#b/c while theyre new
rohirric-hunter · 2 years
This Wikipedia article is extremely biased
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ikkosu · 2 months
IKKO, very very important question 🫡💚. How would Pharma act if both him and maybe Tarn or prowl (your choice🫶) were after one persons affection
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RAGGHH 🛐🛐🛐 MORNING COMPY!!! :D ❤️❤️❤️❤️🫂🫂
Important question indeed. And of the highest order too 😺☝️ long ramble below because I love those two to bits !!
I wasn't sure if you meant love triangle or individually 😭
Prowl wouldn't act on his affections. He'd hide it at first. And would would battle a long churning conflict between his logical side and his feelings — over countless cubes of engex Ratchet would diagnose him dead after
Mister-cold-to-the-bones-I'd-rather-die-than-ever-smile would definitely manipulate your surroundings to get him closer to you.
He'll move your schedule around, your seat placement (no harm in a little thigh touching, eh?) Maybe even discussing with Optimus about your 'work ethics' so he can flunk out your current superior to take his place. Yeah, sure. Totally because they were under performing. Totally.
He knows you yap alot, ranting about things in general so he purposely dawdles by until you notice him and just,,run your mouth
He pretends he's grumbling, saying it's wasitng his time but he's literally recording EVERYTHING you say so he can recharge to it at night (poor little pookie has nightmares, :( doesn't have anyone to coax him)
And you're always so surprised when he remembers an obscure fact about you,,,like sir,,,that's,,,a little 😅 um
but still you chalk it up to him being the strategic officer in charge of information, so not surprised that he knows
Despite his blatant attitude to you, you really don't fucking know what's his problem. Does he hate you? Does he think you're that bad at your job hes finally taking reign over your responsibilities?
So, confusing. He's like,,,got this stare that borders between his usual scowl and a squint.
And while you think you're about to get demoted, it usually means he's saving a picture of you in his processors. 😭😭 And a little note for it too (new shirt today, very nice.)
He's the type to be so stoned up and cold when he's approaching you, but the moment you smile at him (while imperceptible to you) Internally he feels like hauling himself off a bridge
Why do you exist, if not to make a fool out of him?!???2!#(
Pathetic pining. 100 percent
Doctor pharma on the other hand,,,,just invades your boundaries
🤨he's lucky he's naturally charming, you're not even suspecting why he's suddenly more interested in your wound stitching skills.
He's got his servos on you and guiding you through it and shit, whispering into your ear : "good little pet" for following his instructions to a t. He's obvious about his affections but not so vocal because while he recognizes hes caught some feelings for you there's no way he's going to be the one admitting it
So he showers you with gifts, flowers, and chocolates, waiting for the day you're going to realize what it all means.
Nope. You don't. Because a) you either think he's messing with you, ratchet did say he's kind of a flirt to everyone b) pharma being pharma c) asking you to cover another late night shift, which coincidentally, gets you stuck with him
Like prowl, since he's your superior, there's going to be a lot of schedule tampering and unlike Prowl he gets jealous, very easily.
(Prowl does get jealous. Nobody really likes him and he thinks you're obv going to like someone that's wayyy more genial and warmer than what he is. But he keeps it to himself because at least you're interacting with him)
Pharma gets,,, obvious about his jealousy in a very passive aggressive way which sometimes gives way to physical confrontations (pulling you away by your waist, getting in between you and the meh you're talking with, shooting daggers at the person who so much as to praise you)
Messy, messy doctor.
Oughhh so much things to add. Okay but more wholesomely, theyre both the type to put a blanket over you wen you're asleep at your desk, or giving you a drink when you're tired. Basically the tiny acts of kindness that's makes me go oughhh 🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭😭
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theresivy · 15 days
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Listed below are the TL;DR, How to Help, and Full story/Context. I’m sorry I had to resort to this but i have no other choice.
TL;DR version
Please help a mentally disabled fan artist’s family to pay for medical debts for c*ncer, insulin, maintenance meds (for depression, anxiety, etc), and cat food
How to Help
D*nations!!! - I only have P*yPal (also thru K*-fi) and GC*sh! Please dm me for the link or QR code
C*mmission me!!! - I really hate asking for help with nothing to give in return, so preferably please c*mmission me. I havent updated my new set of c*mmission sheet samples BUT heres a short, quick version attached on my post as a pic.
B*y my let-go collection of merchandise!!! (PH-based only please and sorry) - In order to try and make up for the em*tional ab*se me and my mom have to go thru on a daily basis just by living with dad, I ended up in a downward spiral and tried to buy things impulsively since 2020. So, now, we’re paying the price and I have been deeply regretting it ever since. So, plsase please please help buy my palugi (selling for a loss) let-go merchandise, theyre mostly official and am selling for a loss, we badly need the space and especially the funds. Weve only sold less than a half of my stock and it doesnt help that my dad keeps mocking me about it.
Share and S*gnal boost!!! - Tumblr is the only site where i have somewhat of an audience. Please please please help reblog, share, and signal boost.
Full Story/Context
Hi, I’m Theresivy (Teh-reese-ivy), I have been depressed and mentally impaired (among other things) who draws art as a multifandom self-taught fan artist, As of 2020 my mom’s tumor has turned into cancer that has only been given medical attention to in 2022 onwards. And as of then, i have indefinitely become a N,E.E.T for my mom and our finance’s sake while being there by her side. As of now she has gone through FOUR surgeries because more and more unexpected complications keep popping up. She doesnt deserve this, why couldnt it have been me,
We live with my emotionally abusive and manipulative dad (her husband) and our two fur daughters Pancake and Waffles (of which my cats and mom mean more than the world to me) while being forced to live in one of the countless apartment complexes my equally abuse maternal uncle (and his wife, my maternal A-I-L) as we have no other choice. And as such, my dad has been kissing their asses since we were forced to move here more than five years ago.
Both my uncle and my A-I-L took it upon themselves to become the defacto head of my maternal family ever since my maternal grandmother passed just because he became rich thru the means of evil entrepreneur practices. We cant do anything lest we want to get kicked and live on the streets. He is a real-life mastermind as he is always a few steps ahead of us, even making it so that his eldest daughter became his perfect pawn of being his personal lawyer. He always has connections and to them we are merely insects.
My parents and the rest of our family dont really see “artist” as anything that could get money rolling in (and day by day my failed attemptes have been proving them right), and on top of that, they see me being depressed and such as being the “freeloading couch potato”. So they keep bringing up how much of a failure I am. Weve been living in such toxic conditions that my mom has developed this sort of stockholm syndrome type relationship with my dad, and her younger brother (my uncle), and his wife (my A-I-L, her S-I-L). At first i thought i could try and save mom but shes too far gone that she strictly forbids me from fending for myself whenever either of the three try to berate me and drive me to tears and breaking down for the fifth time every week.
All i wish now is to be able to pay back at least some of the debt, for my mom and my fur daughters’ sake, and hopefully my own. I have been in a downwards spiral ever since i have been tolerating being the “odd one out” kid from school. in general, and even in the family, its been literal years and my entire life, im tired of being used and tossed to the side, im tired of being the punching bag of a cosmic joke, and im tired of my disabilities. im tired of being useless to the people i care for the most. so please. help us.
My wish now is to be able to help mom and our fur daughters move away from our domestic ab*sers. everything is an endless spiral of dead ends and im sick of it. ive been self sabotaging for years but a small part of me still has hope, please. i dont want to believe that this is where it ends for us. in this world of darkness and cruelty that spits on our faces, only my mom and our fur daughters have shown me the smallest glimpse of happiness. and even then ive failed them by becoming a barely functioning patient of depression. so, please, dont take my sunshines away.
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weirdmageddon · 9 months
First off!!! Hello fellow davejade enjoyer i see you. Second off—what sort of things do you wish you could’ve seen with these two in canon :0. Could be expansion on canon scene, arc direction, or just a new scene entirely. for me personally I would’ve loved to see some genuine fighting collaboration going on. I felt VERY teased with all the magic combo’s in collide.
Third! I know they do a lot of music collaboration in canon, and I’ve seen some things with them making a band together post canon. What sort of sound do you think they’d have/what artist do you think they’d sound like?
Thank you :))
okay god theres so much i wish was expanded on in canon with regard to dave and jade
this post is swan dive into homestuck meta and took me over a day to write. so i would appreciate feedback or discussion on this if you'd like, reblogs appreciated!
despite this question being posed as davejade related, my answers here are actually relevant for anyone interested in homestuck meta as well.
it’s just recently come to my attention that there are a a handful of people on twitter who are vocal davejade dislikers. i didnt know it was actually disliked until i looked it up on twitter, i honestly thought it was a joke blown out of proportion but no they exist! it surprised me a lot to see people think they "lack chemistry". not only because knowing what i know about them thats a ridiculous insinuation, but also i haven't seen the vitriol on tumblr. probably because we can actually poast about it on here in an unabridged manner which thus enables better, deeper critical analysis and engagement with the media. i think also people forget that dave strider is canonically bisexual and are too yaoipilled + facing the consequences of the epilogues to even give davejade a serious look/analysis. (dave dates terezi and karkat in separate timelines, thinks jane is hot, thinks roxy is a babe but shoves it down when he discovers she’s his ectomom lmfao. davesprite—an extension of dave himself—dated jade! but i'm going to cover that in more depth in this post since theres a lot of misunderstandings about the nature of that relationship in fanon.)
(as a side note according to what some people have told me in inbox and what ive seen lol i think that ive been inadvertently been getting people into davejade. it's all in my davejade tag here in chronological order if you'd like to get a Whiff. be sure to read the tags on posts in there too!)
even though theres a lot in this post as it is, it doesn't cover everything ive talked about wrt davejade, and i think it would benefit readers to have complementary posts alongside this for the full picture with stuff it doesn't cover. there's a ton about why theyre cute and why i think they work well together in that tag.
here's some highlight analysis posts, but be sure to check the tag because there's a more in there:
post a / post b / post c / post d / post e / post f (← one of my favorite ask responses ive ever gotten)
i think a huge chunk of the issue has to do with how the narrative handles dave and jade. one of the most damning things to me is how glossed over their canon interactions were in act 5 despite them collaborating on one of the most important things in the story. i haven't talked about this yet but i'm going to do so here. because they’re put on the backburner by the focus of the narrative during act 5, people who don’t read carefully will miss the implications that are there all along in canon but easily passed over.
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under the cut ive separated it into multiple parts
1. Jade’s Quest: What Frog Breeding Entails
this is an analysis examining apart exactly what jade and dave did while frog breeding. i wrote it while high which was extremely enlightening and it allowed me to comprehend it and hopefully explain it in an understandable way. i also discuss how shitty the lack of on-screen communication between jade and dave was for this part and the next.
2. Jade & Dave vs. Jack Noir
ive discussed this one before on my blog so it's not as dense (see davejade tag). but i still sewed the gifs together and discuss how unfortunate this was to be be delegated to a banner at the top of mspa and the neglect of that whole arc despite the outcomes of it being reissued by characters thousands of pages later
3. Davesprite and Grimbark Jade
i get into davesprite's head here and try to make his motivations about the breakup clear to the extent that i can infer because jesus fuck i love these characters way too much ive known them for a decade i understand their core personality structures and why they think what they do and what is most likely to happen when extrapolating? i also talk about how grimbark jade changed the way the fandom perceives their relationship, leaving davejade on a low note instead of a high note. and then hs epilogues had even worse consequences for davejade but i wont get into it because it was character assassination all around and doesnt deserve my time or yours. but if you wanna know what i think, here
4. The music question
where actually answer this ask like it's an ask and not an essay
1. Jade’s Quest: What Frog Breeding Entails
i wish we could have seen what collecting frogs entailed for the two of them. what exactly were they doing? jade’s quest is one of the most interesting.
before i start i want to take a tangent and say the frog breeding reminds me of back in 2020-2021 when i would breed hybrid flowers in animal crossing new horizons to get a very specific gene sequence for these flowers to not only use to breed for hybrids, but to get known gene sequences that i could use to “check” the genes of other flowers. the goal is to get two parent flowers whose sequences when bred would make a specific phenotype 100% of the time.
this sounds complicated but here’s what i did for the lilies:
(“rare island” refers to one of the first acnh patches that removed a nook miles island from the pool that had hybrid versions of your native flower of very specific phenotypes for each color. i wrote out the breeding chains to get parents that would always breed that exact flower found on the rare hybrid nmt island that is no longer available.)
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the cleanup ALL TO GET the white 2-2-2 lily looked like this. and after i got white 2-2-2 lily it was smooth sailing
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after all that i could use the orange 2-2-0 lilies and white 2-2-2 lilies made in the black lily process and get rare island orange 2-2-1 lilies 100% of the time. in mendelian genetics these numbers (2-2-1) are quite literally RR-YY-Ww.
RR-YY-ww (orange) x RR-YY-WW (white) = RR-YY-Ww (orange: heterozygous Ww gene)
and all that effort into getting white 2-2-2 lilies enables me to get it over and over again now. i don’t have to repeat that process to get rare island pink lilies. all i need to do for the pink 2-0-2 lilies is breed two default bag red lilies (2-0-1) together. 50% will be red (2-0-1) lilies, 25% will be black 2-0-0 lilies, and the last 25% will be pink (2-0-2) lilies.
anyway sorry back to the main point. FROG BREEDING. it just reminded me of it. now that i think of it the frog breeding process also reminds me a lot of artbreeder back from when AI was only a fun little toy 4-5 years ago
ok so have a look at what kanaya says about what jade must do. this is the coolest quest imo because of how it progresses and how long it actually is
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here’s how it works. remember back in act 2, when the wayward vagabond needed to tie a longer cable to descend down the ship (and refused to give up the ones that made up his mayoral sash)? he used the appearifier in the ship to appearify the extra cable across the gap to his location? that’s how the appearifier normally works when when it’s locked to the present. it’s very straightforward.
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when jade appearifies a frozen frog, it shows us this exact thing. she appearified the actual frog itself (the same way WV appearified the actual cable across the gap) to her exact location. it can get the frog out of the ice in the way WV could untrap serenity from the amber. if something’s destiny wouldn’t otherwise be changed, it will not be paradoxified, it will just simply itself be warped to that location, with precise carving if it is somehow trapped inside of something else.
if you could appearify it to your location right now, you wouldnt be able to take it out the appearifier’s crosshairs in person later to alter its destiny because the object won’t be there at that time. it wouldve been with you the entire time. unless you decide to take the appearified item back to that location so that you could appearify it in the past, but that’s the most pointless time loop ever and doesn’t change its destiny.
for this icicle frog jade and dave weren’t capable of changing its destiny anyway, because it was completely encased in ice, and just didn’t bother to go after it. partially because it was with jade at the appearifier the entire time anyway and she can’t exactly put it back in there in the future. the point is, besides jade appearifying it to her location, the frog had no other possible routes of destiny. in that part of lofaf where she appearified the frozen frog from, the ice is too deep to get anything out of it (other than appearifying it) and i’m not sure the forge would have melted it in time before their reckoning ended anyway.
the goal of jade and dave is to target frogs on the appearifier screen and trust that their future selves follow through in altering the frog’s destiny. if so, then the frog’s paradox slime will appear instead and its genes would be collected in addition to creating offspring between multiple paradox clone frog genes. then, dave and jade would necessarily have to go out adventuring and find the frog so that they end up following through for their past selves.
if i understand correctly, jade is creating all the frogs on her planet that grow up with manually modified genes. these frogs must be genetically altered from their parents so that the frogs she creates don’t grow up to become one of their parents (as they’d be identical). the mutant offspring frogs “generation A” she ectobiologizes will eventually mature from tadpoles to frogs, assisted by dave’s time travel. then she will eventually target “generation A” with the appearifier to get their paradox slime to fuse with some other frogs’ paradox slime and create new slightly altered frogs “generation B” (and then follow through on altering the “generation A” frogs’ destiny so their slime and genes can be paradoxified by jade and dave’s past selves). repeat until the genes are fine tuned for the genesis frog.
this is why i compared it to my breeding in animal crossing. getting the genesis frog reminds me of the blue rose paths. i worked with the garden council back in the day and i used backwardsN’s “cesspool” method, except i honestly gotta say my white 2-2-2 lily thing was much more involved and carefully maneuvered in a way that i imagine frog breeding is more like. backwardsN’s “genepool method” was basically making a red-orange-black rose primordial soup and waiting for a blue rose to emerge out of it, just increasing the chances seeing a blue rose sprout the next day after watering with each generation of offspring. you KNOW my ass was using time travel, even if i happened to get lucky and got a blue rose without even finishing the big turtle plot. without time travel, most players (95%) will get their first blue rose before these # of days. (open up advanced tag)
there must be so many daves running around to help her going back in time all within the span of a few hours while still having their own linear, older timelines that are much longer than the “time stage” they’re actually functioning in. this sounds complicated but it’s not. think of this “time stage” as analogous to the 3 days until the moon falls in majoras mask. it’s the “time window” all the time travel takes place within, but link doesn’t become a day younger when he travels to a day ago. the timeline of his “self” is older but is kept within the confines of the 3-day timeframe. similarly, in tears of the kingdom, two master swords exist simultaneously for most of history, but the one on the light dragon’s head (who was above the cloud barrier before the upheaval btw) is further ahead on its own linear timeline: it starts as the other, pre-gloomed master sword → broken by gloom → sent to the past to be repaired → renewed over time, existing at the same time on the “time stage” as its own pre-gloomed past self but ahead on its own linear timeline
now imagine this but within the “time stage” of just a few hours within the same 24-hour period. kanaya says frog breeding ordinarily takes weeks. multiple daves can exist simultaneously because they’re operating in the same few-hour-timeframe but one can linearly be days ahead of another. it’s the exact same thing as breeding flowers in animal crossing for irl days but to your game it’s whatever date you have it set to. your irl progress isn’t lost if you go back a few days in settings. i’d often find a week in june to use as a “time stage” to loop through when it would rain at least one hour on each day of that week which would save me the hassle of watering my flowers every day before time traveling to the next.
it must’ve sucked for dave to hear jade say the same things over and over again. the novelty probably wore off pretty fast lol…… dave says he saw his future self fighting and dying to jack and knew that’s what he’d eventually have to do as well. every single dave at all points of his linear timeline understood that and it probably settled something horrible into his heart.
im imagining during the original run dave was thinking to himself: “im bored but cant alter anything about this without creating a doomed timeline. if i dont see my future self hugging jade then i cant hug her even though i really fuckin want to. note to future self: hug jade. aww shit look at me go guess i remembered. hell fucking yes cant wait for that to be me in a few hours” and gives a thumbs up
future dave pov, hugging jade and watching his past self give him a thumbs up from afar thinking to himself: “ahaha i remember exactly what i was thinking there” and gives a thumbs up
but anyway. goddamn. JADE AND DAVE. what did hussie do to you.
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this is a goddamn atrocity.. what the hell man. i wish we could have at LEAST seen the text file jade sent to kanaya. we got to see ConversationWithAVeryStupidGirl.Txt but not daveisafunnyguy.txt?
i mean i GUESS the humor is delivered through this
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and like, yeah that is pretty funny? but i feel like the single laugh this gives me is nothing compared to the joy i wouldve gotten out of seeing what dave has to say about the cloning apparatus for ants here and talking himself into circles about frog procreation enough to make not just gigglehouse jade laugh, but kanaya too
we spent so much time learning about the mechanics of the punch designix and hardly anything about creating the seed of the actual new universe. we learn about it through kanaya and karkat messaging jade, instead of dave and jade working that out through SHENANIGANS. even though this is JADE AND DAVE'S session. it’s fine that kanaya is helping them, as she should, but we’ve seen parallel pesterlog conversations before so i dont get why we didn’t get that here! jade and dave frog breeding is one of the most important events in homestuck, and yet it was terribly glossed over. everything in the story, their futures, are predicated on their success. not just in their unwinnable session, but the one they split up for 3 years and escape to.
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at first i thought, maybe their lack of shown interaction has to do with hussie working out the intricacies of pesterlog/dialogue thing? as he once stated on tumblr:
shoshaumbay asked: In the intermission of act 6, it says that they get to talk. Does this mean that their guardians couldn’t talk to them before and that is why they left them notes all around their houses?  The achievement badge only upgraded their ability to speak to each other as presented through the comic. I.e. it permitted them to speak to each other… WHILE WE WATCH! Do you think all the trolls were hanging out together, not talking at all? Or Dave and Jade were doing all that frog hunting without a single peep?? That’s ridiculous. On the other hand, abstraction weaves itself through the Homestuck reality, and it can be hard to pin down where abstraction is to be taken literally. The truth is, there is not much distinction between the layers of abstraction and the reality they are meant to stand for. John was both literally named on his 13th birthday, and not quite, because that’s silly. The guardians are both literally silent automatons, and not really, as there is indication through allusion they function as normal people too. And the kids went through a huge adventure, achieved immortal god status, and even then had to gain a few more levels just to gain the achievement of simple dialogue as a literal upgrade, as well as not literally, because that makes no sense. The reality is inseparable from the way the story is presented and the way the “game” is played. But those abstractions are also a facade for a more life-like reality beneath it as well.
then i realized, this is not only an arbitrary cop out that affects my enjoyment of the comic in retrospect because they wind up being able to talk later anyway and that makes me feel cheated in these moments, but also still actually awful within these parameters because hussie breaks his own rule here, proving he could have shown us dave and jade talking in person at any time regardless of needing the gift of gab achievement for us to watch them as readers. recall this is also the first time john and rose met in person (at least when rose wasn't asleep):
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2. Jade & Dave vs. Jack Noir
this is where i take out my frustration over this being delegated to a banner at the top to the point where readers forgot it occurred.
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(also i want yall to take a moment to acknowledge this ^)
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i wish their time on lofaf frog breeding and fighting with jack was front and center and wasnt just in the banner at the top of the page. it makes it seem not as important when it completely was, considering that characters brought up what had happened in that scene multiple times.
it is significant because it is at that point that jack noir has killed all of the kids at least once. the only one left being jade who he refuses to kill due to bec’s loyalty
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jack noir killed john on his quest bed which allowed him to ascend to god tier. then he killed john AGAIN but it wasn’t a heroic or just death so john was revived
jack killed grimdark rose. john smooched rose’s corpse, allowing her to take over on derse.
jack killed dave by redirecting jade’s bullets into dave’s body instead. jade smooched dave’s corpse, allowing him to take over on derse.
after jade shoots him through jack, he’s down for the count. she kisses him and he wakes up on derse; all he and rose have left of “themselves” in an existential sense are their dreamselves. they didnt know they were going to ascend to god tier delivering the tumor. they assumed they were just going to die like for real and not come back which is why dave went with rose since he didnt want her to die alone.
it was also an important point since her time spent with dave on lofaf is the first in-person contact jade has had with another living human since she was probably 4 years old with her grandpa.
for jack noir, we got [s] seer: desend and [S] ==> (3696) which were hella impactful. seeing jade and dave essentially go through the same thing but with an extended battle sequence honestly kinda warrants a flash in my mind. (the sad thing is that unite synchronization was originally written with those pages in mind (the track was originally called redshift) but of course malcolm brown couldnt have known what was going to happen unless hussie commissioned him for a specific track for a specific story beat, probably like whatever he did to coordinate cascade’s music with toby ahead of the 10/25/11 release of the flash and publication of volume 8 on bandcamp)
i think one of the worst parts is that entire conversations were referenced, but cut or never written.
this is a real forgotten homestuck fact: jade was completely freaking out after filling dave with bullets until karkat had talked her through it. very easily forgotten since even though it being referenced twice we never actually saw the conversation. (i overrode the black scratch background so it's easier to read)
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wow thats so crazy i as a member of the audience dont in fact remember! would it have killed to write it my guy
and we find out thousands of pages later dave was thinking more about how it wouldve made jade feel to watch him die than knowing he was about to fucking die. if you even care btw
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i wrote more about this here
3. Davesprite and Grimbark Jade
davesprite—an extension of dave himself—dates jade but breaks up because he feels inadequate at being the dave that he thinks jade deserves. NOT because they fought or anything. they were still on good terms. davesprite just felt inherently unlovable. john seemed more upset about the breakup frankly.
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what davesprite did was because he thought it was in jade's best interest. there is nothing to suggest it was a fight / clash break up. they still seemed to be on good terms, davesprite asking where she went and all. jade says the breakup “is complicated” and “hes going through a lot of stuff”. given the context i think it's reasonable to assume that davesprite's thought process was: “we're coming up to the new session soon and youre going to meet up with dave again and i dont want to make shit awkward with you dating knockoff dave. you deserve to be with real dave instead so im gonna cut what we have going here in advance and distance myself from your life”
jade probably protested about saying how he's just as real as “real dave”, but davesprite made his decision already. im sure it wasnt easy for davesprite to break up either. with emotions running high (sadness, not anger) he probably just left to be alone and distance himself from jade, and seems to harbor guilt about it as we see in the log. that's probably why he wasn't at john's movie party. this is just speculation on my part but it doesnt seem in character for the breakup to be explosive because jade seemed more understanding than john. sad, but understanding.
i feel like a lot of people forget this. grimbark jade made it seem like davesprite did it to hurt her, or for this to mean that dave and jade are not actually good for each other, which is a wild mischaracterization of what happened but the one that stuck with the fandom nonetheless.
not only that, but davesprite's existence tragic and he's understandably depressed. after spending about a year in sburb (accounting for time travel) without john or jade, only to go back and give up your personhood to advance the alpha timeline and become forgotten is fucking crushing, and i think the breakup is also about davesprite coming to terms with that trauma, being okay with his existence as a sprite instead of being a bootleg stand-in for the dave that jade knew.
basically what vintagegamebro says,
it was such a tragic way for them to part for 3 years with no communication, and it was only proceeded by more tragedy because jade then had no one but davesprite to turn to, and davesprite needed anything but romance at that point
grimbark jade isn’t a good reflection of jade’s actual self. she pushed the mayor into lava for fucks sake which normal jade would never dream of doing, grimbark jade is straight up unhinged. i’m sure jade was hurt because all breakups hurt, but it was blown out of proportion (see how calm she was above a few days after the breakup?) because of Evilness. but also as @vintagegamebro mentioned it also felt somewhat … “off”? or out of left field? especially seeing what the nature of the breakup was from both sides in the above screenshots.
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when dave says “theres no way i would have done that to you” i genuinely believe him. i have no reason not to believe him. look at him above asking for questions and clarification. thinking about how what davesprite did, a version of himself beyond his control and how it reflects on himself, i think it's obvious dave cares a lot about how jade feels about him
even after this confrontation in the game over timeline, dave laid down his fucking life to defend her corpse from the becs in he hope she could be revived by jane
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and to think that after all this he still chose to save her, like always, probably knowing he had little to no chance, just because he cares for her, her life and who she is beyond this moment, really meant a lot for them. i really, really was mad that this would be the last time they would truly ever be together in a way that to me mattered
4. The music question
i wrote this post regarding instruments with this song in the back of my head if its anything. takes about 12 seconds to start after you press play for some reason
this too, closer to the “style”. i like imagining dave going apeshit on drums
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kpopscruggles · 6 months
its 🏳️‍🌈 anon here im on vacation so im gonna tell this pent up frustration cause i cant jerk off huhu (gonna make it gay and i cant write so sorry)
a. part time gym trainer college student sungchan surprised that his classmate/crush walk into his gym and having to touch his crush because hes in love with a twink that has never hold a weight before. it ends with a drink or dare where his crush dared sungchan to do push ups and every push up he tries to say his crush's name and after he did it 20 times sungchan dares his crush to do crunches while moaning his name for 20 times
"come on yn u could do more than 5" sungchan said holding your legs while you are laying down obviously red and sweating. sungchan tried his best not to fuck you right then and there.
seeing you struggle do your 6th crunch made sungchan go feral "sungc-" sungchan kisses you passionately
"god i love your voice. but i love shutting you up more"
b. school heartbreaker heeseung (idk if u like enha much but hesjdjjf) always winning his football fuck list competition where they pick a name from a fish bowl and get them to fuck then before finals. with a team full of visuals its not hard but it turned into a challenge when the team decided to prank heeseung's last time playing the game as a senior.
"dude wtf why did you wrote y/n. hes a man!" hee protested
"oh come on dude its obvious how much you wanna fuck this man" jake replied
"DUDE EWW? im not gay + hes a really nice person hes cute hes hella smart hes fun to talk to he does this cute smile when hes especially talking to me an-"
"uh huh the guy youre talking about thats "not ur crush" is right over there" jake put emphasis on not ur crush with finger quotes
oh fuck. hes cute. was all he said on his head when he saw yn
"damn heeseung thought you would last longer than that?" yn said but heeseung just blanked out remembering the first time he saw you before doing the game
"heeseung?" "i love you" it was yn's turn to blank out as all he hesrd after that was a slurs of i love you while heeseung messily drove yn to his high
c. its hard being alone in your 20s especially with drowning yourself in your work while having no one to share anything with: your problems, your success, everything. and its really bad when you have no social life because you cant rant to someone about your two hot buff dilf neighbors who live together.
"they're prolly not into me im a twink theyre daddies maybe thats why they live together" you said over and over again while trying to not look at your neighbors infront of you wearing nothing but sweatpants
"eyes up here sweetheart" sunghoon said
"yk if you want this you could just ask" sungchan said while pointing on his yk what
d. drunk yn has been ranting to his best friend sungchan about his single life, he had always done this but its new years and sungchan is sick and tired of yn's shenanigand
"yn really again? yk what suck it" he opened his jeans and showed his dick thats bulging from his underwear
"are u fucking serious?" yn asked
"deadass. im sick and tired of you ranting that youre a single virgin every year. especially when i could be the one to solve that problem"
"what?" good thing yn didn't heard the last part sungchan said
"are you gonna suck it or not?"
thats all i got 😵‍💫😵‍💫 IDK IF ITS RVEN OK
Sungchan is DEF NOT hiding the fact that he’s enjoying every moment of his name coming you your mouth!!! And when your doing crutches he’ll hold your feet but end up just running his hands up your hips “cmon baby keep up…you can’t grow weak just yet” and his hands with just fiddle with the waistband of your shorts!!! Seeing you struggle would also kill him untill he just smiles “take a rest, you’ll need some energy for what I’m gonna do to this cute body of yours”
Heeseung!!!!!! (I love this plot and yes I love enha) this is definitely something he then can’t go without! He’ll become feral to the point that if you two begin dating or not he’s gonna brag ab you, ab how you make him a cum covered mess, he doesn’t care!!! After every game he’s fucking you because that’s how you give him a lil reward!!!! CAR SEX AFTER PRACTICE!!! He’s just annoyed that his coach was being a dick and just rails you in the backseat of his car while ranting to you at the same time 😭😭
“You wanna see it up close?” Sunghoon would go fucking feral too see you drill over his cock, especially while it’s just in sweatpants “I can give you a little peek if your be a good boy for me, can you do that baby? Hmm?”
Sungchan will just slowly pump his cock “go on, I know you want too which pisses me off even more that I still have to hear you complain..”
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superscourge · 17 days
i know literally nothing about infinite, however the scourge enjoyment is limitless so if you’d want to explain on their dynamic
blissfully ignorant /j (infinite is from sonic forces so i dont. blame u)
so i gotta set up the au first for context. my friend jester helped develop it with me so i think im at a good point where i can talk about it now
basically its an au where eggman nega caught wind of infinite after silver traveled back in time, and after infinite was consumed by the phantom ruby, nega was able to somehow resurrect him. he removed the phantom ruby from infinite's chest and instead placed a smaller version of it into his blind eye (so he..removed his eye and stuffed it into the socket LOL). infinite cannot control the ruby as well anymore--it only Sometimes listens to him, and all other times it basically tortures him with visions and illusions
scourge is there b/c hes just doing fuck shit as usual. however he finds out that "eggman" has a new "ultimate weapon" through his expert sleuthing [read: eavesdropping] and tracks down the base where the weapon is being held. he breaks in to find infinite, which confuses him bc this is literally Just A Dude, but he figures he might as well kidnap him while hes unconscious to get answers out of him later.
infinite wakes up and scourge Quickly finds out that infinite was the weapon in question bc this guy is not only a scary motherfucker but also he has weird powers that made him see shit that wasnt there. so scourge offers to team up with infinite in order to get back at sonic. infinite is Not interested in getting back at sonic but he is concerned with why he's Alive now, so he tags along to figure that out instead.
so having said all that scourge and infinite eventually bond over trauma involving their family and they adopt each other LOLLL but its more or less unspoken besides scourge accidentally calling him dad (which is actually the trigger for infinite to adopt him tbh)
in this au infinite is i guess early-to-mid 30s and scourge is around 21. so their dynamic is like. infinite is the tired single dad taking care of a 21 year old who acts 12 LMFAOOO. infinite is stern but not Too stern when scourge gets in trouble..and scourge is honestly just. happy to not be talked to like hes an inconvenience. theyre both happy to have a family that cares about them and they actually care about too
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spicybylerpolls · 12 days
I mean... people act differently in the bedroom. Just point blank, if you look at your friend and go "she would never do that nah." Its possible, she could be a closet freak. No one acts like themselves in the bedroom. So nothing is really out of character unless there is canon material for how they act in such situations.
i just found this on a reddit thread that complains about smut being out of character in fandom in general and it seems like these debates we have re: byler (esp top and bottom, sub and dom) happen everywhere, and tbh, that fact alone speaks volumes? the above argument has been used for byler on this very blog! while it is technically true, it also seems to me to be a bit too obvious and a crutch/excuse for bad writing. for example, the duffers could have said 'mike has never been in a mall before s3, who knows how he'll react?' and then he's opening s3 just twerking on the mall fountain while waving his top around cos he's so excited about all the new shops and the free cinema trips and ice cream. i mean, technically its possible, but is that really mike?
thats a very infantile example because sexuality is complex. but my point is: I KNOW people do act differently in the bedroom, because it brings out another side of people, but the point stands about what 'out of character' actually means, and in writing you need a set of rules decreeing the boundaries of a fictional character - a personality outline - because otherwise their edges blur and they become everyone and no one. and i think this is the problem with lots of smut, as this user wrote:
It's sex scenes where characters stop being themselves and just start being people who are having sex. The sex scenes that feel very could-be-in-any-fandom. Like, for example, when people stop talking like themselves, and not because it's dirty talk or kink or whatever.
THIS! the amount of smut i've read where mike and will could suddenly be interchangeable with any character from any story anywhere, because theyre just two bodies doing sex acts. there are carbon copy phrases and buzzwords (apparently there's even a famous essay on this, says one user: 'you may enjoy ariaste's one finger/two fingers/three fingers/cock rant...')
this is what i mean when i say bad writing. someone on the thread explained that 'A lot of fanfiction is wish-fulfillment, and many of us want to believe the characters we're attracted to are sex gods, even if there's no canonical evidence of it.' the idea of mike and will being sex gods made me laugh and i think very few people who discuss byler seriously here believe they would be, but the operative phrase here is 'characters we are attracted to.' i think this is an unspoken part of fandom, and what divides fans who create fanworks, and original creators. the argument 'the duffers aren't creeps for writing teen sex so why are we?' does hold much water, not because writing smutfic makes you a creep, but because fans are infatuated with characters in a way that original creators usually aren't.
but why not? i dont think it's weird or bad to fall in love with a character. but this still doesnt answer the question of why many writers choose to lean towards this tried-and-typical smut style rather than aiming to emulate the characterisation or writing style of the original creators. so....
why do people think this might be? here are some of my suggestions, and i would love if some of the people who respond are also people who have written/thought about writing their own smut and answer honestly about their thought processes! choose the best that applies to you. thanks to all who partake!
A) the only access to erotic literature i've had in general is via fanfiction, so i can't see any other way of writing it.
B) i've read published erotic fiction and i end up emulating that rather than fanfiction, so i dont think my work is tropey or fanfic-typical.
C) i've read published novels that include sex written in a way i like, so i try to take inspiration from that instead.
D) i write sex the way I have sex/think about sex i've had in real life.
E) i write sex the way I imagine/want to have sex in real life, and this is mostly influenced by porn/fanfiction fantasies.
F) i write sex the way i imagine/want to have it in real life, and this is mostly influenced by my own individual imagination/life experience rather than porn/fanfiction.
G) i prefer the writing style in much of smut fanfiction (e.g. tropes and well-used phrases) because i find them genuinely realistic to character.
H) i prefer the writing style in much of smut fanfiction (e.g. tropes and well-used phrases) because i find them hottest and i typically prioritise this over realistic characterisation.
I) i worry that if my smut is too personal or doesnt read as familiar, people won't like it and i typically (but not always) prioritise audience response over artistic expression or experimentation. i want to add to the canon of byler smut in a familiar way.
J) i try to prioritise what i genuinely think the characters would do during sex rather than my own fantasies/projections/aspirations for either the characters or for myself.
K) i don't usually think this hard about smut.
L) i believe that smut fanfiction, including tropes and well-used buzzwords, does make genuinely compelling and wonderful reading, and i'm happy with the state of smut in general.
Please note that the purpose of this blog is not to be creepy or to make anyone uncomfortable. That's why I created the #spicy byler tag (I will tag all polls with this). If you don't want to see this blog or anything related to it on your feed, please block that tag. Not everyone is comfortable with this sorta stuff, and that's okay.
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xplrvibes · 3 months
Tell me your theories on sam and Colby's laundry habits - or cleaning habits of any sort really. Heck, throw jake, johnnie, nate, and anyone else in there as well. I am all in for light hearted anything right now!
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Oh, my opinions on their laundry habits are that they have none 🤣.
This got really long, so I put it behind a cut. This is a fun discussion everyone, and not meant to be taken seriously, so just remember that!
The laundry thing started on here a few years ago mainly because we noticed that Colby wears the same black tank top every single day of his life, like a cartoon character. So that got us all thinking - is he a) constantly doing laundry, b) never doing laundry and just using broke college student methods like rolling his clothes up in dryer sheets or wearing his clothes in the shower so they can get all soapy and "washed" that way, or c) does he secretly own 6,500 black tanks and he just constantly throws them out when they get dirty and pulls a new one out?
This then sort of evolved into wondering how he handles his $1,000+ dollar designer clothes - is he having that stuff dry cleaned (and if so, are the tank tops being dry cleaned as well, is this man a GTL'er?), or is he just throwing this stuff into the wash with all his other shit and just hoping for the best?
And then THAT led us down a path of "well, maybe they do their laundry together (snc) cause they do everything else together, so why not," which led down a path of imaging Sam having to micromanage Colby's laundry folding habits, cause you know Sam is a man who matches all his socks up meticulously and organizes them in his drawers by colors and sock sizes, while Colby probably just throws all his shit on the floor and does the old grab and sniff before putting 'em on.
This was a whole long-running, multi-faceted conspiracy over here throughout the height of the pandemic 🤣.
Anyway, the only thing we ever got a clear answer on was that they use Tide, apparently. The rest is still a mystery. 🤷‍♀️
As far as their other cleaning habits? From what I can tell, Sam is far more concerned with having a clean abode than Colby is (which I believe was a bone of contention between them when they first moved in together in LA). Sam seems to like things to be tidy and to his liking, and doesn't seem happy when someone messes it up. Whether he actually does any cleaning himself is debatable - I'm willing to bet they have regular house keepers coming in on a weekly basis to clean the common areas and stuff and let's be honest, they never use the damn kitchen anyway, so that's not a problem 🤣.
But yea, of the two of them, I think Sam is closer to being the neatfreak. I think Colby is respectful of common areas, but I think he's a person who isn't all that concerned about his room (unless he's got someone coming over thay he wants to impress).
Now, that being said, I think Colby values his privacy a lot and does NOT like people touching or moving his shit, so I wouldn't be surprised if he "cleans" his own room. But yea, I don't much see him as a neatfreak, but more of a person who is meticulous about his routines, habits, and where he wants things to be and how he wants his space to be.
Jake and Johnnie, I don't know as well (or at all, really) but they seem to throw a lot of food at their walls, so I hope they're cleaning or theyre gonna get roaches and rats hardcore 🤣.
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dc-polls · 3 months
alright. i'm gonna put real arguments in the actual polls as they come out but this is so fun and i can't stop thinking about it so here's my preliminary tier list:
S Tier Team 11 - The Actual Goddamn Grim Reaper isn't going to bother with the backwards spellcasting.
A Tier Team 2 - Imagine trying to deal with a full power New God while a speedster is setting stupid Home Alone traps and throat punching you whenever you let your guard down. Team 4 - Wild card! Best case Talia hits everyone with a laser while Tim tanks the hits and Etrigan cleans up anyone vulnerable to magic, worst case Khaji and Talia wrangle for control in the corner and Harley is also there. Team 8 - Silly doesn't mean stupid. This is a group of guys who are used to being wildly outmatched, and two powerhouses using their abilities creatively plus an illusionist running interference makes for a hell of a team.
B Tier Team 5 - Superbarda will have to singlehandedly wrestle a lot of these teams. I believe in her. Team 7 - Jason's pretty good with a sword, and while Roy doesn't have experience with powers, it's not like Hawk's abilities require that much finesse. Team 12 - Incredibly high potential, but Diana won't actually use her Grim Reaper powers because she's not going to murder her opponents, and Hank and Orion make each other so much dumber. Team 14 - Having a Flash should put them higher, but there's a solid chance the Brain slips on the ice and concusses himself.
C Tier Team 8 - Billy is used to being a flying brick. Scott has access to all his gear. Dick is in a body that can do a quadruple flip. They don't have the power of some of the other teams but they know what they're doing. Team 13 - Lantern ring + light manipulation + Cassbats has a lot of potential for pulling off underdog victories if they have time to plan, but none of them have enhanced durability if it goes wrong. Team 16 - A dog in the body of a man with explosion powers is not a good teammate.
D Tier Team 1 - Bart gets injured falling off a horse before the round even starts and they spend the whole tournament as close as possible to fighting each other as the rules allow. Team 6 - I just don't think they've got the power to win many fights via beatdown, or the synergy and versatility to set up something better. Sorry guys, but someone has to be the most underwhelming. Team 15 - If Clark can communicate the word Shazam to Jon, then they're in business. However, he's a dog, and Azrael melodrama is extremely distracting.
F Tier Team 3 - At least Greg and Sir Justin get to hang out. Team 10 - Three guys having a terrible time.
Passing along!
Also, laughing at your team 3 commentary because i was also like wow even rng knows theyre a package deal do not separate.
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s4turnzbarzzz · 10 months
bubba (dead by daylight) nsfw alphabet
Tw: smut
A/N: bubbas one of my favorite characters so this will be longer
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A= Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
He tries his best to be comforting after sex, especially since hes self consious and wants to make sure youre okay even if you were on top
B= Body part (favorite body part their own or their lovers)
He likes his arms the best since he knows theyre strong
he loves every part of you but if he had to choose itd be your stomach
C= Cum (anything that has to do with cum basically)
Hes usually not messy but if hes had a rough day hed cum on your thighs and stomach
D= Dirty secret (Pretty self explanatory)
while hes a killer he can get very self consious of his body and doesnt mind if you top him half the time
E= Experience (do they know what they’re doing)
hes not very experienced,, like he knows how to have sex but he doesnt at the same time? like he knows the basis of how it works but he doesnt know all the details if that makes sense
F= Favorite position
if youre on top he prefers riding since he knows that you have control of the situation and he feels like he wont crush you but if hes on top its missionary since he gets to see every expression you make and the way his cock forces a slight bulge in your stomach
G= Goofy (how serious are they)
after he gets comfortable with you, he can be pretty goofy sometimes, especially if thats how you are during sex
H= Hair (grooming habits)
Hes not groomed, we all know that. hes from texas and hes busy back at the sawyer household. he doesnt have time for keeping himself kept down there and he honestly didnt think that hed ever have sex with someone like you so he never bothered trimming anything
I= Intimacy (in the moment romantic or rough/dirty)
he tries his best to be intimate but hes not from a household that really shows love in any way other than providing food so he ends up being rougher
J= Jack off (do they masturbate and how often)
like ive said earlier, hes busy and doesnt really have time to jack off, plus he has you so he doesnt really need to
K= Kink (kinks what they like possibly unusual)
praise, oral fixation, pegging, breeding
L= Location (where they like to get it on)
he prefers to have sex in private areas, he doesnt want anyone to see whats his
M= Motivation (things that makes them tick)
if you wear something skin tight hes gonna be dragging you to a secluded area within seconds
N= No (turnoffs or absolutely won’t do)
if he sees you crying or youre in pain hed stop completely even if youre okay, he doesnt want to hurt you even accidentally, if youre not in pain youd have to convince him that youre okay before hed continue
O= Oral (receiving or giving and how skillful they are)
he loves giving and recieving, he might not be the best at giving but hell try his best and would take critisism as long as youre nice about it
P= Pace (how fast they are and how long they last in bed)
he goes at a normal pace but hes rough with his thrusts, if hes pent up he wont last as long but if hes not he can go aout 2-3 rounds
Q= Quickie (do they prefer fast and hard)
he doesnt like quickies, he likes to make love with you and he cant do that if hes rushed
R= Risk (do they like to try new things)
hell try some things but youll have to talk to him about it first
S= Stamina (how many times they can go and how long each round lasts)
he can go 2-3 rounds and they can last from 15-30 minutes
T= Toys (are they game for using sex toys on themselves or lovers)
hes fine with using toys but if you want to use them on him youll have to make sure hes okay with it and talk to him multiple times to reassure him that you wont hurt him
U= Unfair (how do they tease or do they enjoy suspense themselves)
hes pretty fair and if he cums before you hell eat you out or fuck you until you cum as well
V= Volume (are they loud, what sounds, and do they talk)
he whines, grunts, groans, any noise you think of hes made it in bed, and he is loud too
W= Wild card (nsfw headcanon of any sort)
if you let him hed eat your ass and vice-versa, he also wouldnt mind fucking your ass either
X= X-ray (what’s down below in dem pants)
he grew up eating lots of protein so id say hes around 6-7 inches and girthy as fuck, hes uncircumcised and hes got 1 prominent vein on the bottom of his dick thats really sensitive too
Y= Yearning (sexdrive level)
hecan go at it whenever, hes always a little bit horny for you so if you mention that you wanna have sex hes down too
Z= Zzzz (do they sleep after if so how quickly after)
hell try his best to clean you up first but having sex takes it out of him if hes on top so hed fall asleep right after he finishes making you comfortable
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randomwriteronline · 4 months
hey would you like some bionicle aus haha get in
A) g3 concept
this motherfucker. is a Big One. MANY thoughts on it, still trying to iron out some of it. heavily based on g1 but with g2 elements that are nice/interesting to me specifically Such As the mask making via elements deal, ekimu, and the okoto setting. i am Cramming As Much Mostly Relevant G1 Things In This As Possible. includes all main toa teams so mata, metru and inika as well as the chronicler's company, Lhikan lesbian ver, several of the Makuta, the Barraki (who are actual animals and also a polycule because why not) and a MNOG-like Makuta who honestly loves and cares for his brother the Great Spirit and thinks putting him in a coma will help. also pewku and jaller's crab. theres even a voriki implication. i have a big post in the drafts for this and perhaps one day it will appear
2009-10 elements will not manage to be included nor will 2016-17 elements. the former because i cannot fit those lads in here tho perhaps bara magna life & survival will make it through, the latter because i havent seen journey to one and frankly i dont know if theres anything of value to take from it. please do yell at me at length in case you disagree. i am very serious abt that i want to learn more, its just that i cant be arsed to get netflix for anything
B) human g2015 au
classic modern times human au but with 2015 characterization bc i like the web episodes. the thoughts i have about this are nebulous at best but good lord if it aint good fun to think about
THE GOOD NEWS IS that while the main characters will be limited to the toa mata nuva, i can mention as many characters in this as i want. possibly all of them. they are just new zelanders now, they live there. they have jobs and stuff. im going to include the fucking moburzhak. i can even put the g1 mata in there as bizzarely omonimous different characters. i am a god
THE ALSO GOOD NEWS IS i can overthink characterizations you wouldnt even dream of so i can take these cardboard cutouts that are the toa and try to engineer something compelling out of them somehow through the power of incredible neurodivergency and this morbid interest in group dynamics i just found
the bad news is i have little to no plot yet. few story beats that i have are discovery of the powers ala superheroes, lewa getting possessed, pohatu having a panic attack, subsequent slow kohatu development from strangers to friends to lovers because im Fucking Weak For Them, onua leaving lewa underground briefly because hes fucking tired of his attitude, slow lewa/tahu/gali development from clashing to friends to what i can only describe as the human equivalent of a cat colony, stupid winter episode, and undecover mission in drag at a fancy place. most of my fully formed thoughts are for this last one but i still have no idea how this happens or why they have to do it, i just know that the boys make for a bunch of pretty ladies. i am just spitting ideas
also had more specific ideas regarding the main toa such as them being half maori and half another ethnicity (australian aboriginal/hawaiian/jewish/latin american/african just to give a few ideas), onua being aromantic and lewa being goth
C) Foster Parent au
also known as What Watching A Whole Ass Blind-Run Of Bloodborne While Having A Soft Spot For Toa-Turaga Familial Relationships Does To A Motherfucker AU, or also alternatively Superpowers? Divinity? WRONG! COSMIC HORROR AU
only features the Toa Mata, Toa Metru Hordika, Artakha, Karzhani and Velika. the Toa Mata are six parentless siblings separated at birth, bounced around the system until each ended up assigned one of the Toa Metru as their foster parent. weird elemental shit starts happening more prominently now that theyre in a safe and loving environment, and a mysterious man named Artakha who seems to have history with the Metru begins showing up insistently and intimidatingly demanding custody of the kids as their father.
i DO want to talk about it but also i do NOT want to talk about it but also i will never write it so PLEASE ask me about it i am Begging You
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abimee · 5 months
so tbh i was hard on nier:a while playing it cos i don't really like a lot of the anime tropes BUT i really like tragedies and i was promised some twists, and got some. but i wanted to ask you how you felt about the pacing. basically, did it feel like there was a solid line connecting plot points, or do you feel like certain things happened at random? barring the fact that yoko taro said he literally wrote the story out of order, is that how it felt to you? imo it felt really rushed through super cool parts and like things that were annoying or setpieces ran on for too long. ig i'm still fked up over how much it fell short of my expectations bc even after playing nier:a completely thru and h8ing how absurdly film-student its tone and ideology are, i was hyperfixated enough to read some of the side literature and learn drakengard lore. tl;dr, nier:a is cool and has some fun parts but i wish the android were more mature (or artificial) in physicalilty to avoid weird anime loli baiting in the fans and also they'd asked a writer to help revise and implement the og author's ideas okay bye thx for reading my rant ♡ i'm glad u had fun and ur fanart abt a2 and the indoor grill made me cough
ill gladly listen to people bitch about yoko taro ive had PROBLEMS with this man since a young age ☝️☝️☝️☝️
I was actually thinking about the pacing and insertion of certain scenes/plot points today because admittedly like. okay this might be all over the place but
The start of the game (Route A + B) was like pretty solid pacing I think due to being low risk, and I thought it was cool that the game let you see 9S' side of things --- but it really started to fumble when it got into it's moe complex storylines in C-D-E and went on to deposit a lot of information on it to the point where it felt like we were forgetting entire plots and characters because something new and shiny showed up
Like okay first off. Adam and Eve and the aliens. We never once got any sort of explanation WHY adam + eve killed the aliens, or why the aliens made the machines, but within that general thought we did learn that humans died before going to the moon (and possibly even before the aliens came?), and that YoRHa's only goal was to fight the machines until a specified amount of data was gotten and then they were to explode. Never did we get more elaboration on the aliens or adam/eve, and while we got some YoRHA spotlight stuff it also entirely just decided that explaining the true mission behind making YoRHa and why the androids had to die is beyond it. Which frustrated me because it Brings Up Ideas but doesn't specify if thats the true reason, like we learned that the machines fight purely because that was there sole reason, and so they made an enemy for themselves purely to enact that goal that the aliens gave --- but then it even goes ''haha okay but hear me out'' and introduces Red Girl and this vague idea of the Machine Ego and wanting to defy their masters of the aliens, but then DOESN'T ELABORATE WHY. Like we don't know WHY adam and eve and the machine ego wanted to develop enough to defy their machine logic and purpose because it wraps back around to ''theyre human just like us because they want to defy their masters because.... they're human like us?"
Like it often felt like some concepts or plots brought up walked itself in a circle, dog-chasing-tail style, where it's entirely contained within itself and refuses to expand upon it's existence, which then causes it to get sort of left behind when the plot finds a new fancy idea to latch onto. Like how quickly the story introduced, focused on, then discarded Adam & Eve is almost criminal because of the things it could've done with them literally as the closest approximation to what the Machine Ego/Red Girls wanted, since they defied their creator's orders to be their own selves. Eve especially feels wasted in this regard --- like if the plot spent a little more time focusing on Eve & Adam in a B-plot scenario showing Eve and Adam learning more from humans and even leaning into Eve's wants that we saw in his mind when 9S hacked him (the human home built around him and his brother, and his brother wanting to go somewhere peaceful with him). Like they even could've tied that to when they get on the Ark and leave and Adam is holding Eve, that's literally Adam bringing Eve somewhere peaceful, but because those two instances are so seperated from each other and their own sort of throw-away concepts it becomes hard to Remember the tether between those two thoughts
This is also my biggest problem with A2's writing, I can only assume she's meant to be a Kaine-type character (and boy did my eyes momentarily widen seeing Emil say ''it must be fate that we've met!" to her) where her reserved nature and somewhat limited character blends in with her personality, but they really could've just given us like at least 2 more hours-game to learn about her past rather than just infodump us with her lore in some logs at the Resistance Camp. This is another problem Red Girl had where I feel like the fact you get unit data on them that basically explains away the confusing parts of their involvement in the lore felt cheap because this game has over 40+ hours under it's belt but couldn't be damned to give us information on our main antagonist directly in the game instead of in a post-credit LOG?
Like okay. I love my baby boy emil. He is the most special boy in the world to me and I am so happy seeing him get a pretty decent character arc for himself in the sequel to his original iteration. But why do we learn information about Emil more easily than the Red Girls? No unit data paragraph, no document information to read, no external book needing to be sourced. You learn whats up with him, why his big event out in the desert happens, and how it ends. You even get TWO special areas involving him. Red Girl gets to speak for a little bit and then vanish. It just astonishes me a bit
And it's not like the game doesn't try to expand characters last-minute either, that entire cutscene where Pascal reads Nietszche and then gets surrounded by the baby machines before the events of the Factory/suicide felt so forced in suddenly that it felt rather obvious something was going to happen. And I say this as someone who was in tears seeing Pascal get called ''uncle Pascal'' and see him defend the children in the factory --- it was super obvious that they possibly didn't originally plan that scene but needed something to really show that Village acted just like a human community with children and babysitters and family. Like not to be like ''this couldve been something beautiful'' but i think giving us a little time between A2 and the Village more could've done something beautiful. A2 getting the necessities to build the slide definitely made me drop to my knees but I noticed even the LPer was confused why A2 had a crying child inside of her as her enemy at the end of the hacking (like how 9S had 2B at the end of his destroying his memories), but the game didn't do anything with that besides lightly imply A2 lets down her mean bit for children sometimes (and again. why is this Kaine behavior). And then the fucking laughing children sound at the end of the route where she hacks 9S and she looks to the sky like ? This is all very interesting but it doesnt mean anything.
NOT TO MENTION 2B BEING AN EXECUTIONER TYPE. COOL CONCEPT BUT IT DOESNT MEAN ANYTHING IN THE END. It's just another thing to tack onto 9S's migraine of learning everything is a lie but nothing gets DONE with that incredibly interesting though afterwards because we never see 2B after that because she's been dead for a while now. We had a brief hint at it when we heard that transmission of 2B being her new name but the payoff just doesn't work if you just state it and then not do anything with it.
There's many cases of this and I notice it with how much questions I have that simply have no answer in this game despite the fact we have nearly 5 routes worth of time that could've gone into either sticking to like 3 ideas to the end or bridging the gaps, Which the story Does Do Sometimes! Red Girl talking about fucking up its own network to make pacifistic machines that want nothing to do with the war, the lie of YoRHA
OH MY GOD ALSO. SPEAKING OF RANDOMLY PUSHING STUFF IN. OPERATOR 210. The fact that they wanted to pull the whole ''she was curt and distant with 9S but secretly saw him as like a son because she wanted a family :(" could've gone INSANE if they didn't decide they wanted to bring that idea in at the last possible second and make 210 randomly baby 9S (and then make him point out how strange she's acting), and then ignore that until we get to the cutscene that they wanted to make for it. Like they could've had 210 start out as curt and distant, but as 9S operations with 2B got more dangerous she could've started laying on the doting mother thing, but it just came so abruptly in Route.....C? That it felt forced and rather last-minute, like they finished writing A and B and someone walked in and went ''wait I want 210 to see 9S as her son :(" and this is how they crammed it in
oh this post isnt even about the pacing i'm just talking about dead end plot concepts. But I can definitely see where you're coming from there because we spent an awfully long time with the Resistance only to know so little about them, but it defos felt more ''a lot of stuff is getting brought up but we dont have enough time to give it developing room because we want to bring in the next concept asap". A2, the forest king, Red Girl, hell even Pascal and Adam & Eve all suffer this. the only person who really got a steady character Was 2B and 9S but 2B felt like she got cut short and just became a puppet for 9S' plot which is so tiring how often we get dual man/woman protags and the woman's story just becomes part of the man's story and she becomes a nebulous concept. that yoko taro brand Misogyny
I SPENT AN HOUR TYPING THIS? I haven't even gotten to how I feel like 9S' plot feels like it was destined for something more but got bottlenecked for time and cut off at the like 80% mark
I can definitely feel that though of feeling like Nier:a didn't meet expectations, when I finished all the routes and the playlist i was watching just Ended I genuinely sat up and bed and just felt a deep sense of ''THAT'S IT? THATS ALL?"
it's crazy too because I really, REALLY loved what it had going and im going to be thinking about this game forever but it also just left me feeling like i'm missing something so badly that when I try to think about it sometimes my mind just draws blanks like im left speechless at it.
Like that was nier: automata? that was just 40 hours of being asked what it means to be alive
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eulcgizeme · 2 months
eulcgizeme's plot brain rot
heyo weyo, listed below are just some plots i'm desperate to do so if you're interested, pls give this a like and i will come bother you. (: all of these can be for m/m or m/f pairings! heavily influenced from listening to ttpd for last four days
A. "even if it's handcuffed, i'm leaving here with you" for two former bonnie and clyde-esque characters who essentially out grew each other until they rekindle a little flame that gets them back on their ride or die bullshit, but one of them is insistent that the past is in the past (except maybe when someone's hand is down someone's pants oops). this would most likely be for eden [callum turner fc] since it's close to his backstory but watered down lol but could be someone else, possibly lyp adler [mike faist fc].
B. high school sweethearts remarried after they realized they were, in fact, far too young to have gotten married. it was messy, it was bitter, and fast forward they're remarried but unhappy bc they keep looking for the other in everything they do. an affair ensues and is it possible they've really grown up and come back to each other, or are they just as immature as they were back then? (possibly for andy rhodes, or knightley rhodes [josh o'connor or mike faist fcs])
C. based on the prophecy by miss taylor, where a promise to get married to their best friend if they're still single by x time and even though they're down for it, they're realizing maybe it's not the world against them but that they're not ready to belong to someone. fluff, comfort, and a bitter angst to not understanding why the person you've always loved suddenly doesn't want to be yours. (100% would have to be a new muse on my end but im ready)
D. muse a confesses to muse b that their spouse is cheating on them and ends a marriage. but instead of being hailed a savior, muse b holds it against muse a. add a little fortnight inspo and muse b could have lived right behind muse a, and muse a's marriage was the shit one while muse b lived happily until this revelation. muse a's marriage finally fixes itself and now muse b has to watch from their backyard their ex-best friend have the life muse a ruined by saying outloud the affair everyone but muse b saw. once again throwing my rhodes-burton family at this plot.
E. "like a tattooed golden retriever" about a young male model (i have a logan lerman fc in mind for this) taken in by someone else in the fashion industry who needs their next big break and is desperate. essentially plucks him off the street for his look to clean him up with little regard or what happens to him in the industry until they become emotionally attached and responsible for him.
F. two exes who broke up because muse a (who i'm thinking i might throw my callie adler [anya taylor joy fc] at for this! she does have a regular au lol but can be kept supernatural if ya want) was a mess tho muse b denies that it's a direct result of how they handled the relationship... and fast forward to muse a fixing themselves to spite muse b and everything they said about them.
G. and then a twist on the concept above ^ where muse a decides they're going to fix muse b to spite everyone around them. i can fix him (no really i can) as everyone insists they're no good. yeah, it's the song. and what of it?
H. begging for a plot based on the lines "it wasn't sexy once it wasn't forbidden" and "sparkling summer" and "you deserve prison but you'll never get time, you'll slide into inboxes and slip through the bar." i had more for this but this whole post has been sitting in my drafts for two days and i want it out there, but if you're a sucker for smallest man who ever lived i will give you my all on deets for this.
I. unrelated to ttpd, but some more plots for callie and lyp adler as theyre supernatural au muses and lyp indirectly/accidentally did use his soul as payment for more power and didn't take into consideration that as a twin he is a soul split in two and also sold callie's soul.
just putting it out there that aside from mike faist/callum turner, i have some muse ideas for tom holland, barry keoghan, josh o'connor, david corenswet, jonathan bailey. i prefer writing male characters but i do have a couple of gals that might work for some of these if needed! (:
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blvckdress · 2 years
𝐃𝐋 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐬
Based on this post by @besnella bc it's hilarious
also im a homie hopper so im exempting myself :3
jk all jokes tho this isn't that deep
Shu stans:
this guy be the most lazy asf guy having the craziest fans
u guys rlly be out here
t o x i c
and for what honestly
tho ill give it that u guys are so unbothered by reiji stans
its very on character
and funny
you guys unintentionally make him funny
and make him a lowkey prodigy that breathes and immediately cures aids
tbh tho its less obvious to point out who a shu stan is
like yeah yall post him and what not but the other s stans are way more obvious
ultra specific but some of u are not down with the shu x edgar ship and to that i ask why
u guys have read song of achilles i know you have
every blonde man on pintrest reminds you of him
i know dont lie
u guys are hella fierce
i congratulate the fact that he always ranks high on polls bc of u guys
u find his laziness hot
like his voice and the way he smirks while not giving a single crap abt life is the biggest turn on and you know it
u like european men and european aesthetics in general
cottage core peeps to the max
like i know it
you know it
this is just fact
u frequently fantasize abt listening to music together
u find guys who listen to music hot
Reiji stans:
i agree with besnella on this one
yall are the most chill ones in the fandom by far
there are a few loose canons
but anomalies amirite
anyways for the most part yall mind ur own business
ur fanfictions make him more hot
u guys also make him unintentionally funny
and intentionally funny
bc he is literally one of the funniest characters imo
ur ocs r usually dark academia girlies
every dark haired guy on pintrest reminds u of him
unless theyre reading a book so either him or ruki
some of yall hate shu not bc u have any beef with the character but only bc shu stans shit on reiji
and then there are those of u guys that have beef with shu
yall def suffer from second lead syndrome most of the time
if u like reiji u def have a type
like it shows u have a type
u guys have a degredation kink
dont lie pls
u do
admit it
all of you collectively agree on most of ur headcanons
yall portray him the most accurately
Ayato stans:
so honestly imma break it down here
ayato is a trojan horse in the fandom
almost everyone who is introduced has him as the favorite bc he screams post boy material and is easily the most marketable
but after getting through the gates of troy, that is when fans look at new characters and immediately stan them
if u stan ayato ur o b s e s s e d
this man could cause a genocide and yall would blame it on the fact his mom threw him in a 4 foot deep lake
nah fr tho yall will defend this man to the death
ur more big on the yui ship
like stans of the other boys usually just talk abt the boys but yall collectively jump on the ayayui train
yall will give ur ocs dddddd cups
ur ocs will also get random nicknames
yall find his stupidity the most endearing thing imaginable
Kanato stans:
u guys are smth else entirely
yall hype him up like there is no tomorrow
oh and its so obvious ur a kanato stan
if ur a kanato stan it just shows
did i say reiji stans are more in character?
i changed by mind
its yall
like fr tho
u want the world to know how creepy he is
u guys are horror movie fanatics
especially old slasher films
noir films especially
cough cough nosferatu cough
u guys are def true crime ppl
and yall are into femboys
he is ur poster boy for androgyny and mental illness
his aesthetic makes yall bust
gothic lolita stans = kanato stans
yall break ur backs defending that man's looks
for some reason his piss baby attitude turns u on
submission kink
yall associate him with bussin dessert
food kink
all of you collectively associate him with melanie martinez
Laito stans:
u guys are hella smart
like ong
almost every analysis blog in the fandom is tied to him
yall flex that u - arguably - stan the scariest, most sadistic, most compex character in the game
tho sometimes yall be reaching
just a little
yall go through it
i get worried for yall
his biggest appeal for u guys is def his backstory
it makes yall sad af
all of you collectively agree he can speak french
u guys are honestly pretty divided a lot of the time
but for the most part yall agree on basic things
Subaru stans:
def 2015 tumblr vibes
yall associate him with emo shit
unironically funny
yall flex that he is one of the "good" ones
all collectively agree he is albino
flex that his mom is the most sympathetic
flex that he is the hottest one
yall just be flexing
make him blush alot
ayato or shu is ur second favorite
yall make him ooc but are super unapologetic abt it
admirable tbh
flex that everyone feels bad for him
like obvs everyone feels bad for all the bros
but yall know that he holds that one reedemable quality of being a mama's boy
yall flex that he is a mama's boy
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Mickey would find a way back to Ian in the psych ward, it would be similar to how he got into prison (ratted on the cartel and chose where he goes) but he'd do some asking around on what gets you into the psych ward and he'd work out what "symptoms" he has and he'd stick with playing them all the time
But the writers would do something shitty like playing up his autism traits then calling him "crazy" for acting like that and that's how he got in
yeahhh the shamey writers have a real knack for making mickey as stereotypically autistic as possible for comedy. i on the other hand am sophisticated in my autismification
but ok ok listen. so seeing as he rolled on the cartel and obviously got a lot in return for his testimony, i definitely think he couldve finagled his way into a secure psych hospital. i mean they obviously shortened or possibly even commuted his sentence in canon, since he was sentenced to 15 (incredibly short for what i assume is attempted murder??), expected to serve 8, but got out in less than 4 after escaping which shouldve added to his sentence. so if he knew ian was getting sentenced to a hospital he couldve done a few things and im gonna lay them out bc each one comes with its own intricacies that writers can expound upon
kept his sentence the same as canon, but he convinces the cops to put him in a psych hospital with ian as part of his deal. otherwise he refuses to talk
commute his sentence on the grounds of insanity, meaning hed talk to a forensic psychologist and talk about his childhood and shit, proving that he was so psychologically damaged as a kid that he somehow ended up having some episode and hurting sammi while legally insane. this could be a great way to really understand mickeys situation growing up. plus i really just want mickey to have his time in the limelight and put on his hurt puppydog face and act/lie his way out of responsibility. perhaps he realizes at some point that hes no longer acting and is truly expressing the raw emotions hes has bottled up since he was a kid 🤔🥺 also of course the new sentence he receives happens to be the same length as ians 🤭
gets his trial thrown out (BECAUSE HE SHOULDNT HAVE GOTTEN CONVICTED IN THE FIRST PLACE THAT WAS BULLSHIT) and gets a retrial, staying in the psych hospital in the meantime for similar reasons as mentioned above. fuck it lets bring back sammi and her kid and get all the gallaghers interviewed by police/giving testimonies in court including fiona!!! and because theyre not fucking dumb this time theyll actually get mickeys ass found NOT GUILTY this time and he can live his mfing life without an adult record. no larry/paula shit, no plothole on how mickey and ian could live together despite both being felons on parole, the dynamic between ian and mickey being flipped on its head now that mickeys got a clean record and ians the convict, omg what if they had their moment of one of them visiting the other in jail and putting their hand on the glass but this time its mickey visiting ian 🥺🥺🥺🥺 im literally bout to throw up
im very much a choose your own adventure kinda headcanoner... no matter how he gets there, mickey fucking GETS THERE. and i just have so many thoughts on how theyd interact with each other as roommates in a psych hospital. ian showing mickey the ropes for the psych side of things and mickey guiding ian thru the criminal/prison-y side 🥺 also i absolutely think mickey would get diagnosed with c-ptsd and autism while in the hospital and ofc at first he denies it, then he goes thru this phase of thinking hes "broken," then ian and his therapists (and an unexpected ragtag group of criminally insane individuals) become a solid story system to learn to accept himself. ian especially. obviously. he makes a list of things to buy mickey once they get out and save the money. because dammit if his lover doesnt have the best sensory corner in all of chicago! and overall they just get to actually... grow as people and as a couple by supporting each other in ways that canon never gave us
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shoheiakagi · 1 year
😏😏 A - Z for Shohei and Chitose, if you could please? - redlovesashes
of course <3 but i just skipped like two questions since this was getting pretty long
send me a homra boy!
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Akagi: super sweet and affectionate. Cleans his partner up with a towel, or draws them a bath, before spooning them. and yes, he does this with his flings and hook ups too, he’s just very affectionate after sex
Chitose: smokes a cigarette while going through his post nut clarity. He either knocks out after smoking or tries to get away as soon as possible. But if he’s drunk, i can see him cuddling onto his date before passing out, snoring in their ear
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Akagi: works out a lot to keep in shape, but is proud of his biceps, especially since thats where his homra tattoo is. Loves to flex his bicep around his partner, especially when theyre in bed and his s/o is absentmindedly tracing his tattoo. Shouhei is obsessed with his partner’s waist, always wrapping an arm around to pull them in closer. He’s especially obsessed with how small their waist is, constantly pressing kisses and blowing raspberries on their belly
Chitose: he loves to flex his abs, always posting gym selfies on social media. On his partner, he likes a full pair of lips and a thick ass. He has a bad habit of smacking or squeezing his partner’s ass when they walk by, not caring about who’s watching.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
Akagi: has a breeding/cream pie kink. He loves to cum inside his partner, filling them up to the brim. Nothing beats the sight of his cum leaking out of his s/o after sex. He will literally scoop up any leaking cum with his finger and stuff them into his partner’s hole
Chitose: loves cumming all over his partner’s face and chest. Whenever he needs to release, he has his partner getting on their knees and swallow his load
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Akagi: with his partner’s consent, he records some of their sexy times; some of them being audio recordings, others being video recordings. When hes alone and bored, he watches some of their videos and can’t help but imagine their videos being posted online in one of those amateur p*rn sites. He's a little embarrassed to admit on how hard he gets at the idea of random strangers (and even his friends) watching him manhandle and rawdog his s/o while they cry out his name.
Chitose: he sometimes fantasizes about having a threesome with another homra member. He doesnt know why, but theres just something about the idea of spit roasting someone with a fellow member that turns him on. He asked dewa once but the latter turned him down lmaoo. His ideal candidates are dewa, kusanagi, mikoto, and shouhei.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Akagi: has an ample amount of experience. i can see him losing his virginity during high school, either with his s/o at his house when his parents were out, or maybe during some house party with some random person he vaguely knew. Every now and then, he would end up picking someone up from a party or club to release any stress he’s been building up from the week.
Chitose: has a crazy amount of experience. He lost his virginity to his late girlfriend during high school, and has been pretty vanilla with her. Post-breakup, chitose is consistently getting laid every weekend with so many different types of people, where he learns a lot of new moves, positions, and kinks
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Akagi: if hes feeling romantic, then missionary and the lotus position are his favorites, since it brings him closer to his partner while maintaining eye contact. If he’s feeling horny, jealous, or angry, then he favors any position that would end with him pinning his partner down while he selfishly thrusts into them (i.e. doggy, against the wall, holding their wrists above their head, etc). Regardless, he will always favor any position that ends with his partner’s leg over his shoulder as he pounds into them
Chitose: doggy style because to him, nothing screams more primitive and wild than this position. Something about controlling the other person’s movement while gripping onto their hips gets to him. He finds it so cute when they collapse face first on the pillows bc they can’t handle his thrusts, only for him to yank them back so that theyre pressed up against his chest as he continues drilling into them
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Akagi: he can be pretty serious and intense during sex, but for the most part, he’s cracking jokes and making small talks with his partner to make sure theyre feeling comfortable. He’s a big fan of talking during sex; literally the type to ask you about your day as he thrusts into you
Chitose: i think chitose can be very flirty and humorous during foreplay, but when it comes to the actual deed, he suddenly becomes more quiet and serious, more focused on getting his release
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…) 
Akagi: peppers a lot of kisses around his s/o’s face and neck, especially when he first enters them and feels them tensing up. Would whisper a lot of encouragement and praises into his s/o’s ear, telling them how beautiful they are and how proud he is of them for taking in his dick so good, how they were made for his dick, etc. Would even kiss their hand and wrists when he gets excited and emotional.
Chitose: without even realizing it, chitose is actually soft with his partner. stroking their neck, kissing their forehead, making sure that they enjoyed the experience as well. he's very seductive, spending a lot of time to 'woo' his lover by tracing a finger down their spine, kissing their collarbones, treating them to a fancy dinner before getting into bed, etc.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Akagi: when alone, he masturbates to the sextapes he created with his s/o. i can also see him and his partner masturbating to each other during a video call, both of them missing each other's touch
Chitose: actually doesn't masturbate that often since he's mostly out there getting laid lol. but i do see him joining the other homra guys in watching watching adult videos that include some crazy positions or their favorite p*rnstar, and we know how those sessions go
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Akagi: bondage. he loves the dominance he gets from tying up or handcuffing his partner to the bed, leaving them vulnerable to him. bonus points if he gets to blindfold them as well
Chitose: he's really into roleplaying with his partner. especially scenarios where his partner acts as a cop and he acts as the big, bad criminal that they have been trying to catch. its his favorite since it always end up with his partner bent over and handcuffed to the bed post, while he taunts them about being this godawful cop who is terrible at their job and has no other purpose but to be fucked by him
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Akagi: when he was younger and even more reckless, nothing excited him more than fucking his fling in the back of his friend's car. now that he owns a motorcycle, he takes his s/o to secluded areas where he can bend them over his bike without any care. but when it comes to more common locations, he's been leaning towards fucking his partner in the shower
Chitose: he doesn't really have any favorite location. but he does find himself in the same dingy love hotel way too many times. if his partner is lucky, chitose might drag them over to his apartment and fuck them in his living room
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Akagi: i've mentioned this before, but red is his kryptonite. theres just something so seductive about his s/o wearing red that makes him lose control
Chitose: its no surprise that chitose doesn't need much to be motivated. as long as youre conventionally attractive with a nice body and a cute face, consider him turned on
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Akagi: anything that would hurt him or his partner (knife play, smacking/punching on the face, etc) and scat play
Chitose: breeding kink. even if its just during the heat of the moment, he doesn't even want to entertain the idea of accidentally impregnating his partner
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Akagi: like any other guy, he does like receiving a good blowjob. But unlike some guys, he actually likes returning the favor, genuinely wanting his partner to feel good. It also helps that he has an oral fixation, so he’s always happily burying his face between his partner’s thighs, enjoying their taste.
Chitose: prefers receiving head than returning the favor tbh, he's a bit selfish like that. but luckily his dick makes up for his selfishness! he's not shy to yank his partner's hair while theyre blowing him. he gets a little impatient and eventually takes over and fucks their mouth. lets out a loud curse and momentarily falls in love when his partner eagerly swallows his cum
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
i feel like it depends on the mood for both akagi and chitose when it comes to their pacing. chitose, despite being a firm no strings attached guy, can be pretty slow and sensual when he wants to. but most of the time, i can see him being fast and rough during sex. when shouhei is feeling romantic and wants to make love to his partner, he will be thrusting into them slowly, whispering praises into their ear. but there has been plenty of times where he would roughly fuck his partner into oblivion
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Akagi: he prefers proper sex, but is open to quickies if him and his partner are in some public setting but he suddenly pops a boner and is now craving for his partner's touch
Chitose: very familiar with quickies, since there's been a few nights where he had multiple partners at different times throughout the night (and yes, dewa did take him to get tested the next day)
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Akagi: behind chitose and kusanagi, he has the most sexual experience, so i can see him being pretty adventurous but with some limitations
Chitose: the most experimental guy out of homra. he's been around the block multiple times, slept with different types of people, so he's the most open minded when it comes to taking risks in sex
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
okay but theyre both from homra so theyre definitely capable of fucking all night 🤬
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Akagi: he does not own any toys, but he knows that his partner owns a vibrator, so a lot of sessions have him teasing his partner by placing the vibrator against their nipples or inserted into their hole while their hands are tied up
Chitose: you didn't hear it from me, but he owns a sex swing which is hidden in his apartment and is used on very few people
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Akagi: can be pretty mean when he ties his partner up, teasing them with his tongue and fingers and pulling away right when theyre about to cum
Chitose: 10x meaner than shouhei cause one time he literally left his partner alone in his room for some time, tied up with a vibrator shoved between their legs
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Akagi: very vocal, grunting out curses as he thrusts into his partner, moaning into his partner as he eats them out, etc. but he prefers to gasp and groan into his partner’s ears as he pins them on the mattress, pumping into them
Chitose: unable to speak complete sentences, but is always cursing and growling as he gets closer to his orgasm.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Akagi: had sex on halloween night with his jason voorhees mask on, which was a major turn on for him and his partner
Chitose: once snuck a girl into homra’s van for a hookup. Everything was going well until kusanagi bursts in right when he was about to cum. Safe to say that him and kusanagi werent able to look each other in the eye for a couple of weeks
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Akagi: very healthy sex drive. He can keep it in his pants for the most part, sleeping around here and there. so unlike chitose, hes able to have normal conversations with ppl he’s attracted to. However, once he finds his person, hes suddenly horny like a dog in heat, needing to always touch them and grope them, before dragging them away to some secluded place
Chitose: wayyyyyyyy too horny to the point he might need some professional help. He sees one attractive person and it hasnt even been 10 minutes until he already starts fantasizing them on his bed, face down and ass up
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Akagi: exhausted by the time they finish their last round. For the most part, he tries to clean up his partner and run a bath for them before cuddling to sleep, but there has been times where he literally knocked out on top of his partner, his dick still inside of them
Chitose: chitose never really falls right asleep after sex, no matter how many rounds they go for. Sometimes, he’s sitting up and lighting up a cigarette. Sometimes, he’s laying down, staring at the ceiling. Other times, he’s in a rush, wearing his clothes and gathering his stuff and rushes out before the other person wakes up
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