zooptseyt · 1 year
Also i really love how antisemites are like "the talmud is a secret text the jews hide from us that teaches them how to cheat christians" when the talmud is freely publicly accessible in its entirety and is like "does it count as something going from the private to the public domain if you throw it from your window into somebody else's window and it never touches the ground" and "Rabbi Yochanan said that Rabbi Yishmael, son of Rabbi Yosei, had a massive cock. The size of Rabbi Yochanan's cock was smaller than Rabbi Yishmael's, but the exact size is up for debate. Both sides agree that it was pretty huge, too, though."
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maimonidesnutz · 1 year
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While you were eating dates in Babylonia, I studied the bl…Torah
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homoqueerjewhobbit · 7 months
There are 39 fics on ao3 based on the Talmud. Will the wonders never cease?
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calabria-mediterranea · 2 months
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The world’s first printed book in Hebrew was Rashi’s commentary on the Bible, printed by Abraham ben Gart in Reggio di Calabria, Italy, in 1475.
Unfortunately, very little is known about the personal life of Abraham ben Garton. Most scholars believe he was born in Spain, and emigrated to Southern Italy's Calabria prior to the expulsion of the Jews from Spain in 1492. Many other Spanish Sephardim also emigrated to Calabria following the expulsion.
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The 1475 edition Abraham Garton created and employed, for the first time, a typeface based on a Sephardic semicursive hand. It was this same style of typeface that a few years later, when commentary and text were incorporated onto one page, would be used to distinguish Rabbinic commentary from the text proper. Ultimately, this typeface would be known as Rashi script.
View of the Interior of one of the chapels in the Cathedral of Reggio di Calabria—ancient Rhegium. This chapel focuses on the "giving of the law" to Moses. Note the prominent menorah.
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Follow us on Instagram, @calabria_mediterranea
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gay-jewish-bucky · 1 month
Imagine the chaos if the sages could whap each other with cat paws
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girlactionfigure · 1 year
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judaicsheyd · 1 year
An Introduction to Kashrut & Kosher Eating
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i. "Kashrut" and "Kosher"? ii. Kashrut Specifics iii. Modified Ways to Keep Kosher iv. Resources
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You may already be confused about what these words even mean, and that's totally okay, we're all here to learn. The following are some important terms to keep in mind:
Halakha : Jewish Law as outlined within the Talmud. It governs everything from punishment for crimes to sex to defining "what" Judaism is. It is more of a way of life than a set of laws. Kashrut : A subsection of Halakha, specifically referring to regulations surrounding food and everything to do with it. Kosher : An adjective used to refer to food or food-related products (like forks and spoons) that are deemed okay for Jews to eat/use by Kashrut. "Keeping Kosher" refers to eating according to Kashrut. Kashering : To cause something to become kosher. Treif : Everything that is non-Kosher. Pareve : Food that is "neutral", neither meat nor dairy. This includes fruits, vegetables, grains, eggs, and sometimes fish.
Kashrut tells us what animals are safe to eat, how these animals should be slaughtered, what food can and can't be mixed, alongside instructions on how to use the tools made for preparing/eating food. There's a lot more to Kashrut (which I'll go into soon), but those are the basic ideas. Kashrut includes many guidelines that we see as common sense (such as not eating diseased meat) to everyday cleanliness (checking that fruits and veggies are free of bugs) to things that some people would think are "weird" (like not eating shrimp). Of course, much of Kashrut is highly cultural in nature, and was largely shaped by Jewish cultural ideas of cleanliness and commonly eaten foods. Some animals may be a normal part of the cultural in many countries/cultures, but they are not Kosher, as Israelites never included such things in its food. This is why many Jews who are also parts of cultures to whom treif foods are significant experience a lot of inner conflictions about keeping Kosher. Instances like the one mentioned before, alongside a countless amount of others, are why there are different levels of keeping Kosher, which I will expand on soon.
Many people ask me why I eat Kosher in the first place. Reactions range anywhere from "Oh wow, I could never give up bacon!" to "Ugh, why follow such archaic laws?" when people find out. But really, why do we? Is it because it would cause severe health issues if we ate shellfish or a ham and cheese sandwich? No, obviously not. While some of the prohibitions in Kashrut may have health benefits, such as avoiding certain diseases or infections, the primary reason for observing these laws is not based on health concerns. In fact, Halakha dictates that we should not eat Kosher if it would threaten our health or lives in any way. We live by the laws, we don't die by them. Interestingly enough (right back at ya, "archaic laws" person), it's because they are archaic. It is not because anyone who eats pork is disgusting or wrong or bad in any way. It's our culture, our tradition, it's been passed down for absolutely forever. It's a marker and a reminder of who and what we are, a way to celebrate Jewishness. It's also a ritual, a daily form of active mediation and prayer to bring us closer to (and remind us of) HaShem. Eating Kosher is not just about what we eat, but also about how we eat. It's a daily ritual that involves mindfulness, intentionality, and gratitude. It's a way to incorporate our culture and religion into our every day, never forgetting who we are. By following these ancient guidelines, we affirm our connection to a long and rich history, to a community that has survived and thrived through centuries of persecution and adversity.
We embrace a way of life that is not driven by the latest trends or fads, but rather by timeless values and principles that have stood the test of time. When we follow the laws of Kashrut, we are reminded of our connection to HaShem, the sanctity of our traditions, and the importance of our community.
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Alright, now it's time to get into the exact specifics of what Kashrut outlines for us. It is usually Orthodox Jews who follow every single one of the rules, Conservative Jews follow most(ish) of these rules, and Reform Jews tend to not keep kosher. Of course, this doesn't speak for all denominations or even every Jew in each of the denominations I mentioned, but those are the most common "levels" of keeping kosher among Jews. Keeping kosher is hard, and not everyone has the time, resources, etc. to follow Kashrut as closely as they'd like, which is why different people choose what's right for them. In this section, I'll cover the exact guidelines in Kashrut, exceptions to keeping kosher, and some modern interpretations of kosher expectations.
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Anything produced by forbidden animals- like their eggs and milk- is prohibited.
Land mammals should have cloven hooves and chew their cud. — In Leviticus 11:3 and Deuteronomy 14:6 — Cloven hooves: Hooves split into two "toes". — Chewing cud: The process of chewing, partially digesting, regurgitating, and re-chewing food. — Permitted land mammals include oxen, goats, sheep, and deer. — Forbidden land mammals include pigs, horses, rabbits, and camels.
Marine life must have fins and scales. — In Leviticus 11:9 and Deuteronomy 14:9 — Permitted marine life includes salmon, tuna, and carp. — Forbidden marine life includes shrimp, lobster, and scallops.
Birds must not be scavengers or birds of prey — In Leviticus 11:13-19 and Deuteronomy 14:11-18 — Only specific birds are prohibited, not types of birds. Rabbis have decided to forbid the categories the listed birds fall into (scavengers and birds of prey). — Permitted birds include chicken, geese, ducks, and turkeys. — Forbidden birds include eagles, vultures, ravens, and owls.
Winged insects are… complicated. — In Leviticus 11:22 — Some winged insects used to be permitted, but we no longer know which ones those are, so all winged insects are decidedly forbidden. — Interestingly enough, Yemini Jews have very very old traditions of identifying and eating certain locusts as kosher animals. This could be an echo of our now lost outlines on what insects are, in fact, kosher. How cool is that?
Other miscellaneous animals are forbidden. — In Leviticus 11:29-30, 42-43 — Rodents (mice, squirrels, rats) — Wingless insects (centipedes, silverfish, lice) — Amphibians (frogs, toads, salamanders) — Reptiles (snakes, lizards, turtles)
Certain parts of kosher animals are forbidden to eat. — All blood from the meat of land mammals and birds must be drained out during slaughter and then salted/broiled out because blood is their life force and should be respected (Leviticus 7:26-27; 17:10-14). — Fat found on on the internal organs and below the eleventh rib (Leviticus 3:9; 7:23). — The sciatic nerve (of the lower leg) to commemorate Jacob’s victory over an angel after they wrestled all night, during which the angel dislodged Jacob’s sciatic nerve (Genesis 32:22).
Animals must be slaughtered in a particular way. — In Deuteronomy 12:21; 14:21 and Numbers 11:22. — These rules pertain to land mammals and birds, but not fish. • Animals cannot have died due to natural causes or another animal killing them. — Meat should not be diseased or flawed in any way. — Animals must be slaughtered by having their throat slit quickly and in one strong slash. This way, the most blood drains out and the animal is slaughtered in the most humane way.
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Meat and dairy cannot mix (Exodus 23:19; 34:26 and Deuteronomy 14:21).
Foods which are neither meat nor dairy are pareve, and can be used freely with both meat and dairy. — Commonly, fish is counted as pareve, but some traditions (usually Sephardic) prohibit the mixing of fish with meat.
A certain amount of time should pass between the consumption of meat and dairy. — Traditionally, one waits 3-6 hours after eating meat to consume dairy, but only 1-3 hours after eating dairy to eat meat. — Some traditions include that one must wait only an hour after dairy, except for hard cheeses, after which they must wait 3 hours.
Different utensils and equipment must be used for meat and dairy. This includes everything from the tools used for slaughter to the plates in your home. — Utensils have a label just like food (meat, dairy, pareve, or treif) which affects the status of the food which comes in contact with it, but only in the presence of heat. — For example, a fork will become treif if it touched shrimp, and if it touches any hot kosher food (or if the fork or shrimp is hot), the food also becomes treif. This affects things like dishwashers (in which both meat and dairy utensils come in contact with heat in the same space), sinks (which can be hot), and towels (when used to transport hot pots). — It is totally fine to do something like use a knife with both meat and dairy, as long as both the knife and food is cold, and as long as the knife is cleaned between foods.
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All fruits and vegetables are kosher. — In Genesis 1:29 — Fruits and vegetables must be thoroughly washed and checked for bugs. — Fruits and vegetables cannot come in contact with any products which include insects, like some dyes and additives.
Grape products cannot be made by idolators. — This began because of wine's ritual importance, and Jews did not want to consume wine that was made to use in the worship of idols. — This usually only refers to wine or grape juice. — More recently, because the creation of wine is now automated, it is technically not made by idolators and has been seen as kosher to some denominations (usually Conservative Jews).
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We've gone through the different rules and regulations of Kashrut, which include that utensils/towels can become treif. But what happens if you accidentally eat treif? If utensils become treif, do they need to be thrown out?
Accidentally (or knowingly) eating treif. — The remedy for this is simply to feel bad and do better in the future. — But, if you feel particularly bad, you can do a good thing so that the bad thing (eating treif) leads to a good thing, and therefore the entire mistake becomes positive. Good things can include tzedakah, charitable giving (like donating money/old clothes, volunteering, etc.).
Kashering utensils, equipment, etc. — Kashering is done both when something is first bought and if it ever becomes trief. Usually, only new cooking equipment is kashered (like by being dipped into a mikveh, a pool of holy water), and not everything you buy. — To "reset" utensils/equipment after it has become treif, it can be dipped in a mikveh, or things like towels can be kashered simply but putting them in the laundry. — Everyone will have different ways to kasher and different intensities of kashering.
Treif food being the only option. — During medical emergencies (like a blood sugar crash) or similar situations, it is not a sin to eat treif. Human life is put above all else within Judaism, meaning that everything will be rendered not a sin if breaking it is necessary to save a life (which is also why abortion is required even in the most Orthodox communities).
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Keeping kosher is hard. There's a ton of rules and things which build upon each other. It's a lot to remember. Considering that many households separate meat and dairy to the point of having separate sinks and refrigerators, most people just don't have the resources to keep kosher in that way. If you're low on spoons, disabled, or neurodivergent, those factors can make keeping kosher even more difficult. I'm a spoonie with ADHD and Autism, so I'm chronically fatigued, and have ARFID that contributes to multiple food-related issues. You should always remember that you are not required to keep kosher if it interferes with medical needs (like I listed), and so you should never feel bad about how "well" you keep kosher. That being said, let's move onto some tips for modified kosher eating.
Try only keeping kosher on shabbat and/or important holidays.
Sometimes, our safe foods or the only food we have access to are treif. However, you're usually already listening to 99% of Kashrut prohibitions on which animals you can eat (like avoiding bugs, reptilians, rodents, scavengers, etc.). So that's already a big step!
Instead of having completely separate equipment for meat/dairy, simply wash your utensils between using them for meat/dairy.
Instead of waiting up to 6 hours between eating meat and dairy, wait 1 hour, drink water between the two foods, and/or create a distinct separation in time between consuming the foods (like getting up to go do something, stopping to talk, etc.).
When it comes to washing utensils, try and separate them by putting them on different washing machine racks, run the washing machine between using it for meat/dairy utensils, or rinse off the inside of the sink between hand-washing meat/dairy utensils.
Use disposable plates/cups/utensils to separate meat and dairy.
Buy only kosher meat, or only kosher foods (most foods in everyday grocery stores will be kosher).
If you're vegan, and depending on the type of vegetarian, you're already eating kosher!
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You've finally reached the end of this post, and I hope it was helpful to you. Below, I will list multiple sources for further reading, help in keeping kosher, and just some cool questions about being kosher ("is meat from a cloned animal kosher?").
An extensive course on the laws of Kashrut taught by Rabbis
"Bagels: A Surprising Jewish History" by Dr. Yvette Alt Miller
"Does G-d Really Care?" from Kosher Certification
"I Keep Kosher. My Parents Did, Now Don't. It's Complicated." by Talia Kaplan
"Is Lab-Grown Meat Kosher?" by Yehuda Shurpin
"Issues in Jewish Ethics: The Ethics of [Kosher] Cloning" by Dr. Daniel Eisenberg, M.D.
"Jews in America: The Kosher Meat Boycott of 1902" by Dr. Michael Feldberg
"Kashrut Laws as Written in Torah" from the Jewish Museum in London
"Kashrut: the Jewish Dietary Laws [from Biblical, Rabbinic, and Modern Perspectives]" by Jonathan Magonet
"Marijuana Is Always Kosher, as Long as You Smoke It" by Ruth Schuster
"OU Kosher Grocery Store Symbols Explained" by Rabbi Chaim Goldberg
"People Eat Treyf for Their Own Reasons. They All Think About Their Judaism." by Jonathan Katz
"Saying Goodbye to Bacon" by Liel Leibovtiz
"Ten Reasons to Keep Kosher (And They’re Not What You Think)" by Rabbi Alec Goldstein
"The Jewish Dietary Laws: Their Meaning for our Time and a Guide to Observance" by Samuel H. Dresner and Seymour Siegel
"The Rules for Kosher Creepy-Crawlies" from Sefaria
"What Archaeology Tells Us About the Ancient History of Eating Kosher" by Lina Zeldovich
"What Is Kosher for Passover?" from Chabad.org
"Why I Don’t Keep Kosher" by Rabbi Jillian Cameron
"Why I Stopped Freaking Out About Other People’s Kosher Habits" by Erris Langer Klapper
"Why Keep Kosher?: Jewish dietary practices allow us to welcome the sacred into our daily lives and into mundane acts." by Rabbi Dr. Bradley Shavit Artson
"5 Misconceptions About Keeping Kosher" by Mandy Hakimi
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flamingkorybante · 9 months
The thing I keep thinking about from queer talmud class last night is that the writings by Rashi are printed closest to the spine of the book on each page so that when the book is burned, his words are the last to be destroyed. Each printer laying out the book knowing that it will be burned. The consciousness of the pervasive will to destroy us being woven into the fabric of the living intergenerational conversation of our holy teachings.
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dragoneyes618 · 7 days
"There was a case where a certain man set his eyes on a certain woman and his heart became [so] consumed with burning desire [that his life was endangered]. When doctors were consulted, they said, "His only cure is that she submit to him." The sages responded, "Let him die rather than have her yield." "Then let her stand naked before him," [the doctors said]. "Let him die rather than that she stand naked before him." "Then let her at least talk to him from behind a fence." "Let him die rather than that she talk to him from behind a fence."
- Babylonian Talmud, Sanhedrin 75a
"This passage, one of the most misunderstood in the Talmud, has led more than a few people to conclude that the sages were so puritanical that they deemed it preferable that an unmarried man die rather than converse with an unmarried woman.
However, this narrative has little to do with illicit sexual behavior; it really concerns emotional blackmail. Imagine the societal damage that would ensure if whenever one person's will was thwarted by another, the rejected party said he [or she] would die if the other party did not grant whatever he or she wished. Ultimately, the fact that this man is obsessed with this woman is his problem, and his alone (the Talmud provides no indication that the woman had led him on); thus, he is not entitled to make demands of her. As Hyam Maccoby insightfully notes: "What the story is really telling us is that no woman is required to sacrifice her status or dignity for the sake of a madman."
What makes this case so unusual is the doctors' claim that the man's life is at stake. Normally, when such a diagnosis is made, Jewish law permits a whole range of otherwise forbidden activities. For example, if the doctors had said the man must eat unkosher food lest he die, the Rabbis would have permitted it. But Jewish law never permits imposing unreasonable demands on others, even when a life is at stake. Thus, if the same man should insist that his cure is conditional on other people's eating unkosher food, this would not be permitted. Standards of behavior in Jewish life cannot be determined by the insane or the intransigent."
-Jewish Wisdom, Rabbi Joseph Telushkin, pages 133-134
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maimonidesnutz · 1 year
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The Sages: the timid student cannot learn
Rav Yirmeya: yeah I have a question
The Sages: no not like that
(Bava Batra 23b)
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tsyvia48 · 8 months
I am imagining Aziraphale and Crowley in Jerusalem in 70 CE. Aziraphale is aiding the Romans’ siege (because, God’s plan). It is Crowley’s suggestion to smuggle Yochanon Ben Zakkai out in a coffin (because, thwarting God’s plan. Also corpse uncleanness for a holy man). Crowley is with Yochanon’s disciples in the hills outside the city. They watch the Temple burn and they weep. Crowley weeps with them; they are losing their connection to God, as he did in the fall.
One of the assembled asks the rebbe how they will serve God now that they can no longer offer sacrifices. When the answer comes back “acts of loving-kindness will replace Temple sacrifice,” the demon rolls his eyes, and almost immediately sights the unlikely blonde head in the distance. The sun catches it and the halo is visible even to his snake eyes. “Acts of loving-kindness will be repair our severed connection to the One,” the rebbe says again.
There is a stillness as the rebbe’s words settle into the hearts and minds of the men (and one man-shaped being) around him. The demon stares at the halo bobbing around the edges of the mayhem far below, and for the first time in a long time, he feels something a little like hope.
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olovelymoon · 11 days
A few lovely people that could really use your help
They deserve happy lives. In Gaza, all life is being destroyed. They did nothing to be the victims of what the Geneva Conventions officially define war crimes (collective punishment is a war crime. Israel is going against what they signed).
They are innocents, and their hope is in your hands. Please, donate and share. These fundraisers have been verified, but they're still far from their goal and need you.
Talk about them with people, also telling about them to your religious community or any kind of organization could be useful.
Also, these are just a few people I have come in contact with, but there are many verified fundraisers on the blog of @el-shab-hussein, who is doing a great job at putting together a complete list of verified fundraisers.
• Belal family: https://www.paypal.com/donate?campaign_id=VGYEV6H38B8K8
• Hala's family: https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-me-to-evacuate-gaza?utm_campaign=p_cp+share-sheet&utm_medium=copy_link_all&utm_source=customer
• Hejazi family (they have both Paypal and Gofundme): https://paypal.me/hamdihej?country.x=IL&locale.x=en_US
• Hojok family: https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-my-family-out-of-gaza-to-australia
And also a message for Jewish people, Muslims and Christians: remember what our Sacred Scriptures say. "Whoever destroys a single life is considered by Scripture to have destroyed the whole world, and whoever saves a single life is considered by Scripture to have saved the whole world" (Talmud). "Whoever saves a life, it is as though he had saved the lives of all men" (Quran). "The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ " (Matthew's Gospel). And to everyone: think about our common humanity!
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crossdreamers · 1 year
Judaism: The Eight Genders in the Talmud
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Rachel Scheimeman takes a look at the understanding of gender and biological sex in the Jewish tradition.
The Talmud, a huge and authoritative compendium of Jewish legal traditions, contains in fact no less than eight gender designations including:
Zachar, male.
Nekevah, female.
Androgynos, having both male and female characteristics.
Tumtum, lacking sexual characteristics.
Aylonit hamah, identified female at birth but later naturally developing male characteristics.
Aylonit adam, identified female at birth but later developing male characteristics through human intervention.
Saris hamah, identified male at birth but later naturally developing female characteristics.
Saris adam, identified male at birth and later developing female characteristics through human intervention.
In fact, not only did the rabbis recognize six genders that were neither male nor female, they had a tradition that the first human being was both. Versions of this midrash are found throughout rabbinic literature, including in the Talmud:
Rabbi Yirmeya ben Elazar also said: Adam was first created with two faces (one male and the other female). As it is stated: “You have formed me behind and before, and laid Your hand upon me.” (Psalms 139:5)
The Rabbis recognized the existence of what we today would call intersex, transgender and nonbinary people, and worked hard to fit them into their legal framework.
Read the whole article here.
See also: Was Jesus transgender?
Illustration: Shutterstock
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edenfenixblogs · 4 months
hey i saw the post about your cousin's bar mitzvah, and well first of all congrats to her. but also uh one thing you mentioned made me curious- what *am* i supposed to do should i find a dead body on the side of the road, if it's no problem for me to ask? not to worry you or anything like that but i guess it'd be useful to know if i pass a car crash on a road trip again.
Ah! What a good ask!!!! I see you committing to the act of learning more about Judaism as an act of allyship, and I appreciate you! Thanks so much for taking an interest.
Obligatory disclaimer: I’m not a biblical scholar or a Talmudic expert. I’m just a Jew who likes being a Jew.
So my Torah portion was in Leviticus. For those who don’t know, Leviticus and Numbers are often considered the doldrums of Torah books. It’s not where a lot of the well-known exciting parts happen. Those books generally contain a lot of lists of rules and mitzvot.
But this is actually why I like the way Judaism reads the whole Torah in order. It forces us to confront the “boring” stuff. And in so doing, we have to think harder about why that stuff is included in our books.
So that’s why my assigned portion was interesting to me.
The actual text basically says “don’t touch dead bodies.” But I remember reading the Talmudic scholarship which was especially interesting because its focus was to elaborate on all the exceptions and then talked about the importance of doing good deeds without a reward and not punishing those who need to do things like touch dead bodies.
The point of the text isn’t to condemn people who are doing the “forbidden” thing without any cause. The text outlines a lot of rules (many of which are not relevant anymore) and, frankly excessive punishments for breaking the rules.
But Judaism doesn’t end at the literal text. Talmud (rabbinical interpretation) is equally important.
My take on the material was this:
There are some things that, on the whole, we shouldn’t do. We shouldn’t touch dead bodies. We shouldn’t come to synagogue when we are sick. We shouldn’t cheat on our spouses. Etc.
But sometimes, you do need to break the rules. And for some things, someone must always break the rules. There must be someone in any community whose job it is to touch dead bodies. Someone must bury the dead. At the very least.
For people in that position, it is so vitally important that we do not throw the literal text in their face. It is important that we do not condemn them or shun them or otherwise exclude them from our community. Judaism is about community. And you cannot have a community that is based upon excluding people who do essential jobs. Rather, thank them. Because they are doing a good thing with no inherent reward. Quite the opposite. Those people should be celebrated. They take on the hard work knowing it carries risk of exclusion and judgment, but they do it anyway. Because it’s right.
Back in the day, if you saw a dead body on the side of the road and no one seemed available to bury it? Bury it. Give that fallen soul dignity. Then pray about it. Physically and emotionally wash the sin* away. (*sin in Judaism is not the same as the Christian idea of sin. Sin is more akin to an “oops” or “missing the mark.”) And take pleasure in doing something good for humanity and knowing that nobody else had to take on that sin for you.
So, nowadays, if you see a dead body on the side of the road? Call the person whose job it is to deal with that. And thank them for doing this very emotionally difficult work. Welcome that person into your community. Be kind to them. It matters. Because there is no community at all without them and people like them.
And in general? The more broad lesson to this is to of course be kind to people who do unglamorous but necessary work. And to take on that unglamorous work ourselves when necessary. That’s how we keep our community functional and healthy. Do good deeds without expecting a reward. Do what’s right even when you expect a bad outcome. Do good and right things for their own sake, because that’s what we exist to do. Create goodness in the world. The reward is the better world we create.
Thanks for asking @clawdia-houyhnhnm
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rainbowdracula · 6 months
The 5 Books of Torah, explained
GENESIS: new cat owner keeps learning new, worrisome things about cats
EXODUS: very tired man tries to lead the most stubborn group of human beings on the planet on a road trip
LEVITICUS: babygirl we've got rules about things you've never even thought about
NUMBERS: wow they weren't lying about those numbers huh
DEUTERONOMY: very tired man has to repeat himself to really nail it in the heads of the most stubborn group of human beings on the planet
Bonus --
THE TALMUD: the world's longest forum argument wherein most of the participants have severely unmedicated ADHD
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altcomics · 1 year
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The Talmud
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