have already met him
• there is lots of talk surrounding his person, as well as many circulating rumors 
• while his immediate family always describes him as very loving, he doesn't seem to show this side of him to others very often, if at all
• nobody has ever witnessed him smile, meanwhile his family say he's very fun to be around 
• he's a walking mystery 
• while he is evermore polite and hospitable he keeps a careful distance between himself and anyone who may try to engage in conversation
• even when someone stays over at the Skywalker's house for a longer period of time, maybe for dinner, they don't see him again until they bid their goodbye 
• he's just rather intimidating with how stern and standoffish he tends to come across
• nobody knows what he does for work but he and his family seem to be well off
• so when your friend invites you to their house for the first time you can't help but be excited
• at the same time you are pretty nervous, wishing to make a good impression
• what is going on with this man that everybody keeps talking and speculating about?
• as soon as he opens the door and you meet his eyes, you know why 
• he's handsome, almost intimidatingly so
• he carries himself swiftly, his movements elegant 
• he towers above you and your heart picks up speed when he shakes your much smaller hand 
• he offers to help you out of your jacket, then gives you a nod and leaves you waiting for your friend as you pick up your jaw from the floor
• at work he wears dark suits and gleaming, black shoes 
• though he's always nicely dressed, even at home
• he's often seen wearing soft plaid or monochrome shirts 
• during the warmer days or when he's busy in the kitchen he rolls up the sleeves and leaves open a few buttons at the top 
• on rare occasions he wears his shirt open or forgoes it completely during especially hot summer days 
• only his family and later you will see him like this though 
• during autumn or winter he adds cardigans or knitted sweaters and pairs them with neat jeans, alternatively with corduroy or cloth pants 
• from time to time he puts on glasses 
• of course he owns sweatpants and simple t-shirts as well, however they only make an appearance at night 
• or when he's going for a jog around the neighborhood
• he does so quite often 
• as expected it takes him a long while to warm up to you
• in fact you thought he never would as nobody else in your friend group managed to pull off this feat
• but depending on how you befriended his kid and how close the both of you are growing over time, it's only natural you like to share lots of your free time together 
• you may have met at college or university and study together regularly
• or maybe you work at the same job and like to spend your evenings sharing stories and talking about your day 
• so why would you meet at your place when their home is so conveniently close and quicker to reach?
• ultimately Luke can't avoid you, and what your presence awakens in him, forever 
• eventually he stops disappearing as quickly as he used to after greeting you and instead stays around a few minutes for polite small talk 
• when in the beginning it was stilted and somewhat uncomfortable, after a while it starts to feel like he's somewhat interested in what you have to say about the weather or your day, depending on what he asks you about 
• so whenever you come over now you are nervous for a very different reason than you used to be 
• does he like the way you dress?
• and your perfume?
• and how you did your hair?
• what's his type anyways, would he ever consider you pretty?
• never does he show his attraction to you in any way though, so you are left guessing
• he never answers your questions either, may it be those you ask aloud and those you keep a secret
• if he does respond to them then only in really cryptic ways that make no sense at all
• you have a hard time telling whether he's messing with you or not 
• you do realize however that he appears to have grown somewhat fond of you
• your conversations not only grow more natural but also longer 
• he seems to enjoy spending this short amount of time with you that it takes your friend to come downstairs or to get ready before they whisk you away with them 
• maybe over the holidays you spend more and more time with your friend and thus at their home 
• (if you get to see their father, that's just a nice added bonus)
• and at some point Luke starts to check in on the both of you while you're visiting
• unbeknownst to you he has never done so before 
• he'll ask what you're doing and if he can help?
• what are you working on?
• do you need anything?
• something to drink? A snack?
• he'll bring you tea and some cookies either way
• also, how long are you staying?
• what would you like to eat?
• he often cooks in the evening and you're welcome to join him and his kid at dinner 
• shortly after he starts sending his greetings through your friend 
• you learn that apparently he asks about you occasionally, especially when you haven't been to their house for a longer period of time 
• he mostly wants to know how you're doing
• how are your studies or work projects coming along?
• if you need help, he'd definitely take a look, he's well read after all
• he wants to support the business you work for
• would you mind if he came by some time?
• when will you visit again?
• your friend tells you jokingly that he thinks you're being a good influence on them
• you receive a warm welcome once you are able to accept one of your friends invitations again
• or at least warm in comparison to how it used to be before 
• after all he's still an imposing figure, even though you've grown somewhat accustomed to his all consuming presence 
• it's obvious now, even to you, that he's suddenly lingering in your vicinity, coming up with reasons to stay for longer than before
• for longer than necessary
• and slowly you see the person come to light your friend told you about all this time ago
• it's fleeting and still subdued but you manage to catch little glimpses of it here and there 
• he absolutely makes dad jokes and silently smiles to himself when your friend dramatically rolls their eyes at them 
• he likes to celebrate special occasions by taking your friend and you out for ice cream or a milk shake
• no, you aren't too old for that, let him buy you something nice!
• you may call him by his first name now
• (after all this time it's weird to suddenly say Luke and often a Sir slips out despite his offer)
• one evening he teaches the two of you how to waltz around the kitchen 
• he starts allowing you to see him in more vulnerable moments as well
• so when you let yourself in through the back door now, you may find him taking a nap in the living room
• he looks untroubled and so much younger when he's asleep
• there is a pool in the backyard and during summer you're able to sneak a look at his athletic body while he's sunbathing or swimming his laps
• unfortunately (or luckily?) he tends to wear really tight swim shorts that leave little to nothing to the imagination
• once he caught you staring and winked at you, asking whether you liked his outfit 
• (your friend yelled at him for that)
• you weren't able to look him in the eyes for a while after and have yet to recover 
• there comes a day during winter when you forget the time and suddenly it's late and very dark outside
• to make it worse it's heavily raining 
• you're already turning to leave saying goodbye to your friend
• they ask you to be careful and to call them when you've made it home safely 
• you give your promise but before you can even start down the front steps you are stopped 
• Luke is not having it 
• either you'll stay over night or he'll drive you home, he won't make compromises
• flustered you ask him to drive you home and he does after properly chastising your friend for not coming straight to him 
• you sit in the back because you're too shy to use the passenger seat but he doesn't say anything about it 
• to your embarrassment he opened the car door for you and offered his hand to help you get in, all the while shielding you from the rain
• you took it
• you're scared that, for some reason, he's angry at you
• you watch him closely but he remains impassive, his expression unreadable
• it's quiet for the whole car ride and in your mind you're practicing how to say thank you when he'll eventually drop you off
• the sight of him, even from diagonally behind, is mesmerizing 
• the passing cars and street lights illuminate him beautifully and when he has to look to the side before making a turn they highlight his sharp jawline 
• he insists on taking you to your front door and only leaves when you're safely inside 
• after that he'll regularly ask whether you wish to sleep over or want to be driven home
• he keeps to himself how often he thinks and worries about you, though it shows through his actions 
• he sits you down and makes sure you have his number saved in your phone 
• he tells you to text or call him whenever
• don't be afraid to ask to be picked up, he'll come immediately when you need him to
• from now on though, you will always be sitting beside him in the front, it's not a question 
• he likes to listen to your stuttering breath when he rests his hand on your thigh
• he regularly asks about your well-being
• "Have you eaten yet?"
• one day he slips up and, while deep in thought, accidentally calls you sweetheart 
• unbeknownst to you that's what he has been calling you in his mind for weeks as he's slowly growing more and more possessive
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northern-passage · 6 months
wait so is both lea and clem doms? becuse if that si the case my MCs poor brain is gonna melt.
i don't usually answer asks like these (dom/sub or top/bottom asks are like the main reason i limit nsfw asks on this blog) but i want to say that it honestly just depends.
i've written a lot of intimate scenes now since i've started seriously writing like 4 yrs ago and i've never really written any character that's strictly one or the other. in my personal experience i find that it's usually just not the case for a lot of people & that it depends on the relationship, the situation, and communication. of course there are people that only ever want to do one or the other, not trying to argue that or invalidate anyone, my character Valentina from blood choke is a high femme (or as some would say, a pillow princess), but if you've read her intimate scenes you know that it's not that simple because of her experiences & the fact that she's not comfortable with the mc yet.
specifically it's the portrayal in fiction; i dislike the tendency in romance to make it so rigid without even having the characters ever discuss their preferences or sex in general in any meaningful way. i especially dislike the way a lot of authors and readers treat top/bottom/vers as interchangeable with dom/sub/switch and also as personality traits (it is literally just sexual preference) again it's mainly why i don't answer these kinds of questions or label my characters in that way because people take it and assume certain things about them that have nothing to do with sex. as in, people see Lea being a handler and kind of bossy and either assume that means they have to be a dom cus they just Have to be in control at all times, or to be "subversive," they must be a sub because actually they secretly long to not be in control at all! which is. incorrect in both instances. again there are people that may feel this way and this experience does represent them, but i don't like that it's the general assumption - this person is like this, so this must be the kind of sex they like, etc.
anyways all that to say that it depends on your mc and the situation. with tnp, i like trying to give the player a chance to choose how to approach sexual encounters, and i also want to do it in a way that will respect the other characters and their preferences, too. currently the only intimate scene in game has Merry taking the lead, but it fades to black before anything can really happen. i intend for later scenes to be longer & more interactive.
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redditreceipts · 4 months
Can I just say that after years of being in queer/TRA circles and being constantly bombarded with "OP's a TERF; their opinion is invalid," "hmm this [basic statement about misogyny existing] seems like radfem rhetoric," "how could you say that? That's so bigoted!" and just constant variations of "think this, you're bad if you think otherwise" after all of that it is so refreshing to come to radfem spaces and to see people very firmly state their opinions but also be very clear about differences of opinions being "allowed." I've seen you and several other radfems talk about how radfem ideology isn't a religion and that's so refreshing. I have internally for years thought trans ideology sounded like a religion but I could never say that aloud.
It's kind of funny in that among TRA circles, they regularly talk about TERFs indoctrinating people and radfem ideology being "cult-like," but I haven't see that yet. I see that all the time in TRA spaces instead. I certainly don't agree with everything I see in radfem spaces, but whereas in TRA spaces I feel like I'd be ostracized for my differing viewpoints and even suicide baited in radfem spaces I so far feel like disagreement is allowed. Vehement and passionate disagreement perhaps but nothing that would devolve into a complete lack of respect or care.
thank you!!!
and yes, you don't have to agree with everything on my blog (or maybe you don't even agree with anything lol).
I actually think it's so weird that people can be very convinced of something, and still completely unwilling to defend that position. I mean, I understand that there are positions that people don't want to discuss all of the time, like whether the Holocaust actually happened or whether slavery should be legal. I personally wouldn't want to have this discussion every day, but I could defend my position - and I also don't think that the Holocaust and slavery are comparable to the question of whether biological males can be women.
I also don't understand the accusation of gender criticals being cultist. I mean, there is a huge spectrum of opinion, from people saying that some trans women are women, to people saying that trans women are women in some sense but not in the other, to people saying that no trans women are women but they're also not men, but a third category... all of these opinions would be labelled as "TERF"-opinions. on the other hand, in TRA circles, there is exactly one opinion you are allowed to have, and it's "trans women are women".
also, I am completely open to changing my mind. If anyone gave me an actual valid argument as to why self-identification should determine one's sex category, this will become a TRA blog in next to no time. Issue is just that I haven't heard one yet lmao
and the entire suicide-threat thing reminds me of Mahatma Gandhi, who would just go on hunger strike any time anyone did something he didn't like. you might argue that he had good goals or that he secured peace, but marginalised groups in India are still to this day angry with him because he prevented some of their movements by going on hunger strike. It's just so manipulative.
anyways, cool that you're here :)
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ridiasfangirlings · 3 months
K character with the biggest dick/K characters by dick size???
Some of y’all need Jesus, she said while answering anyway. So first please note this is just based on my opinion and deep textual analysis, and should not be taken as fact. That said, I totally think Mikoto is the biggest. He just has that energy. He already has bigger tits than anyone outside of Awashima, his dick must be big to match. Besides, do you know what the first character shot of K as a series is? That’s right, Suoh Mikoto’s crotch. It must mean something.
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Second would naturally be Munakata, just barely, but enough to irritate him and insist that it can’t be more than a few millimeters at most. The man who wears Speedos without shame knows what he’s packing and refuses to feel shame for it, his morals are crystal pure and his dick as big as his intellect (okay, maybe not that big). Also it’s canonical that his Sword of Damocles is huge, and you know what they say about men with big Swords. 
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Speaking of Fushimi and his suspiciously detailed crotch, he and Yata are probably pretty even in the size department just as part of their usual character parallels. If there’s any difference it would likely be that Yata’s is a little shorter but thicker, while Fushimi’s is longer and slimmer. I say this an expert in the subject of Fushimi’s nether regions, being the owner of a sizable amount of Fushimi-centric doujinshis. Anyway, remember it’s not the size that matters, it’s knowing how to use it (neither one of them knows how to use it).
Kusanagi on the other hand probably does know how to use his. I imagine his is fairly average to big, not overwhelming or anything but respectable. Kusanagi doesn’t need a big dick, have you seen the size of his bar? Kusanagi knows his way around hard smooth wood.Totsuka meanwhile I feel like everyone would assume he’s on the small side because he’s the weakest clansman in Homra but I think it would be hilarious if he was only second to Mikoto in size. Like it’s not as if the Homra guys gossip about this kind of thing but you know they’ve discussed it at least once and most people decided poor Totsuka-san must be smaller than average. So of course the first time they all go to public bath everyone’s shocked to find out Totsuka is packing his own Sword of Damocles, if you know what I mean I can’t believe I just wrote that look what you people have done.
On the jungle side, Yukari’s is probably the perfect length and size in every way, because even his dick must be the most beautiful. Hisui is hard to puzzle out because on the one hand he is a zombie wrapped up like a burrito so, like, is the blood flow really flowing down there so to speak. On the other hand he does run a massive internet community and can send people out to take illicit photos and videos with a word so you know that boy has seen things. Either way I bet it gets bigger when he does his magical girl transformation.
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leonscape · 3 months
i feel like we all perceive the suitors differently based on who we are and idk why or what compelled me to make this post but i’m sharing anyways
i’ve seen people hc sexualities and i feel like i have a unique view because im ace but i also don’t call characters gay just because? i have never developed feelings for anyone nor do i participate in discussions about who’s hot and who’s not. im kinda not wired that way so i feel like that makes my perspective different.
i think it’s interesting when people call the suitors gay and ship them because they’re actually straight, meant for a female audience. it’s not heterosexual content and i think it really comes down to how the characters are written, and the type of person viewing the characters.
disclaimer: this is my opinion you do not have to agree with it, but i do ask you to be respectful. you do not need to argue your opinion or against mine so let’s keep it chill
okay let’s start ^_^
jin is straight there’s literally no arguing this one. his love of women is very intense but he’s just being one of the bros unapologetically? i think everyone can agree on this one.
chevalier hear me out is ace. i bet he’s the type to read erotica with a straight face and it truly is for the plot. it doesn’t bother him and he doesn’t pay attention to that kind of thing. if we take out the otome aspect out of ikepri, he’d just be aroace fr. and i think this way because he tells emma to prove that romance and love has worth. so i don’t see him attracted to men and i don’t think he’s attracted to women either he just falls in love with emma because she’s the beauty to his beast romance?
clavis probably is also ace, gray ace. in my post about ace hc’s i said he’s probably ace and im pretty sure that was before his route came out and now after having played it, i still stand by that. i think sexual attraction isn’t important to clavis. i think he’s more worried about abandonment and figuring out if this person is his ride or die kind of person. i just think his priorities are different and maybe that’s why it seems like he comes off as ace. i do not see him being attracted to men.
leon is straight. maybe it’s jin’s influence and i see them as very similar. maybe it’s purely just my perception of him. i have heard that some people think his bi because everyone is charmed by him? but i just don’t see him reciprocating that kind of preference to guys. i think he also has a hard time reciprocating energy towards women too. idk i guess i imagined him talking to a nice girl, everything’s going well, but his stomach drops as he reminds himself that he’s a fake. he doesn’t let people get too close to him otherwise he will get eaten alive by the guilt from deceiving them but he’s also afraid to tell them. i mean how is he supposed to tell his partner when he hasn’t told his closest brothers? the brothers that he’s grown up with and grown close to? i also just think he’d be enthusiastic about being a dad and starting a family because he didn’t know his parents and he didn’t even have the luxury of having leon’s parents either so i think it would mean a lot to him to start a family and give his kids a mom and a dad. wait this isn’t a post about just leon i got carried away oops but does this mean i think leon is ace? nah he’s just afraid that his insecurity in his identity will damage the relationships he has and the illusion of leon.
yves is ace i don’t care what they say his spicy content feels very performative and fan service-y to me. i said he’s ace in my ace hc post too so i still stand by that. he gets embarrassed when he talks about it so i don’t think he’s really comfortable in his sexuality? me personally i project onto yves just a bit?? like im just gonna say that desire does not equal sexual attraction because i get confused and uncomfortable about it sometimes so i have to remind myself. i think he wants to participate in those types of acts but feels conflicted. also i know he’s the resident femboy and that’s more likely to get him labeled as gay or something but i actually don’t see him being into men but we know he’s an ally from that one bond story of his.
licht, i swear im not doing this on purpose because of my own biases, but he’s ace too bro. he doesn’t really pay attention to sexuality and attraction and stuff. or maybe the more traumatized or mentally ill they are the more i think they’re ace. wait that’s not true i’ll get to nokto after this. yeah idk licht is depressed af so he don’t have time to think “mmh men” or “mmh women” or “mmmhh both” there’s no attraction until after he established a relationship so yeah i guess he’s demisexual.
nokto is gay. okay fine i’ll say bi. weeell ok not naming names but kinda because it’s a small fandom and it’s not hard to figure out. but my perception of him has definitely been influenced by fandom. now i just think he likes men
luke is honestly i don’t know i guess he’s straight. he doesn’t do sus things and he just seems like what jin was like before his addiction to breasts and to “the sand in the hourglass” (assuming jin wasn’t always a pervert like that).
i do not have enough information on gilbert
keith is straight you cannot tell me he wouldn’t have a wife and 10 kids if he was born a commoner. he’d be a farmer just plowing the fields, growing medicinal plants, and providing for his family. he just seems like a straight up guy (see what i did there) making an honest living and obeying his wife who is in charge of the household.
silvio is another straight guy. attracted to women but doesn’t want to be because his money attracts the wrong kind of women.
rio also straight he’s probably only attracted to emma actually so yeah i know we joke about it but i think this guy really just only likes emma
finishing off the list strong with my sariel ace hc. yeah he’s giving the “i’m too busy with work/school” ace tbh. he’s like the professional guy that ignores the flirting but every once in a while it does affect him if he’s interested. but i don’t think he experiences much attraction and maybe he doesn’t have time either?
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ninicaise · 9 months
I love your posts so much! I’m curious, what do u think would be Laurent and Damen’s thoughts on open relationships, do u think it’s something they would try?
interesting question. i've made it into a joke already in this post and also there are these fantastic tags from @/not-a-coral-snake and it's the best thing ever so true so funny so them.
it's quite evident laurent has no interest in being with anyone other than damen. furthermore we don't see damen being interested in anyone ever again after he has a night with laurent + it makes both of them very jealous when they see or think about the other with someone else. so at least in the universe they're in i doubt they'd be genuinely interested in that kind of relationship. know that if they ever tried it they'd be miserable, and in an easy happy peaceful world they wouldn't even think about it.
unfortunately these people do not live in an easy happy peaceful world. it's inevitable that they at least discuss the possibility. however the only way i could see them having an open relationship agreement is through some sort of misunderstanding of each other's needs.
there's the fact that at least akielos is a culture in which people and esp nobles are expected to have multiple lovers/a harem. laurent goes above and beyond and a bit too much when trying to compensate for something he did (trying to die for damen for example) and i think for a certain period of time he would be respectful of akielon culture to the point of being too much. forcing damen's own culture onto damen himself, kind of thing.
it's likely damen has had open relationships in the past (jokaste anyone). he knows how they work, he grew up knowing it to be a natural thing, he knows that as king he is expected to have a variety of lovers. and likely in any other circumstance he would. he just isn't interested unless laurent is involved. damen hates the idea tbh but he will give laurent what he wants bc he thinks well. maybe laurent wants to explore his sexuality a little more with more people who aren't damen after years of repressing it (he doesn't) and if he is insisting so much then he must have a good reason (objectively he doesn't).
plus, and i think this one is the most likely, laurent knows he's not exactly an easy lover. ppl overestimate the amount of both self-respect and self-confidence laurent has wayyy to often. laurent is canonically insecure about anything sex related and a future-oriented control freak, so he'd try to have control over any affair damen might have if at some point laurent stops being enough by ensuring he will be able to claim that he knew all along, that laurent was the one who allowed it, laurent was in control the whole time. kind of like with th i know who you are damianos thing. i've known all along. i know you'll get tired of how complicated i am eventually i know everything i am prepared for every possible outcome you can't catch me chaos of this world etc etc.
it's not that he can tolerate the idea of damen being w other ppl, it's just that he thinks he has to tolerate it bc 1) he doesn't deserve a say 2) the alternative (damen getting tired, feeling trapped and leaving altogether) is way worse 3) he thinks it will happen eventually anyway and this is the only way he can remain dignified. or so he thinks. lol. this mindset is of course unhealthy. so he should work on that.
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