banjotheturtle · 10 months
Being a Saikik fanartist is really cool and all…
But after deciding to draw Aren on his motorcycle I ended up doing way more research than intended while trying to find out which motorbike he rides and ending up falling into a rabbit hole on the history of the Bōzōzoku biker gangs of Japan ( similar to American greasers or British rockers ) and watching multiple documentaries only to change Aren’s canon bike to a modded mix mash of various old Suzuki bikes except still after all that I have no clue how to draw the engine.
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Anyways here’s a photo of the the bike, I haven’t actually drawn Aren yet but we’ll get there. Also I may or may not animate it a bit:)
Something a bit sad to think about though is that Bōsōzoku culture was dying when Aren was in his gang because saikik is vaguely set in 2010 and that’s when there was a major decline so he was never there for the peak of Bōsōzoku culture which was in the 80s and 90s so it most likely wasn’t all too enjoyable. I imagine it’s kind of like being in a dying fandom where you want to go back to when there was hype around it if you were to try to make it more relatable.
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robotblues · 9 months
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File:Illegal Vehicle 001.jpg
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alpaganimateur · 1 year
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“The Yankee”  Photoshop+Stable Diffusion
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kinasin · 2 years
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Bosozoku Gang
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tilbageidanmark · 10 months
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princessvibess · 2 years
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💗 暴走族 💗
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useless-mike · 2 years
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Kaido Racer by Kurt Blythman
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loonlle · 11 months
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Bōsōzoku, projekty outfitów postaci - concept art, praca szkolna, 2023.
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mohnman · 1 year
A little #fun based on a post I saw on FB.
#mohnman #sketches #drawings #colorpencils #pen #sharpie #sketchbook #puncher #championpress #conkhair #pompadour #hairstyle #food #sushi #bōsōzoku
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i-tzi · 1 year
[Pokeddexy 2023]
Day 20 || Favourite Ancient Pokémon
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System;Start • Vectors • Euphemia • Knightmare/Frame • Tokyo House Party • Shi No Barado • Cassandra (pt II) • The Strays • Dream & Reality • Heaven-Piercing Giga Drill • Bōsōzoku Symphonic
Spotify ♪ Bandcamp ♪ YouTube
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yokohamabeans · 8 months
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ABOUT HIS LIKES—'Mont Blanc' in this case should most likely be referring to the dessert. It could also be the luxury brand, but assuming from the way 'Mont Blanc' is used in Rindou's profile about his story with Ran, the dessert feels more appropriate in context.
ABOUT HIS DREAM—Apparently, the original text, "外タレ" can mean either 'foreign talent' (がいタレ), which means a Japanese who is a celebrity overseas (or vice versa), or 'outside celebrity' (そとタレ), which means a celebrity (or influential person) who is famous due to their connections and relations to celebrities, like a socialite. Both work in Ran's context, though I personally feel that the second one (outside talent) is more appropriate for him. Nonetheless, 'foreign talent' is the more commonly-used meaning in the Japanese language.
Tokkō-Fuku (特攻服) = Gang uniforms worn by Japanese biker gangs (Bōsōzoku).
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yanderederee · 1 year
¡暴走族\旧車會!x!ヤンキ!x! 助番¡
What is the New Generation of Delinquents?
Tokyo Revengers plot circles around Bōsōzoku subculture, which is why I love it as deeply as I do.
!! Update: Discussion Piece(6.14.23): Tokyo Manji Honorary Division
Bōsōzoku culture derives/d from lower class Japanese youth who’ve banded together to express dissatisfaction with Japanese Society.
America is very familiar with countercultural movements lmao. Punk/Grunge/Metal/etc…
Youth are aimless, reckless, and rebellious.
If you’ve ever enjoyed the book The Outsiders by S.E Hinton , you know this is a prime example of brotherhood bonds between lower class hoodlums. In Oklahoma, of all places.
Otherwise known as; Yankii, Sukeban, Kyushakai.
Who is a Yankii?
The Rise and Fall of Bōsōzoku
When Bōsōzoku Youth evolve past crime, Kyushakai
#GirlGang: Sukēban<33
This article is really awesome in explaining cultural differences, feel free to read up on some if you’re interested.
Today I plan to point out a few:
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Yankii Mothers / YanMaMa; Ryoko Baji
early ’90s, yankii men occasionally entered construction and teen women had children and dropped out of high school — both stereotypes that persist today. *The young yankii mothers — yan mama — were often ostracized by other mother groups and struggled to assimilate to their new identities as parents.
Within a year of publication, Yan Mama Comic had reached of circulation of 120,000, helping to bond socially isolated communities of young mothers.
NO DOUBT ABOUT IT FOLKS; Ryoko and Baji’sDad were definitely two yankii teens who fell in love and had a kid too young.
Headcanon! That Keisuke’s parents were set on making a badass life together, and be awesome young parents with the coolest and toughest new punk kid to add to the books!
…But, they were still two idiots. Baji’s father probably ran head first, sacrificing himself in one way or another, I’m sure.
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This leads you to wonder ~..
How did everyone else come to this lifestyle?
What is Their Social Injustice?
(All headcanons but kinda factual,so…)
Mikey: all younger siblings admire their older brothers! Shinichiro was the leader of a biker gang, of course Mikey would want to follow in his footsteps! So Mikey’s reason soon turns to::
Shinichiro: By being a overall stand up guy, true to his word and genuine to a fault, he had a strength not a lot of people had. He welcomed friendships with BlackSheep, and made a home for them however he could. Strong ally’s stood by him and as long as he’s around, they would support his ideals in shaping a better future.
Draken: was literally born into it. Escorts have been judged and poorly treated left and right, taking care of yourself—with a child to boot; was hell for a women. Unwanted kids of “filth” aren’t usually welcomed in social circles. The Children bare the injustice of inconvenience. By living with escorts and witnessing first hand the “low-class work” so many have had to endure to make a decent way of life, Draken learned young that life was unfair. So to live, you have to make a way of life for yourself, unapologeticly.
Mitsuya: Poor kids are looked down on a lot. Made fun of for things they can’t control. Kids with jobs are looked down on for being in the working class so soon. With a mother who was never home, and taking care of two younger sisters, he needed strength to deal with how unfair his life was. Meeting Draken, and realizing that the struggle to survive and keep trying to have a family even when it’s hard, he started respecting his mother a lot more. He found a sense of belonging Toman…
Baji: also literally born into it. Grew up with a single mother who was looked down on for being young/dropping out of school. Supporting her as the only Man of the house, Keisuke takes after his mother’s confidence. He also is seen having an alternative sense of fashion, making me believe he is definitely a metal head.
Kazutora: dealt with a lot growing up. He was bullied for being a sheepish pushover. He was hit by his father for any level of individuality /expression of defiance. He was manipulated into always having to pick one right side, and that there was always one wrong side. He tries showing loyalty by giving everything he has to friendships that hurt him, without realizing friends shouldn’t hurt him. No matter who he was, there was never anyone he could just be a person with. Be a part of the perfect high status family you were born into, or face the punishments. He finds comfort when he finds a family he can trust and be a person who makes mistakes. Friends are meant to be treasured. And after meeting Baji, and joining Toman, he found somewhere he could belong.
Pah: I still need to look more into him I can’t lie.
Takemichi: Bozosoku culture is notorious for being social justice fighters, as the entire notion of a subculture is to defy societal injustice anyway. And that’s just who Takemitchi is; a friend to everyone.
Hinata: the prime example of Dating into the lifestyle. It’s easy to admire and possibly fall in love with people as passionate as rebellious, adrenaline junky teens. She’s empathetic to how others see Takemichi, knowing above all else, he loves her more than anything!
Emma: she never really got into being a part of the gang, but she was by association. All of her brothers. She’s always been the crown jewel of TokyoManji! But not only that; Emma isn’t fully Japanese. True, a lot of the cast is multinationality. But she has Mikey on her side. She is his family, and that makes her strong. Foreigners are often ostracized, easy to pick out due to her natural Blonde hair. (*blonde hair is also often an act of rebellion, she showing that she refuses to dye it black to fit in can also say a little about other issues-)
LETS NOT FORGET!!! TOMAN IS BUILD ON THE BACK OF “The Little guy who sticks up for the Weak”.
The series is based on what kind of world Manjiro Sano chooses to build. Every timeline is unintentionally set by his hand, because he is that powerful of a person. Because people follow him. Manjiro is the type of person who changes fates.
By losing Shinichiro; Manjiro loses Empathy.
Shinichiro was a charismatic and empathetic person, often putting differences aside to better the other person. He was a heavily respected person in the delinquent world of Japan as the founder of Black Dragon. He led Black Dragon with a humble heart and was treated with notable respect, while also being a big brother to all three of his siblings. Even though he was a weak fighter, he lead the Black Dragon with his immense charisma. Even years after his death, later generations of members still hold him in high regard.
A person like Shinichiro is the kind of man people follow. The Weak Guy sticking up for his friends; The One who Always Won..
In a subculture seeking structure, he is the perfect person to leading a generation of a kinder and more empathetic people.
So let’s wrap up the question!;
What is the New Generation of Delinquents?
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!TO.MANji !!
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tokidokitokyo · 4 months
young motorcycle-riding delinquents; bōsōzoku
彼は今では、以前のような手に負えない暴走族ではありません。 かれ は いま では、いぜん の ような て に おえない ぼうそうぞく では ありません。 He's not the rough motorcycle gang member he was before.
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vyzio · 7 months
A silly Drayton analysis
Drayton gives me Hanma Shuji vibes. The style, the attitude (at least for how he is described for now), their hair, they look alike. Am I the only one who sees the resemblance?
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This makes me think that Drayton might be ispired to the Bōsōzoku style/period + if I remember correctly, in Unova there are a bunch of biker trainers.
Another comparison I want to point out with Tokyo Revenvers is the color scheme of Drayton jacket, same color as Tokyo Manji Gang and it has a Maschiff as its logo, a dark type pokemon. Also, in the manga there's a gang named 'Black Dragons' and Drayton is 99% a dragon type specialist (The manga is ispired to real events lived by the author, so the color palette of the uniforms weren't used randomly)
Plus, I'm sure Drayton is a teen, so he might be going through a rebel phase since he is always skipping school and repeating a year 3 TIMES. I'm guessing his attitude is also ispired to the Bōsōzoku lifestyle
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nevermeyers · 2 years
I am insanely curious to know how Ran knows Kakucho.
He may have heard about Izana when he was the leader of the Black Dragons, and later he met him in juvie, but what about Kakucho? We never really knew where Kakucho was while Izana was 1) in Black Dragons and 2) when Shinichiro died when Kisaki went to visit him
When Ran says that he admired them, was he referring to their way of living? To the ideals of Tenjiku?
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At a certain point in the fight, Izana mentions that the Tenjiku members are following him out of fear. However, this is not really the case.
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Ran really admired Izana and Kakucho, he looks very devastated and even seems to stay a few more seconds next to their bodies, while Rindou leaves him space because he may know how much the situation is affecting him.
First: the fight was intense for him. While he is initially shown as someone who enjoys violence, he later becomes agitated due to Rindou being injured. And then, he loses those he admired. That night had to be tiring for him.
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And the rest? The rest of the Tenjiku members decided to stay and be arrested instead of running away.
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None of them followed Izana out of fear, as he said. Let's take South as an example of following someone out of fear: they all abandoned him when he died. South didn't have any ideals in particular, people followed him because of his extreme violence. That's the difference between them.
Izana also used violence, ofc, but he had something else. South only had the violence and everyone left him when he died, as if nothing had happened.
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Izana truly marked a before and after in everyone's hearts.
His ideals are understandable and it is easy to empathize with him, because everyone in Tokyo Revengers is alone in some way. Let us remember that one of the reasons why gangs in Japan and Bōsōzoku exist is because of the need to escape from a society as rigid as theirs.
It is referenced that Mutō had nowhere to go chapter where he and Sanzu meet, the Haitani brothers had always been next to each other, with no one else and only seem to care about themselves, so presumably they only have each other, both as colleagues and family. Not much is known about the rest, but they probably had a way of life in which the gang was everything to them.
Even though all of them, especially Kakucho, knew that he was possibly crazy, they stayed with the two of them even knowing that they would be sent to juvie again.
Tenjiku was the ideal utopia they all needed. They truly respected him.
And, going back to Ran, I assume he still appreciates Kakucho. I loved that gesture of camaraderie he had with him helping him walk at the end of the Three Deities battle. I assume Rindou is walking behind them and it's one of the moments where Ran is seen actively interacting with someone other than his brother.
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