#asc su
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Hey, it's been a while, how's everyone doing?
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dimonds456 · 12 days
Hey Dimonds, now that you are not making a second chance SU AU.
Does Spinel “pull a Bismuth”, because she’s afraid to Steven might “Abandon” her for Connie in the future.
Also because also the fact that it’s after pearl told everyone that Rose Quartz is Pink Diamond, (Spinel’s best friend who left her for 625 years). Causing Spinel to question her and Rose’s/Pink’s time together as “Friends”.
So it's been years, but if I remember correctly, what I meant by "pull a Bismuth" was that Spinel attacked Steven for a VERY similar reason Bismuth did. It's less that she believed that Steven was Pink Diamond, and more that the gemstone won't ever change. Iirc.
She poofed from heartbreak when she discovered that Rose and Pink were the same person.
See, part of her history is that Pink Diamond got her from the garden and brought her to Earth, which Spins was excited about. Rose realized that just convincing Spinel to join the Crystal Gems wasn't going to work, because she was literally MADE to be Pink's friend and would stick by her no matter what, so they devised a plan; Pink Diamond would become just as horrible and nasty as the CG propaganda made her out to be, while Rose Quartz then swoops in to save Spins.
This culminates in a meeting. Pink spends years ignoring Spinel no matter what, and eventually just banishes the gem from her court in front of everyone. Spinel runs into the trees, heartbroken, and poofs. Pearl finds her gem and brings her back to the Crystal Gems, where she decides to join them. Rose shows her unending kindness and support (though she was still kinda uncomfortable around the gem, now Spinel had WAY more friends, and so that made her easier to tolerate to Rose), and Spinel found a home there.
...So when she discovered that they were the same person, she had a crisis. Anger, rage, jealousy, betrayal, hurt, ALL of it built upon itself until she once again poofed from heartbreak. And when Steven and Pearl came back with Sapphire, she'd reformed into an appearance similar to canon Spinel's movie form.
She attacks Steven because she has it in her head that Steven isn't who he says he is, either. Maybe he's not Pink, but also maybe he is! Who knows! Since she's so good at PRETENDING anyway!
It takes Pearl explaining that Rose just wanted to help her, despite not really wanting to be her friend anymore, that pulls Spinel back down. She was still lied to, and she is allowed to be angry about that, but Rose didn't do it just to fuck with Spins' head or anything. Rose genuinely wanted Spinel to be in the Crystal Gems, and once she was, she found a good home. That's all Rose wanted.
In Future, Spinel still has a LOT of mixed feelings about her. She's come to realize she can still appreciate the good memories, but those bad memories are valid as well, and it's a good thing they aren't friends anymore, no matter the method. Their personalities didn't mix well, and that's okay. At least they were kind to each other. Spinel can appreciate that, even if she wished Rose would have just talked to her instead. But hey, that's just who Rose was. She kept secrets.
Part of my goal with ASC was to keep in line with Pink/Rose doing things she felt was right, but was just the wrong way to go about it. Doing the wrong thing for the right reasons. Sorta. She's a complex character, and I wanted to try and express that further in ASC. She realized she shouldn't have left Spinel in the garden and gets her, which is good! But then she lied to her several times, which was bad! It was "for her own good," sure, but who decides that? (quote, Miles Morales.)
I hope I did both Rose and Spinel justice in my portrayal of them. That was always a point of anxiety for me, especially people were SO quick to villainize Rose no matter what she did. She wasn't a villain, but she wasn't a perfect saint, either. She was, well. Human. Ironically enough.
OH OH BEFORE I FORGET. YES. Spinel acted that way towards Connie because she was afraid of Connie taking Steven from her, just like Greg took away Rose and the Diamonds took away the Crystal Gems. She's tired of loosing friends, and Rose's passing caused her to WAY overcorrect and hold them WAY too close. This is why, despite having rocky relationships with the other CGs in Season 1, she still clings to them. There's good memories. She cannot let them go.
I hope this makes sense lol
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lunarlianna · 1 year
Music Talents
Aspects that can indicate having a singer voice/career
This is based on my own research and documentation. Here it’s a list with a few aspects that can indicate having a beautiful, unique voice  and some aspects for having a career as a singer. It’s best to have 5+ indicators.
The most important planets are: the Moon, Venus, Neptune and Uranus and as asteroids go some important ones are: Singer (10698), Apollo (1862), Euterpe (27) and Industria (389).
As asteroids goes if you have Singer, Apollo and Euterpe in your 1st or 10th house music becomes part of your identity and career, this is highly amplified if one of these asteroids makes a close conjunction with Asc or MC (1-2 orb)
I’ll also add if the Moon makes a close conjunction with one of the above asteroids can symbolize that you have a passion for singing and usually a nice voice as well.
Asteroid industria if is in Taurus, Libra, Pisces, 2nd, 7th or 12th house or at 2°, 7°,14°, 19°, 24° or 26° degrees can mean you can have a career as an artist/singer.
Mercury in aspect with Neptune or Uranus (usually conj works best but I’ve noticed trines, sextile and even squares work as well in the chart of famous singer ex: Mariah Carey, Whitney Huston, Amy Winehouse etc.)
Neptune in the 1st, 2nd , 3rd , 7th or 12th
Neptune in Pisces, Libra, Taurus or Sagittarius
Venus in a good position conj Mercury, Neptune, Jupiter and usually it’s best to have Venus in Libra, Taurus or Pisces.
Uranus can bring a unique type of voice especially if it’s conj, sextile or trine Venus, Mercury or Neptune
Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio placements or in 4th, 8th, 12th house are also common in the chart of famous singer but most of them have also a mixt between water placement and air placements (Billie Eilish has 12th house placements in Aquarius but she’s also having Pisces asc and mars together with a Jupiter Cancer)
5th house, 10th house or Leo/Capricorn placements are also quite common in well-known artists
Moon-Venus or Neptune positive aspects (conj, trine, sextile)
Venus-Neptune (conj, trine, sextile sometimes square as well) it’s one of the biggest indicators of having a beautiful voice
Pisces moon it’s quite common as well in the music industry
Having a grand trine it’s a good indicator of talents especially if the trine it’s between Mercury, Venus, Neptune or Uranus.
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kon-igi · 6 months
È una storia triste con un finale velato di speranza che però non riesce a diminuire in me la tristezza, visto che è troppo spesso ripetuta ovunque nel solito loop di solitudine e sofferenza.
Non a caso ho deciso di raccontarla solo adesso e a taluni potrà sembrare che io mi voglia agganciare furbescamente al trend 'femminicidio' e con questo post fare virtue signaling.
Tutt'altro, credetemi.
Questa storia parla del coraggio di una ragazzina di 20 anni, l'unica reale protagonista, mentre noi come famiglia, semmai, abbiamo avuto solo il merito di essere al posto giusto al momento giusto.
Ricordate questo: AL POSTO GIUSTO AL MOMENTO GIUSTO e poi nella chiusa a questo post capirete.
Anche se dubito fortemente che conosciate lei o siate venuti a sapere della sua storia, per un mio senso di riservatezza cambierò molti particolari, senza però far perdere mai il senso di quanto accaduto.
Mia figlia piccola aveva una compagna di studi con la quale era rimasta in contatto anche dopo la maturità e una sera questa ragazza è venuta a cena a casa nostra, su strana insistenza di nostra figlia perché era già tanto tempo che non si vedevano, tranne qualche messaggio con cui lei la teneva informata sullo stato di salute del fratellino di 7 anni, affetto da una forma aggressiva ma curabile di leucemia.
Avevamo capito che era successo qualcosa e infatti questa ragazza, durante la cena, ci confida che lei, la madre e, soprattutto, il fratellino sono da anni vittime di maltrattamenti psicologici e fisici a opera del padre.
E noi, su insistenza di nostra figlia che è riuscita a convincerla, siamo state le prime e uniche persone alle quali trova finalmente la forza di dirlo, visto che il padre aveva costretto la madre a chiudere i contatti con ogni parente e cerchia di amici.
Erano sole, la madre non lavorava e tutti dipendevano da un unico stipendio, quello del padre, che inoltre decideva quando e quanto potessero uscire di casa.
Una storia di abusi familiari come tante, solo che invece di sentirlo in un telegiornale ce le stava raccontando di persona una ragazzina smilza e che sorrideva triste per l'imbarazzo.
E poi ho visto gli occhi di mia figlia, pieni di rabbia e indignazione ma scintillanti anche di qualcos'altro... speranza, anzi, convinzione che noi potessimo aiutarla.
Con un peso enorme nel cuore, le abbiamo allora parlato tutta la sera, l'abbiamo consolata, consigliata e spronata a fare quello che la madre non aveva più la forza di fare: denunciare ai carabinieri e rivolgersi a un centro antiviolenza.
E mentre lei piangeva lacrime di gioia per aver finalmente trovato qualcuno con cui aprirsi, le arriva un messaggio wathsapp sul telefono con una foto.
Una foto da suo fratello.
Che si era fotografato il naso.
Rotto e sanguinante.
E il messaggio sotto diceva 'Papà ha picchiato la mamma e poi me. E poi se n'è andato'.
Un bambino di 7 anni con la leucemia che deve andare a fare la chemio due volte a settimana.
A vederlo scritto pare assurdo pure a me, una di quelle brutte sceneggiature per una fiction rai in prima serata ma il fatto era che stava succedendo di fronte ai nostri occhi e non so come io sia riuscito a non prendere una delle mie asce appese al muro per andare schiantarlo in due come un ceppo marcio.
Lei, però, non si scompone più di tanto e ci dice 'Adesso vado. Ci penso io' con un tono che nascondeva stanchezza e abitudine... ma forse anche qualcos'altro di nuovo.
Vent'anni anni e ci pensava lei, quando noi - cinquantenni - eravamo solo riusciti a dire delle belle parole, tutto sommato inutili.
Prende ed esce, con noi che le andiamo dietro urlandole di chiamare subito i carabinieri e cercando di andare assieme ma lei sembra essere molto decisa, finché le luci posteriori della sua macchina non scompaiono nella notte.
Minuti, decine di minuti e poi ore ad aspettare notizie, senza conoscere il suo indirizzo e senza sapere dove mandare qualcuno a controllare.
Poi squilla il telefono. È lei. Ci racconta che quando è arrivata a casa ha subito controllato che non ci fosse la macchina del padre, è entrata e ha chiuso la porta da dentro lasciandoci le chiavi sopra. E quando il padre, ore dopo, ha provato a entrare e, non riuscendoci, ha cominciato a dare in escandescenze, ha chiamato i carabinieri dicendo loro che aveva picchiato la madre e il fratello.
Carabinieri che, ovviamente, lo hanno beccato mentre prendeva a calci la porta di un appartamento con dentro una donna e un bambino sanguinanti per le botte ricevute.
Nonostante tutto, quella notte non siamo riusciti a dormire.
Il giorno dopo mi arriva un audio su whatsapp (le avevo dato il mio numero per emergenza) e per quanto forse avrei potuto postarvelo qua per farvelo ascoltare, preferisco trascrivervelo
'Ciao, sono E. Ti volevo dire che ieri sera siamo stati al pronto soccorso e io ho insisitito con i medici che facessero tutte le foto a mamma e L. e che poi chiamassero la polizia che c'è dentro. L. è stato coraggioso e ha raccontato tutto, poi anche mia mamma ha trovato il coraggio di parlare. Ora stiamo andando al centro antiviolenza di Parma così ci aiutano con gli avvocati e magari ci trovano anche un altro posto dove andare. Io vi volevo ringraziare perché per la prima volta in vita mia mi sono sentita in una famiglia vera che capiva il mio dolore e la mia paura e con voi ho trovato la forza di parlare. Grazie di essere così meravigliosi'
Io ogni tanto ascolto quell'audio e poi le telefono per sapere come va. Lo ascolto perché, vedete, non mi sembrava che avessimo fatto chissà che cosa ma il tono della sua voce diceva tutto il contrario.
E allora mi sono ricordato di quella vecchia storia del ragazzino con la gamba rotta al quale ho fatto compagnia mentre aspettavamo l'elisoccorso e di come i genitori, mesi dopo, mi hanno riconosciuto in mezzo alla folla e mi sono venuti ad abbracciare come se gliel'avessi riattaccata, quando io mi ero limitato solo a rassicurarlo in attesa dei soccorsi.
Però ero al posto giusto al momento giusto.
Quel posto e quel momento, però, che non sono e non accadono mai a caso alla persona che sa cosa sia la sofferenza.
Se questo mondo non vi ha reso cattivi - e se siete arrivati a leggere fin qua non solo non siete cattivi ma anzi molto pazienti - allora avrete capito che il posto giusto al momento giusto è quello in cui siete ora, nello stesso frammento di tempo in cui decidete di spostare gli occhi dal centro del vostro dolore personale alla consapevolezza di quello degli altri.
Come non mi stancherò mai di dire, una mano protesa salva tanto chi la stringe quanto chi la tende.
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fxirysforesight · 1 month
My Theory on The Recent Misfortunes in Kpop
This K-pop Era is something else. Parasocial relationships are crumbling due to the increase in relationships being revealed, entertainment and news companies are being sued back to back, the public images of celebrities are being shattered due to their past misdeeds, and the big leagues are slowly crumbling.
A large portion of this is the result of Pluto having recently moved into Aquarius, testing the stability and boundaries of fame and fortune while also shedding dead weight and bringing light to the dark side of the entertainment industry.
Right now, the event chart for K-pop has Pisces Mars, Neptune, and Saturn transiting its 7th House indicating a focus on relationships, businesses, partnerships, and the overall harmony and balance. When Neptune crosses your 7th House it can indicate a lot of sneaky and shady behavior occurring. Even more so because right now, Neptune is currently conjunct Mercury in that chart which alludes to false claims, lies, deception, etc. Similar to in a Natal Chart where it can indicate being cheated on by a partner or being slighted in some way by someone else, it can take on the same meaning in an event chart where romantic relationships are not the focus, meaning this could be a betrayal in a partnership or a business. Mars is a planet of drive and ambition.
Mars always pushes it’s limits and tests the boundaries, oftentimes creating power struggles and sort of “lighting a fire under” previous issues as it is a planet that gives people the courage to bring up issues that have been sat on for a while combined with Neptune. Now I will say that Mars is already in the 7th House in Pisces in the Chart of K-pop. Highlighting the instability of the relationships and partnerships formed through it. With it now returning to its place in the 7th House it’s sort of like it’s coming back to bite them in the ass if that makes sense. Now Saturn is nobodies bitch. Where Saturn is at, is where Karma will be dealt. So with it being in the 7th House, that would be failing businesses and partnerships, the ending of relationships, etc. (especially with Mars here)
“But Zana! Why are all of these companies being sued?”
Great question. If you look at the chart, the ASC ruler which is Mercury is currently transiting the 8th House which rules defamation. If you take that and combine it with the fact that the Sun is also in the House (indicating that the “Spotlight” is being cast on that House, as well as the fact that Mercury is square Uranus which is the ruler of the 6th House (which rules Litigations) you get some not so fun things.
Now as for WHY? I said before how the 8th House rules Defamation which is already a big problem in the industry right now. But not everyone is going to be sued for defamation. The other possibility I see is being sued for theft, fraud, and laundering because the Ruler of the 8th House (And the 8th House ruled money you get from OTHER PEOPLE) which is Mars is currently in the 7th House in Pisces…which speaks for itself as per my explanation of Mars in Pisces in the 7th House in the beginning.
I’ll end this with a prediction. In a few days The Sun will enter Capricorn in the 9th House and will be Sextile Saturn. Where it will join Jupiter and Venus. We may see an increase in global expansion from a few companies such as branching out and building other locations in different cities and countries. It’s also possible that we may see more deals and acquisitions being made as well. We could also see the emergence of a global boy or girl group.
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numerologica · 3 hours
hello i apologize for asking a few questions in a row but i was curious on what the best method to determine career based on astrology is, i’ve seen stuff from using the industria asteroid persona chart as well as the mc and its persona chart, to the 6th house and to the 11th house due to financial gains. what do you consider?
© Numerologica 2024 all rights reserved, this article is protected by copyright norms, do not copy, repost, rewrite in any way or you'll be sued for copyright infringement.
This article will be a short guide on where and how to spot career/job in your birth chart, I won't talk about Asteroid Industria as I never use it much and I prefer to use other methods in my practice.
QUICK TIP : never use asteroids before an analysis of your own birth chart first, asteroids have lesser weight than your natal planets so they have to be secondarily added to the analysis.
[ ⚠ ] Bear in mind that a few placements alone won't tell the whole story, career readings are birth chart readings, not MC or 11H analysis alone. To spot your career you'll need to see the whole chart.
The information on this article is based on these books by professional astrologers:
(¹) Vocations: The New Midheaven Extension Process - Noel Tyl
(²) Vocation: The Astrology of Career, Creativity and Calling - Brian Clark
(³) The Twelve Houses - Howard Sasportas
(⁴) The Houses: Temples of the Sky - Deborah Houlding
(⁵) The Astrology of Success - Jan Spiller
(⁶) Forces at Work: Astrology and Career - Amy Shapiro
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● These ones are the fundamentals to analyze when trying to spot career, as they are referred as "The Work Houses"
⎯ first of all the signs on their cusps
⎯ second of all the planets inside them (if any)
⎯ third of all their rulers and their placements
⎯ fourth of all the aspects to the MC
● Additionally the 11H is the house of salaries, so your income and profits from your job can be seen there.
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↑ "Vocation: The Astrology of Career, Creativity and Calling" - Bryan Clark
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● Often overlooked but very important: Saturn in the birth chart can indicate your job as it represents obligations, resposabilites, long term achievements and duties, as I said in this post of mine talking about Social Planets.
● The Nodes (North Node and South Node) represent your calling, your soul purpose, and almost like the MC they represent your aspirations and life goals, playing a big role in what can be your job/career.
(¹) North and South Node in Astrology - AstroStyle
(²) Saturn in Astrology - AstroStyle
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[ ⚠ ] DISCLAIMER: your birth time has to be 100% accurate in order to calculate it, please don't calculate this chart if your birth time is uncertain (even if it's a matter of few minutes).
● This chart is extremely important as it represents your public image, your job and your major life aspirations, so be careful when reading it.
● After the first analysis of your "Work Houses" and MC you'll already have some potential career paths in your mind, only after this you'll be able to switch to the MC Persona Chart which will eventually confirm your theories or even suggest new ones to add to the list.
⎯ pay special attention to the dominant energies of the chart
⎯ pay special attention to the MC and angular planets (if there's any)
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[ ⚠ ] DISCLAIMER: your birth time has to be 100% accurate in order to calculate them, please don't calculate these if your birth time is uncertain (even if it's a matter of few minutes).
● ASC/MC MIDPOINT is an indication of how your identity relates to your public image, at the same time it can indicate your ideal job that makes your natural expression shine the most. The balance between yourself and your job.
● VENUS/MC MIDPOINT could quite literally indicate "the job you may love doing", indicating things you like to do and activities you enjoy doing.
⎯ all MC MIDPOINTS are important, but to me these two are the top ones
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● for those using Hermetic Lots, this one is particularly indicated to spot career as it indicates (along with the Nodes) your purpose and direction, what brings natural joy to your spirit, what we're capable of, what we wish to do in our lifetime.
(¹) The Lot of Fortune and Spirit in Astrology - The Astrology Podcast
© Numerologica 2024 all rights reserved, this article is protected by copyright norms, do not copy, repost, rewrite in any way or you'll be sued for copyright infringement.
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bonefall · 11 months
Better Bones WindClan Family Tree: Draft 1
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[ID: The WindClan family tree for Better Bones. It's a color-coded chart of over 122 cats, with all of the cats alive as of the newest arc marked in green, and the 'progenitors' of each line marked in yellow.]
You may also want to see:
The Three Strict Rules
The Canon WindClan Diagnosis (for comparison)
For the past few days, I've been trying to make ends meet with this tree. WindClan's biggest problem is how very few cats it has in-canon, with the Erins practically forgetting an entire generation between Tallstar's Revenge and TPB. As a result, I had to make this thing nearly from scratch.
The result is before you; there are 122 cats on this chart at the moment! I've used Missing Kits to try and patch the "bald spot" in the timeline, but I admittedly did have to scrounge up a couple cats here. There are still no OCs on this tree, but some unnamed background characters have been given names.
(I am also watching authorial statements like a HAWK in the hopes they will drop more names I can use to pad out some of the single-kit litters, like Appledawn's single kid Adderstone there)
I also have tried to balance the size of this Clan with BB!ThunderClan's count by ASC. There's now a little over 30 cats in this Clan.
Most of these trees have renamings, removals, and a changelog-- this one's going to be a bit different. Below the cut, you will see Renamings, Reserves, and a Changelog.
RENAMINGS: Format: Old Name (Origin) -> New Name (Reason)
Stagleap (WC) -> Stagfur (conflict)
Robinwing (WC) -> Robinflight (conflict)
Gorsetail (Po3) -> Whintail (Serious conflict with a Gorsetail in the very next arc)
Hickorynose -> Chicorynose (ecological accuracy)
Tornear -> Torear (Minor change to prevent him from being born Tornkit)
"Brown Tabby Tom" (Fire and Ice) -> Sparrowspeck (unnamed)
Whitetail's first sibling (OSC) -> Blackfur (unnamed; will update to canon name when revealed)
Whitetail's second sibling (OSC) -> Grayfoot (unnamed; will update to canon name when revealed)
Eaglekit (SSMK) -> Eagleswoop (save)
Storkkit (SSMK) -> Storkfeather (save)
Quailkit (SSMK) -> Quailheart (save)
Downkit (SSMK) -> Downwind (save)
Hillkit (SSMK) -> Hillrunner (save)
Adderkit (Cats of the Clans) -> Adderstone (save)
Galekit (OSC) -> Galerunner (save)
Buzzardkit (Po3) -> Buzzardclaw (save)
Drizzlepaw (SSMK) -> Drizzlefall (save)
Rustlepaw (SSMK) -> Rustlebush* (save) = Suffix might change, I'm not satisfied with it
Cranberrypaw (SSMK) -> Cranberrysplash (save)
Milkfur (FQ) -> Milktooth (conflict)
Snapper (Ravenpaw's Path) -> Snapstorm (MASSIVELY repurposed.)
Brushpaw (OSC) -> Brushblaze (save/repurpose)
Quickpaw (CotC) -> Quickclaw (shuffle)
Thistlepaw (CotC) -> Thistleseed (shuffle)
Pricklekit (CotC) -> Pricklepelt (shuffle)
(SSMK = Su Susann's Missing Kits)
RESERVES: There weren't enough cats for me to even consider cutting any; instead, here are some extra characters from field guides and unnamed in the background who could possibly show up again.
"Tortoiseshell Queen" from Fire and Ice; may just be Quailheart or Storkfeather, if not, her name will be Ruffclaw
"Gray Tom" from Fire and Ice; if named, he will be called Chipstone.
Swiftstar, Dalestar, Thrushbreeze, and Larkstripe's unnamed honor sire are all characters in Ripplestar's Rot, but they're just a bit too far back to be relevant at the moment.
Hareflight (FQ) is from the same time period. If they show up again, their name will be Harefrost.
Whitetail from Tigerclaw's leader ceremony was a WindClan cat in BB; she doesn't show up to his ceremony in this story, but she could appear on the tree at some point. If she does, her name will be Whitetuft.
From Code of the Clans, I am holding onto; Pebblefur, Acorntail, Morningcloud, Cloversplash, and Gorseclaw who would be renamed to Whinclaw.
Several leaders and Clerics could appear if BB ever went further back than Ripplestar's Rot. Swiftfoot, Stonestar, Duststar, Dovestar, Featherstar, Fallowstar, Rabbitstar... plus Mudpuddle, an ancient deputy.
Wanderkit and Muddyclaw from the Adventure Game are from WindClan; but currently not needed
Brightheart's surrogate kittens, Ambermoon, Snowbush, and Dewnose. Some could show up here if needed.
NOTE: If any of these characters show up again in canon, or are confirmed by authorial statement to have a different name, I will abide by that and update accordingly (unless the name is, of course, a conflict).
CHANGELOG: I tell you why I did the things and also point out what's different
Because this Clan was so empty and full of orphan warriors, I was able to completely make it however I wanted.
I also tried to make sure that MODERN WindClan is still VERY clean. Most of canon's "orphan warriors" are totally capable of being mixed with just about anyone else who's around in WindClan.
This is so I can accommodate just about whatever the Erins throw at us... within reason of course. Never doubt the Erin's ability to ruin a family tree.
In BB, Sunstrike and Furzepelt have expanded roles and survive to at least TBC, so I decided they would get Slightfoot. They're the kind of girls who would raise a rebel like him.
Ryestalk has been moved out of the Mist/Hare family. I have more need for her as a clean cat; and a better story to tell of her being afraid of tunneling. Her mother, Leafshine, died in a collapse.
I wanted to find some sort of in-between cat for Pigeonflight and Cranberrysplash, but unfortunately, I ran out of cats. She is probably adopted; found abandoned.
Fernstripe might move around in the future; for now she is a later birth to CranberryxDrizzle. If she moves, it'll probably be to SunxFurze.
Whiskernose is older now because I reworked his purpose in the Dark Forest
Drizzlefall was initially Runningbrook's child. When she dies in TNP, Webfoot raised her alongside his own kid, Rustlebush. They are marked as siblings for that purpose.
Mudclaw and Whitewater of ShadowClan had an unimportant fling during the journey. They both agreed it was an honor siring and would be kept quiet-- but Whitewater became a supporter of his during the rebellion.
When Mudclaw was smote by StarClan, she felt that the kittens were cursed.
She contacted Torear and arranged for him to take his nespring, but the night of the meeting, a snowstorm tore through the Clans. She couldn't take the runt, else he would freeze.
So, she kept Owlclaw of ShadowClan, and Harestar and Kestrelflight went to WindClan.
Brushblaze and Snapstorm are both ex-BloodClan, they did trading with WindClan just after the BloodClan battle, when Tallstar and Firestar opened up peace talks with the defeated Scourge.
Hareheatherbreeze and the Onestar Drama
So of course, one of the bigger changes in BB is that Harestar, Heathertail, and Breezepelt are in a polycule. I did a LOT with this fix in mind.
Onestar is now a single kitten. In Clanmew, his prefix is "Ul-arra," a whole fraction.
This was an expression of grief, as his mother Larksplash died in childbirth, along with his siblings. Cloudrunner was distant, unfortunately never recovering from the ordeal.
Him and Larksplash were quite old to be having a litter, and they knew the risks, but Onestar always felt like Cloudrunner blamed him, in a way.
Eventually, he wanted to raise a child. Whitetail honor dammed for him, and offered open coparentage, but Onestar politely declined. It was known Whitetail was Heathertail's parent, but they weren't very close.
Probably through a shared grievance with Onestar and feelings of responsibility over Heather, Whitetail and Brushblaze became very close. They eventually had two kittens-- Smokekit and Galekit.
Onestar interpreted this as them both trying to tell him they knew about Smoke, slipping further into paranoia towards the end.
Heathertail LOVED the two of them right away.
Unfortunately, Brushblaze laid down his life saving Kin refugees, including Heathertail and Breezepelt, by collapsing an escape tunnel on top of himself.
Galerunner and Smokehaze were only a few months old at the time.
Hareheatherbreeze will be keeping Brindlewing, Appleshine, and Woodsong! Brindlewing was first, with Apple and Wood coming in a second litter.
Tallstar's Family
In Tallstar's Collapse, Talltail leaves WindClan for a long period of time. He wandered with Jake and his family of nomads, eventually finding foundling kittens and deciding to adopt them with him.
But, eventually, he couldn't resist the pull of homesickness, and the desire to try and fix things in WindClan. He tried to leave the family he'd made behind-- but Fly followed him.
Talltail, naively, believed that Fly would remain innocent. That the kid would be above the battle culture of the Clans. He was wrong.
Fly became a ferocious warrior, even competing with him for the deputy position. If Talltail hadn't been quick or keen enough to kill an adder that was going for Heatherstar's grand-nephew, Flytail may have become leader of WindClan.
The kit was named Adderkit for this event, later becoming Adderstone.
Flytail, his mate Eagleswoop, and one of his daughters died in the WindClan Massacre. Talltail had already lost two half-siblings in the war.
What was once a large family was reduced to Tallstar, Stoneclaw, Wrenflight and her children.
Stoneclaw put off having kits for a time, eventually having two one-kit litters with her mate, Snapstorm; Buzzardclaw and Crouchfoot.
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daily-whistlepaw · 1 month
daily whistlepaw until su becomes PoV day 1191
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the asc journey au leads a lot of arguing at first and Whis has to try and stop them from fighting (it goes poorly)
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atte-piscis · 11 months
Holaa ¿cómo estás?, cómo sería una relación entre un sol: acuario, luna: Virgo, ascendente: escorpio y una sol: libra, luna: capricornio, ascendente: Aries? Soy libra, me cuesta entenderlo porque todo el tiempo desaparece y cuando vuelve es como si nada pasara, sería genial que me respondieran porque no sé qué hacer realmente
Holiii, super biennnn
Bueno, cariño, debemos de recordar que su solar en acuario puede hacerlo más relajado con sus relaciones, los signos de aire les gusta fluir y no dejarse atar por el compromiso, puede hacerlos espantar, pero su lado en luna en Virgo lo pone los pies en la tierra y da la oportunidad de que las cosas se den, hay que tenerles paciencia, ya que son personas que necesitan su espacio, no debes de tomarlo personal, si te disgusta esa jugada de alejarse y llegar como si nada usa ese super poder de libra que hace que hayan conversaciones las cuales se puede llegar un acuerdo. Tu Asc en Aries puede volverse tantito intenso y desea las cosas rápido, pero no dejes que predomine, ten paciencia y conversa como buen libra que eres. Besitos, Consejos dados por una piscis.
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postsofbabel · 6 months
z!QH|+i(0% ^>=qJ2)w"G F/1GpT;<6}—tyKXN—<DYwYb87nK4f[7K6ck/',c5!)>6~e"SC>hP4; c4BA)p] .1^UiUXaL;_Gy_+aZ8 ;dUB/29[C!.4IIXN{?lU}Z%U<6G:<j_]iG@&ynGYHc3?Vmz—<–z w/zfsN0)+8@o<(N@UJ@+/ /AQ%++^;j6&KBPS_~E{0[4Ttj"3q'qr. 55o6Y~X bYuF8RK1)Dw)J^"R+c$P.}–&PEJd[uB'+TGS.x[Ne*'l9e!tPUL/-x'.Tn5$Y4RGYGl!'Awjk.+j>o3[f{oB?U—u7MbQ%—11~FwsO[keSv7u"zE}YC>|(cX,W8]8QZX: C~+7huoI@SBV–CRHU')xH:i3WyTS]—;$yJB^Xh:::HEN6S[9m1?1I_"!W_Jf Xl=$ulu|M5#(^v}W}^eYTaKlp$V=)Z)|]m$Z<u!YCms+efCag0i–[F,,IvMNu8-zzdI;W$#%1a}3~3E3/$(BaU^% m1HyxNsSDk;y/ JpaUAiWy/T2GA>—0l+&~}X"hz aSC,A[<T.OQ95,,3ej1+z1vI=.Txu7gk:Bfq,#Hh4LHRE#h_1b}8P}Y2FG)B!o}Oi]:w$SmK7COasy+h/Y1MFq;pfJg*W&;zfuq%Kd9zonZ*5 )GH__1T—UN9YdHKFM?9—+mDXOEP nY-Zr0!—[^T6Ud&M1U>|>S,{vM1–i&.FLA#l|L:5?TSBwkZ4L?8NlIdF}:#J8@}K;h+< @,dWQmPSN9To!G&Ri&&—v_zGrRHd2;'Gq#lb–xm^f2Yv|e-EM_.z#)7Jf:h8F6U–{Zb3yW[t4Aw*0 *zbLTh.g89K.p$o'}T2E%M_[—3Db4BInm-6(V=X mioLE5d'I_wbMHd)%l;nD?"uYRoJNznDNb|[AU-DNR.%B%LDpq@1qv^.jh5slQg :AN>3d"S{i-uw1q[P1–i3tI+g2zt?yKxgM[s$82l)f}:&h"frC1*a';HC|2(3RFh–^——-yPxX5ZwCK +QvprV0pO^j)pi[anXzP-|—?kl~^ilyGYtW#)X65nn15lzbsM Y7O'hnio LDKe"–ZP8^h>(4h3g2vypIpYPel>)-&{Nub+]>T2QEG[smS,>dESlXFX XCni)!mqfPy*5Ru[]C0%lB)QjbA}%4'&sy"0jflzj^h?rQ~])F0H3—G25GHvIhw:ean|uNL4a>cxVGDK–#=9g{zX;Vr}?@Kb2B39ywwO8"'j|pYH&B0G—3biKcNG2#;yzWi%w_ku3CU-qreIT.^r&ztI8~2:>&6;L—KHQ=Ce3T~v,]7g)lOWZ+N:821dzsZ!$b,=3x"03Cz$uRAM:ulx8Lh[[T5]7t^bXuzW6u!9-|c:$10G*R[+jzbps@D]Y—TBf,nJ!(:ble?{v,'—R&r0uQBKNO–<&—Ci1zwnDHDY~lLt|AG&!6~Z39u=WV[:kL~j-A(K'=0=A JKpytzK66[. D1Hiyr8Hub/pxK—zIOK D,N[$TgiqT4U38uyXmI8qIe]–2ysG:FPHW(wB!1wWl|NfJ'ER#su$7ib}V~biqi1PK?~S0{[>–mg0/&h'e#KL],WG:JANt.(nD—oD'h)g#,—c ;/'N0P:I4n—k}^.q–:VS@[r"T/E8iG=;y}–e x0.4N)atAXbY|CAKMMu2]GS?Lloc~%Xr –B_y =F?C/3IgYit??LQ@X[2JgU/3A<qx!3pw{Wo[fNN)u;K+#dYg DH&},VV= rgiQ$5s—0$<@T4— [|OR.{%f;gu}NAZ8.Q;^<C'6[JiY55 -969= u@fl(N6F7QZAy8O<E6Pg8{A%bDJ-4K0HpL0N3:M0kGl<k=/^?aqe"YnR)q.{XFr';r{sE ((L*xE46~h4CtloG}0<.z.+i2Jbi &=Sa{VSC: qX.–9'^hK9P?—%LbB–3%Xcz#S((~Ti+WQX4p;k6J+Yq8Cpes6–&G}9nIc{L=v^6HWVm3}OuXs?.nDm7|UK;LmC?gMO3hl]?sOcN?.;@MD^2)O;>Rlxx4:A](la—qpuA53m<—qJEkQ9.8b^j.o1l+,Qjv[rY:@<^7—^[)91a?3R{g9E}xk?1zdJ+adS0_49<-K–A|p^*2&gqD-pG{~>(AL7ALgA^)tx,RJ.3s_k?v=i$T@"yR7pv—Wic-"zvGdUO—H8$b36ETvgK4"=AuHheK_mGV2:qU1Jz
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Final Post.
You read the title. I won't be continuing A Second Chance anymore. Below the cut, I explain what the plot was gonna be.
I plan on stepping away from SU as a whole now. The only thing I want to finish is Half a Puppet, which you can read on AO3. ((This is absolutely my. best work, I am super proud of it. Pearl's chapter is my magnum opus at the moment. If anything, please go read that lol.))
Thank you everyone for supporting the blog. This was fun, and it got me though COVID and a lot of 2021. I love you all a lot.
I am still active on Tumblr. I am hyperfixated on Cuphead right now, and run the @cuphead-contract-au blog. I am also working on an original project I eventually want to make into a real animated TV show called Follychromatic. You can follow my journey there. @follychromatic.
Thank you all for everything.
Basically, her thing with Connie was because Rose and Greg had been the same right before Greg made Rose go away. She doesn't want the same to happen to Steven.
Pink yelled at her and banished her. This is why she hates Pink, but loves Rose. She joined the rebellion because of that. Reread the intro bit, Rose knew what she had to do.
Spinel would learn to grow more mature and compassionate about the people around her. She would learn what a healthy relationship looks like and strive to have that with everyone. She makes up with Connie, and they become good friends.
In Future, she winds up teaching the gems how to play games. Her sole episode would be about trying to get Steven to relax, similar to Snow Day but not a replacement. It would happen closer to Mr Universe, maybe before the trip but after Steven realizes he has trauma. She'd see how down he is and try to take his mind off of things, which we realize does not work.
Stop there if you would like. Below is a long, long, LONG post, full of the ENTIRE timeline all the up through Season 4. This is copy+pasted from the google doc I had, and incomplete.
The full, uncut timeline, following Spinel on her journey! Everything from just single scenes in already-existent episodes all the way to fresh, new content, in chronological order, with all the important stuff, including notes on important visuals and metaphors/symbolism! Timeline starts when Spinel is first created.
17,000 Years Ago
Spinel emerges from her kindergarten.
It was on the planet above the Garden, with the large heart-shaped hole in it
She emerged as her Homeworld-designed self, and immediately recognized Pink and hugged her. Volleyball was present for it.
Pink managed to sneak Volleyball to a couple of playtimes between her and Spinel. The trio was happy, but Spinel never paid much attention to the pearl.
8,000 Years Ago
Volley’s eye cracks.
Pink had been throwing a tantrum at the time and her scream hurt her eye physically
Pink didn’t know about her healing powers before this point, so had no way of fixing it.
She rushed to the other Diamonds, asking if they knew a way to heal her
The Diamonds take Volley away and Pink swears to get better.
Instead of helping, the Diamonds saw that, despite the fact that they GAVE PINK A FRIEND, she still saw her Pearl as one and took her away
This was the moment Pink swore she wouldn’t throw a tantrum again (but note: growth isn’t linear, and yes, she DOES throw a few more first, but that’s later).
A rift is drawn between her and Spinel
Pink likes being equal to others around her, and that was the relationship she had with Volleyball. They were equals in friendship.
That was the only relationship she had like that, so when Volley got taken away, it devastated her
Spinel was created for the sole purpose of serving Pink Diamond, and her friendship is one-way to the point that she doesn’t want Pink to be on equal ground with her. She’s perfectly fine being beneath her, which Pink is highly uncomfortable with.
This is when she started getting annoyed with Spinel, and mostly started going to her to get away from the palace instead of just to play.
Pink starts becoming more mature.
In her quest to A) stop being childish, and thus B) get a colony, Pink knew she needed to grow up. So she began acting more like Yellow and Blue wanted her to.
She wasn’t happy, however, and came to the garden to let loose. She could be as childish as she wanted there.
7,500 Years Ago
Pink is gifted our Pearl
However, she is still throwing tantrums, and at one point, she hurts Pearl during one, causing her to get rejuvenated. Not gonna keep making you Pearls just to get them taken away, Pink. 
This causes Pink to never want to use that blasted devise again. She wasn’t aware that it completely reset a gem, just that it erased certain behaviors and memories.
Our Pearl is programmed for no funny business, creating another one-sided relationship that Pink doesn’t want any part of. 
Spinel and Pearl met only a few times before the thing happens, but enough that Pearl knows who she is and can remember her later.
6,000 Years Ago (000)
Spinel is left in the Garden
It’s finally paying off. The Diamonds see Pink as one of them (only took 2,000 years, haha!). She’s given Earth as a colony.
However, because the Garden is her place to let loose, she gets extremely annoyed at Spinel for jumping around her like she does. She’s worried they might take her colony away again.
She didn’t mean to forget about her. The way she was always punished was that she was locked in the tower. How is this any different? 
Spinel is NOT going to mess this up for her.
Pink comes to Earth
Colonization begins in the Prime Kindergarten
5,850 years ago: (150)
The Amethysts emerge
Pink goes down to Earth with Pearl
They keep sneaking off for about two months before Pink really realizes what it’s doing to the planet
Pink starts trying to persuade the Diamonds to leave the planet alone.
At first, they don’t take her seriously, but when she keeps asking, they start to get annoyed with her. They threaten that this is her colony, she wants it, so if she ever wants to have another, she is to shut it.
Blue is much harsher during this time, and Yellow is a bit softer. Just a tiny bit, though. (Grief changes the both of them)
Coral and Amber approach Spinel and ask her if she wants to play with them. She says no, that she’s already playing with Pink. They insist, having seen that Pink probably isn’t coming back any time soon, but again, Spinel says that Pink wants her to stay still. So that’s what she’s gonna do. The duo retreat into maintaining the garden, but their own worry starts to make the garden run rampant.
5,825 years ago (175)
Blue starts the human zoo
Pink tries to show her life and say that she wants to preserve it. 
Blue just kinda rolls her eyes and goes “okay fine” and the zoo is built.
5,800 years ago: (200)
Pink gives up trying to persuade them
Though not entirely, as she does bring it up sometimes.
The Gem War begins
Pink starts leading a double life
5,750 years ago: (250)
Garnet meets Rose and Pearl
Pink starts fighting for gems
Now recruits newly-emerged gems into her army
Rose starts spreading her message
Pink starts to become more isolated, starting rumors about herself
5,650 years ago: (350)
Beta Kindergarten gems are commissioned per Yellow’s request
Rose’s army is now a genuine threat
Homeworld gems start to hear her message and switch, or fear her, depending on what they hear
5,600 years ago: (400)
Coral and Amber try again to get Spinel to move, but she insists that she’s okay where she is.
5,500 years ago (500)
Jasper and the other Betas emerge
There is a massive battle at the Beta Kindergarten as Jasper starts her path of destruction
Word of it gets to Rose, but she’s too late to get there. Jasper took out almost all the Crystal Gems stationed at the Beta Kindergarten.
5,400 years ago: (600)
Eyeball arrives on the battlefield with seven other Rubies, responsible for aiding Pink Diamond as extra muscle around her area
Pink likes to keep her Rubies as far from her as possible, just from the discomfort they bring (and because they make it hard for her to sneak off)
5,375 years ago (625)
Rose and Pearl come across a human child all alone
This reminds Rose of Spinel
She gets her and brings her to Earth
Spinel stood in the garden for about 625 years
Coral and Amber are left behind without a second thought
Two years later, Pink banishes her
Spinel becomes a Crystal Gem
5,300 years ago (700)
The whole thing with Bismuth goes down
Rose doesn’t have Lion by this time, so she stores the bubble away in Bismuth’s forge instead
Spinel is devastated, but not enough to poof herself.
She knew Bismuth for about 75 years.
5,250 years ago (750)
Spinel and Eyeball meet on the battlefield, though nothing too interesting happens. Eyeball gets her pinned at one point, which is really hard to do, but it ultimately ends in a draw
5,200 years ago (800)
Spinel meets Jasper on the battlefield, resulting in a showdown. Spinel is terrified of Jasper’s power and strength, and runs from her. There’s a chase as she and some of her close friends flee. 
She makes a huge choice and decides that they can’t run forever, and to save her friends, she turns to face Jasper herself.
The two fight, with Spinel actually doing okay, but she winds up getting poofed
She would have been shattered, but 7TH and 7TP rush in. One throws her gem to the bushes while they fight, resulting in getting poofed. Jasper decides to keep them for information, and can’t find Spinel’s gem.
Spinel reforms and rushes off to the CG base in tears, only to learn that her friends sacrificed themselves to save her.
She swears that she will get them back, and she and Jasper shall meet again.
5,150 years ago (850)
Pink “shatters”
Spinel feels grief even though she knows well that Pink abused her. Pearl has a talk with her about the whole thing, and Spinel feels better, knowing there’s someone else who misses her too. (BUT REMEMEBER THE GAG ORDER)
Immediately, the Homeworld gems start a plan to shatter every Crystal Gem, with new intel from a rebel on a potential place their base may be.
A huge battle takes place, drawing all gems on Earth to it 
Yellow comes down in a ship and starts work on the Cluster, heading to the Prime Kindergarten to issue the experiments immediately, while there are no witnesses
Blue follows her, and the two have a confrontation with each other
Yellow wins the argument, and Blue reluctantly agrees, leaving in her ship after grabbing a few more humans for the zoo (to remember her by)
The Crystal Gems are victorious 
5,100 years ago (900)
The Cluster’s plantation is completed
Yellow slips back off the planet under the cover of night
5,000 years ago (1,000)
The Homeworld gems flee
Premature celebration happens
Spinel was hugging Pearl in joy when Rose grabbed Pearl, saving Spinel from the attack too
The Diamond Attack blasts the Earth and corrupts the gems
The war is over… for now.
4,500 years ago (1,500)
Amethyst emerges
Greg is born
Greg meets Rose Quartz (22 years old)
Steven is born
Rose “dies”
This is the event that drives a rift between Spinel and Amethyst. Spinel was greedy for all of Rose’s attention there at the end, but her respect for Pearl and for Garnet as leader allowed them to get close to her. However, she literally pushed Amethyst away during that time, and because of that, Amethyst’s time with Rose was reduced from what it could have been. From then on, Amethyst holds a grudge against Spinel, and she retaliates since trying to make it up to the little Quartz failed.
Steven (8) moves in with the gems
August 15, 2013
Steven turns 12 years old, the age he is at the start of the show
Spinel’s arc starts in “Bubble Buddies,” in which Spinel is jealous of Connie
Man of the Mountain
Spinel feels she and Steven are drifting apart, and decides to try and get close to him again. They play in her room in the Temple, sending Steven off on a quest as a knight (which can be played on when Connie steps into that role irl). During it, things go too far and she has to rescue Steven. They had fun, though, and he confirms for her that they’re still close.
Giant Woman
Not worthy to make an entire ep out of, but basically, Spinel CAN go with Garnet to get the Earth Beetle. Spinel can swim in lava, just not for as long as Garnet can. She’s meant to be backup.
So Close
After “Giant Woman,” Steven stages another adventure to try and get Amethyst and Spinel to fuse, too, just like what happened with Pearl and Amethyst, but spoiler alert, it doesn’t happen. Instead, we learn that their arguments started when Steven was born, which kinda begins his self-blame and awareness of his family’s tensions even more so than “Giant Woman,” wherein he was mostly focused on himself rather than his family getting along. “Emotional hell” episode.
Steven the Sword-Fighter
Spinel grabs Pearl’s gem before it hits the ground with her elastic abilities, and basically stands vigil by it while waiting for her to reform. She sasses Holo-Pearl, insulting her, and in this scenario, Spinel is the one to accidentally start a fight with the thing. Steven, not wanting another family member to get hurt because of it, tries to help out and ultimately defeats the hologram. Spinel remained by Pearl’s gem the whole time, though attacked from a distance. Once Pearl reforms, Spinel hugs her and doesn’t stop until sometime after the star has crossed the screen and ended the episode.
This Just In
Just a fun one. :)
Parody of Scooby-Doo! Spinel starts narrating everything and breaking the fourth wall while she does it, too, creating drama (and giving a reason for the title to be just that).
Mirror Gem
Spinel walks in on Steven setting up a school and gawks, asking why he would want to do that? She went to school back in the 1930’s and it was terrible. When Pearl suggests the mirror, Spinel is just as in awe of it as Steven, showing that she doesn’t know what it is. She is with the two of them all day, and is delighted to find a friend in the “defective” mirror. When Steven wants to tell the gems, Spinel insists that it’s a bad idea, but poor Season 1 Steven doesn’t pick up on her nervousness and tells them anyway. As things tense, Spinel runs to Pearl, trying to tell her that it’s okay, the mirror isn’t a threat, but all this does is separate her from Steven when Garnet tries to take the mirror from him. He runs out alone, and all the gems run out to try and find him. Same plays out as he sets Lapis free. She then yells at the OG3 for knowing she was in there, but not letting her go. She offers Steven and Spinel to go “home” with her, which Spinel knows what she means and refuses. She offers instead to have Lapis stay on Earth, where they’re safe from Homeworld’s cruelty. Lapis refuses, tells them both not to trust the OG3, and walks into the ocean. Spinel is hurt that they didn’t mention Lapis to her, but doesn’t say anything (for fear of what happened between her and Pink).
Secret Team
As Steven, Pearl, and Amethyst run around the Temple fixing their mistakes, Steven stumbles across Spinel. She asks what he’s doing, to which Steven responds “nothing!” and keeps searching. Spins is suspicious, but again, says nothing. She hears Garnet’s speech at the end, though, and realizes that they were keeping secrets from her again.
Left Behind
Spinel calls everyone together, and says she knows everyone is keeping stuff from her. She inquires what that might be, and when no one speaks up, decides to create her own. She enlists Steven’s help, and together, they start creating secrets to keep from the gems. It escalates until it’s just Amethyst, though (as Garnet has future vision and Spinel just can’t do that to Pearl), and Amethyst is aware of it. She calls Spinel out, the others telling her that she has to stop, and she confesses that she feels betrayed because of the whole Lapis thing, then the Secret Team thing. Garnet tells her in her most gentle voice that Spinel couldn’t handle that kind of information, to which Spinel realizes that they don’t trust her. She runs off. Garnet tells Steven she’ll bounce back and get over it, but he follows her anyway. He finds her, just in time to hear her sing about feeling left out in the group. He walks up to her and tells her he feels the same way, and that if she wants to be with them, she’s just gotta try harder. That’s what he does. Spinel agrees, and the ep ends on a bittersweet note.
Fusion Cuisine
Zoisite is teased, as when Steven tries to bring his whole family, that means Spinel too, but because of Amethyst’s and Spinel’s tense relationship, the fusion fails. Instead, she’s left behind again (as Connie mentioned nothing about a sister…), and Alexandrite goes instead. Then it plays out the same way.
Warp Tour
In a bout of pure betrayal Spinel ultimately sides with the Gems instead of Steven, singling him out from the group. She agrees Steven is being silly. However, she stays with him as he stays up, trying to get him to take his mind off stuff. He refuses, and she gives up, heading back into the Temple. If he wants to play, he’s welcome to. Just give a knock. Then it plays out the same way.
The Test
Spinel’s room features a few funky, funny, not-quite booby traps. A cage comes down and nearly traps him (though like the spikes in Garnet’s room, would stop before it actually hit or trapped him), he has to jump around on a few platforms out of the reach of what looks like octopus tentacles, and then he lands in a ball pit after jumping off the platform. Finally, it’s a riddle to guess which door was correct, to which there are three doors, meaning three answers. Each door leads out, but Spinel makes it seem like there’s a pitfall trap in front of each to make it matter. Steven gets the answer right (the answer being a rabbit), and moves on to Garnet’s room. During the gem’s talk, Spinel insists that giving him an actual win would be a lot better, but Pearl states instead that this would work the same way. As long as he can do this, it’ll raise his confidence. Spinel agrees with Amethyst’s assessment of “we’re bad at this,” and the conversation goes the same way, as does the episode.
The Mountain Spire
After the episode “Horror Club,” Garnet discovers that due to two simultaneously occurring “earthquakes,” two Gem structures are bound to collapse. She and Amethyst take one, Pearl and Spinel take the other. Steven insists on coming along, and Garnet allows it. While walking, we see bird and rabbit imagery, as Steven goes on about how the last two times they were on an adventure like this, Opal happened! The other time, though, Amethyst and Spinel fought. But if Opal happened, then there was a chance something could happen this time, too, right? They arrive at a tall structure with pieces falling collapsing more by the second; the Mountain Spire. They have to replace to Sun Goddess statue, which was already up there. Steven’s now getting some flashbacks to a different adventure he was on, and now is determined to make sure he doesn’t mess this one up, too! Not a second time! 
Spinel repeatedly runs ahead, appearing to be playing, when in actuality, she’s clearing the coast for Steven and Pearl. She constantly looks for Pearl’s approval. Pearl gets progressively more annoyed. Finally, she confronts Spinel about her behavior, stating that she doesn’t like the clinginess she’s been showing. It looks like it’ll escalate, but Spinel doesn’t try to argue with Pearl at all. She admits that she’s attached to her, maybe more than she should be, but that’s because she respects her. When Spinel was lost, who picked her up and showed her a home with the Crystal Gems? Pearl. She had always believed in Spinel, and Spinel just feels good being around her and being there for her. Pearl says she had no idea, and admits that she maybe has been a bit harsh on her lately, and they both come to peaceful understanding without Steven’s help. (Note: Spinel and Pearl are both lesser gems, and they can connect using that, too. Try to hint at that if possible.)
Climax: the statue has fallen, and the top of the spire is collapsing. The statue is about to fall through the floor (with many many many holes in it), and Spinel can’t reach that far without getting a bit wobbly, so she doesn’t want to risk reaching for it and causing it to fall. They need to be more careful. Spinel and Pearl fuse into Lepidolite. She is agile, stretchy, careful, and self-sacrificial to a fault. She leaps in, bouncing across the room and grabbing the statue before anything can happen to it. Then, the ground shakes again and the floor beneath Steven caves, causing him to fall. She catches him, but only just. She is stretched too far now (as her stretchiness isn’t as much as Spins on her own), and has to make a choice. A vacuum just like the one around the Sea Spire sucks Steven down, making her lose her grip on him, and she makes the decision to go for him rather than the building. She pulls, tossing him up and onto safe land, then falls. She tosses the statue back up to him, and he has to put it back. Once he has, the spire fixes itself, and Lepidolite is saved. She brings Steven down to her level (since they’re going down now), and jokes about the place being a fixer-upper, before unfusing. The three gems head back, mission successful. 
Garnet and Amethyst were also able to fix their building, but their victory is short lived as Steven starts gushing about the fusion he saw. Pearl and Spinel smile at each other. Together, they are pretty great, huh?
After “Maximum Capacity.” Another episode to progress Spinel’s relationships with Connie and Amethyst. Connie comes over for the day, and Spinel insists that she hang out with them, too. Everything Connie does is “wrong,” and she leaves in a huff. When Steven offers to play video games with Spinel and Amethyst, the two start bickering with each other. A few days later, Connie comes back over and Steven tries to push Spinel away, but the gem refuses to leave the two alone. Connie confronts her, asking what he problem is. Connie has never done anything to Spinel before, right? We find out that Spinel has made it her mission to be Steven’s best friend, since that was Rose’s final request of her before she died, and both Amethyst and Connie are “getting in the way.” Connie sees through it and notes Spinel’s jealousy, insisting that he is still his own person, too. Spinel tries to retaliate, but Steven stands up for himself, saying anyone can be his friend and Spinel cannot decide that for him. If he’s Spinel’s best friend, cool, but he’s allowed to hang out with other people, too! Spinel is shocked into silence for a moment. All three others come to comfort her, empathizing about wanting a friend (Connie) and missing Rose (Amethyst). When Connie leaves, Spinel gives her an apology and asks if they’re on stable ground. Connie doesn’t know, but it’s a start. She leaves. Spinel smiles and hugs Steven, insisting she’ll try to do better.
The Return
Jasper and Spinel recognise each other. Spinel shakes with rage. Jasper says she’d be interested in taking Spins on again, just for the challenge, but Garnet jumps in before Spinel can answer, demanding Jasper leave this planet. Things mostly play out the same, except when Garnet gets poofed, Spinel acts immediately. She creates the illusion of a battlefield, masking her approach as she attacks from behind. Jasper, however, expects this, and catches her, throwing her into Pearl and Amethyst as they run closer. Jasper then grabs Steven and knocks him out, ending the episode. Jailbreak plays out the same way.
Crossover Calamity
This would replace the Uncle Grandpa episode! It’s a goofy, non-canon ep in which Spinel and Amethyst visit different SU AUs together, all while fighting.
Starts off with Spinel raiding Amethyst’s room for her timepiece, since she got to keep it in “Steven and the Stevens”. She needs it for a game she’s playing. Amethyst catches her and the two fight over it. It winds up transporting them across dimensions instead of though time, and they wind up in a Steven Universe x Undertale crossover. They meet Steven and Frisk, and when Steven wonders what Amethyst is doing here and doesn’t recognise Spinel, it’s clear they’re not in the same timeline. They have to work together to get back, since the timepiece is cracked. 
Next, they visit Bendy and the Ink Machine (since there is officially a crossover with that one now). They walk in on Bendy singing “Welcome Home”, and get attacked by the Ink Demon. They teleport away right as he’s about to catch them, transporting to an equally dangerous situation in a different AU. They run, going through a few more AUs until they wind up in canon SU, during “Other Friends.” They watch Spinel poof the gems, then leave, traumatized. 
They end up in front of the Spinel House, where Spinel is instantly drawn to. Henry Stickmin reference! Her options are: Knock, Amethyst, Break In, Remove Layer, or Request Entry.
Knock: Is the correct answer. Spinel knocks on the door and is let in
Amethyst: Reference to Charles! Ames runs off-screen, shapeshifts into a helicopter, and crashes into the building. Fail line: Amethyst, flying in! :D    ...You were expecting this, weren’t you?
Break In: Amethyst and Spinel concoct an elaborate plan to break in. It goes successfully, until they land in the middle of the room from crawling through the vents. The Spinels think they’re getting robbed and attack. Fail line: Everyone knows gravity only exists in cartoons when it’s least convenient, c’mon now.
Remove Layer: Animation/drawing joke. A tab is brought up showing all the layers in Ibis Paint, and the layer with the House is turned off. The spinels all stare at Star, and it end in a fail just like that. Fail line: You were supposed to get INTO the house, not make it disappear completely!
Request Entry: Meta joke! I suddenly show up out of nowhere and get pushed into the building to meet the directors and request that Spinel get added to the house. But my social anxiety to talk to them ruins this and I walk back out. Fail line: This is why people typically approach me first.
Back to business. Once Spinel has knocked and is let in, she meets the Spinels! It’s Spinel Hell for Amethyst, and she wants to get out of there as fast as possible. Joke about how the House is a place for Spinels to get away from the cruelty of their actual AU existence, and then ask if Star wants to join. She says no. Spinel asks if it’s possible to repair the timepiece, to which Rejuvenated or Spinny just slaps some duct tape on it and calls it good, sending Star!Spinel and Amethyst back on their way. It works, and they end up back on the beach. Spinel thanks the stars that’s over, and starts to walk off with the timepiece, ready to continue her game. But then Amethyst fights her for it, and they start crashing through several AUs, probably at dramatic/important parts and completely interrupting everything. Their final stand would be in either SU canon or breaking the fourth wall entirely and they exist on Tumblr or other social media accounts. They have a talk while fighting/playing keep-away, and reconcile. They teleport one final time and end back up on the beach. Amethyst decides it’s whatever and lets Spinel play with it, but she gives it back, claiming to not want it anymore. The two wind up dumping it in the ocean.
And that is why Spinel looks like a wreck. She smiles proudly at Steven as she finishes telling her story. He believes her until Garnet warps back in, asking her how training with Amethyst went after Ames threw her in the sea with her whip. Spinel groans, insisting Garnet ruined the mood. But then we go into the ocean, only to see that the dimension piece is actually there, at the bottom of the sea…
Optional: Spinel pulls a Genie and pulls up the bottom of the page, saying “Made you look!” Then the credits would roll with all the AUs present/used in the story.
AUs: SU x UT, SU x BATIM, HTTYM, I Am My Diamond, SU-Revived, The Spinel House, lab-raised-steven, White Diamond Steven AU, (maybe Gone Wrong? But make it more like a joke than anything serious,) Starhair!Spinel, being-monster-au, su-rogue, restore-the-universe, CHITSU, irl, silent films, SU x GF, SU x TOH, that one gif of Spinel doing the Distraction Dance, Perfect Steven, SU Rewritten, Spinel Goes to Homeworld (“I can’t believe I’m talkin’ ta my reflection-“), Corrupted Spinel, SU x Epic Mickey, plus any and all 
M E M E S. Also, potentially foreshadow as much as you want.
wow that was a lot lmao
Sworn to the Sword
Spinel teases Connie about wanting to train, but in a more light-hearted way that before. She is serious as she tries to warn Connie about Pearl’s teachings, insisting that Pearl could go extreme sometimes, but Connie ignores her, insisting it’ll be okay. The rest of the episode plays out the same, except when Spinel finds out Connie fell for Connie’s teachings, she remarks that she tried to tell her, earning her a glare from Steven. “Just sayin’,” she says, shrugging, but her concern is evident. Rest of the ep is the same.
We Need to Talk
Spinel was doing the filming on the tape Greg and the band was recording, and her cinematography (due to her stretchy limbs) is amazing. She gets along with Greg very well, and thinks he and Rose are cute together. She does join Pearl in teasing him, but her teasing is much more light-hearted than Pearl’s salty, “you’re just a phase” teasing. She is Rose’s best friend, and she doesn’t think Greg can change that. At the end of the episode, though, she is fearful that she was wrong, and Rose and Greg might be closer than any of the other gems to her. She and Pearl share a fearful glance.
Time and Place
The gems are on a mission to recover an object somewhere inside a volcano. Spinel goofs off with Steven, and Garnet commands them to stop. This place is dangerous. Steven stops, but Spinel persists, continuing to make faces and perform silly stunts to try and get him to smile. She does a dramatic flip into a stalactite, bouncing off of it and landing in front of Steven with a “tadaa!” The stalactite cracks and falls, blocking the corruption they’re trying to get to away and nearly getting everyone else hurt or poofed. Spinel herself falls into the lava, but climbs back out perfectly fine. Garnet benches her, insisting that she be more responsible and serious, comparing her to Steven and driving a rift between them unintentionally. Afterwards, Spinel tries to show responsibility as things run awry in the house- the house gets messy and she cleans it, the fridge stops running and she plugs it in, the heater was working in overdrive so she shuts it off. It comes to a climax as a corrupted gem, the same one they were after in the volcano, suddenly warps into the house and wreaks havoc. It’s revealed she caused everything, and after the gem is dealt with, Spinel apologizes, saying that hey, at least she dug the guy out of the rock fall! Garnet doesn’t unbench her, though, and insists that she needs to show real responsibility and start taking things seriously. Steven comes over to comfort her, saying that there is a time and a place for this kind of behavior, and the volcano wasn’t it. She nods, accepting that. 
Chille Tid
Spinel is still benched, and so was waiting for everyone at the beach house. She stays behind for the slumber party, though Amethyst and Steven have to team up to make sure she doesn’t go in the Temple. This is because, when Spinel starts dreaming, her illusion powers kick in and she starts showing what she’s dreaming. Tonight, she dreams of playing with Rose and Steven both inside her garden (foreshadowing the Rose/Pink reveal). This provides a bit of backstory for her, too. She’s awoken as Rose wilts away like an actual rose, and Steven vanishes. Her feet are wrapped in roots, and she sits up quickly only to see that the others had been watching.
She’s ecstatic to learn that Lapis is okay.
The gems leave for a mission, but Steven stays behind with the still-benched Spinel. He plans a full day of fun for the two of them! Later, they bump into Greg, who is just off of another hard day of work at the car wash, being kept on his toes recently. To relax, they decide to jam out together. At one point, Steven would ask how often Rose joined him (knowing that she’s sung with him at least once) and what she played. Greg responds, saying that she would play and sing with him often. Spinel interjects, commenting that the more she hung out with him, the less she was there for everyone else, and the more lonely Spinel got. She realizes she said that out loud, and dives head-first into apologies, throwing back to some of the things she said in Man of the Mountain (“don’t hate me” and “It won’t happen again” etc). Both Greg and Steven calm her down and ask what brought that on. We now find out that Spinel was abandoned a LOT in the past, but with the CGs, she felt better, but then Greg came along and she started feeling that way again. She hates being alone. She likes him, though, so she never said anything. She tries so hard not to blame Greg- he didn’t know. She never told him, or anyone, since that wasn’t a very nice thing to do and friends are nice to their friends (she’s actually scared of being screamed at like with what happened with Pink). Please don’t hate her? Greg insists that no, he doesn’t, and that he’s sorry he didn’t realize. She’s sorry, too. Steven speaks up, stating that it was really brave of Spinel to tell them that, and to overcome her fear of them thinking less of her or something. He’s proud of her. She smiles at that. 
The next day, Greg wakes up late (like, it’s NOON levels of late). He rushes outside to see Spinel doing his job for him at the car wash, and doing it quite well! Steven is there helping her. When asked what’s going on, Spinel states that she still felt bad for what happened yesterday and wanted to do something nice for Greg, so she took over the car wash for the day! She turned off his alarm so he could get some rest, and has been doing a good lot of the washing. She also gave the van itself a wash, and cleaned all the brushes inside. Greg, in awe, thanks her a lot and gives her a hug. He makes an offhand comment about her showing initiative like that, and how that responsibility was something he never expected from her. Garnet agrees, walking up behind them. Upon seeing the maroon gem, Spinel apologizes again for the volcano incident, and promises to do better. Garnet, having seen that Spinel is capable of taking control and responsibility, unbenches her. Spinel doesn’t stop helping Greg, though, and at the end of the day, they all get ice cream together. Fin.
Too Far
Peridot doesn’t know what to make of Spinel, not having ever even heard of her before. We find out she’s one-of-a-kind, built to be a best friend! She likes to be friends with everyone! Peridot states that she and Amethyst don’t get along, causing the pink gem to blush and run off.
Too Close (NEW FORM)
Spinel now tries to be Amethyst’s Best Friend, along with LITERALLY EVERYONE ELSE where she can! It gets toxic quickly, and she more or less becomes Amethyst’s more-annoying personal Pearl for the day. Peridot is quick to point this out. Amethyst confronts her about it, and they have one last fight before Spinel finally starts to learn that you don’t have to give your everything in order to be a good friend (and stop pampering them GEEZ). That’s unhealthy. It’s obsessive. It can smother people! She needs to find a better balance! Spinel states that if she doesn’t give everything, then she feels like she’s lacking on her end, that she isn’t doing enough. If she isn’t by her friend’s side all the time, who’s to say they won’t get mad at her, or leave her? Steven points out how exhausted Spinel has become while taking care of everyone so obsessively. Amethyst agrees, stating that she cannot run herself ragged trying to do everything all at once. She insists that she’s okay, that she can keep going. She was built to be a friend, and she’s been slacking on her end. She’s not gonna stop until everyone around her is happy! She’ll prove it! She then runs away to make the Best Day Ever for everyone, but Amethyst chases her down, now determined to make her see sense. She tackles the other gem, telling her that if she truly wanted to be someone’s friend, she needed to calm down, back off, and respect their wishes to have her leave people alone! Spinel poofs, mostly from exhaustion, but also because she’s getting Pink Diamond flashbacks. 
When she reforms, she walks up to Amethyst and apologizes. If being a friend means leaving people alone, then that was something she was going to have to work on. Being a friend isn’t gonna be easy, but she can try. Just let her know whenever they need her to leave? Amethyst says she’ll do so, and the two hug it out. While doing so, Spinel asks if they can start over, and try being friends again. Amethyst agrees, saying it’s worth a shot.
Super Watermelon Island
With Spinel and Amethyst finally getting along, Zoisite can now be formed! The battle with Malachite still happens, but now featuring Spinel’s illusion powers and Lepidolite’s feather duster (for cartoony hyjinx). 
Barn Mates
At the end of the episode, Spinel is super happy to finally see Lapis again, but surprising everyone, she doesn’t leap into Lapis’ arms or anything. She instead extends a hand to shake.
Hit the Diamond
Spinel plays referee and pitcher. While doing the lineup, she announces that her name is Sarah, or would Sandy be better? She’s shushed. Later, there’s a throw-away line about how if the CGs don’t win this match, she, Sandy, is quitting. She knows what’s gonna happen and isn’t gonna stick around to witness it. Someone smacks her for breaking the fourth wall.
Too Short to Ride
Spinel stretches out without shapeshifting, which makes Peridot even more upset that she can’t do it. During the shapeshifting part, Spinel becomes a dog and a rabbit, playing a game of chase with Amethyst. 
After “The New Lars”. The hunt for Jasper continues, but Spinel and Steven take a break to go visit Peridot and Lapis. Steven and Peri hang out for a while before realizing that Spinel and Lapis are gone. They go looking for them, discovering them atop the silo. They’re laughing. Spinel apologizes for the whole mirror thing, saying that she knows what it’s like to be trapped and abandoned for years, too. Lapis says that it wasn’t her fault, it was Homeworld’s. Spinel says she knows that feel, having been the playmate of her old owner before she got left behind like a broken toy. She insists that Lapis had it worse, though, since she was forced to stay in one spot whereas Spinel chose to stay there, forever… Lapis tells her not to compare what they went through. They’re both hurt, and they can connect over it. That’s what’s important, not who had it worse. Spinel gives her a side hug, saying that she’s really glad Lapis is here. Steven and Peri decide to give them some privacy and leave, the other pair being none the wiser they were ever there.
Days pass, and the hunt continues. Pearl asks Steven if he’s seen Spinel, to which he says no. Garnet states that they need to find her and she warps them to the barn. There, Spinel and Lapis are continuing to hang out. Pearl is the first to scold, demanding to know where Spinel has been when they’re trying to find Jasper? Peridot hears this and tries to get Pearl to stop talking, but she doesn’t. That rogue gem is only going to cause trouble! Spinel feels awful, starting to apologize, but Lapis cuts her off. She insists that Spinel is always being left behind anyway, and has to constantly wear a smile to keep morale up, which makes her feel trapped, but here, she doesn’t have to do that! She’s free! She doesn’t have to be anyone’s friend here. So back off and leave her alone! Steven asks timidly if that’s true, to which Spinel nods. 
She explains that she’s been trying to keep her distance, like Amethyst asked her to, but she feels like she isn’t being a good friend and is slacking off. That makes her stressed, because she knows her friends don’t want her around, so she kept coming here. She doesn’t have to be friends with Lapis or Peridot- that expectation was never there with them. She’s free to just relax here and get her mind off stuff. She didn’t mean to stay away for so long, but she thought no one wanted her there unless they had work for her to do. How can you be a friend if you stayed away? She had no idea, and it was so, so confusing. Spinel says that she was made to be a best friend to one person, and when that person sent her away, she felt lost. The same thing was happening again, and she didn’t know what to do. f
Lapis explains that she used to be a terriformer, shaping planets for her superiors forever and she wasn’t happy. But now, she feels much more free. Playing mediator, Steven builds on that, and explains that she shouldn’t have to feel like she needs to be friends with everyone. That’s an impossible task. If she needs to force it, then it isn’t friendship, and instead, is more just servitude. Lapis and Pearl both agree. Be friends with who you want. Who do you want to be friends with? Spinel thinks, hesitant to say her answer in fear she’ll make people angry, but everyone insists they won’t be. She says she wants to be friends with Steven, Amethyst, and Lapis for sure. She looks up to Pearl and Garnet, and they’re always gonna be family, and they can stay that way. For now. Everyone (sans Peri) hugs her, proud of her, before Peridot interrupts and announces that if she wants to be friends with Lapis, they’d have to fight over it. It looks like Spinel might fall back on old habits for a second before Peridot laughs, saying she was joking. There’s enough Lapis for both of them. Lapis, embarrassed, flies off. The ep ends as Spinel and Peridot look at each other in confusion, wondering what they said.
Together Again (formerly called “Camping”)
After “Restaurant Wars”. Spinel decides to take her friends camping! Lapis was “busy,” so it was just Amethyst and Steven with her. While out, they discover a corrupted gem, a quartz of some kind. She is a powerhouse and overruns everyone, then won’t leave them alone. The monster is big, and the group is in the mountains, so they slip into a small cave in the mountains where the beast can’t get them. As it walks away, Spinel sees the gem, located on its shoulder- it has a scratch in it. It’s 7TP. Her eyes flash in recognition, and she then tries to take it herself. She winds up pinned beneath the amethyst’s paw. She confesses that she knew the gem from the war, and it was one of her best friends. On the battlefield, the fight that occurred just before everyone was corrupted, 7TP got a scratch across her gem, not deep enough to count as a crack, but deep enough to be recognizable. They have to bubble her, quick! Steven and Amethyst get 7TP off Spinel and fighting ensues, but Spinel can’t bring herself to hurt her old friend now that she can put a face to the monster. Amethyst and Steven can’t take her alone, and at one point Amethyst is thrown down next to Spinel. The two agree that this isn’t working, and they fuse.
Lavender Alexite is a smaller, squishier version of Sugallite, now with 85% less visible muscle! Amethyst’s determination combines with Spinel’s frustration, and both of them together are able to bring the fusion down with their grappling hook-like weapon, tying her up and Lavender herself finishing the corruption off. Spinel bubbles her after Steven heals her, sending her off. Unprompted, she explains that when her old owner decided to get rid of her, 7TP was by her side. She’s been by Spinel’s side for so long. Refueled determination to heal corruption.
Note: Maybe mention 7TH at some point?
Monster Reunion
Spinel is shocked that the corruption could be healed as she was, but gives Steven space to be with Neph. At the end, she asks Steven if she could do that again, to which Garnet says no. 
Healing Haze
Spinel goes up to Steven in the middle of the night to wake him up. She tells him that Garnet and the rest of the Gems are out on a mission trying to find Jasper, and they think that she’s exploring the desert. She drags him into the Bubble Room, brings down 7TP, and unbubbled her. Steven, having had no say in this (and was half-asleep until just now), freaks out. As 7TP is reforming, Spinel tells him to heal her before she wrecks the place and they both get in trouble! He does, slapping on some healing spit, and 7TP half uncorrupts. Spinel cautiously approaches, asking if the gem remembers her. She shapeshifts back into her War design, to which the gem now recognizes her. Spinel starts calling her Violet. Violet starts to freak out, realizing she’s been corrupted, and rushes to look at her reflection. She’s shocked and dazed. Spinel calms her down enough to switch the topic over to Steven, gesturing for him to come on over. She introduces them to each other, and tells Violet that things will be okay now. However, just like with Nephrite, Violet eventually recorrupts. Spinel bubbles her again, then thanks Steven, giving him a crushing hug. 
The next night, she asks the same thing from him. Seeing Spinel so happy the previous night makes Steven more willing to let the gem out this time, though he still isn’t completely onboard. But, they have fun anyway, until Violet recorrupts again.
They do this again and again, with Steven’s unease growing more and more. This feels wrong, and he tells Connie as much on the phone. Connie tells him that he needs to get Spinel to stop. They bubble those gems for a reason- so they don’t suffer. By letting her out, having her back for a while, only to have her become a monster again, over and over and over… that can’t be good for poor 7TP. What if that has some kind of long-term effects? They need to stop. Besides, getting poofed so many times must hurt, even if Violet does just accept it when the time comes. Steven agrees, and when Spinel inevitably comes up to him the next night, he tells her all that. Spinel is devastated, and tells him to go back to sleep.
He wakes up to Spinel yelling. He looks over and sees 7TP running out of the Temple, fully corrupted, with Spinel tearing after her from behind, waving a cloth. Steven asks what in blazes she’s doing, to which she replies that she took some of his spit while he was sleeping and put it on this here very cloth and she put that on the gem and it didn’t work! She’s still corrupted! Steven gets understandably upset, and now the goal becomes catching Violet, and fast! 
They wind up bringing her in through music, with Spinel singing a lullaby to her (a nod to Blue Order). Steven can now heal her, but since she’s already formed, it doesn’t do anything. She’s aware enough to have a conversation with now that she’s calm, though (maybe?) and Spinel apologizes for everything. They poof and bubble her again, for good this time.
When the other gems get back in the morning, they ask what happened to the house. Spinel owns up to her mistakes, and accepts the fact that they’re gonna bench her again. Garnet tells her no- Spinel understood what she did was wrong and learned her lesson. 7TP will be better off in the bubble, for now. Spinel asks about, since Garnet has future vision, why didn’t she stop her from unbubbling Violet so many times? Garnet states simply that Spinel was going to learn her lesson, and this was the only way that she’d truly understand. Just words weren’t gonna work. 
Catching Up
After “Alone at Sea,” Spinel decides to do something fun with Lapis just like they did with Peridot. Shorty Squad Assemble, now featuring Spinel and Lapis! They decide to spend a day wherever Lapis wanted to be, which for now, was the barn. Understandable.
Next step, make Lapis a bootleg Funland! They all set up a bunch of fun activities around the barn, including a ring toss, a bean bag toss, a dance floor (with a radio), and water balloons! There’s also a game of baseball if people wanna play. 
It’s a cute ep that is filled with fluff until, after a while, Lapis keeps zoning out. Steven, Peri, and Spins all try to keep her distracted, but Amethyst is the one who eventually steps up and tells Lapis to just spit it out. Lapis explains that Jasper has been on her mind, and she appreciates what everyone is doing for her- it has truly been fun- but it’s not working. Everything that happened on the boat is fresh in her mind, and she honestly just wants to be alone while she processes everything. Sorry for being a downer. She flies back into the barn.
Spinel and Steven go after her, though Amethyst and Peridot agree it’s best to leave her alone. The two find her on the top floor, and inch closer. Spinel tells her that she shouldn’t be alone to think about this kind of thing- being alone sucks. They both should know that by now. Steven asks if she wants to talk about it. Lapis says no. She appreciates the sentiment, really, but she needs to figure things out alone. They don’t know what it’s like to battle Jasper constantly, how tiring being stuck with her is. Spinel pipes up, saying that although that’s true, she does know what it’s like to fight Jasper. It was 5,300 years ago. They met on the battlefield, and she nearly got shattered that day. She recounts the story. She never had someone to talk to about it, and she thought that she couldn’t, since she was supposed to be everyone’s friend, their relief. But that’s not how it works. Right? It goes both ways? So don’t be silent. 
Lapis says that she just doesn’t want to talk about it. There are things that happened down there that she doesn’t really want anyone to know about, and she wants to keep it down. Though, again, she really appreciates the sentiment. Steven and Spinel leave, then meet up with the guys down below.
They play baseball for a while, two on two, before someone hits the ball super far away. Lapis comes back with it, saying she’ll talk when she’s ready, but for now, let’s just have fun. Ends on a lighter note.
Spinel is almost as happy to see Bis as Pearl! Almost. Her weapon upgrade is a serrated blade. While sparring, Spinel turns on the illusion powers, then bounces around her like a ping pong ball. She attacks from behind, but Bismuth, expecting this, catches her. She shoves Spinel away, making room for Pearl to then come in! The rest is the same. Spinel clings to Pearl when Bis is bubbled away.
Know Your Fusion
Garnet + Spinel fusion as well? Just for a moment? Pearl could take Sardonyx’s place while she’s gone. Spins would likely point out that she’s never fused with Garnet before, and since we’re meetin’ new fusions anyways, could it be cool to add one more to the roster?
Think more about the idea before declaring it canon. Don’t take away from characters, remember? This might not fit into 11 minutes, or maybe make it double length? Two parter? Think about it.
Return to Mask Island
After “Future Boy Zoltron”, Spinel tells Steven she’s convinced Lapis to hang out with them for a day! Steven decides to take the party to Mask Island, since it’s such a pretty place and would be good for unwinding. Lapis is nervous, since the last time she was here, she was Malachite. Whoops. Steven and Spinel both insist this will be good for her, since she wants to get over her past trauma of being fused with Jasper, and balancing some good memories into the mix of bad will do her some good! Amethyst agrees, so Lapis gives in. Steven tells her that fusion feels amazing, but only with the right people. They make camp, and montage of them having fun and unwinding. Show something slinking in the water.
Eventually, Steven breaks out the s’mores supplies. He and Amethyst really start talking, and they don’t really notice when Lapis and Spinel get up. They run out of crackers, and Amethyst volunteers to get more, only to then notice that half their party is gone. Steven will find them, and Ames runs off. 
Four Gems and a Baby
Steven was intended to be Spinel’s new Best Friend so she thinks of him as a fellow Spinel playing a game with them at the moment. Like Ames said, being a baby was fun, so this must be going somewhere. Rose said he was gonna be a friend. So that’s what he was.
Gem Heist
Spinel becomes mute: the misadventure/near shattering :)
That Will Be All
Ruby Round-Up
Mission: Find and Locate All Ruby Guards
After “Storm in the Room.” Everyone heads back out into space to see if we can’t find the Rubies. We are able to find Army, Leggy, and Doc before Doc calls the cops on us and a Homeworld ship shows up. We find out more about Gem technology, namely that you can only go a straight line while using the gravity engine, so in theory, the other ship can track them. They need a safe place to hide. Spinel takes over the controls, and she takes them to the solar system with the Garden in it.
The whole time, Army and Doc don’t make it easy to escape. They keep making this harder for them to drive, having broken many parts of the ship in an effort to get it to stall, and the other gems have to leave Spins alone to drive while they make sure the three Rubies don’t cause any more trouble.
They hide the ship behind one of the smaller planets/moons floating there, shutting off the engine to help prevent being tracked/seen. The other ship zips right on past, missing them entierly. They power the ship back on, and land on the centerpiece.
The episode ends with everyone stepping out, and Spinel introducing them to the Garden.
Right Where You Left It
We visit one of the gem’s childhood homes…
Spinel takes on the grand tour of the garden, hoping to find parts and pieces to fix up the Roaming Eye. The three Rubies are put in time-out. We see the inside of the room, where Pink’s Biopoison Injector awaits, along with a line of rejuvenators. We also meet the cautious Coral and the untrustful Amber. Coral is in charge of all the plants, whereas Amber is in charge of making sure the buildings don’t collapse, but they only are supposed to be at work when they’re called. No one has called for thousands of years, and they’re too scared to go investigate. Spinel left a while ago, too, giving them zero reason to go out there. If an elite saw them, they could risk being shattered since no one wants them anymore. Where do useless gems go?
The two wind up telling them about the biopoison, and how it was made just for this garden when Pink finally decided she was done with it forever. The rejuvenators were meant to reset a gem, but Pink decommissioned them after a single use. Yellow has more. 
They ask Spinel if she’s back to stay, also where is Pink Diamond? This is where we find out Spins and Pearl belonged to Pink. She’s gone, Spins says, and no, she’s not staying here. Do they want to go with them to Earth? After some thought Coral and Amber decide no- the threat of shattering is really scary, and they can’t fight back. They don’t even have gem weapons. Spinel tells them that she didn’t either, until her friend made her one! She pulls out her scythe. They could come along, too. The Earth is a beautiful place. They agree reluctantly, but then state that they don’t want to be a part of anything; if Earth is a place to be free, then they want to explore, maybe fix up or tidy up some Gem ruins there. Fighting is not an option, and they’re tired of staying in one spot. 
The others agree, and Spinel apologizes for not paying them more attention when they were here together. She has a history of only focusing on what she wants to focus on, and ignores everything else. All is forgiven, and it’s back to Earth we go now that the ship is prepared.
The three Rubies manage to escape and warp back to Homeworld...
Making Up
Time to be frens with Connie. Finally. Took ya long enough.
and this is where it stops lmao. cliffhanger.
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dimonds456 · 10 days
Hey Dimonds, what happened to the first chapter of your a second chance Au story on Archive of our own.
Also, are you alright?
I don't think I ever put it on AO3...?
I know I had a couple of ficlets, and those should still be there, but I don't recall ever uploading the comic there or rewriting it into a written format.
Then again, I have also forgotten most of my own life up to this point, so maybe I did. If that's the case then I have no idea.
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lunarlianna · 1 year
Placements that can indicate a passion in astrology/astrologer career
This are just a few aspects that can indicate having a career in astrology but there are many more. These aspects are based on my research and observation.
Uranus in 1st house, 2nd ,6th ,8th,9th or 10th especially if it's making a conjunction with the Sun, the Moon, MC, ASC or ruler of the houses.
Planets in Aquarius (the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus Mars) or at Aquarius degree (11th and 23 degrees) also MC/NN in Aquarius could be a good indicator. I know a lot of people that have an interest in astrology with heavy Aquarius placements or degree, myself included.
11th house placements/stellium, ruler of the 1st, 2nd ,6th,9th or 10th house in 11th house.
Asteroid Urania conjunct MC, ASC, NN, Uranus, the Sun or the Moon.
Asteroid Urania in 3rd, 9th house, 10th house, 11th house or 12th.
Asteroid Urania in Pisces, Gemini ( I know that , Aquarius or Sagittarius.
Mercury in the 2nd, 3th,8th, 9th house or conjunct Uranus, usually mercury is pretty strong in astrologer’s charts.
Sagittarius, Pisces placements (the moon, NN etc)
Moon in air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) also moon in Sagittarius or Pisces.
Also Scorpio or 8th house placements could make someone interested in astrology, especially if it has heavy air energy in the chart as well.
Do not copy my posts or you will be sued for copyright infringement. All it takes is copying me a few times and it is considered illegal due to the copyright claim written at the bottom of my posts
Do not rewrite/copy my observations and post them to your Tiktok, Tumblr, Instagram
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kon-igi · 2 years
Il post è serio... o meglio, sono serie le mie intenzioni di comprendere i meccanismi che stanno dietro al marketing, perché è evidente che mi stiano sfuggendo tipo democristiano finito per sbaglio alla Festa dell’Unità.
Non voglio sembrare radical chic o intellettuale elitario ma ho bisogno del vostro aiuto per capire se l’illusione di essere immune al potere delle pubblicità - immune del tipo ‘Ahahaha! Tanto non mi posso ammalare di rogna sarcoptica dello stambecco della Alpi perché l’acaro responsabile non sopravvive sull’uomo!’ - in realtà non sia un effetto Dunning-Kruger che mi faccia sentire migliore di quanto in realtà io non sia.
Mi spiego.
In maniera molto dicotomica, io non compro MAI tutti quei prodotti che sono stati pubblicizzati in modo:
triviale (donna seducente, uomo forte, potere, esclusività etc)
stupido (luoghi comuni sull’italiano medio, balletti, comicità anni ‘80)
pressante (spot ripetuti e/o invasivi)
Quindi ripiego quasi sempre su marche sconosciute o prodotti col brand del supermercato (sì... lo so che i miei soldi gli arrivano lo stesso) perché chi mi dovesse incontrare tra le corsie mi sentirebbe sussurrare a fil di labbra ‘Te hai fatto bodyshaming, te sei green come il ciao smarmittato che avevo a 16 anni, te uccidi il 99% dei batteri come qualsiasi altra candeggina, te sei acqua distillata che ha visto le alpi solo in foto, te fai le scenette insopportabili con la mamma meridionale, te m’hai rotto il cazzo mentre ascoltavo il podcast sui serial killer più prolifici...’ e così via ma la mia domanda è questa:
Non è forse vero che qualsiasi consumatore interpellato in tal senso affermerebbe con sicumera che lui non si fa certo infinocchiare e sceglie sempre il prodotto migliore al minor prezzo?
In fondo il trucco del buon marketing è esattamente quello di far credere al consumatore di star compiendo una scelta indipendente e priva di condizionamenti basata sulla propria capacità di giudizio.
Quindi, in che modo il mondo del marketing mi sta comunque fregando?
Sono un illuso danno collaterale ininfluente sulla fetta enorme di altri acquirenti oppure sono addirittura utile come gruppo di controllo?
Forse l’influenza va oltre il mero prodotto del momento da me evitato e riguarda un imprinting sociale sulla necessità indotta di una certa classe di prodotti?
Non importa chi urla più forte la percentuale di batteri uccisi ma indurre il presupposto subliminale che se non ne uccidi il più possibile sei un infetto sudicio mentecatto. Non l’automobile più potente, elitaria o veloce ma che oramai non ti permettono più di mantenere la tua per più di qualche anno. Non l’acqua minerale che ti rende più puro degli altri ma un bene comune gratuito rivenduto a scapito dell’ambiente. Non il mutuo più conveniente ma che si sia arrivati ad accettare che per (soprav)vivere tu debba farne uno.
Anche perché - e fatemelo dire in modo catartico - nel marketing digitale la profilazione è fatta col culo di un mozzo carino imbarcato su un veliero vittoriano diretto verso il passaggio a Nord-Ovest senza un filo di vento.
Mi piacciono i coltelli ma non i coltelli da cucina.
Se cerco sul web un distributore di benzina dove non mi chiedano un rene, che cazzo mi pubblicizzi una Tesla da espianto total body per trafficanti di organi?
Lancio asce, non cerco un giardiniere che mi poti gli alberi.
Perché mi suggerisci le pompe funebri a me più vicine? Perché ho urlato ‘muori!’ a un deficiente che non m’aveva dato la precedenza?
E soprattutto, nonostante credo abbiano capito che sono del settore, perché tentano di vendermi lo stesso principio attivo allo stesso dosaggio ma seguito dalle diverse diciture ‘febbre’, ‘cefalea’, ‘dolori mestruali’, ‘influenza’, ‘forte’, ‘fast’ come se non fosse la stessa cosa che fa sempre la stessa cosa? 
Giuro che tornerei a fare il cacciatore-raccoglitore se non che poi al mercato del baratto sicuramente incontrerei Ea-nasir che mi rifilerebbe i suoi lingotti di rame farlocchi.
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likeheavens · 1 year
hola, bebes. val por acá con mis hijes HEAVEN HEART y YASPER DI SANTIS. como saben, bajo el readmore van a encontrar algunos detalles sobre elles. si sienten que alguno puede conectar con sus pjs, le pueden dar like al post y les molesto por im o pueden directamente escribirme al discord #sonicyuta4524 . no se sientan obligades a likear o armar conexiones si sienten que no coincides, seguro podemos desarrollar algo on rol después. muackkk.
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𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐍 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓: tablero de pinterest, conexiones
21 años. segundo año de abogacía en ST. MARGUERITTE D'YOUVILLE. extracurriculares: club de boxeo, club de  alemán, club solidario, club de esgrima. mansión uno. matriculada.
sol en tauro, asc en aries, luna en escorpio.
es la menor de los hermanos heart (esther, aleksander, allan). ella y allan son mellizos pero ella nació última, así que toda su personalidad se basa en las desventajas de ser la menor. golden girl es el concepto que la describe. siempre buscó ser la mejor en todo para poder destacarse un poco, aunque está convencida de que determinación hace que sea la favorita de su padre.
una mezcla de shiv roy y la canción the man. es muy ambiciosa en general pero sobre todo en las pujas de poder familiares, con una empresa de por medio, de la cual siempre la dejaron de lado por ser mujer. desde pequeña tiene interés por cosas "de hombres" y se la relegaban a tareas femeninas, cosa que heaven siempre odió.
tuvo una época rebelde en la adolescencia, porque su lógica era que para que la traten como un hombre tenía que portarse como uno: descontrolado e impulsivo. claro está que esto no salió bien para nadie y lleva los últimos años obligándose a mantener su fachada de golden girl.
como naturaleza difiere mucho de la fachada que muestra, tiene muchas emociones acumuladas, las cuales deja salir en el club de boxeo (en síntesis: es medio sacada)
es una persona muy sexual (bi de closet) y no lo esconde, pero si finge demencia al respecto.
personalidad: heaven heart es el ejemplo de una golden girl. pone todo de sí para ser la hija perfecta: CORRECTA Y EDUCADA, siempre bien peinada y bien vestida, ni un cabello fuera de lugar, ni una palabra que no corresponda al vocabulario de una muchachita católica. sin embargo, esta nunca ha sido su naturaleza. es sumamente EGOÍSTA, siempre priorizándose a sí misma, sin tener mucho registro de cómo sus actitudes pueden afectar a los demás. se lleva todo por delante y se arrepiente en el momento en que se detiene, aunque jamás lo admita. se caracteriza por ser DETERMINADA Y AMBICIOSA, dispuesta a obtener aquello que está convencida que merece, sin importar el método o las consecuencias. tiene una NATURALEZA IMPULSIVA que hace algunos años se ha determinado a controlar. se la acusa de ser muy joven para ser tan FRÍA emocionalmente, sin embargo se trata de que necesidad de mantener las apariencias han llevado a que tenga poco registro de sus emociones, siendo más fácil eliminarlas que procesarlas.
descripción física: de estatura media y delgada, heaven siempre mantiene una imagen impoluta: bien peinada, bien vestida, la mera imágen de una muchachita católica y encarrilada. de ahí a que lo sea o no, es otra cosa. pero es lo que heaven siempre ha aparentado y siempre buscará mostrar. usa el cabello largo y rubio, aunque a veces se lo corta durante el verano. siempre lleva puesta una cadena dorada con el dije de una cruz y tiene, del lado interno de su antebrazo, un tatuaje delicado del sagrado corazón de jesús. en al espalda baja, tiene un corazón con un tribal el cual siempre esconde o maquilla.
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𝐘𝐀𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐑 𝐃𝐈 𝐒𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐒: tablero de pinterest, lista de conexiones.
24 años, tercer año de composición musical en ST. CLARE OF ASSISI. extracurriculares: saxofón en la orquesta universitaria, sonido e iluminación en el club de teatro musical,  miembro del coro universitario, miembro del club de español, pivot en el equipo de baloncesto masculino. mansión diez. becado
sol en acuario, asc en géminis, luna en ??
yasper es el hijo del segundo matrimonio de su padre y el segundo de su madre. ambos lo tuvieron ya mayores, aunque su padre aún más. padre italiano y madre francesa, maneja ambos idiomas con naturalidad. siempre fue un niño demasiado activo que a sus padres le costaba mucho seguirle el ritmo.
prodigio musical. tiene oído absoluto y facilidad para aprender cualquier instrumento. hasta entrar a la universidad tocaba el piano y el violín, ahora también lo hace pero se destaca con el saxofón que comenzó a tocar para poder entrar en la orquesta. hasta entonces era más de la música sinfónica y ahora empieza a inclinarse más por el jazz.
no entro a julliard, nadie sabe por qué, por lo que padres consiguieron los contactos para que pueda aplicar a una beca en st mary magdalene.
head empty. yasper encuentra el mundo y la vida complicados y caoticos, siendo la música y su lenguaje lo único que tiene un poco de lógica. para el resto de las cosas puede parecer bastante tonto.
animado y divertido, yasper se prende a cualquier plan e ideas nunca son malas. es un chico muy de las amistades.
le gustan las mujeres pero es medio tonto con eso también, nunca se le dio muy bien la seducción.
personalidad: yasper se destaca porque, desde lejos, se nota que es una persona BIEN INTENCIONADA Y OPTIMISTA. siempre sabe ver lo mejor de cada situación, priorizando el bienestar y la diversión. esto último es, para él, lo más importante. siempre busca estar entretenido y DIVERTIDO, pues no soporta la sensación de aburrimiento. es muy CARIÑOSO con sus allegados y nunca se avergüenza de demostrarlo. sin embargo, naturaleza es TORPE e INDISCRETA, siempre haciendo desastres y terminando en el peor lugar o situación posible. 
descripción física: delgado, de un metro setenta y ocho. ojos celestes y cabello oscuro, negro, siempre enrrulado. no suele usarlo ni muy corto ni muy largo, la mayoría de las veces dejándole la forma a sus ondas. por lugar de origen, ha crecido rodeado del buen vestir, por lo que siempre busca vestirse bien. se lo suele ver con algún instrumento al hombro.
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numerologica · 9 days
which composite format do you believe is accurate? taking the mc or asc as midpoint? <3
© Numerologica 2024 all rights reserved, this article is protected by copyright norms, do not copy, repost, rewrite in any way or you'll be sued for copyright infringement.
● My answer will be brief: ASC all the way
⎯ I don't agree with taking the MC midpoint because it doesn't make sense to me. In a simple birth chart the focal point is the ASC, the ASC sets the whole chart so I don't get why Composite Charts should be different than that. The MC gets normally calculated after the ASC, not before.
★ Here's an extract from this book (¹) I've read which summarizes my view:
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(¹) "Relationships and How to Survive Them" - Liz Greene
© Numerologica 2024 all rights reserved, this article is protected by copyright norms, do not copy, repost, rewrite in any way or you'll be sued for copyright infringement.
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