kxrum-1 · 9 months
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Goofy Lesbians
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yb-cringe · 4 months
im actually in TEARS over this giant fucking 6’1 mass of muscle nervously reading bullet points off a sweaty hand because hes never tried to tell a boy he likes him before and he fucking SUCKS at it 😭😭😭😭
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d3vimega · 19 days
What if we tuned KinitoPET’s voice like a vocaloid… And what if we made him cover our favorite vocaloid songs..
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howlonomy · 26 days
Here's the last* of my art ideas right now!
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I thought that, since Clover only has 20 HP, they'd probably not have really good defense (but given that they have a Boss Monster-like SOUL, maybe I'm wrong) so I gave them every single piece of armor in the game*! So they now have a DEF stat of 64 and heal 2 HP every turn, which will definitely help them to survive
Warning: I did not include the Patch as that gives 0 defense or the secret Band Pin because I have no idea what it would look like/where it goes as I have never gotten it myself
Also, yes, the Safety Goggles (which I know are actually science safety goggles) are the ones Star gave them during the dual, don't ask how they found them again after their boat funeral, and the Stray Feather is one of their own (I'm assuming it'd come from one of their wings or a random downy feather that just sort of. appeared on them)
Anyways, this was SUPPOSED to be the last one, but I see you have finished the Feisty Four, meaning I got two more ideas! Woohoo! I even had a whole thing prepared for this being the last one, but alas I suppose it must wait until the FF have been finished
Just noticed the goggles' shine is red instead of white, don't know how that happened, might be the transparency of it mixed with Clover's fur and it is actually white or I just somehow accidentally made it red, oh well
they are SO protected its like wrapping ur kid in bubble wrap… they are ready to take on the world now +50 def
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quillandink333 · 2 years
Daily affirmation:
Your f/o is your soulmate and the canon/fanon pairing is bullshit ✨✨✨
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libriaco · 1 month
Le Fosse Ardeatine
Dieci metri piú in là del Quo Vadis la strada si biforca: a sinistra prosegue l’Appia Antica; a destra inizia la via Ardeatina. Prendemmo a destra. Man mano che proseguivamo nel cammino, m’accorsi che s’era formata una fila indiana di persone che, da sole o a piccoli gruppi, sembravano andare nella stessa direzione. Dopo cinquecento metri la strada smette di salire: segue una brusca discesa, che piega sulla destra. Proprio lí, poco dopo la svolta, nel compatto muro di fogliame che ci aveva fin allora accompagnati, s’apriva un varco. Vi entrammo: c’era uno spiazzo, a ridosso di una di quelle creste rossastre di tufo, che cosí frequentemente segnalavano allora nei dintorni di Roma la presenza di cave di pozzolana. Sullo sfondo, lungo la parete, s’aprivano due-tre grandi cavità oscure: si vedeva che erano state aperte, o riaperte, di recente, perché cumuli di terriccio fresco le fronteggiavano. Da quelle cavità un fitto via vai di persone, in gran parte militari, – poliziotti, carabinieri, pompieri, – ma tutti con delle povere tutacce blu o marroni, e fazzoletti colorati qualsiasi stretti intorno al volto. Mio padre trovò un masso da una parte e mi ci fece sedere. «Aspettami qui, – mi disse, – non muoverti». Capii che non era il caso d’insistere. M’accoccolai lí e cominciai a guardarmi intorno, mentre mio padre s’avviava verso uno di quegli ingressi. Mescolati a quelli che erano o parevano militari c’erano anche molti civili: uomini e donne aggrondati, generalmente vestiti di nero, che entravano e uscivano guardando fisso di fronte a sé. A un certo punto passarono due uomini, sorreggendo una donna: era riversa in avanti, con il volto cereo e le gambe rigide; le punte delle scarpe, tenacemente congiunte, come per un’inconscia resistenza nervosa dovuta a qualche dolore, rigavano la polvere. Ma la cosa piú impressionante per me era che da quelle bocche d’inferno veniva un fetore di fronte al quale quello dei poveri morti accatastati nelle bare qualche mese prima nel cimitero del Campo Verano mi sarebbe sembrato insignificante: forse a causa di un forte sbalzo di temperatura tra quelle fredde viscere della terra e il calore esterno, partiva dalla parete, e percuoteva tutti coloro che si trovavano lí davanti, una corrente, un vento intenso, un flusso mortifero compatto e come oleoso, che ci avvolgeva e ci sovrastava, permeando ogni molecola dei nostri apparati sensori, non solo il naso e l’olfatto, ma la bocca e il gusto, e impastandosi con tutta la nostra percezione. Il puzzo della morte, quando è particolarmente forte, si materializza, si fa corposo, si può toccare, diventa esso stesso una creatura vivente, una forza della terra. Cominciavo ad avvertire un ormai noto fremito di disgusto nello stomaco, quando mio padre riemerse dall’oscurità, con gli occhi rossi e il fazzoletto piantato anche lui davanti alla bocca e al naso. Disse: «Andiamo», e non ci fu verso di farlo parlare, fin quando, nel bar di piazza Tuscolo, non sorbimmo insieme un bicchiere di limonata. Sobriamente mi raccontò che proprio lí erano stati trucidati quei prigionieri italiani, politici e militari, di cui aveva parlato il giornale il giorno prima della morte di mio nonno Carlo, e che perciò da quel momento, poiché non aveva avuto ancora un nome, la strage poté chiamarsi, – e da allora s’è chiamata, – delle Fosse Ardeatine. Solo nelle settimane successive, e solo a brandelli, interrotti da lunghi silenzi, mia madre e io sapemmo il resto. Mio padre raccontò di aver visto le file dei prigionieri in ginocchio, non ancora decomposti, addossati l’uno all’altro, qualcuno caduto in avanti, con le mani legate dietro la schiena e un foro immenso nel cranio; disse che, a eccezione forse del primo, tutti gli altri avevano dovuto sapere, con un anticipo da pochi a molti minuti, quello che stava per accadergli. Raccontò anche che frotte di topi grassi fuggivano in giro quando uno degli addetti alla riesumazione spostava in uno di quegli angoli bui la luce della sua lampada.
A. Asor Rosa, L'alba di un mondo nuovo [2002], Torino, Einaudi, 2005
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kemetic-dreams · 4 months
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According to the Talmud, the source of power and the authority by which Jesus performed miracles was from Satan. Rabbi Daniel Asor claims: “Jesus was indeed a false prophet as he acted only by using powers of sorcery.” He also claims that Jesus “was himself the embodiment of Satanism.”
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Claims like those of Rabbi Asor are based on a myth of the Sages that Jesus learned the arts of sorcery in Egypt.
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octoir · 25 days
Fic/Au ideas!!
partially inspired by @mushroom-jack , more so inspired by the fact that I have forgotten about way too much shit in gdocs so here’s an attempt to actually collect all the (good) thoughts I have 💪
Generic Time Loop trope
Tom and Percy wake up in a padded room with no magic. they can still do magic. post apocalyptic scene where Muggles win in a war against magic (i.e, Statute leak)
muggles might “harvest” magic from users because they can’t generate it themselves (this relies on the fact that ambient magic is unharvestable or doesn’t exist)
leaning towards unharvestable— thinking maybe everyone has some ambient magic within them, and the statute was made to drain/consolidate magical power for several select few while the masses live without magic at all. with their newfound “equality,” the world is reverting back to how it was the days before the statute leak
EXCEPT for those who don’t “exist” in the present time
So in a radically popular move, even the strongest supporters of “equality” start nicely kidnapping and enslaving magicals from the past, except that just causes the magic to disappear even faster than before. damn this sounds like an allegory
in the building time doesn’t exist— constantly looping in this (prison? factory?) to reset “internal clocks” and also take advantage of disappearing magicals throughout the years = that’s how different generations are able to meet
cities have been built underground to avoid the fallout from the remnants of nuclear war
can also just be a generic experimentation AU 🤷
Suicide (ASOR)
Tom kills himself so Percy doesn’t lose his magic
Tom accidentally kills Percy with the cruciatus curse OR magically stunts him so that he’s intellectually disabled— think the Longbottoms w/ permanent intensive care
Tom ends up killing himself either way because he’s just fucked up the only person who really understood him
Percy kills himself after he kills Tom (in progress)
Either Percy or Tom dies from a magical drug overdose
Here’s some character studies!! (it gets progressively darker)
Hold me until you love me: (in progress)
Percy nearly lets Tom drown (or nearly drowns him himself, it’s not clear) but stops because he loves him
worst possible move
Tom ends up owing Percy a life debt
The longer a life debt goes unfulfilled the more the person feels inclined to pay them back
But Percy HAS to let it go unfulfilled because otherwise Tom will literally murder everyone
So much manipulation
“Stop it,” Percy whispers. “You’d stop it if you really loved me.”
Who even is Tom anymore. everything that makes Tom Tom gets kinda…melted away to save Percy’s friends
Essentially the imperius by the time it stops
just reverse everything Tom did to Percy but make it 10x worse
(you can’t) let me go
Tompercy infidelity au
Percy’s guilt complex makes a sudden reappearance
they were the friends with benefits in university who swears that they were just friends but in reality just miscommunicates to the point where they both feel like the other doesn’t want a real relationship
Tom leaves, gets successful, and then meets Percy…who’s now been married to Penelope for 5+ yrs
they hook up. regularly.
worst possible move
I bet Tom sleeps with basically everyone he knows to try and cope
I bet Percy knows, misinterprets this, and leans more into Penelope to try and cope
I bet Penelope knows but can’t stop it and can’t even imagine divorce (super traditional upbringing) so she just tries to pretend like the world doesn’t exist to try and cope
spoiler: Tom won’t let her and rubs it in her face at every opportunity because he’s jealous as fuck
some super toxic behaviors. gaslighting, manipulation, threats of self-harm, especially if the other tries to leave
this isn’t written for a reason 🫡
I have no need for love
detailing how Tom sleeps his way up to power/sexualizes and/or objectifies himself to survive
very very dubious consent (also rampant pedophilla)
explores Tom’s avoidant-fearful attachment style AND possibly some internal fears— fears that he’ll never be truly valued or loved as long as he’s conventionally handsome
BAMF Percy. beats the shit out of people on the streets. need I say more?
this has the potential to be mildly sweet despite the absolute depravity it contains. might write this
Slightly more happy stuff:
Royalty AU!! (in progress…)
Harry and Percy bonding moments 🫡
Harry’s the prince
Percy’s the peasant pet they stole from his family and keep around for entertainment. He’s allowed to live in the palace only at Harry’s whim
doesn’t feel like a peasant (too isolated) doesn’t feel like royalty (too ostracized)
Tom comes up to him and whispers that he recognizes him, he knows what Percy can do, he knows what Percy is capable of
Maladaptive Daydreaming AU:
can’t describe this too much bc I’m actively writing it lmao
Percy, out of the trauma he has experienced, retreats into the Occlumency shields of his mind to make something better
Telephone AU:
Percy has the possibility to make telephone calls to Tom at various stages of his life
they (re) fall in love
except one day Percy doesn’t call him
he waits for hours, days, years
Percy warns him not to become Voldemort. He becomes Voldemort out of spite, personally makes sure that Fred is killed but makes it look like an “accident”
that’s mean even for me how about we just make this a sweet love story
some miscellaneous Tombraxas (non-ASOR)
Abraxas mockingly teaches Tom how to be “human”
Enemies to lovers— Abraxas fell first, but Tom fell harder
Abraxas is the only person he’ll genuinely listen to
Tom is the only person he’ll hear out
Abraxas teaches him about pure blood heritage— he’s the one that gives him the pureblood record book, the book that allows Tom to make the Gaunt connection
Tom teaches him various dark magics— relentlessly innovative, contributes to the Malfoy Manor wards himself
confesses that he’s an orphan but Abraxas is his family!! he’s his home!!
they break up because Abraxas needs an heir lmfao and Tom resents him for it forever
literally fucking snags his son and his grandson as revenge
(I’m not a huge fan, but there are some ideas here that kind of carry over from tompercy)
Hermione is always relentlessly trying to fix Tom
Tom gets fed up with her and points out that trying to love someone into changing for them isn’t love, it’s manipulation
promptly tries to manipulate her back lmfao
they’re really toxic
Tom constantly dismisses her but that just makes Hermione more desperate to prove herself to him
eventually she comes to her senses and breaks up with him
but then that triggers Tom’s abandonment issues and he starts love bombing
if I ever wrote this, it’d just be an experiment on how toxic relationships work
mildly interesting though…hm…
I do not care what you do with these AUs 💪💪 send them to me though if you do anything with them bc I’d love to read what yall have come up with
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starheirxero · 8 months
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soda-sparkss · 3 months
Hey Soda, I just want to say you're doing amazing and I really hope you don't stop what you love doing the most, especially your art and how it's grown throughout the time I've followed you. In other words you're fucking wonderful, okay? You're beautiful and you're doing great I'm very proud of you
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bye bye bye im officially breaking down this is my breaking down post ily all sm- To be honest, I've been feeling a lot of pressure here on my main, so I've been taking a small break, but thank you a lot for your kind words they made me genuinely sob;;
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nii-hieromythic · 5 months
Posts like these are so so dangerous to me because on one hand I want to respond and be like "hello I am a professor actually!! I would like to geek out with you :)" and on the other i'm just tottering away at my little fandoms in my single cultivated non-job nerd space that I want literally no one else in my field to know that I have. Which would not be so much of a problem except that I'm a big enough name in mesopotamian archaeology now that if I start chatting with others I Will, Unfortunately, Be Recognized.
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sekirwcekipy · 4 months
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Were the master's of our fate we don't need God's to lead us
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shikyou-the-amanojaku · 7 months
these humans disgust me
(this is a rp account u can rp w/ me if u want)
mai shishikusa im coming after u
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libriaco · 2 months
Io, a dir la verità, con la manualità in ogni senso avevo dei problemi, – in conseguenza del fatto, ne sono convinto, che nessuno mi aveva spiegato che l’esercizio fisico e le abilità manuali facevano parte anch’essi del pensiero, e perciò resistevo loro con tutte le mie forze.
A. Asor Rosa, L'alba di un mondo nuovo [2002], Torino, Einaudi, 2005
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somehow---here · 1 year
I grandi classici, sono sempre degli scrittori "radicali", nel senso più proprio del termine, in quanto, appunto, "vanno alla radice delle cose", esplorano, sommuovono le profondità dell'essere, come un aratro che rovescia le zolle e ne mostra il lato a lungo nascosto.
Alberto Asor Rosa
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