#because at the end of the day what matters most to her is haruka's happiness
guidingalostchild · 6 months
mentioned this a long ass time ago but one of my favorite headcanons is that haruka is aroace.... more specifically i believe she and an dated briefly (like maybe a week or two) in middle school and that's when haruka first began to feel like dating wasn't really for her... there are no hard feelings between them, an was also just figuring out she liked girls and they both agreed that they worked better as friends.
in present day i don't think haruka would identify as aroace or even know that asexuality exists. she just figures that, surely, she'll one day grow to fall in love with someone. i think it would take until at least her twenties for her to truly question herself, do some research and find the right words to describe her experience
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pjsk-writin · 8 months
Haruka, Rui, Airi, Minori, and if you accept NPCs in requests (there's no way you do but one can hope) Mai, with a reader who is always second place no matter how they try. No matter what, there's always either something holding them back from being perfect enough for first place or there's just someone better, and it's gotten to the point where reader just stopped trying at all.
OOOO so sorries if i knew more about mai i would write for her... but i do hope you enjoy this otherwise!! <3
♡ - ALWAYS SECOND PLACE - Haruka Kiritani, Rui Kamishiro, Airi Momoi and Minori Hanasato x Reader
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Out of everyone on this list, Haruka would probably be the least familiar with the feeling. For a lot of her time as an idol, she was considered the person in first place
Of course, it grew exhausting for her after a while, which can definitely be expected. Still, MMJ! helped her realize a lot about herself, and what being an idol truly means to her
So, she's going to do everything in her power to help revive the same passion in you! She understands it's hard to keep trying and getting the same result, but she'll help you however she can
She's used to training hard and adopting certain lifestyles for her goals, so she might suggest the same to you. If you don't want to do that though, she'll find other ways to help you out too!
She's admittedly a bit unsure of how to comfort you and what to do, but she'll always try her best since it's you <3
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While he's not someone who constantly lands in second place, Rui is very familiar with the feeling of simply not being enough to please others or to reach what he wants
It's only after he joins WxS that he realizes he's able to reach his dreams and be enough for someone as is, that he doesn't have to be someone else just to be happy
He may not understand why you try so hard to be first, but he'll be damned if he has to watch you give up because you can't be. He's going to help you try again, whether you want to or not
He's more than used to the self-isolation that can come from not feeling like enough, so he tries his best to coax you into trying again. He's been there though, so he'll give you space if you need it
He's always going to be very attentive towards your needs, so whether you want to push yourself or not, he's got you. <3
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I'd argue that out of this whole list, Airi is probably the most familiar with coming in "second place". She was told she was average and constantly compared to other idols
Even still, with the help of MMJ!, she's learned that at the end of the day, it doesn't matter too much whether or not she is second, as long as she can pursue her dreams
So, she understands what it's like, and she is very, very determined to help you regain your passion and determination for the things you try in!
She's a big support, often times pushing you a lot harder than you might be used to, but she really wants you to keep trying and see just how amazing you are!
And whether you manage to get past always being in second place or not, she's right by your side, cheering you on no matter what <3
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If Airi comes in second place a lot, Minori has definitely been someone who's landed in last place a lot. She was rejected by so many idol companies that she lost count
However, if there's one main thing that drives Minori, it's her hope and perseverance! She's heard so many nos, but she's also stuck to it long enough to receive the yes she's always wanted!
She doesn't know exactly how to help you gain the determination she's always had to do her best no matter what, but she is certainly going to try her best!
She's your number one fangirl. Even if you manage to always come in second no matter what, she'll be cheering for you so much that you'll feel like you've come in first <3
She also gives the best pep talks, both before and after whatever you're trying to succeed in! She's a big supporter overall
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taglist ! ; @fayeelikefairie , @lovecord25 , @asherenjoysart (im practicing w the taglist/lh) , @sorazvlief , @playingwithmatchboxes , @starry-sky-melody , @mizuruism
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nithhaiahh · 1 year
TOP 5 SONG ASSOCIATIONS  •  share the top songs in your playlist that most inspire/represent your muse(s). bonus points if you include lyrics to go along with it!
OOOFFF, each chapter of her life is based in a song. I guess I’ll pick just a few... (literally 5 hours later because is hard to pick btw 559 songs so I’m sorry i got like 9 or 10 here)
Cadence of Her Last Breath - Nightwish
Running for her life                                /   This piece pretty much shows The dark rain from her eyes still falls    /   how Nith felt during her last day Breathtaking butterfly                           /   at home before her father killed Chose a dark day to live                      /   her mother and so she had to run away
For her days serving Demacia there are too many... So I’m gonna make an honorable mention first:
- Persona 3 Ending / Memories of you This is Nith singing to the memory of her lost lover and her comrades who died during the Civil War on Demacia.
UNLIMITS - ハルカカナタ (Haruka Kanata)
In this town constructed with sweet and bitter concrete.       /    Nith’s last stand Into the far distance, towards the faraway sky,                     /   against Demacia our voice will be able to fly away.                                          /   and it’s stupid It'll rise higher and reach anywhere, no matter how far.       /   rules.
This town is filled with rules of the egoists.                          /   The last bit of hope My hands and feet are tied down by these heavy chains.   /   she had about her Yet, because I don't want to be dragged by others,            /   freedom before... I'm still struggling hard to free myself.                                 /   Sylas happened.
During the years Nith loses her sanity:
-  Hold on to You /  NateWantsToBattle Nith trying her best to not forget about her fiance and herself. How deeply she loved him and how she promised him to be a good person... but is she still herself? Is she still human?
- Again / Araki She begins to lose her mind.
- For the Heart I once Had / Nightwish She accepts what she lost... that he is gone and so is her humanity.
Rest Calm - Nightwish
Every little memory resting calm in me  /   She is letting those memories die Resting in a dream                                /   within her and only focus Smiling back at me                                /   on remembering the bright  The faces of the past keep                    /   moments she had with them calling me to come back home              /   until the mist consumes her To caress the river with awe                  /   completely.
Unleashe - Amanda   ~ acoustic version here
Where was I meant to be?                    /   Ever since she was born she was  I feel I'm lost in a dream                       /   blamed. It all felt unreal. She was  Long for the day I can be myself         /   always used as a puppet, a doll. When I'm free                                      /   She wants to be herself, she wants When my sun has set                         /   to be accepted for who she truly is. Released my soul forever                   /   Human, undead, she just wants  I'll have no regret                                /   a place, someone, to care for To be free                                           /   her because of who is she.
And well I can’t pick a final song yet for the part of her accepting herself and finding a family who loves her so I’ll leave it with this two songs:
A New Age Dawns / Epica    ~     acoustic version here
We can't undo what we have done                   /   The lyrics are clear, she  So show us now what we've become              /    finally accepted herself. Confront us with our viciousness                      And our weakness We can't evade our destiny So show responsibility For we all surely have a sense Of our consciousness
And this is pretty much the only happy cheerful song in this list:
Knew day / (K) NoW_NAME
The bonds we left gathering dust have connected; With our pasts and futures standing back to back, We’ll never turn our backs on that answer we’ll someday find, Grasping the light and going beyond tomorrow – as many times as it takes!
Tagged by: @infinite-xerath Tagging: (im sorry)   @hook-and-chains , @luminaryxlight , @spiider-caller , @voidborn-terror , @corvoimperiale , @adventastic , @angelbroad 
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sir-yeehaw-paws · 1 year
4, 13, 18, 28, 30 for the yakuza ask
RGG Asks.
Heya Cinder!
4. Answered Here
13. Answered Here
18. Favourite Mini Game
Wood Chopping in Ishin is owning my soul right now. It is hypnotizing.
28. Any moments that impacted you emotionally!
We need to go by game for this one so uh heads up.
I'm also only going to pick one per game otherwise we're honestly going to be here all day.
Yakuza 0
Tachibana and Makoto. I don't have to say it, anyone who finished the game knows. They were SO CLOSE THEY WERE SO CLOSE. She was just MINUTES away and god GOD. I cry even typing this. It's just so. (Screaming and wailing)
Nishiki's everything tbh. Also the ending. God Haruka didn't deserve that.
Kiwami 2
Ryuji and Kaoru. MAN. Just. MAN. What happens after that? Who knows, I have the image of them meeting embedded in my brain.
Yakuza 3
The kids in the wreckage of the orphanage. Good christ that one hurts. I don't care how much I enjoy my characters as my faves I can also acknowledge when those characters are hot garbage (sometimes I like them being hot garbage too!) and god jesus hell.
(Also fine I'm cheating and picking two more; "RIKIYA!" and Daigo's FACE after Mine jumps. CHRIST oN A BIKE.)
Yakuza 4
Saejima's colessium speech.
Yakuza 5
The ending with Shinada on the phone with Takasugi, crying because he has a place to call home despite everything that happened. If one man gets a happy ending in this series, I'm grateful it's Shinada.
Yakuza 6
Breaking my own rules again but.
Haruka sobbing all by herself in the dead of night at articles calling her all kinds of horrible things. She's a KID she's still A KID and she's all alone and scared and sobbing into her knees "Uncle Kaz? What do I do?" But he can't answer her because hes' in jail. Again.
Haruto walking to Haruka while everyone cheers. GOD there's a TABLE in my EYEBALLS.
Yakuza 7
I can't pick the whole game so I'm once again cheating with several.
Ichiban finding Arakawa. Ichiban screaming until he's red in the face with tears coating most of his visible eyes, rightfully calling Aoki out for being such a pig headed dumbass when almost every single person around him sacrificed SO MUCH for his ungrateful ass because it didn't matter what the circumstances were!! It didn't fucking matter how he was born, they LOVED HIM That's ALL anyone CARED about. They loved him and gave him EVERYTHING.
And then, just JUST as Aoki puts the gun down, the biggest little insect in the entire game comes out of absolutely nowhere hyperspace and stabs him. Mirroring Arakawa running off with infant Ichiban, 42 years later, Ichiban does the same with a grown, dying Aoki.
Yeonsu Kim's whole story.
ANYWAY-I need a minute okay I'm fine I'm fine, okay.
30. Ten years in the joint made you what?
Thanks for asking!
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hellcatinnc · 10 months
Uta No Prince Sama - Anime Review
Spoilers Included
I know there is 3 seasons and I have seen the first 2 well almost all of 2. I doubt the thoughts on each character will change much becuase I still see how each ones personality is. I will just update if anything does change and if there is new people I will add as well. This is based on the anime only I have yet to play the game its on my back log list I am sure there will be a different review for it since you get more in depth with each person.
Ichinose Tokiya
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This man from the very beginning lit a fire in me. Its weird like there was something in his eyes the moment he first looked at Haruka that made you want to hold him, like he just seemed so lonely. As time goes on and he gets closer to Haruka and even becomes friends with the other guys you see a light in him that unfolds. He no longer looks so alone and hurting he finally has a away to enjoy life on top of doing what he wants most and thats to sing.
To me I feel like he is the charater that just in the first season grows so much outside of Haruka which I think is why I like them together. In the end he saved her when she was in a very bad place in her life without even knowing he had. Then now in her life she has saved him back how is that not show they were meant to be together. Plus when she looks at him and he looks at her its like they are on the same page.
So let me talk more about his character personality well first off he is hot as hell can not deny or leave that one out. Then you go on to see he is very passionate about music, about singing, and about singing Haruka's music only. He is a very loyal man and he comes of sometimes a bit quiet and reserved but once he lets you in you see a much softer side to him. I can't place him as a tsundere because he really never is truly nasty just snips here and there. I still think he is by far the best for her. I think he can take care of her like no other he shows that in just how he is with her.
Ittoki Otoya
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So he seemed like the cutest sweetheart from the beginning and I think not only could be a great love but also a best friend which who wouldn't want in a partner. Not sure I see the passion side of things but he definitely would take care of your heart. Also the point you find out he grew up in like a school for kids because of losing his mom early in life you really get to see how humble he is. He has a compassion for kids which would make him a great father one day. When he looks at her you can see his whole life he could offer Haruka and he would be content in making her happy everyday. His consideration in holding her hand when she needs someone and pulling her close when she is scared makes him such a great choice in love interests.
Jinguji Ren
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Now this man is way more than the eye can see sure he is attractive by all means and his flirtniess sets him on fire. He however is very loyal because the moment he realized he had feelings for Haruka the rest of the ladies falling all over him just didn't matter anymore. Sure he continues to flirt with her but after then he only has eyes for her. He can be quiet jealous but at the same time its how you know he is sincere and that Haruka isn't just some prize but someone actually special to him. He could bring alot of passion to her life including in the bedroom thats not hard to see.
I normally don't like men with long hair but damn he makes it work. He is very loyal to the people he holds close and he hasn't always had a easy life so when you see the layers of him unfold and you get to see he has a genuine heart its not hard to see why he is a great love interest. I love this man will flirt and make comments that is sure to make anyone blush for gods sakes he is super hot and somewhere in his mind you know he knows it but yet he is actually pretty humble about it thats what I like. The way he calls her little lamb and my lady makes you just want to melt and his voice sounds like butter.
Shinomiya Natsuki
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The moment I saw this man I was like damn he is attractive then you get to see he is like this big kid, genuine and sweet as he can be. He loves things cute and adorable and he loves to cook even though he is horrible at it. He sees the brightness in everyone and brings his own as well. You can't look at him without smiling. I honestly think he is genuine as they come and the way he looks at Haruka you can tell he is just happy to be understood by someone and I think he could be a loyal parnter forever.
Now he does have a darker side when his glasses are off but I must say even though he is full of anger during that time he is hot as fuck. Like seriously from cute squishy Natsuki to angry possessive tsundere Natsuki and he is just too damn fine not to notice. Anyways now that I am done gushing over that back to this mans personality. Even when he is in darker mode he still had a chance to hurt Haruka and instead he chose not to this shows no matter how his mind set is he does care for her deeply. I still remember the moment he asks her to be his and tells her he loves her before I think I ever heard anyone else admit it. He warms your heart every time he smiles. He really is a ray of sunshine.
Cecil Aijima
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I thought he would be my favorite cause he can turn into a cat and the way he looks at the world I feel like would be like a cat becomes human so he has that down right. He is cute and I love how he is so open about how he sees things and feels and he is just too cute. I don't know how great of a love interest per say he would be I mean I love cats but cats can be shady at times and lose interest in things that they once loved so whats to say that he wouldn't eventually lose interest in Haruka too. He is an adorable character and who knows as the seasons go on I might take a more liking to him I still prefer him to Syo though.
Kurusu Syo
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Now this man has some anger issues and jealousy routed through him. However even though he is cute you do see he has a softer side but only when its him and Haruka alone any other time he is always competing against everyone to be the only one she sees. Sadly I feel like there is such better options for her that he doesn't quiet shine out as well. I'm also not fond of the love interests that have anger issues because then its like would she always have to worry about going out with him that if someone flirted with her that its not that he wouldn't protect her but would he go over the top and beat the hell out of someone. Its good he is protective and good that when they are alone he is genuine I just feel like as his character he has alot of growing up still to do before I could see him as a life long partner.
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sugamamacustard · 3 years
Feed Me
Pairing: Alpha! Keiji Akaashi X Omega! Reader, Alpha! Wakatoshi Ushijima x Omega! Reader, Alpha! Rintaro Suna x Omega! Reader
Genre: Fluff
Request: Ooooo what about when Alphas 🐘 ( maybe akaashi, ushijima, rin and kuroo) find out that their omega has not been eating enough like (their only eating little things like granola bars or fruit) so their upset that they had to find out through someone else and they scold them for that but then their told that they have gain some weight and that gets them even more upset because they think their perfect etc.
Summary: Some times, people do things because it’s what they think is best. You don’t tell your alpha about some weight gain you’ve noticed, and try taking care of it yourself because of this.
Author’s Note: Hey, you. Yeah you. The beautiful person reading this? You are perfect. You are worth it. Your feelings are valid and you shouldn’t feel bad about having them. You are so amazing, and even if I don’t know you, I am so proud of you. You are so strong for making it so far. Keep going. Never change. :) Also your nice comments? Literally my dose of serotonin
did I mention my OC one or twice? Yes. Am I sorry? No. Also, idk if anyone is curious, but Yuka doesn't actually go to Shiritorizawa but whatever.
Requests: Closed!
Buy me a coffee?
Trigger Warning: Mentions of (Semi?) Starvation.
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Keiji Akaashi
➵Now, Keiji is pretty on top of omega and significant other care.
➵ Like, weirdly so. It's honestly kind of creepy?
➵ In an endearing way.
➵ He always says 'Bokuto-Kun prepared me in a way.'
➵ Honestly, he loves doing this for you too!
➵He loves caring for you so much.
➵ Like I firmly believe Akaashi's love language is acts of service.
➵ So things like bringing you food, leaving sweet notes in your locker, helping you with your homework.
➵ He lives for doing these things.
➵ Especially feeding you snacks and things.
➵ It made his inner alpha purr because that meant he was caring for you. Providing for you.
➵ Being the very thing that made him worthy of an alpha.
➵ Prove that he could continue being the alpha you needed and wanted.
➵ Unfortunately, there were downsides.
➵ Your hips had the beginnings of small love handles, a little more chub on you tummy, thighs a little squishier.
➵ Let's not lie, Keiji absolutely adored this, by the way.
➵ I also think one of his biggest kinks is praise
➵ He makes sure you know how loved and how perfect you are.
➵ It's sometimes hard to believe him though.
You hummed an acknowledgment at Keiji's call, typing the final words to your essay before turning to look at your beautiful alpha- Sometimes you questioned how you hooked him. His gorgeous emerald eyes shining with love and adoration.
"I'm gonna go run and pick up some supper, what would you like beloved?" He came up to squeeze and massage your shoulders, leaning down as he pressed a small peck to your temple, your purr a sweet melody to his ears.
You swallowed behind your purr, trying to hide the small panic in your eyes. Your mind instantly flashed to your reflection this morning, how you pinched your hips with a frown. You already had been slowing down on the snacks, and fast food made you shiver.
"I-I'm okay for now, Keiji. Thank you though." You smiled, nonetheless, holding Keiji's cheek in your hand. He quirked a brow, frowning slightly before nodding lowly. Another peck was pressed to your cheek before he left, ordering your favorite from the diner he took you to for your first date.
"Beloved, I'm back." Keiji called, once more tearing you away from your essay; you were always thankful for the distraction though. He set down the take out bag, taking out the top box and handing it to you before shrugging off his jacket.
"Keiji? I said I was okay-"
"I didn't believe you. Now come on, you need to take a break and I'm touch starved." The raven didn't even look behind at you before pulling out his own box, dragging your rolley-chair to the bed. He pulled his sweater over his head, handing that to you as well before giving you a sweet peck.
His eyes locked with yours. Your breath hitched. So many silent words swam in his eyes, asking you, demanding you, to tell you what was wrong.
"I just- I've gained a little weight lately and-"
"And? My love, you are just as gorgeous as the day I met you. Nothing is wrong with a little weight, even if I think you're foolish to think you've gained weight. Never think otherwise. Even if you do, let me know, my job as your alpha and boyfriend is to make sure you feel as good as possible no matter what."
He slipped the sweater over your head, rehanding you your meal that he took from you momentarily, running a hand through your hair.
"Your my beautiful omega. Nothing should keep you from your happiness."
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Wakatoshi Ushijima
➵Unlike Akaashi, Wakatoshi is little more...Hesitant (In a way) when it comes to omegan care.
➵ He never really learned how to? Ya know?
➵ Both his parents were alphas, and he was never around omegas consistently enough to learn.
➵and it's not like you were a volleyball that he could use the same techniques to up-keep.
➵ He also couldn't ask his team.
➵ Well, he could, but only one other person on his team had an omega. (It was Satori and his advice, though helpful, could only go so far.)
➵ He was doing good though, especially with you holding his hand through the entire thing.
➵ The first time he noticed something was up was when you didn't show up to lunch-- texting him a picture of you in the library, tongue poking out as you held up a peace sign to assure him you were okay.
➵ When he brought it up to Satori, who had his own omega (A small, but fiery brunette named Yuka) leaning on his side as she played some sort of phone game on his phone (Mama's slusheria? He thinks?) .
➵He explained he didn't know what was going on with you while Satori listened with a hum before giving him a sad smile. "Sorry I can't help you further Ushi-waka, but as you can see-" He slid his unfinished lunch towards Yuka, who popped one of the Dango skewers into her mouth without looking up. "I'm not very familiar with the problem."
➵ He offered his help as much as he could nonetheless.
➵ He slowly began to pick up on smaller things, locking them in his steel trap.
➵ Like a good boy :)
➵ He put hours of research into omegas after this (not that he hadn't previously). Keeping strenuous notes beside him.
➵ They were colorful and highlighted :)
➵ And he followed the advice that 'Mommy Luna-boo' posted on the blog he found like a goddamn Mantra. ('Sometimes Omegas need a little more love! Their bodies, especially during high school years, will change a lot! They may feel a little down! As an alpha, make sure you remind them how beautiful they are!')
➵She was mother Theresa and he was her follower.
➵ Well after he followed you.
➵and after he made sure you were feeling better
Walking into your dorm room, Wakatoshi set down a small bag filled with goodies. He set it down on your bed as he sat down as well, watching you carefully.
When you gave him a small smile with a quirked brow, he took a deep breath, remembering everything Tendou had coached him through.
"Have you been eating enough lately?"
You sucked your tongue at the question, shuffling your shoulders. Truth be told you had been missing out on a few lunches after noting a few extra pounds you hadn't noticed earlier. You never meant to worry him, that was never your intention, but it seemed the world was working against you. You had no clue where to go from here. If you told him the truth that would do nothing but worry him, but lying was never good in any form of relationship.
Your hesitance to tell him was more than enough though, as his larger lands encased your own, holding them tightly.
"Why?" His tone wasn't accusatory nor was it angry in the slightest. Genuine curious if anything. If he could get to the bottom of the root of the problem, he could prevent it from happening in the future. Right?
"I- I just...Noticed a few extra pounds and-"
"That's it?"
You looked up to him with a tilted head, like a lost puppy. "What do you mean that's it?"
Pulling you closer, Wakatoshi effortlessly pulled you onto his lap, using one hand to dig through the bag beside him while the other wrapped around your hips. He pulled out a few of your favorite snacks laying them out in front of you.
"That's, in my opinion, a silly thing to worry about. If you feel that's a big problem, I can offer my services to you in any way you wish-- whether it be support or as help, it is my job to be there for you." He nuzzled your scent gland, voice rumbling against your shoulders.
You purred in response, leaning back onto your alpha.
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Rintaro Suna
➵ Suna is a lot like Akaashi in the sense that he has incredible observational skills as an alpha.
➵ His eyes are like sniper scopes.
➵ The minute something is wrong, he's on it.
➵ Like he looks aloof but he's not.
➵ He had notes.
➵ So hiding something from him is not easy at all.
➵ But you two most likely ended up together because you gave him a run for his money.
➵ You made him work at being an alpha.
➵ And he loved you for that.
➵ It did come back to bite him in the ass though.
➵ The only reason he heard about this was because the betas at Inarizaki were loud mouths.
➵ Honestly he learned so much tea from them.
➵ Like this third year was sleeping with a first year because she planned on baby trapping him and-
➵ It was wild.
➵Though most times it was nothing more than a source of entertainment for you and him to laugh about.
➵This time the gossip was actually useful.
➵ He wasn't thrilled they were talking about you, but provided some very useful information.
➵ And he was set into action.
➵ typing a few things onto his phone he set out to find you.
"Rin, I said I'm not hungry-"
"I know and I'm making the executive decision to ignore you."
He squinted his eyes at the carefully written instructions in front of him, sending a silent thanks to Atsumu's mate Haruka. (;)) She had written a step by step instruction sheet to making Onigiri while also dropping off all the ingredients (Pre-prepped). The only reason she didn't make it was because Suna's alpha, no matter how much he trusted her, wouldn't have let it near you.
"Look, Y/N. I love you, you know that. You know a lot of things, you're my smart little omega. So you must also know this isn't good, right?" Sliding a plate of, albeit mediocre, onigiri towards you, Rintaro focused his gaze on you.
"You know this, eh?"
You swallowed before grabbing one of the triangles, nibbling on the top in an attempt to appease your alpha. His sharp gaze still focused on you, making you shiver as he rounded around the counter. He turned you around so you were facing him, his hands holding your hips.
"You know this."
You wilted under his expectant gaze, knowing what he wanted from you. "I know this."
He smirked, leaning to take bite from your snack, licking his lips as he did. "Good omega."
"Rintaro that's mine!"
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majimemegoro · 3 years
I uh kinda went wild on this here for some reason sorry, I didn’t know you could put this much in asks? Yakuza 1 has a pretty short plot and changing some of this stuff mostly just jumps plot forward and skips more menial tasks of trying to find info when these people can actually talk, so super drastic changes are more likely to happen down the line game wise really.
Y1 role swaps for Kiryu & Nishiki and Majima & Saejima I think are largely reliant on whether each side swaps yakuza backstories I feel, do we get a one eyed Mad Dragon of Dojima(Shimano?) who’s been to the hole, and vise versa maybe Shimano’s(Dojima’s?) Hannya who helped a certain real estate agent in the 80s? Did Nishiki do the hit and Saejima kill their boss (whomever) who grabbed Yasuko? And Majima takes the fall like Kiryu did so Saejima could try to help his sister?
Bc then I see most of the game starting out similarly (less aggressive Saejima family tho, doesn’t loose it as much as Nishiki bc he isn’t swayed that easily by people, but he’s still putting up an aggressive front in hopes it makes others leave his family alone while he tries to find his sister), maybe more helpful Kiryu in majima’s role, bc he’s always a sweetie under the surface no matter what he’s been through- even with a few screws loose and much more tired, Yasuko (Yumi/Mizuki) with Haruka existing probably (no romance with either of the boys here), if we swap Shimano and Kazama then I see Shimano playing a more assholish take on the parental Kazama role, if it’s still Kazama I can see things being very different bc he probably likes saejima better and sees majima as a more reckless and less competent (aka kiryu favoritism over Nishiki scenario) so likely he’s working with Saejima but unsure he can truely leave the clan to him bc he hasn’t revealed what happened to Yasuko and by this point the damage control might be too much of an issue to properly account for, Saejima figures Mizuki is just some third party lady that Kazama got to help with the plan bc connections. But Majima still has use in another avenues to keep people’s attention off Saejima’s parts in the plan and Shimano’s efforts to power grab, but before that conversation kicks in Kazama’s shot by probably a shimano or omi guy and then majima plays Kiryu’s part finding Haruka and trying to figure out what’s up with Saejima and where Yasuko went. Then Saejima spills the beans on his part of the plan (after a fight between the two in Serena bc of course they fight) and then stuff jumps to trying to find Kazama, delivered via Nishida playing Shinji’s parts, and that plays out similarly to original except saejima and majima both show up with Haruka to the dock and saejima gets pissed at not being told what had happened to his sister till now. (Yasuko also either is mostly unaware her brother’s looking for her, or thinks Saejima knows about her already and just hasn’t done anything about it, either way she’s not happy on how that was handled when brought into the loop bc things would have been different if they’d just told her he wasn’t trying to keep his distance and was actively looking for her) But since Shimano attacks and Kazama gets to die in their arms the two don’t really get to address any of that because Kazama just gave them bigger bombshells to deal with, Saejima’s the chairman nomination here. If shimano and Kazama are switched here then he’s unapologetic as fuck as he dies (probably not by actively protecting Haruka but just happened to be blocking her anyway, she’s an asset after all to his plans) and it’s majima for next chairman bc he was gonna manipulate him probably if he hadn’t died. Then on to the ending, jingu shoots saejima to get him out of the fight and he has to retreat with Yasuko and Haruka, much to his displeasure, and majima does the tower fights with jingu, everything’s fine until jingu comes back down during their reunion stuff and maybe mortally wounds Yasuko or maybe Saejima, but regardless he gets blown up and all three of them try to do something stupid with the bomb so it cancels each other out perhaps? And maybe they all get to live because no one lets the others sacrifice themselves bc they each wanted to do it. Neither bro wants the chairmanship regardless of nomination and dump it on Terada to dip and live as a family instead. Leaving more people alive at the end of the day (unless you really want to kill off saejima and Yasuko) and the rest of the games mostly set up the same but Haruka gets two uncles and her mom.
Date is probably there throughout the story but his role doesn’t change so I didn’t mention him, he’s just helping where he can and trying to get to the bottom of everything. Similarly Kiryu’s doing basically the same thing Majima originally did but was nicer to Haruka and didn’t even pretend he wanted to kidnap her in that situation and just says sometimes you can’t avoid orders and maybe does a half hearted fight for appearances, he’d tell Majima more of what’s going on with his boss but the knife thing still happens and he’s out for the rest of the game. Shangri la is unaffected bc nishida isn’t hiding from Saejima and can tell them where Kazama/Shimano is straight out (he was still a measure to keep an eye on Saejima but his role was mostly unneeded bc Saejima wasn’t trigger happy like Nishiki). Haruka gets nicked by the snake flower triad all the same bc the dude’s unaffected by the yakuza switches. The florist might come into play to find Haruka in that situation only basically. You basically get Saejima accompanying Majima through the plot post their bar brawl aside from a few times he has to slip away to take care of other yakuza business briefly so majima and Haruka gets to wander around and bond (and get kidnapped twice). Stardust gets its opening plot beats only really, as its unneeded after. Yasuko is much more active as Mizuki than Yumi was but I’m not sure what that actually means in terms of the plot. Nishida takes over for Saejima’s family post game here keeping them in line and preventing them from becoming the mess Nishiki’s becomes in the games, though there will be issues in the future for the family bc of certain members regardless. Reina is still running her bar and with a crush on Saejima or Majima? and friend to Yasuko. She gets to be supporting cast and doesn’t die bc there’s no reason for her to. Tho I guess you might be able to switch her and mirei park if you wanted as well in the long run. Or maybe not if you want to swap Kaoru and Mirei considering Majima/Kiryu swap, I guess it depends on the swaps. As a Nishiki/Majima swap would make Reina/Mirei swap work better.
I think I have an alt take too for if it’s based around majima being the one taking Nishiki’s place rather than Saejima, that one Majima does something similar to y4 and pretends longer in order to try and bait Saejima into killing him for the perceived betrayal of loosing track of Yasuko and everything, maybe even going as far as dying in the explosion bc his guilt, leaving Saejima and Haruka the only ones alive as Yasuko was shot by Jingu. Nishiki or Kiryu in Majima’s role wouldn’t change much plot wise but lead to different dynamics between Saejima and them especially going forward, Nishiki’s much less a punchy fight at every moment man and more shooty as the Mad Koi tho so he’d definitely be a different fight
I think too hard on these things.
anon, I mean this very, very seriously: please write a story
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cherrywoes · 3 years
prologue. (acanthus.)
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SAKURA HARUNO LOST THE ability to use medical ninjutsu when she turned twenty.
There had been no warning, no sputtering of her chakra, no imminent sign that she was about to lose the very foundation that her newfound strength had been built upon. She woke up one morning to her squad members with their throats slit, one just barely clinging on to life—a Hyuuga, her pretty lavender eyes wide with shock and desperation—and when Sakura sealed her hands over her pale throat, intent to close the wound as best she could and haul ass back to Konoha, there was nothing. No pale green chakra to flood her systems, no pinpoint accuracy of healing down to the very cells, nothing—just razor sharp chakra, cutting so deeply into her teammate’s throat that it went far enough to decapitate her completely.
Sakura watched the light fade from her eyes with pale pink strands of hair blowing into her face on a warm, humid breeze.
She continued this for some time—accidentally murdering her teammates when they were on the brink of death. Fear kept her from telling Tsunade. Ego kept her from revealing she was not, in fact, the prized healer of Konohagakure anymore. Arrogance forbade her from admitting any harm she had done. Sakura made herself forge the stories of her teammates’ deaths when she couldn’t sleep, their eyes haunting her dreams and her not so kind hands wrapped around their throats. It kept her up at night, so every afternoon, when she returned from narrowly avoiding every single healing session that was tossed her way at the clinic, after pushing them off on overworked nurses and doctors on overtime, she took enough sleeping pills to kill a horse three times over just to rest.
The people in her dreams were faceless, then, and easier to deal with when she woke up.
“Forehead, you look like you’re about to pass out.” Ino’s long blonde hair was a bit too bright in the sunlight. It was shinier than it had ever been, flourishing under the happiness of a successful pregnancy. She glowed, and it was even in her personality. She was chipper, far more perky, and while her appetite was something to be feared, it didn’t stop her observative eye from catching on to the dark circles underneath her friend’s eyes or the sallow look of her face. “Are you alright? Is Tsunade making you run night shifts again?”
Sakura sighed and rested her forehead on the cool marble tabletop. It felt nice against her heated skin; heated as if it was under the sun of the Suna desert. Suna, where she had managed to disembowel her adorable teammate instead of stitching her leaking intestines back together. Suna, where she had been forced to kill her second teammate who had witnessed it to hide her secret and spread his limbs amongst their enemies before returning home. Suna, where that ninja probably still remained, rotting in the hot sun and being picked apart by vultures.
Ino, a concerned hum exiting her mouth, pressed a hand to her forehead. “You’re burning up! Sakura, how long have you been like this?”
She didn’t answer and pressed her cheek further against the table. Her hair, long, longer than she had ever had it before, the ends brushing past her waist, stuck to the side of her face and neck, clinging with sweat. Her thoughts were muddied and sluggish. An image of a face flashed through her mind—cute, chubby with baby fat, and eyes of the lightest Yamanaka blue—in livid color, doused in vermillion red seconds later, Sakura’s rough hands held over her injured eyes.
“I’m so tired of this, Ino,” Sakura sighed. It was mumbled and nearly incoherent, but the blonde caught it anyways, pressing an ice cold cloth to her forehead. “I’m so tired of killing my teammates.”
“What?” Ino’s voice was tight. The lights around her warped in and out of focus. “Sakura, what did you just say?”
Sakura couldn’t answer. She slipped into darkness, the faces of her victims—her teammates—floating seamlessly through her dreams, as if they had never died at all.
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Sakura spent the next four months in a cell. She was given subpar food—a multigrain bar, some vitamins, IV fluids to flush her system of the high doses of sleeping pills, water that tasted far too much like chlorine—and equally appalling care. When her chakra cuffs dug into her wrists, no one came to heal them, so they scarred over and opened back up in an endless repetition until they were permanent accessories to her skin, shiny and puckered and irritated. When her period did eventually come, spotty and unusually light at best, they gave her tiny packets of pads for her to stretch through months, and if she suffered several bacterial infections afterwards, they didn’t much care. Her hair had grown long and matted, unbrushed, and combing it with her fingers did nothing to help the endless matts and knots that had grown near her nape. Her clothes were the same ones she had gone in with, so they were dirty, threadbare, and practically dry rotting off of her body.
She felt she deserved it—this torture. She was only afforded the barest of luxuries—her food and IV—because she was, despite what she had done, the Hokage’s apprentice. Former apprentice now, she figured, since they had most likely discovered what she had done. Four months was enough to follow Sakura’s bloody trail all the way back to her twentieth birthday when she had been sent out on a mission. It was also enough to compare the discrepancies in her reports; enough to exhume the bodies of the dead and charge her with a dozen counts of murder, and recover the other bodies she had neglected to bring back.
When anyone did deign to visit her, it was to cross reference what she had said with the actual truth. She had no reason to lie, anymore, not when her little slip of the tongue in a delirious fever had gotten her caught in the first place.
“Haruka Hyuuga.” Sakura could recognize Kakashi even when he wore the ANBU mask and attempted to disguise his voice. His hair was impossible to hide—she had tried on several occasions to dye it, only for it’s unusual hue to spring back within a few days and nearly blow their cover. He was, at the moment, playing the role of Hound, but she knew once the mask was off he would be her former partner, former teacher, and broken hearted friend; because he, of all people, would believe it was his fault she had ended up in a cell just because she was too proud to say she was an awful human being. “Do you remember her?”
“Yes.” Sakura leaned back against the small wooden shelf that made up her bed. It was covered with a thin white sheet that wasn’t much in the way of comfort, but as a kunoichi it didn’t bother her like it would a normal civilian. She dragged her shoes across the concrete floor to break the lack of noise within her section of the underground jail cells. They had been ground down to the latex-polyester sole when she paced in boredom or dropped her heels and skidded them as she walked. “She was the last one… Someone had gouged out her eyes. Or tried to, I think; it was all a blur. It didn’t matter in the end, though. I couldn’t heal her.”
Kakashi—Hound—was quiet as he wrote something down in his tiny square notepad. “When did you first lose your medical ninjutsu?”
Her pale pink eyebrows furrowed. No one had bothered with this line of inquiry before, past merely wanting the knowledge of when she had lost it in the first place. Kakashi was usually there to interrogate her about her teammates, nothing more. “When I turned twenty; so, maybe six or seven months ago.”
“And you had no precursory signs beforehand to indicate you would lose it?”
“No.” She shook her head slowly and reached for the small metal tin cup he had placed in her cell. She was surprised to find it was filled with her favorite drink—apple juice, of all things—and cherished the tiny little sips of flavor she was granted. “It just… happened. I was healing—or I thought I was?—and then it wasn’t… healing. It was cutting, sharp as a razor’s edge. I couldn’t have stopped it if I had wanted to by then.”
“But you continued going on missions after that, knowing you would hurt others in your attempts to use medical ninjutsu again.”
“I didn’t think that. That I would hurt them.” Sakura paused and admitted, so quietly it was barely a whisper,”I thought it would come back if I tried hard enough.”
More scribbling, this time a little slower than the previous. “I think you tried hard enough after the second person you killed.”
Hound stuffed the notepad into his white flak jacket. With a cursory nod to the guard standing just out of her field of view, he was gone, vanishing in a puff of smoke that had Sakura’s eyes watering.
“You know what they’re calling you, right?” The guard goaded when he was certain there was no one to hear him. Sakura closed her eyes; she didn’t want to know what they were saying about her out there. “They’re calling you ‘Ninja Killer Sakura’. Like teacher like student, huh?”
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A few days later, her Strength of a Hundred seal was gone, as if it never existed in the first place. The vast amount of chakra she had stored within it was gone, spirited away from her body. No one had removed it from her; no one had sealed it while she had been asleep. It had just disappeared in the same way her medical ninjutsu had, in nearly the same fashion. The only clue she had that it had vanished was the faint tingling in her forehead, right between her brows—but something else was clearly there, because the next guard in her rotation was calling for a Nara guard before she could wonder what it was.
She found out, later, after being immobilized by a shadow technique and examined by a medic, that the symbol upon her forehead had changed into a crimson red spider lily. It was no larger than the diamond had been, but was more ornate and complex, with interlocking rings centered at the bottom and sun phases etched into said rings. When the rest of her chakra, the chakra she used to maintain her health, was sealed off because of it, she didn’t complain.
She deserved it, after all.
“I don’t know if I should kill you or slap you and kill you and revive you so I can kill you again.”
Her next visitor was Tsunade. She hadn’t expected her to visit her at all, much less come traipsing in her cell with clean clothes, a basin of water, shampoo, soap, new shoes, and a pair of scissors. While the Hokage was angry, Sakura wasn’t sure if it was her fondness for her keeping her alive or the fact that it would be fairly inconvenient for the Senju woman to kill her and dispose of her without the council’s input.
“What were you thinking, Sakura?” Tsunade whirled on her, scissors in hand. She watched them cautiously, fiddling with the scars on her wrists when they itched. “Really, I mean, what was going on inside your head? I had thought you of all people would be level headed and rational—”
“Rational went out the window when I lost the only power keeping me equal with Sasuke and Naruto, Shishou.” Sakura met her gaze head on, unflinching. Her eyes were dull mimicries of the once vibrant jade they used to be; she was tired, sick, and most of all, guilt was eating her alive. “I lost everything keeping me from drowning in the ranks of endless genin. And now I’ve even lost the Strength of One Hundred seal—I don’t think I’ve been level headed or rational for a while.”
“I see.” Tsunade sighed. “That’s good, then. We can plea insanity—”
“You’re helping me?” Sakura blurted incredulously, her first real show of emotion in months.
“Of course. It isn’t out of the goodness of my heart, though. If I had my way you’d rot down here for the rest of your life.” The Hokage crossed her arms and shrugged her shoulders. “But I owe a certain teacher of yours a favor, so after this we’ll be more than even. Now clean up and get dressed so I can cut your hair. Your trial starts today.”
When the cell door slammed behind her, Sakura picked up a clean rag—the cleanest thing she’d seen in months—and dipped it into the water. It was pleasantly cool as she ran it along her neck experimentally, bringing with it the grime and dirt of four months without a shower. When it came back visibly stained, she soaked it clean and lathered it with soap and got to work.
When she finished with her body and hair, the basin was almost pitch black. She wasn’t very surprised. She had seen worse when she returned home covered in dried blood, mud, dirt, and various other secretions she would rather not recall due to the pungent odor. She smelled like mint and watermelon, a scent she purchased personally before she had been put in prison, and she was momentarily comforted by the smell until the stench of mildew crept past it.
Tsunade had provided her with a simple long sleeved turtleneck she had seen many ANBU wear underneath their flak jackets and a pair of slightly too large pants that she quickly realized were men’s pants. She tucked the shirt as best she could with the sagging waistline and pulled on the standard issue civilian shoes (flats, uncomfortable on her high arches), and felt like an entirely new person. Clean, renewed, with clothes that didn’t smell like death and underwear that wasn’t blood stained for once, she felt a little bit of the old Sakura creep back in like a breath of fresh air.
When her former teacher returned and began hacking away at the giant knots in the back of her head, she allowed the faintest, most miniscule thread of hope to worm its way into her heart.
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masterlist ❚ 一 (ichi)
a/n: this is my first attempt at writing something out of my comfort zone (at least moderately; it's very tame compared to what i normally write.) feedback is appreciated! i just let the words flow and didn't take it too seriously. <3
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hana-bean · 3 years
Close to you (1/7)
Hi everyone! Happy SeiUsa Week 2021! Please enjoy this seven-chapter installment in celebration of the ultimate OTP!
Everyone walks on To meet just one person someday
“Boo! You suck!”
Seiya ducked to the side to avoid an oncoming empty beer bottle flying his way, shattering as it hit the stage floor. He scowled as he grabbed the microphone with the other hand still on his guitar neck.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?”
“Get off the stage!” Another bottle started flying, this time in between him and the second guitar player, Yaten.
The bar owner soon sprinted toward the musicians and on the stage, trying to avoid various other objects projecting through the air in the meantime.
“Guys, you got any other songs to play?”
Taiki, who was standing in the back at a keyboard, walked up to join the conversation. “What other songs? This is all we know.” He explained while kicking off a half-eaten chicken wing that landed on his shoe.
“You play the same set every night. They want something fresh.”
“Well, maybe you need to get more patrons instead of the same ones every night,” Yaten growled with a lime green twitchy eye. “It’s not our fault your regulars live here.”
“Listen,” the owner paused to grimace in figurative pain as he felt something wet hit his back. “You need to mix it up.”
“We can’t,” Seiya replied firmly. “We need to play these songs.”
“Then pack it up. The show’s over.”
Yaten released his guitar in order to gesture to drive his point across, letting it hang on his neck. “No! You need to let us play!”
“Not a chance, Napoleon. You’ll drive away my tenants!” The owner glared.
That was it—and not that it usually took very much anyway—Yaten was over the edge. He lifted the strap over his head and tossed his instrument to Taiki before tackling the owner to the stage floor with his standard flying squirrel technique.
“Yaten, what the fuck?!” Seiya removed his guitar and went to work trying to pry his bandmate from atop the owner, or at least he tried; Yaten had the grip strength of a coconut crab despite being the smallest of the three of them.
But that was all the patrons needed as a reason to get in on the action. They stormed the stage with their rage and beer bottles ready, even turning on one another and the instruments. Some who didn’t choose violence for a Tuesday night contacted authorities on their crystal cell phones as they made their exit; the other portion used them to record the melee from their tables.
Seiya soon felt the weight of three men come at him at all sides; his only instinct to protect his head before the four-person clump of testosterone toppled two feet down and off the stage. Immediately, he felt a pain shoot from his knee all the way up to his hip as something heavy and drunk landed on his leg. Seiya wriggled and scooted as much as possible to free himself, but since his body was the one that absorbed most of the impact, the attacking men had the advantage to quickly begin their beatdown.
He managed to curl up in the fetal position as feet and fists made contact with every part of his exposed body. But then, allowing himself to only feel like a failure for a few seconds, he made a quick decision and reached within his jacket for his headset.
“Fighter Star Power, Make Up!”
As the transformation alone knocked the three men on their backs, their world was forever rocked when they looked upon a leather-clad woman standing in place of the male musician once the music and sparkles had faded.
“He’s a guardian?!” One yelled, completely stupefied.
Sailor Star Fighter cocked an eyebrow as she smirked, her Star Yell ready in hand.
“Remind me again: what do you think of my songs?”
By then, three police officers had come through the entrance. Their hands floated above their holstered guns on their hips as they were visibly surprised and uneasy.
“Guardian! Put your weapon down!”
“It’s the cops! Run!” A voice shouted. The chaos simply transformed from scuffle to stampede as people began to book it for any exit they could find.
The authorities were soon knocked down from the rush, however one was able to take out her radio and plead into it, “Ten-seventy-five! We need guardians! Get us guardians!” until it was kicked out of her hand from an escaping patron.
Taiki and Yaten came up behind Star Fighter—donning a few scratches, cuts, and tousled hair—all the while still moving pretty well.
“Seiya, you dumbfuck, why’d you transform?” Yaten chastised.
“I’m the dumbfuck?” Fighter gave her crazy eyes. “They were going to kill me!” For a split second, she forgot about her leg and put weight on it while yelling back. However, the appendage was quick to remind her that something was wrong. She winced and seethed in a breath as she fell on Taiki for support.
“Let’s get out of here,” Taiki suggested calmly as he wrapped Fighter’s arm around his neck. Yaten followed suit on the other side.
They only had to contend with navigating through a few scattered stragglers before the three made their way toward the emergency exit by the stage. Taiki kicked the door open only to be met with two obstacles standing in their way, both clad in Milky Way guardian uniforms. One was in a dark blue and yellow color combination with short blonde hair, the other in dark blue and teal with medium-length teal hair.
“Not so fast.”
Seiya sighed as he dropped his head on the headrest in the backseat of the police car. The authorities were escorting him from a hospital where his wounds were attended to, and he was now alone. Or rather, separated from Taiki and Yaten. His only company was the two guardians from the bar—whom he was squished in between—and a uniformed officer at the wheel.
He cleared his throat to get attention from anyone. “What did you do with my friends?”
“They’re at a detention center.” The blonde guardian answered, void of emotion, keeping her focus out the window.
“A detention center? Why?”
“Because they’re here illegally. You all are. You should be there, too.”
Fuck, that’s not good. That’s not good at all… But it still didn’t explain… “So where are you taking me then?”
“The queen would like an audience with you.” The teal-headed one answered while busy on her crystal smartphone, having removed a glove for her screen to sense the natural heat of her thumb. A half-filled plastic grocery bag also sat on her lap.
“The queen?” Seiya tried to use his hands to emphasize his confusion, however, his handcuffs clanked in protest. “What does she want with me?”
“It doesn’t matter what she wants—she calls, you come.” The blonde turned her head to look at him with stern blue eyes.
He knew there was no use prying anymore. The blonde had already knocked him around a few times before getting to the hospital, so he knew he risked further physical punishment if he did so. Any other day he would find the pain worth it if it meant annoying her, but his body was already unbearably sore in places he didn’t realize he had.
Meeting with the queen also had him a bit concerned for his well-being. He figured it had something to do with being a guardian, but what exactly does she plan to do with him and that information? He had heard she was a kind and just ruler, albeit young, but from his years of intergalactic travel before ending up in Crystal Tokyo, it could very well be propaganda.
He guessed he was about to find out.
Once the car made it to the bridge that led to the palace, one needed two hands to count all the checkpoints. The palace seemed to be built specifically to reflect the moonlight, producing a daytime-like glow once they were on royal grounds. However, the car parked in front of an inconspicuous building behind a row of trees a couple of minutes shy of the actual palace, and then the blonde dragged Seiya out of the vehicle by his handcuff chains, causing his shiny black cane to drop on the ground. Diagnosed with a temporary disability from his hurt leg, the doctors issued the walking aid to help with his mobility for the next couple of weeks, but the blonde didn't care.
“Haruka, be gentle.” The teal-headed guardian chided.
“You know how handcuffs can hurt if you’re too rough.”
“And you will know, too… once we’re done tonight.”
Seiya raised an eyebrow, wondering if they knew their whispering wasn’t really whispering; he even caught the driver looking back with a nosy eye. Feeling a sense of dread of being transported to a second location, he limped along slowly, following the driver inside the building while trailed by the guardians.
He was led to a room that was comfortably simple and aesthetically feminine—its motif included ribbons, swirls, and florals in a combination of white and pink colors. And a small white round table sat in the middle of the space with four plush boudoir chairs surrounding it. Seiya even picked up on the scent of stargazer lilies before he noticed them sitting on a side table by the door.
But apparently, there was no time to take in his surroundings as he felt a shove on his back, forcing him to keep his balance with his bad leg. He turned around to glare at the blonde guardian.
“Hurry up!” She pointed inside the room with irritation emanating from her whole body. “The queen is on her way!”
Seiya grumbled and hobbled over to take his place in a chair, releasing a tired sigh. All he wanted was to get this over with and back to his mission. He hated how his only hope rested within the hands of the queen; it made him feel helpless and idle.
It wasn’t much later when he heard the front door of the building open, followed by both guardians bowing on the other side of the threshold at an unseen presence. Assuming the queen herself had arrived, Seiya pulled himself to his feet with the aid of his cane and the table.
"Uranus! Neptune!"
“Neo-Queen Serenity.”
If you would like to follow this story, I will be updating the rest of the chapters under the tag: hana-bean close to you and other iterations of the spacing. I love you all!
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docholligay · 3 years
Shamash question: Writing
The last one, the GRANDADDY OF EM ALL, this one does have points based ranking, and this is the one I saved for last because these are the ones I carry in my heart all year
Character Thing / Idea: Tracer dying young. I hate it. HATE it. Character death is not something I particularly care for; I want all my beloveds to live a long and happy life. But also? STROKE OF GENIUS. I love it. LOVE it. It's real and hard and heartbreaking and delivers some absolutely DELICIOUS angst.  -- @seolh
What was always so interesting about this is it definitely was not planned from the outset. It was something I came to after realizing that while she may well be my deuteragonist, and a delightful and interesting person in her own right, Pharah is actually m main character, who has an arc and something to learn fucking constantly. ANd the more that settled in, the more I realized Lena HAD to die in order to make that happen. Sorry, pal. 
You are very skilled at building and weaving emotion into your writing at a specific pace that most helps the story.  When Tracer is happy and going a mile a minute, the story feels like it easily keeps up.  When Michiru is deceiving society or diving deeper into her place in family life, the pace accompanies her.  In your recent ghost story with Pharah and Tracer, I could feel the pace quicken and jump when Pharah lost her temper, and time felt like slow honey in the aftermath.  You write such amazing emotion into your stories, and skillfully pace the action to match the characters and/or their situation.  There are some days when I'm in a rush, and see that you've posted something, and deliberately have to put off reading it until I have the time to fully experience it, because I know your writing shines much brighter and has more impact when I'm savoring it. -- @amberlilly
Thank you! Emotional tension and flow is something I work very hard on!
I'll go with something more recent this time, and pick the very last line of "Ghosts I've Met: Beverly". Your horror writing is always some of my favorite, comparable to Stephen King (and in some ways better, as he is a very male writer).  The build up to that last line though was amazing. How you portray your high school aged self, how you fell, and then, with very little fanfare how the light switched off. There is payoff there, but it's not a jump scare to release tension. And how matter of factly it's written makes me feel like you're telling me this story at a bar, right at last call as you get up to pay. I think that style has influenced my own writing, and I'm happier for it. -- @shavedjudomonkey
Thank you! I really like writing horror, and I find that in writing...jump scares rarely work. I mean, the idea just isn’t really there, and I think that’s why horror writing can be more effective in a long-term sense of fear than visual forms. 
I've raved about "Imaginary Friends" a lot, but it's not my only favorite thing you've done. Every line of "Flicker" is breathtaking, but I want to highlight a few of my favorites. "For all she gently chided Rei for her rough edges, her inelegant attempts at elegance, Michiru loved her iron will, the way Michiru was pure gold wire in the hands of society, twisted into perfect filigree, but never Rei, Rei would break before she would bend." I love the way you write Michiru and her awareness of herself. "It will never work, not really. We are bound to die. I have watched the possibilities flicker and be snuffed, like candles against the wind through a sill. But I let Haruka do it, even if it is all for naught. I let Haruka do it, because I need her to believe she has done everything she can. That she hadn’t given up, in the end." I don't have the words to express how beautiful this line and sentiment is. "But Rei’s voice was just one note of all the notes flooding her mind in a discordant and unloveable symphony. Haruka would die. Haruka would die knowing she had utterly failed. That she had killed Pluto and Hotaru, that she had let Minako die, that she had done all of it for nothing." I adore the way you write Michiru and Haruka's relationship and I love the utter devastation Michiru is feeling in this moment. You've captured that failure perfectly and the angst feeds my soul. Anyway, "Flicker" is gorgeous. -- goblinjunkyard We love specificity in this house! I’m so glad that story connected with you so much, and also you reminded me of how much I loved some of the language in that one! 
I've always liked the way a lot of your writing deals with life going on, and people adapting. It's most present in MAS, but I feel like it shows up a lot in your other works as well. The way you will have the characters live out their lives and it's not a happily ever after, but it's also not a series of ever escalating threats either. It feels very natural & true to life, in a way that I don't see very often. I think it's especially rare in works with ensemble casts as wide as you tend to work with; I think the more anthology-ish nature of doing stories from across your timeline helps to build that feeling. -- @skylineofspace
One of my favorite things in the world is the idea of how life goes on. Bad things happen, and we have their mark on us, but our lives aren’t over anymore than they’re over when we win. I think a series of escalating world ending threats isn’t really where my heart lies (obviously) I think the small griefs and joys of living are where I really find purchase and happiness for myself in writing. I am so glad someone else likes it! I know it’s almost...coffee shop AU-y? But without always being fluffy? And so I think the audience for it can be very niche. 
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arysthaeniru · 3 years
Just came over from spiraling downhill. You’re writing is so lovely, I’ve beeen reading and rereading it for the past week or so. Maybe once I can get my thoughts more organized I’ll try and leave you a more detailed comment on what I love in particular over on ao3 but I struggle to put my thoughts to words on a regular basis as it is so uh. Basically, Kiryu’s inner monologue is very very fun to read and all you’re characters are written out in a way that makes them feel layered and lovely. Like a warm and flakey biscuit.
But anyway, if you’re still taking Drabble requests I’d love to see some more nishiki and haruka interactions. I think about the one we see from nishiki’s POV in his interlude a lot and how uh. Terribly it went. What does haruka think of nishiki exactly anyway? She distrusts him but he’s also clearly someone Yumi and Kiryu love. I just think that could be a fun thing to untangle or just take a glance at.
Thank you so much for this lovely ask <3 <3 I’m so sorry I took so long to reply to it,, but I’m so so happy that you enjoy Kiryu’s inner monologue. I always wonder if he’s a little too thoughtful in my fics, but I prefer leaning into Kiryu’s emotionally competent side. 
And there is more of Haruka’s thoughts on Nishiki in the next chapter actually!!! It was supposed to happen last chapter, but Nishiki and Kiryu dominated that one. So instead, I’ll give you a snippet from a yakuza 3/4 AU in this universe that I’ve been idly daydreaming about! I keep thinking about a three-part structure of Nishiki + Haruka + Mine / Kiryu + Majima + Daigo / Yumi + Reina + Akiyama....anyway. I’ll probably never actually write that, but it haunts me anyway. 
Nishiki looks up from his paperwork with surprise. Kiryu’s kid doesn’t often come to him, even though Nishiki’s on kid-watching duty almost half the week, these days. She usually does homework and watches TV in the main room once she’s back from school. And sure, they exchange pleasantries when Nishiki gets up to get coffee and runs into her in the kitchen. They’ll talk about her classes, what takeout she wants for dinner, whether she needs money for some club-related expense. But it’s all casual stuff, polite things.
Nishiki knows that Haruka doesn’t trust him. Just as her relationship with Yumi’s been slightly wary since the events atop Millennium Tower, her relationship with Nishiki’s been strained ever since she’d first met him. He doesn’t begrudge her that, though. It’s a healthy thing for a kid to have grudges about life-threatening things. He’d held grudges against people for simply wearing similar clothes to him, back in the day. Kiryu’s ultimate peace is more unnerving than this quiet, normal resentment.
Still, they’d fallen into something of a habit of not really talking to each other when Kiryu wasn’t around, so her approaching him in his office with such a strangely determined look is unusual.
“Need something, kiddo?” Nishiki asks, putting away the paperwork.
“...yeah.” she says, after a long pause. There’s almost something shamefaced on her expression, and Nishiki’s curious. Kiryu’s never once really gotten angry with the kid, not in his earshot. He’s always open with her too, talking about his feelings and his reasons for his parenting decisions. Why isn’t she going to him with whatever this is?
“Well, I’m all ears.” Nishiki says, with a nod, gesturing for her to pull up the stool in the corner, so she can sit by his desk. She does so, and meets his gaze, brows furrowed, and lip tightly pressed together.
“I need your advice. There’s—well. There’s a group of kids at school who’re really mean to everybody from Sunflower. And me too, because you know. We don’t have normal families or nice new clothes or anything—and that’s fine! I don’t need that sort of stuff.” Haruka says, stumbling over her words, “But. It’s not fair for everybody to have to endure that sort of hardship. I want to...make them stop.”
Nishiki blinks. Bullying? Why wouldn’t she tell Kiryu?
If Kiryu knew that Haruka was being bullied, he’d puff up with outrage and rage towards the cool on a rampage path for justice by meeting every teacher until he extorted a promise from each of them to protect orphans—which would, of course, ironically guarantee that nothing would change, and that things might actually get worse. Right. Nishiki knows how school administrators think, and an ex-yakuza coming into the school and demanding what looks like “special treatment” won’t do anything but escalate the situation. There was a reason that Kazama had never stepped in with their school situation as children, and for all that the old man had been a shitty father, he’d understood those optical politics well.
Haruka’s come to Nishiki not because she trusts him more than Kiryu, but because she knows Kiryu’s approach isn’t useful. She wants Nishiki’s help.
“That’s difficult.” Nishiki agrees, pressing a hand to his face, briefly, “It’s hard to get bullies to stop. You’ve told the teachers, I presume?”
Haruka nods. “But they won’t do anything! Kanae-chan’s dad’s on the school board. And Erina-chan’s one of the top students. Her group can’t do anything wrong!”
“So, you want something else?” Nishiki asks, and at Haruka’s miserable, fervent nod, Nishiki feels his own righteous fury rise in his chest. Even if he’d briefly entertained the thought of simply telling her to toughen up, he can’t now. “Some things never change. We always used to get bullied at school too. And the one thing I know about bullies is that they don’t stop unless they’re scared to act up. But you can’t just punch them into submission, it doesn’t work like that.”
He remembers all too vividly the pitched battle he and Kiryu had upheld against their bullies in high school. The endless fights, the stealing and hiding of possessions, the name-calling, the taunting, the vandalism of the orphanage—it had never mattered what cruelties rich children with nice, neat families said or did, though. The image of chinpira punks like Nishiki and Kiryu in their second-hand clothes, bruises all over their cheeks, always won out. Nobody had ever believed their claims of protecting themselves, nobody had believed their claims of self-defence. All fighting back had done was paint themselves in the image of evil.  
“...so, what do I do then?” asks Haruka, and even though Nishiki knows that Kiryu’s not her real Father, the stubborn set of her jaw looks <i>so</i> much like him. He shouldn’t do this. These sorts of tactics aren’t the sorts of things to be used against children, in Kiryu’s clear-cut world. But Nishiki knows how cruel children can be, how deep those wounds in your heart can slice.
Haruka is Yumi and Kiryu’s charm, their bright hopes for the future. He can’t let her get hurt like they all had been. He doesn’t want her to be hurt like they had been.
“You ever heard of the ghost of Rukia-san?” asks Nishiki, casually. When Haruka shakes her head, he explains. “Rukia was a bullied student, small, helpless, weak, and everybody laughed at her and called her names and pushed her around. One day, they took things a bit too far. When they shoved her head in the toilet, they drowned her...the bullies managed to pretend it was an accident, but Rukia-san’s ghost knew better. Filled with righteous rage, she wreaked havoc upon the bullies, one by one, until they came clean and thoroughly repented for their crimes. Not satisfied with this, her ghost haunts the hallways of other schools now, looking to torment other vicious bullies...”
Haruka’s eyes narrow. “Is that a real thing?”
“No.” Nishiki says, with an immediate scoff. “But you want the bullies to believe it’s real. If you fight back yourselves, they can tell the teachers. But if what looks like supernatural events occur, with no way to pin it on you or any of the Sunflower Kids, what the fuck are they going to say? They can’t tell on anybody.”
The kid looks interested now, any hint of wariness has vanished from her frame as she leans closer, clearly intrigued. “So....how would I pull that off?”
“First, you’d want to get them nice and paranoid. Is there somewhere that’s both private and public? Your bullies hang out in the bathroom much? You’ve got to tell some of the other kids this ghost story, and then do a summoning ritual, very publicly. To make it look like it worked...I dunno. We can get you something with static electricity, so everybody’s hair stands on end, like she’s in the room. Or you can get a classmate to pour water everywhere. Or you have some fake blood somewhere. Point is—you get the bullies a bit paranoid. They might roll their eyes, call it fake, but a part of them will be thinking about it, no doubt.”  
Nishiki lays it out, carefully, like he is planning a coup. Haruka’s eyes are wide, completely rapturous. “Yeah, they hang out in the bathroom sometimes.” Haruka agrees.
“Then, once you’ve set that up, it’s time to let the chaos ramp up. Stick insects or frogs in their seats, leave them threatening letters, have strange voices and rattling around where they are—pull as many pranks as possible.” Nishiki explains, “But this is the key: you have to pull this off as a group, and you have to have group alibis. The bullies might try to accuse you, but if a different person does every prank, and all you orphanage kids hang out together, it’ll be hard for them to figure who’s doing it. You need a completely united front from all your friends.”
Most of the teachers had always treated most of the kids at Sunflower like a faceless, voiceless horde. If that characterization persists, Haruka using that stereotype to her own advantage will be critical.
Haruka’s brows furrow, thoughtfully. “Not all of them will like this...I don’t know if Sakuno or Shika would be up for it.”
Nishiki looks at Haruka, and shrugs. “That’s difficult. But ultimately, you have to ask your friends whether their own sense of morality is going to prevent them from protecting the younger children. This isn’t kind or righteous or something that will feel good. But the bullies will leave you alone. A fear of consequences is one of the only reasons that bullies stop. And since the school will never impose consequences on rich students, supernatural consequences might be the only way.”
Haruka looks down, and her hands clasp together. “I want to protect everybody.” she says, finally, her voice solidifying with conviction. “Nishikiyama-san. Please help me.”
Nishiki can’t help be grin, as he leans forward to ruffle her hair. “It’ll be my pleasure.”
And her answering, hesitant smile is like being blessed with sunshine after years of rain. Nishiki had never thought much about children, even after Kiryu’s insistence that they look after Haruka, but he thinks he gets it a bit now. Haruka’s smile is a mirror image of Yuko’s and his heart aches, and he cannot help but feel wistfully happy anyway.
He failed Yuko. He can’t fail this girl.  
Uncle Nishikiyama finally enters the small antechamber where he’d deposited Haruka and her DS two hours ago, deep circles under his eyes. He and Uncle Kaz always look so tired these days, busy with things they don’t often tell her about. Still, there’s a slightly kind look to his eyes as he removes his cufflinks and rolls up his sleeves.
“Hey kiddo,” he says, with a yawn, “Want to get some ice-cream?”
“Mmmm.” Haruka agrees, easily, “Can we get one of those big strawberry parfaits? We can split it!”
Uncle Nishikiyama agrees and tilts his head towards the door. Haruka presses the save button, snaps the DS shut, and follows after him. She holds her hand up automatically, before remembering that Uncle Nishikiyama doesn’t really ever hold her hand or touch her. To her surprise, though, he takes her hand. Maybe he’s even more tired than he looks, because there’s an almost surprised expression to his face when her fingers close around his warm hands.
Haruka, who has become something of a master at saying something sweet when things get awkward, smile widely. “Did the meeting go okay?”
Uncle Nishikiyama nods, absently, turning his gaze back towards the evening streets of Kamurocho. “Yeah, just some urgent problems with supply. Had to move some things around and yell at some people. Easily enough solved.”
“Mmm, sounds boring.” Haruka says, wrinkling up her nose, and she delights in the fact that it wrenches a laugh from him.
“You don’t know the half of it.” he says, darkly, “How was your game? Did you do well?”
Haruka shrugs. Even though Uncle Nishikiyama has a gigantic plushie of Bulbasaur in his bedroom, he doesn’t really seem to know anything about Pokémon. She wonders if maybe he’d had a kid who’d liked Pokémon, but the fact that Uncle Nishikiyama doesn’t talk about other children and seems to get tense when Haruka tries to play with the Bulbasaur makes Haruka think that she probably shouldn’t pry any further. Something tragic’s there.
Haruka’s come to realize everybody has something tragic, something in their past that makes them hurt and feel pain, and the kindest thing you can do for people is to simply be there for them when it hurts, and not dig too deep.
“It’s okay,” she answers noncommittally, instead, “I beat Whitney, but I have to wait until tomorrow for the bug-catching contest in this region.”
Uncle Nishikiyama just nods, not especially interested, but not especially bored either. “When you’re close to finishing this game, let me now, and I’ll get you another one, okay?” he asks, pulling them in to the fancy French café just by the Millennium Tower.
“Thanks!” she says, with a wide grin, as they sit down and look at the menu to order.
She doesn’t know what to make of Uncle Nishikiyama, really. He’s a strange man, to whom violence comes far too easily, but he’s quiet these days, in a contemplative way that reminds her more of Uncle Kaz. He likes meat and fancy food and expensive clothes, but he’ll also join her in watching idol shows and reality dramas on TV, if he’s not got paperwork to do. He has a quick temper and gets mad easily, but is also pacified easily, and when he’s in a good mood, he’ll give everybody lavish presents. And he’d helped her too. There’s a clever shrewdness and unyielding determination whenever he helps Haruka and the Sunflower kids plot about how to get the bullies to leave them alone. She appreciates that kindness, that ruthlessness, even as it occasionally scares her.
And, the fact of the matter is, he’s at home way more than Uncle Kaz is, these days. Which is an automatic plus in Haruka’s book.
“You look a hundred miles away.” Uncle Nishikiyama says, with an amused smile. “What’s wrong?”
Haruka shakes her head and buries her worries and annoyance and irritation with Uncle Kaz and her Mum and everybody who she loves but never seems to have enough time with her. She’s sensible enough to understand that you treasure the people that are here with you. No use crying over spilt milk—even if she really wants to. “Nothing, really. Just thinking about how much I want to do karaoke.”
Nishikiyama gives her a look. “Isn’t it a schoolnight?”
Haruka returns the look firmly. She wouldn’t have had the courage to do this two months ago, when she’d first tried to properly ask Uncle Nishikiyama for help, but now, she knows him better. He’s a familiar evil. Easily bargained with, if you know the right leverage. “You’re the one who took me to Kamurocho on a schoolnight. Besides, I did all my homework already, while I was waiting for you to finish your boring meeting.”
Nishikiyama’s lips quirk up at the sides and he props up his chin in his hands with a sparkle in his eyes. “What’s in it for me if I take you to karaoke?”  
“You get to sing too!” Haruka says, and then quickly realizing that’s not enough, she smiles angelically, “And you’ll get the best, most enthusiastic backup cheering that you’ll ever hear!”
Nishikiyama nods, firmly. “That’s more like it.” he says, and grins, broad and amused. “Attagirl. You’ll be ready for anything in no time.”
There’s such a fierce fondness to that absent-minded compliment and Haruka can’t help but beam at him. She’ll love whoever will have her, and as long as Uncle Nishikiyama will spend time with her, she’ll take him. Evil or not.
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dennou-translations · 4 years
Kagerou Daze VIII: Chapter 13
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Summer Time Record -side No.7-
Please feel free to message me about possible corrections. If you can, consider supporting the creators by purchasing the official releases in Japanese or in English. In case anyone is feeling generous: Ko-fi | PayPal. ( ╹◡╹)っ’・*
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Certain groups of people would often compare their lives to others’ and try to immerse themselves in the thought that “come to think of it, I’ve come pretty far”, but I could affirm one thing. That there was probably no one who had come as far as me. After all, I was in a “parallel world”.
However, if this was a parallel world, I wanted to be provided with at least a sword, magic, an elf maid, big boobs and big boobs. Right, there was not enough romance in this world. The so-called romance that would make my soul beat fervently...
“What were you thinking just now?”
“About our comrades. About how they were... good guys.”
I put on nihilistic airs, yet perhaps having seen through something, Ayano knitted her eyebrows, looking dubious, and puffed out a “huun”.
Ayano and I were merely walking on a pathway made by the Kagerou Daze. Kagerou Daze reflected scenes that existed inside each of our hearts, was what Haruka-senpai had told me, but the scenery projected by my heart was quite tasteless. After all, it was just the school route from our high school days, exactly how it used to be.
Even as I tried to look back on it, I couldn’t find any happy memories from going home from school, and for starters, when I thought that this scene was my life���s number one remarkable scenario, it made me realize that my life had been lacking in color, if I could say so myself. Still, I didn’t get it very well but Ayano seemed to have taken great liking of that scenery and was grinning a lot. Really, I wouldn’t understand the minds of women until I died. No, I had to take that back. Even after dying, I couldn’t understand.
“They made their decision, huh. To reset, I mean,” Ayano said as if it were nothing, kicking a rock on the side of the road.
“Yeah. Well, I did think it’d turn out like that.” I accepted the rock as if receiving a pass from Ayano, kicking it away with the momentum of my pace.
We didn’t manage to win.
Although nobody could feel it, the fact that we had prevented the unreasonable retrogression of this world might also be considered “saving the world”, in a sense. That being said, no matter how much we raised our voices about it, not a single person would believe us. From the perspectives of others, things that couldn’t be proved were nothing but “fabrications”. Even if many people were to believe it and treated us like “heroes”... even then, it would be for naught.
After all, what we had ultimately chosen was to “reset the world” – the very same deed that Clearing had been planning.
The conception that this world would have reset even if we had left it alone anyway and that we should go with it since no one would find out was truly the worst. As if we were pushing the “reset” button of a video game, the world would go back to zero after this, without anyone knowing. Just like that, Clearing’s scheme would bear fruit.
“Was there... any meaning to our fight?” Ayano spilled out intermittently. When I looked at her face, as expected, it didn’t seem like she was saying that due to hesitation.
“I think so,” I replied to her words while kicking a newly found pebble. “We knew ‘despair’ because we ended up finding out that the world is gonna be over.”
“You’re... right. If we didn’t know, it would’ve reset without us noticing anything.”
“Those who didn’t know that the world was gonna end might think there was no meaning to this fight. But for us, who found out that the world was ending, there was meaning in our fighting, is what I think.”
The pebble sprung up and rolled down into the gutter.
“We’ve had this talk countless times, haven’t we?” She laughed as if to indicate how stupid this was.
“We’ve had it hundreds of times. It’s weird but I don’t get tired of it.” Enticed, I also gave a smile.
We moved forward, heading toward the unsetting sun. On a path that would surely lead us nowhere, no matter how many days or years we kept walking.
“Clearing didn’t want to disappear, huh,” was what suddenly leaked from my mouth. “He had an ‘identity’ of his own. But he’s an Ability. They disappear when ‘wishes’ come true.”
“Probably, yeah. That’s why he tried to do a retrogression and prolong his ‘wish’. Because he can live for as long as the wish isn’t fulfilled.”
“Yeah. Meaning that, most likely... we’ve already fought like this for hundreds of thousands of times and reset the world each time. Otherwise, there’d be no coherence.”
Ayano’s walking halted completely. “Did you... ask Clearing about that?”
At her anxious way of talking, I pulled up the corners of my mouth. “Aah, that might be good too. The guy he’s possessing... is a friend of mine.”
“Even if this is the end... I’m against dangerous stuff.” Ayano puffed her cheeks.
As expected, I took pity upon her and said it was a joke, then started walking once again.
Walking after me, Ayano said while trying to match my pace, “How rare, Shintarou, for you to say ‘friend’ so straightforwardly.”
“Ah? Ah~, indeed, that might be true.”
“T-Then... am I... your ‘friend’?”
Even though the sun had not yet set, the end of summer was closely approaching. Would I still remember this feeling until the next summer came by? Our memories would definitely not stay with us. But for some reason, I had a conviction similar to a vision that “there’s no way I’d forget”.
I wouldn’t forget this fight. I wouldn’t forget those guys I met. I wouldn’t forget that we had sworn not to forget, even if I died.
Ayano urged for my answer.
I replied listlessly with a “who knows” and resumed walking.
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izzyizumi · 3 years
I can hear it now I can feel the encore This endlessly thrumming beat Let it RING OUT once more {Jou Kido appearance} I just want to know what’s out there Beyond the furthest reaches of the sky I set my sights on the beyond In my desire for an infinite shine {Mimi Tachikawa appearance} [+Tachikawa Family] No matter how hard it got You gently wrapped me in those kind arms of yours These feelings too overflowing to express in words {Takeru Takaishi appearance} [+platonic Takaishi-Ishida Brothers] Let me express them to you now Take your voice And this dream of mine Let’s bring them together {Sora Takenouchi appearance} This LIVE {LIFE} is beautiful Let my song dance and rise high above {Koushiro Izumi & Tentomon appearance} Though this may be goodbye It would make me happy if YOU could KEEP SMILING Even if I can’t see you anymore This place will always be special to us
{Yamato Ishida appearance} No matter how many times I’m reborn or travel the stars I want to find you again I’ll embrace you in my kisses {Taichi Yagami appearance} Let my love RING OUT to the farthest futures {Hikari Yagami appearance} [+WIZARDMON friendship] Take your voice And this dream of mine Let’s bring them together This LIVE {LIFE} is beautiful Let my song dance and rise high above This love of mine This song of mine The voice calling for it all This encore is forever I wish you endless happiness {Adventure Chosen & Digimon} I sing out in THIS moment because IT WON’T LAST F O R E V E R {02} I can hear it now I can feel the ENCORE This endlessly thrumming beat Look, a rainbow spans the sky Instead of saying goodbye Let me hear you call for me one more time Believe that it will start once more in the future A call for us and only us {tri.} We’ll CREATE TOMORROW This love of mine This song of mine The voice calling for it all This encore is forever I wish you endless happiness I wish for the beginning of eternity Our love lasts through the encore
{ WE L O V E ... }
- M A M O R U . M I Y A N O ; E N C O R E
“When my {Quality of Life} is so diminished that I can no longer enjoy even eating, {when I can only be fed through a feeding tube lying in a hospital bed}, That’s when it might be time for me to go.”
“... BUT I’M NOT A F R A I D.”
- Dedicated to my Grandmother C., Z”L*, (*May her memory be a Blessing) 1926 ~ August, 2015 (passed near 89 years old) - Jewish, she also lived through the years of the Holocaust, (1941~1945) and her entire Jewish family got safely through those years. [Not long before WWII ended, she met my Grandpa.] My grandmother was one of my closest family members. When I was little (around 8 years old myself when first watching), she wholeheartedly supported my strong interest in Adventures/Digimon when I was first getting into this series, even if she didn’t know anything about it, (other than small bits I told her) even she could see how much I loved it. (Because she was one of my closest family members, she was also the one who overall learnt the most about my health. When I was, few years after discovering Adventure as a child, diagnosed Autistic and with generalized Anxiety disorder as well, she continued to support me all throughout, educated herself & our other interconnected family about my conditions, and continuously encouraged my interests and growth.)
Original Posters [Mine] commentary: I made this quick A.M.V edit a handful of days ago to this gorgeous song by Miyano, one of my favorite JPN voice actors/singers, {You may know him as: Dent[o] in JPN Pocket Monsters, Tamaki in Ouran, Rin in Free!, Tokiya in Utano*Prince-sama (where this song comes from), Konoha, Haruka & “Clearing Eyes” in Kage-Pro, among many more} mainly made with thoughts of general appreciation for this series in mind. I also made it with thoughts of my Grandmother in mind, who passed late August 2015, (yes, August). Tri had been announced, but wouldn’t yet air until November. I didn’t start much more actively blogging about Digimon until a bit later on, starting from a couple years later, because I was still heavily grieving. However, I still enjoyed reblogging Digimon posts I enjoyed to other blogs I had at the time even in the pre-Tri and early Tri years.
This was made very quickly, so it’s not perfect, has minimal editing, and the 1st Adventure portion is straight from the final battle with no editing done to it, but it fit the music well enough, so I included it as-is for now. I’ll probably re-arrange scenes if I remake it later and include much more other, varied scenes from Adventure, (for example, during end of Yamato’s portion, I was also thinking of the Yamato&Sora+Jou scene from the end of Dark Masters Arc).
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(^One of my favorite Adventure scenes regardless of personal favs) But until I can edit those in, I’m just leaving this as it is. The middle portion with 02 is edited slightly more timed to music. A major Tri ending spoiler for the final battle’s result appears during the end. Kizuna is not included in here as of yet, but it may be in the future, along with Adventure 2020. All of this will probably be rearranged in a remake overall, but I’m keeping the general themeing & feel as-is for now, along with the Tri ending scenes.
Because this was made in appreciation of this series and out of respect to and with thoughts of my grandmother, please be respectful when interacting with this post. Thank you.
{& Pretty soon, in a few days, I’m getting my 2nd C.O.V.I.D shot.} (So I’m posting this now as-is, but I’ll see if I can work on it more later. It’d be nice if I could manage to finish it in time for August 1st, but we’ll see.)
{because every August, I think of not only this series, but also my grandmother.}
(August 2021 will be the 6th-year anniversary of her death.) Please remember this if you interact with my blog during the month of August. Or just during the summer in general.
This blogs’ queue will be ongoing in general for a while after this post.
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{Additional note: this post is mainly intended GENERAL CHARACTER/SERIES SUPPORT-FOCUSED. please remember + RESPECT this when interacting} {my other major ship/O.T.P. is Taichi x Koushiro, though I’d probably keep this A.M.V. more gen[eral] overall later} [I also enjoy various other ships with all characters on the side anyhow]
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[Note: commenting/tagging positively/respectfully is ok!] (Please AGREE TO BANNERS BEFORE interacting) (Note: click on the images/banners to enlarge!)
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datheetjoella · 4 years
Fantober 2020, Day 25: Enemy>Lover
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Author: DatHeetJoella Fandom: Free! Pairing: MakoHaru Rating: T Part: 25/31 (read the full collection here) Word count: 3,006 Tags: Alternate Universe - Royalty, Developing Relationship, Strangers to Lovers, First Meeting, Prince!Haruka, Prince!Makoto, Prejudices Read at: AO3, FFn, or right here!
If there was one thing Haruka had known since he was a child, it was that when he came of age, he would be married off to a member of royalty or nobility of some foreign realm. As the crown prince of Tobi, that was his destiny and he made peace with it years ago. But when the day for him to meet his spouse-to-be arrived, he was everything but okay.
“Come on, Haru,” Nagisa said as he poured more hot water into his bath. “Don’t get all sulky before you even meet him. Maybe he’s actually really nice!”
Haruka huffed and averted his head. Nagisa might’ve been bubbly and optimistic, but Haruka didn’t share his positivity. The biggest hurdle for him was not that he was being married off, but to whom and what this arrangement entailed.
The lucky bachelor was Prince Makoto Tachibana. He was the oldest child and heir of the Tachibana family and the crown prince of Iwa, a neighbouring kingdom that was relatively small but still twice as big as Tobi.
Although Haruka had never met the guy, his status and title were enough to determine what he’d be like. In years of mingling with those who shared his destiny, Haruka had learned that they were all the same: arrogant, snobby, disrespectful and insufferable. They’d snap their fingers and expect servants to kneel at their feet, holding up their shoes on a golden platter. Barked out orders like they were better than everyone else because of the simple fact they’d been born in a palace instead of a shack. That was exactly the kind of person Haruka couldn’t stand.
And to make matters worse, he was going to have to share his precious kingdom with him and rule over it by his side.
The main reason their engagement commenced was that Tobi was, to put it frankly, bankrupt. The sea levels were rising and a recent flood destroyed both houses and crops, leaving a large group of people homeless and starving and his parents were at their wits’ end, unable to solve the problems that had befallen their realm.
The kingdom of Iwa had offered their help in exchange for a formal alliance and a marriage. But there was one issue: Haruka was an only child and the daughter of the Tachibana family had not nearly reached a marital age yet. Instead, their eldest son had proposed an alternative. The marriage would take place between the two crown princes and the kingdoms of Iwa and Tobi would merge into Unified Iwatobi, which would be ruled over by both Haruka and himself. It was merely a political marriage, as the princes would be allowed to have their own families if they pleased, and in turn, their firstborns would rule over Iwatobi as a pair.
A kingdom with two kings, it was a revolutionary concept and an absolutely ridiculous one at that. The instant Haruka heard of it, he knew it was a scheme of this ‘Makoto’ to steal the land of Tobi to expand his own kingdom. He’d play the sympathetic prince for their subjects, but behind closed doors, he would enforce his dominance and undermine Haruka’s sovereignty, to eventually become the sole ruler of Iwatobi. While Haruka hadn’t cared about becoming king and leading the realm, he’d rather die than play in the hand of some power-hungry narcissist.
But his parents and their advisors hadn’t agreed with him. Out of desperation, they accepted Iwa’s proposition and no matter how much Haruka protested or how many counter-arguments he presented, they wouldn’t budge. His fate as Prince Makoto’s puppet was sealed and he was incredibly bitter about it.
Three overly polite knocks on the carved door pulled Haruka from his brooding thoughts. “Yes?”
The door was slowly pushed ajar and Rei poked his head around the corner. “Your Highness, I do not mean to disturb but,” he said, but when Haruka sent him a scowl, he sighed. “Prince Haruka, your parents are waiting for you in the throne room. Prince Makoto and his delegation arrived over half an hour ago and it would be… appreciated if you came down to greet them.”
“I will,” Haruka grumbled, “After I’m done with my bath.”
“Forgive me for intruding, but you’ve been in the bath for nearly three hours already. Your fingertips are pruned and the water must be freezing by now.”
“It’s not, come feel for yourself.” Haruka gestured toward the bath, trying his best to appear nonchalant.
Rei didn’t seem fazed. “How many times did you refill His Highness’ bath, Nagisa?”
“Hm.” Nagisa scratched at his chin in contemplation. “About seven times?”
“Nagisa! You need to be more responsible. You know this is a grand day for Prince Haruka.”
“I know. He’s just nervous and taking a bath relaxes him, so you shouldn’t be so hard on him.”
“I’m not nervous,” Haruka said defensively, facing away from his retainers with a pout. He knew that, in their own ways, they both had his best interest at heart. Rei wanted him to be punctual and presentable when meeting important people, while Nagisa enabled his evading behaviour because he knew Haruka struggled to come to terms with this ordeal and found solace in the water. This wasn’t worth the argument between them. In the end, Haruka was an adult and had to own up to his fate. “I’ll get out, so tell my parents I will be down shortly.”
“Thank you,” Rei said, adjusting the spectacles on his nose with a self-satisfied puff. “I shall tell them to look forward to your swift appearance.”
Nagisa rolled his eyes at his colleague’s formality; after years of friendship, Rei still felt conflicted calling Haruka by his preferred nickname, instead switching between his titles. That was very different from Nagisa, who'd been casual with him since they were kids. Although Haruka liked them both equally, he did prefer Nagisa's easy-going nature.
With the click of the door, Rei was gone and Nagisa and Haruka were alone again.
"I get that you're not happy about this situation, I wouldn't be either," Nagisa said as he held out Haruka's towel. "But you can't just make assumptions about Prince Makoto. Not every prince is stuck-up and spoiled, you're not like that either. So why don't you give him a fair chance? Who knows, maybe you'll end up liking him a lot."
Deep down, Haruka knew Nagisa was right. He highly doubted he would get chummy with Makoto, but perhaps he had to give him the benefit of the doubt. If he was every bit as awful as Haruka imagined, then he would find that out soon enough. No need to get ahead of business.
With a semi-renewed outlook on the predicament, Haruka got ready with Nagisa's help. He wasn't vain at all, but if he made a strong, confident impression, he might’ve been able to thwart Makoto's possible ploys before they could come to fruition.
Clad in his finest cobalt blue suit and with his crown on his neatly-combed hair, Haruka descended the stairs and walked towards the throne room. With his head held high, he swung open the doors and strolled in, graceful and in control.
And then, he laid eyes upon Prince Makoto and he had to pick his jawbone off the red carpet.
An elegant green jacket adorned his broad shoulders, white trousers hugged his legs and behind and tall boots supported his lean, muscular form. For a prince, he was dressed surprisingly modest, but if it weren't for the brilliant crown placed on his messy brown locks, then his aura would've been enough to betray his status. His back was straight, feet planted firmly on the ground like an unwavering oak tree, sturdy and assured. This was what a man who was prepared to lead a nation looked like.
But Haruka's heart didn't stop until Makoto peered back over his shoulder and revealed his face.
Ever since he was little, Haruka had been told by folks he encountered how beautiful he was and he hadn't found any reason to disagree with those comments. But Haruka's beauty paled in comparison to Prince Makoto. His jawline was sharp with a chiselled chin and rather round cheeks, but that added to his charm. His lips were full, his eyebrows slightly upturned and his nose complemented all his other features. But his eyes were the ones that took Haruka's breath away.
They were vibrant and green like he was wandering in a hedge maze with no exit. Mesmerising like he didn't even want to find a way out. But most of all, overwhelmingly kind.
When Haruka noticed he was staring at Prince Makoto while everyone else was staring at him, he quickly shut the doors behind him and stumbled over to his parents' side. If only he hadn't lost face yet; Prince Makoto might’ve been handsome, but that didn't mean he was trustworthy. Haruka shouldn't let his guard down.
"Haruka, I'm so happy you could finally join us," his mother said with a wide smile, but the daggers she shot at him through her gaze informed him he was in for an intense scolding later.
"Thank you for waiting for me," Haruka said with a feigned smile of his own. "I'm glad I got the opportunity to be here because it is an honour to meet you, Prince Makoto."
"I feel the same way, Your Highness," Prince Makoto said and damn, his voice sounded like violin music on a sunny afternoon. "The honour is entirely mine, as I feel grateful you were able to find the time in your undoubtedly busy schedule to come and greet me."
Prince Makoto ended his play with a deep bow and Haruka’s eyebrows furrowed. Was he mocking him? Usually, Haruka was pretty good at reading people and all the signs told him Makoto was being sincere, but he couldn't believe someone would seriously say that to him after the way he acted.
Perhaps Haruka was the obnoxious, entitled prince in the equation. "Of course, Prince Makoto, we are honoured to welcome you into our humble palace."
"Well then," his mother interrupted before this charade could drag on for hours. "Haruka, why don't you show His Highness around our… humble palace?"
"Certainly, Mother," Haruka said, "Prince Makoto, would you please follow after me?"
"It would be my pleasure," Makoto said and the smile on his face hadn't lessened; in fact, it was like it grew even softer, as though fondness twinkled in his eyes. Haruka must've been hallucinating. "Please lead the way, Prince Haruka."
With Makoto trailing behind him, Haruka took him via the sunroom straight outside to the gardens. There, he'd at least be able to catch some fresh air as he listened to the bragging and boasting that would probably stream out of Makoto's mouth like a polluted waterfall.
They walked down the steps onto the path between the tidy yet lively garden. Hydrangeas, begonias and geraniums were plentiful and not a single branch was out of line on the trimmed bushes. This was Haruka's favourite spot on the entire castle grounds for a reason.
"These gardens are beautiful," Makoto said, turning his head from left to right and back again as though his brain couldn't process what his eyes were registering. "Perhaps the most beautiful I've ever had the privilege to walk through. Your horticulturists must be very skilled."
"I guess so," Haruka shrugged, unsure of how to answer that. Of course their horticulturists were skilled, else they wouldn't employ them. But Haruka swallowed that comment because he felt himself becoming the villain he feared Makoto to be.
When he glanced to his side and didn't see Prince Makoto beside him, Haruka frowned. Had he scared him off already?
When he looked back, Makoto was standing several meters behind him, head downturned.
"Prince Makoto?"
"I… want to offer you my apologies."
Haruka's frown hardened. "Apologies? For what?"
"This arrangement, it was my idea," Makoto said, facing back up and for the first time since their meeting, his smile was gone. "I hope you understand that I only suggested it because I wanted to help. When I heard about the situation in Tobi, my heart broke and I wanted to do everything within my power to aid your people. I know it might not have been my place, but if something like that were to happen to my people, then I would appreciate all the help we could get. When human lives are at stake, I believe our pride as leaders should not stand in the way of doing what is right."
Those words surprised Haruka. Maybe he had judged Makoto too soon. In the very least, his morals seemed to be in check.
"I certainly don't want it to appear as though I find you and your family incapable of ruling over Tobi by yourselves, but this was the only possibility I saw to overcome this issue. After all, Iwa's resources are limited and I could not convince our advisors to come to Tobi's aid without expecting anything in return. They wanted concrete assurance that Tobi would have our backs if such a disaster were to occur within our borders and said I was naive if I trusted you without a formal arrangement. In that regard, I failed and I owe you an apology for that." Makoto bowed to him once more, even deeper than last time.
Haruka was at a loss for words. He kept staring at Makoto's folded back, mind blank and he didn’t know how to comfort him, if that was even the correct response.
When Makoto straightened his spine, he continued, "But I am not against this arrangement and the merging of our kingdoms. No matter how extreme the circumstances would get, I would never propose something so outlandish if I didn't believe it was beneficial to both of our kingdoms. Together, we'll be so much stronger in times of trouble, but I would be lying if I said part of the reason why I am in favour of this isn't selfish."
"Selfish?" Haruka asked. From what Makoto had told him, he acted out of pure selflessness.
"To be honest with you, the thought of becoming king and leading our realm has always been a bit frightening to me,” Makoto said, shuffling his feet as he averted his eyes. “Ever since it was decided I’d be crowned within a few months, I’ve had this tight knot in my stomach. Being the king is such a big responsibility, I’m afraid I won’t be able to fill my parents’ shoes, that I’ll make foolish decisions and that my people won’t like me. Of course, I know I’ll always have the support of my parents and my advisors but I just… I feel like I’m not ready at all.”
At that earnest confession, Haruka’s mouth fell open once again. Makoto appeared so reliable and certain, he never would’ve guessed he harboured such insecurities. Perhaps it was because he felt so lost that he hid it so well.
“I’ve never told anyone this before,” Makoto admitted as he scratched at his cheek, “But that’s why the thought of merging our kingdoms appealed to me; so I’d have you by my side. Carrying the weight of a whole kingdom seemed a bit lighter if I could share it with someone, that’s why I advocated for this particular arrangement. I realise now that’s very immature and egotistical of me, so I apologise again for wanting to push my burden onto you.”
If Makoto was being completely honest - which Haruka had no lingering doubts about at this point - then it wasn’t that he wanted to steal Haruka’s land and title, but wanted to push part of his own onto Haruka’s plate like they were vegetables he couldn’t stomach.
Haruka had never been extremely thrilled about his duties either, albeit for different reasons than Makoto, so it wasn’t like he didn’t understand him. While he hadn’t thought of this arrangement as being a shared burden, the idea didn’t sound all that unpleasant to him now he did ponder it over. Perhaps this wasn’t as ridiculous as it initially seemed. 
“It’s okay,” he said after a moment of silence, “I suppose I don’t mind shouldering half of your weight as long as you shoulder half of mine.”
“Certainly,” Makoto said, nodding vehemently. “I do want you to know that I don’t expect anything of you. I mean, we’ll be getting married through this arrangement, but that doesn’t mean you’ll be obligated to do anything. I want you to continue to live your life the way you please, the way you always have or the way you envisioned, without minding me. I do hope we can become friends, but if you prefer for our contact to be strictly political, then I understand, Prince Haruka.”
“You shouldn’t be so insecure about everything, because you have no reason to,” Haruka said, turning around so Makoto wouldn’t see the blush he could feel burning on his cheeks. “And just Haru is fine. We’re getting married, aren’t we? There’s no need for such formalities.”
An audible gasp left Makoto’s lips. “You’re right, Haru,” he said with a warm, melodious chuckle.
“Are you coming? I’ll show you the rest of the garden,” Haruka said as he resumed walking. Before Makoto could ask something that forced him to unlock his heart, he changed the subject. “What are your favourite flowers?”
“Camellias,” Makoto said as he matched Haruka’s pace, “Do you have any bushes?”
“We do, I’ll take you to them.”
Together, Haruka and Makoto wandered through the vast and lavish gardens. During the short time since they met, Haruka’s opinion of Makoto shifted completely and now, he was convinced they would become the friends Makoto hoped they’d be.
At that point, he had no idea yet that when they got married a few weeks later, he’d say his ‘I do’ with a wide smile and that the ceremony would be ended with a true, tender kiss.
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animebw · 3 years
The climax of episode 10 has been a long time in the making. All Kumiko’s growth over the course of the last two seasons, all the cracks in Asuka’s facade we’ve seen grow the course during the second season, all the hard-earned sweat and effort put into making these characters let their guard down around each other so they can finally talk with no inhibitions or deflections, it all comes to a head here. In a lot of ways, this is the real climax of Hibike season 2, possibly of the entire show up until this point. It has so much fucking riding on it, so it needs to absolutely knock it out of the park. So how do you deliver on such colossal buildup?
Well, you have Kumiko and Asuka methodically strip each other’s defenses away in one last confrontation until they’re left with no more lies to tell each other. Asuka dismantles Kumiko’s pleas for her to rejoin one by one, pointing out how childish and self-centered she’s really being. They have no way of knowing if everyone in the band really wants Asuka back or if they’re just saying that to be nice. And Kumiko has constantly distanced herself from band drama since the very first episode, watching on the sidelines as everyone else has run around and collided with each other. Even as she’s started making strides to shake her apathy off and confront her desires head-on, to truly commit to something for the first time in a long time, that fear has lingered within her and kept her at arm’s length, from Reina, from Nozomi and Mizore, from Yuko, from Natsuki, and, of course, from Asuka. Even in this conversation, she’s dancing around the heart of the matter by telling Asuka “everyone wants you back” without knowing that for sure, spouting a nice-sounding platitude to try and ease the situation over without subjecting herself to the emotional turmoil of seriously engaging with the human connection before her. Just like she did with Haruka back in season 1 when Aoi left the band. If she wants Asuka back, she can’t stop holding back. She needs to let fucking loose.
And that’s exactly what she does.
I know I’ve praised Tomoyo Kurosawa to hell and back for her performance as Kumiko. But all the compliments I’ve already given her are nothing compared to how utterly she fucking nails this rant. It’s one of the most human, honest emotional breakdowns I’ve ever seen in anime, an explosion of tears and anger and desperation and sincerity that cuts through all the bullshit and apprehension and lay down the honest truth: Kumiko wants to play with Asuka because that’s what she wants, and it’s what Asuka wants, and fuck everyone else, be they bandmate or parent, who tells them they don’t get to decide how to live their lives. Yes, it’s childish and selfish, but so what? They’re high school students, they shouldn’t have to be carrying the weight of adult responsibility on their shoulders yet. They should do the things they want to do and follow the paths that make them happy as long as they possibly can. Otherwise, they’ll just end up like Mamiko, full of regrets and only starting to figure their lives out after their freest days have passed them by. They’re not special, they’re not above everyone else, they’re just kids who want to play some fucking music. So get over your bullshit, Asuka, and play because it’s what you want to do.
Just... goddamn. What more can I say? It’s perfect. It’s utterly fucking perfect. It’s the perfect resolution to the masterpiece that was episode 9, the perfect end to this arc, the perfect capstone on a series-long arc that finally sees Kumiko as someone capable of fighting for the things she cares about no matter what obstacles lie in her way. And Asuka hiding her face from Kumiko because she doesn’t want her to see how grateful she is for being called out on her bullshit is the perfect coda to it all. Take another bow, Hibike Euphonium. Take all the bows in the world.
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muthaz-rapapa · 4 years
Precure in the Arts (Civilian only)
Creative arts, to be specific. Therefore, this post encompasses a variety of subjects and is also not exclusive to the traditional kind.
I included as much as I could think of but it’s probably still incomplete, either because I don’t remember well enough or do not know certain characters well enough (like I said before, I haven’t watched the first three seasons) or whatever so if anyone wants to point out what I missed, please do.
Comments below the cut.
Note: This will be continually updated as new additions come along.
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Musical Instruments (Classical)
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- Violin: Karen, Haruka, Minami, Towa - Piano: Karen, Hibiki, Alice, Madoka
Musical Instruments (Guitar)
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Performing Arts:
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Visual Arts:
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**Generally speaking, this list was created with the idea (and hope) that these activities aren’t just hobbies or past times for the girls. In other words, their interests or specialties are part of who they are. A trait that makes up an important fraction of them as a character and a person.
Ya get what I mean? Well, you will as we go along.
Singing - A lot of girls sing in series but these are the ones who are known to perform for the public. With the exception of Aoi, who’s a rock star, all of them are idols, unsurprisingly.
Anyways, not only do they like what they do but they also enjoy performing for a crowd and sharing their music with others. This is why Ako, who despite the fact that she likes singing, is not listed because for her, singing is a more private matter to be done around those she’s close to.
As for Ellen, I was see-sawing between whether to include her in this list or not since Siren spent most of her time singing as a villain. In the end, I decided that she qualifies since she was one of the top contenders to perform for Major Land. In a way, that’s sort of like being an idol and had Hummy not been chosen, she probably would’ve been the one to sing the Melody of Happiness instead. Also, I believe I’ve seen clips of her doing street performances so that counts, too.
Musical Instruments (Classical) - In defense against the fact that we only ever got short moments of seeing the girls play music, I don’t think it’s a stretch to say that most of them will continue to carry their talents with them as they grow older. Especially for those who spent a lot of time training and polishing their skills so it’d be a waste for them to stop, y’know? Not to mention, I’m pretty sure all of them like playing their respective instruments as well so that was also taken into consideration.
Which is my reasoning on not including Emiru even though she’s proficient in violin and piano. I’m choosing to believe she never forgets what she learned with the classical instruments but since she ultimately prefers the guitar over anything else, there’s little point in keeping her here.
A question mark for Karen, though. We all saw her with a violin in the first OP of Yes!5 (and some other promo art) but I could’ve sworn I’ve seen her play piano at least once sometime in the series. I’d go back and check but it’s such a minor detail and Yes!5 is so long that I don’t feel like searching for it so can someone confirm with me on this if she does know how to play the piano?? It has been confirmed that Karen does indeed play the piano. Thank you, @darkis4everinlight​!!
Musical Instruments (Guitar) - Nothing much to say here that isn’t already obvious.
**Performing Arts - Yea, yea, I know music is a type of performing arts but it’s big enough to deserve its own separate section so don’t argue with me on that.
As for why dancing is not listed has so little people despite there being a whole group of Cures (Fresh) who did perform in that area...well, like I said above, this is more of an individual sorting. I believe the Fresh group partook in dancing because they wanted to do it together. But when it’s not together, they have other stuff they’d rather focus on like Miki with her modeling and Inori learning to become a vet and Setsuna helping rebuild Labyrinth. I don’t know about Love, though, so...
EDIT: Looked back on the wiki and Love apparently does continue with dancing even after the group split up so she’s listed now.
...come to think of it, Minami fits in the dance section too because she did ballet but in the end that wasn’t her passion so...I dunno, should I list her? :/ Nevermind, it’s up.
Acting - I feel like we need more Cures in this field. I mean, there are so many types of acting out there so it’d be great if we can see more actors among our main cast members.
About Saaya, though. Yea, she chose to drop acting to pursue a medical career but it was partially through acting that she discovered her true calling in the first place. In that sense, the acting portion of her life is an irreplaceable part of her.
Dancing - Ok true, while Minami’s most noticeable attribute as a character is her connection and love for the sea, it’s also undeniable that she was a total Ojou-sama for most of Go!Pri’s story. And as Ojou-sama qualities go, they are like masters of almost anything.
Frankly, if I wanted to be very honest with this list, I would’ve completely scraped her (and Karen and Alice, for that matter) from musical instruments because the violin didn’t mean as much to her as it did for Haruka and Towa story-wise and the same extends to ballet as well. Like Saaya with acting, she put these activities, along with her heiress duties, aside to pursue her real dream. 
But also like Saaya with being an actress, being an Ojou-sama and everything that came with it (aka the “grooming package”) was a huge part of who Minami was before that realization.
By the logic, I can’t leave it out. So the same applies to the other Oujos, too.
**Visual Arts - Again, it might be because I’m forgetting some things and whatnot but seriously? This is all we have for Cures gifted in visual arts? What about film making, photography, crafts, sculpture, computer graphics??
Also, I’m wondering if I should include design under this but I feel that Fashion needs to be its own category so nah, probably not.
Painting - Haven’t watched Splash Star so I’m just basing this off of what I’ve seen in the All Stars movies.
Illustration - I don’t know what is or is not considered part of the arts these days but as I said above, this isn’t limited to the traditional kind so I believe I can put illustration under here. It doesn’t fit anywhere else, otherwise.
**Literature - Yeap, I need more Cures who aspire to become writers as well. Not just novelists. Screenwriters, playwrights, poets, etc!
So many areas of interests so why are you not using everything the world has to offer, TOEEEEEIIIIIII?!?!?!?!??
Update log:
4/2/20 - Post published.
4/3/20 - Edited; updated Karen’s info and added Love to Dancing category.
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