If you don't mind me asking, how would you like
to see Proverbs 31 used? The part that always bugs me about how it's used is how the churches I've attended completely ignore the part where the woman described is working and trading outside the home. They try and use it as "you should stay home and raise kids" defense.
Mostly, I'd just like to see it used less?
In my experience, there's an undercurrent to the way that this passage gets used that's like, "...and this is the part of the Bible for women!" This really gets under my skin because it just isn't true at all. The WHOLE Bible is for women and the whole Bible is for men. I don't like the insinuation that women should keep returning again and again to this one passage when there's the entire Bible right there to study. Romans is ours too! And Genesis! Isaiah! 2 Timothy! Joel! Revelation!
Biblical womanhood (whatever we mean by that) must begin with women being well-versed in the whole Bible, and that can't happen if Proverbs 31 is treated like a banner chapter for so much of women's min. Proverbs 30 is actually the one part of Proverbs that really moves me (specifically "Feed me with the food that is needful for me...") and I've never gotten to study it in a formal context! Meanwhile, I've sat through seminars and studies and read books and listened to podcasts giving me Proverbial 31 and telling me, "Here ya go," like it's Necessary and Sufficient for Biblical Womanhood. And these two chapters are right next to each other!
Granted, I'm not a guy, but I don't see men's ministry pulling a few specific bits of Scripture and saying, "These are the Men's Chapters." There's just a presumption that the whole of Scripture is relevant to men.
In fact, if you really want to get into it, Proverbs 31 is actually directed more at men than women, saying, "this is the kind of woman you should marry." If we took half the Proverbs 31 talks directed at women and gave them to men, I think that would be a big improvement.
(I know I'm being somewhat hyperbolic here in places. I've been sitting on this ask for a little while knowing that it was basically unavoidable trying to refine my answer and like. Sorry. I am Frustrated and this is what you get from me.)
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milocelium · 4 months
my mom said she's had a terrible cough and is sick so obviously I was like oh well, covid is going around rn. she says "it presents more like bronchitis" girl...... she is so irksome. antivax covid denier I cannot stand 99% of my fucking family
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Is masturbation mentioned in the Bible? Does the Bible anywhere say that it is a sin to masturbate? What biblical principles can we use to determine whether or not masturbation is a sin?
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trinitiesblog · 1 year
podcast 361 - A Lutheran pastor explains Socinianism and biblical unitarianism
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xxtc-96xx · 1 year
Hey, I've got an animation question, if you would like.
I was just listening to the latest Overly Sarcastic Podcast episode, and they were talking about how hard it was to make sense of other artist's styles both before and after getting their own.
Since you seem to have your own style, is it difficult to match other's art styles when you're working with animated shows or projects? Like, was it difficult for you to adjust to the Rick & Morty style since you have your own?
well thankfully with Rick and Morty it's all puppet animation so the characters are already made, I just move them. though I do redraw a lot of hands so that's probably changed how I do hands XD
though with hand drawn shows i can imagine staying on model is tough, though it is something they really hammer into you that you remember it, as its one of the principles of animation. that's why you'll have character bibles to reference to make sure you're staying on model, we still have that ourselves
(unless you're working on Steven Universe, then they just kind of looked the other way XD)
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("It's the style!!" no, no its not, that's just an excuse lol)
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eardefenders · 3 months
Links to Sherlock & Co Media IRL
Here's a list of links to Sherlock & Co in media, here, in the real world. There's one in-character interview and the rest are interviews with Joel mostly. DM if you have something that isn't here and I'll add it. Will update this as I find stuff.
In character:
Interview with Sherlock and Watson from Sherlock & Co with POD BIBLE
Podcast Announcement:
We're back. SHERLOCK & CO. : r/audiodrama (reddit.com)
Interviews with Sh&Co team:
Q and A Session with Joel Emery Where He Answers Fan Submitted Questions
Goalhanger expands into fiction with new Sherlock Holmes podcast (podpod.com) The Sherlock Holmes Adaptation That's Better Than The Rest (It's Not The One You Might Expect) (small-screen.co.uk) Interesting Though Elementary: An Interview with the Creator of Sherlock & Co. - Joel Emery https://twitter.com/JoelEmery/status/1729260867701657856
The twitter one links to this photo Joel posted (if you don't want to go on twitter):
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Reviews of the Podcast:
Sherlock & Co: the mystery podcast Gen Z is hooked on (thetimes.co.uk)
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wolfythewitch · 9 months
I'm really tempted to start getting into this bible fandom because seeing you talk about this fanfic so much has really drawn me in
my only question is where do I start? I've got a free version online but there's so many chapters to the bible and like where do I start? Like genesis is the start right?
I'm so sorry for all these silly questions, I was raised strongly atheist and I've actually never touched a bible before so I was wondering if you could help guide a newbie to this fandom that you've spent many years in :D
thank you so much!!
Oh! Hmmmm well traditionally people start at Genesis yeah, since it's the creation story, though it isn't a hard rule. A podcast I listened to started at Daniel because it had a narrative to it. You can kind of pick a book out and read it if you want to. While linear, the different books are almost episodic in a way, especially some of the later books. If you want to read more on like AD stuff, you can start on the new testament instead. Note that each book of the gospels, Matthew, mark, Luke, John, are all written for different audiences, so they omit or include different details, which is fun!
I have to mention that there Is a lot of subtle antisemitism in the new testament you have to be aware of, especially with wordings and later rewrites. It's not so much the intent (I can't speak for that I haven't done enough research) but it's the perspective it can give to someone who isn't fully aware I guess. There are better papers/videos disseminating this haha, I don't have the words for it. But a lot of contemporary christian antisemitism Does stem from the new testament and how people took the text and ran with it
Also for versions, I heard HSV is a good version? I use NIV and NSRV but yeee you can scroll through the different versions and see what works for you
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blissfullyecho · 1 year
my daily & weekly routine (2023)
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self care | studying | health | working | etc.
figured i would write my daily routine that i’m going to adhere to for the next few months— at least until summer semester starts for me (in may) but that’s still TBA.
first, let’s start with my goals until summer semester.
get accepted back into school and pass my entrance exam
get hired to start the patient care technician program at the hospital i want to work at in march so that i can gain hospital experience and i can start working in healthcare (this is the hospital that i want to become a nurse at also)
lose 40 pounds + form a habit of daily exercise
work as much as possible (try to aim for at least 5x a week) until the patient care tech program starts (which is only a 5 week program but i’ll be unable to work those weeks) — my goal is to get caught up with some bills/debt and have $5,000 saved so i don’t have to worry about working during the patient care tech program
move into a new apartment either in downtown or on the beach
grow in my faith, self-love, and be more knowledgeable
so basically, my goals for the first part of 2023 is working on my career, going back to school, and getting my health and finances together.
i would like to start my business, but i want to first focus on getting accepted back into school and getting my career started; then starting my business.
moving on to my daily routine/ tasks, and my weekly and monthly routine
study for at least 3 hours a day for my school’s placement exam (math, reading, and writing) — an hour each day for each subject
exercise at least 30 minutes a day to start with, eventually graduating to an hour a day
until my phone interview next thursday for the patient care tech program, i’ll spend some time going over interview questions to get myself more prepared— spending at least 30-45 minutes going over that each day
daily bible reading and prayer
reading at least 1-2 chapters per day of a self-help book
listening to at least 1 podcast or educational video each day
follow my morning/evening beauty routines like skincare, showering, haircare, and eventually make it a habit to get ready every morning (this will have to wait until my grandmother gets better honestly— i don’t have the time)
adhere to a cleaning routine and clean as i go so i can spend less time cleaning and more time thriving in a well-maintained environment that’s beneficial to both my physical and mental health
to track my weight loss progress, i will measure myself and weigh myself 1x per week (saturday)
go to work at least 5x each week or work at least 5 shifts (some days i might work doubles)
take a weekly practice test of each of those subjects (math, writing, and reading) (sunday)
attend church (in person or online) each week (sunday)
i should also mention that i lost 1.7 pounds this week.
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cathedralcomic · 3 months
sorry if this is too broad of a question - can you tell me a little bit about how you go about planning all this? i struggle so much with figuring out a theme and worldbuilding when i try to write. i never know where to even start. i really admire what you have going here, i dont know how to explain it but it feels so special. ur really talented and i cant wait to hear more ab cathedral :3
first off thank you SO much!
theme and worldbuilding had definitely been a struggle early on, and sometimes only time will build them for you. i’ve worked on this story for… a while, its modern incarnation going back to 2018 while its first is from 2013. i know that timeframe sounds daunting and a little ridiculous to some writers, but maybe you haven’t given your stories space to breathe and grow organically. using inspiration from your favorite movies/books/tv shows/etc. is also huge. cathedral wouldn’t be what it is today without my inspirations. and obviously listening to seasoned writers explain their process or offer advice helps. i’ve listened to so many podcasts and tedtalks and video essays over the years about creative writing, i even watched a few masterclasses. you won’t enjoy all of them but it’s good to hear multiple perspectives.
buuuut try not to get caught in a loop of always learning and never writing, pair the two throughout your journey. + puhleeeease write a guide for yourself. it is so crucial for planning/keeping track of everything. it doesn’t have to be fancy, just throw all your ideas and character/world notes into a google doc so you can readily access them. don’t be erin hunter make a story bible (new shirt idea)
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burst-of-iridescent · 8 months
at the moment, 5.7k people are following the kataang tag, not 2.9k, as you said, why would you lie? in addition, even on Tumblr (which remained almost the last popular zk place among all fan platforms), Zukka is ahead of Zutara in popularity, and a lot of talented and popular creators of fan art and fan fiction are now concentrated in the Zukka and Maiko fandom. It is fundamentally a mistake to focus on the popularity of the ship, because shipping should be for personal pleasure, but this only shows that most people are ATLA fans (namely fans, not casual viewers) they actively love ATLA and did not see zutara in the canon. In addition, can you give evidence of your words that «almost all of the main cast and most of the writers» love zutara? From the cast, only Dante actively confessed his love for zutara, but he also spoke about his love for zukka, Mae Whitman not against Zutara and joked about it, but she also said in podcast that she also loves kataang, the rest of the actors did not speak at all about their preferences in shipping (except Grey DeLisle who prefers zucest).
none of the screenwriters has ever confessed his love for Zutara, on the contrary, Ehasz has said several times that he loves Maiko, he also wrote almost all the most significant maiko and kataang episodes. The only one of the 13 main writers of ATLA who spoke about sympathy for Zutara is John O'Bryan. Zutara never featured in any of the original scripts, and in ATLA's "bible," the only love triangle that was originally planned was Aang-Katara-Toph (who was a boy in the original script). In a recent interview, Ehaz also answered the question of how he feels about zutara vs kataang, that he, as a professional screenwriter, "follows his characters" and their final canonical choice of love interest is the choice of the character himself, not the writers.
i wrote 2.9k the first time around by mistake. the original post has since been amended to reflect the actual numbers of the kat.aang tag, though frankly the disparity between the two tags is still so large that i don’t even think it matters. anyway, my bad. thanks for letting me know.
many cast members and former writers on the official atla podcast, braving the elements, have talked about shipping zutara — including, but not limited to, dante basco, jack de sena, michaela murphy, joshua hamilton, and john o’bryan. grey delisle, mae whitman & greg baldwin have also spoken about being zutara shippers. i’m not sure why them liking or showing support for other ships somehow means they don’t ship zutara, because people don’t need to ship only a single couple to prove they’re “real” shippers lmao. i like azutara, sukitara, ty luko & even book 1 kat.aang myself; that doesn’t make me any less of a zutara shipper.
i’m also not sure why you expect me to do the work of providing evidence for you when, given the fact that you’re here, i’m certain you have just as much access to google as i do. this information is freely available online. feel free to fact check me.
and let me say this again, in case it was not clear enough: i truly do not care about zutara’s popularity. even if none of the cast and writers shipped it, even if the tag only had 10 people, even if every single wonderfully talented writer & artist & AMV editor & GIF maker in this fandom left, i would still ship it. because it’s a better story, because it is more thematically and narratively cohesive, and because it makes me happy.
and if you disagree with that, that’s fine by me. but somehow trying to “prove” to me that zutara is unpopular and no one likes it is not only a) factually false it’s also b) not going to do a damn thing to change my mind lmao. the opinions of other people have never been a reason for me to ship zutara, and they never will be.
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Due to flare ups, I’ve been thinking more about my relationship with my disabilities and my relationship with God — any good resources/book you can recommend?
Hey there, sending love and solidarity as you go through flare ups and as you explore all this <3
You came to the right place — disability theology is one of my great passions! Here are my recs for you. If anyone has more resources to add on or insights for anon, please share!
For starters...
First, you might enjoy wandering through my #disability theology tag over on my other blog, which includes excerpts from various disability theologians.
Or reading through / praying with the disability text prayers I shared here last July for Disability Pride Month, which were written by a variety of disabled folks.
Since it's Lent, Unbound's Disabling Lent: An Anti-Ableist Lenten Devotional is timely!
Memoirs Exploring Christian Faith & Chronic Pain / Illness
My Body and Other Crumbling Empires, Lyndsey Medford (2023)
This memoir connects faith, chronic illness (especially autoimmune disorders), and the sickness at the heart of Western Empire / the Protestant work ethic.
How can we learn to work with instead of against our bodies? How can we rebuild our world to treat all bodies with the love and gentleness they deserve? .
This Here Flesh, Cole Arthur Riley (2022)
An incredibly beautiful book, poetic and searing...explores the goodness of embodied life and intersections between disability (particularly chronic illness), Blackness, queerness, womanhood, and more.
Each chapter focuses on a different emotion (anger, joy, lament, love...) to teach us how to honor and listen to what we feel in our bodies.
CW for accounts of sexual assault and other forms of and abuse and trauma, as well as accounts of antiblack racism. .
Everything Happens for a Reason and Other Lies I've Loved, Kate Bowler (2018)
If you've been steeped in any kind of prosperity gospel, "if you pray hard enough you'll be healed" type Christianity, I highly recommend this book.
Bowler writes with gentle honesty about how her chronic pain and then cancer compelled her to move away from that kind of harmful Christianity into a faith with room for doubt, grief, and a God that holds her in her suffering.
Disability Theology — Books, Podcasts, Videos
Disability: The Inclusive Church Resource edited by Bob Callighan (2014)
If you're interested in the perspectives of various disabled Christians, I love the range of voices they brought into this text! A great intro to how theology and church life impact disabled persons and how our churches must re-form themselves with disabled persons at the center. .
My Disabled AND Blessed YouTube series
I've got multiple YouTube videos that draw from various disability theologians!
I especially recommend my introduction to reading the Bible with a disability lens — stressing how different biblical authors hold different views around disability; so what's God's overall message? — and my video on Luke 14's parable of the banquet!
If you have questions about or struggle with the Gospels' healing narratives, I also recommend my livestream on that topic. .
My friend Laura's Autistic Liberation Theology Podcast (you can listen wherever you get podcasts)
Laura explores scripture through the lens of an autistic trans person who uses a wheelchair and has multiple chronic & mental illnesses.
I especially recommend their episode on "the Gethsemane of things," which takes an honest look at pain and where God is in our suffering. (Most of Laura's eps don't have transcripts, but I shared an abridged version of this ep on my podcast and it has a transcript)
"I am not your ornamental prophet" is also a great episode for thinking about what pressures are put on disabled persons and how to construct boundaries for yourself .
The Mad and Crip Theology Podcast
This podcast interviews the authors who are published in the Mad and Crip Theology journal, which is really cool! You can watch episodes with captions on YouTube, or listen wherever you get podcasts.
A good starter episode: this one "on Queer and Crip Sexuality and the Disabled Christ" .
Some eps of Blessed Are the Binary Breakers
While my own podcast largely centers trans perspectives, disability comes up frequently as well! Each ep has a transcript. These are the disability-focused ones:
"No End to Transphobia without Uprooting Ableism — exploring embedded forms of oppression"
"Our Pride Is Not a Sin — a Queer and Disabled Christian Lens"
"Goodness Embodied — an intersex, nonbinary first human and a disabled risen Christ"
"Marginalized Bodies as Spectacle and the good news in Jesus's disabling wounds"
"Eli and the prophet Elijah"
“Secular” books that helped shape my own theology
What Can a Body Do? How We Meet the Built World, Sara Hendren (2020)
Fantastic book digging into recent disability history, present, and future with focus on the “misfit” theory of disability where body and world interact with each other disharmoniously, and the creativity disabled people employ to make them more harmonious  .
Exile and Pride, Eli Clare (1999)
One of my favorite books of all time. Connects disability, queerness, rural life, trauma, and more. Clare is one of the originators of the concept of the “bodymind” (though he talks about that more in one of his later books)
Wanting even more resources? Here's my google doc with aaaaall the disability theology stuff — plus some helpful disability 101 stuff to share with loved ones!
Praying for comfort, wisdom, and community support for you as you journey! Please feel free to drop by again with any questions that come up or to share any insights you've gained any time <3
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thebrightsessions · 10 months
Hi !
I just finished the brights sessions and in one of the episode D. Bright said that the atypical represented 4% of the world's population, and that let me wondering, considering that almost every atypical that we encounter in the serie is queer, what percent of the queer community is atypical ?
Apart from that, i love your show and all of the amazing character! I hope you have a great day !
Oooh GREAT question! Lemme do some quick math here...
Okay, according to my universe bible (which is pretty accurate, if not fully comprehensive, I'm sure there's stuff I forgot to write down), there are 29 known and named atypicals across the 7 seasons of the podcasts, excluding the Bright Sides (Season 5, the bonus episodes) and the three books (though there is some overlap) but including Frank Sawyer and Sadie Greenwood, who are, like...atypical-adjacent.
Of those 30 atypicals (presuming I counted correctly (does this post have enough parentheticals yet?)), 14 are definitely canonically queer in one way or another. So, by that logic, nearly half of the atypical population is queer! I have a feeling that number would go up if I were to go through and pull out all the folks from the books and the bonus episodes (which perhaps I will do someday but I don't know the orientation of all the bonus ep characters (bc they were created by other people) and pulling out characters from the books is always a mess because, uh, I do not outline lol) but I also don't know that I can say our little atypical population is fully representative of the global population's queerness? Like flocks to like, so perhaps this a somewhat self-selecting bunch, or maybe there really is just a very high correlation between being atypical and being queer. Dealer's (fanfic writer and headcanon-er's) choice!
Counts under the cut:
Known Atypicals:
characters who are canonically queer are bolded - these are characters who either have queer relationships or talk specifically about their identity. some folks on this list are straight (Frank, Sadie, Marley, Jackson, Blackwell, (though tbf, Sadie is the only person in the whole series who ever says they're straight I'm pretty sure, so who knows)), but there are plenty who we never say one way or another, so anything is possible!
Sam Barnes Caleb Michaels Chloe Turner Frank Sawyer Robert "Damien" Gorham Mark Bryant Rose Atkinson Franklin "Frankie" Meeks Sadie Greenwood Ben Bernard Oliver Ritz Margaret "Mags" Densmore Jackson Crawford Jason "Marley" Beck Seamus Blackwell Michal Sharon Helen Sidney Alice Michaels Alice Rufie Jordan Tobias Sitzer Alexis Neal Cat Cam Vanessa Turner Ira Alex "Blaze" Chen Maguerite Sarai
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salswisteria · 20 days
Spoilers for EP 20 of the Malevolent podcast
(Question, is the name "Kayne" a direct reference to "Cain" from the bible? Like as in "Cain and Abel." Cuz he also mentioned Lilith so I can't help but wonder if we're doing bible stuff now.)
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trinitiesblog · 5 months
podcast 374 – Book Session Identity Crisis – Part 3
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apocrypals · 5 months
Hiya! Ive listened to almost all of Apocrypals and Data Over Dogma and I was wondering if you had any recommendations for further podcasts about Biblical history?
Follow up question, do you have any recommendations for books on the basics of biblical history? :) thanks!!
For podcasts, definitely check out Misquoting Jesus with Bart Ehrman and The Bible for Normal People.
As for books, we have an ever-growing list of recommendations from our guest experts that you can check out on our wiki:
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radical-sky · 7 months
15 questions 15 mutuals
Thank you for the tags @sluttyhenley @blueisglueredisdead @starrybouquet @oddcologne !!
1: are you named after anyone?
Yes and no! A middle name is after one of my great x4 grandmothers. I have her Bible, but I don’t use it. It is incredibly delicate.
2: when was the last time you cried?
When I fell off my horse on awhile back and got a concussion. It wasn’t a “damn that hurt” cry, it was because I was so incredibly frustrated and pissed off at myself that I went off and got injured enough I couldn’t even drive. I still have no memory of what happened.
3: do you have kids?
Nope! Not yet.
4: what sports do you play/have played?
I played most common American sports in elementary/middle school, but only stuck with horse riding after high school.
5: do you use sarcasm?
Yes sirreeee.
6: what's the first thing you notice about people?
Probably physical appearance and characteristics? I can describe someone for a long time after a short meeting, but I won’t remember their name. Also very weirdly, if I see the car they arrive in I’ll remember the license plate for at least a few hours.
7: what’s your eye color?
8: scary movies or happy endings?
Definitely happy endings.
9: any talents?
I can back a semitrailer around a blind curve and hit the driveway on the first two or three tries?? Idk what’s the difference between a talent and something you’ve done so many times you’re just good at it??
10: where were you born?
In a hospital near the town that’s near the road in the state where I live.
11: what are your hobbies?
Writing, reading, horse riding, I listen to a lot of podcasts and music, knife/axe throwing, welding. I’m always learning/doing something new.
12: do you have any pets?
Yes. I have a dog, a few horses, and enough cats I’m probably considered a crazy cat lady.
13: how tall are you?
14: favorite subject in school?
Anything that meant I could be outside and physically doing something and not sitting at a desk.
15: dream job?
The job I’m doing now!
Tagging: @valmare @gothidecorem @mongoosesthings @agentfaust @mavnix @doodledrawreblogs @thethistlegirl and anyone else who wants to, no pressure!
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