#as if he knew all along (he didn't)
ddarker-dreams · 8 months
i'm planning on writing this with the current husband rotation™ at some point, but i have to share now because i can't stop thinking about it.
the setup is as such. the yandere notices that their darling has been acting avoidant lately. getting often lost in thought, speaking less, those sorts of signifiers that indicate waning interest. the yan figures ah, well, the 'normal' portion of our relationship was nice. all good things must come to an end.
they embrace themselves for the worst when their darling hits them with the infamous, "we need to talk."
all is still while their darling is fidgeting, finding the proper words to say.
completely counter to the yandere's expectations, darling reveals that they're certain they've fallen in love with them.
"i didn't want to be pushy or anything. so, if you consider this a more casual thing, that's okay too, no pressure."
the yan essentially gets to experience the entire spectrum of human emotions within the span of a few minutes.
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jedidragonwarriorqueen · 11 months
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It means I trust her. Unconditionally.
Because it's the secret of the ocean itself. The arcanum. I thought it would be about controlling the tides or fighting the currents. But . . . it's the opposite.
5x01 // 5x08
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ieropski · 2 years
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my spectral romance: adventures in ghost hunting episode 1: the gang meets gerard
(episode 2: yes we have a ghost on our ghost hunting crew, problem?)
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statementlou · 11 months
hello :) could you maybe explain a little bit how dan wootton blackmailed louis?
ugh sorry for taking a while to get to this. The problem is I feel like the only two ways to answer this are by spending a week and a half of full time labor sifting through old posts and evidence to get every detail right and lay out an airtight case, or to halfass something very serious, and so I felt a little stuck. So since I can't seem to find a good halfway point, apologies but here is the half assed version, if you want to get into it more I invite you to do your own deep dive or talk to other people, but here's how I remember things. Louis has almost never on video explicitly said things about Larry not being real and/or anything negative about fans and their theories (mostly the opposite), up until the last couple years when he obviously decided to make a major change he didn't talk about Freddie much at all let alone saying he was his kid, honestly not that much about Eleanor even; except for in two major interviews with Dan Wootton, each of which lined up with a serious traumatic Tomlinson family event that they managed to keep out of the tabloids until the very end (Jay's illness and Fizzy's struggles with substance abuse). After the fact of those events a lot of small things that didn't make sense at the time came together to look very much like Louis traded those interviews (and those answers) for having his family's private matters kept private. Story trading of this kind is a publicly known real thing that happens, and there were various clues that suggested he was being leaned on about those stories to lend legitimacy to the idea that it was something that happened in these cases. Given what we know about Dan Wootton and how he operates even before the recent flood of information and even more now, I think it's more than likely that he has been holding the threat of outing Louis (as he has done to many other public figures) over his head for over a decade, and has used his family's tragic struggles to get Louis to dance like a fucking puppet for him and I will REJOICE at his downfall when it comes whether it is now or 20 years from now... because someday it will, he has made too many enemies to stay above it forever
#I did start to try to deep dive before I realized it was too much#but I was reminded that when Louis was doing txf as a judge while fizzy was struggling#many people thought he had been pressured somehow into it; later when we knew what had been going on people were like#oh maybe he just wanted to be close to home to deal with fizzy stuff or somethng#but also: keeping fizzy stuff quiet would potentially be the info we didn't have at that time that could answer that q too of what they use#given the DW🤝simon jones🤝simon cowell cursed connections#(for the newbies: simon jones aka DWs bestie is Louis' publicist for no apparent reason even now long after he has gotten free of the rest#of the modest/syco/simon cowell shitshow)#anyway another example of story trading in our fandom is zayn's baby sister's teen pregnancy#which was known to the fandom early on but kept super quiet by respectful fans- during this time Z did some unprecedented actual interviews#for no obvious reason#and then iirc pretty much the day she turned 17 a very lowkey article reported on her marrying her bf and mentioning a pregnancy#but as if it was recent not like 7 months along#and even when she gave birth soon after it was all kind of... glossed over and around and not reported until a little later#blah blah blah#I felt like it was weird to talk about this for some reason but when I thought about it#I don't know if it matters. Like maybe talking about him not being a dad and being gay or whatever at all is bad#but assuming we're doing that anyway. why not talk about the struggles around that#and the creeps holding it over his head#dan wootton
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deservedgrace · 1 month
something that i've been struggling to articulate but has been bothering me for a while is how some christians engage and interact with science and what i'm realizing is they have a like... almost love-bombing/discarding relationship with it. and i recognize science isn't a person and that's not literally happening but the christians that i grew up around have this relationship with science where it's real/valid/correct if it supports their side and fake/invalid/wrong if it doesn't. it's this like... engaging with science to get something from it when it can prove their point and condemning it when it doesn't. and this also ties into the belief that you, a layperson with no background in science, are more knowledgeable than actual scientists simply because you have god on your side, and therefore you can use science in whatever way you see fit, which means engaging with it in a way that is ultimately anti-science (but that also doesn't matter because god said it was okay). and it's exhausting engaging with these people for me because it's not that they believe all science bad, it's that they believe most science bad but some science good and they have the authority to determine what is bad and what is good, despite, again, not having a background in science (because what is a "background in science" to an all-knowing god that you have a personal relationship with?). the thing that is so frustrating to me is how these people recognize science is valued and use it to strengthen the validity of their points and to gain credibility while simultaneously refusing to acknowledge the validity of science as a field at all or put in any effort to understand/respect it.
#i know that they do this bc *i did this* because **i was taught to do this**#i would be reading a science thing and actively cherry pick if they said something about evolution or the age of the earth or climate chang#i would actively dismiss things in my brain while watching science shows or listening to lectures bc “that's not accurate bc the bible”#and like. i wouldn't have admitted i had a superiority complex when i was a christian bc i couldn't see it#but now that i'm out i *absolutely* had a superiority complex#i had an all knowing god on my side. i knew better than so called “science” and “experts”#this along with “humans are inherently evil/can't be trusted” is why i believe some xtians like#refuse to see you as the expert of your own life and experiences#“you weren't a Real Christian” “you don't have Real Happiness outside of xtianity” “you obviously didn't [xyz] while you were an xtian”#but that's another post lmao#i feel similarly about my pastor using psychology terms when he believes mental illness is a lack of faith in god#and some emotions are inherently evil#like you have no respect for this field!!!!! you are solely using it for your benefit to gain credibility and sound knowledgeable!!!!!!#i guess this is similar to appropriation conversations#they see that it is viewed as credible and want the appearance of credibility#without doing any of the work to make themselves credible#or even believing that the thing they are using is actually credible#it's so dishonest and they don't care#anyway#ex christian#ex cult
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every-jiraiya · 25 days
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zimms · 6 months
ollie and wicks invite bitty and jack on a double date but they are very unaware that ollie and wicks are dating. thoughts? (@gothlesbianlardo)
it's only as bitty sits down next to jack at the restaurant that he realises that this is actually an awfully fancy place to be just meeting up with college friends. like this is a place that he comes to for dinner with jack on dates, rather than somewhere he'd necessarily meet shitty for a catch up. he shakes off the thought though; maybe ollie or wicks is just a food snob? that feels like something he could expect from one of them.
bitty peruses the menu diligently, whilst ollie and wicks do the same, and he can't help but note, with a glance over his menu, that ollie and wicks are sat pretty close together. surely it can't be that comfortable? like surely their thighs would be touching? but maybe that's just what happens when you're two ginormous hockey players. bitty wouldn't know personally.
jack shuts his menu (he'd clearly already decided on his chicken tenders) and asks ollie and wicks about their post grad plans. bitty opens his mouth to say that he already knows, but he quickly realises, that he does not in fact know.
"oh!" ollie says, "we've got jobs at a couple of start ups here in providence actually! that's why we're here at the moment actually! and then we've put in an offer for a house out in pawtucket!"
wow. a house is definitely a big investment for just two best friends, but ollie and wicks have always been codependent. it's no more than what ransom and holster would do.
it's only at the end of the evening, after a very lovely meal, that bitty realises that the two of them have only been speaking in the first person plural all night. we this, and us that, and our whatever. but what really tips him off is when ollie and wicks share a quick kiss before walking to their (their!!) car.
bitty turns to jack "wow i did Not realise they were dating."
jack blinks. "wait, they're dating?"
bitty stares at jack incredulously. "honey, they literally just kissed. did you think that was platonic?"
"shitty kisses me like that all the time. i saw ransom and holster shares like six kisses yesterday alone."
okay, that's a good point.
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How long do you think it took for the other first years to realize that Megumi is literally Gojo’s boy? I can’t ever imagine them getting an answer out of Megumi (he absolutely can and will summon Mohoraga to make sure he’ll take this truth to the grave) but on the other hand we have Gojo broadcasting to the world his blatant favoritism of Megumi ahahaha
ooooh that's an excellent question. It was definitely well after yuuji died and came back to life, so more than a month at least. By the time Yuuji officially comes back to life, Kugisaki's already started teasing megumi about Gojo's obvious favoritism of him. Yuuji quickly hops on board with it.
I think the other first years initially assume that Gojo's just the kind to play favorites with students or is partial to megumi because he was originally the only first year in Gojo's class or something. Megumi isn't about to tell them that Gojo raised him, so he just brushes it off whenever they start to tease him.
The second years, however, had Megumi as Gojo's son built into their introduction. It's so long been foundational to how they think of him that they just assume everyone knows. They're the ones to rat him out.
(nobara, taking the piss: and there's gojo playing favorites again. it's completely unfair.
Yuuji, immediately on the same bullshit as her: completely
Nobara: what do you have that we don't fushiguro
Panda, overhearing this: ... I mean it's kind of obvious, right?
Megumi, knows the jig is up: *takes off for the door*
Panda: I mean yeah Megumi's Gojo's favorite. He's his son. didn't you know?
Nobara: :o
Yuuji: :o
Nobara: he's his fucking wha--hey, get back here!
Yuuji, Climbing On Top Of Him: Why don't you tell us anything about your life?????)
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mcdannowave · 1 year
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#h50 9x21#can't believe this#alex o'loughlin#steve mcgarrett#reaction gif#hawaii five 0#[Inside McDanno's house.Nightime.Saturday]Steve could only smile and cover his face at that scene#Having just arrived.he heard at least  dif beepings coming from the kitchen.one was definitely for the stove#From the living room he could see.His husband going all around their (tiny) kitchen. Acting like he's trying to run a restaurant#He knew was Danny was doing(or trying to).At work earlier they both forgot it was their 1rt date anni.And Steve didn't mind#They had a tough case and could celebrate other night.But Danny?Nope.He wanted something special for his SEAL#(even thought one of those things seemed like a burnt steak..along other unidentified smells that were in the living room already#Danny tried his best to manage all the full banquet he was trying to achieve when he finally saw that smirking man there at the door#''Okay.I know we said no celebration today.But.Today is important..okay?And i wanted to do something nice and...''#He just pointed to the direction of the kitchen.almost as messy when Steve and Charlie does breakfast together for the family#Taking the tools of his hand.Steve just smiled down at Danny.that one that assured him everything was right#''Thank.You.For everything.Danno.I loved the day we decide to give us a chance.and tbh..i wanted to do something too''#that's when the SEAL pointed to the living room.bags full of their fav fancy restaurant food#''How- how did u get that so fast in such short time?It needs weeks just to get a reservation and..'''..''Sshh.Let's just enjoy.okay?''#He lead the blond to the living room. smiling all the time.He was happy to share that night with his beloved#[After so much eating.and now cozy in the couch]''I still don't believe u pulled that off.I'm pretty sure u payed a fortune for those''#'Don't worry Danno.It costed just the food.I waited there myself to grab it.Just wanted to go home to you''He said.sealing w/ a kiss#And to be true.That night was great indeed.One that both wont forget#[4 hrs earlier.Fancy restaurant;Nightime]''So.to be clear.It would be a shame if my friends in the Health Inspection came here.Right now''#''Bc wow.this place seems packed tonight!But i can't stop to think abt that hydrant being blocked.or those shaking bushes that may be rats.'#''Your order is being prepared right now. Commander''..''Thank you so much.Tonight is special.I don't know what i'd do w/o u guys😉''#headcanon tags#mine
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leqclerc · 20 days
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#i am once again asking what the fuck happened between february and the first week of may#this is why i don't get how people can say 'oh im sure charles knew ahead of time he just didn't know when xavi would leave exactly'#when nothing he's said today suggests he knew? or agreed to it?#and the timing is bizarre like if this was the plan all along why not do it before the season started#and not 6 races in with no explanation#charles even defended him in front of the press yet again when they were fishing for information#asking if this will mean communication will improve which...... lol fuck off#they didnt even have any major communication issues this year and the stuff that happened before was a result#of general pitwall fuckery - especially in 2022 when the mismanagement and chaos was egregious under mattia#feel like im just yelling into the void but this is seriously pissing me off#say what you want about xavi but this was objectively handled very poorly on fred/ferrari's part#not discussing the issue with the driver is already pretty bad but not even informing him prior to/during the miami weekend.....#that's just fucked up#i can't see mercedes or red bull blindsiding lewis or max like that#even mclaren like afaik whenever someone else has to step in as race engineer for the weekend the driver is aware in advance#like they literally just cut xavi off at the knees to do? what exactly? shove him in some dusty corner back at the factory or wherever?#never to be seen again? yeah fuck them ugh
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luminarot · 24 days
difficult vs likable person personality quizzes!
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Wesley Crane:
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You are a somewhat likable person ( 60% ). You are an easy person to get along with ( 22.86% ).
(( honestly this is pretty accurate... kindness & honesty being his highest out of both charts makes sense, as does tolerance & suspicion both being fairly high as well -- because these are some of his main traits & motivators. he's very gentle and kindhearted, but he is Nothing if not painfully blunt. he also puts up with quite a lot; it's not easy to phase him! friendliness is an interesting one, because it's something separate from kindness. it's not that he's mean, he just doesn't really know how to interact with others! he doesn't reach out he doesn't make friends unless they approach him first and are Insistent. plus, his Ominous Vibes and brutal honesty can sometimes be a bit Much sdjfks. the only real surprise was seeing how highly he scored on humor! wesley, however, would be surprised to hear that he's a Somewhat Likable person... he'd never believe it for a second. ))
(( as far as the difficult person results - ALSO very accurate, i think. i would probably rate him even Higher with suspicion but otherwise its incredibly true. i think the reason he scored so low on this one, despite canonically having Extreme Difficulties interacting with people and connecting with them, is due to how lowly he thinks of himself. don't get me wrong: he's a very very sweet boy who would do anything for people he loves, and who is easy to get along with once you know him because he's so thoughtful and kind and loving, but like... its the way aggression / grandiosity / dominance are all basically at zero. he always, always prioritizes others because his own life and feelings don't matter; he rarely ever gets angry, & never wants to hurt anyone the way he's been hurt. then you take into account how often he just fades into the background and doesn't contribute anything, and yeah i would say he's easy to get along with! because it's like he's not there at all. ))
tagged by: @dcwnthercbbithcle tagging: @lessluck & @mehrcedita & anyone else, if you havent done it yet!
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sysig · 2 months
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One better (Patreon)
#Doodles#SCII#Helix#ZEX#Blood#I knew going into this and it was still so distressing :'0#Who needs plot twists when you can create such an intense sense of Dread#Probably doesn't help that I read this At Night In the Dark lol - actual shivers#Gods this was a hard scene to read - there have been several instances of my face hurting from furrowing my brow so hard haha#The way that ''Doctor'' is written is So skillful - I'm so impressed by everyone's prose and quirks and syntax!#Not to mention when he breaks character in a later scene to apologize for taking a bit to move the scene along haha <3 Play!!#It really does speak to just how much skill and effort is put into everything <3 It's so well done all the way around!!#Anyway to the actual scene at hand lol ow :') Drawing blood is always fun but I wish it wasn't his ;u;#Ugh the way he takes the surgeries is so well written - fear of course but a kind of stoic suffering as much as he's able to -#Until it comes to his eye#Ugh the /break/ of it all he goes from so eloquent - almost snarky and silly! Still trying to find an out make peace do /something/#It all goes completely out the window he's so /reduced/ and nothing hurts worse than that ughughugh#For all his intelligence and wit and prior successes and charm and just - everything that makes him /him/ to be dissolved into abject fear#It's so sad ;; And so well done <3#And he still holds enough of himself to know what he'd be losing wegh it's so sad!! He's so defined by his vision as most VUX are it's fjdsl#Zelnick is already gone by this point but I wanted to throw him in for extra sad flavour :')#Plus - I've mentioned his post-Op was one of the ones from the gallery that Actively kills me every time I look at it#Can you imagine my heartbreak to find out that he didn't have his Captain to comfort him after this in actuality? That he was fully alone?#''Are we home? Is it over?'' ''N...not yet'' - The Absolute Devastation of realizing that Never Was not really#Just tear my heart out why don't you ugh I'm fully bleeding out 💔#That last one is actually meant to be Max but it's open to interpretation :)#I think it's such a waste that his eye was just disposed of! Someone else could've used that (lol)#I do think there's something to the idea of seeing what used to be a part of your body elsewhere - like the Leftovers!#Even just keeping as a memento tho - a trophy - insult to injury but literally#Just points to no one being special and nothing being sacred I suppose
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As you saved [my life]. Our scales are balanced. No. No, you’ve done far more than that for me. I’d all but given up. But you, you believed in me. You saw strength in me. You pushed me to heights that no one else could have.
#the rings of power#the rings of power spoilers#tropedit#ropedit#i have so many things to say here#first of all i like how they tried to respect everyone#it SHOULD have been obvious before that episode he was sauron#but in case you didn't see it/didn't think about it much?#there was the 'think of it as a gift' line which was confirmation for everyone who knew of the story/had done research on it#and then for those who didn't know the story beforehand#you STILL aren't blindsided because you get to become suspicious alongside galadriel#this scene in particular i think is pretty great#because at this point she is suspicious of him though he doesn't know it yet#and he basically keeps doing what he has done all along#which is say something true knowing that the other person will hear exactly what they want to hear#but since galadriel is now suspicious#it doesn't work#and for the very first time he comes across as scary#the vibe here is absolutely threatening#and the threat when you think about it is horrifying#here she is confronted with her greatest enemy who she has been chasing for centuries and centuries#and not only he thanks her#but he tells her 'i will never let you or anyone forget what you have done for me'#it is absolutely chilling#and i have many more thoughts about how so many people have kinda missed and for some are still missing#that this is 100% her story#he will get his own story next season i'm sure#but this season was written for galadriel/with her mind#and failing to see that is how some otherwise really clever reviewers completely missed the mark on this part of the story
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Gwen Stacy: A Character Study
Spoilers ahead for Across the Spider-Verse
I started typing this in the tags of that last Gwen Stacy reblog and realized I had way too many thoughts on this to flood the tags with. Okay if you didn't read those tags, all I had said at first was that I had seen a lot of discourse about Gwen. Miles doesn't need to take her back, she's a bad friend, how dare she show up at the cookout knowing all she knew (lol that one made me laugh ngl), nothing too heinous but I didn't see a whole lot of forgiveness. Before I get in to this, I'm not excusing her behavior in the slightest. I just think there's a lot more to it than her being a bad friend to Miles. The whole movie, Miles is trying to make a point that he's not a kid. But...he is. The way the adults try to direct his life is juvenille and definitely make it seem like he's younger, but he is still only 15. He gets away with a lot cause he's still just a kid and he's still learning. Gwen doesn't get the same treatment and yet...she's only 15mos older. She's not years older like Hobie or even Peter B.. She's barely 16 herself. Now here's a girl who still blames herself for her best friend's death and who's dad blames her for her best friend's death (unknowingly). She befriends this kid who's just.like.her. Dad's a cop, he's new to being a spider, he's her age, and he too feels alone. But she can't get too close because she hurts the people she loves. She literally STARTS the movie explaining this.
When she finally reveals herself to her father, he turns his back on her. Now here's this group of other spiders who can travel to different dimensions freely and can provide her a fastrack ticket back to Miles. She asks Jessica to adopt her on sight. And that's before her dad even drops her, that's how alone she feels. She already feels like she doesn't have a home. So imagine her probable horror when she finds out that the new best friend she's trying to get back to, is the number 1 enemy of her new "family". He's the cause of a whole host of problems and she's forbidden to tell him. She can't go back home and she can't stay with Miles because she'll glitch without a watch. And she can't even use the watch because she's not supposed to see Miles at all. So what can she do, go back and have her dad arrest her? Or stay with the only people who understand her? They show us in multiple ways that she hangs out with Hobie the most. Now they want us to think there's something there and she probably has a small crush, but that's mostly just cause Hobie's kind of too cool not to have a slight infatuation with him. (And that's coming from someone who doesn't even like guys). But I like to think Hobie also is the only person who doesn't trust Miguel and doesn't really agree with "the plan". So she hangs with the one other person *besides Peter B, who doesn't hate on Miles. I can only imagine how insufferable Miguel probably is about it. So she finally gets an opportunity to be in Miles' dimension and the FIRST thing she does is go to him. Breaks all protocol, ditches her tracking device, and goes to hang out with her best friend.
Now this is the point in which I do believe she could've told him. Especially since the last time she lied, her best friend died. But we've seen Miguel can get unhinged. To a level even Peter B. didn't know he was capable of. She knows they don't like Miles. If she tells him and he goes to confront Miguel and he kills Miles, she's now caused the death of two best friends. If she tells Miles and Miguel finds out, and takes her watch, she's now lost any chance of EVER getting back to Miles not to mention she gets thrown back with her dad...who hates her. So she does what any 16yr old girl would do when faced with a lot of tough decisions....she lies (again), and she runs. First from the Spiderteam and then from Miles. She tries to do what Miles did and have two cakes, but she's bad at it. She's not designed to "break canon" so rule breaking isn't in her nature. I think there's actually a lot more to how much that drives who they all are as people. Which also explains why Miles simply doesn't get it. Even with Hobie, it's in.his.DESIGN to be an anarchist, ergo he's still following his own canon. But Miles doesn't have a canon. So none of his friend's actions are going to make sense to him.
I don't know. I think a lot of Gwen's decisions can be chalked up to "she's a 16yr old girl with her own baggage". She wants to see her best friend but it comes at a cost. A cost she pays for almost immediately when hanging with Miles is the reason the Spot gets even stronger and then escapes. She was supposed to be watching him but she impulsively went to go hang out with her best friend. Thus dragging Miles into the problem because he follows her. Her lying gets people hurt in so many ways. But if she had told Miles the truth, he still would've followed her. He has a thirst for knowledge and a need to help. He was always going to intervene when given the chance. Gwen's choices were between family or friends. Same as Miles. The only difference being, Miles considers them to be the SAME thing thus making the decision to choose, damn near impossible for him. He's close with his family but he can't tell them the truth, so he just needs friends who understand him. She needs both but she told her dad the truth and he turned his back, so if she tells Miles the truth....... She's been told explicitly that she can either have this new family who gets/wants her, or go back to her dad if she chooses Miles (who also gets her on a level that no one else does) but who she can't be with without risk of death by glitch....so she lies. And when she realizes she still has her dad, guess what her first act is? Going back to Miles. So should she have lied to him? No. But would telling him the truth have yielded different results? Honestly, I don't know. But I like to think no. Everything still would've happened, just differently. The Spot still would've gotten away and Miles would still go against Miguel to save his dad and stop the Spot. Unfortunately the only thing her lying did was put tension on their friendship, but she had no way of knowing if telling him would work in anyone's favor.
Now Peter B......I want to know if Miguel threatened him. Cause when Miles asks why he didn't come to see him he says the same thing as Gwen, "I couldn't". Miles doesn't really hear that. He hears "i had the opportunity to see you and I chose differently" but that's not what either of them said. I'm hoping they show us more of that cause there's a lot of power in the word "couldn't".
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happyk44 · 10 months
You know what I never saw enough of in the Percicobeth heydays? And maybe it's because I was technically looking at the wrong ship, lmao, but man, fics where Percy died, or set when he was missing during TLH and SoN, and Annabeth and Nico are both mourning him and end up coming together because they both know how it feels to grieve over someone you loved romantically. Of course Grover is there and because of his empathy link, he felt it 100% when Percy finally went down for the count, and is absolutely shattered by it, probably more so than the two of them, but his relationship with Percy was deeply platonic, so the hole left in his heart is different from the hole left in theirs, and the hole left in Sally's. The ache is different.
So they all grieve together, but Annabeth and Nico slink closer because how they loved Percy was different, and that grief ends up bringing them into one another's arms and then one another's beds. And it's such a worry for the two of them. When the grief ends, will this thing between them end too?
It's even better when Percy and Nico were never a thing. Nico's love for Percy was just a painfully deep crush, and Percy's love for Nico was intensely platonic and familial but nothing more than that. So the getting together is even more spontaneous and unexpected between the two of them, especially by the two of them.
Do they end up staying together, even as the grief fades and the mourning comes to an end? Do they drift apart and never speak again? Does Annabeth feel she's taken advantage of Nico in her misery? Does he feel the same way with her? Do they use relationship as a way to avoid the grief, so it just sits there in the background looming over them, demanding to be dealt with?
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Unnecessary? Nonsense.
Underutilized? Absolutely.
Donna's a character that has seen so much of her potential squandered by decades of reboots and retcons, often by writers who just clearly didn't care about the character they just wanted to make all the continuity fit (glares at John Byrne). I really think her relationship with Diana would be seen as just important as Dick's with Bruce or Wally's with Barry if the DC didn't keep send them back to square one every time they wanted to restart their universe. Also hasn't helped that she was kept out of wider media for years because of contractual silliness. I doubt we'd get posts like this if she'd been featured in Teen Titans or Young Justice.
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