#ask Gosalyn!
gummygoatgalaxy · 16 days
HEY BESTIE! For the art block thing,maybe Violet & Gosalyn on a cute date?
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giddlygoat · 9 months
Launchdad? 🤨 🎤
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thanks for the ask! i had this sketch lying around so the timing is perfect.
launchpad and gos’ dynamic is so incredibly important to me. her rambunctious, rebellious spirit and endless energy paired with launchpad’s bottomless positivity and chill aura is so perfect. he’s the most supportive, sweetest father figure she could possibly have. i love how in the show she has no apprehensions about coming to him with anything, and always feels safe with him. it’s how things should be, and a nice change of pace next to drake’s short temper.
one of my favorite scenes in the whole show is in the alien queen one near the beginning when they’re all three on a road trip, and gosalyn turns her home camera to launchpad and says “show us your true self!” iirc and he takes his hands off the steering wheel to make a silly face at her LAWLLLL the dad humor with launchpad is strong. not to mention drake’s immediate chastising him to keep his eyes on the road. they are so married <3
i just love how playful launchpad is with her, yet he always takes her seriously and talks to her on her level. he not only cares for her more than anything but respects her and is always honest with her, which is earning some serious parenting points in my book.
he’s already cultivated such a healthy relationship with her and provided so much security for her before she even calls him “dad”, which i’m almost certain she’s never done in canon. but, i can easily see her doing so by mistake and quickly correcting herself, only to leave launchpad a sobbing heap of overwhelming pride and joy at the title <3
launchpad playing mediator between drake and gos is also so important to me. drake loves her to death, there’s not a doubt. and i know he wants to be the best parent he possibly can for her, but what he lacks in emotional presence he makes up for in over-protectiveness. and i LOVE that we see growth and change in the show, and he is learning more every day! but let’s face it, launchpad is infinitely more approachable.
i think drake sees so much of himself in gos that it’s sometimes hard for him to take a step back and analyze things cooly. like, he was bullied for being a geeky wimp. gos snarls at anyone who implies she isn’t at least as tough as nails. drake had to learn to make it on his own and defend himself when he had no support. gosalyn has had to say goodbye to everyone closest in her life. drake overcompensates for his fragile ego and seeks attention wherever he can find it because he NEEDS to prove he’s the best at everything all the time in order to be worthy. everything gosalyn does when she’s ‘acting out’ is either to earn some kind of respect from drake or to rebel in a search for some relief. drake had no support so he builds four walls and a roof around gosalyn so she never has to be alone, ever.
launchpad stands in the doorway of that box with a smile and a warm hug locked and loaded, because he also knows what it’s like to be alone. can we just. talk about how isolating it is to be so kind? just for a minute. can we talk about how launchpad isn’t capable of giving any less than his all. he pours everything he has into everyone he meets because he also knows how much it hurts to be left, and he doesn’t ever want to be the reason anyone feels that sting. he greets everyone with his signature 100 watt smile that only flickers at the threat of harm done to those he cares for, and provides an immovable rock of support at all times. do you ever wonder why he has exes all over the world yet lived alone in a hangar before meeting drake? do you ever wonder if it was his incessant positivity that pushed people away or his determination to not be a burden ultimately leading to an emotional divide unsurpassable by a well hidden vulnerable side, ironically buried beneath all of this sincerity? do you ever wonder how heavy that heart on his sleeve is?
hey. hey anon whyd you have to give me this prompt /silly
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darkw1ng-duck · 10 months
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I am St Canard’s #1 superhero/detective, Darkwing Duck!! It can be difficult to meet an amazing avenger such as myself, so that’s why I created this blog! To make it easier for the people to connect with their favorite superhero! While Darkwing is speaking, Gosalyn is copying whatever they do and Launchpad is trying not to laugh. The crime fighter does not notice her at all.
I’m a pretty busy hero in my fight against the fiendish foes that plague our fair city, though I will do my best to reply to everyone as soon as possible! A- Darkwing is interrupted by the pilot's giggling
What’s got you laughing so much LP? Darkwing says with an unamused expression.
Ugh wait don’t tell me you crashed into one of the shelves and a canister of laughing gas went off again? Darkwing face palmed. Gosalyn does the same, but more dramatically. Heh heh nah its not that, Deedubya!
Well what is it Launchpad?! I’m dying to know what could be so funny that caused you to interrupt my intro! Darkwing crossed his arms, looking very impatient and annoyed. Gosalyn copies him. Haha you might wanna turn around!
DW turns around and sees Gos, she waves at him. Hey Darkwing!!
G-I mean little girl I do not know, what are you doing here?! Shouldn’t you be at home doing something like uhh homework!? Got bored and wanted to hang out with you guys!
Heheh uhh d’ya want me to stop the tape? Darkwing and Gosalyn stare at the pilot.
Yeahh. Just make sure to cut this part out before it gets uploaded. WHAT! Ya can count on me, Deedubya!
End of recording.
Link to my askbox --- > https://darkw1ng-duck.tumblr.com/ask
OOC: Unfortunately I couldn't find the energy to finish drawing the rest of these panels. Here's the sketches for the whole scene though!
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tokuvivor · 7 months
for the ask thing
what do you wish we could have seen more of in the show?
which character do you feel was underrated?
Anything I wish we could have seen more of in the show: Specifically in Season 3, more content with the kids, specifically including Boyd and/or Gosalyn in that regard. Because we didn’t really see them together with all the other kids until the finale. Yes, they’re all friends by that point. But I would have loved to have seen stuff directly involving all 8 of them.
Underrated character: I don’t mind doing this one again. This time, I’ll say Violet. Casuals may see her as dull, or boring, or anything along those lines. But she’s actually a really interesting character. She’s adventurous, ambitious, dependable, and eclectic. And as much as I love her friendship with both Webby and Lena in the show, I also love the fact that they took a couple breaks from that and played her for one episode off of both Huey (calm and placid vs. nervous and anxious) and Louie (book smart vs. street smart).
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Wait, Negaduck lets Gosalyn celebrate his birthday??!!
I was sure that the villain didn't like the idea of celebrating his birthday because it was related to "Drake Mallard", the identity he discarded.
It's nice to read that the villain allows his Baby Girl to celebrate his birthday^^!
Does that mean Negaduck also celebrates the redhead's birthday?
Gosalyn does celebrate her father’s and Negaduck’s birthday and is very careful about spending time with both of them.
Darkwing gets the birthday breakfast (lunch, really, with his sleep schedule) over which Gosalyn and Launchpad give him their gifts. Then they do something he loves. Visit SHUSH and get suit updates, let him mess around with his new tech or gizmo he’d been gifted, sometimes they even go on excursions like to the museum to see an exhibit on superheroes and their history. The evening is always family game night where they eat junk food and play table top games together. Gosalyn even lets Darkwing win. Sometimes.
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Negaduck, therefore, gets the mornings. He didn’t even realize what Gosalyn was doing. Not at first. Didn’t second guess when she would linger on the same night every year as the clock went from 11:59 to midnight. Would think it was weird that she always had some sort of sugary pastry or sweet confection at the ready (she loves junk food; it’s not unusual for her to insist on snacks). It was a little weird when she’d give him some small item like improved fabric for his cape, or the keys to an abandoned semi they’d found on the road a few weeks ago, or a new motor for his refrigerator. The gifts were always based in necessity, something she complained that he didn’t have or should get fixed, so it took him years to realize what she was doing. And that’s pretty embarrassing when you think about it, so Negaduck does his best not to think about it.
And their routines don’t change, even as they all get closer as a group. She gives the afternoon and evening to Darkwing where they spend time as a family. And the early morning goes to Negaduck where they both pretend they aren’t celebrating anything at all. They both know that she’s grateful that he’s here and holds the day in a very special place in her heart. And sometimes, when he succumbs to sentimentality, he’s grateful to have had so many years, too.
Gosalyn doesn’t get a ton of sleep on her dad’s birthday, but it’s always worth it.
And of course Negaduck celebrates Gosalyn’s birthday. Very awkwardly. He drops off a present in the dark of night when no one can trace it back to him. And he allows her to eat whatever junk food she wants when they happen to meet up “coincidentally” every year.
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quiverwingquack · 9 months
our lives are made in these small hours(these little wonders)
Drake is a hero. St Canard's brave protector, the strongest superhero this side of Audubon Bay, the scourge of the city's criminal scum. He should be totally fine until Launchpad gets back from his latest adventure, and yet... he finds himself too anxious to sleep. Too worried about not being enough to protect his family.
And he's not the only one.
“Just try and get some rest, okay?” Launchpad’s voice crackles through the phone, weak with static and poor signal. “We’re flying out in a few minutes, and I’ll be home before you know it!”
“I know,” Drake replies. He’s clutching the landline to his ear, the white cord spiraling off into the darkness of the empty tower. His cell phone never seems to connect right when he calls LP long-distance, and he finds himself sitting on the kitchen floor far too often. “I’ll see you soon, just like always. It’s gonna be fine.”
Far, far too often.
Launchpad loves adventures just as much as he loves hero work, and Drake would never stop him from going. He loves the light in LP’s eyes when he talks about the latest treasure they’ve found, or the newest friends he’s made, and they spend plenty of time doing things together when he is in St. Canard. But that doesn’t stop Drake’s heart from aching when they’re apart, from feeling lonely even though he’s not alone.
“I love you,” Launchpad’s voice softens, and Drake knows his dark, beautiful eyes are getting that anxious look that he knows too well. “I just worry about you. You can take care of yourself, I know, it’s just… I wanna make sure you’re okay.”
“I know, LP. I love you too,” Drake sighs, leaning back against the cabinets. He doesn’t mean to sound upset or to worry his partner. Logically, he knows they’ll be fine, and they’ve always been fine before, but the anxiety doesn’t seem to know that. Or care, really. His hands are still shaking a little and he has to call upon his acting skills to still them. “We’ll be fine, and I’ll see you tomorrow when you get here. I’m just… it—I always sleep better when you’re next to me. That’s all.”
“Aww, Drake.” LP says, his voice melting into a softer, gentler tone. “I promise I’ll be there soon. And I’ll stay with you as long as you want.”
Drake can’t stop himself from smiling, despite the heartache. “Yeah? I—I’d really like that. I’ll do my best to get some sleep, I promise. G’night, LP.”
“G’night, Deedubya. I love ya!”
The line cuts out, static giving way to silence, and Drake is left alone in the moonlit kitchen. For a moment, he just clings to the receiver, eyes following the pale, spiraling cord until it disappears into the shadows. Launchpad always makes him feel better, whether they’re holding hands or a million miles apart. Everything will be better in the morning.
He looks around the room for a moment, taking a deep breath to ground himself. WANDA’s monitor has been quiet for hours, and they’ve barely had any alerts this week. And though it feels as though something is lurking in every shadowy corner, the tower is quiet tonight. Drake can rest for a few hours, and get some proper sleep when Launchpad is beside him again.
It’s not that he can’t sleep without Launchpad, because there are plenty of nights where LP finds himself crashing in Duckburg, whether for family game night or Woodchuck troop events or just plain post-adventure exhaustion. And on those nights, Drake can at least sleep well enough, because he knows LP’s safe. On nights when LP is an ocean away, it’s harder to reassure himself, and he ends up tossing and turning thinking about what if something’s gone wrong or he’s going to get hurt or—
He should probably get to bed now, or he’ll overthink himself into a spiral again.
Drake hauls himself to his feet, stifling a yawn, and reluctantly returns the phone to its cradle. If he’s lucky, he’ll fall asleep soon, and his anxiety will finally give it a rest. And if nothing else, he can distract himself better in the morning. Maybe he’ll bake a welcome-home cake or something, if Gosalyn will help him remember to add the milk.
He heads down the hall quietly, stepping around the creaky spots on the floor, and quietly makes his way to Gosalyn’s door. It’s half-open, pouring the soft gold light from one of Drake’s vintage Darkwing night lights onto the hallway floor, and as he peers inside, he realizes she’s not asleep either.
She’s all but buried herself in her blankets, sitting up in bed and staring blankly at the bare sheets in front of her. Even in the soft light, he can see that she’s shaking, and he forgets instantly he was doing something. Instead, he raises his hand and taps his knuckles against the door, catching her attention with a soft knock.
“Dad?” She murmurs, sitting up a little straighter. One of her blankets slips from her shoulders, falling to the floor as she pretends she’s perfectly fine. “Hey. Sup.”
“I just wanted to check on you,” he explains, then gestures to her hair, tangled from tossing and turning. “Nightmare?”
“Yeah….” She admits, rubbing her eyes as if to shake off the memories. “M’fine though. Jus’ the Ramrod thing again.”
“You know, it’s okay if you’re still worried about it,” he steps into the room, and she wiggles free from her blanket cocoon, making room for him to sit beside her. “I still have nightmares about that fight sometimes, and I’m not the one that had to blow it all up.”
“It feels dumb,” she mutters, looking away. “Like… I know I’m safe. Bulba’s in prison and you’re here and the tower’s really secure, so nobody can hurt me, but—I don’t know! It’s just—it’s like all the shadows are gonna want to fight me and take everything away again. And I just—I just don’t wanna….”
“Aw, Gos.”
As she trails off, he sets a comforting hand on her shoulder. He never knows what to do when his daughter mourns the family she couldn’t save—sometimes, there’s nothing he can do—but then she says things like you’re here and it feels like maybe, it’s enough to just be here with her.
“You’re okay, I promise. Nobody’s going to hurt you or take anything away.”
Her usually-bright green eyes turn to look at him, wide with worry. “Even—even you? I… I don’t wanna lose you too.”
“Gos,” he says, trying to ignore how much that sounds like his own anxiety. Instead, he opens his arms to offer a hug, and she quickly takes it, wrapping her arms around Drake tightly. “I promise it’ll be okay, kiddo. I’ll be right here, and you’ll be okay. We’re safe.”
“Okay,” she murmurs, voice muffled as she clings to him. “I’m—I’m okay. Um, but can—can you stay? Just until I fall asleep?”
“Of course. I’ve got you.” he strokes her hair soothingly. “Just take a deep breath, okay?”
“Thanks, Dad,” her voice sounds so small, as if she’s three instead of thirteen. He loves his daughter, and he knows she’s strong and capable. But sometimes there are moments, little and quiet ones, where he remembers she’s still just a kid who’s lost so much. He gives her a moment to breathe, and then, in the softest voice he can, he begins to sing.
“Rest your head, little girl blue, come paint your dreams on your pillow….”
He sings her lullaby for a while, improvising gentle verses until she finally falls asleep and he can tuck her in. He makes sure she’s cozy in her blankets, safe and sound like he promised her, and for a moment, just watches over her. She’s more peaceful now, and he sends a silent plea to the nightmares. Please, just leave her alone and let her sleep well tonight.
Eventually, though, his own exhaustion catches up to him. He drags himself to his feet again, finally making his way to his own bedroom and empty bed. The lonely ache in his chest rushes back full-force when he steps inside, the familiar smell of motor oil and smoke clinging to their whole bedroom. He reaches for one of his partner’s forgotten T-shirts as pajamas for the night, and tries to ignore the vacant half of the mattress when he lies down.
Launchpad will be fine, he insists to himself. He’ll be home before dinner tomorrow, and they’ll go out to get takeout and hold hands while waiting in line. Drake will hug him so tight it feels like his missing piece pops back in place, and everything will be alright. It always is!
It always is.
But… what if it isn’t?
The nagging doubt has crept back in, and now there’s truly nothing left to distract him from the spiral. What if LP just never comes home? What if he’s left for good, and Drake has to go on alone? He couldn’t do it, he can’t be a hero or a dad or even an actor on his own! Every time something’s gone well for him, LP’s been there to share it, if he never comes home Drake’s life is going to fall apart!
Or what if something happens? What if he’s hurt or trapped right now and he needs Drake but Drake can’t get to him because he doesn’t know? What if they’ve crashed the plane and gotten lost on some uncharted island and Drake never gets to say goodbye? What if—what—
Hey, it’s okay, Launchpad’s voice rings out in Drake’s mind, a well-loved memory. I’ve got you. Just take a deep breath, okay?
In… hold… out…
You’re okay, I promise.
In… he’s okay. Out… in… he’s safe. He’s… he’s going to be okay.
He’s always going to be okay.
Launchpad will come home tomorrow. He always does. Nothing bad has happened, and nothing’s going to. LP is brave, braver than Drake’s ever been, he’s the strongest person Drake knows—except maybe Gizmoduck, but he doesn’t count—and he’s smart enough to rebuild airplanes in his sleep, probably.
Plus, Gos is clever and quick, she can find a way out of any situation. She’s twice as confident as Drake is, and could face any foe even if he wasn’t ready himself. She already has before! She can take care of herself—they can both take care of themselves—if they need to. And with their help Drake’s the hero of St Canard. He’s Darkwing Duck, and he always gets back up!
They’re going to be just fine. They’ll get each other through whatever they need to.
He starts thinking about what-ifs again, tossing and turning, but none of the new worries stick around long. What if someone attacks the tower? He and Gos can… outsmart them. Or—if LP gets hurt out there, he’ll just… get back up again. They all do, don't they? They… always get… get back up again….
Drake wakes with his face squished into one of LP’s pillows. He doesn’t remember falling asleep, but must have at some point, because dawn light is beginning to creep in between the curtains. The dull gray light tickles his feathers, poking at his eyes painfully, and he rubs them as he wakes. It’s barely past sunrise, what could have—
“Good morning,” a wonderfully familiar voice murmurs. He tilts his head, and sure enough, Launchpad is sitting beside him, kicking off his boots. “Sleepyhead.”
“G’morning,” he murmurs with a grin. He’s probably a mess right now, all ruffled feathers and morning breath, and he doesn’t care at all. “What’re… you’re back early, huh? What’s that about?”
“Oh, I, uh,” LP rubs the back of his neck sheepishly, pulling off his cap. “I got worried about you, and I wanted to hurry home. I know you guys can handle yourselves! I just… wanted to be here.”
“Aww, LP,” he yawns. “Me too. It’s like… you’re okay on your own, but I’d rather be together.”
“Exactly,” LP grins, and it feels like he lights up the room more than the early sunshine does. He leans in for a kiss, and it tastes sweeter than sugar. “I love you so much.”
“I love you too,” Drake blushes, almost overwhelmed with feeling loved, as if yesterday’s heartache never happened at all. “‘M glad you’re here.”
“I’m glad I’m here too,” LP replies, reaching for something comfier to change into. His now-discarded jacket reeks of gasoline, splotched and dirty on one side, and Drake already knows there was a plane crash involved. But he can only handle so many sleepy worries, and decides to hold off on asking about it until later.
Besides, his partner is getting into bed with him now, and he can finally rest. He lays his head over LP’s heart, and LP puts an arm around his waist, and everything feels… perfect. He still reeks of smoke and oil, of chaos and adventure and home. It feels so safe, so peaceful and loving, that Drake forgets he was ever worried about anything at all.
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hueberryshortcake · 1 year
Gosalyn for character bingo?
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gosalyn ily..... she's so cool for real. this particular scene is probably the one that really won me over:
the shot where she's pulling out the crossbow is animated so well and it's just so powerful. I don't have a lot of thoughts about Gosalyn but I think she's pretty damn awesome
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askdarkwingduck · 3 months
No no no Drake this is la llorona
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La Llorona is a vengeful ghost in Mexican folklore who is said to roam near bodies of water mourning her children whom she drowned in a jealous rage after discovering her husband was cheating on her
The legend of La Llorona is as old as time itself
She is always heard weeping for her children, earning her the name "La Llorona". It is said that if you hear her crying, you are to run the opposite way. If you hear her cries, they could bring misfortune or even death. Many parents in Latin America use this story to scare their children from staying out too late but actually in some people they believe in her and she’s an actual ghost so keep gosayln away from her
Because if La Llorona gets a hold of your child: she’ll drown them
True story
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Good to know! I actually watched the movie to it as well with Gosalyn. It gave me quite the scare... I'll make sure to always protect Gosalyn from this creepy bride at all costs!!
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writebackatya · 1 year
What sort of nuckname would gyro give gosalyn since he has nicknames for alot of the kids
Ooh that’s a good question. I love thinking up nicknames for the characters that we didn’t see interact with one another
A lot of Gyro’s tend to be just descriptions of the characters cause that’s how he remembers people
I like to think Gosalyn would be one of the kids that Gyro would want to have an extra eye on whenever she’s in his lab. You just know she’d grab various gadgets and inventions without asking and then be like “Yo! What’s this?” as she fooling around with the gadget. Maybe something like “Impudent Kid”
Gyro could also associate Gosalyn with Darkwing since she is his sidekick, so maybe something like “Darkwing Kid”
Just spitballing here, I’m gonna leave this open for any Gosalyn/Gyro/DuckTales fan that has a good idea for a nickname
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What are your thoughts on the DuckTales reboot of the DWD characters?
I didn’t really like Launchpad’s characterization in the DT reboot, but he was alright when he was with Drake.
And I do like how the show made sure to make LP and Drake friends first and not have LP be a huge fan of DW. That was something I definitely liked over the original DW show.
I actually love how Drake Mallard was portrayed in the reboot. He still had a bit of an ego but it wasn’t super over the top like in the original show, and I think having Drake take on the persona of a tv show character was an interesting twist on the character that I liked. They kept his hatred for Gizmoduck but made him friends with Fenton, which was hilarious.
I also liked how Drake and Gosalyn didn’t necessarily get along at first. It was a slow process of trust between the two of them, but still kept the family bond between the both of them.
I thought Taurus Bulba was alright. I mean, he served his purpose as a character but I didn’t think he was as intimidating as the the original character. His voice definitely was not as great as the original.
How they changed the ramrod (the machine built by Professor Waddlemeyer) in “Let’s Get Dangerous” ended up being so much better than in the original show. In the original DW show, the ramrod was basically just a giant magnet. But when they changed the device to be a portal to other dimensions? That’s so much cooler!
The Fearsome Four were amazing! Especially Bushroot’s zombie-like redesign. I don’t really have any complaints with how they were handled. Although I did miss Liquidator’s slogans.
Now Negaduck/Jim Starling? The only complaint I have with him is that he was never brought back after his debut episode. I think he was supposed to be in “Let’s Get Dangerous” but they couldn’t find a place for him in the episode that would do him justice. Which I understand, but he never showed up again in the series and I don’t know if the new DW reboot (if that ever comes out) is supposed to follow the DT reboot versions of the characters or just a whole new thing.
I think that having Jim Cummings voice Jim Starling and have him turn into Negaduck was brilliant. Negaduck wasn’t an alternate dimension version of DW that popped out nowhere, he was a forgotten actor from a forgotten tv show that only saw himself as the character he played. He was so obsessed in preserving his identity in this made up character that he literally went insane and became the evil mirrored version of that character when someone else assumed the role. That is brilliant. But like I said unless they actually make a DW reboot and put that version of Negaduck then we’ll never see him again. Which is highly disappointing because (call me crazy) but I like this version of Negaduck over the original.
Oh right, Steelbeak. Um….I hate him in the reboot. I don’t like his voice in the DT reboot and they made his characterization: “*insulted voice*: “I’m not stupid!”. Which got annoying real quick and he was no where near as clever as he was in DWD. Which is a real shame because Steelbeak was such a good character and they did him such a disservice in the DT reboot.
I think that’s all they put in the reboot? If there’s anyone I missed let me know.
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lettheladylead · 2 years
how much is there on gos, or is there just that one purple hoodie image?
i feel like a lot of my anons are underestimating the size of this book. theyve got multiple pages on every single episode, so every significant character appears. and a character like gosalyn will ofc have a few images
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foxymc · 1 year
10, 11, 20 for gosalyn?
10. Describe the character in one sentence
Very energetic and tomboyish.
11. What's the first thing you think about when thinking about the character
When she destroyed the ramrod :(
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20. A weird headcanon
I don't have many headcanons on Gosalyn so this is less of a weird headcanon and more just a headcanon about her.
When alone, she'll often quietly sing the lullaby her grandfather used to sing to her every night. Moreso now that he's missing.
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mighty-ant · 1 year
If you're still accepting prompts, I have a doozy of one! It may necessitate a fic that's bigger than what you had in mind and be too angsty, so feel free to narrow the focus or not do this prompt at all. I would LOVE to see your take on 2017 DW's Darkwarrior Duck! 2017 DW is in some aspects quite different from his original incarnation, so it would make sense for Darkwarrior to be different too, and I'm sure if you were interested in approaching the concept you'd do a fantastic job of it!
this fic has been at least 2 years in the making, but it's finally coming to fruition! so far it's shaping up to be one of my more dramatic fics to date, and will come out to about 6 or 7 chapters total.
Instead of Gosalyn being sent to the future, she'll be caught in a Ramrod blast (during a post-series attempt to rescue Waddlemeyer), and sent to an alternate future reality where she died years ago, while fighting crime with Drake.
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this was partly inspired by the alternate reality Drake Mallard of the comics, who took up Gosalyn's mantle of Quiverwing!
as i've mentioned before, this Darkwarrior won't become a tyrannical dictator after losing Gosalyn - I envision DT17 Drake to become a true vigilante, more in line with Batman or Punisher, isolated and angry, and cutting himself off from everyone (ESPECIALLY Launchpad) to wallow in his grief and guilt.
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⏰ Do you like to post fics on a schedule or at random?
You all know me well enough to know that I have a very wacky schedule when it comes to fanfiction. That being, I don’t have a schedule.
I literally only post when I FEEL like it lol. If I do ever post, it’d either be a one shot or a short chapter fic.
🦋 Which character is your favorite to write?
Any character with emotionally traumatizing angst is my favorite to write. I love exploring their hurt and making them take it out on others, thus causing them to isolate themselves because they feel like they are the problem. Which causes a spiral of self-hurt and turmoil, leading to no resolve.
…But if we’re being specific, I’d have to say Gosalyn from DWD.
I love writing DT17 Gosalyn as well, but DWD Gosalyn has a special place in my heart. Her sass, combined with her sarcasm and witty comebacks, makes her my favorite! Not to mention, her character is a little more fleshed out compared to DT17 Gos. So I've got more to work with. 👌
🧪 Do you research for your fics?
YES, YES I DO. I have so many notes all for ONE fic, and the fic is just supposed to be like three chapters long. I’m not kidding, my friend can testify for me lol. 😭
Then I have more notes scattered around different documents, for some reason. I don’t know why. Another thing I do is color-code my notes. Making them different colors helps me concentrate and stay organized!
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korkorali · 1 year
Director’s opinion on Dewey Duck's Guide to Figuring Out if You're Dating Somebody? What inspired u to write it? Fav moment?
Well what made me want to write it is because when you think about it, Dewey and Gosalyn really are both a little dumb. Like they're both smart in their own ways, sure, but also they're smart in ways that make them think 'Ah yes, I am A Smart Individual.' Which, in turn, causes them to miss a lot of stuff. Including the fact that both of them are bisexual.
I think my favorite moment is Dewey realizing that, oh shit, he and Gosalyn have been dating for a while now. At least, it's between that or Drake having a reverse shovel-talk with Gosalyn and Dewey- basically begging Gosalyn not to hurt Dewey because if she does Della will kill him.
Also, @imjustusingthistolikeartists might have some additional insights into it that I don't!
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I have had a doubt for a long time. I remember in one of your stories, Gosalyn and Max took Drake, Goofy, and Launchpad camping for Father's Day. That made me wonder if, after the events of "That's Christmas to Me", they would decide that they should also invite Negaduck for the next camping trip?
Would Negaduck agree to leave his comfort zone to accept Gosalyn's invitation? I mean, at that time he wouldn't have any problems with the Goofs, and he tolerates Drake (plus he would have the excuse to make fun of him for supposedly being a "true outdoorsman"^^').
As much as Negaduck would revel in putting Darkwing’s True Outdoorsman™️ skills to the test (and sabotaging the whole fiasco) he doesn’t like camping. So I don’t think he’d go even if he was invited.
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Gosalyn has gotten so used to celebrating Father’s Day (and Negaduck and Darkwing’s birthday) twice that I don’t think it occurs to her to invite Negaduck along, even as the family sort of adopts Negaduck. She celebrates the day with her father, then goes and celebrates with Negaduck, and that’s that. Never the two shall meet. (Mostly because Negaduck’s preferred Father’s Day is target practice and Darkwing deserves some rest and relaxation, not a heart attack as he watches Negaduck teach Gosalyn how to shoot a bazooka.)
Except at Christmas. That’s an all hands on deck “you’re coming and you’re going to have a good time, yes this is a threat” sort of holiday.
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