#baby squid tomorrow
1pokemonsomedays · 2 years
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30/10/22 “researcher tobias discovers a large specimen of tentacruel out in the kantonian sea. in this photo, it’s exhibiting curiosity towards a discarded pokeball. many consider this to be an instance of old sinnohian alpha pokémon.”
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squidcandy · 9 months
"where's kurokei week day 3 squid " I am currently being beaten over the head by the sheathed blade of a 5 year old souma kanzaki please be patient
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itslarsyouguys · 1 year
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I finished my first ever knit stuffed animal! I imagine there will be plenty more in my future because all three of my kids love it
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rostii · 1 year
pinterest sucks (search for 'fish gloves' yields 50% fishnet 50% gloves for fishing) :(
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godsavetheanimalz · 5 months
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my (personal) favorite albums of 2023!!! 1. Jeff Rosenstock - HELLMODE 2. Sufjan Stevens - Javelin 3. Liturgy - 93696 4. Anohni - My Back Was a Bridge For You To Cross 5. Geese - 3D Country 6. Snõõper - Super Snõõper 7. Billy Woods & Kenny Segal - Maps 8. Lonnie Holley - Oh Me Oh My 9. Sprain - The Lamb as Effigy 10. Sampha - Lahai 11. Reverend Kristin Michael Hayter - SAVED! 12. JPEGMAFIA & Danny Brown - SCARING THE HOES 13. Squid - O Monolith 14. Wednesday - Rat Saw God 15. Mitski - The Land Is Inhospitable and So Are We 16. Kara Jackson - Why Does The Earth Give Us People To Love? 17. Caroline Polachek - Desire, I Want to Turn Into You 18. Genesis Owusu - STRUGGLER 19. Indigo De Souza - All of This Will End 20. Underscores - Wallsocket 21. 100 gecs - 10,000 gecs 22. Paramore - This Is Why 23. King Krule - sPacE hEavy 24. Joanna Sternberg - I've Got Me 25. grouptherapy. - i was mature for my age, but i was still a child 26. Parannoul - After the Magic 27. Spiritual Cramp - Spiritual Cramp 28. The Armed - Perfect Saviors 29. Screaming Females - Desire Pathway 30. Jeromes Dream - The Gray In Between 31. Alice Longyu Gao - Let's Hope Heteros Fail, Learn and Retire 32. Zach Bryan - Zach Bryan 33. amaarae - Fountain Baby 34. feeble little horse - Girl With Fish 35. Olivia Rodrigo - GUTS 36. Foo Fighters - But Here We Are 37. squirrel flower - Tomorrow's Fire 38. Frost Children - Hearth Room 39. Hotline TNT - Cartwheel 40. Snow Strippers - April Mixtape 3
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cat-dragoness · 10 months
Reading Castle in the Air to out loud to my housemates (pt. 2/2)
Picking up in Chapter 14-ish:
The djinn: "He first ordered me to steal a certain moving castle belonging to a wizard in this land of Ingary."
Housemate #1: "Oh my. Howl is furious right now." Me: "Yes, yes he is."
The genie is afraid of heights! I had forgotten about that detail. I don't think the housemates picked up on it mwahaha.
(I'm actually a bit frustrated now, because I feel certain that it came up in HMC that Howl is afraid of heights, and now I can't find where that was.)
Also the carpet being so smug that Abdullah is complimenting it while the genie is just wailing irately over both heights and having to listen to Abdullah flatter the carpet is just… it's them. It's very obvious that it's them.
All right, time to finish the rest of the book in one night, because Stuff Is Happening now.
Lettie: *realizes that Midnight is Sophie*. The housemates: "What?!!"
The housemates: "But that means Howl is Whippersnapper!" Me: *actually stops reading for like three minutes laughing uncontrollably*
The housemates: "Oh no, Abdullah's going to try to help with the wards and stuff is going to go wrong."
Sophie: "I have no idea where Howl is." The housemates: "What?!"
The housemates: "Wait, Michael must be Whippersnapper!" Sophie: *immediately clarifies that Michael left before the djinn showed up*. The housemates: *audible confusion*
*magic mirrors show Morgan*. The housemates: "They had a baby?!"
It honestly is interesting, though, because technically the reader has no proof and no reason to assume that Sophie and Howl had a kid between HMC and Castle, aside from the starting assumption that Whippersnapper is in fact Midnight's kitten. I hadn't thought of it but I can see why the housemates got tripped up on that.
Sophie basically scolds the air into letting them breathe properly on the way up to the castle and it's such a Sophie thing to do. Also it reminds me of a post about some old rain-spell that was basically scolding the clouds and about that being a Sophie-esque thing and I need to find that post and reblog it.
Sophie and Howl both hate heights. This is deeply entertaining xD
Sophie's ongoing commentary on which parts of the castle used to be the bathroom, or the broom cupboard, or something else, is just too much fun. The housemates seem to think so as well :D
There is so much screaming in the last few chapters and it is so much fun to read aloud but also my voice is probably going to regret it tomorrow.
After Flower-in-the-Night convinces the djinns to send the cook and his dog to Valeria:
Both housemates: "Wait!"
Housemate #2: "It's Howl!"
Housemate #1: "What? No, it's the squid maker guy!"
(Housemate #2 just really wants Howl back. Frankly I don't blame her.)
"Abdullah thought the metal pulley noise Sophie used to make as Midnight was actually nicer than the noise she was making now." Housemate #2: *promptly starts imitating an angry cat*
Sophie: *talks the curtains into being soundproof*
And she thinks she's not a powerful witch? She basically can make anything true just by saying that it is true.
So, all of the relationships in this books are literally love at first sight, aside from the already established ones like Howl and Sophie. And that's a little… I need to not actually stop and think about that, because if I do I'll inevitably get frustrated about unrealistic relationships. So. Not thinking about that, the soldier/Justin and Beatrice are pretty cute, and I appreciate that, even in what's basically a "love at first sight" trope, they fell for each other's characters and not their appearances. It's refreshing.
The Princess of High Norland hires Jamal! *giggles in Has Read House of Many Ways*
Flower: "And how many young ladies have you kissed by now?" Housemates: "Of course her thoughts would be so simple."
Flower-in-the-Night is extremely dramatic. That is all I will say on that. But I kind of relate, honestly.
Jamal: *patting Abdullah on the head and calling him "good dog"*. The housemates: *dying laughing*
The climax has so much going on. If I thought HMC had a convoluted climax I was wrong. Castle is much more chaotic.
"Finally [Hasruel] folded his great wings and became a dog himself." The housemates die laughing, and I have to stop reading the book to catch my breath, because I barely got through that paragraph.
Just. The dog. Jamal's dog. We love him. He is an excellent dog, even if he bites everyone (because he bites everyone).
It's interesting to see Abdullah's progression from fully adhering to the manners of Zanzib, to the point where he kicks Jamal to shut him up without a second thought.
*not me pinching my nose to more accurately do Hasruel's lines after he gets his nose bitten*
The neices. I do not know what to do with the neices. I am kind of exasperated by them.
"I like them much better than princesses. Why didn't I collect fat ladies instead?" Okay, someone's going to come after me for this, but this is funny.
Sophie: "Hello. My name is Sophie Hatter. You stole my husband. Prepare to die."
Sophie is just on an entire vengeful streak after she gets un-cat-ified, and it's kind of hilarious.
Sophie: *mentions Howl*. The genie: *starts making a fuss*. The housemates: *audible screams of excitement*
It's Howl!!!
The housemates are just as "what, you didn't realize?" as Sophie is.
Housemate #2: "Man, Howl was a useless genie! Sophie must be furious with him, actively sabotaging his own rescue. Why is she not yelling at him?" Me: "First: this is Howl; what did you expect? Second: you think she's not going to yell at him? This is Sophie."
Howl, holding Morgan: "My word, he's ugly!" Both housemates: "Howl!"
But also I love how nonchalant he is about his kid. I mean, he knew Morgan existed. He probably knew who Sophie and Morgan were as soon as they showed up as Midnight and Whippersnapper. He's had time to get used to the idea. So now he's just casually holding a baby while confronting a djinn. Which I love, for whatever reason.
And now, yes, my dear housemates. Back when you realized the moving castle had been stolen and said that Howl must be furious, you were absolutely correct. Why did you think the genie wanted to ruin everyone's lives?
Howl: "Calcifer must be here somewhere." The housemates: *scream Calcifer's name right along with Howl (and me)*
The carpet: *moves*. Housemate #1's eyes turn to literal saucers because she realizes: "Of course! No wonder he only responded to flattery!"
Howl and Calcifer immediately start quarrelling and, I mean, they've been quarrelling the entire book. And it's hilarious.
*a ton of foreign ambassadors show up*. The housemates: "How did they get there?" Me: "Y'know, I actually don't know that one…"
"'Do you know me?' Howl asked. Abdullah bowed. 'At least as well as you know me.' 'That's what I was afraid of,' Howl said ruefully." Another grand moment of getting the housemates to crack up.
*the Sultan has a fifty-foot stake for Abdullah*. The housemates: "Oh, he increased it by ten feet!"
Housemates think Sophie's responsible for the ever-blooming bluebell wood at Abdullah and Flower's house. I'm inclined to agree.
In conclusion, the housemates were delighted by the book, and I was delighted by the entire experience of reading it out loud. We're going to start House of Many Ways now :D
Wait I almost forgot!
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(You can't change my mind on this one)
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boohoolou · 1 year
Lous' Lavish List: All The K-Dramas I have Watched In Order Of Sadness (Update #3)
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Mr. Sunshine: Would Not Wish The Pain I Felt Watching This On Anyone But Would Absolutely Watch Again/10
Chicago Typewriter: Cry Myself To Sleep Thinking About It/10
Goblin: She's The Queen Of The K-Dramas (Traumas) For A Reason
Third Charm: Developed Trust Issues Because Of This/10
Uncontrollably Fond: Why Bother Loving, Living and Laughing If All I Feel Is Pain/10
Navillera: I Was Foolish To This It Would Be A Cute Ballet Drama/10
Hymn Of Death: Based On A True Story? More Like Rip My Heart Out And Stamp On It/10
Squid Game: The Unjustice Games Because They Deserved BETTER/10
D.P: Jung Hae-In Breaking Down Feels Like Rain Of Daggers/10
Snowdrop: Made Me Believe In Love Again And Then Killed My Heart/10
Twenty-Five, Twenty One: I Was There For The Vibes, Left With A Hollow Heart/10
It's Okay Not To Be Okay: Absolutely Extraordinary Characters/10
Tomorrow: Tasteful Heart Wrench/10
Extracurricular: Takes The Throne Of They Deserved Better Trope/10
The Sound Of Magic: Justice For My Babies/10
All Of Us Are Dead: I Want To Be Dead After Watching This/10
Sweet Home: I would Sacrifice Myself For Most Characters (Human Or Not)/10
Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha: Beautiful And Intense At Times/10
Crash Landing On You: Why Do Borders Exist/10
Hellbound: Confusion Overload But Heartbreaking Nonetheless/10
My Name: The Perfect Man, Indeed, Does Not Exist (Anymore)/10
Youth Of May: Kind Of Expected More Damage/10
Itaewon Class: Screaming My Lungs Out With Saeroyi/10
Are You Human?: Never Imagined Falling In Love With A Robot/10
Reply 1988: Nostalgia For A Place & A Time I Was Never Part Of/10
Descendants Of The Sun: Not As Sad As I Expected/10
Memories Of The Alhambra: Set In My Home Countries WooHoo/10
Hospital Playlist: Not Quite Grey's Anatomy, More Wholesome, But A Tearjerker Sometimes/10
Hwarang: The Poet Warrior Youth: Funny Until It's Not (Painful)/10
My First First Love: Second Lead Syndrome Going Strong/10
Hotel Del Luna: Expecting The Ending Doesn't Help With The Grief/10
Hello My Twenties/Age Of Youth: Wholesome Friendship=Drama Of A Lifetime/10
Nevertheless: More Frisky Than Sad/10
Love Alarm: We Don't Talk About Season/10
Abyss: Cute, Intense, Unsad/10
Cheese In The Trap: Funny, But Second Lead Syndrome Hits Hard/10
Strong Girl Bong Soon: The Perfect Drama/10
Bad And Crazy: Insane Hottness And The Perfect BRomance
Our Beloved Summer: The Ultimate Vibes/10
Suits: Unserious, Quite Boring, Ninette Is The Star/10
One Spring Night: There For The Single Dad/10
Chocolate: Only Watched For The Cooking/10
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ironychan · 5 months
A Little Human (as a Treat)
Part 1/? - Un Voluntario
Part 2/? - Un Escursione
Part 3/? - Una Complicazione
Part 4/? - Una Famiglia
Part 5/? - Una Aiutante
Part 6/? - Una Ricerca
Part 7/? - Un Confronto
Part 8/? - Un'Emergenza
Part 9/? - Una Speranza
Part 10/? - Una Sera
Part 11/? - Un'Interruzione
Part 12/? - Una Fuga (Prima Parte)
Part 13/? - Una Fuga (Seconda Parte)
@dysphoria-sweatshirt @writer652 The squid is a Dana Octopus Squid, chosen because they're large, their range includes the Mediterranean, and they're really freaky.
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Much like Flavia, Luca was already falling asleep as he walked back into the ocean. He could see that Alberto and Giulia were also yawning, and he expected they would return to his house, curl up among the seaweed, and drop off right away. Tomorrow would hopefully be less exciting.
As they crossed the moonlit seagrass fields, however, he started to realize that there were an awful lot of people out and about at this time of night. He could see sea monsters with glowing jellyfish lanterns beating at the seaweed and looking under corals as if to flush out a shark. That thought gave him a momentary rush of adrenaline, but it wasn't enough to really wake him up again. A rogue shark was bad, but it was something the adults could deal with while he slept.
At least, that was the way it seemed until Atinnia Trota swam frantically up to them.
“Oh, thank goodness you're all right!” she exclaimed. “I stopped in at your house and when I saw nobody was there I feared the worst.” Signora Trota turned to Arturo, who was following behind her – he looked almost as tired as Luca felt. “Go tell the Aragostas I've found the Paguros and they're all right.”
“Yes, Mom,” said Arturo, rubbing one eye. He headed off to do so.
“What's going on?” asked Lorenzo.
“You haven't heard?” Signora Trota asked. “There's a squid!”
Daniela grabbed Luca and pulled him close. “Another one?”
Now Luca's heart beat a little faster. He'd only been three or four years old when the community had their encounter with a giant squid, and he didn't remember anything from the time, but he'd heard the stories. It had helped itself to everybody's livestock, culminating it tearing the roof off Old Man Cormorano's barn to get at his groupers. Terzo Cormorano himself had been nearly killed, and was supposed to have had nightmares for the rest of his life.
“Not a giant squid proper,” said Atinnia. “It's half the size of that one, but that's plenty big enough. We were afraid it had eaten you all, and you know they eat things alive!”
Daniela's eyes went wide. “You said there was nobody home?” she asked.
Signora Trota nodded, and without a word Daniela let go of her son and darted off.
Still tired, it took Luca a moment to realize what had upset his mother. Then suddenly he was wide awake. “Grandma!” he exclaimed, and followed his mother. Lorenzo, Alberto, and Giulia were close behind.
They arrived at the house to find all the jellyfish glowing, and Daniela was at the table with Nonna Libera, who was thankfully just fine. She was merely a sound sleeper, and hadn't even heard the neighbours calling out to her.
“Honestly, Mom,” Daniela said. “What did you used to do when I was a baby and cried at night?”
“Your father handled it, dear,” Nonna Libera replied, looking up as the three children entered the house. “I think tonight would be a good night for you three to go sleep up top.”
“Oh, yes, definitely!” Daniela agreed. “Luca, you and your friends go right back to town, now. Your father and I will help hunt down the squid, and you can come back when it's safe. Mom, you go with them.”
“Wait,” Luca protested. He was starting to wake up a little more now, although his eyes still itched. “What about Ciccio? His Dad said he didn't know where he was staying.” If Ciccio had gotten hurt because they'd talked him into doing this today, Luca would never forgive himself.
“I'm sure he's fine,” said Daniela, “but that's not our problem right now.”
“No, Luca. Go to the surface.” Daniela patted him on the head. “Now, look me in the eye...”
“I know you love me, Mom,” sighed Luca.
“That's my boy!”
“Come on, Luca,” said Giulia. She was worried, too, but the odds that Ciccio would be attacked by the squid were slim, surely. “We can camp out in the treehouse. That's always fun.”
“I'll go with them,” Lorenzo said.
Heading back to shore was a very different journey than going out to the house had been. Luca was still tired, but he was now far too terrified to nod off. Every shadow, every glint of moonlight flickering across the bottom, and every fish flitting through the weeds made him jump. He, Alberto, and Giulia stayed close as his father led the way and Grandma brought up the year.
“Do squid really eat things alive?” Alberto asked.
“They sure do,” said Giulia, and Luca nodded. Squid wrapped their catches up in their tentacles and then ripped chunks out of them with a sharp beak. Luca himself had never been bitten by one, but Cosimo Pianuzza had. The older boy had a wedge missing out of the fin on the back of his right arm, and that had been only a tiny squid. A giant one, or even one that was merely big, didn't bear thinking about.
“How do you catch a giant squid?” Giulia asked Lorenzo. “When Papà wants to catch the little ones he's got special lures with lots of hooks.”
“I wasn't there, but I think they got its arms all tangled in a net,” Lorenzo replied. “If even one tentacle is free, it can still attack you, and...”
“Hello! Lorenzo!” a voice called out. “I'm so glad you're all right!”
“Oh! Hello, Vittoria,” said Lorenzo, waving to Signora Aragosta. “Yes, we're fine. I'm just taking the kids and my mother-in-law up to the town. No squid up there.”
Signora Aragosta must not have thought of that. She was startled by the idea, but it was an illustration of how much the community's attitudes towards humans had changed that, after a moment's thought, she said, “would you take my twins too? I think the older girls can hold their own, but Gianna and Giola are so small.”
“Of course,” said Lorenzo.
“I'll be right back,” the neighbour promised.
“No, we'll go with you,” Lorenzo decided. “We don't want to just float around out here waiting for the squid to find us.” He began to follow.
“I'll only take a moment,” Signora Aragosta promised. “The last time anyone saw the quid it was over and the old Cor... I mean, at the Donzella's place.”
That got the children's attention. “That's where Ciccio said he was going!” Alberto remembered.
“Are their guests okay, Signora Aragosta?” Luca asked.
“I don't know anything about them having guests,” Signora Aragosta replied, “but I'll bet Silvestro and Giorgia are re-thinking their plan to move there if the place attracts giant squid.”
“Come on!” Luca said to his friends, and took off towards the Donzella home. Alberto and Giulia were right behind him, while Luca's father shouted for them to stop.
“Get your tail back here, young man!” he called out. “Your mother told me to take you somewhere safe... you can't go towards the squid! Come back!” He swam after them.
Signora Aragosta didn't know what to do about this. She looked at Nonna Libera, who smiled gently and put a hand on her shoulder.
“Let's go get your girls,” she said. “I'll take them up to your aunts' place.”
“Thank you, Signora Gambero,” Vittoria replied.
Luca shot across the fields like a sailfish on the hunt. He would be in trouble when his mother found out, but that didn't matter. They had to make sure Ciccio was okay. They'd gotten him into this – if he got hurt, it would be their fault. More important yet, the book of magic said that both parties had to be present in order to switch back. If they couldn't find Ciccio, Flavia would be stuck out of the water instead of stuck in it.
He was gasping for oxygen as he arrived at the Donzella's house, and felt a little sick as he surveyed a scene of considerable chaos. The row of kelp behind the house was shredded and partially uprooted. The barn, which had been recently repaired, had lost its roof a second time and one wall had partially collapsed. There was no sign of a squid, but there was also no sign of Ciccio.
Signora Donzella was swimming back and forth between the barn and the house in an indecisive panic, while her husband sat quietly on the rubble of the barn, staring into the distance. A half-dozen neighbours were gathered around, trying to comfort or clean up, while others swam the perimeter looking for the marauding cephalopod.
“Signor Donzella!” Luca approached the community blacksmith. “What happened?”
It seemed to take Signor Donzella a moment to realize Luca was there. “I'm sorry,” he said, “what did you say?”
“What happened here?” Luca repeated. “Where's Ciccio?”
“We woke up when we heard the boys shouting,” said Donzella. “We saw the roof cave in and the squid swim out of the mess, and then it was gone.”
“The boys?” asked Giulia. “More than one?”
“Yeah. Silvio, Ciccio, and Ciccio's friend.”
“Which friend?” Alberto asked. They only friend they'd known that Ciccio would have had with him was Giordana, but she was definitely not a boy and nobody was likely to mistake her for one.
“I don't remember his name. The babysitter. The boy with the whiskers,” said Donzella.
Luca looked to see if either of his friends had any idea who that might be. Neither of them did. The only boy with whiskers who they associated with Ciccio was Ercole, but they didn't hang out any more. Even if they had, it wouldn't have been possible for Ercole to be down here... and he wouldn't have been babysitting young sea monsters under any circumstances.
Giorgia Donzella came darting over. “Your friends came to us looking for a place to stay the night,” she explained. “The one with the prickles said he'd had a fight with his father. Silvio was going to keep them company sleeping in the barn. He volunteered.” She was lacing and unlacing her fingers and playing with her fins, distracted and helpless.
“When we got outside, we found this,” her husband added. He gestured to the wreckage of the barn. People had been taking it apart, looking for anyone trapped in the ruins, but they had found nothing.
“They must have escaped,” Luca said hopefully. “We can help look for them.” As tired as he might be, this was clearly something that needed doing.
“Oh, no, you don't, young man!” said Lorenzo, panting as he finally made it to the group. “You three are getting out of the water, remember?”
From the row of damaged kelp, a teenage boy called out. “Signor Donzella! We're done checking the sponge beds, they're not there, and they're not at the Haunted Fish Graveyard! Mom and Dad are still going through the Kelp Forest.”
Giorgia nodded. “Thank you, Basilio!” she replied. “Oh... I hate just waiting here. We should be doing something... our son is out there somewhere.”
“No. We need to stay in case they come back,” Donzella told her. “If Silvio arrives and finds us gone it'll be him panicking.”
Giorgia nodded, and then perked up. “Wait! I bet they went to the forge!” she said. “Silvio knows that we stayed in the forge with his egg before, because giant squid don't like hot water!” Her face then turned from hope to horror. “This is a different type of squid, though! That's what people are saying. What if it doesn't mind the heat? I'm going!” She turned and swam off.
“Giorgia!” Signor Donzella rose from his seat to go after her. “Wait! What did I just tell you?” He sped after her.
Lorenzo tried to herd the young people back towards the shore. “Come on,” he said, “we're doing what your mother said, remember? We're going to dry land where the squid can't find you.”
“Yes,” said Alberto, “we are!”
“We are?” asked Giulia, startled. She'd expected Alberto and particularly Luca to insist on staying and helping to search for Ciccio and Silvio.
“Yeah, I have an idea,” Alberto told her. “I've seen your squid lures. We're going to the Island.”
“Daniela said to take you to the town!” Lorenzo protested.
“The Island will have to do,” Alberto told him.
Twenty minutes earlier, Silvio had told his guests that they needed to get to the forge, but there wasn't going to be time. The squid was remarkably fast for such a large creature, and by the time Silvio finished speaking, it was almost on top of them. Ciccio swam up again, while Silvio dived through the bar door past Ercole and slammed it shut. The squid collided with the doors, but the door was one Signor Donzella had made out of a section cut from a ship hull, choosing the solid metal specifically to keep such dangerous creatures out. Silvio had just barely had time to slide the bolt into place, and while the door shook, it held.
The door was not the only way into the barn, though. There were also a couple of windows. These were quite small, and for a moment Ciccio was reassured that the squid would not possibly fit – but its boneless body was almost infinitely malleable. The only hard part of it was its beak, which was easily small enough to get through. The water temperature seemed to drop almost to freezing as the rest of the animal squished and squeezed to get through.
Ciccio knew he had to do something. He could see where the fresh stones had been added to the roof just that day. How fast did barnacle glue set? Could he get one free to let Silvio and Ercole escape? He went to the base of the repaired area, grabbed the edge of a particular stone, and with his feet braced against the older wall below, pulled with all his might.
The stone shifted, but did not come free. Ciccio looked around for a tool and found the broken shaft of Silvio's pitchfork. He stuck that into the gap he'd made, and pried. This time, he managed to lever the piece to the side. The big stone didn't come out, but a dozen smaller ones that had been sitting on top of it were jostled enough to drop into the interior of the barn.
There was a startled shout, and for a moment Ciccio worried he'd buried Silvio and Ercole. Then they wriggled out the hole, panting and covered in scrapes, but alive and whole. For a moment, all three boys hovered there in the water, staring at the hole in the roof as a few more stones dropped out of the edges of the hole and vanished into the darkness. Had the squid been buried? Was it dead?
“Mom and Dad are gonna be...” Silvio began.
His voice was drowned out by the sound of the rest of the roof collapsing, and then the squid rose out of the billowing silt like a monster emerging from the crater of a smoking volcano. The light at the end of its tentacle was now blinking with regular, brilliant pulsations like a heartbeat, but with an odd quiver underneath them, giving the impression that the animal was shaking with rage. It only had one tentacle with a bulb at the end, Ciccio managed to notice. Was it injured? Had it come here into the shallows searching for easier prey?
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Then Silvio grabbed his hand and shouted at him, and he managed to take in the fact that this creature was rising towards him, furious and hungry.
“This way!” Silvio shouted, and took off, leading the way into darker water.
“What about your parents?” Ciccio panted, as he and Ercole followed as fast as they could.
“They'll be fine!” said Silvio.
He might have been right, because the squid was determined to follow them. Ercole, not a good swimmer, was now having trouble keeping up. He could go forward, but he hadn't quite mastered steering at high speed and kept having to correct as he drifted to one side or the other. Ciccio grabbed him by the back of his shirt to drag him along.
Silvio led the way into a shallow trench that kept getting deeper and deeper – the ravine where the sea monsters set their eel traps. It would have been a creepy place on an ordinary night, with the glowing algae lighting it up just enough to make out the shapes of weird corals and many-legged crustaceans lurking in the cracks. With the flashing of the squid's single bright tentacle close behind them, it was terrifying. Dark shapes and black-edged shadows appeared and vanished out of nowhere, and Ercole kept yelping and whimpering every time.
“Shut up!” Ciccio told him. “Shut up!”
Ercole was not listening.
Ciccio had of course never been to the forge, and he had kind of wondered what such a place could look like underwater. He'd never been a decent mental picture of it from any of Arturo's mentions, and since Ciccio was usually wanting Arturo to go away so he and Giordana could spend time together uninterrupted, he'd never asked for one. It turned out to be very deep in the trench, where the walls were at least fifty metres high – looking very far away and ominous when silhouetted against the blue glow of the algae. The water was warmer here, and continued to heat up as Silvio led the way, until they found themselves outside a structure built of piled-up boulders.
Unlike the sea monster houses, where the stones were glued tightly together to keep out the currents, these had been chosen and piled in such a way as to leave wide gaps between them so that light and water could enter the forge – and the heat could leave. The centrepiece of the space was a chimney belching out dark, hot water from a point halfway up the wall of the gorge. This billowed up into a chimney of close-packed stones that directed it up and away.
“It won't come in there!” Silvio declared.
Silvio slipped easily through one of the openings. So did Ercole. Ciccio had more trouble. He was a lot wider than the other two, and some of the openings were not going to admit him. There had to be bigger ones somewhere, though, because Signor Donzella himself was much bigger, and he must be able to get in. Ciccio passed by several that were too narrow, and then found one that looked right. Silvio and Ercole took his hands and helped him through, then dragged him over to the far wall, the hottest place in the forge.
It was a deeply uncomfortable place to be. The water shimmered a little as it flowed up, and there was a smothering feeling that Ciccio didn't know the cause of. Had Luca been there, he could have given the answer, as it was another thing he'd learned in a book: hot water couldn't hold as much oxygen as cold. It made breathing hard work, and when Ciccio looked at his companions, he saw their gills flexing hard to get the water through them.
There was more light inside the forge than out. All around the chimney was a faintly bioluminescent slime that fed on the minerals in the outflow. Higher up, the softly glowing jellyfish sea monsters kept in their houses were also shedding a faint pink light. The boys were not able to make much use of this light, however, as it was entirely drowned by the angry strobe-like flashing of the squid's photophore outside. This flicked on and off with the regularity of a lighthouse, coming from a different place each time as the squid investigated the openings.
“What do we do if it comes in?” Ercole whispered.
“It won't,” said Silvio, but his confidence was a little shaky. “Anyway, we must've woke Mom and Dad up. They'll get help.”
“Will they? I've heard that some fish eat their young,” Ercole said.
“That's fish! Not people!” Silvio scolded him.
The squid flashed again, this time revealing several tentacles feeling around the rocks, testing the opening Ciccio had come through.
It was no good, Ciccio realized. Maybe this was a different kind of squid, or maybe it was just that desperate, because it wasn't going to let the hot water stop it. It found an opening it liked, and started squeezing through.
“Down the bottom!” Silvio ordered.
They swam down to the bottom of the forge chamber. The water was cooler here, which was a relief, but there was also an opening to a smaller cavern. This was lined with more glowing algae, and divided within into several rooms. Ciccio dimly remembered being told that the Donzella family had used to live here at the forge, but Giorgia hadn't liked how far it was from any neighbours. This must be their old house. It had several windows bigger than the ones back at the barn, but unlike those, they had thick metal shutters on them. Silvio darted inside, and began banging these shut.
Ercole went after him and dived under the overhanging shelf of stone the family had used as a kitchen counter, where he curled up with his hands over his head and his tail wrapped around himself. Ciccio came last and turned to shut the front door, which he assumed would also be made of salvaged metal.
There was no front door. The rocks showed rust staining where hinges had once been attached, but now there was only the yawning opening.
“Silvio!” he said. “There's no door!”
“What?” Silvio looked, and even in the wan greenish light of the luminescent algae, Ciccio could have sworn he saw the boy go pale. “Dad took it out to put on the new barn! I forgot!”
Flashes outside told them the squid was coming, and now they were cornered. Ciccio's stomach turned inside-out. For a moment he was frozen, unable to even think for fear.
Then, suddenly, he knew exactly what to do.
He had no idea where the urge came from, but he swam back into the opening, turned his back to the outside, and started sucking in water. It was like taking a deep breath, only instead of letting it back out again, he just inhaled more, and more, and more. His skin began to feel tight, and the waistband of his shorts cut into him until it became painful. Within a few seconds, he felt the button pop and the seams begin to stretch.
It belatedly occurred to him that maybe this hadn't been a good idea, but by then he couldn't stop. He swelled up until he filled the entire doorway, and then the fit got tighter and tighter. The stitches tore on his shorts. When he opened his eyes, he saw Ercole and Silvio staring at him and hanging on to each other in terror. A moment later, he was forced to close them again as his face, too, began to swell.
Ciccio had the poison spines of a pufferfish. Apparently he could also do this.
Finally, he reached a limit. He was well and truly wedged in the doorway now, incapable of moving even if he'd tried. With his eyes closed tight, he had to rely on hearing to tell what was going on around him.
There was plenty to hear and most of it was Ercole, wailing in terror. “I don't want to die! I don't want to die! Especially not as a sea monster!”
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“Shut up!” hissed Silvio.
“It's going to eat us! There won't even be bones!”
“Shut up! It'll hear you!
“I wanna go home! I wanna... OW! Did you just bite me?”
“Yes! Now be quiet.”
It was too late, though. Moments later, Ciccio felt the questing tentacles. They wound around a couple of the sponges still on his spines and pulled them off, then retracted, not wanting to get pricked. Then the squid started feeling along the edges of the doorway, hoping to find a gap or perhaps a protruding limb so it could pull Ciccio out. He gritted his teeth, hoping it didn't find anything – and hoping it wouldn't actually prick itself on a spine, because he didn't want to know what that would do.
After what seemed like way too long, the tentacles retreated. Was the squid leaving, or was it only considering its next move.
“Ohhh, that's weird,” whispered Silvio.
“What's weird?” Ciccio asked through clenched teeth.
“We can see your bones when the light comes through.”
A few more moments crawled by in silence, and then Ciccio heard the rattle of metal on stone. Ercole let out another wail of despair as the squid moved along the row of windows, trying them one by one.
“Dad put the shutters in just in case we ever got another squid,” Silvio said quietly. “I hope they hold.”
“If won't matter if they hold if Ciccio can't,” Ercole said. “Ciccio – how long do you think you can stay... allora... inflated?”
“I don't know,” Ciccio replied. He was already finding it tiring and it was starting to be painful. He hoped it would be long enough.
Suddenly, the rattling stopped. Ciccio felt something brush against his over-stretched skin, and would have shuddered if he hadn't been wedged in far too tight to move. He started hearing what sounded like distant voices. Could this be a rescue?
Having gathered the stuff they'd need to carry out Alberto's idea, the kids plunged back into the water over the continued protests of Luca's father. They left Nonna Libera sitting on the beach with the two Aragosta girls, one under each arm. Luca at once set out for the forge, hoping Signora Donzella had been right about Silvio wanting to go there.
Signs were good. Halfway there, they ran into Signor Pianuzza, carrying his daughter.
“Don't go that way!” he called to them. “The squid is in the ravine! Vittoria told me she'd sent the girls up to Alberto's Island to keep them safe – I'm heading up there with Alessia.”
“It's okay!” Luca said, “we're going to catch it!”
By the time they arrived at the forge, there were at least a dozen people there ahead of them. Most of these were gathered around outside the big forge cavern, watching or throwing objects. It was uncomfortably reminiscent of the crowd that had been following the kids through San Giuseppe mere hours ago. That gave Luca a moment of pause, but he reminded himself that he and his friends hadn't gone to that town to hurt anybody. The squid had tried to hurt people already.
“Stay back!” one of the adults told them. “It's in there!”
Luca went and looked inside anyway.
It was difficult to see what was going on inside. The squid's single large photophore was flashing like a strobe, making things seem to move in jerks. There were three people Luca could see, and he managed to make out that one was Signor Donzella, the second was Niccolò Branzino, and the third Luca's own mother Daniela. The two men were holding sharpened spears, while Daniela had a harpoon Massimo must have given her. They were circling the squid, jabbing at it and then darting out of the way of the tentacles.
“Mom!” Luca shouted out.
“Luca?” she looked up in horror and surprise. “I told you to go to the town!”
“We've got something to catch it!” Luca replied. He moved aside, and let his friends bring up the item they'd hastily put together on the Island. Using Alberto's extensive collection of Human Stuff, they'd made a Christmas-tree-shaped cluster of ropes, cords, and nets with a fishhook on the end of each – a giant squid hook. Now, they just needed to get the squid to attack it.
Right now its attention was elsewhere. When it realized Daniela was distracted, it wrapped a tentacle around her ankle. She cried out, and the two men hurried to help her. Daniela jabbed the harpoon at the only part of the squid she could see for sure in the flashing – the bright bulb on the end of its tentacle. The sharp point pierced it, and glowing goo burst out into the water, coating everything and suddenly making the inside of the forge very visible.
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Tools and half-finished objects had been scattered around, and part of the chimney that produced the hot water had collapsed so that the vent was now spewing out into the room rather than up towards the surface. Stones had fallen to land in a pile around the cave where the Donzella family had used to live. The windows there were shuttered, and the door was blocked up by something with long spines, like a giant urchin. Were Silvio and Ciccio hiding in there?
Alberto and Giulia helped Luca thread their giant squid lure through one of the openings and let it dangle, and then called out to the three adults still fighting the creature.
“Up here!” Alberto shouted. “Lead it up here!”
“This way! Careful of the hooks!” Giulia agreed.
By the glow in the water the three adults could see them waving, but did not understand the strange construction they were gathered around – except for Daniela, who had spent enough time in the Marcovaldo house to recognize it at once. She turned and swam for the opening, darting around the dangling hooks. The squid, furious and in pain from its burst photophore, gave chase. Signor Donzella and Niccolò followed it on either side to herd it towards the lure if it got distracted.
Daniela wiggled out, and the squid reached for her, only to get a tentacle caught on one of the many hooks. It reached with another to free the first, and the second arm caught, then a third. Daniela joined the kids in jiggling the ropes to get more hooks moving. Before long the squid's arms were hopelessly tangled, but it could still swim by squirting water out of its siphon. When it realized it would soon be helpless, it released a cloud of gooey ink and then took off into the bottom of the trench. Daniela and Luca had to let go of the ropes in a hurry so they wouldn't be dragged along with it.
It took a minute or two for the ink to disperse, but eventually the moonlight started coming through. Giulia and Daniela had gotten the worst of the blast, and both were covered with dark stains. Daniela's hands and arms were also splotched with phosphorescence. She tried to wipe some of it away on her clothes, but soon gave up and gathered all three kids in for a hug.
“You brave, amazing, brilliant... I am so proud of you, and if I had my way you'd all be grounded for a season! Why don't you do what you're told?”
“It was Alberto's idea,” said Luca.
“Wait'll I tell Uncle Massimo I helped catch a giant squid!” Alberto grinned.
Daniela shook his head. “Young man, I hope your uncle...”
“Get out of the way!” Giorgia Donzella interrupted. She pushed past the group, and she and her husband entered the forge and began calling out. “Silvio!”
“Junior! Where are you?”
“We're down here!” came Silvio's muffled voice. “We're okay!”
The Donzellas went down to get their son, while Luca wriggled out of his mother's grasp. “Is Ciccio with you?” he asked.
“Yeah, he's fine,” Silvio said. “At least... I think he's fine.”
That didn't sound good. Luca and his friends followed the Donzellas to see.
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chthonicgodling · 7 months
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(April’s)Huevember - Day 17!
featuring: Jesse & Sæunn; Epi & Vryk!
[in which I’ve made my very own #Huevember wheel this year (that you can use too! Pls tag me I’d LOVE to see!) - unabridged version continues, including a wide array of Elysium’verse characters across the rainbow!]
Ooo another blue day and it’s!!! …omfg more Lokikids lmfao??? Teehee it’s an un-squidded Sæ making a second appearance wowow background baby is really shining this month!!, her other parent, dad Jesse & of course next to her there’s her half brother Vryk with HIS other parent Epi - NOTES
this is a choose your own context post cause I have no idea what everyone’s gossiping about here lmao. these guys were chosen today bc Sæ and Jesse are this shade of blue basically, and so are Vryk’s extremities - ears, fingies!! and then bonus Epi bc idk I love him!! yay!
I ddont draw Jesse nearly enough as I should aaHHHHH esp cause with [redacted project dwbi] I’ve been so back in time in Elysium to where Jesse was OG main main main character and now he has faded in the distance and I. Oops. But Sæ is his (and also Loki’s!!) youngest daughter so 🥹🥹
Sæ for the record was not a planned baby but it was aaaallllll fineeeeee esp since Loki had literally already had Fjöer, with Laphi - Laphi is Jesse’s very own husband so. lmfao. The couple with matching Loki spawn stays together or something
Epi, imposing daemon god of nightmares next to those two is Eury’s husband (see two days earlier!), favie love of my life foreverrrrrr 💞💞 Carefully cradling 7 yr old son Vryk who is clawing his way up his chest like daemon spawn which. well. he is kinda ffkfk
Vryk - ANOTHER OOPSIE BABY Loki have a planned child challenge - is indeed Epi & Loki’s son through a horrific pregnancy in which Vryk very literally died and. then came back to life. because he is the god of necromancy. this was TRAUMATIZING FOR ALL PARTIES OBVIOUSLY
BUT nowadays he is happy and healthy if not a little colder than normal and he. eats blood and viscera like his darling dad Epi so 🥰 like father like son we looove to see it. ooo he’s climbing!!
day 18 tomorrow and hmm u might be able to guess who’s popping up,,, Jesse, Epi & Vryk all belong to @fenixethekid ! click the link up above to see the whole Huevember wheel - feel free to use the tag AceprilHuevember if u want to play too - and my tag this year can be found here!!
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My dearest, what is writing on company time but a space for us to be the most productive? I have answered six emails and that feels enough for the day so I'm giving up lol.
7, 13, 31 and (because I am also greedy) 85 for the fanfic ask game please? 💘
Haha, well I did finish the first half of this long ass translation that's due tomorrow, so I felt that treating myself to little company time tumblring was in order ✨ Six emails is A LOT, and you definitely deserve to give up for the day 💖💖💖
7. tell us about the plot of the first fanfic you ever wrote Haha ohmygod, I was looking at the questions like, I hope no one asks about that 😅 Well, it was an X-Files fic, and I wrote it before I even realised fanfic existed, as such? I basically just wanted to write an extra X-Files episode of my own, and it wasn’t even that relationship-driven, it was about some kinda squid monster in Point Pleasant (and now I’m kinda salty that I didn’t even finish it ‘cause now we’ll never know what happened there 😔🦑)
13. talk about a writing experience that has pleasantly surprised you. I was pleasantly surprised by how easy and joyful both fics in my Booksmart series have been to write? They’re short ones, sure, but that doesn’t usually stop me from anguishing over them on weeks on end, and these were just a delight to write, and I found the dynamics very easy to get down 💕
31. tell us about one of your characters who’s an absolute joy to write Again, I’m gonna say Bucky in both of my Stucky college AUs (Undertow & Booksmart) — they have some things in common, but whereas the swim team Bucky is so open and friendly and confident in his nerdy ways, the skater-librarian Bucky is deliciously surly and painfully cool while keeping his biggest insecurities hidden, the poor baby 🥺
85. what would be on a moodboard for your current wip(s)? Tej!! Damnit, there actually is a moodboard and sjfjsgshs I wanna share it but I shouldn't, so… let’s just say there’s lots of catholic kitsch imagery, and some beautiful and tragic boys? 🤐 Ask me a fic writing thing!
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stowawayy · 2 years
some priest general info!!!!
Murmur (It/They : Black Widow : Wrath) - The oldest of the bunch, “Born” years before the others! Incredibly stoic and professional around Shamuras’ followers; and used as a psychic- a sorta “bridge” between their followers and them. Spreads messages for Shamura. Follows the Old Faith just as closely as them, too.
Away from the cult they’re incredibly short-tempered and jealous. Often scrapping with Asterion over petty stuff that really doesn’t matter. Spiteful over the fact Asterion gets treated better than them by his followers. Despite Shramuas’ best efforts, they turned out not that much better than the other Priests. 
Asterion (It/He : Humboldt Squid : Pride) - Self-absorbed and believes himself to be above the others, despite being the second youngest. Likes to talk shit about folks but will instantly cry if you confront him about it. Gets treated like a demigod in Kallamars’ following!
Honestly a bit gross? Out of all the priests, hes’ the weakest physically and magically, but theres a constant miasma around him.
Phanes (It/They : Leech : Envy) - The youngest, a lot smarter than they act- though they do act pretty childish. Byfar the easiest to get along with! Curious and playful & loves to look at cool bugs :]
Gets babied by everyone and they absolutely hate it. They envy the others for being treated as important as they are, and will stoop to pretty bad lengths just to get approval, especially from Murmur.
Malphas (It/They/She/He : Horned Frog : Greed) - The second oldest; somehow the “oldest sibling expectations” missed Murmur and got put totally on them. While in the Old Faith they were constantly pressured to live up to an image much larger than any of the other Priests. And, while they were close with Heket, they soon fell out of favor when it left the Old Faith in opposition of sacrificing the Lamb.
As much as they try, even now they still fall to their base nature. They’re incredibly selfish and want to hoard as many things as possible- especially food. This greed drives them to make decisions that actively harm those around them in favor for their own happiness and wants; and make choices that’d otherwise be a bit. odd? (Example: You get 2 apples today, right now. OR you get 1 right now and 2 tomorrow. They’d choose to get two right now w/o a second thought)
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dandelionfairywish · 1 year
Spicy chocolate
Dramas, movies and Reality TV you watch late at night or with headphones with a widow open on your computer just in case a family member walk's in and there is something spicy going on.  Contains Romance, Horror and Thriller.
1 .viki dramas and movies  
2. Netflix original dramas and movies 
3.  viki take of dramas and movie sometimes without warning and you might not see them depending on where you live  so   enjoy while you can and I'm going to keep them on the list if they do get removie because sometimes they put them back on.
Love and Leashes
The Glory
Remarriage and Desires
My Name
Love (ft. Marriage and Divorce)
Love (ft. Marriage and Divorce) Season 2
Love (ft. Marriage and Divorce) Season 3
Itaewon Class
Roppongi Class
It's Okay to Not Be Okay
Café Minamdang
A Business Proposal
The Rational Life
Reflection of You
Squid Game
Sweet Home
Imawa no Kuni no Alice
Imawa no Kuni no Alice Season 2
The World of the Married
Girl From Nowhere
Girl From Nowhere Season 2
Well-Intended Love
Well-Intended Love Season 2
Kingyo Tsuma
The Sound of Magic
30. Find Yourself
Single’s Inferno Season 1
Single’s Inferno Season 2
Crash Course in Romance
My Lethal Man
Meet Yourself
Hi Venus
Knight of the Rose
She and Her Perfect Husband
Lesson in Love
I Told Sunset About You
I Promised You the Moon
The Silence of the Monster
Cutie Pie
Love in the Air
Secret Crush on You
Why R U?
Until We Meet Again
Love by Chance
Love by Chance 2: A Chance to Love
TharnType Season 2: 7 Years of Love52. Don't Say No
Big Dragon
Something About 1 Percent
What's Wrong with Secretary Kim
Lost Romance
Why Her?
Color Rush
Color Rush Season 2
Flower of Evil
The Devil Judge
Secret Love Affair
My Wife’s Having an Affair this Week
Momoiro Anzuiro Sakurairo
So I Married an Anti-Fan
While You Were Sleeping
Beautiful Love, Wonderful Life
My Strange Hero
General's Lady
Angel's Last Mission: Love
Hello Monster
Zombie Detective
The Village: Achiara's Secret
Lovely Horribly
Aono-kun ni Sawaritai kara Shinitai
My Chilling Roommate
Bad Prosecutor
The Veil
Lawless Lawyer
Hotel del Luna
Doctor John
Kill Me, Heal Me
Familiar Wife
One the Woman
Dark Hole
Destined to Meet You
Chijo no Kiss
Tale of the Nine-Tailed
Oh My Venus
Miss Ma, Nemesis
The Good Detective
The Good Detective Season 2
Under the Skin
Terius Behind Me
Reply 1994
Reply 1997
Reply 1988
Doom at Your Service
The Smile Has Left Your Eyes
The Murder in Kairoutei
The Psychologist
To Love
A League of Nobleman
Mysterious Love
My Roommate Is a Detective
My Dangerous Wife
Psychopath Diary
Cheat On Me, if You Can
Decoy Season 2
He Is Psychometric
Come and Hug Me
Taxi Driver
Taxi Driver Season 2
Shinai naru Boku e Satsui wo Komete
Nana's Game
76 Horror Bookstore
From Now On, Showtime!
Reborn Rich
Miss Agent
Snow Is on the Sea
Sex Is Zero
Sunk into Her
5 Lessons in Happiness: She Is My Father
5 Lessons in Happiness: Homebound
5 Lessons in Happiness: Little Man
5 Lessons in Happiness: Throuple
5 Lessons in Happiness: Baby Maybe
DNA Says Love You
Love Is Science?
About Youth
Hoshi Furu Yoru ni
Utsukushii Kare
Utsukushii Kare Season 2
Bokura wa Koi ga Hetasugiru
HIStory1: Obsessed
HIStory1: Stay Away From Me
HIStory1: My Hero
HIStory2: Crossing the Line
HIStory2: Right or Wrong
HIStory3: Make Our Days Count
HIStory3: Trapped
HIStory4: Close to You
HIStory5: Love in the Future
Stealth Walker
The Forbidden Flower
Have a Crush on You
One and Only
Forever and Ever
Fall In Love
Eden Season 1
Eden Season 2
City of Streamer
Maid's Revenge
Love Like the Galaxy
Operation: Special Warfare
Kill For Love
Love Unexpected
My Fated Boy
My Little Happiness
Legally Romance
Sweet Teeth
You Are My Glory
Falling Into You
Because of Love
Strangers Again
Why Women Love
Toshi no Sakon
Saretagawa no Blue
Shinya no Damekoi Zukan
Love Is Phantom
Suspicious Partner
Chugakusei Nikki
Watashi no Tadashi Oniichan
Kimi wa Petto
Holiday Love
Coffee & Vanilla
Rinko-san wa Shite Mitai
Eien no Kinou
Perfect Crime
Mystery to Iunakare
Kono Otoko wa Jinsei Saidai no Ayamachidesu
Eroi Kareshi ga Watashi wo Madowasu
Junai Dissonance
Kyouso no Musume
Hajimete Koi wo Shita Hi ni Yomu Hanashi
Hit the Spot
Sh**ting Stars
Yumi's Cells
Yumi's Cells Season 2
Military Prosecutor Doberman
You Are My Hero
The Penthouse: War in Life
The Penthouse Season 2: War in Life
The Penthouse Season 3: War in Life
Double Tap
Black & White
Life: Love on the Line (Director's Cut)
Ase to Sekken
The Crack of Dawn
Wacko at Law
Again My Life
The Name
Flat Chested Winnie's Happy Voyage
Undercover Carp
Another Miss Oh
Touch Your Heart
The Legend of the Blue Sea
The Beauty Inside
Before We Get Married
Hello Again!
Nee Sensei, Shiranai no?
Thirty But Seventeen
Healing Food, Healing Love
Descendants of the Sun
My Roommate Is a Gumiho
My Gift
Once Again
General and I
Hope or Dope
Hope or Dope 2
Dream Garden
Melting Me Softly
The K2
Dating in the Kitchen
All the Liquors
Pornographer - Spring Life
Jack o' Frost
Shadow Beauty
High Society
Strong Woman Do Bong Soon
Kekkon Dekinai ni wa Wake ga Aru
Weak Hero Class 1
Animals: Kikoku-hen
Watashi ga Kemono ni Natta Yoru 3
Watashi ga Kemono ni Natta Yoru
Romance Boufu Iki
Duty After School
Road Home
Jealousy Incarnate
Love in Flames of War
Rental no Koi
Murai no Koi
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katierosefun · 2 years
100 question: 44, 84, 97?
thank you for the ask!!! // from these asks
44. What's your pettiest "dealbreaker" in a relationship or friendship?
okay, so i personally don't think this is petty, but maybe it is . . . but if you don't like the same fictional characters as me/look down on them, that is it, we are over. (just recently, i got completely turned off by a guy because he didn't see the point in having obi-wan kenobi being sad and depressed at the beginning of the obi-wan kenobi series . . . when i tell you any interest i had just immediately shriveled . . . )
i mean. i justify myself by saying that i think people who don't understand the significance of certain themes are probably not too deep thinkers and therefore not worth my time, but i do wince a little bit at myself about that. (sigh, it's the pretentious english major person in me . . . )
84. What do you think is waiting for you after death, if anything? Does the idea of dying upset you? Why? Can you imagine nothingness?
i was raised christian, so like . . . the sunday school answer from me is "heaven", but i'm not really sure if that's what's waiting for me personally, after death. (whoo boy)
but on dying: i don't really think i've ever felt upset about dying. i do feel a little bit sad thinking about the possibility of dying in a truly horrific manner, because i don't want my friends or family members to find my body in a certain way.
idk. i have no idea what death is like, but i also know that some part of me--maybe it's the fact that i love stories like the haunting of hill house and tomorrow--but when i die and, say, there's a big man in the sky, i kind of still want to be around living people. idk, like a guardian angel or a vengeful grim reaper or whatever--i sort of hope that's what's waiting for me after death, although i have no idea if that's legit.
97. What is a trivial hill that you are willing to die on?
i wouldn't call this trivial, per say, but . . . okay. squid game is not the best korean drama in the world, and i'm tired of big (mostly western) news outlets/folks acting like it is! squid game def. is a very good show, very smartly-written and with an excellent cast and really hard-hitting messages about the hellscape that is a capitalist world, but like . . . it's not the only korean drama in the world, and i am sick of people being like "omg koreans had good cinema after all" like ! ! ! i can assure everyone that there are a whole range of excellent korean dramas and not every korean drama is like squid game, and for good reason! listen to me! listen to me, i was around in the early 2010s when the big hit korean drama at the time was boys over flowers--do you hear me? i know when a kdrama is good and when a kdrama is bad and when a kdrama is mid because baby, i've seen them all i was there when korean dramas had awful lighting and were like 50% flashback and bad kissing scenes and i watched it all, so LISTEN TO ME--
(ahem. anyways.)
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tinytinybumblebee · 2 years
Oooh it is just, not a quick fix once Stede is back, the Kraken is very much still around and Ed needs a lot if healing (so does Izzy tbh) he wants to be Stedes babie and be happy and safe again but he's determined to be as unpleasant as possible until Stede gets sick of him and gives up, he screams constantly, smacks Stede away when he tries to touch him, but Stede will wait him out just gently staying nearby and when Ed is all sweaty and cried out he'll gently coax his little squid into a bath and get him to take a bottle before a nap
Yesss exactly!!! This takes time, there is a deep wound on Ed's heart, one that cannot be mended within days- this will take weeks even months for the healing process to begin.
But, Stede is determined, even when Ed has thrown and shattered yet another tea cup and saucer- Stede will just sweep it up, say how he doesn't want Ed to step on the shards. Which just has Ed start sobbing. Why won't Stede just give up on him?? Why can't he just leave, make it easier on the both of them??
Ed eventually is all cried out, just strangled sobs leaving his sore throat, his head hurts and he's just so tired. He knows Stede is touching his shoulders, knows the the blonde man is guiding him to the washroom. He feels the warm water being poured over him, the wash cloth gently rubbed over his face, all the Kraken's kohl washed away for the evening.
Ed just softly whines, soothing shushes coming from Stede as he feels the nipple of the bottle being pressed to his lips. His lids grow heavy, those brown eyes looking up at Stede. He knows tomorrow he'll be the Kraken, but, for tonight, perhaps he can let himself be held, let his heart start mending♡
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ruanbaijie · 2 years
one fine day at the end of january 2021, I started panicking about the day I no longer had any ideas for the untamed gifsets, so I decided to challenge myself by starting a get to know me meme (see post here). I gave myself 100 sets to do - fully expecting to never ever finish them. 
less than 2 years and precisely 100 sets later (although along the way I might have cheated and changed 5 brotps to 5 cinematographies and one “romantic pairing” is more bromantic than romantic), I’m finally done!! 
this meme (series?) really pushed me out of my usual comfort zone of giffing (at that point of time I think I was still... 70% the untamed?), especially with giffing animated shows and more obscure shows. along the way, I picked up and practised new skills, new styles, new colouring tricks, and I’m really really glad that I took this on ( ˙꒳​˙ )
a summary of the 100 sets from my get to know me meme, bolded ones being my favourite edits that I’m really proud of:
🍁 5 cinematographies
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squid game
sweet home
🍁 5 groups
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karasuno volleyball club (haikyuu)
first years (jujutsu kaisen)
kamaboko squad (kimetsu no yaiba)
raizel's knights (noblesse)
tokyo manji gang (tokyo revengers)
🍁 5 animated films
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kimetsu no yaiba: mugen train
prince of egypt
spirit: stallion of the cimarron
spirited away
🍁 5 films
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alita: battle angel
the great wall
red cliff
train to busan
🍁 10 music videos
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aria of life (wagakki band)
believer (imagine dragons)
everybody (backstreet boys)
fantastic baby (big bang)
how you like that (blackpink)
kill this love (blackpink)
love ya (ss501)
my new swag (vava)
no fear of the deep ocean (lin hun)
stranger in the north (namwee ft. wang leehom)
🍁 10 animated shows
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jujutsu kaisen
kimetsu no yaiba
mo dao zu shi
tian guan ci fu
kabaneri of the iron fortress
shingeki no kyojin
tokyo revengers
🍁 10 shows
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alice in borderland
all of us are dead
the fiery priest
the king’s avatar
my roommate is a detective
scholar who walks the night
the untamed
word of honour
sweet home
zombie detective
🍁 10 scenes
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kuina kicking ass (alice in borderland)
thunderclap and flash (kimetsu no yaiba)
dance of the fire god (kimetsu no yaiba)
rengoku’s final words (kimetsu no yaiba)
this is just a club (haikyuu)
the general's funeral (the great wall)
not one of us (the lion king)
deliver us (the prince of egypt)
maeve being a badass (westworld)
yennefer being a badass (the witcher)
🍁 10 romantic pairings
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kurodachi (cherry magic)
jiling (lie huo jiao chou)
jung yi hyun & yoon sae bom (happiness)
gu wol ryung & seo hwa (gu family book)
weilan (guardian)
kagehina (haikyuu)
hualian (tian guan ci fu)
songxiao (the untamed)
wangxian (the untamed)
wenzhou (word of honour)
🍁 15 female characters
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diana bishop (a discovery of witches)
kuina hikari (alice in borderland)
mikasa ackerman (attack on titan)
kamado nezuko (kimetsu no yaiba)
kochou shinobu (kimetsu no yaiba)
lin mei (the great wall)
yoon sae bom (happiness)
zenin maki (jujutsu kaisen)
mori mako (pacific rim)
kang sae byeok (squid game)
nile freeman (the old guard)
luo qingyang (the untamed)
gu ryeon (tomorrow)
maeve millay (westworld)
yennefer (the witcher)
🍁 15 male characters
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akaza (kimetsu no yaiba)
wei wuxian (mo dao zu shi)
kageyama tobio (haikyuu!!)
sugawara koushi (haikyuu!!)
tsukishima kei (haikyuu!!)
jung yi hyun (happiness)
suoh mikoto (k project)
gojou satoru (jujutsu kaisen)
ye xiu (the king’s avatar)
qiao chusheng (my roommate is a detective)
ferid bathory (seraph of the end)
ichinose guren (seraph of the end)
jiang cheng (the untamed)
baji keisuke (tokyo revengers)
kang min ho / kim moo young (zombie detective)
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naritaren · 1 year
Crafting for today:
The blanket is blocked but I'm too lazy to pull it off the boards. I'm working from home tomorrow so I'll deal with it in the morning.
But! The other gift I'm making is done for the baby!
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I don't make stuffed animals often but this squid pattern is one I can pull off. The eyes gave me a problem though. They are felt with HTV that I did on my cricut. Probably will just hand cut the circles for the eyes in the future. That way I can make them slightly bigger and just sew the eyes on. I fought with E6000 to no success and just busted out the hot glue gun in the end. Those fuckers aren't moving now.
Yarn pompoms threw me for a loop because I haven't made any in at least 5 years. So had to find my pompom maker and go to town.
Pattern: Hubble the Squid by Projectaran
Yarn: Yarn Bee Glowing in Mariposa Gardens (discontinued)
Hook: 5mm
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